[Music] make a motion to bring the meeting to order yes second this is the bicycle in pedestrian Safety Committee and we do need more members so we could use a couple right two to three more if anybody's interested in uh joining us just let I think on the town hall website there's a stuff a way to sign up right or or they can visit Town Hall in person yeah right yeah okay they may need to send an email or a letter yeah there's a form you fill out so yeah okay okay that's that so what do we what do we think okay what are we talking about so the last the last time that we were here we had talked a bit about what we wanted our mission statement to look like um and I don't know if if you have that with you that we could maybe spend our time today to finalize that so that at least we have our mission statement in order ready to go and then we can sort of Veer off from there right we had taken some notes I know I just don't know that I have um we go yeah I brought I had yeah I printed out a couple of them the one from I to I I was supposed to condense it to right one but that's okay we can do that together now yeah we can use this time for that [Music] now so here's your page oh okay yeah what's up there that's it still there right oh yeah we Eric I know they I saw that because P spelled wrong it's we're not we're not traveling by flower P oh goodness I didn't notice that we're floating on a flower pedal right so so why don't you make a list to contact down all for a couple edits on your website and also um I reached out to Adam ncky today via email to see if he would contact the town to remove his name from the committee oh right cuz Adam right so he has to do that himself because he did notify us that he was stepping down correct you have to talk to the administrative assistant formally kind of for okay either on a phone or writing okay and I think they still had the other uh Amy that had shown that she's not on that she's not on here so maybe she didn't getor in but didn't at one point in time they said two people needed to be removed okay looks like one at this point so we can my Pen's already G Pen GL I have cuz I have my work bag with me it still ink in there all right okay so so the edit right and then for Adam to be yeah edit him to uh take himself off pedal it's a pedal yeah pet p so when we when we think about a mission statement right so we basically we have one line right that says when we started and what we're you know very basically hoping to do so when we look at other you have for Haven there we have dartman there um you know I'm I'm a firm believer and we don't have to completely recreate the wheel if there's other stuff out there that we can kind of we just take and put them put them together so do you want to read it out Lai and we can yeah see we this is for Haven and this I'll put D back up yeah do was was a good one yeah that's a good one right there statement the goals you're right that is a good one cuz that is I mean what we've talked about you know is is the concept of connecting New Bedford through a cushion it to foren right so that speaks to the regional um goal Regional plan y I mean I don't they would safy if if we uh we took some of that put together that's this one they changed their name they did change their name they do a lot of fun stuff bike path right they already have that massive bike right so the pay and liberal Retreats committee founded I like I like that name versus yeah like bik way or Street that's a good um caty is an advisory committee to the select boorder which is what we are right um our mission is to make our town the most bicycle and pedestrian friendly community on the south coast right that's a strong statement um I don't know about encouraging alternative modes of transportation it sounds like it would be nice in town but is it safe wellist right like if you think Fair Haven like you can you can fair if you think about Fair Haven you can get from basically the from the bridge right coming into the Haven you can get to stop and shop like you can get to all those you can get weigh him no but but bu the bike pan you can even get I think as far now as as all the way of I was going to say cross I forgot the name of it now but on Route 6 after after shop and Shop there's where the there's a little restaurant and but but they have that in place right we don't have that here like our community is that's why ours can't do this right right right now don't have I think what they're implying here is they're trying to make every street liveable as much as possible Yeah Yeah by Design so if if you're if you're going to redo a street you're going to make sure streets can be designed for lower speeds so trees lower speeds bike P head narrower Lanes bicycle and pedestrian combinations yeah so I mean I think that if we oh this is Dartmouth I was trying to see who it was yeah that's the goals right so I mean I think this I'll put that one back up mission of the D Pathways committee is to improve best school prodest and infrastructure and D through a education L I like that one like I like that it's to the to the local commitment as well as the regional commitment um again we don't have to take it verb them we have to take it word for word but um you know what is it we want to do we want to make it so that families can ride bicycles go walking running what have you safely in a pushing it and right now you can't quite do that right I mean some of the streets have sidewalks not all and the sidewalks themselves are and disrepair right they're a challenge they're a challenge so so that I think is is