all right call the March 6 city council meeting order commissioner Smith give us the prayer pledge and fact of the day please sir let us pray Our God our Father we come once again before your presence thank for the many blessings you bestowed upon us for this opportunity to serve as Servants of your city we ask that all that we shall see and do be pleasing and acceptable in your sight in th son Jesus name we pray amen I plge to of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all fact of the day on March 6th 1836 after after 13 days of intermittent fighting the battle of the alamore comes to a gruesome end capping off a pbal moment in the Texas Revolution Mexican forces are victorious and recapturing the fort and nearly all the roughly 200 Texan Defenders died including Frontiersman David Crockett the defense of the alamoo remains a symbol of resistance and Revolution fact of the day all right got set of minutes need a motion to approve unless need some changes so Move Motion by commissioner Smith yeah second second by commissioner Nesta all those in favor I all oppos motion carries un anly gender review you got any changes Cliff that you know of okay not that I'm aware of Sir okay and do you are you the one to get call the shade meeting yes please I can be absolutely um so the council and its labor lawyer Mr Mandel are about to go into a true exemption you need to turn your mic on uh turn it it's it says it's lit up is that okay okay is that better there you um a true exemption from the Sunshine Law and that is a labor negotiation shade meeting and it's it's true in that it doesn't have any of the same requirements for a litigation shade meeting of a quote report and all that stuff there's going to be no transcript but th this is what is going to happen now so they can discuss the status of negotiations with the fire Union in this case and see if they can agree on some issues or figure out where to go from here so the meeting I think they predicted to last for about an hour it could go less it could go longer I suppose um and once that's over then the council will reconvene back in this room to pick up with a regular agenda but that's what we're going to be doing I guess right now okay can I just before you do that um because you asked about the minutes I've been looking for a statement that was made up public comment and it's not showing up in the February 21st um minutes so can I have that and that would be the statement that Mr Alex klipper when he spoke it's not in the minutes here and that's what I was looking for it's been completely omitted from here for some reason so yeah oh we yeah so I was I was looking for that to refresh my memory um before we go into the the meeting but when you said was there any um yeah adjustments and that's it and and I had the city clerk verify that to verify when his uh appearance was here and his his public comments I what why don't we do this let's just uh go back we need to Let's table the the U minutes and we'll come back after after the shade meeting and we can okay we can make that adjustment how's that very good okay thank you so I need a motion to uh to resend the approval of minutes and so got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I all oppos motion carries n we'll be [Music] back okay yeah I'll leave these minutes for you here okay you do me a fa and just kind of knock so we'll resume and then I'll call the city council meeting back to order got two presentations by Chief WM I just want to go back to the minutes for a minute we got we got well it they were in the minutes in the in the agenda on the internet so what happen on the computer on the iPad when I asked for it to be um printed out so that I can read it the page was not printed for me but it is in it is on the iPad it is on the website so we can approve the minutes okay like to make a motion to approve the February 21st minutes yes got a motion by commissioner Vasquez second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I I'll oppose motion carries unanimously all right Chief good afternoon mayor Commissioners ladies and gentlemen of the public uh Sean mam fire chief of Poa fire department I'm here today to present on a recent training opportunity uh we had here at the AP Fire Department and uh what an opportunity it was um this course dealt specifically with uh Wildland Urban interface situations and we're going to get into more of what exactly that means in a few minutes but as you recall in January there was a consent agenda item to approve the grant um which this was a grant funded class uh for 48,000 uh dollar the interesting uh part about this and the exciting part about this is this is the first time that this course was taught in the State of Florida so we kind of spearheaded that that uh movement um another interesting thing this is the first time Nationwide that a department actually reached out to specifically ask for this course and I want to give kudos uh to Chief nap and the team for accomplishing just that um he's here behind me he got the Shan and Shan show today so um but again another cool thing about this program is a train the trainer course um so now we're going to be able to offer this course specific specifically to other uh entities other agencies in our area and our region and Beyond um and something that we've always you know take took pride in and leading our region as far as some of that stuff um so again the title of the course responding to the interface so what is the interface Wildland Urban interface is uh or wui is it's called for short um basically our fire department Prides itself on responding to or what we call an all hazards fire department um anything from any hazards related to confined space fires EMS extrications things like that um and specifically with fires all of our personnel as we know are State Certified firefighters um at the Academy were taught uh components and tactics dealing specifically with structure structural firefighting um as well as uh fir fighting and Wildland fires uh many of us have actually furthered the training um and Gone Gone on to Wildland training and obtain certifications from the national Wildfire coordinating group and things like that and now is actually part of the state curriculum as well um so there is uh training in both components of structural and Wildland firefighting um but what Wildland Urban interface deals with is when both of these situations come together um when those wildfires threaten structures and homes and as we know traditionally Apopka has always been more of a rural area but have quickly become a Suburban or very quickly becoming more of an urban setting um this course provided the missing component or Bridges the Gap um hence the name responding to the interface that's the transitional area between the two and this picture here kind of illustrates you know things we're talking about and it's important to understand these types of fires don't just happen on the outskirts or in California like you'll see a lot of the big fires and things like that um even in Bard County here there's been several that that in the State of Florida that look like that but this can happen in our neighborhoods um simple grass fires in the green green areas we have or Green Space areas we have can can spark some of these fires and we have a threat to our our structures in the area um part of the prep for the course was to identify areas in which we could train not only talk about the specific topics but um apply what we've learned into you know regions or areas that in a realistic setting um so Camp weall was actually a great a great location we identified um they were able to accomplish just that so so we're able to take what we are learning and apply it real time um one of the components of the course dealt with was how to triage houses and triage kind of look at a house identify things we can do what we can do to help um what we call soften uh the exposure um and how to work on prepare these structures and limit the hazards and also chances of igniting if a rapid moving Wildfire comes into it um some of the documentation there um that they they went over in the course uh there's them actually partip ating with members of the iff um learning how to again Identify some of these things um some of the terms are out there prep and go um you know if we came up on a house and it's and we have an exposure issue can they simply work on that that house prep it as best as possible to prevent that ignition and then move on or decision to prep and defend if it's a great enough threat that they need to prep it and also stay in defend the house to prevent it from igniting as well simple things such as removing doormats was a topic um and and things that can land on doormats and actually ignite the doormat itself and cause fires to happen so something as simple as that dealing with gutters you know um who when's Last Time aone Raisor gutter or cleaner gutters be honest right okay so some of those things uh were discussed as well um and again there's just kind of some of the pictures from the course one of the other harder components in any fire uh situation is the advancement of Hose lines um typically when a hose Line's deployed in a structural setting it's charged and it does become extremely difficult to move at that point they very labor intensive um based on the weight the location of the hose things like that even in Wildland fires we're actually taught not to deploy hoses hoses so much but more so stay with that brush truck or that that that apparatus and keep it a short length of Hose so we're able to move it very quickly um we're able to and being able to Able able to utilize those brush trucks and flow Waters from those trucks um so one of the big things they talked about was how to look load hoses for Rapid deployment and also reloading especially in these Dynamic situations so it's not just you know when we on a structure fire we pull a hose in order to reload that hose it's almost takes a lot longer to reload that hose get all the water out things like that so some of the things they taught us here were were um how to load the hose and again so we were able to transition um the hose load and remember the reloading component this is in a very fluid situation a dynamic situation where you pull a hose you can reload it quickly and you know we're able to deploy it quickly so the traditional way of reloading hose is not very conducive to the tactics that are needed in this situation so you can see here is an example um also oops also on the side of the apparatus and just showing some demonstrations of of that as well and of course uh applying it all at the end using using what they learned uh to apply it to realistic situations and as we like to say deploying hoses and putting wet stuff on the red stuff that's the most important component of that and what we were able to do uh with the course and learn a lot I want to say a big thank you first and foremost to our department members to make this happen uh Chief nap of course uh Captain Dre Wilson uh Lieutenant Renee Beasley who helped us track down a lot of these uh structures and able to provide some of that um the iff local and our instructors who are literally from around the country um we had instructors from Washington state from Maine from Miami um in fact one of our instructors Chief n just told me the other day was actually on the fire in Texas so that's you know we had a lot of good experience there um so again thank you and with h that um Chief nap's here to answer any questions as well any questions for chief or chief nap no I just want to say I was out there while you guys were doing this it was really fun to watch it was funny I guess there was part of the training is to have a somebody act as a a homeowner that can take care of their own house basically so you had a firefighter that was acting as a homeowner that knows better than the firefighters and has a hose is getting in the way of the firefighters trying to do their training and then he grabbed a a a ladder out of their truck at one point just causing chaos so that was really fun to watch but it's really cool to see that we're kind of doing some groundbreaking stuff so I appreciate your effort in this and and thank you for what you've done I'm going to say the same thing I spend the day out there with the with the fire department and kind of sat through each of the sessions just to get an idea um and and I just thought it was uh it was an excellent training um not only were the instructors very um handson but I saw a great participation from our firefighters and and a real welcoming to learn something new in the training so um thank you because we spent the you spent the whole day out there I spent a you know a few hours but then when you started to actually run through the practice it was interesting to see you know the lectures at the different sessions all come together so again I want to give credit to uh our chief and and the entire fire department because I think we're the only ones in the State of Florida and that's what the instructors said that this was something that had been wanting to bring to the State of Florida then they just couldn't find a fire department that would uh welcome this training and we are the first and so now we're going to be able to train other fire departments so congratulations um to uh the chief for bringing this training program here to for us um and being the first thank you all right next up Chief again all right again good afternoon Sean W fire chief um as you uh everyone is uh probably aware of there has been a um collaborative effort uh come together for a measles vaccination initiative um uh last Friday uh at 1:00 we uh the mayor called um together uh several different um key stakeholders uh to a meeting to discuss um the possibility of vaccinations in our area um members uh that were there were the Florida Department of Health Orange County School Board Metro Health Florida Farm Workers and Hope Community Center um that collaborative meeting was uh made to discuss when in where we're going to be uh the department of health is going to be providing vaccinations and uh you know what of course as a city we wanted to make sure that we can help out however however way we could um on March 4th uh 9:00 a.m that was this Monday there was a press conference held at the uh Florida Farm Workers of Association um where they announced uh where the vaccinations are going to take place uh the first one actually took place yesterday uh March 5th um from 2: to 7:00 next one's going to be March 8th at Florida Farm Workers of Association um from 2: to 7 The Hope Community Center South 800 South Hawthorne Avenue is going to be March 11th and March 12th from 2: to 7: and Hope Community Center North which is 116 North Park Avenue it's going to be March 14th through the 15th um from 2 to 7 as well um one of the you know one of the questions out there of course and some of the information we want to get out there and the Department of Health is wanting to communicate is exactly what is Measles um as we know it's a highly contagious uh vaccine preventable disease it