meeting call to order council member Bez Anderson here council member Chapman here council member Clayton is absent Deputy Mayor qu here mayor Moore here please stand for a silent prayer a moment of [Music] reflection we will now salute the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all comp done as to comply with the open public meetings act chapter 231 pl1 1975 adequate notice of this meeting has been provided in the following manner the annual notice was forwarded to the Asbury Park Press the coaster and the Star Ledger on January 22nd 2024 and posted on the volon board the same date all notices are on file with the city clerk we are on to special events applications [Music] good evening mayor and Council there are two applications before you this evening first one is for fireworks uh related to a wedding happening on May 23rd and the second one is for the Memorial Day carnival are there any questions thank you thank you thank you Lea okay we were going to have a presentation on a special improvement district but we have a technical screw up so uh you're going to come back in two weeks to make it yes and that's your decision well well unless somebody unless I can go out to Staples and buy the connector and come right back no the only thing I'll say is can we keep it sensitive because we may or may not have another presentation on the 12th correct yeah so we might have to bump you to the end of June we're working on potentially another presentation is this something you need the um slide deck four work well I I think you need to see it okay put you on junor July no problem yeah you know I can unless I said I can go somebody's just trying to check their computer see if they have it you know but we got to move on with the meeting and then I'll if I have to do it at the end I'll do it at the end if that works that doesn't work no we'll do it at the June or July meeting it's not like a merging it's not like this has to be done right now now well they want it as quick as possible that's why he asked to be on tonight so the most we would bump you to because we have something prior for the first June meeting is the second meeting in June agreed the 26th do we have anything there the adoption of the municipal budget that's no problem I'm actually not available 26 now so can somebody else make the presentation no no so that take you like can see if there's a laptop with the connector in the clerk's office me to go see if there a laptop over there I we got a room full of people by talk yeah we can talk I'm just saying it's a chance it may I may not may not happen right okay let's do this let's ask the council what they got to say as the city manager as the attorney go to public and then you can search and if when we're done with public if we find something you can make the presentation that okay that works all right we're now on to uh Matters from city council council member bz Anderson yes I would just like to say good evening to all of you and to wish you a very happy safe holiday weekend so thank you thank you council member Chapman so I just wanted to acknowledge uh Trinity Church they were our warming station this year they were one of two in Mammoth County they took care of 365 total people uh kept people warm and fed them and did an amazing job with a lot of volunteers and very little money so I just want to give a shout out to Trinity thank you Deputy Mayor Quinn nothing mayor Moore nothing thank you thank you Matters from the city manager nothing thank you thanks Matters from the city attorney yes uh one brief announcement um once again this evening the um Redevelopment plan Amendment relating to the property located at 1201 Memorial Drive was slated for a public hearing and potential final adoption it's ordinance 202 24-11 on tonight's agenda um these actions had been postponed and um adjourn from the prior to Council meetings until tonight um we do not have a full Council present this evening with Council Clayton being absent and as I announced at the last meeting is the city is reviewing potential alternative options relating to access uh to and from that development and we're still in the midst of evaluating the feasibility of that so the council does intend to table the public hearing and the potential adoption of that ordinance once again until the next meeting which will be held on June 12 um so I just wanted everyone to know that in case you came here tonight just to speak at the public hearing for that ordinance uh that is going to be table however um you more than welcome to make a comment during the regular public comment period um if you wish but there will be no action on that ordinance tonight and that's it than thanks red we're now on to public particip may have a motion to open up the meeting to the public move it second all in favor I thank you public participation is now open any member of the public who wishes to speak please use the microphone state your name and address for the record and there'll be a 3 minute time limit for each speaker okay don't don't do his timer yet just that we have a memorial a memorial day service Monday I'm sorry I should have said that I should have acknowledged we have a memorial day service Monday environment's park at 9:00 a.m. so if you're available please come out my can you do the time after I say my name to so hold on one second you're going to go look Eric I mean Eric James do me a favor you know have to work the time or come up here please by we're searching so while this is happening my name is Eric galipo 908 fth Avenue um thank you Council for taking our comments and thank you everybody who's here to um hear hear what we have to say speak up a little bit can I start it can I have my 10 seconds back no we heard you you're go all right as you see many neighborhood residents interested in the outcome of this plan since we will live with the development for the rest of our lives we won't we want the outcomes to minimize the impacts on all of us rather than Distributing it Among Us despite how some have sought to characterize our organizing we are not here in opposition to the project this past Sunday we hosted a well attended community meeting and we commend councilwoman Chapman for a mutually respectful discussion about the concerns we have on this project to be clear we support the Redevelopment of the site but we do not agree that appropriate data Gathering and impact assessment has been performed nor do we believe that the design of the building the site and the street have holistically considered the considered to prioritize the safety and quality of life of existing residents over those traveling in cars the Redevelopment of plan will allow more than twice the number of units permitted by the current zoning at a density of nearly 90 units per acre there will be more units on this one side than the six blocks west of Memorial that surround it at this density it is clear the impacts will be significant and the Redevelopment plan should include specific strategies used to mitigate the impact on residents to us it is clear that Memorial Drive is the best option for vehicular access this will maximize the safety and comfort of existing residents and Memorial Drive does not and never will have a single residential entrance making it the most obvious choice of residential quality of life is the priority to this point there's been no data Gathering of traffic or Transportation data to accurately characterize the current existing conditions around the site the city has relied on a single data point gathered in 2019 that shows a peak volume of 350 cars per hour current traffic volumes speed on all streets crash data analysis and an on street parking inventory would be a bare minimum for what we need the city has not performed an impact assessment of traffic volume or on street parking demand that would be generated by the development if you're doubling the density and including new retail we should at least a sense have a sense of how many cars and vehicle trips will be generated by the site and compete with residents and businesses for parking we believe the Redevelopment plan should include specific Street design strategies to increase pedestrian bike safety manage new traffic behavior and increase the supply of available parking it is a choice not to explore these options and the design strategies needed to support them surely there is enough creativity to Envision a driveway on Memorial a 300t long block with a stop sign that has a speed limit of 20 M 25 mph we also believe the current striping plan for Memorial Drive should be revised to show a two-way bike lane on the East side this is the current Arrangement is contradictory to both the Asbury Park plan for walking and biking and the mammoth County Mobility plan why has the city chosen to contradict the recommendations of its own plans and the county plan when you have the opportunity to maximize safety for bikers up and down the morial drive and to minimize the impact on development thank you thank you any response not this evening probably at the next meeting that's why we're saying to the presenter the can't make it tonight the next meeting we're hoping to have this with the developer and our professionals here okay thank you thank you Nancy Sabino 104th Avenue good evening first I want to thank the council for all the public ways that the boardwalk rules have been announced it seems to be working on Sunday at 4:00 I counted 16 dogs 12 bikes two skateboards and three cops in a driving minivan today I counted two dogs no bikes and five cops in two minivans grouped together at the South End of the boardwalk and I did receive a call from an officer ring this week uh thanks to a call I know the city manager made and he called on Monday and said he'll be assessing the traffic on Fourth he understands my concerns and I offered my house for the electronic sign uh as a place to put it to see the traffic that flies down at 7:30 in the morning and I was expecting him on Tuesday but so far I've not seen any assessing or police activity on Fourth as for the 121 Memorial Redevelopment plan given how much should be reexamined perhap perhaps this delay would be a good use of everyone's time the more questions arise the less understanding of how those questions are going to be addressed to the betterment of the neighborhood I know you would want everyone to be welcoming the 130 new neighbors we'll be all getting used to seeing on the street and without adequately considering all the very complex issues at stake here how can we feel that the neighborhood will be able to integrate this project well where do you expect the additional cars that don't have assigned spaces within the complex will be parking and do we know if they going to be dogs allowed in this complex anybody it would probably be up to the HOA okay if there is one okay yeah question for you you say three minivans are they on the boardwalk yeah the little tiny cars well number one if they're being paid by uez money we're breaking the law and number two I don't think three police officers should be driving down the boardwalk together so if we could correct that it'd be appreciate I think she means the electric golf cart that the police are p draing in right but but if we're paying for walking patrols it's uee is paying for walking patrols not minivan patrols right and we don't want you lose the uee money no they were not yeah they were not walking they were all in in the golf carts okay thank you thank you for bringing that to our attention hello my name is Daniel Murphy and I'm here to introduce myself and my Venture quick Shield stations quick Shield provides free and easily accessible sunscreen and hand sanitizer through our Wellness stations skin cancer is the most common form of cancer yet it's highly preventable