everybody at home good evening everybody here this is the mayor and council meeting May 23rd 2024 7:30 p.m. Linda will you please read the open public meetings act and call the meeting to order in compliance with the open public meetings act the notice requirements have been satisfied the meeting dates for the year are confirmed at the annual meeting are posted on the public bulletin board in the municipal building and on the burrow website publish in the record within the first 10 Days of the New Year and copies are sent to the Ridgewood news and start Ledger notice of this meeting by the May 14th 2024 Sunshine notice was sent to the record The Ridgewood news and Star Ledger and has been posted on the public bulletin board in the municipal building and burrow website councilman deliso here councilwoman homman here councilwoman Lolo here councilman o Connell here councilman otou here councilman yerino here mayor wasinski here everybody please stand toag United States s funny all right next we have H approval of minutes uh for April 25th 20 2024 do I have a motion so move second please second councilman deliso yes councilwoman homman yes councilwoman Lis solo yes councilman oconnell yes councilman OU yes councilman yerino yes alrighty um next is agenda review we have our second reading of our Capital um ordinance ordinance 24-6 um and we also have uh a resolution uh Proclamation I'm sorry Proclamation today tonight and um we have our consent agenda so our consent agenda has a lot of um a lot of routine items that are enacted in one motion but I just wanted to point out a few we actually have amended dates for the council meeting so um I'm sure John will amend those on our on our calendars we really appreciate that a lot of a re a release of some escro funds because we're starting to clean that up in our building department um we are putting together the fair our housing team so we um appointed a councel who specializes in that and um also we have um our Nia uh professional um Series where we're doing our our fifth and sixth of um Street skates so they're the ones that are um putting together that proposal and we will be going to bid and then we have the um the uh ribbons that are going on downtown is on our consent agenda as well so um next we have our uh public me uh oop sorry I don't know what I'm doing today that's pretty much our agenda review this evening and I'd like to open it up to the public for any comments on the agenda anybody from the public have any questions or comments on the agenda all right not seeing it back so we have our second reading for ordinance 24-6 L will you please read that the following ordinance published herewith was first read by title only on May 9 2024 and posted on the bulletin board of the lobby of the municipal building and burrow website ordinance 24-6 Bond ordinance to authorize the making of various public improvements in the acquisition of new additional or replacement equipment and Machinery new communication and Signal systems equipment new information technology equipment new additional furnishings and new Automotive Vehicles including original apparatus and equipment in by and for the burough of Allendale and the county of Bergen state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of 1, 636,000 to pay the cost thereof to make down payment or fully fund Appropriations from the capital Improvement fund to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in and anticipation of the issuance of bond of such bonds and to amend Bond ordinance number 23-9 adopted on May 11 2023 thank you I'd like to open up to the public for any questions on this ordinance anybody from the public wish to speak on the Ordinance do I have a motion so moved second please second let us solo call councilman deloo yes councilwoman homman yes councilwoman lvas solo yes councilman oconnell yes councilman OU yes councilman yako all righty so next month is gay pride month and we have a proclamation here a ceremonial Proclamation for lgbtq plus pride month that I'd like to read whereas on June 28th 1969 at the Stonewall Inn in New York City a courageous group of citizens resisted harassment and maltreatment setting in a motion of serious of demonstrations what became known as The Stonewall Uprising and are widely considered to constitute the most important events leading to the Gay Liberation movement and the modern fight for lgbtq plus rights in America whereas while the lgbtq plus rights movement has realized much progress there is more work to be done as long as the promise of equality for all remains unfulfilled all Americans are affected if we can work together to advance the principles upon which our nation was founded every American will benefit and whereas all people deserve to live with dignity respect free from fear and violence and be protected against discrimination regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation during the lgbtq plus pride month we celebrate the proud Legacy of lgbtq plus individuals and they have what they have they have woven into the fabric of our nation we honor those who have fought to protect our Union and we continue our work to build a society where every child grows up knowing that their country supports them is proud of them and has a place for them exactly as they are whereas Allendale promotes a proud stigma-free Community accepting people from all walks of life now therefore we the mayor and Council of the buau of Allendale do hereby Proclaim June 2024 as lgbtq plus pride month in the burough of Allendale and I have this Proclamation if you'd like to take it this evening and thank you for putting the flags up um not the flags the ribbons all around the ribbons I keep calling black Grand they've been very well they Y and they're going to match our flowers did the high school did the high school get involved then there some umy rabbiting um you know in the past in terms of thank you everyone you're welcome thanks Donna of course alrighty um next we have the um resolution 24-40 to amend the dates of the mayor and Council oh I'm sorry yep to I'm sorry to amend the dates of the mayor and council meeting do I have a motion so motion second second call councilman deloo yes councilwoman homman yes councilwoman Lis solo yes councilman oconnell