thank you everybody we're going to call the Popa city council February 21st meeting to order we're going to give you the uh invocation to the pledge and then we we got the fact today stand please bow our heads dear Lord thank you for this democracy that we live in thank you for the city ofia and all the members here tonight bless all these families that are that are present and make sure that they get home safely and Jesus be sure to keep watch over this Council that we can make the right decisions in your best honor and that we give your praise and glory Jesus name amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep it stands one nation indivisible liy Justice for All okay on February 21st 1885 the Washington Monument built in honor of America's Revolutionary hero and first president is dedicated in Washington DC architect Robert Mill Hollow Egyptian ois design was accepted for the monument and on July 4th 1848 the Cornerstone was laid work on the project was interrupted by political quarreling in the 1850s and construction ceased entirely during the American Civil War finally in 1876 Congress inspired by the American Centennial passed legislation appropriating $200,000 for completion of the monument in February 1885 the Washington mon Monument standing 550 ft high was forly dedicated the monument was the tallest structure in the world when completed and and remains today by District of a Columbia Law the tallest building in the nation's capital back to the day okay all right approval minutes any corrections if not look for motion to approve so much got a motion by commissioner Becker second second by Comm Nesta all those in favor I I all oppos motion carries unanimously Cliff Shepard anything on the agenda we need to yes mayor uh item two under the public hearings uh is going to be uh taken off and read vertis um it was not advertised which is why it must be removed from the agenda so we have only one public hearing uh and that's number one okay all right thank you all right Proclamation Future Farmers of America how about that so let's see here we have with us Caitlyn Gorey where is she I guess you're in charge here tonight too bad commissioner Smith he's got a he's got a a major issue at family so he's uh he won't be with us tonight but um he he will he's here in spirit for sure awesome I've worked with commissioner Smith a couple of times and he's just a wonderful voice for us in the um city council well good evening ladies gentlemen council members and Mr Mayor it is an honor to be here with you tonight to celebrate National FFA week my name is Miss Caitlyn gory proud agriculture teacher and FFA adviser at a popka high school as not only a former blue daughter myself but an alumni of this organization I cannot express the Gratitude I feel towards your commitment and support of the National FFA organization across this room tonight you will see what is INF infamously known as a sea of blue in front of you tonight is a group of the best and brightest students your community has to offer while FFA has historically been known as the Future Farmers of America the National FFA organization today while still rooted in agriculture is now an organization that represents a plethora of careers amongst You In This Crowd tonight are future agriculturist but there is also a future doctor scientist professional dancer politician teacher small business owner and maybe even our very next city council member despite the CER they may choose I think we can all agree looking across this room the future generation is bright and the future is in good hands thank you council members for continuing to support your local FFA chapters and in return supporting the future generation of leaders awesome thank you that's boy [Applause] what we have with us tonight a papka high school wava high school apka Memorial Middle School Wolf Lake Middle School and pedmont Lakes Middle School so thank you all all for coming out here tonight yes so I guess what we'll try to do let's we'll get them each school by itself so we'll start with uh a poka high school if poka High School all your students come down and we'll we'll be facing the lady with the camera and we'll get a picture uh yeah yeah let me I got I tell let me let's go ahead and read the proclamation then we'll get the picture I'm sorry thank you okay the proclamation reads whereas the Future Farmers of America FFA and agricultural education provide a strong foundation for the Youth of America and future of the food fiber and natural resource systems and whereas FFA promotes Premier leadership personal growth and Career Success among them its members and whereas agricultural education and the FFA ensure a steady supply of young professionals to meet the growing demand in the science business and technology of agricultural education and where is the FFA motto learning to do doing to learn earning to live living to serve gives Direction and purpose to these students who take an active role in making the connection to agricultural education and whereas FFA promotes citizenship volunteerism patriotism and and cooperation and whereas FFA chapters have been very active in Apopka and have made many contributions to school and community life now therefore I Brian Nelson May thece a popid by virtue of the authority of esy by the city of apka do hereby I Proclaim February 17th through February 24th 2024 to be future of farmers of America week so come on [Applause] out all right okay we got a high school down you okay thank you appreciate it here [Music] than [Music] wait till they clear up super man right all right next up we have the legends of a popka Black History Month is francina boyin here I I don't see her or Steven crib Steven crib either one of them okay anyway all right well anyway want to um we are having our celebration on the 27th and um for Black History Month and want to give a big shout out to Steven crib and francina boyin and the popka youth Council for putting together this booklet it's our Black History Month booklet you know this is our second annual and what we what we what we decided a couple years ago when we when we put this the first book together is that what we wanted to do was to celebrate uh leaders in Apopka that that have passed away because what we want to do is to those people that have passed away in the you know early 1900s we don't want to lose their you know their stories and so you know I asked when they started to put these these lists together said let's make sure they they're deceased so that we can go back and find some folks from way back you born in the 1800s that we can we can honor in this booklet so what I want to do is I'll read the proclamation but let me start out by uh I know that you know the kids they were all working hard to get us you know the information they needed to make it a really worthwhile booklet uh you can buy the booklet we'll have it out in front at the front desk they're $10 and then you can come the 27th we'll have a a big celebration but let me let me read to you the the legends of a popka there's 29 cuz it's a leap year so what we did is we have one for each day of the month of February and this being leap year makes it 29 so we've got Jimmy Baker Jr Reverend William Bell Albert boyin John Henry Bridges Reverend Dr Herman Lee dericho Hannah Dixon Andrews Bertha gladen Ethel May Grant Richard Lois Jabo Grant John Hickey Eddie Justice Jackie Lee Mass Massie senior Rosen Aina mcfaden grubs Clifford James McKenzie Leroy Victor milap Jr heral KY Peterson Prince Pard senior leard Leonard Rand Martha J Richardson Eartha a salmon Wilfred Sanders senior Herbert Scott senior Dr Reverend maetta seon Dr Shirley sharp Terrell Frank Smith Hannah Williams alono Alonzo Williams Jr Jesse Williams and Chanel lutena Wright so with that I want to go ahead and read the proclamation and and hope everybody can come out on the 27th uh it will be at the community center uh 600 to 8 o'clock um we've got music uh we've got well should be should be some exhibits there as well so it should be a good night to celebrate all of these uh history Akers from Apopka whereas February's Black History Month an annual celebration of achievements by African-Americans in a time for recognizing their Central role in US history and whereas the origins of Black History Month began in 1915 with historian Carter G Woodson and Minister Jesse E Morland that year they founded the association for the study of negro life and history an association dedicated to re researching and promoting achievement by black Americans the organization later became known as The Association for the study of African-American life and history and whereas in 1926 the association started the national negro history week and chose the second week of February to coincide with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglas as a week to com commemorate achievements by the African-American community and whereas through the efforts of Woodson and Morland schools communities and colleges organized local celebration as well as history clubs and performances in the decades following this historic week the event grew and evolved into what eventually became known as Black History Month and whereas in 1976 President Ford officially recognized Black History Month and since then every American president has designated February as Black History Month with a specific theme for 2024 the theme is African-American and the Arts now therefore I Brian Nelson mayor of the ca poka Florida by virtue of the authority invested in me to hereby proclaimed February 2024 as Black History Month here in the city of apia so thank [Applause] you thank you thanks all right next up we have the Miss papka presentation and let's see is Rosalie she's not here tonight no not feeling okay all right well Riley why don't you come up and just tell us a little bit and I I'll go over what what your accomplishments were but give us a little background on what what you've done over this last sure well hi everyone my name is Riley Cardella and I had the privilege to be crowned Miss Apopka 2024 at the Miss Apopka competition back in December for those of you unfamiliar the Miss America opportunity is a scholarship Organization for Women that provides scholarships for women throughout the entire country as Miss aopa I had the privilege to be awarded $2,000 in scholarship dollars and I'll use my service as Miss aapka to Pro promote my platform called gold strong care packages for Childhood Cancer my story goes back to when I was 12 years old I lost my best friend Cassie to acute lympho blastic leukemia which is a type of blood cancer commonly found in children a few years ago I decided to turn my grief into advocacy and I started a 501c3 nonprofit organization in Cassie's honor where I've dedicated my life to spreading joy to kids fighting cancer I've sent care packages full of favorite toys to three countries and 23 States I've hosted seven toy drives in Central Florida and I am so proud to say that I've raised $15,000 for Childhood Cancer Awareness you thank you as Miss Apopka I actually have a community service project happening starting March 1st coming up very soon I'm going to have a local community toy drive there are drop off locations currently five different locations all of the toys are going to be donated to children on the pediatric oncology unit at Advent Health Children's Hospital I'm hoping to collect $55,000 worth of brand new toys so if you're feeling in good spirits and want to participate you can head to my Instagram at missa poka there is actually an Amazon wish list where you can choose to purchase to send a toy directly to the drive or you can visit any of the drop off locations to help spread joy for kids fighting cancer all in honor of my friend Cassie today I am so excited to be here thank you so much Mr Mayor Brian Nelson and the entire Board of Commissioners I had the privilege as Miss Apopka to get a portrait sponsored right here at Apopka city hall it was by con studio photography Dan and Nancy took a beautiful portrait of me today and I'm here today to unveil the portrait and just celebrate this amazing honor to be Miss poka I'm so excited to get all of you and get this year of service going thank you so much before before we get to picture uh commissioner blasquez you might I know you serve on the committee so I didn't know if you had any words of um well I have been serving on the Miss popka now I think uh seven years probably a little longer but every year we we hold a competition and it's it's such a wonderful experience uh having all the young ladies come in here and compete and we and then what happens at the end of the competition is I really embrace all of them but definitely when we have our crowning missaka one of the things I do is uh make sure that she is at many of our events here in the city because it's a way of promoting not only our city but certainly promoting an opportunity Unity for our young women that that's also a way of earning scholarships so congratulations Riley you have really uh taken you know this the last few months you've kind of gone on your own and I know you've been in the city and that so we look forward to seeing you more often and congratulations all right about that [Music] thank you so much [Music] she oh all right we've got uh five consent agenda items does anybody need to pull any I think public comment first I'm sorry public comment yes Susan so Naji all right I don't have no idea how I'm going to top that congratulations to Mr papka again um hello everyone I'm coach nji president president and co-founder of Central Florida soccer club uh with a local Apopka based nonprofit 501c3 organization dedicated to serving children in our community every year for the last U I think for almost 15 years we've been trying to go ahead and start a competitive soccer club in our community however we could never get our affiliation because of a what's called a 15 mile mile rule by the state Association where it says that any new club can't get affiliation if they're if they're within 15 miles of another club so needless to say finally around three years ago we were finally able to get our affiliation approved and start our three major goals for the club one is having a club in our backyard so players and parents do not have to travel 45 minutes to an hour plus to play a competitive soccer somewhere else the other one number two was teaching the game of soccer properly to the kids in our community uh I've personally volunteered for a PO W for 8 years and technically I'm still volunteering for a PO W and from my experience you know kids that uh that go to popar soccer if they don't have you know a qualified coach know knowled knowledgeable coach find out that when they wanted to go out and try out for another club they ended up being cut and eventually dropping got from the sport altogether which is kind of you know disheartening to us as a as a soccer club uh the third thing that we third goal of ours was and a very important one for me as well is giving back to the community in an impactful way we want our players members to be involved in giving back helping the Le less fortunate and making a difference in our community in late 2020 after securing our state affiliation we had literally no players no coaches no staff no funding and no Fields today less than three years later we have close to 400 registered players more than 50 coaches staff volunteers and we serve an addition of 300 to 500 kids in summer and winter uh with our indoor uh indoor programs in 2023 alone we provided more than $30,000 in financial aid for kids who otherwise would not be able to participate in competitive soccer that's equivalent to sending 85 to 150 kids to play in a popular soccer Little League or pop warner for free we also provided uniform kits and equipment for players that were on financial aid we led a food drive back in October for dream Lake Elementary and Rock Springs Elementary Schools in which more than 4,000 items of food were donated to help hundreds of families eat during Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks we provided free clinics for the papar coaches and players also free free we also provided excuse me a poar soccer with our coaches for coaching teams during the season provide opportunities for coaching training and volunteering for more than 20 High School age students in the community we also provide every Friday night free play opportunities for everyone that wants to come out and play soccer whether they played before didn't play before part of the club not part of the club young old whatever it is we pay for the fields so people can come out and just kind of play play and be together we also sponsored Teacher Appreciation Week for local schools and we actually do a lot more than that but we don't always toot our horn so why am I here today simple we need more fields and why when I say we I mean everyone a pop correct soccer needs more Fields flag football baseball Pop Warner softball tennis volleyball I know we don't have pickle ball yet but we need for pickle ball as well and also our club needs more Fields um if you don't mind I only have like 30 seconds no thank you um plus I'm sure Radley and his staff need more Fields as well to Better Man manage the facility and rotate fields to ensure high standards high standard is achieved and quality is maintained our city has grown exponentially over the last 15 years from around 38,000 people to probably 60,000 today that's more of a 50 that's 55% or more increase yet we haven't added one field during that time so my question is what is the city City's plan over the next six months one year 3 years 5 years and Beyond to address this and how can we as a club and as a community help so our children continue to have a place where they can Thrive thank you so much and you have any questions I'm happy to answer thank you [Applause] Mr Naji I just want to say that that's been a discussion with uh the recreational director I mean we've gotten so many emails from you from parents and um and um it it is being addressed um unfortunately Mr Bradley is not he's he's uh not here today right where is he oh he's back there he is so um that's something that we will follow up with well are there other speakers from your club tonight I I was going to wait until after the entire group clearly I we don't get this much uh traffic in city council chambers without many speakers so look forward to hear how many do we have well yeah she did you fill out a form I okay okay okay so I have Kaylee Bradley hello I am a player for Central Florida soccer club I've been here since there was one team but I played at a Popco for longer than that my I started at a pop and wanted to stay local and needed a team that was not an hour drive and that's where I found so Central Florida soccer club I have played with them like I said since there was one team but over the course of those years playing We've Just Seen A downhill slope in the way that our fields are treated when we first started playing I remember going to other fields and being talking to my dad about how these are not as good as a popka field and I wish we could play more home games but recently it's been more I wish we could play more away games and our fields are not what they used to be I remember picking bottle caps out of the 18 boxes and having to throw it off the field because I was worried about scraping my legs or my arms sorry I'm shaking take your time thank you um Central Florida soccer has also helped me in volunteering I've benefited from those programs myself I help volunteer sometimes on Saturdays with little fire and I've seen the excitement of those kids faces getting to play soccer thank you thank you [Applause] Jason Lloyd um I'm in a different situation than most of the parents here I don't have any kids that play soccer for Naji but I did uh both my son and my daughter started playing with Naji when they were 9 years old uh they're both in their 20s now uh but I did have to drive far away for them to play club soccer because there wasn't one here um but when you go to the fields now and my