through the use of sunscreen we've all face the issue of being outdoors and realizing too late that we forgot our sunscreen only to end up with a sunburn our stations address this common Problem by ensuring that sunscreen's always within reach the way we make this amenity completely free is by advertising on the panels of the stations our stations are completely weatherproof and battery powered designed to stand the test to any weather we've already installed these throughout parks in townships in northern New Jersey and will be at Martell's bar this weekend if you'd like to check out our concept I believe our stations would be a great addition to the Asbury Park Boardwalk Andor any City sponsored events held Outdoors I'll submit a detailed proposal to the city tomorrow which I hope can be expedited due to Summer being so close thank you for your time and consideration please let me know who to send a proposal to thank you and send it to the city manager City man thank you hi I'm paully scha 1100 Fifth Avenue um as a resident of Fifth Avenue and part of the neighborhood that we are not discussing tonight uh the 121 development we welcome new neighbors we think it's a wonderful thing to see expansion of residential space on Memorial Drive making Memorial Drive even fact in in fact planting a flag at that destination at that location so that there will be future development of Residential Properties along Memorial making it a truly truly a part of our city a livable part of the city making it accessible and Equitable for everyone I I uh re uh support what Eric was saying what he said uh about the entrance on Memorial Drive versus on fourth and fifth partly because there are already bike Lanes on fourth and fifth meaning that residents will be coming out and Crossing bike Lanes as they enter and exit the building if it were to be on the exit entrances on fourth and fifth and then on Memorial it's my understanding that the developer is in support of the entrance and exit on Memorial and even in so far as moving the building back a little bit to increase the sight line we can have daylighting meaning traffic can't be parked cars can't be parked too close to the entrance and exit and the bike lane on the opposite side of the street on the track side of the street means that no one entering or exiting will be crossing over a bike line and then lastly the exit from that building could be just a right turn just like at the car wash you can only turn right and that wouldn't really inconvenience anybody so the changes that could be made are really not that difficult but my main my main point is that I love the idea that we're looking at developing residential property on Memorial Drive and i' I'd like to see this be done in a way that's looking at as a comprehensive plan so that Memorial from that point all the way down to the transit Village which I haven't heard too much discussion about lately but our Transit Village designation is is near the train station development residential some retail it could be a dynamic and and active and wonderful and Equitable development opportunity so that's it pretty much neighborhood thank you hi Michael Kushner I also live at 1100 F AV um I was at the meeting uh at Eric lipo's house and uh councilwoman Chapman was there and I learned a lot of things there and not the least of which is that the data that we're relying on for this project is 5 years old that was done on Third Avenue so the fact that we're not even doing current studies or whatever on traffic and so forth uh is really really concerning regardless of what the outcome may be but at this meeting was urban planners there were land use attorneys and it just reminded me of in the 10 years that we've lived in Asbury Park is that we are really fortunate that we have a wealth of talent living with his in his community the residents the business owners I have immense respect for all of you on the council I know you're not an INF of money um and but you're also the Redevelopment Authority and I mean this of all due respect you are not the experts and we have people that could be tapped into and my observation has always been that there's a reluctance and a resistance to really tap in to these professionals who have made this community or home or Advocates who have really educ themselves and spend a lot of time going to other communities and see the way they do things and so forth so my request would be is that bring these people into the conversation I think too many decisions are made uh you know behind closed doors and were brought in late into the game and my other request would be is that this peac meal spot Redevelopment of projects like this is just really um you know my fear is is that there's really no vision for Memorial Drive and my understanding is is that we if we do unut this property with entrance and exits on Fourth and Fifth Avenue that sets a precedent for Memorial Drive based on bad data and then every other project has got to be done the same way so let's look at Memorial Drive holistically and let this one be the really start of doing it the right way with data with with tapping into the to the wealth of knowledge that we have within this community your great leaders and great leaders tap into the talent around them thank you thank you hi Christina wolf 102 4th Avenue um that was an unintended segue from Michael um I'm here uh just to offer my services if uh I can can be of use at any point um I negotiate Pilots for a living uh I work on very controversial development projects and um one of my jobs is to negotiate Pilots with municipalities that um create I create very close Relationships by the time we're done with Town managers and City councils and neighbors um and just last week I brought I brought a prop uh just last week uh I got approved a pilot for $46 million over 20 years um offer one of our projects uh it was a labor of love and it just brings up of course it's in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts so a different state I work in many states and I realize there's different laws and regulations but it brought up a couple of thoughts that I had that might ultimately benefit the city one one of course is just the sheer magnitude of it um the town this is a 10,000 person in town that is getting this pilot and they're thrilled with the dollar amount that we landed on um it was again a hardfought negotiation about 3 years but I think both sides feel um like it was a good outcome and it can be difficult I think as a municipality I've worked on both sides both for a municipality and as a developer it can be difficult to speak developer language they say that certain things will break the project budget or um and there is a breaking point for a project but um if I could ever be of service in sort of helping to speak their language and kind of push them maybe on what uh the project really could afford I'd love to help um the town get as much as they can um from from these projects understanding that you're limited and I also get you probably get it from both sides because developers probably say you're very tough on them and citizens probably wish you were even tougher um so again if I could ever be of service please I think a lot of you know how to reach me I'm happy to just provide advice or sit down with a developer whatever kind of volunteer Services I can provide kind of being able to speak that language um I have uh I have this document in case it would be of interest to you it has a number of interesting features I think it was as an interesting Quirk approved um by a vote of the town in Massachusetts anything tax related or fiscal related actually goes to the community for a vote so this 10,000 person um Town gathered in basically the High School auditorium the biggest place they could accommodate and the public actually voted for this uh pilot overwhelmingly so just kind of a positive note on some you know some certain things that maybe we could um work together on and happy to provide whatever service I can in support of that thank you so much thank you uh I'm GNA wait until she's in like November December we got out for fair and open process so we went out for fair and open and we hired somebody to do the pilot so you're more than welcome to apply next year but I deeply appreciate your saying you'll help us so thank you thank you hey uh Council my name is Mike Sedano on Fourth Avenue I'm here to just briefly talk about 121 Memorial uh which borders 4th Avenue first off thank you Eileen for uh taking time on Sunday uh to come and uh sit and listen to uh citizens in the in the uh area that this will uh have an impact on and I just want to let you know that the developer reached out to us we had no contact with him he reached out to us and said whatever you want okay I'm ready to listen to what you want you want a you want a setback on Memorial do you want uh fourth and fifth entrances is um how do you want to make this plan work for the neighborhood and he said I you know at this point I haven't heard from anyone from the city so I'm just letting you know that he's talking to Residents to assure them that he's really he's willing to uh do whatever it takes to make this uh um very wanted um development uh work for the neighborhood um and uh when I when you talk to him I would also ask what are we going to do with the extra cars that are going to come into this development that only supports one parking space a unit um and if the solution is is to find street parking uh I think that's going to be a real uh impact 365 days a year on fourth fifth Langford Memorial and all the surrounding streets thanks thanks Mike and just so you know based on the feedback that I received at this meeting on Sunday I created a bullet point to list and shared it with the council and city manager and others within the city so thanks for all of your feedback thank so I'm going to say Michael thank you and I'm also going to go what s Christine said sometimes developers can be I'm going to use the word wonky for him to say nobody from the city has talk to him he's fully and that's why we couldn't tell Stuart he could be on next council meeting because we're going to have the developer here we're going to listen to everything he's telling you and everything he's telling us so there's a disconnect and for him to tell you that deeply disturbs me because I know it's not true no no that's oh that's great thank you motion to close hi first I want to ask sprad oh read Morano a Avenue um I talked about the conflict of interest at the last meeting I was wondering if he researched it and the other thing I like to talk about I like to deal with numbers I I see that the 9901 went from 188 to 788 uh I mean those are dollars 188,000 to 788 and that's an awful lot of of jumping around here and the other thing and the insurance went up a million dollars and also the other part of the insurance went up $688 now my insurance went up in my own home but you know what I did I shopped around and I got an insurance company that gave me the same policy for the amount I was paying now you have to do things like that that's what business people do and you have to do it to have these increases and the other thing I looked at the budget there's no budget I mean like you don't have the amount in is there a reason for no amount I I don't know but those are the three things I wanted to tell you about that stuck out in the bill resolution it's a lot of money and I think if and the guy gave you I don't know what insurance company he came here and he gave you $500 after he raised your policy $1 million that's not true well he gave you $500 yes and he said within the past I'm going to have this wrong we can go back to the tapes the last three to four years because of using them they've saved the city a million so he has not