##VIDEO ID:mUd_fbTaGj0## meeting call to order council member Bez Anderson I'm here council member Chapman thank you council member cuty mayor Quin may please stand for a silent prayer moment of reflection we will now salute the flag I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all as to comply with the open public meetings act chapter 231 pl1 1975 adequate notice of this meeting has been provided in the following manner the annual notice was forwarded to the Asbury Park Crest the coaster and the Star Ledger on January 22nd 2024 and post all the bullet board the same date all notices are on file at the city clerk uh at this time we will have go on to special events application leici good evening mayor and Council um there are four five applications before you this evening um one for a walk and the others are for weddings are there any questions thank you than thank you thank you thank you and maybe we'll do this in the future but let's do it tonight as well as maybe the future instead of like doing the presentation and then going to council why don't we do the council and go to presentation that way the public can ask questions right after the presentation Jo want do matter Council you do that it's I pull that out so presentation then questions please all right we're now on to Matters from city council Council memberz Anderson and just good evening everyone council member Chapman I have nothing this evening thank thank you counc member Clayton thank you Deputy mayy Quinn nothing you're the man all right awesome that that was awesome Matters from the city manager nothing thank you uh Matters from the city attorney nothing here as well thank you Fred you go we're now on to presentations our director of Transportation James banano will provide a 2024 Transportation update take it away James here what you that's good thank you good evening uh my name is James Bano I'm the director of Transportation here for the city of ay Park I've been asked to do a quick pres presentation on our completed uh active and some upcoming proposed projects uh for the year of 2024 um so start with completed projects things we've completed this year uh we have Chang the intersection of Prospect Avenue Monroe Avenue and Church Street to a four-way stop we had performed a signal warrant analysis and intersection review with Dynamic traffic engineering and found that the levels of traffic and geometry of the intersection didn't really pose well for a traffic signal so we decided to move to where a four-way stop which fit the warrants for the intersection a little better um we also have uh some designs for bump outs that we are looking for future funding for um we to propose that and talk to the city council about that and see if we can work out a way to increase some bump outs and push the Stop Bar and crosswalks further towards the intersection to improve sight lines for vehicles um down on Prospect in either direction um these are uh designs that were also added by Dynamic engineering and we are uh looking to while we've seen an improvement in uh safety and collisions already we're looking to improve that and any any way we can we're going to keep reviewing the four-way stop with traffic counts and collision counts to see how it continues to perform through the summer and through the rest of the year we have implemented temporary loading zones uh we have been seeing issues with trucks uh who have to drop things off for the businesses downtown they have been blocking roadways uh blocking bike Lanes causing some interesting traffic um safety issues of no fault of their own they really have nowhere to be uh so we decided to try a pilot program for temporary loading zones from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. the areas outlined in purple which are located at uh bangs Avenue and Emory Street cookman Avenue and bangs Avenue and Madison Avenue and Bond Street are designated for loading zone only we've seen some success with the trucks drivers that we've spoken to we've surveyed them uh on the street a few times seem to like the space they say it's it's safer for them they like to be out of the street um we are battling some people who are still parking those spaces but overall we're seeing that the one on bangs and Emory is being used a decent amount by trucks uh less so to other locations but I think this is our our largest truck location and I think so far we're seeing that it is useful uh We've even heard from some business owners that they'd like to see it expanded but we will keep monitoring this seeing how it is uh prop you know how it's performing um we are having problems enforcing the area at this time because we don't really have a backup to do so but we are just trying to move forward encourage people to please leave the spaces open and allow the trucks to use them it's creating a safer situation by our crosswalks it's creating safer situations in the street for both cars bicyclists pedestrians um so we're moving forward with that and seeing if there any other locations that may need them but more we're just continuing to monitor the locations that are currently in place we have launched the new scooter share with vo launched in May 24th of 2024 we've seen 17,8 35 trips that are over 2 minutes in June alone and th of those trips that are over 2 minutes 2.32 rides per vehicle per day we had a medium trip distance of one mile uh in a city that's 1.4 square miles that means that we're seeing a lot of trips that are just from point A to point B people using to get their destinations in addition to that they're meeting minutes per ride are 8 minutes it takes about 6 to 8 minutes to cross town we're seeing a a lot of our trips are being used for utility being used for transportation and not for Joy rides which is very good for a program we've had 41,000 trips total or about sorry since the launch of the program so that's basically June July and the beginning of August and we also have you know the vo access members program this program is open to anyone who has uh or is on uh governmental governmental uh Aid and we have nine members right now they are able to receive severely discounted rates on the scooters and we've seen know we have nine members 38 trips total so far we're working very hard to promote this program and seeing other ways we can get the information out there we had a a significant number of users on the previous program and we're trying to reach back out to them to see if we can get them on the