good evening everybody welcome welcome everybody at home welcome everybody here in Allandale to January 4th Cate DA meeting um at the Allandale mayor and Council Linda will you please call the meeting to order in compliance with the open public meetings act the notice requirements have been satisfied the meeting dates for the year are confirmed at the annual meeting are posted on the public bulletin board in the municipal building and on the burrow website published in the record within the first 10 Days of the New Year and copies are sent to the Ridgewood news and Scar Ledger notice of this meeting by the December 22nd 2023 Sunshine notice was sent to the record The Ridgewood news and Star Ledger and has been posted on the public bulletin board in the municipal building and burrow website thank you roll call please councilwoman homman here councilwoman Loa solo here councilman oconnell here councilman oul here councilman yako here councilman deliso here mayor wilinski here everybody please stand to salute the flag iedge all right well Happy New Year everybody welcome welcome to Alan down do we have actually more Waldwick people in the in the room you guys all Waldwick Warriors back there so um thanks so much for coming happy New Year um we have a really quick uh review of our agenda for our Senate DA meeting um we have first I'd like to open up the public the uh agenda for public comments does anybody from the audience would like to come up to speak to to anything or on the agenda anybody all right not seeing anybody we have our consent agenda we have our budget transfers and we have the approval of the December 29th Bill list do I have a motion to approve the agenda so moved tomman second please second to councilwoman homman yes councilwoman Lea solo yes councilman oconnell yes councilman OU yes councilman Yaro abstain 23273 yes on the balance please Council M delao yes all right and next we have our Council report councilman o conell uh thank you so much mayor uh one quick Report with the DPW after uh Andy uh had the flood situation he had a little easier week this week but we are collecting Christmas trees and DPW is gearing up for the snow slush rain ice whatever we're getting this weekend that's all I have mayor did well with this the rain now we get snow right now we get snow who knows what rain snow little hey Andy councilwoman liso uh thank you mayor uh so I think I gave kind of a yearend summary the last time so um happy holidays and happy New Year everyone for finance HR and admin we're kind of hitting the ground running um starting next week um Allison's already been looking things over you know we were proud to be able to provide a 0% Municipal tax increase again uh this past year um a lot of the low hanging fruit has been plucked um but we're taking a look at things for this upcoming year um looking forward to that also added to that committee this year is also um it um so that's going to be interesting and I look forward to people's help with that I'm also taking that as PR so we're going to look at making you know communicate better I think to the public and and in new and innovative ways um for land use um I'm going to look forward to continuing to work with councilman Joe deloo um continuing many of the initiatives that we started last year um that includes streamlining and clarifying our code um and paying attention to things around tree removal um we're actually toying with the idea of uh re um instituting our shade tree committee um and we have a former councilman who would be very um instrumental in that uh so we look forward to getting that up and running again uh for the green team we met I'm the uh leaz onto our Green Team and we're looking at our spring cleanup day which is a big popular day in town and our our environmental day tentatively April 27th it's a Saturday I think it's also Earth's day um we might move it away from that weekend because some of the things that we do on that day like our clothing recycling those get harder to do when everyone all the towns are doing things on earthday and then for the library I just have one quick little note um for our young folks here um on January 15th at the library they have a dragon sculpture craft and stories to celebrate appreciate a dragon day which I guess is the thing um and we also have a hot cocoa and in a jar craft for hot cocoa day on January 31st that is it thank you excellent thank you very much council president Li rman so is it true that we have a little time we have a little time we not for long so I was thinking that you know today as I was reflecting uh upon the past year and I was thinking oh probably I should have said this at the last meeting of the year but I realized that this kind of still is the last meeting of the year um so for myself as um it's been a pleasure to be council president for the year but I think the thing that I thought most about this year and looking back was really about all the things that mayor wilinski has accomplished during her first year as mayor and I'm not going to go into the long list of them they you know go through the minutes it's it's everywhere but I think there are three things that I felt like I really wanted to share in public hopefully there are people online too that they would know about how Amy works for the burough and just three things and the first one is that really Amy Works absolutely tirelessly for the burrow um I think all of us know there are conversations and emails at all times of the day as far as people in the public and ourselves Amy is