[Music] this is the basically the first meeting that has three of those members here of the chriset bicycle and pedestrian Safety Committee and my name is Lori Bates I'm Cheryl Hall Eric James and my name is Sandra madus um with the South Coast bike rail line I'm here just for support yes okay so the first thing we were going to talk about was we need to identify a chair chair yeah okay so know whoever that whoever we think should be that person to just sort of drive us right so yeah I guess that's going to be me it can yeah unless you no I don't I definitely don't want it I I will do it volunteer okay good for you with that okay all right congratulations done Cong thank you at least we got three we need more people right so next thing next thing is uh this I guess right well that is what stated in your I believe your last master plan from 2008 so that was a just a reference to your bicycle and pedestrian access and cush it it's quite dated so the question becomes do we spend time updating it or is you know if what's there at least from our perspective recommending what what should be updated or you know I know that the last time we were we didn't have a forum last time so we didn't have a formal meeting but we did talk a little bit about the state section um along Main South Main Street that type of thing because that I think impacts where we want to put our Focus as far as the next piece of it CU I think we all came in of assuming that we would focus on South Main as the main strip through the city but that's actually state property and they're my understanding is they're actually working on that I don't know when it'll happen but it's a part of their planning Mass do is is working on a project to add um full pedestrian and bike accommodations on South Main Street um I I can possibly pull up the project here um on their site um U yes that would be a state run but it doesn't mean you can't have some input as to what it looks like uh you can send comments you can attend their meetings a lot of them are virtual but they they will come to town too to to discuss things they may have already had meetings you might be able to access um and you can send your comments in so if the bicycle and pedestrian Safety Committee um want something added amended you know or if you have a safety concern um that would be the time to do it while it's still in the planning stage that there's a 25% design um portion and that's a good time to get in early within that first 25% um so do we know where they're at in this process well I I can try to to to look it up um is that the road for the Quarry is that what a quarry is all way out the fa Haven line down yeah from Main from the city Town Hall yes that way but I think if if my understanding is it would actually start down Main Street to the newford line up and then around or the other way I'm not sure but it it's a little bit more than just South Main um so I mean I think I I like the idea that we could potentially have a voice right um this is not the one all right this is actually the um Hamlin Street Bridge oh yeah which uh you know that might be something else you look at too if they redo Hamlin Street um if there's some way to improve bike and ped on there um but let me let let me take a minute see if I can get to the project site yeah that sh turn right that's a there's no it's Road and right trees yeah yeah yeah usually I can search here we go 612 611 chrisna reconstruction of South Main Street from Main Street to Alden road which is the faen intersection there right yeah yep roadway roadway reconstruction um sidewalks and curving it's in design so that means so that's where we want our input to try okay so um 12.7 million project uh Corridor update upgrades along South Main Street from Main Street to Alden Road improvements are expected to be pavement upgrades sidewalk reconstruction installation and or Shar use path installation so right there you can request not Andor we want shared use path yeah and ma m is pretty committed to including shared use paths in their projects uh drainage upgrades Landscaping lighting upgraded pavement markings and signage as well as incidental work is also proposed um let's see if it's on the tip funding it's on it's in in the tip for 2024 to 2028 that's Transportation infrastructure program uh no comments here yeah so it it's very young I would say youed watch that and see what you can um how you can Chim in on that you can reach out to mass uh do District 5 um and ask questions there and then additional ideas were to well to continue that I I don't know north of that is um state run also I think so I I believe and we'd have to clarify that I believe it's state run all the way out to Rochester right to 105 to 105 that's all state so so that section we like you know we might be able to have input but I don't know that we'd be able to sort of make actual decisions right on that yeah you can speak with sured serid is willing to meet with you again or um they they can speak to the town for sure yeah um but other roads that you could possibly concentrate on it's Middle Road I can say middle well I can also think they just paved matap poit Road and I know you can do a lot with just paint cuz I've seen it done other places so you know even if they I don't know and they just need to slow TR I my thing riding I ride around the back roads they need to slow the traffic down and even in I have a few things somebody that was trying to cross over there in front of the Town Hall where there's a crosswalk people don't stop that's another problem why don't they put speed bumps would people like that no but would slow them down slow I know I know the town is um supposed to be installing some rapid flashing um flash pedestrian