[Music] n [Music] good evening I'd like to welcome everybody to the Acushnet planning board meeting this meeting is being recorded and is also available via Zoom tonight as well as being available for viewing via YouTube is there a motion to open the planning board meeting make a motion second all those in favor all right can I get a roll call please Peter guampa member Steve bu member Brian damps member let me see minutes there's no minutes for review tonight correspondence there's no no correspondence to review is there a motion to open the public hearing for 39 Keen Road form C definitive subdivision plan I'll make a motion to to open the public hearing hearing for form c um 20231 proposal um proposed subdivision for 39 Keen Road form C second all those in favor I I I okay this public hearing is for form C 20231 proposed subdivision plan of land 39 ke Road formy definitive subdivision owned by amn is State Holdings LLC applicant the engineers file incorporation of for Haven Mass this is a proposal for a six slot subdivision on a single access tree the plans and accompanying documentation are available for inspection at the Town Collex office plotting ways building 130 Main Street first floor during regular business hours okay I'd like to uh invite Mr Maran here from fing Corporation to give his presentation um we're going to start from the beginning tonight because we have a new member Peter gyber here and we want to get him up to speed on where we're at so we're going to start the whole thing from the very beginning okay thank you uh for the record John Maran from parling for 154 hon in Fair Haven um so we were or I was last here in January to kind of uh present the project um these plans here are the plans that were discussed in January um basically what we have is a a 10 and 1 half acre site comprised of three assessors Parcels uh there's an existing single family home um close to Keen Road uh we're proposing to construct a uh 700t lar foot roadway um and provide a total of six uh residential lots uh so it' be the existing house plus five new houses um the site has uh Wetland resource areas offsite to the to the west and in the northwest corner of the site um the roadway is 26 ft wide with a 5ft sidewalk on one side um lots are proposed to be serviced by individual on-site septic systems um and those have been per each of those lots has been perked uh and witnessed by the Board of Health um so I guess the biggest change from this plan to what we've revised is as you can see on this plan we had previously proposed two Stone water basins one large surface Basin toward of uh lot four three and four and is uh sub surface infiltration Basin near the uh closer team Road um that subsurface infiltration Basin would have required a uh a waiver from the subdivision rigs uh I don't think that was too well received by the board at that hearing so um the biggest revision we made was to eliminate that subsurface Bas and and bring everything toward the rear uh to that larger surface Basin um um if I can flip this [Music] over so this is the revised plan um still six Lots roughly 700 ft of Road um but instead of having that smaller Basin up front we're going to pipe everything back to this one Basin um some of the other changes that were were done um we added some intersection site distance um figures on this plan uh showing that we have adequate stopping site distance and intersection site distance um we added Street trees to both sides of the road um we did have the can see on lot one there's a stretch of proposed roadway that's just uh next to wooded area that we had not had Street trees so we've added it to both sides of the road um uh there was also question as to the configuration of the Lots uh previously this lot six had like a a triangle toward the back that didn't meet the lot width requirements so we did rearrange the lots a bit to make sure they conform to that um we in our storm Water Analysis we expanded the the proposed yard areas of the Lots um we don't know how they'll be ultimately developed but for the purposes of a storm Water Analysis we kind of increase the assumed disturbance um and that's essentially what the the revisions were be GL to answer any questions you might have going through I see the I see on the back of the plan you got a recharge um is that for each lot the re yeah the roof recharge for each individual lot each each lot will have its own yeah just just to capture the roof area the roadway Dr from the Angelo driveway whatever it is coming off a keen road now uh from when I could interpret there Clans what does the elevation change from is it it's pitching back am I corre looking at it so it it comes up on the shoulder area of King Road to maintain that short shoulder then from there goes down to the and so the elevation of the road at right at Keen Road is going to be higher than Keen Road yeah so it acts like a like a Cape Cod burnwood to keep the road ke Road out of our road but um it's not going to be it won't be dumping onto right we don't want Keen Road coming into our road but we don't want our road going on to ke right exactly okay the um the houses they're on do you show the Well locations on the on the property we don't show them okay they