good evening everybody Welcome to the mayor and council meeting March 7th 2024 at 7:30 pm Linda will you please read the open public meetings act and call the meeting to order in compliance with the open public meetings act the notice requirements have been satisfied the meeting dates for the year are confirmed at the annual meeting are posted on the public bulletin board in the municipal building and on the burough website published in the record within the first 10 Days of the New Year and copies are sent to the Ridgewood news and Star Ledger notice of this meeting by the February 26 2024 Sunshine notice was sent to the record The Ridgewood news and Star Ledger and has been posted on the public bulletin board in the municipal building and burough website councilwoman delao here councilwoman homman here councilwoman L solo here councilman oconnell councilman OU here councilman yako here mayor wasinski here everybody please stand look the flag indivisible andice all right next we have approval of minutes January 18th and February um Regular and Clos session minutes do I have a motion to approve the minutes they moved second second councilman delso uh yes on January 18th and I abstain on February 8th on both councilwoman Homan I follow councilman delso yes for the 1 and I abstain on February 8 councilwoman Lis solo yes councilman ool obstain on the 18th yes have the call what do we got you're three I'm upstanding on the 18th you're uping on 18 we were on the 18th we were there for the 18 we were here that so we weren't here for the all right so we have the PLL wait a minute the 18th the 18th we should be okay on the eth because it's only he and I on the eth that we're gone okay we need three affirmative so so councilman o Connell was uh would abstain anyway councilman ool abstain and councilman yarina would abstain um so then the other three would be thank you so I have stain on the 18th yes to the eth I leave sorry minaro abstain on the 18th yes on theing okay we're good we're good all right so today we have two presentations we have a a proclamation for coloral cancer awareness month and we have also a proclamation for Ted and Karen Clark so um council president Homan is going to read the first Proclamation previous council president H I'm sorry we are now council president Mr otou I'll just Proclamation for coloral Cancer Awareness Month whereas coloral cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States among men and women combined and whereas coloral cancer is one of the few cancers that can be prevented with timely screening but one in three eligible Americans are not up to date on screening whereas coloral cancer is estimated to be the number one cancer killer for those ages 20 to 49 by 20 by 2030 and whereas black Americans are 20% more likely to be diagnosed with coloral cancer and about 40% more likely to die from the disease than other groups and whereas coloral cancer is expected to account for 11% of cancer deaths among Hispanic men and 9% of cancer death for Hispanic women and whereas screening col colonoscopy rates have still not returned to preco 19 levels and whereas the national goal established by the National coloral Cancer Roundtable is to strive to increase timely colorl cancer screening rates to 80% in every Community for all Americans eligible for screening and whereas observing a ccal cancer or awareness month during the month of March would provide a special opportunity to increase awareness and offer education on the importance of early detection and screening of coloral cancer now and therefore we the mayor and Council of the buau of Allandale deal hereby Proclaim March 2024 as colar rectal cancer awareness month in the burough of Allandale signed by mayor Amy thank you very much and our second Proclamation is for Ted and Karen Clark Ted and Karen Clark have been residents of Allandale for actually since the 990s the early 90s they're actually being honored tonight by the Saddle River Allendale rotary so we are very happy to be able to read this proclamation in honor of them whereas Ted and Karen Clark have lived in town since Memorial Day weekend of 1990 and whereas Ted and Karen have three kids Matt born in 1990 Chris born in 1994 and Mary Hope born in 1998 who have grown up in the avac building riding their walkers and down the driveway before they could even walk and whereas in 1991 Ted joined the allelle volunteer ambulance course core followed by Karen a year later whereas as members of the Allendale Ambulance Corp Ted has served as Captain and president while Karen has served as Secretary whereas beyond the dedication to avac Karen and Ted have served as leaders and first and first aid merit badge counselors with allendale's girl and boy scouts and whereas they have been involved for many years at Guardian Angel Church both as a catechist and Ted as a youth music Minister and whereas for 13 years they ran Guardian Angel Church Annual Festival of Lights with a great success now therefore I mayor Amy willinsky on behalf of the government body and the residents of the buau of Allendale hereby acknowledge with great gratitude ten and K Karen Clark's DED dedicated service to the buau of Allen will be able to present that but it later hopefully so okay so I am going to do a quick agenda