meeting call to order council member abz Anderson here council member Chapman here council member Clayton here Deputy Mayor Quinn here mayor Moore here please stand for a silent prayer moment of reflection salute the flag I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America to the repblic for which it stands Nation a god invisible with liy and justice for all as comply with the open public meetings act chapter 231 PL 1975 adequate notice has been provided in the following manner the annual notice was fored to the ASB Park Press the coaster and the Star Ledger on January 22nd 2024 and posted on the bulletin board the same date all notices are on file with the city clerk this time we're on to special event applications good even mayor and Council uh there are two applications before you tonight play on Pine and the other is for a wedding are there any questions thank you thank you thank you we're now on to items to be Pres presented uh we have a presentation from Tracy Rogers for the Asbury Park affordable housing Coalition good evening Council uh good evening evening I'm here as the Asbury Park portable Housing Coalition this talk a little bit more into the mic okay can you hear okay can you hear me now okay right now I'm here as the Asbury Park affordable housing coalation and we've talked about some of the things that we've discussed with affordable housing and there's been questions in the community on what community is afforded for housing and how we got to this point so we just put together a little presentation to tell you what we did as a community organization to create more affordable housing in our district so uh if we have any questions afterwards I'm open so let's just go forward okay affordable housing our deepest multigen racial economic residential segregation largely comes from exclusionary zoning practices that limit housing opportunities across most of the country's largest metropolitan areas exclusion areas only also significantly contributes to the unprecedent housing crisis in America today and with this portly impacts on people of color lower income people the effects of residential segregation in our nation's housing crisis will further exacerbate with our strong action against seclusion AR zoning now seclusion AR zoning basically for anyone in the audience you know in this country we have strongly saw opportunities for people not to get uh housing uh red lining and other uh opportunities and out of that in the state of New Jersey we came up with the Mount Laurel supreme court judgment that saw exclusionary zoning so excluding zoning also impacts Society to large thorough limitations local Mobility causing significant slowdowns and economic growth inflated housing prices caused by artificially reducing Supply squeezing out just low-income families but also the middle class as the middle class occupies more affordable housing options lower income families are pushed out of the housing together and significantly contribute to gentrification and displacement in fact housing cost and housing costs and low vacancy rate are the biggest uh predictors of homelessness unsurprisingly this displacement this perly affects people of color black black Americans Native Americans the Latino know uh ex Community LGB communities and more likely to experience homelessness than white this white Americans at numbers of far disproportionate to the share of the population at a time when Americans facing historic crisis these discrepancies will only be further exacerbated without strong action against exclusionary zoning Des despite the veneer of racial neutrality exclusion arizoni is legalized segregation with direct ties to American history of slavery and brutal op oppression it must be eradicated and we have to do we we are here to have many hope of a truly integrated society that gives more voice to the promise of all Americans being created equal New Jersey is taken the steps towards dismantling scho everyon to the Mount Laurel Doctrine one of the most significant and effective interventions to combat residential segregation in the nation and a landmark Laurel de named at the township of Mount Laurel the New Jersey Supreme Court desare declared exer zoning unconstitution based on General Welfare sub substantive due process equal protection and vision of the State Constitution that every town in New Jersey has an affirmative obligation for fair share of regional affordable housing let me let everybody know that we also in March just passed State legis legislation with the uh abbreviation of the Mount Laurel decision because of things that were going on in past situations of the different administrations and we just passed this this ordinance I mean this legislation in uh March under Murphy which will decide the fourth round of affordable housing in our state fighting displacement the Asbury Park of able Housing Coalition was organized by local community residents in 2017 the mission of the group was to address concerns that had come out of a community Forum in 2016 at a local high school this form wanted to survey local residents on issues and concerns in Asbury Park the number one issue was affordable housing after some research we determined there were the major causes to the decreasing of lack of affordability a lack of affordable housing in Asbury Park these are the issues that we came out with 3,000 new housing units were planned to be built in Asbury Park to be located in the Waterfront Redevelopment area a review of The Waterfront Redevelopment agreement determined no affordable housing were included in the Redevelopment agreement that was signed in 2002 after destruction over 1,000 units that already existed other rental housing in the city privately owned by private owners who were looking to take advantage of increased rents when the market provided which made housing unaffordable for local residents who were low and moderate residents and I don't know if anyone looked at the 2020 census 30% of minorities were pushed out and this is a fact inside of there took them out lastly new sites for Development Across the city would not zone for inclusion every zoning so we we just sat down as a group we met every Thursday and we looked at opportunities to address this and these were the solutions we presented to the council the Asbury Park Co Coalition Asbury Park affordable housing Coalition worked along with the city council to create an inclusionary zoning ordinance except for the Waterfront Redevelopment areas are were zoned to create affordable housing this was the three-year process with hearings and meetings the new task was the next task was rank control which went through a referendum and the city council passed a a rank Control Ordinance because there was no thought out plan Asbury Park work to come up with a plan that would increase diversity control the high cost of housing for those who lived in this community for all those lives that would not that would not be pushed out so and in in all basically what we saw were issues in 2017 some of you guys were at that meeting in the survey that we had we knew there was an opportunity and we wanted to straighten or at least course correct the city because we were losing a lot of residents we were losing artists we were losing the Latino Community the black community so this made a challenge for us to get this done so what we've done is just presented what we've been doing for the last couple of years to unify this community and unify takes sacrifice and opportunity so I just wanted to let everyone know that these are the things that we started to address and work with the city on uh Derek my partner will be uh talking about some of the numbers in the county and what opportunities and losses that we have there so thank you thank you Tracy just grab your USB okay hey Lisa that he's good there there's River uh oops sorry everybody all right well okay well greetings everyone I did have a PowerPoint um here for everyone I'm going to go over quicker um I tested this is about 11 minutes so hopefully that's right on time but first of all I just wanted to introduce myself Derek Bloom I am the social justice director at Trinity Church and also one of the founders of the mammoth Housing Coalition um I wanted to start out by thanking the council um starting in 2017 we worked together and um you know I think this country and democracy there's a lot of interesting things happening on in this country right now but when I think of democracy and I think of how at least the four of you cuz Angela you came a little bit later um really stood up for affordable housing and we met for almost 5 years on and off and on and off and um you know you're a city council that really cares about everyone in this community the wealthy the lowincome the lgbtq community um so it's just been an honor to work with you and create affordable housing and rent control and really see a democratic process happen between a city government and the people so thank you so much um the mammoth Housing Coalition just wanted to tell people a little bit about it our vision is we seek to build a large div diversion a diverse Coalition of community members spiritual institutions and nonprofits to advocate for policies and initiatives that uphold the values of housing Justice and Equity our vision is for all residents of mams County New Jersey to live in safe High and quality affordable housing our objectives are Sevenfold one show up to Municipal meetings to support affordable housing initiatives two to enforce and push municipalities to honor their fair share agreements for affordable housing three encourage spiritual institutions and nonprofits to come up together to consider building their own affordable housing on their properties and Beyond and to organize and advocate for Mammoth County to create more affordable housing to increase home ownership with low-income families and people of color six to educate ourselves and others about racial and economic injustices and how they intersect with housing Justice and finally to train and Empower community members to organize for housing Justice in our own context and the mammoth Housing Coalition really sees housing as a human right along with food and water and one of the ways to make this human right possible is to create affordable housing and affordable housing is based off of uh generally defined as housing in which the occupant is paying no more than 30% of their gross income for housing costs including utilities and this leaves room for food for travel for communication for leisure time because everyone needs Leisure but unfortunately there's a large amount of people in this community paying 50% of what they make just to cover rent I also do a lot of social work and work with people experiencing homelessness and lowincome people and we get almost 30 to 40 calls a week in need of Housing and the boarding homes that are in our town unfortunately I would say almost 90% of people's checks are taken in to see in these boarding homes which are not the greatest quality um so rent is already really high in Asbury Park and quite frankly it's so high that certain low-income families and working class folks cannot pay it as is so I just want to keep pressing to the council and to the community that affordable housing is so important and rent control is important and currently y all's rent control plan allows landlords to increase rent by 3.5% a year which goes with economics and seems fair and also as a way to keep our low-income community members in our community which most have grown up here their whole lives and deserve to have a chance to live in their community and I would say that most people here believe in racial Justice um we don't want to judge people by the color of their skin but racial Justice is equated with affordable housing um they can't really be separated it's a way to actually enact racial Justice um and just a brief history lesson for um our black community members you know for 260 years was slavery and then about 100 Years of reconstruction black folks from the African diaspora were starting to able to buy property but they were only able to do it in certain regions and locals and what was now known as ghettos were created um and unfortunately all the way to the or 60s legal redlining was occurring so Banks could literally say to people oh we'll give you a loan but only in this area and this happened all the way to the 50s or 60s so when we talk about affordable housing and try to make affordable housing for folks of color for low-income people it is a direct Act of racial Justice um and you know when I think about beach towns in New Jersey do we really want to be like all the other beach towns that are not that diverse income wise or ethnic wise when I walk around Asbury Park I'm so proud and I love the diversity I love that I see Haitian Community I love that I see many people from the African diaspora I love that I see many people from Central America I love that we see the lgbtqia plus Community our community is beautiful and the way to keep it diverse is to support affordable housing and rent control I moved here nine years ago and I think the black population was about 52% and now I think it's down to 32 to 33% so people are getting pushed out of our community and the way to keep them in is affordable housing and rent control and uh lastly before I get to the slideshow which is quick um artists servers teachers are also getting pushed out of vray park if we want people who live in this town to teach our kids to commune with us and work with us we need to have affordable housing and we need to keep rent control so that rent doesn't already go higher than it already is so I'm going to do a few statistics about Mammoth County um the medium household income in this city is 63,64 and in the larger county is $8,148.22 poverty so we need affordable housing to fight this harder in Asbury than the rest of Mammoth County um what this looks like if you make 100,000 30% of your check for rent should be 20,000 or 2,500 if you make 35,000 875 um types of affordable housing project Place based housing housing that is subsidized during construction acquisition and underwritten so that affordable rents can sustain the property also tenant-based Housing Voucher programs um since there's a time constraint this is a really detailed process of the voucher program which you all can kind of look at for a little bit if we have to go through questions but it's federally funded and administrated through state or local housing authorities um more project-based housing low-income housing tax credits largest funding source for affordable housing development in our country created by tax reform in 1986 and this is exciting which doesn't always happen in our country consistently has bipartisan support as it promotes public private