son still plays in a Sunday League out at the fields of Fame one of the big reasons that I came tonight uh the big reason that we need more Fields is because the fields are getting overused uh when you look when my kids did play recre ational soccer when they were very small in a pop back then the fields were fantastic but when you have tournaments there every weekend and so many sports and not enough Fields because there's so many kids when the fields get into dis disrepair I also have a daughter that tore both are acl's playing soccer so I know what it's like for parents to go through that she did one in eighth grade and one in 10th Grade and the condition of the fields you know can contribute to injury in uh kids and nobody did more for my kids growing up than Naji did as far as Sports uh he goes above and beyond trying to get kids involved and help kids out and uh I just wanted to be here because like I said uh I've went through it so I don't want other parents going through it because of the poor field conditions and that's why we need more Fields Mr Mar Commissioners thank you very [Applause] much I have for the was yeah well I'll I'll make some remarks because I have that ability to do so um and I only have a few more chances to do that but first and foremost I want to thank coach Naji for advocating on behalf of the organization I think it's um a testament to your passion for the for the the league and clearly the amount of people that are in room tonight is unexpected I didn't realize this was happening but it's it's always good to see a packed house but just for the sake of argument and and what will say is this is a great opportunity for you to coach in real life not outside not on the field and coaching soccer but what happens when you need something done for you and the process by which to do it this is how it should be done um it's not an easy thing to do uh especially getting up in a public environment Kaye you did amazing you I've been at that LE turn too and I get shaky voice and out of breath and all that good stuff but you did great but just by show of hands with people wearing the red shirts or people advocating how many of you all are taxpayers in the city whole bunch of you and yet this board a lot of times squabbles over percentage points of a millage rate when it can mean having Monies to do the exact precise things that you all are asking us to do this board the last budget season I want to I want this audience to hear it because you don't hear this every day you're here for a purpose and what you don't hear is what happens in this in these Chambers this body decided not to increase our millage rate slightly so we could have half a million more dollars because we didn't know where to put it but it's like stuff like this tonight that it's inyour face front and center we know exactly where we're going to put it yes we have a little bit of expansion in terms of tennis courts and pickle ball for this budget year and thanks to Mr Williams for for spearheading that I know that he's felt the Pains of trying to have premier and pristine Fields even though he doesn't have the benefit of this Council giving him the funding he needs to expand the fields for that proper rest but please encourage this Council to keep on coming and saying hey it's not at the end of the day saving $12 a year on your tax bill if it means that you're playing on bad Fields how much is that going to be in terms of doctor expense when you're having to pay for a broken ankle I mean people put things in perspective and I would encourage this board to we we've got come on we've got millions of dollars sitting in a bank we are well above what is supposed to be a well-funded general fund Reserve that money is doing nothing it's reserved to do nothing but make us feel comfortable at night let's not we're we've got close to 25% maybe 30% of our expenditures tied up in reserve balances that just kind of earning some money but this is what it should be allocated towards and fight for it and Coach Naji thank you for for doing this it's something that we all need to hear and it's something that we're not doing right now um but you know whatever needs to be done budget allocations if Mr Williams wants to come back and say hey here's what it's going to cost to expand Fields into an undeveloped portion of the Northwest side of that property and have this Council react to it you know you have an advocate on me I'm here till April 17th would be happy to do so but thank [Applause] you did you want to speak did you want to speak yes yes okay I'm a parent of um a couple children that have been with the central floor soccer club for a few years um name and address for the record please Sir Douglas bman name okay and recently um due to the community at the central floor S Club my daughter had the privilege of playing at Um Myrtle Lake Myrtle in auale and um what what I noticed the other day when I was there watching her play was Arnold Palmer would have been happy to play on that soccer field okay so it it brings when you have a complex like the in auale it brings a lot to the community I mean there's tournaments there it generates Revenue the kids are safe lots of good things come out of it I had sent a a email to the council and to the mayor and I had attached some um reference articles that I had downloaded and read I'm sure you received it one of them was the safe article you know about the importance of having fields in good conditions Etc and um I had um referenced that movie the hill where the young man that played baseball for many many years almost had his career ended from a a hole in a field I guess in in that situation it was a sprinkler head that was wouldn't go down and um and then I shared a little experience that I had when I was a a young man with a a a hole in the field where I ripped my shoulder because of the condition of the field so anyway that's what I wanted to say it's a it's a good cause um glad to hear there's lots of money and other cities are doing it they're finding a they're finding a way to keep these fields in pristine conditions I don't know how they're doing it I'm not an expert in that field but we're falling short and we need to pick it up and and you know be cool if you guys went out to auale and took a look at those fields and see and ask them how they how they do it how they keep them up you you know um anyway I appreciate your time thank you thank you just ju just for a quick uh when I say millions of dollars let me let me clarify that and it's a rightful clarification really from a city perspective we should have they they say that you should have 16.67% of your uh general fund expenditures in a general fund Reserve account so it basically equates to two months worth of our expenditures should boom go in the night and the city be in a catastrophic situation where we have to get things back online there's been talk there's a current policy that was passed by this board uh to strive to have 25% okay so three months worth of of general fund Reserve balance based off of general fund expenditure anything above and beyond that it's just wet finger in the air why do we have that much in terms of Reserve if we're not actually spending it on the things that our residents are expecting from this board and you have to think about why would we have such a high Reserve balance do we have unique infrastructure spends that if something were to catastrophically happen that we need to get things back like Bridge infrastructure which we don't really have a whole bunch of bridges in a pocket um and things like that and so then it becomes we're not using the money as it was intended and that's where I say there's millions of dollars that are above that 16.67 threshold to what it currently sits at today and that's money that could be reallocated for the purposes that we're discussing there amongst other things I mean there's Public Safety um that's in that same bucket of funds Parks and Rec are are certainly both in there utility is in a different fund but um I just wanted to clarify my millions of dollars falling from trees or market so and if I can say something real quick too sorry Mr olon let me jump in here is that I definitely I've met with Coach nagia once or twice been on the phone once or twice with them as well and and I definitely number one I'm sorry that you guys have experienced what you guys have we hear you and I appreciate you guys being here too I think advocacy is the biggest thing especially civically that you can be here to really advocate for your needs and I think it's huge anything that impacts our youth in a positive way I always get behind and I'm always very supportive of so coach nji and his his passion for improving Youth and just making sure that there's a outlet for our youth is huge and to keep saying I need I need you to get your daughters out of ballet they need to come to soccer like I agree so I just want to say we're definitely working on and I I was trying to look through emails here of of some with Mr Williams um I feel like he had he had laid out a plan of kind of what our future looks like with the fields and things like that and I just couldn't find it because I think you guys sent me an email or two from your group that I just can't find fields or Northwest wreck I think it's getting lost in my search so um I don't know if Mr Williams down the road either later today or or can just update us on what those plans look like I know you provideed I just can't find it right now so um they're definitely going to be working on it we hear you and we see you and uh you definitely don't go unheard so thank you for being here R Olson 3156 Rolling Hills laye here in a papka I'm wearing proudly wearing my you number two number three and number four granddaughter's number uh all four of my granddaughters have played soccer for for the soccer club it's a remarkable organization I have a little bit of background soccer I've been involved with it for 44 years 24 years as a coach u5 through1 19 took a team to England played International Tournament trained with the South African football club for a week I also served as a as a as a coach for the recck program here for five years also served as an official for 27 years and everything from youth to high school I was a state level five I was a naoa official doing Collegiate uh primarily Collegiate division one games in the Northeast Southeast and the Midwest us so I know my around way around a pitch I know my around a program this soccer club is one of the finest clubs I've ever been involved with and my involvement is cheering uh it's an incredible the training is tremendous the aspect of the coaching the certifications required of the coaching it's an awesome organization and having the ability to have fields in fit condition to be able to use are what we need talked about fields for over a year uh we talked last last meeting indicated that back in uh 2006 you had 16 Fe pads there's still 16 pads and we've uh grown exponentially almost 40% which means we should be at about 25 Fields right now and I know baseball softball are suffering as well um The Importance of Being able to keep the club Local all these parents traveling these great distances it's nice for me as a grandparent to only have to walk over to the recreational po complex to see them play unfortunately that's only part of their games um having the fields available having Fields wellmaintained uh and taken care of clearly everyone the squeaky wheel gets the grease there's been more work done in those fields in my opinion I'm on the fields every day nearly every day more work done in those fields in the last three weeks since been done in the last three years and thank you Radley and your team for working on it but we need to keep the fire on that um I think that's all I have to say on that topic thank you so much thank you Dr [Music] o hello um we need to work on the code for the election for the candidates we need to work on aligning it more like the county code uh with thorough explanations of the expectations of the candidates um you would think they'd understand the regulations on it and then follow through on it but they don't seem to be able to read and then follow through on what they the promises they made um and then when they get Susan does a great job of getting out to them their obligations and so does Code Enforcement but they don't seem to follow that and uh they're told you need to get these signs down and three of them did a good job one waited out until the last minute and then on one sign got a 30-day notice on one that should have come down immediately and then never took it down and sounds like they're waking for a magistrate hearing and that's sad especially being an incumbent and then we have signs all over South Apopka and upper Apopka that are all over the place in easements on city property and we have some on Duke power property and Duke said call the police um it's a sad sight that people that want to be paid by the citizens to make laws can't follow the laws themselves and don't tell me that my campaigners did it because you write on that sign I approve this ad and you're supposed to give them and explain to them where they can put those signs it's tragic you don't give them out to three-year-olds to put up that can't read you're giving them to adults to put out or you're putting them out them yourselves and this is tragic Susan gives you copies of the laws you sign it and say you're going to obey them and this happens season after season after season we need to get that improved it it it's un and communication seems to be one way we say we have pillars and that oh hold me up to them and repeatedly the communication is one way we ask for um fix these storm water ponds get me some information why aren't the storm waterer ponds being cleaned oh I'll get back to you on that I'll talk to them a month later you haven't got back to me on the storm water ponds oh I'll get back to you on that nine months later he still hadn't got back to me on the storm water ponds and he's talking about honesty and integrity and Communications as number one number one on his list now for a year or more I've been reporting the awful dead trees on the corner of Martin where the baseball fields used to be reporting them to the count uh to the city reporting them to Radley and I never get phone calls back or emails back from him I report it to Public Service let's clean up these dead trees it's a mess here thank you Dr o we appreciate and Nesta never returned uh he waited till his campaign to deal with it okay thank thank you anybody else yes that Ace woodam wow got a full house tonight Ace Wood 47 East Magnolia Street of popka I come up here tonight on a different note um see there's a lot of brothers in here tonight that's going to be speaking I hope but um I come to you tonight on a very uh touchy subject our our police department has a big issue with it and so does our transport with the fire department is our homeless there's a I tried to get something started three or four years ago called Neighbors but um we have homeless people in the park now and our homeless people are not just there because they want to be yes we do have what they the lazy ones which has not a dis ability but a state of mind and I don't know if there's any fixing that but we have also the disabled vets that serve this country that has no choice now they sleep under Hedges sleep under sidewalls little uh Bridges and we got the ones that have are mentally and physically disabled the families have abandoned them they've left home because they had no place to go and yes it's a touchy subject to me because I see it every day I live right downtown but I got a very dear friend that feeds them Kelly with hope for a [Music] popka these people here don't have someone standing up for them besides help feed them give them some clothes when they can from donations they don't have someone to tell them happy birthday they got families out there somewhere but we don't even know their background how can we help them they have nowhere to go to ask for help they go to churches the churches will give them food or clothing or whatever they can but we need someone to be to help them figure out the like the um military vets how can they contact someone in the hospital military hospitals to get these people help they don't have phones to contact them they don't know who to call the ones that have mental disabilities or physical disabilities who do they go to they have no place but we don't put them on a bus as I've heard been said and ship them to the county line and it ain't fair for police officers to have to babysit sometimes either or to fire fire department I think the city since we're so active in giving land away we got a facility right down here on Forest Avenue for our FR Carlton Center just there's plenty of room there to set up a temporary office for this city take part of $100,000 and hire someone to be an advocate for him to get to know these people what their needs are and see if we can locate some help for them and maybe get some of them off the street like I said the lazy ones you're not going to do nothing with them except keep giving them handouts but there's some of them out there that really won't help but have no means to get it and the city's facing some hard times with them give them something instead of when they're passing up trash on the road instead of passing it up let them pick it up give them pride and let them move on but they need help need y'all's help as taxpayers we got the money to do it thank you Alex klepper all right um good evening Alex klepper president of the apka firefighters Association um I'm here to speak on behalf of the apka firefighters that I serve I have three topics to address impass hearings the fire pension and a popka fire station 6 uh first last council meeting City administrator Chuck vavrick spoke about information he received regarding the firefighters positions on several matters I am here to be clear not to negotiate but to clarify details that were incorrect or perhaps unintentionally misleading I know these things are difficult and the telephone game is real so from The Source our Union leadership has reached out on multiple occasions through our attorney's office to contact City representation asking if it were the will of the council that the city would be willing to mutually wave mediation by a special magistrate and bring our impass articles back to council the firefighters are not are not the ones wanting to go to mediation as stated two weeks ago incorrectly we'd prefer not to waste more time and money and handle our own business it was also stated that the firefighters are pushing our meeting dates further uh this clarification is particular to the delivery the firefighters themselves have agreed to make any date any time work the difficulty as always is finding a mutual date and agreement between two different attorneys and now a third party from somewhere in Tallahassee um this doesn't have anything to do with the firefighters we have no interest in playing games or dragging out this timeline any further um the fire pension study this has been truly upsetting to our firefighters to see what happens to what appears to be either a deliberate delay tactic or poor management are firefighters asked for reasonable pension improvements the city requested an actuary study firefighters paid for and provided an actuary study um the city rejected that study from our own pension company actuaries and then has spent four months in counting obtaining a restudy on a study from a company that we don't regularly do business with or know while our Pension Plan actuaries Stand Tall on their assessments and have never been questioned regarding their improvements to a papka police or a papka general employees pension fund only the firefighter so is this is it fair to suppose that this is the will of the council lastly uh it has been alleged that temporary fire station 6 is potentially being relocated with within a month's time frame to an unknown location with uncertain possible unsuitable living conditions