meeting call to order council member Bez Anderson here council member Chapman here council member Clayton here Deputy Mayor Quinn here mayor Moore here please stand for a silent prayer a moment of reflection we will now salute the flag I pledge to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation God indivisible with liberty and justice for all as to comply with the open public meetings act chapter 231 PL 1975 adequate notice of this meeting has been provided in the following manner the annual notice was fored to the Asbury Park Press the koser and the Star Ledger on January 22nd 2024 and posted on the bulletin board the same date all notices are on file with the city [Music] clerk uh we have a presentation by five prop Holdings LLC Asbury partners for the Redevelopment of block 4306 Lots 1 through 8 2002 108th Avenue 201129 7th Avenue and 1604 web for construction of tow [Applause] houses good evening everyone for the record my name is Jennifer Phillip Smith I'm an attorney with Gibbons PC and I am here tonight on behalf of Asbury Partners as well as its affiliate ap5 prop holding LLC as my partners which is the master developer along with its affiliate are the owners of the property located at block 4306 Lots 1 through eight which in a moment will describe where that is within the city uh we are under contract to sell this property to an affiliate of kadian homes and we are here seeking your approval this evening to go ahead to go to the planning board and eventually to approve a subsequent developer agreement as well for the construction of 45 town home units we were in front of the TRC in the fall and as you'll see in the presentation this evening the TRC had comments about the architectural elevations the design of the exterior of the building and we have worked hard over the last few months to refine those plans to take into account the planning professionals comments the trc's comments to come up with a design that we think um meets the objectives that we were provided so to get us started we're going to have Frank minini who is our project architect go through the project location and the overall design of the project we then also have Brian left here this evening to talk about the Landscaping uh Bob Curley our site engineer is here as well I'm not planning on having him come up unless there's specific questions about the engineering that Frank and Brian left don't cover in their presentations all right with that Frank if you could walk us through uh the site location and what is proposed sure the first image we're looking at pardon me is a an image that I based off of a Google Maps and you can see here the site in yellow it is bounded on the North by 8th Avenue on the west by whip Street on the east by Kingsley and on the south by 7th Avenue the lot area is 1.83 Acres so that that tells you where the property is and basically it's in the the uh northeastern part of the city and here on the top part of the image is deal lake so that'll give us the location of the property I'll move to some drawings just as a general overview of the project and and Jen had mentioned some of this but we're proposing 45 residential units each one of these boxes represents a unit in six building clusters so one two three four five six and for orientation this is Kingsley this is seventh this is eth and this is web so East is over here on the right part of of the image um some important things I think we should the council should know is that we made many revisions based B on TRC and planning staff comments one of the important factors one important items that we think in terms of the design is that all the parking is accessed internally so this is our s plan you'll notice that the entrance and exit vehicular is off of web web Street all the parking for these Town Homes would be in essence at the back of the town homes so the main entries to the town homes on five of the six clusters is Long Street Frontage so these town homes there all the entries and I've got 3D images to to show you more detail but all the entries here are off of 8th Avenue all the entries for these units town home units are along King Kingsley and the same applies for this section along 7th Avenue with the exception of the five units that are in the center of the property so these obviously because they don't they're not on there's no Street Frontage will be will be entered um from this Access Road in terms of the units themselves uh we've got four story clusters and three story clusters and I'll zoom in a bit so it's easier for everyone to see let's just move this over a bit okay so for reference using the same side plan of course these are all four story Town Homes these are four story Town Homes these are four story Town Homes these are four um these are as well the only sections that are three is this one along web Street the widths average or they range between 16 ft and 20 feet the average unit sizes are between I think the number was 1,600 approximately and 20650 and 2460 so there's a range of unit sizes too Within These Town Homes they're not all just these giant town homes that we often see and and um are are kind of monochromatic in terms of the actual layouts so we've got a variety of of sizes Within These units the N units are slightly bigger but in in general what what we're looking at here is a is a town home design in terms of a site plan that has taken advantage of the four streets the vast majority of the entrances to these units are off the streets which is of course something that that uh this Council as well as planning staff and and um TRC would like it it's good planning um we have brought all the parking to be accessed from within the site with all the parking is access internally which limits of course the amount of curve cut that we would need um so in terms of a s plan we think this is a very very good solution some revisions that were made based on CRC comments and recommendations as well as planning staff comments and recommendations and I'll get into them a bit some of them a bit more because it has to do with colors and materials but in terms