Partnerships generating income in Private Industry while creating affordable housing the equivalent of this is about 10 billion in annual budget authority to issue tax credits for building and housing project placed housing low-income housing tax credits distributed through New Jersey's housing Mortgage and Finance agencies I'm not going to get into that um more house-based um housing public housing normally owned by public housing authorities a local example in Mammoth County um would include Evergreen Terrace and Montgomery Terrace and Red Bank income limits vary from development but are below 80% of the Ami and residents pay 30% of their outcome income and the affordable housing places and public housing places here in Asbury are similar so affordable housing in new uh New Jersey Tracy mentioned this the Mount Laurel Doctrine requires all New Jersey municipals municipalities to plan Zone and take affirmative action to provide realistic opportunities for their fair share of the Region's need for affordable housing for lowincome and moderate income people it is the only constitutional requirement of its kind in the country where does this leave us navigating the various programs housing and resources in New Jersey is a challenge despite the Mount Laurel rulings and now the fair share rulings which I won't get into but NJ remains one of the most racially segregated States in the country so again if we want to care about our city we need affordable housing to defeat this statistic we do not want to be the most ra racially segregated state or city the segregation patterns are rooted in a history of discrimination housing practices such as redlining and the perpetuation of concentrated poverty in urban areas credits argue that more aggressive enforcement of the doctrine the mountain Laural doctrines principles is still needed to meaningfully reduce segregation and again to applaud the city council you went up and above and beyond for affordable housing and it was great um affordable housing needs in New Jersey were negative 276,000 units we have 10,267 people experiencing homelessness in a first world country NJ has ranked seven on the list of least affordable States um this is a pretty unbelievable statistic so medium household wealth white families 322,000 black families 17,700 and Latina Latino families 26,100 new uh NJ home ownership rates 77% white are european-american black families or African-American families 41.7% Latino families 40.1% and just a reminder if I'm still correct 80% of the units in Asbury are rentals so it only means about 20% of people in our city own their property so what can we do got two or three more slides and I'll be done get involved with local advocacy groups the Asbury Park affordable housing Coalition the mammoth Housing Coalition join the fair share housing center participate in the municipal planning process good job everybody uh support affordable housing development contact affordable housing developers to learn about opportunities to support their work be an advocate for state and federal funding and legislation um combat nimbyism and exclusionary attitudes spread awareness about affordable housing needs and counteract common myths of we love affordable housing but not in our backyard educate yourself on the country's history which I briefly talked about and if anyone's really interested in a book about affordable housing and the racial divide the color of law is great and lastly some more solutions um and this is what the city does but work with developers to produce affordable housing with incentives whenever opportunities become available this means planning for new housing that includes a mix of market rate and affordable housing units on site that are vacant Andor need of Redevelopment also incentives often include density height other relaxed standards Andor financial and I noticed that 1201 is on the agenda today which is the the property and field between fourth and fifth on Memorial and I know that there's a lot of people worried about increasing density in that neighborhood but unfortunately developers if they are able to increase in dens density they're able to build more affordable housing units so it makes it worth it for them so sometimes density does need to increase in order for us to have a healthy and diverse City and make sure we have affordable housing and lastly this is helpful because government nonprofits cannot fix this huge issue as it exists in ASB Park much less the country and the state and everybody thanks for coming thank you for your time I know not everyone got to talk so I appreciate you listening and I do think we have um Mike mcneel from the NAACP to say a few words as well and we also I think have haveit at I oh great I want to thank Derek the the asre park of phall Housing Coalition for doing this you know the city really doesn't do a good job on talking about why affordable housing is important to us or why we enact certain policies to include affordable housing um so I appreciate you guys taking the time to lay it out much better than probably we have thanks for having us all of you thank thank you my name is Mike mcneel I don't know if you can hear me but my name is Mike mcneel um you up here may not know me but there's one person up there that does know my business has always been in house um I also sit on the board of fair share housing so we're the ones that you know file the lawsuits and do all that other good stuff but I just want to tell you something that you may not know that you remember when the Waterfront started when they started the Waterfront development out here all of that you know they talked about the affordable housing that they were going to put in and all this other good stuff well we meaning we this is price which is the vice president of um salution probably soon known and steps were contracted by a gentleman by the name of Dr McCain mome and also I believe that um they worked under I think it was Larry Fishman I'm not for sure the name at the time but I think that's correct am I right yes right so I was involved in it from day one and what happened was so I want everybody to understand the history of what happened we're contracted to move the people out so where we had to move him to was in Newark the gentleman that worked for me that hired to move the folks out of this and move them up into New York he came back and he said to me he says mike he said this is not what we do he said they're relocating these people in a little tiny box that I wouldn't put my dog in that's how bad it was up there where they wanted to put these people at so when you talk about when some folks come and say wow we don't need a aable housing we need a whole lot of affordable housing the other part that always will always stick with me is that it's called a Stone Pony and um we had to come down for this meeting down there and then there had to be hundreds of buses from all over from New York and everywhere so said who are all these people they were investors that's who they were so let's understand what really happened so they were investors myself and Mr Waters Mr Waters was the president of the NAACP in Lakewood New Jersey he came down with me there was a lady sitting on one of the tables from off one of the buses she was crying and I mean ladies and gentlemen literally crying and I went over to her and I said ma'am what's wrong she says I feel sorry for what we're about to do to these people that's what she said and so that haunt and bothered me till this day when I hear there's a conflict about you know building some affordable housing some people don't think that we need affordable housing but ladies and gentlemen that we really do need affordable housing don't judge the affordable housing by looking at you know places where they make these commercials with these bombed out places up in whether it's in New York or wherever they make it look so bad that everybody gets scared you know so don't don't pay attention to that but I truly want to say you know from the bottom of my heart is that we have to come together and we we have to do the right thing I know there's probably some people in here may feel that you know we don't want affordable housing in our part of the neighborhood but it's not you know like a lot of times where we're building the affordable housing is that it's in a a place where not only is it affordable there but a lot of times there's you know regular housing you know commercial and those those housing go for different prices once a person you know get into a house and get educated that's the key part and that's one of the things that we we failed to do when we actually started this whole project way back in the day we failed to do the educational pece people were more concerned about you know buying up the property and doing all of that stuff but not doing the right thing so what I'm saying to you today and saying to some of the folks that are out in the audience you know give some folks a chance an opportunity to to really live um I would definitely not like to see them live like some of the places that I've seen not here but other places as I travel through the state where you know you feel so bad that I'm quite sure a lot of you read about Ren's hell and all that type of stuff you know up in New York we're the ones that solved that problem of renel by bringing a young lady down here giving her a home giving her a Section 8 voucher and that that changed her whole life so I'm trying to say to you that please give folks an opportunity to live that's all I'm saying to you I know that you know some people sitting in here you know you have Investments and you know and you think that it's going to be bad I think that it'll be the other way around if we don't do the right thing I think that that's when it become bad I'm going to most likely appoint you know someone to take a look at you know what's going on you know down in here um we have a board meeting tomorrow in Cherry Hill fair share housing and I want I want to talk about this I I believe that you folks are going to do the right thing I think that the folks in the audience um some of them are probably going to eventually take a look at things and um want to do the right thing too so it's very important that we move together and we do the right thing thank you thank you uh Terry can you come up from habitat thank I'm going to sit down so that people can hear me hello everyone and I'm sorry for everybody who have my D's got my back I'm Terry edstein I work for Coastal Habitat for Humanity I think most people know that Coastal Habitat for Humanity supports Southern Mammoth County and Amy actually um asked me if I would come talk um and give a little bit about some of the things we're seeing um one of the things just to note that habitat's vision is to that there is a to have a world where everyone has a decent place to live building strength stability and self-reliance so the importance of homeownership so providing then the stability so that people can grow in other parts of their lives um what we're seeing right now is obviously we've talked about inflation and we're also seeing a severe lack of inventory again this is well Coastal Seas so it's Southern Mammoth County it's probably elsewhere um just a couple of the notes um for everybody I run the homeowner selection for Coastal Habitat for Humanity and our last homeowner selection we did which was about 6 months ago um for a home home in southern Mammoth County we had 92 applicants we had of them over 60 met the income guidelines for afford for being able to afford a affordable home um this was a diverse population it was represented all different types of people um we had 42 people show enough interest to attend a homeowner seminar and of these we had we were able to provide one home so think about having to tell all of those other people that they've got to try again one of the other things that happened last week was I get about two or three calls a week asking about the process um this delightful wonderful person called me and said she actually already had a pre-approved loan for $175,000 but couldn't find anybody that could help her that had an available home for her to buy with a pre-approved loan a pre-approved loan so it's just a little bit about the opportunity and why there is uh just the increase of need and I want to add one thing to dereck's presentation not only for everything to participate people should donate land we could build affordable housing on land donate it to nonprofits like Habitat for Humanity we'll build we have construction people so anything anybody can do to help there's creative ways to help but we really need to do something to help Community thank you I'd like to say one more yeah I'd like to say one more thing um we support this council with the 3,000 units that are being built in the Waterfront and we want to challenge our Waterfront redeveloper to understand that he's a partner in this city and we should put our voes together to ask him to commit to creating affordable housing in a waterfront area that's something a partner does that's what a person who's committed to our community does and we would love to support you with M asking that request of them because they're committed to almost 3,000 units of housing that residents in this community will not be able to afford so thank you thank you all and if you haven't been here before like we're going to do a couple minutes of like Council of things then we move on to the public portion so the public may have questions for you so Tracy Derek sir if uh you want to stay around in case somebody has a specific question for you speak for a little bit thank you good right uh we're now on to Matters from city council council member buz Anderson I just wanted to say uh good evening uh also the women's mentoring program has been on Hiatus a lot of things have been going on so we will uh reconvene in September and I'll make the announcement um in August at August board meeting thank you thank you council member Chapman so I just want to let everyone know that uh music Mondays in Springwood Park begins on July 1st and we run every Monday through the summer it's free come on out and hear some great music thank than you council member Clayton good evening I have nothing at this time thank you thank you Deputy Mayor Quinn no mayor Moore you think tyen is the schedule up on the website I don't know I'm not in chars I hope so okay but hopefully we'll get it up on the City calendar too it it's announced it's announced thank you that's it thank you Matters from the city manager n thank you thank you Matters from the city attorney nothing at this time thank you we're now on to public participation May have a motion to open the meeting to the public move to open second all in favor I public participation portion is