perhaps there is no need for concern but when firefighters are asking where will I live a third of my life and will it be safe and they're ignored or told it's not their business that doesn't instill confidence and doesn't allow for proper education or explanation would this not be a more worthwhile study to have commissioned was it only last year that everyone had improving communication on the tip of their tongues transparency and communication what happened to that um you all were elected to take care of people and so was I let's both hold up our end of the bargains and do what's right for the people that we serve thank you and Mr cler not to ignore your statements but I'll bring that up during Council reports Tony philx Mr Mayor Commissioners I'm here to talk about uh onsite who is if you want to wait and we that that item's coming up I'd rather you that comment specific to that be item thank you okay Anthony Perez Mr Mayor Commissioners thank you for hearing me out the reason I'm here is because of the fact the VFW needs the city's help we've received emails from Bradley saying that he'd like to work on the contracts but the problem is the contracts that are being written are not in need of the VFW we all know we have canens over there there's nothing stipulating about the canteens the VFW feels like they're being kicked out I know I've been told we're not trying to kick you out but the actions speak louder than words the VFW is wanting to help the Vets but how can we help the Vets if we're told you need to give up an office you need to give up this you need to give up that the VFW is here for the city we've always been here from our little home over on sento Mr Mayor I believe you were a young boy when we had that building the VFW means a lot to me you guys know that I'm there almost more times than I'm home with my wife and my grandchildren this means a lot to me and I'd really like to work with you Mr Williams to get get this done right the VFW needs a home not politics we fought for you to go to school we fought for everybody's rights we need these brought to immediate attention because you know what without the city's help we're going broke and we can't be that way thank you Albert [Music] mckimm Albert McKim 3603 golden Jeb Road a popka with a strong m form of government Brian Nelson sets agendas controls the duration of public comment at his own discretion effectively censoring The public's ability to CR criticize this Administration whilst in these Chambers our M sets himself up as judge and jury twice recently at the end of meetings he has misrepresented facts and lied about the group's activities or groups activities and the results of those activities and there is no public recourse to challenge the these lies when he makes these comments at the end of a meeting some months ago the mayor and I will quote him told me to go back and sit in my corner and if I supplied $15 in his exact words he would subject himself to piss test well Brian I really don't need you to take a piss test but if you consent to take an lie detector test I think you all do a big fever recently you told everyone our group found nothing in our review of the election ballots this is untrue to date we have only inspected and photographed envelopes we are not in a position to determine any irregularities so your comments were not representative of the facts at the conclusion of last week's Charter meeting you branded our group as liars and haters fact Eric Mock's paperwork was incomplete due to the mission of both his and the city CL signature and stamps completed that should have been present when the documentation was lodged in a timely manner fact this is not the first occasion that this has happened you and Michael Rodriguez were made aware of similar omissions one year ago when I came down and inspected public records three of the five documents I expected at that time at errors of the missions I photographed these and brought to the attention of the records Clerk fact the work undertaken by your Administration is being in investigated by relevant authorities in respect of Eric Mock's candacy the fact that you nor the city attendant attorney were aware of this is not surprising as it constitutes potential criminal activity what I can say with certainty is that there are people here apart from myself who are aware that this investigation is in fact being conducted and I take issue that you Brandon myself and my co-members [Music] Liars a came down tonight and he mentioned uh the homeless my direction as I move forward after these new elections will be to to benefit the homeless in a popka one other thing that I have to mention tonight is fire station 6 fire station 6 do we actually have stamped and dated plans specifically for fire station 6 you see the information that I have is the plans that you have were for another fire station and that you're using them to put forward for fire station 6 if you've broken ground in fire station 6 without having stamped de plans then again this is all done for the benefit of the public to create the impression that things are going swimmingly they're not we uped our neck an excrement caused by the drainage systems the sewage systems the pipe systems did we not get money funded by the federal government to upgrade these systems what happened to that money where's it been spent Kate Manley good good evening mayor Commissioners I believe everybody received my email I know thank you commissioner Becker for responding um I just want to read um a resolution that the board of directors from the Chamber of Commerce has put together on February 16th um Kate if this is about the investment policy why don't we it's not okay I'm sorry okay I'm sorry the Apopka Area Chamber of Commerce board of directors has voted to support and approve the following resolution request to the mayor and City commissioners of the city of aapka and I think that this month is the perfect month to put this through the aapka area Chamber of Commerce and small business Advocates of Central Florida request that the city of aapka increase the local bid preference opportunities from 3% to 10% for small businesses the city of aapka is urged to adopt the statement that small businesses are a major source of economic growth and development including employment and taxable income the city of aapka is encouraged to continue continue its commitment to the participation of spa businesses in City projects procurement and purchasing the city of Apopka should recognize certified minority women business enterprises mwbe by Orange County Florida city of Orlando greater Orlando Aviation Authority Andor State of Florida Office of Supplier Diversity as eligible participants in small business programs the city of apopa should require vendors to report a small business participation and goal achievement in the issuance of bids for proposed projects for urement or purchasing this resolution shall be effective immediately upon adop adoption we the undersigned hereby certify that the forging resolution was duly adopted by the board of directors of the Apopka Area Chamber of Commerce and small business Advocates of Central Florida via VIA electronic cons consensus on February 16th 2024 thank you thank you are we are we going to discuss this we can sure because um because I think it's it's worthy of us having targeted conversations on this because again we keep on passing each other in night when it comes to letters to the editors to local papers versus officially interacting with this board um I've never once gotten a direct request from your office or anybody related to the chamber board related to having these types of conversations in a well thought out manner to arbitrarily go from 3% to 10% where did that come from and at what point do we are we subsidizing an individual business at the cost of the taxpayers of the city because our current procurement and this is still outstanding questions with Miss Sherman and our attorney our procurement policy has a provision for local preference 3% meaning if we go to a low multiple bid situation the lowest bid if it's a nonlocal entity a local entity that's the next lowest bid or within 3% can be then considered the lowest bidder and we pay 3% higher for that local business with the idea that hey they're creating jobs some of that would you know recycle in the tax base here within the city to go from 3 to 10% you know on a project that may be 50,000 in spend okay a difference between 10% and 3% may be small but if we're talking about a project that's large scale million doll projects going from 3% to 10% can be a pretty material difference they have to be competitive though ex it does specify it has to be competitive pricing it can't be a 10% higher uh amount that somebody's bidding it's it's giving that preference of when you're doing because the city of Apopka owns So Many properties and has so many projects in place it's a set aside more of this is how this is what we're driving after to get not only procurement but purchasing and bid and and the truth is you may not be that far off if you adopt that much of a of both P bid purchasing and procurement and that you have a 3% is at least you have one the major concern really is that there is no current minority bid preference at all in place and federal regulations are 25% and that is not the request of and in in this city whenever you're using federal funds you do have to adhere to that 25% right but there's nothing the in the resolution that would quantify what the benefit to minority owned businesses would be as a as a result of that resolution the only thing quantifiable is the increase from 3% to 10% on the local preference bid policy and I'll and I'll go back because the way that I interpret our procurement policy is it's says Goods only so that's a sticking point for me it does say Goods only there's there if you read the two paragraphs in that policy so to say that I don't know what the like the properties come into this one but when when we're talking about bidding out a project um whether that's building a new skate park for the city whatever whatever the case might be if that's a million-dollar project Public Safety or one could argue that okay if you interpret our policy a certain way we would be 3% higher to a local business and they would be the considered the lowest bid that I feel like there's some is there confusion about what our local preference policy is no that is that's exactly what you're suggesting there that is that is it is more of a we're more concerned about the fact that if you can't stack both because if you have a minority preference and in your local and your like local minority that you should have a a specific opportunity to be able to bid with both and have the preference over somebody who is more established that that somebody brings from outside of the community that has not had an opportunity no the local preferences geared like let's just take it on Surface let's throw the minority versus the majority topic out of it for a second our current policy basically says if you're if you have a main office in the corporate limits of the city of aapka on a bid type of scenario you can be 3% higher than the lowest and be considered the lowest bid local preference what your resolution is telling us is that the chamber has taken a vote to say that needs to go from 3% to 10% is that correct statement that is a correct statement right commissioner Becker what if we have blanch and her team reach out and list kind of the Central Florida area and get some what Orlando is doing what OKO is doing I've done some my research I know what places are doing I mean Highland County for example blanch and I were talking about this before the meeting hey I don't mind talking 3 7 10 15% % but their policy basically says that if a local business is above that by that percentage they will be considered the lowest bidder but they have to accept the lowest bid price in order to get that project they still get the project it's just their determination of whether or not they're going to go to that lowest bid so it's used as a proxy by which to select a local preference not a city saying hey I'm going to arbitrarily spend 7% more on a project to favor a local small business a singular one or small subset so the point that I'm trying to make too is again I've been I've sat up here on other pieces of business and been accused of playing politics and at this point I don't care if I'm being accused of playing politics if it means the right outcome my my my irritation and I've said this in the past few Mees with you not in attendance is that you keep on writing to the apka chief Editor to talk about formal business within the city yet not once have you contacted me or I can't speak for others or anybody from your board of directors reached out to me to say hey we're thinking about passing this 3 to 10% policy what are your concerns where where do you think we have blind spots or what have you it just never happened and you know thank you we can we can continue to research on it but I think we're miles away from having that sort of conversation well yeah I mean that's and because obviously I've been named multiple times in these letter to the editor and I appreciate that you have finally brought this to us as as uh an option for us and I think discussing it in more detail seeing what other municipalities are doing as well I think is beneficial uh I'm definitely open to this and I think it's something that we need to discuss but it doesn't need to be politicized and then muddied with other um issues that are exclus being used for politics so I think this is definitely something to uh look into additionally and have discussions about and and I appreciate actually this being presented to us officially and sent something to us uh as of last Friday so I do appreciate that okay so BL so may is it possible to uh have a fin person get together and Y and and bring us back some information then have it as an agenda item next meeting yep yeah a it's a discussion item not not an action item no well give no give her give her two meetings two meetings Okay okay so two meetings you'll come back other municipalities in the in the central Florida area and and what they're and I I think girl right next to you might can help you as well so so that would be good okay awesome all right thank you anybody else Susan that it all right let's see we have um five consent agenda items anybody need to pull any of those items if not look for a motion to approve the five consent agenda items so MO got a motion by commissioner Becker second by commissioner Nesta all those in favor I all oppos motion carries unanimously all right Bradley Bradley we got still got a couple of folks from the central Florida soccer can you I know that we've already got in the in the pipeline two fields that are supposed to be built this year and then I think the plan you're three-phase plan two two or something correct yeah we have two Fields budgeted this year two additional Fields the next two years as well to add add a total of six fields in the next threee period so okay so that that's already in the in the works yeah okay all right R Williams Parks and Recreation director I'm here tonight uh seeking Council Direction and authorization for appropriate action for damages caused to 1046 Villa Lane number 23 uh due to a city portable water main break uh this this incident occurred back on January 30th uh when a 6-in portable water M uh break occurred in Arrow State AOL Estates neighborhood uh which flooded the home uh multiple rooms were affected in the house including the kitchen living room bedroom and restroom uh the resident has been in contact with City Administration over the past couple weeks and uh our HR risks department has been working with our insurance carrier on a claim uh but that claim has been denied from our insurance so I'm here tonight to to run through a couple options see what the pleasure of the council is to proceed uh to try and remedy this situation uh option one uh would be to request the homeowner to uh file a claim through their insurance and then work through our insurance to try and get resolution option two would be for us to go through our city procurement to hire a contractor make the necessary repairs to the home uh I was on site at the home with our facilities administrator last week uh we had anticipated at that time the repairs to be between $40 and $60,000 needed to the house uh we have received a quote from serpro to do the renov or to do the repairs at the property that quote came back around $33,000 the homeowner has also uh provided a list of other items personal property that was damaged in the incident um that would raise that price a little bit uh and option three would be to just work to financial settlement with the homeowner and have them complete the work on their own I have spoken with the homeowner uh multiple times now again also this morning uh their preference is to have the city make have the city contractor do the repairs um and then work with them on that list of personal items for reimbursement um either those options two or three we would of course work with City attorney to make sure uh a waiver would be signed at the completion of the work verifying that it was it was uh brought back to the proper state so again looking for direction um couple things um with the estimate that we initially had was between that $40 and $60,000 range I was getting close to that $50,000 threshold that would need to come to council anyway so we wanted to get ahead of this and and bring this to you and also we do have one quote with serve pro a very reasonable quote um there is an option tonight to uh for Council if you wish to wave procurement on this incident and allow us to go ahead and get the the property uh repaired in a in a faster fashion so looking at the pleasure of the board any questions for Radley so oh no no you go VI May and I and I had and I reached out to Mr Shephard before this meeting too just because I was I was I was a little confused why we would get something like this for counsel because there's two options on here that seem like they need to be run to ground before we even get presented with you know what the decision was because option number one one request a resident file a claim with their insurance company I mean that seems like a staff-led hey have that conversation why would Council need to formally weigh in on that option and same thing with option three work toward a financial sentiment with the homeowner which are we able to voluntarily enter into Financial agreements without there being some sort of um initiation from the other party it it just seems premature that we're even just contemplating this let me I think I'm let me kind of take over so I I met with the uh lady she got a 2-year-old I think it's 2-year-old a toddler yes daughter and so I went out her house and she's having to live because it's it's unlivable right now so she's living with her mother and the child is is you know out of its element and not not happy so I'm I'm you know I would say that the city administrator was wanted to put it off for two more weeks and I thought well if we can get this thing resolved I want this I want this family back in their house as quickly as possible so uh the you know the team Radley and and AJ worked really hard to get you know uh surpro out there to get a number um it's a pleasure of the board I just my my thought is try to get them back in their house as quickly as possible based on a my thing is all three options are within your full power because your option number two the low end of that estimate is $40,000 right you have the authority to do what any one of those three options you do not need this councel it it's my understanding that not only do we need to bring her house backr where it's supposed to be livable but also she has some personal items that may take that figure above the 50,000 Mark that threshold so therefore it would coun it may but like we should know what the actual figure is when we're making a formal vote of we know what the