##VIDEO ID:ceVpXw1rq74## [Music] the provisions of chapter 131 section 40 the general laws of the Commonwealth and act relative to the protection of the wetlands is most recently amended notice of the time and place of this hearing was published in the neighborhood news on uh August 22nd 2024 was also posted in the town clerk's office persons wishing to be heard will be called in the following order this meeting is also being audio and video recorded uh minutes for approval none meeting mail none storm water continue public hearing storm water amn the state Holdings LLC 39 ke Road a storm water permit application has been filed by amn state Holdings for property located at 39 ke road map 2 lot 16 12g 13B the applicant proposes to construct the six slot residential subdivision including 702 linear feet of roadway with a Cess act turnaround on a site sewage Disposal system in private Wells the applicant is repr represented by John masan mashan a following Coop the plan name is drainage map Angelo Drive subdivision dated August 30th 2023 revised March 25th 2024 review amount is presented votes may be taken uh I'll entertain a motion to open the public heing motion to open all those in favor that's unanimous um any update on this I haven't I haven't heard anything from Bill Madden about this um I don't see the app is anybody here to to discuss this project 39 keing road I don't see the engineer no no um okay uh I'll entertain a motion to to continue for more information motion to continue for more information second all those in favor to the next meeting to the next meeting yes please okay on to Old business continued public hearing notice of intent NSTAR Electric Company doing business as eversource energy SE file number 001 0593 a notice of intent was filed by nsty Electric Company doing business as eversource energy the proposed work in the town a cushion it includes the construction of a new 115 kolt overhead electric transmission line with the existing RightWay between ur's Industrial Park Tap and a cushion it West to the New Bedford a cushion Municipal boundaries the proposed activities include installation of 33 new 115 KT transmission line structures installation of new 115 KT conductor Optical ground wire and shield wire and installation of stone and Timber mat work pads and wire pulling pads Improvement reestablishment of RightWay access roads and installation of new access roads storm water and wildlife habitat documents are on file the applicant is represented by Eileen piscura of Power Engineers plan name is ACC cushion it to Fall River reliability project dated June 18th 2024 review matter is presented votes may be taken I will entertain a motion to open the public hearing motion to open second all those in favor I I floor is yours uh yes Chris newal with uh eversource energy uh address of 247 Station Drive in Westwood Massachusetts and I've got with me tonight Karen hanich with power engineers who's the environmental consultant uh for us on this project um I think last time around we presented our project uh again it's a uh new 115 kilovolt uh overhead transmission line that's going through town from uh ever sources existing mendle tap or excuse me Industrial Park Tap that's off of mendle road and it goes basically to the uh Town boundry with New Bedford up by uh Route 18 um we did previously discussed the project I think we continued for third party review um and additionally in the last couple weeks we've had um a bit of a change in the plans and that we want to provide provide some additional access within our right of way uh from basically Main Street out to uh our last structure proposed before crossing the Acushnet River um in the past we've had an agreement with that property owner to use some of their uh existing on-site access roads uh it's the key Tree Farm property um that property is in the process of changing hands at this time though and uh basically some of the discussions with the the potential new property owner um have called into question whether or not we're going to be able to use those existing roads um we may still be able to use them just for typical you know operations and maintenance but for some of the larger construction equipment that we need to get in to install these new structures uh we do need to ensure that we can get access um uh from the nearest public way obviously out to those structure locations so we are proposing cling some additional Timber matting through Wetland areas so that we can provide that contiguous access from Main Street all the way out to that last structure before it crosses the Acushnet River we are not proposing to cross the Acushnet River with a temporary Bridge or anything like that so all of our Timber matting would just be in Wetlands um that exist between Main Street and um that last structure um that's I guess to the north before we would cross that River um it does add some additional temporary impact to uh boarding vegetative Wetlands of approximately 7,645 uh Square ft um and again those are temporary impacts associated with Timber matting that we' be placing down temporarily so that we can access um HS and I don't have the language memorized but it within reason now some of the equipment that we're going to need to get in there is going to be you know flat bed trucks um you know large wide excavators some of the roads that are outside of our easement on that property would need to be uh you know minor improvements like filling potholes and in areas where there's ruts in that existing Road there's a couple areas where trees would need to come down as well um and that's where we haven't necessarily come to an agreement with that property owner and we may not come to an agreement we're in the process of kind of those discussions but it's because this property is in the process of transfer it's a little tricky to come to an agreement prior to full ownership transferring as well so this allows us to keep on our schedule so that we can start construction early next year when we're proposing to start construction um without basically being contingent upon coming to an agreement with that property so this this is the contingency that's right this is the contingency plan to ensure that this project because in the past they had access through the right and obviously we don't want to pull a surprise on anybody that's going to buy new land here and a cushion it as a surprise that this project is going on and and these are the plans um because we certainly don't want to end up in any type of um litigation regarding this um I I just think you know make these new land owners aware that this is a a good possibility um so they're aware of this yeah they've met they yeah the new property owner is aware uh they have uh received an butter notification um so you know we've done our due diligence in terms of uh properly notifying in accordance with the well protection act but we've also met with them in person as well and so what's what's the consensus from these these uh potential new land owners regarding this project um you know I would say that you know my sense is that they would be opposed to it but at the same point we have an easan here at pre Ates their ownership um you know that easement allows us to operate multiple Lines within that easement and um you know in that regard we're not a land owner or property owner necessarily but we hold easement across that property which gives us you know more or less significant rights to be able to do and build what we're proposing to build what is the uh what is the extent of the easement in terms of width what is the actual I believe it's approximately 200 ft wide yeah so if you see the the yellow line here on the plans that's the the full extent of the other source E Yeah so those are the boundaries of the easement those two correct yeah and our easements vary you know in width based on property some in some locations it's 200 ft others locations it might be 250 ft in other locations it might only be 150 ft um but it does vary but give or take it's about 200 ft and that being said what what what would the width of the impact inside the buffer zone actually be uh roughly so that these work pads are generally uh 100t the permanent impact is what I'm referring to so the access roads yeah within the those would be approximately 16 ft wide 16 yes okay any other questions anybody here from the public here to speak on this Mr chairman yep I got a chance to look at the plans that they're showing us on the computer today um I don't see the way this is going to make any it's it's making no significant impact to the wetlands themselves there's going to be maybe another dirt road through the through through the ve you know the watering vegetated but that always grows pretty good but they they seem to get enough enough time to get brush and stuff grows back in there before they use them right so I I don't think that we should worry about this moving forward with this new plan no I agree and the temporary impacts they are in fact temporary because everything seems to bounce back very quickly I agree okay um I'll let M you going anything to add um no no okay I'll entertain a motion to close the public hearing motion to close second all those in favor okay um so I guess my only question would be who you waiting to hear back from now you have you have your 401 W water so the 401 Water Quality certificate is in process um that is uh making its just way through the the typical process we put out of public notice for that as well we do uh are trying to schedule a s sidewalk with the the dtp review analyst uh we're trying to do that um I think next week and the week after there's going to be a few different days um they need to see basically every town uh that we're in we're in Acushnet New Bedford Dartmouth and Fall River so we're planning four days to uh to have those S sidewalks um once that gets uh issued that kind of clears the way for the 404 certificate I mean uh permit from the