is mainly childhood but it can affect um anyone who is uh any age really um preschool adolescence um an uh inadequately IM immunized um excuse me immunized individuals um are the major cases in the United States um typically symptoms will appear 7 to 14 days after a person's been affected uh including high fever cough runny nose uh red watery eyes and within 3 to 5 days is when the rash actually occurs um the best way again they say to prevent it again prevention is the best medicine is uh to get a vaccination it's all part of the MMR vaccine which helps present uh prevent measles MPS and rubella um again anyone can get measles but it typically is uh for children under five years old and over 20 are most likely to suffer the complications from measles anything from ear infections can occur in one and 10 10 children with permanent hearing loss actually being a possibility um diarrhea in 1 and 10 pneumonia in 1 and 20 um in sephtis being you know one of the one of the critical components of swelling and brain concur in one of in 10,000 children who catch me Um this can actually lead to convulsions deafness and definitely um disabilities in their future death can occur and one to two out of a thousand who catch measles and OB obviously pregnant women uh have a risk as well um people with uh compromised immune systems uh are especially at risk for the complications as well so again um that's the big push from the do the people who are unvaccinated or and even inadequately vaccinated so um one thing we learned too is even if you're exposed to it they're going to give you the same vaccine um if you whether you're exposed or you actually contract it for the first time um so again uh also International and domestic uh regions with ongoing outbreaks um and people who have been exposed with some some sort of measles are absolutely at risk so that I can answer any questions regarding questions for the chief so um my concern because I did send you an email um I I realize that you've targeted the Farm Workers and the whole Community which is the Hispanic Community but have we gone to the public all the public schools to let them know that this vaccination program is there because it is trending on Facebook through Farm Workers but is in Spanish so it it almost feels like it's only targeting one particular community no that's it's it's targeting everybody you know that that's big there in fact it's being released in four different languages uh Creole um oh it is ma'am cuz i y okay cuz I checked the social media and I only saw it in Spanish yeah the do is releasing in English Spanish Portuguese Creole you know multiple different um you know and it's you know that's the biggest thing is you know that when we met with everybody that was the biggest thing out of do's mouth was an opportunity um you know obviously with the heightened sense you know going through a pandemic um you know in the past couple years and the you know the recent um you know um things things on the news it's an opportunity to provide information um and opportunity you I think that's the biggest thing is is to educate um disseminate the information and then provide that opportunity if there isn't an opportunity um so if you could just clarify for the public the ages that we're actually targeting because in the in the Spanish Facebook it it actually says no adults Does it include any of the high school kids or is it just Elementary and Below Elementary top tolers cuz they specified like a child from 12 months to uh like 20 months and then they set elementary kids up to 13 but what about for high school kids well see here's the here's the reality is to get into killing Garden you have to have MMR right or you have to have a religious exemption so the so what we're trying to Target is the reason we were trying to Target the the under kindergarten is so let's say you're homeschooled or not homeschooled but you're you're not haven't met kindergarten yet to meet the the the requirements we that's the reason we were targeting that group now I know that there was one school that was below 90% uh which was lockards the nearest school to a to a downtown of popka is lockart that's that's below the 90% And 90% is kind of the key number they say if you get below 90% then there's a chance for a spread of the measles so what we were trying to do is Target those we were trying to Target the ones under kindergarten age only because they hadn't been there's a chance they not been immunized because they haven't gotten to where kindergarten is requirement right we had we had a I was over there yesterday and and they had a one of the a girl about seven or eight that had one shot and she was getting her booster which is a two- shot regimen but she was there to get her second one so I did you get a did they get you a call back on how many they they no that's okay they had one confirmed but they they're not sure because all has to go through Florida shots it's a a computer program so it might take a day or two to update so that's yeah so did they get a big turnout yesterday just one so far there were more than one but I don't yeah exactly it's it's just on reccord it has to go through a computer system that's what they told me today is you know it takes a couple days to update so we should have known more in the next couple days so is it open so the question is is it open to high school students yes yeah oh yeah everybody adults as well yeah all adults that's kind of what again like mayor was saying it's not just it's the school age kids but also their siblings you know if there's you know live at home and they have you know multiple siblings and things like that so it's you know again again the big thing now is it's the the information's out there you know um there is no outbreak you know in necessar in our area but you know we're vulnerable and that's something that we want to make sure you know however the you know that's been the city's biggest initiative we have initiatives in the past with hepatitis A we've assisted Department of Health with Co vaccinations so as a city I know we've been very proactive in helping out you know in situations and that's the biggest thing they want to see is us to be able to prevent something from happening so again education and opportunity do you know what the total number of U measel vaccinations they made available to no I don't they just said yeah they got plenty they said they had plenty so they they don't think they'll run out okay well thank you y anybody else okay thank you Chief appreciate yes sir okay public comments Susan Sylvester Hall good afternoon mayor Commissioners uh I missed the last couple meetings I was out celebrating my anniversary and on a cruise so uh I try to make it a point to be at every meeting and I think that's critical for all the citizens not only in the city of but throughout our throughout our state I going to say this like I always said in the city of Apopka the State of Florida and in our country we had a critical time in our country too many good people sitting by and watching bad things happen and not doing anything about it when you experiment with drugs you have a comfort zone you get your high and you you know you're feeling good that's that comfort zone that everybody's in but when you don't do anything about it Chief start falling out you lose your job you lose your relationship you start losing all kinds of weight you get all sick that's what we're headed for when we sit around and we remain silent that's what we're headed for the world will not be destroyed by those who do evil but those who sit by and watch and do nothing when we normalize the abnormal we desensitize the truth and I need to add to that where sometime we don't even want to hear the truth or the truth doesn't matter let's look at something that's abnormal I've been coming to the meeting so uh for the last two years now when we leave simple things out of the minutes and then we act like how did that happen now like I said I've been going for two years Miss bone I don't know there's countless of times where the minutes have been left out if I was the mayor you and I have some serious issues so I don't know whether you're that incompetent or somebody's telling you not to do that these are things that we just normalize and we sitting here like it it don't matter our First Responders on retired military our first respondents we love [Music] them we give them all the praise but look at what's going on in the city of apaka look what the fire department is going through simply because they Wen endorsed by the mayor they W they didn't endorse the mayor but we sit around like it's no big deal how can this comments be left out when you look at things like that I look at the homeless I've mentioned many times there was $150,000 laying out there for the homeless it still haven't been dedicated to the source we just had a homeless gentleman shoot up the place then had grenades in his buggy but you don't really hear about that but when a little young man shooting in the park you heard about that every day for almost two weeks so when you look at things and you just normalize it like it's just normal we don't care and then the people like myself concerned citizen holding you accountable to do the job that you've been sworn to do we get labeled as troublemakers or I don't know how the mayor puts up with it it's your job to react to every citizen that comes up here regardless of their presentation if a young man if a a homeless neighbor not a homeless person a homeless neighbor walk up and say hey look this's a guy coming with a gun he's he's starting to shoot up places I I disregard that because he's homeless When anybody present anything to you look at what they're presenting to you and check it out and make sure it's factual if it's factual then it's your job and your responsibility deal with it if it's not you take it in one ear and go out the other ear mayor thank you Mr Hall appreciate it these things matters I know you're going to cut me off but these things matters principal matters Character Matters than Mr Hall you're welcome niji thank you hello everyone I'm coach Naji with Central Florida soccer club a little week let's see a week ago on Monday our club had our second annual uh town hall meeting um overwhelming majority of the questions from our members in the community were no surprise Fields fields and Fields I'm just going to go over a couple questions here that for the most part we already addressed with our members but I just want the council to hear uh first one was how do we go about getting more fields at the complex second one where's the bottleneck getting additional Fields developed at the complex third one what can we do better to ensure that the city of apaka maintains our Fields develops more fields and brings out Bring Out rental rates in line with other youth sport youth groups in the area and the last one was uh there's still holes that need to be filled at the fields why do we not have amount of sand readily available to fill holes that are hidden so for for the most part we pretty much address all of those uh with with our members and other members in the community uh what I'm here for is regarding uh back in early January 2022 uh the city unveiled an 8-phase $32.9 million expansion plan for the Northwest Recreation Complex according to pakka Chief article that was published on January 21 2022 funding for the project would come from the $600,000 a year that would be freed up after the bond was paid in March of 2022 and of course also from Impact fees uh the article also said that the city has contracted C CI Engineering Associates to take on this project so my question is um what's the holdup uh according to the city the money is there the need is there the demand is there and the support from the community is there as well not just for a couple of fields but really to go and take on this large scale project that's out that was outlined years years ago uh again here I am again a couple weeks later after our first uh presentation here uh to ask what can we as residents of the city and as a club that serve that's serving the community do to help bring this much-needed expansion to fruition thank you thank you okay rolson uh Rod Olson 3156 Rolling Hills Lane in apka uh mayor Commissioners thank you for what you do for us in the community I know it's a tireless job uh several points today one I enjoyed learning about Papa black resident leaders uh last week at the uh Black History Month Celebration The Shame of it was from many many standpoints one it's some poor taste to have at the end of the month most communities ran month-long programs addressing historical facts current issues directly tied to the black black black history and address the future plans as far as how we're going to preserve and move forward I propose for 2025 that we have a month-long program like most other communities did maybe the first week being focused on historical context late State local uh National and global second week maybe focus on the same group of people with what initiatives are going on right now third week recognize uh the local State national and global leaders and the fourth week focus on plans for a Popco moving forward is how we're going to how we're going to effectively address not only acknowledging the history but look at our other Heritage as well we look at our Latino and we look at our native Heritage here we could build a lot of events to bring people into this community in and around educational programs that would cover this and at the same time recognize the wonderful contributions these people made um going shift a little bit here and the aspect of development I won't get up and speak at every new development uh that's proposed but just so you know it's 650 new students are going to enter our system with what's a new business today 650 that's arranged depending upon the type of housing of 30 to 45 students per 100 households or 100 door doors we have to look at that we need to look at slowing the train down um Charter review uh when I I've read a couple articles recently it appears that we're one of the few if any uh communities our size that have a strong mayor type of government most have a strong manager whether or not we go with and stay with the strong mayor or strong strong manager I think that if it is to stick with a strong mayor we need to look at the finance director Police Chief Fire Chief city clerk city manager Andor attorney should be a commission decision as to who gets hired and who gets relieved of their duties Southwest recreational complex Nai well T off you you can build right now probably 8 to 10 fields on that open vacant land between gate four and gate 5 by the football stadium there's no reason we shouldn't be doing it now clearly it's identified based upon our growth that there's more than a need for those proper for that property it's going to be cheaper to do it now than to do it later uh this approach is similar to unfortunately a lot of the approaches with the city is we look at putting a Band-Aid on an arterial bleed we have a need right now to have those fields developed we should