increased his prices what you're saying well you mean it's not going up a million read it finish finish all your questions then I'll try to answer okay well those are my three questions okay but when you when you and I'm not picking your reader when you're when you're throwing out numbers I don't have I thought you were talking about the budget now you're talking about the bills and claims So when you say somethingone up from this to that you got to be more specific tell me what line item and you only even have to tell us tonight you can like call during the week email us and we'll be prepared to give you the answer which line item went up a million dollar it was the insurance insurance on the bills and claims or the liability on the bills and claims or the budget it was liability and the other one was I guess hell one was for the employees and one was for okay but if you take it home and if you see it's the those and claims which we're going to vote on tonight it went up if it went up like say a million dollars from two weeks ago to this yeah because we pay them in you know different like we pay the Board of Education a million to some budgets and some budgets three some bills and claims 3.2 million so if it's bills and claims it's perfectly legal if it's the budget itself which we're introducing tonight and you're saying there's an increase in the insurance because we're under the State Health Benefit plans you're probably absolutely right but it's not a million dollar so if you can give us more information in the future we could answer the questions and if you even like you can call me read you call me all the time just say John I'm going to ask this question tonight and we'll have the answers for you I get tired I get the right answer I'd rather I'd rather give you the right answers and you talk to Joanne you can call Joanne tomorrow and talk to her well I tried to get it today I couldn't get her because there's no budget number okay why is that because we're introducing it and you we don't know the number it will be up on the website tomorrow morning as per state law we're not breaking any laws Rita and there's no boogey man out there and the budget's coming in I think you'll be happy with our budget okay and how about the conflict of interest we saw no conflict of interest huh we saw no conflict of interest no no oh is that a legal opinion well last time I gave you the answer you didn't believe it the lawyer gave the same answer and you believed him so I'll let the lawyer give you the opinion okay I thought the issue was resolved at the last meeting honestly and I did not perform any further review since the last council meeting because I thought it had been established that there wasn't any monetary compensation paid to the gallery that was brought up at the last meeting but rather any monetary compensation from the city was paid to the mural artists themselves um but you know I'm certainly happy to to look at it further I honestly didn't realize there was anything lingering at the end of the last meeting that needed to be resolved so that's why my answer is no I didn't do any follow but there was money we you you approved the money here compensation to artists oh yes the murals okay read Fred just said he'll research it and when he researches it that means he's charging by the hour so don't complain next week when the bill goes up you're not going to send me the bill are you no hello Felicia Simmons um 10:34 Su Avenue Asbury Park president WCC historic renovation Association formerly known as the Westside Community Center I am standing here um again reaching my hand out we missed our last meeting there was some rescheduling issues um on behalf of the city and I'm hoping to reestablish another meeting so we could sit down and see how the Westside Community Center and the um city council can work together also I am encouraged by sitting in this room listening to everybody in this room and it reminds me of the occlusion are zoning and how we established Asbury Park affordable housing Coalition that started in my living room and then spread out throughout the church throughout the community as I sat with all kinds of professionals literally finding where we can densify how we can add and how we can work together as residents of Asbury Park to make an inclusionary plan for everybody in Asbury Park so I'm inspired to reach out and do it again um Community Based because the community is we the people and we the people decide how our community runs including the council CU they're the people too but again we we hold all the power um in our form of government um in this country of United States so I'm saying that to say we don't have to wait for approval to put together a commission it has been done it has been done by me it has been done by a lot of people in this room so we can reach out and we can do it again to have a cohesive cohesive plan for thec Compass the whole 1 point I think four square miles of Asbury Park how the community and everybody in the community wants it to be seen and wants it to be home so in that case that is pretty much it thank you city council for I'm looking forward to the next rescheduling of our meeting and I am looking forward to working with a lot of you community people to build a plan for um Asberry Park thank you yep and we're sorry we had to cancel that meeting but somebody that's of importance couldn't make it so we're going to reschedule we will yes we will thank you thank you thanks hi I'm Beth lamden I live at 905 Sunset Avenue and uh I just quickly wanted to go on the record in support of comments made by several of my neighbors so not to um be too uh redundant when things were already quite eloquently put but uh the reasoning uh that's been given for why the uh the entrance should go on Memorial Drive for uh for 1201 uh is very compelling makes a lot of sense um and particularly uh the suggestion or the request that we align with the other recommendations that have already been made by two organizations to keep the double bike lane on the east side also not only um works well in Synergy with that other suggestion even on its own it seems to make quite a bit of sense I also just want to reiterate you know um how happy we are to see this development I also agree with that and um just working together to um ensure that the the impact is as low to the existing and the future residents as it can be um and also you know reiterating the kind of disbelief that maybe some of these decisions are being based on a 2019 data and that we haven't really done a true impact study to the extent that that is still a possibility I would also support that as well thank you thank you good evening John Scully 1307 forth Avenue um I'm here to talk about 1201 Memorial I know there's been a lot of comments from my fellow residents I'm probably going to repeat a lot of those comments on those facts but I think the importance of those need to be repeated again for the record so again 130 units uh there's one parking space allotted for each unit uh and then there's very limited parking allotted for guests of those residents and also the commercial space there's no consideration for moving trucks delivery trucks in Mammoth County the average number of cars per residential unit is two 130 units are comprised of Studios one bedrooms two bedrooms and three bedrooms so it's reasonable to think that there will be more than one vehicle per unit again there's been no consideration for where these cars are going to be parked uh as my fellow residents have said the council is relying on a single point of data which is a traffic study which is or sorry traffic count which is exactly what it it name is just a traffic count that was performed five years ago I think it's reasonable to say that in five years Asbury has changed great and the traffic patterns have changed greatly additionally that traffic count was performed on not fourth in Memorial not fifth in Memorial but third of Memorial um this Council has repeatedly repeatedly refused to conduct a traffic impact study if the Council on the June 12th meeting says well the reason for that is the cost then I asked the council have you put it out for RFQ do you know what the cost of a traffic impact study will be who said it was cost I know I'm saying that if that is your respon June 12th okay if your response on June 12th is that you don't want to waste taxpayers money on a traffic impact study this current plan has potentially up to a 30-year pilot program which would certainly affect taxpayers money I know the law does not give the council under the redevelopment act the authority to force the developer to do a traffic impact study but certainly from the comments that have been said by the other residents uh it's not unreasonable to ask developer to do the the impact study if the impact study comes back and says Fourth Avenue the only entrance and exit currently on the plans is the least impactful then at least we have something to point to right now there's nothing to point to other than a 5-year-old traffic count so if this Council truly wants transparent govern governance then I urge them urge you to perform a traffic study or request the developer to do so thank you oh Mr scoty one second and I just I didn't hear and what did you say Mammoth County 2 Mammoth right the average the average number of vehicles for a resident unit in Mammoth county is is two okay but that's not dictated by Mammoth County no no no it just a study I I read that wrong in the letters yeah I I can send you the I can send you the the link no no problem thank you and part of the reason we're not talking tonight until the 12th is because we asked impact study that we should be here by the 12th from the developer Carrie Butch 500 deal L Drive the numbers that Rita were referring to you're going to be voting on tonight in a budget amendment so those are the numbers that she's referring to the The Climb from 182 to 78,000 a million dollar more for general liability those are all these things that you're voting on tonight so I think that's what she was trying to clarify but um I wanted to ask a question about jobs I wanted to ask because I have a couple kids in my circle right that I've been working with with aay Park reporter that would like to have summer jobs there used to be a jobs program in Asbury Park is there a a summer youth jobs program I remember it was for a while it was like Tamara Richardson I think or um so but do we have that anymore and because it feels like it feels like it would be great investment to be working with kids um and getting them jobs especially now that there's a lot more jobs in Asbury Park right so to have a a way of getting them to the Waterfront I don't know do we have a coordinated effort is that all your question um I think I have one more and I'm trying to think of what it is um take your time I think it's about the police reports so every month you have a police report on the on the in the executive session but is there a way for us to find out what's happening other than to you know last week I stumbled upon understanding that there were five incidents with the overdoses or the last council meeting because because of the sign I asked a question about the sign but is there a consistent way that you could report out what's happening from a police standpoint we don't or could we work together on that like I know that alen Carol has mentioned that we don't other count towns are very forthcoming with their police blots but Asbury isn't yet and I'm not saying that you're not going to because you're the most transparent you know you you you you value that you've talked about that so is there a way for us to get that information so that's all my questions okay well let me start off by number one thanking you explain what Rita wanted