all right good evening everybody good evening everybody at home and everybody here this is the mayor and Council agenda and work uh work in regular session it is February 22nd 7:30 p.m. Linda will you please call the meeting to order and read the open public meeting act announcement please in compliance with the open public meetings act the notice requirements have been satisfied the meeting dates for the year are confirmed at the annual meeting are posted on the public bulletin board in the municipal building and on the burough website published in the record within the first 10 Days of the New Year and copies are sent to the Ridgewood news and Star Ledger notice of this meeting by the February 15 2024 Sunshine notice was sent to the record The Ridgewood news and Star Ledger and has been posted on the public bulletin board in the municipal building in burrow website councilman delissio councilwoman homman here councilwoman Loa solo here councilman oconnell here councilman OU here councilman yerino here mayor wilinski here everybody please stand pleas the flag United States indivisible jice all right next we have approval of minutes January 18th 2024 do I have a a motion to approve the minutes so moved hman second please second liso councilwoman homman yes councilwoman Lis solo yes councilman o Connell obain councilman oul abstain councilman Yak arino abstain minut we think we have a majority of those can we have a a motion to table the approval of minutes to the next meeting I think that's March 7th all right we a motion we have a motion to table the minutes March 7 second please second R Council a woman homman yes councilman Louis solo yes councilman oconnell yes councilman OU yes councilman yino yes all righty all right next we have a presentation by me so uh me sign up for I was planning on doing this individually and uh we can't go Wireless right John Windows key my computer so old I guess um I know we've talking about this for a long time and this is something that I wanted to present everybody in our committee meetings however um kind of didn't really every time our committee meetings are over we have to hello this is good you're going to like this just pay attention these are two awesome students they're back students they are and they're also voice Scouts and they're what else would they call me this is what happened last time and then we didn't get to do presentation so give me 30 seconds go otherwise you're gonna have to walk us through what the slides are maybe you could even send them to us anyway um we've always you know everybody we've had our committees and everybody has usually kind of like a loose set of goals of what we're supposed to do in our committies but there really hasn't ever been any you know structure around it and we haven't ever really presented it to the public so you know in the effort to be transparent I thought it would be good to um just have some type of a formalization to it and then um I'd like to present it to the public so this is things that I put together I know some of you saw my stickies on the wall but it's really it's not me giving you the goals and this has to come from all of us so this is just something that I put together we can have some discussion now but I don't think we need to have like a massive discussion it's probably better you want to ask questions but take notes and then I can talk to you all individually because I mean this could be a long you know you talk about but Amy Amy I think it was it's such a good idea because I do feel like with and a lot of people here served on the water committee we kind of talked about what were the goals that we wanted the community to know and to make decisions on and I think it was good yeah and I think too like especially with all of us you don't get PA and this is it's a lot of work that um so that's why like I'm not this is something that we you know we're trying to I'm not basically telling everybody they have to do this this is just something that I think that um would be good for all of us moving forward plug it's connecting my there there it is y y if you need me to help me know never sign the Dil paper and trash that that's amazing that's okay so going forward um so I thought we could have you know like a Chad going like usually with companies and Corporation everybody kind of has you know like a little bit of a tagl one so transparent accountable responsible government I figured all those words were kind of catch words played around with them a little bit but certainly um honestly open for discussion um and then I really thought we should have a purpose like all like Studies have shown that companies that have a purpose that everybody can get behind are the ones that are are the ones that are successful so it's not really like what you're doing it's why you're doing it like why you're getting up out of bed in the morning and doing this and for all of us I can honestly say the reason that we're doing it is because we're serving residents and we're trying to make alandale a better place to live I mean to me that's like very simple and the companies that have like a simple uh purpose are the ones that are successful like Teleton I love is something like um you know bringing uh Fitness to everybody wherever you are very simple but it just it's exactly what it is Google is something like bringing the internet to you know bringing information to to people worldwide so for us you know like I said we are volunteers you know we are not getting paid so we're not doing this for the paycheck we're doing it for another reason so um I thought this purpose fits but of course this is something that can also be um sweet so pillars of progress like where are we like what are