develop them now um finally just the aspect of we have an important election come up and I want to encourage everyone to please get out and vote thank you Caitlyn Koso cada I think my handwriting is a little off I broke my wrist a couple months ago so sorry Hi everybody nice to see you all again it's been a while since I've been up here but I wanted to bring you guys a couple of updates from Main Street uh mainly with an event that we have coming up but first I wanted to thank the mayor for putting together the main street of poka Workshop uh Florida Main Street's coming down to give a workshop to uh the commission on March 20th at 9:00 a.m. I hope a lot of people come just to learn about what a Main Street program is Katherine's going to do a great job I've listened to her speak and she's just fabulous so thank you for putting that together I appreciate that a lot so I just want to go ahead and read quickly a excerpt out of a press release I just through out there to our media uh regarding some art projects that we have coming up uh one main one so as Main Street Apopka or MSA continues to lay our foundation planning meetings workshops cleanups placemaking activities and promotional events one goal has been set Above the Rest for us and that is to change the image of downtown apka see while the bones of downtown are suitable and ripe for high quality change its reputation and atmosphere leave much to be desired to revolutionize this image we launched a downtown art competition and developed Art on Main Street in February we called for local artists to submit original Works uh to the competition the art needed to be a visual celebration of apopka's natural beauty and resources existing in partnership with the human influences of downtown businesses the deadline to submit was was March 2nd and four finalists were chosen the community is now asked to go online and vote for their favorite piece and at the end of the voting period the piece with the most votes wins and is elected by MSA as the new image for downtown Apopka this image will be translated into logos murals and other promotional materials and hopefully we look to bring these to the city council one day for further adoption as the official downtown Apopka image all four pieces are available for live viewing uh March 9th so that's this weekend through April 5th over at three oddu Brewing uh and you can go all can also go online and check out the pieces we got some great photos of them at www. Mainstreet art and then finally the winner will be announced during Art on Main Street which is a popup art gallery on April 6 from 400 P p.m. to 7:00 p.m. located at the courtyard behind the central Florida tangsudo karate studio um that's right there on the corner of Park in Maine there's a little Courtyard back there that we're going to dress up and turn into a gallery and it will feature the four finalists with their art work other local artists live music beer and wine and an interactive community art piece which will be fun for the entire family uh we also have some sponsorships available so if there are any small businesses or giant businesses who would like to help out uh make this event a success we would love to speak with you and you can email Main Street Apopka uh and then the final thing with my last 20 seconds that I'm going to talk is the apaka dog mayor prr program is kicking off here soon we're going to be doing some just super casual meetups over at the dog park here um a lot of people don't know that we have a dog park and so we wanted to bring a little exposure to that so we're going to meet at the dog park again super casual we have a trainer that's going to come give some tips and tricks with handling your dogs it's a great social outing it's going to be every Saturday in March from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. so I hope to see you all at our art gallery on April 6 and I hope to see everybody there really and go online and vote thank you thank you to confirm and thank you for giving us all this information is this is this your program uh no no sir oh this is something else oh here I'm writing on this thinking yeah I think that's it seem just like what is this Shakin Jackson and who was the other oh I should know oh okay okay sorry I thought this was you got a lot good stuff art seems to be the theme this year okay so this isn't you sorry sorry thank you you're welc appreciate thanks okay thank you b lero b m Helen I want to start out with the audit and I want to go back to the first time this mayor came to be mayor you remember you came in you came in talking about money that was missing and uh you want to get to the bottom of it uh and if anything was wrong they need to be held accountable so what I'm saying to you today is we need an audit not a a specific audit we need a AIT like a autopsy when you go to autopsy they look over everything to find out what the cause of death and at this city the cause of death is going to be you but anyway on the other hand I want to talk about the election we stood here with this L Rodriguez lawyer that you had tried to jump around and said that if we wanted anything with early voting we needed to go over to the supervisor election everybody remember that disenfranchisement is what you're doing the whole city council voted that I had to apologize to commissioner Smith because I said that you pick one day and a time but actually you picked another day you remember that and you br me the paper and I said if you bring me the paper I'm wrong I apologize I apologize correct so what I'm saying is this I went up to vote the other day and when I get up to early voting I get ready to walk in come to find out I can't go in until 10:00 and coming to find out early voting is from 10:00 to 6 o00 when we already had established before that voting is from 7 to 7 why is that it's simply because it's a way of disenfranchising people that's not able to vote before before they go to work and after they get off of work most people get off of work at 5:00 and once they get home this place is closed what is this for this is for this bear to control the vote because he know if you look at any exit pole here in Apopka the majority of the people that vote that vote for him is voting doing what absentee ballot and if you remember he said if we did early voting last time it's a waste of money because we going to get 20 25 people but look at the exit pole for early voting last time we voted had more voters last time in early voting in the history of Apopka you remember that so yes we need a forensic audit the fire chief just stood up here and said prevention is the best thing and I agree with him and I don't agree with that guy on too much or nothing I do agree with prevention and prevention is this let's get the people out and keep this guy from being in power Alex Clepper all right uh good afternoon um don't have a script today so I'm just going to cover a few topics um first real quick I want to address uh Mr vavi last week or last sorry last meeting I spoke I heard some Rumblings at the comments I was attempting to clarify I was trying to paint you as being untruthful that's not the case it was not my intent my intention was to identify some things were said on our behalf that just miscommunication and it was to clear it up so I hope you accept an apology if that's the way that it was taken on your and by yourself um that being said um wanted to say thank you all for having the shade meeting this afternoon sorry to you all for having to wait uh for an extra hour um but it shows some initiative um to hopefully get some things done to get um some issues we have sitting on the table collecting dust resolve so I do appreciate um and the the guys at the stations also appreciate you guys um taking this extra time to have these meetings to get this resolved potentially um another topic that I brought up last time and I think it just got lost in the shuffle um we still have some issues that we don't have any Clarity on I'm hoping we can get that too um mainly the firefighters that live at fire station 6 currently where are they going to live in the next next few months we've heard things we've heard there's going to be moves maybe moves maybe a different trailer we don't have I we have not been able to get any concrete information and the guys who live at that station for a third of their lives are asking can we please be told is there a plan are there four options five options no options what are we doing um then so timelines on that and if we could get a timeline on our station repairs that we've had kitchens with you know edges covered with duct tape and 2x4 is holding up cabinet for about a year um if we could get some kind of information on when we can expect to have these living conditions uh improved um that's really what I wanted to follow up with today so that's all I got thank you for your time Chief you want to come down and talk about station six are you we in a position to do that or Sean wam fire chief uh basically what we're looking at now in up to a couple weeks ago we were actually going to be able to stay in the current location um things changed uh with a meeting with the Advent health and they advised that um they're moving forward and that we're going to have to move out um since that we've been having four or five different plans and backup plans in place um there is you know moving the trailer to a certain location and like I said the the first time this issue came up the biggest thing for me is obviously response times um where we're responding from to make sure that we're still providing the same level of care to the 58,000 people within our city um and also at the same time taking care of our men and women that work at station 6 the um basic components there are a couple different options moving the current trailer um there's also an options that we're looking at apartments right now that are very near to that location um I would rather have more concrete um things to present I'd really rather go out to station 6 and talk to my men and women first um to to provide that information and I'm I'm 95% confident I'm going have that news before the end of this week so it's something I really would when do they have to be out of the spot that they're in now um the original discussion with Advent Health was July um they've wanted us to move up our timeline there's no exact date at this point but we've been meeting with them weekly to kind of provide updates where we're at they also have to another component of is is their trailer they have their EMS trailer um for their EMS staff right next to ours so it's a we're working together to you know clear that entire area so there's yeah we we we thought we were going to be able just work around just that the the footprint of the of the of the trailer and because of the the the grade the slope they've got to they've got to level the whole place so we we don't have a choice but to move move the trailer off the off the ad Advent property now they they I mean they they've been wonderful trying to work with us um they they even said they had a spot on the front of the of the parking lot they we could probably move the trailer to but we got a couple other options hopefully like like the chief said we'll have you know some concrete information that he'll share with station six and um and then if you'll share that with the council as well when you're when you get that so hoping by the end of the week then yes yeah okay and then while you're here uh are you able to update us on station 6 itself yeah in fact some good news on that front too and and Mr Shephard actually just finished reviewing the contract it's been back and forth with Miller with uh you know um the legal powers of be and and finance and we've actually got everything finished at 11:09 today so we are full on getting signatures done and moving forward and what's the next there's no more person in this room that wants this to get going so and then so from moving forward from here is it um we're going to permitting and and so we're still kind of looking at that permits are done everything's done on that everything up front it was literally just the the actual contract itself you know good to hear thank you thanks okay Albert McKim Albert MIM 3603 golden gem Road I wish to day for a change I could be the bringer of uh harbringer of good news but as usual same problems in Apopka the city is feeling its residents and too many people are doing nothing about it policy does not supersede the Constitution we're building this city offices like a fortress instead of welcoming residence in I feel we're being held out I want to be able to come here and discuss problems with the city I want to be welcomed I want to be a part of what the city is for the future and only by communicating with staff and with Commissioners can we do that but all the time it's locked doors and we come here and we speak and we feel that what we say is is landing in deaf ears one of the problems that I see is that sometimes we have problems in which we would have to Define criminal inent and Criminal Intent isn't always easy to Define we have a situation just now with respect to elections and we have had word back from the the people that we we uh spoke to about it saying that they wouldn't be comfortable moving forward with Criminal Intent because it's it's difficult to prove however they said that what we should have been doing is looking for civil review for weeks in weeks out I've come here and ask you Commissioners to help us decide whether or not there was reasons to look at whether people had filled out forms correctly and honestly that sadly hasn't been done and it's a big disappointment to me because if we come here and you're supposed to act on our behalf and to protect the residents I feel on this particular occasion I don't feel that you've you've you've you've really done what needed to be to be done in terms of fire station 6 that good news today I'm glad to hear that we're getting some progress on it but Brian you said that you're working well with Advent Health that's not the response that I'm getting from Advent Health they've suggested that the city has been blocking all their their permits for other things they seem to feel there's some sort of retaliation going you can smile but again you know uh with the Advent of all these new properties being built in golden gem Road there's over a hundred new properties already been in uh inhabited on golden gem Road and we're about to look at change in the comprehensive plan so whereas in the kpi I think we're looking about 12,000 houses I would like to know where we stand with a new fire station to be built for that general area uh have we identified where we're going to be plac that and with the necessity for looking for new equipment months and months in advance I think it's 14 15 months in advance just to make orders what are we doing to to to look at new equipment for those areas and if the comprehensive plan is changed and we're looking at buildings I think they were asking for for multistory buildings uh I haven't seen the the the requests for it but we currently