vote when I put on the agenda on Friday I didn't know it was going to be less than 50 okay okay and we still don't we still I mean ex exactly we don't know the dollar figure so what so what I what I would ask uh from staff standpoint is uh because this is a still fluid situation that we're working through to get to the final resolution uh our our initial estimate was 40 to 60 um we'd have not to exceed 60 to get this remedied and move as quick as we can with the serve pro contract that came back more reasonable than we initially anticipated um through the process does this open up to any similar U it risk because throw through this particular piece of business any lawsuit by which our insurance carrier has deemed the denial of claim which we have some what does that open US Open us up to well the first question is why did they deny the claim and I don't know the answer uh I speculated maybe Mr Williams can tell me exactly but I assumed it was because they considered whatever this damage was an act of God an example I gave you and it's for everyone's benefit if a a a completely healthy tree of yours falls on your neighbor's house so that nobody knew there was going to be a problem until it happened then there is no liability to the person who has the tree on their property because it's an act of God even though the tree from your house falls on somebody else's house however if you knew the tree was damaged or otherwise diseased then it is not an act of God and you can be held negligent in that case the insurance company should pay the bill that's why you have insurance so the question here is why were we denied the reason that's a relevant question in terms of the government getting involved is generally speaking the government is not allowed to make volunteer payments of Damages that they don't actually owe but in this case I'm not sure how the facts work out and again that's also uh usually a question that is determined by a court as to whether the the facts were one way or the facts are the other that the insurance company has come to a complete denial decision very quickly makes me curious as to why because ordinarily if there was any doubt they would do what's called a reservation of Rights take on the claim agree to defend us with a lawyer of their choose choosing and they pay for it just like in some of the other cases we have and then they would uh usually on their own dime start negotiating a settlement and see where that puts us as again this happened in some of the other cases that we were involved in the city so I don't know the answer but but the answer to your question as to what the liability is is that in in um general terms governments don't volunteer payments where no payments are owed do we know why insurance was denied yeah that's that was the question yeah it's my understanding that it's along those lines that there was no defective reason that the pipe failed it failed I mean I'll make a motion to postpone it definitely until we know more facts that's not what I we we don't have any we don't have any state dollar figures in front of us you give me give us some ax or or or not I mean you could postpone it that finger in the air like normally you would have okay here was here's a itemized list of what the damages were what room what what the damage was line item to say here's how much C it is to repair it we're we're given dollar range on the low end of what is in our packet material again I want to remind you that you have refrain from voting or you vote note against things that were not in our packet the preceding Friday the information on our packet right now option one should be a staff Le run it to ground option two the low end of that estimate 40,000 is within your perview of spend option three not prudent for the council to arbitrarily come up with a number for settlement so well to Echo your point as well these are all woodframe units the HOA if I'm understanding correctly owns the outside or condo association the resident owns the inside so it may be multiple layers of ownership here too and if it's water damage and wood and these are 1980 units if I'm not mistaken could be 607s 80s somewhere in there there could be substantial more damage going all the way up so it could be 100,000 if depending on the once we open walls things like that there could be mold I you just never know so there there's a lot of variability here so I don't want to set a number by any means at this point I would think it's going to be over $50,000 uh but the walls have been open it has been remediated so who remediated it uh they contacted a a um to contact our risk Department to start a claim and then a remediation company came in to do that so we've already remediated it it's been remediated how much did we spend on that um that was 1,600 bucks okay uh the numbers here are it strange um just being in the industry and knowing projects and things like that just how we're doing this is a little backwards where is this family at now they're living off site I'm not sure exactly where they're at so are we funding their move out in any capacity no they've put a request in for those type of expenditures yes but we're not F we have not paid anything out to the family yeah I mean they have a two-year-old that's that's something we should have thought about first um we do we do have the quote we do have a quote from serpro that itemizes all the damage uh repairs that are being made um that was that $33,000 quote was not received in time for the packet so do we have something from serf Pro yes where is it yes as of yesterday you did not have that yeah it came in yester you didn't have that yesterday and and came in yesterday yeah and I know that option three the homeowner absolutely didn't want option three 33 I I understood that our insurance company denied it because the policy that we have does doesn't cover that type of damage even though it's a city uh property that the you know the the the water of main rust was really a city owned the the it was a city water man yes yes but um that's how I understood yesterday yeah Joe explained that probably to policy does not cover that that type of that type of incident and again there was no defect in the the insurance company no defect in the pipe when it was put in it it just burst did the insurance company submit an official denial letter uh I'm not sure yet the last I heard from Joe this afternoon was that we re-approached the claim and it was denied again so just this afternoon I filed plenty of insurance claims usually get an official denial letter so I'm surprised that we don't have one originally yeah I'm not sure Joe would Joe would be the one that would have but realize we are we have a $50,000 deductible anyway so that wasn't my question I wanted to know why we didn't have they always submit they always give official paperwork yeah I'd have to check with Joe on that um the quote that we have from surf Ros 331 16981 so even though the pipe wasn't defective because it was a city waterline we still liable that no my understanding and this again would be a question for Joe but my understanding is that the pipe was not there was no defect in the pipe being put in it just burst so the city would not be liable for that insurance claim like Cliff said it was more of an act of God so they could litigate if they want I guess the next course of action they could litigate and let a Court decide they could the way this works is it typically I could be an expert in claim there was no defect they could bring their own expert and say there was and then the court would decide either through a jury or a judge but what the insurance company is saying essentially and again you're right there should be a letter and I'm certain there is or will be if there isn't already um but it if I understand correctly what they're saying is you don't have coverage because there's nothing negligent here what we're covered for like everybody else is negligence you run into the back of somebody in an automobile somebody trips and falls in your property in a hole that you didn't fill in or give a warning about that sort of stuff so when something just happen spontaneously and there's no indication of poor maintenance uh there's no indication of anything other than stuff happens um then there's not liability and what the typical recourse would be if there is any is you go to your own policy they take care of whatever it is less whatever your deductible is and then if they believe there's damage that's liable of the city they would come after you so it be insurance carrier versus insurance carrier and that's how it would go I do not know why the particular homeowner is reluctant to bring the claim or whether they even have insurance that I don't know I'm not I don't want to get on that limb because I'm not sure but that's how it ordinarily go so to say just because it broke we're liable no that's the whole point because if we were liable the insurance company would be stepping up and they're they're saying in their opinion we are not liable we don't have that in writing though no not yet not not from what I we're just hearing okay I I have a motion on the table andless I don't know if the chair wants to ask for a second got a motion to table the to postpone definitely got a motion by commissioner Becker so in and I want to discuss this the your Viewpoint is all of this can be handled up to $50,000 and we should be taking care of them up to $50,000 and it shouldn't be coming to us yeah what I'm saying is that the council shouldn't even be weighing in on it if it's below 50,000 because it's within the the purview of this Administration to do it themselves so Administration run with it the administration is asking the council to to to vote on something that I don't think is necessary for this Council to vote on yeah and you guys the only thing we'd have to do is we just have to have three three bids what do you mean because it's if see Council can wave the three bid so is that what you're asking for in this yeah that's not what this says anywhere in there well I mean that's that's guys the here's the fact I know again I feel like I'm be on the thorn on the side this evening but facts are facts you said we don't have a formal denial letter from the insurance company stating that it was not our fault negligence of maintenance on the pipe to then drive us to a conversation where we feel like we have to reimburse the damage that was done now then the third piece of us just voluntarily option three I'm talking about voluntarily just coming up with a number to say okay well let's settle okay well that that's in conflict with Point number one well then point number two you have a range in there and again I'm using it based off of the information I had in hand coming into this meeting and that range was between $40 and $60,000 the mayor has the ability to do that or staff does within our procurement policy to do that those are the facts so but but then we go back to the point of whether he has the ability or has the ability to spend at $50,000 we're not liable that's that's why staff needs to make that determination not the city council they should look at our procurement policy look at what our insurance provider has said and done that we have a very big case that has eerily similar circumstances where an insurance provider from us has says that the city is not at fault and yet we're not entertaining settlement offers at this point I guess my concern is we got a famili is out out of their home so something needs to be done does it like I don't want to sound like a heartless human being but how many instances do we have that come before Council or the city staff where it's a situation where people are in Peril situations that we never make a decision on whether that be someone tripping on a sidewalk and breaking a leg um or any other number of things that come between of the city why why this one then that being the case then we don't need a motion to postpone just let staff handle it that's my motion to postpone so we don't have to take any formal action on this business item and should, it doesn't kill the business item it just says postpone indefinitely so that staff can work through running to ground those three options a little bit more formally so that they come back to councel and say hey we talked to the homeowner option one is off the table because they don't want to file Insurance claim with their own insurance so we can't explore option one option two hey this is what the itemized cost is going to be formally and then top of the house to commissioner nesta's point the insurance company gives us a formal doctrine that says hey we are not going to do anything with this claim and then option three I just don't even think we're even remotely close to having that sort of conversation a settlement type of agreement to commissioner Shephard's or to City attorney Shepard's point we would just be volun arily and arbitrarily putting out a dollar amount homeowner doesn't want that anyway right so my point precisely we have two options on the table that we have no idea or a confirmed idea that they don't want to even pursue so right so I guess that it's the the whole point of tabling it inde definitely is just may or run with it take take care of these people no I mean I I so then I have to get three bids which I guess long as the three bids are under 50 then we we're okay which is you said it does any prudent person would do like and per our policy I guess mayor why why do you not like to go that route then that's that's f i I brought it forward but when I put it on the agenda on Friday and trust me there were people that weren't in favor of me putting on the agenda but I said for full transparency I want to put on the agenda in case when we did get a number the number was over 50 then I would have to come to council so it was all based on that that on Friday afternoon we had no idea we thought 40 is is 60 so 50 being our number I want to make sure we had it on the agenda on on Friday we got the the quote from serpro yesterday afternoon well the latest was the latest update was today or today yeah yeah because I was here told 5:30 yeah I wasn't ready we had to do a little revision on it there was nothing there so that's that's that's the timeline I mean but now in in the letter that the homeowner sent me she said that the Restoration company wrapped up getting my house dried on February 6th was it the same Restoration company surfpro surfpro yes so at that time they did they do an estimation of what what C that's that's when they looked at the property yes okay so we already paid for their service to dry up her home the last bit of drying that needed to be done yes and since then have we repaired the city the the the main break of the the water that was repaired back after it happened yes okay um and so this has been going on from what I understand since January 30th January 30th is when the water break happened yes um you know I to um commissioner uh Becker's point is that once Surf Pro gave you the quote I guess today or whatever this should have been just removed because as per the procurement you can choose to expend the money up to 50,000 without having to come to the council and I think it you know I didn't you said there's another case similar to this yeah I don't I don't yeah but I was unaware of that not not Rel this one I know it's not this one similar circumstances in terms of the options that we have I think yeah I think that totally makes sense it gives the mayor autonomy go you have I mean that's the powers you guys you have I don't know why you're laughing you have the power to do that but I guess are you asking this Council to wave the requirement we're right now so you can move forward with this one where we're at now with the quote we have from serve pro F you know that would be an option quote though they've already done work corre no no no not they've not done repair work no they've done drying work all they did was drying they just dried they cut the bottom yeah they done they've done no repair work yet no taking the we were out on Friday looking at the property again there were some areas that were still a little moist that we didn't want to you know we needed to dry up so do we know so the question I'm sorry I'm sorry when it says request the resident to file a claim with her insurance company do we have information on that well I think now that we again have been confirmed Joe let me know this after late this afternoon afterno that the insurance company was denying the claim again we're going to need to get a letter from them as as mentioned with the official deny yeah but that's our insurance that's our insurance but did anyone ask her she has not filed a claim yet with her insurance no so we'd have to follow back up with her the the resident was waiting to see if the city's insurance would take the claim and now the city's insurance is not going to take the claim but pure per our procurement policy up to $50,000 do we still have to get three bids we get three bids at this level yes what level what what's the number it's the $155,000 under 50 yeah okay so with serve pro coming in under the 50 we'd get the three quotes one way to speed that process up the council can wave the procurement in this case if that's the wish of the council do we have to re adverti Us in any capacity or is this anything if we do that because that's not what this is asking that's not right we didn't we didn't know where we were going to be here on Wednesday night there's no advertisement required at all it's just an end item it's not like an ordinance okay okay I mean so from from your point of view is would you consider this to be sort of an emergency case I mean there's a family that has been taken out of their home since January 30th and we are today February 21st I mean that family has been severely inconvenient inconvenient by this water main break that was not her fault uh the insurance company is not covering it so um you know it if you are happy with that serf Pro will be able to bring this home whole so that the family can return to their home I mean that's going to be the decision of the staff and of course our mayor because the procurement said up to $50,000 it's really a a staff decision right yeah so the the quote came in lower than we had estimated for the for the damages to the house um but really what what we're talking about now is this quote we could get the work started potentially this week if we have to get two additional quotes it can it's going to delay that a little bit while we procure those or secure those my int I would want this done as quickly as possible let's make these people whole and keep it moving forward and if we need to handle if it's over 50,000 then bring it back and we can discuss it but but in the meantime um so we so we got did we did anyone advise her to Gold through her insurance first I'd have to talk with Joe and and Christie and risk that they're the ones that initially started the claim so I I move that we already got got a motion yeah motion to table the the item motion to postpone indefinitely is my motion got a motion to table this item indefinitely a table postpone indefinitely postponed indefinitely do you have a second not fails for a second looking for a motion to wave I'm with the way of procurement uh requiring three bid for this project okay got a motion by commissioner Smith and discussion and I'll just use our attorney's analogy one more last time use the tree if this was a tree on city property and it fell in that same house and caused the same damage will we be having the same conversation yeah um so I would you know I kind of prefer I mean I know there's a motion already he's saying to get the two bids if we're if we're I mean what was your motion to wave the three bids oh to wave the three bids yes so we can get started we got serpro ready to go if we can but if if it's 33,000 why are we even coming to the council that's what I've said we we when Friday afternoon when we the item came forward I said we don't have a number could be more than 50 which then would take city