beacons so you can push the button it doesn't stop traffic but it tells the traffic that there's somebody there feel's there a button light there already I feel like there is one there now over at the church there is but people need to use it right if they don't use it then it's I heard somebody that definitely happened more than once that people don't didn't stop there well I think so part of the discussion for me was if you're going down SL to Tark Hill whichever right down the bottom there that the the town put in a across walki fly and I am convinced that it's not in the appropriate spot and I know I I went back and forth with Bob hinley I went back and forth with folks from the town because they say it's the most visible spot you're on bicycle I'm running as a runner it is not the most visible spot cuz it's right on that it's on the curve on the curve and the one at the church is just about the same thing it's just coming around that curve it's not a huge curve but it's still a curve so you kind of come around that curve and all of a sudden there's cross I was thinking coming from the stop sign across but coming the other way you're you're you know I mean so so I I I would like to spend some time assessing that like how is that decision made from what perspective because those are two that to me as the as The Pedestrian they don't feel very visible right so so I'm not sure how that decision is made um but to your point right cuz if it's not in inv visible spot people aren't going to stop cuz going be too late so yeah so I guess uh a good thing to to start with would be to set up what your goals are for this committee and then you could post them on the your page on the website and also to recruit two more members yeah um so you have a full committee do we have a website you have a project oh the town's website you uh well I don't know if you have an official page yet so that would be something to ask the town okay to um but you may let me see because it filled it in for me I didn't want to do that there we go I did print out you know we talking we were talking about I don't know if I still have it oh yeah mission statement I got a mission statement here that was that was from somebody somebody else but basically that's that's the same idea that's what it is you know there's a lot of if you go yep so you do have a page you're oh my God look at that we have a page it already needs updating stepped down my G um it has the um yeah look they got that picture cool yes it has the ghost that's a nice picture which is what um prompted this disc committee yeah and um awesome so we should find out so if we want things posted there or edits made because it's not up to date I'm assuming that has to go through the clerk's office or like or do we end up getting access to it to do it ourselves like we have to figure out how that works as well updat those definitely are questions you need to ask the town either the board of selectman's office or the town go I I'll go in tomorrow and talk to the uh secretary Sydney ad Sydney yes right you can ask her I know her I'll go in and ask her about this and update it update it yep and uh what else and this is where you would store your um agendas how do we post that you send them to her yeah send them why we send them an email and they'll post it the girls yeah the clerks yeah MH okay I guess we could pretty much use that cuz we don't have there may be something under that too if you do you know it says Pathways but that something like that you know oh he already has goals too yeah well that was that was just from somebody that's was from that was probably from F Havens I went to D I think cuz I sent it to the three of you we had a couple just to give you an idea we already pled [Music] rizing there's only so many ways you can say make the streets well that's right that's right why a lot of unless you go to math right don't recreate the wheel if you if you go to mass bikes web page and there there m statement is about five pages yeah you can use some most of that this is is this what he had is that what he has there yep yeah is that what I printed out then yeah just give us an idea so you want can I take these and I can the questions that I have our own yeah yeah I'll do that and I can send it to them to put up yeah so that was my question so I wonder if like so as far as like recording and and official meetings and that type of thing um are we able to like email that to each other and give each other feedback or does it all have to occur in the meeting do you know well that would have come with your open meeting law that's what right so because if you have executive session or something like that versus subcommittees subcommittees don't have so it's it's with only three of us it's a little bit of a Oddity but because we we need to talk about it and agree to the wording change things I'll next time we come we meet I'll we'll decide you can yeah I'll I can share information that's that was my point like we can actually read it so that we can come prepared okay right but I can find out from Pam maybe tomorrow if we can email that like you just ask and uh to email if so then I'll I'll email you the the updated version before next meeting if not then I'll wait till the next meeting and do it there yeah put it all Google doc and you can comment on it come here and discuss it some more right and then vote on it yeah okay all right all right the so we' got working on the goals and the mission mission goals got your committee the webite working a bit more to find out what's happening with the state junk right to see where they're at and if you can yeah Y what kind of a voice we can have there what kind of feedback we can give them Liverpool streets