new program as well um we're seeing the program spread pretty quickly uh the new seated scooters are actually more popular than the standing scooters uh and I think we've seen actually a little bit of a swing we see a lot more of um older residents and visitors actually on the scooters as well from before I think thanks to the sitting scooters we have been performing traffic studies around the city uh you we are regularly seeing more speeding and more uh traffic issues raised around the city and we're trying to stay on top of that by getting a baseline for how our roads and how our traffic is performing um we've perform studies at Second Avenue at Pine Street Ridge Avenue at Third Avenue Ridge Avenue at ay place Summerfield Avenue at langri Street 4th Avenue at Langridge Street and First Avenue at hex street so far this year we have a few more coming up right now as including uh First Avenue at Langford Street uh we are targeting areas that are around new development that is coming as well as areas in the city that we know have high Collision rates or High um speeding statistics with the police uh basically this just involves our traffic counter being put out us reviewing the speeds of the vehicles as well as the number of vehicles this is helpful and letting us know which areas are in need of traffic coming or in need of more enforcement or are just in general not performing well or in a danger for other reasons we've found that the majority of these areas are you know performing pretty well with some Speeders and we're going to work to address those issues uh with future traffic cing and future projects along the roadway we've done two uh striping projects this year so far um we have just begun striping Sunset Avenue between brid Street and Memorial Drive Green bike Lanes as you can see on the left of the screen the before and after uh we've completed one side of the street tomorrow the second side of the street will be completed the green driveways are intended to um create a more visual difference between the travel Lane and the bicycle lane this is to further narrow the travel lanes and to provide more safety to the bicyclist in these Lanes we're seeing some some speeding coming down the road from bridge into Memorial Drive and we believe narrowing visually is going to help constrict that feeling for drivers and slow them down we're placing green basically everywhere that you have a conflict between bicycles and cars so through the intersection we have hashing at the corners we have blocks with the bicycle symbol in them and in front of each driveway there are hashes as well in green so that everywhere we go we'll see either for a cyclist or driver when you're entering that zone you'll know okay this is an area where bicycles may be this is an area where cars would be we've also striped Summerfield Avenue um In The Same Spirit trying to narrow the roadway create more narrowing effect and slow Vehicles down we've provided a double yellow line the length of sommerfield Avenue between Memorial Drive and Prospect Avenue we've added yellow hashing at all 25 foot Corners uh for no parking as well as larger um crosswalk more visible crosswalks and Sh bicycle showers we've replaced the older Boardwalk kiosks the ones that are used for Beach passes this year um with newer uh more advanced meters that can basically do the transactions at a much simpler way than the previous ones this is to help all of our people who come to the boardwalk come to the beach get uh get their Beach passes quicker and more conveniently we've had small complications with these but we're going through them and fixing them up as they come along uh they're actually working very well right now it's very quick and easy to get your passes compared to our previous machines which we often breaking down or uh confusing for a lot of people to use we've also repurposed the old kiosks that were on the barwork there were seven of them and relocated them in areas around the city that didn't previously have kiosks uh mostly along hex Street and Park Avenue uh where uh meteor parking was extended two years ago so now we have areas of the city that are more accessible to parking kiosks and the beach ones that are functioning much uh much better we took an inventory of all our city street signs we had a responders to a complaint that people were having a hard time navigating the street and what we were looking to W finding we noticed that there were a lot of streets with missing street signs so we replaced any old faded or missing street signs as well as implemented a pole and new signs at every intersection uh if you see an intersection that's missing signs missing pole please let us know they have been some that have been struck by a vehicle or removed for any reason we're trying to keep up with that uh we want to make sure that people can find their way around especially our visitors um so they aren't circling and causing more conflicts with streets and Roads uh pedestrians especially as the council knows and a lot of public know we also adopted an updated complete streets policy this April um I have begun implementing that policy in the city and I've begun with our uh performing an audit of all procedures look at the list procedures policies plans documents training programs and performance measures as well as other guidance documents I've begun this with the transportation utility before any other department because I wanted to create a standard or or template procedure um there are other departments that I'll have to go through this process with but basically I'm going through all the documents all the policies and procedures that I currently operate under and making sure that the completes policy is adhered to in all those policies that biking walking driving and all modes of transportation are accounted for in all those policies uh once I've completed that for my department I plan on doing that for DPW uh as well as uh the police department and possibly one other department um probably planning or zoning if they have a lot of things that are involved the street this isn't to go through all there all their policies throughout their entire department it's anything that's involving the road or road construction or uh you know transportation in general I've also started developing an annual report report to city council regarding inclusions and exemptions of the new comple policy uh and every year at the end of the year I will be submitting a memo with