now open any member of the public who wishes to speak please use the microphone state your name and address for the record there will be a 3 minute time limit for each speaker again your name and address for the record thank youor hi my name is sorry hi my name is Carrie butam 500 de Lake Drive I just want to um give everybody a mini history lesson I don't want to sound like burner bum Garner but I was at every single Redevelopment planning meeting for the Waterfront Redevelopment and we were told there was going to be water there we were told there was going to be affordable housing in the plan and it was not put in the plan so I also I'm sorry sir I've never seen you at one any of those meetings I didn't I didn't see you at any of those meetings I everying one so huh well the reason why I'm saying that is because you know we were very very hurt as a community watching people get relocated from the Waterfront I do appreciate Tracy um coming to the table and asking to reopen that issue of 3,000 I think it's more than 3,000 units I think it's 3800 units on the waterfront 32 that would that would really guarantee us 720 that's the lawsuit we want you to do Mr mcneel do that lawsuit the Waterfront re get us affordable housing on the Redevelopment in the Waterfront Redevelopment Zone that's the lawsuit we want you to do I live on the waterfront a lot of people that I know live in on on that I'm friends with live on the waterfront and without certain things that we did in our lives we would have been pushed out too so um I couldn't afford to live Where I Live Now even to rent where I live now so do that lawsuit I'll back you up okay um I hope that the city council didn't invite the affordable housing folks here tonight which I'm a member of I hope they didn't invite them here tonight to kind of convince people to not talk about the 1201 redel v m and to not fight for what they believe in and for what they want because what 121 Redevelopment could have easily been a 100 or less units and included more affordable housing as a matter of fact if you purchased the land for a million dollars which is what the developer did Asbury Park could have built amazing affordable housing units that would have kept people in this community so I hope that everybody here that wants to speak on 1201 Redevelopment still speaks on 1201 it's your neighborhood it it is going to change the entire character of that neighborhood with that density so don't be afraid you're not saying that you don't want affordable housing or that you don't want your neighbors that live next to you to be pushed out in any way so I just I'm I'm liberating you like Maya Angelou does right love liberates I'm letting you I I want you to talk and say what you got to say so that's all I want to say I appreciate you I don't think that that's what your intention was to quell any kind of conversation but go for it guys thank you thanks Carrie poly Shila 1100 fth Avenue um I am here partly to talk about 121 but before I get going I I have a lot to say but I just want to ask what's the plan to discuss it tonight can you can you answer that while I'm within my time frame what's what's what what's the plan to discuss 1201 tonight what is the it's on the agenda what is on the agend adopt correct so this is going to happen after the public comment well you can talk about it now if you want oh well okay there will also be a public hearing tonight on the development plan that's what I'm asking okay um My Hope Is that and we are applauding the development of 121 we love to see more affordable housing we want to see density we want to see people living in our community I think this is planting a flag to what be could be happening all the way down Memorial Drive um making it be a livable part of the city um with that I would like to again I've said this before I'd like to see the entrance and exit on Memorial Drive I would also like to see a double two-way bicycle track on the train track side and I'd like to see the grassy big grassy area along the sidewalk gone trees planted and a wider sidewalk with that segue um I'd like to also um address the equity and justice issue that that we're talking about with regard to affordable housing and kind of segue that into the Equitable access and Mobility justice issues that we have in the city right now Asbury Park really does prioritize drivers above all Road users roads and streets in the city are public space just like parks are and if most of the users of the public space that we have here is on asphalt and drivers who are speeding and misbehaving running stop lines stop stop lights and and stop signs turning right on red without stopping all of the above if I were to ask for a show of hands I'm sure all of you have experienced something like that whether you're a driver or a walker or a roller you've experienced something in the way of bad driver Behavior I would like to urge the city and um you don't have to answer me right now but I'd like to urge the city to engage Asbury Park complete streets coalition to discuss adopting a vision zero policy which is zero deaths and injuries by car crashes I don't have the statistics right now but Across the Nation 40,000 plus people are killed by drivers every year I don't know if once you see this stuff you can't unsee it once you start to see what's going on in a city like Asbury Park which I have no background in any of this but when I was driving and riding a bike I felt pretty okay out there now that I see what's going on and what I understand about urban planning in the last five years or so I've lived here for 10 years I can't unsee it we need to change the priorities here some of it has to do with signage some of it has to do with messaging some of it has to do with education but most of it has to do with an a really bold redesign of our streets to make them safer for everybody wow thank you uh Matthew Sigman 700 Emory Street I'm here really for 121 but the affordable I'm I'm a uh housing provider so just what I want to talk about the housing provider side I just want to remind everybody 10 15 years ago you could buy things on the west side for $50,000 just remember all that like today it's expensive yesterday it wasn't so you know we talk now about how it's expensive well yeah you have a demand to live here and we don't have the units to supply that demand so things are expensive just economics and you know we my operations we observe the rent ordinance that we have here I don't really want to go crazy with that I think it's working I think you're if you had a lower rent you're staying here and so on and so forth I think attacking the Waterfront with them God bless you good luck with that I think that's a I think that's an arduous task you know but again more Supply will help lower costs uh 121 uh I'm I'm the owner of the shops at Sunset Point uh boero Adas that's we redevelop that shopping center I'm here on behalf of the tenants my concern is the uh the parking over at 1201 um you're not having more than one per space and I spoke to you know I spoke to people on Council want to make sure that uh we can work together and I'm a little confused why 1201 and the memoral drive parking is all kind of the same I mean I feel like it could be bated where you could do things separately but currently at the shopping center there's head-on parking and the design it has now is a bike lane a little buffer and then a head- on parking um Paulie's idea of kind of putting it on the railroad tracks I know we've discuss that to me seems safer because you're not having cars parking up to a bike lane at the shopping center um so just kind of thawing that out making sure it's safe and usable for everybody I love bikes I use bikes all the time but does every road need a bike lane I I don't know I don't know if this is this is that as well that's my other caveat um and then yeah just you know sort of you know as this project gets developed in 24 36 months you know can we sort of earmark and change the the parking requirements for the shops and setset point in front you know can we change it later on in case people are parking there and then the businesses are like we're not having customers Park um so again everyone has their dog in the fight I'm trying to protect those businesses I think that shopping center is an important part of our community it's all local business owners everybody lives in Asbury wanam Mata Ocean or Etc um so just sort of protecting their interests I I think it's kind of Faro I don't know how much we could change 121 I'm also a developer so I kind of like don't want to go against something uh that I also may want to do down the road and get my own development agreement but it's great to see the community coming out here and just talking and everyone sharing their ideas and trying to better our community so thank you very much thank you hi my name is Lori I live on Fifth Avenue um and I want to thank you for giving me a chance to speak uh two things I want wanted to say one is that I fully agree with and support what that first woman had said about um about affordable housing that that entire project could have been affordable housing and the density could have been less and somehow someway uh the city of Asbury Park could have uh uh stepped up and and helped to to build that or Habitat for Humanity or whatever the other thing I wanted to do was ask a question is during the hearing I'm not familiar with a lot of what goes on this is only my third or fourth um meeting but during the public hearing portion when we're going to when you're going to talk about 1201 and vote on that will there be another chance for the public to get up and speak or is this our only chance yes yes okay thank you very much thank you hello I'm Kathleen Muma I live on Sunset Avenue um I'd like to register my support for affordable housing in all areas of the city we need it for well-rounded Community um but I'm here tonight to make comments um about traffic calming measures um I primarily Get Around by walking and riding my bike and to me walking riding my bike is some of the best it's like the most enjoyable part of living at the beach it's free Transportation it's fun it's healthy it's accessible and it's environmentally friendly but walking a riding your bike in asbery park can also feel like a death trap in many places um I live on Sunset it's a family and residential neighborhood with wide streets lots of shade um now we have a successful restaurant Cap bird right at the end of sunset before wanasa we have the excellent shopping center that um Mr Sigman referred to at at Memorial in Sunset and of course we have the high school so this is like a model area for walkability and biking but it feels so dangerous um the number of people driving 10 to 20 M an hour over the speed limit uh the number of people running the Comm stck traffic light by right by the school and not yielding to pedestrians in the crosswalk is astounding and also if you drive over that bridge to and from wanam Masa the road curves and the speed limit coming from wanam Masa is 35 miles an hour asbery it's 25 but if someone's driving a mile faster than 25 they can't it's impossible not to put your car in the bike lane or left of center depending on which direction you're going um and that that is a occurring right across from in the crosswalk of the that goes that leads to the cat bird restaurant um anyway these behaviors are not really that surprising because the roads specifically The Avenues that run east to west with their current design and striping they're set up to encourage people to drive fast if we adjust the infrastructure we can make it easier for people to obey the rules and some simple like I ride around a lot some solutions that I see is Paint The Bike Lanes green it's a painted bike lane is not protected uh it's not officially a protected bike lane but it visually Narrows the road which causes people to drive slower um another option would be to remove the double yellow line from the middle double yellow line means no passing um but when I you know when I'm driving down the road and I see a double yellow line I automatically assume the speed limit is 30 m 40 m an hour or more um a no line or a single line indicates that it's a slower speed zone in a residential neighborhood and a pedestrian's risk of severe injury and death increases dramatically when a Vehicles driving above 35 um I'd ask you the next time you're on an East to West Avenue that has bike Lanes look down the Avenue notice the striping and ask yourself how fast does this road say to go and then Envision the road if it had green bike Lanes would that indicate to you that it's a slower speed Road um so that's just one of my suggestions please pain screen thank you and we meet once a month from uh with the police department and we met with them earlier in Clos exec and some of the concerns you express especially about cat birds and coming from one master 35 have to be addressed be we put a sign up on the bridge we ask for more speed details as far as like there's too much speed in asber park on every street there's no question back so anyway we can stop it but enforcements the first start and we made it perfectly clear if it cost money we don't care do something because the speeding is out of control so we agree with you we're looking into it and we to Advocate I cannot advocate for really for war enforcement but I will because I don't want to die riding my bike um a better option would be speed cameras okay speed cameras are okay they're against the law that's Nancy Sabino uh 104th Avenue taking up on that I was just on the phone with my cousin who lives in Tallahassee and they have speed cameras on traffic lights around schools because that's a different set of parameters you're not just arbitrarily catching anybody at a speed limit but they're doing it only around school districts since Asbury Park has so many schools that would limit it on a number of streets going to and from Third Avenue um Sunset Avenue obviously bangs Avenue so that's something to look into if maybe there's a loophole in the law that says blanket no speed um traps with cameras at lights maybe there's another way around it if you say it's not about just any speed trap but it's about schools and as I said before living on 4th Avenue I see speeding school buses all the time on 4th Avenue which just was kind of like a double whammy but going back to 1201 um which a lot of us are here for I mean the council should be so thrilled to see so many people coming to Council meetings and having an opinion about things when for years there were four people in the stands here doing nothing so on that I'm impressed with my citizens and the residents in town who are all so um moved by this that they all come out and I I would imagine you would be too so when it comes to a vote and