review it is a light agenda today we have our second reading of ordinance 24-3 and chief Dylan will speak to that when we go to um vote and then we have our consent agenda our consent agenda or matters that are considered routine but I do like to point out some of them that highlight some of the great work that we're all been doing we have one that is actually just a routine tax adjustment we have um authorizing some emergency budget Appropriations we do this every year where we take some from one ordinance and move it to another we have authorization for the blue ribbons for the uh colon cancer awareness month which is the proclamation that we just red so you'll be seeing blue ribbons on our trees downtown we have our list of bills that um I reviewed and Council woman uh loao reviewed and uh we have a very small change order um in our community center which is um just a little cabinet and shell adjustment and so let's go back now up and do we have uh open the meeting to the public does anybody from the public have any questions or comments on the agenda items not seeing anybody let's bring it back so second reading um of ordinance 24-3 this is uh was first read on February 22nd and it was posted and now this will be second reading and adoption um Linda will you please read ordinance 24-3 the following ordinance published herewith was first read by title only on February 22nd 2024 and posted on the B bulletin board of the lobby of the municipal building and burrow website ordinance 24-3 an ordinance to amend supplement and revise chapter 26 26-31 D of the burrow code of the burrow of Allendale Chief Dylan would you like to speak to this well thank you Madame mayor this is a slight adjustment to an existing ordinance that codifies a uh basically a procedure for outside o employment of police officers very frequently schools or um outside vendors May employ police officers on their days off and this encourages Allen Del officers to um work those extra details it's always better to have an allen officer dealing with our residents directly perfect thank you very much thank you so I'd like to open this to the public does anybody from the public have any comments on ordinance 24-3 sure you please come up I'm sorry yeah you have to come up and say your name and um yes no problem your name and your address please I okay I'm sorry I'm not a resident of Allandale my daughter's in the Allandale Scout Troop so I don't know if I'm authorized to speak just for her understanding we'd like to understand what changes 24-3 um promulgates okay so first if you don't mind your name and your address for the record and then I will have Chief uh Dylan address your question okay Jonathan Eisen Haagen to Nan Court in Waldwick okay perfect hi sir how are you excellent thank you yourself thank you for asking me the question so we currently have an ordinance where uh police officers can be hired on their days off to provide security at our schools or at facilities that may have um like a known threat or such up until today when we're approving this uh change order or the resolution they were uh there was no limit to the amount of hours so no minimum amount of hours so basically we were saying that if you hired a police officer you would be then um only there would be no minimum four hours a minute like I'm sorry I misunder I back up a little bit so if you hire police officers a minimum four hours and what happens is the other police departments in the area had that minimum and we do not so uh my officers were hesitant to take those jobs because there was no minimum so but we would hire an outside Department that would come in and would be a minimum amount of hours so I just struck the number of hours from the uh ordinance okay so it's it's more permissive now it's you do not have the 2403 strikes the 4H hour minimum making it easier to hire the Allen police exactly okay that's probably better way to explain yeah was just a slight tweak to one one sentence we just changed got it okay thank you very much thank you ni thank you Walter appr um we have our consent agenda do I have a motion to approve the consent agenda oh I'm sorry motion motion to approve ordinance 24-3 so move second please second roll call councilman delisio yes councilwoman homman yes councilwoman Lis solo yes councilman OU yes councilman yino yes do I have a motion to approve the consent agenda so Mo second hman councilwoman delissio yes councilwoman homman yes councilwoman lisolo yes councilman UL yes councilman Yaro yes excellent thank you very much next we have our Council reports councilman Yaro thank you mayor a few things to which I'd like to update as we've all been involved with um for our joint Insurance Fund also known as JF there are certain cyber requirements in which they ask us to uphold each year there's a questionnaire that comes to the bir making sure that we're adhering to certain standards and minimum security levels and so forth so one of the big updates which has been recommended by our risk manager and also uh in line with standard operating procedures is moving our email system to the cloud so previously we had run it on an in-house physical server and now the entire email system of the buau is in the secure what's called government continuity Cloud uh so we