yes councilman OU yes councilman yarin yes do I have a motion to approve the consent agenda so second please Homan councilman deliso yes councilwoman homman yes councilwoman Lis solo yes councilman oconnell yes councilman otou yes councilman stain 24 151 yes on the balance okay any unfinished business or new business not seeing any Council reports I'll start with councilman um o Connell uh thank you mayor the only thing I have to report is an update on the scouts uh working on their Eagle badges they took their projects to the Boy Scout council and they're waiting to hear back on if it's a goal with them or not and I asked them to keep us up to date on uh when they're approved and when they plan on starting that's all I have mayor thank you excellent thank you councilman yarina thank you mayor I I will keep it brief this evening as we know we're heading into Memorial Day weekend and as we have coded it internally operation open crosswood Lake um has passed County inspection this week thanks to Andy and his team as always they do a great job and again just folks I here around town they walk through Crestwood very positive comments so really excited to open this weekend excellent councilwoman lisola thank you mayor um the land use committee met this morning at bur Hall um at each meeting we discuss residential and non-residential property concerns and work to address and resolve these issues um I'm pleased to inform our nature lovers uh that the bureau worked in tanem with the County's Curbing and Paving a Franklin terpi project to help the deteriorating Stelly Farm parking lot we hope that the improved Curbing and C Curbing and catch basins and the additional fill going in will be a huge Improvement um thank you to DPW superintendent Andia galiero engineer Mike veland code official Anthony Hackett C Farm Marsh Waring Jim Wright Joe councilman Joe deloo who is at the first parking lot powow our CFO basically our entire land use committee team for making this happen um it was a true team effort and I'm glad um we're moving forward with it uh we continue to look for volunteers uh that can lend their expertise to our shade tree committee the committee will be charged with identifying and mapping our shade tree trees in the burrow if interested please reach out to me or to former councilman Jim stouch um this is also a good time to remind residents that if they need to remove a dead tree along the property edge of the street the bur has a list of trees we recommend to plant in its place please contact Mikel matola in our Construction and building department um the mayor and Council as well as our land use board members are required to watch and certify that we've watched storm water management videos and I want to really thank um Linda Cino and Kim oliv for staying on top of this and rolling it out to all of us our finance committee also briefly met this meet this morning for a quick meeting thanks as always to our CFO and ba Al and Elana for staying on top of us of everything and addressing the issues as they arise and continuing to keep us in Good Financial shape I want to thank John Gil and Amanda Richards from um our clerk's office who represented the burough at the Autumn years Expo in Crestwood Park this week they provided information on alelle as well as useful County information to all our senior community and it was a great event and last I had privilege of accompanying mayor willinski to the New Jersey Conference of Mayors in Atlantic City all the seminar topics address issues that pertain to Allandale from affordable housing mandates to one entitled flood proofing New Jersey and I want to thank the mayor um for allowing me to be a part of this great experience you know I really um walked away with learning a lot and also realizing through our Roundtable discussions how many things alendale really does right and um as much as as much right as much as as much as we learned we were also able to kind of advise and and um be a resource for others there so um I you know go Allendale so thank you mayor awesome councilwoman home in all right let's see so uh first of all I guess to the community anybody that's watching and all of us on the council that violia does continue to be trying to do the obligation that has been set forward by the state on the letting copper Rule and identifying every resident's uh service line and I know that Franklin Turnpike has been a challenge um to have it closed but because that will be being paved it was necessary that all of those lines were identified at this time um so I am so grateful to the Allandale police department and all that they have coordinated and I'm also really just grateful for the communication that we have as a team between Andy and everybody on the council and PD it's been really great to be able to be up to date and I just ask and appreciate residents being patient during this time it's work that has to be done um other things as far as water we've had meetings with violia we continue to move forward on some of the Green Acres um steps that need to be done in order to wrap up the last of the transaction as well as the easement so thanks to Ry and his team and as far as sewers we continue to have meetings with our neighboring towns trying to better um to trying to ensure that Allandale is in the best possible position that we can be with all of the um demands on building for ourselves and for communities around us as far as using our infrastructure namely the St excellent thanks you councilman delso thank you mayor uh so the DPW committee did not have a formal meeting since our last meeting just some informal conversations as we typically do with uh Mr G Aro myself uh the DPW gentleman we're working hard getting Crestwood ready to go and as everybody knows as uh councilman Yak arino mentioned we are ready to go so that's great thank you to all the guys I do want to recognize that uh this week is the Public Works week National Public Works week I had no idea yeah I had no idea either so congratulations so I'm feeling neglected why don't you stand up while I read this so I I I went on a website from the American public works Association and I found something that I want to read so I quote so I don't get plagiarized okay the American public works Association is proud