good evening everybody it's good to see so many faces in the crowd good evening to everybody that's home this is the bur of andle Mayor and council meeting July 18th 2024 at 7:30 pm Linda will you please read the open public meetings act announcement and call the meeting to order in compliance with the open public meetings act the notice requirements have been satisfied the meeting dates for the year are confirmed at the annual meeting are posted on the public bulletin board in the municipal building and on the burrow website published in the record within the first 10 Days of the New Year and copies are sent to the Ridgewood news and Star Ledger notice of this meeting by the July 8th 2024 Sunshine notice was sent to the record The Ridgewood news and Star Ledger and has been posted on the public bulletin board in the municipal building and burrow website councilman deloo here councilwoman homman councilwoman Lis solo here councilman oconnell councilman OU here councilman yino here mayor wilinski here everybody please stand salute the flag I flag United States of America to theice alrighty next we have agenda review we um are going to have a nice proclamation to start the meeting which is always a fun way to start our meeting we have then our approval of minutes um we have two ordinances that are on the agenda for second reading the first one is to amend uh chapter 53 of the buau code it's officers employees we had a couple of adjustments to make we um divided up a couple positions in the buau one um being the um director of communication um an admin position and also a Board of Health position um another ordinance we have for second reading and public hearing is an ordinance to amend supp supplement and revise um the burrow code to um allow for curve to curve Paving of our street so when utilities come instead of Paving only half the street now they're going to be required to pave the whole entire Street and I will be getting probably a lot of complaint letters about that but that's okay not from our resident and enough from the resident exactly um we also have a resolution for to authorize a capital uh budget amendment and then we have a couple of ordinances uh for an introduction we have one which is a bond ordinance um for construction of our community center and that's just actually shifting some some money around for that and we also have an an ordinance of supplementing um the code for our Police Department since we have so many new police officers we had to adjust like the time that they had to spend in the department before they went to the next position and then we have our consent agenda our consent agenda is routine and it is enact enacted in one motion but I'd like to point out a couple things to show all the great work that we're all doing um one is authorization to use a particular contract vendor for for purchasing um sometimes we use a state contract vendor instead of going out and having a bunch of other vendors come this way we know that they're a tried and true vendor and um everything's on the up and up we actually have two more SOS huh uh not two more just re renewing our agreement with the Oh okay that's why I was I was wondering where they went okay so we're renewing uh the contract for the SOS as we all know there's police officers now at least one officer in in all of our schools um we are also approving the teamsters contract um this is a contract for our DPW workers we worked very very hard on this contract um um a lot of back and forth and I think we came up with a really really fair um contract for our existing workers and set the burrow up for success in the future we also have certification for our annual report our audit uh we actually came through with shining stars so thanks so much to our um our CFO Alison altano for doing such a great job sometimes um you know a lot of things get flagged and we we actually didn't get flagged for you know only like a couple little minor things so that was great we are also going to be purchasing a bucket loader so somebody's happy over there about that for our DPW and welcome Cara our new uh police dispatcher alrighty so now we also have actually a Clos session um a Clos session is not open to the public but because it has to do with either potential litigation and the governing body uh speaks among them s so we're going to be talking about um an affordable the affordable housing uh lawsuit um that going on with all the municipalities in the buau all right so first let's start well let's open actually let's open the uh meeting up to the public does anybody have anything that they want to talk about on agenda items come on up so my name is Elijah Schindler and um please sayate your address too oh yeah 635 Frankin turn Allen and um on June 14th while I was on my way to a friend's house this is while uh Franklin Turnpike was under construction when they were doing the whole Road um I was driving my 2009 Audi 84 towards the Waldwick and I just passed the Franklin turn PL the intersection right in allenville and I noticed that there was a couple manholes raised manholes that were like unmarked not really painted orange and um I was as I was driving down the street I had uh actually hit one on my uh and it it uh contacted with my sway bar link at the bottom and it sheared um my front subframe in half along with that because my steering rack runs through my subframe it broke my steering rack and my driver side axle and so with that um I mean I have 17 I just graduated from northern islands I only worked part-time so far I have covered all the expenses myself but it's just I I can't