Army Court of Engineers to get issued um and uh you know that has been in process since April okay and then you've heard from natural heritage obviously yeah and natural heritage has responded back not only to the notice of intent filings but we did have a uh an Endangered Species Act checklist filing with them we received a conditional not take approval from them which requires us to implement certain rare species protection measures um but so long as we Implement those measures um you know the the project is allowed to move forward and your Swip is not completed correct that's not completed yet obviously we want to make sure that we're incorporating any changes to the permitting process into those final drawings so that we can uh you know develop that document and then file it um and once we've got a a Contractor on boarded as well we'll file that that's a 14-day waiting period for construction okay so with that said I'll let detain a motion to issue a positive order of conditions um and I guess any special conditions would be in the form of the comments from the Yi cor the d review and natural heritage strict adherence to whatever their comments are the motion a second I'll in favor ious thank you guys thank you thank you and then when you know before it starts invite us out just to check yeah we can you know let you know when we're planning to start we can work with you um and uh you know get you any additional documentation that you might want to see if you want copies of the Swip or anything like that you can get you all that information that would be great excellent thank you thank you okay new business public hearing notice of intent NSTAR Electric Company doing business as eversource energy SE file number number 001 0594 a notice of intent was filed by NSTAR Electric Company doing business as urce energy the proposed work in the town of aush includes lines 142 and 143 replacement project the replacement of the two Advanced age underground transmission lines include a horizontal horizontal drill Direction drill under the AC cushion at River in temporary Wetland impacts from layout of the HDD casing the is represented by Eileen piscura of Power Engineers Incorporated plan name is lines 142 and 143 115 kilovolt replacement project dated July 25th 2024 review of matters presented votes may be taken I will entertain a motion to open the public motion to open second all those in favor I I good evening my name is Peter deuso I'm a senior Environmental Specialist with ever source and I'm the applicant project I do have some team members with me here tonight we'll introduce themselves when their turns come to speak as Mr chairman said this project is a replacement of 25 Kilt lines du the age they're coming out of the existing Kush substation off of Beach Street and they're heading west uh traditionally these lines were open trenched across the kushen river back in the early 2000s by the EPA and the super fun effort that I think everybody's aware of and the cushion effort that's gone on for the past couple of decades uh with this project we were looking to minimize those environmental U impacts by using a trenchless Crossing so as stated a horizontal directional drill has proved appropriate for this project so that'll be stationed on the Acushnet side of the river part of this horizontal directional drill is the need to lay out the conduit that's going to run under the Acushnet River now this conduit will go under into bedrock and will be in an arcing motion uh under the river so you can imagine that there's a good amount of linear footage that we need to obtain that Arc uh there's an existing right of way that extends Northerly from the existing station uh it's cleared it's maintained with vegetation under our transmission standards um so we are planning to line all the way to the end of that ending before a salt marsh expanse that uh kind of abruptly ends that right of way uh there's going to to be temporary construction mats that go down through there with sections of bordering vegetated Wetland the impacts will be temporary uh by the river will be stationed for the drilling operations uh with that I will say there's already a decent work pad established by the EPA who's been using our property for uh access to the super fund site um it's primarily cleared almost to the point we need it so we are proposing some tree removal with this project and that will be to facilitate not only the the new lines going under but then the layout as well uh once the work is complete we will plan to restore that area um we did not submit a restoration plan with the notice of intent however we have drafted one that we would like to at least present to the commission tonight to for discussion purposes in regards to the operations that are going to go on we'll have all the standard best management practice for soil erosion and sediment control as well as spill prevention and control and some of those you can imagine would be straw Waddles uh straw bales um spill kits will absolutely be with uh each P of construction equipment as far as refueling goes there is a stationary portion of this uh equipment that will need to be refueled um and I I'll turn it over in a moment to um our specialist to discuss the frequency and the volumes as regard to refueling but in preparation for that effort and where it is being stationary in proximity to the Wetland areas we're going to be proposing a secondary containment under during refueling operations uh in regards to fuel storage on site any fuel storage that will be on site can be kept in a quantity of 5 gallons or less and can be again in a secondary containment and in the Upland area um with that I would like to turn it over now to Mr David hell all right thank you uh David hell I'm with uh swca environmental Consultants I'm working with power engineers and ever Source on this project um as you know uh as as Pete had mentioned uh the primary work in Acushnet is uh from the substation to the the Town Line and essentially the center of the Acushnet River um where the htd will cross under the river and then the layout of the conduit within the existing right way uh we do have three areas where we will have temporary impacts to the wetlands for the layout of that conduit uh we will have con Timber construction mats uh in all three of those uh for the protection of the Wetland um and those will come out once the the conduit has been pulled into place so just temporary impacts there we expect uh depending on the time of year we'll have to mow the right of way uh but that should be uh should be it our our expectation is that uh there won't be any other work done for the layout of that conduit uh just the ability to lay it out and then Traverse it with uh equipment to move the conduit as needed uh the work area around uh the HDD itself uh and the drilling operation um will require some tree clearing uh on the Acushnet River along the river um and that's just to create enough of a work space for us uh exit the the drill itself will exit on this side uh that's at least the current intent um we pull back the conduit through this I'm going to hand this over to Nick in a minute to give more detail uh but we've also got man holes that would get installed and this would be from the HDD exit would be open trench for installation of the man holes and connection to the kushit substation um Nick ster with brierly engineering is our HDD engineer so I'm going to hand it over to Nick at this point and give you some more details on the uh HDD and how that works sounds good so as uh Pete and Dave mentioned um the plan is to Stage the principal htd drill on the other side of the river and drill towards the substation here and exiting into this workspace we have two separate boards um exiting at that location workspace is about 100 by 150 feet in size the workspace itself on this side of the river would host uh the htd exit pits which would be about 7 to 8 feet long and about 5T wide maybe 4 feet deep these pits would uh be the location where the drill bits and the reamers would be exiting the ground and then the pits themselves would be used for containment of drill fluid that are that's used to remove the cuting from the B keep the Pall open the equipment on on the side of the river within that works space would include reclaimers drill FL reclaimers the uh the drill fluid that is pumped out of the drill rods into the pits would be removed from those pits with pumps in the reclaimers and they remove the the cuttings and clean the drill fluid and to the extent that we can uh it's pumped back down all for reuse uh other equipment on site would likely include uh an excavator uh and a front loader for removal of SP and then as Dave mentioned what we're looking at here and it's a little tough to see in this plan but we have a uh a workspace here a linear workspace which would allow uh assembly lay down an assembly of the duct that's going to get pulled in the hole and so the idea is once the holes are completely drilled and reamed to the desired diameter we're talking about a 54in hole approximately in each case once the holes prepared uh and the duct is fully assembled where the casing is pulled back into the B hole from north to south in each case and so that would happen twice and so that works space here along the in the gray zones that Pete and Dave described that would host the Assembly of the individual cable ducts as well as a casing for contain so the HDD itself will be uh roughly at its deepest point will be about 60 ft below uh the bottom of the Krush River uh will be in Bedrock for the majority of this drill that's the intent for this um yeah so we've taken a number of test borings uh in the river and on the substation side to get a feeling for the Geotech know what we're dealing with um stve mentioned the majority of the bore both bores will be in Bedrock Bedrock here is pretty shallow Ro grenic Rock which should make for uh pretty good drilling conditions stable