have you done any of their bike rides they do that I me been want to go on the first Saturday of the month they have group ride they have one coming up this April 6th two way ago they just had the when they wrote to rescue Cafe right I didn't go oh yeah I know I haven't it's been kind of cold and it seems like it's I'm always doing something when they have their little rides that's with John Sullivan yes but um will Gardner's leading it now oh Will Gardner okay and he's doing some great things over there he's actually going to do um some test uh improvements to intersections um temporary you know to get a feel for like a pilot pilot pilot like they did at the at the fork over there where the the square right that's one Beno Square so they they rode their bikes there last Saturday or Saturday before um for their monthly ride and they checked out right in front of the beu in Beno Square they put some uh additional striping and um they changed the layout not the livable streets committee themselves but the town um changed the road width the travel Lanes the direction so it was safer so you have a shorter Crossing distance for pedestrians and the cars know which way to go it's not freefor all oh I saw I saw I saw them setting up and it was the state troopers were there so is that a state is that that might just be who did the detailz the detail but that was the two staties that were there state troopers were there directed traffic yeah yeah sometimes yeah that could just be who got the details yeah if there was no one available sometimes they go oh from uh from the town yeah this is a a very concise mission statement too you can look at for comparison MH so you take a few and and and blend them what your focus is yeah cuz we don't have a path going through the town like the Haven map poison all those people so that's different yeah yeah you don't have the South Coast Bikeway however you are it is intended that you will connect with your Pathways heading south and connect with New Bedford right um as a adjacent and connecting path so that you could ride safely perhaps um um to the train station MH right yeah that's not too far here no that is it no um they have a lot of nice I didn't know they had all that on their website mhm they they also have the benefit of the um protected pathway they do a a very active bike bus I was going to ask just going to ask you that we can do a bike bus too right eventually eventually the students could ride to school by bike if you had safe accommodations on mdle road right um not everyone but uh you know if it was half mile in each direction or a mile in each direction that would you know be go a long way to get the congestion away from the school get some your energy out in the morning and exercise um the kids they're just so happy to be on their bikes going to in so yeah they do it every Friday morning um and they're doing it year round they only miss that one snowstorm day that I know um so they they go the entire way by the bike pack no well they start at Atlas Tac which is yep not far from the beginning of the bike pack um so people meet there and then they ride on the bike path and they go through the parking lot at ricardi and then they ride along the sidewalk and that sidewalk school right there correct that sidewalk from David drown Boulevard on scanic neck to the school is in the middle of a project they're going to add a 10ft shared use path so right now it's a very narrow lucky if it's 4T and some of it I think was dirt when I rode over with them recently um so it' be much safer for them good and they also um reduced uh the lanes there when you're heading north on scanic neck you can't pass so that's not permanent though that's only in the summer in the winter they take those cones out the cones out yeah oh it's supposed I I think it's supposed to be a permanent solution eventually it would be I mean I thought it would because it stopped people from from going around all around right trying to cross over but I noticed that at the end of the summer maybe maybe after Labor Day I'm not exactly sure when it all came down and then it would came back up again in the spring new season so I don't know if that's got to do with plowing you know potentially or whatever but move it for that maybe I mean that's an assumption on my part but and I was thinking I was there recently I I was thinking it was the road might be striped even though the things aren't there the bullets it still might be striped I think there might be like one comb thing there or now whatever that's called but but you're right I mean there's something there they completely taking it out for a while so maybe it's slowly becoming a permanent fixure I don't know right yeah like with paint like Lori had said earlier right you can do a lot with paint but you know the uprights help even more but if you start paint yeah yeah i' like to see good idea shows on a lot of these room what is it I said it' be nice to have them paint those some of those sharrows on some of these roads just that is good oh yeah yeah uh you can also look to mass mass doot and and contact the town to see if they've received um the 4 foot passing um that's right signs so new if it's on a state road which that is the state is putting up theirs but the town can add their own the town needs to request uh from the state if they haven't already to have so many sign and then it's up to the DPW usually for them to put it up but you could have input as to where they're placed okay so I don't know if they're anywhere other than you're Ro sou M you seen them there right that's a state property so that's why they're there that's why they're there so okay we'll have we'll have to see if they're anywhere else and then