[Music] Wednesday 11 17 call the meity to order first item on the agenda is the reviewed and vote for a minutes February [Applause] 21st I will make a motion to approve the minutes I mean the warrant for February 20th it's the minutes right I think we ask for you ask for the warrant or the minutes on that one I'm sorry I didn't hear that's the minute the first one was the minute I did read that and motion says second all all in favor all in yes didn't realize you were taking a that's okay the bills and Communications and warrant I'm the also motion to approve second second we got one all in favor fa dtive report okay uh vacancies uh we currently have uh two one's being moved into um and the other one will be um Coming open so then we'll feed down to one vacancy and um that m is going to start working on probably as soon as we get the keys in well can't really we have we have upstairs moving into downstairs so then we'll have one vacancy left M we just have to finish the upstairs we have one vacancy but two apartments two apartments yeah so we do have like a 30-day um on another um apartment that may be coming vacon um so we have you may have two coming open but as of right now there'll be one um a discussion on the grant for weatherization might can that I we've been working with them oh yeah they came in over the last month they replaced um shower heads handheld showers uh thermostats and all the buildings they put digital ones on um and they put the foam little covers behind all the outlets I've been doing them anyway as I turn over and then last 2 weeks they added another qu to the ventilation in the attics so doing draft stoping yeah they did all that so that they completed around they CED around the windows if they see some cracks on them too so they um yeah they sealed up the whole you know whatever they they um move for around the pipes coming out of the walls too is any of this through like the end money or something yeah that was a $225,000 grent that we received from otherization it was it didn't cost us so you'll see how that works went even in the Summer with the cool so well that's still going on is uh they done with that they may come back and look at the Sills underneath and maybe they may put some foam along the the Sills yet they um the I guess the uh the boss or the engineer whoever came out he looked at it and he's going to ask if they can come back and do that too so we'll see what happens with that next I have the discussion on the shut off valve project um this has been a couple of hard hard couple weeks for us for this project but we did um let the contractor go um it was um in our best interest so you'll see um I didn't know um if this would be done by then uh we we we um asked to leave the premises and then we gave him an offer on how much we were willing to pay him for the job that he has already done and um we did accept an offer so I we will be able to vote um on just paying him and moving forward and getting a new contractor in do the work so you how much you going to give them I do but it's I'll I'll do that in my board vote um next um here I saw that on here on I see that discuss the project still y so um hold on I think I'm just going to get get the agenda off the door a quick second I know she she gave you the wrong agenda oh okay okay sorry yeah it is on the agenda do you see it oning in the wrong place sh uh no yeah it's in C is it it's in C yeah so she gave you guys the wrong agenda that's okay it was um I I have I have the wrong agenda here I yeah but this one has a vote but you guys don't have the vote so if this one was sent to the town hall so we're good to go um so I'll just move that forward um so I had a board vote to give the director permission to make a decision on payment amount and pay the amount agreed on to creative developers but work completed on the shut off valve project yesterday um he came back with $7,700 we offered him $5,200 he accepted it so he's going to walk away with $5,200 this money is not coming from from our budget it is coming from the capitalization it's coming from the capital capitalization budget so um dhcd will pay that through our Capital money which is that um comes out of um this and we can go ahead and stop um hiring a new contractor for the job so I just need a board F to go ahead and pay um creative develop is $5,200 for the work that they have completed one who that motion Bobby motion second all so when we rebid this stock from zero with the contract or they just changing a little bit of the the wording and yeah they're going to change the wording cuz a lot of things were changed in the beginning um but they are going to change the wording and there's also um been um I think four units that are done that's what I mean yeah so it'll just reduce the amount that's got to be done and go back out to bid correct correct and um that $5,200 does not a lot but he did buy some um uh stock of equipment that he needed that $5,200 includes leaving the equipment here so we can use it towards the next the next job that we're going to do this the under report uh no that's just a board vote for c for um for uh creative Developers no we just need a motion to go ahead and K we did oh I'm sorry and who made the motion I am I'm so sorry it's not it's nice when n is here CU she does this and I do this all right all right is this so I'm so sorry um okay that's you have an end of report yes that's end of my report but I have a motion to accept the dtive report phone motion passes did you get that V I did okay all right the new business okay new business um is a board vote to accept the amendment amount number nine for the contract for financial assistance 5,1 the amount of$ 195 uh $47 $47 what this is is in a million doll project for the um electric coming into um to change over the stoves we needed another $195 $47 so this is given dhcd the permission um to give us the additional funding and it's in the you should