[Music] all right this public hearing is now a call to order at 6:09 p.m on May 22nd this hearing is being held as required by the provisions of chapter 131 section 40 of the general laws of the Commonwealth an act relative to the protection of the wetlands is most recently amended notice of the time and place of this hearing was originally published in the fa neighborhood news on April 4th and May 2nd 2024 it was also just to point them out one is up here in the northern Corner we did move the W line a little further out into the grass there species some hydy and some soil that was shifted out maybe 10 or so down here similarly it was shifted out further into the grass area about 10 15 ft um over here this was inaccessible at the previous delineation but we were able to get back there so some additional flags were hung to correctly reflect the buffer zone into the field and then this area down here if you recall from the site visit it was that one little figure that sticks out um that was sort of a low point with some water we did extend it just a littleit common uh common Rush sticking out and some other hyd hydrologic features so we did extend it a little bit further um all the other Wetland lines have stayed exactly the same so those are the S of the four changes that highlighted in the memo as well that you have led out and those flags are devoted with an r at the end of them for rised open I I really don't know the site so yeah well when we walk the site I mean everything was identifiable there's a few missing Flags um I think because of cutting but um I think that's going address this um I I really don't have any comments anybody else any questions comments as far as the U as far as the we you said there was had to he to stop you can you go up to the podium please let us know who you are I'd appreciate that name address you had mentioned that was some things that had to be addressed for the can we get your name and address pleas I'm sorry your name and I'm sorry I'm very sorry my name is John Bennett I live at five Mary drive and I'm just south of the farm right at the B thank and uh I I I believe that my area down there is probably the west of that whole field so it's right in back the yep so there out so there are some Wetlands down in here I I live right here def this always been a big big problem right here that's that's my only concerns there what if there was anything that was going to address that cuz it's always went there every time it rains it just sort of long we've definitely flagged it as for your the site sort of right down in here um we flagged it as a wetland um and that's all we're we're just identifying Wetlands for this application not well I I just want I don't know what's going to happen I know he's I know he wants to do something out there uh I was kind of be presented tonight the what it might be but uh so this is just for a a resource area delineation um this isn't for any proposed project it's just identifying the on site when they do propose a project at some point will be back in front step one step one any other questions comments all right uh bill was yours okay um mad J of Conservation Commission um we worked with Megan our weap consultant my office and uh went through several dations went up to the site a couple of times um made some recommendations to to Meg it for or they were they were good with everything they agreed with us and we expanded the Wetland line in a couple of different areas so um we feel that they've uh they've accurately flagged delineated and located on the plan weapons resource areas um on the site that they're presenting to the Conservation Commission so they've done everything that we we've asked for um we made three visits to four visits to the site actually and you we think that they've done a fine job our recommendation a letter that I prepared for the Conservation Commission is that we would uh we would recommend the Conservation Commission approve the the uh what delineation as shown on on the plan and as provided by rest so did a good job everything was accurately located was good thank you thank you so no other comments questions I guess I I guess my comment is I I appreciate the work done by both Engineers um you know sometimes it could be a real ly process and some back and forth and it seemed like um you guys you know agreed with the changes that our engineer wanted and that's great I know but I thought it was good um all right so I'll entertain motion to close the public hearing all those in favor all right um I'll entertain a motion to issue a complete order of resource area delineation and accept the plans as submitted by W all those in favor I I oppose right that's enous right thank you thank you very much okay next item continue public hearing Andra re Renewables 1094 Main Street off CLS way SE file number 001 0592 an abbreviated notice of resource areas delineation was filed by re Renewables for property located at 1094 M Street off fund West map 7 lot 15 the applicant is represented by Andrew Gman and Thomas HS and Thomas Incorporated plan name is abbreviated notice of resource area delineation prepared for new wild Renewables dated March 25th 2024 revised May 8 2024 review matters presented votes may be taken is there a motion to open the public hearing motion to open is there a second second all those in fav evening mrman members of the commission and Thomas here on of the African um since our last hearing we have uh established new Wetland flagging which was discussed generally at the site visit what our intend was with Bill's initial letter um so what I'd like to do is talk generally about what those changes are to