great thank you evening everybody tonight is a regular meeting of the Allendale land use board at which formal action will be taken on the items listed on the agenda and upon any other matters which may properly come before the land use board the requirements of the open public meetings act have been satisfied through posting on the public bulletin board in the municipal building and on the borrow website and by publication in the record on January 28th 2023 with copies being sent to the Bridgewood news certain agenda items will be open to the public for comments Andor testimony the board will advise the public when such matters are open for their comment and our testimony uh before we go through uh I would like to have a salute to the flag Mr that please to the flag United States of America and to the rep stands na okay Linda please may I have a roll call here member here here here here mayor here here W Butler here thank you let's uh let's go right into it next on our agenda are approval of the minutes from the November 13 2023 regular meeting um there were I I had Lind I know you made the one change that I had in there okay um I'm assuming everybody had the opportunity to review them any changes okay seeing that Linda can I have a motion for approval please or board members I'm sorry can I have a motion for approval please so move thank you second that was Del I'll second Vice chair ber yes Council yes yes chairman yes yes yes okay um next on our agenda is a resolution uh that Mr B put together for application file number lu20 23-11 resolution number 23-24 applicant Robert and Jennifer Gerard 14 bir Street in Allandale New Jersey 07401 block 207 lot five it was an application to add a single sorry a second story to a single family home pursuant to 27057 D and 270 d37 thank you Mr chairman this is our resolution that I prepared uh was approved at their last meeting I've memorialized the findings of the board uh so that the resolution can be passed and they can move on to their project this was a AA Zone and uh it was basically a buildout above the existing uh property uh no further encroachments no additional variance uh released but it was pre-existing nonconforming and there was a hardship so that is what I memorialized in the resolution with the usual and customary conditions thank you board members any discussion Mr B just put out no okay uh seeing none um can I have a motion to accept the resolution I'll make the motion Del with you thank you I'll second thank you chair yes Council Delio yes M yeso yes yes yes thank you all right before we get into uh the public hearings the next on our agenda is our calendar for 2024 I believe everybody has it in their packet of information um we want to be coactive in this and going through ahead of our uh adoption and and uh for in our meeting in January so these are the proposed dates as we go through the year 2024 uh you'll note that there is space on February I'm sorry on November for the work session because that is a holiday we're projecting that we will not have a work session need for that night if we find that we do we're going to have to figure it out as the year progresses um any comments about the dates say we've laid them out here conflicts concerns school we always are trying to be sensitive to anything relative to schools obviously the holidays okay so seeing yeah voice voice vot okay all right um any so just okay so um board members we're just going to do a quick voice vot for this thing all in favor say I I anyone against okay so be it these are our dates all right so next on our agenda are the public hearings for tonight we have two uh the first one is application file number Luv 202312 Peter and Amy Bloom for 34 Haron Road in Allendale block 509 Lock 4 the application is for a wood burning fireplace side yard setback encroach bottom yes um Mrs Bloom M up please thank you while they're getting themselves ready I can report to the board that I reviewed their notice have reviewed their notices and their rid AA of publication and they are all in order so the board has jurisdiction to proceed this evening and uh they are here so would you raise your right hand and uh he swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth with course of this application all right can you just say your name and address for the record thank you Pro let's proceed proceed can I just before you start are you hearing are you are you picking that up I okay all right so we're good okay yeah just pull maybe pull it I think might have to P takes a teacher to do it thank you for coming before us simple terms what are you looking to do please we're putting a we want to put a fireplace in an existing family room where there is no fireplace okay um the way that our property is set up um I think it's like an angle so I think it's already encroaching so to put the fireplace in it would go I believe um not more than 24 inches past the house so um it's on the side of the house facing the next to neighbor's driveway okay um so just you know be the little bump out of the the firl there okay so you know again according to the S yard set back apprach for add conditioning you know for additions to fire right um am I correct that you already have some work going on yeah home already right now yeah yeah okay um it doesn't necessarily fall into this thing but like what do you got ready going on just for the board's edification we just um we're in a um a split level so we just took down some walls all you know all permitted we took down some walls between the um living room dining room kitchen so those walls are out they put in support um we mov the window um and we are remodeling the kitchen so it's like just one big open room so initially um the plans were to put the fireplace there on that right um if the fireplace doesn't get approved then we just finish what we're doing without the fireplace okay but you like to have you like to have