so what Rita was talking about was increased a temporary Budget prior to the budget adoption so we allocate so much money and then when we're running out of money we have to allocate more money till we adopt the budget so the number did increase but you know we we've got to pay these bills so Rita you're right did increase but you were talking about item 202 24-24 increased to Temporary Budget prior to budget adoption so there's like you know there's some payroll there's some legal fees there's some liability insurance went up $10,000 uh no $400,000 but these are bills that we had to pay in a timely fashion and we didn't adopt the budget yet so that's why I read it thank you uh as far as uh the police blot that's the first time I'm hearing like we're not cooperating with the coaster so we'll look into that and as far as like the report I get I don't why can't that be made public I don't want to say that you're not cooperating with the poster I have heard that it easier to get information from other towns and in my experience we do get we do get some We There is a little bit of a lag time even on issues that are dangerous you know you know and there is a state law now that says if there's a danger to the community that has to be released within 24 hours so I'm not here to throw stones or anything but I'm just sort of saying I know that you guys get the police report is there a way for us to somehow get that out it's a good question we're going to get the answer I don't okay I'm not the lawyer right Rita I'm not the lawyer but I see I don't see why we couldn't share this with the public there might be a couple things that might have to be redacted redacted and I can review that with the city okay I appreciate it that's a good question and then the kids the youth program yeah what are we doing with Workforce we are doing Workforce lilan okay with respect to the internship program I'd like to start up something next year again but we do have under the uee program we do have an internship program under that so Sylvia syia chofi is um the coordinator for uee and you can speak with her about that okay thank you okay thank you you have to get to the microphone yeah that's the junior LIF guard yeah the city every year does a big job fair with the high school where we coordinate all of our departments gpw police fire lifeguard and all of our departments go into the high school and then um with applications and local businesses I mean and we usually we're able to pick up maybe a dozen kids um a dozen kids from that and I'm pretty sure we still have openings at the beach department so if you know anybody who's working papers are 14 that need a job and then you run your your program the ambassador program do you still need people yes so through the recreation program we hire ambassadors and counselors to help the children so get in touch with Lisa Floyd if anybody knows I may looking for a job I think it's up I think they're up on our website yeah I think all these are on our website but I don't they are okay thank you go ahead hi Anette kry 403 second um this is not specific to 121 although it doesn't involve 121 also um Holy Spirit and then frankly the Baltic the and pretty much all of the developments and um in regards to parking and I had tea with um Miss Chapman last week and she was great um but I I guess really just to go on the record that it it's not just one development it seems like it's every development that is not addressing how much parking needs to be included with it right look we have a lot of Legacy apartment buildings and and multi you know multi-units um development that don't have the space right 100 120 years ago whenever they were built people did not have two cars right but today they do we can't retrofit into existing buildings but we can ensure that as we build today we build with adequate parking right holy spirit's going to put in 90 units I don't know you know I haven't seen the the plans but and I and I've heard arguments on like well there was some low Comm units and they won't have cars I'm like I think that's a spous argument as well right you know whenever you have you know maybe a studio only has one car right maybe maybe but you know two and three bedrooms right you're bringing in families right you know and then we're throwing Pilots out everywhere and I think arguably we're a little bit past having to incent some of our development that way you know people love as they love to come here we they're dying our housing stock is so low because there's not people are desperate to to buy here or rent here you know we pay more than almost every other town in in New Jersey for schooling and yet when we put in Pilots we're not contributing to that so it's existing homeowners that are carrying the cost of educating our students as well right so really so parking and Pilots but you know the Baltic two blocks a couple of blocks off the beach again you know why isn't it two spots per car two spots per unit um oh there's more but that's but really in general I suppose just going on the record for that love the copies with a with a council member and appreciate the opportunity in a smaller session to be able to talk one other thing can we put zebra stripes on Asbury across heck it's like it's like people take that last light on brand and then they're like I'm so close to the beach and then they speed and there's no actual zebra stripes for pedestrians when you cross crck and people have hit like 60 bil down there those last fews it's weird okay if you want to that's it if you want to talk to James banana he'll talk to you about exactly where you mean and what you mean and then as far as like the pilots I think the council has given out a pilot except the be trun which we off to by a 2002 agreement to anybody that doesn't give us affordable housing we need affordable housing and people will build but they won't give us affordable housing unless they get a p so it's like what do you want I mean it's a tough balance it is a tough balance so uh that's the reason we do give the politic because they're giving us 20% and we're sticking at 20% jld tried to give us 8% 12% 16% they finally up to 20% and they they were going to be told no I mean so we're sticking to the 20% because we do need affordable housing and it is a tough balance but that's the reason some people are getting pilots and it's it's legitimate and I appreciate the pressure you're under and finding that balance between you know Navy people actually live at work in as too right right that's the impossible that's the goal and which I I admire um okay I'm going to have thank you we I enjoy the coffee with the council person as well I I love that residents come out and provide feedback then then we could take back to the council so thank you for showing up hi I'm glad to be here I'm Bernard doson I live at 1304 fth Avenue I actually don't have anything to say I just wanted to make sure that my name went on record that I'm in um Accord with Eric and others that have talked about the development on 121 Memorial thank you you'll get a gold star thanks for anybody else motion to close second no are you getting up go ahead go he Carla um car giz a 924 Sunset um as a neighbor in the neighborhood uh resident owner as also a business person on um the shops at Sunset Point which is neighboring to 1301 1301 neighbors to 1201 and speaking for the businesses um we welcome obviously we welcome growth in the town as well as all the new 130 residents however as being said that two cars are more common I'm more concerned about the 130 cars that are going to be on the street because as of today um the streets are full on a normal basis which is good you know we the customers can pull up and Shop they can eat run and pick up and the residents have parking the employees have parking but with 130 cars I don't understand where people will park and if there's no parking the businesses will all fail because the reason people are come in it's a local neighborhood a lot of people walk but they come to that side of town cuz it's convenient and easy to be in that strip patronize all those businesses that kind of get neglected cuz everyone goes to the other parts of town have so much more parking even though it's lacking everywhere um and obviously the residents probably should get first dibs but where will everyone else go so I'm just thinking that part of that study the restriping potentially um head- in parking for Sunset Point was mentioned that potentially would help add not sent point the next block like sent point in front of the new building um to allow for more parking and maybe more research done to allow for more parking all over because it just doesn't seem like the residents will have anywhere to go that's it thank you thank you no motion Clos move in favor before we go uh it looks like Stuart is going to make his presentation so the public portion of the meetings closed for anything else but if anybody has any questions about steuart's presentation you can ask questions about that I've got to comment on a couple things parking is a problem all over the city parking is a problem in CBD right now the Asbury hardware store is for sale if they sell that somebody could build a beer garden and provide zero parking I've been against that for 10 years uh this project I voted no on it's public record I thought it was too dense and too close to a residential neighborhood I was concerned about the parking also I live on Fourth Avenue I go by every day and I see all the cars from the Board of Education where there is no parking on the 9 10 and 1100 block so but we're getting all the information you asked for some of we got all your letters thank you uh some of the stuff I agree with and I'm speaking for John Moore one person some of the stuff I agree with I don't agree with the annual parking because we'll lose too much of the road the road's not uh wide enough that can all be discussed and the one thing and Mike made a great statement we have so many talented people in the city and we do and when this went to the planning board a year or two ago I would say there was four planners and an architect on the planning board that said well add the two buildings the two commercial spaces on each side of the PO do this do that so as much as we okay it then it goes to the planning board and anybody within 200 feet is notified and that's where okay that's where you can correct me next week that's where the the tires hit the road that's where the planning board which is made up of very good professionals asks the tough questions and put in what they think it should be like so again I thank you and er we'll talk after the meeting but I thought I corre but now how since I said I cut you off how but be short how what you disagreed with what I said the planning board does not provide notice to we don't provide okay the applicant does but people were notified no oh no then I apologize never got not we learned about it on Sunday I apologize I'm wrong and I love being corrected but again I got to compliment Eric and the rest of the planners and Architects on the planning board that's made many of these recommendations all right I made recommendations that you heard tonight at the planning Bo and you made recommendations to put in the two stores of 500 square ft so we'll go there also okay enough that part's closed we have a presentation all good yes okay all right we now on to a presentation by Stuart coer Weise for the special improvement district in the downtown area in Asbury Park take it away steuart good evening everybody can good evening can you hear me oh great thank you mayor deputy mayor council members staff and uh guests I appreciate it um I apologize for this nafu but technical difficulties sometimes exist but we got through it and thank you Andy Caris