that's what we're hoping to do right we're hoping to make it safer and then beyond that is connecting you know New Bedford to a cushion in Haven so that we can be a part of the larger bike route but mhm starting with safety I would think I don't know mhm that's that's that's the key safety yeah prioritize safety when designing your streets reg streets I have two different ones for f were they the Fair Haven Bikeway committee before yes okay cuz they had a different one back then than they have on the website it was a little bit different cuz we could do that make streets and paths well not paths streets safe for all users and to educate cyclist pedestrians and motorists on safe and lawful Road use that is one very important you know yeah so something like that that's kind of what we want to do make the roads in yeah yep and even that that's the part two yeah that's the next part yeah working with yeah so do we is it is it don't need this something like this here yeah so I mean basically we're just literally putting the cushion away for Haven is yeah right and is there anything that we want to add or take away what is the first part dedicated don't need do you did you see it no not this part but like maybe not one for but IDE that's just that makes sense it's what I just said about the yeah I fine working with local we can take some of that stuff and put put it together make this a big project no I know so we'll do this exactly yeah adding that onto our our first sentence that we have right this says when we were created yeah for us was that the other one Lauren yeah yeah yeah that's yeah this is the one that that we are are um it fits borrowing from um because it's it's to the point and it's yes it is um yeah I like it that sounds good you know if they don't mind if we could we take their I don't think that mine if we little and put a cushion there maybe ours a little bit right theyve already moved on right this is all news right right okay so you will put that together into a yes I'm going to put it right here with the other thing about the town hall the names and the misspelling and then we need to formally vote on it and make it our mission yeah next okay so one of the things that we um had thrown around is whether or not you know like this sort of a process is and incredibly slow process right like like I said earlier we're not going to have you know sharable streets and we're not going to have repay sidewalks by Jun that's not going to happen so are there things right so are there things that we can work on that feel doable to give us a little bit of you know like we had two meetings ago or whatever we had talked about the ride to to to school thing but that felt too quick that's a project that's a project for for that such a short turn around but can we maybe she's come actually not to interrupt you but she's coming to our next meeting the woman right the end of May safe safe roots to school right right so maybe there's something that we can do that's smaller that just gets the word out there a little bit that this is something that exists um and you know and more to come people like in September we're going to have an event or something like that just to kind of well school will be St in September so maybe that's what I mean like if we if we kind of start to get the word out there now that gives us the entire summer to legitimately work on what we'd want to do yeah to have an event in September when school starts back up I don't know no I would suggest you also invite um the representative over at the school department um that works with safe roots to school okay I believe it's stepen wette what what what's yep French what was this might verify I think he's um the building I don't know but he would be like he works with the safe ride to school I believe he went to a safe Roots School informational meeting and and they are a partner pushna is a partner um I just don't think we haven't done anything not sure what they've done they may have done a road uh a walkability assessment something like that for yeah we should so Colleen can well Colleen would have done the assessment oh okay so she'll have it when she comes perfect okay so um you could reach out to Colleen first and see if that's a good idea to invite um stepen and if there's another person involved with sa school over at the school so that you can all meet and I think they do have a like walk roll to school in the fall as well oh okay so we could maybe yeah sort of Mel we we're going to work on that yeah we we going to do that that's that's one thing right mm I know the other thing we talked about was the signs and you sent us yeah yes the the vulnerable Road user law signs which were um the law was passed uh this past January and uh one of the elements is you have to give four feet to pass a vulnerable Road user um so the state was giving away signs for free and the vpws in the towns would apply or request a certain amount of signs we noticed at our last meeting that we had seen some on Main Street but those notic those were most likely put up by m doot because it's a state road right um but I saw one today down here right in front of the police station on Middle Road and Middle Road is not a state road as far as I know yeah so I reached out to the gpw today to ask if um they put them up how many they requested how many more they have oh good if you can weigh in on it uh as to where they're placed so if I get that information I'll share it with you yeah cuz CU I know there's a road Wing Road a lot of people walk dogs walk just walk no sidewalks no sidewalk no no speed