yeah we can't put would be nice yeah we could put it inside like so that it wouldn't go outside at all and it would be direct bent but we don't want to proce have it on the outside the room's not piig enough okay okay so essentially that's the hardship yes that's your okay that's the reason why you're us and the encroachment yeah etc etc okay um I am going to turn it over to members of the board with the questions please there's um a plan submitted that says like new second floor Edition new first floor second floor Edition is that an old yeah okay so that's not the work you're currently that was the original survey so I didn't know if we needed the original and the new so that that was the original survey and then the last I just put everything I didn't that was done years correct before we purchased the house so the last survey on there is what the architect Drew for the correct okay we've only been in the house for here a little over here okay okay yeah there's no date on that Jour and again I saw the pictures here so you know thank you for including all H just one quick question so you're kind of on the the curve start of the curve on Haron Road yes so they actually the front your front yard curves a little bit yes and your property line where this is kind of Curves away from your property right the the the property line where the fireplace is is not a straight line correct correct what's the finish of the fireplace on the outside yeah is it gonna be Stone it'll be siding okay it's going to be WRA because I see yeah okay and it'll it'll match the siding on the house correct but could you just clarify for the record because your the paperwork you submitted says 34 inches but your drawing is only showing two feet so which what's what's going to be the actual pump out um it's actually GNA be less because uh of the fireplace the pump out says 22 and a half but that drawing is for a so the drawing is correct and the the paperwork where you say 34 in that's not oh I just don't know I'm not sure what you're looking at which one oh mine my writing yes probably yeah probably sorry the drawing on on I put the max because I was just figuring and that's when I was just talking to my contractor he just said put the max which they're projecting to be correct that would be going smaller fireplace it's going to have a smaller box we are going for a smaller fireplace so it won't be out is not in there but okay I don't know if you need that we brought it with us yeah I think when we memorialize it we probably have to okay we didn't actually obviously purchase anything yet so in looking at it we just decided to go with a smaller one but that's different than what was submitt it is yeah it's the same you want to mark that as an exhibit Maybe that's different than what's in our packets of information it is yes okay for the record we we need we need we need that Michael do you want to see it first I mean similar it's similar in nature to what was submitted except for different shape and geometry okay so Chris want me to mark this exhibit exhibit A1 and then then is it safe to say that that would then reflect what is on the Z the last page within those Dimensions F that are on here or we have to then have the uh the den Noble designs drawing very last page in our packet I mean it it shows uh you know it gives fireplace dimensions and it shows a depth of uh 22 and a 12 Ines where the one that was submitted in the package I guess the depth would be Illustrated in the middle of the page with the letter j and there were various depths that were uh that could be selected based on the making the model size this one is for Craftsman 42 inch series with a depth of 22 and a half inches okay but then just for clarifications so the when this thing mariz that the last page the survey page is that going to need to be adjusted that as I'm reading this and forgive me if I'm reading the wrong thing as 17 feet to the side of the house around 17 ft to the to the box I think for the purpose of of the record I think what's Illustrated here is is close enough okay yes okay okay that's fine yeah happy with that anybody on the board we're all good with that right I think incorporate that resol what an hour greater I don't think it it it protrudes past the current AC units anyway I think it's looks like it's behind the aage it does not go out very valid good point good point thank you thank okay any further questions from the board all right uh bringing it back any questions I'm opening it up to the public for the testimonies you just had any questions comments okay seeing done I bring it back to the board um any further discussion right about the bural engineers really you have't yeah I mean I think I think uh you know we have a new exhibit A1 that should be part of the record the applicant indicated that the fireplace is can be finished through a similar siding that's on the existing house um just a couple General observations I guess you know the home based on the survey isn't centered on a lot it's offset a little bit to this side and uh you know this side of the house fronts as IND indicated by the applicant the neighbor's driveway so there is some additional buffer there presented between this house and the neighbor neighbor's house by the driveway okay um and I think I did hear the applicant also say that uh you know to put an interor fireplace in the room that they're doing the renovations on the room doesn't lend itself based on the size of the room I don't really have anything else so that is the electrical service going to be impacted by this or is it going to be adjacent to it it's it doesn't have to be mov it doesn't have Yeah question regarding the shape of the forr is it just one rectangle BL straight up does it narrow and narrow and I it might narrow in a little bit I'm not exactly sure it's just yeah just a rectangle it's a rectangle a typical rectangular box and then just goes into