proud to announce advancing quality of life for all in 2024 National Public Works week Public Works can contributes to advancing and enhancing our quality of life no matter where we live in the world Public Works professionals provide essential services that lead to healthier happier more vibrant communities the advancing quality of life for all theme shines a spotlight on the way Public Works professionals Advance our quality of life whether as a first responder to an electric electricity outage regular waste pickup or a myriad of other ways they silently serve their communities Public Works professionals Advance the quality of life by providing an infrastructure of services in transportation Water waste water storm waterer treatment public buildings and spaces parks and grounds Emergency Management and First Response solid waste and RightWay management they are what make our communities Dynamic places to live and work so please join me and the rest of the council in celebrating our Professionals in Al thank you very much for all you guys do hopefully hopefully the guys are watching but I'm sure they can go and watch the video thank you for advancing and enhancing but happy National Public Works week and thank you for all you guys do thanks that's all I have mayor council men of2 thank you very much the Public Safety Committee met last week uh as you know one of our officers is leaving to pursue a career with another department so we are hiring we're once again looking for candidates who already possess their PTC certification so that once they finish our field training they can go pretty much right out on the road for us uh the police department will also be reevaluating our crossing guard posts and possibly shifting a couple of them around uh that'll be based on a need determined by an internal study by the police department uh as everyone's knows Memorial Day is Monday and the police department will be out there and uring the safety of residents and those who come to our festivities roads require closing and some require blocking with larger Vehicles so big thank you not only to the police department but also to uh our DPW for their assistance in keeping everyone safe um I too would like to wish Andy and his crew a happy National Public Works week thank you for all you guys do for the burrow the place looks great uh the fire department once again invites everyone back to the Firehouse after the ceremony of Memorial Park for hot dogs and ref freshments this is a great time to speak with our current members and sign up to become a member of the fire department and uh not only is our fire department seating members but so is our volunteer Ambulance Corp so they really need daytime drivers so if anyone works from home can help out they want to talk to you so and just one thing I want to add on that so I did ask at the last meeting when we say that folks need drivers the the training requirement is not as intense as an EMT and that's really where the big need is perfect yep thank you okay staff reports are serving no thank you mayor I'd like to remind everyone to utilize the burrow website John gild does a beautiful job of making sure everything residents need to know is posted on that website I've seen other Town's websites and ours is one of the best websites out nicely organized and easy to navigate uh also in less than two weeks on June 4 fourth it's the primary election um and my daughter's prom oh no um as you can see the voting machines are here in the back um and I just received pulling pads and all the election materials um needed for that day so today I've just been going through and I've been sorting everything and doing my checklists um I'm asking residents to visit the burrow website under the burrow clerk voter information uh we have a lot of helpful information there regarding voter information uh such as vote by mail in uh information dropbox locations um early voting information uh become a poll worker which we desperately need um and lastly and more importantly there's also new voting machines uh a voting instructions uh in writing and new machine animated video instructions for 2024 so I encourage voters to watch the instructional video uh for a faster and more efficient voting process before you come to vote this way you have a better understanding of the process beforehand that would help cut down on the time voters have to stand in line and maintain a smooth moving of foot traffic um and I'm also happy to say that today marks two years I've been with her about excited thank you guys so much for everything and a we need these dates on a shared C I know I keep saying we got do you can do it we've got we've got the capability Only Our IT team was on top yeah I know director of communication Mr John so brought muffins to brol good muffin were the electronic they were not electronic so to go off the W Linda was talking about next week um while it's over the weekend you'll be there getting our newsletter which has voter information links and everything else with that but independently I'll be emailing that out to the RS 2 with the video links and just information just to get that out there as much as possible so you'll be seeing that next week U besides that you'll be seeing a couple other emails Crestwood newsletters coming out over the weekend uh reminder about the garbage schedule being shifted so you'll you'll be hearing from me over the weekend actually with with different information besides that I wish everyone a very happy and safe Memorial Day weekend and I will see you at the parade in Cy oh great glad you're going to be there super all right Chief oh thank you madam mayor so a busy time of year we're uh second interviews from new officers was exciting preparing for Memorial Day in July 4th and working with various contractors preparing for the repaving of FR a uh interesting Lively but we'll get there it'll be beautiful definitely all right DPW supervisor Andy thank you um like everybody said we're happy to that press FL is going to open up great news um DW's been very busy getting this town ready for Memorial Day um everything's look great um like Chief said um construction continues on Frankl Turnpike uh to get with the Ada standards for the curbs and uh to perfect our water um also