anymore it's too much and um I'm just asking for a little help if that would be okay as you could see in the pictures I have stated in picture number one This was later I've actually figured this out um this week which is why it's become too much is my subframe actually is connected to my transmission and it cracks my transmission there's a crack running along my transfer case on my transmission and it sheared the bolt off inside my engine block oh so and as you can see in picture number two that I have I have the first Circle that says contact point you can see the bar that's running down below supposed to be connected to that little divot right there and then up top is where it's supposed to be connected to my actual frame and then in picture number three this is while I have it on the tow truck um again you can see the bar where it's supposed to be connected to the subframe or to yes to the subframe and you can see where it's snapped up top this one's a lot more clear picture number four you can see where my axle actually got snapped in half from the pump and yeah all that together the receipts and everything Yep this is a receipt you have so yeah okay okay yeah okay okay so um let me just respond so first thank you so much for coming um I know it's probably not easier fun to come here and also my apologies because I did not receive your um good your email and then your grandmother um forward it to me so and I actually just emailed you back oh you did okay um so um I did inquire about that I mean it's it was it's not a it's not an Al Del Road unfortunately and it's not not Allendale job and um it's it's a County Road and we did inquire to the county um our DPW supervisor um superintendent Andy reached out to Tom Connelly who's the head of the county um he did say that you can call them there is a number and I I sent you that number and he does want some pictures did you happen to get a police report uh so I didn't actually get police involved because I had actually pulled the car side off the road to enough where cars could pass me but I have a AAA card so I called AAA and came within 20 minutes okay and then I got a tow to the shop and Island alleno okay yeah I think they did ask for that right in the in the in the email um so unfortunately the burrow it can't really do anything so um you know if people their cars kind of break down even if it's on a burough road we don't normally you know it's just not like a practice that we can do um but I really do hope you know that the county can offer you some assistance thank you um and um you know we're happy to do whatever else you know that we can to assist with the connection with the county um but I do really want to thank you for you know coming forward and I really I really do appreciate that thank you thank you all right hey chief is it it's not too late to get a police report at this point is it you stop by uh if you want to come bye make sure they're respecting you all right all right sounds good I mean I do have one of my friends was there you need like no yeah I I don't think so I think would be great sounds good thank thank you oh I did did um anybody else from the public uh wish to speak on agenda items only it has to be agenda items it's I guess agenda close session yes sure come on up uh Gabriel K 104 scy Road Island New Jersey so over the past month I've been interning with the burough with a focus within the affordable housing and kind don't what's going on with that I don't I can't express how late I was when I found out that the mayor male was coming up with a lawsuit because I had spent numerous hours like scouring the web trying to find any constitutional argument to throw it out there is basically nothing that would come even close to supporting it so I really hope that you guys as a council can come together and hopefully support this lawsuit well thanks I'm going to be talking to the council about that as well and um I think there might be a good chance we'll see we've done a lot of research as well and I really appreciate all the research and actually Gabe even wrote this whole thing out about the 14th Amendment I'm like can you explain that and he did this amazing report for me so I really really appreciate and I hope you're getting Great Value being an intern at the buau so thank you so much anybody else uh from the public wish to speak on agenda items only Mr Thomas come on up take your time think I have to James Toms 30 I have to ask you to suspend the rules because I'd like to make a two- minute presentation to you U which you could treat as a petition if you like is that permissible at this time okay okay read that if I may sure mayor five years ago last month a bill number s1701 cleared the Senate budget and Appropriations Committee by unanimous bipartisan vote the bill would have required a long-term tax abatement applicant to submit a cost benefit analysis before a project could be undertaken the mayor would also have to be uh would have to produce an independent analysis both would then be available to the governing body and the public the content and the format of the analyses were set forth in the bill in some detail one of the sponsoring Senators said this at this time quote the cost benefit analysis will show how tax abatements affect local goon County entities this includes effect to schools and the impact on the components of New Jersey current school funding formuls another sen Senator whose fill speaking of long-term tax abatement said there should be and I quote there should be an immediate and long-term financial gain for the municipality and its