we doing to make Allendale to serve residents fiscally conservative I think that goes without saying we're all have always been fiscally conservative um we start with our budget we look at every single line item uh safe place to live if you don't have a safe place to live everything else just goes down but you know the toilet like to me you have to if you don't have your safety then you can't have anything else beyond that character this one I was kind of playing around with a little bit because we always say like we love Allandale why why do we love Allendale we just love the you know the the cuteness of the town of the character of the town it's just a nice town but we can work with that as well and you'll see because I align these all to the communities environment infrastructure and Recreation and social Recreation and social just as important um to a community as infrastructure if you don't have a recreation department or social piece to a a community then that really takes away from the community so as you'll see I aligned them with the Committees the fiscally conservative so we have our ad in finance HR and we put it on it this year kind of no where to put it but I really do think that it probably will be madebe this next one going forward we'll have to see um and then just some points with the um admin Finance HR committee good economics working with best practices best place to work um leadership training through digital transformation safe place to live support our police we are definitely a community that's supporter police not like some of these other crazy communities that don't um training or where you know our police we want to have the best training and keep up with that we have our avac and our fire department um we trust and respect is super important that we trust our you know police depart department and have respect for them and vice versa um in and fair treatment and I think there's a lot of examples of where the fair treatment comes in from our F deps that we hear so character uh kind of like our land use committee so we have our code that we always look at we have um we want to protect our property we have our land use board we have um fair share housing that we have to deal with um and historic preservation and then environment and INF infrastructure is our DPW committee and utilities committee we have infrastructure again we have trees we have sewer we have flooding Recycling and wildlife management and these are all just kind of things that keep on coming up and then Recreation and social we have facilities parks and W where we have Community engagement we have our Recreation and we have all our volunteers so then the the goal piece of these so if we take all these and we go toward 2024 goals and this is where I think you know each committee can look and see what goals that they have these are ones that we're kind of already working on on each one and then from here you know in each one of the Committees we can work a little bit further and I'll work with all of you to see like where we want to go with this and how we going to carry out this goal so we have our teams integration is going to be a big piece right now and our um Finance support is always the budget um training training with the teams integration um leadership training zerob based budgeting um and goals for the staff obviously we it much more than these to Safe a to live we've got on Public Safety we have um solutions to volunteer uh challenges that's something that we've been working on in public safety um we have to look at our court we have our trucks 230 trucks that we're dealing with right now we have speeding downtown this was at the time I was doing it I know there's more things that's kind of that's been you know added on and the flooding committee which I put in blue because that kind of goes across a bunch of different committees but that's something that actually started in our public committee so character of the town we have our land use so this is where the fair share housing is um we're dealing with a new judge we're dealing with a new new um attorney we have our historic preservation we're working on the mural we have land preservation we're trying to do we have our land board packet um and then our celer farm recently there's some upgrades we're working on with our celer farm and then environmental infrastructure we have our new superintendent um we're restructuring whether we should Outsource versus inhouse um we have our sewer agreement that we're working on um infrastructure of like our roads and then we have equipment in that we doing so those some of the top front of mind uh things inw and then with our Recreation and Facilities parks and BRS we've got our uh Crush flood concession stand is the big thing going on there the community center kind of falls under this as well right um and then four Town Halls you'll see like I'd like to present this to the community where we're all there so um it'll be like in a town hall where the community can kind of go to all the Committees and actually you know ask questions in a setting that's not as as intimidating as this apparently this is nobody comes here let's face it so any we have our volunteer group holiday Decor that's a good good I agree and then of course upgr to bur Hall the kitchen all that um so that's pretty much kind of it um what I what I'd like to do oh so this I kind of said the alale way so these are just things that um I think we can put this on our website we can just advertise like this is where we are transparent government this is the way that we this is kind of like our guidelines we're Innovative we're always trying to think of better ways of doing things we're informed we're trying