all right good evening everybody I thank you for coming tonight this is a regular meeting of the Allendale L use board at which formal action will be taken on the items listed on the agenda and upon any other matters which may properly come before the land use board the requirements of the open public meetings act have been satisfied through posting on the public bulletin board and in the municipal building and the burrow website and by publication in the record on December 29th 2023 with copies being sent to the Ridgewood news certain agenda items will be open to the public for comment Andor testimony the board will advise the public when such matters are open for their comment or their testimonies um before we before we start I'd like to have everybody please join me for a salute to the flag I pledge aliance to the flag United States America to the stand thank you everybody okay Linda please can I have a roll call Vice chairwoman Bergen here board member Wala board member Patrina board member B Aro pres councilman deloo here board member d here chairman Sero here mayor wiski here Butler here here okay thank you um next on our agenda is the approval of the minutes from the March 20th 2024 Len use board regular meeting um a little bit of an odd meeting but I thank everybody for working with us to get that to get that meeting uh completed um any comments on the meeting minutes please okay seeing none I bring it back and I have a motion to approve the minutes please I'll make a motion to approve thank you can I have a second thank you Greg second Greg Vice chair Bergen yeah board member Wala Council delso yes chairman Sero Yes W yes okay all right so moving on um there are agendas up here in the front I am going to change the agenda around slightly um we have two uh two things ahead of the um Allendale rehab that I'll move to the third because I think the first two will be relatively quick so thank you everybody for understanding and working with us um the first application that I would like to call forward please is Mr Ken magro 345 Hillside Avenue Allandale 07401 block 101 lot 7 to remove and replace an existing driveway that is greater than 35 ft okay thank you Mr C Mr magro will both of you be testifying or just one of you this evening just just just me just you okay yeah would you mind raising your right hand sir please sir do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to provide is the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth yes for the record would you state your name spell your last name and provide an address sure Ken magro M A r345 Hillside thank you okay thank you okay um Mr magro uh real fast in a quick synopsis tell us why you're here and what you need to do please or what you're asking to do I should say we're asking to why excuse me one minute excuse me when it were you hearing Linda are you getting all this okay thank you uh we want to widen our driveway we're Paving the driveway and we want to widen it to allow us to uh turn around e more easily and not have to back out on Hillside Avenue okay it's going to exceed the 35 foot ordinance okay that's basically in a nutshell and in the um in the current in its current configuration I mean are we talking about moving you know what what is what would be encompassed and what you need to do what we're doing right now so we had temp everybody has the plans and okay very good so we had temporar a stop Gap we have four cars uh in the property two are in the garage two are in the driveway you can't easily get the cars out of the driveway or turn around the way they're positioned as a stop Gap measure we had put some gravel some gravel parking areas off to the side knowing that someday we were going to pave when it came time to replace the driveway so we would be looking to get remove the gravel area and pave that instead a portion of that area it's actually going to shrink in size so the size is not changing size is actually going to shrink the size will shrink okay and the location remain I'm sorry yeah location is the same but the actual area will will shrink okay yeah okay um all right board members any questions comments we all have the plans sorry when you were saying um the area will shrink you're talking about that what you kind of put with gravel correct yeah so right now that area is is wider than it's going to be if you look at the um the site survey and you look there you'll see an area where in red I think I have it outlined that's the gravel area that's going to be gone and the paved area is kind of in a gray color that nine or 456 sare feet that's correct yep so that area been shrink actually that'll be just going to plant grass wherever there's nothing there just got to plant grass so in the picture shown you have it looks like you have three stalls there so you're basically only going to have two and then grass area correct and there's not going to be that divider down the centering where it's just going to be the driver will look as one basically yeah thank and again the 13 foot Remains the 13 foot correct yeah so do you plan on using these as parking spots or just simply turn around they will be well they're going to help both we will have cars parked there you'll see in one of the photos that there's cars park there cuz if we don't park the cars there when we pull cars out of the the garage the two garage cars you can't you you'd have to make like a six point turn to be able to turn around to get up to the F that Avenue without backing out and to be clear is it in the Shel correct that's still there yeah that's a holly bush okay I'm sorry Holly thank you yeah and this white area the white area that that's gone that will be gone those are the the rocks that are going to be gone okay correct okay but it looks like there's a retaining wall behind and then um some shrubs or trees that are kind of blocking or shielding from the re neighbors correct so if you look at page that's 365 Hillside Avenue Bel so so if you look at page seven for example this is me standing in 365 this is in their yard looking towards ours so what they have first of all the elevation that they have they're about three feet higher than we are just the way they built the house they other retaining W then they have a BM on top of that and in addition to that they've got 16 Green Giant Abes there so it there's plenty of screening judgment call but screening that uh they wouldn't necessarily able see the cars cars are there now anyway it's just it's going to be paved rather than seeing the rocks I would argue that the rocks are pretty ugly that's picture referring to that uh actually or this one here page seven bottom of page seven that's good okay that that would be in at 365 the neighbor oh maybe you don't have that one yeah that would be at 365 looking towards hour okay there's they're screening that they put up when they built that do I have a question regarding your survey map sure you show a 19t dimension yeah well front to back for the car and then you show a 24 foot make two spaces I guess are 12 feet that's the width yeah correct and you'll be able to hold 13 because it's certainly not the scale oh actually it'll be greater than 13 that 13 is where to the gra where the gravel is now but even more space to the to the uh the property line well the 13 shows to what is the rectangle that I I take that back yes the 13 will remain to the property line from the corner of where the the proposed driver proposed driver correct be 13 ft to that property line so it's just not the scale because the 19 versus 24 yeah it's just not this scale yeah that's that's fair now you show that at the back of the current driveway but that's really not the case at the back of the current driveway because you know you have that shrub there on the on the previous page yeah oh the if you look at the prop so is because the property is not even so if you look at the property line heads uh it's not perpendicular if you will it heads back like a it's an irregular shaped property so it gets wider as you're going back towards the the back of end of the driveway I I understand that but the driveway as you show it on the map essentially squares off with the existing back of the current Drive oh I see you there's actually there's about a two foot difference there okay yeah where it's it's dirt and gravel and the what you highlighted on your survey really is not accurate as to the picture uh where you see the red line for example yeah the red line should be probably even to where the black where the black line for the 19 foot correct yeah correct it's probably a 18 inch but that doesn't impact 13 feet it does not you're talking about 13 feet to the property line for us it does not correct are you proposing any curves uh we may put Belgium Block we're we have a um request them to ask about how much it's going to what the cost would be for Belgium Block to line the entire thing it wouldn't change the dimensions much but if you look into the um impervious coverage change since previously I guess you just had gravel so and now you're you're putting asphalt down right correct so it comes out to 456 square feet uh when we spoke to I want to say his name is Anthony hacket so anything over 500 feet he said you'd have to have a mitigation plan be it's some sort of drainage pit or whatever he said as long as it's less fewer than 500 square feet he wouldn't require that right but I guess I'm looking at more the impervious coverage of the site if you're exceeding what's permitted right yeah I mean I would I I can't speak for Mr Hackett but I would imagine when when they came in for their zoning permit for the driveway modification that would be one of the things that he took a look at and it was denied specifically for the width of the driveway and that's why he's here so I'm assuming that was that was looked at okay yeah and and the you know the applicant is correct anything less than 500 square feet uh generally does does not require PL plan an engineering doesn't get involved in doing any kind of draing yeah I'm looking at page seven screening for the neighbor did you have a discussion with the neighbor about screening or not screen this was already there before but yes we did have a conversation with them okay they're fine with that yeah yeah again I would argue that it's going to look nicer now than it does with those rocks there but that's a judgment call so right yeah yeah yeah yeah they're they're fine yep yeah we're friendly with them they were fine with that yeah um I guess if you given any thought you're going to pitch I would assume you're going to pitch your new section towards your existing driveway that's to run not towards your neighbor but correct it'll be more of the same it's all going to be as one and it's going to pitch down we have a sizable backyard behind that so it's not going to it's going to pitch away from 365 it's going to pitch into into our backyard more more of the thing the way I driveway is now I guess they just have more of a like a general Aesthetics question sure you're not planning on having like any old cars with tarps on them or anything parked there long term no our cars are older but not that old yeah no no nothing like that these are cars daily drivers did you give any consideration possibly putting a little bit of screening in front on the side from the hillside side uh I did think about that because right now we're where we have the white stones that's going to be turf grass but we certainly I thought about adding some sort of Shrubbery I like ornamental grasses something like that yeah okay there's also an elevation too so wear down a little ways so it's screened kind of just by default there's a fence there's some other stuff there but yeah I'm just thinking aesthetically I me you have a nice home and we drive P it all the time and you know whatever you can do to kind of screen whatever to make things more aesthetic yeah like that okay well can I ask is there is it already partially again I'm sorry I don't have you might this one yes that one there's there's there screenery okay there yeah is that is that that is on your side or is that correct you're you're actually that's entirely our property okay so it's sort of partial ready partially have a screen but you know to Joe's point the screen you're looking at is actually the bottom of our driveway yeah I think the screen that Joe that you're speaking of it's actually towards if you were at the street looking towards the newly proposed paved area yeah I was thinking more closer just to kind of give you a nice little you know what I mean yeah yeah it's deceiving there I mean I wouldn't I wouldn't make it a condition I would just kind of you know ask you that something in the future would be nice to just kind of keep our town looking beautiful I'm sure want to do anyway y yeah okay any other questions from board members okay thank you for all the pictures they're very helpful good um I now open it up for this witness on this application to anybody in the public to make a comment okay seeing none I bring it back to the board any further discussion from board members please okay seeing none um do I have a motion uh for this application to approve I'll make a motion to approve based on testimony from Mr magel and the fact that you know he needs the additional space his neighbor has no issues with it and he wants to do all the right things for the community I have no issues with it thank you sir do I have a second second thank you great any discussions on the motions we're good you're good okay Linda can I have a vote please Vice chairwoman Bergen yes board member glio yes councilman deloo yes board member D yes chairman Sero with pleasure mayor wi yes Butler yesy yes thank you okay thank you so um the next meeting it will get go through a resolution however um thing go ahead so so so Mr mro at the next public meeting the resolution will be memorialized by the board capture the terms of your approval you don't need to be at that meeting you're certainly welcome to attend thereafter you can start applying to the building department for any permits you might need to implement this there is a 45-day open appeal period that appeal period runs from the date of notice of publication of your approval so the tracks after the date of resolution adoption that's the 45 days within which anybody in the world with standing can challenge or approve in Superior Court given you had no objectives here it's probably unlikely but that's just a guess at the moment so you're essentially constructing at your peril within that window if in fact somebody does appeal you they go to Superior Court judge and packin Sack and they're successful and overturn your approval my guess is unlikely right there's always a possibility so that window is at your peril but you can certainly start proceeding um at your own risk during that time frame and that would be after assuming after the 15th or went that meeting after which is when's our next meeting May 15th thank you okay okay all right excellent all right thank you all very much appreciate it thank you very much all the help here with all of your pictures ET thank you okay yeah okay um next on our agenda as I said I was mixing it up uh is application file lub 2024 d prw Lake concession stand 300 West Cresent Avenue Allendale 07401 block 2011 light I'm sorry lot nine and this is a courtesy review of the new concession stand that is being built at Crestwood lake so thank you we need to this one no courtesy will be this [Music] is so for the members of the public who are here this is a little bit of a different type of application this is a courtesy review it's a review for entally consistency with the master plan for the proposed improvements within the burrow it's sort of an atypical application so you might see a different Cadence from the prior application and from the next one which some of you folks might be here for might be here for this one um this would probably be relatively brief we'll turn to the presenters we can swear you in we don't have to my recommendation be be sworn in you're gonna agree gonna make a statement before the public body so um the board doesn't vote no it's really a master planky review courtesy review sure so if you would um your names for the record spell your last names provide n address and then floor is yours Tyler Yaro yacc a r i n o 108 Hillside Avenue Steven kuk KO n iuk 58 Woodland D alale New Jersey thank you very much honorable members of the board thank you for the time this evening it is much appreciated uh the project to which we are speaking the evening is regarding the existing concession stand structure at Crestwood Lake I would trust that we're all familiar with Crestwood Lake as members and residents of Allendale the existing concession stand has been in its current form uh for several decades at this point um it has come to the time to which we need to demolish and rebuild a new concession stand the DPW has acted valiantly to keep the existing structure open in terms of the facilities uh the concession area and so forth um and a p internal discussion within the facilities Parks and Recreation committee does not be it has come to a point where it is no longer feasible uh both financially and realistically to keep the existing structure open um earlier last year we started to review options for replacement of the concession stand including uh pre-fabrication models things through New Jersey Co-op and so forth um after receiving initial proposals for such it came to