residents otherwise the favorable treatment of reduced payments will help developer at the expense of taxpayers end quote Bill 1701 never got to the floor of the Cent that doesn't mean that financial implications of long-term tax abatements and exceptions must be ignored now we have financial data complete for a complete fiscal period the financial data pertaining to the warehouse project at 230 West CEST Avenue that's now available and certified this and other data permits you to publish analyses and projections of that project with some certainty and more accuracy than it was available before and I ask you to petition I petition you now to do so at your convenience okay thank you I'll talk to our CFO thank you very much Mr Thomas it's really good seeing you again all right anybody else from the public wish to speak on any agenda items all right not seeing anybody we will get back back to the program all right Proclamation I see some folks from the Women's Club here welcome everybody thanks foring and thanks for doing this every year so I'm going to read a proclamation in honor of national ovarian cancer awareness month whereas ovarian cancer continues to have one of the highest mortality rates in any of any cancer and it is a leading cause of cancer deaths among women in the United States and whereas each September especially we remember mothers sisters and daughters we have lost to ovarian cancer and we extend our support to those living with the disease and whereas each year thousands of women are diagnosed with and go on to battle VI violently against the disease yet ovarian cancer remains difficult to detect and women are often not diagnosed until the disease has reached an advanced stage because early detection is the best defense against ovarian cancer is essential that women know the risk factors associated with the disease and whereas during the national ovarian cancer awareness month and throughout the year we commend all the brave women fighting this disease and recognize their families and friends compassion and encouragement in memory of all the brave women who have lost their lives to ovarian cancer and support and in support of generations of women to come let us recommit to reaching a safer healthier future for all of our citizens and whereas the alel Women's Club will be placing teal R around trees throughout the burough of Allandale as part of turn the town teal a campaign to raise awareness of ovarian cancer now therefore I Amy wizinsky on behalf of the mayor and Council of the burough of allel do hereby Proclaim September 2024 as National ovarian cancer awareness month in the B of Allendale and thank the Allendale Women's Club for all their efforts to raise a raise awareness of the disease I call upon citizens government agencies organ ganizations Healthcare Providers and research institutions to raise ovarian cancer awareness and continue helping Americans live alonger and healthier lives and I urge women across the country to talk to their Healthcare Providers and learn more about this disease so thank you very much and I have this here for somebody if they want to actually keep it there you go super all right next we have do you want to take a picture oh good yes please who else wants to come anybody else want to come down I can take pict thank you man appreciate oh my gosh of course all right next we have approval of minutes June 27th 2024 do I have a motion so moved second please second councilman deloo yes councilwoman Lis solo abstained councilman OU yes councilman yarina yes okay thank you next we have second reading um for ordinance 24-9 Linda please read ordinance 24 09 the following ordinance published herewith was first read by title only on June 27 2024 and posted on the bulleon board of the lobby the municipal building and burrow website ordinance 24-9 in ordinance to amend chapter 53 of the code of the burough of Allandale officers and employees to fix the salaries wages and compensation of the officers and employees of the burrow of Allendale for the year 2024 I'd like to open um it up the floor up to the public for um any public comment on ordinance 24- 09 not seeing anyone do I have a motion so moved second please second call councilman deloo yes councilwoman lvas solo yes councilman otou yes councilman yino yes next we have ordinance 24-10 second reading and public hearing Linda please read um the title of ordinance 24 the following ordinance published herewith was first read by title only on June 27 2024 it posted on the bulletin board of the lobby of the municipal building and burrow website ordinance 24-10 in ordinance to amend supplement and revise the code of the burough of Allendale streets and sidewalks chapter 233 I'd like to open um the floor up to the public does anybody have any comments on ordinance 24-10 not seeing anybody next we have resolution 24 oh I'm sorry a motion I'll make second please gladly second okay councilman deloo yes councilwoman Lis solo yes councilman OU yes councilman Yaro yes all right next we have resolution 24-85 do I have a motion on 24-18 so moved second please second BYO councilman deloo yes councilman otou yes councilman yino yes councilman Delio yes okay next we have introduction sorry got it you good yeah all right next we have ordinance 24- um 11 this is the bot ordinance for um the construction of the community center Linda will you please read ordinance 24-11 by title ordinance 24-11 Bond ordinance to appropriate an additional sum of $2,200,000 for the construction of a community center on Crescent Avenue in by and for the burough of Allandale in the county