to stay current on everything like 365 and also but preserving the past you know we I think press the lake is a perfect example of that you know we're we're making it current but we're trying to keep it with the character of pres L we're intentional we have um policies that we're trying to benefit the whole entire community community and that's where we always run into problems with residents residents you know always think in their own little space and while we listen to every resident we have to really look at the whole entire Community we're inclusive we listen to everybody whether we agree with them or not agree with them we're in touch we're transparent I think we've tried that a lot last year we're doing it again this year we're having you know um more open uh more coffees we have coffee with the cops we're going to have more um open houses uh or town halls rather and also for example deer management we want to start bringing in some experts to talk about that um handson approach collaboration with residents and integrity we do things for the right me so this is just a couple of examples of how we could potentially write our goals down and like I said I'm not going to be like this it's not like an office that we're not gonna have to you know write like all your kpi and you know meet you but this is just this where our is based on but I think it helps it does help us to have kind of like a progress and when you're meeting with residents like people say I don't know what's going on and you're kind of like well this is organized but not only us though for the next you know council person so this isn't just your oneyear goal this is definitely goals like that you w for two years down the road or five years down the road so it's not necessarily something that obviously they go have maybe finish in your term and then the person oh we get to leave lists I love that and then to me one important thing is that we celebrate because you know we have to have fun Charlie is Charlie yes um no we do have to have fun it's really important that we celebrate not just as a group celebrate but we have to celebrate our wins you know things that we do like when we have you know concession stand open up or when we have a great band the ribbon cutting ribbon cutting you know so we have to we have to make sure that we celebrate so I want to show some of you guys really have to intervention you intervention you the last time I was on L but that is that's a sharp looking guy right why is my name he's toasting our success I can't see that far but just turned into a roast get Bud this is why you want to run for government boys you get a lot done but you have a good crew to work with I'm just going to have people the point about that is that so our residents can actually see who's here I think it's important that they put a SP joining so y there we are so these are yeah there we are I like the picture that's on the website of all of us though yeah yeah it's really nice that was Tod's picture yeah it was a nice picture so anyway these are some dates that I put out there I don't know if these work for everybody but I'd like to start on the calendar we're have to do the open public you know ad wait wait go back go back I need to write this down make sure you send a calendar it's really good I just threw those out there I think this is awesome I like mayor that was a great presentation that was a great presentation that's pictur up with sing it you know I'm not gonna be like holding everybody just thought it might be something what did you learn from today's presentation Matt needs to do picture good job we did it do our CL session sorry all right where are we that's your LinkedIn I guess the last time I was on LinkedIn that's on my LinkedIn page back when I was on Facebook so what do we have next we have agenda review all right so first we have have uh a second reading of ordinance 24- um 02 so this is the ordinance for the um extra money for the um fire department then we have the fire department ADA Bathroom then we have ordinance 243 which is to revise a part of the code um why don't we go back Mike you can oh actually why don't you explain it now yeah sure uh ordinance 24-3 it's an ordinance that deals with uh having officers work extra Duty details after their uh normal Shi so um we encourage our officers to uh be out in the community more and a slight change on the existing ordinance which facilitate more of my staff being able to do that great thank you so next we have our consent agenda these are matters that are routine but I would like to actually point out a couple so everybody can see all the great work that we're doing um we are a couple of highlights uh we are actually approving a Crest Lake MERS ship to Northern Highlands music and Performing Arts we will be getting another uh vehicle in our Police Department we also have a resolution regarding a bill um which proposes an overhaul to fair share housing um this is something that we've talked about many many times um in this uh Council we Allandale are one of the six municipalities who actually did um get certified in our third round a lot of towns didn't and a lot of towns are building multiple houses now did you see H hocus lately did you see that city they're building it is insane Montville is crazy um and Saddle River actually is building a lot of units and they happen to be right on the border of Allandale so it is something that um a lot of our governor kind of screwed up personally I think our last Governor um did a lot as well because he didn't really try to fix it and it's something that needs to be fixed and it's ruining the fabric of New Jersey and a lot of these small towns and what they're doing is giving us