drilling conditions uh it does a good job typically of keeping the drill FL where we want it um we have a straight shot in each case um rather than having an arcing alignment for uh ease of drilling to make it as efficient as quick as possible and those boards are each about 1300 ft long in change so we can you want to touch on the so we have our this is uh our engineering plan um and I know it's hard to see on on this but our the tree line kind of comes through almost to the middle of this now um there's the existing transmission lines are in a are in a uh bundle of uh two existing uh 115 KB transmiss lines the ones being replaced uh there's a number of distribution uh Lines within that and then also another uh 115 KV transmission line so those are all in this area here uh we're we're going just to the north of that with the layout of this HDD um and this work area does require some tree clearing on both sides of it uh in order to facilitate this operation um so we do have as we discussed on Saturday we do have a restoration plan uh where we had identified the trees that were being removed um and essentially trying to replace what's there uh our layout for this has left space on both sides for the existing transmission lines and and distribution bundle uh we try to stay at least 10 ft off of those uh manholes and conduits uh and then also on the same thing on the proposed uh keeping a corridor open around that um but then working in trees and shrubs on either side of that some of the species we utilized were just the ones to match that that were out there that are being removed so Eastern red cedar White Oak Red Oak black cherry uh with the tree species the shrub species uh we had some sweet pepper bush um have to look to see what else we propose witch hazel and aelia the two spaces that you see those will just get a seed mix because we don't want to plant uh to to our we have standards that we shouldn't plant over infrastructure so we maintain those buffers but they will be vegetated is it like a one: one ratio for replacement it's going to be less than that because of the new infrastructure that we're uh leaving room for y um so we are open leaving a little bit more open um this entire area uh that we saw on the site visit was occupied by Autumn Olive prior to the EPA getting out of there um so all this essentially will be a betterment to the site uh you know and as the cushion River starts to reheal after the Super fund site cleanup um some of these Pathways will function um you know for whether it's turtle habitat for leaving things that are unvegetated for organisms to um get to sand and the substrate that depend on that and then also um we try to promote Wildlife borders and things that are in there so even though we are leaving gaps and it's not going to be full vegetated uh with trees um it will have a diversity of of different Native vegetation Mr chairman if I may um what is the total width of that staging area you're going to create curious 130 ft across this way sure ft and I think we were [Music] 180 in the other direction I think that was the case sound about right yeah yeah um the drilling fluid that you speak of what what is the base what is thatal bentonite based oh it's Bight very good principally benite I'm familiar with benite yeah very good yeah we we took a site visit on Saturday we went out there um I would say it was pretty straightforward um where are they going to lay it out they they really painted a good picture for us it's all temper temporary um impacts to the wetlands um I I didn't really see an issue I think it's going to be an interesting project I'd actually like to stop in and check on the progress it's going to be it's pretty cool I'm I guess my question would be how from the water line mean high water to the bottom to the mud line how deep are we talking at the deepest point I would say so at the deepest point from mudline to the bottom about 55 ft down to accommodate the geometry okay yeah I I don't have uh I don't have much of an issue with this project from what I've seen I I think they you know described it pretty good to us and what it's going to entail uh I guess I'll go to the public anybody here from the public here questions comments concerns come on up to the 4 I got a question any own property on 8 95 South Main Street don't know where they're coming in across they're coming across from the be with the L I'm sorry sir can you come up come up to the podium so I can uh so you can just state your name just for the record yeah my name is Nelson kosa I know sir property 95 R all the way to the water into the water and we did something about they're coming across the Riverwood line yes where they coming in are they which property are they coming in um at the bottom of Beach Street where the um where the substation is they're coming in from the New Bedford side into the right where that gate is at the bottom of beach tree and all the other streets they're not coming uh North no more than that no no there will be there will be some cont laid down on mats to the north um but I don't I don't think that I don't think it touches his property right sure this yep so this is going to be Beach so if you can imagine PJ heating Woods right here this is the Council on Aging right here so our property is directly behind the Council on a okay I I right across the street from J King all the way down to the water um so here's L car's Lane no are the actual Gravel Pit is up over here okay yeah then my property is up here all right we'll be well south of you and we're heading um cuz I get a letter come here and I was wonder if you into the that's all absolutely we'll be we'll be well sou of you oh okay thank you problem Mr chairman a question y um these um exit pits they're an open pit exit pit they uh depending on the contractors me some methods uh maybe a combination of an open pit with a little bit of a slide rail system for support So yeah so can you give us an idea of how big they are so um generally the width of a big excavator bucket um so say 5 to 6 ft wide uh say 7 to 8 to 9 ft long and in terms of depth uh depending on what they get into four to 5 ft deep and the reason why I asked that I did notice the activity out there not just by dirt biking but on foot as well from a a safety standpoint concern that that was my concern out there and we saw that out there um you know I don't know if you guys have uh any plans as far as you know protecting or um keeping people out of that area while you guys are are over there um working this and and having these open pits just as a safety standard sure yeah it's a pretty typical um practice to for exactly that reason we have the same concerns make sure you don't overnight or over the weekend you have been an open excavation so they can place um you know one of those portable chain link fence with cinder blocks around and lock it off in addition to secondary containment so okay good good question and then the spoils um he said you were going to have a loader on site where are you guys going to stockpile on that site or is there not going going to be live loading or so there's going to be um so what'll happen is the pro FL will come out of the hole go through the Climer the cuting which is going to be large lean crushed rock small rock fragments uh that will accumulate be placed into uh either secondary containment or loaded off and and dump trucks as we go and and sent to an approved dispos disposal facility okay anybody else from the public questions comments concerns no okay how a question so uh the drilling's coming um from the MB side and you mentioned the rideway you're not in are are you in the salt marsh there at all or or no we're potentially so do we no no we're not we've uh so this uh portion we've got both freshwater influence and and the the tidle influence we had we had delineated both salt marsh and BBW and we were uh able to move our layout of the conduit uh to the I'm say East thank you uh to the East and and avoid any of the direct impacts to salt marsh uh and then the on both sides sides of the river the uh entry and exit pits are above the salt marsh elevation so I know they've been out they replanting trying to there yes we were in coordination with the EPA to make sure they didn't restore this area before we came in so so and we were able to to work it with them where they were basically working from the high tide line down and we're essentially staying high tide and up and you guys received the comments from fishing game regarding I think was fishing game the winter flounder spawning and uh division of marine Fishers division Mar we haven't received anything from yet no oh okay no I I saw an email about it got Anil it was on the email I got today from yeah the office yeah we received gu I pull it up what you get many uh Jo do you have that printed Maybe I guess division of marine fisheries offers the following comment via consideration uh an HD HDD contingency plan should be developed prior to construction to minimize risks of a Frack out event and develop response measures to minimize impacts if such event occurs appropriate containment measures should be employed to prevent siltation the marine environment during activities it is unclear of trenching at The Equis substation will take place within the salt marsh Habitat Construction should not be allowed in salt marsh habitat or location which could adversely impact salt marsh F spills from refueling of construction equipment will adversely impact sensitive resource areas impacts to Resource areas can be avoided by prohibiting all landbased equipment for being refueled on site if equipment is refueled on site adequate containment and clean up material should you guys have all that covered but I did see something in here about the spawning of winter flounder oh uh Mass DMF has identified new Beford Harbor as winter flounder spawning habitat winter flounder enter the area and Spawn from January through May um Dem meral eggs hatched