of Bergen New Jersey to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such additional appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds and just for clarification um it's not an additional 2.2 it is an additional $500,000 um and it was just allocating the reserve of funds differently I just wanted to clarify that for the record uh do I have a motion so move second please second counc councilman delso yes uh Council Lea solo yes councilman OU yes councilman Yaro yes um uh second reading and public hearing will be on August 15 2024 at 7:30 p.m. and the council chambers all righty and next we have introduction of ordinance 24-12 amending article 12 of the code of the burough of alale please read ordinance 24-12 that ordinance 24-12 an ordinance amending and supplement Article 2 chapter 26-2 of the code of the bur of Allendale do you want to read about the when the second reading when the no motion motion to approve oh this uh the second reading um will be held August 15 2024 at 7:30 pm in the council chambers thank you motion to approve 24-12 so moved second please second Tyler Council Delo yes Council L solo yes councilman OU yes councilman yarina yes excellent thank you very much motion to approve the consent agenda so move second please second Le solo call councilman delisio yes councilwoman Lis solo yes councilman UL yes councilman yako abstained 24196 yes on the D all right any unfinished business any new business Council reports counc councilman yakar thank you mayor the criswood season is progressing well um we've received some communication and some comments from our Elite director Tom bardi um regarding badge policies guest passes uh things that we could do to improve our band night procedures as well as garbage collection regarding some of the same Andy and I had met yesterday at DPW just to kind of get some thoughts on paper and how we can come up with the best long-term Solutions especially since we may be doing some reconfigurations at Crestwood with the new concession stand um and things to that nature um further we'll be meeting with a contractor tomorrow regarding the tennis court project at the Red Bar in terms of you know what engineering work we need to anticipate um and also kind of getting our ducks in a row so to speak so that we could prepare for the emergence of pickle ball and then the other sports that are played at the courts at the Red Bar um last Saturday was the midlife crisis ban which is always a fan favorite in Allendale I was up there um around 6 o'clock meeting with the band making sure that all was set um and the things that were working to implement to make the experience better for both the band members and the attendees are starting to be put in motion so we're excited to continue that refine that process um this Saturday will be Michael Murphy which is an acoustic band he is excellent and we actually heard him perform at a prior event and we um got his information and have him coming to Crestwood this Saturday um good weather is expected thankfully hopefully no rain and low humidity which we haven't had some time um so we're anticipating a high turnout um we'll be having an ASA meeting in August once we have a good confirmed attendance um regarding the fall maintenance schedule for fields and also for f Sports and finally our continued partnership with the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission um this time for vehicle inspections which were held yesterday at the Red Barn we had 30 vehicles inspected um including some burrow vehicles at both the police department and DPW uh reception was well received by the residents and the inspections take less than five minutes so we'll be continuing to work the Motor Vehicle Commission to offer the services the next one next one will be next July 2 July 22nd and we have the inspection one coming back as well right and then the real Ida will be coming in September 10th and 11 perfect thank you thank you very much councilwoman Lois solo thank you mayor um our land use committee meeting last one we had was on June 25st um before we got too deep into the summer we met to discuss some outstanding residential property concerns that our team of professionals has been working hard on resolving the good news is that our ongoing list has been cut in half as situations around these properties continue to get wrapped up um we're looking to have our next meeting on the morning of August 1st also on August 1 we like to resume our finance committee meetings um as always our great finance department continues to safeguard the fiscal accountability of our community from a human resources perspective we hurried a great new addition to our burrow team we welcome Dy Blitzer as our new administrative assistant make sure you stop by the clerk's office at Burl Hall and say hi to her but you can also say hi to her tonight as she is here this evening so welcome Dy yay um also joining the team to assist with our burough communication and take over the creation and dispersement of our burrow newsletter is Julia yeah uh Julia will be working mostly remotely but we are equally as excited to have her on board uh a little quick thing on the Lee Memorial Library um they have also added to their team they're pleased to announce that Anna Kang Wan has joined the library as its new part-time children's assistant Anna is an award-winning children's author who has already made an impact at the libr library with her engaging story times and programs including the recent Tailor Swift Swifty Club event which was sold out sorry you missed it Matt um there's another one uh