[Music] this hearing is being held as required by the provisions of chapter 131 section 40 of the general laws of the Commonwealth an act relative to the protection of the wetlands is most recently amended notice the time and place of this hearing was published in the faav neighborhood news on June 6th 2024 it was also posted in the town clerk's office persons wishing to be heard will be called in the following order uh this video this is this meeting is being audio and video recorded uh first order business minutes for approval February 15 2024 review of matters presented votes may be taken um I looked at them I didn't have an issue there was a lot going on there but I think it was captured pretty good approved it as well so all right motion to accept yeah second second all those in favor that's unanimous okay meeting mail none old business none new business extension of order of conditions PJ keying company 72 South Main Street SE file number 001 0558 a request for an extension to an existing order of conditions was filed for SE file number 001 0558 PJ keing company for property located at 72 South Main street map 15 Lots 15 through 18 the applicant proposes to grade the Eastern slopes of the existing silk piles located at the rear of PJ Keon Quarry property plan name is site plan of land at 72 South Main Street in a cushion at mass and plan to show areas of silt deposition into Wetlands at 72 South Main Street in a cushion at Mass dated December 21st 2020 and April 23rd 2021 review of matters presented votes may be taken uh Mr chairman yes before you proceed I'd like to uh recuse from any deliberations involving this and I will be attending as uh the general public understood myself as well Mr chairman I'm going to recuse myself okay all right Mr help for is yours now PJ k in front of the uh Conservation Commission requesting a extension of the order of conditions um the the request comes uh based on the April 27th meeting followed up with an uh or I'm sorry followed up with a May 6 letter to chairman roacha at the time uh where we were U told that we needed an earth removal permit to go ahead and begin the work referenced in the order of conditions which includes removal of silt in the buffer area of the wetlands um and then additional plantings uh for that area uh the commission Conservation Commission met with me on site and we walked the property um so at this point uh PJ keing submitted an earth removal permit application in um almost two years ago uh in September uh 23 actually November 2023 so we're still ongoing and working with the town on that application uh the requirement for the Earth removal permit was set forth at the last meeting um by Mr Hannon so uh at this point we don't have the Earth removal permit so we are unable to go in and do the work um cautiously optimistic that we'll be receiving an earth removal permit um and then we'll be able to go ahead and begin that work obviously the work is sensitive to the time of year uh and the type of material so we don't want to we don't want to uh begin the work in that area when they're we're out of the growing season um and then we would obviously follow back up with the planting so there's a few things that would go on uh once uh once we received the Earth removal permit I guess we could say that we would come in from of the board within 30 days with a plan um which would probably very close to what we presented previously and what was originally improved in the order of conditions uh when we had the soil scientist and wetlands Wetlands people out there on the relative to the grading and the plantings sorry I think that's it unless there's any questions no any questions comments um well we conducted a site visit on Saturday um the slopes were pretty well stabilized from the last time we were out there um no there's been no new runoff into the wetlands it's this ation up and it's been graded so that it's up higher than the bottom of the slope so there's really nothing else that can really get in there um that's those were my observations yeah the only thing I can say is that um we did walk it it did look kind of nice there was a couple bad spots in the silk fence I uh which weren't real bad nothing could go over but they were close and I know that you said that you you would take care of that I just hope that gets followed through we will and we we can provide uh you know pictures of of those remediations and uh an update since we did Hydro seed that area with a new material you know we can provide the additional growth in that area so maybe what I say is in the next 30 days I provide um a correspondence to to the chair with the show of the growth and R and n80 corrections to the sil fence as pointed out and then we will continue with um a provision in the order of conditions about monitoring um that area uh you know on a weekly basis and after any significant storm event so we will remain committed to any cleanup necessary to prevent uh any migration of uh of the sil fines into the buffer area excellent and then like I said before just the will once you know once a earth removal permit is granted we'll come back to you know we'll provide that notice or you'll know that notice and then we could um get on the agenda for you know within 30 days to come back and talk about the the actual plan based on on timing and the growth season sounds good sounds good me any comments for the public yeah Christian Su 46 L um I'm under the impression that if the board uh grants them somewhat of an extension and improves their uh plan regardless of the um permit