the conclusion that we are in the best interest of the lake and the burrow to essentially um erect from the ground up um working with our architect and Professional Services within the bureau uh to create a concession stand that is both uh realistic and meets the needs of Crestwood Lake members for now and many years to come and I believe that the current proposal that we have in progress does just that in terms of meeting the needs for Crestwood and also in conjunction with feedback from members and Lake staff as well as the DPW um so we are here this evening to present what we have working so far and also to receive comments from the board so at this point I'd like to take turn it over to Stephen to discuss more of the nuances and specifics of the plan yeah so um essentially we're reconstructing uh the concession stand uh not major drastic changes uh very minor uh increases in either in previous area or Footprints uh same location um we're going with some sort of uh Hardy Board Siding uh the color we're still determining um and the height elevations uh we're keeping fairly consistent with the uh what the existing was there other than that it's a fairly simplistic and straightforward location Etc is all remaining the same location will stay the same and again the the general footprint and again the height and previous coverage and so forth is mainly remaining the same I would almost look at this as a direct replacement to some respects with minor configuration differences to what's existing but even though the configurations are minor it's going to be a major impact on the lake because currently now the way it our concession stand is set up is the bathrooms and the concession stand as well as the the Lifeguard and um entrance way is all in one area so it's it's a lot of congestion right there when you come in um there's a lot of litter there sometimes because the concession stand opens up on that end so while it is keeping the same footprint the configuration is going to make it much more efficient as far as an operation standpoint and um just a float to the lake certainly just to add with the mayor saying when you walk into Crest Lake you approach there and if you remember where the concession stand was you'd walk into a line where the cons where people online were waiting so you'd have to go around with this it would be opposite correct could just clarify the bathrooms the bathrooms are facing the entrance now so the bathrooms in no they're actually facing uh the entryway to the bathrooms are facing the parking lot itself correct so so just understand looking at this drawing yes your page looking at this on if you're looking at page two the floor plan the right of that uh floor plan is the is the lake and the left is the parking okay so the Lifeguard uh glazing is facing the the beach front and Lake itself correctly and the reasoning for that is currently there's no where when you walk into Crestwood you have the concession stand on your right and the Lifeguard office so to speak is on the left hand side so right now the lake director doesn't have an office that faces the actual Lake itself so that was one of the things we wanted to incorporate with sign oh no it's show not showing I think that overview one is really helpful to for people to understand there so essentially the right side of the of this plan is facing the lake the left hand side is towards the parking lot LIF guard access direct the so I would I would the office again it can be generally for the Lifeguard so it's mainly used for the league director and manager so while they're in there for whatever purpose you know for League business they'd be able to actually look out now and see the lake in terms of what's actually happening out there whereas now the existing lifeguard office is essentially in a cinder block building with no outward disability is that a revision from what you turned in because it's not the same so this is so the footprint itself is the same but the configuration in terms of lifeguard office and then the concession stand area has been expanded it looks like yeah what is the um two cylinders behind the so we have like a small um screening for the propane tanks in itself yeah and there are existing propane tanks at the structure today but that will be visible when you walk in right so it'll be surrounded in either a solid fencing where you can't see it so something that's pretty not just you know industrial yeah no it'll certainly and I is there showers too yes so the showers are there are existing showers today um they are and again when you walk into the lake you'll see them it's actually a requirement from bur County to have the shows and will they be open like they are today or I know in this the sketch we have it looks like they're individual stalls yeah we went we we've been going back and forth whether they're uh the actual stalls around the showers or not um these plans don't show them I don't think it's necessary and again as the the showers are today they are as they are on this plan where they're just open and that also is in accordance with the county requirements the new facility a year round a year round building so typically no typically I would say it's open mainly for the lake season which is seasal building memorial day through Labor is it possible though no no this would be a this would be most likely designed uh with a seasonal as a seasonal structure in itself based on insulation and the hbac requirements typically these types of structures are seasonal have to be winterized plumbing system would have to be drain if if I understand your question is if we wanted to use it outside of the Presswood could we I mean I wouldn't say probably in terms of having it winter ready or cold season ready U because right now there really is no insulation or anything like that really just like bathrooms in a kitchen so it's not like it's an area where people hang out inside all the tables and stuff are outside of it no but I guess what I was saying is if you want to do something fall I assume what happens today is come Labor Day to shut it down and drain the pipes and all that so what I'm suggesting is if it's mise then possibly so we actually don't shut it down right at a labor day we actually normally shut it down like a little bit later in the fall so the fall Sports can use the bathrooms and then we shut it down like in the turn when the pipe's free you're better Jud well nobody really is I guess up there you know playing I guess Sports and stuff in the winter but it's not a you know a bad thought I just don't know what that would entail because when the pipes do Breeze it finish a major R and I don't I don't know if the footprint and the configuration really has like an assembly room in it right I mean it's there's some storage rooms there's a concession stand in but there's really no place that a large group of people would come probably spend yeah and even more so the the bathrooms at the Red Barn are open through the fall and Spring sport season typically where a lot of the sports are concentrated anyway um so those facilities are also available but I mean certainly something we can consider internally yeah thank you and this is also it's independent of the ticket area the badge area this is independent so there's the the small gazebo structure that's typically used for the check-in process this is separate from that so yeah this this basically you know it's been that gazebo structure was moved several years ago from if you recall when you drove into the leag you would have checked your badge when you drove in the flag pole in that area so this has been part of a long-term plan if you will in terms of really optimizing the flow of entrance and actual usability of the facilities within Crestwood so this kind of ties that all any further question from board members I think credit the design system and that's that's everything that we we've been trying to do with Crestwood in conjunction with the committee myself the mayor Andy and Ed us on the committee I mean that's the goal is to create things that are in the best interest of the community the lake members and things that quite frankly they they just make sense so that's really our mindset for everything we're trying to do yes I'm very excited for the improvements and then just a a brief timeline which I know that we didn't touch upon the Hope was to have the the existing structure demolished for this season however the cost of many things these days have made it prohibitive so thanks to Andy and his staff were doing our best to use the existing actual bathroom facilities for this season the quotes to have the Portable Restrooms were quite High to say the least um so we will use the existing bathrooms for this year we are working on some um concessionary concessionary options for the lake members um so that's more information to come but as of now the plan is to demolish the existing structure after the lake season and then we will have this completed by opening day 2025 the kids will be having ice cream all thats creative pring concessionary options is the concession not working at all the main issue with the concession stand itself or at least for the food aspect of it is to keep it going so to speak just would have been highly cost prohibitive I see your schedule here so hold on schedule that's all and then of course once we do have our final PLS we will be going out to B any further questions from anybody on the board think so okay thank you thank you thank you foring um you Mo come on thank you Mark thank you brief question no worries we need your name to hold 22 G of place uh Tyler you mentioned that uh there's no HVAC in the building correct okay so I wonder if uh you would consider the picture showed it with a black considering it's out in the open air without any shade might be helpful to have a lighter colored roof to make the interior remain more comfortable right great that's that's a great Point colors and I I totally get what you're saying um we'll certainly take that under advisement it's a great point in race we're not final colors yet but that's definitely something to take consideration thank you and something when we say no hbhd uh I I'm putting a uh a small condenser unit in that mechanical yard with either drf or like a cassette for the Lifeguard still help to keep building than anybody else okay then thank you you know thank you any questions or concerns after please I think the board is is totally if I can speak for everybody here and supporting what are doing all the work for leading appreciate it thank you okay now our third application for tonight and I and I want to express my thanks to the uh to everybody here for the Allendale rehabilit Rehabilitation and healthcare for allowing indulging us to move our schedule around a little bit um so the third application here is file number 2024 d04 the applicant is alale Rehabilitation and Healthcare 85 Haron Road Allandale New Jersey 07401 block 601 lot 7 and the application is to construct an 8541 square foot addition to a nonconforming assisted living and skilled nursing home um so tell um thank you thank you yes we only have six me voting members you will have you will have six voting members um we're gonna proceed and see where we go okay fair enough they think that makes sense you got it [Music] oh yeah we're TR later yeah so you see go ahead you want to explain that everybody the app Quick what about class class two members class one and three one and three yeah one and three governing body and mayor oh yeah to lead me I know you know Mike so so Council for the benefit of the record and the members of the public we've got D relief which is use variance relief here the applicants identified multiple use variance items um D2 and D4 the applicant will explain what that means what it effectively means is for a combined land use for there's mandatory recusals per state statute and case law which says certain membership of class members are not eligible to partake and participate in the process and course that vote that now makes a recusal mandatory for two of the members up here on the de who will be leaving shortly that leaves a balance of six the applicants already indicated they're going to proceed they're entitled to seven voting members on a use variance case they can proceed with four they can't vote with less than five but at the very least they need a super majority vote of five to be approved so it's the applicant's discretion as to whether or not they conclude prosecution tonight and let the board deliberate or whether they continue another time the applicant's going to commence and I I assume Mike you have a full deck of witnesses with you operation civil architecture traffic planning that you'll try to get through yes um so we'll go through that shortly may I just ask one question in terms of uh absent board members what process exists for them to review the record tonight I don't have a court reporter here so the recording will be available to the members who are absent they'll certify as to is there a video recording or just an audio recording we're we're recording video as well oh okay that's a video we're recording video as well okay great thank you that's all I need to know video gonna get all of our hair that's remaining and no shine at all I'm glad I shaved that's all and and they'll you know they'll sign it out Frost they sign out yeah yeah I knew that I just didn't know whether I had to create a transcript quickly to get it to them that's all I needed to me if you handwriting and you want to write one I take detailed notes so it's pretty good I've done that in the past it's pretty great okay okay all right so Mr deliso wasinski thank you very much okay so oh yes okay thank you thank you okay so just I just want to point out we try and listen to the applications as efficiently and thoroughly as we can okay we do have a policy that we don't let these meetings go beyond a a crazy amount of time we will see how this flows I'd like to take any last Witnesses or testimony no later than 10 o'clock give or take see happen but we you know I I don't I don't like to keep I don't want I don't want to keep the bo members here or the public here later depending depending on the witness I might not want to start one at after 10 o'clock depending on how long I think that witness my go okay I I would not want to bate testimony if I could avoid it thank you thank you and that's and we feel the same way okay we have no problem obviously you have no problem carry this etc etc whatever whatever we have to do to hear this out completely and to make sure that your testimony is properly recorded and your and your people's testimony is properly recorded and that the public has the opportunity to comment accordingly on each piece I appreciate that Mr Council thank you and and what we try and do is we like to have you'll present your you'll present your beginning statements if you may and then after that you you call your first witness okay we'll go through the testimony the board will ask questions okay um we'll get it out we'll have our professionals make whatever comments and then the public members of the public what we will do is we allow for questions of the witness and the testimony that you've heard at that particular point and only on the testimony at that particular Point okay then we'll go through the series of witnesses Etc and then at the end we open it up to the public and the public has the opportunity to comment on the application anything that they've heard and present whatever they'd like to present okay this is the tradition we haven't had a meeting like this with this many people in some time um this is the way that we conduct this board okay and that's really it keep keep me in mind I've got my guy here so having said that um sir okay please if you wouldn't mind we have people not yet let me just do as you swear you'll do so I just want to make sure we have everything in line here okay so please tell us what you're doing tell us why you're here what you want to do chairman members of the board my name is Michael Rubin I represent the applicants Allandale operator LLC doing businesses Allandale Rehabilitation and health care and the other applicant is Allandale Assistant Living LLC doing business as Allendale Senior Living the Affiliated owner is Allendale real property LLC the address of the property is 85 Harington road block 601 lot 7 the site is improved with a health care facility serving clients in both a skilled nursing facility and an assisted living facility applian seeks amended final site plan approval and variance relief to construct an 8,541 foot addition to the Skilled Nursing Facility and to modify the parking layout while while retaining the existing 170 parking spaces the addition will increase the number of skilled nursing beds from 120 to 142 ongoing internal modifications to the assisted living facility component will reduce the number of beds from 211 to 174 so in total the number of beds on site will be will be reduced from 331 to 316 as reflected in the planning board resolutions that were submitted in conjunction with the application this was once a permitted use uh there are three resolutions granting site plan approval the first one talks about parking neither of the other two which relate to expansion of the health care facility reference parking spaces currently the property is located in the AAA residential Zone where the use is not permitted accordingly a D2 variance for