this is a meeting of the uh of the Allandale land use board a regular meeting at which formal action will be taken on items listed on the agenda and upon any other matters which may properly come before the L use board the requirements of the open public meetings act have been satisfied through posting on the public bulletin board in the municipal building and on the borrow website and by publication in the record on January 28th 2023 with copies being sent to the Rood news certain agenda items will be open to the public for comments Andor testimony the board will advise the public when such matters are open for comment and or testimony okay um before we get into a roll call if you guys join to the flaged to flag the United States of America to the for stands Nation indivisible he Linda can we have a roll call please here here here member D here here mayor here here okay uh next on our agenda are approval of the minutes I'm getting I have to better making sure I riew a little faster but I thank everybody on the board for whatever comments and changes um anybody have any comments on these at all other than what's been done okay then I would like please a motion for approval of the minutes for both the 18th and the 20th 2023 of the regular meetings of the land use board please I'll open motion second K thank you Vice chair yes board member patr yes board member trist yes board member D yeso yes mayor wasinski here yes yes okay next on our agenda we have four resolutions that we need to go through the approval on um I reviewed them I don't see anything on all four of them but we're going to take them one by one Chris I'm going to ask you please if you would in mind to uh synopsis all order okay than very good so resolution 2318 involveed the applicant Allandale Senior Housing Corp this was the preliminary and final site plan approval for the addition of two uh buildings on the seaback court site uh senior restrict restricted senior housing and uh with the addition of four units so from 16 units to 20 units total within that specific Zone that was approved and the resolution is attached to your file here okay so I'm G to go through the all I guess we should do them one one at a time yeah we'll do them one at a time okay um can I have a motion please for a resolution 23-18 so moves kissner thank you for that I'll make a motion okay and a second please second thank you okay Vice chair Bergen yes member P yes yes yes okay resolution passes resolution 2319 is the Barry pcan ER application but it was as you recall a minor subdivision uh which is really just a reot of a lot line between two properties both owned by Mr Panzer that was approved and the resolution is there attached to your file um that would I know we had we had just the setback that was the only thing came mind that's all covered in there yes good okay uh may I have a motion please to uh to approve resolution 23- 19 I moved thank you second I'll second thank you Vice chairman M yes board member patrino yes board member D yes chairman yes mayor yeah yes okay all right moving on resolution 23-20 uh resolution 23-20 was the jeppe and Alexandra depinto applic at 20 stone fence road uh they were doing a renovation and addition in the ablea zone and uh they needed sidey guard setback relief which was granted by this board and the resolution is attached with all the usual conditions that we have applied to them all right thank you any questions on it if not can I have a motion please for approval I'll make a motion thank you second second thank you John Vice chairwoman Bergen yes board member krina yes board member D yesman yes may yes yes okay thank you very much and the last one 23-21 please right 23-21 was Russell and Lisa young 101 East Orchard Street they came in with the application in the doublea zone really a a complete renovation on the present foundation and also to expand the footprint and raise the height of the structure that was presently in place uh they needed uh they had some pre-existing non-conforming conditions such as minimum lot area and minimum lot width and also needed a side yard setback variances which were granted and and uh this was a C1 variance that was approved at the last meeting okay thank you any questions on the resolution okay if not can I have a motion for approval I'll make a motion thank you second um oh sorry I'll make a motion I won't make a motion thank you sir can I have a second I was second thank you board member Patrina yes board member kistner yes chairman yes yes okay thank you thank you so the next part of our agenda is public hearings we have two on here of which one um I will read it just into the record application file Lu 20- 20 23-5 Michael Zoli and Samantha danubio 41 Elwood block 2009 Lot 4 it was an application for a two-story in the rear and side yards pursuant to 27-37 a um there was a request to continue this to this uh hearing today however this afternoon we all received a letter from the applicants um um this is the architect the applicant architect thank you uh stating that they are uh redesigning and that will eliminate any need that they had projected for variances so the application is now withdrawn without prejudice so this is closed out that's correct let make sure right ter thank you okay so the next application that we have is lu2 23-10 for the Allendale stast read Properties LLC 95 West Allendale lock 1809 locks 3 for and this is for converting the former bank into a restaurant pursuing to 147 d7a change of use indeed good evening board members my name is Mark male my offices are located on Legion Drive in Bergenfield Mr Razzo had a bit of a scheduling conflict we may still come running through the door but he asked that I make sure we at least got moving and certainly didn't keep anybody waiting Mr M just before I before you start I just go over the uh a jurisdictional issue which is fine just under the notice uh two two matters I just want to preface kind of what we're here for for the board thank you and also uh the the notice uh the property address in on the tax map is 90 West Allandale Avenue the notice has 95 West Allandale Avenue I don't think that's a fatal jurisdictional flaw in my opinion I'm just pointing it out for the record and and for the applicant uh and the reason why it's not to my a problem is that the uh publication identifies the existing Bank building