you see all these people who have different feelings about different aspects of this particular development you might want to think twice that all of these people um may not be experts in any particular field but they're experts in their particular neighborhood and we all know the neighborhoods well enough to know what's going to work and what obviously isn't whenever I speak to anybody about this situation and I've spoken to a lot of people in a lot of different cities the first thing they say is wow that doesn't make any sense so going back on the common sense Theory something is radically wrong here and it would be good to know you're listening to us because you've put off this vote for a number of weeks now and it would be good to see if something could be done that addresses some of the concerns we have here and not just say our experts say okay our experts say this is the way we're going to do it our experts back everything we've set up to now so in that regard I hope you'll all take what we're saying here and uh maybe consider that when you vote thank you thank you if we could put up speed cameras they would have been up months ago can I haveed cameras no no you can do it no it won't be part of the it's legislation if anyone wants to know okay thank you have somebody else do it for you you can't get up twice so whisper to somebody and have them get up hi good evening council members nice to see all of you and thank you neighbors for being here my name is Eric galipo 908 fth Avenue um first of all I want to say that consistently many of the neighbors who have been here to talk about 121 Memorial Drive including myself support density and support affordable housing we need more people we need people living here in our businesses sending their children to school being part of our community joining our groups getting involved riding their bikes being part of the beach we want every person and we want every affordable unit that is in this development however there has been nothing done to the site design or the street design that makes sure the impact of this particular development will be as little as it can be on the current neighborhoods I live directly next to that site and for 40 years I have dealt with a building that is a derel empty building a methadone clinic an office building whatever it's been my husband was attacked with by somebody with a a 2x4 for breaking up a rape in the lot next door it's not something to just be good enough this is something we get to do one time one time only forever and it is gaslighting us to suggest that it is impossible to design a site with a single driveway on a block 300 feet long and a speed limit of 25 M an hour and that is because we have decided it's good enough well it's not good enough and what would be good enough is to make sure that Memorial Drive does not continue to add to the geographic divisions East to West in our town treating Memorial Drive like it is a bypass to Main Street which is what the plan is doing only further reinforces an eastwest divide it only allows drivers to maintain unsafe Behavior by winding through our neighborhoods where there are no stop signs where there are no speed cameras where there are no bump outs where there are no speed bumps nothing is making us safer about this plan putting the entrance on 4th Avenue will ensure that the Maj majority of people coming in and out of the site who live at the site that we want who are wonderful lovely people we want to know them all we need to be made safe by this plan and the plan should end up being the best it can be not just good enough for us to live with it and we all deserve that as residents we don't believe any of you are bad people or that the professionals are incompetent none of that is what we've been saying but we do know that there is a solution solution if you think about the possibility and let Memorial Drive be part of our neighborhood rather than a bypass to Main Street that continues to divide us thank you hello everyone Michael Kushner 1100 fth Avenue uh first thing I want to say is that regarding speed cameras it is a illegal in this state PO is part of a Committee involved with with being held up in the state legislature I would recommend you reach out to her they do work they absolutely but that's something until that's done I just wanted to voice my concern and and really my frustration and anger I'll be honest with you with all due respect to the toity Council because for 10 years we've been coming to these meetings and we've been talking about how bad bad it is in Asbury Park to walk and to ride a bike compared to other communities and yes John enforcement is definitely one of those things there's lack of it in this town but there are things like Kathleen mentioned like P has mentioned about even painting the bike Lanes green they may stand out anything just traffic coming we've been talking about this for 10 years the reason why I believe in miracles is because there has not been more people killed or hit in this town there's got to be some kind of a shining star on this town because it's amazing every time we walk every time we ride it's about political will it's about priorities and it's about don't be concerned about pissing people people off do things that are going to save lives you are in leadership we elect you to make those type of tough decisions and that is why we entrust ourselves in you and you're going to do you're going to get pushed back on certain things whether it's little traffic circles and a lot of misinformation that's going out there and gets people riled up so I ask you please make this a priority the second thing I wanted to talk about is I'm really glad I came here tonight to listen to Tracy and and and um and Derek and the others talk about affordable housing uh which started in 2017 which I wholeheartedly support and I'll be honest with you it's not just a moral thing it's not just a right thing to do like the gentleman said give people a chance let's not be myopic and are thinking I want affordable housing for a selfish reason and it's the reason why Po and I moved here diversity we moved here because we were told and we saw it's a diverse community and it is phys impossible to maintain a diverse Community without affordable housing I saw it happen in Miami when I lived there I saw it happen in Coconut Grove in North Beach I saw it happen in New York City if you don't have affordable housing you will have a monolithic community so anybody from Long Branch with all due respect we do not want pure Village in Asbury Park thank you [Applause] good evening Council uh Mike Sedano uh 4th Avenue uh we've heard over the past weeks from developers Architects planners Transportation professionals and traffic study experts about the viability of the plans for 121 Memorial they all focus on the plans as proposed what I haven't heard from any of the professionals is the impact of a 130 unit development will have on the existing neighborhood in the long run isn't that the first question that should have been asked when this project was first proposed oh my God 130 units on for on Fourth Avenue so I ask three simple questions and maybe you can answer them whose job is it to review a development and advise on the proper density of such a plan and to review its impact on the surrounding area based on guidelines for development size for over six weeks residents have brought to your attention topics we believe a development of this size will have on the community some of the top level points have highlighted issues of traffic parking design and precedent setting what changes to the plan are being proposed based on input from residents and third if you pass this tonight to go back to the planning board what Authority does the planning board have to actuate changes to the plan and do we have to make these arguments all over again to the planning board thank you if you could answer those questions see nobody else motion to close second all favor hold on you go ahead M would you like to go first okay all right so Kathleen MRI 11:15 4th Avenue um I want to Echo a majority of everybody's uh concerns regarding 121 I however am not in favor of increasing the density I'm not saying I'm not in favor of the 1201 development the density is a huge issue and I spoke last week about the safety concerns the quality of life so I thought deeply about what was said in this room last week or the last meeting there are tons of innovative ideas that need to be mined in this community we've got Eric who is an urban planner we've got ply who's done extensive research and to to Eric's Point let's not do something that we can't undo so let's really be judicious be thoughtful and come at this at all angles this is our community and yes we can do better I watched a little girl almost get hit by a car on Fourth Avenue because a car went speeding across and past another vehicle I am a runner I almost got hit by a car last week so the safety concerns are are real and we need to have a little bit more Equitable uh input in terms of where this entrance is going to live and it should not be on Fourth Avenue because we all acknowledge that Fourth Avenue is the busiest Street it is the the highest uh traveled let's not make it worse let's not do this because we can do better thank you Jason Cino 11:15 4th Avenue I basically want to just second what everyone said about 1201 I think putting the entrance on the Fourth Avenue side just obviously doubles up the traffic on that road instead of splitting the difference between fourth and with but I really appreciate what Mr sadan said about having some followup some plan about like how did this even come to be where we're all standing here wondering is this the end is this really going to happen I mean I literally just found out about this a week ago or so to the extent that it was all right well there's really going to be not enough spaces for people to park and where are we going to have to park what's going to happen to us and I hate that it's like that but I do hope and have faith that if the turnouts like this and we still have another opportunity that even more people would come and that hopefully something on your end would get done and that's my hope so thank you everybody for thank [Applause] you hi fre Moro well if you don't stop this project there's another one right behind it on uh Kingsley Street two I think it's 2011 96 units no parking same thing not enough parking and the rooms look like dorms you have to be very careful I think you should really take out the Redevelopment plan that's I think it's over but and review it if if it's the one from 2002 you it's 20 years s things have changed and you have to look at it you can't go by a 30-year plan it's not right and this the other building that's going up is 20 I think it's 2011 I was at a meeting yesterday in this building at 10:30 in the morning and there was at least 30 people there objecting to it you really have to look at these things why don't you spend a whole meeting with the redev velopment plan and explain it to people I was here when this happened but most of the people in this room weren't they don't even know what's what really happened and it shouldn't have happened but it did but I think it's 201 you should see that proposal it's a disgrace everybody's coming here and grabbing a piece of land because they get a tax abatement or they get a pilot program this has got to stop we don't even have a good Supermarket or a decent Bakery to go to those are the things you should be working on forget about the housing that will come and by the way there's about 596 low moderate income nobody ever talks about that maybe they have to be renovated which I think it's time for them to get renovated but nobody pays attention to them we do have those units and they could be made beautiful but nobody talks about it I mean you should be working on getting us we used to have three supermarkets in this town we had the a Grand Union and the Acy and there was less people now we don't have we have one I guess I never go there it's the old Grand Union that's what you should be working on I mean like and moderate housing I mean uh affordable housing what is affordable housing I hear the formulas but they don't really make any sense because nobody does it I know plenty of people that own property they don't do it because it's more profitable to keep raising your rent they don't want to be tied into a lease or anything like that I and you got to those are the things you got to work on we need more businesses on Memorial Drive finish up your thought and then your time's up what finish up your thought your sentence okay time's up I I think you could change the zoning back to Commercial and you'll have a beautiful Memorial Drive and everybody will be happy thank you [Applause] move to close all in favor all right public participation portion is now closed we're now on to the minutes let me just say a couple things because there are a lot of new people in the room that don't know the history I was going to say it if you didn't and Rita you're right it shouldn't have happened but it did it happened in 2002 it happened by a previous Council and it's a signed legal document and we cannot unilaterally change it I mean you can ask any lawyer can ask anybody sitting next to you if you have a contract can one person break the contract no so can we go back and ask yes have we yes originally it was like 3,200 units it's going to be closer to 2,000 units that doesn't make it better or worse or anything I'm just like trying to correct some of the numbers thrown out tonight again but you're right it shouldn't have happened but it did and we're stuck with it and there's nothing we can do legally to overturn and sorry but that's the facts thank you can I so I'm going to just speak for me so if anybody's upset by this just email me and not the rest of the council so years ago Derek Tracy and this Council worked on a number of different affordable housing plans inclusionary zoning which requires new development to include affordable housing uh rent control we and listen we we often didn't agree but we fought it out and came to these conclusions we just passed adus and the reason we did that is because I think everybody in this room and us really want to see this city remain diverse so when people came to the microphone and I got to appreciate um Eric's comments about density and people came to the microphone and asked questions on why this project included affordable housing instead of us telling you we thought we would include the community to tell you why this is important right why we think affordable housing is important so this is the first project that is under the inclusionary eight eight where's Beth the eight ordinances that we were on a a council meeting for nine hours of people