they can they can start that work anytime um I think that's something that should be investigated by the board because it's been I think it's been put off long enough and the residents in that area you know still get hammered by the the dust from the you know from that material well the the slopes that are going to get moved yeah they they're stabilized there's trees growing in them like there is uh vegetation oh 100% very well then I would say I would say I'd say they're 90% vegetated yeah there was only like one area that they sprayed recently and they went with a different mix cuz the last one didn't work and hold so instead of trying to redo the same thing they went with a totally different Hydro seed which supposed to be better and he was saying you know he can give us pitches in 30 days to make sure the stage stabilize but with a hydro was the only spot that was a little bit uncovered you know the rest of it I thought was well vated there was lit there was literally trees growing out of the slopes you know and the thing is if they I mean I I could talk to the chairman of the soil board and see if that's possible that they can do the work immediately if not sooner yeah I mean I wouldn't think I wouldn't suspect I would be under the impression that they might be able to start though but I was I was I was under the impression that they they're not supposed to move any material without having that permit they can't pull it out well I'm sure uh Town Council would have a better idea as well right if need be I mean we it can be I mean that's I just but talking you know something maybe that could be you know talk talking with Mr Hill in the site he's like he's on board he knows what those plans say and he he has a plan you know I guess it's I I feel very confident talking to him that that yeah I mean that's all I have I don't know how long it could be put off but I mean if yeah well the good the you know if there's an Avenue to get started on and I I think we should should be you know I don't know if now would be the good time I'm not right so so let me just say this because because because it is stabilized so well and they're not going to be able to restabilize it during the summer months that I think it's going to create more of an issue with with pollutants or no I wouldn't say pollutants but with dust in the air and and and yeah and then the the wetlands right right yeah I mean cuz they they're going to have to re yeah exactly and they're going to have to re slope it you know what I mean it's going to be a two to one slope or two and a half to one slope or whatever it was the other thing that was discussed too that is even if they get their permit to move it if they're not in the planting season they're not going to do it so if they don't think if they get it too late in the season where they can't put any more vegetation back up they're going to hold off till spring that was my impression correct correct I mean we we could start you know if we get an earth removal permit so just to back to U Mr du's Question so during the commission's April 27th of 20122 meeting Mr Hannon reversed his position announced that the enforcement is not appropriate because PJ keing does not um does not have a uh Earth removal permit so prior to begin beginning the work and Grading work we need to obtain an earth removal permit so that was and you can look at that it's it's in the record um so that was the reason we sto but back to that end we will you know we would start if if we got an an earth removable permit let's just say July 1st and we could mobilize and be ready to do things in August we would do a section this fall where we go in and do the work and then prior to like we'd want to be done St and then start stabilizing Hydro Seating sometime no later than say September 15th and let that section vegetate stabilize and then tackle the tackle the remainder in the following year so you know it all it really everything predicates on an earth removal permit and an earth removal permit that means you can't remove it from site but you can still move it on site correct or I have that no because I need because the material is going to go down in the hole and in order to do that I need to do some work in the hole I can't do any work in the hole until I receive an earth removal permit I can't take it off site without an earth removal permit and I can't move it on site with an earth without an earth removal permit so right I mean I would I would again I I think you know you referring back to your Council and letting them make it have an opinion on that was fine just to try to you know speed the process is you know it's been how long already coming it'll be three years now right great okay that's all I had thank you thanks um anybody else uh no want to make a motion to approve the extension for 3 years on uh that perment okay there's a motion second all those in favor I you're also have Mr HS extended have a good evening thank you okay next order of business next order of business public heing RDA Paul J dcosta blacksmith Drive map 5 lot 7f a request for determination was filed by Paul J deosta for property located at blacksmith Drive map 5 lot 7f the applicant proposes to construct a single family house garage and septic system located outside of the 100 foot buffer zone some site grading and Landscape Landscaping located within the buffer zone of the wetlands the applicant is represented by Richard Sharon of Sharon Associates Incorporated plan name is plan of site proposed house and subsurface sewage disposal dated May 13 2024 review of