of the site plan one revision that was made and we think it's a very good one is that this cluster of homes these five homes were initially the main entry was off of this internal Road the suggestion was made that we flip it so that now the entries are facing East which is also happens to be where we have this um this this wide um pedestrian entry to the site as well so I should mention as part of the side plan of course this is Kingsley Ocean Avenue is further east we have a main pedestrian entry a connection to Kingsley street right here so the comment was and suggestion was that we that we flip the design here so now the entries are along along this section and you have a better view of this a small few cor to the so that was I think a very good suggestion that we have implemented um I'll move along understanding time is limited this is the second sheet or third sheet but the second sheet of drawings that we've got for tonight's presentation and what we're looking at here is our original submission and there's a reason why we're showing you these because we think that the evolution of the design has come so far that you'll see these relative to the new ones and I think you hopefully You' be very happy but initially we had colors that were probably a bit more contemporary in nature and and perhaps could have been softened and that was some of the suggestions which so we did do that and there were other suggestions that that the um TRC had for example the the the comment one of the comments was that we should we should try architecturally to make the end units a bit more prominent in terms of verticality and act as a good book end to these town homs so this was our original idea on how to accomplish that we have since evolve to the next image so here it's the same perspective but you'll see that the color palette has changed so we use and I know you've heard the term many times Coastal colors but the colors here here in terms of of uh inspiration our colors is inspired by the Sea inspired by um the beach inspired by the sky I've got the actual names of all the colors we're choosing but you'll see the difference it it it looks less harsh we think it looks softer and we think that it it makes much more sense given our um proximity to the actual Atlantic Ocean it was also a suggestion that we simplify materials and we've done that but in terms of materials we're proposing the vast majority of the facades to be covered in fiber cment boards which are meant in this case to look like wood but much more um um they can handle the weather that the coast brings much much much better than wood would and in terms of the specific designs we've got uh horizontal lap siding these are all combinations to kind of make a particular aesthetic we've got ver vertical board and band the horizontal siding as well as some areas of of actual wood shakes meant to look like wood chicks so we think the materials make sense given our our location given the history of of Asbury Park and how we accomplished we think the end units being more prominent is we have brought up a section of the floor of the floor plate five stories small section which allows access for these two decks those decks have are now covered by pergolas so you'll see that the corners here are have um are accented by pergolas it's it's a nice we think soft way of having the termination of the building at the corners and always during the daytime allows are very interesting um Shadows so we think that was successful this view is along Kingsley but you'll see these are all the entries to the building cluster along Kingsley you'll you'll notice that they raised the pipe that we're required to do that given our location and in proximity to the uh well within the flood zone so we're pardon me required to lift all these floors up we've done that but yet still have separate injuries all along Kingsley so we think that was successful um other changes well I'll go through the other the other drawings you you'll see but we we we talked about the colors we changed that I described that there were small changes that they wanted we extended a foundation section here just to allow for more screening of the cars behind it but I think this image specifically tells the story of what we're proposing I've got many others we can go through them quickly this is that scene perspective how we think it'll look at nighttime um Brian the landscape architect will talk about all the the proposals in terms of landscaping another view this is uh along King Ley um looking West you can see the same idea we've got the peret at the corn which we think kind of accent those edges same perspective evening straight on view along ksil highlighting the entries to each of the Town HS you'll see that each one has its own um stair entry with Landscaping surrounds and the same perspective at nighttime theme continues along 8th Avenue and finally that 8th Avenue view in the evening um some more information that we that we should I should be talking about let you know we're required to have 67 half parking spaces we're proposing 114 so I think that is a good thing in terms of of the heights that I had talked about there's a combination of four story and three stories those four story structures are 46 feet in height the three story structures are 38 ft in height and let me confirm that I've gotten all the uh revisions to let you know about so it's materials yeah so I think that's that's really it in terms of of what we wanted to show tonight and and the evolution of the project we think that we've um captured all comments and suggestions that both TRC and planning staff had with this revised evolved design and I'm happy to answer any particular questions yeah I'm sorry questions probably lost a piece of paper I wrote how many street parking spots because of curb cuts for the city mes I'll defer that to Bob our civil engineer I can he can answer that for sure oh pardon me mayor the answer is three three okay and these May for be Bob also so if they are no problem so you got three stories and four stories all the threes the same and all the