being called to order council member Bez Anderson here council member Chapman is absent council member Clayton here Deputy Mayor Quinn here mayor Moore here please stand for a silent prayer moment of reflection we will now salute flaged Ali to flag States of America stands na indivisible andice as to comply with the open public meetings act chapter 231 PL 1975 adquate notice of this meeting has been provided in the following manner the annual notice was forwarded to the Asbury Park Press the coaster and Star Ledger on January 3rd 2023 and post on the bulletin board the same day all notices are on file with the city clerk we are now on to Matters from city council council member Bez Anderson just wanted to say good evening and happy holidays to all of you thank you council member Clayton hi just want to invite everybody to come out on Saturday December 9th we're having a Quanza celebration at the um Senior Center starting at 2:00 and at 5:00 there will be a tree lighting in Springwood Park so please come out and celebrate the holidays with us May nothing this time thank you we're now on the St maner I have nothing Anthony thank you and we are now on Ms City attorney yes nothing at this time either thank you we are now on public participation I have a motion to open the meeting to the public move open second all in favor I the public participation por of the meeting is now open any members of the public who wish to speak please use the microphone state your name and address for the record there'll be a three minute limit for each [Music] speaker hi uh R Morano 8th Avenue the Street's finally getting done thank you uh I want to start off with the news article that was in the paper today how many lawsuits do we have against us it's kind of sad when you read the paper every day or every other day and you find out that you guys aren't doing what you're supposed to do how about watching your employees when they do things like that do you have meetings where you meet with all of them there's so many things that are wrong and then you appoint people to boards and then like the Housing Authority that's the other article that was in the paper this month it was a horrible article $2.8 million was stolen again you know you appoint those people those people should be fired and or sent the letter and get the matter there because this is the second chairman that's going to go to jail and 2.8 million of taxpayers money just think about that the other guy is still in jail what is what's going on and the housing the the school the taxes you you have to get a grip something's wrong all these lawsuits that we have against us for what can anybody tell me anything about them oh no that's private we can't talk about it executive session it's not fair we should know what's going on I don't know who the woman is that's suing you but evidently she's got a good case it wouldn't have made the front page but you got to do something about the Housing Authority I'd like an answer tonight to that you appointed two people this year to the Housing Authority that have been there since the 70s I was on there in the 70s the two political hacks that you all of a sudden everything is so political schools political housing authorities political everything is political now you have to do something there's no politics involved in this room you have to abide by the rules all the rules and nobody seen the only ones that do are the taxpayers because if they don't pay their taxes and and you know the way they treat the taxpayers I heard about the one of my friends that came down and he was short a few dollars he went home to get it but he didn't come back the same day the we finish like your sentence and then your times up wait a minute let me finish my sentence you're tell you're telling me some story about somebody who didn't come down and pay $2 until the next day is that the end of your story because you Rita your time was up wait a minute I have to tell you what happened to him you can tell us the next meeting we can't read it like listen you gave Rita your time is up please oh okay but you gave the other minute you gave him eight minutes the guy from Summerfield I clocked you and I've given you extra time I'm giving you extra time tonight you give me extra time that's okay okay thank you Rita I'm not aware of the article you're referring to about the Housing Authority $2.8 million page oh well then I missed it I apologize uh you don't apologize to me you're got do something about what you're doing okay thank you anybody else like to be heard we are now on to a resolution to appoint a city manager and with that I would like to turn this over to City attorney Frederick retto thank you Anthony as the public is aware current city manager Donna M Vio advised the mayor and Council in June that she intended to retire from this position and from her distinguished career in public service as of December 31st 2023 mayor and Council are grateful to Donna for her leadership of the city over the last four years and wish her well in the next chapter of her life with the news of Donna's approaching retirement mayor and Council commenced to search for the right candidate to take over this pivotal position serving as the chief executive and administrative official of the municipality inorder order to assist mayor and councel with this Venture they engaged the services of Jersey Professional Management also known as JPM a firm that specializes in executive recruitment for municipal leadership positions to seek qualified candidates for the position advertisements were placed on the New Jersey League of municipalities website and with the international city and county management association as well as sent out to JC jpm's internal digital marketing database which reaches approximately 1,500 recipients Nationwide in response 36 resumés from interested candidates were received from this initial list mayor and Council narrowed the pool down and granted interviews to six semi-finalists all with impressive credentials and experience through the course of this process it became clear that one candidate stood out from the rest Lillian L nazaro Esquire who is here with us this evening Lillian who prefers to be called Lily is an attorney who brings 20 years of impressive impressive government administrative expertise as well as her background in the law to Asbury Park prior to her involvement in government Administration Lily had a lengthy tenure as a litigator commencing first in the private sector in 1991 and then transitioning to the public sector in 2004 from 20 4 through 2018 Lily served initially as assistant County Council and then as Deputy County Council for the county of Mercer during that time period She successfully litigated High exposure civil lawsuits in both state and federal courts in 2019 Lily became the deputy County Administrator for Mercer County and shortly thereafter was elevated to County Administrator in 2020 earning her the distinction of being the first woman appointed to the position of County Administrator in Mercer County history for context Mercer County operates with an annual budget of approximately $380 million and employs approximately 1,500 employees Asbury Park has an annual budget of approximately $55 million and employs approximately 247 full-time employees 52 part-time employees and 227 seasonal employees as County Administrator for Mercer County Lily has led contract negotiations run day-to-day operations and overseen all County departments