talk about where we think would be a good idea to recommend M get more you could call DPW and see if you know they are aware if they order them or received them um and you can certainly ask the town hall and we should try to get the street sweep it out uh to pick up all the litter and all the gravel from all from this from the winter and all the sand uh because if you when they walking now running now you know that yeah they do that a lot of debris out there don't they do that every year especially this year well they have done in the past they do have a street sweep on so I don't know how far it goes cuz where I am it goes from PJ keing sort of both sides because of PJ keing well they used to they used to have them out there all the time they do for PJ keting when they're open right but I don't know about the rest of the Town well the town has one and a couple years ago a couple people on slm Street complained about all the gravel that was at the bottom of the road and we have the mo motorcyclist coming in from Tyler Drive and River river River Street and we have all that debris out there so they did send them I actually I was on my porch I couldn't believe I see one coming down the street took pictures of it they know we had one but it was a fabulous thing so we should definitely talk to the town about sending that thing up I don't know if they the employees for it but I mean even along here yeah you know yeah the main thway is are nothing else mean I mean along here if the K we do ever get these kids D in the bank Les in the morning that should be all cleaned up before we do that a lot of people walk in I Lane I know half of that is New Bedford but a sign at either end would be great that's now I used to come when I lived in sator and I I was working in the post office over here in a cushion I used to come down that road flying it was a what a nice what a nice Road from chrisan Avenue all the way down that's a beautiful Road it's narrow it's narrow but that was years ago you know so yeah yeah yeah no helmet no nothing back in those days bik on a car on bike on a bicycle Bic but it's it's definitely a narrow Street too yeah yeah I mean if if we think about so we're working on our mission working on our goals and then after that identifying where we think our efforts should be right Middle Road n Lane like what are the main sort of roads that connect the town you know n connects us to New Bedford slom connects us to New Bedford although that's probably state but right and then and then we can determine what what if anything we can do about those roads right and we can you know priorize what we want to do you know don't Str right take on too much at one time let's take one area work on that see what we can do projecta something small start you know you got a bunch of little things here little TR the website the vulnerable Road user laws uh signs yeah right um yeah smaller easy easier smaller going going and then we have we have then you right and we stop moving F I want to see if going back oh I missed I wanted to see um if there were other projects in chrish that we looked over Hamlin's already in process so I don't know um but you mentioned ask what's what the plan is for it anyway when they do pay it can have that yeah that that's a two years is it a two year project that the year what's that oh at least two I think two right yeah I think at least right there yeah somebody had an aerial view of the of the works and see what they've been doing P Avenue right there is that is that us M we ready to work on South Main Street from Main Street to pen you servicing oh complete yeah some of those are complete what was the road you just said going to New Bedford the one that SL SL I think they're working on that already SL well they've been down there they've been down there uh the engineers have been down there sidewalks but I don't see that here so that was supposed to be infrastructure money oh here it is here it is uh bridge bridge Replacements slom Street to Wood Street that was complete but I think they're doing um further work on either side of the bridge we supposed to be putting new pipes in resurfacing putting in sidewalks because if you see us we don't basically have we don't have sidewalks you walk in the street you know you know because there's no curves car can come I've seen them I've seen the cars go right off the side of the road Lu at we're in a parking lot of the old silence building and they crash into the building right so if you happen to be walking right yeah you know I try not to walk with the cars coming back back on no I always face traffic yeah exactly Le see can jump by the way anyway mhm I've had to do it so yeah so our last informal meeting we had John from sured here and um Jonathan greay and he gave you this uh Community questions a transportation you go over and and see how you would answer those for your time um and then maybe send send it to him share it with that was very helpful having him come you know and share it with u Mr Kelly yeah see Mr Kelly received a copy of this too so serid wants serid has so many dollars or hours to spend with each Community um so if if you have concerns um you can ask Mr Kelly or Miss L for you know is this something that surfed can assist us with is this from this young man who was see last last time yeah something like what we just were talking about okay so what you want us to you want us to philes out basically well that's what Jonathan uh gray at surfed was asking U Mr Kelly and then the B pedestrian committee to look at these questions Transportation are they locations where you have safety concerns are they specific locations that experience more than average number of crashes are there any specific