welcome everybody it's April 25th 2024 um 7:30 pm this is the burough of andell work and regular session meeting um John would you please read the open public meetings act and call the meeting to order in compliance with the open public meetings act the notice requirements have been satisfied the meeting dates for the year are confirmed at the end annual meeting are posted on the public bulon board in the municipal building and on the burough website publish in the record within the first 10 Days of the New Year and copies are sent to the Bridgewood news and Star Ledger notice of this meeting by the April 19th 2024 Sunshine notice was sent to the record Bridgewood News Star Ledger and has been posted on the public building board in the municipal building in burrow website roll call please councilman delisio here councilwoman homman here councilwoman Lis solo here councilman o Connell here councilman oul here councilman Yaro over here everybody please stand and salute the flag the flag of the United States Amer stand indis all righty I will do a quick um agenda review and then we'll do the minutes and then we have a a proclamation so um we have a very short agenda today but um on the agenda we have our consent agenda which are matters that are considered routine and we actually um enact them in one motion but I do like to point out some um of the topics because of all the great work we're all doing um first we have the approval of our upsu contract so this is the collective targeting agreement that we work very hard to come to uh an agreement with so we're happy to have that done we have a new um DPW employee who who uh will be starting his name is Drew so we look forward to meeting him we also have um just our authorizing of our emergency temporary budget appropriation until we have a regular regular budget in place we have a small change order for uh the community center which I think was attic fan um attic light and KNX box and we also um have a resolution approving um downtown dining we are having a fundraiser for the mural project we we'll be closing um our downtown and all the restaurants will be participating and that is on the 15th of June and then we have our list of bills finance committee did you have a peek at the list of bills I sure did all righty and then lastly we have authorization to go to bid for the cell tower that the buau is taking over uh ownership of all right I'd like to open the uh agenda uh I'm sorry open the meeting for anybody who has um any questions on the agenda come on up agenda items only walterwood mer 30 at Hamilton uh the mural is that being funded totally by donations correct how much has been collected about $30,000 and how much more do we need $130,000 130 more about 160 total holy mackel what are they going to do to the building uh the mural is actually G to be adhered to the building so the building is going to stay there the mural is actually on panels that are adhered to the building oh so it's not just like a painted mural it's actually ceramic and and painting so the the students of all three schools have been involved so it's a very big Community project it's amazing and it's going to be beautiful we'll see when it's finished no just seeing the kids creating it the engineering behind putting it together is definitely substantial the uh person in who's driving it is a he's a renowned sculptor so he he knows what he's doing so in other words they're going to be panels that be attached to the building correct have those panels been constructed so they're not panels that are are panels that you think are like Square panels they're actually free form panels that are the shape of some of the components of the mural actually we can show you pictures it's actually hard to describe but we can show you pictures that might help you uh visualize it a little bit better if you if you would like to see some after the meeting another quickie uh I notic there number of bills here relative to uh I assume uh 220 is that routine that these small items are brought up occasionally for changing the change orders yeah I mean the more they said a mortar change color in the mortar yeah there's there's always change orders in construction I mean you always want to try to keep it at a minimum because you want to stay as close to budget as possible but it's inevitable so right like the mortar there was something else with the color that was initially picked out some are standard colors then that and but we they spec something else out so we have to make that decision do we want to go with the higher price color or or you know have the one that's like the regular so it's it's just a lot of a lot of work going back and forth so um yes that was that was that one it was was also when they made the um when they did the design they forgot to put attic lights in the Attic So we had to add that in there as well so just it's just kind so so just for reference mayor if you don't mind so there's not always change orders where we owe them sometimes there's credit change orders where change of condition where they owe us so a lot of those you don't get to see but it's a give and take and we have weekly meetings with the contractor and our representative is on top of it the AR text on top of everything going through everything so they keeping a very close eye on everything those changes all cleared to through you oh absolutely we actually have a project manager Chuck totoian who um yeah in fact today he uh he denied one of them you know so he goes through them he scrutinizes them and then Joe's on the uh the team so we him and I have to approve them before they go through 100% thank you you're welcome I'll be back all right all right so next we have our minutes approval of the minutes March 21st and April 