council approval so I put it on the agenda not knowing where we would be and we just you know we found out today this afternoon that this this here's the number at 33,000 and we still haven't you know they haven't agreed to the 33,000 yet either so we're not sure you know they there's some other things that we've got to kind of work through but it's so why don't I mean I just feel like ex not going through the procurement and going ahead she hasn't we haven't asked her to go through her insurance company she still is the homeowner and I don't want to identify the homeowner is her expectation is once we start to do this work then the homeowner is going to proceed with having us cover the damages of her property inside the home she yeah she has provided a list just this late this afternoon yes oh so she put so so again we really working right now with no information I mean there's no estimate other than a from Surf Pro we don't know if if the homeowners should be going through her insurance company to see if they're willing to at least cover some of the damage and I just think we're leaving ourselves open where if we go without the procurement or the three bids and you get the work done to at least get the homeowner back in her residence which is important but then her expectation is going to be now we have to cover all the property damage and we don't know if her if the homeowners insurance would cover that and we don't have the letter from our insurance company basically telling us that the damage the water break was not anyone's fault so can we have all that back I mean can we have that presented at the next council meeting I would yeah we can certainly gather information I understand what we're trying to do we're trying to do the right thing but I feel that we don't know what her what the homeowners private insurance company company's willing to uh cover if it if it does at all do you understand what I'm trying to say yes ma'am yeah well so and if I can just jump in here too I think and I I'm still to and commissioner Becka I to intering where you're coming from too is there's a confusion there of why is this even in front of us but at the same time this is still an individual with a child that we need to take care of them in some capacity so again but I don't understand why it's in front of us so we just I don't I don't know how we take care of them now like what what do we need to do cuz we don't have all the facts we have about 10% of the information that we need to actually make a educated decision on this right now but we still need to take care of these people and this child regardless of of what else so I don't know how to move forward on this I don't want to keep delaying it but I do understand what you guys are saying too to where it's we you're want us to make decisions on 40 50 60 70 80 100,000 33,000 plus 1600 whatever that we don't have any information I don't have documentation other than verbal we don't have a official denial letter from our insurance companies so let's get a little creative here I guess uh we can move forward that but I guess and attorney Shephard would they would the homeowner be signing some type of oh yeah agreement before we even start work I mean we already started work though so did they already all we've done is is just dry up we've gone into their property and ripped it out that's not my understanding I I think they just set up the big dryers the blower dryers that's not what the mayor just said no we we we cut one foot off the yeah the bottom of the baseball and took the carpet up so we already have some liability issues here correct well you you have some mitigation and yes typically once you once you start the problem you finish the problem if that's what's happened but but again at the end of the day this person whoever this person is if they have coverage and that's an if I don't know if they have coverage your own coverage covers Act of God it's your it's the other parties because they weren't responsible that's why you like if my house gets hit by lightning and burned to the ground I'm covered it's nobody intended for the lightning to strike me but that's what coverage is for so if she has coverage subject to a deductible she should have uh the ability to get it covered and the only other kind of exemption that would typically apply is flood but that's flood if it's naturally caused as opposed to a pipe bursting or something like that so you know there's there's some issues there but if she doesn't wish to report it okay um that's that's an individual decision and we are are left to deal with what we have dealt with but to your point if we have ripped in the walls and already started the process and an argument can be made a pretty good one that we have begun the process of owning a claim we didn't it's my understanding that the homeowner the flood occurred the homeowner reached out to our risk Department to initiate a claim uh that homeowner worked with the insurance carrier to bring in an approved mitigate mitigation company and they're the ones that came and did the work so the city hadn't paid for that mitigation um but now the claim has been denied so I'm not sure where that leaves that that part of it as well precariously uh we're not in a great spot there liability wise do we know of any and this kind of goes back a little bit has the HOA reached out any damage that we've caused their landscape things like that any any walls that have uh not to my knowledge I can't speak of that though that was there the last the last condo down the hill and it just water went right down the hill and ended up in their coming in their front door it was they said it was six inches up their sure and then came in on I guess also even leak through this the side well my other concern too and I understand everyone's advocacy for Let Her claim her insurance but as we all know there's a horrible insurance issue going on in the State of Florida right now and if she insures she may be denied and lose her cover or her insurance goes from three probably 2500 3,000 up to 6 to 7,000 so it makes it unaffordable then and we put her in even worse position just by doing that so that's kind of my stance I know it it so we get back we got a motion by commissioner Smith just to wave the three and then it would it would be up to the administration and staff to figure it out from there I can get a second on I will second that only to take care of this family the way it should they should be taken care of okay got a motion got a motion by commissioner Smith public second by public comment we have public comment okay all right so public comment Yes Albert McKim 3603 golden gem Road whilst I appreciate that we want to do the best we can for for this lady and her child what we mustn't do is set a legal precedent or allow the Commissioners to be swayed into taking action over something that essentially you're also responsible to be good stewards of the resident's money if we set a legal precedent now then I'm sure there's going to come back to bite us if the mayor wants to do it that's his responsibility why are you going to take responsibility for something that you really shouldn't be doing so commissioner Becker made some comment about another case which he obviously can't discuss but I know exactly what he means when there's a death of someone working for the city the city denied it because our insurance company said we weren't responsible for it what's the difference anybody else want to speak on this one okay we've got a motion by commissioner Smith the second by commissioner Nesta all those in favor I I all opposed nay I'm gonna say nay okay so we got a three to2 vote to give us to wave the procurement for up to $50,000 and let me just say I feel like there's politics played here I don't know what's going on be behind the scenes but I want to take care of this family and that's the only reason I voted that way thank you Radley thank you okay y oops over this uh Jim hit community development director this is the U subject that was taken up at the previous uh Redevelopment um agency meeting uh this was one that we did uh here a little over a month ago a couple months ago in regards to an approval for a proposal for the uh Apopka Station Street project uh we advertised properly this time um it was in the paper February 20 or excuse me January 12th and we did get one uh resubmittal from standard investment Holdings um this is a request for approval of the single proposal uh for the Station Street project and proceed with the development agreement the city of Apopka Community re Redevelopment agency envisions a mult use project including affordable housing uh downtown public parking and an extension of the downtown Apopka Trail and the construction of a public events space the city anticipates that approximately one acre of the property uh noticed will for disposal will be retained by the city for construction of a public event space this would also be completed by the successful proposal proposer uh this proposer outlines a general design of a 60 unit UH 60 60 units two buildings total um and the associated parking and the event space itself I'm going to go and zip forward over to what the project will basically look like in the general uh designs Cod uh the event space again would remain wholly owned by the city of Apopka and the parking spaces and the uh two unit buildings uh would be constructed on the um on the property that would be owned by the uh by the applicant of The Proposal itself uh this proposal does uh would be consist consistent with the comprehensive plan which shows the site is commercial in the land of elopment code uh which is currently uh mu- D which is mixed use downtown both the land use and the zoning permit uh for a multif family uh development must adhere to or can adhere to the Senate Bill 102 which is the Liv local Act which in this case for the approximately 2.4 uh Acres would would allow for up to 25 Dells per acre or the 60 units themselves once the proposal is accepted the next step is to review and formally approve the development agreement which would be scheduled for a CRA meeting and a city council meeting similar to what was what occurred today uh we are looking for a March 6th 2024 meeting um the latest would be the the second meeting in March but we we're shooting for the sixth to get this get this project going um the development plan uh would go through the major development process uh for the plan itself which goes before Planning Commission city council which would be in accordance with the development agreement itself and then the construction site plan is approved by the development Review Committee itself there is a few uh hurdles that do have to be uh taken care of in regards to the brown fields which is um actually in that location of the plaza itself um there are some different funding mechanisms and also different methods to take care of that which usually is just uh considered a what we what's commonly conferred referred to as a cap uh that's basically cement covering the uh the polluted area there are a couple uh sites on on monitoring Wells on the site right now so those would uh basically be continued with the uh on the city property that would remain in the city property um so at this at this stage we're looking for a recommended motion for uh to accept the single proposal from standard investment Holdings and continue the process for the development agreement to be presented to the CRA and city council any questions for Jim anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter once again Ace Woodman 40 uh 47 East Magnolia Street only reason I'm com back here and to resay what I said the first time earlier tonight lot of these people are President station one is on Fifth Street y'all just destroyed the western part of F Street a dead ends at Central once against Tower one I'm stand to be corrected cannot turn and go down to Forest it cannot make that turn you go down to Central that's the way it's got to go sometimes to get out of office station of this street it's got to go down here to park or to Central I'm not against the project but I think we need to think about emergency vehicles before we go any further with tying all that land up because y'all got trees planted in the middle of Central Avenue and you're cutting you cut the corners off there made them a very sharp turn I think you need to really look at that for goes much further than that anybody else wants to speak on this matter not we'll close the public hearing look for a motion to approve the popka Station Street project with standard investment and Holdings LLC well we had discussed this already at CRA so so moved by commissioner Vasquez for discussion I just want for the for the record just um for the record of this meeting to reference my comments from the meeting from the CRA meeting February 21st at 6m okay motion by commissioner Vasquez second second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I all opposed 5 to one four to one four to one excuse me four to one with commissioner Becker in the opposition okay next up individual distributed wastewater treatment systems do good evening mayor and commissioner my name is De Budu public service director this evening I will lay out the additional information requested by this Council for their final consideration and approval for us to continue the conversion project of replacing the traditional septic tanks in the Waka Glenn neighborhood with the individual distributed wastewater treatment system unit this request resulted from a re from a recent additional fund received from the St John River Water Management District amendment number four as a part of a cost sharing program for such unit installation the continuation of this idts conversion program was stable at the council meeting on October the 18th and November the 15 2023 respectively pending additional information a very brief recap of the previous presentation and a description of the requests additional information will be provided tonight at the conclusion of my presentation I will seek seek out Council approval on how to proceed with this iwts conversion program on the o on October the 18th me U meeting staff indicated that we receive an additional 1, $162,500 from the St joh River Water Management District to continue with the installation of a technological Advanced nutrient removal unit in the Oka Glen neighborhood this amount represents 75% of the cost sharing and the City of Apopka will be contributing an additional 25% this amendment adds 1.1 to the existing carare agreement to continue this project it extend the completion deadline to Mark the 30th 2025 with with the exist exting carare program with St John River Water Management District 30 idts Unit were already installed and functional in the Waba spring neighborhood we received 337 500 um dollars from the St John R Water Management District which covers 75% of that cost and the city provide an additional one 125 representing 25% of the total cost so what I'm saying here that we already construct 30 idts unit already using existing fund from from the St John Water Management District and this fund of 1,162 that was provided to us was additional fund for us to continue this program um the origal intent of the C share is to help cover the cost to install this technological Advanced nutrient well removal unit within the party Focus area of the Waka spring um back when we construct those 30 unit onsite performance LLC is the only sequence batch reactor vendor Ved by fdp from the Florida marketplace that can perform complete TurnKey operation of this unit and we have developed a master service agreement with them to perform this service of installation and maintenance and monitoring of the system several question was raised by the council at our October 18 2023 meeting and the answer were provided at our November 15 2023 presentation on who's responsible for the unit lifespan of the unit repair to the existing unit cost of the long-term ownership benefit of the system and what is the longterm strategy for the program and how would it cost to convert these homeowners to Central super how how much will cost at the conclusion of the November 15 2023 um presentation Council gives specific direction to add the following item to the existing program for the final consideration zo's Direction War a written process on the idts program and the responsibility of each party because I think Council fi that this program was a pilot program there were no process in place and they asked me to go ahead and develop a process there was also um a discussion here about who will be responsible for the M for the full cost replacement at the end of the service s of this unit from the master agreement point of view it was unclear whether on site will be responsible or now between the November 20 2022 presid ation and present council member met with the representative of of onsite to discuss their concern with the con program and for the future installation during this meeting onte agreed to revise the master service agreement to clarify the language about exactly what is covered under the service propor um portion of the agreement including full replacement of the unit if they fail to read the end of the service life so in that case they take full responsibility to replace that that unit because it's a part part of a vehicle of that system based in the direction of at the November 2022 presentation we have prepared resolution 202 24-23 which is a part of your package which depicts the minimum condition of approval for the individual distributed wastewater treatment system conversion the main item of the resolution 2020 24 2023 um U indicate that the city wish to expand well the project and integrate individual distributed wastewater treatment system in the Waka Glen neighborhood the participation in this program continue to be voluntary and any installation of an iwts unit requires submitt of an applicant approval by the city and is subject to certain standard and condition in order to facilitate the conversion of a septic tank to idts unit on private property the city wish to establish the minimum standard and condition for each part participating party so the main item of that resolution go well govern section two which shows the property owner responsibly as set forth in exhibit a also in section three we have the on-site performance responsibility as set forth in exhibit B section four the city of a popka responsibility asset port in ex Exhibit C and section five in which we have the city of Apopka septic to distri distributed silver customer application as set for in a full in exhibit and section six the City utility service and whole haras agreement set forth in the full exhibit so what I did here was to make sure that each one of those exhibit properly describe the intent of what the counil asked me to do to set up with the process and to not leave anything um out to the best of my ability and staff ability here um the Highlight um I just want to make one one correction though to exhibit D that I just mentioned here I sent an email in exhibit D this um section five there was um an inadvertent line that should have been taken out um that was left in that exhibit on page two of that exhibit I sent an email to each one of of the council me um member here and I describ it that the subject to se distributed customer service page two paragraph 2 the statement on line five after the word f need to be removed and has been over strike to the period for your ease of finding and then in line seven after the word insallation so that entire sentence after the word fail right I had removed need to be removed so I provide you the over strike in an email as well as I provideed the corrected version of that so I just wanted to make sure I him it here is because it was too for me to post with the revision of that exhibit I'm sorry you said you sent us an email yeah today no it was sent on Tuesday February the 20th 2024 at 6:30 a.m. well well in case I see what you yeah right you got it okay so for the sake of the the people that are in this room that