can only really service buildings at four stories or five stories high if we change a comprehensive plan to accommodate people in that area for six seven story buildings have we looked at the possibility of how we're going to service that Community thank you okay Michael Duran M Claremont I came here today to uh express my concerns over the apka firefighters um professional firefighters Union contract um I don't need to tell you that there's still lack of proper leadership and management within the city of Apopka it is extremely disheartening that our dedicated and hardworking firefighters have been working without a contract for over a year it is absolutely ridiculous and very clear to many that is just another stall tactic uh played by the city to push back on their own fire department it is abundantly clear that there remains many cracks and fractures within the city that we claim to love and protect where does this end must another firefighter be killed must we continue to operate such a young Department due to turnover young and less experienced firefighters is a recipe for another line of duty death I know this all too well and so do you my family for 600 days has entered into a David versus Goliath type fight with this city we are nobody we have no influence no power and no experience yet we know what is wrong and most importantly what is right we know that in order to protect and keep our firefighters safe someone must speak up someone must fight even if that means standing up to Goliath even if it means to wage 100 wars only to win one our firefighters are not asking for anything out of the ordinary they strive to be treated as equal Partners they strive to keep and retain their current staff to build more experienced and better train trained and safer firefighters it protects them and it protects the residents of this city that they Faithfully serve I am asking you with your influence and your power and your experience to put our firefighters first for once bring the Union's contract the city council it is your responsibility to protect them at the end of the day decision is ultimately yours anyway let's stop kicking this same old can down the road and come to an agreement with your firefighters they deserve nothing less than for you to close this Gap and nonsense that continues to play out every day with this poorly managed City do nothing and we will continue with a young and less experienced Department do nothing and look at yourself in a mirror when a family suffers a loss of their son or brother due to poor leadership and poor Management in this city return the commitment to our Union's firefighters that honorably serve this community by you serving them respectfully thank you it thank you Mr okay all right we have five consent agenda items does anybody need to pull any if not look for a motion to approve some got a motion by commissioner Vasquez second second by commissioner Nesta all those in favor I'll oppose motion carries namly next up Crossroads at Kelly Park [Music] good afternoon Jean Sanchez with the Community Development Department this is a request to approve the crossroads at Kelly Park phase a18 plat the subject property is located south of andich Road West of Fe eie Drive North of Kelly Park Road and East of Round Lake Road approximately 31 acres in size the plat proposes to create 175 residential lots as well as nine tracks for open space and amenities access to the development is proposed on Kelly Park Road via spine Road as well as connections to the proposed and future developments so north south east and west plat is consistent with the CSP construction site plan approved by the DRC on June 1st 2023 the DRC recommends approval at its meeting on September 12th 2023 the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the pl the recommended motion is to approve the crossroads at Kelly Park phase 1A plant staff is available for questions any questions for Jean anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter not we'll close a public hearing look for a motion to approve the plat for the crossroads at Kelly Park phase 1A so move got a motion by commissioner Nesta second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I I'll oppose motion carries anly next up Oak View plant Jean Sanchez with the Community Development Department this is a request recommend approval I'm sorry this is a request to approve the Oak View plant the property is located on the Southeast corner of Kelly Park Road and Round Lake Road approximately 38.6 acres in size the applicant has submitted the Oak View plat for consideration of creating 100 13 Lots the entrance and spine Road as well the Splat also dedicate two rights of way tracks to the Perpetual use of the public and establishes three storm water tracks and 14 open space Recreation and amenity track access is proposed on Kip Park Road via Laurel site Loop and access connection to Future development on the west through turkey Outlook Outlook Road this PL is consistent with the major development plan approved by City Council on March 2 2022 and the construction site plan approved by the development Review Committee on January 11th 2023 the DRC recommends approval at its meeting on September 12 2023 Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the plat the recommended motion is to approve the Oak View plat staff is available for questions any questions for Jean not anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter not we close the public hearing for motion to approve the plat for Oak View so mve got a motion by commissioner Nesta oh second second by commissioner Velasquez all those in favor I all oppos motion carries unanimously next up the ridge again Jean Sanchez for the Community Development Department this a request to approve the ridge plat the subject property is located north and south of Boy Scout Road West of AO Apopka Road east of State Road 429 in benier Road and is approximately 241 acres in size the applicant has submitted the ridge plat for consideration of creating 13 lots and the Bronson Lake Drive a parallel facility for Boy Scout Road this Splat also dedicates three rights of way tracks to the Perpetual use of the public and establishes Recreation tracks to serve the entire Ridge PD access points are proposed and Bronson Lake Drive Boy Scout Road and AO poka Road it is consistent with the major development plan approved by City Council on October 13 2021 the DRC recommends approval at its meeting on September 12 2023 the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the plat the recommended motion is to approve the ridge plat staff is available for questions any questions for Jean anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter not we'll close the public hearing look from motion to approve the plat for the ridge so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Nesta all those in favor I all oppos motion carries unanimously next up mad Madison Oaks mf3 parcel for the record Gan Sanchez with the Community Development Department this is a request to approve the Madison Oaks mf3 parcel major development plan the subject property is located on 3434 West Celly Park Road the Southwest Cor cor of State Road 429 and sadlo Road approximately 12 acres in size the major development plan proposes the development of nine apartment buildings totaling 325 multif family units and four stories high on 12 acres within the interchange District overlay of the Wild Oaks development The Interchange District overlays permitted a maximum of 1,8 residential units constructed based on the master plan the calculation provided in the Wild Oaks development agreement on April 11 2023 the Planning Commission granted a special exception use permit for multif family uses in The Interchange District as required by the form based code the site design comprises of apartment buildings adjacent to sadlo Road and F Drive rights of ways and ab buts the Wild Oaks 10 acre open space amenity recreation area on the southwest corner of 429 and Saddler the Ingress egress points are in Sadler Road and golden gem Road parking lot is located internally screened by the apartment buildings Madison Oaks also includes its own amenity package that comprises of a clubhouse pool and a large pass of green area centrally located within the development sidewalks are located on the perimeter of the project area that connect the walkways to unit entrances a pedestrian connection is provided on north northern portion of the complex that promotes pedestrian movement to the commercial PODS of the Wild Oaks development the site is currently vacant and most mostly devoid of trees landscape Clan proposes red Maples Buttonwood and southern magnolia trees in the perimeter of the project area accent and parking lot trees consist of crepe myrtles Japanese privet and red maple trees and a variety of palm trees are sprinkled internally and adjacent to the buildings the proposed architectural rendering ings meet the Kelly Park interchange form based code as well as development design guidelines the DRC recommends approval at its meeting on February 13 2024 the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the major development plan the recommended motion is to approve the Madison Oaks MF mf3 parcel major development plan staff and applicant are available for questions any questions for Jean anybody from the public public wish to speak on this matter not we'll close the public hearing look for motion to approve the major development plan for the Madison Oaks mf3 parcel so moved got a motion by commissioner Nesta second second by commissioner Velasquez all those in favor I all oppos motion carries unanimously next up 1291 South Orange Blossom Trail office warehouse major development plan Bobby good afternoon Bobby how planning manager with Community Development Department dep the applicant is requesting approval of a major development plan for a 13,449 ft office warehouse development and a total of seven buildings property is located at 1291 south or Bram Trail and is approximately 11.2 acres in size of the 11.2 Acres three and a half are wetlands which will be preserved and that's detailed in the plan future land use and zonings Industrial for the property uh the use is a permitted use in that zoning District the site will be accessed via full access point leading into the site via US 441 left and right turn Lanes will be constructed leading into the site from US 441 total of4 parking spaces are provided on site seven of which are accessible parking spaces storm water is proposed to be discharged into a pond located on the southern portion of the site 43% of the site is set aside as open space this consists of storm water retention and the preservation of the wetlands and sight Landscaping development Review Committee recommends approval at the meeting on February 13th Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval recom recommended motion this afternoon is approval you have any questions STA and applicant are available any questions for Bobby anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter not will'll close a public hearing look for a motion to approve the major development plan for the 1291 South Orange Blossom Trail office warehouse so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Nesta all those in favor I I'll oppos motion carries next up FY 2324 individual distributed wastewater treatment systems conversion project Master service agreement and First Amendment to the master service agreement good afternoon mayor and Commissioners well my name is D Budu public service director at the last council meeting held in February the 21st 20 2024 the continuation of replacing the traditional septic tank in theiva Glenn neighborhood with the DWTS unit was unanimously approved by this Council spec specifically what was requested was the approval of the St John ker in amendment number four with the additional of the existing fund equal to 1,178 737 to fully realize the project all also listed or requested with the approval of the use of the master service agreement with the amendment defining what repair and replace costs are covered under the operation and maintenance provisions and also the third issue there was the adoption of the resolution number 20243 stipulating the minimum condition for the individual distributed wastewater treatment system Define the responsibility of the very stakeholder however the proper decorum was not fully completed to properly record the First Amendment of the master service agreement between onsite and the City of P this amendment need to be separately voted on together with the with the master agreement so I now hereby respectively request your approval of the idwt conversion project Master service agreement and First Amendment to the master service agreement as was previously approved on the February 21st 2024 council meeting any questions for Di think we' beat this one pretty good anybody from the public wish to speak speak on this one not we'll close a public hearing look for motion to approve the master service agreement and First Amendment to the master service agreement so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Nesta all those in favor I all oppos motion carries unanimously next up emergency designation under the public service department for the Vic roadway Wastewater system Force man do yeah well my name is De Bud public service with director I want to provide a brief synopsis on the PIP failure and emergency repair pursue and the sub force M along B Road and the vicinity area the existing Wastewater Force man as you can see from this depiction here um it showed that those that the color green show the existing 12in hdp 5 b of for man the one sh orange is the existing 18in dip which is Dr pipe and the one that shows in red is the existing 8 in duct pipe and the one to show in purple is the existing 12in P PVC these are all the Force main system betweenin that intersection what happened in the one in the rectangle the orange in the rectangle has been evaluated back in 2020 by staff and plan in Spec was prepared and this was buil out for construction service and MC engineer was selected in April the 5th 2020 to perform the replacement the construction work commenced back in November the 28 2023 and the replacement of the 2300 FAS of dip along the east side of Vick Road shown in the yellow rectangle had commenced the work comen back in in November and on February 12th 2024 while the contractor was completed the installation of the temporary bypass to make the connection to the Upstream system of the of the Doon pipe um the the section in the yellow failed as he was planning to do so that section was not in the contract that was outside of the contract so as a result um we were in desperation we had to fix that area water was coming out to the ground there as you can see some of the picture here and that was the only section that had remaining dip pipes well for that section so this was made since we are in this critical case here to remove and replace that do I piip with and and replace it with PVC because it was already ruptured dur during the construction for this emergency