fours the same and if so what the square footage of yes the so there in each case the three story buildings are on the ends 20 ft wide the internal ones are 16 ft wide that applies as well to the four story so the widest of the buildings which are the end structures are 20 ft wide and 16 feet for everything else that's internal in terms of areas they range from the the three story buildings that are narrow so those would be the smallest at, 1650 square fet and the largest being the four story which are at the at the wider Dimension at 20 ft of 2,460 Ft so there's a range between 60 1850 and 2460 I think that's all the questions for you I think that two other ones and they're not major uh probably for Bob unless you want me ask him now if you want to ask them now then I can have Bob okay so say this goes forward and goes to the plan board what's the projected time frame for this to be started and finished um I'm looking at the the applicant so and what's the other question mayor because I'll call them up to answer both do what what's the other question because I I will call uh this is come up at planning board staging or on site and as far as a trailer something sales trailer on site or someplace else you give me one moment so the build cycle should be about two years okay and the sales trailer is intended to be on site here okay thank you very much thank you that's all I have thank can I ask about sustainability and green measures that you'll be um making part of this project so what we generally do in projects like this we'll have LED lighting there are low paints um I don't think there's a green roof yet proposed as part of this most of the roofs here really don't you cannot get a green roof on um there is there's water detention water detention so I think that's obviously a big one and and most of the code requirements these days take us to such a level that these buildings are very efficient so we can ask Rel Le certification but we'd like to get as close to that as possible understood and I I recognized that most city councils in planning zoning boards don't want actual lead certification because that happens post post CFO but we can provide a checklist from lead and showing you all the points that we will hit thank you great so how many uh bedrooms are be some of the units are three bedrooms and some are four again depending on the size as I described before thank you okay I'd like to ask Brian left to just talk a little bit about Landscaping if there are no more questions for Frank thank you thank you I may sit here to uh help run the computer I can okay then I'll get your image there you go so this is a color rendered version of our landscape plan uh as you can see the we're providing planting in front and behind all of the units all of the plants that are chosen are known to be salt tolerant and will grow in this area I've included some images of the standard plants that everyone's familiar with most are native there are some introduced species such as knockout roses hydrangeas and hostas that aren't necessarily native but they are traditional Shore plants and they're certainly what people expect to see when they come down to the shore um and let's face it there's only a handful of plants that grow in the area so anything we can put in that actually little color and a little Pop That will live a good thing uh we did make some changes from the initial plan the big one we've already spoken about was spinning that Center building by 90 degrees what that did is it allowed the front of that building as you're walking down Kingsley Street and you look down the view corridor where we have the walkway you'll be looking at the front of the building and not the garages for those buildings we've also included a walkway and a little bit nicer entrance right right at right where the crosswalk would come across the driveway and hit that that Center unit so there were enhancements in that area and based on the initial planting scheme we made one bait change we originally had a lot of L that was specified as a ground cover just a very low grass-like ground cover the suggestion was made to move swap that out for various sges that are native and would serve the purpose same purpose and have a similar look uh so we did make that change and as I was looking at it uh the areas that were between the driveways seemed a little Bland to me they were all the same uh so I introduced a little bit more variety into the planting strip between the driveways again just for a visual view but that's the summary of the landscape there are trees all around both on the sidewalk which would be part of the uh overall development plan and not part of this project that's why the street trees are screened out on this that's where they show up as part of the Redevelopment plan uh but the S allall the streetcape Improvement would be part of the master develop so if there's any questions I'd be happy to to answer no I have n thank you Mr thank you thank you so following this we'll be presenting a subsequent developer agreement to your attorneys for review that in same form as usual uh which would then come back to the council for review and hopefully approval and assuming we get to that hurdle then we still go to the planning board or there'll be another opportunity for a public hearing right thank you very much thank you thank you thank you good night good luck and I will say we've been asked to stay during the public comment portion which we will do do what we will be here during the public com you know how we do it yes thank we're now on to Matters from city council council member buz Anderson yes I have something to say first of all good evening to everyone and I know that you I'm speaking not only for myself but I believe also for Deputy Mayor and council members we are just in our new city manager we are and and our attorney we are absolutely delighted to have our mayor back with us we have missed you you look fabulous yeah I've missed you we've all missed you and so just welcome back well thank you and I'm sure two weeks from now you're GNA say what the hell you doing