are fully GIF compliant now with our email and TFA multiactor authentication requirements um so that will help us maintain a high standard which will help with God forbid there there cyber incident our deductible remains relatively low so that's one thing that um they had asked to recommended we do and I really just want to commend you on all the work you've done on this and this is something that is very serious we've had neighboring towns where their servers have gotten hijacked and they've had to pay a ransom of upwards of half a million dollars so this is a very big Progressive move on the buau so thank you for happy to help and then in addition to there being security enhancements this will also help collaborative efforts within the buau absolutely so we're working on that so again the email was the first phase of the project so to speak so we're going to be moving forward with more communication Integrations and so forth uh secondly also another GIF recommendation is to secure our server environment so we'll be looking at different areas within burrow Hall to lock down some more equipment and to further be GIF compliant U moving on to facility the concession stand continues to move along we're working on a survey with our burough engineer which we approved this week so that'll be moving forward as such with the survey we can look to formally approve uh phase two and three from our professional service architect at the next meeting I'm anticipating and furthermore to that the temporary electric service will be going up at Crestwood Lake tomorrow as we move forward with the Demolition of the existing structure and finally starting next week the motor vehicle mobile unit will be coming to town at the firehouse I know that many residents in town signed up John I think sent the newsletter at 6 o'clock on Monday and by 7 o'clock it was filled up so we've had a lot of folks coming to us asking when are they coming back so tentatively September 10th and 11th they will be returning to Allandale um I've had a very good working relationship with the repid motor vehicle so far so he's been very happy working with us so I'm anticipating that there is much more to come as the state uh continues to mandate the real IDs so um if you do not have a real ID appointment you could still turn in Old license plates duplicate title um they did tell me if there are any cancellations for next week that we can put it out there and we can fill up those spots so you would probably let me know that tomorrow or Monday and I think that I'll leave it at that for that's great Tyler again thank you so much who knew that would be so popular I think people just have that fear of going down to the uh y so happy to continue to offer these services so thank awesome thank you very much councilwoman L USA yes thank you Tyler thank you for reading everything I wrote for you about the it um so uh uh so the landu committee has not met since um my last report um we have a meeting coming up in two weeks and uh the finance committee hasn't uh met either so there's no updates on those two but that doesn't mean that we aren't working on components of all of from those committees it doesn't mean we're not looking at the budget and still discussing um the capital budget and we also had a meeting the other morning um discussing um outdoor dining as the weather is getting nicer and making it um easier for our restaurants in town to uh accommodate all of our residents who love to eat outside um so we're we're working on getting a packet together to explain it to them and um that is forthcoming um our Green Team had a meeting tonight so I missed that one because I'm here but um they were discussing things about the upcoming environmental spring cleaning day which is April 27th April 27th is also our history day where um the johnfel house in Allandale partners with nine other historical homes the Mawa Museum the zabrisky house what have you for a day of learning about history and for used to be $10 not sure it's still $10 I guess you access to all the different sites for that day um one time ticket price um the library uh has some upcoming programs um every Saturday in March in partnership with the Allandale volunteer ambulance cor Matt I don't know if you were going to talk about this too um they're holding a family and friends CPR course this is non-certification program and it's offered at either 11: or 1M and will last for about 1 hour um in addition they have some kids programs coming up their very popular slime time is on March 18th musical munchkins on March 19th jiggly Wiggly on March 26 and they're also offering dropin after school crafts on tomorrow and March 22nd and then their adult programs in March include a College funding Workshop that I noticed the mayor put on her Facebook page on March 11th and the start of a three-part Memoir writing class on March 18th um a complete list of programs is available on the Lee Memorial Library website thank you excellent thank you very much Council Momen oh um well I'm give a sort of sub report under our chair um Joe so um I what I'd like to share is just that we've met as a sewer team to discuss items that we needed to put together as a group of all andelle individuals on the council um along with Andy and our engineer as