expansion of a non-conforming use is required to construct the addition another D another D variant a D4 floor ratio variance is also necessary along with several C variances including for number of parking spaces even though the parking spaces are not being adjusted and the bed count is being red reduced it's still less than what's required by the bed count applicant also needs some design waivers and submission wers and our engineer will discuss all of those applicants Witnesses include Alan esner who's sitting next to me who's the operations consultant for the applicants Ryan McDermot the applicants architect teal jefferis the applicants engineer Scott canel the applicant's traffic expert and Paul GLE the applicant's planner um because of the number of parking because the number of parking spaces remain the same but the number of beds will be reduced we're going to leave it to the board to tell us whether they need the traffic testimony or not as we go through this we submit that the traffic report and are willing to rely upon the traffic report given the fact that the bed count is being reduced and the parking count is remaining same but we will have testimony that the current site functions properly given the number 170 spaces we have there unless there are any questions I'm prepared to call my first witness okay board members any questions from anything okay all right please Council let's go Mr Eisner your right hand please do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to provide is the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth I do please state your name for the record tell your last name and provide an address yes my name is Alan e cner um my last name well first name is Al L A an It's Tricky um last name spell I know I know believe me um e s e r Neer um I live at 203 Harrison Avenue in Highland Park New Jersey Mr as who by whom are you employed I work for uh Marquee Health Consulting Services where uh a consulting company that's retained by the owner 85 Harington road to oversee uh daily operations Financial um advisement so we work with the administrator um primarily on site and how frequently do you have contact with the with the administrator at the Allendale site uh I mean we speak regularly in all honesty I'm probably on site you know one once or twice a month um I was there today um but we speak more than I mean we speak regularly do you do in your uh capacity do you deal with all aspects of the operations yeah yeah it's um like I mentioned it's you know the personnel management uh day-to-day operations as well as Financial um management of the of the business and with whom do you deal with direct the administrator yes can you explain to the board why the applicant is making the the changes and particularly uh constru in the addition to the Skilled Nursing Facility sure um really two reasons uh first reason is the um best serve the needs of the community um you know our our current Skilled Nursing Facility is 120 beds we um run pretty close to 100% occupancy on a regular basis there um the assisted living facility uh has has a much higher amount of vacancies so um seems to be and you know pretty desired location as far as the short-term Rehabilitation needs get people back on their feet um our our goal would be to increase those beds to best serve the community um and we would essentially be reducing the Assisted Living where we have additional vacancies you describe for the board the difference in care between the assisted living facility and the sealed Nursing Facility yeah I um really essentially assisted living is a um the residents of the assisted living facility are more independent um on their day-to-day their activities of daily living require less assistance so we provide meals um medication administration activities um you know Recreation things like that whereas in Skilled Nursing Facility um in addition to providing meals uh Recreation and entertainment we um also provide a higher level of nursing care so um you know either whether they're a resident of the facility or a patient on a short-term basis coming from the hospital um usually they're they're they're sicker um it's it's a what we call Subacute so if hospital is acute care Subacute would be one step removed from the hospital um probably more close to a med surgery unit uh where you'd see you know providing a higher level of clinical oversight and care to these patients so it's fair to say the changes that are being made to the site are driven by the demands of the surrounding Community that's correct yeah that's correct now currently all access to the site is from Route 17 correct that's the only yeah that's the only permissible way that we allow people to enter the property um there I guess there's an entrance by the residential area but we have a barricade there um at the end of the cuer sack on Herr toown road so it's not permissible for people to use it's there for emergency use only um if if someone needed to access the property quickly but our employees and family members do not uh they don't access from the back or the front I guess and and and nothing about the modification that are proposed to the site will alter that that circulation pattern no that's correct that's H and R will remain gated and used for emergency access only yep okay um now did your staff provide you with um I'm G to call them unofficial clarking counts to give a sense of how um how many spaces might be available during the course of the day and particularly during the peak hour and first I want you to describe when that peak hour is sure and then if you could just give a sense of the range of parking um capacity as well as the parking demand that is that has been found to be on the site sure yeah um I in preparation for this we asked our administrator to um count the number of vehicles on the property over the course of a few days um and it really ranged um in any given time from um I guess during daylight hours from 80 vehicles to a peak of 120 Vehicles we the the uh peak hours would be at 3:00 in the afternoon when we have our morning shift of employees that work from 7:00 am to 3 pm are leaving and then the afternoon shift 3:00 p.m. to 11 o'clock p.m. employees are arriving um that's that would be the peak hours when there' be the most vehicles on site but it really never exceeded I think it was 121 where it never really exceeded 121 so um ample parking spaces there honestly I've never had uh an issue finding a spot coming to the site um and I've never gotten a complaint from people we have sites where we do hear from from visitors that it's hard to park and this is not one apologies for interrupting just I'm sorry if you said this how many employees are in the facility um do I have that I I I'm sorry I didn't I didn't note it down in my that's okay and this total wouldn't all be there ever at the same time but and the only reason why this came to mind is you had said that three o'clock Peak so I'm just trying to so that the 120 Vehicles was at the peak yeah yeah um so just give me one second we had employee counts in here you have it's on this it's on the site plan resent employees Is Here Yeah condition here the employ here's the Employee Staffing right here existing conditions proposed conditions so saying uh 85 employees first shift which would be 7:00 am. to 3 uh 49 employees on second shift uh 16 employees on third shift uh and the second shift is 3 pm to 11: PM that's right sorry 3 p p.m. to 11 p.m third shift would be 11: PM to 7 am so how many were on that third shift 16 so the total number of employees under existing conditions is uh 134 employees and then once all the work is done would be total of 123 27 127 sorry this is this is before Oh okay construction Cent would be 134 uh proposed would be 127 employees reducing points correct you're reducing because we're reducing the number of bets so they're reducing the number of point now that's the total number of employees that's not you know remember the total the highest shift is 80 from 7: a.m. to 300 p.m. and there are 170 spaces on site um one last question in terms of the residents to what extent do the residents bring cars to the facility I'd say uh really none of the of the residents and the Skilled Nursing Facility have their own vehicle um if anyone has and the Assisted Living it's it's minimum I don't I don't have the exact number but it's uh essentially none in your experience yeah it's residents don't no they really don't we have transportation we provide for them uh to go out of the center um but I I couldn't I probably zero is my answer for that so I mean I don't what I think I'm hearing just kind of information and massaging it a little bit differently at any at 3 o'clock in the afternoon yes okay you're talking about the possibility of 100 and currently yeah potentially 34 cars yeah potentially and you have 170 spases okay um and that's assuming none of the residents have a car so this may not be the the time for this part of the question I'm going to post but at any given time you made a comment that been there that you haven't seen a parking issue that spot that's great okay I'm not arguing that point at all holiday something has there ever been a situation and I'm sorry if I not plck the question into the right person has there ever been a question has there ever been a problem with available parking spaces between the employees and the visitors we have Nota any kind spilling into any other areas no we we honestly have not had that we and you know again assuming 130 Le other I'm trying to say Le you like 40 people come yeah and again and not every employee is is taking a vehicle to get there um but yes we have not and the over the three days like I said this unofficial study that we did ourselves it it really never exceeded 121 Vehicles even at Peak so with with the 34 um employees 121 Vehicles which would include visitors and anyone else at the time okay I have no further questions all right thank you any sorry for inter whenever you please feel free to Bo please of this this so I do have a couple questions um just want to confirm so you're going from 331 beds down to 316 correct um and you said there's how many Assisted Living facility people there are you asking for the current occupancy or the current current Apartments um I think it's 98 in the assisted living and how how many in the skilled Nur nursing today it's 108 okay and then employees you're going to go from 134 down to 127 correct that's correct and you were stating that the number of the assisted living facility is going to go down and nursing's going to go up correct vice versa no that's correct okay yes and what do you what do you think it's going to go up to what what is going to go up field Nursing Facility the bed count yes uh the proposed would be 142 beds from 120 current 120 to 142 thank you welcome board members I I just have a question the the Assisted Living beds you said it's going from 21 to 174 is that correct that's 2 211 to 174 yes so just so I'm clear how this is whole the whole thing is working you're going to remove those beds MH but at any given time in the future can you add those BS beds back in other words what if you the need presents itself um the architect's going to speak to that okay Goodbody else okay as I promise Pro I open it now up to the public for any question of this witness on the testimony that you just heard okay if so come up state your name thank you sir and again please questions directed to this witness on this testimony thank you Richard 6 K Road allenville when did we go with that my spelling is l e b l a n CQ and as I said 6K my backy backs up to the Western portion of the facility with I'd like to Circle back on the employee is I are more employees necessary for the skill skill portion of facility are you asking in the future or as far as operations go do we have more employees for for the future for the the plan this plan you're going from 1202 the number of employees that are going to needed for that incre um preliminarily I would say you asking for a number of employees I'd say probably four four employees yeah yeah or would you tell us yeah would only state the global but are more employees necessary for the Skilled Nursing Facility as opposed to assisted facility in general um the only uh way the ratios would be off would be in the clinical employees I I don't think I would necessarily say that more housekeepers or dietary employees would be necessary but we would staff it higher related to the clinical staff meaning for we have more nurses and and certified aids for the skilled nursing than we do in the Assisted Living just based on the need of the population so not withstanding that the total number of beds from 331 to 36 it's probable that the number of employees dep increase number employes decreased no we total number of employees would be decreased by seven Yeah question thank you thank you so so I guess what I think I'm hearing is you need for for for those that need that those that live in Assisted Living you need less employees in other words I'm kind of trying to pose it into a ratio it's not so it's not really an exact science okay ume if you would explain um you you might have more um clinical focused employees for a skill nursing whereas in Assisted Living you may have fewer clinical employees but you may have more employees for let's say um entertainment or dining um or housekeeping um so it's not an exact science but um when we put together our numbers I mean like we mentioned the total Workforce would be a reduction of seven you need us to break down employees by use in the future let let me know before we leave tonight and I will get you that we're probably not going to let let us see where this go let us see where this goes you got it any let us I agree there off yes okay um okay any other questions from any members of the public on this please I have a question sure name where entrances and you stated that it's only used for emergency if you GPS it with several different electronic GPS it brings you to Har G so how is thaty only yeah so it's actually interesting I don't um I don't run I don't work for Google but if you put the name of the facility in it brings you to Route 17 if you put in the address it does sometimes bring you to to the to the back we wouldn't we wouldn't give them access they would have to drive back around delivery truck the wood delivery that was this week going to the gate walking down and getting the combination going but the gate been for so there was no okay well I could address that okay but my question is now you're increasing the facility for U medical of the rehab so it means you're going to have more visitors more people to come visit them or more transport which is now all coming how avoid that so I'm I'm glad you let me know in all honesty I mean we're we're very strict about monitoring that so if you're saying that they're still doing it then to work like said sh and go through the Gat everybody knows the combination so it's not urgency only okay well we can definitely I mean we can change com I don't know the combination so work and well they should not be using it so we'll address it I'm gonna I'll give you my card before we so you can call me direct my cell phone's on there yeah absolutely listen I'm I'm not a Google expert here either okay um ma'am I I I I hear what you're saying um and I do know that the entrance is on rout 17 and that's where the primary you know all of that and I hear what you're saying okay um again I'm going to ask Council make sure I'm not getting out of line here but I may be out of line by saying this but unfortunately the address is 885 it's it's it's not and you stick stuff into Google and that's where it ends up I'm not saying it's right I want to be very clear I'm not saying it's right and it is I'm sorry they also that is yes yes yes and you've agreed to take a look at it and you will handle that because we were probably that would whatever we do we would write that into this thing goes through Council that frankly it's been in Prior resolution and it has been yes I and it should be reinforced would carry forward all conditions that are not modified I we would suggest that you reiterate we would reiterate it of any action of the boort to improve we have you know we would reiterate it okay all right this board would reiterate it as part of any resolution if this doesn't fact move forward okay all right um all right anybody else on go ahead go ahead please so um as you are aware or not aware um volunteerism in a b of allenvale is huge and it's impacting um I know the ambulance court is spurting for members fire department sping for members Etc so now you're going to be increasing um the number of build uh nursing facilities there do you feel that that number is going amulance request to the facility is going to be going up now so it's it's a fair question and that oh sorry thank you um we contract with two ambulance services um for this reason we we honestly work to partner with all municipalities where we operate we're not looking to be an increased burden by any means um so unless it's a real acute 911 emergency we're calling the contract services that we work with we also have a van of our own that transports people in wheelchairs um so you know to doctor's appointments and things like that that we're we're we service that um but yes and just the other day we had an incident where someone needs to be seen uh but it wasn't an emergency and we were able to schedule the transport