the falling repair was required we we replaced the Fai dip Vick road but the depression and base failure was temporary patch carbon G was was was repaired and also in pumpkin Road the depression and base failure was temporary p and carbon G was also repaired Road were both temporary stripe all the sewer flow was temporar shut off from this area until the repair is done and the sewer from the Upstream lift station had to be transported to the down stream system and that was a phenomenal task to divert all those flow com in there and to take them back somewhere else so what had happened we could not in this emergency situation find a vendor who will who have all these pipes so we had to to call in various um fendors we talk to Providence and they were able to provide provide us tree pieces we talked to Frontline and corain and they were able to provide some section of this pipe that we were um used to replace the preliminary cost estimate for the pipe we received so far among to $6,000 an MC engineer contractor removed the fail e induct iron pipe and replaced the 12in P PBC of pin Road in addition they also replaced the 18in pipe that was located in viig Road and none of these was part of the contract so we had to get into use the emergency contract mode in order to get this done quickly on the site so the cost of that operation came in the Bill of $138,000 we then had to find a Paving contractor to restore certain roadway work that we didn't had in the contract with with MC inal engineering so we had stage door on a piggyback contract and they given a code to remove the asphalt surface on big road and after while the remove of of the asphalt Stadium made temporary repairs to the affected segment of the roadway this include um the base the subbase the pavement carbon G and the total cost for for big road alone was 174,175 th000 the state door will commence preliminary work on March the 13 and this will be on pan road because that was also damaged and that was a County Road and the county would like us to repair that intersection so the perent repair after that road would be coming on March the 21st reason being is because they could not find a p and a Miller to do to perform that operation they did submit a cost test and that cost was 215,000 to do the intersection and the way that is different that's a functioning classifi road so that has more thicker asphalt and the a structural stuff that you have to perform in in building that that roadway we are still awaiting the invoice from Frontline and corain for the PIP fittings and pipe section and also from W Wind River environmental for the transportation of the waste water from the Upstream lift station to the down team system as a result of the temporary mean shut I'm shut off so um today why I'm here for the counselor is is because we we so far had expend $537,475 wish to speak on this matter not we'll close the public hearing and look for motion to approve the emergency designation under the Public Services Department for the Vic roadway Wastewater system Force main repairs so got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner Nesta all those in favor I I I'll oppose motion carries n next up ordinance number 343 ordinance number 343 an ordinance of the city of aapka Florida to to extend its ter Territorial and Municipal limits to Annex pursuant to Florida statute 17144 the he and after described land situated and being in Orange County Florida owned by Michael gentles located at 1400 West Kelly Park Road providing for directions to the city clerk separability conflict and an effective date June good afternoon this is Jun Z planner 2 this is on annexation adm4 1400 West C Park Road the property is currently unincorporated has and has requested annexation to the city for residential development the total size of of the property is 5.06 acres and it is currently vacant the future land use is of surrounding properties is residential estate and residential very low suburban and the zonings are rce PD and T transitional DRC has recommended recomended approval of annexation and the recommended motion is accepting the first reading of ordinance number 3 3043 and holding it over for a second rating and adoption on March 20th 2024 staff and applicant are available for Christians okay any questions for June I just had a quick question just to confirm the developer once we get to that stage they have to submit something along the lines of if there's any type of endagered animal on the site or anything like that correct and if there's a plan to remediate I see Mr how getting up for the record Bobby H planning manager once we get in the development review process they'd submit environmental level ones and those types of reports for endangered species to determine that or any groundwater pollution or anything like that on the prop okay perfect I know it's close to a a um Sanctuary for go for torices so just want to make sure that that's taken care of just in case so thank you okay anybody from the public wish to speak on this one not we'll close the public hearing for a motion to approve ordinance number 343 at first reading and hold over for a second reading and adoption so move got a motion by commissioner Nesta second second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I all oppose motion carries unanimously next up ordinance number 344 ordinance number 344 in ordinance of the city of apapa Florida changing the zoning from T transitional to CC community commercial for certain real property generally located at 734 South or Blossom Trail Servants of God Ministries Inc comprising of 065 Acres more or less providing for severability complex and an effective date this is J Zone planner 2 again um this is a resoning item for 734 South Orange Blossom Trail requesting resoning from T transitional to CC Community commercial to develop the place of worship the total size of the property is 0.65 acre the properties future landus is commercial and its surrounding properties are also commercial the current zoning is Transitional and surrounding zonings are Community commercial and Regional commercial DRC has recommended approval and the Planning Commission anonymously recommended approval of resoning the recommended motion is accepting the first rating of ordinance number 30 44 and holding it over for the second rating and adoption on March 20th 2024 STA and app cont are available for CHS any questions for June anybody from public wish to speak on this matter not we'll close the public hearing with for motion to approve ordinance number 344 at first reading and hold over for a second reading and adoption so move got a motion by commissioner Nesta um okay I'm going to say second second by commissioner Velasquez all those in favor I I I'll oppos motion carries n next up ordinance number 345 ordinance number 345 an ordinance of the city of repopa Florida changing the zoning from T transitional to Il light industrial for certain real property generally located at 135 permit Smith Road owned by Maryland es Broan Trust comprising of 7.23 Acres more or less and providing for severability conflicts and an effective date this is junon planner 2 this is a resoning item for 135 harmy smithw word casting resoning from T transitional to Il light industrial for the outdoor storage business the total size of the property is 7.23 Acres the property's future land use is industrial and its surrounding properties are also industrial the current zoning is Transitional and surrounding zonings are PD transitional light industrial and residential single family 1 a the DRC has a recommended approval and the Planning Commission anonymously recommended approval of res zoning the recommended motion is accepting the first reading ordinance number 345 and holding it over for the second reading and adoption on March 20th 2024 STA and applicant is available for questions any questions for June anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter not will close the public hearing look for a motion to approve ordinance number 345 at first reading and hold over for a second reading and adoption this one so move got a motion by commissioner Nesta second second mik Mr Velasquez all those in favor I all oppos motion carries unanimously next up ordinance number 346 ordinance number 346 an ordinance of the city of Republic of Florida to extend it its Territorial and Municipal limits to Annex pursuant to Florida statute 17144 the here and after describ land situated in being in Orange County Florida owned by Investments Alliance LLC located at 2518 hos Road comprising 4.17 Acres more or less riding for directions to the city clerk severability complex and an effective date good afternoon everyone my name is Amir Hamza I'm a planner one uh the request is to Annex one 4 17 acre parcel into the city of aapka the subject property is located at 2518 hos Road and is a site of Investments Alliance LLC the parcel is contiguous to the city limits and is eligible for Annex annexation persu to Florida statue 171 assignment of a city future land use and Zoning designation will occur at a later date through action by the city council the DRC recommends approval of annexation for the investment Alliance LLC property and recommended motion is to accept first reading of ordinance number 3046 and hold it over for second reading and adoption on March 20224 okay any questions for air anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter not we'll close the public caring look for motion to approve ordinance number 346 at first reading and hold over for a second reading and adoption so Mo got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Nesta all those in favor I all oppose motion carries unanimously real quick question because we're we're we're seeing a whole bunch of these and I think um commissioner Nesta has brought this up in the past we're going to have a whole bunch of piano key individual Jim Jim or Bobby you want you want come down what what we have a whole bunch of these long skinny piano key type of single residential neighborhoods what what's staff doing in terms of getting in front of this stuff because I mean we got to do something I mean you we can't have these long narrow single individual neighborhoods stacking right next to each other some of these Jim H community development director some of these Property Owners just want to come into the city others like this one they actually have a plan for I believe this the previous one actually have a road Frontage and they're looking to do four units on it just along a road roadway some of the others are just annexing because they they know what's going to be coming eventually to that to their site both of these I believe are all just the two dwelling per acre because they're not in the kpi area I know but both indicate that they're doing a multi- multi-property neighborhood correct correct it it's so it's not just annexing because of what's happening in a popit it's they are intending to become subdivision yes sir yeah so what my point being is that if we're just going to like go like this and say it's okay that's I guess that's one thing from staff but to me there's valid concern if we've got a long long neighborhood very narrow width and we're going to stack these individually right next to each other because there's several spots within our city that are still green that this is going to happen to do we have a a revision if we're looking at the Land Development code again now that we're seeing this more pervasive within Apopka we should probably be thinking forward what we're going to do about it well the right now there's no there's there is no requirement that they have to make it a certain size in order to Annex in that would be kind of exclusionary uh land use zoning annexation in order to allow somebody the free will or free right to apply for for to bring their property into the city the majority of these all can do that one line going in with a with a dead end we've had those every city has those throughout that I've ever worked in sorry i'm we're talking past each other yeah I get that they want to do that that that's in their right that's currently what's written I'm saying forward looking three years from now five years from now we still have a lot of these little like I said like piano keys do we want them all stacked next to each other with their own little one street out one Street in you know I get that they're able to but do we want to get something and think about how we strategize about saying how we handle these things going forward it is something it is something to be concerned about we we do encourage them to Annex with neighbors when they when they have that opportunity but right now there there's nothing in the code that that requires them to and it would be something definitely to look at um it's just writing that code does say you can't Annex unless you have certain amount of Frontage for a road that's that's the part that gets exclusionary so to commissioner Becker's point so when they want to Annex in do you go to the properties if there's a couple more next to them and say hey we you know this your neighbor Annex in if you're ever thinking of selling might be a great time to Annex together so that you could well I mean annexation is not my problem here again the problem is we we you've put a a crystal ball in terms of what they're going to do in our leading packet you're telling us that their intention is to create a subdivision what I'm saying is that once the land is anex and they're going to develop land I don't and again this goes to a legal you know whether it's legal or not um but we got creative with the small box retailers right and said hey you can't have one more than you know 2 mil away from each other is there some language that we can consider to say okay a subdivision has to be of certain width um I don't know I'm just thinking out loud of some certain width or what what have you that says okay there can't be these subdivision entrances just stacked next to each other on a roadway I mean that just doesn't seem like it's going to be PL long term we we do have uh entrance requirements and driveway requirements that you know that would preclude something like that to occur um they'd have to end up combining into uh with an existing subdivision somehow um yeah we do need to come up with some language in order to uh for a subdivision in order to be able to combine those into one entrance for a certain width that is something good concern Cliff do you have any any thoughts on that well well among others um I'm not sure how you'd like this idea but there are Service Roads there where you have an entrance off of a main drag and then require the development to provide cross access and then essentially a much narrower service road to get to an entrance so you don't have road entrance after entrance after entrance after entance so that's one way visually yeah you may like it you may not but that's a way and I'm sure there are other ways but uh cross access is is a thing and it's because of curb Cuts or get having access off drags which slows things down um it's particularly bad for example off State Road 