who didn't want them and we sort of fought through that meeting and got these inclusionary zoning ordinances this project and whatever you think of this project whatever I think of this project this project came forward three or four years ago got a bit stalled in the pandemic there have been some concerns about density not Eric but other people have had some concerns about density and one of the r ways and Beth is going to correct me if I'm wrong that you get affordable housing is you have to give a carrot people don't just build affordable housing because they're in a good mood that day and so what we do is we do density increases and pilots and quite frankly even with those two we have gotten no development that has included the affordable housing we've actually had one developer stop and then go back to what they could build by right because they did not want to do the affordable housing so we need carrots for affordable housing whether you agree with this development or not or we gave the right carrot or we didn't just accept the fact for me that we need carrots and those carrots come in the form of density and they come in the form of tax incentives so this project that was whatever number of units increased because we wanted affordable housing and with that came density and possible tax incentives to to make this happen so the the that so I hope I answer the questions about density so that's where that came from agree with it or don't agree with it I just want you to understand our logic that's all you don't have to agree with our logic now the exit in the entrance so we have delayed this multiple multiple weeks and Kathleen you're wrong because Memorial AB gets anywhere from 8 to 10,000 cars on it and fifth doesn't get that and fourth doesn't get that but Memorial Lab is a basically a highway of 10,000 cars a day so we had first our traffic guy go out and do counts the people who rejected it okay no no problem it wasn't like an official report that's fine but he is our traffic guy he says you know I don't think Memorial is a good idea do fifth and this is over the course of three or four years Eric will correct anything that I say is wrong and then it go you can correct anything I say is wrong there's a public hearing you can talk as long as you want I'm GNA say this to the best of my recollection James goes out then we have our planner Beth go out we say listen fourth fifth Memorial what do you think Beth says you know I really agree with James I I think Memorial is the least safe option so it's strange to me that complete streets doesn't but whatever then then we have tnm Jay Harel go out and check basically James and Beth and he says the same thing it's like Memorial is the least viable option but let's say you don't believe any of our professionals right you're like they're all idiots I don't believe any of them we have this independent traffic guy who's in the audience who says Memorial is the least good option of them really it's Fourth maybe it's fifth but Memorial is the least good option is that a fair statement from your report sir it is okay great so when this moves forward or however this moves forward or whether this has the votes to move forward or not I think this council is open to fourth and fifth but I and I'm just going to speak for me I am concerned about Memorial when I have four people who have some sort of degree Beyond mine saying it's concerning to do it on Memorial that you have 10,000 8 to 10,000 cars on that today so I'm just describing some of our logic I'm only speaking for me if you object to anything I say please don't email them just email me but I hope this took you through a little bit of the project that has been going on for years where the developer has met good or bad with neighbors and took concerns and it went from fifth to Fourth to fourth and fifth but it Memorial remained a concern from the very beginning of this project so that's my two cents I'm done thank you anybody else if not let go there we're now on to the minutes I have the municipal Council executive meeting minutes and regular meeting minutes of the June 12th meeting do I have a motion move it may have a second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member C yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes we're now on to consent agenda resolutions all matters listed on consent agenda presented collectively to the city council will be considered for approval with one vote these matters are considered to be routine in nature and there will be no individual discussion of these items if discussion is desired by one or more council members as to any particular item then said item shall be removed from the consent agenda considered separately on consent agenda tonight we have resolutions 2024 313 through 2024 317 and 202 2024 343 through 2024 345 may have a motion for consent move it second council member bz Anderson council member chat yes council member clayon yes mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes we're now on to individual resolutions resolution 2024 318 resolution approving payment of bills move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes council member clayon yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 319 resolution authorizing payment for emergency sewer repairs needed at 1124 1st Avenue move second council member bezan yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 320 resolution authorizing the purchase of a commercial lawn mower for the Department of Public Works move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy mayy Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 321 resolution approving change order number one for the transportation center Renovations project move it second council member buz Anderson council member CH yes council member C yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes Mo yes resolution 2024 322 resolution authorizing and awarding to leew environmental services for lead-based paint inspection and testing services move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 323 a resolution authorizing the city of Asbury Park to execute a license agreement to permit a limited encroachment into the RightWay area adjacent to property located at 608 4th Avenue relating to a TECO block retaining wall situated along the Eastern side yard of the property in asur Park New Jersey second Council memberz council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 324 resolution authorizing the execution of an employer participation agreement between the city of Asbury Park and Hospital central Services Inc hcsc move it second second Council memberz Anderson council member Chapman council member yes Deputy Mayor Quin mayor Mo yes resolution 2024 325 resolution authorizing the city of Asbury Park to participate in intracounty mutual Aid and assistance agreements with participating units in the county of M move it second second council member Bez Anderson council member chap yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor twin yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 326 resolution authorizing a service agreement for Fleet Management Technologies move it second Council memberz Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mary Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 327 a resolution authorizing execution of shared services agreement with pic Valley sewage commiss commission for sludge disposal move it move council member abz Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Clint yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 328 resolution authorizing funding to Community Affairs resource center for the administering of rental and utility assistance with Community Development block rant cdbg funding move second council member bezan yes council member chap yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mor yes resolution 2024 329 resolution awarding of a contract to Millennium Communications Group for security cameras in various locations within asur park with Community Development block rant cdbg funding move it second council member Bez Andrew yes council member CH yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 330 resolution authorizing funding to Coastal Habitat for Humanity for the administering of home repair and renovation program with Community Development block grant cdbg funding move it second council member Bez andain council member Chapman yes counc member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes resolution 2024 290 resolution approving Asbury Park Social Services listing on the NJ resource pilot program second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 331 resolution of the mayor and City Council of the as of Asbury Park authorizing the city of asber Park to enter into a subsequent developer agreement with Asbury Partners LLC and APW redeveloper LLC regarding residential development on block 4306 Lots 1 through 8 200 210 8th Avenue 2011 209 7th Avenue and 16004 web Avenue and referring the matter to the planning board for appropriate approvals move it second council member Bez Anderson no council member chap yes council member clay yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 333 resolution accepting donation of a Ford F350 rescue vehicle for fire department used through the burrow of West Long Branch move it second Council memberz Anderson yes council member chap yes council member CL yes mayor twin yes mayor Mo yes resolution 2024 334 resolution authorizing the city of asur Park to execute a license agreement to permit the city to store a fire truck in the parking lot of 1012 Third Avenue in the city of Asbury Park New Jersey move it second Council memberz Anderson council member chap yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 335 resolution authorizing Professional Services contract with arari and iino for professional architectural services of Boardwalk restrooms move it second council member Bez Anderson council member chap yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes I'm going to turn this over to City attorney Frederick fetto for a moment to go over the individual resolutions of liquor license renewals Thank you Lisa the next seven uh resolutions on the agenda um resol Solutions 2024 336 through 342 deal with the renewal of the liquor licenses for seven of the licensed premises in the city of Asbury Park for the next license year starting with July 1st through June 30th of 2025 the seven at issue are uh the low dive um also known as the break the house of Independence The Stone Pony Johnny Max Bond Street the Asbury Lous and pora in each one of these uh renewal resolutions some additional length language has been included to impose new special conditions for the next license term um in all of the resolutions there are new Provisions that require new insurance Andor indemnification Provisions to protect the city uh and to name the city as an additional insured and then there are some specific requirements um in each one of them uh on a case-by casee basis that may request and require additional uh off-duty officers to be employed outside the licens premises as well as security cards within the licensed premises um video surveillance cameras and the requirement that footage be maintained for a certain period of time um and um also requirements um in certain of these resolutions that require representatives of the ly to meet with representatives of the city on a bi-weekly basis when there are large events that are anticipated that warrant the additional um deployment of a police president's outside of the licens premises so in each one of these uh cases I'm going to ask when we get to that particular resolution if any representative of the license premises is here and would like to be heard by the council before the council takes action on the renewal of their license so the first one that's on uh resolution 336 deals with the Break um low low dive Aloha Market is anyone here this evening from that premises that wishes to be heard before the council takes action on the renewal of that license okay mayor so Council can proceed on that one thank you uh resolution 2024 336 resolution approving the 2024 2025 Alcoholic Beverage Control license for oana kitchen company DBA the break low dive Aloha Market in city of Asbury Park County and M of the state of New Jersey second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes go ahead okay the next um license premises is the house of Independence is there anyone here this evening representing the house of Independence who would like to come forward and make a statement and be heard before the council before Council renews the liquor license for that premises thank you uh resolution 2024 337 resolution approving 2024 2025 Alcoholic Beverage Control license for the house of Independence LLC in the city of Asbury Park the county of mom the state of New Jersey move second council member Bez yes council member Chapman yes council member yes Deputy Mayor Quint yes mayor yes and the next uh license premises is The Stone Pony is there anyone here representing that premises who wishes to be heard before the council takes action on the renewal of that liquor license this evening resolution 2024 338 resolution approving 2024 2025 Alcoholic Beverage Control license for Stone Pony liquor license LLC dbaa The Stone Pony the city of Aur Park and County of mom state New Jersey Mo second council member bezan yes council member chat yes council member clayon yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes the next premises is Johnny Max uh is there anyone here representing Johnny Max who would like to be heard before the council takes action on the renewal of that liquor license this evening I will represent that U the attorney representing Johnny Max has been in touch with myself and our insurance attorney Eric neth during the course of the day today and um based on those discussions it appears there's an agreement between the parties regarding the new special conditions that are going to be imposed upon that license move it second council member of BZ Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes go ahead Fred and the next license premises is uh Bond Street Bar and Grill Capital line and Laria is there anyone here representing that premises who wishes to be heard before Council takes action to renew that liquor license tonight move it Council memberz Anderson council member Chapman council member clayon yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes the next El Su premises is the Asbury Al house uh I do have some emails that I would like to read into the record because I know the attorneys who represent the Ale House uh Thomas janone and Jason mandia both cannot be here this evening before I read those emails is anyone else here representing the Asbury Al house who wishes