areas in City town that regularly experience congestion you know signals bottlenecks commuting school time regular congestion does your city or town have an issue with large trucks or other Freight Vehicles causing traffic backups crashes um are there roads within your city or town you avoid using due to their pavement condition yes have you ever experienced any type of conflict due to the roads pavement condition example uh collisions near misses frequent stopping repairs food wear and tear are there location you would like to see made priority areas for walking or bicycling so do you want to see longdistance pathways through a cushion so that people can safely use it for transportation or Recreation are you actively partnered with safe roots to school yes your chrisna community is a safe fruit School partner how active they are we don't know so that's something a Colleen peekel is willing to attend next month's meeting yeah and um so she can tell you how safe frood school can help your community and that could be a small doable project that you have visibility within your um in the community and say that you are active you you're an established committee you need more members and um and she can uh assist you in coming up with some activity uh she they do audits of of walking and biking to school so I I don't know if that means they do um like a survey surve parents um it's certain like a mile distance from school are there any Walkers you how many are there so that would be an excellent resource a safe Ro to school was um very helpful with the project for the Woods School in Fair Haven where they're having that um shared use path um are you have you taken advantage of any of the states funding program so complete streets shared streets spaces and Municipal bridge program so uh complete streets I have that here to show you this is the complete streets funding on mass.gov so you can see um the status of the program participant so you can see if a chrish is involved with complete streets I believe you you've applied but hasn't gone that far right that was it was just the application of [Music] register soet is a tier one you've registered right so you want to get to hear this approved prior prioritization plan so you can be instrumental in helping um figure out what is your priority and get it on this plan and um share it with your select board and Mr Kelly skipped over so how did you get to that um how do you how do you get from T tier one to well there there's probably a a page here that tells you that yeah so I know sured has been helpful uh westport's going through the process right now now and they're developing their prioritization plan so most of these things we would make recommendations but it would go through like the planner or the Selectmen or something like that right so we're we're we're sort of hopefully just coming up with ideas and recommendations and advisor and you can help Implement you can help U locate funding sources so if safe roots to school has any grants or um complete how that works is they allocate so so much money to the communities through the complete streets program I'm not well versed in that but that's somewhat how it works I know uh darmouth has used complete streets to add you know sidewalks and rate okay we a lot of homework girls that that she stol here like putting it on my phone you go so if you wanted I don't know how much long you want to talk but if you want to talk about bike month um Eric yeah Eric has a proclamation uh Mass bike organizes a the Massachusetts bike month is May um so we try to celebrate All Things bicycling in the month of May and they do have a calendar on their site so if you want to look for events in your area or anywhere in the state that you want to attend you can go to their site um and I after Eric speaks I can tell you a couple events that I know of that are happening in May in our area well you go to this website and you see all the events throughout Massachusetts through the state and what they have so they do have a lot of samples on there that we can we can download organiz this kit to American bicyclist uh uh and this is this is a proclamation that we can we can put on our website or we can put on the town's website and and it's just like from Kevin G gaspa is a selectman Gman sh person so I just put his name in there and we can you know usually they get up and they read it right you right the mayor or whatever uh so this guy uh Mr G but can they can we can put it on our website on the town's website so people can read it and it's for the month of May so very good yeah that's something anyway so this is their Mass bike site and they did have a link to the calendar so MH um that's March we want to go to May where's guess who's designing their bike month t-shirt are you awesome yeah I been meaning to ask you afterwards I want to ask you about the M po at one so this these are some some of the events posted so far um an MS Ride Ride The Ride The Vineyard tour to cure yours is on there or a beer and bikes and beers yeah that's on B there it ises and beers Farm Co bikes and beers Farm Coast is a new ride it's a it's a for-profit but it does have two charity sponsors Partners so um the South Coast Bikeway Alliance and bus Bay Coalition are the charity Partners this year and this is the first time they've done one up in this area and it's on um Saturday May 18th and then the following weekend the following day Sunday May 19th let's see if it's on here let's hope oh it's not on there we need to get um the tour deeme mapo tour to creme is is Sunday May 19th so I'm going to have to reach out to them and get their event posted here um you can ride from creary to creary raise money for the matap poet rail trail