astronomical numb that there's no possible way that we could ever meet so what we have to do then is find what's called an overlay zone so then they look for a piece of land that has something on it with a lot of Acres like a church or a nursery or a golf course and they say you know what this is what's going to happen so in maybe five years or maybe 10 years or whatever years it's going to be that de that will be a high density development with no with all impervious coverage with all impervious coverage and we already have flooding problems this exacerbates it um for example there is a proposal for 275 unit to go in in Saddle River right on our border and it doesn't need any zoning and that was an overlay Zone that they did so um we will be feeling the impact of that this resolution is just letting Trenton know that we are not happy um but who knows what's going to happen with it um we'll have we'll have to see um so we had a little bit of asbest in our uh Firehouse so this uh we're awarding some somebody to Abate that and we have our temporary budget appropriation we have list of bills Council woman yes um and we actually have a grant that we're putting in uh potentially for the uh concession stand and what else that's it all right so now ordinance 24-02 this is oh any uh I'm sorry anybody have a a public comment on any agenda items not seeing anybody go back to vote so we have second reading for ordinance 25 24-02 Linda will you please read the following ordinance published herewith was first read by title only on February 8th 2024 and posted on the bulletin board of the lobby of the municipal building and burrow website ordinance 24-02 capital or of the bur of Allandale in the county of Bergen New Jersey authorizing various public improvements in by and for the burrow appropriating therefore the sum of $882,000 and providing that such sum so appropriated shall be raised from the capital Improvement fund of the burrow does anybody from the public have any comment on ordinance 24-02 not seeing anybody do I have a motion so move Lis solo second please hman roll call councilwoman homman yes councilwoman Lis solo yes councilman oconnell yes councilman OU yes councilman Yaro yes next we have ordinance 24-3 this is first reading Linda will you please read ordinance 24- 03 ordinance 24-3 in ordinance to amend supplement and revise chapter 26 26-3 1 D of the burrow code of the burrow of Allendale do I have a motion pass or 24-3 sh move second please second roll call councilwoman homman yes councilwoman Lis solo yes councilman oconnell yes councilman OU yes councilman Yak arino yes excellent do I have a motion on the consent agenda please second second councilwoman homman yes councilwoman Lis solo yes councilman o Connell yes councilman OU yes councilman yako yes super thank you all right next we have Council reports councilman Yaro we got to get used to going first I know better be prepar that new haircut come on just for the meeting uh facilities committee has been very eventful over the past couple weeks of course you know the prominent topic right now is dealing with the concession stand now of course as I reported in more at the last meeting there are so many moving parts of this demolition working with our professionals Andy from The DPW has been extraordinarily helpful um really just kind of getting all of our ducks in a row um we're going to be approving hopefully at the next meeting phase two and three from our architect for Professional Services and hopefully to go out to bid there soon thereafter you know so that will really start to move along and hopefully by the end of May we'll pretty much have a clear idea in terms of you know who our contractor is going to be and you know kind of how well that will be moving forward with regards to the concession stand so that's really been the top um topic if you will along with other things you know regarding bur Hall improvements which are as we see and visualize have been moving along very nicely and we're very happy for that um and other than that again we've been having periodic check-ins a lot of emails back and forth so a lot of things are moving forward especially as we head into the spring Sports season so more to come on that um two things that are coming up less than a month again we are having the motor vehicle mobile unit coming to the Firehouse the week of March 10th uh next week we'll really start advertising that to more of the general public um we've been advertising exclusively right now to our First Responders and our seniors and Burl employees just to give them um just kind of first crack at it but there is probably about 275 appointments still available for the general public so still plenty to go around for everybody um and then also Sunday May 5th we'll be having a Cars and Coffee event to help raise Community awareness Community engagement hope some money for the mural so yay lots of fun things going on perfect thank you just a question on the um the mobile licensing unit so that they people will register online correct typically so I had come to find the mobile unit when I renewed my license in whiteoff about two years ago at that time they offered a lot more services but as the push for the real ID comes and with real ID they ask for pre-registration uh the form online you fill out your driver's license your official name your mailing address but yes you would need an appointment but they are also collecting old license plates and I believe they're also doing duplicate titles and like so but the appointments are online pretty much real IDs and we want those appointments all filled up correct well it's a great service I mean I'm just thinking even the high school kids that are getting their like