everyone please stand for a silent prayer a moment of reflection we will now salute the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation under God indivisible Li and justice for all as to comply with the open public meetings act chapter 231 PL 1975 adequate notice of this meeting has been provided in the following manner the annual notice was forwarded to the Asbury Park Press the coaster and the star lger on January 22nd 2024 and post on the bulletin board the same date all notices are on file with the city clerk we're now on to items to be presented our first presentation is regarding 614 cookman avue Vue Redevelopment plan Amendment good evening folks my name is Beth mcmanis I'm one of the city's planning consultants and I'm just going to give a a very brief overview uh an introduction for the presentation that you're about to see so this evening we have a a presentation about a potential change or proposed change to the CBD development plan for the site at 614 cookman Avenue although it also does have Frontage on Lake Avenue we're going to hear about a proposal to have uh a portion of that building occupied by uh a company referred or known as Vidia that does uh recording space and and some other complimentary uses and with that I'm going to turn things over to uh to the folks that are going to do the presentation I may4 cook I'm the attorney for the owner of the property as I inding cing LLC property application lot 2404 lot six if the board is unaware it is a true lot meaning goes right from over Lake it isn't lot obviously it's in the C area it's both subject to cookman Avenue Retail core regulations as well as the building that c regulation back part on link subject to CBD reason we're here is we have proposed tenant viia that is looking to leas approximately 14,000 sare ft building for it business it will have in there as indicated Amendment recording and production Stace sound music video recording production M reheal Stace and a music store great on Lake what I'm going to do is call up it's going to provide some brief oversight what is I'm work the computer the slid if you can start first with your affiliation with yeah so I started uh 10 years ago you know uh grew up around here went to milon North went to Brookville Community College uh been in music business essentially my entire life from you know starting with 18 uh 32 video about $3,000 buil it up to now $400 million company about 130 employees uh we have offices currently in bever Hills um Dubai London Legos Nigeria and uh hopefully at Park of the0 employees we put about 50 to 60 in this location um all you know working during the day with of me and B kind move to like a more music Town um and right now you know our primary business is that we we do distribution of music now the interest in Asbury Park is based upon the history of Asbury Park music and also continuing what is going on with Asbury Park in terms of scene that we had and bring down addition further production recording studios correct yeah yeah yeah I went to my first concert uh at St Pony you know and yeah so just the idea of like you know now that I'm in a better position to kind of get back and kind of help you know build the legy what I want TOS on sub cook where you would be occupying space just describe to the left you have C cook right we have Lake G just a little bit of the lay on how that space within the building is going to be utilized yeah so so I mean the space is essentially conceptualized as like what I would call like uh we were kind of Soho House kind of thing so it's mostly like a collaborative space where people come in and have access to like you know music facility that they would otherwise have access to when you first come in there's a record store so one of the things that we do as a company is that we do distribution of V records we put out you know Usher we were the inde company that had Usher at sowl this year we put out the color purple soundtrack we're doing um you know the remastering remixing and distribution of Above the Rim and things like that so vinyl is kind of a big thing for us especially as it gets more popular so we thought line up at V store right off of cook there and then as we come in you know the concept is you know there would be a uh key card access into the facility and in the facility you know uh individuals would basically be able to pay like kind a what I would call like a almost like a gym membership so like a nominal $20 a month kind of thing and then you have the ability to kind of work within the facility uh have a desk and then also if you wanted to kind of use you'd have credit to kind of use the different kind of uh Studios it could be a podcast studio um you know it could be a recording studio it could be something where you're doing editing or photography so you know one of the things that inspired me is that you know my office currently is at Bor is actually a second tenant at borks believe it or not um and uh and and you know having kids just kind of you know just really hang out within you know and do their homework and it's a really kind of nice environment so I said well why don't you know I kind of match that up with a creative facility so people could you know like you know otherwise may not have interest kind of get introduced to the Arts now I see in here you have a number of Studio rooms you also have on there a stage that stage um yeah so it's not like a stage like certain I'm not trying to go head to have St Pony I mean um it's mostly just like the idea that um a big component of what we're doing is is going to be education so we want people to kind of learn how to like you know use cameras and use different like you know computers and mix and you know master and things like that and so a lot of it is going to be like kind of like you know it might be fires side shots it might be kind of like an open classroom environment so it's meant to kind of be more like that um if there's any performance I would say it's like going to be more like a acoustic but we're not going to have anything you know that would certainly bleed out and you know be extremely noisy but that's not to be open to the public that's yeah no yeah so so the idea is that like one of the things that you know is important is that like um is that we know who's in a facility and that's a safe facility and so you know by by individuals kind of paying like a $20 a month saying like we'll know who and it'll be key card access so we'll know who's in there and and who's moving around so like we don't want to have an environment where you know people are are buying tickets and then coming in and we don't know who they are or whatever it's important that like yeah that's it's kind of a like a fler better word a closed community that you know there's some kyc that's going on so so it is a safe environment now you indicated that say I just want for you to touch upon in terms of the sound of facility make sure we have either to the adjacent businesses or add on either side yeah I I we're put a considerable amount of money into it um you know we already have we're building studios in our other offices um those are being built right now in London and uh Legos in Nigeria um but the one Hills is built and you know in that space we actually have a uh a high-end jewelry store that sells you know half million dollar watches right above us we have cars right below us inly Hills and and that room you know we mitigate sound that there's no complaint so uh I don't think that's going to be an issue here certainly hire so you have professional oh yeah like night try make [Music] it all right in terms of have about 50 employees in am I correct correct and that's going to be a lot of them during the course of the day during the work am I correct that would activate downtown as opposed to restaurants that have nighttime corre that's all I have have a couple questions you go first um so I have a few um I know that many recording studios in places where recording and um performances take place those buildings are built with many inches of concrete and I know this is a old building and I know this building was not built for sound you spoke about your building in Beverly Hills and that's Jason to a jewelry stop that doesn't complain but you've got people living nearby and so I just want to know what the PL because it is an old building and it was in F for the sound that I think you're will to put in there um yeah I mean I I so I mean a couple things to that so so I don't think the sound is going to be really that considerable because we're not doing any like live rehearsals there's not going to be like any like live instrumentation really going on um that would kind of create like most of the noise but I you know I do know that like we have to mitigate it regardless of even if someone was you know sleeping above us uh because uh there are other recording studios so if you know if if for instance someone is on the floor making noise like it's and it's not mitigated properly like Studio A B and C would essentially you know and the podcast Studios would basically unusable because you know the noise would B in those rooms so so we need to be able to manage the noise at a level that a microphone in any one of these Studios you know with a high level of sensitivity wouldn't be able to pick up sound from ajacent room so so you know so if we're able to mate that which we have to for the sake of our business um it certainly won't go out to someone that's sleeping 500 feet away okay and you you had mentioned that the stage would be used for education purposes so you're not planning on putting performances in there where people pay to come in and watch Life perform no yeah yeah yeah it's it's not that's not the kind of facility like I I don't want the liability of having performances in which people are like dancing you know like like our goal is not to do like uh you know be uh like a house of Independence or something like that that's that's not right that's not the nature of the business no that's not the nature of the business and again like you know we're not like we're not going to be selling tickets or you know having anyone like everything that we're doing is kind of built around the community so like you know so stage is kind of sim set up to what we have here which is like it's more like a Auditorium you know kind of set up so you had mentioned that there would be about a $20 nominal fee per month and you also mentioned this is a place where kids can hang out things I don't know that the kids in our community necessarily have $20 a month to pay for a membership yeah of course yeah and so that's something obviously we're you know we're cognizant of so like so the thing to me is not really so much on the price point um you want to make it accessible um you know I I'm on a you know the local committee for the nework all stars we hire a lot of people from nework Allstars we also work with Boys and Girls Club of asur like this is you know that is something that we are very uh composite of um you know at the end of the day like what we're try to solve you know whether it's through like subsidies subsidies or like Partnerships or like you know corporate Partnerships or whatever you know the important thing is that like what I've learned by working with the allstars is that it isn't important that there is like you know um uh the people like kind of uh like give back you know what I'm saying that's two-way street so to speak so it's not just like you know open everyone but at the same time like people coming in and it's accessible