amazing at following up on phone calls messages she doesn't let things fall through the cracks um and you know even as a council member she's awesome in her gentle reminders about the timelines that we set which are so important I don't know if it's only only me but I'm just thinking maybe she she reminds all of us sometimes um so being a tireless worker for alandale is a huge um thing and the second thing is that Amy really works as a team um I think sometimes as Leaders sometimes it would be easier to just up I already know what we want to do check it off move forward and that's not how you operate and I I totally admire that because she really does always communicate and look not only at the short-term solution for something but how is it going to impact in the shortterm how is it going to impact in the long term what are the financial implications pros and cons and I think that's huge and truly to Allen Bale's benefit um and then the third one is really that Amy only works for the best of allenvale that there is no other political agenda there's no Personal Agenda that she does you know make time and have difficult conversations sometimes which you know we'd like to sometimes even as elected you know Representatives avoid and she doesn't do that because she knows it's in the best interest of Allendale and then the other thing I can for sure say is that she also celebrates with each one of us when you know good things that we're a part of she totally wants as a team member to know how appreciated they are so as residents I can say she truly appreciates the team part of residents feedback in and trying to make sure she gets information out as council members I know we're truly a team and then as individuals that are employees in allenvale I certainly hope that they feel that team leadership from Amy so those were the three things that I just had to you know make sure that that I shared with our community and I know that our Council would Echo that um so it's a pleasure it's awesome aome to be on the council with you all um the water committee I've been the head of the water committee for eight years and it has been a lot more fun uh than I ever expected and we I have one more year um to work with Joe deloo who's going to be heading um heading up water and sewer and DPW and all that um which will be great and I want to say that Ry we're on a timeline we got to get that last we have some remaining uh money in escrow from VI and uh for the community to know that it's uh right around just over $3 million the May said if I procrastinate you have to stay it's not no no we will get it done um but it's it's been great and thank you and we're moving that forward there are still going to continue violia has been a great partner um so to the community that we are still going to be having lead and copper digging in front of many residences because it is part of the Le and copper rule again to identify what the service line is made of um so that will be continuing throughout the year and I know some residents feel that's an inconvenience but really it is not only the law it is a wonderful um opportunity to ensure that our water lines are as as safe as possible um and let's see what else the other thing is that the temporary PE posos treatment at the West Crescent well continues to move forward um they just had a little road closure the other day thank you you Mike Dyan for helping out with that to uh bring in the media in order to have the temporary posos treatment up and running um before the well it needs to be open up for the higher water use uh season and the next step in managing posos which is present in water all over New Jersey will be the construction of a permanent facility so we're hopeful that that will stay um down at New Street in the current water facility but we'll be working with theia on that and and then as far as sewers um our Focus there is going to be first the sewer agreements with Saddle River and Ramsey today uh our awesome lawyer sent over to uh staddle River another draft of an agreement that as a team we all worked on today so hopefully that will be um that might be my timer that I'm done not but it could be I'm almost done um and the other thing that we'll be working on and I look forward to working with our team is really looking at the infrastructure of the sewer sewers in Allandale because next to you know our Public Safety line items the sewer is the next largest tax item so it's a big chunk of money so whatever we can do in the future um so that is my report May thank you very much thank you so much very very much mid chill thank you mayor quick report um with the forecast for snow this weekend uh Chief and I I touched base a couple of times today monitoring the snowfall potentials partly because it's Public Safety partly because we're kind of Kindred weather nerds um we've scheduled our next blood drive for March 28th and I know I don't think they're here yet this evening but we're hiring uh swearing in two new officers tonight uh Nicholas helli and Christopher Rosado we're very happy to have them joining the family and we're certain that they will be great additions to the police department um we've had quite a turnover in our Police Department this year and uh the department is moving in a great direction under Chief Dylan looking forward to next year we'll be working to bolster the numbers for our fire department our ambulance Court we have a lot of great volunteers already but you know they can't do it just with them so we want to bolster their numbers and help spread