[Music] please be advised that this meeting will be recorded call meeting toor first item on the agenda approval of the minutes of June 18th questions make a motion to approve the minutes of8 second all approval of bills not call the warrant anymore the warrant I can put the warrant if you want what's debug debug is um we did we had a problem with some um uh insects and uh we had to call them out so get some spray or something yes yeah they the whole that was going on by theard that 1250 cost is for one application that's the whole year yeah you pay up front you save a little bit um and play all motion to approve second yeah um so just a little report on around here uh we've been doing office work at normal um Nancy I don't know if you notice you can look across the way uh she started a garden project with resident services uh six people decided to grow gardens we provided containers through res service grant money each tenant was responsible for purchasing their own vegetables and um they're loving it and now other people see it next year with the resident service money we can purchase small containers so they can go ahead and have their own little gardens what's nice about it they're tall so has to bend over and um I guess the other day they did what do they call it a um like a everybody exchange they all growing different things and they got together and they all exchanged some of the stuff they were growing so um that was pretty good um and on Barfield Street my um we're just kind of working anding work what is called might getting ready to replace the windows over L are I'm currently here um today unfor we can see one of our T passed so we will have VY coming up in the next couple weeks uh but as far as um as up say there no VES they will more coming and that's all I have for the for on the um 67 689 programs on the u g so we l some containers and stuff where did all the stuff to put I they're really good I mean they're so good working with us they they definitely help us out with things like that a motion the new business all right we have a bunch of new business so um I know it's been talked about in the past um CU Mike Do's a lot of um over um and the like beyond the work of the schope here does have his construction license he um does a lot of the bathroom um the three surrounds for the tubs so um I actually was able to finally get in touch with the um labor and Standards Board for him and I worked with the gentleman and if you can see in the back of your folder they came up with new rates so um I think it's like $137 more but um in order for him to get that and start July 1st um it would be uh his new title would be maintenance uh maintenance sler and that would um give him that $137 hour more um if you can see he also gets an extra amount um from the management contractor which doesn't come on the equ budget so that comes out of the money that um we get um we get or suers gets for the management contract so any additional money beyond the 3709 would affect the budget from from this house ofor so I just asked the board if he go ahead and make a change in um title for him to they the maintenance commenter um in the the effective July 1 so that once we plan on the budget we can budget for that for the next upcoming here yeah drop the scripture and draw that CH you have to be a compet to qualify for the job so what it was is I work with the um labor standed and they sent us an application and we had to write the percentage of everything he does here and this is what they came up for so you you kind of just apply for a different rate and they give you the rate to uh like bu the percentage of everything he does here at the authority a lot of what Mike's been doing is rebuilding these bathrooms and I understand that I mean you must have sa the million in labor yeah but what we're looking for is to reclassify the position not not Mr trouble you have to you have to work with the description and classification and Contin to I already did that I worked with I worked with the labor standards okay and I filled out the application okay what are the qualifications they basically cre for yeah like like like the first when he first was hired was hir the to no he wasn't he was hired as a maintenance mechanic one that was change but we reclassified it was we never reclassified we looked into it but we couldn't when we for this job we adverti I can pull out the advertis a maintenance mechanic one when we St for us let's take that and that covers all of what he did you and him created this job as a cost-saving thing no I that listen to me okay you and them got together with these projects that came and Michael he said I'll do it never say that was a cost-saving thing it can it can be put in as a position as a cost-saving position but not not because of you probably never get a guy like what he does well that's the point Mr racing is because we're asking him to do more we went back to the labor and ask them can we reclassify this as something what I'm saying is the position has to be reclass that's what I'm asking for so honestly since I can pull out all the records since day one even before I became here the position has always been a manance me mechanic one I can pull out all the W his standing rates his position was never changed but we've talked about changing it for a long time um so I finally got touch with somebody from the Le boy because I've been trying to get in touch with them for quite a long time CU everybody's working with their homes and I reclassified I asked to reclassify the job they sent me these Rings we can't reclassify the job unless the board votes on it the board has never voted to change his position this is the first time we ever actually was always this mechanic it's we never change it even before me almost a bad dream even before me it was always mean I can pull out all the labor and he's always been a me one all right so now the description will be Chang just for Mone once we hire somebody M leaves if