the viation where they are on the site proper for orientation purposes we have Main property way along the South the trailers so on the western side of the property there was a dip between these two different pockets of bated Wetland this area pops out with common Rush SCS you see a lot of fields here so we connected these two flags here this area is no longer mapped as up so it bu out a little this direction so this is our Western most change and heading easterly the site you can see the start of the change to our J series when we're walking the site counterclockwise we looked at this tree line and there's some sensitive firm and some other weing plants that are popping up right up against the tree line here so we have three revised Flags the J series and this areas highlighted here addition moving this is that Central field to the site there's originally identified as the I series an isolated Wetland one of the major changes is connecting this I series to the B Ser making it part of the bordering vated Wetland proper meaning it's not isolated it's part of that Wetland system so the buffers have been adjusted accordingly and then final change on the eastern most portion of our area of Interest we have um the wetlands connecting along the gravel drive this area here as part of the BBW proper connecting these two systems so those are the four major areas of change that have come out of the letter I understand that his team have subsequently go out to the site and the flagging so we respect request in order resource areation to memorialize these findings any questions I'm don't matter J on behalf of the commission um we met with Andrew discussed the project with a number of times um as per the last job went equally as well working with bills and Thomas on on this particular site everything that we identified in the field and um talked about theion were made they were agreeing with us it was pretty relatively straightforward um so that was good uh the isolated weapon being joined to the BBW that was a pretty substantial change but it was it is what it is and accurately depicted on the plant right now as far as where the gravel drive goes um up to that to that rear area um we did recognized that there was a little activity going on there and we we felt that there going to be some continuity between the the B and the C Series we Flags so when we looked a little closer at those we discerned that they should be connected in the two areas that Andrew has connected are accurate um so what you have what we have now is a is a portion of that Gravel Road that is in a we resource area as opposed to having a weapon of resource area adjacent to the road so connectivity was provided um shown in the plan and um we're comfortable with that that that was a that was a that was another relatively large change to the project but everyone was in agreement with it and uh we feel that the plan reflects the we resource are is on the site one of the only suggestions I think that I would make is when um perhaps I think Andrew was thinking that he might be asking but to provide you with the updated final updated plan ofing information other than the weapons that we're discussing now but what we wanted to do is is perhaps eliminate things that from the plan view that don't pertain to the Wetland boundary so on the I use as plan on the uh on the South Side you know massg has a wetland area showing right there I don't think it serves any purpose just to keep it on the drwing um it could only result in confusion later when you know if and when somebody wants to point to the plan and say yeah but it was shown on the plan we just wanted to be I think clear that it is not part of the inrad I'm sure that the uh the oad when written will be describing that the weapon boundaries that are approved but I think another level of clarity um in in the favor the commission just helps keep things clean moving forward and that was it we recommend um the issu have been as well on the project everything is done to questions comments so what do you say do you [Music] recomend issuing the contingent on Final submission final plan I think yes that would be that would be I I live at 112 Main Street in so I so I asked a lot of questions at the last meeting so um so I'm to understand then from all of this that just some revisions were made in terms of where that is going to connect to the Wetland area is that yes basically the just of what he just said yes it was more conservative it was everything was more bumped out created more buff Z more and so can I just ask what was the outcome of the area where um things were kind of rerouted with the stream and and the area where there was Construction done I I will address that um later on the okay right now we're just talking about the actual okay um my only other comment is that I did send some pictures that um there's box turtles that are living in that stream as well that we took photos of one of them got run over um yesterday unfortunately but they're also um part of that mass protection Mass wildlife protection thing um so there's a lot of I did contact people over there this we to look into thatwhere they are we we said this the last time too de right now this is just step one right you know so nothing's getting done deriv nothing's getting change everything is just saying okay this is Wetlands this is not so just the lines of being drawn per se so it's step one and like Ryan just said it's actually went to the wetlands benefit they grew a little bit bit bigger and combined as one and um so it actually was a little bit better for the white land what was discussed with Bill and um the other engineer