it also identifies the proper lot and block excellent so I I don't think it's a fatal issue unless you feel otherwise I happen to agree with you because the street address is not even a required component of notice right the statute specifically says you only need to notice to the block and lot right just wanted to point that out uh the other thing is just for the for the board here since this is kind of a a bit of a not it's not a variance application it's not a site plan application what we're here for really is a it's a a change of use and it's not even an application it's it's really not anything well something that is going to be approved or or not approved but it will be approved but they're not seeking variance relief it's a chance for the board here to review the use coming in to make sure that everything that they are going to do is put on the record so that in the future uh when if any issues or engineering issues come up uh the record can reflect what was proposed and what was approved at that time because as you know the restaurant use here is a permitted use so it's not a use variance and it's not a site plan because it's a permitted use and everything nothing is happening outside so I just wanted the board to know that although we're here as a formal application on proper notice uh there's really not too much to approv nor discretion that the board has in making any applications but certainly questions are permitted as to you know operational uses and operations and uh mechanisms of how the restaurant's going to operate so just wanted to preface that before you started and excent go right ahead and excuse me one minute councel anybody on the board give what Mr B just put out there does anybody have any questions okay good please sir all right so to kind of bootstrap off that just a little bit some towns have change of use change of commercial use change of commercial tenant and it's for occasions like this when you have uh I'm going to date myself as far as reviewing ordinances a permitted dress shop goes out and a permitted restaurant comes in and even though they're both permitted uses and even though they both have the same Downtown parking profile which is often none uh the fact is as you really do come before a board explain to them what you're doing explain to them how you're going to manage those circumstances and uh hopefully productive questions will yield some good answers and we can explain most of it to you so we'd love to do that I have the application or the the 200 foot notice LT documents uh what I'd like to do is pass those up if it's okay does that go to the secretary or counil I can go to the secretary and just also bootstrapping kind of the I have reviewed the Affidavit of H publication as I said as well as the mailing requirements and they are all in order thank you so what we are moving forward with this evening is that change of use appli ation with regard to uh 90 West Allen Avenue Lots three and four although I know from the engineers letter that that is often referred to Simply at lot three and that's probably by way of some consolidation or something else which took place years ago the good news about this application and similar ones is you're all familiar with the problem uh we will have our architect testify but I think it's fair to say it's a about a 100y old Bank building it's one of the Hallmark sort of buildings of downtown um and it is being subjected at this point to what we would like to think is a adaptive reuse or conversion of it uh and continued basic look of the same building I think we've all seen things like this in Ridgewood and some other towns and frankly it's a nice way to go instead of and in this case sounds completely in inappropriate demoing the building or doing something else so you all have the advantage of really knowing the building the area and I think in this case you all have the advantage of knowing my clients um it's fair to say they may own one or two restaurants in town I would imagine you've all eaten at some of them so this this change of use is interesting in the sense that the restaurant across the street is going here that's it so uh it is fair to discuss some of the specifics of how it's done but I think probably you've all mostly seen how it's done it is not a change in what happens in your downtown it is exactly the same formula moved across the street uh and it continues we hope to be a valuable occupant of downtown space here so what I'd like to do first to give you some ideas is to have our project architect come up um he'll explain some of those details and I think trash removal loading and unloading how things get delivered all of those things um and then we'll move to uh my client and the operator of the premises because there may be other questions about that so if that's all right with the chair let's we get going so come on up I'm G to get a little bit out of your way okay name and address for the record and raise your right hand Matthew Evans architect planner 470 Chamberlain F Patterson New Jersey do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth through the course of this application yes I do okay thank you Matthew Evans evv ANS so Mr Evans your licensed AR attemp in the state of New Jersey yes and how long have you been so licensed uh since 1995 and in the last uh 30 years or so 25 28 years have you had an opportunity be to appear with a couple of planning boards yes have you appeared before this one um I don't remember appearing but I've appeared in um neighboring uh municipalities in Burton County and your license is in full force and effect as of to yes Mr chairman absent a good reason why you wouldn't be an expert accepted thank you sir thank you thank you all right so Matthew if you don't mind in order to familiarize people a little bit more with the property let's just talk briefly about the survey that's on the property or on your drawings it's fair to say that the restaurant premises or the bank premises is located at the corner of West alale and Maple Street yes and we've described that on the plans as Lots three and four however if it's in fact simply lot three and that that's fine with us it doesn't change anything right so that was taken from the uh recent survey um by BMC dated 6 2823 and it does mention lot four on it but the meets and Bounds or the perimeter would remain