for supporting me with your computer um I'm here tonight uh at the request of several council members and property owners and developers uh within Asbury Park um to talk about special Improvement districts and um the first thing I want to say is that as we all know we live in the state of New Jersey and the state of New Jersey is special so consequently they're called special Improvement districts everywhere in the country they're called business Improvement districts so you may see some sometimes the acronym Sid versus a bid they're one and the same issue it's just that in New Jersey again we're special so we call them special Improvement districts and we'll Define exactly what an improvement district is all about and how they can be created and that is the process of this U meeting today so um I've been working with Improvement districts for more than 30 years um and with governments and there are more than 35 I've worked with more than 35 Improvement districts in the state of New Jersey um I'm able to produce $90 million in Grants some funding for specific projects in Improvement districts uh some of the Improvement districts throughout the state are as you can see here Fort Lee Jersey City Bergenfield uh hackin sack there is Ste tenek and downtown and Newark and Flemington um I've worked and supported all of those over the years uh we actually have a gentleman in the audience right now who Liv uh lives in Asbury Park who's the executive director of The Red Bank improvement district so um there are Improvement districts in local areas and there also Improvement districts in belmare as well and other municipalities throughout the state of New Jersey so what is a special improvement district in Sid it's a public private partnership um it's basically modeled on the shared maintenance program of many Suburban malls uh what they do is they provide services um except the major differen is is that there are multiple property owners and business owners so they all come together to align themselves to collectively plan for their future so they're taking what they're doing is they're taking their own Collective Destiny into their own hands working to help Revitalize the uh excuse me Revitalize economic growth in their particular Community or district and there are about a 100 new Improvement districts in the state of New Jersey and more than a thousand in in the state in in the United States so what does an improvement district do and this to me is one of the most important things excuse me um it basically what does it do it U there are mostly 17 different items in the statute of that is creating an improvement district at the state level but what we like to look at is is the street level sort of the 10- foot street view what's in front of you so it works with maintenance it works with Public Safety Business Development marketing and a community service landscaping and Capital Improvements what you see in front of you is what you're going to look at mostly and that's what you want to try and improve and then collectively you want to be able to do that and that's how the improvement district is put together the arrangements from this is that it's a cleaner safer more attractive business area it's a steady reliable funding and I'll talk about that a little bit more for supplemental services and programs and it gives the ability to respond quickly to particular changing needs in the community and it also has been shown to increase property values and decrease vacancy rates the Sid versus a Merchants Association or Chamber of Commerce they kind of work hand inand with each other but as you can see em Merchant Association does not offer a continuous source of funding and its voluntary comption contributions as well and as most of you know Improvement um Chambers of Commerce sort of work on an 8020 basis you know 80% of the of the uh funding comes from 20% of the people and uh that's what it is and you remember years and years ago I was very familiar with Asbury Park Chambers of Commerce as I was the executive director a couple of decades ago all right uh but an improvement District BL provides a steady reliable source of funding and and what key is is that all businesses all Property Owners within an improvement district must contribute there are no free rides will Municipal Services be reduced absolutely not that's why it's no no no no the services provided by the improvement district are supplemental they're in addition to what the municipality is providing if you a sid provides an Sanitation Services it will still still receive the same level of service from the municipality but this would be in addition to that particular Services now this is a good one how is an improvement district formed it's formed based upon three different phases phase one is Outreach is basically excuse me it's planning and planning consists of review of what an SID is uh questions surveys putting together a wish list developing a mission statement uh developing priorities types of services in different categories then you work with a list of assessed values from the municipality and then you talk about budget categories and budget samples boundaries who should be included but more importantly who should be excluded in other words do you want to exclude people or do you want to include people those are the determinations that will be made by the steering committee in terms of a feasibility study then eventually you'll go into phase two which is Outreach and Outreach is basically going into having a public hearing on the process and then getting feedback from that again putting out more surveys putting that into the plan and then working with the saring committee for them to put together the final report and the third one is the final report of the feasibility study to make the recommendation or not to make a recommendation and that is the legislative authority of the improvement district and it's formed by the council through an ordinance that is adopted by the municipality and in this sense Asbury Park who oversees an improvement district it has a Board of Trustees it usually becomes uh it includes Property Owners business owners Civic leaders public officials and it must have a representative from the governing body a majority however should be Property Owners since they're the ones who are making the primary decisions regarding investments in their particular District the district Management corporation which is a DMC um is created by an or by the ordinance and it's so named in the ordiance and it files a certificate of uh of business with the state of New Jersey and then they hire an administrator to run the Improvement District running that improvement district and District Management Corporation um it is basically done by a variety of again as they said business and property owners and they all should be working together and and doing so um this is an interesting concept and I I go through this all the time with a variety of different individuals and this has happened over the years and I think as council members you can probably understand this as well property owners are concerned about covering their Debt Service retailers want more customers the Shoppers wants more goods and services than enjoy like people were talking about today how are we going to go shopping where are we going to go parking Etc Main Street is an inviting shopping area the municipality wants jobs and ratables and Zoning determines the usage however and this is the key the municipality does not provide and choose the tenants it is done by the property owners and consequently the property owners like to get together and an improvement district helps them put together a retail market analysis bring in people and understand who they want to be putting into their retail spaces so how is a s uh paid for funds are generated by a special assessment that's why they're called special um it is an assessment it's it's build and collected by the municipal government the annual assessment is unique to each particular improvement district based upon their budget and services the amount paid by each property owner is determined by a formula that the improvement district creates themselves and they usually based upon property side value location and services that are being provided this is one of the things that I always very excited about and that's fact the role of a of a city is to clap coordinate Services liaison between government and stakeholders which are the Property Owners where the money is coming from assist in Redevelopment zoning planning information and and and working on diss dissemination of information provide value to the businesses and and and researchers and then there is the next item which is sheer and sheer is something that capitalizes on programs in other words providing brick and mortar money help make the corridor a destination through marketing and public relations encourage Partnerships enlist community support and Revitalize beautification I have always been known to this brings up a story that I'd like to say real quickly it's it's about Noah and very most people familiar about Noah and the arc and everything else and uh if if Noah was living today in the United States and he was asked to build another Arc and uh and you only have six months to do so here's what would happen and six months are up and the Lord roared and he said Noah where's my arc and Noah said forgive me Lord things have changed since the last time I need a building permit the inspector says I need a sprinkler system my neigh says I'm violating parking and Zoning the height setbacks Etc the dot demanded a bond for cost of moving power lines Etc and the word there's abandon cutting local trees to save the owls then there is the animals who are suing me Noah the Lord said I what where where there's more there's more L the EPA ruled I need an impact study on the flood Human Rights Commission filed a complaint not hiring enough minorities and the unions won't let me let my sons work not to mention immigration who is checking greed guard status on those who want to work finally the IRS seized my assets saying I'm trying to leave the country with endangered species so forgive me Lord it'll take about 10 years to build the skies cleared a rainbow appeared no ask oh you're not going to going destroy the world anymore my Lord and the Lord replied no the government beat me to it and the reason I'm saying that story and bring this story up is because quite frankly an improving District helps resolve all those particular issues it works with the business and property owners and the government to help create a more urable uh downtown and and and business area there is 78 million baby boomers this is just what what's going on bricking Institute says that 85 83% of net households is to be Travers by 2025 what that means is that they want someplace to go and where do they want to go they want to go into the downtowns and that's why Asbury Park is growing by Leaps and Bounds and that's why the improvement district is something that some business and property owners and some council members as well are looking at it's self-determination for the future and makes it possible for property owners and members of the business Community to control the revitalization of their own particular District and it's been determined to be the most qualified mechanism to encourage growth and Improvement for them the next step would be for the creation of a steering committee which would review all the options of a feasibility study to determine if an creating an improvement district is the right thing to do for the city of Asbury Park and with that the future growth of the state is is something to support economic growth and revitalization and development where infrastructure and transposition