back probably so but right now we love you thank you very thank you council member Chapman so I just wanted to let everyone know that uh Council woman Clayton and I will be hosting uh coffee with the council person uh tomorrow at 10 o'clock at Cameo love Market if anyone would like to come out and share any thoughts or concerns or ideas come on out we're buying coffee so we hope to see you there thank you just please come out and spend the morning with us thank you thank you Deputy Mayor Quinn uh yeah we have a uh event going on this weekend at the Berkeley made or sold in Asbury Park which are products that have been made or are being sold in Asbury Park a surprising number of products are made in Asbury Park it's a free event there'll be tables for you to look at products buy products and talk to folks so that is at the Berkeley and Sonia 12 to 5 Saturday 12 to 5 Saturday so we'll see you there may more nothing thank you Matters from the city manager nothing thank you thank you Matters from the city attorney nothing at this time thank you we're now on to public participation I have a motion to open meeting to the public moving second all in favor all right public participation portion is now open uh any member of the public who wishes to speak please use the microphone state your name and address for the record and there will be a three minute time limit for each speaker again please state your name and address for the record good evening my name is Gregory V I am a resident at 300 Emer street I'm on the third floor we live um two floors above the Asbury Ale House we've been having trouble sleeping and we've been calling the police department making complaints I'm not sure if the L house is being fined for these complaints or not I don't have any way of knowing but I know that the complaints about the noise ordinance seem to be falling upon deaf ears so I'm here to speak about that see if there's any way that that can be helped is that it I believe so okay thank you um continue to call the police call the shift Commander if you get no results let the city manager know uh as soon as possible uh when we get these complaints we do take them seriously uh and restrictions have been placed on various bars because they've been not being nice neighbors so yeah we have shaking floors things falling off walls for different people in the building it's a serious concern so I wanted to start that tonight and there's power and numbers so I'm sure like you're call but if you can get your neighbors to call everything else the greasy the squeaky wheel gets the grease and like we can't do anything until we get those complaints and then there's a Lor committee made up of two Council persons which like they sit down with the police department they go over the complaints and then you know they suggest when the licenses are up in June that restrictions be placed on these establishments so again the only thing we can do is like get the complaints and then move on them so if we don't get the complaints we're like kind of like useless to you so anything you can do to help us get your neighbors to complain we'll track them helps you immensely we'll track the complaints thank you okay thank you hopefully it gets better Deputy Mayor Quin and I meet with the police every month to talk about liquor license establishments and and issues and we need to see the number of calls that come in in order to have those conversations with the owners absolutely thank you thank you hi Mike czor uh 305 8th Avenue um apologies if I missed this came late but I saw on the agenda packet with uh regards to the delta townhouse uh development that there's a pilot proposed um just trying to get more information on what that is what's the approval process why it's being proposed what's your question will a pilot be given yes yes the Waterfront development going back to 2002 says any development for sale in the Waterfront Redevelopment plan automatically gets a pilot now as far as what the numbers are it's way too early to say because have to look at their proforma and everything else and it's based on that and then if they say hey these units are going to sell for 500,000 and they sell for8 or 900,000 we automatically adjust the rate up so like you know as much as we get like a good estimate if they sell it for more the city gets more money but they by law have to get a pilot got it so the city has no leeway or say in that in the Waterfront Redevelopment Zone none whatsoever y for any project that's for sale got it and there's no affordable housing requirement or anything right no but the the original agreement had a stipulation there when they hit certain levels I'm going I'm going to be close on this but you know don't quote me but we can get you the information the first year they paid it the city of million dollars when they hit 300 units they had to paid the city a million when they had 600 units they had to paid the city a million with the project block 401 the 200 and some uh units there that's 900 units and they paid the city another million dollars now that money not always in the past has going to affordable housing but we've always put it to affordable housing so that's what they had to do with affordable housing got it thanks um just one more followup specific design questions probably best answer to the planning board meeting is it correct well you you can ask it tonight because they stay to answer any questions so they're here so if you have it and you can also yes the planning boards will be you know where yeah yeah I mean just just real quick I mean I noticed some of the steps to the to the units drop kind of right onto the sidewalk I just want to make sure that you know setback requirements and um those type of things are are being complied with good enough do you want to answer that now sure we we do comply with set back requirements and yes our STS in some cases do go to the front sidewalk but we do need requirements okay I'll I'll follow up with my other questions at the planning board thank you thanks hi poly Shila 1100 fth Avenue I'm speaking on behalf of um as