and um so I think it's all positive moving forward and it's only step one so if they go forward there's going to be a lot more steps thank you you're welcome any other comments questions all right um I like to a motion to close the public hearing is there a second second all those in favor I I okay I will entertain a motion to issue a complete o um contingent on Final U re receipt of the final plans that slight changes to Wetlands that are out of the area of delation is there a second second all those in favor I I all right next item in business COC St a 141 M po poison Road SE file number 001 0519 a certificate of compliance is filed by Matthew St amen for property located 141 m road map 10 lot 9A the applicant proposed to develop a prev previously developed River Front area with construction of a new single family home well driveway onsite sew Disposal system and grading plan name is septic system design plan dat uh May 7th 2017 septic system as plan dated 7:31 2018 review matters presented votes may be taken all right we conducted a site visit on Saturday uh um we been to the property before and I think previously they were looking for a COC I think it was before I was on the commission but um there was some um stabilization issues maybe um but what I saw out there was um complete project I would say the only thing I have to say about is the area fire driveway is the large SPS on that Hill yeah so if it blew a hose or something it leads toward the river so I don't know if we need to tell them me listen put the logs put are up on level ground you know I mean not it's not a big deal but right you know when you're running on the hill facing the river if it blows and he's already on that line right you know what I mean so that's the only thing I saw everything else looked really right well we can can send that message when he picks up um yeah I had no issue with it if uh somebody wants to make a motion to issue a COC I'll make a motion for the COC second second all those in favor I all right yeah or any equipment pretty much yeah and if he gets the level ground it'll be actually in the area that he's supposed to be okay okay next item Stone water n 55 550 M Street peer riew update review matter presented votes may be taken Mr M okay M from GF here on behalf of the commission uh the project that we're talking about um with respect to this is modifications that with the drainage system of necessary 550 Main Street um might recall you know there has been some issues with run off in the drainage basin and what have you and um now we dealing with navon on this they have a new engineer that's uh been providing us with information new design and what happened for what they're proposing out there in concept it's exactly very similar to what was originally proposed but you know where I've had some involvement in you know last year with what went went on down there you know our position on this I think for the benefit of the commission is that I dotted P Price It's there's a lot of little things that are that are still presenting themselves with the calculations um the design we looked at their design we look at the calculations in the size of the basins and the Ala control structures are are correct in size they're they're suitable we did go back and substitute some num that we know are direct only from the asil drawings and into their drainage calculations because we noticed a couple of things that weren't 100% consistent with the plans and uh projects still work there was no there was no problem but nevertheless our recommendation to uh to Nava sun to Meridian is that you know we we make the necessary changes to the drainage calculations so that you the plans you read the same number in the drainage dos so that there's consistency right across the board with it all know no one be really able to uh find any fault with it it's very sensitive I think on the drainage over there you know that one Basin number one that they're looking for that's going to be a little bit of a larger Basin than what was originally proposed and uh which is good it's one that's fished away from many receptors like the residential L and what have you and you know we're matching our predevelopment flow rates out of that Basin so that's all pretty good as you know they're anxious to get started on things and uh um they would like to have a clean bill of health to move forward and do as they wish at this point um I don't know if we're really quite there yet I think that um some of the things that we were looking at is that you know they should provide a letter and that letter was submitted to the commission we've asked them for a couple of things um one of them is like have a stamp the stamp set of plans from the which design professional which will be forthcoming we're certain of that um a construction schedule would be helpful you know where they where were moving in on you know time limitations with planting of uh stabilization material what have you so you know think that if they provide us with some type of construction schedule what they want to do where they want to do when they want to do it it would be very Ben official to the Commission in that regard and then we can perhaps you know cherry pick off the items that really need to be done first and foremost and one of those is U is the site stabilization uh that was in my opinion was it was never done to the degree that need I'm going back to to last year before we involved with this trading thing but you know things like that I'm almost of the opinion that I don't know what you think about it but I'm almost of the opinion there certain things that they still can do out there