M leaves and we have to hire somebody else you could leave it as this way and H but you have to hire somebody with those skills it would depend on in having the license my pres I I work with the labor board for this that this this is an actual letter from the labor board saying yes because I worked with them on the credentials he has and I we had to work on a percentage of everything he did here we had to fill out a form so we filled out the form it took over a month to get this back but we worked with the lib standards according to the job that Mike does around the authority okay you're convinced there have motion I honestly thought it was going to be more to be honest with you I was shocked it was it was only like a do30 to 57 I make a motion to reclassify the current position Mr Cher from maintenance mechanic to maintenance C again due to the fact that he is a licensed contractor and that's mainly what he does AB we have to replace them we don't have to replace with the license cap again but then we know we we got save on the send because we're going to be paying a half that's why we're doing it now to keep them in all favor all right now we have we have another one yeah so this one isn't going to affect the budget of the Housing Authority at all um so uh now that we have the contracts between Somerset and Swansea um is honestly considered champ specialist there's not a lot of housing authorities that have people that can understand champ like fancy um so she is she's going to be paid um by the contracts of the management to do the Champ for both authorities it's um not it doesn't take much on her day she has a cot list so a lot of the people she already works with but in order to get that extra money from the management contract it w have our budget at all she needs also to have a title change um because even though she's getting paid from the other housing authorities it is going to it it's going to increase our budget line but we get that money back to cover the money that she's getting from champ um under a certain line of so explain champ yeah so champ is the website that we have to use to um put in um the tenant so what happens is once an apartment comes open you you have to pull a list of either 25 to 15 tenants which she pulls a list of tenant then she has to go and qualify each person so is basically 10 it's all tenant yeah so I mean and honestly like some of the people call her now to ask her things because she's definitely grasped a lot more than any other hous um so I was talking to um to the accountant and that they were the one who um I me she's going to be doing a job for other people that she should also be getting the money that she's you know worth for job um once again it won't affect our budget because we will get reimbursed from the other housing authorities for her doing this and it really doesn't take much out of her like she's already doing it for here and a lot of the people on those list come up on both call lists so she's already doing for us but she's also doing it for them too so the only way that she can get the extra money um anytime you go above 3% in your budget um you have to give you have to give a different title so it's recommended to us from the account that we give her the title from administrative assistant assistant to administrative assistant/ champ specialist and then that will give her the money to um get the champ money that she actually servs that she she does a good job with ch Mo okay so our next vote is to hire k&r architect Interiors um for the raing project um I have what is a letter in your file from um the architect that um went through all the um checked all the references and um went through the bid process and um recommended that we do hire um K architect Mater um Mike and I have had several discussions on this um I I mean I I understand that there was two for two Focus for this project one was the board vote and one was the alternate so Mike says that he literally um has um some RW on the alternative um rail uh project that he needs to fix um he suggest that you can let them know I didn't know the bits first what the whole deal was but I knew there was some problem work that needed to be done boing you know we do any railings uh it's a little more exensive I do have to replace the 4x4 some of them inside so there is a lot of rock on them so um yeah I just probably not doing the off now um it should be your choice and I just I just G one I understand um these quotes are coming in astronomical we just had a quote at Swan housing that they couldn't even do because it came in all time the am that the job on DCd has a formula has a formula that when he has a job the formula comes up so they were saying if you can see inp the job should cost around 35,000 and that is their formula they use and you have to understand when they out these bids um any contractor can can um bid on this job but you also have to fit the criteria to this job you have to have special Insurance you actually have to have almost a an account because every week we need a payroll for these people they have to pay each one of their employees um prevailing wage they have to be bonded so there's a lot of cost that goes behind B in these jobs and I know sometimes the astronomical way more but I did talk to arat and um everything on this project was done legally and I know other companies have came out and said they could do this project a lot less but we have to look at the L of the state and say I understand they can come out I understand they can they can do it for a lot less but they didn't fit on the project and anybody could have been on this project um and we did notify some of the people you know that they was you know that it would be forbid so they could have looked into this situation um the job was good um it was done legally these Architects came in they did it they did it legally and they are lowest bner so I don't want to go for any issues on anything because everybody did this job by the