um the same as what was uh depicted on the plan and what is the approximate square footage of or dimensions of lot um basically we have a property that um is rough say 35 uh it has averages different um along Maple Street it's 136.6 one and 150 um on the left side from West pale Avenue there's an ark in the front so it's a little irregular on the front um and then it angles along the middle of the parking lot the back 35 ft don't have the exact square footage I don't know if add that's all right the dimensions will get us get us moving and approximately what is the size of the building on the okay so we have the building is an existing structure um and it's uh about 30 we have it is 30 um 39 inch D so it's 31 um 31 ft by 56 and it averages because it's on an angle so it has a little different layout counc excuse me for one quick minute just one are you getting are you you're heing everything okay thank you all righty so it's fair to say or is it fair to say that from the West hell Avenue Frontage the building goes pretty much in width lot line for lot line and it goes back approximately anywhere between 150 and 160 ft and you just describe the size of the actual building structure and what is the balance of the okay so the building situated at the intersection of West Allandale and maple uh and we have um the the remainder in the rear would be the existing uh access to the building and then there's parking handicap parking and uh a few spots that uh basically Traverse their lot and the other um properties on the rear of the West Allandale U properties okay so there's about six spaces in the back including a handicap space um that's as big as the property is that's what it's always been right all right so let's talk a little bit more about the operations inside the building do we have uh Mr chairman and Council if I may I'm going to call this whole set A1 I initials today's date uh but I'm sure your secretary is certainly keeping track of it um and so let's talk a little bit we we looked at the front sheet and talked a little bit about the existing condition and a little bit about the the lot itself is it can we move to sheet number sk2 and talk a little bit about the proposed for okay so sk2 shows um the first U floor plan is the first floor plan the mezzanine floor plan and then we have the uh Basel floor plan uh uh next to that so basically what we're showing on this is uh reconfiguring the interior of the uh building to create um a new uh main stair that would go up to the mezzanine we have a small vestibule uh reception in the front and then we have seating throughout the the front of the building uh in the middle uh we have two handicap bathrooms then there's all the um kitchen and Associated uh service areas uh to the rear so is that mezanine presently exist or we building that into the space well the bank had a mezzanine um and it basically was situated to the rear of the um of the building and the interior and so what we've done is um we're going to um remove that and reconfigure it and and do a new mezanine based on the occupancy for uh this use and is it on the first floor also contains of course the kitchen area and kitchen facility yes and if you had to break out the first floor is it approximately 5050 between kitchen area and bath kitchen and bath and then SE yeah it's a it could you could approximate it as 5050 um so that the bathrooms and kitchen would be the rear and the and the seating in the front Okay and there's two stairwell stairways if I'm reading the plan correctly one in the front off of the reception vestibule which I take it is for customers and one in the back which appears to be more like the kitchen staff and right so it's it's also uh we have the front stair which is the main stair for the um for the uh clients and then we have the rear uh stair which would be also as a second means of erress for the mezzanine and then we have the existing stair to the basement which is beyond that okay and that's all in the back yes and while we're talking about second means of erass and some technical stuff do we comply with fire code building code handicap requirements all of those things that we take into consideration when you design the restant yes so we had um if you look at the plan it says egress land but that was from originally um from the original construction drawings uh so we've taken into account um the U the fire protection egress and um exiting for the the uh safety purposes excellent and how many seat in in your plan and table layout how many seats are are placed on the first floor so we have a little table on our uh floor plan first floor is 42 seats and then the second floor mezzanine is 70 seats so we have a total of 112 seats and obviously in the engineer's review letter please taken into consideration the ordinance requirements for parking but I assume like a lot lot of other restaurants downtown or businesses downtown quite frankly we only have the six parking stays in right okay and if you have that Engineers review letter could you indicate to the board how many spaces per code is required something yeah so [Music] uh we have I believe it's 3.2 under the Zoning for off street parking requirements the uh code does not explicitly list a restaurant requirement parking requirement could be interpreted from other similar use public assembly with seats for which one space per three seats plus one space per two resident employees and one space for non-resident employees required so um utilizing that this requirement the proposed 112 seats would correspond to 38 parking spaces um and that's basically um what would be required based on interpretation of code and we have the same six or so that the buildings always have yes okay and let's talk a little bit about the basement plan that you've also included um that plan includes I assume some storage U no tables nothing else storage perhaps a mechanical room um Walkin box anything else in the basement uh basically taking the basement uh and reconfiguring it for um the restaurant use um the storage was basically used to be um a space below the safe above which would has been removed so that's um basically all concrete I believe around that and they're going to be using that as a storage in a walk-in box and then we have a mop sinks and then mechanical room would all be reconfigured for new Mechanicals uh for