would be in the rear of the lot the septics are in the front Okay and again with the individual sites we kind of throw a typical lot layout once they're sold it's yeah it's kind of out of our hands but they would have to meet the roof recharge requirements Y and they got to meet that clearing right what what you're shown on there it's just it's the maximum clearing right right if they wanted to clear more then they would need to delegate it somehow I see the lot in the front I guess they're taking out both the deck and that little uh yeah I think the intent is to permit it as that house is staying but eventually um once there's you know lots are sold and they can put a new house on that lot that would be so in the meantime that section of the house that right to meet whatever is a little porch there and then it looks like a deck but that stuff will be raised as part of the to that'll come so is is there a sequence on when this um uh when the infiltration Basin will be installed going to be installed um pre- construction or during construction not necessarily the homes but of the road yeah so typically the Basin would be the first thing they construct uh while they you know get their construction entrance and and clear what they can um and then during construction they'd kind of uh have a temporary storage Basin up slope from it so they don't uh discharge all the sediment into the infiltration basin uh but once all the contributing area is stabilized then they would allow the the stone water to enter the Basin and function as a post post- development infiltration Basin and we do have a uh a construction period siment control plan um because um because of the amount of disturbance here they this project will require a a nip permit through EPA for construction period s in control so the road's going to go in drainage is going to go in utilities are going to go in um and then um is it going to be uh we got to get a binder Cod on the uh the asphalt is that going to come later on down the um on the roadway I mean a lot of this is predicating that the water's all that road is being used as part of your drainage from what I can see to funnel it all the way in the back that's why I'm asking this question um yeah I don't know the um the board's uh requirement as far as I'm sure they wouldn't allow any to release any house construction until the the roadway is is functioning um but uh I have to look through the Rings to see the actual release of [Music] funds these are some of the questions that were asked back in January 25th I just want to make sure that we're covering them all uh to provide a 10 scale detail at the intersection of the depicted however the transition will occur with grading and storm water uh yep we have that detail shoot eight see we got uh spot Gra that what p is that sheet H I don't think you can capture on the TV I don't know you the previous one where where you show the line of sight for the traffic I just didn't know if you could get it up or not yeah the detail doesn't capture the full yeah um but the grading plan and has the the uh stopping sight distance and intersection site distance second question is providing intersection sight distance info on is out ofate line of sight yeah that's just referring it's in here it's on 4 10 show the vehicles why a site coming in into the intersection way I went by there the first time I didn't have I just let me recall a little bit now is there a lot of trees or or Shrubbery in front of the existing property that's there right now uh they're in front of the 39 the house is there right yeah it's kind of got some overgrown uh screening I guess yeah and um which is to me is going to obstruct I mean to me that's got to have to be cleared right you know to to get so we get this line of sight as part of the projectc RightWay 18 Ines another thing that was pointed out was the lines of the profile view are missing yeah I think it's the way it was ploted I tried to put them on a darker okay line layer overlapping text on sheet four that's what we're looking at we got a different sheet this time so so that's all set and we had an issue with lot six but that's been fixed yep that was the yep [Music] triangular if you had any con uh conversations with um con con yet I tried reaching out to Joanne is it Joan today um I think I called to I forgot they closed at noon so okay I was going to follow up on that but they do have this plan set it's just uh I don't know if they've chosen a PA of view at this point or definitely under Improvement for the first half I have a couple of concerns that were from the uh Board of Health mhm um one with test soil logs for the drainage system should be shown and twoot separations from seasonal height groundw should be shown yeah that's on one of the [Music] show separation recharges right now 9 of 10 so we can add the soil logs to the details we do have on our B detail um the twoot minum separation to groundwater at the Basin is uh 848 and the bottom of our basin's at 87 yeah soil log I think is kind of important infiltration Bas is going to work correctly and we've already had issues up on the solar fi up on Main Street still it's filled up and it turned into a retention base also 100% fut uh future Reserve