but also requires like you know like um to kind of be part of the community that makes sense I don't know if I'm like wording this correctly but like you know but the idea is that yeah we are I don't want to make it like exclusion don't Ure that and those that could otherwise we still have access PR yeah yeah yeah yeah I think there's a variety of ways that we could achieve that you know but I think if I just make it like kind of free day one we're run a business and two um you know I don't think that's going to achieve what we're looking to do either so I didn't go to the me and the second FL just we have me just collaboration space am I correct corre and then you have your offices upstair correct sorry that's okay I think I'm uh I think I'm finished by the way I'm also open to suggestions so like so these are things that we're you know we are looking to figure out yeah so those those were my my main concerns eileene hit most of mine um uh to her point you know what we do with the recreation department is we provide say uh Beach cards for people who can't afford our beach access uh in Asbury Park during the week so maybe could do a card or something for kids involved want to be involved in music and can't afford the $20 um so I like the idea I think it's I think it's a very cool idea I think it fits Asbury I just don't want to be screamed at every time I go to Taka for dinner about sound yeah so that would be wonderful if we could just make sure that that doesn't happen so when I'm envisioning this is it is it so my son was in lake house and I know he's here so there's like separate rooms where kids get guitar lessons on in one room and then the big band in the other room and then none of that sound mixes which is what I'm envisioning you're very similar yeah yeah okay yeah and then an open space where the stage is and who's performing there so yeah so so I mean so the stage is kind of like so like with the stage it's really meant to be like again like it's not the sole purpose like DNE um for 95% of the time there's going to be like collaborative open like Des like very so simar to like having like this where like You' see in a co-working space it's just that if we're having like um and are people going to be playing music at these desk I guess is what I me no no no no so so they're going to be like working like you do if you if you ever been at Bor a lot of kids no but I know co-works yeah yeah so so so in the open space like a lot of kids after school will just come and like kind of what I used to do at the library like you go there you squirt so you're not at home you're not whatever and you're you know you're working and you kind of you know you're out of the house and you're doing your homework and whatever and then if there's something like let's just say we have a rep from Apple who's going to be talking about like the importance of like playlisting and how to get your stuff we I mean we have a lot of really good relationships because we work with like a lot of high-profile artists so like we could have someone who's like a a high-profile you know um mixing engineer um just giving like a little talk on like the best practices to like our you know so like think of it as almost like like what you do at like meetup.com like a meet up really um that's that's for the purposes of of the community so I think one of the key things is that you do have studios here and they can't go the sound can't exceed that room into another room right otherwise you're interfere so you have to Ure that it's sound proof enough that it can't escape those yeah and that's where predominantly the the music would be in these I mean all my employees will be working above this also so like so you know like if I had like a kiss reunion tour here it wouldn't be great for anyone including my business which is you know like this like I'm this is kind of like again like it's meant to be part of the community and kind of uplifting um but also you know the thing that we make our money with all my employees will be working about this so they can't be disturb as well on a conference call hearing someone yil or scream or play whatever and if we wanted to talk to your neighbors you said that your neighbors in Beverly Hills are really really have no problem with it we could talk to them yeah yeah yeah yeah I don't I don't know them uh I think our I think directly above us is the deos so um I don't know if they'd answer me but and then then the jewelry store the top store uh but uh but yeah I mean you know I I'm more than happy to give references like said I've been in community my entire life so you know like we've had we've had years where people have told us I'll give you an example that as hotel that there would be no sound issue and then we spent a summer being screamed at because of the sound on the Ed for hotel so any references of around the Beverly hill structure that would be really great for us just so we can confirm what you're saying I'm sure what you're saying I also live here yeah live here they're not going to call you they're going to call me yeah that's right yeah we I work out and that was that was part of my point too I watched when the Lake House was built like the concrete between the floors was like this deep because it was built just just for well I only know it because I go when I walk through you you don't hear my kid in the big band with the guitar players yeah my design it would be catastrophe if you could uh because no one would ever record in the studio which you food drink people living around you no I know what I'm saying is that the threshold like in this studio if I had a microphone with the preamp turned up that had a sensitivity where air coming out of the vent would be disrupting like the threshold is is much is much lower um you know like so you you said I don't care about the neighbors like for us to have a successful business like our you know the bar we would need to meet will be much higher because of the necessity of the space just like and no food or drinks in the space right uh I mean you we'll do like snacks like you know like restaurant just just checking Andy just check what are your hours of operation um yeah I just I would say normal business hours uh you know u i mean I would say like 9:00 a.m. to like 1 p.m. you know something like that that come in on weekends or you would accommodate them yeah yeah I yeah I say on a weekend it would be open as well but like you know I don't want it to be like a you like like a midnight look on the second third floor meing the second floor actually where you have your offices those going to essentially be regular office hours yeah yeah that that okay so the studios wouldn't be open for overnight or Saturday and Sunday well I so I I think Saturday Sunday daytime hours because you know I think that's that's part of it especially you know um but like during daytime you know it's not going to be like a it's not going to be like you know a lot of studios in the city like they you know they operate like 2 3: a.m. that's not the idea that's not what we're trying to like the environment we're trying to create any other questions no they yes so that's fine so that um I had a I had a number of questions that have actually been answered during the presentation so I appreciate that I was most concerned about sound mitigation uh but I'm I'm pleased to hear your answers and and I understand the the need about the industry needs might actually uh be stronger than the residential concerns in the area but notwithstanding I would anticipate that if there's going to be a Redevelopment plan Amendment there would certainly be sound mitigation standards in place and so who actually ensures that those on the behalf of the city who ensures that we have those sound mitigations in place well we can do a report and then that report can get Incorporated to any approval so I and I think it's going to be a multipronged approach there'll be regulations in place they'll have to demonstrate compliance with those regulations as part of both their planning board approval and to the extent that it overlaps into uh uh construction code and construction issues it would be confirmed at that time as well during the the fit out that's it those are my only questions so relatively straightforward uh plan Amendment compared to some of the others that have been considered Lan or Fred any questions okay so we thank you for your presentation we're hoping you stay around because if public have questions that'll be during the public session great thank you thank you our next presentation is by pora at Asbury LLC for redevelopment project at 911 Kingsley street block 3901 Lots 5-9 thank you mayor councel appreciate it my name is Sal Al Fury I'm attorney at Clear people on the back here I can't no okay I'll speak a little louder I think our microphone really terrible I mean we should look into new microphon because is this any better any better I'll speak with more Bas my name is Sal alfery I'm from clear giobi alferi and Jacobs I represent the applicant here tonight Porter at Asbury part LLC uh we're going to be making a presentation for you tonight related to a proposed Redevelopment and expansion of the existing uh restaurant space that is commonly known around the town as uh the first person that's going to be speaking for us tonight is Jared Moran once we get the technology uh up and running he's going to go over the plans generally give you an idea of of the scope of the project and and and you know what after two multiple trc's what we came up with in in a collaborative effort that we think will really benefit the city uh after that we also have Shawn Delaney who's here is going to be able to touch on some planning and Engineering issues or questions that may pop up and then we also have representative and owner of the LLC will be able to answer any operational questions for so good evening uh everybody this um my name is Jared Moran I am a principal and landscape architect for Bowman Consulting Group um we were responsible for the design of the Florida Park expansion and building expansion and I'm going to walk you through the proposed design uh that we currently have in place as you can see on the screen right here the the project site is the existing fla Hasbury Park Restaurant uh and includes the adjacent Lots between the existant pida site and first a so as you can see fla the lot um is found by Kingsley Street to the east first a to the South and second app to the north and uh yeah so so the project uh we can go to okay so yeah right here what we're looking at now this is the uh plan view of the proposed uh improvements you can see so yeah so um you know so how how to break walk you through the site it's uh We've basically broken it down into these these areas we have the existing pter restaurant on the top left of the screen uh to the right the existing pter park that's the existing improvements uh sorry west of the pora the existing pora restaurant is where the expanded uh restaurant will go that is approximately 3600 square fet and uh to the top right we have the Bachi area the ging area and the existing Cottage that exists on the corner of Kingsley in first half and then in the green in the lower area will be the event space and that is where the uh proposed Tent Events event tent and outdoor entertaining area will exist so um so so looking at the you know the the color rendered plan view here um we could see you know walk you through the the improvements within the area the surface materials and uh then I have some 3D perspectives that