[Music] [Music] it's April 17th call this meeting order first item on the agenda will be the review of minutes of our previous regular meeting of annual plan on March 17th 20 we have two uh two meetings [Music] right just one just one yeah oh no we had we had two meetings yeah oh yeah there's two of them but M has one February means what happens to March you gra that out book he has the February ones too it should be you should have March February feary March oh but we you wait a minute but the last meeting was was March and that's what you did for it oh and then you had theual I'm sorry you had the annual also all right perfect right here for March 20th okay yes it was have already been voted on it says there in the minutes that uh that they were February 21st review and vote amend yeah that that's right because that's what you did this this this meeting these have already been voted on you're in April yeah we're in April now we're going to vote marches we have that's what we did at the last meeting okay yep and this was the annual plan meeting okay we think vote on this one first all all we're doing is voting on the minutes huh we're voting on the minutes yeah motion to approve the for March second all favor now we have the other one March [Applause] 20th yeah no there's only one um annual [Music] yeah can I a motion please motion to accept the annual plan FY 2025 second second all in favor and now we can vote for the annual the annual plan minute that was oh you just did it okay perfect sorry builds and communication sorry [Music] the uce still just explain to the board um for some reason uce took it upon themselves to stop sending us bills so the reason why it was a little high um in March was because they never sent us January and February so we had to call them and for some reason they were emailing it but they were emailing it to an old Acushnet housing um email that doesn't even exist anymore so we just caught up and um that's why the bill was so big and so now they're mailing them again but that's a different format we have a new program yep so this is going to be the new format can I have a motion motion to accept I have a question I'm sorry question there's two or three what you're were saying about the electric bill so um the electric company for some reason in stopped sending us the electric bill and sent it to an old aishna address oh okay oh so that's that's yeah 3 months of bills okay make sure yeah no problem okay motion to accept the warrant for March 2024 motion second fav direct of report okay right now um we have one vacancy uh that Mike has been working on and uh he's how long you think that to get thats I get back work on hopefully within a couple weeks we'll get it done all right perfect um so I need two board votes so um apparently um High laap the high laap Grant it is something that the state has developed for directors that have gotten funding from outside sources besides capitalization money to go ahead and um double the Grant in some cases some cases they double it I'm sorry some cases they match it and some cases they give 2.5% on the money that you have um requested so um we just need to bring the board board um the the vote to the board board to get their approval what this means is we got a grant for $75,000 from the Opera funding which was what we accepted at the last meeting because we accepted this grant we can go ahead and apply for an additional $75,000 for other projects from the state doesn't mean they'll match it but because we got this money we're available to apply for it I figured don't leave anything on the table let's apply for it so we would need a board vote for each separate Grant so right now I ask the board to um go ahead and um vote that we apply for the high laap Grant in the amount of $75,000 to match the grant that we have gotten for the 75,000 in Opera money the 75,000 that we're spending in Opera money was for cameras railings the parking lot that's what we discussed last time this time we're using the $75,000 to upgrade all the screens in the back and with the additional funding we're applying for to put vinyl siding inside the um back uh pches so that means the whole outside of the buildings will be maintenance spray and we'll have all new screening porches with new doors new railings if we were approved for the extra highp funding from the state like a motion to accept a second all in favor I so I need a separate vote for the same funding uh we receive the weatherization Grant in the amount of [Music] $120,600 666 and that with the 75,000 together um we're going to put to um update other like I said the porches and other things around the property uh so I just asked for the board to um in order to apply for this grant we needed to meet with the tenants which we've already met with the tenants we got all whoever came to the meeting they um give us signatures then we have to bring it to the board once we've done that and we've proved that we've gotten these two grants we can go ahead and send that to the state to um to see if we can get the funding these two are matched so I also ask that the board votes to um for us to apply for the highp grant in the amount of $1 12,666 29 make a motion to accept all in favor I the passes I'm sure you got more no I just no that's that's all I have it's been a very we've been um we've been working on the grant money and um that's what have that's what we it's been a Well w I have a motion to accept the director's report make a motion to accept the director's report second all in favor I motion passes no what about there's no here for the maintenance man new business new business y new business um actually we can table this uh F and E will sent us the wrong contract um so we don't even have to vote on it now it's not supposed to be vote on until May so we can just table this until fent and E comes back with um the corrected uh contract to renew for them so I motion table motion T second all fav I all we have nothing for old business except the parking lot we're just working on maintenance report yep on other something not not much going on like we have the apartment but I've been spending quite a bit of time in Swansea as people notice I haven't been here that's where I've been we had a federal inspection up there so been getting things there and here and the windows are in for Garfield Street I'll be probably starting them in may get them going and there's a few things at godfield street that need to be done but otherwise that's pretty been pretty quiet yeah very good CL motion accept M motion to accept second all in favor no tenant here oh man no I have no questions [Music] next meeting 15th May 15th that okay whatever we ready okay any other business no more business no so I bet if the um if the board members are interested just let me know that um all the information on the high laap Grant um it's actually called high leverage asset prevention program it's in the back of your book you guys can those have a motion to adour motion to adour second [Music]