don't have any idea what you're talking about um the client application or the resident application for requesting one of these was there was a statement in there that was counter to what di just said regarding um the modification in the master service agreement to say that the um on-site would be taken care of the replacement cost if it failed or at the end of useful life and so that was strucken strucken is that a word right it was taken out it was taken out from the from that application bridage right because the responsibility now is taken by onsite and not if in the full service life of this is not on the of the with the home owner anymore now the highlight of the property owner well responsibility I outline here but this is a part of it that is in the resolution I just depict the important Point here right for reference I also show here the highlight of the on-site well performance LLC risk responsibility the main highlight here is the last item during the time of the master service agreement full replacement of the unit if it were to fail or reach the end of a service life will be their responsibility and as well as highlight of the city of where responsibility is outlined there and this was all in the part of thee of the of the resolution which is in front in front of you so with that I have really provide the resolution with establish the process and as well as onsite takes full responsibility in in the replacement of the structure and what they have done we have also added in your package the First Amendment to the master agreement which exactly stated that and revise Section 8 right of that agreement that stated that they are going to take full responsibility should at the service life should the structure fail or at the service life so with that the request here to the council is to approve the St John River Water Management cost sharing B Amendment four which with the addition of the existing fund equal 1,178 737 to fully realize this project adopt the resolution number 20 202 24-3 for the minimum condition of the individual distributed wastewater treatment system defining where the fall in property owner responsibility onsite performance LLC responsibility city ofka responsibility deceptic to sewer um sewer customers application the city of Po utility service whole Harmon agreement these were all exhibit in the package and approve the use of the master agreement with it Amendment defining what repairs and replacement are cover under the operation and maintenance and with that I um I'm here to answer will any questions since those were a request that that you ask of us in order for this Pro program to continue and I don't know if you have any comment on those um information that was provideed to you okay any questions for Di I always have questions but I'll go last I'll let others talk about then I go first I talk uh my question is in the highlights that you have for us the city's responsibility the uh last bullet says that the city would take over the operation and maintenance of the units if the master service agreement ceases for any reason uh what would be the reason the agreement would cease well if by some chance that on onsight our Arts decided that we no longer wanted them to perform the service then it that unit is belongs to the city so we will have to take to take over that that service well it is just there I do not see see that forthcoming is because from the master well agreement and the way it is written is that both party um have to agree to renew it every five years to and just to follow up on that too isn't it a uh piggyback with Lake County so if Lake County cancels their contract wouldn't that cancel ours no we um this has nothing to do with L lake Lake County um we are not we're not doing that anymore no we're not doing that anymore got it we just amend the original Master agreement which came to the vot back in 20 2021 okay sorry sister Becker um yeah a few things I mean and I don't want my comments in the all the prior sessions and even with meeting with the onset Representatives when I did hear at City Hall my issue wasn't necessarily on their side it was more this is now we're getting to the point where this has gone from a proof of concept and now it's going to be something that we're kind of extending further and further on within um uh with have a Glenn and so my my concern was always kind of centered in the operational operationalization of this program and I still have yet to see that because you know when we look at the city of apoca responsibilities I'll just name a few as as I'm going on the list oversee the application approval and installation process of each each unit meaning we've got boots on the ground that are looking at the installation of these of these units that's correct hand inand with onsite who who on your staff is doing that that the inspector from our section the the inspector the construction inspector from our section okay and then collaborate and assist on-site performance with compliant with the permits issued by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection monitor all data generated by on-site for completeness and accuracy this one's big take steps to ensure the complaints and or requests for service by property owners are timely addressed and that any needed repairs are completed in a timely manner yet we're not the ones repairing it right onite is the one that's repairing right it's like this we have a contract the master agreement is like we hired onsite to perform this service and we are just making sure that whatever in that contract right that we are supervising them to make sure that service well performed properly in the time since our last meeting do you all have standard operating procedures written that document how we address each one of these topics I mentioned that last time when I talked about operationalizing this effort do we have procedures on how people need to go about doing these things like meaning what if you have if your inspector decided tomorrow to go to a different city and work that expertise walks out of the city person that you hire says hey I don't know the first thing clue about on-site systems ideally you would hand them a a procedure that says hey here's what you need to do when you go install one of these things or here's what you need to look for when you're inspecting it this that and the other all the things that are outlined from a city responsibility perspective right I don't have anything specific to this but I can tell you for each one of our job that we inspected there is a checklist right we have not I am not aware that want would develop for this right a checklist but that is something can be done pretty easily um that is something I may have missed from your conversation the last time yeah yeah I mean that was my whole spirit and what I talked to the right but that very simple my issue is more about how we internally as a city look at this program and make sure that it's when residents that leverage it our employees know how to interact with our residents more so than onset Representatives because we we talked at length I know the value of your product but more it's how how are we going to look at this because in fact taking that language out of the application puts that burden back on us the City versus the homeowner that's benefiting from that distributed Wastewater uh system so I have full confidence that onsite is going to succeed and be around for 30 years but I also have to plan for a contingency to say that they're not and so if they were to go out of business or cease to exist all of that burden then becomes on the City versus the homeowner the way that it's currently written within this resolution right but that the same argument can be made because on if we are going to put in a um a say for example a sewer system and we apply for a grant in order to do that we have to own that system right and we are responsible something happen to that to that system we still have to maintain it the same thing here the grand condition is that if we are going to use the money from from that Grant we have to own this unit the grant given to the municipality and the municipality have to have the ownership of that that that unit and the responsibility for it so the homeowner here right is not getting the grant the grant is solely given to this to the city as a part to perform this service just like if I have the the water treatment plan and I want to do an expansion and there's a grant that is available we own the city own that that unit I will apply for that Grant right and I may get a c sharing to go ahead and expand something but that that unit and responsibility is within the city of B oh wait hear the rest of the comments because it sound like public comment was right Jeff you want to say something okay anybody else want the guys no because I had spoken in depth to um Mr deal that um now the only concern that I have is that if for some reason onsite decides or to walk away from this that we're we're going to be responsible for the vessel the entire product that's the septic tank is that is that the agreement that we're signing on to that is correct just like a lift station if we put in a lift station we put in any any any sit well well for the city we are responsible we got a grant to do it we responsible well for the system this is the same thing that apply here we use grants in order to help the system we have to own own that system or else we are not going to get the grant well I think the only and and I great Point echoed point and I think the the point that um commissioner Vasquez as well as commissioner Becker are trying to make is that this is not one wastewater treatment plan it's 60 however many 120 different 125 different wastewater treatment plants that have the same whatever unit that may break down over and over and over not saying it will I but to to what's been already made that it's just contingencies on those that it's I hear your point but it's 120 of these now that we got to make sure staff and and I've talked to some staff members that echoed that this is concerning if it would fall back on them just because of Staffing in general so it's a concern uh for sure on that and that it it's multiple wastewater treatment plants 120 right so right that kind of understand each each one of the sentiments here but the big picture is if this is a system that is available to us that perform certain treatment assume we we we not engaged with this do we have the funding to put in these sewer system it cost million dollar for this subdivision is11 homes you put 40 million um um dollar CH to put in place the other thing you have to think about when you associate it connect to the SE system you then increasing the capacity at the plant because all this now is going to the plant so you have to think of getting a new plant faster because all these things are going to the plant in this case you have this IND individual system are working independently they're reducing wheer capacity the only gamble here that you are taking if onsite was to just disappear from the planet right we will have to to to make sure that we have people in place like a water you know to manage well system their software is on the cloud I think so we will still have the propriety software to use it is not something that is not is hard to use we also have a computer right and we and we also just have to get a specialist Water Resource and operator to manage well a program and find a contractor who can perform this remediation electrical stuff to do you want to go ahead Jeff thank you do that Jeff Little John with onite performance commissioner Velasquez commissioner Ness I I appreciate your concerns about what happens you know what happens if something happens to us do said what happens if we get you know uh what you sayp WIP wipe off the planet we certainly don't want to do that we we have invested years and years and years to develop this program to develop this technology right here in this area we put our very first one in 2017 at the lake of poka field station for St John's tested it for four years for the State of Florida all under that you know close supervision to make sure that we got product approval so we can go out and help communities like the city of mapka we're committed to to this program I'm from Florida born in raised you know my kids are are all Floridians we want obviously we want uh uh Florida's water quality to improve and we're here to help address the septic tank issue but specific to I know that's just emotional goat but the specific to your question commissioner Nesta all of the components inside the in the unit actually are are off-the-shelf components anybody could go you know buy a replacement part from a Granger catalog we can and will and would turn over all of the plans to to maintain uh all of the equipment we do provide an operation and maintenance manual when we when we work with a partner and regarding the software which is truly the only proprietary piece if we all got you know wiped off the face of the planet according to our Master service agreement the the licens to the software so the IP would actually go to the city of apaka right so if something happen happens to us you own our software at that point any water technology company or service tech you know technical company a water us or an equivalent company like that that could be hired and replace us and and in fact uh you know our longterm our long-term growth strategy is to have and we already we already do have one here a trained technician that that that is a you know a resident of this area that can service and maintain these these units and we want to continue to grow that Workforce so that we're not having to to dispatch on-site technicians ourselves but have contract technicians that know how to operate our equipment so this is not we're not trying to to maintain this as a black box mystery technology we're trying to to get this to the point where this is ubiquitous and a uh and a and and an easy TurnKey solutions for utilities that can't reach everybody because that's really the challenge is uh utilities do a great job of servicing the customers they can reach but the customers they can't reach or they it's uneconomical to reach there's now a a technology and a product that can provide Wastewater Treatment Services to those customers and that allows us to get rid of the sepy tax hope that was helpful I appreciate the opportunity any other questions for do or for Jeff no okay thank you for that explanation thank you very much uh Mr mayor and Commissioners uh my name is Tony philcox I live at 927 Crest Court in uh popka and that's in the wava Glenn neighborhood and we are one of the customers one of the recipients of this system and I do want to uh speak in support of that uh I can remember back in uh maybe four or five years ago where we had mayor Nelson come out to our homeowners association and spoke about you know the benefits of such systems uh that is that it would reduce uh nitrogen by 90% uh if we were to install that system I was on the septic system that septic system was had been in place for about 36 years and so I knew very well that pretty soon that thing is going to fail you know so I needed to do something about it and when mayor Nelson came and spoke about this opportunity I said that's a good one uh so uh we proceeded and I think they broke ground at our house in May of 200 21 uh where we got the system installed and I can tell you that onsite has been very uh studious conscientious responsible in uh putting the system in to start with and then uh maintaining it as it went along yeah we pay a a monthly fee about $40 to the uh you know to the uh City and it costed about $3,400 for the new drain field to make sure that that operated uh correctly with a new system so I knew that was going to be a cost but that was at a reduced rate so uh we were pleased about that one uh so I can't say enough positive things about onsite in fact my daughter and son-in-law were also put there put their the system in as well and uh some of my neighbors who I've spoken with they have the system in and we're all very pleased as far as I know I don't think there's any complaints about it uh we seem to be doing very well with the uh system installed so uh I just want to know uh let the city council know that uh this is a good system I encourage support for it and uh we have been the beneficiaries and we thank you uh Mr Bayer for all your proactiveness related to this uh project so I hope it continues because what was at stake is uh our waterways and wava Basin and some of the systems that connect to that if you have sewage uh uh you know the septic systems are not good for uh the environment and I think this system is a way to solve the problem so I uh encourage support for it thank you thanks for coming out tonight well I know a little bit about poop and I know one thing that um that's a lot of money put these individual septics to treat plants in it's an not against this man's company but those would be ideal in remote areas such as Rock Springs run areas place like that but when you got aund and something residents inside the city limits and you enforce a $50,000 treatment plant in their yard even though it's part of it's funded by St John Water Management you're stick get to the citizens it'd be almost just as feasible as giving them a a fee um whatever you call it I can't think of it now and put in sewer lines Christine more did it at the far end of Welch Road the County's done it then there's the maintenance of maintaining this nothing against your man's company again but it's not an every day occurrence that you got to fix these things things and I'll be honest with you God built the best filtration system ever made to mankind it's Mother Earth after 16 18 inches of filtration that water is clean yes they fa the drain Fields fell sometime you had to go in and put a new drain field in you clean them out they're inspected by the health department clean them out put new filtration sand in and put a new drink system in what started all this was the nitrogens and stuff into the week I River Basin but I'm just thinking before y'all go proing making these citizens pay that kind of money please look into it like I said I'm not trying to tell the man he don't know what he's doing but these are excellent systems for someone isolated but when you're in the neighborhood a LIF station works perfect and so has God soils all these years most of our nitr are from fertilization on the grasses okay okay Alber M 3603 golden gem Road when this item came up previously on the agenda here it was quite a contentious issue with a lot of discussion and at the time I was a little bit confused by all and I decided I would look much more deeply into it based on my experience in the UK in building I had done quite a bit of work on septic systems and I knew that the septic system very rarely goes wrong so my thoughts were I need to do a risk assessment and I need to work out just at what Point these come to a break even situation it's all about Alternatives there's always an alternative we could put in sewers we could put in septic the fact of the matter if we choose to put in this septic system and keep the money that we currently have for the infrastructure for the sewers and we have that in compound interest at 5% which is tends to be what the city projects it doesn't take long for these systems to come back and pay themselves off for the city in fact the reason I have changed my mind and I'm now in favor of the the system is it really doesn't take that many years provided the system doesn't go wrong before the compound interest that you obtain from not putting in the source would actually pay for a whole new source system should the system not work so you're effectively in a a no lose no lose situation if you go with this just now and take your money and invest it and get compound interest you might actually be financially a lot better off in the future if these systems are as safe and secure as I think they are now the only concern I had at the time was the proprietary