[Music] June 26 2024 this hearing is being held as required by the provisions of the chapter 131 section 40 of the general laws of the Commonwealth and act relative to the protection of the wetlands is most recently amended notice the time and place of this hearing was published in the ne neighborhood news on June 20th 2024 it was also posted in the town clerk's office persons wishing to be heard will be called in the following order this meeting is being audio and video recorded uh first order of business meeting mail Mac annual dues for fiscal year 2025 review matters presented votes may be taken uh the members of this commission are part of Mac uh they hold conferences educational seminars all that stuff and they want their annual fee from us um which is yeah which is $461 I think it's worth every P plus the two additional we do this is for fiscal year 25 so we plus plus the two additional memberships which would be I think it's $60 a piece so $60 one for me and one when we get the new agent and and for the agent if they're not y okay is there a motion to pay this bill so moved second all those in favor I that's unanimous okay new business we have a public hearing Matthew Mora 68 street map 19 lot 33 33a and 33b a request for determination was filed by Matthew Mora for property located at 60 and 66 Lake streets map 19 lot 33 33a and 33b the applicant proposes to construct a gravel driveway approximately 880 ft long and 12 ft wide removal and revegetate the existing driveway connection between the two properties plan name is site plan 60 and 66 Lake Street prepared by fing Corp dated May 24th 20124 review M presented votes may be taken I'll entertain a motion to open this public hearing so moved is there a second second all those in favor I I okay Mr Mara the floor is yours yes I'm Matt Mara I live at 60 Lake can see I'm Matt Mara I live at 60 Lake Street and the work being talked about is going to be done on 66 L Street I turned in the RDA and the plan to the D and thank you for coming for a site visit all right so I'll give I'll give a little brief explanation of this um I I talked to Matt this this has been in the works for a while and um there's a deal that needs to happen with the neighbor to relocate the driveway so both parties are are happy and everything goes smooth so uh it's it's I think it's a minor change um they're putting in they're moving the driveway over essentially maybe 30 ft and reconnecting it to the existing driveway and revegetating the other driveway so yeah he'll have he'll have his own driveway the neighbor will have their own driveway and everybody will be happy campus pretty good summary very accurate um so yeah uh we did a site visit on Saturday um it's pretty straightforward uh the plans we we all had seen the plans on the commission and um you know it was straightforward in and all the erosion control was in place and uh I mean it's it wasn't going to change really the impact no no if anything it's cre it's creating impervious service and rting already existing impervious service I didn't see really any impact from that okay good any anybody from the public you a comment no all right um I like detain a motion to close the public heing so move second all those in favor I I I'll entertain a motion to issue a negative determination so moved second all those in favor Tous you're all set thank you very much good luck thank you good night see you man when uh when you guys install the erosion control just let let your hand know and somebody will go down and check just to make sure it's installed already no problem thank you thank you yeah that's true all right uh next on the agenda stor more 5 minist Street peer review update review M has presented votes may be taken uh I haven't spoke to Bill on this Joanne hasn't heard anything in a sense no no news is good news I think they have a plan still in place I'm sure I'll bill will update us definitely at the next meeting maybe we'll have Steve come in just to give us an update I I was over there after our site visit okay Saturday just all right excellent so uh we we'll just keep it on the agenda so that will be July 24th oh J potentially July 20 right J July 10th for discussion don't okay on to discussion uh Robinson Road Sola discussion on screening plantings and stabilization review matters presented votes may be taken so I received a phone call from um Jen duat about connecting to the Grid on the solar proger so she indicated that she acknowledges that there are some things that are not completed on the conservation end complete stabilization of the site plantings taken taking place and and taken on the site and yeah there's there's some issues out there and she she acknowledged that um and then you know I talk to the building inspector the building inspector has the ultimate sign off on it and in order for him to do it he need needs us to sign off we sign off there's no way to no mechanism there's no mechanism yeah so talking with the building inspector and others in town the advice given to me was to ask navon no not na next next D for uh a Shar in a 53g account for the plantings and then once the plants