the burden around a little bit that's all that I've got perfect thank you very much councilman Yak arino thank you mayor a short report this evening one thing I did want to highlight in which you and I were part of Correspondence this week is we're on track for the first deadline deliverable for the concession stand from our retained the professional with regard to demolish demolishing rather the existing structure Andy will be in touch with that relatively soon to hopefully get things in touch for the uh summer so that's really exciting looking forward to moving that along and also happy to be joining the Public Safety Committee this year with councilman o so looking forward to again to your point adding know volunteers and working with that so that's all for this evening thank you wonderful staff reports we'll start all the way at the end oh Joe Joe Joe I'm here mayor all right Delo do you have a report um not really I just want to wish everybody a Happy New Year I'm sorry I can't be there with everybody in person um I'm looking forward to my new role in working with Andy and the DPW and I guess sewer and water which is I wasn't aware of but I'm looking forward to it and I'm also looking forward to with Suzanne and land use and continuing what we started and continuing to keep Allendale a great place it is so thank you to everybody thank you very much staff reports John Gil our director of communication I'll keep it short tonight I just want to wish everyone a very happy New Year congratulations to Ed and Joe on being sworn in tonight I know we have a lot of swearing in including two new officers so I look forward to working with everyone in this new year thank you super our CFO slba Allison Alana okay I don't have much to report on tonight um we're just working on closing up 2023 and getting ready to start 2024 and begin working on the budget so that's all excellent our clerk Linda Serino so I just want to let everyone know that free covid test kits are available um at the municipal clerk's office um also the 2024 animal license registration for dog and cats is um is from January 2nd through January 31st any renewals after January 3 31st is considered late and subject to a $5 late fee unless you're registering a new animal uh and then it's no late fee um upcoming free rabies clinic at the Red Barn at Crestwood Lake on January 20 uh from 12:00 pm to 1 pm if you can't make uh that rabus clinic you can go to the burough website and there's a flyer with additional locations that's it thank you very much she Mike Dylan okay DPW supervisor your first report the egly area everybody rain [Laughter] week be attorney right with thank you mayor uh as everyone knows it's a very busy last week of any uh calendar year in a very busy first week and this certainly has been no exception uh matters that we've been involved in have included uh concluding our sewer meeting at 4:00 this afternoon we have Labor negotiations starting at 8:30 tomorrow morning uh yesterday my office was out on the uh I guess the field trip about the cell tower and 5G coming to the burrow uh and certainly there's been no shortage of opah requests that have come in we'll see what the legislature does with many revisions to the legislation on oah requests and uh to the comments that the councilman homman uh said I think the mayor knows that I get to the office around seven uh but I think she's baiting me now she starts with emails in text at about 6:30 or 6:45 uh so I think she's concluding at seven isn't sufficient uh other than that I just want to say to end and Joe congratulations and wish everyone a Happy New Year a thank you so much all right now my mayor's report mayor just before you give your report real quick on the heels of um council president Liz homan's uh remarks in regard to you we just all wanted to thank you for the time that you put into the burrow this year and it's a pillow of the clock tower that we also have the new face on thank so cute you you guys all right um first I'd like to welcome some dignitaries here this evening and hopefully I'm not forgetting anybody I'm trying to look out there but first um former assemblyman Jack Chelli thank you for being here this evening see mayor merus Liz white in the back and mayor merus Mary Joe gard and I know may mayor gandoo was supposed to be here I'm not sure if he's here yet though so thank you all for coming and if I'm missing anybody let me know got everybody okay so first I'd like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for your faith in me and your support in me as mayor this first year at the last meeting I had the opportunity to express my gratitude for the amazing staff that we have and we do have an amazing staff um and we have amazing professionals but tonight I would really like to take a moment to commend these guys up here this team up here um we made a lot of changes this year and change can create uncertainty but you are all absolutely super and wonderful through it all so some highlights myself um we Clos on the water technically but we're still working through uh easement details I will always State uh and Will Never back down on this that we not will not have received a whopping $18 million if it was not for your due diligence and hardworking getting this water deal done with violia so kudos to you um now on to our sewer agreements um so you're the new sewer queen queen officially um always you're always working to get the best deal for Allen and all future developments so thank you Liz homman plus you're my past partner with the roller