seniors that they're getting their license I mean but again knowing that there's 250 renewal real ID renewals so for example like if you're asking for like high school if it's their first issue of a license I don't think that they can do this at this event well you can look online but I I could also find out we've been in communication that thank you doie councilman o uh sorry oconnell uh thank you mayor uh not much to report just very excited to see the bids come in for the concession stand and the plans yeah the layout looks nice and uh we'll see what happens yep I think it's goingon to look great thank you thank you mayor councilman liso thank you mayor um so since our last mayor and council meeting on February 8th we had a landy's committee meeting on February 20th at 8 AM um as always we started off discussing residential property issues and concerns and uh we continue to work towards resolving those straggling ones as new ones always seem to crop up um we discussed the informational oh we discussed there's an informational storm water video that we have to view as elected officials and actually new land use board members also have to watch it but the great thing is it's ever since Co all the stuff is online so it's just something we're going to have to view online um we also as we're looking towards warmer weather in our early spring at the ground anticipated um looking forward to our outdoor dining and um making sure that we're working with our businesses to make sure that they have successful outdoor signing that's safe for our residents and profitable for them um I sat in on one of the facility meetings I was on the heels of the land use meeting that was this Wednesday Tuesday 9:00 am that same day right on Heels um and uh and that was fun it was learn it was greatting little over an hour discussing various topics very prodive yeah and Burl Hall is looking amazing so Alison left but thank you for all of you guys who've been working on that it's really been great on February 21st we had our finance meeting um that was at 10: am um we're continuing to review our department Capital requests and I think we're on version two of looking at our 20124 budget proposals um as we look at our 2023 expenses and review our Revenue stream from last year um in addition we were went to a great mural um fundraiser event at Allendale social um that most everyone here from the council was able to attend uh that was great looking really forward to that progressing and working with the schools on that and that's about it mayor thank you excellent thank you very much Council M so this is kind of fun that I get to be Joe a little bit and talk about the DPW which allows me to to say Andy again you've like come on board and really had um a lot of snow a lot a lot of things going on and I I yeah but I think we'd all agree and you know and there's been just you know noticed how well the streets have been maintained during those storms and so to you and your team and the communication that you have with our subcontractors it's really appreciated so thank you so much um and from a water perspective I think it's really important that the community and everybody here I think you're all aware that the West Crescent well that the temporary treatment did go online um it was tested at non- detect for the posos that had been the violation that had been received there so we're thrilled yeah we're thrilled that now we have the new Street temporary treatment up and running as well as the West Preston treatment up and running yes and uh violia continues to be very good at communication uh they communicated to myself and Andy just this week that they will actually be changing the U media in the new Street Station New Street Plant facility already and um that's great so again just that continual communication between our two organizations is super important um and I will let Rey give our update on the legal side just that we're progressing with violia as far as finishing up the remaining work that needs to be concluded for us to have the escrow the remaining dollars that will come back to Allandale from the sale um wrap up as as soon as we can we've had meetings and we're moving forward uh and then from a sewer perspective the last meeting thank you to all of you on the council that you passed the agreement with Saddle River which is important because it allows us to have something more formalized and as Saddle River has you know to manage some of the challenges with some of their building it allows us to have an agreement in place that is clear and that ensures that we will not be bearing Financial burdens from uh developments that they have to manage excellent and that's it perfect thank you much councilman otou thank you mayor uh fairly quick report this evening uh since our last meeting we've had a couple of meetings to discuss issues such as increasing our volunteers and different ways that we can support the fire department and avac in the effort to bring in new members to better serve our residents um both of our new police officers are off field training they are on the road and a welcome addition to our burough family uh we've ordered a new police car it'll be uh lettered up to match the new vehicle design which will make our officers more visible while out on patrol uh Bergen County OEM has approved the bur's updated Emergency Operations plan which will now be forwarded to the state for final approval and then distributed to Emergency Services uh and finally just another reminder that March 28 the firehouse we have our Gary laia Memorial blood drive uh from 1: to 7M tremendous blood shortage so please come out and roll up your sleeves looking at you guys thank you very much thank