matters presented votes may be taken I will entertain a motion to open the public hearing to open is there second all those in favor good even of the commission um as we discussed at the site meeting on Saturday um the proposed house we were standing over here I guess originally we saw Stak set up for the garage and the house was staked and also this attached garage at the rear uh there's a lot of uh runoff here a lot of building and uh as I mentioned here the the approval by the uh when the subdivision was done by the planning board they required that they be recharge units on all of the roof runoff so we got a number of roof recharge units on the garage uh another set of them here around the house everything but the front of the house where the septic system is located our resource areas are the original Wetlands that were delineated uh for the subdivision some years ago and we reset the flags along there there is a a barrier already of large Boulders uh actually on both sides of the property one over here that was in the brush and this one just beyond the tree line actually was showing the tree line behind it I think it's a ahead of that now the station control we'd be proposing between the garage uh and the Wetland area uh a garage is just 100 ft at this uh northwest corner of the garage and uh probably about 105 ft at the southwest corner uh so it allows us uh to keep the buildings out of the buffer zone uh but again we've got a couple of recharge units in there and this is an area that would be Rel landscaped you can see we're grading over in here as I mentioned they wanted to walk out at this portion of the house so we're taking the low Point area down here the elevation 108 and we'll be cutting into the hillside in here in to get that walk out and not have any ponding issues with the water in there uh the rest of it we're basically taking the the uh the high point here the 114 elevation and we're using that extending that around the house so that uh any kind of runoff would come in and have to run around the house it's not going to uh U burm up a a build up on the back side of the house and I noticed too I I don't have the most recent plan I'll send it into you but the U Board of Health that asked that we relocate the well a little bit and the owner also said well give me room back in here for a future well it's again this is changes outside the buffer zone really don't affect the uh uh the well and filing but uh I will get a revised copy of that into your Joan so you can whatever you write up can have the correct date but that'd be the only change would be this little section at the back uh I picked this one up in the office in a hurry having left another meeting tonight and in the way over here I said oh I got the latest one but I'll get you that one uh minor change there but essentially that's that's the the project uh majority of the work is outside the buffer zone uh a little bit of work in here primarily regrading and and a couple of recharge units questions comments I think it looks good in there other than the poison iy I mean the closest you're into is 88 ft on your rechar system right yes that's right 88 ft there basically the building no closer than 100 those in that stone wall there's no intention of moving that stone wall oh it's it's huge what a perfect line and and then usually that's what the board asks that uh they put a stone that you put stones on yeah some sort of demarcation just so future reference that people want to clear up to that far they don't have to it's a good marker that you can't they got a good marker yeah you can't miss if you wish to put a condition that the stones not be mov I don't see anybody moving them without no yeah they're they're live just St and like that's just a good indication that what's going on yeah know the site was staked out very well we got a good representation out there um I I it's pretty straightforward single family dwelling um all you know the recharge system just an added bonus area all the houses have it so that's that's a good thing um uh I'll entertain a motion oh is there are you here for this project no no okay um I'll entertain a motion to close the public so moved second all those in favor I okay um I'll I'll entertain a motion to issue a negative determination for Blacksmith Drive map 5 LW 7f motion second all those in favor I oppos it's unanimous good night Shar have a good night thank you always a pleasure okay next order business Stone waterer navon 550 Main Street peer review update that agenda votes may be taken um Steve Campell here um I did receive an email from him he was unable to attend yeah the letter is there everyone's get the letter okay I'll read I'll just read it to the record since it is an agenda item um hi Jo unfortunately family issue came up can't make the meeting please see the updates all storm water updates have now been completed in the field final seeding will be done by the end of the week we do need to go back in and plant some screening trees that were removed during the construction phase these will be replanted in the fall so the trees don't die over the summer G GF was on site this past Monday for an inspection and the report I got was they were happy with everything that was done please let me know if there are any further questions and we correspond prior to the meeting tonight um I read that I had no issues um I I spoke took Bill Madden earlier about another matter and he didn't mention anything about uh now Aon so um progress that's a good up yeah sounds like it's progressing yeah it is yeah you