to come with our private company and not call uh em M we recognize that they're volunteers and we're not looking to add a bird by any means I'm just I'm just worried about that because no it's I do hear constantly sometime during the day multiple times that the ambulance gets requested there so yeah I it's a healthcare facility and emergencies unfortunately do happen um but unless like I said a patient's in distress or it can't if it can wait we don't call 911 have has your facility thought of um having someone there 24 hours um to take that need just in case there is a medical emergency that they can be there to transport that person to the hospital um no but honestly we wouldn't be EMS we wouldn't we wouldn't be basic life support if we did that we um but we like I said we have two contracts with private companies and they they do operate 24 hours a day right so if have have you had a thought of having that that 24hour company Park be at your facility one of them 24 hours day in case something happens where they can go and take that individual to their we can certainly request it but I don't I don't have oversight of the third party operator but it's fair I mean it's a good idea we work closely with them I can ask if they wouldn't mind dispatching someone from there you um do you by any chance know how many um requests there are on monthly or annual basis um from your facility to the anal support in Hound uh I don't have that on hand but I'm sure we can we can request that from your EMS if you could kindly get that information for [Music] sure all right any other questions from members of the board for this Witness okay thank you um since there was an additional testimony does anybody in the public care to add to comments or have additional comments based on the last bunch of information that that we just heard D did I please come up please come up and your name and address please thank you sure good evening uh my name is Claudio horiz h r r a i z i live at two Gloria drive analystic so I have two comments um questions for the witness because the comments questions for the witnesses yes thank you um it is my understanding that the last time there was a request for an addition to that property there was a compromise a concession agreement that a buffer be created between the property between two properties about 20 ft of buffer and when I first moved there there were many bushes there were many trees it look beautiful in the ensuing 27 years at various points in time all those trees and all those bushes have been cut down by the questions so yeah this this thank you okay do I need a question yeah of this witness please are those trees and bushes ever going to be replaced we have we have a site engineer that will be covered later on during that part of the testimony second question since there are no trees in bushes apparently there are workers that climb over the fence at night there's a ladder against the fence they climb over and they have drinks there and it's full of garbage full of bottles full of Red Cups Etc question question is 8 is the owner of 85 ever going to clean that garbage which is on their property okay are you aware of the situation I don't know if they're employees or other people but if there's trash we can definitely clean it up great I appreciate you letting me know okay that will be noted in resolution if it's that right Con in conjunction with that they can remove the the ladder off of the fence to make it harder for them to find absolutely uh I'll leave my information with anybody who wants it you guys can contact me thank you thank you okay again any members of the public any questions directed to this W okay seeing none I bring it back yeah if I I can ask couple quick questions so you know we heard some testimony regarding the uh witness's experience with on-site parking I was curious if there's any records of any uh circulation issues on site or vender Benders on site or any issues with Emergency Services circulating the building or accessing the entry wavs I'm not aware of any no not aware that's all I have right now okay okay thank you our next witness is Ryan McDermot the uh architect thank you sir for your testimony M german yes please raise your right hand sir yes you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to provide is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do please state your name for the record spell your last name and provide an address sure it's Ryan mcdermit MC c d e r m o TT um The Firm is brahmer Architects llc at 723 Electronic Drive sweet 300 Ham Pennsylvania that's ham h o r s h m Pennsylvania 1 19044 please do I Mr mcder would you please give the board the benefit of your educational professional background yes principal and owner of brownmore Architects LLC of horsman Pennsylvania um we specialize in long-term care and Senior Living Facilities um graduated from Temple University with the Bachelor of architecture um certified with the National Council of architectural registration boards registered in Seven States including New Jersey uh licens is all in good standing and I've appeared before many boards uh just like this one across the state across the state of New Jersey New Jersey um I ask the board recogniz him as a licensed architect ex thank you thank you Mr mcder could you please describe the existing conditions from an architectural point of view on the site sure so referencing um a z which is uh not submitted with the original application do how do we how do you mark exhibits we'll mark these sequentially we'll start with A1 sure uh if you could identify the title block mark it with today's date we can go from there Mr mcder the single sheet or is this a sheet which is drawing a zero titled four plan and elevations um which is actually not it's a site plan with a aerial image um the key pan plan is actually a blow up of the key plan that was with the A1 and A2 thr V okay so so just to be clear board members we do not have dra it's not you you have the drawing just in a smaller version on the first sheet of the architectural plan okay without the without the okay okay thank you you're welcome so just before everybody with the site um7 is the main entry only drive that comes down to feed so the way the projects oriented building um this part of the building here which is the rectangular circular shape with yards inside of it that is the Assisted Living part of the facility and the remaining part is the skill Nur so as you enter the the oh you're thank all right so the currently the senior care facility um contains um 21 BS it is currently ongo renovations to reduce the number of total beds um for that that facility the reason is the existing units are Studios and they're on the smaller side and they're not really marketable do they work for the residence so they're going to take a number of rooms for instance three of these existing rooms and make them into two more so that's the net reduction of the 37 rooms for that fail so reducing number of rooms they need ler rooms sensus doesn't quite get to that point so it's going to be a better product in addition there's a uh series of memory care beds that operate under that license that is 48 that will not change but that's also factored into the new when the renovations are finished 174 beds for the assisted liit buildings are connected but are separated by a rated barrier by a rated barrier so this is the hatching shown in this format here that's all part of the exility license and then the the the side hatching here is all skill So currently there's 120 skill nursing beds and the addition proposed is in the rear one story Edition 8541 ft had 22 bedrooms 20 rooms 18 privates and two are two that's these proposed bed rooms would be um very spacious the privates at 195 square feet per room and the semi-privates at 525 sareet each room will have its own private bathroom with a shower in the nature of the building construction along this rear edge of the I call rear it's it's it's in the back of the complex you of of these skill nurs um it's a single story existing brick flad vineer um with nice large aluminum frame windows and uh package turb air conditioning the architectural uh design is to extend that look to the addition so it's really continuation of materials and the colors the elevations Etc the dra A1 for plan and elevations which is dated I believe was referenced in the report of 0214 2023 but I believe there is an issuance date of 11 1924 and that's that's a sheet that was submitted with the application correct so the location of position currently is a dead end of two wings so this will essentially connect the two dead end wings and extend outward along that same plane of the existing and again the elevations are showing you know identical window configurations PAC maners be the same and the same so they'll blend into the that look seamless not um there is an exit at the for end of the Edition that is for erress it's not a common entrance or exit for staff of residents it's there in case of emergency EX she2 proposed addition rendering again reference date was February 14 2023 with a um issuance dat that say 1192 and this is just a rendering to show the continuity of the materials and the dimensions portions of the building ition about all that um it's going to just look like it was always can I just ask you to go back to well first of all let me ask council do you want to Mark the sheets that were submitted with the application as exhibits or do you these are in the record I'm looking at the packet L you have all these correct they're they're in the record already we don't need to Mark these okay we've got one Mark so far it's your A1 which was a modified version of a submitted document if you could just go back to sheet A1 where actually go back to the sheet AO excuse me yeah exhibit A1 and if you could just point out on the aerial I think it would help exactly where this building is in relation to everything else that's going on on the site where the addition will be you have it you have it um highlighted there and just yes I think that helps this again the front drive front drive aisle off the 17 comes down Along by the acur dealership and then in through a little wooden drive and then the addition essentially you'd have to go around the assist Liv building to come back to see it back here you really can't get access to it you cannot get access to it if you go around the skill nursing so in relation to the Harington Road callede saac could you just show where the Harington road is in relation to that sure so the Harton Road emergency exit alley is here and it has no direct access to that backage area you would have to go around the building 270 degrees to get Mr M to follow but I was going to ask you for the benefit of the board and the public with the rendering your sheet A2 if you can provide and I see is it there's a legend on there that shows locations for both images but if you could provide in your testimony where we are standing what we're looking at what's behind us what's around us to orient the board in the public as to what Vantage points these renderings are from sure absolutely so again using the same um orientation that you know we reached in the beginning to kind of give you an idea that elevation one is looking from the back side of that addition the from the south side of the property correct that's yes okay then yes that's looking at the addition you're seeing the the proposed ramp see the exit door there and you seen the building Beyond building um shot two is looking at the other corner of that addition standing back of course and looking at how that looks from the existing parking lot side thank you um what can you show in the um overall plan on a z um what portion of the building is two story versus one story so if a memory servy correctly the building is 95% single story and there's a two story element that happens here where the two buildings connect and that second story is a maintenance shop it's administrator's office and a couple of the random offices there so it's no there no res on the so right where that yeah right at this and that's the area that exceeds the current 35 I mean it's already there yes the addition will be one story and will be less than 35 ft correct correct I have no further questions board members so I'm looking at the site PL it's very hard for us to pick where the building is on drawing you have up at building the addition the 8500 Square ft essentially backs up to Gloria Drive is that correct um I have the Civil engine I'm not quite sure where exactly D is I believe that's correct which is raised way above has a higher elevation than this site does and the civil engineer and the planner will both speak to that but but for yeah perspective where where the addition is going we're not really able to see that with this L he he shows you you can see it on the we're talking about the top left we can't see anything from here oh okay nor can this the audience yeah certainly we can't okay I have to refer to where site plan to get to that where that is yes so you're it's the southern portion of the site correct okay and currently that portion what being built what's on that what's what's there right now uh parking it's Park weren't we saying we w't reducing parking correct because we're reconfiguring the parking lots and the traffic engineer will speak to that I'm sorry the site engineer will speak what about uh new you know hbac equipment where will all that be located right so we did anticipate there would be a small ventilation top unit similar to the ones that exist there today um most of the heating Co is going to be contained in that package terminal condition unit in each unit so the the small volume of fresh air is to result in small unit little cabinet and we would properly screen that with a vertical aluminum screen that would match the color of the co you don't have a roof plan yet to site the location of the equipment likely do you we don't but uh based on what the ventilation been actually served which is mostly corridors and off that's can hit the rooms it'll it'll let you be look at it right the middle and we can kind of pull that close to our disting building and away from the line but um I don't think that C's going to be more than 3et tall by 5 I was gon to ask you haven't insect it yet but that's the anticipated dimensions of the Box yeah I you have the pte units for each to R board members um just want to clarify something this is new construction not repair correct correct okay um I haven't heard anybody talk about any type of fire suppression or anything like that as of yet um do you have anything here listed for fire suppression sprinkler system anything like that not these drawings but I can testify to what what happened okay if you could please you could tell me what's being put in it um the sprinkler meain would be extended into the new edition okay and we would do the appropriate remote calculations make sure they adequate flow so is this going to be a full NFPA 13 system yes in it okay 100 and whole building is today as well so um typically these small additions can can extend the main branch to pick up some additional heads um again based that remove coverage not everything's firing at the same time correct based on our PR experience with a square footage it would be a problemer okay um my second question is are you aware of the current radio transmission issue in the current facility right now I am on okay so there is and will you be supplying any type of radio amplification system in this new facility because it's new construction absolutely kind um so when Emergency Services go into the building they do have a uh an issue with um somebody from outside talking in or out inside talk out so amplification system inside would alleviate that problem and radio Transmissions would be without an issue going back and forth in and out of the building yeah um and under the new fire code that is required for all new construction may I just ask an ignorant question are you talking about like a like um cell signal or are you talking about no radio signal okay yes like the walk walkie talkie kind of thing okay there such a way to amplify that I'm sure the applicant would be more than willing to boost that system okay to you know system um if I may I would like to um make a recommendation um that a radio uh survey is done not only through the new but also through throughout the existing we would be happy to make that a condition thank you thank you we would add that to the resolution what about um you know this this is backed up again to that Gloria drive so what about um any lighting that's going to be on the exterior I've seen some comments about some newor picture um so we did have proposed on A2 there you go A1 shows it graphically in an elevation A2 shows in the renderings but there four down light wall pack type lights to assist bring light back into that little parking are there um also to eliminate the emery rest walkway that we're putting in um it'll be fully shielded and down lit um and uh wouldn't have any and that's the elevation that doesn't I guess perpendicular laia the adjacent neighbor it FTS the interior Courtyard between the buildings not the side that faces Glory correct elevation three is the one that points at the end if you want to point in plan where elevation three is true yeah this is elevation three is the bottommost elevation right which show right so it's not completely in that courtyard it's of sticking that