will help everybody kind of understand site a little bit better uh so yeah so the restaurant expansion uh as I said before is about 3600 Square F feet inside will be the expanded kitchen and it will also house for rests um the what what did you just say there be restrooms in there for for men and women um so overall the area of the project is approximately 1500 square feet and just to give a little bit of a background on this so we work with the uh TRC we presented to them uh in the summer and got received some comments we had two working sessions with the planners of the the TRC and went back made the adjustments and went back to the TC for a second meeting had you know compliments from the design and the effort that went into working with the TRC so you know we're excited really excited about the project we think it's you know really come a long way since the exception of the concept and working with the TRC so um so yeah so with the restaurant extension um in the lower left corner to the north of that is you'll see the two gray areas those are that's trash enclosure those are going to be surrounded on the uh you know all sides as well as the roof that'll help with the you know any rain but also from the adjacent buildings uh the windows they not going to be looking at trash so that'll that'll help to the north where uh along second a you see there's um a bike C so so yeah right there SE so we're we're proposing a bike storage shelter which will house approximately eight fights so yeah moving on to the um the top right the Bachi and the cottage area uh there will be a connection to the existing Porta park right so um the the overall design style of the uh the expanded Park improvements were more or less taken from this existing for park there natural materials it's it's more of a a national park design style right so very uh you know rough and rugged materials very natural feel so there's connection point to um to the Bachi area at at the top there as well as a centrally located walkway that will uh connect First Avenue entrance to the exis park so as you can see in the uh you know within that b area we have two bot courts one on the right hand side will be uh we'll have a surrounding wall right like typical bot court and then the one on the left is going to be more of flexible for the second but we p and chairs out when when we need to um along keesley Street you can see there's a an overhead structure with some tables and chairs under there and a satellite bar and below the cottage is a more sued area that will be some various seating elements with a the fire right so moving down on the event space so we have you know the main area is that green right so that's synthetic shf that's where the the the tent will be located right the tent is approximately 80 by 50 uh feet right so 4 4,000 ft um the reason for the synthetic tur is so that we can you know put this tent can be there for an extended period of time and not you know impact the surface of the of the ground so this is what it'll look like when the tent is not there if we go to the next slide this is you know area of the tent one of the things that did come up in the TRC meetings we had the tent that wased right up against First Avenue and turned 90° so so one of the comments from TRC was let's try and take that away from first a and what we have is a uh a wood structure an overhead structure that kind of wraps around the building so from First Avenue when you're looking and uh we have some some slides that kind show you what that's going to look like but it'll be um the transition right will be buffered a little bit from t t in your face uh also along First Avenue it's hard to see here have shade trees that are you know very closely planted along First Avenue and uh that's going to also help with the buffering of of the tent overall um adjacent you know you see that we have two fire pits uh right between the tents and for thousand two fire p in small seating areas and then various other seating areas of you know small and large so that is the overall ma'am can can we turn our phones on mute the again know I'm not turning my phone on so so um you know just walking through the elements uh you know more natural flag uh Paving right with more of a natural uh and so what we're looking at here this is a bird I view from over the tent right looking into the uh you know Kingsley street is North uh a page North and U you know we're looking over the improvements the Bachi area small seating area as well but you can see here the the surface material we're looking to use uh some blue stone flag Lo stone similar to the existing Porter Park some decomposed granite and uh and and some concrete so varied types of materials but all on the natural side um as far as lighting you know we're looking to just keep that very low hey uh you know similar to the existing qu park with the overhead string light we have some string lights and low Ballard uh but it's not it's not meant to you know light light the place up more security and safety purposes Jared you could correct me I'm wrong but the design was intended to almost activate portions of First Avenue and along um along the beachfront there so that when people are walking by it it's inviting there's there's there's activity going on they can it's almost as if if a if a the intention is is that if you're walking down First Avenue you you see activity you want to go and and participate in what's happening in the Porter Park area that's no that's right that's one of the one of the main elements from the TRC that we heard from them is that they wanted to open up the views from Kingsley and first into the park right so they didn't want us to kind of wall off or puffer the the uses from this expansion to the R so so that was one of the um the main elements along the right hand side of the page you know beyond that fence you can't really see we have a a low seat wall right along first AB that's going to be yeah right here so it's going to be a concrete wall that's uh colored in a similar color of the building to kind of tie in right the uh the site elements so right that that was one of the um items from TRC that definitely welcome and you know stronger so yeah so this is this view here we're looking at a ground level shot from first a towards the existing P of buildings that Central walkway you got the tent on the left hand side and uh the uh fire seating area the bo to the right this is another shot ground level shot from the B area street is to the left the cottage is in the rear all right this is the uh main event space uh you know we're seeing some standing cables and more like a an entry into the defense space P air almost but you got the the bisecting walkway there to the left and first have uh top page another shot underneath that structure the tent the event tent is to your left uh another shot fire hit first is is what we're seeing there so this is the shot right here so this is from First St side looking at the tent right and the next shot so you know this is what we we're going to see with the tent up and the tent down this is what what you're going to see so so that uh that structure frames the tent but it also provides uh more or less a frame to the Synthetic Turf space us flexible open space when when the tent is down another shot from the turf looking back towards first half and then we have the um trash enclosure with the building expansion right so you see the building expansion there what we envision is the building expansion is going to be a few feet higher but you can see we're we're planning on lightening up the uh the the facade material just to kind of blend in with the height of the existing building you can see the tent sorry the bike shelter right there and the trash enclosure to the right and left and that's just another shot of the trash enclosure area along second half all right so think that that that concludes the presentation from from my okay so that's instead of waiting till the end I'm going to ask some questions about your presentation while you're up so the additions you're adding a Pergola uh seated bar how many seats in the SE at the bar at the Satellite bar sat you're correct Satellite bar how many seats uh I'm not sure if there'll be any seats there I think it's it's meant to be more of a stand up uh get your drink and you know sit down in one of the uh many table okay you're heading a bot Court no problem you're in a garden with fire pit with seed how many seats uh we're showing uh right now I mean we're looking at uh I didn't do a a total count okay no problem you're adding a pizza trailer will there be seating if so how many um let see all these questions are going to capacity so if you want me just to Rand B them off and then you give an answer at the end yeah yeah so for the outdoor space capacity wise we have it about uh two 100 people okay I'm going to continue Ramble On and you got a canopy structure how many seats yeah yeah that so that's that's the entire expanded area that's the tent you got two you got the tent and the listed copy structure and you have the the event space right so the tent and the event space that's Sy we're looking for numbers and we can get them down the road but we're looking for total capacity if it was maxed tap let me I I'll get back to you on that yeah okay so I'll give you the rest of the question so you get back to us you're adding a water feature so again questions going to be how many seating you're adding a seating wall which is show people sitting on it so how many people could possibly sit on that you're adding a 50 by 801 what would the capacity be for a sitting event say a wedding and what would it be for an open Event say a concert so what would the capacity be for that 50 by 8010 yeah let me let me talk to we we'll get you okay just because A lot's being added where this could become you're saying 200 would be 2,000 yeah I think I'm I'm probably not the best person to to you know answer that question so you mentioned the trashing closure do you have the dimensions yeah Sean civil engineer and then you mentioned bike storage you said enough for eight bikes I'm gonna tell you that's not enough guys yeah I okay it's not enough uh the other stuff is parking parking parking parking possible parking parking well the tent be up all the time or taken down when you're not having scheduled events uh I'm gon I'm gonna leave that okay we have the operations for be able to handle those so any T questions hold off for somebody else yeah we have uh we have one of the owners here who'll be able to uh provide some more insight I think there were all my questions for you and again they all go back to like capacity if every one of your areas was at the max yeah it looks like a lot more than 200 yeah let me uh okay no problem thank you any other question question can I ask do you have an aerial view of the entire block because I believe that event space has residential homes behind it yeah to the to the West that's right so that event space sort of butts up against people's homes yeah So the plan is um at ground level there will be a 6 high um solid Pence right so at least ground level and there'll be some planting to buffer um you know at a ground level what do you have where's your sound mitigation person do you have somebody here who's going to talk to us about sound because it sounds like it's going to be extraordinarily loud to anyone who lives in that area if you've got 200 people in your yard your neighbor or or a wedding with a DJ or a band and you have the Vive and then you have two apartment buildings