software I wondered what if well what if Microsoft stop working tomorrow you have other operating systems you have apple and you have Linux so there's always going to be another operating system and I suspect with this if anything happened and the software system was no longer available to the city and we've had assurances here that it will be there would be some other person come along and design an operating system in fact my first thought was should this go on for a number of years it might actually be a cost-saving to uh to provide an alternative operating system for there so that you're not paying for proprietary software but at this particular point if you sit down and work out the compound interest and the money that's available to the city from not using sewers then you're going to find that it doesn't take that long to to actually work out that we would be in a no loose situation by going this and wait till a later date to make a a decision and put in sewers anybody else from the public wish to speak you you can low there there uh good evening uh I'm Bobby boy uh 2317 speaking to the night there you go okay hi I'm Bobby Bo uh 2317 Boy Scout Road across from all the bare dirt now 260 Acres of it um they were talking about the fields before and the the upkeep of them they need roads to get there that don't have are not full of potholes I don't some of that money goes into roads or comes out another fund but uh that's something that there I've reported some a few times but um they get fixed after a while um the uh engineering flood zones this this deal with putting my house that's way above my neighbor's house she's not in a flood zone and I'm about 5 foot higher than her and 700 foot from the pond and about 14 to 15 feet above the pond level and they're wanting to put my rental house into flood zone citizens does and I'm having to I guess debate that I finally contacted an attorney on it um because they want me to pay flood insurance uh and I shouldn't be in it but they're talking about putting all of Florida as a total flood State uh for any information by 2027 and um that's not a good thing they said that our area is all listed as AE and my my property comes up has couple of steeper grades and and it shouldn't be in a flood zone um and flooding they talk about um the the waters and rains from across the street are going to be retained only on their the south side of O Scout Road and uh of course I'm on the North side but they said it's been engineered if they'll go over to Harmon there at benion um just about 100 foot from benion were the entrances to subdivisions going north and south or not as subdivisions but apartment houses with a nice rain that gets to be about 8 inches deep in the middle of the road over the great uh drainage and people have to drive through that so that was probably also engineered so engineering to keep water from going on to my place doesn't fill me with confidence like FDA approved type of thing anyway that was oops that's not mine um but it was just sort of things that were cropping up doing all this stuff um and septic tanks uh septic fields are good thing percolates very well and and about four days after I rain up in Kentucky in Arkansas that filters through the aquifer uh takes about 4 days to get from there to here and that also helps cleanse down here too okay that was it was just bullet points as far as the potholes and the flooding and being forced into doing septic tanks or city water and stuff like that okay thankk you thank you anybody else want to speak on this matter sure y it's uh my name is John KN um 1850 Cedar Glenn Drive I'm also when we a Glenn um I guess I'm one of those where the rubber meets the road kind of situations my septic is failing and uh needs to be replaced I can't afford $50,000 um so I I have the option because I'm not building new I'm repairing I can go with the old system that's what I can afford and I imagine there's a lot of other people in that same situation so if I do that I'm making a 20year investment or a 30-year investment however long that system's going to going to go uh I would much rather go with the new technology and uh and benefit the WIA River Basin so for me it's that you know it's it's real and because something's going to happen within the next couple of months for for me and uh so that's why I would encourage you to go ahead and adopt it thank you thank you for coming out anybody else wish to speak on this one all right if not we'll close the public hearing I just had a couple quick questions just clarifying sure to confirm the grant money that we will be receiving cannot be used elsewhere like we can't use it to increase capacity anywhere else it it has to be used on this program correct that's correct that's correct okay or we lose it that's correct okay the total cost to install is that accurate at 50,000 is no 165 no 165 165 total cost yeah total cost without the grant without anything right 75% by D and St John's and the other 25% us correct so 4500 something yes to confirm there's no cost to the homeowner for install for the pr other than if the drain field right and they pay a maintenance fee for the maintenance of the of the structure and the electricity okay okay okay thank you all right yeah I mean and we've had conversation that the the software the intellectual property I'm sure sit an escrow someplace that to your point doomsday scenario we get that out of escrow and we're able to apply it however we need we need to um and like I said we we had that conversation I mean I I get the model um it's not the product that I have concerns with it's more about really how is the city GNA manage this program yeah it's bullet points are fine to to get consensus from Council but commissioner Nest touched on the point too employees within your public services area have concern about who's going to do this what's the expectation going to be what are my procedures for doing something on these on these things if if it's their their butt on the line in terms of getting something done um I think you just need to have assurances of your own sta to make sure that you're on top of this well the water if you look look at our wastewater treatment plant right now we have a SK system we we manage that right now so if this system was a similar system here we just have to have because of the permit condition and the independent system we just have to have a computer and a water well resource person with that experience to sit on that computer and manage with that system because we are doing on a larger scale right now with our water treatment PL because we we have a SC scaler system there well with with the proprietary well software I'm sure when we have access to this you know we can able to use it is in the cloud so it's something you can just go on the internet and you know have instruction and you have you can use it um we are not managing that right now but I I appreciate your well your point because it is if we are going to provide with with the manual I'm sure you going have all it well instruction and we can we can develop a working policy to be kept you know welf for staff should there be any well adverse situation will occur you know in the future so I'm well I can assure you once I get the operation manual right we will have to train staff right how the system works so that if something should happen they can able to manage it by themselves and I sure Jeff will be willing to assist us right with a training program or so forth in going in going far here all right well looking for a motion no other comments from the Dias uh for let's see here to approve the FY 2324 individual distributed wastewater treatment system conversion project so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Nesta all those in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously if we can take a quick five minute break sure meeting back to order lanch all right good evening mayor Commissioners um business item number four um the proposed invest Investment Portfolio composition by security type on October 18th 2023 the city investment advisor Morgan Stanley presented the proposed changes and revisions to the city's investment policy for for review and consideration on December 6 2023 Council approved resolution 2023-2024 and amending and restating the Investment Portfolio policy of the city of Apopka on February 7 2024 the city's investment advisor Glenn Scott presented to council an update on the current Holdings the invest investment policy restrictions and some long-term goals um they had a suggestion then to make some changes to our portfolio to diversify the program moving funds from some from SE Co sovis and SBA into um Treasury um notes and other various Investments according to our um policy due to concerns regarding those deposits in our local banks and the potential impact on the future withdrawals Council requested additional information from staff pertaining to whether the local banks interest rates will change as a result of those results withdraws staff contacted those Banks um to address those concerns so noa's Bank responded with no change the current rate will remain the same SE Coast Bank however responded with a decrease in the rate from 5.5% to 5.3% based on those estimated withdrawals that was proposed to council as a result the city investment advisor is now recommending um a a proposal of just 15 million in withdraw 5 million in a treasury note that would expire on January 31st 2025 another 5 million for additional treasury note expired on January 31st 2026 and 5 million invested in a bond with apple 2.45 expiring on 84 2026 based on projections of the federal funds rate interest rate used by Morgan Stanley and with their Bloomberg um WP system consensus projections the Securities were earn roughly about 200,000 more over their period of time until maturity and they suggest that you take the funds only from Sova bank so that is the proposal before you for consideration okay any questions for from lanch so I'll start uh to confirm is any of this money going to be in a Colorado account any capacity no has any money been moved to Colorado in any capacity at all no in the last two three five 10 40 years not no not to my knowledge okay so anybody that that continues to state that is just wrong and lying is not correct our funds are in the banks as indicated so NOA Co I just wanted to make sure that and what I like about this too they they helped to stipulate in this is that because of their advice they're going to be making us $200,000 more than what we would have otherwise so their fee of $45,000 they've already paid for themselves a few times over because of this recommendation just this one recommendation alone that's the projection okay all right and and we're not moving any money out of SE Coast correct because they're giving a really attractive rate the funds we're not moving any funds from SE Coast this is all coming from sis and then what do you know what the total the remaining balance of covis will be once these funds are moved yes the remaining balance for sovis will be about 84.4 million okay the current balance as of January 31st is about 99.4 okay excellent thank you okay anybody from the public wish to speak on matter anybody else the D want to when we make this investment who's going to be there sovas yeah to color it doesn't go to Colorado what the funds are so noas is our bank our custody bank they hold the Securities the funds will go to where we're purchasing you know um the treasury notes and the bond fund those that those funds we have to pay so we have to pay for the theas Trey notes add the bonds won't be deposits at the bank there will be treasuries completely different deposit so we do have to transfer that 15 million to those Brokers to pay for those treasury notes and the and the bond and I think people understand need to understand again why this whole Colorado things come up back when we approved the investment policy the idea that all this money was leaving the banks and going and sit in Colorado because that's where Morgan Stanley listed their their corporate locations so that's where the Colorado thing is coming it's totally misinformed back when we selected Morgan Stanley there was no local outfit that wanted to do this anyhow that was not bid nor did we select from a list of people that included SE Coast or covis or some other entity that is located within the city of apus I I I want to be clear because it's been brought up a couple times that the that's where the Colorado thing comes from because it is getting put out there in the public realm and unfairly so no but this is 15 million will be taken out of deposit from sovas and put into other investment Securities that will yield what they are projecting simple as that yes long term anybody from public I guess John Cen 593 usler Road and apka on this moving the money from a popka though you're not moving the money you're giving it to Morgan have you bothered to read the fact that they're laying employees off who is their local representative who do we have in apka that represents that that Mr Beer since you brought it up who's our representative Morgan Stanley is a pretty s who is the representative sir you would have to ask our investment uh advisor you brought it up I'm asking you I don't have that contact Morgan Stanley is a pretty large organization the gentleman that was here on multiple occasions he flew in correct he's our local he's our contact what happens if he leaves last time I checked there's email digital capabilities telephone calls what happens if he leaves same thing you asked that's not going to happen okay you're willing to take money and put it somewhere else even though it's not going to officially be in a popka at a local bank yes sir Morgan Stanley is a pretty reputable company but yet they're laying off employees it was employees do that all the time apple apple does that too is Apple going under but we I don't deal with Apple that way I'm looking for a local representative that the city of pop can walk in you guys just want to move it because you don't like the bank people that's a great take it's a take anybody else from the public want to speak on this one okay bring it back to the council so that is the motion I I would move to approve okay second got a motion by commissioner Becker second by commissioner nesa all those in favor I I oppos oh I so four to one mayor voting in opposition so you not to make more money for our residents then that's that's a that's their projection I guess we'll find out in in 18 months so we'll we'll find out okay next up Magnolia teras good evening Bobby how planning manager on December 15 2021 the city council adopted ordinance number 2888 which reson 95 acres to PD for the proposed Magnolia Terrace plan development M property located east of South benan Road and south of Willet Avenue in addition to the adoption of the ordinance number 2888 the city council adopted a PD master plan and a PD agreement following the adoption of the PD uh master plan PD agreement and ordinance the original developer Meritage Homes opted not to construct the project never signed the the PD agreement subsequently a new developer purchased project and has provided a revised PD agreement reflecting changes that are re relevant to the new development unit count Remains the Same at 300 however town home units increase by one single family decreases by one additional changes include a noted increase in the Wetland area uh an increase in car area and change of reference of proposed density to proposed net density based on that staff recommends approval the staff's uh the applicant is available for questions and staff is as well if you have any questions be happy to answer them any questions for Bobby who's the new developer for this one then we met with them they are is it heartline home yes yes what is it heartline homes okay yes Hardis homes okay all right thank you anybody from the public wish to speak on this one not we'll close the public hearing look for motion to approve the Magnolia terrorist plan development agreement so move count a motion by commissioner Nesta second by commissioner Velasquez all those in favor I all o motion carries unanimously next up city council reports commissioner Velasquez why don't you to start us out um oh he still uh yesterday I spoke with Miss Deborah green uh from the aond society regarding a lease that we have I'm sorry thank you thank you um for molia Park um she has some concerns about the building being in disrepair and the longer it takes for the lease to be agreed upon um okay we we table that one deal okay so yeah I just want Bradley's been in communication with de green so I thought him I know she she did say that but she said it's she's not getting yeah I'm hoping to have that back to council here shortly um we did receive back their next version of uh comments on the lease agreement um so there were a couple things I got to review with the city attorney and the city administrator and the mayor before we bring that back to council what can you just give me a a time frame because I mean when I spoke to her and you know she she has some concerns that it's been sitting here the lease and um yeah I can try to get that back to you next month uh at the next march okay what property give her some Assurance Park on lust Road thank you okay um and we we kind of touched upon um you know the Articles from the apara chief which I've been collecting and I mean all the all the articles that were written were asking the public to read reach out to us regarding the investment but at the same time it had to do with the the from the 3% to the 10% and I I actually questioned uh our CFO and said what does one have to do with the other and and basically she said it's two different issues two different topics so I guess at some point we should discuss the um what the uh chamber is asking us to do and and I'm I'm wondering what's the benefit for us and I think blanch is going to come back in two two meetings and kind of go over what other cities and municipalities have as far as a a preference um for local because my concern was you had mentioned that um if we were to put this in place then we would need someone and staff to follow this to kind of supervise it so thank you I I appreciate if you can come back with some of that and and again I mean all the Articles here one had nothing to do with the other because it kind of segue from the investment into that and so I was wondering why one was segueing into the other but thank you for that clarification um pretty much um you know we went to the uh a papka Police Department Awards so congratulations to Mr Allon uh Rod Olson who is here all the time and a big advocate for the schools and and of course for Central Florida uh soccer team so congratulations to him and we have uh upcoming music to my mind which is a community uh uh band that we support here and it'll be on March 3rd which is a Sunday at 7:00 and so we look forward to seeing our community come out and and support mro um M uh Taylor for that event and that's pretty much it for me on this side okay commissioner Becker uh yeah we already talk talked about a couple things during the public comment that I wanted to bring up but um like I said before uh Mr cler's comments are not uh lost on me you know having attended um that last pension board and hearing the the thoughtfulness and the methodology that our actuary uses to produce what they anticipate the long-term position being factoring in salaries economic conditions and so forth that sound it sounded like it had its own its own Merit and and should be trusted and again we're at a point where we've been in these negotiations for quite some time and if it's going to come back to this Council anyways going through a magistrate or or whatever they're going to have opinions but ultimately the five of us or you know whoever's on this council at the time know our people the best and I don't know why it wouldn't come back to us at this point and let's just get to the finish line so I know that we all received an email talking about you know motioning