11 so I have a motion to approve the minutes so moved second please second roll call uh for the March 21st councilman Delio is GNA have to abstain could rest or approved so councilman Delo uh abstain on the 21st and yes on the other one councilwoman hman yes for both councilwoman L solo yes councilman oconnell yes councilman OU yes and councilman yerino yes excellent next we have a proclamation and recognition of mental health awareness month so in recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month whereas mental health is essential to the overall health and well-being and all people experience times of difficulty and stress in their lives and should feel comfortable in seeking help and support to manage these times and whereas like physical illness mental illness is a medical condition that can be treated effectively through prevention early identification and early intervention and with effective treatment all individuals with mental illness can make progress towards recovery and lead a full and productive lives and whereas mental illness affects one in five people in the United States and the experience can be devastating for individuals and families with little knowledge or access to Mental Health Services and whereas the covid-19 pandemic has created a multitude of mental health challenges for our community members of all ages and connecting people to care is more important than ever and whereas May is annually recognized throughout the nation as mental health awareness month and whereas the 11th anniversary of the beginning of the stigma free initiative in burken county and pramis initially declaring itself a stigma-free Zone in 2013 and whereas Allandale declares themselves as a stigma-free Zone and will continue to support the stigma free initiative and whereas stigma free zones aim to inspire public interest and open dialogue about stigma raise awareness of the disease mental illness and create a culture wherein residents who have the diseases of mental illness feel free to seek treatment for the disease without fear of stigma and whereas local resources are available to treat the disease of mental illness so no one resident needs to suffer alone or feel hopeless now therefore be it resolved that the burough valel recognizes the community needs and continues to support the efforts of the county of Bergen in continuing to be a stigma free zone um and I'm glad that they mentioned covid-19 because I really feel that and you as a teacher must recognize how much Co has affected um our youth and I do think that it's so important that it's addressed um and and becomes uh more and more Sate all right next we have the consent agenda do I have a motion to approve the consent agenda so move Lis solo second o Connell roll please councilman Delio yes councilwoman homman yes councilwoman loas solo yes councilwoman oconnell yes councilman OU yes and councilman Yaro yes okay next we have our Council report councilman o um I'm sorry um councilman OK jeted uh thank you mayor uh quick report uh we have cyan here talk about the Eagle Scout project they'll be working on unfortunately Dean couldn't make it here to talk about his but his is going to be the rebuild of the fire pit some Stone around it and uh Ben there with the fire pit behind the redborn um and I'd like to thank I know she's not here but I'd like to thank Allison for sitting down with me last week to go over a couple budget questions that I had and that's all I have Mar excellent thank you thank you thank you very much councilwoman Lis solo thank you mayor um I had a rather lengthy report at the last count mayor and council meeting so this is going to be relatively short um you saw a couple Finance items on the consent agenda tonight um you know the is going along really well it's all pretty much tied up um and we'll be voting on it at our next meeting our next Mar CL yeah um land use board uh land use committee we are going to be meeting next week um next Tuesday morning so I'll have more to report after our land juice committee meeting um I just want to remind everyone that this Saturday is our um spring cleaning and environmental day um here at Burl Hall with styrofoam recycling and electronics recycling and whole bunch of other wonderful things it's on our flyer it's on our website it's pretty much everywhere um I want to thank Mark savastano for leading the green team in this effort and as o orber Hall staff who are helping out as well um I was able to attend our last Library board meeting uh the mayor and I are our R Council on to the library board um it was a great meeting I was happy to be there as is a a positive meeting as you know the library is doing its fundraiser right now to uh raise money for um supplemental things that the library needs so thank you to the Friends of the library and the library board for organizing that we were able to once again give the good news that you know the bureau totally supports the library and this year with almost $800,000 um plus additional Capital request um things that were granted so um just want to say everything's moving along swimming L thank thank you very much for pointing that out councilwoman homman uh yes so uh as far as water and I think I've shared this before but violia is moving forward with option A of the purchase agreement which would be to have the permanent P treatment for Allandale um being housed in the old water building across from the DPW this still needs D approvals but it's a great plan for both Allandale and violia if at some point some additional treatments would be needed there would certainly be additional space available that they would own um we are meeting with Engineers to discuss plans next week and that revolves around a collaborative effort that I'm very