the proposed use is the building sprinkler uh not presently is it will it be sprinklered construction I'm I'm we're still looking at that but if it's required we would definitely uh provide sprinklers for the uh use so let's let's go back if we can and while we're talking about the floors let's go back now to the front sheet and perhaps you can give a little bit of information as far as Solid Waste container anything like that or is any of that on or proposed in your plans um there's none on the plan I guess the um the owner could um clarify some of those conditions because they have being they have the adjacent uh Restaurant They're going to work out um the the refu and recycling with that system that they already have in place but why don't why don't we just make that clear the immediately adjacent Restaurant on West Allen Bale avue is also owned or operated by the app yes okay so for the board members who didn't already know that um that is inacted are there uh if we can to page three just for a moment is that an accurate representation of the elevations of the property which looks remarkably like exactly what's there name yeah so we um basically what we want to do is keep that um the the existing look of the facade um especially on the um West Allandale and Maple Street side as you can see we highlighted those elevations with the brick and um basically keeping those existing openings for the um main entry and the windows and working with those um Arch windows on the side elevation uh we're also proposing um an a fire egg exit door um so that would be the only real uh change in that so we're basically going to take the sill out and lower it to accommodate an exit door okay so on the existing right elevation the only significant change to the look of those three arched Windows is the arched window nearest the rear parking lot is in fact going to keep the same shape and appearance but it will become an additional means of EV yes excellent thank you um board members I have no further questions of this witness but of course we would always welome the okay um I just want to go back and revisit the sprinklers okay but maybe you're gon maybe we we'll talk about that as you go through your letter if you want to call the or or well does any let me just does board members have any questions right now before Michael goes through I do please so couple of things uh you mentioned that they currently operate the adjacent restaurant and although the refu sounds like it's it's going to be harmonious and work out because they operate it what happens when ownership changes well let's um maybe we'll first get the operator up here let me make I'm sure because it works now but then the restaurant does great somebody comes by with a big checkbook takes over and then the garbage situation could immediately change right totally agree I understand let's have the uh the operator come up and thank you for getting the question out there so I has a minute to can and then I do have another question for Mr Evans um I love the fact that there's another stair for means of egress has there been any consideration to perhaps install a uh Stair Lift so that if there is a party upstairs somebody in a wheelchair can access it um we consider considered it um based on the seating and and the occupancy of the um second floor mesine it's not required by code um we had you know a lot of difficulty like basically uh the the building itself as you could see is is you know is limited to um the restaurant and a lot of the um the kitchen is in the rear uh so um we had looked at different options but um as far as the code was concerned was it it's not a code issue I'm just asking because of you know the oair seems like a great spot to have a an affair and uh it could be someone in a wheelchair an elderly person that's trying to get upstairs you know I know that cost of an elevator might be a little a little much but I think the stair lfts are economically doable and I just I would say I'd like to see you consider it we would definitely consider just just so that someone in a wheelchair could access absolutely the second floor um certainly we would consider it I don't think we're in a position right now to promise it or deny it um but yes of course it's something worth considered that's it for now and uh just while we have you I am looking at the engineers letter a couple of things that do jump out um let let's do a few I hate I hate to steal the engineer Thunder here but we might as well talk it about the few that maybe you can help 4.6 building finishes colors and materials what are our thoughts on that so basically we call out the existing it's basically an existing brick um we basically power washingt and re repointing the mortar to match the existing mortar on the um facade and then uh the windows would be renovated uh throughout with um similar windows and so we would keep that architectural feel of the building so there's no change other than power washing and cleaning there's no change in the finishes colors or materials right so there's not we're not stuck going or changing any of the um existing architectural features so one of the things we like is hows yes okay we assume the void that is all right so uh HVAC units generator exterior mechanical where are the ACA hbac un well previously when it was a bank there was one large unit on the roof in the middle uh we're proposing to um basically replace that unit so it' be a rooftop unit and there is a large pared around the um existing roof so that would be screened so it would not be visible from the street I I guess if you go by or if you remember the old um Bank you really didn't have any visual impact on the streetcape so just like now unit will be on the roof and you more than likely won't see it just because you don't see the right okay uh existing sewer service should be TV inspected Council excuse me for second please generator oh do we propose a generator uh I don't believe there's generator we didn't propose one like a backup generator no we can ask but as far as we know okay not to say it wouldn't happen in compliance with law but okay all right but he again all the mechanical equipment upstairs and and in the basement and in the basement yes yes existing sewer service should be T tved obviously greas trap um I assume you have a Wastewater management person in town designated