perpendicular to Jason we're concerned about lights bu yeah I understand our side engineer is gonna do with that there's some comments in in the engineers report about that as well and he's going to address those out of the new proposed plan how many are single bed a single room how many are so there is 18 singles and two semi privit so 20 rooms total and 22 added deps the semi-privates if you can reference on strong A1 are a really nice semi-private with a wall between the beds not like stacked where you traditionally have a Nur bed next the bed this has division wall between them and for Morey um just do the configuration of the bookprint and try to keep everything back um that was the best solution so one room was 18 and how many two room two are these configurations common in other like as facilities uh these These are actually much um so those square footages with this Arrangement is um more than code required much more and much more comforable than typical and you're doing renovations to the existing building too because you had said you know you're taking three rooms down to two correct so uh currently undergoing Renovations approved by Department of Health and by Department of Community Affairs in construction current should have asked this question earlier but how many of the current rooms right now are empty that are there are empty yeah I think he he answered that already but I'll bring him back up Mr eznar and he can answer that he knows that better than go ahead and yeah loud enough so we can pick you up yeah so your answer I mean your answer the answer would change on a given day right we a large part of our business is sub like I mentioned admit to our facility and discharge to our facility on a daily basis U there is a component of our business that they are long-term resident that are there indefinitely that's the resident they live there but they're there's a large portion of our business as well that is shortterm so whereas I could answer your question say today we have 12 empty beds that can very easily change tomk the rendering is it an accurate representation of the color scheme the materials anticipated as close as possible okay find that every printer is a little different but sure that you know provide the exact or so just hypothetically um with the empty beds that you have can you do the renovations out of those instead of doing the renovation adding to your footprint you've got to jump I think the empty beds are more in the assisted living facility than the Skilled Nursing Facility but speak oh you can speak to that go ahead so you're referring to the renovations the Assisted Living building um the assisted living is is a one license and the Ste nursing is separate license so those beds can't go back and for so the the the fact reality that the the syst of living isn't as much of a demand with that type of unit is why we enlarg those and made those bigger by reducing the amount of units which except from skill nursing which is 6 to 120 and that's only I I don't know if this this is the right witness or not but one of the questions that I had raised in my report was um internal building circulation in relation to the parking areas um and wanted to make sure that the uh parking areas are are accessible to the different parts of the building particularly where the entries to the building and I don't know if you're the witness to address that question or civil engineer I going to go back rolling a zero referencing the aerial diagram again you come in this long driveway here and the first building you see just the living parking currently just wall around that building then as you continue to go through that drive there's parking lot here parking along here parking over here parking in front of the skilled nursing entrance that at this moment is is really unused so by reconfiguring this new entry and add this new Wing more of that circulation for the skill nursing will happen in this the one that's closest to the reason I asked the question is that couple times that I've been out there to the site there you know has been a lot of open parking spaces along I guess the assistant living portion of the building and the back parking lot has been pretty much full each time I been there I wasn't exactly sure you know why people were picking those parking locations specifically and you know do the empty parking spaces along the Assisted Living really provide a benefit and are they accessible you know internally to the building to address the parking need just to clarify your comment he said the parking lot was that par lot near where the additions addition okay um I know that that's a area where employees enter the building so there might be a lot more cars that are there all the time or or most the most of their ships whereas visitors coming and going would primarily part along the front of assisted living or in this parking lot closest to Har toown road for the SK I mean one of the things I would hope that if this was to be approved would the operator would take a look at you know where they're going to have their employees par to make sure that there's ample Open Spaces near the entries for visitors to come in the different parts of the facility particularly if you can't access one part of the facility through an entrance of of the other part uh it's a great point and actually to speak to that as part of the approvals that we receive for the um Assisted Living license We additionally have construction starting on the skilled nursing side that is to reconfigure some interior spaces and what we actually we doing there is moving the employee entry area to the area between the two buildings so what that's going to allow us to do is employees are going to fill that parking lot fill this parking lot that are between two buildings that are away from the main entrances which will open up spaces for the the entry of the CST living and the entry of the skill n thank you any relocation of parking spots um is there is there plans for any um you know light steage etc for parking in the spots etc for the surrounding residents as well the the engineer will speak to that okay all right thank you sorry okay Michael do you have anything else that want to raise right now before put it to the public yeah okay just question please um with in regards to the construction um obviously it's brick I brick on the walls of all that corre um Roofing what is y so it'll be a concrete slap with metal stud wall construction um and metal bar joist going from long Edge to Long Edge and it will be a 1 hour R okay uh the one hour roof assembly uh Trust Construction Lumber uh no it'll be metal bar it'll all be metal bar metal bar and will suspend is part of that assembly um it account all the components it'll have a sheetrock membrane inside complete are there solar panels on the roof the existing building are okay will that be extended into this I don't know the answer that's something we'll have to get back to you okay the building most of the building has yeah I'm actually looking at a Google view that looks like the entire building I I I don't see that the additional electrical load by CA by this addition would require modification to the solar system I don't think it's going to you know adding those two panels around you know the equipment will generate any kind of any standby generator proposed to service this addition no that be extension of the existing electrical would be simply extended theal license probably requires you to have it I'm sure hey board members Michael we're good nothing more uh once again I open up questions to the public for this witness and this witness only uh reminding you that you will have comment time for the overall program at the end please Matt hi Mary again GRE um your said where you're building it you're taking all those parking spots that are existence right there's also dumpsters there where would those be I believe that civil engineer has the civil engineer will deal with that all the site issues he's going to talk about how the whole site's GNA be reconfigured okay thank you thank you yes sir once again richal bom um rugs I apologize if this is going to be left for the engineer but Mr McDonald I believe you said that the addition is going to be 85401 sareet correct okay the notice in the application says that it's involved with a demolition of the existing barage right so this addition is going to take that spot an additional spot where I'm trying to get at is how big how big of a footprint are we now going to be increased so total 8,4 that's that existing accessory or attach structure that storage shed or whatever that is is is going away this new editioning the existing I think he's looking for the Delta I think the engineer it's it's in it's actually in the engineering uh plans and the zoning table and the site and he'll go over that okay it's an engineering question okay yeah we'll sa it for that it's sort of a plus and minus kind of a thing thank you okay any other members of the public okay bringing it back to the board one more time this witness okay seeing done Council thank you thank you our next witness is teal jeffris uh the applicants engineer good evening evening could you please raise your right hand sir do you swear or affirm and tell the truth truth nothing about the truth I do please state your name for the record spell your last name provide a business address and then your Council will qualify you sure uh my name is teal Jeffers I'm president of Jeffers Engineering Associates uh my first name name is t a l color last name j e FF e r i s uh our office just recently moved and our new address is 707 North Main Street Suite two BLB New Jersey thank you sir councel Mr Jeffers could you please give the for benefit of your educational professional background sure um I received a uh Bachelor of Science from in civil engineering from Clarkson University in 1993 um I uh am licensed currently in uh three states Delaware Pennsylvania and New Jersey I have been practicing um in New Jersey as a licensed engineer since uh 1990 U 1998 um I have presented in front of many boards throughout the state of New Jersey and been considered an expert witness uh in front of many boards as well as representing uh boards in other municipalities I'm also a certified Municipal engineer uh in the state of New Jersey my licenses are in currently in good standing and I have been in front of this board I believe it was two summers ago two years ago I asked that Mr Jeffers Beed as a yes thank you curious two years we did a uh we did a informal year a year and a half to two years ago on this project got that one it's been some time yes you don't remember my face huh that's sometimes a good problem yeah thank you thank you um Mr Jeffers could you please describe existing conditions and then proposed conditions on the site uh relative to the modifications that are being made absolutely speak a bit louder um um I referring to the site fir plans that were submitted as part of the application uh it's consisting of 18 sheets I have them on two boards so I have them here to present discuss this is all part of the application fact that's been submitted can you tell us the date of those plans please date of these plans with last RIS October 31st 23 with regard to existing conditions uh I'd like to refer to the pedal sheet here giving you an overall view of the property in terms of orientation I know it's been discussed a little bit with uh Mr mcder in this particular orientation the site is configured so the top of the sheet is essentially North North is in this direction so just for ease of conversation North to the top of the sheet uh in this case we have groute 17 to the east of the site uh which is access to uh an existing driveway in easement coming in from the east from room 17 into the property the building itself is s somewhat centrally located within the site on the very western side of the property Haron road comes in with a Terminus CAC which ABS the property line on the western side of the property um the South as is indicated here is Gloria drive and the culdesac at the end of GL Gloria Drive which nearly ABS the Southern Property Line somewhat Central to the site itself along the northern property line is also the municipal boundary with the bu of Ramy so the Residential Properties to the north are located in the bur of Ramsey uh Residential Properties to the west and to the South are located within Allendale and then to the east of the site uh is the industrial park uh commercial facility with the auto dealership and offices and at least in small industrial uses in that area um with regard to the location of the addition and to help clarify its location it is here in the southern portion of the the facility um adjacent to or across from the Terminus of glor glor uh as Mr mcder had mentioned it is accessed through the driveway that comes around the Eastern then Southern portion of uh of the the property I'm going to refer to the site plan which has a little larger view but that just gives an overall of the property what sheet number is that this is a sheet C 2.0 PL plan PL plan overall then refer to in uh C 2.1 and 2.2 which are in large versions um the existing facility as as has been mentioned um it's approximately um 11,368 square feet in size both one and two story sections um there the property is improved with an asphalt driveway coming in from here uh from Route 17 asphalt cave curved lot to driveways going around the facility um walkways drop off areas Courtyards between the buildings or within the buildings trash storage area which is located currently in the southern portion of the of the property where the addition is proposed landscape areas um and exterior lighting um the other the other aspect that I wanted to mention uh when we come from here from Route 17 with the access driveway it crosses Allendale Brook Allendale Brook comes in crosses the northern par portion of the property and then down along the Eastern portion of the property and then continues to the South uh the property is currently served by public utility services that extend in from Route 17 and paron rout uh storm water uh run off from the site is handled in two different manners it's collected and piped over it's directed by Overland flow either into Allendale Brook on the Northern side or the Eastern side or from the southern area into a a grass whale uh along the southern property line which then ultimately discharges into the allenville brook um as was testified to and mentioned a few moments ago with regard to heritton Road and circulation harison Road terminates here at the at the Western property line there's a guard shack in G there to restrict that access into the site primary access into the site is from Route 17 when you come into the site you have two different directions that you can go you can go to the South by a two-way circulation driveway that comes down along the Eastern side of the assisted living facility around the southern side of the assisted living facility and then it circulates through this centralized area here in this area it's a one-way circulation with 90° parking and a drop off boot located here within the central portion of the building and then exiting those Vehicles would then come back out and back out from 17 the other option as you come in would be to Bear to the right go on the Northern side of the assisted living facility Memory Care over to the skilled nursing section this is a two-way circulation driveway there's a small parking area area here in the northern central portion of the site and then it it gets into a parking area and a drop off area here for the Ste nursing uh and a loading zone here adjacent to the existing kitchen there was a discussion in terms of um berin asked about the parking and the particular entrances the main entrance to the skilled nursing is located here on the western side of the property office drop off for clarification the entrance of the assistant living is located here on the Eastern side uh about Midway through the building on the Eastern uh dve way and then employee entrances are here from the South Side into this link or into this area here where there's also an ambulance pickup or on the North side from the small parking lot between the two main buildings uh other than the oneway circulation in here in the southern side and the oneway circulation through the existing drop upop at the assistant or the skill nursing entrance everything else is a two-way circulation the improvements proposed are located in three different areas and I'm going to refer to them as area one area two area three for just e and Clarity Mr Jeffers before you do that could you just tell you know put on the record the size of the lot and it's and its Dimensions sure the uh the lot as was mentioned is block 601 lot 7 uh it's 11.04 Acres uh it's approximately 8 94 ft in depth by approximately 548 ft in width thank you sure with regard to the proposed improvements there's three different areas uh project area one is in the Northwestern corner of of the facility project area two is in the South Central and project area three is in the eastern portion of the property starting out with project area one uh in the North Western corner of facility this is the entrance to the SK nursing the existing parking lot in this area is proposed to the rec figure and to be modified to have a oneway circulation and a counterclockwise rotation so cars coming in along the northern driveway would then circulate through again