summer reading programs for adults children and teen teens are in full swing and there's still time to sign up for them uh for programming information make sure you check out the library's newly revamped website uh also Mark your calendars for Family Day fundraiser for the library at the Red Barn at Crestwood on Saturday September 7th and that is it for now super thank you very much okay councilman Delia thank you mayor so the DPW committee met actually this morning uh you were there thank you very much uh it was a good meeting we had a pretty large agenda just typical stuff I do want to take this opportunity on behalf of the holiday observers and the residents of Allendale to thank Andy and the BBW crew for all the support and help and clean up with the Fourth of July and also Chief Dylan thank you for everything for the support with uh everything that went on with the Fourth of July and the fireworks display I think it was a good good day everybody had a good time so thank you very much for that our DPW crew as always is continuing their normal work addressing normal issues picking up storm debris that was uh a good thing we did for the residents after that freak storm that came through uh taking care of Crestwood or downtown flowers keeping those watered and alive in this nasty get me day that's important and as always our Fields taking care of our ball fields um I am happy that the ordinance 2410 uh pass tonight because that's it's it's an important change when the utilities dig up a portion of our road you know unfortunately the code only indicated they they only had to pave and repair half the road so now our residents have the benefit of having the entire Road paved which helps our normal yearly budget and workload because we do try to pave certain roads in town usually we do five roads a year uh we did discuss this morning that starting next year we're going to look to do 10 roads so that's that's exciting quick question on that I don't mean to for the roads so since there's upcoming utility work now the ordinance has passed that's fully in effect so any work here on out will be full fully paid well curb curb to curb right to end not the entire Road right exactly curb to curb yeah yeah for the portion they Disturbed yeah and we discussed also this morning um about how to you know let them know we're g you know let them know ahead of time be proactive about that y thank you uh as always you know I want to thank Andy for addressing our resident issues and concerns you know when we do have problems in town please feel free to contact thew and the burrow you know we're here to help and work for everybody so when there are issues I know Andy's very prompt about responding uh he's always very professional and courteous so whatever we can do please let us know uh also you know last last meeting it was official we hired Drew as our full-time DPW employee so welcome Drew we do have two seasonal employees that are working through the rest of the summer and we're beginning interviews next week for a new burough mechanic so we're excited about that so uh one final thing I am very happy to announce we are to do a wood chip mulch giveaway for free to residents on Saturday August 10th 8:00 a.m. to 2 p.m uh this is down behind the DPW building there's a pile of clean shredded wood chips that can be used for mul free charge for any Resident wants to come down and get them you only caveat you you load your own uh we will put out a notice in the burrow newsletter and on the website so please come down and take advantage thank you thank you very much counc O2 all thank you mayor uh Fourth of July this big event that recently uh we dealt with went off extremely well as usual thanks to the hard work and participation of not only all of our agencies but numerous neighboring and not so neighboring agencies as well uh particular thanks obviously to our hometown police fire ambulance DPW and C uh thank you to Sergeant Jamie hillgardner who coordinated all the agencies as Incident Commander for briefing was incredibly detailed and very very phillow and as an attendee it was extremely impressive um so thank you again to all involved the junior police academy starts Monday Police Department is finalizing hiring of two officers and is working to prepare for the upcoming school year um to date we have hosted the Gary leesia Memorial blood drive twice due to our success we have been asked to host a third one so I'm happy to announce that we've just finalized the date which will be September 26th from 1 to S again at the fire department these drives would not be nearly as successful as they are without the help of many people one group which helped tremendously with our last Drive scouts at troop 59 Scouts helped by passing out snacks and juices keeping an eye on those who donated to make sure they didn't require any further medical attention and general cleaning up and restocking those snacks and juices so Dr laia wanted to be here this evening uh but he is presently training one of his agencies so he asked me to pass along his heartfelt thanks and extend an invitation to the scouts to again help in September if you can so this evening we have with us some Scouts we have Darren Daniel and Audrey kerski Robbie and Sarah Thomas Emma Gibbons Mila Murphy and Maddie Nicks and I would like you all to come up we have a special patch for you guys forget everyone that's everyone right oh good good job good job sorry just checking come on up got thank thank you guys congratulations Walter were we were there that day when they were there right put on your hat try not to lose