they don't need to be necessarily worried about what we're dealing with drainage they can they can continue stabilizing the soil underneath the array stabilizing soil where it needs to be St stabilized and that will help them with their schedule of things you know you mov to the end of June July you know vegetation is tough to maintain to keep established getting it to grow is one thing but the ultimate goal is keep so we think that if they provide us that that'll be of some benefit um contact information with with the contractors I was told that they haden't selected anyone yet to do the work and you know I don't know if they narrowed it down to a couple one contract or whatever but we would need to have a responsible party that were able to contact and point things out to um and uh we just received yesterday one of my one of my comments was as build information that's item number five in that letter we received the asilt plan um yesterday that was that was prepared so we're able to look at that go over it um kind of check that off the list but that's where those numbers come up with the drainage calculations the Inver elevations the brim elevations things of that nature that we want to be sure are consistent with the plans and the accounts so that was good that we received that and then once they really get started um to wrap things up and start reconstructing the Basin um they should be providing some weekly update we should request a weekly update from them so that we can track the you know track their progress against their schedule I think that had traditionally been a little bit of a a little bit of an issue the schedule didn't always match up to the work performing and you know first and foremost is getting that site stabilized and you know once we start moving into the Reconstruction of the drainage basins even even more necessary to have that those slopes next year Well stabilized B on base so that's where we are on it you know we know that everything's will work calculation wise I think there's just a few little details um that need to be on your out I don't know how you might want to deal with the the request to to continue on working I think in my my view as a suggestion that if they wanted to deal with stable stabilization measures that are outside the proposed reconstruction of the drainage basins that that's fine I think that they're obligated to uh to do that anyway it's just going to make life easier for everyone down the road I think that while they're preparing their final construction schedule they can get in there and do some of the some of this work I don't think it should be an instance where you no you can't do anything until we're 100% done we know enough about things we know where the little sticky spots are but we also know where there's some some things that should have been done originally that weren't done when they going back in time when they went to do them they didn't didn't doing the way I would recommend having them done so you know we think that the slope stabilization is not SL SL sight stabilization is important to to uh to move forward and to maintain continuously through the project question I got for you Bill how good are you when theine other engineer working together pretty good I mean they're really like getting on board and seeing what you're saying and I know that um the last meeting he was asking if he could stabilize and we kind of gave you the full eyes for the commission and say it's whatever you're recommended and I'm glad to hear that you guys are working very well together and um that we just hey make it right let's make it right you know and you know it's so sensitive area over there you know there's just been you know some things have occurred there that unfortunately occurred you know you can't can't correct that right there we can't correct the drainage we can deal we can deal with that can't correct what happened in the past but we can work to ensure that it doesn't happen again and that's that's really my goal on it right now so that's where where are with it um you know so I don't know what you'd like me to tell them I mean as far as what they can do but I think site stabilization outside of that's going to get disted again definitely Focus I think that's Paramount to get that stabilized as quickly window for that is closing yeah not flow fast yeah we just incurred way too many problems from the site and they're willing to correct I understand that uh especially with this new engineer on board um to get this done quickly yeah exactly yeah definitely yeah so that's why I see I mean giving them some latitude to move forward with things and uh work toward correcting the things that the commission would likely want corrected first as opposed to at the end of the job the job fun stuff um yeah I'm absolutely allet I like this letter um I think it's great um obviously the plans will be coming soon but yeah the other boxes tell them to abely all right all thank you all right that's what I have on that thank you okay next item under discussion 185 map pois road revised plan May 1st 2024 presented Mr the floor is yours good evening my name is the engineer record on this project and I'm basically here to answer questions I had to any kind of presentation I know that we've submitted an original uh conceptual dwelling in August of 2023 the more recent submissions were in actually December for the dwelling that the owners selected initially and then the most recent uh submission was May first with the dwelling that they now have in mind to build that this site and we just we're just trying to make sure that we're all page the new dwelling is actually