go ahead KY so I still see we're still waiting for Sandy to join but I will go ahead and uh call the meeting to order and the person who is missing is um Jennifer and she is today's minute taker but in any case so this is April 11th and it is the joint Capital planning committee um I am going to call the meeting to order although I see we're missing a couple key people um so uh and one of them has just joined so I'm calling the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m on Thursday the 11th and I will just go around the screen as I can see people's faces and just call out and let we know that you can hear and we can hear you Bob present Eugene pres Lee pres Anna present and Sarah here so we're missing I think one member and I'll be right back okay so um Sandy sent us yesterday afternoon an update of the update is uh is guess the best way to do it where the major change was on the uh earlier recommendation to move the $1.9 million for a radio safety Public Safety radio system to next year for debt and he I will let him speak to the changes um so I I want to do that before we turn to the report because it will uh necessitate um changing a of the report so Jennifer I just want to I'm called I called the meeting to order at 4:01 and I'm confirming that you can hear and be heard I can um I joined as an audience member just as I heard you say something about someone taking the minutes which I think is supposed to be me am I taking minutes you are supposed to be taking the minutes yes so I will be taking the minutes we're we're glad you arrived um so um Sandy sent it well I start to say Sandy sent us an update that changed one of the recommendations from last week which will also change what have in the report but Sandy I'll let you speak to it and then um we can change the wording in our report to match this if um I'm assuming we agree with the decision but the recommendation but I I think some people have questions so the the floor is yours to say as much as you want about the update that we received yesterday thank you Kathy nice to see everybody um I got a long email with some backup material from the uh assistant fire chief yesterday about the radio system showing that the fire and police department had done a lot more research into this whole issue uh and had conducted a third party uh it's a current vendor of ours but who did an analysis of both the equipment and um kind of the the brown spots or the blackout spots around town plus um more detail about the compatibility with other systems uh both police and fire and UMass and other communities around some of which had been mentioned but it was good to see it in a report based on that I then changed the timing of spending on the Public Safety radios to have 900,000 be borrowed um for FY 25 um and could be spent then was payment starting in FY 26 the 900,000 would be to buy components of the base radio system the towers and the controls and so forth and then another million dollars a year later that would be used to buy the actual handheld radios um the handheld would then have multiple bands on them fire would speak on one band police on a different band but because they are multi-band radios they could then switch over and listen to each other if they needed it um but I really need to do the base system first get that in place um before they can actually go and buy the radios um so with that um I changed uh the numbers on the plan it didn't affect at all our FY 25 spending it did uh somewhat increase the deficit in 26 and the overall deficit sum because we're just borrowing money a year earlier uh so that's reflected on this sheet um you can eventually see it um actually some reason that's not reflected there that's funny um it is reflected on this sheet here showing um the public radios one and two in these um in these blocks uh with that um I'll stop sharing and answer any questions people have Sarah I know you had one so Sarah Marshall yes thank you Sandy can you um so this new system is being bought over two years are the base the new base pieces can be used with the existing subscri or yes yes because they all yes so it'll go it'll go into use as soon as it's installed but then they'll that there may be some point where they're running parallel just because they are testing and so forth but at some point the new one will take over Anna I just wanted to um thank Sandy for looking into this it was something I was um uh worried about and so I I wanted to just appreciate you for um checking in on it thank you well I I appreciate the comp's concerns about these issues and it's good to have the back and forth so we will fix the section of the report that said the whole 1.9 was moved and change it to uh say this split um and so people can assume that I will do that I'm not going to do it in real time um as in on the screen so Sandy I think what you're saying is then the debt table um I can talk to Sandy later about um what tables we submit with the report we don't always submit all the level of detail that we looked at with the report because the town manager already has that um but we submit enough that readers of our report will be able to at least have some idea what we're talking about um so um I think that was and then the one other we had two other things we asked for either more information or verification one was and I shared it with everyone an explanation of the spending in the school out years that wasn't Crocker because there was an issue of with a new school why it's all this and uh rert sent us in a couple paragraphs explaining what the technology other was and that didn't affect this year it affected the next years and then we questioned because someone's very sharp eyes not mine saw the greens mower in the Middle School in addition to a greens mower at the golf course and we asked whether that was just a mistake and a duplicate and Sandy confirmed that it was a duplicate so that freed up 71,000 so so just to give you a little Bird's ey view in the report the way I drafted it after our discussion last week was that we're recommending $660,000 for the two resident requests and that we thought there was enough money in the budget