book and we have we have the we kind kind of have to to go with the lowest because I'm just confused cuz I'm I I see three other B they're all I see I'm sorry not did oh I'm sorry I see k thing but I don't see this this is actually I'm sorry she put the wrong letter in there but MC it's MNC that um came in after I see that yeah I sorry this is actually another we so they're far lower at 2154 just keep in mind the base the base bid is just the rear of the building which the rear of the buildings are really bad and work um Mike does want to fix the front before the alternative rail do come in and the real the back are going to be um different from what we have here they're going to be a little bit um like thicker well yeah you're not going to be theity so I mean that might be another thing we want to think um for to put this job B and then all of a sudden have another time to keep all the buildings looking alike CU they material in the alternate is not going to be the same as what we have here on all the I mean I think I'm I'm still a little confused I got the 21 just get that's that's a din project this is this is here talking about um is it two one this one yeah okay might that all matches this year which is a little bit yeah so just it's it's mixed in with something yeah so I think that they just sent it wrong whoever sent it did not send it correctly all right so it's basically just the bottom half here so it's up to the board I mean if you want to vote the whole project they will come in and do everything from Su To Nuts which would be the rear of the building the front of the building and also include a railing from um this part of the glass lighter all the way down the room um is it safety issue right now the BS are safety isue one in the B is a safety issue I if you want us to look at isn't the 21 34490 I'm asking you to at least um approve the bid for the 24,500 this 21,5 this company did everything leg we we technically need to um go them to do the job um the alternate is definitely something you can take into consideration ,950 correct and then toal toal 34 yes correct so what are we getting for the 129 uh the front of the buildings no the front of the J is the front of the no the off is just the backs the for the back side so one more building plus the back rails no if you read this it says the scope of the project includes replacing rails with aluminum powder coed product that is fully welded at the back of the two buildings within the budget there is an add alternate to also replace the real at the front of the building so the ultimate is the front of the building and the handicap ramp and we don't have a r on there now on there now again originally when we put it out to bit we were looking around 35 so we still with in budg at 35 do we have I know that's what we're looking at is that money in our budget or yeah that that money is capital money so it doesn't come out of our budget at all hey it's already a side it's not y it's already eared it was already approved um in the job before the work's done there's other thing that we don't want to have them come in are you going to be aheed out if we give this video you okay have and if he can't we can do a change on if that falls under the scope of the basically I was thinking doing PC on the whole call in the basis and be done forever that is I I got to see it all done at one so that railings are all the same they mat not use the two contractors in this company doesn't want to come back and Reid down the road i' like to see it all at the same time if it's in our budget you know rather than Mak natur half situation I want to make sure we can get all the the polls we get first we don't want to pull the rails off of to exactly but I made it like just the back of it just the back of that so so what is your suggestion um for time r no rush just up and don't forget we did apply for that um P money which she's given us a couple $1,000 to get probably ,000 we actually vote on it where the agenda says architecture notc um it says the low B so I think we'll be fine higher railing Pro ch um we can't put it on for another question is can we put it on down we can do the get these pole STS and then well can we table it today and then maybe do a special meeting and then um we might have to just do a special quick meeting on this project like to we like to know that all the work is going to be done pre so that we can do the bigger problem and have it all done so we can we can table it but we can't wait too long cuz they've already this been this thing is done yeah we have we have to yeah we have to get it done soon I mean if you just want to did the Bas and is pretty clear on something I mean even before me they right call now I found one of them that was really bad when I went looked at the AR they did hire an AR to come out and look at the prod nowhere they say nothing about or what's going to happen a lot of they they just not so you know since does the other I mean I don't want to push this railing project no through and then have problems with but you can you can you can vote for just the um want any other do attachment we're attaching reals to do the is not not the back is totally separate they're independent I don't disagree with two of them another meeting within a couple weeks think we can wait that long and I just I mean this like you know there's so many dates that have to be done by a certain yeah I have like I said this is never happened to us before um so I really don't know um but I can find out I we have a meeting next week and just see if we can um like I said just do the basement of the back I mean mypr was never the back think it's high expression wasn't the back actually which is the ultimate my concern is m in Su the contractor shows up oh M's usually here when some people here here the communication that it is today there is no commun it show up well no we have a construction meeting there's flws that they have to we make the laws for them they have to