on that block yeah do you have a sound engineer here we do not have a sound engineer but so Jim if you want to come up and introduce yourself and speak please I'm uh an architect as well as one of the owners um so anyway there is there is a there is a a buffer between um the tent and the building next door the U driveway access is there we are working with our tent company they have sound attenuation panels that can be part of the system and they they give us a rating that we can get back to you with kind of an engineered report on that we're also planning on adhering to all of the the uh noise ordinance requirements of that site and of the Zone in terms of 10 o' stop all of that kind of stuff um the last thing I want to do is is is annoy the neighbors sound because I know it's just going to be a nightmare so I will make sure that that the tent is designed in a way the sound is attenuated and that we conform to all of all of the regulations just like Pony does just like we do currently ter when you have to stop the music I want to speak to capacity since you're on tense for a second let me ask you a couple questions you can get us again can you use a microphone don't need it tonight but there you know followup questions so the 10 on one plan it says it has tinted windows but on another side plan it says it has clear windows so that's a question that can be worked out that'll be a problem and going back to what Amy said about the sound so the only way sound can get out of this tent is the doors the windows cannot be opened and the flaps cannot be removed correct so how do you supply AC in the summer and heat in the winter there there's a and where where are they depicted on the plan they are in the um just to the north of the tent there will be a mechanical unit that will heat and cool the tent okay just like just like if you were to go to a wedding in somebody's yard there would be Heating and Cooling like that um the the idea is that the wherever we have um neighbors we would not have any glass or anything clear for privacy from both sides um we would we would we will go to to you know significant expense to make sure that the tent is soundproof because I I know having having owned many restaurants certainly in the downtown and in in in residential areas that even if the outdoor space Jim listen when we talk when we bring up the pony the pony's been here 50 years so people have gotten used to that sound or Paradise but we you're asking for us to Grant you permission to expand your space that is going to have a substantial increase in sound and capacity but just focusing on sound so the wedding space is going to have either bands or a DJ I assume yes and then the outdoor space I mean you already I eat at your restaurant a lot you have a band out in the back lovely but I assume that's going to increase a little bit in your while we would we would we would have no no live music in Beyond where we do now except for the tent so let me let me let me explain programmatically what my intention is with the plan so the the event space is only a private event space it will it will serve no other function for us it will not be expanded dining it will be there'll be no late night activity there that isn't part of like a wedding or a graduation party so it will only be activated for private events it will operate in in essence independent of our restaurant and in any late night activity the entire area that you see around that tent is is specifically for weddings and private events when we talk about the fire pit area and the Bachi area that would be an expansion of our our our Porta Park but the idea was again that would be catering to private events like let's say for example Sal's Law Firm wanted to have an event in the summer and they wanted to have 15 people they would come and rent that space that's what the Satellite bar is for it would accommodate that so it's not it's not open to the public it will be open to the public at different times but what the main purpose of that is to have smaller intimate spaces as you can see they're kind of they're all designed as kind of in they're not it's not one big space they're smaller spaces so smaller groups of people what happens for us is is it would be a nightmare if that whole area was just open to the public all the time it just it would be a nightmare for us too it wouldn't work a nightmare for us too it wouldn't work just just from a security point of view it wouldn't work so so what what we're envisioning is luckily you know as we all are enjoying the successes of Asbury and growth of Asbury Park there's more and more demand for private events here people want to be here um talking to Brian from istar he is dying for big event space in the zone bringing people here they end up buying his condos they end up not only coming here but then going to other restaurants after they might leave here after a wedding so the idea is we're fine with the business that we're doing at pora in terms of our dining and our late night business we don't want to expand that at all what we want to expand is our private party business so yes would we would we have that bot ball area open to the public yes but we also might have it be rented out for a private event that's why we have the public space of our existing Park and what we're doing is creating basically outdoor rooms really I think beautifully designed beautiful surfaces be you know well appointed that will attract private parties of of all sizes we don't plan on having live music out there the music would be just about the the the for the weddings or the private events that's that is live music outside it's an aent it's so I would love to see the specs on that soundproof tent if you could get them to us that would be awesome so we could with others that are using it to see how it impacts their neighbors yep absolutely listen I we have an aligned agenda here with with regard to sound if I have if I have neighbors who are not happy with us it's a nightmare yes we do and I don't want listen the other thing is I don't want to be a bad neighbor right I live right down the street from here so I I I want to be a good neighbor um I want to accommodate what we have as a real demand for weddings we can't accommodate I don't see how a tent is not going sound isn't going to leak out I never heard that I mean maybe you have a magical tent that this is going to happen you're going to send it to us but I've never heard that in my life that there's going to be a tent where sound's not going to be a this is not a this is not a soft fabric tent okay these are these are prefab panels that are on very sturdy because there snow resistant they're on a metal structure have to take it up and down wherever there snow for they don't make these tents here in the states these are these are European engineered tents I first discovered these tents actually by going down Ocean Avenue and deal one showed up one day they had an amazing event there I thought the tent was beautiful it was not a loose fabric tent it was a panelized system it's like a prefab panelized building that they that they put up overnight and then took down the next day so these panels are insulated panels that can have sound insulation in them um it's not it's not what you're thinking of as a tent no clearly so yeah yeah so just get us more information and maybe people who who use the tents so we can also I can do that we can also get get some I'll get luckily the the the company that we're working with that reps this company in in um they're all Engineers so so we can we can get all of the information that you need to make both of us comfortable because I I don't want to go through the expense of doing this and then we just have a major problem um that makes no sense for anybody but what I'm what I'm thrilled about with this project is I think that for me it's a beautiful landscape pro project um it it's it's activating that property in a way which I think is is is really quite lovely given given you know sort of what's happening around it the the pedestrian traffic um you know I think that it's to me much more attractive than putting a six-story building on that site is the idea of having something more much softer much much more open and something that you know is is is um you know for the benefit of the community I don't anybody's denying that it's a beautiful spot but you're in somebody's backyard I mean that's that is I understand listen we we're we have we have late night activity in the building right now with neighbors and we've had to mitigate those problems as they occur and we always have so you said you want to touch on capacity capacity we're we're anticipating that the that attent will accommod there'll be no music events in there these are going to be um tabled events tabled events TBL and ched events tabled and chared events the the wedding tent that's what you're saying you're not gonna have a DJ or a band at somebody's wedding yeah I'm not gonna we're not GNA have concerts notna be a concert okay I we're increases to capacity so I'm not going to put a thousand people in there you know to listen to a rock show that that's not what this is we didn't know that until you just told us no no that's why I want to speak to right go ahead so I I I think that we we've laid it out for about 200 people in for for the events um we've worked with LAZ Parking uh on a a valet plan which accommodates all of that we've worked worked at an agreement with with istar and principal in terms of where that would happen how that would happen LZ has worked with us to figure out where the staging would go so we're not interrupting vehicular flow we're not backing out onto Kingsley Street we're not we're not clogging up the sidewalk I think we have a really beautiful um uh valet plan that Sean can speak to in detail um and capacity for the rest of it like I talked about what what I Envision would be you know if if if the if the mayor and Council wanted to have an event and they needed to accommodate you know about 20 people they could you guys could come and take over part of that outdoor space and have and have your own bar tender you could you could if you wanted to do the bot you could do the Bachi if you want to do the fire pit you could do the fire pit so I'm not seeing this covered with thousands and thousands of people I that it would be unmanageable for us what is your total capacity then total capacity for the entire everything for the I don't know off the top of my head I don't know you're going to have to give us a ballpark number down the road yeah okay I I would imagine that if it was at full I'm just not not the existing building cuz I don't want to contradict what are we you know we have agreements with the fire department stuff that I don't want to contradict that but I would say for for for what we're talking about in terms of the new land and its development we're probably at about a 100 people for for outside the tent at full capacity and 200 people for inside the tent okay thank you so since you brought up the parking uh you're asking for a loss of nine City parking spots on First Avenue here's what here's what I'm proposing okay is that when are when we have an event and when we have a valet that we pay for those spaces just as if I was parking there for four hours those nine spaces would be paid for by US during those times I'm not asking the city to lose any parking Revenue okay how many spots is Laz reserving for your events across the street in the parking lot that's supposed to be for people going to the beach or going to The