and there's enough money because of this mower um and we can we can just say that and I don't think we need to update the longer list because the town manager still will have to approve those resident requests um you know in terms of whether it's 60 or 50 it comes out to 54 500 if you just add them all together but um we didn't know whether that had installation costs so I just want to confirm that without going into a deficit in the fy2 budget we can achieve that recommendation so I'm turning to all of you for any comments um substantive editorial and other on the draft report Sarah well I do have a bunch of little like punctuation things which I'd be happy maybe just to call you and walk through them but I did I did have a comment on or question about section d jcpc and CIP plan meetings and discussion um because it is basically just repeating information that has been presented earlier in the report so I I didn't know why that was useful um I mean one could just append all the minutes of our meetings I suppose so um it's just it's just duplicative I yeah so can people see the section that I I can people see my screen I just put it up yes no this this is minutes is this minutes those are minutes uh wrong wrong file thank you Sarah wrong file okay um I AG Sarah I do agree I I wrote it with one section and then another so the the question is should I shorten the first part to just be on liners and have the longer paragraphs be at the end um does does everyone see what she's talking about and I can try to find the report and pull up the right one I just uh Anna was an early reader on this and she had a her well Anna you can speak for yourself you suggested that I shorten the first part to one sentences um yeah I I thought the first part could be sent could be shortened really just to be an overview um and that the second part could go more into the detail uh I thought that might be more helpful sorry first part and second part of what of the report so um the the first part the parts that you were talking about being repetitive there it's in the they're twice and so the first um instance of it I thought should really just be about one sentence and then the second part should be the detailed um why and how [Music] um so I'm looking for I I will try to I think I can bring it up at this point this is a problem with here draft two that's it okay so this is the issue when we did this first part goes through a long paragraph of the things that removed out of fy2 or changed and then later on a lot of that is either completely repeated in this section D um or we say more so this I think Di's suggestion and I just didn't I didn't do it because I didn't have time was make the first part just things like move the sidewalk plow one quick sentence and then make this part the longer do people agree with that change okay so I will do that so the first part is just a list of what we moved and the clearly the 1.9 million will now have different wording in it and what what Sarah suggested on on um uh just so people know I in my past life as well as my counsel life I'm known for missing words small typos um uh not enough spaces or too many spaces between a period and the beginning of the next sentence so punctuation so any and all I appreciate and I think one way to do it is either set up a time to talk with me or just send me a track edit you know with highlights and I just can merge everything I'm pretty quick on getting those and I have no pride of authorship or worry that um I'm a little bit better at not repeating the same words over and over the way I used to but so any other um comments on the draft I particularly wanted the the couple places well the one place we had a fairly long discussion was on the resident proposals and I tried to capture a sense of not so much discomfort but we we thought these were reasonable proposals and we wish they fit into a larger policy and schema and um we're leaving it to the town staff the school staff to figure out how many of these should go where and whether they should be mobile or not so I I think we left it with a strong approved recommendation but Kat so I just want to make sure that that wording worked with everyone it looks like I'm not seeing anyone say no oh my goodness all right so then we um I do think um I think I I think we said it but you know we're not out at the the woods with our Capital fiveyear plan and we're not even seeing the the out years we've got uh and Sandy probably says I hope there's a finance director for next year because the the next the next year budget a both to give it a longer planning time but we're it a 500 a nearly $500,000 deficit is problematic particularly when a chunk of it is driven by the debt some projects we've we've accumulated and I put one sentence in that flag when we get out five years there's even less per for um new projects you know as we decide to debt finance that debt service starts coming in and that means um some of the projects that might be in the wings aren't going to come in if we still want to do roads and we want to do vehicles so but this is the jcpc report has always um really focused on fy2 and I think Bob was the one who said last week he doesn't believe anything that goes out much further than a year because too many things change change over time so if there are no other major changes um and I what I would ask if people get any editorial uh whatever whatever you want to call a punctuation to me if possible or make up a time to talk with me if that's easier and I can go through it by could we say by the either the end of the day tomorrow or by Monday morning because I'd like to finalize the report and we send it to the council but we also send it to the town manager does does that deadline work for people uh yeah Sarah um I'm leaving town tomorrow for four days so I wonder if this meeting is shorter than two hours which looks like it may be if you and I could just talk immediately immediately after this meeting that would be fine that's fine before my next meeting at 6 yeah okay I'm that's that's fine with me did I succeed in stop sharing stop sharing there we go okay so so Sarah and I are going to talk um