you all right staff reports our clerk vind um I'm sorry mayor I have nothing to report that's quite all right John Gil our comms gu just finishing up our newsletter uh uh in there you'll find information about because I want to roll it out at one time so our seniors have with a mobile um motor vehicle uh the information will be in there then releas on on Facebook at the same time so everyone kind of hits the link at the same time so one group is in how they get their messages and getting an Head Start besides our great seniors and everything that's like that um and then just working with our great team here at bort Hall on a lot of the improvements you're saying super excellent thank you very much Chief Mike Dylan thank you Madame mayor uh department has seen an uptick of phone and internet scam specifically a purported family member being arrested and gift cards needed to pay for bail or outstanding fictitious utility bills or tax leans I strongly encourage residents not to have a dialogue with anyone who demands money from you over the phone or in person use your Police Department as a resource and call us to ask if a scam is occurring most importantly never pay anyone you do you don't know with gift cards or electronic yeah that's scary and is really scary and it's on the rise right it was two alone today one over the phone who was resident who had the wherewithal to call us and uh and we uh you know listen to story and told them please please please do not give that person any money and then when I was leaving an officer was taking a report uh by somebody came in our lobby and they had a envelope full of used gift cards unfortunately to tune of a couple thousand dollars so it's still occurring uh unfortunately these people pray on our elderly or our uh they tear your heartstrings uh saying you know we need it now don't tell anybody please go immediately um speaking personally it happened to my father-in-law and um it was thousands of dollars that he lost and he just thought that he owed people money and he's elderly and it was an unfortunate fact and that money will never come back no that's terrible thank you all right thanks maybe um we'll put something in our newsletter about that love that idea that yeah thank you all right DPW supervisor Andy glier we're getting good perf I know that was good a you know I thought I was G to have to put a sign up with my name I remember know I know it now got I just want to Echo what everybody's been saying PE holes looking fantastic um colors are great and love the new addition signs they're nice very nice but looking beautiful um Castle mom just uh Echo what you said can't do it without a great support team everybody's been great so um um had a lot of complaints about potholes in town um Tuesday we tackled a lot of them and got a new one smiling at you so but um we did uh get an out of boy from one of the residents over on Aral I was very gracious for the pothole work on Chestnut um and that is about excellent excent thank you all right and I will give my very short report um 210 if everybody was driving by you see there's actually three walls up now so that is the gym slash um it's also not just a gym though it's also going to be like a h an event kind of community center on that side also because there is a kitchen that opens up into it and then the other side is going to be more of like tables and uh possibly like other type of sitting Arrangements we've had actually a couple Tech meetings uh regarding the entrance and how we're going to manage uh residents going in and out of it so we're trying to pretty much keep up with the 21st century and go as high tech as possible so I think we've had about three Tech meetings now a lot of it is over my head but I told them exactly what I wanted and there is something out there that can match it um also met with John Gil and Amanda Richards to hear what the burall side um perspective is of it so we're trying to manage it where we're not fully going to staff it but we want it so it's not going to be a lot of work on the burough Hall side as well and there's so much technology out there it really shouldn't have to be so um we're trying to streamline that as much as possible uh we also as councilwoman uh Suzanne loas solo said we've had lots of meetings uh this week uh budget talks we had a lot of land use and facility meetings so all great stuff we had a wonderful uh mural fundraiser um to remind everybody this mural is a massive Community project and uh alen Del president sculptor and artist Simon rig is leading it and it's just so cool because he has all three schools involved and he's in all the schools in Hillside right now having them do which is age appropriate so they're they're making um little birds out of clay and then he's going to put somehow put it all together on this massive mural so um with that comes a lot of fundraising so the fundraiser was successful I have a check here for 10 grand that I got from Hampshire and I have another check that I just received from holiday observers for $5,000 so thanks to both of those organizations and I really hope that uh more come forward as the momentum you know picks up um and Andy uh thanks it feels it feels like you've been here forever you've only been here for like how many two months um but yes you have a lot of snowstorms and um you've been just very receptive uh so I really appreciate um how you've ingrained yourself in the community already and uh so if we go too hard on you let us know because you really are still technically pretty new um and thanks to all the staff I mean this place looks so good I know um John and um Allison put all of if you look in the quilt room we Fred lit actually found the original drawings