it right where were we that's committee reports our May um as councilwoman Loa solo stated um we have hired daddy um in the clerk's office as Administrative Assistant um she's doing very well uh she's she's learning she helped me uh in the afternoon set up for the mayor and council meeting went over a lot of things with her explained everything to her um yeah we're very we're very she's a pleasure to work with so um yeah excent that's it anything El no that's it all right CH Mike Dylan thank you Madame mayor Echo councilman doio councilman TOS uh sentiments about July 4th thank you to the community for safe and enjoyable July 4th it truly does take a village to make this event happen and everyone's contribution to a safe and secure event is greatly appreciated the department is working on various initiatives to address mental health in the community as well as a program to enhance selfish esteem and confidence of middle school girls these programs are in the development phase so expect more information in the near future excellent great DBW supervisor Andy a googli Aro thank you madam mayor um so again thank you very much for the two new DPW trucks other the pickup trucks and um also the front end loader which once the Po's done it'll be here in a few weeks um the new rolloff that was ordered um last month will be here in September as uh Joe stated earlier uh new DPW laborer Drew is doing phenomenal doing a great job as the rest of the crew is um thank you again for having Kim Oliver DPW secretary down by us this fulltime Monday through Friday now um she's a tremendous help and I just wanted to welcome Dy to the Allendale family excellent thank you very much B attorney Ray wh thank you mayor busy couple of weeks uh some of which is reflected on the uh the agenda the preparation of the ordinance with respect to the curb uh Paving uh working with Chief Dylan on the revision to the promotional ordinance um and I think we have a couple of other ordinances that are in the hopper for introduction at the next meeting Linda has forwarded those to me uh TJ from my office has been working with the clerk's office on several OA requests as is typical um Tom bour has been diligently working on the cell tower situation uh I think that the uh the process uh that the burrow authorized has obviously been very successful to date uh in the sense that the revenue anticipated by the burrow is going to substantially exceed the revenue under the expired leases so that'll be a net positive it's h very rare that a municipality actually is in an Endeavor that makes money as opposed to now and I have to say I just have to thank everybody involved with it because you know we could have easily gone a different direction and we really all did our due diligence and researched it it's it's just a very it's not everybody's specialty s hour so we made sure that we held off and we didn't jump the gun and thank God because we are now actually going to own the cell tower so all that revenue is going to come to us we're cutting out the middleman and we're actually bringing about two to $300,000 more Revenue into the buau every year so um it's just uh it is makes me very happy major POS major positive uh this evening we basically effectuated the last parts of a land transfer to a to a resident uh which has been a long time in the making which one that's on the Foster property that's it'll be good to have that done a quick update on the PK litigation uh I will be concluding the depositions of the principles of PK on July 29th and we're scheduled to have a settlement conference with the court on September 16th uh hopefully the settlement conference will result in some culmination of litigation if not the beat goes on um progress this week in the sense that we had the uh the first uh telephone conference with the Green Acres um as uh as I've been updating the governing body um we had been formalizing with beoli as part of the transfer the water utility uh the new Street DPW site we've had input from the committee from Andy in terms of uh what the department needs in terms of their operational facility what bolia needs in terms of uh their running of the water utility we basically have agreed on a template of what that looks like uh the balance of the space we are offering to Green Acres um as dedicated passive Recreation Area Parkland um as part of what called the diversion process so we had a very positive phone call on Tuesday Mike greeland the burough engineer myself with the representative of Green Acres uh she's now talking to her team I anticipate in the next month or so they will probably have some Representatives up here to walk the property and look at the the proposed dedication um I think it'll be a process that'll be quite extended but at least it's underway now and that's it mayor thank you very much there's a lot of work with h that as well that was you know year year more yeah took a while so um all right I have a brief mayor's report I hope everybody is having a wonderful summer um our 210 Community Center is really looking good I know I'm the only one that gotten to go in there I'm trying to plan um some um some videos I'm trying to plan some tours uh for our staff first because we are trying to uh we already had one meeting we have another one scheduled that we are going to figure out how the uh Community is going to be you know using this space so it is completely different than what we have here so we're really excited about it some of the finishes are going in and the colors look really really beautiful so I think it's going to be such a major um a major uh Plus