with what has been done as far as complete streets what complete streets have been implemented as well as what features have been exempt from certain roads sometimes a road uh when we do a project there be something that treats handbook or or policy that we kind can't Implement for whatever reason I'll outline that to you I'll tell you why it couldn't be implemented just so that you're aware of that exception to the the new policy but really it'll just be a document for you all to see how that policy is being implemented and what's coming becoming of it I've also updated the complet checklist with all the new features from the the latest policy and we are implementing that for every road project that we perform any every Grant any project we are doing the complet street checklist first to see what upgrades that roadway needs the checklist is a document that basically points out um well should say it guides us and just checking each location of the roadway ask for pedestrian Ada handicap car bicycle elements of the roadway and trying to direct us to check all those things and as we go through that checklist we notice oh you know what we need this Improvement we need that Improvement or we have this and helps us figure out um what projects we should do and how the road should be designed we were seeing some issues especially at Sunset Avenue at Main Street with vehicles using unoccupied parking lanes and bike Lanes to access uh right turns or left turns or pass bypass traffic um it was becoming a safety issue with pedestrians in the crosswalk as well as bicycles on the bicycle lane and we decided to implement some Ballers to kind of block that access we weren't sure if the Ballers would be still standing at this time but they are they don't seem to be damaged and it seems that we have 100% compliance at this time of people not traversing cars in the bicycle lane so this is something that if we find other areas of the city that are having this issue we can easily easily and quickly implement it did not was not a cost to the city of much it was very simple uh and evenly in budget the asur Avenue and Ridge Avenue traffic signal uh while it was pleaded last year we have now completed the process of handing this over to MTH County currently all the traffic signals along Asbury Avenue from Ridge Avenue to Main Street are asre Park's property and our responsibility to maintain even though they are along the county roadway um as we upgrade these signals we allowed to give them back to Mammoth County under a certain procedure and they take all their full maintenance so we have figured out that policy we figured out that procedure and we have handed the signal off to MTH County and they will continue to maintain it um from here on out we're eager to get some more signals up and ready to go for them um the process was a little labor intensive because there's a lot that MTH County wanted in the signals so we had toere to a lot of their regulations but now that we've completed this project we kind of have our even template to go through with new traffic signals as we upgrade them so I'll move to active projects these are mostly our grant projects and bigger projects that we've been doing um there are a lot of active grants currently uh I will go through each one and I'll try and give you an update of what's going on with each Grant as well as what the grant is so we have our Asbury Avenue bike ways Grant which is to implement um reconstruction of sorry not reconstruction repaving of the roadway as well as some re reconstruction of some sidewalks and some curbing as well the implementation of protected bik Lanes along Asbury Avenue from Main Street to hex Street we are hoping that we can award the bid for construction tonight I believe it's on the agenda for later this evening um and once we get that signed we can begin construction and hopefully have this done for spring or early summer 2025 we have a safe streets to Transit grant that we're using to upgrade the banks Avenue and Prospect Avenue intersection including new pavement new sewers new sidewalk new storm drains curbing uh and a whole new signal with pedestrian signaling this is under construction at the moment uh we are hoping or should so we we are going to be complete with all road work and all ground work before the school year begins uh and we will have the signal inst installed before the end of the Fall probably September or October we have a safe Street Safe Streets to Transit grant for the Copan Avenue and Bond Street intersection as well so intersection same upgrades including new sanitary sewers storm drainage curving sidewalk and select bump outs as well as pedestrial pedestrian signaling and a new signal we just are beginning preliminary construction prelim preliminary design engineering for this project with Dynamic traffic engineering we are hopeful that we can get it construction uh early next year we have the safe roots to school grant for uh the traffic cing along third and fourth Avenues we have finally received approval from uh dot to enter the final design phase there are three phases to these grants prel preliminary engineering final design and construction final design is a short period before construction uh it is our time to get all of our engineering documents in place this should only take uh a month or two we will have one more public meeting for the public to the project and see what we're going to do and then we can get approval to go into construction we're hoping that we can begin this project in this construction of the project anyway in the spring of 2025 and have it done relatively quickly this is the project also for our our race intersections if I didn't say so we have a safe roots of school we applied for a safe roots of school grant for the FY 2024 uh for traffic calling along Banks Avenue but we were denied we did not receive it on the grounds that they were still waiting for us to finish our previous one so we will continue applying for these grants once we have finished our are a current one uh we have a safe streets for all Grant this grant is for the development of a comprehensive Transportation safety action plan I will be working with uh a consultant to form which to review our entire Transportation Network including crashes adaa compliance sidewalks Curbing and everything and finding our where we're lacking in in transmission safety and this program or this grant will develop a plan for us to take steps to increase our