appreciative that Viola is working with us to look at land that may not be needed and could be used as part of the green acre open space that we need to be able to find to settle our Green Acres agreement um so again we're appreciative that violia continues to be a good partner in that um process uh sewer we have a meeting schedule with Saddle River tomorrow to get a better understanding of some of the current and future sewer needs in Saddle River um should additional connections become necessary we as a team are all of evaluating um some options that will ensure that these connections do not have a negative impact on Allandale and it's residents in sewer costs um and one such option just to give an example that we're trying to look at is like inii reduction programs so thinking that there's some ways that anybody that wants to come in can contribute to actual meaningful reduction of inii which raises our costs um so all these thoughts are still in an investig ational stage and I've received a mapping from Andy of all the sewer pipes that come in from ramsy so I've done my field investigation which has been fun and uh looking at the edu so that's on my Andy list too even though he's got a long list so um but it's a focus for me uh this summer um with Joe too um for the summer of 2024 to really get the Ramsay side under can't wait no but summer it will be it will summer that is thank you oh wait wait no actually can I just add I as a teacher had the wonderful opportunity to actually chaperone the students going down to the DPW and thank you so much Andy and your team for allowing them to to be down there but the actual working on this mural is really amazing it's so cool what they are creating so I I had been excited about the idea from a standpoint of history and the mural being up and it being a piece of art but actually seeing it coming together it's really very cool be so exciting so we do need to do a lot of fundraising but it's definitely worth the effort I think we'll all be super proud to have this and now I'm done that's it now I'm done Del thank you mayor so uh DPW we had a meeting about a week and a half ago um and I just want to say that you know Andy you've been here four months and it feels like you've been here forever uh superintendent golier is great to work with you're doing a great job I I know you're still getting acclimated to everything we do but it's very seamless uh you know I just want to applaud you I know the fields we had our opening of our Fields this weekend everything went great I know you and the team put a lot of effort into getting that done I know there's still more to be done but you know thank you for that I know that DBW is still working on Crestwood to get that ready for our summer so that's moving along um our part-time helper Drew I know that's uh long coming uh looking forward to having him on board uh and once everything gets settled uh we're looking to hire more additional help as things go um I I also want to say you know what a good job the team has done over the last couple of months cleaning up the DPW facility especially on the insides I know there's still a long way to go and you know it was neglected for a very long time but you guys really did a great job and opening up the space for those kids to work inside the building I think you know is just is just wonderful so thank you for that for everything you've done uh I know you've been very good with our residents um I know there's been a lot of residents over the past that would contact ebw and I want to thank you for being as responsive As You Are are and as considerate as you are and making sure our residents needs get met you know there's things obviously you can't fix everything but you know I appreciate the fact that you're actually attentive and taking care of the residents so I hope all the residents that are listening out there you know don't be shy if you see something that doesn't seem right please let us know because that's what we're here for it'll make the town safe and as clean and happy as as possible um we're going to have a probably another meeting tomorrow afternoon uh we try to have our meetings every week unfortunately I've been traveling a little bit so they've been a little scattered but uh we keep in communication and um that's pretty much everything I have excellent thank you so much council president of T thank you mayor uh the Public Safety Committee has not met since our last council meeting but we will have one before our next meeting so I'll have a much more robust report at that point um but what's been going on in Emergency Management assisted the Red Cross with updating their shelter plans for the burrow uh big thank you goes out to Northern Highlands for renewing their commitment to helping displace residents during any emergencies that that might be needed uh the Run hiide fight program that was previously offered to Residents will be offered again but for businesses in town uh it's going to be on May 22nd here at burough Hall I'm sure the chief's going to probably touch on that in his report um and finally as a reminder we ask that everyone respects our burough Parks uh the police department has seen an uptick in vandalism and burough ordinance violations round buror facilities Crestwood dogs are required to be on leash the person walking the dog must hold the other end of the leash so usually it works usually but you be surprised if it just says dogs must be leash the dog dog walking a dog that's all I got thank you so much all right committee reports are acting clerk John G okay well I have a report from Linda uh those who have not fin filed their financial disclosure statements please file them now they are due April 30th ballots have been mailed out to voters with active