to be heard before the council takes action on that liquor license okay the first email um from Mr janone was please be advised that I have been retained a special counsel for Steinbach liquor license uh Jason mandia Esquire will remain primary counsel in connection with the liquor license however I've been retained in connection with the proposed special conditions for the 2024 2025 licensing term in general and matters pertaining to the Asbury Ale House specifically it is my understanding that you have given a number of other establishments until the end of September to work out their conditions to avoid beginning this process with an appeal to the state Jason mandia and myself respectfully request that the license be renewed and we are afforded the same courtesy to work this out in September I have dealt with countless noise and other issues in the city uh settling exactly this type of issue over the past 26 years I am certain we can work this out as well in exchange for this the Asbury L house will continue to not have live music or DJs at The Establishment it started not having live DJ music of any kind back in May so any complaints about DJs since then would likely be attributed to one of the adjoining venues this will also afford US time to examine further noise proofing of the establishment and to pinpoint exactly where and when the issues are emanating from so they can be addressed specifically not allowing a licensed premises to have any music whatsoever after 7 p.m. on Sundays and 11: p.m. on the other days is no different than forcing them to close on those hours forcing them to close will financially The Establishment and harm the many Resident employees who rely on the establishment to make a living it essentially would force the AL house to to close this is externally harsh and should be a measure of Last Resort not surprisingly this condition will force the Asbury alhouse to fight this through the entire court system something they do not want to do so again we respectfully and peacefully request to be afforded the same courtesy as the other establishments we will be able to work this out thank you for your kind consideration the second communication from Jason mandia thank you for your message up below since leny position is being provided to the council I wanted to be more concise on the issues for the l e number one in regard to the insurance request ly is of a position that that the requirement to Ure the city for events on private property exceeds the authority The Authority granted in title 33 as per statute Municipal issuing authority May impose special conditions on a license if it is deemed necessary and proper to accomplish the objectives of title 33 of the New Jersey statute conditions may not be imposed for matters not directly related to Alcoholic Beverage Control such as zoning matters or to compel payment of property taxes title 33 does not require insurance as a condition of lure and doing so would in effect be a condition SL fee not authorized by law to be imposed by municipalities number two even if the requirement to ensure the city is permissible coverage would need to be subject to carrier review and approval as it is very questionable whether the city could be insured without an insurable interest to protect this would appear to be similar to if the city sought for every private property owner to name the city as an additional insured on their homeowners Poli policy the lense seeks to work with the city on a reasonable resolution of this matter but may not be able to provide the city with what they are seeking regarding Insurance lenses should not be penalized if the insurance product requested by the city is not available so any language should have the caveat that it is subject to reasonable availability of such insurance coverage uring the city if the insurance requirement remains in place then for the auto coverage sought it should only be required if the lensey is delivering alcohol in vehicles lenses do not currently provide such a delivery service and have no insurable vehicles in this regard on steinback license we will refer to the email of Thomas janon which I previously just read please also note that a sound test on sb's license the AL house is being conducted on July 9th at 2m and I will indicate for the public that one of the new conditions that's being imposed on the Asbury alh house liquor license is um putting into the license itself the requirement that City officials um directed them as of May 3rd to stop any music um performances live um or music in general at the Ale House after 11: p.m on all nights except for Sunday and after 7 p.m. on Sunday because of the volume of complaints that this Council has received from the residents who live in the units above the Ale House we have had a meeting representatives of the city with representatives of the Ale House and the tenants and the parties are um moving forward in good faith to try to resolve the noise issues and I believe it is the intention of this Council to re-evaluate the Restriction um once um new measures have been undertaken in order to improve the sound conditions at the premises but for the time being uh the council wishes to maintain the time restriction for the the noise and the music so with that I'll turn it over to the council to consider the um 2024 2025 license renewal with the restrictions which include the noise requirement Mo it second Council memberz Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes and the last um license premises for tonight um is pora and um is there anyone here on behalf of pora who wishes to be heard this evening before Council takes action on renewing their license move it second Council memberz Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member clayon yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor M yes consent uh we have two additional resolutions to add tonight's meeting the first one is resolution 2024 346 resolution of the city of the of Asbury Park referring the proposed amended Redevelopment plan for 121 Memorial Drive city of Asbury Park County of Mammoth block 203 lot 5 dated June 26 2024 in accordance with the local Redevelopment and Housing law and Js a 40a Col 12a do I have a motion move that second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes and the second resolution we're adding tonight is resolution 2024 347 resolution expressing affordable housing need regarding 1012 Asbury Avenue Apartments project move second council member Bez Anders just a second I have a question thank you yes okay this this is helping them apply for credits for their affordable housing that they want to do at 102 does somebody if just so everybody understands it before they vote but it was an add-on so our apologies but it was a time constraint on that yeah the developer has has requested the council pass a resolution of need and the resolution of need does not commit the council or the city to take any particular action really it just expresses the fact that affordable housing affordable housing at that project at 102 Asbury Avenue is needed and desired in the city and it facilitates their application for outside funding sources to get the pro project built and that's the outside funding sources are necessary because that's a project that's going to include about 40 affordable housing units and then additional about uh 15 Workforce housing units and that's up total of 100 units so they prire those hous and just for my clarification it's going to be it's affordable so it's going to be very low low and moderate income correct and then Plus on top of that they'll also have workfor housing but yes for the affordable it'll be arti too I thought it was going to have artist housing yes yes it's just it's not part of theable okay thank you council member bz Anderson yes council member chat yes council member clay yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yep mayor Moore yes thank you we're now on to ordinances for introduction hold on one second okay introduction go ahead then after introduction I want to ask Fred a question sure ordinance 2024 24 ordinance amending the Main Street Redevelopment plan with the public hearing date of July 17th 2024 do I have a motion move it second Council memberz Anderson so yes I'm sorry okay council member chap yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes okay so here's the question so we have one two 2 three four for second reading and one of them is 121 Memorial which I think the majority of the people are here to talk about but after that is the budget presentation can we do the budget first sure okay let's do that because sure that way staff can go home and people have a question about the budget then we can do the other things so I think we're going to be much longer thank you so we're now on to the 20124 municipal budget public hearing um is Joan here yes Joan she CFO Joanne boo provide a brief overview of the municipal budget resolution hello hello all right you want to say anything before we open up the hearing no see manager anybody no okay all right may have a motion to open up the public hearing on the 2024 Municipal budget move it second all in favor public hearing on the 2024 adoption of the municipal budget is now open any member of the public who wishes to speak please use the microphone state your name and address for the record your comments may be regarding the 2024 Municipal budget only Lily do you want to just give like a very very brief overview or did ioke to got most my answers but I think you should explain why it's so high 70 50$ 59 million and then 20 that we got from the state and that's that's 13 thou 13 million is going to Madison Marquette right okay so that's a good question so Joanne explain that please yeah she's you're talking about the boardwalk restoration Grant we received from the state we received $20 million um $7 million the town's going to use to do uh restoration on the boardwalk and the 13 million is going to massim Marquette to help reopen the Paramount and the convention center so because we got the money we have to put it in the budget that's why it looks hot but that money was given to us by the state uhuh but it has to be listed and they divided it like that correct 13 million for Madison Mark correct why is that I I read I don't know all right I just want to say are they still in default on some issues yes and they still got the money the state of New Jersey gave them the money I know that that okay but that's not fair we should fight things like that we you okay thank you K hi everybody all right so I looked at the budget and I guess I want to talk ask a couple questions about process you used to have a budget committee as a matter of fact Amy Quinn was on the budget committee many years years ago prior to her being so long ago I don't remember K it was so long ago you don't remember but there was a a time time for citizens to participate in the budget process so right now what is the process of creating a budget and other than staff and elected officials are their citizens on the budget committee that are really sitting down and talking about different sections of the budget and learning about the budget so that's my first question so the question was were there for this year say it again your question is were there for year this year and the answer is no I'm asking is I don't think that's happening now right it's not happening if if you're asking about this year's budget you're correct the answer is no all right okay so I have another when I look at this budget there are certain things that stand out right and I can't because I wasn't ready I thought you were going to do this last I didn't go find this but um the actual full budget was not presented at the last meeting so is it is should you really be giving everybody the full budget rather than the amended budget than the simple budget with with the different you know sections in it like General Administration salaries and wages is police fire all that good stuff because would it be easier to get a sense of where we're putting our money right and um one of the things that the board of education does I know don't one of the things the Board of Education doeses that's makes it easier for people to understand is they put together pie charts and those pie charts basically say how much of the budget goes toward police and fire how much goes um the Board of Ed doesn't do that but I'm saying what you could potentially doing is telling us how much percentage of our budget goes to what area and you know and then I have a couple you know I just think that it would be easier for people to understand and for people to see and then the other thing that stood out is like when you when you have a budget line item for something but then the it doesn't meet that budget line item for example the revenues for parking correct me if I'm wrong I can't find it in here really quick but they were supposed to be at like something like maybe $4 million but they actually came in at $75 million for the revenues for parking and I'm wondering like is that why I get a ticket every other week in front of my house or or is it because like what how is that money that extra 3.5 million coming in is it coming in when I pay the fine when I go to the court or is it is it just the actual parking fees it's the actual parking fees that's just the parking fees corre all right so I noticed that you use the same number this year even though we made 7.5 million this year you you still used a number of around 4 million for the next year right correct because that's all we need to balance against the expenditures we don't need we're not spending $7 million of expenditures so you don't anticipate $7 million of Revenue okay so in in the expenses um it looks like the major expenses in town are police and fire right correct police police fire and also benefits oh sorry police fire and you know pensions I think those are the highest percentage so I I guess the other thing I know that a couple years ago when we were looking at we were looking at creating a CCB which is someday going to be created in as Park when we were looking at doing that we compared the cost of police to the cost of Health and Human Services and we looked at the percentages and it might be really kind of interesting to do that in in this budget to see how much we're using because with health and Human Services we don't really have that great a line item right we have like a what is the entire Health and Human Services budget versus the police and fire well it's definitely a lot less because you're talking about a staff of I'm going to say about six to compared to 95 and 55 but when it was brought up a couple years ago you're right and we did increase social services by adding two positions one of them is a full-time Social Services director