exist what we need to do is clap cheer and they will appear as I mentioned in the beginning an improvement district is a mall without walls and this is one of those Improvement districts in Journal Square in um Jersey City thank you very much for your time I'm open to any questions and comments and I look forward to working with you in the future and as as you can see there's my name and number if anybody in the community wants to speak to me afterwards or answer ask any questions i'' be happy to do so thank you again for mayor deputy mayor council members and and the community and staff thank you thank you steuart thanks steuart thank you I have two quick questions want to go so Property Owners not the actual businesses contribute or contribute to the Sid am I understanding that right so the owner of the building not the little business in the building the property owners are the individuals who will be assessed from the improvement district it is up then to the property owner to determine whether or not they want to pass through that assessment or portion of thereof or percentage of whatever it happens to be but the business owners are not assessed directly they are just like they pay rent into their area the property owner may or may not determine to um ask for additional rent to help support it most of the times they do not that's what I'm just giv and then how like a sid would be cookman or would it be cookman in Maine or it can be whatever the great question and it could be wherever it is right now I'm working in town Ridgewood and we're looking at all the entire municipality and Ridgewood is a big city but quite frankly it has different districts and and there different areas um I just did Hoboken which is a small city um but they are everybody in hobok all the businesses are in all the streets are in uh Princeton which is one that was just created two years ago all of their Improvement all their businesses in all of the outlining areas they they created sub areas but that's something that the steering Committee in terms of the feasibility study will make a determination and recommendation as to whether or not they want to include cookman bangs Memorial Drive what we're talking about uh Springwood Avenue you know there are many different Main Street it they will look at all those options and then make a determination as to who what services first they want to contri you know contribute to and deliver and then from there who should not be getting those services and who should be and those are the type of things that they will make the recommend a on if a property owner passes along to a business then does the business get a vote no no there's there is no vo the only taxation without representation well that's a very good statement uh mayor and um there's State statutes on that and there's actually state law and it went to the Supreme Court dealing with improve Improvement districts and the improvement district is called a special assessment it's not a tax a tax is appeal able and it's working and works completely differently as you just mentioned however the assessment like you may do a sidewalk ass assessment or a sewer assessment on properties those are assessments and the improvement district works with assessments and that's why that's created that way in the state state statute and Red Bank has a sit right yes it does for the whole and just for the downtown downtown and asbury's never has it I feel like this topic has come up before this topic has come up before and in fact with councilman councilwoman Chapman and I discussed this earlier I found a letter that I think she wrote about 15 years ago discussing this issue um and I was actually present as well with some other property owners to discuss this but it would never we never never discussed that we never discussed putting together a feasibility study to review creating an improvement district and do you have to get like a certain percentage of buyin like let's say we said it was a downtown Sid would you need a certain P like what if nobody downtown you you is there a vote there there is no vote the vote is only by ordinance itself but what happens is is that you do want obviously Buy in and you want transparency so what happens is the steering committee moves together as I mentioned earlier and then they will hold a stakeholder meeting sometimes they hold one or two and they'll have it here in the council chambers and everybody will come to voice their opinion about the improvement district and letters are sent out to every property owner within the potential District so sometimes it could be 300 400 500 letters that go in out so how much would they have to would a owner have to invest or pay into that's to be determined there some of them can be can be as little as $150,000 on an annual basis Red Bank I think you're $550,000 in change some of them are over a million dollars it all depends on the services that they want to um deliver and who is how many people are involved the average usually is you know somewhere around a $1,000 on an annual basis but it all depends on the size of the property and the size of the budget oh so it's like square footage like so Al house would pay differently than say interwoven it's either based upon square footage again it's a determination or or it could be P to upon assessed value of the property or taxes paid on the property I personally like to uh put them in uh tag tag them to or uh to assess uh excuse me taxes paid because I've never seen taxes go down in a municipality so consequently an improvement district bid budget is always going up even though it's a minimal amount at least it's not staying stagnant because cost of services go up at the same time as well that's interesting and all these con all these comments that you're making are things that the improve the steering committee hashes out over a period of 9 to 12 months that's how long the process takes and then they will make a recommendation and um then the has to go in front of the council for public hearing and adopted you know through two different sessions an introduction and then a public hearing how thought you clear on the services sorry I'm not very clear on the services that uh Sid would provide that would be different than what this minicipal would provide to these businesses right and that's that's a good question again the services that improvement district provide is in addition to what the municipality is already providing so what happens is is that this the Improvement isct would create its own marketing plan on top of what the municipality is doing it would have a budget they would hire a public relations firm they may do that those type of thing they may do additional cleaning services in other words you're providing Municipal garbage pickup and cleaning but they probably may want more they may Pro provide uh signage and facade Grant improvements to different buildings and property owners for able to do that they may run different events in town just as the chamber Works working hand inand with the chamber but then they can run uh a restaurant program I know we have Restaurant Week in Asbury Park but this could be something completely different where the improvement district offsets the cost of a prefixed dinner from a $50 dinner you buy a gift card for $50 a $50 gift card for $30 you get the $50 but the improvement district picks up the difference these are just some of the different programs that can be run thank you no thank you I was wrong twice with Eric which I apologize so I'm probably going to be wrong with this and go three I think around 20 10 11 the city approached downtown first SE and was not receptive well which I CRI care less it's just I don't know there's some Property Owners coming out my head property owners and business owners here it could be that they did not want to I think you may be correct mayor about that I know now there are some businesses and property owners that are very interested in doing something of this nature and consequently they ask me to sit down with some of the council members and you know discuss this and now the council has asked me to make this presentation The Next Step I said would be to if you're willing to move forward with this is put together a letter from you mayor to a variety of residents Civic excuse me business owners Property Owners Civic leaders in town and ask them to attend another meeting similar to this to see if they want to participate in the steering committee you should also present to so we have a business committee yeah yeah yeah we should put you on the agenda for the next meeting so you can talk about it there we had it this morning but we'll put you on for the remind me Stuart and I'll I'll get you on that agenda I want me to remind you I can't remember what to bring here no I want you somebody remind I'll remind you I think we should move forward in exploring it because seems to have many benefits uh so do you want to talk to the business committee first and then we'll do the letter I mean when's your next business committee Sonia when's our next business committee oh two months so so we can I think we can do a little bit sooner we can we can certainly invite we can invite the business committee to to whatever meeting we put decide to put together and I'll work with the council members whoever you want to is your point person I will work with that particular council member to put together the letters I have draft letters I already send that to councilwoman Chapman um if she would like to look at that and then we can just move forward and um and that's about it so figure out the next step and let's do it and say if it's a letter from me draft it I sign it well one of the other things that you have to consider as well is um uh actually hiring me to do the work so I tell forget the letter you know I said we're having a tax increase well this will this will help make it more palatable no it won't it doesn't help us whatsoever there'll be public questions so let's open it up to the public now if anybody from the public has any questions about this presentation this presentation only please get to the microphone and ask your questions uh good evening everybody um my name is Bob Zuckerman I live at 600 hex Street I am the person that Stuart referred to earlier about being the Asbury Park resident who runs the red bag special improvement district better known as the Red Bank River Center however I'm here tonight on my own capacity as a resident um who lives just adjacent to downtown and um also as the most immediate past president of downtown New Jersey which is a nonprofit organization small nonprofit that works to advance the interests of downtowns throughout the state and I just wanted to say a couple a couple things I really don't have a question just just a couple comments one I I I know Stewart for probably a decade now I think Stewart's formed more special Improvement districts in the state of New Jersey than than probably anybody uh so he's certainly extremely capable of of of forming um of forming such such an organization and uh I did want to address the whole issue about the businesses uh for the deputy mayor Quinn um and and councilwoman Bez Anderson um yes it is true that special Improvement districts uh are mostly uh well are are are the money that gets raised by them is from the property owners unless they pass through their their assessment to the business however I can tell you as a director of a special improvement district we're working night and day on behalf of our businesses not on behalf of the properties um in fact in Red Bank I really there's a lot of absentee property owners that I've never even met but I know hopefully most of the business owners um in our district and um I think that special Improvement districts can work