from the People Who sketched out what they were going to quilt on the quilt room and they're gorgeous they're like these beautiful color very bright brilliant and they were stuck in an envelope for I don't know how many years so they frame them and they're on the wall and they look they look really super um we all think it's just very important to have a a nice space for our staff uh not just you know for the residents but for the staff as well so when they come to work they're coming to a nice clean place and it's just was getting a little bit tired so um we are redoing the kitchen so the staff has a place to go but it's also open to the residents um and then we are working out ways of uh kind of transitioning everybody over to the new community center because that is going to be a wonderful space for all our volunteer organizations and we know that our volunteer organizations are what make Allendale so special so with that uh oh I forgot Ray I'm just if I was a keeping me Al Line If I Was A spoil sport I'd say no report F attorney Ray with so it has been a busy couple of weeks um Tom of my office continues to uh to work with our expert um as well as uh the burough committee uh on the cell tower issue oh yeah as we discussed the existing leases expire at the end of May um so I think as the presentation of of the last meeting indicated uh the Hope here is that uh not only will the communications be improved but it may actually be a net positive economically for the burrow so uh you know that that continues to go forward uh Tim of my office has been working on Opa requests which now not only span the clerk's office but the police department uh and some I guess pretty significant redaction issues with the chief um and and unfortunately it is a huge Manpower effort whether it is through through Linda's office or through the chief's office uh to comply with oah requests because obviously none of us want to be uh subject to formal proceedings on non-compliance so it's a uh I will say it's more of an art form than a science making some of these judgments as to what can be redacted and what can't uh working with the burough committee on um an issue as I think we discussed last time involving the pending for foreclosure of one of our affordable housing units um trying to assess what is best for the burough both in terms of the economics of saving off that foreclosure and not losing a credit for one unit that we've already got um and as we learned this is a uh uh a two-bedroom family unit uh which is one of the more prized uh affordable housing units so uh we really do not want to lose that that unit uh working with the uh the chief of the burough committee on some I'll call them contract interpretation issues we have with the PBA as a uh a bargaining unit uh we continue to work on those frankly awaiting responses from the PBA on both of those pending matters and then working with the chief on some other departmental matters that are pending uh with the burough committee uh we've got ongoing labor negotiations with both our white collar and our DPW unit um I think we are very close to closure with our White Collar unit um the DPW is still in a uh I'll say a formative stage as negotiations move forward uh councilman homman mentioned uh the approval at the last meeting of the Sava River agreement um but as was mentioned in earlier reports uh we now have the um the issue of Saddle River facing another Monumental project on our border uh and that's going to require some know attention as we move forward uh councilwoman homman mentioned the um the violia sale and I'll just supplement that to remind the governing body that as part of the sale net of surveying costs U there was a hold back oresco of $3.25 million there are three aspects to that holdback um that we are working hard to bring the closure and get that money for the burrow uh and you may recall that uh one of them was the conveyance of certain property of theola by way of actually a deed a fe deed uh we think we're very very close to having that resolved in fact I think we're down to one property uh when we get that resolve U that will U result in a a $1.45 billion return Ed in the burrow which I'm sure if Alison were here she'd be very happy to hear that that would be in the Burrow's coers yeah yes we have 14 plus already there which was nice um and then we have a uh an issue is trying to work out with uh d a Green Acres issue involving two of the easements uh we've been in Communications with them but you know frankly U my uh email to them asking for a a meeting virtual or in person some two weeks ago with the sort of at the moment deaf ears uh and then I guess uh yeah I think that's pretty much my shopping list for the last two weeks um and just to add on to the Oprah um Mike brought up a chief Dylan brought up at the last meeting um about the specific Oprah requests that are coming in on body cams and he said that um he mentioned that um I reached out to Senator Holly shapey with regards to that because it is targeting women and at their most vulnerable times so she actually did some research on it and found that there is already a bill being introduced and asked herself to be uh second on that bill so we'll hear hopefully more for that from that and hopefully that'll get um resolved and these these Bad actors will be put to bed so to speak all right um any unfinished business uh and new business I have a email request here of Scott Miller who's the president of the Allendale chamber is requesting approval from the mayor and Council to hold the Allandale Festival day on Saturday September 21st and the holiday walk on Friday December 6th all in favor I all right um I'd like to open it up to comments from the