to do all this stuff but I said the last meeting if we don't have real clear traction or Direction which I'm not hearing much I would move to bring the negotiations to this Council and let us decide the fate of our firefighters we know our budget we know what we all are what our you know last three years look like what our future three years want to look like in terms of how much we've spent how much we want to budget what should you know total percentage of general fund look like in terms of funding our Public Safety organizations let's just do the hard work bring it back to this Council and put it to rest let people go about their jobs it's been going on for I don't know how long um over a year that this has been in limbo so I would move that the I don't know what the proper language would be but that we are in impass right now and that we bring negotiations back to the city council why are we asking for another action uary study if we used we we they brought two already we have the one that we actually used for all the uh for General right for fire and police we rely on that actuary report then we asked the fire department to get an outside uh can I insurance I'm sure it's for an actuary report you brought that in and what was the result of that I missed the last I apologize I missed the last pension meeting but our mayor is the is the chair of that of that no I'm the chair of oh you're the chair and and I can speak to that if there needs to be clear sure why let's go let's go to Cliff like to hear from both yeah um look I I'm not a labor attorney and I didn't stay in the holiday and express last last night although I would like to tonight um the the reality is is that I think it would be wise to go back and at least either individually speak to Mr Mandel or invite him to come and speak to you guys at the next meeting the reason for that is uh there are certain rules regarding how negotiations are supposed to go and I don't think I'm not positive and I certainly don't want to get on a limb but I don't think you guys can declare an impass now what what I do think is that it is absolutely true that if they are at impass it's going to be back in front of you and in I've been through those before and the labor Council presents his or her position for whatever has been bargained that has impass the issu is typically narrowed to what is exactly the disagreement the uh Union and that and the prior case was a fire Union presents their side and then the elected officials ultimately decide which way it goes either way either in favor of or not in favor of the position of the union or the position of the labor lawyer so that's what will ultimately happen but I wouldn't want us to be out in front of declaring an impass until we are certain that that's where we are from our person Mass has already been declared it's declared okay so what what's happening now is they just sitting dormant and now we're getting conflicting reports what Mr klipper said tonight what Mr daverick said the last meeting in terms of impath next steps who's cancelling who's willing it's it's a it's a hot mess and so The Next Step would go to some third party magistrate but the magistrate is going to bring their findings back to this Council anyways the good news is you can go directly to Mr Mandel like you could go directly to me you don't have to go through Mr vavrick or anybody else and then if he says yes we can do that or that's what should happen next and there's no obstacles to it I just you do not want to be on the wrong end of what's called an unfair Labor practice and so consequently that's why I'm saying proceed with caution so so if if I can clarify my speaking points earlier this evening um we were stating in response to City administrator vavi's comments last week he said the fire Union was the one who wanted to go to mediation mediation meaning the special magistrate has a third party before it that report comes back to council and things move forward I'm stating clearly today the fire un Union has is is willing to wave the special magistrate and bring it back to council you are all able to make your own decision I am not trying to influence you in any way um which is what your attorney is alluding to is an unfair Labor practice this is not a negotiation we are clarifying that you were told misinformation at last council meeting um the fact is the fire Union does not we would happily mutually wave the special Magistrate and bring our impass articles to council you can make your own decisions here's here's what I would recommend then um if you want to try to have a shade meeting with Jeffrey before the next council meeting and if that date doesn't work for him I mean he's a busy man can you give me a couple other days where we can can we do we can do a zoom call as long as we're that that's it the unique thing about Labor um mediations is that there um or shade meetings is there's complete different in litigation it's a complete privilege it's very much different than the litigation one where we have to go through all these hoops that being said I still think it has to be requested by me or someone um and if that's I have no problem requesting it but then generally that's followed by scheduling a date which I can't promise that Mr Mandel would be able to be here so I'm suggesting is that we do a shade meeting prior to the next council meeting and if that's if if Jeffrey Mandel is not available can can the council give me some dates and times that we could well we've done that like a zoom meeting before I feel like we can do that just well get SCH I'm I'm a little curious as to what the importance of the shade meeting will be would be at this point so if we verbalize okay current our current state at nass right there's there's two one would be go to the mediation third party whatever other option would be to come back to this Council now I'm not saying that coming back to this Council has to be next meeting what I am saying is that let's March down the path of bringing it back here that's in the public right I mean the negotiations would ultimately be open to the public for deliberation not the negotiations but the ultimate decision would be so for example if we are we are at impass understood and if labor Council after explaining to you whatever reasons they might have for wanting to go to a magistrate because they might they might suggest to you that hey I know why they don't want to do it but this is why we think you should do it that's what I'm suggesting you should hear from Mr Mandel I just don't know what his position is because we haven't even discussed it but but assuming that he gives you a reason or he says no that's fine let's go right to the council then you have your answer but if he gives you a reason that says we should go through the magistrate and hear the reasons and you reject that that's also fine but at least you've heard him out and I don't know what his reasons might be either way I have no idea I don't anything about the issues in this this thing um but I do know that from management side we have to be very careful that we do everything by the book and don't accidentally skip steps I understand I appreciate the Union uh president's position about we're waving understand and that may be complete legitimate but I do not do not know why if there is a reason Mr Mandel doesn't want to do that I don't even know what it would be I have no idea and I think you should at least hear him out that's what I'm saying and so if you set a shade meeting for the next council meeting I will do my best to see if I can get him to be there and if he tells me early on he can't or can't have someone who's familiar with the negotiation to be here then I'll try to get some other dates so that I think will get you the answer because that would still not hold up the process if the shade meeting is prior to the next council meeting he could give you the input and y'all could then tell we don't want to do any of that and you could actually act on it that night to say we want to have this back to us and and then scheduled it from there so because that's where it will end up so if we got the council meeting on the 6th um what what is everybody's counter look like on the seventh just as a why would we do it on the seventh if the sixth is not if he's not available just trying to give him a couple of dates well we've done a zoom meeting before why don't we just ask him when are you available next week and make ourselves available well that's next week not the 7th next week he's got to have 30 minutes open for us next week have you all done shade meet labor shade meetings by Zoom before yes okay and and did was there have to be a certain amount of again this is not my thing so I don't know did he have to provide a certain amount of advanced notice I don't know see that's that's I want to check with him but if it's can be done earlier no problem so I'll do that I can work through I guess Mrs bone or somebody to figure out your schedules and if he can do it earlier and zoom is okay and there's no notice issues he he's not going to object he's just going to make sure we follow the process correctly well I just want like to remind Council that Mr Mandel is also the person that brought into the validity of the actuar report that was done by Empower which we don't know why I know the city was doing a report they was supposed to have it back today or by this council meeting I thought I understood I don't know still don't see a report I haven't heard of a report yeah so yeah and he's not here yeah okay okay if I understand correctly try to get a meeting set up as quickly as possible and I'll do that okay yeah and I want to set a formal motion just so that there's no question I would move that we engage with Mr Mandel to set up a shade meeting some time at or before the next city council okay second motion is second all those in favor I all oppos motion carries anoun okay that's it for me okay Mr Smith uh I just want to uh thank the council and the mayor for um accepting my tardance today and and our citizens um it was a uh life and death situation I'm going leave it at that uh that I had to take care of and so that was my reason for entirity commissioner Nesta yeah I just have two um two events coming up one is the cleanup uh day this Saturday between 8 and 11: it's a Martin Street and Park AB there it's a city-owned property that has just been a little rough over the years and it's actually where uh back when I was in high school I worked with then commissioner Kathy till to honor um a warvet there and then same thing on gr and Bacher so we're cleaning up that area just want to remind everyone anybody that wants to come out we're planting some new plants removing old ones adding mulch so it's going to be the northwest corner of Martin Street and Park AV this Saturday between 8 and 11: uh and then I have a for the high school students on March 2nd here in front of City Hall it's a sidewalk chalk art competition uh for high school high school students that want to participate I think it's going to be a really cool event and uh cash prizes and got some judges lined up and so it'll be a cool event so that's it thank you all right Cliff you got anything else mayor I don't yeah well I do have one thing and that would be to talk about what happened last night am I right like I my days are I think it was last night Orange County Charter review um I copied you all on some information uh about a proposed Charter Amendment where it is now they had the first reading of it on whichever night it was Monday Tuesday I'm so confused um and the there was a lot of discussion pro and con uh as you can imagine the cities were con the amendment for the reasons that you would have imagined the existing jpas which it would essentially breach um and uh they failure to recognize even when the property is annexed into the city per the jpa that our rules wouldn't apply that the uh the county comp plan would apply and so forth which is contrary to Florida Statutes which other people also brought up uh additionally there was concern raised um about by me and but I wasn't the only one about the unlimited liability you would create through the bird Harris act as it's currently amended it used to be much more winnable than it is now it's a very hard case to win now for a lot of reasons that I spelled out some of in the letter um my sense of it is uh there was commissioner Nicole Wilson uh was there she generally represents sort of the the west side of I4 uh cities and at least ones that are involved here um and my sense of it is that she was going to encourage the charter review and I think they were leaning in this direction I think they probably actually went in this direction to send it back to the committee to see if it could address in some fashion this amendment to protect rural boundaries without walking all over the existing jpas I do not know where that will end up and I wanted to make sure that a you got the letter that I prepared uh I think I wrote it Monday Senate Monday and then went and spoke about it um I do think it's an important issue but I was very careful to say that I was there on behalf of the mayor because you hadn't all weighed in and so if you have contrary information or information you want to report to me that you want to make sure I I convey I told them last night that I do not yet speak for the whole Council um or the city I'm just speaking for the mayor in his capacity as a strong mayor uh but these are the concerns and so that's what happened and I'll keep an eye on it and if you have any concerns or questions please reach out and I'll do my best to answer you sent that Monday yeah it was Monday yeah yeah it it came up quick it was like Thursday or Friday when it when it hit and so obviously didn't have a chance to talk to the commission about the about the issue but I mean I I know that West wintergarten and okoi they oo windir yeah all of them were and it was really it was really like this West Side versus East Side uh and even there were even one or more uh commission members Charter commission members who said this really should be just for the East side this whole thing but anyway for whatever it's worth I think they're going to attempt to not crush the jpas which is what the amendment as Britain would do we'll see where they end up this might be a united front up here I mean I think we we we fight for home roll Powers all they law see I was not I'm trying to bring you together and this is basically stomping all over that now it is it's that's stomping over an existing contract right which is the real other point being if if we' done all if we've done all the right things to Annex property into our city corporate City Limits per the jpa then it's up to this Council and our codes to then reign supreme I mean that's what the law says right are you able to resend that email I can yeah I can't find that I don't see it anywhere on my side do we need to like in in past we've done like resolutions that we put up to the floridaa cities yeah absolutely you won't be alone um and but I just I am curious commissioner Smith did you get a copy yes and did you get one uh Mr Becker I recall saying it okay so it was Monday though it would have been Monday yeah cuz I I sent it out at the same time I sent it lunch time yeah he he cranked it out right right after lunch like two 2 o'clock I think CU talk to him Monday morning and yeah yeah Monday being here's this I got four emails that day none of them are from use not saying you didn't send it it is sure I don't have it I have Friday Friday Saturday okay it says it's it says it's February 19th uh and it says mayor and counsel and uh there are you guys obviously yes as I always do I blind copy so that you can't inadvertently copy one another um or respond to one another um but yeah I can I'll hit the resent what date was that you said month the the 19th okay February the 19th February 19th so we just want a motion to to uh or just a um statement of what how we want to say is um that we recommendation for denial we recommend that that jpa be held harmless or something probably exempt exempt from the the charter the proposed Charter Amendment yeah I don't even know how we how would you word that Cliff so we kind of it narrows it right down to the issue that they were that one right there that one right there you gotta Cliff you got a potential motion for us yeah I I moved uh if I was writing the motion it would be a motion um to uh Express by resolution which I can draft for you by the next meeting yeah uh your uh objection and opposition to this Charter Amendment as written um if you want to throw in some language that you're you're not opposed to rural boundaries as a concept but you are opposed to interference with existing jpas which were thought out well planned all the other stuff that goes into that and and the good news I got some good language from your planning department I think Bobby wrote a good example about Kelly Park specifically because we just did a form based code it was studied by environmentalists and land owners to get us to a place that would would help us comply with the mandatory what Kiva River protection act and they they would literally with this amendment if it passes toss that out subject to lawsuits but they would essentially say we don't care what you did or what you've agreed to or any of that stuff all right go back you you've already gone over our motion so give us our motion again yeah the motion is to have the City attorney prepare a resolution uh opposing the rural boundary Amendment as it's currently drafted to the extent that it interferes with existing rights under the joint planning area agreement all right commissioner Becker you good with that one yeah some okay got a motion by commissioner Becker second second by commissioner Smith all those favor I all oppos motion car if you could send it to me I have search I don't I I just send it again so you you did I yeah literally just 10 seconds ago so you should have it now should I check spam did your did yours come through Mr Nesta I this one now yes okay yeah I didn't see the original one either but I remember something about the charter I I'll put I I only send it to those two but I'll send it again no problem yeah I just and you just sent it let me look in trash um no I keep typing your name Cliff okay well under the mayor's report just just two quick items one uh Tuesday uh we're having the uh wava high school and a papka high school Career Education Fair U be Tuesday morning at wava high school and in the afternoon we'll be at apka high school and just want a big shout out to my assistant uh Stacy Van Camp and Kate Manley for helping put this thing together so basically we're we are inviting the the bottom third of the students at each High School to come to a career fair So like um Valencia Community College or Valencia State College now would be there there's some technical programs out there that um that are looking for students will have the all the uh the military uh uh folks will be there as well so it we've got about I think over 30 um companies or organizations that will be there to try to get kids you know these are seniors so they're ready to you know what what are they going to do when they graduate high school so we're trying to get them a maybe an idea maybe there's some education past high school that will get them a a career and not just a job so it's uh Tuesday is what now February 2 7th starts at we Cav High School in the morning and uh it'll be at a popka high school in the afternoon and then the second which I brought up once before just bring it up again is the legends of a popka celebrating Black History Month be Tuesday night uh 6:00 to 8:00 pm at the apka community center uh we'll have booklets for sale there and we're asking anybody that's got a you know a family member or friend that's that's that's being honored to come down and be a part of that because we're you know really want want to celebrate the the lives and of these these uh these uh career makers and you know so please come out and be a part of it with that