limit sign I'm like what's the speed limit on wait a minute there no sign there's none yeah I know I I believe fa Haven set a townwide yeah it probably is part of that but still they should have it posted on that road that road is is busy and and even those signs it's interesting to right because it's a it's a person on a bicycle right and there's more than just a person on a bicycle there's families walking with their dog people running so I don't know if we weren't thrilled with that saw it you know but at least it's something it's something it's a St right right yeah and I mean I don't know I know that when you're on a bicycle you you ride your bicycle with traffic I know that I don't know if there's technical rules or lines around Runners I will tell you up front I run facing traffic because if people don't see me I at least see them you see them get out of the I can dip out of the way it's happened where I've had to jump into bushes because people are I don't know there's this old thing that you you go that way without realizing it so I don't know if people are looking and they're but it's you know I would I don't think I would ever even with signs feel safe running with my back no to the to the tra that's why that's why cyclists have they have mirrors I want to see who's coming up behind me at least know when I'm in the ditch who did it right right that you know that's when they came out with years ago they used to go in their classes home at y yep yeah so anyway M something to think about but all right yeah that's true though it should be it should be not just a bicycl right it should be you know multiple multiple you know but it is what at least it's something that is is recognizing somebody not on a car but and it also includes Road workers so anybody working on constru conru why didn't they just put a cyclist on right right right so okay so any if you think of any we thought we mentioned that last time too where else do we think well we have to find out first where they are where they already are Lane over here is popular for walking little road is very popular so if they don't have them in both directions at both ends n Wing um uh Leonard people do like the the loop loop right y well I volunteer to go to talk to administrative assistant tomow and get some inut of who put those signs up yeah yeah yeah uh yeah and you know we ought to do you we as far as the roads goes and the gravel and all the uh the Bri that's on the roads right now maybe we should ask the selectman to send out the Sweet Street B yeah it's that time of year yeah this time of year you know for the runners motorcyclist bicyclist y uh they don't yeah they must have don't they do it every year well I never seen one out there I mean they do it near me but that's because it's connected to well that's the and they have issue yes yes but they they did that one time a few years back we we complained on slm street and uh the Selman came down he saw it and he's within a half an hour yeah the Sweet Street I I even took pictures of it because I couldn't believe it that was coming down street being on South Main so we have regular sweet streamers I'm I'm not so convinced that they're helpful like they they they kind of Muddy it up and and I just I don't they take the gravel off well they they take the gravel off all right they do they do when they clean up the litter okay so yeah it's it's worth something that's something you got you got to start somewhere y okay so you know we have to go in in front of the slick board s meeting and ask them to do that that's that's how you get things done you have to put you have to put it on the agenda get on the agenda you have to you have to go to the next meeting and then you sit there and you get up when it's turn to speak Y and you see what you say yeah so that's how we should do that yeah so do you said you would you want to go and talk to that tomorrow yeah well I'm I'm going to go speak to uh the uh administrative assist tomorrow signs are there more where's the intended location can we give them input as to where we think they should go right as their newest pedestrian and bicycle safety I'll do that cuz I'm available during the day you work so yes yes no I don't I'll be app Point man okay and we'll find out about that okay all right and what we have to do get things done go in front of s board or what you know okay so where did that leave us topic three was safe fruits to school on your agenda so we touched on that a little bit Yeah so she's she's going to come next time right calling she may 2 yeah May 21st for the third attempt with thing to come okay all right so we will uh all right okay so what else we got anything else about it and the last item on your agenda was member and website status uh we did that we did that too we went out of order but that's yes we touched on everything it that was okay so we have we have I mean I feel like this this may sound silly but in a incredibly short period of time I feel like we actually did some things today versus yeah we kind of get you know we're getting there like we're getting our our groove so to speak as a as a committee so okay all right is there anything anything else for today I'd like to promote uh bike month this is Massachusetts bike month it's National Bike month May okay um so there are quite a few activities uh going along around locally we have the Tour de creme in map poiset on the 18 volunteers um I'm sorry on the 19th of May we have bikes and beers on the 18th of May for Haven liable streets we'll be doing a bike ride um you can go on the mass bike website and