the well for the unit I understand it's the box but then once you get past the unit just the blue pipe and then it t they tend to narrow and look fireplace like in shape yeah and if that's something you're going to do that would be helpful okay yeah all right so add this is being done you know with your contractor you agree to work with board members any other questions comments okay um I would uh I'd like to bring this to a vote please if somebody would make a motion I'll make a motion to AE thank you sir do I have a second thank you okay chair yes member Patrina yes yes yes yes yes yes all right thank you thank you just side note your resolution will be approved at the January meeting you can apply for your permit but none will be issued until the January meeting and the resolution is memorialized that's the third Wednesday in January okay like you heard us to earlier before your before your application okay all right thank you okay and next on our agenda is application file number Luv 202312 William and Fanning Thompson 540 Hillside Avenue Allen New Jersey block 104 Lot 10 and the application is for the addition of a new roof structure over an existing patio space uh with a a sidey yard setback situation pursuant to code 270 D3 37a semicolon or parentheses 2 welcome thank for coming please thank you uh chairman board members I've reviewed the notice and the listings and the public Affidavit of publication and the notice is in order and therefore the board has jurisdiction this application tonight so if you would Raise Your Right hands you swear to tell the truth the hold truth and that the truth through the course of this application okay name and address for the records th testifying Bill Thompson 540 Hillside Avenue Allen Danning Thompson 540 Hillside Avenue in Allen all right go everything in order yes okay um thank you so um as I said ear Ellis Ellis why you're here what your hardship is what you want to do so we have a side patio it's kind of No Man's Land it's there but nobody touches it so we decided because there was an Old Pond from the old um owners that doesn't even work they want to take that out put a new pattern that's there but put a covering over it make it more of an outside living area at least get our kids to go out there make it almost like a three Season room okay so would it be closed no it'll be open yeah open just the roof which will match our existing roof okay and maybe couple you like refrigerators a little counter maybe you're thinking about a fireplace okay um right you given us pictures I think the board has their information the the requirements here pictures so again it's going to be it will be open that you're planning on taking up the existing P kind of what's the situation it's just old we've been there we've been there for almost 10 years and that was there from the first doners and it's all coming up and I had some Pond that was like right off the side of the house never really worked we want to kind of get rid of that I'm sorry a pond yeah it was one Pond yeah but like a like a waterfall thing on it okay that never really worked it was just the mosquito catcher okay but we're not we're not enlarging the patio we're gonna replace the exact same square footage um we're just G to make it new um it's sort of uneven okay so like a refurbish refurbishing but then you want to put a cover over it and it more usable even in what we'll call you know things or showers something yeah okay all right um so you know the re the reason why the reason why they're here is you know the fact that they're putting a roof on it makes it makes it part of the primary structure of the house and it's going to be in the sidey yard setback as a result of the of the roof the patio is it regulated the same way as the structure so the patio is uh there's no non-conformance with the existing patio but the fact that they want to put the roof over it you have to meet the setbacks of the primary structure to the roof area so that's roof is technically going to be in the sidey yard setback um then we went out there we took a look at it uh and walked to site uh they they have done uh other work on the property they came in for a soil movement a plot plan for the swimming pool and the entertainment area in the back um the one suggestion that we would have should the board approve the application is the fact that uh you know right now there is a patio uh which is impervious and they're not increasing the impervious coverage by much but when water hits the patio and the sheets off the patio it's generally like a sheet flow situation and by putting the roof on there if there's going to be gutters we would like to see the runoff from the down spouts address so it's not directed towards the neighbor's property and maybe into some kind of seepage pit or something on their property so there's no potential for a negative impact on the adjoining property owners um is there any uh additional outdoor lighting that's proposed associated with this just high hats underneath it underneath there's not g be any spotlights or anything like that shining no in a ceiling fan so that'll probably have some like but not forting okay um no on so relative to the water is that something that would be addressed on site or something should I I think uh in this particular situation because there's not going to be a follow-up plot plan or soil movement based on the scope of the work that they're doing it would probably be best to put it in the resolution should the board approve the application you'd be amenable to installing seage bits or whatever the burough engineer believes is best to to alleviate any runoff okay no I mean in this particular you know in this this particular application it's you know an outdoor entertaining area uh you know it does have roof over but it's it's an open area um if it if it didn't have a roof over it and you know they put the fireplace in and redid it