we had a watermain break last night on De maruo uh by um West Orchard that was taken care of the roads open but they will be back again to replace a valve that needs to be fixed and lastly just want to wish everybody St Memorial Day thank you very much and our jorney Ray very briefly tonight mayor uh the council women home and summarized the the ongoing efforts with respect to the the sale to violia um actually violia is now looking at the rendering on the new Street DPW site uh they actually adjourned this morning's meeting because they said their team wanted to further evaluate the rendering that Mike geland had put together so uh with luck we'll have that approved by them next week if that's the case we can get it right out to Green Acres and we can start the formal process for the uh approval of the diversion uh and the good part about that as we mentioned is that once that is approved by Green Acres there is a significant escrow balance being held by violia which will get discharged to the burrow um so that's uh proceeding orderly albeit slow the latest Hiccup being on bolia side that they want to look at the rendering um beyond that Tom bour has been involved extensively with the mayor and others on the cell tower uh issue as you know our the lease expired um the uh existing uh cell carriers are essentially month-to month holdovers as we negotiate uh new specs and uh send it out to bid but as was reported here when we had uh our our consultant in uh the bottom line is that there could be a significant increase in revenue for the burrow uh once we have multiple carriers located on the site so that's a positive uh TJ's been working extensively with both the clerk's office and chief on oer requests which uh um seem to be inundating us and at this moment in time I guess the police department is the uh the target of many of the oper requests and uh it takes some working through but uh U you know working as a team I think all of that is is getting done uh and uh uh working with the committee we have ongoing DPW negotiations and I guess we're next up it's next week or the week after Tuesday Tuesday U hopefully we can bring those to some closure but it's uh it's been a little bit of an extended process uh and I will say uh not not necessarily ascribable to the burrow uh but uh I think we finally have got the DPW to sit down and hopefully we can make some progress on Tuesday yeah that's it all right excellent all right my report um 210 as you can see is coming along very quickly so we're actually starting to think about how we're going to manage the space um who's going to be using it all our community organizations Etc we're going to have a new system to get in but we're also going to have calendar so it's going to be electronic and it's going to be in the 21st century so it's going to be very modern and um but there will be some learning curves so we're just figuring that out right now so we have our first meeting in two weeks um we had our second of our four series of town hall meetings there was about 40 or 50 people that were here so they're being really well received um as you can see our Council meetings don't attract a lot of people so it's nice to see people come out the topic was fair share housing it seems to be the topic of the day topic dour because the last mayor's meeting as well as the mayor conference that we went to in Atlantic City um it's all the rage the uh fourth round and the ambiguity of what those rules and and obligations really are everybody who reads it kind of has a different interpretation all we know is that the numbers are a lot so um we as we mentioned before have formed a team we um are doing a hazard vulnerability study that's actually going to be in front of the land use board next month so we're getting ahead of the curve um so we're really trying to look at our land look at some of the issues that have happened with the climate um there's algorithms that they use to show you know some of our more vulnerable pieces of land that may not be able to be um built on thanks to the guys for putting the flowers up downtown they look beautiful so that was fun working with them that morning um I just wanted to briefly mention Oprah reform we we talk about Oprah a lot and the and the burden that it has in the municipality and it's becoming this contentious um uh fight you know of course in Washington so people uh some people on one side are saying that you know we're trying not to be transparent and it's just not the case the issue with Oprah is that it has been misused so the purpose of the law and the intention when it was actually put out there wasn't for people to get your email address or your home address because you have a dog and and and had to get a dog license and then they're targeting you to buy an invisible fence so I think it's well over % is for commercial for people don't even live like in this area and it's just been it's just been a terrible burden on our municipality a lot of other people's municipality the information is still going to be out there for people to get and it's actually going to be quite easier for them to access on their own um our next meeting we're going to be celebrating um our second Armed Forces Day so that is going to be a really special meeting so I'm looking forward to that so I hope we'll have a lot of people come to that and um on the 15th we have um we're closing down Main Street and we plan on doing this every year uh this was something that we did during covid and it was just really nice to see the community come together so we plan on doing this every year um and since the mural is a community event involving the whole Community including the schools uh for this year there will be some fundraising you know involved in in this but um it's going to be a lot of fun hopefully Sun if not the rain date is the 21st and I just hope everybody has a wonderful Memorial Day I hope we see everybody at the parade um and I think it's looking to be like a nice day right this um this year marks the 100 year anniversary of our park so it's actually special and it'll be decorated as such so um that's it for me um I'd like to open the meeting up to the public for any topics they'd like to discuss not seeing anybody motion to adjourn so moved all in favor hi hi