well as legal prior to beginning to work with ramsy on renegotiating the new sewer agreement with Ramsey and um we've also been having discussions with violia on the permanent water treatment that is planned for Allandale it's awesome that we have the temporary in and actually the first um granular activated carbon change is going on at the new Street Plant but obviously we have to look ahead to permanent treatment so again it's great that violia owns the system and they're managing it but we will be discussing with them the plans for the permitting on where this facility will be we're anticipating it will stay in the building that is down uh by the current DPW the current the old water building um but we have a meeting tomorrow morning so it'll be excellent information that I'll keep everybody up to date on the council perfect thank you so much Council Mia thank you mayor I know it's been a little while since I've been here everybody doesn't remember I'm Joe I want to say thank you to uh councilwoman homman for your efforts on the sewer and the water I'm really interested and learning more about it I know I'm new to the whole thing but uh I do want to say you know I'm very thankful mayor for being able to chair the DPW committee I think I told you the one reason and the only reason I ran to be a councilman was to help my community and the residents and do good things for the community and this gives me the opportunity to do that uh not that the land use committee didn't but I think this is did great things there you know this is uh this is really a pleasure and uh working with our our new superintendent Andy googli Aro it's it's a pleasure so just briefly we meet regularly every Friday yeah we talk about everything um you know Andy's been great any issues that come up we talk throughout the week but he's he's been on top of everything there's really been very little that he's had issue wise as far as you know needing my input but he's been great about communication uh the guys have been doing a great job they've been cleaning up the DPW facilities which were pretty in pretty bad shape I know he's they're still working on it but they're doing a good job they getting there uh Andy's been really addressing a lot of the residents needs and concerns pothole repairs I know we hired a company we tried them out we did some pothole repairs on McIntyre oak wood Chesswood Myrtle and Linda and from what I understand they're they're holding up pretty good it's a new company figured we' give them a try and see how they do uh we had some snow events right uh know Andy and our DPW guys did a great job on the parts that they had to work on our subcontractor Conquest I think they did a much better job this time uh I know it took a little bit of effort and a little bit of communication to make sure that they addressed some of the issues that they missed the last time and I think they they accomplished that so it's moving in the right direction uh we did discuss uh some potential dates to do another top soil and potential wood chip giveaway we have big piles of these materials down to D W facility uh to kind of take over from what councilman oconnell did last year uh we're going to open up some dates after our contractor J fler Kramer gets his equipment and stuff out of the area we'll clean it up and then we'll do some announcements John Gil do some announcements we'll pick some dates and let the residents come down and have some tops soil and some wood chips we have a little bit of news staff-wise we had a retirement Ray Frasier has announc his retirement and we had one resignation of Dan Richards resign so we'll be losing those two guys and I know Andy's going to be doing some advertising to get some potential Replacements and I know he's Andy's got his committee report that he's going to talk about but I know they're working on preparing Crestwood Lake for the summer and also getting the ball fields ready for the baseball and softball season coming up it so uh appreciate it's been it's been a lot of fun so I appreciate the opportunity to do it thank you so much council president Matt OU thank you mayor uh the Public Safety Committee will be meeting this coming Tuesday um work has commenced on the firehouse bathroom recall that this project is to make the bathroom ADA Compliant and while there's been a couple of challenges along the way things are progressing um in addition to the CPR class avac has their casino night fundraiser coming up on Friday the 24th at Ramsey Country Club tickets online uh at congratulations to our newest graduates of the fifth grade lead program the lead program is an important part of the police department Community engagement program and is spearheaded by of course Sergeant Azo who does everything with the kids in this town um continuing the Department's community outreach Allendale police will be hosting an FBI uh class designed for the public to teach you how to react to an active as salant in a public space on March 26th uh from 7 to 900m uh it will be held here at burough Cham uh council chambers and there will be a daytime program available to businesses this is being run by uh Tim L Turner who used to be a an officer in town went to the FBI and now he is doing these kind of things and finally of course yeah