approximately 15 to 20 days later Atlantic states marine fisheries commission has designated with of flers spawning habitat as habitat of particular concern in previous stock assessment the winter flounder stock was classified as overfished with spawning stock biomass in 2019 estimated to only be 32% of the biomass Target so that was an issue I just you know your uh activity planning and time I wanted you guys to okay know if you consider that for we not received that letter yet from DNS so okay thank you for bringing it to our attention yeah no problem and now if I can just add we did actually include a draft uh inadvertent uh drill fluid release plan in the notice of intent um that's something that we will work with the contractor to to finalize uh we can certainly provide that to the commission right yeah those are the comments I I didn't have a concern with it was it was the winter pounder that I wanted to bring to your attention and so that you guys know that with because I've been on jobs on the vineyard doing Bridge work driving piles and then we'd have to stop from January to May yeah because the state don't to do it so um okay want to wait until they have uh um I when was this schole work supposed to be done well you don't know yet have you guys filed with your bedf for this yes yes did you already have a hearing no we had a we did have a hearing with them last week yeah okay was it continued or it was it was y be and actually because of the different division marine fish letters waiting for that that's why it was continued um I mean what other agencies are you waiting to hear back from you do you have your 401 Water Quality sh we will be filing that um that'll probably be going in later this week okay um and then we'll be submitting um to the Army Corps of Engineers uh as well as D for chapter 91 license right I mean me personally I I I almost feel the same way as with the other project you know a standard order of conditions and then taking comments like I just read and incorporating that as special conditions you know see comments from other agencies that are involved and my personal opinion is I don't have an issue with this operation I think they got the basis covered it's pretty clearcut and I don't other than what the other agencies are going to add to it yeah with their concerns there's not much we can add that's kind of where my head's at makes sense about the restoration plan I think you have a draft you said yeah draft you want that first Yeah well yeah i' like I mean Mr chairman if possible we could condition it approval condition on a final restoration plan for you yes yeah I don't have a problem with that okay anybody else from the public comments concerns motion okay I will entertain a motion to close the public hearing Mo to close um okay motion the second all those in favor okay so I'll entertain a motion to issue a positive order of conditions contingent on the final restoration plan and special conditions being that the comments from the other agencies involved are strictly adhered to so moved my motion that's is there second all those in favor I thank you thank you so much all right on to discussion okay next order of business discussion lended Street possible violation update site visit from August 24th 2024 review of matters presented votes may be taken all right I'm going to um I'm going to try to be vague and ambiguous with this um so I received a complaint at this site um I'd say middle of March and it was after a meeting from another board and that meeting was contending and then the very next day I received this complaint and I was going to let it cool down we didn't have an agent at the time and I didn't want to look into the matter and be used as a pawn it does happen that conservation gets called as a you know as a tool to an enable the dispute so I didn't didn't want to entertain it so we we we have an agent now I didn't have time to look at it then we had so many other things going on so I I had no problem entertaining the idea of the commission going out there and and actually looking at the violation So based on my observations I'll I'll go around to the commission after I I just you know talk about it um there are violations there um letters were sent out to four residents and then each parcel AB buts and goes has owns a section of that Wetland so um I'd say the violations that I saw were not major but they're violations technically so um you know it was there was clippings tree trimmings stuff like that they were just kind of like bear hugged and then walked over and just dumped you know um and then there was an area where there was some tires in there but those didn't seem to be they it seemed like they were there for a long time so I guess those are my observations it's I guess I would say it should it should stop but to actually go in there and remove what's in there with a with a piece of equipment I think would possibly do more damage than than what's necessary to it's a functioning Wetland area um I I guess what I would recommend is just like we did for the site visit notification I think we should just send a a similar letter to the neighbors notifying that that that is a wetland and and not to throw the trimming in there but I think um that's that's kind of where my head is on the actual violation I I'll go to you guys and see what what you think at the public can we do that first I mean it's not really a I mean we can go to the public but uh I I don't know if the complaint what what really what was the what was the exact I don't want to go into what who who made the complaint who the complaint was against I'm I'm just trying to keep it very vague and and just the violation how do we want to proceed with it Mr chairman um as as the chairman um said we did do a site visit out there I strongly suggest because this is an open working wetland to whomever the parties are responsible for all of the we'll call it illicit dumping is to at this time cease and assist uh because we will keep an eye on this uh going forward uh we don't want it to become a bigger problem than it already is I say we let the Sleeping Dog lie where it lies let that stuff rot down and decompose and let that Wetland be is is I think the agance on what the commission is looking for um for these particular Parcels unfortunately it's a weird layout over there it's a pie situation um whomever is responsible everyone needs to take part in this and and stop the nonsense of The Dumping over there uh ultimately with destroying that Wetland and we can't let that happen is is I think how this commission feels and feels strongly about this thank you Mark um no I I went out and I didn't make this last site visit but I saw it and um it seems yeah you know it's clear it's clear that there's material getting deposited in the Wetland um you know the full extent of it uh yeah it's a functioning Wetland you know so I mean I don't really have much to add you know beyond beyond that and the you know the laws that we were were supposed to enforce um I I do think that it's it's uh shared property makes it difficult to uh um you know how are you going to assign the you know I think right I I I I think it's a complicated situation that the sooner it stops you know the cleaner um it's going to be to to address the issue great if it gets worse you know or continues then then you're starting looking at remediation restoration and I don't think anyone wants to get there I mean would be I guess my two cents right uh can I talk real quick even though um I think we all agree on both of what everybody said but on the other hand like what if we have be allowed to go in there and at least get the tires and stuff it wouldn't be a bad thing I'm not saying make somebody do it but if somebody complained about it they're obviously concerned about it maybe they can go in and get it teen by hand he right sorry you know what I'm saying yeah oh yeah no I mean if somebody wants to go in there and bear hug the pile of brush out of there take it out I don't have I I just say bring a machine in and and yeah I don't think there's no reason for a machine from what I saw other than the other stuff that's naturally decomposing the main thing is like I was saying with my background in forestry I'm not really worried about any brush or anything like that but the tires somebody could go in there with a little saw saw around pick the tire up roll it out bring it to the dump they they wear some um telephone poles that were near like on the edge edge of the Wetland I spoke to one of the homeowners I asked them you know why they were there and they said they were going to remove them I haven't been out there to see if they've been removed I assume they would be so I just think yeah I think that just like he was very willing to do it every I think everybody in the whole thing you know maybe be good idea everybody go in here and do it together and try to yeah it could be good team building yeah you're right and at the same time we can they can clean up some of the mess that was either them or somebody before them or whoever else so yeah I don't I don't have an issue with that we we can we can put that in the letter that that get sent to them that's fine but I mean as as for enforcement I don't I think that would probably be the best enforcement is just don't stop doing that and and just I have I I I have same feeling that what's done is now been done should be cleaned up to that's I mean their ability I mean frogs might be laying tadpoles in high not now but I I don't know don't know how mucho no I agree yes well get him out of there I just um oh that's another option too they might be able to call uh the Mosquito Squad and have the mosquito what they might come out and do it free through the state right well those are those are all options like I said do in the letter we I do I do have a motion on it go okay I mve that the Conservation Commission s the following Property Owners noticed that should cease any