they they wouldn't even be here you know in front of the board it's just the fact that they're going to put a roof on top of it and becomes technically part of the primary structure so it's U you know a little bit of a unique situation um and you know the existing house is located where the existing house is on on the property and uh it's already in the sidey setback and the fact that the roof is going to be no closer to the neighbors than the existing patio the existing patio or even the existing house uh it but it will be located in the side yard board members question M pretty so when you redo the patio are you planning on regrading any of the area along the property line or anything like that or you're just G to take up the patio and put it back at the same elevation I think do exactly the same way I believe I'm not sure we're not touching the side yeah Beyond The Patio at all so any the trees the vegetation all that's going to stay little trees I they're going to take down I'm going to put um those are all little little Evergreens little tiny ones some like bushes looks like we're going to take those down along the fence but because we have from our pool that we did um green Giants giant we're going to continue those all the way down for privacy for the neighbors and for us okay okay okay I guess along the lines of the bur engineer with the uh down spouts right if you do any regrading on that area just make sure that your contractor is cognizant not the pitch so that the water sheets of your neighbor gotcha any other questions I just have one it looks like the existing house is 19 and a half of the side yard is 19.5 ft but then the proposed roof is 20 is that going to be in line or is it does it actually step back where it looks like it's perhaps six in further way or is that just the way I I the architect put this hold he been submitting everything so I'm not really sure typically I don't know if mik mik not this but is is did you see anything where that roof line is going to be even with the existing or it I think he measured the setback from the um supports to the roof maybe not necessarily the roof overhang yeah so so my my guess is uh yeah but the way this is going my guess is the the the post is probably going to be in line with the corner of the house and the roof is probably going to extend over that a little bit uh right there there's a note that says roof overhang six inches not shown suppos off inside it looks like get the reverse that's why I asked yeah yeah I you could be right maybe the edge of the roof the gutter drip line will be in line with the side of the house yeah right is that that's what I'm seeing yeah where where it says yeah roof overhang six inches not shown but this is to your point that the post is pulled back six inches from the corner of that yes so if the post is pulled back then it's either going to line up or it's going to be further setback will be larger the over impacted by the I don't think so I just it's not it just looks like it's it's shown as the reverse the measurements don't coincide with what the what the drawing actually show I mean the elevations appear to show it lined up with the face of the house I gu May the gutter Pro purposes of the you know the resolution I guess we would just would feel comfortable but just said it's not going to exceed 19.5 ft because then it would be in line with what they have existed I don't know yeah mean I think the gutter is going to be on on the back side not on the side side the gutter is on the back side yeah because it's pitching pitching towards the rear so it looks I mean it looks like you know based on on the the elevations O2 it looks like it's in line at the side of the house yeah it's in the back of the house not the side of also for for the runoff just as a question I think the architect as big challenge with this was Stone water runoff I think he's running if I'm not mistaken the is going to pitch and go down towards our backyard not off this side yeah so I don't think anything's going to go towards the like it's going to be open on that side and tilted towards my backyard just want to make sure you don't have any down spouts on the corner that go right so because if I could avoid digging up putting a SE I'd rather not but if if we have to I will do we know the condition of the existing drywalls because it looks like there's three of them there uh I mean the two that were installed in the back by the pool um are relatively new there's another one in the front remnant of one in the front and it looks like there could be a dotted Circle that's just off the back of the patio that might be an old seage bit I I don't I can't tell well we put in two when we put in our pool yeah they're shown here in the plan I see that I don't know right at the right understand if the capacity is not the capacity doesn't exacerbate the existing seage pits then perhaps it could just be tied into the existing pit as long as the runoff is going into that be a field determination you think yeah I think we can figure that out in the field as long as the applicants willing to work with us on it if there's not capacity then we would uh you know have ask you put but if there's capacity then you can tie it into the ex and we didn't have any um issues working with the applicant when they came in with the pool and the outdoor entertaining area I'm just curious I mean I'm not gonna make this up Circle I mean it almost looks like the same circle is in front yard exactly sorry what's say the copy and paste on a just forgot I mean really what we what we don't want to do is we want to we don't want to have a concentrated discharge Point going towards a neighbor we trying that's really that's really our build is really great so if you tell things change or move we could work with him he's great okay basically you're agree to do any kind of site work that work yeah we don't want to close blooding to our