for the community and just as brief backgrounds um initially it was going to be two stories except um covid happened a lot of things happened in between um we worked differently here so the prices exponentially went up to the point where we just did not feel it was worth spending taxpayers money to uh put burall there as well so that's why we decided to keep burall here if we moved over there the library potentially would have moved over into this space and they they they would have most likely have loved that um they were very supportive of this decision as well so they understand it um and you know and here we are um I really can't wait until it's going to be done it should be done by the end of the year but I'm not making any promises um uh we're having uh we had another fair share housing meeting fair share housing is the Mount Laurel affordable housing obligation that every municipality has we have our numbers coming down in October it looks like our numbers are going to be 200 affordable units which can trans translate to a, units for the buau which as we all know it's going to be very difficult for the bureau to fulfill that um the close session this evening is going to be discussing a litigation that is going on with all the municipalities in the state and and we're trying to um do um some effective numbers I should say so we'll see how that goes so we'll be discussing that councilwoman Loa Sola was on um the mayor's U meeting with myself and also councilwoman homman so we're just going to talk to everybody about that and see which way we're going to be going um as part of um our master plan we are also embarking in a um Hazard vulnerability assessment study so we have a meeting next week with all stakeholders ERS that are involved with the bureau like our DPW supervisor and our chief of police and our our um engineer and some other DPW workers that can identify some areas in the buau that we've had some issues like prone to any type of issues that could be affected by some type of climate change like flooding or things like that so that is also going to be part of our master plan and that is going to be um we hope telling the full story of um fair share housing and with the burough actually handle as far as building so with this whole fair share housing um we we are trying to get ahead of it we are we've formed a team we've already had three meetings been to meetings all over the state we are doing the best that we can um because I you know you see what's going on in other towns when other municipalities the Mayors and councils put their head in the sand so you have to stay on top of it the obligation is not going to go away but we have to do the best that we can to to uh to you know handle this this obligation so um we'll be continuing um the mural project we're going to have a meeting coming up soon so thank everybody for their support with that I just want to thank Allison for all her work with the audit um that is a lot there's uh always stressful time when all the Auditors come in and we pass with flying callers and also good news is that the County taxes came in a little bit lower than we anticipated so actually everybody's taxes that you got in that little piece paper are going to be a little bit lower um also want to welcome Daddy to the Allendale team um you've already made a great addition and also Julia Julia is uh going to be our new director of communication so she's helping us get the newsletter out Hing helping us be more transparent with um with the bureau and that's one of our goals that we all have is to try to get as much information to everybody out there as they can so that is my report for the evening and now I'd like to open the meeting up for any public comments on any matter so if anybody wants to come in uh come on up to talk about anything please come on up hey Walter come on up Walter with the 38 Hamilton would you give um Tyler an explanation of what they plan to do regarding tennis courts so tomorrow's meeting is going to be a p walkthrough of the site um we've previously looked looked at the site in terms of determining how we want to best utilize you know all the upcoming Sports pickle ball tennis basketball um so there's not necessarily a solidified plan yet but tomorrow's meeting will you know put the wheels in motion so that we could start to finalize our specs and ultimately get the project going do you have an idea do they replace what they so it would so right now so the sport court material that's on there was installed approximately 2014 the UN under layment if you will under the sport court was probably done in the 1970s if I we had an estimate um so at this point it would be a total you know rip and replace and Engineering work would be done regarding you know water and blows and things that nature so realistically will be a whole new tennis court facility it will be yeah two thumbs up from Walter all right anybody else from the audience like to come up to speak on any matter any public comments not seeing anybody I'd like to uh introduce resolution 24-1 198 authorization to go to close session to discuss affordable housing lawsuit so move second please second councilman delisio yes councilwoman Lis solo yes councilman OU yes councilman Yaro yes okay at this time um the public has to leave we're not going to be doing any business after this but um if you want to thank you all for coming thanks everybody for coming appreciate it bye D bye thanks for coming thank you bon yeah yeah yeah okay okay well the session's now over motion to adjourn so move all in favor by have a great night everybody