I am too I'm oh I was hoping I could sign up and beat all your you know beat all you guys up wow that's har and some Leverage The the Gary L Memorial blood drive will be taking place at the end of this month on the 28th from 1 to 7: at the firehouse so far we have 18 appointments filled uh we have a lot more to go so everyone come on out excellent wait remind me that date again 28th Thursday the 28th at the firehouse can you show up you can just show up yeah walk-ins are welcome okay perfect all right now we have our staff report thank you mayor compost permits can be purchased starting Wednesday March 13th online through our website for Allandale residents only the compost site opens April 6th through December 7th Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 2m and wedn Wednesdays from 400 p.m. to 7 p.m. also if you miss the free rabies clinic in Dale um an upcoming free rabies clinic will be held on Saturday March 16th from 1: to 300 p.m. at the DPW garage 475 West Main Street in whiteoff the municipal clerks Association contacted the clerks today to encourage us to join the New Jersey League of municipalities webinar on Oprah reform since the Oprah bill is moving fast to hear about the Oprah and the changes that are coming it is scheduled to to be considered by the Senate budget and Appropriations Committee on Monday March 11 the league supports this legislation as it gives greater discretion to records custodians regarding duplicate and Anonymous requests encourages that documents be placed online and provides funding to facilities to facilitate that goal prohibits records requests made by data brokers who take the information for commercial purposes increases the membership of the government records Council establishes a police record access Improvement task force and implements recommendations from the Privacy study commission to provide privacy protections for our residents the assembly counterpart A- 445 has been introduced and referred to the assembly state and local government committee the league is supportive of the events efforts to modernize a more than two decade old records law and that's it that is really good news because it's um such a burden especially on small M municipalities like us and as you said there are so many people who are taking advantage of it and it's not really the intended P purpose of it initially it's not being carried out so right right excellent thank you very much sure okay chief please thank you madam mayor apologies in advance for the length of this but I would like to take this opportunity to update the mayor and Council on Chestnut Street since I became Chief in January 2022 the Alo police departments focused our attention on chest Street giving this one quarter mile long Street more time and effort than any other Street in the burrow in addition to continued enforcement the following actions have been completed in response to resident Mr Joseph delbono's complaints added additional impact signage such as strictly enforced and radar enforced including replacement of faded signs and uh change requested by Mr delbono to switch to conforming signs to the equally conforming signs of a red circle and hash through a truck Legend uh new striping including roadway Center markings and a crosswalk at Frankland Turnpike New striping includes glass beads to make the paint more reflective collaborations with New Jersey Transit for right of way maintenance including pothole repair repairs to rubber pads in between tracks fog line striping across the track area and confirmation of inactive bus stops on Franklin her bike this also includes Relentless followup to ensure repairs are made trimming a foliage alongside roadway Bergen County Sheriff's Office Commercial Vehicle Enforcement team was on was requested to be on a street to perform Focus enforcement of overweight trucks a focus enforcement task force will be on Chestnut Street starting on or about the third week of March requested orang and Rockland install upgraded street lights collaboration with Walder PD to ensure both departments aren simultaneously conducting stationary radar enforcement on Chesnut and Hopper Avenue listed Chestnut Street on approved Grant application for distracted driving enforcement to educate allelle officers to detect abnormal conditions at the Chestnut Street Great Crossing Sergeant Daniel rosendal and traffic officer Mark Dunn were both sent to Ruckers for three days January 30th to February 1st 20124 to attend a Federal Railroad Administration grade crossing safety seminar and Conference Bergen County Sheriff's Traffic officer was sent to monitor an intersection to evaluate visibility and lighting he has requested to see day and night traffic crash data which is being provided note there is no crash history for left turn from Franklin Turnpike Northbound onto Chestnut Street Public Work superintendent was briefed on the history of the street he advises he will handle obtaining a striping asked for as part of a pavement Improvement project this summer in conclusion prior to my 10e Chief an electronic speed sign was installed on chestn stre a speed hump was also planned for installation but Mr delbono disagreed with the location of the device the location of the device was determined to be in compliance