[Music] call WN call and and have approval of the minutes of that April 17 any questions yeah so it can only be approved by you and Jerome motion second are you second I can yeah you can second made a motion he can't make a motion because he wasn't here at the last meeting does uh you can't approve the minutes if you weren't here the previous meeting no no okay yeah it's been that way for a long Okay okay right uh the survey no those communication I'm sorry I make a motion this survey is that your to do yes uh in the F we the communications the first one is a survey every year the Housing Authority sends every tenant a survey um I think out of 60 37 were 37 surveys were completed and you can see how our tenant answered uh were actually higher than most small housing authorities so we're doing really good with the survey and tenants so we just included it in the folder for the um board just to rec you know to to see how we were um rated in our survey and the next thing in your fold is just a massar newsletter we just included it in the fer so the board can read what's going on in the State uh with housing and that's all we have for communications direct report okay so for the direct report I have just um on presidential terce it's been um we just been getting through our day-to-day activities as usual um nothing new has changed we are trying to go for the um High laac Grant uh for the $75,000 that was approved we're also going for the um amount of the $120 some th000 that we had the energy oil of so we we've worked on the Grant and that's been submitted so besides that it's just been day-to-day activity of the Housing Authority as far as the report on 689 uh we've been doing day-to-day activities as usual Mike has been doing some work over there which he will probably talk um in his maintenance report and the manage agreement uh with Swansea everything's going well um we're doing our basic management agreement um duties and Mike has been helping out a lot with the um uh apartment inspections and fixing some stuff um overseeing the maintenance men over there so as far as that that's also been going well so just basic this month um DayDay activity on all um the specific programs that we're running and that's what I have for the manager management report right now in the authority we just have one we have two vacancies that are being worked on um we do have um uh ten uh we do have applicants that already ready to go in there we're just working on the apartment to get them ready to be um housed and that's all we have for the director report must be a big change over there already yeah huge yeah huge no I make a motion accept the director's report classes on the new business we need a vote on 19th holiday so for the last three years it's it's a Federal holiday so we take it because we get all the federal holidays but I just want to board vote so we could put it on our um employee hand in our employee handbook so we just need a board vote um to say we can add it to the handbook to take the June 19th holiday I think it's called Jun it's called juneth it's a it's a Federal holiday that I don't know how long they've been doing it um June it's called June jth so we just needed um the board to vote on it to put it in our um what your PL it is a Federal holiday so we do get federal holidays we just need a motion a motion I'll make a motion to accept juneth as a holiday sorry you can you can go right well I don't understand it um yes and we haven't taken it because it's Federal we do get all it we do get all housing authorities take all federal holidays I'm asking for the board to make it legit so we can go ahead and put it in our employee handbook all all all the all the housing authorities are taking out that's what it is what's this oh that's just something different that's just the picture this is what this is what you're voting on no that that's a be it's a honey be yeah was fact that it h you I I both I guess I go along with it pro it I guess I really don't believe it I don't I don't believe in the spirit so I love crazy allay okay B the vot on the Mosquito Squad must spr 2024 it's going to be all natural this year too when we're going with the all natural spr organic spre it doesn't hurt the bees uh they say it doesn't hurt the bees yeah that's what they say it's [Music] organic we were spraying last year but um the maintenance man in swazi had license but he's no longer there so now we have to you know we have to go back guess you know supposed to be the safety of the tenants besides I mean you guys I need a motion I'll make a motion to [Music] accept yeah for the safety of T I guess one the all natural yes it is the all natural yeah the organic it's in the total of $1,250 other new [Music] business no business we don't have no business today nothing any questions no s in foot no question no just listen yeah so uh our next meeting will be June so this is the where this came up about the holiday um being in the book is um because it is a holiday on June 19th I think the town takes the holiday too um we can't have our meeting that Wednesday because everything shut down so so um if it's okay to meet um I don't know if that's going to be okay with you Sandy the day before on the Tuesday I'm working in Newport until 12 until 12 so we'll have a problem because we won't have so un unless you want to skip the meeting unless something comes up where we need a board vote we don't have any construction problem projects going on that we need um board vote for leave it open we can skip June and go to July unless okay it will be NY July 17th unless something comes up July 17th will be the third Wednesday okay so it would be July um uh yeah so July 17th July what July 17th unless some vacation or anything comes up which it shouldn't probably have to okay buiness a motion to I'll make a motion to second [Music]