safety and lower the number of serious injuries fatalities and overall collisions and accidents in our city we have the transation Alternatives uh Grant which is for the main street streetcape we are about to enter we are waiting for one more permit actually from Dot and then we are going to enter construction phase for Main Street for new trees uh some bicycle racks and limited benches along from Neptune border to the Lake Drive or to e8th Avenue actually sorry um we should be seeing this completed should be actually construction should begin in spring with the planting season we have to wait for the planting season for the trees but it should not take long at all and should be ready to go before summer of uh 2025 and we also have a local Aid infrastructure Grant which is for bicycle racks and lockers at the transportation center and along cookman Avenue Lake Avenue and Springwood Avenue around the Trac Transportation Center uh we are going to begin preliminary engineering soon and find locations and the appropriate Hardware and bicycle racks for the area we have also have our last Grant a few grants which are all of our missal Aid grants these are our major road projects um our our you know our fy19 FIS year 19 project is our reconstruction Memorial Drive we Memorial Drive is completed with new sewers new storm drains new pavement new curving new sidewalk the the two traffic signals there will be traffic signal at Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue now are to be installed in the next month and the final pavement should be finished after see here now this September we should have the whole product finished before October uh including the new striping which is going to involve protected bicycle Lanes on either side of the roadway our fiscal year 2021 Grant is Monroe Avenue and comto Street which are currently under construction I think comto the CER sewer has been completed and they're working on the storm drains and sidewalks and curbs right now and then once they finish that they'll move to Monroe these will both be completed before the end of the year this year with final Paving hopefully taking place in October our physical year 2022 Grant is reconstruction of 8th Avenue similarly reconstruction all pavement curbing sidewalk sewer and storm drains from uh full like of 8th Avenue so Kingsley Street to I guess that's Main Street delect Drive um has been completed with the exception of the exception of final Paving final Paving will be taking place after SE here now to avoid any uh issues with parking during the summer period um but we expect that to be done uh early October and be completely have a new nice new roadway fiscal year 2023 is First Avenue so we will be reconstructing the pavement select sidewalk select curbing um all and the storm and the sewer and storm drains along First Avenue from Memorial Drive to I guess a Central Avenue we just began preliminary uh engineering for this project with tnm Associates we will hopefully be ready and ready for construction at the end of late next year so is probably constructionist will probably begin in 2026 beginning of 2026 uh fiscal year 2024 we have a reconstruction of Second Avenue and Third Avenue between Grand and Berg this is also new pavement select curves select sidewalk uh new sewer and storm drain in that area we are hopeful to begin uh we haven't begun PR engineering just yet we're hopeful to have a similar timeline with First Avenue and be able to kind of begin Construction in 2026 we also applied for a grant this year for an FY 2025 grant for the repaving of Langford Street between uh Prospect Avenue and Asbury Avenue it's still pending we're waiting to hear back if we got the grant uh and of course we have to review uh finances to make sure that we can perform the project but it would really be just for a repaving of the roadway we also applied for a Transit Village Grant um the canopies at the transportation center are aging pretty rapidly and we are we applied for a grant to refurbish these canopies uh along the rail platform as well as the bus station um we are still W waiting to your back if this is a grant that we received as well uh both of these pending grants will be reviewed once they are awarded or not to see if if we can get them done but we believe we can the raise Grant so we partnered with Mammoth County to provide to submit I should say a raise Grant this is a Federal grant um in two two steps the first step is developing a plan for improvements along Asbury Avenue for the full length that means from the circle from 35 to the ocean this would be a review of the entire roadway all its infrastructure and how it can be upgraded and it rolls into a second application for for implementation and construction Grant after it's completed we uh applied once already and we did not receive it but they called us and asked us to apply again so we are hopeful that we'll receive it this year and once we complete this project we can apply for the construction implementation Grant uh in probably two years time we have launched the Easy Ride for Life a park program this is a program uh based for seniors and uh eligible income residents to get cheap easy rides through areas in and around as Park we found that we only have 11 program members for a total of 38 trips since it's launch in December we found that M County launched their own program with this and theirs is free and ours cost a little bit of money so we've kind of have lost a few participants so we're going to review um how our program could better play with Mama County's program and see if we can build a better program that's going to be more uh interesting and easy to use for our residents but overall we've had good a lot of feedback with the residents that have been used the program I see uh most of the trips they've been using actually are for medical grocery shopping and limited shopping so it's definitely something that's being used andin something that's being used for uh the right purposes and for helping people get around do their thing we are also performing traffic intersection reviews with Dynamic traffic engineering we are currently doing one at Dake Drive in Kingsley Street to review the uh what's be the proper and most effective traffic control device at the intersection as well as anything that increase pedestrian and car safety uh we have collected traffic counts but now we're working through collecting crash data and uh reviewing that before we complete the