in a counterclockwise rotation be able to either continue that circulation or to turn and exit easterly back out toward 17 uh in this area there are currently 36 parking spaces uh that are really configured in a dead end uh parking aisle here with a few parking spaces on the end and the reconfiguration um there will be a total of 63 parking spaces in this area which is a gain of 26 spaces which is really gathered through a more efficient layout uh in this area and the reconfiguration of the driveway Bo this area will also incorporate two ada8 compliant parking spaces with access walkway from those spaces to the entrance uh entrance doors and then relocation of the trash recycling enclosure to the Northwestern corner of the parking lot which is located here the circulation will also maintain the in uh loading area here at the kitchen the Northwestern corner of the property and it serves to locate the trash in a more convenient location closer to that loading area and that kitchen area the ter closure there was a comment by the board engineer just for clarification uh it's approximately this it's specified to be 20 ft by 30 ft in size consists of a six foot tall split split face blop masonry wall with heavy duty uh galvanized steel Gates slats the color of that block and the slats will be chos complement the building color and while the gate structure itself is proposed to be Black Project area two this is the south central portion of property where the addition is proposed in this are uh there's a portion of the building of the existing building which was mentioned to be a garage or small pinage there approximately 842 Square fet uh is proposed to be removed and then the new edition is proposed to be expanded here extending from the end of the existing building and connecting to the end of the other existing wind it's approximately uh 8,541 Square ft size this will displace approximately uh 27 parking spaces and also displace the existing trash storage area which is located here the new building will essentially align plus or minus a few inches for the offset uh with the existing building and actually remove the trash and the parking area that exists on the southern side of this Edition um at the end of the addition where the access uh egress door is located there will be a ramp for handicap erress as well as steps new concrete sidewalk and some curbing here to reconfigure that particular area parking sols in this area are proposed to be restrip uh which will allow us uh to regain a few parking spaces and reestablish this area this area is going to be maintained as a oneway circulation uh these are 90° parking spaces there was a comment uh the board engineer and I discussed there some concerned about 90° parking spaces in the oneway circulation in this area this is an existing uh condition and the drive aisle widths are less than the uh Township requirements this is an existing non-conforming condition um but with the oneway circulation there was a thought of what can we do to maybe change that however when we looked at that if we go to a diagonal parking stall which is typical for a oneway circulation we would reduce parking in this area further uh uh further Advance if you will or increase the deviation or the variance that would be that's being requested for parking since this is existing we're looking to maintain that same uh configuration in that particular area with the building addition here the existing Courtyard uh will be shortened and modified and then there will be a new Courtyard created uh by the connection of the buildings uh here uh to North or Northwest of the the existing pavement here along the southern side of the property where the parking stalls and the trash enclosure are located will be removed up to the point of the new curving and sidewalk located approximately here what will it be replacement that area this area and I'll get to that in just a moment will be uh grassed uh as well as some Landscaping added to that area and I'll talk about the Landscaping plan in just a moment but that area will return to a A perious or vegetated condition project area three assists of the Eastern Drive aisle with the uh entrance to the assisted living facility uh in this area the improvements will consist of constructing an overhead canopy which will cover the existing drop off area as well as drop off walkway the uh establishment of four uh adaa compliant parking spaces the current stalls there are not adaa compliant so we're going to bring them into compliance provide a access walkway from those spaces up to the uh existing entrance and then restrike the balance of the parking spaces with while maintaining the extent of existing curving and asphalt that are in that area in this particular area here area two we're going to lose 27 parking spaces gaining one parking space here in Project Area 3 and then you're gaining 26 parking spaces in Project area one which Nets to a balance or Nets a balance of zero or maintains the existing parking count of7 parking um the ordinance stipulates a parking Farm is based on one St of three beds plus one St for every two resident employees plus one stall for every nonresident employee under current i s with 331 beds and a maximum of 134 employees has shift overlap a total of 234 parking stalls are required currently 170 that we spoke about are that can testify to uh here earlier under the proposed conditions with the reduction of beds to 316 and the reduction of employees to 127 at Max overlap of ships total parking of 232 is required and as I just mentioned with the modification we're maintaining 170 parking spaces while the number of beds and employees are being reduced parking requirement is being lowered same quantity of parking spaces are being maintained currently exist the variance is required uh and there will be some further testimony to that by the traffic engineer here at s Utility Services um for the propos building addition will be extended internally from the existing uh services within the building no new lateral connection are proposed um from a swarmm water management perspective the extent that proposed improvements they are not considered or classified as a major development under the New Jersey BP stor regulations or the town ordinances um as noted earlier runoff from the property is Con the allenvale brook either pipe conveyance or Overland flow along Southern Property Line in Project area one I'm going to refer to sheet [Music] 3.0 runoff from the existing runoff from the existing parking lot is pipe the convey discharg to the Allen Brook under the proposed conditions that piping configuration it will be slightly uh modified and replaced with uh with new piping and then uh or discharge at the same location currently discharge had a big head wall here located on in Northern property line what have to with the modification when you said modification the the pipe itself uh the size of the pipe will be slightly increased to accommodate per the rainf events uh the fight that was in place has been there for a number of years and I'm not sure exactly when it was installed but when we evaluated based on current braful events uh we thought that increasing size to accommodate current R events what what is the current size that's there and what are you proposing going to currently that size uh is 15 inch and we are proposing to go to a 24 inch fight through there now the point has been brought up by the board engineer as part of the review that under the town requirements um section 225 under School of movement and 196 a plot plan that's as a requirement for swarm management to address any increase in in runoff from the property um we will work with board engineer to provide that currently it's not proposed as part of the plans but that's something that will be incorporated to address the board's conditions or the board engineer requirements um one thing I would like to note on that regard is with regard to the overall impervious coverage uh in the St for the Stormare management uh the increase in uh total and previous coverage is slightly over uh 3600 Square F feet so any the store waterer management will be designed to accommodate an accountant for that slight increase in for this coverage in Project area number two uh with a creation of the Courtyard area between the buildings uh we will be putting in a SCH uh collection device here with piping under the addition and then piping extending around the addition and then connecting in to the existing storm water system within a parking lot this storm water system currently drains down to an inlet located here on the southern side of the parking lot and then overflows uh down a small concrete sale into a grass whale located along the southern property line uh this piping system in here is proposed to the replaced the perforated piping to allow water to dissipate rainf events any water that's retained within the piping system itself um in in area project area three again there's really uh no increase in impervious coverage in here and there's no modifications to the stor water or the drainage systemation to lighting and Landscaping I'm referring to sheet C 4.0 uh in the areas in the project areas or the areas of improvements we are proposing new lighting to be installed to replace existing uh the new lighting is focused again on just the areas of the new improvements uh in Project area one there there's proposed new pole mounted lighting which will be uh located around the perimeter of the parking lot with lighting within the parking lot uh within the center part of the parking lot as well all the per lighting will be uh full cut off LED down style lights with outside shields uh which will which will control light spillage and maintain that light spillage on the property itself to prevent flare and spillage onto the adjacent properties uh these lights uh the delting values will range um and we are requesting a design waiver uh the ordinance requires at lighting levels be a minimum of 02 foot candles in an average ratio of four whereas uh in couple little areas we have a minimum value of 0.1 and a ratio that exceeds the minimum required uh under the light itself because you have a bit of a brighter area directly under the light standard itself uh which then increases that ratio we are requesting a design waiver uh for those conditions the light levels that are designed here provide ample lighting and comply with the requirements for lighting on the walkways and with regard to the parking area provide suitable lighting for the employees and visitors um the hours of these lights uh will be from Dust to Dawn the facility runs over runs three shifts so lighting will be uh throughout the even uh for when employees come through Endor visitors leave um in area number two where the building addition is proposed there are four wall mounted lights that were mentioned by Mr mcder a few moments ago they're going to be located on the Eastern side of the addition and are serving to illuminate the exit walkway the exit steps and the walkway itself again the evaluation of light levels and this plan only account for the proposed lights the existing light the balance of the property will remain continue to be utilized we did not do a full study or analysis of all those lights there was a comment from the board engineer about a possibility of maybe looking at that those lights doing a light function test where we would evaluate them at night with the board engineer to determine if there's any areas that or substandard may need some additional writing we'd be willing to to work with a board engineer to address that uh if that's if that's necessary Bo field appropriate um with regard to landscaping and I know there were a few questions about this so I'm going to kind of go through and discuss uh Landscaping areas going back to project area one which is in the Northwestern corner of the of the property there are currently eight parking spaces that face the northern property line and four proposed parking spaces in here along this property line there are some evergreen trees um which are right along the property line and there's a fence in there as well uh in light of these existing parking spaces and these propos we are proposing to add a hedge around the front of those parking spaces to the block and control glare from any headlights of vehicles using those parking spaces we are all also proposing shade trees along the perimeter of the park the sorry the Western uh perimeter of the parking lot as well as shade trees and some shrubs within the interior islands of Park parking lot itself there are some existing trees in the large island that would be removed one that will be maintained and then supplemented with some additional shrubs and ground cover to provide Aesthetics for the interior Island then there's another shade tree prope as well as replacement of of an evergreen tree that might be disturbed as part of the the pipe installation in Project area two which is the building addition area in the southern central portion of the property again with Gloria drive here to the South we are proposing a series of evergreen trees and shade trees in this area that would be planted in the area the of the former pavement or I'm sorry the existing pavement and trash storage uh and supplement the existing vegetation along this property line as well as the existing evergreen trees in this area along the Eastern side of the the addition there are some shrubs that are planted around the foundation for Aesthetics purposes uh but the existing vegetation down through on the Southern Property Line will be maintained um with regard to bla drive and the and the the offering on bla Drive blur drive terminates here and we are proposing Landscaping here to screen the proposed addition from not only the IND fla drive but also the adjacent property residential property to the South one thing of not uh when you look at the the elevations existing ground elevations on C 3.1 along the southern property line there is a a burn there's a hill that goes up from the property across this well then up so this property actually sits up higher and that BM I believe is 4 and a half fet or so above the elevation of the existing parking lot maybe if a little bit more than that so in to the that firm as well as the vegetation that's there and the new landscaping that's proposed we feel that that would that's going to provide you know an ample buffer along that Southern Property um there's no Landscaping in the area of project three project Area 3 on the Eastern side of the property will remain uh and there's no modifications osed to that now I'd like to take a moment and and just go back through summarize uh the variances and waivers that are being requested this evening Ander back sheet [Music] 2.0 as been identified uh we are here this evening requesting the use variance as a proposed use is not considered permitted be some further testimony on that by the planner so I won't steal his Slender on that one and and provide anything there but didn't handle that um the next variance is maximum lot coverage based on this lot size the maximum coverage committed is 27.5% currently it's 51.2% which is an existing non-conforming condition and with a slight increase as I mentioned approximately 3600 square feet uh that coverage goes up to 52% next variance is a four area ratio and again that falls under the the D variance classification and I'll let the uh the planner talk about that in just a moment parking quantity I know there's been a a lot of discussion on this the required parking based on the proposed condition after the building expansion is 232 there's currently 170 uh existing and will be maintained again a variance is required for that there's been some testimony in terms of the adequacy that the existing parking is suitable and adequately Services the the existing facility that will have a reduction in bed counts and employee counts parking stall size the ordinance requires 10 by 20 currently the there are stalls that are 9 by8 and 9 by 17 and 3/4 those two stall sizes are being maintained and they're predominantly in this area here which is utilized by the employee parking the 9 9 by 17 and 3/4 and 9 by8 as well as 9 by2 stalls 9 by8 is a common stall size for low turnover areas and uses without shopping carts again this would fall into that category but technically a a variance is required from parking stall size Drive aisle width is's a requirement of 20 ft minimum 30 ft maximum currently the there are maximum wids of 2 ft and 38.7 ft these are existing non-conforming conditions uh under proposed conditions we are proposing 45 little over 45t 4515 at 39.4 FT with that pertains to the drop off Loop and essentially an existing width here uh at the drop off the skill nursing as well as the transition here at the loading back to the existing driveway so they are they are variances that would be required under design waivers uh the access road uh is required to be a minimum of 24 ft currently where that access road crosses the brook and that small Bridge it Narrows down to 20 ft plus or minus uh and a waiver uh is requested for that existing non-conforming condition under Section 14728 the drive a with a minimum of 25 fired for 90° parking when we refer back again to this Central Southern Central Parking area which is utilized by the employees Drive aisle widths are 21.1 and 23 and2 ft currently and are being maintained uh these are existing nonperforming conditions for which a waiver is being