under Municipal statute and of course when you do all of those things it seems it seems It's required by C uh sewer adjustment fees associated with the change of use of course if we're using a building in a different way we expect it to pay whatever the things are uh coordinate Water Service required for the change of use with Rola is there any special or unique Water Service issues here or uh is that simply making sure we have the volume and the pressure required to op in right so that would be um that would be um sufficient for the restaurant uh also um we would have everything to comply with the health department we would have the grease traps the three compartment sink the hand sinks all that mop sinks would be all included as part of the um kitchen and um bathroom facilities and just finally 4.2 the egress door on Maple Street that we just talked about the new one um testimony should confirm the door provides an accessible route without the need for a ramp uh that is important obviously we can't be building things in the Municipal Light Of Way does that in fact work without the need yes um it works we have the elevation showing um the Finish floor elevation the door so basically as you may know it's very flat area over there and um it would not need any type of ramping uh to accommodate the exit in other words the floor of the building is pretty much even with the floor or with the sidewalk yes thank you again nothing further from my end but of course we um okay Michael please yeah sure uh I mean I think a lot of the questions that I raised in my memo have been addressed um you know with regard to the the sprink CLS I that's probably a code requirement I don't know if it's something uh that that is necessary or not I I would think it's probably required for restaurants of a certain size but I don't I don't know what the building code requirements are and and certainly if there's going to be the need for sprinkler systems there may be the requirement for a second uh water connection and that's part of the reason why I pointed out that whatever service is necessary we need to be coordinated with the own um I don't know uh I didn't see anything on the plan I didn't mention in my report is it but is there any signage proposed for the yes but we don't yet have all of that design work so I think at this point unless there is signage drawing um which I don't believe we have we would not be seeking any relief as regards signage until we know exactly what that might be so at this point your your intention is to propose conforming comply comply with the burrow correct well we haven't we haven't noticed for anything different we haven't submitted anything different and so uh hopefully we'll just stick with that if not we'll visit again have you looked at our proposals and then um if we could maybe hear a little bit about U any exterior lighting that may be or may not be proposed on the building thank you okay um we show on the elevation we do show the existing Street lighting um we have existing building lighting that would remain um maybe refit out but basically being on um Allandale West Allendale Avenue and maple um it's it's basically in the public right away we don't want any um we don't want to create any lights that would create any uh visual pollution um you know for that those areas so we didn't propose anything um on those elevations do we need a light over the door on West Maple the new door that that AIS door we just talking is that common place to have a light over that so a person stepping out sees where they're stepping um I mean we could provide one um there'll be emergency exit lighting throughout the interior and um for the rear exit also so I believe that would comply but if we do need to add a light it would be basically you know similar to the lights that we show on the front elevation something that will complement the building corre and is it possible also that there might be some accent lighting on the front I know you're showing the two light the actual wall packs I guess or wall lighting I'm assuming those will be decorative fit in with the building and the look um and and without the need for variances or approvals uh is it possible there could be an accent light on columns or an accent light into the or any number of other small writing features we didn't propose anything we want to keep it basically true to what you know what is there now and um if they were to um add anything you know we'd have to review it with all right thank you yeah and for the board's um I guess information um you know we cited the couple sections of the code that talked about off street parking and what requirements are and there's a general paragraph in the code that says you know parking is supposed to be provided for a number of uses and specifically calls out restaurants but further in the code where there's the quality calculation requirements there isn't one for rest of us so what we tried to do is provide some information to the board on you know if if you were to look at the parking demand based on what we have in the code that could be considered similar the parking demand could be something of the order of magnitude of and and that's really for informational purposes you know for the board is not really a requirement that is clearly stated in in the code the rest and you know I believe u i don't know if they have any shared parking Arrangements on the property um but you know we do have um a commuter lot in in the downtown area that is used transit and I would imagine that you know the prime time for that to be utilized probably doesn't coincide with the prime time that the patrons will be coming to the yeah I'd actually like to address that as well so we do have our Transit lot and it's pretty much known to our community as a Transit lot and a lot of people don't even know that we have Municipal parking there there's really no signage and there's no signage that shows that it's actually free Municipal parking so something that I've been working on with the Public Safety Committee and the chief of police is to get proper signers so we're actually going to purchase a big sign that's going to be adjacent to um the Styles Thom building that building is called the the slat iron building so it's very visible because there's one small sign there now that says there's you know 34 commuter