Park and police streets Coalition and myself and wondering regarding the um the city's resolution the complete streets resolution that we have and a complete streets checklist this kind kind of piggybacks on what Mike was asking about uh about frontages about setbacks uh are you aware of the complete streets checklist and that I believe correct me if I'm wrong that the the um checklist does require that new construction allows for a certain amount of uh pedestrian walkway that um not just setback but walkway space as well as possible bump outs and crosswalks and any other treatments on the street that would enhance walking and bicycling and make it safer sorry I kind want to answer all my back to you but it's just a setup here so I apologize uh in the Waterfront Redevelopment area there is an ordinance called the infrastructure component report that was adopted by ordinance that has very detailed specifications about all of the streets and their layout and how they're required to be built and as part of this project the streets around this block will be built out in accordance with the the engineering design that's in infrastructure component report adopted by ordinance um and that does specify the walkways the pap bands the curbing the street trees everything that goes into the streetcap design um but that ordinance was adopted I guess last amended in 2018 or 19 are you familiar with the checklist the the complete streets resolution in the checklist would just be a good maybe take a look at it so what happens is we are actually Bound by both contract and ordinance to comply with what's in the adopted ordinance um we have been having discussions about potential amendments to that but whatever the ordinance is at the time that the construction starts it's what we will be obligated to comply with all right all right thanks thank you see nobody else a motion to close second all in favor public participation portion is now closed we're now on to the minutes I have the executive meeting minutes and reorganizational meeting minutes of January 22nd 2024 do I have a motion move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinton yes mayor Moore is the minutes the minutes abake thank you we're now on to consent agenda resolutions all matters listed on consent agenda are presented collectively to the city council and will be considered approval with one vote these matters are considered to be routine in nature and there will be no no individual discussion of these items if discussion is desired by one or more council members as to any particular item then said item shall be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately on consent agenda we have resolutions 202478 through 2024 83 do I have a motion second council member abz Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore hold on one second yes resolution I'm sorry right now on to individual resolutions I have resolution 202 2484 resolution approving payment of bills uh mayor Moore will vote no on PO number 2491 do I have a motion on a resolution approving payment of bills move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 202 485 resolution authorizing the purchase of software needed for recreation and pal move it second Council memberz Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 202 2486 resolution authorizing snowplow repairs needed move it second Council memberz Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 202 2487 resolution authorizing payment to Holiday designs for the installation of holiday lighting and display through Community Development block grant cdbg funding move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 202 2488 resolution authorizing the annual renewal of all traffic solution software movement second Council memberz Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 202 2489 a resolution authorizing an annual service agreement for mobile data service coverage move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 20249 resolution authorizing the annual renewal of adobe move it second Council memberz Anderson yes council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 91 resolution authorizing Professional Services contract for state police accreditation maintenance move it second Council memberz Anderson counc member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn no mayor Moore no resolution 2024 92 resolution authorizing a Professional Services contract to hacken sack Meridian team Health PC for employment exams and physicals question moved in second it second question qu when talked about that Lily remember there was a just did we I I forgot to follow up on it I did follow up with HR and um I think that what we need to do is go through with this and then the will talk about what we need to do okay conversations okay so these have to do with the phals there's discrepancies on different different departments having different amounts of money for different physicals right correct so so I have a follow-up question and I I have no problem with the amount of money being charged for police and fire for physicals because I think it's well needed my problem was the physical for a crossing guard is more for than a physical for a guy at DPW who's empty in garbage yeah so that makes no sense because you know the guy with a bad back is going to get a $200 physical and going to sue us because he always had a bad back so truthfully I can't wait a year to change this if you want to separate that one or if you want to table this and get us new numbers for the next meeting I'm open to either one but I mean it just makes no sense to me that a crossing guard physical cost $350 but somebody's going to lift 50 to 60 pounds constantly all day long the physical is $200 so basically it's and again I'm the one always trying to save money here I'm just saying it's money well spent to give a good physical to make sure people are not hurt before they come to the city then so as for pre-ex existing injury all right you want to do a motion table yes is is that is that best for you please that that would be good so I look great and we