they have a event calendar you can see what's happening throughout the state what is what what's Liverpool streets doing another a different ride than their usual like monthly one that I don't know they they do a monthly ride maybe this Saturday I'm not sure yeah it's always at the beginning have to find the DAT I haven't seen any anything yet from this so is there um like a general calendar that people or these all the town calendars that you're so can we can we put that all the information on our webite well that's what I'm wondering you can have links bike have links to the South Coast bike way so we have to go to we have to go over there to town hall and ask to put all that together or you can email them I if L's going to follow up with them around the era and yeah do that at the same time do you know off hand you want to think about it and email me what the ones you think we should put up there yeah so this is the mass bike um bike month page and they do have a oh right there events calendar okay and can you send me all that email send me all those emails and I mean all those sure different functions and then sure I'll get them to to the town I can do that okay yeah and then we have the where's the toilet so that one bik this bike month Mass bike yes is more Global right so anybody can have anything in anybody in the put there okay so that's that's one that we would definitely want L because people right and if you you know if you decide to do some event not this year but okay and and actually it's not just a bike month calendar anymore it's a year round calendar so okay you can so if we do something for September we can get it up there correct we the restarted school okay so we have the Massachusetts walk bike and roll to school day is Wednesday May 1st tomorrow Sunday is National ride a bike day May 5th Bike To Work week is May 13th to 19th and Friday May 17th is B to work day I'm not doing that right so we can take that just that save the day and put that on a uh on the toes I mean can they do that under you can have a link you to m b site we can have a link to that page that page that page people can go in and and scroll and see what they're interested in I'm looking to see if he's no calend here for events for liable streets oh they don't have the calar so yeah so that's their page off of their off the town website too yeah and toe oh right there excuse me Sunday May 19th map POA to deem raising money for map poet uh rail trail the friends of mapet rail trail group and and also um mapo land trust and uh you can ride 922 or 45 miles and uh you get ice cream at various locations throughout and then you have a party at the end I need a lot of Latin that's great yeah and then there's also uh Pikes and beers Farm Coast which which um is a for-profit organization um but oops it's their first time here and it benefits clean water and um the South Coast Bikeway so buzzes Bay Coalition and the South Coast bike and that's on the yeah so we we can Saturday at least get those links onto the page so that we we start to have some activity exactly have something there yep yep okay oh Buzz video yeah so we're partnering with them and bikes and beers South Coast bik L do you you yeah I do yeah but I'm I'm actually volunteering for that that one they all need volunteers they only volunteers yeah pass I think my passing out passing out the glasses cuz I would but I'm not here so toric needs some volunteers for flaggers for standing on the side of the road I probably do that welcoming people at the cream R oh and you can still have ice cream it's fun yeah it's fun yeah they just sent me a reminder today or a request to share so I'm sharing is do I go like if I want to sign up to volunteer right here yep um support me I don't know I know I have oh no that's no that's for the but you can probably get the information there too if you just go to T it has it or even on their um Facebook page oh yeah AIG button yeah right here volunteer oh yeah yeah but they probably have a specific volunteer um somewhere on the toic they not toward the cremy the only one yeah here you go I don't know how up to dat this is volunteer sign right there oh yeah flaggers okay y crey volunteer I would do that if I was here okay any other announcements from from you or um no uh well the South Coast Bikeway um is a 10 Community organization and several of the communities are partnering to um with an initiative bikes for all so there's actually a a couple of different organizations doing bike giveaways they collect bikes they recycle them and then they distribute them they repair them um so that's that's nice y yeah like Newport done that for a long time right right but I just is that I I just recently saw some ad and they do it in map poit too po the um Westport bike committee collected them collects them year round Le not in the winter but um most of the year at their transfer station you can drop a bike or take a bike so they're not fixing them but oh yeah they just keeping them out of the landfill um there's a couple of repair people bicycle repair people that are fixing them up and either selling them or giving them away nice nice and they they contact nonprofit organizations and give them to Youth and adults and often we get um grant money for helmets as well nice yeah that's something that we maybe can look to it and have something here yeah white C I already do white C they're all in my [Laughter] garage I need to get on right well I don't know are we all done I feel like we are today so I make a motion to adjourn second motion I fav say hi hi hi hi thank [Music]