space uh I'm sorry shopping spaces you you honestly you can't even see you can't even read it and there's not even very good the delineation is there right there's no striping at all too so we are going to address that um currently there's about 135 spaces there and honestly they're just not used so we plan on having that more visible to uh all residents so they know that there is first of all parking there and then second of all that after a certain time that it will be free parking um currently our meter parking I think goes to six but we're going to revisit that as well and have that for the greater good of all of like downtown for example so six M meter parking seems a little bit too late I think we might even reduce that to to four and that has been some of the other discussions that we have had well thank you ma' you're awesome thank you so then that helps with the concern is in our letter yeah yeah and again I don't know if if it's so much a concern other than more like of an informational point to advise the board that you know the code does contemplate um a need to provide parking but doesn't have any requirements to calculate the parking for a restaurant and you know if we were to use something similar to a restaurant you know could would a need of 30 all right thank you Michael any any anything else on there that you would like to I don't think I have anything else address at this point okay thank you I'd like to have the owner up to talk about operations just yes sir yes sir thank you okay board members any questions of this witness okay uh opening up to the public excuse me of course comments from the public um actually do have a quick question on on the sign you talked about it briefly but do you know where it's going to be on the building is there any good probably the door on top of front entrance it's going to be open in to the break instead of having an horning coming out okay so it's going to be M Metal okay okay all right if there's no further questions for this witness then we can move on excellent thank you thank you so as long as we had our witness speaking we might as well let them come up going to discuss operations a little bit and thank you good evening everyone Hi so if you wouldn't mind set forth your name you can scoot just a little closer that way and we'll both be able to share and if you state your name clearly and spell your last even for my name is Ronnie last name spelled baseli v as invictor e s e l i my father and my Uncle Eddie and Audi you just raise your right hand you swear to tell the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth through the course of this application I do very good thank you and just briefly you mentioned the sign Ed just you're now under oath and everything you said a few mons go without the sign and what is your position with the appli family owners of the family business corre okay and let's work with you to discuss some of the operations issues so obviously one of those is trash yes how is the facility going to handle trash uh storage screening pick up Etc so as far as the storage goes we already discussed that with the architect the storage is going to go in the basement as far as the trash right now we're our goal is to use the same trash as mesaluna does it's fenced in just get a bigger dumpster to accommodate both of the businesses that's going to be there for for it to be and the the schedu and as far as the way the waste management they'll become two three times a week to pick up the trash and they come when you ask them to you pay for it they'll show off anytime you want yes sir now the board member Mrs Trum raised a good question which was what happens if for some reason your family sells be joining us that's not going to happen we've been here for 20 years under Ro we've been here for 20 years and we're planning meet to retire there as well too so you know that's not going to happen anytime soon Ranger things have happen I I agree but it's family you know let's let's see if we can figure it out it might not be that one it could be this one I mean we have to we need to know what's gonna happen well it it I we can address that too it's not a problem even the landlord of the building that where Muna is currently right now touch the world Tom know we see him quite often and he's the one actually who proposed the idea because we share it uh with the rest of the uh tenants the apartments and the salon so it's one joint Mission there so it's not like I know it's my word against Tom's it's everybody agreed to it and let's do it this way I all right go ahead I think perhaps a better option to give you a level of confidence is that in the event that mesaluna is sold or this restaurant or this property sold the applicant will have to comply with the do with the solid waste or Garbage enclosure process independently for this prop now we either can do that through the building department pursuing the code or if it's the board's position that at that point we have to come back here and I hope most of us are retired by then um we'll do that that seems a very reasonable condition how large that exist in P where the where where it currently sits right now how large is it yeah there are six I'm just I'm familiar with it because I operated a Chestnut Street dumpster pad which has probably five restaurants 25 apartments and adjoining properties and as the use intensified even though waste management came three four days a week twice a day separate cardboard yada yada y it became a disaster um and I'm not saying it's going to happen here but I know what those residents went through and I just don't want to see that happen so right now there's two dumpsters there one is for recycling and one's for the garbage I would say each one of them is about six seven feet wide maybe eight feet wide eight yarders six yard eight y y there's two of them eight yarders so with that now granted you know I know you guys operate across the street so you have a sense of how much garbage you're going to generate yes generating the same amount of garbage or hopefully more because this is probably bigger and um right so right now not going affect that right now they come twice a week to pick up the garbage Mondays and Fridays if it's more then we have we can add an extra day they can come Wednesdays and pick them up so I I asked how large the area was