vote by mail request for the June 4th primary election the last date of register for the June 4th primary is May 14th and the clerk's office will be open until 900 p.m for late night voter registration on that day and I will duvail on my report since we're talking about elections uh Amanda Richards and I attended a uh overview of from the superintendent of Elections on the new voting machines just to have more staff and across the the county uh with the clerk's offices available to help problem Sho just be there jump in if it is needed so we uh we had a nice overview with that um and while walking out of that meeting one of the things that I kind of was realizing is that the new machines had rolled out last year which is considered an off-ear election so taking a look at the voter roles uh we had about a 31% voter turnout last year the last in-person presidential uh uh vote was in 2016 with 73% turnout so we're going to have a lot of residents here for the first time going to be using these machines and a lot a lot of uh lot of uh education needs to happen so I'm going to be putting together in May and then again in October a voters guide uh our residents the county has put together a nice video on the new machines how to use them so that people have a little bit more understanding of what they're walking into because these new machines are completely completely different than you have voted in in the past if well not that if you're coming out will the burrow supply enough uh not the burrow the the county enough paper wasn't it paper last year yes we've already we already had a delivery of paper from what I can calculate it looks like they've given us many much paper than we will need I think that's what that's what was interesting coming in this class it was the last year was I guess the test run the first time they really using it so they changed some procedure change some policies how they're doing it training of the pole workers is key and making sure we have enough supplies so that we're not running around grabbing paper from District Four to run to district one and will the education be like is it planed to be like on Facebook and know because yeah so um the county has produced a actually really good animated video of just exactly what you're going to be doing going in um so I'll just kind of condense it all into like a one sheet into one thing online it's going to be on our website it'll be in the newsletters uh throughout the month of May yeah so aside from you know the paper and the technical issues one of the other issues was the time that it took because there was it was there has there been anything to streamline the clunkiness of the operations piece of it no sure enough that is it was interesting because everybody at the end of the day thought that oh my gosh we had such a great turnout and it turned out it wasn't it was a very low turnout but it seemed that way because there was always so many people in the polls but that's because it took twice as long or maybe three times as long and that's one of the reasons why coming out of that class I was like I really kind of want to get this information to the public so that they have an idea what's happening it's a you know the old machines you just walked in they activated the machines you just pushed the things cash your vote you walked out 20 seconds 30 seconds maybe we can direct them at times that it's normally slower and say real yeah and just just so they're prepared for that because I think you know regardless this this new this new system takes more time right from just booting up the machine to printing the ballot it's 5 Seconds here 10 seconds here of just it it's it's a longer voting process so I think people coming into it knowing that won't be so discouraged if at least we kind of go okay this is going to be a little new for you um and this is what you're going to expect but we'll see but that's what we're gonna do from our end all right I appreciate um all that information it's very interesting um councilman Yaro yes thank you mayor uh start off uh last Saturday April 20th we had a successful opening day here in Allandale uh went very well and we received positive feedback from Mike minakuchi and then other members of the ASA board uh Crestwood registration is opening this Monday thanks to our office staff for their assistance so far preparing and for the registrations to come uh John and I will be finalizing the Crestwood Lake newsletter to go out in the near future um with regard to Crestwood and the ongoing concession stand project we did meet with the land use board last week for a concept review uh good feedback was given from the board members and also a resident who is in attendance uh this past week our architect provided updated drawings that we will review next week in committee and then we will be going to bid thereafter currently at the lake we do have ongoing electrical improvements that will help with the concession stand longterm and then also for the Band Shell that's used for various acts um and commun community members over the year um the DPW has C mallio mention continues to ready the fields um the lake and other facilities for the season uh regarding the restroom facilities at Crestwood Lake originally we were planning to use Portable Restrooms however the quotes that we received were cost prohibitive instead we are going to use the existing restrooms for the season um and we're making improvements where needed uh to make sure they're ready to go in p uh County inspection thank you very much to Andy and his team they've been very proactive and helpful in the whole process uh to wrap up on Sunday May 5th we will be having a Cars and Coffee event in downtown Allendale that will be raising money for the previously