Stone Pony anything how many spots is the city losing in the last parking lot for you I don't I don't have an answer I can get you that answer thank yeah and then you have a kiosk for the parking on the sidewalk in the city right away where we still have a 5 foot passable sidewalk uh we'll make sure that that that that there is a passable sidewalk there right and somewhere it said there's going to be a possible interruptions on the city sidewalk by drop off in valet parking these sidewalks are heavily traveled we know they're heavily traveled so we can't have them shut down when the stone ponies let now so that's going to have to be reworked I understand I mean we have we have La parking at Pascal and sine at homesick uh we've had it at many times we've had it in at pora and we've always been able to manage that situation and that's one of the reasons we're going with LZ because they they're they're a dual they they they control a lot and they control the the uh the valet operation which I think is is important because if there's a capacity issue they'll know about in advance right and the last parking lots and this is something I'm going to have to ask our people down the road I don't know if uh Brian sh and Starfield are on the hook to provide so many par parking spots for retail for m marquet so if they're eliminating more in this parking lot are we going to be in violation of that agreement so like when you find out from Laz how may they're going to be reserving for you if you're saying you're going to have a wedding with 200 people going to be reserving at least 100 parking spots so I mean yeah I understand I I and again in talking to Brian from from what's the new name of the Starfield Starfield um he he has so fewer event spaces than he was anticipating having you know in the Waterfront Redevelopment area that I would imagine that the parking calculation took into account we're basically putting it on our property as opposed to putting it on another property basically I'm probably figing the same thing but to not ask the question we be foolish absolutely and I I I I think I think this is again one of these aligned agendas that we have that if parking is a nightmare for our customers they're not going to do it so it has to work so those surface lots are temporary what happens when that surface lot gets sold to a developer well my understanding is that there's certain structured Decks that are to be built when those triggers are what happens if that doesn't happen in time for your events what happens if a lck gets sold to a developer there's no a parking garage is not up yet what happens in the inro we'll have to figure it out I need to provide parking for my for my guests so we'll figure it out I mean I can't I can't I can't account for what what may or may not happen I think right now there is an abundance if you had the crystal ball you'd give me the winning lot of numbers yeah okay right that's right G to me Jim I'm not understanding this tent clearly are you saying that there's a tenton deal that you could take me to it was for a private event at a private house I'll tell you what I'll I'll I'll text you if this summer I see one I'll tell you you could do that just so I could experience it because I'm thinking of like the asbes tent no that's what I'm thinking of no no no this is this is a building that happens to come up and down I don't know that I've ever seen one we've never had one before right no we've never had one before I call it they do exist they do exist it's it's a panel it's it's like a prefab panelized building that's that's is what it is we've actually been working with the construction Department here in the city to make sure that it's going to conform if we want to keep it up year round um and so far so good especially because of the snow Lo so snow Lo is to me that is the biggest issue with with with soft tents is snow load I mean we listen we had that I remember when the governor lifted the the uh the timeline for when you couldn't couldn't have it up for us in in when we had it in the park in pora and we had to have basically somebody monitor the tent while if it snowed this isn't that thing this this this will handle any any snowfall okay so how many more professionals do you have they going to make presentation because we didn't expect this to go an hour so well I just we just have Sean okay um and I I'll touch on very quick things most of it's been said about the presentation thank um so a couple things the important thing to note really regarding as as planner with regards to the water property development plan um all the bulk standards that are required for area lot Frontage Building height all that is compliant um parking there is no requirement for this use for parking we are removing some parking at the um where the the expansion the restaurant is going that was on site um as was at reconfigured that to really try to provide a a larger trash enclosure Area recycling area to serve the needs of the expansion as well covering it with concerns for the neighbors next door looking down upon it um their the smell the sound and the site of it doesn't drift up to the windows in those areas um there are some some waivers that would be needed were pointed out by Michelle's letter um most of them are related to because the structure is a tent as opposed to a standard building that's not really what was envisioned in the re development plan um for this the part of the expansion has a couple as well um there's a by the expanding there's a hallway coming off the building about six almost 7t that's attached to the face of the building creates the building to be over 100t there's got to be a break there so we would need a waiver for that um some of the the openings on the Frontage the void the solid ratios and the fenestration the expansion has no windows just has some door openings um the tent depending upon what type of panel goes on they we have the ones with um with windows that can be seen the doors are all glass doors essentially for like come in and out um naturally they're not they're not wood they're not um panelized something with the plant so that would need a waiver as well um if they put a solid panel the vent must be a little more private or so it's supposed to having all the the openings for the windows for everybody to look in or so they can swap out panels that way too if they need to especially considering on you know if they want to do that especially on the the western side Jason to the the residential development if they want to look in there or see lights or things popping out we can make that side solid um which would require sign wer for the fenestration um I mentioned M material of the doors we're not providing a painted water composite door there steel doors on the expansion plus the glass on the tent um this door front at the bottom of the um of the tent up front uh I believe will hit the 70% if the if the window panels are on there you can see if they put the solid panels up and wouldn't hit that there's no kick plate provided it's not a permanent structure like you would in a brick and water type building that would build that into it um the facade colors you know the existing expansion is going to match the existing colors of pora the cottage at the corner is going to be repainted res so to match the same colors of the Florida restaurant as well um the tent um it's not going to be a white tent was shown in some of the the renderings here was a a brownish off off not a white not white but not a dark brown something the light B color something try to blend into that natural look of the wood um so it doesn't so try to Blends in with the surroundings of the park as opposed to being a white you know really Beacon out through there um there's also a 10 foot buffer strip for the loading space a loading essentially would would come straight back into the into the restaurant Park right before the doors they load right into the kitchen area and pull straight out back out onto the road um the improvements on on the road are shown uh per the infrastructure component plan the master developer for the re restriping and reconstruction of that roadway um on Second Avenue uh First Avenue has the the curve lines and all that in the the street skape itself has to be finalized and still put in by the Mastery developer the kiosk would be located right off the curv line essentally where a tree pit would go so there' be clear space um on the back of the sidewalks between the trees would go in that four foot strip between the curb and the back of the tree pits the kiosk would sit up in that location so it would not interfere with any umri walking up and down the the sidewalk during Valley but we would lose trees no the trees would stay okay the trees stay the KE will go next to the tree between the trees okay thanks um the last piece I guess you're just talking about the at least with the valet plan um Mr pointed out it's not the intent to remove any tree any part parking along any of the streets for the use would be to come to an agreement with the city to be able to rent or purchase those for an event time period um for the use during the event only during the rest of the day it would be you know use as normal and when the event comes up we obviously pre-warn we you close those spaces off reserve them for a select time period um people come in drop off to the valet walk into the event the valley Feld would drive down to hex Street make the U-turn down to Asbury come back on Kings into the parking lot at the back there are about 20 parking spaces right now that have been um the agreement is put in place for for LS to provide on there obviously you know with 200 people 20 spaces is not a significant amount um OB so they're still negotiating they still talking with that to see if there are some opportunities for some some other spaces right now um if you can't you don't have valet parking you're going to park on the streets you're going to park in the public parking where where people park right now um and then when they leave they'd be coming out the parking lot the valley would run over pick it up drive back out along Ocean Avenue come right up First Street Park in one of those nine spaces people pick up their car back out and take off again and they would time that hly on the pickups and stuff to try and do make sure there's no backup of cars on the streets um up there that would interfere with traffic coming up and down First Avenue or Kingsley during normal operations the operation would run at the same time as the sidewalks being used I mean many other uh municipalities throughout the state um restaurants sometimes offer a service right in front of their facility doesn't they don't shut the sidewalk down for that you pick up pick a tea out of the restaurant you give it to them they run to a place they come back and and and people walking up and down while you're getting your valet par so there's no planned Interruption no closing of sidewalks or anything like that the idea is to keep the public areas public and open throughout the whole time um and easy but this used to work and intermingle with that um one I one question you have about the seat wall that was outside um that was something that um board planner had had recommended we want to put some kind of a littleit a little more of a barrier around the outside just to separate just had a fence there the fence is down low and it's 48 in high total so you can see over it but providing a seat wall there it's not just for the anybody entering order or anything like that it's there