coaster deal for black mill work also known as 220 230 so we work through a lot of challenges in our Police Department with many many legalities that we had to sore through we had a lot of retirements and hired eight new officers luckily we have a new Chief and we have a councilman who has been strong and steadfast through all this so thank you matol we also have a committee that I like to call the fund committee it was always my committee so I was really happy to hand it over to the young on Tyler is spearheading the uh new concession stand and he's jumped right into Crestwood scene lining up record number Vans this year and next up is a Corvette show yeah it's all Encompass I didn't know so crestford Lake isn't our only gym in town our fell house is a historic treasure as well Ed helped out here when he was needed he always kept tabs on Ron down at the DPW and he always lends a hand when he's asked he's very easygoing and always goes with the flow so thank you Ed and in the short time that Joe has been on board he has made significant improvements to land use introducing a bunch of new ordinances and creating a userfriendly packet for residents he also sits on a land use board and is partnering with me on our new community center which we now call 210 so thank you Joe and congrats on being chairman to the RCC the railroad construction Corps so I always say there's a lot going on for a little town we work through lots of organizational changes at burough Hall we've dealt with retirements of our key leadership positions hiring for these positions making positive changes um you're always curious you're always looking for a better way to do things I think we talk about five times a day so thank you suzan also known as s their own little Nick sounds like yeah so that is it for me um is there any unfinished business up here um also we have approval of minutes do we have a motion on the approval of December 7th and December 21st combined and work for work and regular session minutes so moved second second roll call councilwoman homman so I will abstain from the December 7th and the 23rd um I just had those word changes yeah councilwoman Lis solo yes Council M Connell yes councilman OU yes Council yino yes councilman deliso yes all right I'd like to open up the meeting for comments any public comments on any topics anybody nobody we have some time if you have a com come up all right motion to adjourn so moved all in favor I all right we will start back up at exactly 7 30 thank you everyone good evening everybody oh that worked that perfectly hi welcome to the mayor and council meeting it is January 4th 2024 7:30 pm Linda please uh read the open open public meetings act announcement in compliance with the open public meetings act the notice requirements have been satisfied the meeting dates for the year are confirmed at the annual meeting are posted on the public board bulletin board in the municipal building and on the burough website published in the record within the first 10 Days of the New Year and copies are sent to the Ridgewood news and Star Ledger notice of this meeting by the December 22nd 2023 Sunshine notice was sent to the record The Ridgewood news and Star Ledger and has been posted on the public bulleon board in the municipal building and burrow website everybody please stand for the salute stand indice for okay next we have two very special swearing ends of our elected officials I would like to call councilman Ed oconnell up sworn in by honorable Jack [Music] Chelli up guys GNA hold the Bible so we're about to experience is a reorganization meeting that's one of approximately 25,000 that will take place across the country all during the first week of January it's one of the Hallmarks of our great Republic and so with that left hand on the Bible right hand in the air repeat after me I state your name I Edward ell do Solly swear do somly swear that I will support that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the Saints to the Saint and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and I will faithfully and I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of all the duties of coun counil according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God pictures all right you sign this I with my that's me I'm gonna do it up here because thanks for coming thanks again jack Joe you ready I am ready and I have the hotel Bible right next to me do you have your left hand on the Bible and your right hand I do can everybody see all right repeat after me please I state your name I Joseph delisio III do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and I will bear true faith and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will Faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of councilmen all the duties of councilmen according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God all right y thank you thank you very much for accommodating me thanks Joe and congratulations thank you very much apprciate it sorry I couldn't be there in person all right next roll call please Linda Council M deliso here councilwoman homman here councilwoman Lis solo here councilman oconnell here councilman OU here councilman Yaro here and mayor wilinski here all right next I'd like to open up the floor for public comments on agenda items only would anybody like to comment on agenda items only not seeing anybody okay next we have resolution s um 01 to 09 I'm just going to highlight a few of them um first is the election of council president do we have anybody that would