activities involving the wetlands abing their properties the following four owners of but the Wetland their owners are Robert D Terra of 197 L Street lri a Elias of 199 Lenard Street Russell toon of 2011 Lenard Street Kath a much check ant was trust I assume of 203 Lenard Street a letter should be sent by us informing them that all debris affecting the Wetland I.E the old utility PS tires and so forth be removed as soon as possible that they should refrain in The Dumping of any landscape debris in this area they could be found in violation of mass Journal law pop one title 19 chter 31 section 40 if they are not the current resident they should for many tenant resident of this notice is's a motion I'll yeah that's fine all those in favor that's unanimous very well written good job ever please send that to me tomorrow okay okay agent updates so uh the first update there is on um uh the property on uh uh 324 Main Street um the owner here um I we we had a follow-up conversation since we last met um and I've also spoken with uh d a couple times and just trying to get a little guidance being new in position but I shared I think with with you all the commission uh brief summary of of the approach that the D was suggesting which uh in my opinion and in my approach to to like regulatory kind of work uh it's consistent that um you know um that the the re the the recommendation from the D p uh was that if Mr Roman if there's you seem Cooperative you seem you know to want to remedy the situation uh that we have is is try to work together to come up with a notice of intent after the fact and we can sit down with with you and um you know come up with um what the commission is looking for in terms of trying to Res restore any damage that's been caused to to wetman on your property uh one of one of those steps would likely would would be in um you know having the wetlands that are there delineated so we know uh what's been impacted but um that's me throwing that in that's not necessarily what D said but basically it would seem the the best way for it is to try to work collaboratively and cooperatively to to to um you know remedy the situation you know the option for an enforcement order is always out there but um again that's kind of in a nutshell um D kind of concurred with I think many of your um you know from your uh impulses and in my as well that it's going to be a lot better if if we can just work collaboratively on this and uh um so I'll I'll leave it there but um I I again that's obviously it's the commission's prerogative to you know to to sort you know to I I think that was my sentiment from from the beginning was to at least get it delineated and find out you know what we're dealing with I think that's the best starting point and I think it'll it'll be good to have you your property delineated well that area delineated anyways I don't have an issue with that um you know he's not he's not telling us to kick rocks he's he's willing to you know workless and I don't I I don't have an issue with going forward like I said the starting point would be you know deline in and find out what what what the site layout is and then from there I I don't have an issue with an after the fact filing and and working with them to to get that done appropriately and remedy that's I have no issue with that at all yeah I think that would be good um yeah just I don't know what was I going to say yeah that sounds good though maybe time oh that's what it was time frame we should be considerate of the time frame I'm thinking of having this delineation done just to help with plant life know you know what I mean maybe should have a time and frame when and it would help them going it I would I would just ask that the the delineation get done you know ASAP as soon as possible so that way that way if you know depending on where we are with this um you know the planting if there is any planting or any you know reestablishment of the area that it's done in the spring when it is grow season you know so so what I was pretty much what I was getting at is maybe just have a time frame instead of just continue continue continue in right no I well I mean this this can be this can be ongoing talks with with the agent and I would say you know very soon get it get it delineated you know as soon as possible that that would be my recommendation and then I mean we don't need to we can you know we can just keep it on the agenda for updates but I mean if it don't we don't need to update it next week or whatever but you just I maybe like a month yeah I would say I think a month fair that should be adequate you know I know from experience we can do monthly updates in the process our agent will work with him to keep the commission updated and I don't have an issue I think a month be good that would be the first step I think toate what we're looking at there and then okay so um I mean we motion yeah we can I'll entertain a motion to have the property the the area in question I should say not the whole property um delineated um you know as soon as possible and and then an update from the agent um what what would that meeting be in a month that's October September 25th to October 9th October 9th and and an update this problem and an update from the agent for the October 9th meeting that's my motion oh oh that's the motion I'll entertain uh so is there a second I'll second now all those in favor I I I so I'm available and we can reach out we can talk thank you Roman oh say yeah no I'll give him the floor Mr Roman if you want to speak you you want to uh no I'm just it's again just absorbing all this um thank you and thank you problem um thank you very good Jose so I'll try to reach out to you definely reach out yeah yeah yeah because all have to figure out who to contact we can probably come up with some names a few different options for you to to reach out to in the area that that not 6 acres is quite a bit to to tackle on it's fairly reasonable it's not that expensive to have the bot come out yeah thank you we we can we can give you options right yeah we can thank you gentlemen all right any other updates um the uh quick one was uh the Wing Street there was a spill um I think some of you heard about this I went out there we got a call um from from Neighbors I I went out there um I guess Jimmy Sosa was out there later but I mean it's it it was beyond I mean you could smell diesel I mean there the complaint was we're in our living room and and it seemed like a fairly contained area it wasn't in in Wetlands it was right where the access road came off Wing Lane I think it's Wing Lane right there there's some steel plates there um and you know it it it I I provided this letter back from um to you all just you know for your information from the be P provides U some of the specific details about the spill and what was done and this was a um notice of the responsibility that that has gone out but um so Market was significant enough for clean harbers to be called in though correct right and and what was there was there a remediation done by them uh soil removal I believe was uh says the extent of 150 cubic uh yards 150 cubic yards yeah for release of estimated 40 to 50 gallons of diesel yeah that that's I think that's pretty substantial I you know from what we originally I mean you know again it didn't impact the weapons so that's that's a plus you know right I mean right that was a Savor there because it was up fuel plus you you can see the soil was still I don't want to say wet but it yeah good dead vegetation somebody knew the extent of whatever you know the The Spill was it's hard to imagine that however it happened somebody didn't realize it so I don't I probably put the gas tank went to fill the tank when they bring the trucks in and left the gas filler in there it fell out nobody noticed and it was pumping out of the truck into the onto the ground yeah but the there was no wet ones there and um I I left I guess um uh Clean Harbor came out the fire department was out uh Jimmy so was have you been back to the site since this occurred I I haven't but I I should probably take a trip I back there I have it's been they're working on it every day and they have all the right uh equipment resources resources there's not there's nothing else more that we can do at this every night I go up there the area has a top down over it's all button down it's still a shame are there any complaints coming in from that Mark uh as of today there uh no I and I I might actually reach out to the uh the abutters there the um I forget her last name was trip I forget her first name but I've got their numbers I might just give them a call and see you know just courtesy yeah I Health agent is inolved yeah yeah that's a clearly a it's a hazard it's a well known so have we been included in in a plan with anybody as as far as what's going on what's going to go farway right I mean we not you know we're not really directly involved the right parties are always involved D's involved they're going to take care of anything D is the main yeah so we can just we what else are we going to do about it I think they're doing a great job anything else Mark you got anything else no no other agent updates oh I I've got a quick uh a couple others just I've just been uh trying to make a couple site visits requests to come out and see ongoing work there one you know recommended uh 8 185 M pois Road um they were uh continuing work the siltation fence you know I had them you know install it wasn't you could see they had put something down I guess that project you all probably know it better than me but it's been a start stop kind of situation so they're back in there putting in a retaining wall um uh the equipment it's not going to be down in the wetlands but you know yeah so I've been made a few site visits like that um I mean that's kind of the the more notable one um the other one that that's here here um and and we have um yesterday I went out um at the request of and we actually have