50 and all the businesses that are developing out in the Claremont Way so but that's they there's also if there's side roads you can go out and make them come in the back and things of that nature but with subdivisions a little bit different harder is something we can look at though it's a good idea now Now's the Time as we're yeah okay yep okay so now when I when I did see this one the uh adjacent to it there is a a subdivision that's going to be built there I'm trying to remember I see that that's a subdivision that's going to be built to the right of it yeah rainbow Ridge right to the southeast yeah so there's no connectivity I thought that was required now this this is the one that has the uh uh the existing Road and they're planning on they aren't planning on actually accessing Kelly Park or hos Road they're going to be um annexing uh I think that's Chandler Road there um they're or McGuire Road they're going to be accessing that with their private driveways for homes and this is not part of the kpi no everybody good all right thank you Jim next up ordinance number 348 that's it ordinance number 348 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Apopka Florida amending chapter 50 8 solid waste of the apopa Cod of ordinances to reconcile the provisions of Chapter 58 related to private ruse collection services with any rolloff container solid waste collection service franchise agreements to establish key requirements and essential Clauses for entering non-exclusive franchise agreements for rolloff container solid waste collection Services providing for codification providing for Sal severability providing for conflicts and providing for an eff dat Josh afternoon mayor Commissioners Josh Robinson Public Services um this doesn't look like mine here so yeah just a little brief um um back up to the to the franchise agreement we're basically just doing a little house keeping to bring the uh ordinance and our franchise agreement into into agreement uh rolloff the rolloff franchise more generally uh rolloff service is generally used for construction of course we're under a lot of construction this area everyone knows um these trucks have a they carry a lot of weight there is an impact for our roads um any Solid Waste business there can be uh problems with Vermin litter if they're not managed and well implemented uh we have a illegal dumping is a problem in the in the area that could be related to un u unmanaged rolloff services and um the so the rolloff uh franchise is non exclusive any any business that wants to provide the service in the city can can apply for the franchise and it's in return for the privilege using our infrastructure to provide the Waste Services and they must enter into an agreement with us that stipulates service standards and requirements uh the franchise gives us some control over the haulers the hours of service the maintenance on the trucks you know the the labeling of their their equipment and trucks uh promotes competitive service oriented Refuge operations uh generates Revenue through uh fees that we charge to haulers and U the agreements can be structured to encourage environmentally responsible practices uh longer term contracts can Bolden haulers to make the necessary investments in our community to uh get the the most economic benefit for themselves uh in general other communities I've worked with um rollof fr anchises tend to run between 10 25% of the rollof franchises revenues which we're in basically in that range um again it's non exclusive it's not advertised um although it's part of our code of ordinances and most haulers are used to this they part of their due diligence they check with any jurisdiction they work in for various franchises and and uh operating requirements it establishes some basic criteria on their operations as I said hours of service uh it gives us some oversight measures and we charge franchise fees uh we currently they they're charged $80 a monthly administrative fee and then $25 per pull that they make um there's uh just a summary of from 2020 through 2023 the total franchise fees that we've collected is went from 65,000 to 256,000 uh in 2023 so does generate significant and where does that money go or BL maybe this might be a question for blanch s it goes St in sanitation okay yeah thank you and so that's uh generally the the franchise the with the the uh hearing before you today that's we we're previously the previous City administrator had us start using a franchise agreement that spelled out the details of of the uh franchise um however at the time we there was never any reconciliation with the code of ordinance it there was a lot of cross references that just didn't match up so um there was also a lot of practices that we just don't have the time and ability to do so we removed some of those and uh some of them were a little invasive uh as far as you know the interaction on their daily operations so we we just clean that up and uh yeah this this kind of streamlines uh Holly with the attorney's office was great getting this cleaned up gets it just streamlined it references the um franchise agreement so that gives us the flexibility to be a little more responsive to to market conditions or or or needs for the city okay any questions for Josh yes uh Mr Robinson you've been super helpful recently with a lot of my resident request so thank you so much for that being responsive uh I know this had come up um a few months ago and I had a lot of questions and this really did help to answer a lot of it and just to confirm what this does not only cleans it up but kind of gives it codify so to speak uh the teeth the city has to enforce our ordinances Provisions things like that correct yes yes okay thank you anybody from public Albert MC 3603 golden gem Road I think it's difficult for a member of the public to understand exactly a lot of what the city business is and how it can benefit residents in ways that it wasn't necessarily intended to but if the city can have ordinance as to these roll on and rolloffs with the current state of development in in a pop G how many homes are being built there's a significant amount of material that's being put into to landfills that shouldn't really necessarily be where it's going we also have a pro problem with homeless business uh there's about 5% of wastages on any home built in our ordinance structure is there any way that we can provide a situation where there's with the money that's been brought in from these franchises some way to separate material that could be reused for the benefit of the homeless people rather than just filling landfills anybody else if not we'll close the public hearing look for motion to approve ordinance number 3 48 at first reading and old over for second reading and adoption so moved got a motion by commissioner Nesta okay second second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I I'll oppose motion carries unanimously next up resolution 2023-24 a resolution of the city council of the city of Republic of Florida amending the budget for the year beginning October 1 2022 and ending September 30th 2023 providing for a budget amendment thank you good afternoon mayor Commissioners Bland chairman Finance director there it is it appeared uh resolution number 2023 41 for FY 2223 budget um budget amendment number 16 this is we're at the end of the year we're trying to close out the year so we're cleaning up a few things and just as last year the casualty insurance premium tax for fire and police these are the state contributions to the pension plan they always come in in the lateral fiscal year so they came in in 24 but we have to recognize them mfy y23 and therefore this is a budget amendment to do so um for the firefighters the amount was 373 647 and for police 667 334 totaling a, 4981 any questions for blanch anybody from the public wish to speak on this one not we'll close the public hearing look for a motion to approve resolution 223-4141 resolution 202 24-3 a resolution of the city of repopa Florida adopting the minimum conditions of approval for the individual distributed wastewater treatment SI system conversion project providing for separability providing for conflicts providing for an effective date thank you commissioner and mayor this was discussed again at the February 21st 20124 me approve again it did not follow the proper the Quorum it it was now read out and the item need to vote on separately so I hereby seek your approval of this resolution 2024 j- stre the minimum condition for the individual distributed wastewater treatment system Define the responsibility of each stakeholder okay any questions for do anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter not we'll close the public hearing look for motion to approve resolution 202 24-3 so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Nesta all those in favor all oppose motion carries unanimously all right city council reports coun Vasquez missing one no we still have one more oh I'm sorry I'm sorry yes yes yes resolution 2024 d05 05 resolution 202 24-5 a resolution of the city council of the city of AA Florida amending the budget for fiscal year beginning October 1 2023 and ending September 30th 2024 providing for a budget amendment good afternoon again mayor and Commissioners Bland Sherman Finance director um res resolution 20245 for FY 2324 budget I have six items before you the um first one relating to the utility operating fund reserves for the Emergency designation that do just um shared with you I think it was item number six on the agenda for tonight that total amount is 537,500 out of the utility impact fee fund Reserves for the water treatment plant facility it was a barrel pit that was used a barrel pit to reuse storage and pond this is not my expertise okay for liner pipes and pump installation and improvements so that's a project they they want to proceed on and we're going to take $850,000 out of reserves um for that and that fund does have those reserves available um general fund reserves these are some earmark funds of the Duke money that we talked about a few months ago about $250,000 this is for a conceptual and final design permitting and construction of a permanent solution to reduce the flooding of the lakes and homes and roads in the region surrounding border lake lake Cortez ped Mountain Lake and Lake page so just a conceptual study to start that out about $250,000 and last month you approved the amendment four of the grant with St John's river water M Management District for the additional 90 units with on site and again do talked to you again tonight you approve those two items in regards to the First Amendment with onsite and the resolution associated with that for a, 178 738,000 the fifth item is $450,000 coming out of carryover Appropriations related to um this is the Northwest Recreation relief exit Road in the amount of 450,000 I do have a slide for you to show you some of the details related to that that project equated to about $1.3 million we have um the remaining funds in the budget we have a short fall about $450,000 and rley is here to share with you any details pertaining to that should you have yeah R want to come on up R the Williams Parks and Recreation director good afternoon mayor and Council um so this is a exit roadway project that's been in the works for a couple years now we've had some budgeted funds throughout those years to uh uh get this project completed we're just about done with the design component of this uh which at that point we can uh take it out to the street to put a bid out for the construction um the budget shortfall is is a result of some of the changing and pricing for roadway Construction over the years as the Project's going on we also saw a great opportunity to add some additional parking uh to kind of frame in the uh new inclusive playground and the sensory garden that we're working on at this time as well so just opportunity to finish this project uh add some additional parking uh to the area that's going to be an improvement for that playground as well so any questions for either blanch or fadley anybody from the public wish to speak on this one wait one more I'm sorry oh yeah we got one more Jag one more item this is the Jag Grant and it was on the agenda tonight and you did approve that under the consent agenda it's about $12,000 is purchased equipment for the um school resource officer and improve the training center so the total for this amended amendment is 3,278 280 okay any questions anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter not we'll close the public hearing look for a motion to approve resolution 202 24-5 uh some got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner nesa all those in favor I all oppose motion carries n all right commission blasquez coun well being that we've had some of our um uh members here in the chamber waiting to kind of hear what the end result was uh for our go ahead oh okay so um after the meeting uh we had decide we decided uh as as a council to to have a workshop and to have the fire department uh Union come um in the workshop and really kind of discuss just informational uh so that we can kind of address some of the items because the the Union uh representative uh submitted 29 articles so we want to be able to kind of downsize that and try and address some of the issues that we feel that the city can address and um we haven't set a date yet that's something that we're probably going to do up here right now but just wanted to kind of get some feedback from uh once all the commission is kind of weigh in on this but we have decided as the mayor and Commissioners we spoke with the attorney mandal and we had a a informational discussion and we had some choices and we decided in the best interest for the fire department uh our members and for the city that a workshop would help try and move this uh negotiation forward okay so um I don't really want to touch on N of the other things because we've had uh we've been you've been here patiently waiting for this so I just want to yield to the next commissioner so that we can kind of discuss that yeah I mean just to kind of put a bow on your statement I think the the idea and some people get a certain idea of Workshop when you hear Workshop like it's informal you know maybe not something that comes a result of it um but I think there was um you know there there is legitimate implications that if you just jump right into foregoing ma magistrate the legal implications of what we then become as a result of that decision whereas you know where we're hamstrung as a as a council is there's not the ability to have a free exchange of thought um openly and what that allows us to do is pressure test both Union representation to this Council and this Council back to Union representation because we have blind spots in in these negotiations we're all um there's finer points that we all need to work out and I think um having doing that gives us a richer recommendation to a potential magistrate too to say these were worked out um through that free exchange of thought now I think we we kind of came to the idea we can't just boil the ocean with maybe