signal warrant analyses we have reviewed the Springwood Avenue and Ridge Avenue intersection and developed a traffic signal upgrade plan this is not engineering this is simply a plan uh for when we can apply for Grants and say we have this plan to go this is how we're going to improve the intersection this is how we're going to improve the signal it helps us get grants and helps us move through grants faster we've also done this for Lake Avenue and Bond Street which we explored uh different kind of ways of of uh fixing the traffic pattern including a roundabout including bump outs um some are more feasible than others but we have to review those and see which one's the best operation operational wise um we also have for Lake Avenue and Emery Street uh their signal there is pretty outdated it's a large intersection we reviewed some pretty large bump outs to see if we can make it a little safer for pedestrians those reports are becoming available and will be made available to the council at your uh whatever you'd like uh and also we are looking at Kingsley Street at Fifth Avenue and sunset Avenues to see if there are any traffic control measures that are needed place there they're currently the only area of uh of the Kingsley street that are really not stop controlled with a signal or anything um and we were just looking to see if we can control it next to the parks next to the Waterfront to see if there's any safety issues or ways we can improve the situation down there we have some pending projects uh things that I am interested in implementing things I think will be helpful through our translation network uh that I'm bringing to the council uh for you all to review for us to have begin our discussion on on internally um the first of which is temporary bump outs we've seen bump outs be helpful with pan Crossings it shortens the The Narrows the roadway shortening the crossing of pedestrians um giving them get AC cross quicker and safer as well as creating uh something for cars to navigate so they have to make tighter slower turns as well as slow down at the intersections I believe we can do these on a temporary basis with um Ballers and paint to see the effect of them and see how effective they are before we Implement them uh you know for any construction purposes Ridge Avenue and Third Avenue is intersection that has some odd geometry and has a lot of collisions and I think this would be a strategy that would allow cars better visibility um and also slow them down and give them uh safer turning options um we will I have I think I've given you all memo about that I'll see if we can that's something we can do and something that's we're interested in doing but I think doing this would help us understand what areas are really in need or really affected by bump bouns we can easily do a traffic count before and after or during to determine the effect of speed and and volume roundabouts we had discussed roundabouts in the past so I had Dynamic traffic engineering is uh develop one out of paint ballage that we could temporarily try um you know one of our biggest concerns from the public and from the city council when we were trying to do BS was it was only paint and cars could drive over it and ignore it so we're trying to find ways that we can make it visible make it uh you know something they have to navigate using ballards and paint I think we can create something that cars will have to follow through will slow traffic down make it safe make it safer that even trucks can still navigate there are even opportunities out there companies like Vortex who provide these um large rubber installations kind of similar to the speed bumps we use they're bolted down with bolts um and they are easily driven over uh They Don't Really break or anything like that and they can be navigated by large trucks if they have to pass over them but it's a physical barrier for cars to go around there it's it's not overly expensive it's something that we can put in put out um it's something we can try and and see if it works with traffic counts we also have the cookan Avenue at asur Avenue bikeline I have brought this up before and I felt like bring it back because was it was advantageous because a recent news article came out with some Ed uh more editorial information or data from Ruckers um I believe wrote it down yeah so the presence of the of the designated bicycle lane in this area decreased average maximum speed of vehicles by 28% and reduce the average speeds of vehicles making right turns by 21% reduce the average overall vehicle speed uh going straight by 8% it's a piece of infrastructure that I think creates a safe space for bicycles to make right turns uh it cuts out the illegal right turns that are currently happening motor vehicles and it also slows traffic down PR them making them take a wider uh or more tighter slower turn and uh more you know more visual friction for them it's something I think we should explore even we continue with temporary paint but just wanted to begin the con construction conversation on that finally we have a number of driver feedback signs around the city uh there's two on ZET Avenue two on Asbury Avenue and two on bangs Avenue they are having power issues uh the bangs Avenue one still work out fine but we're having issues keeping the other four operational um I going to going through a project with uh my staff as well as the uh City electrician to try and get them operational with the company they don't offer direct tech support where they come out and fix them for you so we're kind of on our own with their information but I want to get them up and running I think it's more of an issue with the solar panels than it is with the hardware We have replaced the batteries in the past and gotten them working but in time the batteries have more issues so uh I think we know what the problem is and we just trying to find a solution but we are determined to get them up and running those are all the pending projects I have at the moment uh the one thing I did want to add to my presentation I didn't get a chance to is that we did receive the city of as Park did receive a gold uh award for um safe roots to school this year from Easy rod and from the NG doot this is an award that helps us apply for safe roots of school grants it's basically um evaluated on the city's efforts to increase safety and Transportation around schools uh our efforts with our crossing guards as well as our new updated complet treats policy all