01 time um the ammer zoning board of appeals uh will meet virtually 6 PM uh pursu to chapter 30 of the acts of 2021 and extended Again by chapter two of the acts of 2023 this meeting will be conducted via remote means members of the public who wish to access the meeting May do so via Zoom or by telephone no in-person attendance of members of the public will be permitted but every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings in real time via VIA technological means uh do I need to read the rest of that Rob no you don't and I would recommend just going through the agenda each um part of the agenda just to give an overview yeah uh so to begin with we're going to do a roll call uh then we're going to work to approve the minutes from February 8th of 2024 and February 22nd of 2024 uh we are going to hopefully move to continue the public hearing on FY 20246 that's before us tonight uh public meeting discussion General comment period and any other business not anticipated within 48 hours so we'll start with doing a roll kill so myself acting chair Philip White present Hilda green bomb here David sler here and Sarah Marshall here uh also on the call we have Rob waill and we're not expecting anyone else are we I hope not I would hate to draw someone for literally like a 20 Max 20- minute meeting no just me it's okay A but so first thing uh like I said has everyone had a chance to look over the minutes for the February 8th 2024 meeting okay excellent um if no one has any adjustments I would entertain a motion Miss Marshall you're muted mut M some people do have adjustments hey only to the spelling of my name on uh the review of the minutes approval of minutes from January 11th motion by Sarah Marshall Marshall has two L's uh what page is that on the first page okay righty and um and then the third page the top of the third page I think this is the archipelago so the ending of the first bullet I didn't understand what was meant it says cause a lot of turnover for that commercial space but also it would take away from residential area which is currently in crisis I don't know what that means did you say it or did somebody else no Craig said it it was from Tom re's presentation I mean he he said that word for word when I was watching and reviewing the transcript I will elaborate on what was meant by that I mean my could you read the line again Sarah just so I can the the bullet says oh you're right Kyle answered that building commercial in a different area of the bottom floor would make it basement commercial space and could potentially cause a lot of turnover for that commercial space which I understand but also it would take a away from residential area which is currently in crisis was it just that like we have a housing crisis yeah he he goes like he he's been using that a lot when he describes the housing situation and I guess what he was trying to do is say that if he were to expand the commercial space it would take away valuable residential space that's well needed and that's kind of the way he painted that picture during his presentation um but I could definitely elaborate that a little bit you could just say take away from residential units which are sorely needed or something you know that we didn't agree with him but he can say it right yeah he said it so but I will I'll make that more clear I guess because it seems like it's vague right and then the third page under public meeting just again my name is misspell all right thank you that's all that's usually myON every I didn't find anything this time isn't that correct Rob I I guess I mean according to you Hilda there wasn't anything wrong with either set of minutes so that makes me feel a lot better because she's always picking them apart every I want you to know that somebody's reading them yeah I appreciate it um I read and I didn't find anything this I must have been sleeping or it was another rainy day yeah well that'll do it all right well I mean I would entertain a motion to approve the meetings from the February 8th 2024 meeting as amended so move do I have a second Miss Marshall yes okay uh we'll move to a vote uh the chair votes I Mrs Green bomb right Miss Marshall hi Mr sler hi the vote is unanimous moving on to the minutes of February 22nd uh did everyone have a chance to review those okay um do we have anything that we need to draw attention to on that no um but I wasn't part of the meeting so I don't know if it's accurate R rely on Philip and David to tell us if they're correct well I looked over them I didn't see anything so but all right well I'll entertain a motion uh to approve the minutes from February 22nd well moved that we have a second we move to a vote the chair votes I Mrs Green bomb I Mr sler I miss Marshall I uh the vote is unanimous yay the hard part done no um so I guess Philip for the public hearing so what we technically have to do is you know how in the agenda you have the full description for that um petition yep so you're going to have to read that um and then just make the announcement that you know the public hearing is opened and then afterwards you know I put a statement in there that you could read in regards to why we have to continue it and then um you know take a vote to continue it to that date all right I'll just roll with that and if I mess up let me know we'll do um in the public hearing zba FY 2024-25 d27 under sections 10.33 and 3.32 41.6 by the zoning bylaw or of the zoning bylaw to change the occupancy status of a converted dwelling from owner occupied to non-owner occupied with a manager with requested waivers from the traffic to impact study lighting and Landscaping plans at 50 mclen street map 11c parcel 189 R through G General residence zoning District the public hearing for zba FY 2024-the board will take a vote to continue the public hearing to next Thursday April 18th 2024 at 6 PM Eastern Standard Time this is due to the fact that the board does not have a full five member member panel for this petition tonight and our chair Mr judge will join the meeting next week as the chair chair the applicant and the other zba members all agree that next Thursday April 18th 2024 will be an appropriate time to fully hear the petition before the board uh do I need to have a motion for that or a second or you have to