outside the buffer zone now and we just want to know if we can still proceed with what we're to do with restorations in weapons as well as the um so the plans were submitted to us um you know there was a question of whether required Ed order conditions or um or submitting an as and then with a letter and recorded it that way change that no no no I'm just saying but that I mean I haven't I haven't seen I haven't done it like that without filing new but in this case it's the house is completely out of the Muff zone now last time was what like the a portion of the garage and the porch dep within so thew is completely out of and the system there has been no change on the septic system and there won't be any change the only thing that remains to do with the septic system is connected to the new house that's been in existence now 2019 as that's Fe right I mean it's yeah yeah no I think that maybe in an instance like this where it's all built and what have you that has bu you know with the COC could reflect where everything is and you know just there's an order on the project right now there is yeah okay so just not the deviations from the original as per should be I I don't have an issue with that I didn't you know I think it's less invasive project now you know um I don't have an issue with it um well just keep in mind the weap have to be restored that's part of the original conditions and that part of it hasn't changed right yeah I don't have issue with just a letter for the file just stating that I'm thinking that if they just if they file for a certificate of compliance they're obligated to note the deviations from the original plan so if they if they have an asil the request C and not plan changes I think that should suffice for for the commission that would it matter that that may be like in a year or so from now I think that probably partial um since the this replication area is has not yet been done you want to keep the order open for that so it's probably a partial certificate compliance for the house in septic and um you know keep the order open for the last part the replication I don't have an issue with it um so I'll entertain a motion to accept yeah the most recently most recent PL submitted to the commission and as because we can't change the order we're not changing yeah we're not changing the order we're just allowing we're allowing a revision plans that is less outside of the of latest all right so let me rephrase this um yeah so I'll entertain a motion to accept the latest plan submitted and ex a motion is there a second I'll second that okay all those in favor I I that's not unanimous yeah and there's one recusal okay okay NIS you do there's one recusal all right so thanks than I appreciate it I just wanted I didn't it was asked of me and I just wanted to part of the commission for for I didn't want to make that decision not so so Dave can you just can you get me a couple of theer plans stamped and sign that way I can have them for the file I'll have them I'll have them in U not tomorrow Monday I won't be there next week so take your time Monday thank you thank you okay next order business under discussion ceasing assist letter dated May 9 2024 off cl's way 1094 Main Street review matter presented votes may be taken um so after our last meeting um a letter was sent out the [Music] landowner I have it letter was sent out to the land owner um as a result the complain phone call and followup cers written April 3rd 2024 from chamber stop work short Ro tools are Place Al CL site you're now wanted to cease and from many caring and construction activities off CL way until further Noti so that was issued um I we received a letter from um the the attorney for the trust um addressing some of the concerns um the clearing of the streams was done on two occasions because of Bristol County uh mosquito control um and they had submitted the receipts and letters that were submitted to the town they they were addressed to the Conservation Commission however they went to the town hall and Joan doesn't have anything on record of them however that does um I mean it that does make sense why the streams cleared they have receipts approvement essentially um I'm just summarizing this because there's a lot of um you know legal um you know laws pertaining to the we protection act in agriculture um there was also mention of trees that were cleared as well as gravel being put down on access road um I'll address this work generally and it went on to um land with agricultural use and um an exemption because of that um in referring to the uh flaws that were cited in the letter um when they were asking to have the C Sy assist pred um I I forwarded the letter to Town Council I consulted with um multiple people um um and there is a handbook that details agricultural use in the Wetland protection act from from D it's 132 page manual read it in the past but I read it again all 130 and um just you know I'll just cite some of the stuff that's in it what do you mean you going to be 13 no no just just the stuff that was per to the letter you know um the you know Sor I it's under museal it's not under so my then all these topics that we're that you're about the go through matter but it's not right well the the letter claims that it is it is under agricultural use so I was just you know and just what the handbook says is to qualify for for the agricultural exemption land must be an agricultural use and these regulations are quite specific and then the land must be presently in primarily in agricultural use and then that's defined and right but ultimately what what they're claiming is that they exempt and the regulations saying