know I'm glad that this St got a handle on it I haven't heard any complaints there hasn't right there hasn't been any complaints so that that's a good thing no news is good in this in this sense yes yeah that's good all right um discussion nothing are you hear you're here first well I I read tonight um about the stor water okay and basically I'm 92 payot Street yeah and uh can you step up just give us your name y all right yeah Sten Richard 92 P Street U let's see I was here maybe a month ago yeah about the um my sup pump just running and running and running um ironically um it's like now I think now it's in a loop where I was pumping out so now I'm I pumped out to the street and I hope that that will um get the water moving cuz it just isn't you know along um Eric's property and what have you uh it's just a mess back there yeah um I know I'm the only one that's having problem cuz a matter of fact my neighbor said oh you're still pumping yep you know and uh I know we talked about it earlier I T I went to the selectman meeting and he mentioned that they are looking into it but I I saw tonight that they were talking about storm water so okay that's why I'm here yeah I had I had referred you to the chairman of the select board yeah um I don't know did he did he go out there and take a look uh he said he would I haven't seen him um all right well we have a new chairman of the select board I'll reach out to him as well see that's the thing is they they deal with the town's Stone water you know so I definitely I I didn't forget about you you know no I know I know and I'm not passing the bot you know but I'm trying to get you get you you know to the right correct department um like I said I saw storm I read it quick and I saw that it was talking about storm water I guess it was um what you just addressed um and uh that's the only re here tonight all right just trying to you know um know keep rattling the cage yeah understood no I I understand yeah I'll I'll reach out to the chairman and and just have him you know just put a buzz in his ear you know Y and uh you think you you might be in your better interest just pump the water the other way not into the street well just because you're not supposed to I know it might be an issue with the DPW DPW might come um technically it's against yeah I know there at least five houses between yeah there's in that area station that do it year out so yeah yeah and and in the area there's like at least three to five that are doing it all I wasn't saying he has to do it but I'm just trying to get the water so that this um hopefully this will pull it from where it's I'm pumping to and move it down further so that at least the some ofum stop right move it Beyond yeah yeah I don't I don't there there must be a problem with a catch Basin or something I don't think it's the catch it's it's what I had mentioned previously there's the um you know they came down a couple of years ago and they made this nice um Kovac for the water to run in and stuff and that's all full and it's there's a couple of places where it's trees are down and what have you um and now the water is not moving um it's just sitting there the problem from what I understand has been found they just haven't got to the next step okay kico was involved and they're doing their and I believe they became assumption that they figured out what was going on but it's a big process to no okay um especially on the stretch that and I never saw the final report from from there you know I mean that's for the town's ms4 but I could see what they came up with on that as well and uh unfortunately he's he's right at where the um whole neighborhood discharge is in there and then the town did put in his uh a Swale in there oh that's what that hole is that you speak of on the backand side but they put it in but nobody ever um maintains it or mows it so now it's just overgrown with the like the rest with The Cattails and everything and then you got back up way down thei the other other end okay so um no matter uh believe me if I could go out there and uh take out some trees and stuff I would I it's not going to help the issue at the end of the day cuz if it would help the issue I'd go out know I know um there's there's some large construction that's going to have to be done to resolve our problems and it and it's not the um as in our problems I'm talking the town um it's not going to be done overnight no you're going to have to and uh and you're going to have to buckle up yeah is there anything is there anywhere I can just kind of follow it as opposed to bothering you guys yeah so that that that would be the selectman okay cuz they they deal with the town's ms4 all right but I I'll reach I'll reach out to the chairman and I'll get get an update from him I'll put a buzz in his ear about what's going on over there he may not have been aware of I reached out to the previous chairman maybe he can throw it on an agenda and you guys can discuss it or they can update everybody on what the final report was cuz like I said I never saw the final report from kico I don't know I know there was some dis illicit discharge issues I don't know of that did they entertain any discussion with you is is that what you said not yet you want to try to yeah you want to get on the agenda maybe submit a letter okay to the board and also you I in that regard y you you got um I just going to have to keep hunting DPW um to get out there and try to um actually do something uh yeah I don't know they say they go out and they give a schedule and they check all this stuff but as well