with mutcd guidelines in the past Mr delbono has asked that someone be an advocate for Chestnut Street based on the aforementioned actions the Allandale police and the burrow of Allandale has been and continues to be staunch advocates for Public Safety Not only on Chestnut but all the other approximately 135 other streets in town excellent thank you very much I mean um great job we are very appreciative of all that you do not just for chest street but all the other streets you guys are the traffic experts you go to the schooling and everything for that so we take your recommendations and as much as um some people feel like they might know more than you we do appreciate your professional expertise and we will always rely on you and your and your uh you and as well as your staff so thank you thank you very much DPW superintendent thank you may Andy um just a quick couple things um obviously we made it through another uh weather event this time it was rain not snow um dpw's been filling potholes like uh councilman delisio said uh we're getting ready for the upcoming season of quest Lake and we're also getting ready for the uh baseball and softball season um just out of my realm but just a quick safety note this coming weekend on the 10th we go forward with time flops and just to remind all residents to change all their batteries into smoke detectors that's it respect we smoke thank you all right excellent all right so uh we have our um I'm sorry I forgot something can I add of course um I just want to thank the mayor and Council and Allison for the decision of adding the new locks to the Department do ah yeah um and also um thank you to the DPW as well for putting those in um I love that idea so excellent so uh TJ W I think your report was covered by uh yeah most I was just gonna update an Oprah so you covered most of it um there's a bunch whole bunch of other things in the bill too to stop harassment um email addresses personal phone numbers um so I think they're really trying to take seriously some of the concerns I know that alen had in the past um which obviously this governing body has supported the privacy of their residents um and it's it's refreshing to see that there's going to be some reform so we'll stay tuned I know there there's a lot to go to get us across the finish line but um you know I'm glad that you took the class and um hopefully there'll be some reform soon yeah it is it is really about time so we always felt very uncomfortable sometimes on what we had to give out and every time we try to fight it we lost so it's it's about time and mayor just to add this Saturday is the North with Bergen council members Association and this is one of the topics of discussion oh super excellent all right I will give my mayor's report um 210 West Crescent if anybody's driven by you'll see that all the walls are up on the gym side and we will have a steel signing next week so it's kind of like a ribbon cutting or like a groundbreaking but it's a steel signing um we have actually our first of a series of town halls scheduled for March 2th 7th that meeting we're going to be reviewing Allen Dale's goals and strategies um we plan on sending out a short survey uh to all the residents asking them what they want to hear on the three other uh Town Halls that we have planned so they'll have the opportunity to um Express what you'd like to talk and we will actually create the agendas around that I have um a mayor's meeting this Saturday and we are going to be continuing the deer discussion so we have rep Josh gimer who's going to be there so it looks like maybe the deer discussion is be going to become a little bit serious so I will report back on when I have that so I'm looking forward to hearing um and and coming up with a plan that's going to be comprehensive with all the towns versus us trying to do something um I'm also going to be attending a breakfast meeting on the 12 with the New Jersey Mayors um we are actually going to be talking about the fair share housing crisis and I do call it a crisis because there is this new bill out there that does not look like it's going to get any relief to um Allandale or any other towns in New Jersey all you have to do is drive around and you can see the massive building that's going up and all you have to do is drive around on a rainy day and see all the flooding that's going up and it's not to me a coincidence that the two are hands in an so um again power and numbers so I really look forward to uh this meeting it's actually my first of the uh League municipality Mayors meeting so um I really look forward to getting some great information and we'll we'll uh report back on that as well um last meeting we discussed uh the sewer agreement that um councilwoman Homan worked on so very hard U between satle River and Allandale with some of their development that was for fair share housing now we have another one coming up there's another 275 units going in Saddle River right on Burl Line Road in that office complex so here we are again and coming up with agreement and we have to make sure that we are doing everything that we can do to to support um our sewer system and the allelle res both of these developments are literally on the border of of of Allandale so we will have the impact of them