the folks here that um uh this is their issue but um I got a request to go out and see uh two Parcels of undeveloped land on Lambert East Lambert and Cox and just to the discussion started in the office just to you know uh question about whether there was any Wetlands resource on the property I said you know you can request a you know a file an RDA but I also said I'm happy to fairly small Lots you know less than an acre one of them and the other was I don't even know the square footage quarter 63 and 76 yeah so it was it was something really doable you know I I looked at at the U the Wetland um D wetland mapper um and and so I went out and walked it just as a courtesy and I I said that you know whatever I see you know it's not an official commission opinion that you know to to get that you know something official have to file an RDA come before the commission and you know uh get a site visit you know to um to confirm that but what I did see was I I did not I didn't see any Wetlands on there uh it's dry the the vegetation was Upland vegetation um but again as I you know I I said this is this is not an official this is my yeah oh informed educated opinion so great all right so I'm looking looking at a map and I think I found it's two lots and it's at the end of so when you take a right on COA Street it it kind of goes off into the woods is that where it is and there's like a sign there it says no dumping or whatever that's the right away right there's a boat park right there yeah yeah yeah yep I I'm very familiar with the area um dealing with tons of debris and TVs and stuff na is just keep dumping all kinds of you know garbage there which is so you have you have there is like a there's a like a paper Road in between the two lots correct so that's actually it's lot loton Street correct on my M which is actually my great-grandfather's name L um I'll I'll look at mapper if if Mark didn't see anything on there it's surrounded by by houses so I mean yeah there's one um deep Marsh but that's way out and the conduit goes far from the property so it's not nothing that connects anything to that property it's just it's it's way off so so I think our best our best suggestion that every all of us could make right now and make it simple as just if you really want to know none of us can tell her tell them if it is a wetland or not no but we can look on hold on so we can just you can just call a Bist and have them come out and take a peek they are fairly reasonable who is it a Bist yeah just a wetland scientist if you really want to know your best bet is that would come and then as for the Lots you know you could contact zba and you can if you don't have the frontage I mean the houses that are built in that area on 10,000 ft Lots right right I probably right in front of your property what I'm thinking is um what so I'm I'm the real estate agent and I just I I'm new to the land sales and I'm just trying to think of how we can best do our due diligence to so I'm not misrepresenting any buyer that comes into the area you know I don't want I don't I don't want to be lying to anybody we want to be upfront so that's why I came to the conservation committee to see if if there is any Wetlands then you know tell us so we can be up front with with with right I I Ive forward yeah I kind of share Eric sentiment I get a lot of calls like that and I always just say just make sure you do you do diligence you know that's that's probably it's pretty much I had explained to them I Max new so no the commission doesn't usually go out to vacant lots and Wetland and tell you that he was looking for documentation so he could put something on I think you said a website or to advertise that it would be like there's no we that's not the commission's purpose so I tried to you know explain that they did fill out an NDA he did pay a fee I didn't know what you would be looking for like you know cuz normally we have a set of plans we have you know a demarcated area with a wet L line you're looking at a vacant piece of property again do you do you want to do that I don't I don't think an RDA is required because there's no there's no work being done right but then he you know he was looking for a piece of paper that would say you know these these are all Upland Lots okay so what you so we're going to have to start changing this if someone asks you a question like that you got to tell them to get a bot this cuz if I that would put by us saying that there's no Wetlands on the property you put liability on us if they no I agree that's why just call Bist I think he's like 100 an hour he'll come out take a look and Hill mock it you can actually have that written in paper and sent in it can go with your RDA you're already ahead of the game so the correct step would be to call a Bist so I've been trying for a year and a half to get any resolution about this a year and a half I've been going back and forth with Andy conservation planning a year and a half I've got nothing nobody said nothing for a year and a half until he helped me I'm so sorry a year and a half until this guy just came recently new he came out the first person ever besides um we're doing a good job then we're trying to change here and that's a big step no um God he's on board in gas gas gas he came out one time a year and a half I've been going through this to find out about what I can do I've been so my my family developed all the land from n going north it was called Adams Park a year and a half I've been dealing with this I want to build my own home my own family home there it's crazy how nobody ever got back to me Andy said I didn't hear from you I said search the email he came right up he showed right there he said yeah you did reach out nobody get back to me yeah a year and a half did you contact comcom I I would have checked it out yeah I've never I've never heard I've never seen this property not my problem i' I've reached out to who I can reach out to again Kevin gaspa I'll help you out I'll help you out I'll help you out I went to planning I went to multiple different people to find out I want to build my own family home there where I where I came from I get it and I've done work in the christianet at um potting ways I you know I try to stay kind of local and it's gone it's been so hell that I've actually I want nothing to do with aiset which is sad up until he actually came out to a sight visit and I actually waited he he went to had some issues in the pot and I was like you know what let's wait I I'll call um Kevin gaspa maybe he has connections to get a hold of him and I waited what hour and a half maybe you know you had ran some problems I waited we both waited hour and a half or so he came out let's walk it I'll up land I've gone there and picked raspberries my family's planted you know trees out there since that was little kid and for a year and a half I've been going back and forth about this and I would love to build my own family home there to deal with the that I've dealt with in a year and a half it's been crazy TVs and tires TVs out there I've been dealt with there's a guy that you know and Kevin gasback and you know vouch for me you know he he you know how he put an addition on the property or whatever and I've had to say listen this is my property can you please remove your boat right off my property and now it's on the street is on the street you search zero L Street on the ML MLS right 36 36 Co you can see a boat sitting right there that was on my property yeah do you guys have it posted no trespass of course it is it's right there do not dump I see the if you walk in there it's it's full of gravel it's full of concrete bould if you want to to to take care of this problem you you're going to want to call the Kush Police Department done that and you're going to have to file hold on you're going to have to file for um vandalism that's a would be a type of vandalism that should be commission that's I'm sorry if it other people don't do what they say they're going to I understand and I feel your frustration myself but these are the steps we have to do and that's that would be who deal represent the DPW huh are you part of the DPW no I'm not oh you're not no I'm definitely not if you walk out there you can see you know there's TVs there all kind of of job so I I should let me say that you know I I I I think as a commission is saying you we you know we share your frustration or feel your frustration um you know I I said when I went out there and as a a new agent as a courtesy you know the lot size was doable I wouldn't have wanted to walk anything bigger because you're not going to see the whole we went from lot to loot but but we I I was going to say you also had some advice from from the commission here about maybe you do need to get this out there maybe that's the the answer definite it's no it's definite there's no so it's a definite thing correct but now I have to incur a cost to have an abnst come out when I'm going to conservation which I thought they were approved and they were you know qualified to come out to look at the land to see if was up land and see if there was anything we can go out and see signs of what we are looking at usually we are presented with a plan which gives us something that more professionals have already gone through that gives us a list of water flow and the wetlands on the page buffer zones all that we don't quite frankly just identify right sorry I apologize um so not just an engine not just a bot you need to engineer no no just you need to get a if you get a Bist out there that's the person that's qualified to tell you if it had what vegetation is there Mr chairman what is your recommendation I mean let me this is the first I've heard of this which is crazy are you you Derek yes dere um so let me look let me look at mas maer ma has your contact let me just give me give me an give me till Friday perfect done I'll look at it I've already this is you know I don't I don't think there's anything within 