that it's not because within the last there's a 5year window and the land that was cleared was not that 5 it was probably 30 years ago used for so ultimately what I'm saying is it needs to be the field up front has out it was it was CLE it was trees so the put in legit or no legit any the no the stream the stream was there it was clear because from Bristol County Mosquito Control and that and by law in fact mosquito the mass mosquito control does ex yeah no that so that's all set so that so ultimately to sum it all up the issue at hand needs a filing and that that's the activity to the Eastern side of site so they're asking to resend the C assist and I'm just going to B on in place from um uh consultants and Town Council that remain in effect until proper um permitting has been I agree yeah so I mean I I don't want to you know get into a big discussion about it but ultimately the C assist is going to that that that was the advice that was given to Theiss can I ask a quick question you want me to go there to ask the question yeah can just a clarification question you're talking about the which spot are you talking about about mosquitoes the the place where they cleared like all the trees the no the the area was was noted by um a member on the commission when we were walking doing the site visit there's an intermittent stream more towards the center of the property Center whatever Western end of the property and it was cleared on both sides of the stream okay and it was done by I was going to say that's not mosquit control that you're talking about where my property is where um Bob Roa came out and the police came out because that that area where they clean C the trees the police came out and they said they didn't even know they weren't supposed toes at that point that's right abing my property where the is you were with him right I was going to say that was you that was with him right and when the police came they said they didn't know anything about it and then I know you guys crossed over there talk to them or something I think they didn't they said they didn't know and there was no mosquito control that came out or anything like that because they would have come to my house as well for that property so but I mean no mosquito mosquito m mosito h i don't think we by that area no does it m Mosquito Squad has an exemption through Massachusetts to like you could I have a stream I can call them and say hey my stream's backing up can you come down here and clear they're the only um what's the word I'm looking for company that is exempt from the 310 CMI so they can go in if they want to clear if they say it's a mosquito inhabited area and it needs to be clearcut they can exempt every one of us everyone of Massachusetts they can go in there and do it reason being is because of the big brain house we had with and all the um diseases that mosquit will carry so but they don't have to with their examp they don't have to let you know they don't have the house is what I'm getting but by law they don't have to I wish truthfully I feel you know the letters would have put a little bit in our head instead of just saying hey the guy walked through like Moses we would have been able to say well okay this is why that was done it would have been great to have the letters prior to us walk in it would have put a little more information in our head before we put our eyes on it that's my personal opinion justy oh I understand I'm just saying that his property is right here here's the stream between us this is my property so it would that they would have also said like you know the stream is like this wide so it doesn't make sense to me that they would have said to him yeah clear those trees there but not said anything to me oh right well they are the only it was him that was there with his bulldozzer so I saw him that was why I called the police I understand I'm not being disrespectful I'm just trying to explain the law to you if you want to interpret it any way you want that's up to you but I would say that that that area is agriculture we we do have we do have the um authority to ask him to show his receipts so that you know in talking to him the owner he did say that he does ha field does do that so I mean I can ask him I I also did speak to him and he said that since at my initial conversation with him telling him to stop there has been no activity on the site he said you know he said that machines are hurt because he stores his equipment on site since the ceas assist there has been no activity the day before the ceas assist he was doing things on the property well he as long as it's not in in in the resource area he had he does have his machine store up towards the it was dumping rocks in the middle movings that but not the has and it was on his bulldozer that that was knocking down the trees right along I mean you came out so I mean that why I Poli because he was on the on the within the 100 of The Reserve Land Preserve cutting down the trees I have photos of it so I mean I'm not making it up I'm not like that at all I'm not trying to that's what was happening whated I got a question for the commission do they take in uh does the Bristol come out and do it themselves clear the L or do they tell the land owner to clear so is that cleared by Bristol or was that cleared by the owner is good I don't have so that being said why don't we try to look for a clarification on cut these trees you can do that is it a natural stream too it doesn't matter if it was du it natural it's natural or was it a St make sure we're talking about the same stream yeah I'm talking the one that goes next to the claring the one down over