have that on the back of your book of 95,000 you might not have it please excuse the confusion Nancy was not here this morning so and we had a meeting um but it is $195,400 project for the um electrical stoves and um electrical upgrade what's the time frame on that project well we actually looked it up this morning with arcat so right now they're just waiting for the funding to come in um the engineers's been out it's um it's been um I believe it's been um they came out to do the quotes that's been issued I think I think they're getting ready to send out for the quotes for theot bid to bid it out so if it hasn't been bid how we know we $195,000 so the engineer came out and they priced the project so they usually pric the project and then they bid it out so that way the people know what the bids will be arranging thinking it's a $1.2 million project yes yep and I'm sure they'll be change y as once they startop the job because they usually is but as of right now um they needed the additional $195,400 it's a pretty extended project okay so the last thing that I have um is uh we we had a little problem here we have um some ten tenants that wanted to put cones behind their vehicles because when they leave people Park in their spots and we we don't watch everybody that comes and goes and they get upset because somebody's Po in their spot um it's hard for us to um police any of this but we asked one the the specific tenant to um take the cone away because it there it becomes a tripping Hazard for anybody walking in the pocket lot um so she did take it away but what's happening is she gave it to another um tenant and we do have one tenant that puts a cone in the front of his but the other tenant complained that it's not fair that I asked her to take hers and he still has his there now she gave him hers and now he has two so we just um wanted a board vote on creating a policy construction cones plac in parking spaces I just want the board to make the final decision whether they can have them or not um I do say they are tripping hazards everybody does have a talking space we have one specific person that puts the conb so he can see himself coming in but I mean if we had everybody I'd rather keep it simple and say that nothing other than the automobile is allowed in the pocket pocket space okay like that my motion the only thing I say about that is um we do have some um people people that have walkers and when they leave they do put their walkers at the front of their um spot so when they come out of their car they can get get their walkers and and go home so I don't know if you want to just um change like if we say nothing are they going to say well she has her walker there and I just want to make sure we word it properly okay so I'm not sure on the sidewalk well then that comes that comes another tripping Hazard if some yeah know that's the thing I mean yeah maybe I don't know I mean I'd like to say common sense with that would be an exception though it's not unfortunately sometimes the way you write it people if we have to enforce it it's tougher for us when we when we say you know so shouldn't leave any items other than necessary Ada okay necessary AV [Music] ACC accessible items items yeah and parking space parking spaces okay parking lot and be getting walkers I think we put necessary ones right all right you don't have one you don't need one and that's all um I have for so problem on that I made a motion oh y okay second all in favor I motion pass got whole business oh no we got the maintenance we need a maintenance uh before where that oh there us what's that um yeah besid normal maintenance everything's been pretty good so we finished up the last department and we be getting on to the next one when he moves out been up in Swansea quite a bit trying to get that moving along which we're getting there too so everything around here is pretty good I the windows out of for G Field Street when they come in place I think we got enough money to do about 10 of them right now so between that feel and that seems pretty good motion to accept am all in favor passes any question no questions thank you the next meeting April 17th back under the next meeting in Old business did you want to bring up maybe meting um I'm so sorry yeah old business um uh yes I'm so sorry um Monday I me uh I'm actually going to ask the board to do um a zoom meeting on Monday to accept the extra funding for the $75,000 I couldn't get it on this agenda CU I just found out this morning so um what it'll be basically an open close um we I'm going to find out from CPC if I can go back for the money we've spent so it might just be two um just two board votes one to accept the 75 and possibly to accept the 200 and some that we just spent previously so but if if you guys okay we can do a zoom meeting or if you guys would rather meet in person like it literally should be like a open and close type meeting Zoom Mee okay a zoom meeting okay perfect I think the town will let me go and do the zoom meeting there call uh ER okay I'm going to work on that today um I'm going to work on getting all the answers and then I'll uh send that out in an email to everybody and we'll go ahead and post it with the town hall there's no need for a a camera for open and Clos meeting is there no nope H okay thank you this next Monday it'll be this this Monday coming but I will let everybody know email all right we still have the meeting on the 17 yep the meeting will um the other thing to actually we know we were talking to um the the translator for Jerome uh the second the second or third Wednesday is June 19th and we're we close that day um so we might just um depending if we have nothing we might just cancel the June meeting um it's tough to book um for to translate so that will actually know more when it comes closer okay any other business if there is none entertain a motion to adjourn second in favor we [Applause] [Music] now [Music]