100 ft of that property I know I again i' we had torrential downpours the day before and we walked it and there was nothing at all as far as what lands there was no standing water I know I know the area you know um there are some lands to the Northeast I would say yes Fernandes the Deep Marsh I talking about with the cond but that's that's not on your proper um let me look at it and then I'll uh I'll give you give you a recommendation after that I appreciate that I just don't want to incur any more cost I paid taxes on this land for year after a year since I was 16 years old I've been paying taxes on this property literally since I was 16 I can I can I can literally prove I've been paying taxes on this from you know generation after generation and you know for a year and a half since my great my grandfather passed away it's just ins I wanted to live there I really did and you could build a house I wanted to build my own house there and then have a rocket across Street Garage you know it's just I'm so deterred now of the time frame and I'll help you out I'll I'll look into this this back and forth back and forth and you didn't reach out and then I have you know email proof I reached out I just want you if you just me in the right direction you just call the Bist call the bot you may not need a b it's all this the third time we heard somebody else deferring and I think I'll reach out to Mark mass mappa is very accurate in that area correct they just redid they just rezone natural heritage all that stuff all in that area which we have projects on so it's very accurate in that area so joh tab do you know do you remember that name Tab and in Christian yeah yeah he's the one that actually subdivided all that property which is my uncle which is my grand my great-grandfather's brother he developed all that land he's the one that subdivided to figure out what was what what was you know different areas he was going to have a family um Park in the area it was called Adams Park which if you if you have that um blueprint it was going to be a family area in a certain area which is still the property I have they end up passing away before that could actually happen um you he's he pretty smart guy you know he was a you know civil engineer um um he done tons of property in New Bedford he did the waste management um this is actually the original I actually have the blueprint which is actually blue from 1922 when this is Adams Park so this is NI Lane they developed all this Lane back to the corner where this is right here so this goes back to 1922 so I wanted to build my own house right here and I'm not doing it now which is pretty sad to say to be honest with you which is unfortun but um if you guys want to copy this you're more than welcome I can make copies and and submit it with I actually paid um the $300 and made the copies and to the zba um if you guys want that or not but um you know I I'll wait for for Friday yeah let me look Friday Monday and then and then I might even want to go out there and take a look and I'll give you my best I'll I'll make myself available it may it may be hey it would it would be better if you did have this delineated that may be my recommendation it's hard to say but based on where that is I'm I'm familiar with the area it's it's just houses all around it correct I think the the concern for me and M was talking about was it's an un undeveloped piece of land which was done because Texas honestly okay my grandparents were cheap and they didn't want to pay taxes on I understand I'm just saying normally with Eric saying that people come in with a plan whether they do an addition a new dwelling septic repair so the commission gets like I was explaining to you they get they get a map or a Miss site plan with the delineation I don't think it filing no right what we're saying is I just had him do that while he was there only because we didn't know how the commission wanted to proceed I don't want to make a new policy for just him and then everybody else has to follow it right so where it's we not making a law you know what I mean it we're going to send Mark out there and he's going to start start saying whether lots have land on or not that's not our responsibility and that's so he was asking these gentlemen here were asking for documentation from our office went ahead it was not even that it was to be pointed in the right direction as far as how to follow moving forward do this do that do that it's not I want something written writing saying this is buildable I didn't want that I wanted something to say go to this board I explain do the RDA would give you something for 3 years right but I've been told by five different people I don't need that you can also go on YouTube I've been working there for five years I do not recall any kind of Outreach from mean I apologize if I don't recall R that's why the point at right I'm pretty on the I look at everything and I believe me and I I can email right now reaching out to the the um building department to find out Hey listen I can I can literally show you my phone right now back two years ago when I reached out and find out I got zero response back and I I came in there I paid my taxes um I reached out multiple times to find out hey can somebody reach out to me I got a hold to Kevin he's I'll find out and he says D I'm so sorry I forgot about you you know I I'll reach out again and I you know he get with the there was a I forgot what exactly what he tell me the problem was whatever I'm like okay I'll give you another months and I I had text messages and everything I going back and forth and I didn't know like I didn't know and and you know what I'm going to stop right there I you you know get from you on Friday yeah I'll give you the best my recomendation I don't think you need yeah you don't need I don't know there's no work that's going to be done I don't think it would require an idda from from the commission I'm just speaking I understand what you're saying Eric I'm not going to I'm not going to tell him no there's no Wetlands on your on your property Post run the ad or do whatever I'm going to give him a recommendation courtesy as a courtes and that that was the visit was a courtesy correct like a newent when a real estate agent calls us and says hey is there L on the property no absolutely not run the ad no not in that like as far as we know it happens all the time people always call and then sometimes I'll tell Joan hey no I don't see any issues with it there's no problem it's just like signing off with a septic with the Board of Health Joan will call me and say hey is this all set y all set no yeah it'll be the same courtesy that I do for that it's it's a courtesy that it's that's but if somebody comes to the office to me and asks for something that they wanted writing I I didn't think Mark or any of you were going to we need to have a policy we used to have a site visit form they paid a fee to to send the agent out there to give him sort of some direction I don't know if you want to St I mean I remember that you remember that everone of us all no okay should just end no I mean basically the get in after either right work to be you know shed placement like we just did for the buets um you know septic repairs how come I wasn't getting that fee when we didn't have an agent I'm just kidding yeah oh I no I I agree it is it's on it's it's on the website it says there is a fee for additional additional site visits all that there is a fee I don't care what you guys do I'm just saying we got to start figuring out how how to handle that you know I mean no I agree you can speak ahead you no like it's it's the question would was asked what should I do right in our area of to identify if it's a wetland or not okay I have a reasonable knowledge right I can go out there and tell you just like Minton did that I believe that this could be or couldn't be a wetland without doing auring without getting all the correct things so everybody thinks wet is Wetlands wet does not means the water table comes up it has to do with soil content it has to do with the sandiness of the soil there's no way none of us have the right credentials to give you a exact positive answer so from personal experience it was in my best interest to just call a bnst it was very cheap he and I have a I had a lot more than just an acre come out looks around says hey this I think I can work with this a lot of them will say I think I you can use me I don't think you need me I think you're all set sir and then you can go from there with a professional answering that question it's not over we don't need to make it over that question was the question listen I told agre with that the answer but also all the houses around there I understand but the question was the question and the but a year and a half ago I understand you I get it no cuz I was you I was you all right we're going to we're going to move on from this because I once again I'll get pushed off you're not pushed off I'm getting shut down and I just gave you I'm getting shut down which extremely frustrating it really is what the chairman suggested he's going to do is a courtesy because it's not our responsibility to delineate any Wetlands on any property that's not the that's not the duty of the board that's done by an engineer or Bist and then it's brought in front of us to and then and then we decide special conditions so again you know he what he suggested that come out and do a site visit well at the point we'll come out and look at engineered I I'm sorry to interrupt sorry so we'll get we'll have engineered plans brought to us we'll conduct a site visit as a commission none of us will speak to each other while we're there we'll make observations based on the plans that we have in front of us we'll we'll look at the Wetland boundaries and then we'll determine where the siltation is is going to be installed or has already been installed make sure it's installed correctly and then site conditions and possible