there is the stream I'm talking you're talking about the stream next to your property okay so there's two different streams there you're to the north of it correct okay we're talking the storm right there the othero I went all right we we'll do we'll do some investiga on um on those matters but in the meantime see some assist is in place will [Music] WR so he had a lawyer send a letter saying that the property is farmland or agricultural and that's why he can do what he wants to do on the land for as much as he wants to do on the land so that in my interpretation the land is going to remain agricultural then be able to do these things some of it it only depends if he has a 61a or 61b but that ain't what we're looking at right now you're looking at delation everything not ceas assist what you're looking at yeah this was just a follow up on the ceasing assist sent in a letter saying that the reason he did all these things is because he has agricultural land and he can do these things so in my interpretation of what he's saying is that the land's going to remain Agricultural and he can keep doing whatever he wants to do on it because that's within his rights no as long as he's no what he's saying is the the land was in use at the time this activity was done and it's not necessarily have to be in the future but at the time that this work was done he saying that it was in agricultural use so today it can be he can do whatever he wants and tomorrow you can just the sheet no then tomorrow then he wouldn't be able to do what he wants or or square field or or seems as though he claiming it's agricultural to do what I want is all legal and I got to do what I wanted to do to make the land meet the needs I wanted to meet so I can flip the page and know something else that's such aough subject because1 C also specify doesn't matter to what not if you previously maintain you have the right to continue to maintain it you keep the we at the doesn't agricultural I want to I just wanted to Ste this back this this was to go over the letter that we received their response and we're going to continue to look into everything else I just wanted to update the public that the letter was was sent the letter was sent back to us and we're going to continue casing everything else out I brought it up was they sent a letter from a lawyer claiming all this stuff that just doesn't to makes sense to to me that it's kind of like it's hiding behind something I don't know just doesn't seem on the level make we have concerns that what he's doing doesn't seem on the level if you're going to look into it we really appreciate that yeah you very much that we're looking into it we have eyes on this one trust us thank you okay um uh okay next discussion topic settlement agreement pushan solar LLC woodb rals LLC review of matters presented votes may be taken um did you guys all get a copy of the settlement agreement yes okay um essentially it's just removing any liability from the commission um and they need a signature so um everything on our end has already been done this is just a formality ition allow sign second faving um we do yes jamg Thomas yes all right uh agent updates on the business okay so first thing we have um okay from the building department we received a letter this morning yesterday morning uh regarding S E Street Dear Mr baral please be advised with this officer's receive numerous complaints from neighboring property Police Department to clarify this enforcement order the following Department approvals are required you proceed on this property conservation permission approval for health approval permit from the building department um and removal of the trailer of his property Mr Bola we have a cist that has been issued in I think it was November in 2023 and it still remains in effect I did have to go out there at some point may have them shortly after that I guess there been some activity over there I don't think we to re issue no it was formal it was written by our former agent we all ratified it it's it's official so um until yeah no um yeah something recently that's why this letter went out I guess for okay there something else I have business oh um got an email this afternoon from the town administrator's office they have some resumés that have been submitted for a conservation agent whoa so um there was three or four so I imagine that he just said to get in contact with the Town Administrator um and take a look so I haven't looked at them yet but I didn't count how many there were so there's some options I'm sure there'll be you know a hiring process or whatever are you going to sit with the administrator and go over what's Happ are you going to sit with the administrator and go over the resume um I'm going to go over the resumes and I imagine that the Town Administrator will I think what when they hir the last agent it was what the chairman and the vice chair we could set up I we set up something somebody with we'll have the commission compose questions for the potential agent get answers back to you and I don't know there'll be some sort of thing I haven't talk to the but just to know let in the loop yeah well I'll keep everybody in the loop obviously but I just got the emday I haven't really over but I know there's a few so get some contact with you guys individually get some in or whatever um that's all I got future business next meeting for the conservation Mission will be on June 12th 2024 meeting to be held at the town hall meeting room located at 122 Main Street in Christi Mass I thank the chief for allowing us to be here this long that's great it's a nice place but everybody going back CL um [Music] oh [Music]