home or neighbors yeah so definitely not yeah we've had years a sub failure right before Christmas complete flood three days before and we lost about Christmas present so we don't want anybody's house thank you yeah we appreciate yeah open up to the public any any other comment okay I open up to the public any questions comments oh okay seeing none I bring it back to the board uh final final any other questions or comments okay right just be the conditions that theyve worked with the bur engineer on alleviating storm water runoff and uh you know the the plans as presented you know would not the overhang with the existing lineup with the existing side of the existing side of the house all right uh do I have U ready make a motion please on this on this application I'll make a motion thank you sir I have a second M ber yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes you luck than ask your question yes so I know you said the last couple that it doesn't go into effect until the next board meeting what we do is this goes through go to resolution and the resolution pass go through your your your applications me time but don't do anything okay I want make sure they won't issue any permits or anything until and do we contact you and when I don't want to start building unless we know we should put the SE pits in when do you want to inspect like so we know like this something's new to me I'm not I mean we'll we'll coordinate with Anthony the construction Co okay all right your contract will be reaching out to him and then we'll make sure that we coordinate perfect perf thank you Lu yes thank you good love thank you good love all right next on our agenda is open to the public for comments take a while all right being none I bring it back to the board um any other business that we should do um we know any any other fun stuff you want comment oh I do actually I have a new picture of maybe I didn't we picked out colors for the rec center and we had specked out we have different windows that were initially specked out so they're going to be Marvin now instead of Anderson and Marvin comes in kind of different color so before it was more like black and white and now it's kind of like a gray color I'll just pass around sorry that it's all wrinkles um but that's going to be the color scheme that we're that we're going with at Community Center isn't that our it was yeah didn't actually think of that but um we had to pick it out very quickly because they were having a price increase and if we didn't pick them out by Monday every January yeah I guess so um so yeah they're going to be starting um I think everybody here heard that Vanella construction won the vid and he's the one that also did the 70 units and he will be starting um was really actually already started but um right after the holidays you're going to start seeing a lot of um building going on there so he expects to have it have it done by June or July yep he works fast as you've already seen and the 70 units uh should be going on the rental market in January or February so like open um I'm sure they will have some type of a grand opening but that's it's all run by Hampshire we're not talk um I will tell you personally driving down there it's a lot nicer yes I know people just really it looks just I go down so much going down there big improv yep um anything else no there's just one other major project that we're going to be um starting in town so I'm just going to just do a lot of big outreaches but I just had uh a meeting today we're going to be redoing the mural downtown and it's going to be led by a guy in town his name is Simon rig he's a head of the New York sculptor Guild and it's going to have it's very hard to explain but it's it's going to be made out of clay so it's G to have Dimension to it and he's already approached all of the schools so the community will will be involved all the our teachers are on board and they're actually very very excited so it's um a massive project we're going to have you know we have to have contracts we're going to open up an LLC but um we're looking to do fundraising and we're looking to form committees so if anybody out there knows anybody that's willing to it's going to be very high-profile it's going to be really fun that wants to be involved in a community project just let me know um I think it's going to be um super for the town and then separately um I'm looking to potentially try to release that piece that's right in front of the mural and make it like a little pocket park I've already been in contact with the guy who uh owns the property so it could be like really spectacular for all where where would the mural be it's where the existing mural is now so we can't really see it now so um where out of steak houses that that's already con and Unos right there so it's going to be in the same place and so we don't own the building burrow and we don't own the land so it's hard for us so it's not a burrow project but it's just something that we're we're embracing and um because we don't owe the land the guy who owns the land could potentially build right up to the street so if we do a paint mural and do this whole big mural it could be covered tomorrow so we're actually going to be doing it on panels and the pieces are going to be um kind of put together and then it's going to have um painting on the building but then the panels will be kind of in front of it so kind of like the big Alexander's girl whoever remembers that you know if if some builds there we could actually take them and put them like somewhere else in the park or something like that so um he actually brought to my house to they just oh I have I have a picture I can have it around of the um a sample of just like a bird that he just kind of whipped up and it was just gorgeous and it was just this cool like clay it's Clay so it's going to be basically like in kils and it's going to be painting in clay and