mentioned mural project as well as other community initiatives uh so far we've raised over $1,000 prior to the event even starting from our sponsorships and other folks who have contributed uh to the event so far so we're looking very much forward to that and the weather forecast so far looks good so thank you very much excellent thank you very much sure Chief Mike Dylan thank you mayor uh we're working on Memorial Day planning some community outreach projects with the businesses and schools I even threw out the first pitch at opening day last I heard it was good I was letting it out but it worked out well around did you you reach the plate right I iure over the all matters it was it it worked out better than I expected good job thank you stressful and working yes very much so working on renewing our contracts with the schools for special officers at both districts it's been a really successful project successful program we've got a ton of good feedback from parents I get emails probably a weekly basis uh complimenting the officers that we have so I'm really proud of that uh program and I think all our schools are in a safer place than where they were before I started Compliments are good I like them excellent thank you very much thank you DBW supervisor Andy googli era thank you Mr Mayor um reminder the recycling center in compost is open Wednesdays 4: to 7 and Saturdays 9: to 3 um this Sunday from 2: to 4: the Girl Scouts will be doing their flower planting in celebration of Arbor Day which is tomorrow um we have been working very diligently on the ball fields like everybody's been saying um chief said the pitching Mount was perfect he was able to throw his heater off good Crestwood lake is filling um it's filled and The Fountains uh yeah spraying it looks very beautiful um today we started the upgrade on the towards the Bandshell that is ongoing it should be finished tomorrow and um some additional no parking signs were put on West Allen LA by the ball fields that were missing um we've received a couple complaints about that so that was taken care of and um looking forward to our new DPW season uh employee Drew excellent thank you so much one additional thing can I add quick um I just wanted to also say that in addition to the environmental day on Saturday it's also History Day um from 10: to 4 um so for $10 you get a ticket that will let you get a tour and a walkthrough of the John Fel house in addition to the hopper goes house um the what other historical ones the um Hermitage you know the Ridgewood Library I believe the MAA Museum so there's uh I think it's total of 11 or 12 sites that you can for $10 enjoy and drive around and visit that day very nice very nice for attorney Town Bo not much to do mayor I think uh some of the things have been hit upon already at the uh Tower the tower yes that one's that's IG yeah that's going to come up uh quick we're starting to get some uh requests for the bid packages already so we're looking forward to some uh some competitive bidding to the benefit of the barrel excellent definitely looking forward to that Revenue stream all right I'll give my mayor's report very quickly um 210 is moving along um every time you go by there's more more activity there it's really interesting to be able to see the spaces uh the interior spaces because they are all framed out today we had a keying coordination meeting um where they just asked simple questions about the key system and um who's supposed to have like certain certain Keys um for emergencies and stuff um the next town hall is next month which is um May 14th we look forward to talking to Residents this is our second in a series of four we have a lot of feedback from residents on what topics they want to talk about so this gives residents an opportunity to talk in a casual setting um and I think um residents really do enjoy that um May 9th as councilwoman l mentioned we are going to have the adoption of our budget and the otter is actually going to be here so he'll be explaining everything about the budget so if anybody has any questions we encourage all residents to come we're happy to report that we have um a zero% um increase in the municipal part of our budget uh we look forward to Green Team day uh on the on on Saturday um I have my stuff all lined up and uh again also thanks Andy and the crew for getting uh the field done despite the Soggy weather um for opening day and I'm so happy that we had our chat throughout the first pouch that's super um okay any UNF unfinished business any new business I'd like to open up the meeting to the public on any matter come on up please state your name and your address for the record um I'm sonan Lee and I live uh at 17 17 R Vista Drive in Allandale oh should I start sure absolutely um so I'm here to discuss my Eagle project um I'm a scout from Troop 933 which is based in Upper Saddle River and um basically I've been I've been in contact uh with councilman OK conell and uh some other people and uh we've been basically uh we've been planning um an Eagle project for Crestwood basically the idea is to build um wooden uh structures around the current garbage cans which are just um the blue um drums uh and like one of these garbage cans like the wooden uh garbage cans can be seen at like the field near the uh the school um basically we're GNA like want to model it after that um currently I'm I'm just going to um talk it over with my scoutm and we're going to see if we can get it um approved by the northern New Jersey Council and then um yes uh it might it might get started around in fall or so I would say so I have to let you in on a secret those blue barrels have been a pet peeve of mine for over a decade touched on I want every single one of them um hidden or out of the burough so I'm