requested site lighting and some of the light levels I just provided some testimony to that in terms of uh requirement for that waiver um datam 1929 datam is is identified by the ordinances the survey was based on a ngbd 1988 datam which is a industry standard common datam for that it does not impact the design uh and a waiver is is requested drainage fees within 500 ft uh the topography and information provide on the survey does not extend out the 500 ft but provides ample overlap to support the design for the improvements in a waiver for that all site uh information is is hereby requested uh light levels um for existing lighting uh we did not provide light levels for existing lighting the waiver is requested and as mentioned a few moments ago we' be willing to work with the board engineer in terms of doing a light at night light test to evaluate uh uh levels and identify if any additional lighting might be necessary uh Street profiles there are no streets proposed so a waiver for providing Street profiles is requested uh storm water profiles as as proposed piping is is to replace existing and connect back into existing onsite and we are requesting a waiver from providing for those profiles uh submission waivers there was a item number six uh the submission of a letter of interpretation uh waiver is being requested from that because the work being proposed all within the area proposed Improvement or disturbance there's no work out into the non-disturbed or natural areas that that's proposed uh number 15 topography within 200 feet of the site as mentioned just a moment ago we have ample overlap and ample data to support the design uh and do not provide that out to 200 ft and a waiver for that is requested number 28 schware profiles we talked about that just a moment ago with the design waiver application to the County planning board and SCH Conservation District we are requesting waiver to allow us to handle that as a condition of the board the board were to approve this application rather than supplying it at this point we'd like to supply that condition of the approval and then lastly environmental impact statement waver is requested again uh because all the work is being proposed within the St improv or develop area so that that concludes mytim and I I just want you to put one more piece of data could you give the uh existing and proposed building coverage so that they understand the Delta caused by the removal of the garage in terms of footage yeah gave that right it was 842 versus right yeah I mentioned that earlier that's coming out and you're adding 8,000 so the so from a site perspective What's the total I know the board doesn't have a the ordinance doesn't have a a building coverage standard in it but I just thought that because of the questions that were asked that might make sense there's no way a lawyer beat an engineer on the math with that one I asked him I approxim 7,99 that's what that's what I have thank Youk wow one one thing that you on the on the I hope I get all Direction on the southern side Bing Glory um we had a resident come up earlier ask the question and said we're going hold something about existing trees existing trees that are there which then in your testimony said you going to remain but then you were putting new Shrubbery new trees in front of the existing I'm sorry in front of the New Edition that's correct okay that's correct in this in this area between the addition and Gloria Drive which is here like right in here that's where your that's where your new Stu is yes this is all proposed landscape to be added okay give you an idea reference point this is essentially going through the edge of the existing parking this is the existing trash area parking ends here and this is currently grass area here okay the the landscaping that's in this area there's like a couple trees or something like that there's some there are some evergreen trees here that are that identified on the survey very the this Landscaping in here wasn't detail I believe the planner has some photos of that that he can discuss so we're gonna talk about that yeah he's got photos of the entire site is going to be able to show what's there now and whether or not and the board can make a determination whether or not they think that's sufficient or needs to be sub or then I will hold my question okay if that's okay all right all right that'll hold it all right um board members go on sure we all have a bunch of questions so whoever wants to start there U started talking about perimeter lighting I think it was on the west side of the property that changing is there like analysis that residential perspective is it going to be brighter iter talk about technology lighting that you're going to put in the lighting around the uh this Northwestern parking area will be a full cut off flight fixture which directs its like downward versus horizontally uh it's going to be an LED which is the energy efficient light it will also have outside shields on the back side that are Incorporated in the fixture itself to control the throw and the spillage of the light and when we model this uh we evaluated light levels of of all these new lights combined and how they interact and they will contain the light spill to keep it on the property and not spill over uh onto the neighboring property in in excess of what's permitted by work so the way this is designed complies with the requirements of controlling that L spillage uh within the property here now these levels and so forth also don't take into account the existing vegitation around the perimeter of property that also further mitigates and prevents any light uh Escape of the property this is assuming that there no V is there any way to understand the difference between what goes on today what happen I mean the net of it is people who live on that side of the property don't want it to be brighter I would suspect so I guess that's my my question and as part of the modeling program that shows us what the light level will be on the ground as a result of the new uh I don't have the ability to to model those existing lights uh that are there to show a like a pre poost scenario with respect to that but when we did Design This we took into consideration requirements that are within the ordinance for light levels uh to mean to make sure that we're not producing a problem to the neighboring property we were very sensitive with the fact we have residents to the north and to the West as well as to the south of I I understand that what you're putting in consistent with the current code for picture but the net effect is kind trying to get so is what what the neighbors care about not sure how I could describe or evaluate a saying that's going to be concerned now there will be a you like we said we'll agree to meeting with the board engineer to a light night light test to evaluate uh there will also be the ability for the Ford engineer or town engineer to evaluate lighting once it's installed make any adjustments in the field might be necessary if there's an issue conc I mean are these are these going to be adjustable LED lights where you could turn them down uh we do not currently propose them to have diers uh if that's a NE the reason re right the reason I asked is that gives U the applicant a little bit more flexibility to make adjustments if they happen to be an area that is a problem for a neighbor and also given the fact that they're planning on keeping the lights on for Dust to Dawn you know maybe there's an opportunity they can be turned down when there's no a Gooding the lights good suggest especially when the shifts when the shifts aren't changing when things are quiet on the site there's no reason they could probably turn them down not talking about the dimmer talking about uh lumens being able to change the lumens of the lighting well the the dimmer will then reduce the power of the light and the overall light levels right but the lumens will also vary the color of the lighting right right now the lighting that's proposed is a 3000k lighting LED uh which is specifically to account for in a residential area it's a little bit more more in the yellow Spectrum white the 4,000 the 5,000 are not recommended for residential areas the 3,000 is really from 2500 or 2700 to 3500 is recommended residential the Shrubbery that's being installed around the perimeter uh where the lighting is right what is do you have a um a height dimension on that now and well at the time of planting uh those plan will be in the uh two to two and half foot right because that's commonly what's available from Nursery stock perspective the notes call for that to be maintained as a four to five foot tall hedge as they grow okay so that it's maintained as a as a hedge in front of the so I'm just I'm just worried about the lighting spilling over into the residential area um that the residents are going to be impacted by it the lighting from the lighting from the parking lot and the lighting from the facility right so if you were if you were to put a larger style Bush or Shrubbery there that would obviously block the lighting from spilling out into the residential area well there's there are some existing ever greens along this property line which the photographs will will show um the adding an additional height on the Shrubbery will not necessarily impact the lighting from Poles because the lighting from the poles are coming from above they have outside Shields they will they're really intended to block vehicle headlights as they come you know in and out of that parking space uh if if the board feels you necessary we could specify an increase in that size we'd have to just double check to see what's commonly available corre for that plant in terms of the Cal that size uh but we've taken into into consideration with outside shields on those particular lights to have a cut off control that like like like you said before we're worried about the residence go ahead um there was a mention um one of the neighbors had mentioned dumpsters were in the where the parking by the is going um where are there any new dumpsters that are required and need to go back what is what is the reason for those existing dumpsters facility speak of the D for those but the dumpsters that are here as I understand are two they'll be relocated up into this area Okay um so those two will go into there and those two dumpsters the whole and ex the uh storage pods and other material and debris that's going to be all my understanding is that's part of some of the ongoing Renovations that's occurring and as construction wraps up that will that's not going to be their permit that's so maybe maybe I missed this somewhere maybe it's not for you the existing storage shed that's that we're going to take down that you're going to take down yes what's currently in there where is what is the proposal for the M okay facility okay that's fair okay that's fair um then the other the our engineer and we you know we've gone through this snow here the concern I believe that's the area where those parking spots are that's a real tight area in there right that's really Michael that's the area that we're concerned to with the 90 degree parking that your gra yeah that was yeah that area and the other area given given the one-way traffic flow and the narrower drive aises we had asked uh if the applicant took a look at putting angled parking in and that would provide better maneuverability and you know what would the consequences of putting an end for result in and I I think I think the testimony was that if that was theed to angle Park you would end up losing Los there's a little bit of a trade so the area that's here is that an open area that's a f Courtyard area I believe that's utilized by the res ofil okay but that's that F escap no go Can you steal anything there to move those well in order to move these just these just these spots I realize the building is here I'm talking just I mean have you guess what I'm trying to say have you exhausted you we always we have this we have this reason questions that the board always asks you know have you looked at forget the ankle parking forgot it you looked at that thank you very much and I'm not being sarcastic thank you however is there some other thing some other relief that could be done on the property I.E taking out a little bit of this area to widen that that exit if you may for lack of a go to work well in order to widen this through here we would have to increase this area by at least 5 and A2 ft which would then relocate this entire Island which would push this into the into the memory Garden area I think it's memory Garden or let's call Gard that would then also Force this building to be reduced we would ultimately lose two rooms or correct me if I'm wrong Ryan uh rooms on the end because of that shi um we did look at it PA it's a a significant amount of work in here just to to maintain to push that curbing an extra five and a half fet to gain that space on a on a drive aisle with current that exists now it's not a condition we're creating it's an existing condition U when we looked at that there was a lot of that just had a lot of hardship in terms of the impact of what it made to the addition we would have to shorten the entire dis not by five but whatever the next increment of the room would be ter producer so that has a greater impact to this area than it might initially see like standards would have to be moved everything in this area drain everything thing I will just point out of interest when we did evaluate this this area is utilized by employees understood um it's not an area where you have visitors coming in and parking they are parking on the ends uh this is by F so you have a very low turnover except at the Shi uh Shi changes um so in light of that like even up having issues and I believe there's some testimony that there hasn't been really any issues on site so far are um we're not necessarily sure that that's really problematic given that it's been there for some time it's operating and it's limited to employe year um you know if if the board feels so find that you know in BL of the waiver that's requested for this um you know there might be the option of just identifying these as employee parking only to minimize the opportunity for a visitor to park in that area and to discourage that might be that not be a that might that might be something that would kind of appease and address that Michael uh I think it's something that you know obviously I don't think we're g to make a conclusion tonight so I think that's something that is worth considering um you know I I had a question in in my report regarding you know circulation and signage um you know certainly you know uh there may be the need for some additional directional signage where you know certain parking is on on site particularly we're going to designate areas is Point Parking but uh you know we'll take that into consideration as a suggestion by the app now I know we have I know some of this is existing too Michael did I I think I read your report um Fire Department fire department consideration I I haven't heard anything you know and I'm not really in a position where I I can say provide any testimony on I mean that the plans were submitted I would imagine they were available for review and comment by other departments and and other services municipality we don't have anything right now board members else for this witness okay all right right uh Michael do you have anything or I can open to the public you can open up to the public and then follow up when the public okay once again for this witness I open up question to the public for this sir thank you James BRS 244 Nottingham Road Grand Ramsey uh our property ABS the northwest corner the property yeah it's uh block 5503 lot 22 spell your last name please be and boy r i g GS and your first name James thank you um I just wanted to confirm a couple of things that I heard so for the Barking in that corner is it it's going from 36 current spots to 62 um with the trash enclosure and recycling center as it's called in the plans can you just speak to the Aesthetics of that again sure that for Farm is to have an enclosure for the trash we're proposing six fo High a typical or standard enclosure plate split face M Block uh with heavy duty galiz steel frame system for the gates itself with an opaque decking material on the face of that so the look closed it's an OP for enclosure yeah there's containers there now which is a pretty big eyes s right and they're they they're temporary they're they're to be removed um you talked about shade trees going in around the parking area am I correct that there's no shade trees that are going to be planted around that where crash and Clos there are some existing sh trees in that area that will remain as well some Evergreens shade trees are planted here right behind is proposed inclosure there's an existing drainage eement for PL that comes from road outcharge is out so we are limited in terms of any and as you move further Northwest is there going to be any planning new planning done there up up in this area yeah I mean there's there's there there's nothing uh proposed in that area's um can you just in layman's terms talk about the design waiver around the lighting what that needs sure with regard to foot candles uh the lighting the ordinance says minimum foot candles is2 C uh on any surface when we evaluated uh the surfaces there there were I believe one or two forget the exact Quan but there were very limited