hand inhand with Chambers of Commerce with other with with the uee I don't I don't think that it's necessary to um I don't think that we necessarily uh have to um say that well we already have youz we already have a chamber we don't need a sid um I think they they complement each other and I think that's one one of the great things about a special improvement district um I as as a resident I would love to see one formed here in Asbury Park and um you know I'm happy to answer questions as the steering committee gets together and if people have you know any kind of questions or concerns I'm certainly knowledgeable about this subject so I'd be happy to answer them thank thanks thanks Bob just to your point in terms of Chambers and and business communities Etc a lot of the Improvement districts work hand inand with Chambers uh as well I mean a lot of some of concerns that the chamber is going to be usurped or certain things of that nature that never happens what happens is they work hand inand with each other and they support each other yes as a former business owner what happens when a business owner in that District not a business owner but a property owner in that District decides not to that they don't want to join it do you go around them and create like a donut no that's why I mentioned earlier in terms of the chamber versus an improvement district on the state statute when an ordinances are passed to create the district everybody is included in the district that they say is part of the list so there so they don't have a choice at so they they they do not have a choice they must pay the assessment and that is why the statute was created to give the businesses and Property Owners the ability to create a district where everybody participates no Free Loaders thank you you're welcome arita you can't have a question I just I just want to say that I've known Stu for many many years he's over 25 I know he's a good man he's a good family man and he's always been a very nice and truthful person and I I just want you to know he lived around the corner for me for a long time and thank you sto thank you Rita for those comments you're you're actually making me tear you also lived around the corner from me gets a gold star hello m is a question and a statement a few years ago when we were going through the um um rank Control Ordinance and plus we I've been talking about a sid for a little while with gentlemen and a couple other people um for a good few years but um just to bring something um speaking to SackMan when we were doing rent control he was speaking about a c and having something inside where some of the funding can be used towards subsize um affordable housing I don't know if that was possible I didn't really dig too deep into it right because at the time it's legally possible the question becomes where and how you would do that you know obviously it would have to be in the district what happens is that um it depends if you know really depends up the void it's it's possible that it can be done the answer to that is yes it is possible how it needs to be determined and and also you you mentioned something earlier which was part of what I brought up to him at the time they just saying one of the biggest owners was okay with the S but um part of the money raised he was saying with um you spoke up job training and interative just creative things um to use throughout the city and in the special um interest is that possible since the city is a mile can you use some of the funds that you um and I asked for you um also um some of the special funds that you use to create throughout the entire city or is it just trapped into the few blocks that's why when the steering committee comes together and makes the study they make a recommendation as to the actual boundaries of the district so if if in the if the entire municipality is included in terms of usually it's commercial properties whether they 4A which is retail commercial 4B which is industrial and 4C which is commercial residential if all those properties are included within the municipality than it is possible yes because at the time there just pretty much talking about the befront and having that how that was somehow written into the plant so it is something that we can't speak about about spreading throughout the entirety of the city correct if if the if the recommendation is to include everybody all the properties all the re all the commercial properties within uh Asbury Park then yes okay thank you you're welcome thank you Tracy Roger 610 Soul um right now would you preference to the council how much of a revenue generator it could be with a special improvement district for the opportunities of the board and the executive director to find other resources or funding to also us in a district I mean as I mentioned earlier I don't know it could be it depends on the actual assessments themselves and what the budgets are an average budget in in the state of New Jersey is about $300 to $400,000 that's the average budget um the average uh salary of an executive director Staffing is around $100,000 it depends again on the time frame um some of them can be as low as $60,000 assessment could be as low as you know $200,000 but then again you could have an assessment like hoken went from an initial assessment I think it was from 88 $800,000 to $1.3 million no I mean I mean the actual once it's established are they able to raise uh funding additional funding oh absolutely yeah they can go yeah they can they can go to the state they can uh they can work hand inand with the Urban Enterprise Zone the U program uh they can go to they can raise they can go and get grants I know Bob is a great grant writer and gets grants from different different uh sources I've done it myself you know I've helped you know Banks uh Banks Banks are involved I I've been involved in nor nor credential was a big funer for they actually corporations are involved they were a big uh entity that created additional funding which would be able to use for different functions and improvements in the district right I mean so not only would you have your assessment but then you would have generated funds from third party sources that add to your budget exactly and the other thing is uh with this with this feasibility study are you asking that it's done for the whole city or a particular area or do the study is to look at the entire city and make a recommendation as to whether it should be what those boundaries should be should it be the entire city should it just just be certain select areas um as I mentioned earlier who do you want to exclude from the benefits of the improvement district that's the question I keep asking the steering committee to answer and so um to your other point is that what I've neglected to mention is that the organization becomes a non for-profit and files for 501c3 status C3 yes and you know we have we have additional what we all continue to hear about parking if they wanted to improve parking and they saw it was a benefit this entity would be able to be unwrap to go out and do whatever it need they can put together a feasibility you know go out and put out you know pay for the RFP or you know that would be done from for the municipality um they could actually support the parking deck they could they can actually in some of the municip some of the Improvement districts they actually pay for parking on holidays and and they they they they just shut down the meters and they pay the they they give that money to the par Authority or to the municipality that they would normally generate in that particular day or weekend before say Fourth of July weekend Memorial Day Weekend Labor Day weekend some big holidays so they can do all that thank great questions see nobody else motion to close move to close second all in favor thank you question question the S adopts rules and regulations yes call them whatever yes they have bylaws yes and then does different chores anything the Sid does with that supersede a city ordinance no absolutely not cannot do that's cannot be done anything that they do would support whatever the municipality is doing um they cannot do anything that goes against any city ordinance that's as as any other entity cannot do okay the only thing is is that what they do do is they work hand inand with the municipality so they have the leison relationship that is built that is they could make suggestions and then we could and you know myself running several Improvement districts over the years you know you can um uh you know I I would attend planning board meetings I would go to zoning board meetings and make recommendations I I would go to different Council meetings depend on Redevelopment projects that were in town and make a comment if I was the executive director that person go there thank you st so I guess what you should do since you threw in that cost part draft a letter send it to the city manager with like the next steps and all the costs okay and we'll go from there and uh she'll give it to us and we'll go from there great okay absolutely shall be done thank you all right thank you GL You' had that part so you don't have to come back me too thank you for your time again and uh remember you know about thank you thank you enjoy your evening and have a wonderful holiday you too thank you say thank you very much okay on to the agenda okay now we're on to the minutes we have the municipal council meeting minutes executive and regular of May 8th 2024 do I have a motion Mo second council member bz Anderson council member Chapman yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor more yes r on to individual resolutions resolution 2024 24 3 resolution approving payment of bills move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman Deputy Mayor Quin yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 244 resolution approving special event applications move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes Deputy Mayor Quin yes mayor Mo yes resolution 2024 245 resolution amending temporary budget Appropriations for the 2024 budget move it second Council memberz yes council member Chapman yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes resolution 2024 246 resolution authorizing purchase of blinds needed at the social services Bill move it second council member bz and council member chadman yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 224 247 resolution authorizing the purchase of short-term rental permitting software needed for code enforcement move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes Deputy Mayor Quin yes mayor Moore yes resolution 20 24248 resolution authorizing the acquisition and installation of two new dewatering pumps needed at the Asbury Park train station move it second council member Bez Anderson council member chap yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 249 resolution authorizing the purchase of influent influent pump parts needed at the sewer plan move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes resolution 2024 250 resolution authorizing the testing required at the sewer plan to maintain Department of Environmental Protection compliance move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member trapman yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 251 resolution authorizing the removal and repairs of influent pump number three of the sewer plan move it second council member Bez council member Chapman yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 252 resolution authorizing the payment for the mayor's rock and roll for recreation event fee move it second council member bz Anderson council member CH yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo abstain resolution 2024 253 resolution authorizing payment for emergency sewer repairs needed at