that goes out with the police for calls that are not don't need a police officer but need a social service worker so those two positions were added and you were right that was because of the concerns like you just raised and there are some police action maybe parking is a police action I don't know but there's some action people that wear uniforms and drive cars that look like but they're not actually it's the parking it's the parking authority right and those expenses are under the parking authority and so it's very different than than police right correct or are they SLE EOS are those few folks SLE EOS okay I don't believe so I don't believe so okay I've talked to a couple that they could be if they are they're level one okay I've talked to a couple of them they all kind of want to move into the police uh Department um I guess bottom line is you know they always taught me when I was going to school for public administration right they taught me that a budget is a morals document so if it should reflect who we are as people so um the other part of it is what do we do with the exess like like we got a lot of money in in Beach badge Revenue so the the the beach is kind of flush in addition to the parking being kind of flush we're not giving any money to the Board of Education which we could in other communities they do write a check in other communities like Jersey City they do take in a lot of money like through the pilot programs but they also give out a lot of money to the school system because they don't want to have that that kind of a problem there is a line item in here for you guys to do that but you don't do that so I'm just I'm just curious those are the kind of questions I had a lot I had a lot of questions so also is this the second reading of the budget this is the this is will it be passed tonight this is the adoption of the budget okay and to do to get this far we needed State approval which we just received or else we couldn't do this okay so they looked at ours budget and said you're good to go legally and a lot of time the excess money that we have in the beach and transportation we are using in our general fund to help keep our tax rate down okay well that makes sense yeah that's a good thing and I know money in the transportation utility goes to pay the bonding for the street Paving so that's not going through your taxes either when we do road construction that's paid out of transportation and that doesn't affect your tax rates either okay and so like some of that parking money can cover like building a parking lot or like those kind of things I think it would be I'm just going to make the suggestion that you bring back the budget committee I know you have a million committees but I think the budget committee which you're dealing with $ 79 million is probably one of the most important committees in the city so to have you know a diverse group of people on it would I think benefit the town you everything so that's all I have to say thank you oh thank you thank you anybody else like to concerns questions on this motion to close public he second all in favor before we go to the vote let me just say something like uh so the increase for the average house is Joan is 68 no $68 this year correct and the that's based on $589,000 average household value and if you go back to when we got off of transitional a in 2017 in 2018 there was a $43 decrease 2019 a $10 increase 2020 a $22 decrease increase 2021 a $17 decrease 2022 a flat budget 2023 we had a $114 increase because state health benefits plans went up 23% and that was mandated by Trenton and it really there was a lot of money and then so this year is a $68 increase so over the span of seven years from 18 to 24 the municipal tax increase to anybody with a house worth $600,000 been $110 so I got to give finance department uh a ton of credit uh some of the items you're right we may be a little bit underestimating but you know we could have we've had beautiful Summers for like eight years we could have a summer where it rains every day we don't take in $3 million and we take in a million and a half so we have to keep some Surplus in those items and eventually that Surplus does go into the general budget but again thank you ande Jo you and your step did a great job thank you thanks Joan thank you Jo Joan may have a motion to adopt the 2024 Municipal move to adopt second second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes thank thank you Joan ordinances first 12 we go through all and then that way can talk as people can talk as long as they want yeah that's okay so do the other ones first that's what everybody want yeah yeah all right good night we're on to Second reading public hearing of ordinances ordinance 2024 21 ordinance of the city of Asbury Park amending and supplementing section 30-45 entitled submission of applications for deel development of article Article 4 application for development and section 30-60 entitled signs of Article 5 development standards of chapter 30 Land Development regulations of the code of the city of Asbury Park our director of planning and Redevelopment Michelle Alonzo will you provide a brief overview of this ordinance before we open the public hearing thank you good evening everyone I'm going to keep this brief this is a ordinance amending chapter 32 amend the fees for zoning permits sign permits zoning compliance and fence permits to $40 a permit thank you Michelle may have motion open up the public hearing and ordinance 202 2421 move to open second second all in favor I public hearing on ordinance 2024 21 is now open any member of the public wishes to speak please use the microphone motion to close second all in favor I public hearing on ordinance 2024 21 is now closed may have a motion to adopt ordinance second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman council member clay yes mayor Quinn mayor Mo yes ordinance 2024 22 ordinance approving adopting an amendment to the CBD Redevelopment plan for 614 cookman Avenue our planning consultant Beth mcmanis could you please provide a brief overview of this ordinance before we open the public hearing I can uh this is a ordinance that would have an amendment to the CBD Redevelopment plan that would perit reping studio uh at the location at 614 hookman Avenue and so it simply amends the permitted uses to recording St studio and it also includes uh some additional requirements such as soundproofing to ensure that there is uh mitigation and reduced impact on the surrounding area such that no noise is going to uh be experienced outside of I will say it also maintains retail B thank you okay may have a motion open up public hearing on 202 2422 move to open second all in favor I I public hearing on ordinance 202 2422 is now open any M of the public wishes to speak please use the microphone what is the amendment Beth just went over it do you need we're adding a different use of the building that wasn't in the Redevelopment Zone correct correct so let a recording studio be at 6:14 cookman with all types of sound mitigation that it will not bother tenants businesses or anything yes yes that's right correct oh so this amendment does what that that's what it does that's a B A Sound Studio okay thank you to close thank you second second thank you all in favor I public hearing on 202 2422 is now closed may have a motion to adopt ordinance 20242 second Council memberz Anderson yes council member Chapman no council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quint yes mayor Moore yes we're now on to ordinance 2024 23 ordinance of the city of Asbury Park amending and supplementing section 30-24 entitled fees of chapter 30 Land Development regulations of the code of the city of Asbury Park Michelle would you be able to proide provid a brief overview yes so once again this is a companion amendment to uh Chapter 30 of the ordinance for fees that would permit the city to place a lean on someone's property if they have an empty escrow account or deficient escrow account and we cannot pay professionals invoices thank you move to open second all in favor public hearing on ordinance 2024 23 is now open any member of the public wishes to speak motion to close second all in favor I I public hearing and ordinance 2024 23 is now closed may have a motion to adopt ordinance 202 2423 to adopt second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member clay yes mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes okay ordinance 20241 ordinance of the city of Asbury Park approving and adopting a Redevelopment plan for property located at 12 Memorial Drive block 203 lot 5 may have motion up the public hearing on ordinance 20241 move to open second all in favor public hearing on ordinance 20241 is now open any member of the public who wishes to speak please use your mic the microphone state your name and address for the record your comments may be regarding ordinance 202 2411 only good evening everyone Randy brolo um I work for the New Jersey labors um I was hoping that I can give a few get a few moments of your time uh thank you Council for letting me speak um with this Redevelopment coming to Asbury Park I would like to know if there's any local hire that would be a part of this uh construction process if not I would like to open up this um my my phone number and my communication to the developer and hopefully we can get some people that live here in Asbury Park to work on this project so thank you for your time thank you and uh we we put in language for Workforce Development and these projects well you should give that guy your card right that's the guy you want to talk to that you want to talk yes that is correct we do put in language but I don't know if you want to speak about that or I just want to say the the Redevelopment plan doesn't doesn't address Workforce housing if there's going to be a Redevelopment agreement or excuse me um local labor I would say uh the Redevelopment agreement is typically inclusive of that type of language which would be certainly done if the Redevelopment plan is adopted okay thank you m appro hi poly sha Fifth Avenue um we appreciate the fact that Engineers have done traffic counts and evaluated um and come up with a decision or solution that the entrance and exit for 121 should be on Fourth Avenue um that is the job of Traffic Engineers is to expedite the movement of vehicles and what we and what Amy you you asked you know how complete streets I guess me you know why I or any other advocates for walking and biking and uh Equitable access in the city would would suggest that it would be better to have the entrance on Memorial one reason is that it could serve as a traffic calming measure done well it could be much safer there's a car wash that only allows a right turn out of the driveway that works fine um we're looking at livability walkability bikability and the city everywhere and making this project be part of a comprehensive plan to make Memorial Drive a livable a beginning of a livable Street in the city so I don't want to belabor it but that is it is my opinion um having been a walker and biker all over the city for 10 years um it's my observation and I don't dispute the traffic counts I don't dispute the evaluations that Engineers have come up with but it's not the same as living and functioning in a city and experiencing the the need for for Mobility Justice and and the people who are living in that building as well um enabling them to get out of their apartment and walk on the S the wide sidewalk without any grass and trees so Memorial Drive is still my belief thanks thank you hi hi Council hello to all of you um Amy thank thank you so much for acknowledging that I am not against density I really do appreciate that um so I have no idea how long this is going to take and uh without a three minute time limit I'll try and slow down and maybe hopefully have a produ you got to talk into the mic too okay um I will try to slow down without a three minute time limit I don't know how long this will take and I hope we can have a productive conversation um the first thing I want to say is that I will be the person one of the people probably most I'm sorry but tilt tilt the mic up a little bit thank you how's that better okay I don't like getting too close to it because I may be a little germy you know but um so uh I will likely be one of the people most affected by this development I will live with it for the rest of my life and for those of you who don't know me the house that I live in now is the house that I grew up in I learned how to ride a bike ride a bike at 121 Memorial I remember every piece of its development when it was a office building I got my social security card in that building I've seen it be everything I've seen people use it as an open Toilet I've seen people use it for necessary treatment as a methadone clinic I love our town I love everything about it and I honestly believe we just deserve a better outcome for the people who have lived here I've lived in that house for 40 years every Christmas every Thanksgiving during the pandemic I held my father's hand as he died in that house this is our home and we want more people to live here the traffic counts they don't mean anything the traffic counts say that at its worst there are 250 cars in either direction in an hour and so saying that there are 9,000 Vehicles a day may be true but the worst case scenario is 250 cars per per hour going north and 250 cars per hour going south that's what it says in the traffic data presented by our recent Edition here living in Asbury Park growing up in this community inspired me to love cities what I do for a living is design and work in cities and urban planning I have equal qualifications to the professionals who are advising you I'm a member of the American Institute of certified planners I work as an architect and a planner and a designer on all sorts of projects and I guarantee you there is a safe way to design a driveway on a street that at its worst condition shows 250 Cars Moving North and 250 Cars Moving South in an hour there is a street design that can support this outcome furthermore the developer has spoken to me on multiple occasions about his willingness to revisit where that entrance may be I don't think you should be asking us to choose between who gets it worse or who gets it better or whether we divide it equally among us we should be working to minimize the impact of that development on all of us we can move that entrance to Memorial Drive we can create more parking the design of the current bike lane for Memorial Drive seems unsafe when you compare it to the option that is available which is to have both bike Lanes on the east side of the street which is recommended by the Asbury Park plan for walking and biking and the mammoth County Mobility plan the legislation that created