for the public if they're walking down to be able to sit as well um you could sit have a conversation with somebody inside sitting at one of those fire pits or so too and interact with them which is what the the whole plan and whole discussion with TRC was to really um bring together and activate the streetcape with the peoples inside the the Florida you know on a level that could be done not saying it's going to be done or so it will be done thing what kind of events are going on but the ability to see and speak and and have conversations and and feel that it's part of the whole thing that was something that was very important to the DRC that they make sure that we incorporated this design okay can you go back to the other picture please sir okay so where it says restaurant extension maybe I read it wrong I thought one page said restaurant extension while another page says propose kitchen addition so is it a combination of the two or is no it's just it's kitchen and bathroom kitchen and bathroom that's a question that I have too go back to the page where that blue and said restaurant extension so what is the restaurant extension it's a kitchen and bathrooms for the the events so it's a kitchen there is no customer area there so where are the vents and everything for the kitchen so they don't affect the Okay so we've already designed that so it's going to it's going to run up across the roof away away from the neighbor and up where our existing stack is it's going to be right next to our existing chimney okay thanks yeah cuz we that was addressed the TRC was concerned about that as well so um we we we worked with our mean contractor and that's no problem also thatp for a gra go type facility no cooking or anything in there will be cooking yesing there there is a stack as well that's coming out there that has been raised above the two second story as required by the redevelop plan and Jim you just mentioned restroom so the people in the tent they're going to be going out of the they're going to keep opening the door to go to the restrooms across the way no see see where it says restroom EXT yeah they're going to be going in there they're opening the tent door right going across to the yeah we'll have a covering there and you know we'll have a temporary covering thinking sound again every time that door opens it's more sound and going into the neighborhood that's that's why I was asking that question we could do we could do a vestibule if we needed to I just think it's at some point that's going to beue okay and would you just address how you're going to use the building on the corner of Kingsley and first okay so there it' be basically a grab and go so I'm envisioning somebody's on the on the beach they want to come to Pora but they don't want to go inside they don't want to hold we would design a small menu that pora like like I'll call it maybe Port of light where um you you'd walk up order grab your food and and and leave with it you you would not eat in the in our park and you would not eat in that Cottage you would take it with you and leave do you do late night food what are you thinking for hours I we don't know yet I don't see why not I mean if that's on the corner right by the body right if the pony let out I mean yeah yeah well the pony across lines right where last parking building used to be yeah right the two bungalow [Music] we haven't gotten that far as to what that would exactly be we just thought it was I I find it to be an attractive kind of little piece of architecture we didn't want to we didn't want to get rid of it doesn't really function in any other way other than something like that so it's a good initial presentation does anybody else have any questions so I think you heard the majority of our concerns and uh you know anything else I guess you can get in touch with Michelle and if we have other questions we can let the sh they ask you and we'll go from there yeah we'll get we'll get you all the information that you requested I think uh you know I I these are these are things that I need to ensure for us as well so thank you may would you like to stay for the public commentary oh absolutely and Michelle did you have any questions or concerns no no because they were they were answered during the presentation some of the clarifications um like about the Bungalow and about that they're requesting design waivers from almost every architectural um requirement of in the design portion of the plan because of the nature of the tent um I also um want a bit of clarification if it's not already clear even though the tent appears as a temporary use this developer is coming to you for as a non-temporary a permanent use so this is following the step same steps for uh in our order of approvals as an actual structure meaning it's the same process for as for any of the town home developments so it's it's going to be considered permanent development okay you're aware of that yes I am okay yeah okay again we thank you thank you I appreciate the time thank you and yeah and the Public's going to ask questions now so you may want to stick around I'm going to have somebody stick around I can't see yeah no problem thank you no thank you okay we're going on to Matters from city council council member buz Anderson here do you have any matters for us oh sorry nothing sorry council member Chapman yes so I just want to give a shout out to Leisa Floyd and Cassandra Dickerson who hosted a beautiful black history month celebration today and honored some of the community members from Asbury Park who really make a difference they did a great job um and just to let you know that the city designated today as Jesse May Rick day for all that she's done for our city thank you council member Clayton I have nothing at this time thank you deputy mayor Quinn nothing thank you thanks mayor Moore nothing matters from the city manager nothing thank you thank you Matters from the city attorney thanks may have a motion to open up the meeting to the public move it second all in favor I public participation portion is now open any member of the public who wishes to speak please use the microphone state your name and address for the record there will be a three minute time limit for each speaker again please your name and address for the record thank you yeah my name is Sam baluchi the addresses 360 and 7 AV Park and I'm here to talk about containing cost and burden of consistent Sam can you just use the microphone so we can get you on the recording all right no but we're taping it onv and I'm really here to talk about the problems that the consistent increases in property taxes has caused to the residents uh the renters and also the small business owners it's not sustainable that you keep on increasing property taxes so I know it's not your fault I've been in contact with the association of homeowners with Jordan we've had a number of discussions and so I propose just three questions to you that would like to get an answer from one what are your plans to Cil the municipal spending reduce the budgets separate from the school issue so that's number one because you can't keep on adding staff you can't keep on increasing budgets because you keep on raising the taxes number two let's talk about the education we know that the education budget is the largest chunk of the taxpayers money that's where it goes but our education system in Asbury Park is a disgrace so have you thought about calling in a state audit to see what's going on with these people and to force some of these school boards out of office and get responsible Administration that is accountable so what is your role in dealing with this failing school district that cost us more money than any other part of the budget for Asbury Park and the third question is the developers get abatements for 30 years 20 years I don't know exactly what it is but I'm told that they do not contribute to the school budget that's kind of discriminatory we all pay for this why are these people not having to pay so there are the three questions I would like to hear some responses from you that's all I have to say I leave it to you okay uh I'll touch on the budget a little bit we we're we know the taxes are high you know the taxes are high we know why the taxes are high that's why the past couple years if you look at this City's budget we tried to keep them flat because the Board of Education was going up I'm not going to FIB to you right now we're in the budget process and we're looking the numbers and we're trying to Crunch the numbers so we don't come in with a high tax increase but a lot of the stuff you want to control is out of our hands I realize that no just even on the city side and where where you have negotiator raises the state dictates what we pay in the state health benefits plan and that goes up every year last year I think it was 23% uh and and also pensions so I mean that's like a purview it's part of the city budget that we have no say over that's dictated by the state so that's where we are in the budget as far as working together with the Board of Education we have met with them in the past uh We've offered to meet with them again because their budget has to be adopted by the end of March which is right around the corner ours doesn't have to be they're on a cal fiscal year budget July 1 through June 30th and we're on a calendar year budget the problem with the school budget is and somebody correct me if I'm wrong like you see the tax increase for the school budget in 2023 that's only half of because their budget is 2023 2024 so automatically their budget's going up now how much more we've suggested to the Board of Education that other districts throughout the state have gotten loans for many different reasons so we suggested why don't you reach out to Trenton and see if you can get a 10 million loan to offset a $10 million increase that you can pay back say a million dollar a year and it could be sustainable so we have reached out to them with some ideas uh we're going to have a meeting with them soon but they're under the gun and again with the Board of Education numbers you know the best place to go there is the Board of Education meetings I hear and then and they just an election and then as far as developers any development in the beachfront so the Waterfront Redevelopment area by law has to get a pilot we can't do anything about that that was passed by a previous Council so they have to get a pilot and under a pilot the city gets 95% the county gets 5% where I'm going to say under normal conventional taxes the city would get about 40% the Board of Education 45% and the county 15% so under a pit we're getting 95% so we're using that money whatever the school board adopts as the budget by state law we have to pay so if it's coming out of the pilot money or other money or whatever we have to pay that by state law so whatever their budget is we have to pay so if we're getting 95% instead of 40% we can use some of that 55% to pay the tax know to pay that bill of theirs have you requested a state efficiency order of the school system myself and the council personally no no no sir okay thank you sir and Joan if anybody wanted to add anything no okay Sylvia Sylvia executive director for the Asbury Park Chamber of Commerce um try to make this quick um first welcome and um I hear you're knocking it out of the park um nice to meet you in person um I uh wanted to just congratulate you guys on um the grant that you received for the uh Boardwalk preservation that I read that application process when it was released and that was daunting at