all 29 that are outlined with a letter from uh Union Council but I think it would be in our best interest to prioritize things that have budgetary impacts first and foremost and then where as we may as individual council members have some um self-identified lack of experience or blind spots as it relates to procedural or administrative um items um that may that may be something that we rely more heavily on a magistrate to work out but I think having a discussion about budgetary items which out of the 29 there's a lot that have budgetary implications we prioritize that and have that that dialogue um because then you can definitely get a heat check and I and you know not to disclose all the the language that we used in in the meeting but then you have a packaged recommendation both from this Council collectively as well as the administration that then could be given to the magistrate to say yeah you guys are kind of in line with thinking and let's let's move forward but I think us having a healthy Exchange in an open forum is going to be um the right way to go okay anybody else want to add anything or I look forward to the workshop okay and U I think by doing that we have a better understanding as to what it is that we need to do how we can move forward yeah and so the the point we use workshop and again it does sound informal as if we're wasting time and that's not the goal it's to have the dialogue together and say okay yes we agree to that perfect tell our attorney to write that up send it over next one okay we agree to that let's move it over so he'll finalize that and get whatever kind of language but I guess where personally where my concern was that he described the the process that would be if we skip the special magistrate which is not an issue it's it comes down to we become the judge and jury at the time and instead of us being able to kind of give and take it's you present your side you present your side and it's kind of a yes or no or we just come up with something random and I didn't like that because I want to be able to go back and forth let's let's ping pong it a little bit to where we get to that that spot that makes sense so that's where I didn't like the that part to where he said that we really can't have that type of dialogue or that um uh conversation so that was really concerning to me because I want to be able to go back and forth in that capacity and I think um to commissioner Becker's Point everyone made everyone's on the same um approach of this is let's go through the money stuff first that's always kind of slowed this process down let's go over the money stuff what are we willing to spend what are you guys is willing to bend on a little bit whatever it may be or if we need to time things out on a certain amount so this will help to get us where we need to be I think and much quicker and I'm fairly certain our attorneys has reach out to your attorney to kind of make sure that you guys are going to be comfortable with it you guys discuss that but I think it's going to also expedite this process as well um versus kind of that more formal because it's my understanding too that both attorneys then need to be prepared to pre present cases to us and that's going to slow this down so I think this meets what we all need just in a slightly different fashion and hopefully you guys are agreeable to that and it makes sense but I do think that this will be able to get us where we need to be and not just okay we got a workshop done we're done it's going to be nope here's our action items um our our union attorney or our um labor attorney go ahead write this up this is where we're moving so hopefully that makes sense and it's not um hopefully it's in the same um understanding what you guys were going for as well okay thank you all right so commissioner blasquez we go back to you have any other items oh okay I mean we um well anyway um I have some some stuff here we have of course I just want to remind everyone that we do have uh Caitlyn was here that we next Wednesday March 20th we do have a workshop here for the City downtown aapka Main Street of papka uh we have the city Charter uh commission uh for us which would be I believe it's March next week also right 13th but the main street is the 20th when is it I think Main Street is the 20th right the right the main street is the 20th and our the 13th I had the 15th that's why I was asking and that's at uh what time again there 5:00 from 5: to 7: and that's important and I hope that our residents do come out and participate in that that's very important for us um I want to thank blanch um we for a few weeks there we were having the chamber asked for and the Chamber actually presented an emergency resolution regarding you know asking for 3% to go up to 10% so I had asked uh our CFO to uh research and and what the ask was has there been a loss of a contract by with the 3% by our city by the contractors local contractors and she um um I'm looking at this I'm sorry I'm reading it also uh CFO blanch came back and said that the awarded ITB contracts in the last five years have been 15 and the vendors that are based locally and were selected were four so I I don't see where our 3% has done any damage or has eliminated any of our local contractors from uh being able to Bid and Win a contract so I'm I don't know why we would even consider raising it to 10% at this time so that's I just wanted to to touch base on that um and again the chamber has not really contacted us or any individual to kind of give us any hard data as to why that ask was there so um it's we're all open to uh to discuss that with them but for now I just wanted to kind of address that and say that at this at this juncture I don't see why we would consider raising the 3% to 10% if we we don't have anything to show that a local contractor has lost the bid because it was more than 3% so uh wanted to kind of uh just highlight that over the weekend we had the spring Pops at the Saturday sounds it was really very nice unfortunately we had the siren somewhere around 6:15 or 620 so they were not able to do an intermission they did uh one more song after this uh siren and we had to cut the uh spring pops short around 6:30 right it was that but be besides that we were all really excited and we had some tables rented and so we had a good time it's always a beautiful concert and it is always well attended and then on Sunday we had our community uh band which is music to my mind and I had the pleasure of being the MC and it was really a good turnout although it poured rain um but still the uh residents did come out and I appreciate the residents that do come out and support it and I hope that we can grow that particular community band uh because it's a symphonic band and a wind band so that's basically all that I have and then oh uh next uh week March 12th we have the reception over at the Highland Manor which is the apaka boy scout Golden Eagle dinner and it will be the honory that they're honoring is our vice mayor commissioner Kyle Beckner that's pretty much it good way to finish thank you Mr Becker I mean my priority was uh obviously the fire negotiation get some traction there so we've discussed that um I will be making my rounds again because if I'm hearing that the kitchens are still not done in these firehouses I mean come on I'm I'm making my rounds again and I and I've got what let's month left I'll do my little picture around again but this is come on let's get this thing going that's all I have to say commiss Smith uh well I just want to say uh the black history program that was held was outstanding and well attended and so I want to thank the city for their participation in in that endeavor and there were several other black history programs that took place uh throughout the city uh I was able to attend the one at P Mount Elementary uh P Mount mle l Middle yeah and then one at a pop at pH sweetle uh Elementary as well so those all great great events celebrating black history and uh this month is women's appreciation month and Friday's National Women's appreciation so just want to recognize all theen women for the great things and contributions that they make to our society got it thanks commissioner Smith Mr Nesta just I know Mr Clipper had a couple final questions so let's if we can address those right now if you can come up here just so we can hear it in reference to the um what we discussed so okay sorry uh Alex ker papka professional firefighter so just on what the statement uh based on your decision was um not familiar with workshops being part of this but that's fine I I I understand that idea is the idea did he Express you that you know tentative Agreements are able to be made during these workshops well so it's it's an understanding of where we both stand and then it's we direct both of our turn say okay well that's we're we're on the same Accord on this one let's move forward and knock it out so it's not an official binding but it gets us to where we need to be to where you're not having to sit down at a meeting Direct to your attorney to direct our attorney to get to the mayor then then hopefully gets to us it it expedites that and we get to talk immediately together and say yes or no or what's that look like so the the plan would then be there's a workshop with all of you present and your representation the fire negotiating team public whoever else is able to attend then we would then schedule negotiation following that Workshop correct that would be the understanding and and anybody interrupt me otherwise but to say look we've already knocked out out of these 29 we knocked out 14 or whatever let's get those locked in done or I mean we can knock down all of them we've got all on 29 done CU it because that's the what is the goal obviously is to get things off the table if we can get things off the table then we if we do still have to go to a special magistrate then you can bring them five articles rather than 23 correct whatever and again the goal is to get the the financial side of this the money side which I think is it's a heavy side of this uh figured out first I think that really slows us down on a lot of it not slows us down but it's it's the the point of these so uh it's to focus on those up front and then be able to properly direct our Council from there sure um is the pension study back the the stud the study on the study Joe you heard anything from pension study and then also the salary study I don't uh Joe patent Director of Human Resources so I did talk to the actuary today uh they just received additional um data that they requested from the pension board or from empower so they're looking over that data they have some additional questions that they that they have that was supposed to those questions are supposed to go to in power today so we're hoping from what I understood from the actuaries that study should be done by the middle of this month so and to confirm too we already have an actuary from our current pension accountant or firm that we on if we need to is that accurate I can't I can't answer that question right now i' have to I have one in hand you can I mean if you want to rely on that you can I understood that that's all I need to know that we there's one in hand that we can work with yeah and if this one comes up that gives us different information great then we can run off that but we have one in hand that we don't need to delay anything there is one that we can Base information off of yeah okay thank you I mean all right so that was obviously it's a big factor right if you're looking at the the whole thing of what we're trying to do here if that's going to be a we can't talk about a pension Improvement then it's really difficult that what's the point of a workshop what's the point of all of it if we can't make decisions on things so that timeline's really uh frustrating um anyway um in that case we would go with whatever data we have in hand which correct that's yeah that's so um when can uh so you're timing timeline I gotta have a workshop and negotiation session and then who knows possibly scheduling a special magistrate we're we're we're a year out we're going to be at two years at at this point so and and that was our concern too and we discussed that and personally I'm not going to speak for anybody else if we did the if we bypass the mag straight and went just directly to us it would almost be the same timeline if not worse because again both attorneys would have to compile cases for this and so we're trying to get around that that formality to get this done so there was an attempt to create a date I don't know we're not there yet I guess but it was to confirm that your attorney wants to do this and that you guys are comfortable with and if you are let's get it done I mean I'm happy to make a date right now I kind of yeah I kind of understood from uh our attorney that we really didn't need it was more SO waiting for their approval right it was waiting for the for unions approval a unions approval that they want that they're even open to this and I'd rather not call it Workshop as much as it is a NE negotiating session because it really is a more we're not finalizing it but it really will have the power of finalizing once we dictate it to our or illustrate to our attorney we did discuss that obviously the the the way that the it flows is that our labor attorney speak instructed to our CEO and that we're more of a we're there to consult basically but it it was the understanding that once we finalize something or at least agree to it up here that we will Allin one have our labor attorney write that up okay yeah I mean it hopefully will'll take some time off that clock because that was the issue we're running into in negotiations is we'd make a proposal well I got to bring it back and get it you so so when is when is your meeting when is the union meeting when is our meeting yeah because basically it's it's you agreeing to the workshop yeah um I have no issue with it if if both attorneys have to be present then that's and they don't we're not going to have our Council there just so it again it doesn't muddy the water all right tomorrow but yeah as soon as soon as possible well I mean I mean think about it this way I mean commissioner us just point I mean it's a it's a free exchange of thought and pressure testing each other's points of view if we're going to sure if if there's a stance of 3,000 and we push back and do 2,000 and we come to Middle Ground at 2500 okay you may not be the best you know may not be the best choice but that's what we've kind of come to agreement with okay can we park that one that way it goes to a magistrate if that's the route that we end up going with hey this has been this is tried and true there's still may be some well it won't need to necessarily if if this Workshop gets some general agreements on stuff the will of the council will of our proposals and they get tentatively agreed to they don't go to the special magistrate it's off the table same as the 13 to 15 art we have tentative agreements on certain articles they don't go to him he doesn't see them so if we can so point being is if all parties come to this