First Avenue move it second council member abz Anders council member Chapman yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 254 resolution awarding e scooter share program for the city of Asbury Park to Vo Mo it second Council memberz council member Chapman yes Deputy Mayor Clint yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 255 resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement for use of press Plaza for special event purposes second council member council member chap yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 256 resolution authorizing Professional Services contract to tnm Associates for boundary and topographic survey survey services second council member Bez Anderson yes council member trapman yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 257 resolution authorizing Professional Services contract tnm Associates for professional pre-design engineering services at First Avenue roadway improvements move it second Council memberz Anderson yes council member Chapman yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes resolution 2024 258 resolution adopting the mammoth County Home Consortium fiscal year 2024 annual action plan for Housing and Community Development block R program move it Council memberz Anderson counc chap yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 259 resolution amending resolution 2023 337 approving 2023 2024 alcoholic B Beverage Control license for Asbury Pub LLC DBA homesick in the city of Asbury Park County of mouth New Jersey in certain limited respects move it second council member counc member Chapman yesy mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes resolution 2024 260 resolution extending the duration of the ccrb exploratory committee move it second council member bz council member chap yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes resolution 2024 261 resolution reappointing Michael del re as Municipal tax assessor of the city of asre Park move it second Council memberz council member Chapman yes Deputy Mayor Quin mayor Mo yes yay Michael okay uh we're now on to ordinances ordinance for introduction I have ordinance 20242 Bond ordinance providing for the First Avenue Road Improvement project appropriating 4,792 20000 $92,200 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $4,190 and3 in bonds and notes to finance a portion of the cost thereof authorized in and by the city of Asbury Park in the county of MTH New Jersey with a public hearing date of June 12 2024 do I have a motion move it second second Council memberz Anderson council member Chapman yes council member I'm sorry de mayor Quinn yes mayor thank you um we're now on to ordinances for second reading public hearing uh ordinance 20241 ordinance of the city of bber Park approving and adopting a Redevelopment plan for property located at 1201 Memorial Drive second second thank you um so this is going to be table to the June 12th meeting council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mor yes thank you uh ordinance 20241 is now tabled to the June 12th 2024 meeting ordinance 20247 Bond ordinance providing for the Main Street streetcape Improvement project appropriating $900,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of77 465,000 in bonds and notes to finance a portion of the cost thereof authorized in and by the city of Asbury Park in the county of MTH New Jersey James James director of Transportation James banano would you please provide a brief overview of this ordinance thank you James hello this ordinance provides funds in form of a bond uh to go into the construction phase of the Main Street streetcape Improvement project this project is planting and taking care of 103 trees that we planted along Main Street from the Neptune border to basically 8th Avenue uh it's also for a few park benches maybe four and uh bicycle racks up and down the entire length of Main Street from the NP border to 8th Avenue thank you James may have a motion to open up the public hearing on ordinance 20247 move to open second all in favor public hearing on bond ordinance 20247 is now open any member of the public who wishes speak please use the microphone state your name and address for the record and the comments may may be regarding ordinance 20247 [Music] only hi Reed Miro 8th Avenue we're borrowing all that money I didn't i' get the first far how much of it is paid by the state I I can't recall off the top of my head how much the grant we received was was for um I'm sorry I don't recall the amount for the grant um you want to call me tomorrow I'd be happy to look that up for you and give it to you what is it I don't have the number on me I would be happy to tell you tomorrow if you want to give me a call I would have to look it up for you but I don't recall off the top of my head good well that seems like an awful lot for just you know bicycle racks and and uh what else is it for it's trees the majority of the cost is the trees and the associated infrastructure that go with the trees we have to cut out the concrete plant a tree VI a tree uh and and provide tree grates to make sure that one falls into the pit the tree pit itself make sure the tree pit doesn't collect garbage so that is majority of the cost of the of this I could see the trees James $192,500 okay thank you and so how much is the bond 900,000 900,000 I could see the trees but that would make the whole street better but the bicycle racks are you kidding I mean like how many do you need I think you'll go to look again that's too much money for what you're going to do I could see the trees and I hope they're not the B pear trees that we had before I mean like you're right but the bicycle racks come on this that's a main street I mean I you know I don't even think you should ride your bike on Main Street it's dangerous and you have the bicycle lanes and if you open the door you'll watch somebody a passenger I mean like I don't know but you want to think about that one thank you right just the voice of reason no we're bonding that money but it doesn't mean it all has to be spent so we can look at it and reduce numbers if necessary okay do you want look at Bond something yes absolutely Joan looks at it because it's James project to look at the city manager will look at it and we'll look at it absolutely not seeing one else may I have a motion to close the public hearing move to close all in favor I public hearing and ordinance 20247 is now closed May I have a motion to adopt B Bond ordinance 20247 move to adop made a second may have a second second thank you council member buz Anderson yes council member Chapman yes Deputy mayy Quinn yes mayor Moore yes thank you we're now on thank you James you you want jump to 19 so he said can stay there okay forgot it we're now on to ordinance 20248 ordinance of the city of Asbury Park amending and supplementing section 30-24 entitled fees of article 3 development Administration and enforcement of chapter 30 Land Development regulations of the code of the city of Asbury Park our director planning Redevelopment Michelle Alonzo will provide a brief overview of this ordinance hey good evening everyone this is raising the fees that we charge applicants to the planning board and Zoning Board of adjustment and those uh and the escro deposits we're also raising the escro deposit for those who ask for redevelopment plan amendments I research the fees of our neighboring towns the increases that proposing are not out of line with what our neighbors char charge and also most importantly I simplified or I eliminated calculations um for fees to Flat fees so that's it's not confusing to developers and the staff again I also increased as I said the initial escrow deposits that developers would need to post um when their before their application goes forward thank you thank you I have a motion to open the public hearing ordinance 20248 move to open second all in favor I public hearing on ordinance 20248 is now open any member of the public wishes to speak please use the microphone motion to close is that good all in favor I public hearing on ordinance 20248 is now closed may have a motion to adopt ordinance 2024 adop Council memberz Anderson council member chaput mayor Quint yes mayor Moore yes ordinance 20249 ordinance amending ordinance 20248 which amended chapter 7 sections 13 and 14 to establish prohibited parking regulations along emry Street and Second Avenue director of Transportation James ban we please provide a brief overview of this ordinance thank you this ordinance just changes our previous ordinance uh 2024 d8 um to uh alter the no parking regulation that was implemented on Emory Street to begin at 6:00 a.m. and then 7:00 a.m. uh the police department requested this to help clear the street of vehicles uh in timely manner for the at Fresh event which takes place on Emory Street thank thank you may have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 2024 move to open second all in favor any member of the public wishes to speak on ordinance 20249 motion to close second all in favor I public hearing on ordinance 20249 is now closed I have a motion to adopt ordinance second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman Deputy Mayor quinnn yes mayor Mor yes we are now on to the 2024 Municipal budget introduction our CFO Joanne Boo and our city manager will now provide a brief overview of the 2024 budget take it away thank you you're wel good evening mayor and council tonight we are presenting the 2024 Municipal budget for the city of asber park over the past few months the CD CFO Joanne Bose and I work diligently and efficiently in preparing the 2024 and I and John and mayor and councel we met with all department heads and made necessary cuts to their budgets while preserving the services to the residents of Asbury Park we were mindful of the residents tax dollars and the allocation of resources to achieve and maintain Council and Community goals this budget reflects the day-to-day operations set spending boundaries and also Fosters transparency and accountability in managing public funds the proposed 2024 budget is 57 b266 $37.90 compared to 2023 this reflects a tax decrease to 55 per $100 or a decrease of $46 per home the 2024 tax rate of tax will be $68 per year on an average 2024 assessed home value of $589,999 excuse me she says that she can't hear you talk mic I'm sorry the beginning numbers right I'm okay okay all right as you know from previous years the city is faced with hard costs from contractual obligations as well as anticipated costs such as Gas and Electric The increased reoccurring costs are health insurance and pension despite this the economic success story of Asbury Park are some of the various sources of revenue such as parking and Beach the city has advanced with an upward Trend every year in 2023 parking Revenue was $3,872 th000 which is projected to be increased in 2024 to $5.5 million thank you for your commitment and your consideration reviewing this year's budget mayor um Moore and councilwoman Clayton thank you for your participation in um with this budget let's close Chapman I said I'm sorry I miss no more trips to Alaska yeah thank you thank you both and uh this was not done overnight this was many meetings many sessions because the original number was much much higher than that but uh we've got it down as low as we can to be responsible to the taxpayers so I thank both both of you for working so hard on it thank you thank you thank you both so resol resolution 2024 262 resolution introducing the 2024 Municipal budget with a public hearing date of June 26 2024 do have a motion second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moren yes no have anything else we on to adjournment to welcome May a second all in favor all right good night thank you everyone have a good night e