first I looked at it and I was like oh this isn't so bad but it was it was work it was a lot and to be able to get $20 million for Asbury out of a $100 million allotment for the entire Shore is really it speaks volumes to me um uh more than the uh the commitment that the state has to preserv but also the um importance of the uh tourism industry um uh recovery after covid-19 and to see there were 18 communities that were successful in their applications at at Asbury Park and Atlantic City both got $20 million each um which is the highest number so it sounds to me like uh our 1. four square mile city here is really important to the economic health of the state so thank you for what you did and um and uh Madison Marquette uh between both um entities it must have been just absolutely grueling but thank you you did a fantastic job and I'm proud of you um I'm always proud of you you know that um I have several things that are coming up um I'm going to just recommend that any details that anybody might want uh to visit our website at Asbury Park chamber.com but we've got the St Patrick's Day Parade coming up on March 10th um and you probably are aware um our Grand Marshall is Carrie Martin from Second Life Bikes um we've got a joint business expo with Jersey Shore Chamber of Commerce at the Berkeley on April 16th then April 17th we've got networking at the lanes April 21st is restaurant tour and we are um using that again as a fundraising um uh opportunity to support uh Mercy centers um their uh their Pantry um they're serving now 6,000 people a month as opposed to 300 a month back in 2021 so we're really excited about that um and I also I have a couple of Flyers that I got um from a friend at the NJ Eda uh there's they're having a um a conference for small business I'm going to leave this over there and I'm going to email it to everybody so that you have it also it's on March 12th okay thank you thanks syia and just uh you reminded me something I should have announced before Sunday March 3rd at the Berkeley Oceanfront Hotel which I call the Berkeley Carterette and then again I called Jersey Shore University Medical Center fit and hospital I guess I'm old uh so at the Berkeley Sunday is the Asbury Park Fishing Club show it's the 31st year it's considered to be the best fishing show on the Jersey Shore uh and the great thing about it is Joey palato who's the president donates the entire gate proceeds the shows Sunday the following Wednesday I'll be here handing out $10,000 worth of checks to Asbury Park uh be at Little Le boys club uh Boys and Girls Club Big Brothers Big Sisters uh Recreation a lot of things so that's Sunday the 3 at the Berkeley and people sleep overnight to get in line to buy the best plugs because some of these plugs for fishing never go in the water they're made so fantastically that they're pieces of art and somebody will go there buy it and put it on eBay and sell for five times is what they paid for it in two hours so but great Club as Park fishing club the oldest saltwater fishing club in the country sorry I didn't say that before but thank you Sylvia for reminding me okay Rita okay you're three minutes a row you're you're right I apologize hi reita Moro 8th Avenue uh I know ways you could cut corus one of them is not to have professionals at a shade tree commission I thought that was ridiculous I mean these two including Fred I mean you too I mean why do we have professionals at a simple meeting what like the shade tree commission they don't know anything about public property they were interested in fixing the old things the trees the flowers that's what their job is and I thank them but why do we have professionals too the engineer and the attorney it's not I mean that's one way you could cut Corners the other way is that you don't have to get new cars every three years um Spring Lake go to Spring Lake big cars are about 10 years old maybe older and and there's so many ways you could cut Corners to save a tax dollar and no let me think of another way oh I think you should have a study done about how many people are working in this building I mean like I I go back to the 70s there was only 12 people and they had typewriters they didn't have a computer so I think you should do a real study on maybe you can get higher people to just to be parttime and not paying a pension or anything else I don't know what else they could get but there's many ways you could cut corners and I think you got to start thinking about that and the other thing I want to say why do we have to give medicine marquet any money they're in default what does that mean is that a piece of paper why do we have to I think I read they were going to get $13 million is that right I'll let you finish 13 I'll let you finish with you 3 minutes okay and then the bathrooms I think somebody quoted are they going to be made of gold somebody the $7 million so somebody made a comment about that and I thought it was kind of funny because $7 million for bathrooms I don't know where are they going anyway but are they going in the convention hall or no it's at the south side of the board work so there's lots of ways you could cut Corners many ways so you should but you should try because it's getting outrageous the tax rate and I think we need a reassessment because I've been checking out properties on all these places in ansbury a lot of them are getting away with murder because I know what my taxes are and I've checked three buildings to finish your sentence and then okay but I think you should get the town reassessed okay because it's not right who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no cross conversations no cross conversations read I'm going to answer some of your questions okay don't always believe what you read in the newspapers when it said we're spending 7 million for bathrooms it was a terrible quote the city got $7 million the city gave no money to Madison Marquette the state of New Jersey did so the city gave no money to mass maret so you were wrong there as far as like the gold bathrooms there's going to be two new bathrooms like the ones on the North End on the south side of convention hall on 1st Avenue and 4th Avenue very similar to the ones the new ones on the North End and no they do not cost $7 million $7 million includes all the decking all the railing all the Ada ramps and other necessities to get the boardwalk up to 100% Primo so it's not $7 million for bathrooms okay okay that that that was on Facebook well it's got to be true it's got to be true okay thank you all right so I hope you like some of my comments we we can give you we can give you the numbers of how many people work in City Hall absolutely we can give you that okay also I'm just going to address the shade tree so the irony of this is that for 17 years I've been on the shade tree commission and in 17 years we've never had professionals at those meetings well we did have professional those meetings Rita when we were talking about the shrubs that you've lodged a complaint about that are next door to you and there had to be a determination by our professionals on whether or not they were a safety hazard our professionals came in presented the commission and we ultimately made a decision so the only time in my 17 years on the shade tree commission are result of shrubs that you had some questions about and a report with professionals explaining the report okay but they was still on public property so that's your you can have the professionals back and have them back and explain it again Rita no you don't have he did a traffic report engineer thank you on two houses hello Felicia Simmons St Avenue Asbury Park um president and executive director of the Westside Community Center I'm here today um listening to all the great things happening in town and um just know on my side of town that is not the same um my community center celebrates a birthday this month 83 years 1941 it was donated by the one of the first black doctors in the area to the community to Pro promote mental health and Equity um in 1941 predating the Urban League out of nework an important bit of history that you can't find on anything when you Google Asbury Park I'm sitting here listening to syia syia talk about the importance of Asbury Park to the um framework of New Jersey but my asbery Park is being forgotten Left Behind um just washed away when you talk about history my history is in the Westside Community Center my mother's history is in the Westside Community Center their parents donated that to the Westside Community Center if you talk from age 80 83 years so for 83 years it's generated love respect doctors lawyers Engineers dancers pastors janitors everyone went through those Gates and to see it at a space where we decide we didn't go and say we're going to wait for somebody else after seeing Decades of um misdoing we decided that out of of our own hands out of our own dollars out of our own love of History we going to rebuild it and we are severely hoping that the city um does the same after this receiving what we received the other day we're not going away we are putting we're T toes down as we say right we have history there's music there's love there right it was donated by Multicultural people but it was the people of here only few years out of out of slavery in the midst of Jim Crow right Jim Crow North they decided to do something wonderful here and that is history for the world not just for a small portion of us but it's everybody's history and it's important to everyone and I just want to say that I we are here we're not going anywhere we're going to continue to work and um move forward to make sure that it is a place for for my son he didn't get a chance to grow up there cuz it was in disarray but his son will right or his daughter will have a chance to be there so that is our time just want to say Happy Birthday Westside Community Center SE um February of 1941 so thank you have a good night thank you and I just uh want to say something I know you're aware of uh I believe this has done more for the West Side than any Council since 1970 uh the West Side especially Springwood Avenue was knocked down in 1970 first we built the Springwood Avenue no first the Interfaith in City built the senior center in Kula then the park was built then we had Renaissance built multiple units on Springwood Avenue at Boston Way was knocked down from the 1940s project to buildings that look like condos uh Interfaith has built and continues to built they just built 10 Standalone uh houses with garage apartments behind them so people low income people can buy them and rent them out to pay their mortgage uh you talk about history Diane Shelton and her group is leading the charge to do the history of w of spring W Avenue which the city is totally backing supporting where there's going to be plaques where all the stores were so to say that we're totally neglecting the west side I take a little bit of a disagreement with you and I'll leave it at that I think you need to run said is not initi like and being okay okay good enough good enough thank you thank you uh good morning uh good morning good evening Mo um mayor Mo Council people um is that red indicating the temperature in here or I can turn down the heat and then they all yell at me they're cold and you're right it's terrible it's pretty close to what's in here but anyway I got here I arrived late so I don't know what this is uh session for commenting on C or is this in general for the anything and everything you want to say you got two minutes and whatever left okay this is regarding our