after we end this meeting and I I'm open-ended after to after we end Sarah so I think I think we're at a point that um there's a motion to approve the report as amended or as as we've discussed it will be amended um if someone can make that motion other than me Mo Lee second great then I'm putting it to a vote Bob hegner I Kathy is a yes Eugene I Anna I Sarah I Lee hi with thanks Jennifer yes well thank you all and I I want to give a big thanks to Anna because she read a much rougher draft than you saw and both the great queries and what exactly did you mean here in some cases it I I had no idea you know it was a sentence left over from another thought that didn't get removed and then she made some clarifications so I thought that was extremely helpful just that um a a a really close to read um which which made it possible I got this done in a day but um it made it possible to get it to you earlier thank you for writing it it's it's a beast of a report and so I appreciate you doing that work well you know it's I will say for whoever's chair next year now there is kind of a format and so you know unless there's something really controversial you can start to plop in pieces before that discussion H you know just you can speed it along um but a lot does change so Sandy um I just I want to thank you so much I mean we we thanked you in the minutes but again um as Anna just said continuing to follow up on details like this and double-checking with staff is extremely appreciated because we really your wisdom in what you were doing was a good guide to all of us but you'll be able to go back and be able to talk with staff and raise questions and respond was fabulous on what I know was a very tight timeline for you and um Jennifer and all the staff that work hard on this behind the scenes so thank you both so much and I will lead you to clean up the uh list of the projects and uh with working with Anna the final report will have that summary table in it and we may put the um since the debt 10year debt schedule is of interest to people put that one in and not put the longer project list just um until you tell me until you tell me it stop moving so what um in terms of yeah some of the other components that were in the report in the past I'm just going to look at those past reports see what other things we need to create if any uh and then uh I guess we should be on the same page as to when you want to then transmit it to the board or to the council and to the manager so that I make sure that all the backup material is in place okay so if Sarah meets with me at the close of this meeting and we just get back on the phone or Zoom or something with each other um or um because I have to close this meeting Sarah to just then talk with you about the edits but but but I can I can do that easily um but you could just stop the recording I can just stop the I can just stop the recording and I should double check um to we don't have any attendees so we won't have we won't have any public comments so Sandy I ought to be able to give you a final draft of this by Friday and I'll double check against your the one place in the report was so so much in each major category um you know so you know so that I took off of the last version of the project list um so that's that just mainly gives you a sense and you know so Chiller as you pointed as we all Chiller was under facilities rather than under police and now safety equipment and radios might be under Fire rather than police but it's labeled as such so just that line is going to change with this 1.9 million split in two different ways um and then we got a just so you know we got um as Jennifer will know we got a fuller package at the very beginning that was the beginning draft of what Paul shows to the town which Had Each project in with like two sentences on it but we don't we don't need that for our report you know we don't need that for our report that that was just easy to refer to if people wanted to know what the project was um we didn't recapture it in our report so we kept it to the kind of length you're seeing you know five or six pages with the summary table at the end okay um then that's great I think we should be in good shape then so any any other closing comments Jennifer you signed up for a good uh minute minute session um any other closing comments or questions so I want to thank everybody because I thought um this year this year was harder in some ways but because we had a less fully formed there was a lot more participation of all the jcpc members um you know when when you get a totally balanced budget that looks like it's in good shape you have to look more you have to it it doesn't it doesn't things don't jump out to you as much um and so we in the last few years there were one or two things we focused on and this time it was a a wider ranging discussion which I think is healthy I mean it's the purpose of jcpc so thank you all very much Bob yeah I just wanted to say uh this is I think the the way this committee operated and the the the real focus on getting the job done is a testament to how the town itself how the various pieces of the Town work together you know in order to you know get things done um you know there's not there wasn't a lot of uh you know jocking for position or or you know anything like that it was we were focused we were you know wanted to just get it right uh and I think we did and I I I want to thank everybody for their Co their cooperation yeah I I would agree with that entirely so thank you all and uh you are you're given the gift of time as we've we've been had a very a very efficient last meeting so I am going to end end the meeting meeting um by stopping the recording and then everyone can leave and then I think Sarah can stay on do we need to vote to adjourn yes is there a motion to moved and I think Bob is seconding you second Bob yes Kathy is say yes Eugene yes Anna hi Sarah hi Lee yes and Jennifer yes okay unanimous that we are adjourned and I'm going to stop the recording but Sarah we can stay on and you can and I can we can do the copy together so thank you all have a good thank you everybody thank you everyone this is good bye