with that mayor I will turn the matter over to you and the council the next item on the agenda is resolution [Music] 2023-the the appointment of a municipal manager for the city of Asbury Park and authorizes the execution of an employment agreement relating there to at present the resolution as it appears in the packages contains blank lines for the name of the appointee to be inserted as such when the resolution is moved forward it will be necessary for the moving council member to articulate the name to be inserted in the blanks for the new city manager the resolution as modified with the name will then need to be seconded council members will then have the opportunity to make any comments that they may wish to State at that time Andor to engage in a discussion concerning Miz nazzaro's potential appointment at the conclusion of the comments and discussion a roll call vote will be taken with that does any member of the council wish to move resolution 2023 530 forward with the inclusion of a specific name uh I would like to move 2023 530 with the name Lillian nazaro to be appointed as city manager second does anyone have any comments at this time before the vote is taken I'll make a very quick comment and then I think we all yeah yeah uh welcome greetings from Asbury Park you're excommunicated if you don't say that in Asbury Park um and we welcome an attorney Rita who's going to be a city manager and uh one you are the only city manager that we have ever interviewed or hired that had an Alpac an alpaca Farm Lillian so kudos to you we are looking forward to having you join us we know that going forward is going to be an interesting ride for you because you're coming into a city that is passionate about everything so look forward to it and thank you for taking on the challenge of Asbury Park okay hi just wanted to welcome you you're going to have a wonderful time Asbury Park is a great place to work and to live and um I look forward to uh spending time with you thank you I Echo everything I welcome you to ASB Park and it's a tough little city to work in with your credentials and your background I believe you were the right choice I thank you very much for applying and uh going through the two to three interviews with us and everything and again uh congratulate you wish you the best and looking to work with you so thank you very much roll call vote Council member Bez Anderson yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes so Lily I'd like to give you the opportunity to say a few words at this time if you wish thank you thank you everyone thank you mayor deputy mayor council members um I'm looking forward to this and uh working with you individually and as as a council um Fred nice uh looking forward to meeting with you Joanne I spoke with earlier uh everyone thank you and and it's going to be great Donna I'm looking forward to meeting with you U so that we can have seamless transition in January and finally thank you Tom from JPM um for you guiding this and uh looking forward to meeting everyone in here thank you thank you we are now on to the minutes I have the executive meeting and regular meeting minutes for the November 21st meeting do I have a motion move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Clayton yes Deputy May Quinn yes mayor Moore yes we are now on to the consent agenda resolution all matters listed on the consent agenda are presented collectively to the city council and will be considered for approval with one vote these matters are considered to be routine in nature and there will be no individual discussion of these items if discussion is desired by one or more council members as to any particular items then said items shall be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately in consent agenda tonight we have resolutions 2023 531 through 2023 536 do I have a motion move it do I have a second second council member yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes we're now on to individual resolutions resolution 20235 37 resolution approving payment of bills you have a motion move it have a second second counc member Bez Anderson yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes resolution 2023 538 resolution authorizing the purchase of Auto valve Replacements needed at the wastewater treatment plant move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor yes resolution 2023 539 resolution authorizing a contract for upgrades to the sodium hypochloride control system needed at the wastewater treatment plant move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mor yes resolution 2023 541 resolution approving change order number two for Kennedy Park approvement project mov second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes may yes resolution 2023 542 resolution authorizing agreement with M recycling for the processing and deposition of recyclable material move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes resolution 2023 54 three resolution authorizing contract for disposal of leaves during The Fall season do have a second second Council memberz Anderson yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor yes resolution 2023 544 resolution awarding bid for supplying liquid sodium hypochloride to the waste water treatment plant move it second council member Bez Anderson yes Council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2023 545 resolution awarding bid for traffic striping to traffic lines move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor yes we're now on to ordinances for introduction uh first we have ordinance 2023 39 ordinance of the city of Asbury Park amending and supplementing subsection 70-40 5 entitled license fees of section 7-40 private parking lots of chapter 7 traffic of the code of the city of Asbury Park with a public hearing date of December 20th 2023 do I have a motion move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes ordinance 22344 ordinance of the city of Asbury Park to repeal section 276 entitled Award of public contracts of article 10 regulation of public Contracting contributions to the public office and entities of the city of of the Cod of the city of Asbury Park move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor yes ordinance 2023 45 ordinance of the city of Asbury Park in the county of MTH state of New Jersey authorizing the execution of a lease agreement with as partners LLC and cjun Holdings LLC for Block 4,37 blots 1 2 and 3 within the Asbury Park Waterfront Redevelopment area with a public hearing date of December 20th 2023 do I have a motion move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor yes ordinance 2023 46 ordinance constituting the 2023 Transportation update for the city of Asbury Park and amending and supplementing chapter 7 and titled traffic of the code of the city of Hasbury park with a public hearing date of December 20th 2023 do I have a motion move it second council member abz Anderson yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor yes ordinance 2023 47 has been removed from the agenda tonight moving on to ordinance 202348 ordinance of the city of Hasbury Park amending and supplementing chapter 15 entitled rent leveling regulations of the code of the city of Asbury Park with public hearing date of December 20th 2023 motion move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor yes all right if nobody has anything else tonight um you have a motion for adour all in favor I thank you thank you happy holidays everyone