factor into that um but that is the uh conclusion of my current active and pending projects um city council if you have any questions for me I'm happy to answer them I I just have one some of the feedback I get um is that the crosswalks on cookman at both Bond and Emory are difficult to maneuver because the traffic signals are kind of skewed a little bit to the side so there's not really any um it's hard to see the traffic lights and there's no crosswalk lights so that's some feedback I've gotten okay so the bond Avenue intersection that's part of at Bond and cookman at at yeah so we'll be upgrading the cop and bond one so it'll have The Pedestrian signs it'll def be way more visible uh the Emory intersection is definitely one where we're keeping our eye on it's definitely outdated needs upgrades as well thank you thank you uh two James for those is that the trees are blocking the sun is that what's making is that what you think is making them not work uh I think it's it be part of the problem I it's the batteries are are we're finding them exploded out so I think it's more of an issue um with the power being drained from the batteries um and then them freezing okay expand so it it's be part of the problem but I don't think that's the main culprit okay um and then the loading zone down on down by bangs um and I don't know that you can do this but people don't I think people are still confused by the purple like is there can we just stencil in loading from 9 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. so people then know after that they could in theory or whatever the hours for the loading zone are I don't know off the top of my head um so just I'm putting that on your radar think about it it's not emergent just the purple's not common for people like yellow is common or whatever and then the only other thing this was a wonderful presentation the only the only piece of um information I'm going to ask is it would help me if you just occasionally put in like pricing like I know the pricing of painting the bike Lanes on Sunset like I know that's very expensive like so it just might help people to understand when we're budg for these projects this is 500,000 this is 1.5 million sure y just in the future when you you do it but other I thought it was great okay that's is from us so all right then thank you James thank you we're now on to public participation I have a motion meing to the public second all in favor I thank you public participation portion is now open any member of the public who wishes to speak please use the microphone state your name and address for the record and there will be a 3-minute time limit for each speaker again your name and address please thank you hi my name is Nina suin I reside at 1101 bangs and I do have a question not only for transportation but for the city manager and the council I've lived on that corner for the last 30 plus years and this is the first summer that I've had that I can't go outside and enjoy my weather and I'd like to know how much longer do I have to endure and suffer through this construction because now my corner is now a Dumping Ground anything that they cut up on Prospect anything they cut up on Monroe Summerfield comes on my corner and it's still out there today you look out my front window and there's a big old dump truck you look on the left side on comto side and the Polish cement bricks that came from around the corner why is that why hasn't it been picked up as it's being ripped up off the street and why do I have to suffer a whole summer of not being able to enjoy sitting on my porch can't sit outside during the daytime when they're out there I'm on oxygen I have cop I can't inhale the dirt and I can't inhale the the diesel trucks I've been inconvenienced in that neighborhood since June when they started between losing water for two days and not and being evacuated at one point for a gas leak where I almost ended up in the hospital so I'd like to know how much longer do I have to endure this in my neighborhood and you're talking about going into other areas and doing the exact same thing you need to really go into the community and speak to the residents that that live there and find out how inconvenience they've been since this project started well I'm going to take it away from James for a second I totally agree with you Nina we've talked about this where your street has been the corner from hell with how many times they've opened it up closed it up for water for gas for everything else and everything but I think the question shouldn't be addressed to James it should be a question to the city manager assistant city manager they should get in touch with tnm who's supervising this job and the contractor first thing in the morning and try to get this resolved as soon as possible because Nina is right and I've been there every time and they dump the remnants from other streets on her block so it's it's totally unacceptable so it's but it's a something we have to address with tnm and the contractor yep yep well I will look into this first thing tomorrow morning and I will be in touch with you thank you thank you and part of part of the thing when we had the they broke the water pipe and so we had to pay to fix it and have sewer rat out there we're back charging the W uh the the water company to reimburse us for that bill yeah and same with the gessle you know obviously that wasn't done by the city it was done by a contractor and they taking up all cost for that but that didn't help inconvenience you and make you sit in an ambulance for 12 hours so again I apologize for that it wasn't done on purpose but it happened and there were markouts so it should not have happened happen thank you NE yes sir um how you doing my name is Larry Sims um I have a rental property on 602 compstock they they're doing the construction for the uh the sewer lines and now I want to you know make a state I done put a lot of a lot of money for the the the um you know plumbers to come out but they did a good job for the you know putting the drainage in now and uh I I want to recommend you know he he did a uh Keith uh meller for for the engineering he you know he's on it he's doing a good job for for doing the work out there um you know it's just you know a lot of money is being the taxes we pay a lot of taxes this town and my grandmother owns a house on bangs Avenue 921 bangs so you know I I mean you know we we come across these tracks track sometime the try I don't even want