take and the site is stabilized and right and everything's up and up they can they can take their money out of the way so that that was what was recommended to me and that and that would satisfy I guess all parties you know and it would give us they're in agreement I haven't spoken I haven't spoken to Jennifer but I I think I they rush to get it done I think it's reasonable I asked her for a timeline of when when all you know the planting and everything's going to be done obviously in the fall um can't do it right now so I'm waiting to hear back from her I haven't I haven't spoken about so um but they do want to connect and I think if we I I I'd say if there's aurity in place then yeah I mean it gives us some leverage to sure I in in the same tense I don't they have other projects in town they're not going anywhere I feel the same way you know you know I guess but to cover our hold the heel C so to speak right to C that's what was recommended so um I'll I'll enter I guess I'll entertain a motion to agree to sign off on the connection pending a $20,000 well yeah that would be the right yeah I mean that amount yeah that would be the only other thing right I mean that's why I was curious what the what they were in agreement with as far as that goes right okay yeah I I mean how about I don't all right how about this I'll entertain a motion to sign off on the connection pending a contingent contingent on assurity of an equal value to to the pl and this in the site stabilization I think you get give it a number of 20,000 you think so yeah be adequate ever better give it a number okay no I'm just I don't know what it is that's I think a number we need to put a number in okay 40,000 all right okay I think that is reasonable yeah I'll make a motion okay all right I'll second it yeah all those in favor I I okay that's unanimously okay next agenda item buzzes B Coalition discussion on conservation r Partnership regarding 89 South Main Street review matters presented votes may be taken Mr ches yes sir how you doing how how's it going good floor is yours all right um here's some maps the a yeah he had ask how many members there were so I have some extra too if you need I said seven I didn't know that at the time that everybody was going to not everybody's going to be Mr Chester the floor is your I'm John Chester I'm a project manager with a buzz B Coalition um I'm here because we have this the property that's highlighted on that map um we have that under contract for purchase and we're going to want to put it into conservation and you know um one of the funding sources that we're thinking about pursuing is the DCR uh conservation partnership Grant which requires the um conservation restriction to be held by the municipality or a partner and so we're here to ask the conserv ation commission to agree or to entertain the idea of holding the um conservation restriction on this property once we once we uh acquire it um uh and so we would basically we would need like a letter to submit with the Grant in the middle of July that's from a representative of the concom saying we want to work with the Coalition on this project um I you know I think it's appreciate for it's a it's a partial that the Coalition has had their eyes on you know as as it's very high priority it has been for a long time um it's got all kinds of you know recreational and conservation adaptation uh benefits um yeah any any questions or comments I'm happy to try to answer so um no I think um I think it's great because it buts yeah I mean it's going to expand on what what's already yeah right in in the so I I guess my my biggest question is there are structures on the property yes are those to remain under the Restriction no if if we uh you know if we get the grant we would we would it would be required that they they'll be taken down so they're so they're only going to be taken down they're not going to be sold not if we if we no they will not be sold they'll be removed as part of the conservation restriction if if we you know if it works were successful okay the um there's a house that's in kind of pretty rough shape down on the south Southwestern corner and then and a lot of that's a lot of that debris kind of there is not actually there when you're actually there it's just older satellite image no they clean they cleaned it up when when the EPA was in there and um yeah I'm I'm very familiar with the whole area um well that's great if so all right I guess is there is there going to be Trails cut in like similar to other the idea is that we would eventually like extend that you know the cuz there pretty much at the power line from from the back of the COA yep yeah and as you know you see in the context map there's a couple things that aren't highlighted as existing protecting lands but those are utility owned or town owned so it's a great Corridor kind of you know the W shed right it is yeah um okay I if I guess my my biggest question was the structures on the property if those and then um the abing property uh is that is has is that encroachment at all from there's a as far as I understand has been resolved not totally we've had