public at this time Walter come on up state your name and address please wter wommer 3 have this is I'm I'm not complaining I'm asking questions uh you just passed an ordinance 24-3 and listed in it was revised chapter 26 23 whatever how am I I'm asking a question to find out what that's about so if you go online actually and you pull up the ordinance and you actually click on the ordinance the whole entire one will will come up and it'll show you was just adding a clarification adding a clarification sentence to it so you would have to actually go in or you could call one of us and we can you know email it to you if You' like that's more if that's more comfortable for you I'm just trying I'm trying to be get educated let me well so in the beginning of the meeting I have attorney review and remember I asked Chief Dylan to explain it so he explained it in in the in the uh review of the agenda in the beginning of the meeting would you like him to maybe explain it again I'm I'm trying get in my mind the method by which I can be educated as to how everything works I've been here a while and each Ste along the line learning a little bit more a question I do have you mentioned Saddle River is infringing on our border line how do I find out about that specifically where it is what they're doing and is it my business yeah well it's it's it's really it's saddle River's business but it's our business because it's on our border so I actually write about those things in my mayor's report um and you come to to the meetings so that's actually what you're doing is better than you know the best way to get information is you're coming to meetings and you're asking us um so that's where that's where you actually really get the best information is coming to the meeting so you're doing an awesome job well it'll be hell lot better no you're doing great Walter and any questions you know you could always call us right thank you you're welcome anybody else from the public wish to speak come on up uh Jacob aell um 108 mtle La um I have two questions uh the first one is about the uh construct the um upgrading of the um Crestwood Lake um concession stand um when is the idea of starting it is it going to be at the beginning of the summer or in the winter would you like to take this Tyler would me too so it's a it's a multiphase process so first the old structure is going to be developed prior to the start of the Season as such there won't be a traditional concession stand for the upcoming season however there will be Provisions put in place um first and foremost to pass County requirements and inspections but also to have uh facilities restrooms showers as needed and then um perhaps some other options for actual concessions if you will for the league so that could the demolition demolition sorry I don't know what the word escaped me the demolition will take place prior to the season and as such we'll have that and then for season 2025 there will be a new building place um my second question is about the um Community Center um will there ever be a um possibility for uh people at Northern Highlands to or in the community to volunteer at the Community Center sure actually we were talking about that today how um we would like it staffed during certain areas certain times where we want to have say like an open gym or like an open Community Center and at those times we would like it staff then we will be looking for volunteers for this particular time uh where would that be available when it comes from so um probably not until the fall so we're expecting the building to be done in August September so I would say probably October November okay thank you thanks for coming thanks for coming anybody else from the public wishing to speak leou come on good Josh you too you can think of a question state your name um with the looking great um I'm a an Audi technician and um I'm a certified EV a vehicle uh repair person um do you guys are going to have some stations on that property uh for the electric vehicles there is actually on the back um I think there's three maybe four so yes they we don't own the ve at all the burough does not own the Val at all that's owned by Hampshire okay um we will We own just the community center for Park portion okay yeah okay and they did put in I think four in the back which weren't originally on the plans they but they did because I don't remember seeing in any of the ples there wasn't when we original did but remember we started this project back in like 2018 and another reason why I brought that up because it's a lot of people that like in my in my job um I work for Jack Daniel Saudi in opas river and you actually could use your credit card to actually be able to charge your cards so that would be another you know way to get money to the town as well yeah so Matt I don't know if you want to speak to that I know you've looked into it in the commuter lot we've looked into it and I think it's a great idea we've applied for a grant a couple years ago we did not get it uh I was in touch with our grant writer earlier this year and she assured me that there are more coming uh to be available this year and as soon as they come available we're going to put in for them again yeah that's Prett that' be great we use a couple downtown it's just it's a great thing they're becoming more popular people you know to your point they pay to charge and while they're charging they're staying in town they're eating in our restaurants they're shopping exactly so it's it's a big benefit so we working on it thank you thank you anybody else from the public wishing to speak all right then that concludes our meeting motion to adjourn so moved all in favor I by bye everybody good night good night