like to put up a nomination yes I would like to nominate Matt otou as the 2024 council president for allenville thank you I do thank Who's Laughing excellent thank you very much um resolution 2403 um the time and place of our mayor and Council meetings were always the 2 and fourth Thursday at 7:30 pm um also I'd like to point out resolution 246 this is an amendment of um our standing committees so with all the changes this year um it was decided that we're going to move the Committees around a little bit so um the Committees now are going to be finan HR admin and we added it so we thought it was um very important to try to drive technology in the bureau and so at this moment in time we're going to put it with um admin and HR and finance it may have its own Committee in another time and the chair of that is going to be councilwoman Loa solo and the second is going to be councilwoman homman our Public Safety Committee the chair will be councilman otou and the co-chair will be councilman yako for Public Works Public public utility so this is another new committee so it's DPW plus public utility since we don't have the water anymore so this is sewer the chair is going to be councilman delao and the co-chair will be councilwoman homman so she can wrap up all the new the old sewer agreements and then for uh facilities parks and wreck the chair is councilman Yaro and co-chair will be councilman oconnell and land use and construction code the chair will be councilwoman L solo and the co-chair will be councilwoman homman okay so then next we have appointment to um fire chief and assistant Fire Chief and also appointment to uh Fire official but before we do that and we swear everybody in I'd like a motion to approve resolutions 241 to resolution 249 oh yes thanks very much correction land use and con construction correction for the record land use and construction code the chair is councilman loas solo and the co-chair is councilman H deloo you didn't catch that to me he said he was the second I'm like what happened you're no no all right do I have a motion to approve resolution 241 to resolution 24-9 so mov hman second please second oconnell councilman deloo yes councilwoman homman yes councilwoman Lis solo yes councilman oconnell yes councilman OU yes councilman yino stained 2405 yes on the balance please all righty so next we're going to be swearing in our um officers or ambulance car officers and our uh fire department officers we'll start with the fire department and just to start I would just want to say that all of us up here we absolutely appreciate our afd and um our avac Allen fire department our um Allandale volunteer Ambulance Corp we appreciate your dedication we appreciate your commitment your selflessness that what you do to serve our town when we're all cozy in our beds on New Year's and snowy days you guys are out there so your hard work your sacrifice is not unnoticed and we are very very grateful for all you do so it is my honor to uh swear you in so for the fire department we have fire chief Dave bz and assistant chief GRE Gregory Anderson and first lieutenant John mik Jr and Fire official Kevin Tod if you will all Step Up a hold it hand okay left hand on the Bible right hand the air please I state your name I do solemnly swear do swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same aliance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the United States and in this state in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will F faithfully and partially partially and justly perform justly perform all the duties of all the duties of according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so me God congratulations thank you gentlemen thanks so much great to see you thank glad I seen you here not at my home okay with the Ambulance Corp please come up we have Chief Daryl zamore batara we have assistant chief Stephanie py we have first lieutenant Arian her herenstein second Lieutenant Michael py senior third Lieutenant Lauren Morgan president Dennis Murphy recording secretary Karen Clark corresponding secretary Linda Morgan and Treasurer Beth F fil too many one Bible anybody want hold the this is fun how this negotiation happen Okay left on the B right please I state your name I do solemnly swear doly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constition of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and algi to the and to the governments established and to the governments established in the United States and in this stat and the United States and in St under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of all the duties of according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God thank you so much sign am wanna get sorry get the full crew ready one two three okay now me who is this gu oh you guys have your o darl want to take the o I have just sign them and then I you can leave them and I here no that's Joe sorry they're here thank you that's it okay next we have ordinance introduction of ordinance 24-1 this is um a first ordinance and first reading and the meeting date is uh January 18th for soon or soon thereafter for um approval Linda will you please read the ordinance and ordinance 24-0 an ordinance to amend chapter 53 of the code of the burrow of Allendale officers and employees to fix salaries wages and compensation of the officers and employees of the burrow of Allendale for the year 2024 okay do I have a motion to approve ordinance 24-1 so move Del was you second please hman councilman delao yes councilwoman homman yes