##VIDEO ID:8B1TkLLB5vs## [Music] call daugh August 21st 2024 Ro call Mr B yeah Mr Gold yeah Mr here all in favor okay approval of amendment of July 17th I have read and I'm good with them motion to accept second all in favor pass Communications a Bill forid July 2024 just over with M for any questions I had before the meeting I'm I'm good with the the motion to approve second all in favor I director report yes so um n and I just do normal um work around the office we do we I did just finish the year end of the accting and fortunately this year believe it or not the budget is already in I think it's the first time in 15 years since I've been here that the budget has been completed by the state um since before so hopefully by our next meeting we'll be having a budget meeting um to bring in the new budget for um this 2025 um try to things that are going around it was um this this in the past month we had the Lions Club donate a ramp for one of our tenants which is yeah which has been really great we have a tenant that um now has to be in a wheelchair we do not have any wheel share apartments available but the liance club came out and um gave us a ramp that can get in and out of this house sa was it one of portable ones yes yep it's a portable ramp mik installed it yesterday so um we have we had that done as far as our 689 um the countertop did break on the upstairs The Upstairs Downstairs station and we did have enough money and capital money to go ahead and replace it and we did replace it with granite there was enough money to do the whole thing right the whole the whole thing um in Granite um so the downstairs countertop is going yeah they doing Friday yeah replace 100% so uh that's what we've been doing at our 689 um as far as um everything else things have been going great we only have one vacancy uh unexpected vacancy but M been working on that also so we're already ready we pulled the list you have we have we have um yeah we have a tenant ready to know so as soon as the apartment's done the T will be good we got V on the next thing to vote to approve second new business business look like we got a shut off Val project here so in your folders uh CA Cowley engineering sent they were the lowest bitter on the valve project this is a project that everybody knows we open in the contract through so they Reid it and probably um engineering came up with the lowest bidder of Ajo Brothers Plumbing and Heating and the bid was $43,200 I believe they're local they right right down the street so that's good I'm happy to see that yeah we were happy to see that too so um I just need to go vote to go ahead um and once it's Ved today we're probably going to stop up you the next with with the meeting and get everything rolling on this project where's the money from this one come from that's was Capital Money Capital Improvement Capal money and we started doing this project we paid somebody for part of it already right yes and they they we were able to absorb the um cost through Capital also so none of that money came from our budget they did give us the additional money to go back and correct some of the things in case they were wrong and that was the price of the $43,200 okay you have a contract on uh if once the board votes we're going to do the contract next week and um then we'll stop the project but the contract is local so it's nice to know somebody local is getting you know is getting a dra so I have a motion I'll make a motion second all favor I yeah pack for the um so once again our yearend um we and in your packet you can see um I got I'm sorry you can see um there's a bunch of different financials in here um everything looks good sorry B the only difference is um our reserves are um down to 55.2 4% for um our 667 but they look really good for our 689 our reserves are at 4 59% it sounds like a lot but it's a small program so it doesn't really have a lot of extra money there but um we have the percentage we for 400 as far as the 55.2 4% I really feel like this year is going to make a difference in raising our reserves last year we did have 13 turnovers so that really um we had a lot of capital money to help us pay for the turnovers but um we definitely you know we definitely got hit a little bit the the state likes us to as long as we're above 30 we're working well so we're definitely higher than 30 so hopefully this year we'll be up to 60 or 70% so that being said and and the budget this year is great they G they're giving us more money for specific line items so the budget looks good they also um will you'll hear in the next meeting on taking over the maintenance um part of it the maintenance rates are not going to be on the DLI anymore they're going to be held Toc so that will make the board um available to give you know more money to the mainten SP if they feel like they're deserving it or anything else so we'll visit that when we do our budget meeting but I just need a board vote to accept the fiscal year end um there's three separate votes the fiscal year end for the uh 2024 um f three separate we need a vote a vote just to um approve the fiscal year end we need a vote to approve the top five salaries now um the pap with the blue I will show you we only have four salaries yeah we only have four so it shows on the top five salaries on there and um also a board vote stating that um you do acknowledge that we still do the leg and paint certificates that everybody that coms in gets a booklet and signs leg and P certificate make a motion report second second all in favor we just need one separate rep on the top five one separate V to to the top five okay and make another motion to accept the top five which we have four hi second and one more board vote to accept um the lead P certifications do we have them yeah it's all it's all actually in one um it's it's something that we give to out to the tenants but