that's your thing right goes like way no it's it's one of our members communi map poet and then the matap poet Land Trust so the that's the benefit for the matap poet tour to crem MH and there's a 9 Mile option I believe 25 and 40 op what about the one you had every year uh from the YMC andas you still doing that anymore uh that's the South Coast Bikeway Alliance pedal for the path that's our fundra fundraiser ride we skipped last year um but we've done five and we had different roots and different venues but it was very successful and we hope to bring it back this year we'll see it's also a lot of work okay so I'll give this so the only the question I have about that is that it it the wording is that a cushion it will have events and we don't have events well no but then it also says uh it says one of paragraphs the paragraphs we may not have events somewhere on there so right so I would just make sure that yeah it says throughout the month of May the residents of kush and its visitors will experience the joys of bicycling through group rides races community events educational programs charity events Andor by simply getting out and doing some some going somewhere by bike I just want we eliminate that well I don't know if we need to eliminate or just say in in the general area or something cuz we don't have anything so it feels false it feels like we're already putting something out the last the last and Endor by simply getting out and going somewhere by simply getting out you know I mean kind of covers it so what did the girls think no I I I know I I read that myself but then I saw that underneath I know we can't what are we going to do we're not going to do something we're not we're not going to do so I just I love the idea of putting something out there I just don't want us to already be putting things out that we're not able to fulfill fulfill yes because then we you know right out the gate we've got a poor reputation of not doing what we're seeing with I eliminate that paragraph well I don't I don't know that it needs to be eliminated just if we tweaked it a little bit to say you know and here here's a link to the logo something like that to include the map poison like all those but these are the area rides that a cushion it you know residents will be participating in versus this is what we're why don't we we could just skip we could just do this wear out throughout the month of May Chris experience words are important yeah well a matter of one uh right there's there's a few right the buz bay one coming off there'll be more be more um the for Haven liberal streets committee will certainly have a May ride right um and he should post us on here as well I don't know if he let's see if he posted um April just get rid of here to here I think okay yeah experence the joys of bicycling by simply getting somewhere bike whereas yeah you support Bally yeah doesn't just something for we can put on right no I I the idea I just want to make sure that yeah that's good eliminate that cool yep um April six is not listed there so I have to get Mr Garder over in the three liverpol streets to put his event on there Mass Spike actually asked um him to do so asked me to ask him to do so so we'll have to remind him to do that um but yeah there' be plenty of opportunity you can go explore other communities that have safer biking than you do right and walking we can't forget walking right yeah running right you don't have a retired rail bit so you won't have something like the Haven Phoenix rail trail or rail trail but you could have a protected bicycle and pedestrian pathway through your town yeah I mean I I feel like once we sort of work through this first bit of work we need to work on and identify like I keep going back to Middle right to Middle to Middle because it's it's probably well that's the school is on Middle Road right the school is there already a wide road to begin with so it feels easier and I know it's not really easy but it feels like it's something that we could start to work on once we get get this stuff sort of kinked out then we could talk about what would that look like what would it mean you know what other ideas are out there you know that type of thing and go from there you yeah people are um they need a they need to be comfortable yeah they need to feel safe they won't ride their bike on Middle Road if they're not comfortable but if they had a shared Ed path on one side of Middle Road how many people would walk and bike it daily safely Y and whether they you going U somewhere or just getting out for exercise but they connect to the library and the school and more right cuz there's no sidewalk the whole length of it there's cuz I run here crosswalk to nothing to nothing I after last month I looked and I was like that is so odd cuz it just kind of goes to nothing and it a safe spot it's not at the intersection it's the visibility is good right but wouldn't great if it would wouldn't it be great on one side abely but they Park their cars along that road so if you're riding on a bicycle and you're not looking up Y watching where you're going right up the street over here must be a shop over there or something yeah and there's all kinds of I have a friend that lives over there and they're constantly making comments about whoever that person is take like they just park up the hole they they yeah they must have a machine shop in there or something and if you're not watching where going those guys come up to you very quickly right right yep okay well that great okay all right very good girls I think we cover it Kevin good going boys we're doing good yeah so what did we say now I meeting isour I called to adjourn the meeting make a motion wej yeah second third I [Music] hi