work and our our right our project our time limits are within the contract I think a good thing about you know the two guys may swans maybe have down here for a couple days because I spend a lot time help them we get that get the done one day have that's definitely the benefit of think said we have another one is one Su still new to us so you know try to figure out what's going on there but U really if I can get two other helpers here you landed I think you have a good plan here because we going to match all the rails on all the other you see yeah you won't see it it's in the back of one building that's the only building with that so is everybody okay with scrapping the alternative then and just doing the real that we need I will make a motion to get the bid to MC Building located at 65 M Street North Alor the amount of $2,540 B base and K was the architecture on the job so they are the ones who recommended the yeah that's what happened sent it to us from for okay um our next um discussion in board is to add me um as a signer on the bank to the housing auor so apparently they taking little by time and they won't allow me any access to the account anymore unless I'm actually assigned it doesn't mean I'll find the checks but in order for me to do any transfers like counting or just go to the bank and speak to them or get any information I have to be listed as a signer on the check um we can't even get deposit slip we been dealing with yeah now it's about time I'm doing the same thing with my Stu everything's been a hassle so I know what she needs yeah we're still going to reply two two signatures from what is the right check but we do have to put her on the account so she can access I have to be Aigner but we can make a board vote that I am a signer to access the account but I'm not allowed um to sign the check and that will be totally fine for them so the only thing I have to ask is I'm going to so the only thing that comes with that is I'm going to ask um that I'm I'm going to generate a letter and you can sign it and unfortunately each of you are going to have to go to the bank with your license and resign a new card so that way um it's all in um so our next item on the agenda is uh discussion and vote to pay on health insurance percentage for the dental and I the Krish Housing Authority employ employees so never has it been um we never had the opportunity as employees or haveing authority to get on dental and eye Insurance because um we didn't have the amount employees that actually um need so now that we're um we're trying to like have management contracts of other housing authori um Mike and NY are um have the um the opportunity to get um dental and eye insurance which is really reasonable so I looked into it with other housing authorities that have joined the plan and what they they usually do is the housing authorities make a vote to pay the same percentage that the Housing Authority pays towards their health insurance towards the dental insurance which isn't um it's less than $100 per month and they just pay the rate that they would pay for their health insurance so the Housing Authority will take a percentage and um they will take a percentage and both of them seem like they're interested on getting the um dental and eye I was just told that I need that vot vote from the board CU we were we never were able to get D and I po C so I think it it comes out for a single plan like we might pay like $30 a month and they might pay like 9 10 for the dental not plan that's different than this number here that's for all of oh that's just um that's just at the bottom so we can get the contract R and for can sign it totally different we we haven't done our budget yet for this year so it would go it would be effective July 1st but we us to do our budget for July 1st and November so um we'll work with get cting to put it in the budget but we just need the board vote to go ahead and make it effective July 1st so we can actually make that part of our budget item and it's definitely a course that we can absorb as a I mean it's very minimal cost on PO take motion to allow the employees to add on insurance to the pr with second with the Housing Authority taking and last but not least um a discussion of board uh discussion a discussion and board vote to sign a management contract with some the housing authority and the amount of 51898 a year which is 43 2483 per month so you had already voted to go ahead and do the contract but we had to wait for the account to get the figures Allowed by the state and these are the state figures um of management so we just need a board to go ahead and say um you acknowledge the am of the monthly contract which is basically my pay with benefits so it's not it's it's um there's no different amount of the budget that's going to be more that's what I was going to ask what was the old yeah so the 51898 is my pay plus the my benefits so it's the same amount of money as having a director for the Housing Authority um and uh once you do v on it then I can um I can draw the contract and um I can have Mr sign it and then that goes to suet for them to also approve it and Basel sign it and then everything is going to be effective July 1st 2024 we need a motion to move the money from uh director's salary to management salary board vot to go ahead and um sign the contract um in that amount um yearly and monthly and that that's it we go forward with it I make the motion to sign contract with suet housing $1,898 for 43 second i y any questions for the director any old business discuss we have no old business anything I want to discuss is um Mike did speak to um the um I I put here and they will be coming out um said we might go either way like whatever okay any other vs without a motion to adj oh we got a date uh August 21st for the next meeting is that acceptable everyone at 11: a.m. also 11: a.m. yep well that's you guys voted to keep to change to 11 I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn hve [Music]