issues that could impact the wetlands that's basically what we do and we we try to mitigate those and eliminate those and we can attempt to modify the plans so that there are no implications to the Wetland so you already you already to minimize impact you already have the map right where the you already have that just the not that it was that but there was a the oh the D the D map Which is far away from my property which you know kind of yeah yeah know I I'm going to I'm going to look at this is the property here right and this is the what the Deep marks that's on the DP right yeah I'm going to look um I'm going to look at those and I'll get back to you by Friday Friday whatever get back you on Friday and I just need the commission to know that I have your check I have your application we can hold it and if Ryan gets back to me and says Joan it's up and clear and free they don't need to file anything I can refund you your money I haven't deposited yet and and that you know that'll clear up what we're looking at moving forward for you know vacant Lots I think that's the main gist here right that's it's not like you're saying it's not pled it's not a septic design it's it's sended also it 200 I just bit of a here so D DPI has no knowledge of sewer which is 200 ft away they don't have any all the paperwork all the files everything is a mess in it so so we being told that there's no you know the neighbors like there's no sewer around there's one's like yeah the sewer right here the G on the corner 100 by 100 lot yeah he walked us to the Sewer was like the sewer is right here and it's less than 18 does that go up n Lane no 38 I think it is 182 ft is what I measured um from where that tie in is where my property starts and they're like no you're 400 plus feet away there's no there's nothing anywhere over there this is this is just all stuff though which one clarified before you know I don't want to misrepresent any buyer when they come in you know what I mean I don't want to be the bad guy I just want to have all the facts and the details so we give it to them it's like here this is what the land is and if I actually sorry Ray even if I actually come to the conclusion you know what maybe I will build my own house yeah I also want to know what I'm in for mean I only that it would be on YouTube if you look up um the what correct steps would I take to build build on a piece of property it does not so I've been a build for going on 20 years now I own a construction company okay established i' I've built many and many homes so I know you know i' I've dealt with Rochester I've dealt with New Bedford I've dealt with not a cushion it I've dealt with Far River I've never dealt with not getting Recon respondents back like I have and all the towns I've dealt with Little Compton titon licensed to mass am Island I've never dealt with no correspondence I'm just going to leave that that so I appreciate you I appreciate everybody's time and you coming out you know I appreciate you I hope you Friday CL clarification from the commission going forward you know he came in yesterday day before ask um I was happy to do it as a courtesy and tried to make it clear this as this this is not any kind of official determination and perhaps if it had been any bigger the lot I would said no because you can't actually see it and I don't know maybe this is not the way forward you know I you know and my apologies to the commission and I think listen I appreciate you coming out so I hope you there's no apologies there we was trying to be responsive and hopefully you feel that respons done so I appreciate that so yeah I'll give the same courtesy as well I appreciate it I thank you guys than you any questions he has our information um you know has information telephone numbers email addresses any questions uh you can refer them to to R myself but I make yourself available for anytime you guys want to come out um that's about it so thank you thank you [Music] thank you thank you sir all okay um no other business future I have one one other thing that's probably going to be coming away what do you got Hoy Street ho street it's up near Bob's some house someplace what is it somebody wants to put six houses there oh I saw I saw that on uh is it planning planning okay be a of that on Monday still in early elections oh no kidding yeah and oh from Bob I meant to reach out to him I didn't know if you saw that right one of the the buts understood yeah there's a number of wetlands in that area all right so that'll be coming our way for you could y I know we uh we had a discussion a couple of weeks back maybe even three weeks back um the uh upkeep over there at the uh the old golf course to the road Frontage uh we all drove by this Saturday today and I happen to look that way uh still looks pretty horrendous over there um have we gotten a response from um what's her name is it Heidi which are you talking about the navon P across from the old driving range are you talking the old driving that's that's nav that's and and I was um I was told that that goes through the planning board the screenings and the grass cutting okay cuz that actually it's on the road so right it's the our jurisdictional area is actually to the back corner any Wetlands impact so I I would say to reach out to is it Hy H and Planet Hy okay yeah cuz we just gave them a COC yeah yeah we just gave them Co that's right so I can excuse me so I can can reach out to Hay cuz she's right next door I just we had an agreement with them that they were going to maintain that to the roadway yeah and I know it was be it was being taken care of conditions it's part of the screening with the fence and the planting plan oh wait no it's already done I it's yeah no it's not I was told it's not atic right it's planning right yep okay yeah makesense sense was making those phone calls and then I was told that it was not not our not ourie it's a shame cuz they planted some nice Shrubbery out in front there and you can't even see it anymore no there's been there's been some complaints and um you can't I we don't have enforcement I don't even we don't have enforcement what it comes down to I don't even think period anybody's going to have enforcement that's like someone going to your house and telling you you got to there there are limits absolutely you can be told to cut the damn grass in your yacht we'll add we'll add that to the next agenda follow on that one y I'll push yeah thank you open and I have one thing please what do you got Joan um just a new notice of intent for the weed abatement on Lake Street yes I heard I know last time there were few people here The cranber Growers and stuff like that but I think we all fit in here okay so just the next meeting okay to have it here I think we have anything else on the agenda so we should have plent of room I mean there was a handful there was quite a few people here for that meeting those those couple of meetings but they might not come cuz now they're going to do the Eco har yeah but if they know this Project's moving forward has been people calling about it oh it hasn't been posted yet oh it was posted yeah no they get me but his notifications it's been the same people that came in last time yeah it would be the cranberry girls cranberry right I think we'll be all right I think so too I think I just wanted to check with you yeah no I think we'll be all right okay I guess I have one other quick thing I I wanted to take some training and I've been told that I've been told a couple things I guess the final word is I should seek the commission's approval the conservation um Association is it through thec yeah I I would I have no problem I I'm just going to throw it out there I have no problem with anybody and I just got got an email saying there's a bunch of Zoom classes that you can take and I recommend that everybody take them and I would say that go to just if you you you see the date have Joan um sign you up for it we have money in in our budget for anybody on the commission that wants to take those classes so I don't think that needs to be a vote I don't think that needs to be a vote for you I think no there's oh sweet yeah no I I we just there's an email in I think we just got it the other day see oh was I got it the other day it came the other day too okay yeah yeah look through the qu classes that you you can and anyone you want even if it's not a qu class and it's offered via Zoom I think it's better than actually going out there cuz the was actually just looking into college but we can use WPA money or I think Jamie mentioned to we have money in the training we have money in training and we have the and WPA money can be used so you wanted to use the training money first right use that first and okay yeah absolutely good luck with your schooling something you can teach Old Dogs new tricks yeah no I don't I don't think that needs a vote and and if there's any classes that anybody on this commission wants to sign up for I recommend it I've taken a bunch of them and I think everybody should so I just called Jo in yeah called Jo in the schedule's there I just ask do not miss it and do not you know cancel because then I think a fee URS for that okay so you know make sure nonrefundable yeah it's not refundable so make sure you have to get it back to the town right yeah you got to pay it back don't do it you have to give it backen to me on it you those no no saying Mark has the invoice here oh yeah I'll sign I'll sign the invoice sign his own invoice you sign it and like I said with any training anybody wants to do how much time you think you got that seat ett to they couldn't PID for you they couldn't pay for all right so future business the next meeting of the Conservation Commission will be on September 11th 2024 meeting to be held at the town hall meeting room here located at22 Main Street aush at Mass I will entertain a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all those in favor by bye [Music] [Music] [Music]