the grant that funded the I'm going to put air quotes around redesign of Memorial Drive specifically says preferences will be given to projects that conform with longrange planning documents related to Transportation projects both our city plan and the county plan recommend putting both bike Lanes on the east side of the street yet we are not doing that we're splitting the bike Lanes one on the east and one on the west meaning that the South heading bike lane on the west side of the street will be interacting with every driveway on Memorial Drive and all of the people parking on Memorial on the new parking on Memorial Drive will now walk across a bike lane to get to a sidewalk and so when I take all these things together I see that there just hasn't been a comprehensive view of how this site and the area around it should be designed to accommodate something that does have a significant increase in density now with that said this may create a precedent and the fact that you are creating a Redevelopment plan here says there's a problem with the underlying zoning if the underlying zoning is not sufficient to induce the development we need in a predictable fashion with the proper design controls that we need to get the things that we want out of it as a community then we have to fix the underlying zoning the answer is not to work with this developer and that developer and that developer and see what you know you have to do that sometimes sure but the fact that you're having to do it over and over and over again to get the outcomes that we need suggests that the underlying zoning is problematic and insufficient to give us the development that we want need and desire and that the design controls in that in that zoning Amy you said it yourself the developer walked away and did what was allowed what he was allowed to do as of right what's Allowed by zoning that's not a great outcome either and so even if you decide to pass this plan tonight you should really think about the actual plan what is the what's the vision for Memorial Drive it's it shouldn't be a bypass which is what it's being treated like it should be something that is part of as much a part of our neighborhood as any other side of this development and every other block down the street and so you know I really think that the willingness on the behalf of the developer to redesign or to rethink how the egress Works in a way that is safe and recognizes what I believe has been broadly ex expressed by the community and not just recently you received a letter in 2020 I might get the dates wrong here but you received a letter from the community the first time this plan came out and we requested several things some of which were recognized which is setting the building back on Fourth and Fifth Avenue but what was not recognized was that and in that same letter we said we would prefer the entrance to be on Memorial rather than fourth and fifth we repeated that request the SEC I can't remember how many iterations of the plan there have been second time third time we've constantly been saying that and so I really do think that we should be thinking more holistically about how development is happening so that things like building massing density parking impacts traffic the motion of people after they leave the site it's not just about how they come in and out of the site which I guarantee you can be done safely on Memorial Drive there's a 25 mph speed limit and it's one driveway on a street as long as a football field I'm going to pause for a minute now and that's how often a car would appear according to the to the traffic account that this man presented last week okay that's at its worst condition a car every 15 seconds you can make a turn on a street like that we do it routinely it's not impossible if we design the street and not only that it's the progressive thing to do redesign the street so that it looks like the place we want it to be that there are bump outs and bio swells to receive storm water and big colorful painted crosswalks and it feels like part of our community the plan as it stands will distribute the impacts unequally to Fourth Avenue and the majority of people will turn right out of the development and wind their way through the neighborhood meaning that the impacts will not be felt just locally but from the entire network and so I don't know how much more you know I really need to say but ultimately I think there is a solution here the develop the developer is willing to ex EXP explore how that could happen how parking Supply could be increased and how we can still get all of that very necessary and very needed affordable housing and how I don't have to live next to an empty dust pit anymore and even if you pass this I have several years of construction to live through next to this we deserve the best outcome not just a good enough outcome thank you thank you Nancy Sabino uh 4th Avenue obviously somebody who will be directly affected uh being two blocks away from this proposed complex um one of the reasons Asbury Park works for the residents is we know how to get around when one street is busy you know how to move to another street that maybe isn't I mean we all know what Asbury looks like on Fourth July when everybody's trying to get out on Asbury Avenue because heaven forbid they get sidetracked into one of those other blocks that might be a little dangerous for them by having only one exit onto Fourth Avenue you're not helping people learn their way around if there's an exit on Fifth and people want to go east or they want to go south they can do that on Fifth if they want to go west they can take fourth if they want to go East they can take Memorial you would pick and choose the exit that suits your needs the way all of us do when we leave our house we don't always go on Sunset we don't always take Asbury Avenue we don't always leave town on Memorial because Memorial has its own set of problems and I dare say I can't believe there's 10,000 cars going from 4th Avenue to its Terminus at the football field it just doesn't make sense again so it just seems to me that thinking about it as making this complex do some of the work for itself by putting these exits in different ways that people can choose which way they're going to exit their property helps them become a little bit more creative and a little more thinking and maybe spreads the wealth of all of these cars obviously with less density everything becomes lessened and it's not the overblown 130 that all have to leave at the same time so the traffic even out of the unit is going to be lessened if you had more driveway space to to break that up so again while having only one exit seems like for whatever reason the best way of doing it for traffic study it doesn't make sense not to give people the opportunity to pick which way they want to go when they leave their units and it would have to have to alleviate some of the traffic that just is going to pour out onto 4th Avenue there still will traffic obviously and people will still get out of town any way they want but giving them an opportunity to start to figure out how to leave town and what the best streets are to leave town you're giving everybody in the unit an opportunity to make that choice in their best interest and obviously in the best interest of the neighborhoods so density first and then let's spread the wealth around thank you [Applause] hey everybody uh Mike Sedano 4th Avenue um I ran a business here in this town for 12 years and Amy you talk about you have to give a carrot to get what you want okay well that's great I know all about carot I've given hundreds of carrots out in running in horse trading for business okay but you can't ignore the impact 130 units are going to have on the neighborhood it's just the numbers just don't work okay plus where are they parking all right they're going to be parking on Fourth 5ifth Memorial Langford everywhere that they Park you you know what those streets look like now so you're just going to start people circling and circling all day long for parking I just I I know you're in a position of between a rock and a hard place here okay but you really have to consider some more horse trading with the developer to reduce the the density I mean if the traffic got says entrances have to be where they have to be well then there's too many cars um so there's too many units so you can't tell me that the only way to get affordable housing is to have 130 units on Memorial Drive fourth and fifth I mean what if you had 80 units um you're still not going to get affordable housing uh that's your carry you you got to you got to you got to demand affordable housing somehow I don't know I'm not I'm not a developer I'm not a traffic guy I'm not a uh another traffic guy okay but all I am I'm a resident okay and I know what Fourth Avenue is right now and you can't even control the speeding and the traffic on fourth and fifth now you're going to add more cars more people we want more people but but you got to you got to watch the impact that's all um and go back to my question so if you guys God forbid you passed this tonight what happens it goes back to the planning board and then what is there is there a way to amend the plans after with the planning board or are we stuck with what we've got I can say it how I know you want say Fred answer so if the council approves the Redevelopment plan then the original version will move forward however council did adopt a resolution earlier to refer an amendment to the planning board regarding the potential of having an an additional access Ingress and erress off of Fifth and so the planning board under the local Redevelopment and Housing law will then review it and they have 45 days to make a recommendation back to council and if they recommend it then Council would move forward with a new order orance to um adopt the revision to the plan that they potentially may be adopting when they start considering the ordinance after we conclude the public comments so there's three options total what well one is it fa if it fails if it doesn't the votes one is that it goes as is right and then one is that we kept an option it goes with a fourth and fifth of evaluation by the planning board so those are our three options but you already did adopt the resolution I believe that resolution's already been passed to refer the possibility of the Fifth Avenue additional Fifth Avenue Ingress and erress to the planning board for their comments to report back okay but uh great um but nothing is happening with the density we're not considering lowering the density at well if the project doesn't have the votes the project dies so that there's no there's no density to worry about I like that the project dies okay uh thank you thank you bless I will keep it much shorter I would ask that rather than limiting it to two possibilities that we see a that I personally see as not great options you allow the you have a lot of community members saying we know there's a way this can work on Memorial so why just you're essentially saying there's no way it can work on Memorial we all know that's not true there is a safe way so my suggestion is you refer to the planning at the very least refer to the planning board any of those options fourth fifth or Memorial as long as it could be made safe only giving us the options of fourth only and fourth and fifth is literally asking us to say how do we distribute the impacts Among Us rather than minimizing it on all of us and we all know that if the cars were coming in and out on Memorial Drive that's the way to there will never be a neighbor on Memorial Drive there are no neighbors every time a car pulls out of that site their headlights will Point into the train tracks not to somebody's house not to some future development they may turn right they may turn left and then they're going to go where they're going to go but if you put them on fourth and fifth they're all going to turn left on Fifth and speed right down Fifth Avenue to wherever they're going to go they're going to wind on comto past your house and Bridge past your house and Locust past your house and that's not what you want either right so why why not say there's a process here by which the street could be redesigned to allow any of those options to be safely considered with public input now I'm going to provide a little bit of clarity to those who are here as a member of the planning board of which I sit on with John and Ivonne if the council passes the Redevelopment plan this evening the job of the planning board is very specific if the developer comes to the planning board with a proposal that conforms to the plan that is potentially passed tonight the role of the planning board is to say whether or not it conforms to that plan if it conforms to the plan they have zero power to make changes zero the city Council in our city has a special power to create Redevelopment plans that supersede the zoning if you pass the Redevelopment plan the planning board's job is simply to say whether or not the proposal that the developer eventually comes forward with conforms if it does no changes are allowed we routinely deal with this in the Waterfront and in all of the other Redevelopment areas that are being presented to us and so at least give the planning board the ability to work with the community and I feel like there's consensus amongst the community that we would all prefer Memorial Drive I don't want it on Fifth they don't want it on Fourth there's an obvious answer there's no neighbor who's going to say I don't want it on Memorial like there just there's nobody there New Jersey Transit isn't going to come in say to you maybe you should put the cars over there it's just not going to happen and so why would we only say there are two possibilities when we know the possibilities are endless that's it anybody else like to be heard motion to close second all favor Al caring on ordinance 20241 is now closed and I have a motion to adopt ordinance 2024 move to adop Second council member is there any discussion before or you want to move forward right with the vote call the vote okay call the vote so this V this votes with the amendment to look at fourth and fifth that's to go to the planning board yes council member Bez Anderson I I know what I said wrong I know what I just said wrong I know what I just said wrong so what did you say wrong the amendment we already voted on Fifth this votes it on Fourth this plan puts it on Fourth the amendment we already planned puts it has the planning board decide fourth or fifth or both I got it roll call thank you council member bz Anderson no council member CH yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore no no one has anything else run to adjournment move toj have a second all in favor thank you meeting is now adjourned thank you everyone