thrilled that you're going to be building something to um to hide them basically so uh it's great great great project I was also thinking they can be useful for like um like signage like saying what the caner 4 cuz I I did visit the other day and I noticed like one of the barrels um it was supposed to be labeled for like tin cans I have a photo printed out here um but inside it was not containing tin can so um I think if I were to like build stuff around it it would help if we could like label for maybe like recycling or stuff like that that could also help that's a great idea do you have any questions for any of us um how many are you going to build because we have a lot of blue barrels I mean I I went around uh and I saw like about 10 to 15 so I would say maybe 15 or so oh yeah I was joking May 15 okay well I do know I said I having been in scouting I love the fact that you taking this opportunity to do that and I know it's a lot of work to do an eagle scout projects it's a lot of hours right it's about managing people and things like that so thank you for being in scouting because it really is something where you're serving people as well as developing your own skills yeah I love being in scouting it's like it's a lot of great opportunities it really is and it's such it's wonderful to both be doing things yourself and be leading others that's such a wonderful characteristic so stay in it well set well set and thank you for helping beautify the community thank you and you know what you're leaving your mark So when you build these you can look back years to come know that you made your impact great great on beh of the Green Team I want to thank you as well well I see that our chair behind you the green team is all smil uh because th those barrels have been unsightly and I think Carlton is gonna be very happy Mark what do you think so thank you okay do you have any questions for us um no not really okay well you have um coun o connell's name and contact righton anything you need let me know all right thank you thank you so much thanks for coming all righty anybody else from the public wish to speak on any mayor and Council Mark savastano 22 veland Place uh first I'd like to offer the assistance of the Green Team if uh the Scout would like any assistance we'd love to help out and uh Suzanne you mentioned what I was going to say this has been um one of the major concerns of Carlton who was a m the GRE so he's going to be very pleased to hear this that uh they were constantly blowing over and yeah so very good news and good luck on your project um I just wanted to mention that uh I have been in touch with um Janet Lynch who was a teacher at at the middle school Brookside and um very very excited about helping they're going to be volunteering several of the students from the environmental Club um they will be at our event and at each one of the stations so helping to keep count of how much of the material that's being collected at each one of those stations and also um I had proposed a a a contest for them either to bring the most amount of material altoe or to any one of the stations and that we would provide either a compost bin or rain barrel to them as a prize and they were super excited about that so yeah we'll have a good team of volunteers there um also I had a conversation with Nancy clous the new library director and she's agreed to accept the bench that we received for recycling the tracks material and uh provide a plaque for it as well and um they'll position it outside on a permanent basis outside the library showing that our continued efforts to collect the material results and something that's useful and material is not going into landfills so I was excited about that as well um I did meet with Andy and um we have the barrel and Rain uh excuse me the compost bin and rain barrel positioned at the recycle center now so uh there's a sign on them indicating the cost and to contact the green team for residents so as they go to recycle they know the again that they can purchase them and we continue to receive um emails to the Green Team team email asking questions and ordering right the barrels as well that's great yeah um and one thing I mentioned to Andy while I was there setting up the barrels and the sign uh residents were coming with plastic bags and and styrofoam and being told but we don't accept them and they were heading to the dumpster so I was busy rescuing the material and putting it in my car for our event and and reminding them that they could come to the event and also that that material can be recycled so U I would love to have a sign there that instructs the residents that instead of tossing it to contact the Green Team and um allow us to recycle it for them even if they're unable to do it on their own DPW we'll talk about that our next our next DPW me I think that's a doable thing yeah that that would be a super because the EPS recycling is really taking off um I'm making regular trips to Ridgefield Park with the material and whatever we collect during the event uh several of the green teams have volunteered uh to uh bring the material over to Richfield Park and process it so uh everything will uh will go as planned hopefully it looks like we have good weather and um I'm looking forward to it and thank you for everybody for your support question for you and I don't know if the Green Team team can find or work with the library but again on the composting bins and I own the same one that's being utilized now but if there could be some education on how to make the best use of that like even myself I feel like I I'm not necessarily like you doing all the right technique yeah Suzanne and I had spoken about that several times about making a video um yeah video would be good a video would be