is there enough space to add a third yard B yes there is within the enclosure yes and access to that garbage has never been to that area has never been an issue no and again if for some reason by sale of either property landlord being capricious and anything in the event no longer had dumpster space or access to a dumpster you would probably have to come back and explain to you how it and and again I'm not anxious to eliminate a parking space but frankly we have about six on [Music] 38 if we had five on 38 but we had much better Solid Waste facilities I I think that's an argument board resolution no okay just continue thank you uh so that takes care of solid ways now you mentioned garbage being retained in the building that's not longterm retention that's until it goes out to the dumpster corre and uh let's talk very briefly if we can about suppliers how many trucks a day what time do they come in I assume you have meat vegetables fish dryw Goods like every other restaurant correct um meat delivery comes twice a week and fish we get it daily but they come in and out quick and basically we have the dairy guy the vegetables and dairy it's just three trucks to between the dairy vegetables and the fish mostly you'll see two trucks in the morning they come in 10:30 11 o'clock and they're out in half an hour at most and are you feeding customers at 10:30 11 o' in the morning no no we're not okay and where so those could those trucks pull into [Music] presumably empty parking lot at that point yes they can um do we currently at your current place or at Muna do you load and unload from Allen Avenue no all in park pull up so I assume living here you would know if you've seen me in the battle door truck loading or unloading from Allen Avenue I trust that that has never been an issue and that won't Mr chairman director of operations my guys were not a DPW it's never never been issue with the existing restaurant I don't see it being a problem with the dation thank you for that yeah it's it's never been an issue thank you are there any other way do we plan valet parking for example in the future yes that a possibility yes it is okay and where would the vehicles parked so if we to get a valet companies going beola and the steakhouse so they can use most of the spaces that's behind the building currently munas and whatever the proposed St house um and the municipal laot so this way options for parking correct so this way the customer doesn't have to walk back and forth which is have the Val the valley services do that for them are there any other we don't we don't plan the installation of an elevator we will consider a stero with if that makes sense but of course it's not a it's not a requirement so I can't certainly can't promise it and uh sprinkler if it's required by code we'll have to do it absolutely Mr chairman I have other question um well thank you thank you you're welcome just just a quick thing you just you just mentioned the LA I'm I know the area in my mind Valley you have people Allendale Avenue is pretty busy it is or could be busy it is so so we had the valley services at the Stak house up until Co and once Co hit everybody got scared and we stop it okay so but I also know there's a little you know you have that little area in the front that you're sort of kind of going off the side um in the front of that building you know there's there's there's the driveway no that's locked but that's locked okay I'm just trying in my mind I'm just I'm not saying no get me wrong where the parking lot is and there's a fence but that fence has been locked the valley Services pull up and they used to drive around the clock and parking in the back by a municipal clock okay so okay I'm just concerned that if you know people pulling up to the front of the building you know L it'd be great for you guys don't going to be wrong it's an option you know we always think about you know what we can do to satisfy everybody you know it's not just for our need it's for everybody's need okay okay that's fair were you the B was set up on the side on the side is where I was thinking on the on the on the maple side which is where I would do okay and of course if we put it if we if we did it and we put it somewhere that the town didn't like I'm assuming we'd get a knock on the door figure coer we have with now okay okay um the only the the only the only other thing that I and again I'm not an expert in this and I have to divert I guess the fire code and Michael I'm pointing to you the sprinklers but I I I'm I'm in no position to be able to yeah again I I don't know I don't know what the building code would require I mean I I know Anthony would know and I'm sure you know whenever he gets through the application this gets approved you know he'll take a look at it we did have and I did have some conversations um about this extra degress door and and the extra stairs and and they are all being proposed to address safety requirements based on occupancy load okay we already started or they the applicants already started working towards trying to resolve potential issues from a construction code St okay and you're willing to work with the construction code official absolutely okay including sprinklers as well if that's required if it's required at it this way if it's required there's nothing we could say or you could say that would allow it not to Happ of course so um if it's required we absolutely have to do okay it's an easy it's an easy decision okay if it's not required we like would not do again for all the reasons that you going the street even if it's not required we're still going to take the measures make sure it's fire prevented double sheet drug or whatever needs to be okay you know done just like we did at Muna upstairs where they didn't require us to put sprinkles only in the basement and we took the extra precautions with double sheet rock fire rated whatever he's the architect whatever you know the town says we'll do so it's not up to us something Mr chairman again fortunately unfortunately we did the fire meona the SEC fire M they right I think you actually you were um and second means of vress in the back that's actually the fire when the duck work of the AC system and the second me SP fire and the construction at meeson sufficient to where the F could have been a lot worse and because of way they built it was it was