we've had some yeah some issues with PRI yeah sit across from Allen in Bron so i' I've heard a lot of the all right yeah I I mean it was resolved yeah and so we would we would make sure that if before we took Fe like we if there was an issue we in the middle of doing the due for the project yeah um I'm I'm all I'm all for it I like I'm I'm I'm a fan of uh open space and and conserv and stuff like this I think this is a great spot so I guess my not you said you need to know by July 15th or July 15th was deadline the the Grant application is to us so so we we can agree to this the con con but I think ultimately the board of selectman has the final say okay they have a meeting on July 9th okay so so I'll reach out to their chair and have it put on the agenda if you'd like if you know we if the commission didn't agree to take on the Restriction then reach out to them and um yeah I yeah okay definitely be there it'll it'll be in this room on July 9th I don't know what time but the ultimately they have the final say but our recommendation weighs heavy with them I I would say um okay I'll entertain a motion to pursue the I have one question what you got looking at these photographs yeah looks like the kardoso trustees have actually tra that's what yeah yeah we talking yeah I guess I guess it's been resolved he's because they need a RightWay to get in and out to and yeah RightWay goes through property there is there is a RightWay for them on the on the north east side okay as long as as long as they have a right away to get into that property that that's it I'm also on board with that all right yeah okay I will entertain a motion to pursue the grant partnership and accept the conservation restriction and recommend to the selectman to do the same yeah so moved yeah second all those in favor all that's unanimous thank you so much I I'll reach out to the chair and get you on their agenda for the night so that you this plenty of time and all the documents can be signed perfect thank you John appreciate it have a nice day you too okay um other business any other business that may properly come before the commission not anticipated when posting 48 hours prior to the meeting we got a couple things here we got a letter you have any fromion we we just wanted to observe a meeting Okay saw that's great um all right first first order of business that came in unexpectedly was a letter from the division of marine fisheries they just to summarize they are putting some fish in cages yeah some traps right and they going to all right I'll read a live real quick uh the L former concom they'll be conducting a research in BF Harbor scon Creek mass as part of the collaboration between my lab and the University of California Davis the woodan graphic Institute and science at the Environmental Protection Agency Atlanta coastal environmental Sciences division lab in narat of rhod Island specifically we need to place 10 or 12 small cages containing adult mogs in the mouth of waterways for 2 weeks give or take to assess how the environment impacts gut microbiome communities and fish the caging design has been tested to ensure the fish is not able to escape furthermore the cages will be marked Frey identification they were just letting us know so that seems pretty interesting yeah um next letter we got in um in June 24th is a notification letter for a Kush poll replacement on behalf of NSTAR Electric um epis is right away Borderland two utility polls um and this is an exempt activity CU they're just taking it out put it in uh the location of that is Northwest of Main Street Northwest of Main Street says the PO numbers but that is not English to me anyways they just it's a courtesy letter to let us know that they're process yeah yes all right and finally moments ago we got a letter um I got the email probably around 4:00 um from natural heritage uh to summarize there's going to be some work going on from mle road all the way through M POA heading east and natural heritage will not render a final decision until the meepa process is complete so they just letting us know that they're aware of the project they must be disturbing more than 5,000 ft because Meer is involved and they're just letting us know that they're waiting on that process um so there's that future business due to the holiday and no legal advertisement the next meeting if needed of the Conservation Commission will be on July 10th if not our next meeting is July 24th um the next meeting July 10th potentially is discussion only meeting to be held here um located at 122 Main Street cushion ad Ms so there's that and our final order of business executive s uh session under General Law chapter 30A sub subsection 21 A3 to discuss strategy with respect to pending litigations in car forac drive LLC if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares and the commission will not return to public session at the conclusion of executive session votes may be taken I'll entertain a motion to enter executive session so moved is there a second second okay roll call vote Christian y never I Brian I hi de okay we are now an executive session [Music] n [Music] [Music]