under every um contract or every um lease they have to sign um and the bo just acknowledges the fact that we continue to um do the lead certificates for uh the tenants leasing up and actually we also do it upon for certification every year so the tenants that is year continue to sign a Le certification saying um all the information that we have do do we even have any lead left in these buildings no no come on but they still have to we just have to let them know give them the packet and have them sign R the Le L even though we don't have any in yes yep I will make motion to uh vot the lead P certificate certifications second all in favor I I so who I I assume we're moving on to this housing plan wrote this so this is a this is a basic one that all the housing authorities have kind of been sharing with each other is written up and the only difference that we put in is if you see on page three we have to put our demographics in so the Christ Housing Authority when we pick um when we put in for um an apartment rento we have to um fill the percentage um we have to beat the percent percentages that they request um for us like for a minority for Hawaiian so um if you if you look at this um it shows the percentage of what they request um for the town of aush and on page four it shows what actual percentage our Housing Authority has for tenant population so basically um we we meet all the um we meet all the standards of every um of minorities so every year we just have to post this on our um have posted in our um champ on our champ on our champ website to let them know that we are complying and our percentages are higher than um higher or comparable to what the state is expecting us to have so once a year we're going to have to present the demographics what we actually have and upload it on champ so this will be uploaded we also have to change our letter ahead to put that work Fair marketing and shows you the symbol that they want us to use on page five so it's just a the Bo is just acknowledging that the patient Housing Authority is complying with the fair housing and we have this plan that we are complying with I make a motion to approve the fair housing marketing plan as we all have in front of us second all in favor I any new business legally brought before the board that you know I have nothing okay old business any old business legally brought before the board well I just have one thing I I don't even like we just put in a poing lot I don't know if we have enough room but speaking with the um uh Secretary of Housing yesterday um the head of DC came by the Senate came by there was a big meeting on different programs that are available and If the equipment Housing Authority is still available and adding on stuff cuz we just did the parket lot and there are specific things we have to follow I just want to let the board know in the old business that there are some funding available for elderly housing um I'm not sure if it's something that we want to stop looking into or um you know to build more buildings but there is certain funding available for um building more units in housing I'll leave that up to the director's discretion into any all possibilities all right uh any other questions for the right what about handicap handicap SP so there should there's two both end at both ends right yes we we we're just getting we have to get the stencils for it is that what it is stencils or signs one of the other like you get the stencils yeah so either we have to get the stencil for or the signs but we are going to put the first two um parking spaces um for handicap and we're going to add a couple more um ten cases also good'll be two'll two yeah good parking looks great out there noce it and it's nice that we had the dpw's help is all I want to say on that well actually that came up on at yesterday's meeting with the um the the Secretary of um housing and uh I we were in Swansea uh we we specifically talked about communities and the impact that housing authorities have because of their communities and um aush is one of a very lucky Housing Authority that their Community still works with us they've saved us thousands probably multiple thousands of dollars in helping us um around the authority of picking up our trash and that's one thing I think that the people of the Housing Authority the stff the board definitely um should be thankful for because most towns um won't even consider a Housing Authority as part of them which we I was lucky to um Mike and I found the original uh papers of what the town agreed to do for the Housing Authority which they're still doing I was able to um give them to the state and to look to look through to see if other housing authorities have those commitments and some somehow during the years they might have fallen out of um the fact new new Selectmen New Town administrators realizing that they did commit to the Housing Authority if the state build the buildings the town would help and one thing about kushna is they've never stopped helping us and that's definitely an asset to the Housing Authority yeah does a good job is people we didn't we did buy them um the work is that here we did um provide lunch the last very luckily those agreements back in the day had a pretty intelligent person that took care of the Town FS yeah excellent maintenance report yeah little more less most of it I have the that we doing basic maintenance I just going to go to go well today and tomorrow I think I'll do a com talk so they can put together [Music] um say we put up the handicap ramp yesterday and everything else been seemed to be pretty good nothing major no breakdown yet what I made this no questions have motion to accept report motion to accept second iant here [Applause] next meeting Wednesday September 18th is that all right with everybody 11 a.m. okay other business second all in favor we now [Music]