probably more than actually Saddle River what uh would so um again congratulations to all the leads uh kids I happen to uh be able to attend the graduation with councilwoman Loa solo it was super um they just did such a great job it was really just h a wonderful program just talking about giving kids a voice if they see bullying to stand up saying no to drugs I mean the whole entire thing was positive when you're feeling anxiety what to do who to go to so um just a great program for the fifth graders so really um happy to be a part of that and um thanks to officer Ace and again Chief Dylan the kids sure do love officer Ace Sergeant Ace Sergeant Ace Ser Ace um we met with neglia this week so we will be working on our next two phases of our streetcape so our next one is going to be on JY curio drive and then the other phase is going to be behind our town clock on Central AB that's going along by our um train train um uh uh station thank you um we also had two new businesses two ribbon cuttings in town so we welcome P Bergen Pediatric Dentistry as well as Philly Pretzel they're both in the acne Center so we always really want to support our uh local establishments as well as a councilwoman um Lo solo mentioned we are working on um our outdoor dining outdoor dining has become so successful that one of the positive things that came out of covid so we want to make sure that we um the residents want it and then we accommodated and um and the weather is going to be turn taking a turn for the for the better and uh the mural so the mural is still going on Hillside students have had a wonderful experience being part of mural being part of Allendale history I saw some videos of the kids and it was unbelievable so we have a dedicated Instagram page we have some space on our website um talking about it and we will um be promoting it and also supporting it and coming out with more fundraisers and so we will pass along those dates when we have them and that is it for me so um do we have any unfinished business any new business I'd like to open up the meeting to the public any public have any comments on any matter is that a yes you don't have to he looks like he's like yeah take the night off we'll be here in two weeks I'm nosy more than anything Walter wood 38 Hamilton recently in the town Journal they seem to make an issue out of each of schools having an armed police officer in the building and I realize it's you can probably help there what the hell are they doing there why' they make an issue out of an armed police officer we have one there now anyway wandering through the building yeah I assume he's on yes there are actually retired officers that the schools have hired um in light of some of the incidents that have gone around um in the country so I don't think it's an issue I think it's just something that is um being proactive um in light of the safety of our students and we actually um they're hired through our police officer but the schools actually pay for that so it's their decision to hire them and they paid for it but we just actually facilitate it through our police officers do you have anything to add Chiefs Zan so uh no it's a good point I read that article as well um I I understood it to be just a difference of opinion on how the program should be rolled out uh here in Allandale we have three officers who are retired uh and they're also cross Tred as school resource officers so that basically what that means is they could take educational records and have access to them and then mesh them with law enforcement records so it's a higher level of um service more than just security you like it I love it I think it's probably the most successful program we've ever rolled out I'm not just saying that because I'm the police chief but I do have kids in this District too invested interest I I will say as a parent having a daughter in eighth grade I'm thankful for those officers being there God forbid there is a problem yeah at least they're there they're very very professional they're very friendly very dedicated to our children I mean um they uh come from different backgrounds very busy departments but so this is definitely a change for them but they assimilated perfectly and and that's what I mean so it's more than just in an emergency to me they're they are they they're a face of the police community that makes it approachable and see it's actually part of our community engagement um because obviously they are dressed just like police officers you don't know that they've had a 25 30e career and they're now having their second career and they're just part of our department and they're under our yeah it humanizes the police officers with the kids has them have them talk to the kids and make the kids not to be intimidated by police officers too right absolutely and as you progress through our school district they're all uh They're All Uniform exactly the same so um the kids get used to their presence they get used to their interaction and hopefully when they do graduate and they have interaction with the rest of us that it's always in a positive light right I love that that's perfect all right anybody else from the public wish to speak not seeing anybody motion to adjourn all in favor hi all right everybody have a wonderful evening