to drive to park my truck on the on in on the on the my my lot because the tracks is bad here you know you got a it's a lot of tax money here and and you know things need to be addressed and I understand it has to be a project you know one project at a time but um we need to just try to tighten up M it you know and and like you know my I can remember my grandmother telling me it was time that she couldn't even come down here so you know when when when when I was I wasn't even born but um you know that's that's that's the past tense you know we we moving forward you know thank you thank you and again if if there's something wrong there's a city portal you can go to our website logic complaint you should get response within 24 hours and if not you can call the administration but you see something wrong something's going wrong please yeah I say something call call right away don't wait for a council meeting just call right away that way we can fix it as quick as possible thank you thank you good evening to all uh basically what I want to say is we need help on this my name is Peter Plant for Pine Tree Lane and Al New Jersey thank you okay uh I'm talking about the rent leveling program we're just 27 multi family homes that have three or more tenants and and we've been penalized we allowed we are allowed to increase our tenants rent at 3.5% this year my taxes went up 40% from $10,000 to $14,000 that's 40% technically 39.6 well basically well while you and the state sleep with all these companies that build tow houses and give them all abatements and they're selling them for $8 $900,000 a piece where my taxes go down next year I don't think so what we need here is this we need some sort of balance I need your help and I need some balance where are my advocates the dollar store is no longer it's a buck and a quarter a buck 75 uh the cost of living has doubled and triples I mean that's not rocket science we're all living it you can't get a handyman for less than $400 so at 3.5% it's not cutting it for the homeowners also water heaters years ago was $700 I to put a water heater in my house cost me $1,600 for a water heater without even being put in for the labor here's another joke I went to church the other day I lit three candles one for me my girlfriend and her 88y old mother it cost me $3 a piece for candles the light that's we need to abolish this 3.5% increase on the rents I mean it's I don't understand I mean I'm here 16 years is I invested in in this city these companies come in and you kind of got what you wanted because you building the place up millions of dollars here 900,000 there uh here's the other thing when I'm ready to retire who would be interested in purchasing my property because of this situation I want to be able to afford and upkeep my house it's not about Democrats it's not about Republicans it's about common sense we we kindly request a minimum adjustment of 10% increase of rents as soon as possible to compensate for the 40% increase of at least my taxes and I'm sure everybody else's taxes went up to 40% and you're telling me that I can only increase 3.5% it's not rocket science we need help here we really do I thank you for your time and have a safe evening no and I I thank you and I apologize you couldn't speak at the last meeting and I did follow up and asked the administration to make sure somebody reached out to you and I was told I apologize for my grammar that everything was fine and you were Jolly B so obviously I was not told the truth so I wanted to be prepared tonight to answer your questions okay and I was told you would talk to Veronica and talk to Elton and everything and everything was they know me they know me very well and I was told like you were happy obviously you're not happy so I apologize for I got the wrong information did you ask you know there is a there is a red control board that does meet monthly and you can go there and you can make an application for a hardship increase more than 3 4 and 5% especially if you were like say a good landlord that had an increase the rents for years and you're going to get it so there is a way to get more than 3.5% I I understand that but listen it's not rocket science it's 40% you're telling me I can't get a 10% increase to my tenants and to be honest with you most of my tenants are with me for five six years so you don't want to be throwing people out and I'm pretty with my rents you already know how much I get every year from my from my building I don't know anything well whomever okay the rent leveling the rent leveling they knows they know every penny I get so why do I need to do a hardship isn't that a hardship already 40% 3.5% who are my advoc Kats I'd like to know I really would I would suggest you apply for the hardship so that you're kind of passing the bu then no I'm not going to sit here and FIB to you and say like yes we're going to change it so everybody in the city can raise I'm not saying I'm not right now but like I said it's not right rocket science 3.5% increase and a 40% increase it's a little Gap there so if I would ask for 10% more on the rent would I be a bad guy no I think you should do that the hardship here okay so Peter just to follow up on that you and I spoke and I went back then and spoke with the city manager and assistant city manager there's an ordinance in place that caps it at the 3.5 so that ordinance is in place and the best way for you to get through this issue is to go to the rent leveling board that's why they're there and put in this hardship application to be able to raise the rent based on your increase in taxes but isn't it the council's job you made a 3.5 right Council correct but we just can't randomly just change it right now there's an ordinance in place and there's policies in place to support that ordinance and there's avenues for you to go and make applications based on these these expenses is there a process that you are willing to look at in a time frame to raise it from 3.5 so we actually review this ordinance I'm going to say once a year we have conversations about this ordinance um you know just based on the feedback that we get and that would be at what what time of the year that it's coming up as we start to hear feedback we have different conversations and bring in some of our professionals and some of the department heads and just have these conversations but for you for right now your best bet is to reach out to the rent leveling board I thank you for your time everyone thank