in good faith and I have confidence that I can speak for myself I would come in good faith that hopefully we can get to that point right and and we can check things off the list and that's why you when we had this discussion let's prioritize the things that have a monetary or a budgetary imp same as your budget workshops you do you guys make these decisions there's nothing different other than there's a length of a contract but you guys did eight today um yeah so do you want to come up with one you guys I mean you guys have my email or or do you want to do it live sure yeah all right let's go but I would ask you know when when all parties come come to the table there's certain benchmarking and certain data that we should come with both from and I know that you all have done a lot of research and and the city needs to have a point of view on that as well when I say City that sounds so US versus you sure the administration um come up with you know our own level of benchmarking as well so we can have a very healthy conversation um I have confidence that we will but are you able to do the 27th of March sure what time what time any time morning afternoon evening the rest of the council what do you for the 27 earlier the better yeah the 27th I have available 27th 5:00 yeah let's do five cuz we need time okay done okay thank you okay all right I got a couple more things real quick sorry okay um you finish yeah oh yeah it was it was it's uh uh the Martin Street and gr and Bacher cleanup went really well I had a popular high school students there uh the people of okwa Springs were there uh my buddy Alex paa did a pressure washing there and commissioner Blas quiz was really helpful and many others so just want to thank the community for showing up and and honoring our veterans that um that died for us early voting is now until March 17th 10:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. here at the VFW um just got an email actually we all did if I'm not mistaken about um it's a a workout group The Gentleman's uh Mr Ray has come and spoke many times it's out at the uh Northwest wreck it's going to be it's called the oak challenge it's it's a workout competition I've actually participated in very cool it's this Friday so go out and watch it's fun to see everyone else work out and not yourself so um that's it thank you okay Chuck mayor Commissioners um sorry being late um just as I emailed you earlier I was in with the um Orange County Administrator and the County Commission has decided to bring back the uh or is proposing to bring back the on Cent sales tax Initiative for transportation and some of the concerns that I have and and you should have is that they're looking at bringing over $700 million in and about 10% of that will go back to and be distributed amongst the cities um part of my discussion with them I I think we can all agree we have mass transportation needs for links and some others but we also have needs here within our community and to put 10% back to the communities I think is a very small amount um part of my suggestion was maybe we look at the sales tax model of what's created here comes back here um that's what was expressed from my view um but you will be the final decision makers to decide if you want to support that initiative so this was the first meeting they're trying to get it on the ballot to get it on the ballot they have to have it go through the accouny commission and it's got to be done on an April date so they're trying to push this very fast so I want you to be very aware of it um and you can also talk to your constituents out there and get their feelings as well as getting with the uh commissioner that represents this area I do know some of the other Commissioners are having workshops I didn't have a date or see a date that she had proposed um but I I'll I'll reach out to Christine and see what her feelings are on it on her side but I just want I I just don't think 10% coming back to the cities is fair so you know they're wanting to base it on population when this first came out um you know they they start out with one model right and then they came up with with like two or three or four different models of how municipalities would get the fair cut of of this money the final two to your point I think it was both like 10% or whatever for the municipalities the first model was it was an automatic routing but then the final model was no we would still have to go to Orange County andos that to get a cut of that 10% correct whereas I don't see how that model I could I could position that with any sort of constituent to say oh we've got to go make our case okay we see what that's still the model they're trying to propose and that was what was proposed today and and I and again I brought up I said why aren't we looking at something similar like they did over in Simo County on on the sales tax you know that's distributed by the state that TW type of model let's come to a number that we recognize that needs to go to mass transit and then the remainder be distributed by by a sales tax model yeah and two more points on that topic one of which and I know that when they tried to um positioned this before it it was almost on their website that they took our Capital Improvement plan of our own streets and put it under their website almost leading the reader to say hey if you support this these things will happen yeah and I think that they need to be cognizant of don't try and misinform not I'm not saying evil intent there I'm just saying they need to be intellectually honest with our with our constituents but then two hey you I think it could easily get behind it if we use this to our advantage on what we've talked about in terms of infrastructure around here anyway and come up with a thing around you know whatever the right amount would be is improve and turn over potentially roads that we've kind of half and halfed over and this wasn't part of the discussion but I I brought up I said okay y'all are collecting impact fee Transportation impact fees what have you spent up here in Apopka I said you're moving the money down to Rosemont and other areas my commission wants to see what's coming back to my community I said we've got an impact up here at PSR what have y'all done y'all put a a multi-unit apartment complex up there in your area and you've waved the impact fees what improvements are you making back up there so I did I did express my concerns and I hope you support me in that because I I think we need our fair share back and that's all I want back here is what's fair to our community needs to come back to our community so I I'll get off that moment and move forward secondly um the salary survey we my Joe and myself met with the salary survey guy via Zoom he is completing his study um the pay bands are complete he's ready to present those to you he is working on the compression to give us a number on the compression and my plan is to have a workshop from 4:00 to 6 before the next meeting on the 20th so I know I've spoken to most of you commissioner you weren't commissioner you weren't here but please put that on your calendar from 4 to 6 on the 20th for um review of the salary and benefits study and that'll be where you get to ask your question questions and so forth if you don't have anything major then what I'll do is bring a resolution that night forward to adopt it and continue forward otherwise if something comes up I'll pull it so okay yeah I have 46 salary review Workshop yeah so that's on the 20th and then um that's a whole day of because we have it is an all day we we got one meeting after another we have um the salary review then we have the city council yep are you feeding us more like are we feeding them yeah okay so and then lastly just to give youall heads up uh some of yall may know um Jim announced to his employees um after 39 years in planning and 19 years on two occasions with the city that he will be retiring from the city um I had a conversation with the mayor and have talked to Joe also to engage a head hunter to find a new planning director for the planning department so when youall get the opportunity you may want to just thank him for his time and and uh being here with the city and we'll continue to move forward and just it's June some sometime in June uh yeah he his plan is to to to leave at the end of May he's actually got some PTO to burn up and so forth so he's going to actually go travel but he'll he'll come off the books in the beginning of the June okay anything for anybody Chuck okay thank you Chuck next up well yeah not to thank you for your service uh Jim um we we've had many exchanges at the Le turn and on the on the deis and and you know through through the course of City Hall so I appreciate your service um how how long was it with City now because two cents how many over 19 years 19 and then how much with Claremont oh that that's just that's just I know how much in addition with Claremont yeah yeah yeah well thank you yeah I mean you still have a a few more uh Council meetings giving us each time to kind of just say thank you to you but you know for me anyway as long as I've been here you know I knew I could always go to you and like commissioner Becca said we didn't always agree um but you were always available and accessible and sometimes in our private conversations we had our little discussions where I didn't agree with something so I appreciate your cander all the time and your willingness to always try and uh you know all always you know presenting your side and why we do things and you you quoted the comprehension plan and land I always look to can we change that and uh well just wanted to say thank you but you still have a few Council meetings for us so look forward to them okay Cliff all right let me see I turned on here yeah okay so uh just briefly it was alluded to earlier because we're obviously coming up on an election it's important that the right information be out there and I want to make sure that without going through the whole letter that I got through the main points of the letter we got from the uh office of election crimes and security the two relevant sentences there is more I'm not trying to say that they're not but I'm cutting to the chase are the following and this is regarding uh Mr Mock's candidacy o oecs the office of election crimes and security has reviewed has determined this complaint is not facially sufficient because the candidate eligibility and qualifications issue you have raised do not fall within the definition of Elections fraud now facially sufficient is important legally because that means that if you take everything that was written as true it doesn't matter it's not fraud it's not a crime uh the last paragraph of the or next to last paragraph says uh the allegations do not uh contain specific facts or direct evidence of irregularities or fraud that may constitute a crime under Florida law thus as alleged these are both civil matters which as you might recall because I've pined on this multiple times I said at the very beginning if there's a challenge to be made it's another candidate or a citizen but the role of the city was not present after qualification so that's it thank you Cliff appreciate it okay mayor's report um I want to just kind of dovetail off of of um Chucks on the sales tax so we have a uh we have a group of Mayors and administrator city managers that meet maybe quarterly I guess which is West orangs County which includes windir West um windir wintergarten okoi um Oakland and Apopka and so when we we we came up with the kind of the bullet points on the sales tax and what you know we as Mayors could agree to and and I I think the commissioner Becker's points I think were're kind on the same Pages they had it flipped they had 40% of the money going going to road infrastructure and 60% going to Transit and I said you know for us in West Orange County we need to flip that so 6040 also to commissioner Becker's point that that that middle technical Review Committee of Orange County I can't support anything that's got that in there with Orange County's micromanaging you know the money the 6040 is based on sales tax um strictly it's just an easy formula for everybody to you know so as popul go up or go down every year it will adjust based on the the the sales tax formula it's a complicated formula but um anyway had blanch trying to figure out how to make that you know but anyway so and then a couple other points I said that we we as you know as as I met with uh mayor demmings I said mayor I said um I think we as a city council would come up with a five-year project list whatever that is and that we would vote on it as a council that we will in the first five years based on these dollars we will complete these projects and not only will we vote on at the city council we'll we'll we'll advertise it in the popach chief and the West Orange times so we're committed if if if we get it the way we want it which is 6040 uh roads to uh Transit and we get you know the the sales tax formula that we could we as Mayors could agree to it so may I'll share with you they're they're proposing the 20 20 the 2022 model again they don't seem to be bending on that just so you know so I guess West Orange County none of us were for it last year or last time except I think Oakland might have been for it everybody else um didn't didn't weigh in you got something cliff on that yeah was something totally for unrelated but I was I just remembered it and that is that the last time we spoke I had spoken at the charter Review Committee about the whole rural boundaries thing and what has happened since that meeting in this one is the legislature intervened and said you can't do that and it's specifically directed at Orange County's Charter review Camp so for the moment that's a non-issue yes okay all right okay um let's see what else early voting was brought up uh obviously it's March 17th from 10:00 am to 6: PM uh March 4th through the 17th uh at the community center on Central um we this I know it was brought up kind of I guess we've got two art contests going on and this is the one it's in front of you and it's um it's honor the pass through changes for change for kids contest crer kindergarten through 12th grade picture of poem with the theme honoring the pass through change submit uh by Thursday March 14th um please uh have a students name age phone number uh and the winter will be announced on March 20th and the last thing um I don't know if this is who's I who's running this one Dr Jackson oh okay yeah um last thing I I guess this is good news we the columbarium will be installed on Monday at 8:00 a.m. so if you're looking for a spot and you like columbariums uh come on down at 8: a on Monday and watch us put it on the uh the slab so thanks Susan thanks rley for getting that it's SP you know trying to get the the cranes and the and the colums themselves all kind of matched up with Winter Garden has been a little bit of a challenge but we uh we got it done and last I'd like to thank the council this was one of the most productive meetings we've had in a while so I want to thank y'all for making this a productive meeting