areas where we were just below that1 but technically we're requesting a waiver because of that slight ER that slate area that is1 less than minimum required with regard to the ratio requirement that pertains to the uniformity of the lighting uh if you can Envision a flashlight you shine it down you're going to have a spot underneath the flashlight and then it dissipates as it goes out that's a ratio consider when you look at that and the ordinance specifies a ratio of four to one and we have four and a half and then one area it's 17 the one because of the proximity of the light so it just it's it's a measure of the uniformity of that light as it comes away um I don't know this is question for operations but with the trash Center being in that corner who will be able to speak to the frequency of Sanitation cominger during the during the week what time during the week operations operations well I don't know are you planning on recalling that witness because if not we could perhaps get that answer now you can try if he knows if not I mean there were some things that came up during this testimony that I have to revie and may bring him back as a result of that but if you want to get that answer now that's board's discretion if you happen to know we'll be back Mr GG so yeah we'll make sure they answer that sated yeah in keeping it to questions I think that's all I'll have the point but questions okay thank you okay question saminda again how many lights are in that that area right now and how many were you proposing put in that area right now um 10 so for 26 more spots you need 10 additional lighting total 10 to existing I don't know that answer there total of 10 lights propos in that so there will be some existing Lighting in that area I know some of the existing lighting that's there is short Lantern style lights uh and we didn't evaluate the efficiency or coverage of those lights uh but in my experience a lot of those short Lantern side lights just still have light coverage uh for parking lot applications um I don't again I don't know the number existing lights that are there at the moment and the additional lighting is for visitors coming from Dust to Dawn the ordinance requires lighting of parking areas walking surfaces and so forth the lighting is to provide elimination for us the parking area and the walkin surfaces here because visitor hours will occur for years when it will be dark and there's a security building um a little security building check yeah where's what's going on with that there that's stay there's no change any change to the gate that's there if it's broken we're going to replace it no but is there any change to it is it going to continue just being this little is proposed remain um up until tonight I didn't realize it was Nei broken but there's no change proposed to that again the function of this driveway is proposed to remain as emergency access driveway there's no change that and what's what's going on there's a little Center where there's trees that where the an do their little drive around before leaving emergency only entrance or drop off what's what's changes there this is the existing Island here in the letter line that's being reduced the and then parking spots are going to come all the way to the gate the gate and the car Shack around right so now the parking spots are coming all the way to the gate the park the the existing parking extends down through here and the curve line extends right to the guard sha that curve line is being brought back parking is being extended down actually be moved further away from the gate itself this island will be eliminated and this will be a Runway circulation not eliminated I'm sorry inent comment on the dumpster you're saying two are going there the where Gloria was because there's an additional one to the right is that one going to be housed in there also there's one to the right now um we we putting three containers in here it size to accommodate the area down below so the containers that are down below will be relocated here if I did mention two and there's three the attend is to relocate what's there our our go process is to re uh at dumpsters closer to um a bunch of houses and not further away I mean that process process was not to relocate closer the homes I mean it's it's adjacent to the residential home here in Gloria drive now uh it's being it's adjacent to one person's property but now you're going to move it to about 10 it's being relocated here uh where it'll be able to be accessed more efficiently and also be closer to to the Loading area loading right yeah I know where the load um but I'm just saying you wouldn't move it away from the people you will get closer I mean it's open 247 dumpster pickup is 5:30 a.m. on Thursday you're where um so you hear it so now you're GNA hear it constantly now just say you're can hear it once a day 5:30 a. right but not constant I mean right once a day now you have two more there I'm just saying that why would you move it closer people not further away when you have the empty spot where there's nothing has there been an evaluation have you looked at a possible relocation of the dumpsters where you're proposing it away from away from residents property again it's get s to the questions I posed before you know have you exhausted every other aspect of where these things could go that they would cause less of a bird on the residence bringing it closer to the kitchens or something we we can we can further evaluate that um but the way that the site is configured with this perimeter driveway the Allandale Brook around the outside perimeter of that uh options are limited terms of where that could go and also be accessible by a truck uh and then have maneuverability to turn around uh this location here is not only close close to the floting area but also provides the maneuverability for the truck to circulate through the site uh much better than it did here on the southern side uh in terms of proximity to homes the fact that we have homes on the North the west southern side that really limits the ability to move it away from the homes we would then be forced to look at the Eastern side which is then restricted because of the the brook uh the flood plane associated with that uh we can further evaluate to see if there's another option for that by all means but when we originally looked through this layout um we really didn't identify any other area especially since the existing loading is here where trucks will be coming into any so we did feel it'' be a little bit more appropriate put it where the trucks delivery trucks are already going uh liting that southern but so what if what if and again just looking at the maps do standpoint but if you were to take that move it right there truck comes in this way that's it and it can still continue to live back through it pulls it away from property lines you could you're you're giving up two spots there or two three spots I'm sorry sir however many you say it is and then you're putting those spots there and then you just have car we could look at swapping that maybe putting it in this area which would move it arguably another 30 ft further away from the property and hopefully you know then with the screening you know the gentleman the gentleman did point out you know you've got even though it's been picked up once a week got it no AR but you've got people using that garbage area all times in the day clean up etc etc so I I think that a possible relocation somewhere away from the property line might do something to help the residents from a noise standpoint and from from a backup standpoint there's there several standpoints but there's no regulations as far as how post is allow property can you Orient me real quick which spot or which side for 17s on of that diagam right right here okay so can you put the garbage facilities towards that side of the building that goes towards where the commercial section is um towards rout 17 look at this area here Eastern side of the property if you we have Allen Brook the flip plan associated with Allen book which this okay it also puts it essentially FR of the building so when visitors come in that's you're right in right at the front of the building which but but you are making them kind of aesthetically pleasing though correct we yes the enclosure yes if you want to consider that aesthetically pleasing yes I'm just saying that I'm just thinking that' be a better area to put than towards the residential side of of your uh land your facility we can absolutely take a look at that and see if something something in this area might be able to be worked out um and also regarding the gating on the structure for your garbage that is Auto closing or is that physically you have to physically close it or will it if you open it will the gates automatically shut the intend is to have Auto shut Gates okay or spring loed hinges so that if something does walk away leaves it open and self closes if I believe the engineer pointed out make sure we on dra that's the inent um and my last question is with your enhanced parking have you taken into consideration um turning radius of emergency vehicles we have yes you have we have we have a uh we sheet 6.3 last plan set plan in are set we look at Atty Maneuvers by the all the perspective okay okay so you have the length of the longest vehicle that the bur owns I'm just asking because if you said you you've done the turn turning radius St this for this loading area back took into consideration the tra trailer maneuvering through this area okay so I do know that uh one of the burough vehicles in this town is longer than 30 okay so we U we didn't take into account a specific vehicle okay if if the fire department has specific vehicle has turning information for that we' be glad so you might want to reach out to the fire department um and request that from them I know that's something that they can definitely give you is I believe the longest vehicle in the Bros over 40 ft long now we also did take into account here for straight body straight body but again we we'll absolutely look at specific vehicle department do that ambulance drop off in the same area or has that loed also pick up come to drop is that the same area now that's not being that's not okay yes sir six Ro once again Mr thank you thank you for to the board members uh for raising the questions about the lighting I'd like to Dove hail on that a little bit Mr Jeffers can you aine or testify that the new lighting plan will not increase the spillage on the residents on Haron Kon or Gloria and having been involved with a lighting issue in this town approximately 20 years ago that became no pun intended a political football it's obviously a a serious issue understandably and with regard to the lighting model that we had put together utilizing the the the ice values and the is files from manufacturers for these specific lights in the house side shields the the lighting model was the parking lot here shows them are controlling theage of lighting to uh within the property itself uh and complying with the ordance requirements you may mention on this side here we are only proposing four wall lights at 8 along this side of the building so will they really on the Eastern side of the building will blur a drive is over here uh again the modeling of that is allad wies to this area we were very what we designed is we were into consideration proximity the resal and we wanted the design did not have hear you saying it's accordance with regulations will it increase the spill onto the resid in terms of increase yes I don't know we know what we have now I don't I don't know if there's spill it's occurring now but when the lights are removed and the new lights are put in the new lights will control SP from do we need an evaluation Michael maybe this is should we have an evaluation current vers c um so that this these types of questions could answer there is a lot of discussion about lighting and and I understand in sensitivity to it I haven't heard anyone say clearly whether there's an existing lighting problem um I mean if there is I think this would be good form to let us know so that we'll know whether there really needs to be an evaluation of the existing lights I mean c certainly i c I think certainly I think certainly believe there's an existing problem there is I agree I disagree all right hang on all right sir please no no stay for a second okay let let's and I'm gonna get okay certainly I think I think we need to you know do an as constructed about valuation of any lighting that they're proposing and how that interacts with the existing lighting that's out there okay but I I you know I putting putting that out there I'd like to hear if there's an existing problem okay building on that for a moment we're obviously pushing to the next Mee we have some of this information for the next meeting yes okay absolutely okay now now cancel thank you sir your testimony is my testimony is I'm okay with what is okay okay fair enough yeah ma'am I'm gonna call might disagree that that that's more than fair ma'am I'm gonna call you back do we need to put these people under oath if we're gonna have that're making a stat right now really should be limited to questions relative to the lighting they are and we should do them Sur we had a few people just make comments in the audience it's very hard for the record to that we need to wait well someone's at the podium that's the Forum this is the target for lack of a better word for your questions uh Mr Jeffers and its questions based on his testimony to date there will be a time and a place for comment that's going to be sworn that's going to be at the end of the hearing after the applicant concludes their prosecution for now it's questions of the wit with all with all due respect I would hope that we don't get we don't go out of turn and start taking testimony on lighting from from Neighbors until we can go out and and have some ability to to talk to them about that which we don't have we're not having any public testimony until your concludes no but I I could see I might have been going down that yes okay appreciate it lady say if you've got a question Mr je said do I have Council corrected me I have to okay I do have one question for her can't ask her a question she's not under Ro she's not under you just made a statement before I just wanted some I know and the statement was out of turn unfortunately there will be a time where she's going to be able to it had nothing to do with liting but you can't make statements at this point in time you'll ask it sorry about that there's a protocol unfortunately you have to file no that's fair that's fair okay any other members of the public any questions for this witness about the testimony that you heard okay seeing done I bring it back to the board any questions from the board here okay seeing none uh councel it's 10:37 I'm I'm hungry and [Laughter] tired um I am available on May 15 I don't know about my witnesses can you just give me two minutes to speak to speak absolutely thank you thank you I don't know that anybody's available C chairman there are two witnesses who haven't yet to testify are not available on May 15th what about the third we're going to go find out now what else is available 13th May 13th could do a 13th if everyone is available the board is normally SCH on a Monday it's a Monday night we normally we this board sits for when we need to we have a work session as a schedule for the 13th of b sometimes we use it sometimes we don't but we can convert that to a regular session do you advertise it so that so that when you advertise it it's advertised that final final we're not available they're not available on 13th either but yes they would but it would be done June 19th yes now works for me yes June 19th yes June okay June 19th it is Jun 19th it is I'll give time to do a homeless nothing next month nothing no new notice all time constraints are wave we we'll carry a notice so for the members of the public that are here there will not be any further notice on this matter you will not receive any more certified mailings the matter is being carried tonight to a date certain that date is June 19th it'll be in this room 7:30 p.m feel free to come back continue to ask questions I anticipate the applicant will be bringing back witnesses that have already testified he may not they testify to conclusion that includes the witnesses tonight I suspect they'll hear from traffic and planning testimony at the very least now we'll continue on June 19th no furer notes Mr chairman it based upon what happened tonight it's my intention to bring everyone back but Mr mcdermit the architect obviously Mr Jeffers still needs to clean up some things we need the traffic and we need the um planner if you believe we also need the architect for any reason I'll bring him back but I don't really see a reason for that at the most your dance Council I mean I I I think you've concluded two and through with the architect I understand your position it's it's your call okay thank you we'll discuss it with me with the client thank you all right um put it right board members I I moved it normally would ask for any other input on things one second I'll find it something that we need to discuss Mr Jeffers for anything else yeah as Council pointed out okay I need a motion to close the meeting please thank you second okay um all those in favor I I okay thank you very much everybody meeting is ended thank you for your time appreciate everything