could we could straighten this out and have this back on the next agenda okay so make a motion to table intention we need a motion and a second to table I'll make a motion to table a second second thank you and I have no problem having this back do roll call vote on the table council member Bez Anderson yes Council Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 202 2492 has been tabled to the February 14th meeting resolution 2024 93 resolution authorizing Professional Services contract to tnm Associates for licensed site remediation Professional Services slrp it second Council memberz Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 94 resolution entering into a memorandum of agreement with the Asbury Park Housing Authority for the provisions of fiber optic Network repair services move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 202495 a resolution awarding a contract to Millennium Communications Group for fiber optic repairs needed move second Council memberz Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 96 resolution authorizing the city of Asbury Park to implement the competitive Contracting process to P procure vendors to operate an electric scooter share program within the city move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 202 2497 a resolution authorizing the city of Asbury Park to implement the competitive Contracting process to procure vendors to operate various concessions within the city move it second Council memberz Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 202 2498 resolution authorizing the funding of coastal to Coastal Habitat for Humanity for the administering of the home repair and renovation program with Community Development block grant cdbg funding Mo it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2020 475 resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of ASB Park to enter into an aopp and recognition agreement with neeg financing one LLC as a lender for Somerset Asbury Park urban renewal LLC in connection with the development of property located at block 4105 lot 1.01 move it second council member Bez Anderson no council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn no mayor Moore yes resolution 202499 resolution amending resolution 2023 281 approving 2023 2024 Alcoholic Beverage Control license for ap30 Property Holdings LLC doing business as convention hall concession Beach Bar in the city of Asbury Park County of MTH New Jersey in certain limited respects move it second Council memberz Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes resolution 20241 100 resolution celebrating the month of February National Black History Month council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 101 a resolution authorizing the purchase and installation of playground equipment for the Second Avenue beach front area second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 102 resolution appointing The Firm of Archer and grinder p BC to serve a special Council for the city to finish out certain pending Bond and or Redevelopment matters move it second council member buz Anderson just I have a question okay may I ask yeah okay so this here uh group is just to complete current business and then no longer correct yes that's cor okay thank you um roll call Council memberz Anderson yes counc member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes we're now on to ordinances for we missing a resolution as far as appointments to yeah we were going to do two appointments to rent control I have an I have a appointment on consent for APV have nothing for control do you have names yeah I do um I I I'm let me check I put a swore but I will say their names and the reason we're doing it is because we're low on on okay I make a motion to appoint Jill I just want to get term dates hang that can be as to you can't find it now I said if you can't find it now we can justo there are set terms um and I remember there are specific designations for some of the members you was B and you know at least it's in my it's in my drafts it's in my drafts to you I didn't the name uh Jill o CC I'm G to spell it let me do the one that I can spell Kathy b i n g h m and Kathy's a property owner right Kathy Kathy's a property owner and then Jill and then I'm gonna send you this email Lisa which of course I thought no I can't spell I's she's got the sheet right SP so Jill is gonna be alternate alternate yeah she'll have to be right yeah yeah yeah and then I'm going to spell Jill's last name I got it you OC okay and then um so I'm sending you the email that I thought I sent you okay um so we have an additional resolution uh resolution 2024 103 it's going to be a resolution appointing members to the rent leveling board uh the appointees are Kathy Bingham as a property owner with a term to expire I'm going have to come back on the term to expire here TVD they both and um Jill oapen as alternate member number two do I have a motion move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes as the deputy mayor said the reason this is being rushed is because there was complaints that there couldn't be a quorum to meet so that's why it's being put on tonight thank you thank you uh we're now on to ordinances introduction I have ordinance 20241 ordinance of the city of Asbury Park amending and supplementing various sections of chapter 2 entitled Administration and subsection 30-22 point1 establishment of section 30-22 Zoning Board of adjustment of chapter 30 Land Development regulations of the code of the city of Asbury Park with a public hearing date of February 14 2024 do I have a motion move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes ordinance 20242 ordinance of the city of Asbury Park amending and supplementing chapter 4- 1.4 entitled fees of chapter 4-1 business licenses of chapter 4 General licensing of the code of the city ASB park for the public hearing date of February 14 2024 do I have a motion little bit second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes if no one has anything else I'll take a motion to adjourn moving all in favor J thank you everyone