he's going to kind of tie it all together but he's like the real deal he was just actually commissioned in Italy to do this um project in guar like he like was in the mountains and yeah so this is just one little sample of a bird but this is going to be like this is gonna be one picture of the F house and then it'll be either the FY Farm or whatever historical pieces that we decided now so it's going to be kind of cool so if you know anybody that wants to be involved we're going to need a lot of committees you know PR fundraising all that kind of stuff nice so cool yeah that's all I have um I U want to end this meeting positive congratulations I don't know whoever knows here um you got to have to help me out you're going to be judge of Municipal Court cour okay so um Chris will be leaving us at so we have um new Council coming on during our reor next month so um please I'm asking if everybody could be here for our next meeting but um tonight for for Chris listen you know I took this I you have helped me fill Kevin's very big shoes and putting up with crazy phone calls for me guiding me making sure I'm doing the right thing and I just want you to know how much I appreciate it the board appreciates it' done um you know some some some great things up here we're gonna miss you okay we're gonna miss you but um on to bigger and better y on to bigger and better so um Amy and I and the rest of the group here we we we got you a little really ni thank you very much I really appreciate that be there you go bef of the board we we really do appreciate all the work and all the guidance that you've been giving to us here some of been kind of weird and again like there some some transitions but we do greatly appreciate thank you and your new endeav thank you very much appreciate I just um I was thinking before I got here you know um having you know worked with chairman Quinn and now chairman Sero and mayor white mayor bery mayor binski and uh for seven years so this is my seventh year as a board attorney and just Blan by seeing a lot of really neat applications we're just like like one of the first things I was hit with was the the highlands lights issue and that took on a life of its own and had renovated the high school and then you know projects off East Crescent the 220 West Crescent we somehow survived covid and the covid protocols and doing uh the 220 application a lot of that during covid through uh you know uh zoom and everything like that and uh fun restaurant approvals and the water sales so uh every uh meeting was different um you know we had obviously the run-of-the-mill sidey guard setback but a lot of different different unique things and it's been a real pleasure to work with all the members here all the elected officials the liaison the volunteers Linda uh just doing a great job and thank you so much and U Linda makes my job easier by getting everything put together but uh it's been really a pleasure and I am going to miss it uh personally because you know I'm not allowed to be a board attorney if I'm a judge but you know being a judge uh for the municipal court is something that I've wanted to do for a while so I'm looking forward to the kind of a new challenge but I will definitely miss uh miss my Wednesday nights hereward so thank you for everything and thank you for all your support and thank you for this black that's great pleaser hopefully that we uh you know we will see you but we see you in a good way know judge yeah that's true I don't know if many of you know that but Chris was born and raised in Allandale so I always felt you brought that love of your hometown with you you know and that you know uh this integrity and and just wanted to keep you know alale the way that it was and you've always been you know a man of service you were also mayor of Al of ramsy and you have your own you know law firm and then obviously serving Here and Now serving as our municipal judge and I well I'm going to be completely honored to be able to swear you in I our re meeting on January 4th so looking forward to it super you're still staying with the Allen team y yes again that January 14 the council that we have out New York for the L sport next month that's the yeah the the mayor and Council reting I think it's the 14th the land and then yeah and just so you know you know when the new Council comes on I'll certainly work with them and uh you know transition and give them all the resolutions and everything Lind if you ever need anything you know I'm not going anywhere so I can always help out to uh you know point in the right direction or point the new Council in the right direction we're gonna miss you on to bigger and better right on to bigger and better that's right thanks for everything you've done thank you I think I got on the board the same time you got on the board I think we both got sworn in the same probably planning board 2016 yeah yeah you're a true profession thank you and hopefully I never get to see you in your judge role wish you the best or your kid yeah or my kids but you're gonna be a fantastic judge thank you and our new attorney do you know who he is Larry Cali he's was highly recommended by our burough attorney and actually um Mike freelin worked with him as well too and highly recommended him yeah I've seen him um on on the other side U presenting a couple very large applications and uh you know he did I thought a very professional job presenting the applications what I I was impressed the way he interacted with Council for the board and and the board members so hopefully uh you know he'll be able to fill fill your shoes and uh you know we'll be able to move forward smoothly with with Larry good sure it'll be great thank you excellent thank you thank you okay anybody else all right can we have a uh motion to end the meeting please so move Del was second thank you Frank all in favor all right do all right everybody Merry Christmas Happy New Year