awesome yeah so the idea is that when Mark can you know find the time and we can just videotape him to kind of walking people through taking you know what to put in it and how it works and what have you and then really like because a link to it on the Bro page it's unbelievable how much it shrinks down and we've had it for years but I actually have not used any of the dirt yet because it is so it's it's just it's challenging to take it out and use it so I I've been we continue to compost I'm like what am I going to do with it and I I think I need even myself I need some better educ I used it in my flower garden last year and I ended up with six free tomato plants because the seeds right yeah yeah in my front garden I had these gigantic tomato plants this year I can bring some Tomatoes oh that's wonderful I'd like to see what I would grow feel bring councel thank you everybody for your support and your help and John so so much for the the signs that he's been making and all of his assistance and see you all on Saturday okay thanks all right anybody else from the public one last thing Walter has agreed to join us on Saturday as a volunteer so yeah you're giving blood you're helping the Green Team look at you hello duno from Chestnut Street how are you um I want to thank you Town Council uh police department culture change at the DPW which has been excellent which I Echo everyone's uh positive comments especially what's happening out on Chestnut Street um November just to bring back a little history November uh Todd and Mark um and I were there at the Chestnut Street and the intersection of Chestnut Street and Franklin turnpik and it highlighted the the problem that was there was that they actually saw what was the the issue about the left-hand turns in particular coming from you know Franklin Turnpike on to Chesnut Street and then what really created I think uh brought it issues to the safety people and and the police and also eventually to the county was the month of cones being knocked down and destroyed because of the traffic in a way it's it it's really uh abusing the the area so bringing the county sheriff and county department of engineering and the re recommendations that they may be making which I I hope that we will all be able to agree on and and follow the increase in striping which I'm I've been in contact you know either through emails with with uh Mike or uh Todd and um the raised Island possibly in that raised Island that would be you know um a way to steer them with the with the the um the striping cutting back to Hedges was another thing that was brought to my attention um on a personal note an appeal to you the mayor if you could um and I don't know whether it's possible or not but if you could talk to the mayor of Waldwick because we do shared um we're good neighbors with walwick I believe they're good neighbors with us as well and that if you know I think it's the s and everything that we shared if you could talk to the mayor and ask him if the DPW their DPW people could use not used Franklin Turnpike onto chest street with left-hand turns I I can understand why they may have to come up and may make right-hand turns to go back to walwick which is which is less dangerous but it's still the left-hand turns that you know I think their big trucks and effective I think it was the day that we were there that the big trucks caused the problem so maybe if you could just suggest they would do that so so um I'm here really to thank you I know I've been here in a you know a number of times I haven't been around lately I I have my excuses if I could have a a moment to tell you that I really appreciate I can't thank you enough for the the uh effort that's been going on between the Town Council and the police department and then now the the culture change at the DPW to make things so much better so um again thank you very much and if uh if I can help in any other way I greatly appreciate it thank for coming by sharing that thank you well there walterwood with 30 Hamilton last week I I was I drove over to question first where is the borrow line our Pro Our Town property line relative to the light on on uh Allen Allandale a in 17 burine road yeah it's in the middle of the street on burine road okay that's going to fit better I observed where they where they're going to build that four-story building to accommodate housing and I re and I I don't know how many if you have paid attention to it it's going to become a real Hazard with driving in that corner yeah it's GNA be a it's going to be a mess how involved are we Allendale with Saddle River in that construction that's a very interesting question um because it is a Saddle River Project um they will have their experts as far as traffic experts however they do need to use our sewer line so we are involved in that aspect of it I'm not sure about any other aspect of it as far as design or anything like that unless you know Public Safety feels the need that you know by reviewing their their traffic um studies that we we should intervene because we are right on the border can we get them to work with us relative to the traffic because that's going to impact Allen people I mean um you know we're not there yet but we will be we're not I mean they haven't even um they well they have actually committed some plans but we will be monitoring it very closely we will be watching it very closely as far as what we can do it's not 100% clear at this point but we will be monitoring it very closely it's going to be a mess yeah I just this is part of it's going to us and not Saddle River I I agree with you they they are oblivious to the whole thing I agree with you thank you anybody else from the public wish to speak all right with that motion to adjourn don't move all in favor I