area should be shown y as [Music] well so those box the boxes you see on the rep grading plan are um the the I guess the footprint of the setic trenches the trenches have the reserve area between the primary so those boxes represent the extent of both primary and reserve and the last one conceptual well location should be shown [Music] you all set seems like they addressed everything that was asked more viable but the only other question I have but I think is probably through conservation is that infiltration Basin maintenance of that infiltration Basin M yeah that's all part of the stone Water Report is a all right yeah I started it was 143 pages and it's like okay I'm I started going all right some of stuff a over my head standard nine so it's at the back okay yeah I'm sure that'll be part of their we have anybody out here that has any questions if you do state your name and uh your address hi my name is Walter Fado I'm at 57 keing Road did I hear you correctly say that that the uh there'll be a lot with the existing house and then five addition or six additional five additional six total so it'll be a small that that house will have its own small lot and then five additional Lots five houses no all Lots will have the 60,000 ft minimum um just that existing house will remain uh on one of the locks and then you can probably you probably see it better from okay yeah so is this a buildable lot right here with it so that this is the existing house right here the rental the rental house is right here this is yeah this is the new septic they put in so this is a complete or is this all one right here that's all one L one so that's a so this is this will there be a house here will this is this a consider no that's all part of they would have to knock down just oh I see whoever bought that then could do whatever they wanted with it keep the house and then do nothing or knock it down and build a new house I see okay so if they did that then there would be six new houses if they did that okay okay thank you y it was that b where was that Bas about located like that's what water comes down here and works it way over here down the road STM water here here Bob Hanley six Brooks Side Drive on behalf of my parents Robert and Kelly inkley of 209 Peckham Road um just a quick question not so much about the plans more along the lines of approvals um going back to the original public hearing uh chairman Fran had mentioned that he wanted to work hand inand with conservation in regards the storm water um not really question more so as you mentioned earlier about basins becoming Retention Ponds as you know how much water we've had retaining in this town lately um I just want to implore that before anything is approved whatsoever um conservation does have this on his on its agenda it does require storm water approval in a storm water permit in town due to the lot size um so I just request that due diligence is done y before we even think about approving any of them thanks anything else do we have anybody out in Zoom land see anybody there doesn't look it now as he was just talking about the storm water so these plans will be presented to concom right yep okay yes sir sorry um and so since we have to wait for that we're asking for a continuation of the public hearing yes we okay is is May 2nd workable yes okay so is there a motion to continue the public hearing as requested by the planning board to May 2nd 2024 at 6: p.m. is that before it say what where're what's what's that 3 weeks from now or two weeks what's that 18th May 2nd all right next week's already is already the last week of April two weeks two weeks is KC got enough time to do I'm not sure okay all right and we're we're doing this continuation of the public hearing to allow the storm water authority agent to review the project yeah so um all right so I'll make a motion to continue the public hearing um for um subis here on uh Keen Road 39 Keen Road forc um until May 2nd 2024 is there a second I'll second that all those in favor I I I all right is there a motion to close the public hearing portion of the meeting so moved all those in favor hi I okay thank you I just had a question as to um I guess procedure do we need to request a an extension of the uh gu time frame for approval I know he's been submitted for a while so I don't know if there's a time frame to act that we need to request an extension on or I guess I could follow up with Paul yeah yeah okay you'll have to do that all right it's something that we need to we'd have to ask to find out all right thank you thank you have a good night um okay conclude now I need a motion to go back into a regular meeting make a motion to go into um a regular meeting I'll second that all those in favor all all right can I take a second to look you can have I can have it yeah sure okay [Music] discussion topics we have none Uh current planning Town planner update none long range planning Town planner update none other business any other businesses the next meeting will be Thursday April 25th 2024 which one that's from uh that's for theorm water okay all right thank you good night good night thank [Music] you okay uh well the motion is Clos yes please second it all those in favor all bye n [Music]