call for a motion and there's actually a motion in there that you have to to read off so you have to vote to continue the public hearing to April 18th uh 2024 at 6m so if you could just state that yeah I see it now yeah um so I would entertain a motion to continue the public hearing for zba fy22 24-16 to Thursday April 18th 2024 at 6m Eastern Standard time do I have such a motion don't moves good all right so then miss Marshall we second that all right uh we'll take that to a vote the chair votes I green bomb do you have a your hand up yeah I I wondered if I should make my disclosure now or hold it for next week hold it for next week because Steve's gonna uh read his General Spiel he'll do like the submissions and then you could probably give your disclosure then if you wanted to Hilda okay no okay um so the chair votes I Mr sler I miss Marshall you're muted I I saw your mouth move but I figure we need it on the record so I'm Miss green bom hi excellent vote is unanimous motion carries motion carries we need a motion to adjourn now no no no do we need to close the public hearing oh no no so you Contin it so okay that's all right yeah as far as the public meeting we won't have a public there's no meeting to take place correct yep that's correct um so no discussion will take place um we do need to do the general public comment period so I don't know do we even have anyone in the waiting room we do not but uh we you still need to do it anyway so if anyone want attendance with just to make a public comment on any matter not before the board tonight uh you can indicate such by raising the the excuse me by using the raised hand function or by pressing star n if you're calling in remember to please keep your comments limited to around three minutes I'm hearing crickets like I'm actually hearing crickets in the background that's how empty this waiting REM miss all right so moving on to other business not anticipated within 48 Hours Mr waila do you have anything for us sure uh aside from this being moved to next Thursday at 6 um we are anticipating on May 9th which is our next normally scheduled meeting um after the 18th to have three petitions before the board so it'll be a pretty busy meeting um none of them are filed yet but they will be shortly um April 25th my apologies that's the next normally scheduled meeting um so it's the 25th and then the May 9th meeting so on April 25th we have the continued hearing for the shuberry road solar project which Mr Sader is a part of um and then we have the continued hearing for 368a sha Street which is the flag Lots um let me see who was in it so was it Hilda Sarah and Phillip oh I was on that I couldn't remember whether I was on it I was I think you were David are you on that one I am yeah okay yes you are Sarah I don't at least I haven't attended a meeting where that was discussed and I cannot i w I have a school committee meeting very busy so you probably were on that panel then if if um you don't have that in your calender because they they would have voted to continue that a while ago so I know David's on that one H you you might be on that one um I'm not sure about you but I can't remember pretty sure I am to go back and review my notes but I'm pretty sure I am why did we continue it do you remember because of the lighting oh yeah the lighting and because they didn't really have finalized um building plans so they couldn't show the lighting and then there was an issue with storm water so they were concerned the site was so sloped that it might affect the neighbors we should really look at the yeah and I'm still waiting for plan submissions from the applicant but I'm going to reach out to them tomorrow and see if they can get that to us sooner rather than later I would if I'm in fact on it and as I say I can't remember but I know I was there I I would like to see that site and I sort of wonder why we aren't doing site visits on most of these things we we did a site visit to that one you did and I I think it was just Steve and me and Rob yeah because nobody say about it I didn't see it thinking about it now I don't think you're on that panel I think it's David Steve Phillip everal and Craig that's what I think I think I was there the Indie writer yeah you're there one way or another Hilda you were as M you're like me on the solar panels I'm not on that one but I keep being on meetings where it's on and I think it always throws Steve that's that's really a hard one and the one that's coming up this to uh conservation this week is more of these battery things for and this one's going on mue road and I haven't read anything about these batteries that are not scary they're not going with power let's not deliberate first no deliberation okay second well we did um maybe it will be relevant to remind that panel whoever it is we did authorize a uh what was it supplemental energy storage site on uh Sunderland on Route 116 yeah I told I told Kathy about that yep yep and we won't delate too much on that um but I do want to also yep so one more one more announcement so I just want to congratulate um and this vote went to the CRC uh Mr Sader and Miss green bomb so Mr Sader had a positive vote to become a full member through the CRC I don't know if it's official Town Council yet David it they did and I and I was sworn at w sworn at congrat felt like it yeah no I I went to town hall no I'm it's official yes I think congrulations so David is a full member taking over the rest of John Gilbert's term um who left abruptly last fall and then Hilda is going to continue as an associate so congrats to the two of you I look forward to working with you those were all the appointments for July one also yes they were I appreciate having you all around no matter what way shap may not don't speak so fast you you may want to put a lock on my mouth all right um if there's no other business before the board uh I would entertain a motion to adjourn so moved there we go do I have a second second excellent uh so to call that to the vote the chair votes I this green bomb I miss Marshall hi Mr sler yes and as that motion is not up for debate which we should have done before that but we're not going um uh Now call is meeting the zoning board of appeals the town of Amber adjourned at what not 1118 618 yes correct what