property taxes okay and uh I'm a property owner I have been for 40 years very fortunate to be here 40 years can I get your name and address sir I'm sorry your name and address for the record oh Robert res mes thank 601 and 603 first avue um I'm here tonight because um we're all hardworking people here we all work for a living especially me well you know I'm called defense guys so a lot of you know me some of you don't but but anyway um blessed living in this city for all these years praise the Lord um we're all hardworking people here but there's I don't think anybody's as hardworking in this particular time is that person sitting there in the front row in the suit Michael Delite he's our tax assessor I'm sure you know him I had met him yesterday in freeold for my Appeal on my taxes my my subject is the fact that we're getting tax at an increasingly rate every year um from what I understand the ATP program was initiated in 2014 for an audit you know by the state for our property valuations and it's been continuing now for almost 10 years and um I have basically a 60% increase in my taxes the last two years and it's getting very challenging to keep my properties and I think I'm not the only one alone here that feels this uh mayor Moore so my question to you and the C is is there any way we can Remy this by basically get asking the state to get off our backs and opt out of this uh reassessment like some other towns they get reassessed every 8 to 10 years which I'm fine with that I'm also fine with I know my properties are worth more money every year I understand that but uh again uh I'm a renter I'm me know a landlord I rent um you have rent control now in in in on the ordinance so I'm restricted in raising my tenants rents and I never try to raise my tenants rents but with the 60% increase I mean just it's imp it's either I raise my rent or I sell a building but even though selling it it's still at not Market because the restrictions of the rent control still apply to the new owner so I really won't get a fair value for my property as you know the city has been assessing it all this time so my question again is to you is if you can work out some sort of plan with the state to freeze this reassessment every year and hold us for a couple years so we can at least catch up somehow okay thank you Robert uh okay thank you before you got here uh Dr guchi brought up a similar question okay uh taxes are high and taxes are going to be high again this year and I'm not blaming on the board of education I'm blame it on the S2 bill it was passed in Trenton and as far as like yearly reassessments like I'm going to say say we're talking about the past 10 years the F the first seven years of yearly reassessments nobody had a problem with because the S2 impact did not hit no I understand now that the S2 impact clobbered us last year and it's going to clobber us again this year people like maybe this maybe that we'll look into it but you know a yearly reassessment if somebody came in and bought a house next to me for three years ago bought a house next to me for $300,000 and now it's worth a million dollars I'd be ticked off I'm paying a million and he's paying $ 300,000 so there's good and bad and we got to look at everything to combin we have reached out as we told Dr guchi to the Board of Education we've suggested to them that they go to the state towns throughout the state have borrowed money from the state for Boards of educations for unique circumstances as park has a unique circumstance we're getting clobbered with taxes and if we don't get some money quick we're going to lose the fabric of the Asbury Park like Felicia talks about we talk about which we don't want to lose so again what I suggested to them and they're going to have a meeting with the senator gopal and people at the state level if you're giving a $100 million loan to Lakewood and you know lakewood's never going to pay it back can asur park get a $10 million loan so we don't have this monstrous tax increase this year and the Board of Education can pay it back and I'm just making this up I'm spitballing Board of Education can pay it back pay it back not forget about it can pay it back $1 million a year over the next 10 years we are in discussions with the Board of Education to try to figure this out again I do not blame the Board of Education I blame the state of New Jersey the state of New Jersey will not tell us will not tell you will not tell the governor the formula for funding for education the only thing we know for sure part of it's enrollment the rest of it is all guess so it is a it is a mess that we're trying to work together with everybody to try to make sure we don't have another brutal tax increase this year because what happened last year the good landlords like yourself who hadn't given like 10% increase raises to their tenants every year got clobbered and they had to so it's we're working on it well who who do who would we get in touch with when the Senators is there names that we can call and write to and ask them to help us you know Senator goow some the woman donin and Peter Paul are our representatives and it's state so that's who you want to talk to and also attend Board of Education meetings okay because we need to get Mike Del re uh Reay a ray so we really don't want to strap ourselves anymore but Mike great job I just got to give credit words to I've seen him and by the way he's a very approachable person you know uh in his position so you know uh he he really is as good as Eric agler maybe better but thanks M thank you I'm sure he appreciates that see nobody else motion to close have a second second second all in favor participation portion is now closed hold on for 30 seconds anybody that stayed for the presentation if you want to get out of here quick because we have business to go so don't stand around talk Take It Outside and we can go on with our business thank you good job Hey Jo how are you good how are you question I think I didn't maybe realize or understand I wanted to make a comment or question two questions on board for short-term rentals but I thought I was jumping is that so it's first reading you have it at second reading but honestly you should email us the comment or question first so we can think about it before second reading email me so yeah email me just Google it yeah yeah yeah email me and I'll get it to the right people I app can you please take your conversations outside we still have the meeting to run quiet and Chambers please please take all conversations outside we are now on to the minutes are the executive meeting minutes and regular meeting minutes of February 14th 2024 do I have a motion move it move it somebody needs to Second have a second a second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes I have to abstain thank you council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn mayor Moore yes we're now on to individual resolutions individual resolutions resolution 2024 133 resolution approving payment of bills movement um I just want to announce mayor MO is voting no on p24 318 do I have a motion move it second council member Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes you move to one ear that's gone okay yes thank you resolution 2024 134 resolution amending temporary budget Appropriations for the 2024 budget move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 135 resolution AU ing the purchase of food for the Black History Month event little bit second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 136 resolution approving change order number 10 for Memorial Drive improvements project move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman no council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 137 a resolution awarding contra cont to Millennium Communications Group for yearly camera support and service move it second Council memberz Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 138 resolution awarding a contract for Sunset Lake Pond management Mo it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 139 has been removed from tonight's agenda we're now on to resolution 20241 40 resolution amending a contract with John guire for snowplow repairs needed move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 141 resolution establishing fees and regulations for the 2024 Beach season move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes uh resolution 202442 resolution authorizing appointment to the Zoning Board of adjustment the appointee is Natalie passerini as alternate member number one with a term to expire January 15 20126 do I have a motion move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2020 uh 202443 resolution authorizing the fire department to apply for a training Grant from the Federal Emergency Management agency FEMA and the Department of Homeland security DHS do I have a motion second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn say yes yes yes mayor Mo yes resolution 2024 144 resolution deferring the due date for business license application fees for 2024 through April 1st 2024 do I have a motion move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 92 resolution authorizing Professional Services contract to hackin sack Meridian team Health PC for employment exams and physicals yes second this is a motion to table yeah this is a roll call vote thank you now we're on to a roll call vote to table this resolution until further notice Council memberz Anderson too cold so make up your Council Bez Anderson yes yes table thank you counc Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn mayor Moore yes we're now on to ordinances ordinances for introduction I've ordinance 20244 ordinance of the city of Asbury Park amending and supplementing article 13-1 1300 entitled short-term rentals of part two rental property of chapter 13 property Improvement and neighborhood preservation property maintenance code of code of the city of Asbury Park with a public hearing date of March 13 2024 to have a motion second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes we're now on to Second reading public hearings of ordinances I have ordinance 20243 ordinance of the city of ASB Park amending and supplementing certain sections of chapter 5 entitled beach boardwalk and beachfront regulations of the code of the city of Asbury Park in certain limity of respects Fred would you be able to give us a brief overview of this ordinance yeah this ordinance provides the city with more flexibility in setting the beach so that set done by resolution which is a simpler process rather than doing it by ordinance which requires two readings and changing the same code uh thank you may have motion open the public hearing on ordinance 2024 open all in favor I public hearing on ordinance 20243 is now open if any member of the public would like to speak on ordinance 202 24-3 please use the microphone phone not see anyone move to close move to close all in favor I public hearing on ordinance 20243 is now closed may have a motion to adopt ordinance 20243 move to adopt second council member be Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes I also just have one resolution that I forgot to read this is resolution 2024 145 resolution Rec in and declaring February 28th 2024 as Jesse May Rick day in the city of Asbury Park do I have a motion council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn mayor Moore yes no one has anything else we're on to adjournment move to adjourn may have a second is there a second to adjourn all in favor I thank you meeting adjourn thank you everyone thank you