as you and I know we're in these same problems yeah you know so just um get on the phone with them and just keep hunting them cuz that's where it is that's the discharge yeah I I wonder if um you mentioned earlier that it's fro it down the road it's what is it is it between us and Scouts Pawn or I know the foundings that I found as a person um and Resident was all Scouts Pawn Yeah okay that was the main issue down at the end yeah that's what I found I wasn't no I understand that you weren't um it's just you know like I say it's Thanksgiving it's just and it's gotten worse you know poor maintenance and underdeveloped right everything was built for like 50 60 houses we're going to use as in a cloud number but what's really going on now we have we just keep getting all these houses that are getting B and and not saying they should we got all these single family houses that go up that don't have to withstand the storm water permit and it's all going into the same storm water system yeah no I but the system never gets regenerated so the last time I lost track of the files in 1967 60 6 70 1970 and 1967 so everything prev it wasn't touched since then so that's how old the system is and that was where I lost track of files not even counting and else like I said they just it's it came into another problem with MS13 and the St Ms now the uh ms4 the ms4 everybody getting a little shaky about if they can go in or if they can't go in to the area one says 310 CMI says you can't touch a wetland ms4 states that you can go in and you can maintain a a storm water even even if it's in a wetland environment cuz it will create Wetland symptoms plant life soil because of the water that's going through so a lot for a while everybody was very very itchy and scared to even go out in their yard even though it was a swell and touch it because the next thing you know you have someone knocking on the door saying you're violating 310 CMI right right so you're just going to have to keep buckling up and just waiting for um I I'd submit that letter to the to the select board and you know and they're in charge of the DPW so if yeah they can go at it from both angles they can direct the DPW to investigate and they can okay that's your best Avenue keep going I've called you know U to be honest with you been uh a nice lady takes my she oh hello you know she you know everyone is busy but when you when you when you send them a letter one person you know when you send them a letter it it seems to get the attention a little bit more and we'll definitely get you on the agenda okay all right thanks a lot very good thank you have a good evening enjoy this warm weather no rain it's right yeah maybe the pump will slow down yes okay discuss agent updates none no we yeah that uh any other business I don't have anything anybody with business for the commission um the thing I was thinking can we change this Saturday to like a Monday evening or huh what instead of doing a Saturday site visit no wow where did that come from well I miss so Saturday morning I missed my my granddaughter soccer again oh and I did my nap and then she play more just like Jim you don't have to long time PRI I'm just saying for afternoon late afternoon I don't know I I don't get out of work till 9:00 at night usually so yeah sadly I know I know it's an inconvenience but that's the inconvenience we signed up for the way I look at it it could be another day but I wouldn't care to do it in the morning personally I would I would just prefer personally it could be any day of the week I it doesn't matter to me but in the evening would be a lot more of an inconvenience and Jimmy I feel your pain because I get my daughter on the weekends and I only get her on the weekends usually and I have to take every other generally there's you know things going on that you know you don't want to break away from to do the meeting in the evening and that you know we kind of got to give the general public a chance to be there too well well I mean is that every week Jim is it every week well no it's not just that it is summertime perfect weather and you know it ain't bad if we if we're we're back up at 9:30 10 but when you get back home at 11:30 you missed your whole morning and it was such a nice walk on morning bring bring just a suggestion years ago they did meet on Monday nights in the for the summer for site visits yeah you were here when they did way back with Monica no hey we'll keep it Saturday she did them on Monday night then we went back to Winter schedu no we'll go back on don't feel I mean no we're not getting paid we're not we're not mandatory to do any of this I mean hunting season sadly is a tough for me I get it can't go cuz you're HED that's why I wasn't near Saturday because I was at a cash show yeah you don't there's there's a lot of things going on in the evening through the sun remember it's right no problem sorry buddy I'm not I'm not trying to rain on worry about it I I'm my schedule's wide open take if you need a Saturday off just take it off yeah I mean you still day off well yeah it must be nice who's complaining complaining matter of fact um today I got my second paycheck of the month oh okay you guys know let's get this meeting one must be tough let's get this meeting future business the next meeting of the Conservation Commission will be on June 26 2024 meeting to be held at the town hall meeting room thanks for having us back guys located at2 Main Street cushion of mass I will entertain a motion to adjourn motion second all those in favor meeting adour [Music] a [Music] [Music]