councilwoman L solo yes councilman oconnell yes councilman OU yes councilman Yaro yes thank you very much okay so we have some mayor's appointments to the land use board and the library board um Sports Alliance and our B historian I would just like to point out some new members of our land use board Andrew agario and Joseph kti we also have a new um attorney for our land use Larry Cali and the library board we have a new member Lauren Paterno thank you everybody who served um next we have our consent agenda these are routine items they're always enacted in one motion they're super routine um at this meeting usually I point out some but these are all um things like you know the newspaper that we used to put the ads in the paper so I'm not going to review these I'd like to um have a motion though to approve the consent agenda so so we can and a second second all right y Council you yes councilwoman homman yes councilwoman Lis solo yes councilman oconnell yes counc OU yes councilman Yaro yes all right so now we have um Administration part of the meeting Council report councilman just want to congratulate Joe on the saring in tonight and want to thank Allendale for having my support as being their councilman and looking forward to working with Tyler on so these Parks and Recreation bu that con session stand definitely going to be St Council woman love H well nothing in addition to what I just previously reported except I want to congratulate both um my fellow councilman uh Ed and um Joe it's a pleasure working with both of you and I'm so happy to serve um with with you guys super councilwoman homman yes uh congratulations ations to Joe and Ed and then I get to finish what I started before I finally can read my last paragraph now uh lastly I'm grateful uh to the council for having me on and I'm thrilled that we have elected Matt as the 2024 council president I know it's congratulations do you have a report uh nothing much in the past 10 minutes uh thank you for the vot of confidence I I appreciate I'm honored and uh congratulations to Joe and Ed excellent councilman yino congratulations Joe and Ed again this is such a great group of folks to work with it's it's one of the best groups of people I could ask to work for and looking forward to another successful year for all of us excellent and we have our staff reports John Gil director of community Allison CFO ba nothing else to add except congratulations to everyone being sworn in tonight and Linda are cler I have nothing to report just congratulations to Ed and Joe Al righty Chief Mike Dylan congratulations to everybody tonight thank you for all your service and DPW supervisor and congratulations to everybody and thank you for your support we have an update on the weather forecast tomorrow is Friday and re with want to congratulate Ed and Joe and to thank the governing body for my reappointment thank you all right and I just have a quick report again congratulations Ed and Joe I look forward to 2024 um our first meeting we're going to come together as a governing body and we're going to put a comprehensive strategy plan together with pillar for Progress um and we're going to share it with our residents um some of you guys saw the wall in my office and I look forward to a really fun session and with everybody's input um transparent government is of utmost importance and this plan to unveil is going to be in a series of casual settings for our residents because aside from this meeting nobody comes to our meetings and nobody likes to come to our meeting so we're going to have some town halls and coffees and we really want to get the feedback um and work together with the residents um so our purpose is clear we are all here and everybody on this dat I have to say is 100% in it just to better serve the residents of Allandale there's no other agenda and to make Allandale a better place to live so um I've always said this I can't do it alone all good leaders Empower their team and I definitely look forward to all your input and support and I look forward to doing great things together and I look forward to a wonderful wonderful year so thank you all okay and any unfinished business up here anybody unfinished business all right is Judge Norton here she no all right um so we have new business and I have the honor of swearing in our municipal judge Chris B if you would come on up Chris B was born and raised in Allandale I don't know how many so um I know allelle has a very very special place in your heart um you served on the land use sport for how many years so many eight eight eight or so years um so you were extra diligent to make sure that you did preserve the character of our town so I'm very thrilled to be swearing you in um as our new new municipal judge and I know you will continue to serve the residents with fairness and respect thank you there is Bible down there [Music] okay go back up back and forth I take your name I Chris P do Solly swear you solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of all the duties of the a school court judge according according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God thank you than [Laughter] all right oh here it oh Harry yeah no he was he was coming from the airport hopefully come all right all right next we're going to be swearing in our burough administrator Allison Alan come on so be before we swear her in um we have resolution 24-58 do I have a motion to approve move appointment of bir administrator Alon Alano so move second homean roll call Council Del yes councilwoman homman yes councilwoman