minimal and they got I'll say it's minimal but of course you guys could reopen probably wasn't but uh it was fine they again we all know the applicants they do good they do good stuff so okay so I I have no further questions of course board public I'll open up uh Michael can I do the board now okay board members please questions of this witness actually I have a question just curious the old Allendale takeout are you what are you gonna do keep M we're planning to do a breakfast and lunch that's our goal so we'll see how everything goes out okay and if we do open up a breakfast and lunch we can also use the parking space in the leave me there too so that's another plus so the thinking would be just just kind of twisting what you just said that would not be used at night while the steakhous theoretically while the steakhouse is open right the new Ste breakfast and lar would be open from 7 to 3 okay and then evening hours for dinner so steakhous proposed hours are only dinner for for for now yes okay okay we're not walking in no no of course I think you know they'll be doing something it's not it's not going to sit empty very long and most likely would be please and sleeping when will you be sleeping yeah I don't know when we're married to be honest with you barely see our wife and kids it's a good thing keeps us busy and out of trouble that was that was you know again I just had that discussed the solid weight situation we discussed the basement spaces we talked about mayor thank you for the information on the parking um I I guess I I have one question please maybe Ron has some of the answer to it the the street SK is that continually I trying to think about I definitely down the side of maple I don't where it doesn't it goes down somewhat the side but it goes all the way down so that may be a nice thing we are going to be doing phase five and six of the down P Street skate project um you know I'll stop in I'll see you guys and let you know who the contractor is and you probably want to just be you're doing this nice job you might to continue the the payers sufficiently down to a point where it's aesthetically nice for you guys absolutely okay board members any uh any other questions okay I open it up to the public on this witness okay seeing that I bring it back to the board no I think the um you know if there no other questions or anything like that it's really just a um a motion to approve the change of use that's the only uh U thing is in front of the board that's it we have all the testimony against the letter I believe the engineering testimony has been complied with you know has been presented uh certainly the applicant has indicated that they would comply with the technical review comments from Mr Breeland so we'll add that into a resolution if it's proposed uh no other conditions on the use other than comply with all the laws be a good neighbor like they have been exactly motion to a motion to approve the change of views right so moved thank you thank you mayor second please second thank you sir okay yes board member Patrina yes board member with pleasure definitely yes board member D yes chairman Sho again what Mr kriser said with pleasure yes mayor w yeah yes thank you thank you thank you good luck to you guys have a good night we'll get some sleep before the whole no thank you thank you very much good luck guys okay so next on our agenda is General any comments from the public I guess not seeing none we'll bring it back to the board um any other points of discussion traditionally mayor Mr kissner anything you'd like to comment discuss bring up um I don't think so I mean I think it's um are you talking about this or just in general General oh in general uh sure we actually do have some news we have a contractor that's going to be building the community center um the contractor that is building the 70 units is the lowest responsible bidder who uh received the award for the community center um his name is uh Donald Dello and he's actually from town CC construction he actually wasn't technically the L spitter but the one below him had what they call a fatal floth he had a certificate that was expired and the lawyers determined that it had to be um dismissed so the fact that um Dell is actually working on the project now the 70 units I think is a good thing and he's done a great job there and he's done it very very quickly um and that was one of the other things that just worked out that he he said in his bid that he would have it done in six months um all the a lot of the other ones were on through years so I'm excited to get it to get it going so um the unit should be rented in January and he plans on starting in the next like month or so so there's going to be some coordination between between trying to get the people into to see see the new units but um it should be great um really looking forward to it the big news in Al it's looking nice looking better I go down I go down there I go down there two three times a week it's looking I can't wait for you guys to pay the stre yeah that I can't wait for well they're doing it another so yeah or them to pay I should say so yep on the end so yep that's the latest okay not to prolong the meeting anything else Mr kissner okay board members any comments anything else that we need to discuss okay once again I um thank you for your time tonight try to keep it under an hour I pull by five minutes but um that next time all right can I have a motion for pleas thank you thank you oh and the next meeting go ahead yeah just wondering when the next meeting was 13th or we'll see what comes in right we'll see what comes in but right now really we should have something coming in but I don't have anything no November 15th will be different I think I'll be in Olympic city for the oh that's the municipal yeah yeah the league of municipality so maybe maybe U we might want to Res consider using the 13th as the primary date board members are we accepting of that um I'm actually not here either today but that's okay all right anything comes in L if we can taret for the Monday yeah Monday the 13th please okay all right um I guess we had we had the motion for adjournment so just want to do a Voicee or whatever all right all in favor I I thank you all right everybody thank you very much thank you for your time appreciate it and we will see you next month hopefully