L solo absolutely yes councilman oconnell yes councilman oou yes Cino yes are it's your boy so Allison came in to us about a year not even a year ago right Fe oh my gosh new year as our as our CFO and she has been wonderful and we had so much confidence when she came in and um now we actually are promoting her to also ver administrator and she has already hit the ground running she's already shown amazing leadership skills and gets along with everybody and I really enjoy working with you and I look forward to working with you in the future so okay left hand on the Bible right hand in the air I state your name I Alison Alano do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this States and in this States under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and and I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of all of the duties of the B administrator according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God okay next we have 20 uh resolution 24- 59 appointment and swearing in of superintendent of Public Works Andrew aerio do I have a motion to approve resolution 2459 moved second hman roll call councilman siso absolutely councilwoman homman yes councilman Lis solo yeah councilman Connell yes councilman OU yes councilman yerino yes all right come on up so um Andy has only been here about three days his birday was literally one of our worst uh rain events that we that we had and um and our current uh supervisor of the DPW called and sick that day so so we we call it baptism by fire but he jumped right in um he he came down he met all the guys fixed up the office made it a great place to work and now he's gonna have his first snow event so um we are really welcome welcoming Andy into our uh our allenvale family we had a lot of applicants for this position and he was definitely the best fit so we're really happy to have here and and his dad was a DW supervisor for um W for all these years so told us that in the interview so we were all so retired okay left hand on the Bible right hand be do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true Faith that'll that will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the Saint and to the governments established and the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully and partially partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of all the duties of the DPW superintendent according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me go I'm not going back yeah you have to sign all right next we have swearing and of two news two new police officers so I think you heard us say that um this this is number seven and eight of our of our new police officer so I think we've got now eight that are all younger than my children and yours well not actually not yours so um we are just really thrilled to have um a new Department we we thank um all the PE all of our officers that retired but it's really it's really good to have a brand new Department under um Chief Dylan's leadership so we're really happy to be swearing in two new officers so I would like to um uh bring forward resolution 24-6 authorization to hire Nicholas and tanelli do I have a motion so moved second second roll call please councilman Dela with you yes councilwoman hman yes councilwoman Loa solo yes councilman oconnell yes councilman OU yes councilman Yaro yes excellent necklace Madam mayor can I just please call Sergeant Hill Gardner Sergeant Sergeant Helmer dri for the police officers here come on up like the police officers here also we have uh Madam mayor support you and chief Dylan I have so many police officers from out of to all the all the sworn law enforcement could you raise your hand for our mayor what we got we got so many guys in the back there guys and girls thank you for coming out put your left hand on the Bible your right hand you here please I sh your name I Nicholas Antonelli do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I support the the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of all the duties of police officer according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God turn if you need if you need a better picture you can go in there there's one frame yeah put back okay come yep that's perfect thanks so much thank you everybody all the paperwork here like all over the okay our next uh swearing in of a police officer resolution 2461 authorization to hire police officer Christopher Rosado do I have a motion second hman roll call please councilman deliso yes councilwoman homman yes councilwoman Lis solo yes councilman oconnell yes coun UL yes coun yino yes all right come on up Christopher how you doing I your name hi Christoper you swear swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear truth Bas I bear truth Bas and allegiance to the Saint and allegiance to the sa the governments established the government's established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully that I faithfully and partially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duty of the police officer all the duties to police officer according to the best of my ability according to the best of my abil so help me God so help it's like putting in a c I change change oh you have change places two I appreciate thank you everybody's got who's been sworn in has to sign their oath please all right next I'd like to open up the meeting for public comments Harry Norton in the house I'd like to open up the meeting for um any public comment not seeing anybody I'll bring it in motion to adjourn thank you everybody