you hi my name is Joe MRI BR I live at 1606 Su Avenue just want to thank you for your presentation uh I have three questions the first question is how many trucks uh use the cookman Avenue loading or the bangs Avenue loading or any of them to how many human or pet fatalities have happened on 3rd fourth 5th and sunset this year and my third question is how many trucks and how many fatalities does it take for my neighborhood to end up in your slides I won't have the data for uh either those loading trucks at bankam or those bases or for accidents as all probably an inclusions reports police and there's no number that we're looking I understand you're you're uh you have the issue with trucks uh on Su Avenue at Ridge correct yep yeah I saw your email the other day appreciate you're reaching out video I have not seen the video no to take a look at the video okay I can play it for you if you'd like there's answer your question there's nothing that we're looking for no number no magic number we're all concerned about all accidents and all collisions sure I'd just like to ask you to think about putting my neighborhood in your slide sometimes okay thank you thank you Joe hello oh okay um hello I'm kathle mauma Sunset Avenue thank you James for your presentation um I have a lot of questions so I'll just should I ask them all at once and a couple of comments um so my question start you mentioned the traffic studies I wonder if we can see those results um I wondered where we can find the complete streets checklist um I wondered about if green infrastructure is being considered in any of the roadway Improvement projects um we need green infrastructure it helps calm uh traffic as well as manage storm water at the same time there's a lot of good ideas out there about them uh my next question is can we see the plans for the Asbury Avenue bike lane improvements another question question is you said a three-phase project process but I wondered if you could repeat the the phases um for the Safe Streets for all Grant where you're going to work with a consultant where will there be a chance for public input and then I just had a few comments too um thank you for starting to paint the Lanes on Sunset Avenue I think it looks good so far um a few feedbacks I have are it would be great to see the green paint the full way of the lane I understand it's a budgetary issue but would like to support that um it would be great to see the number of green bike Lanes in town expand um so it creates more of a network um and also there's a spot near the bridge like where the asbery Border ends it would be great to have green paint near those borders um because that's an area where you get if you're on a bike you get like squished by the traffic and the road curves a certain way so if a car is speeding like it it you feel the the narrowness there um and then I just want to say three things that I and I think other people would like to see in roadway improvements um our green infrastructure which I already mentioned we want to see traffic calming we want our neighborhoods to be safe and accessible by bikes scooters Walkers cars children elderly people people with disabilities everybody um and also we'd like to see the chance for public input for these plans a lot of people have like institutional knowledge like nah has lived in her block for decades she you know asking for public input before these projects start I think is crucial because you'll get knowledge that you wouldn't have just from looking at a map or an engineers's report Kathleen um to start the area that you're asking for on Sunset Avenue by the bridge is that the uh area by the restaurant yeah by the restaurant probably a little on the other side too but it's more so when you're when you're heading westbound by the restaurant the the way the road curves going it Narrows so a green spot green I'll see what we can do it it was a concern with the narrowing and and parking situation so I'll see what we can do for that uh so just a uh one thing I apologize I did forget to mention as part of the complet streets update uh policy um there is a uh a trigger to start doing a more public process for projects I'm trying to figure out exactly what that looks like but I I would like to have public input for for every project we're doing um I don't know if it's going to be before we apply or after we receive the project I kind of have to figure out how I want to run that but yes I do want more public input I do want to speak with the the public and see how feels about how the road is going going what they think will be improvements and for for suggestions such as green infrastructure updates um we haven't really explored too much green infrastructure yet but there were emails this week I know um and I spoke with Michelle already I'm going to be joining the green team in September for a meeting to talk about uh green infrastructure what You' like to see what I can do what we can put out I'm also going to be taking a walk with Eileen Chapman and uh check out some areas along some of our current Grant projects probably First Avenue Second Avenue third Avenue um to see what we can incorporate uh into our current active grants um the checklist isn't AA is not available online right now but we can of course share it with you um maybe I can add a complete streets um page with some information on the web page but if you email me I'll happily share the checklist with you um the as Avenue Bikeway improvements I don't have them with me I can share them but the easiest thing to do is to look at asra Avenue between hex Street and Grand Avenue the traffic pattern that's in place there protected Bike Line on either side of the street is what we'll be stretching all the way to Main Street yeah the uh you also asked oh the grant process um so grants from Dot and from the state there's three major steps there's preliminary engineering there's final design engineering and then there's construction and since this is money coming from the state we have to meet all of their requirements and all of their kind of checklists and things like that so we we go through you know prelim engineering is when we do a lot of the main stuff we might do a public meeting we go out to the area we see what we're going to do we start the engineering plans we start the preliminary plans get the project into what we're going to do and then we take all that specific information and we give it to doot we wait for their approval which sometimes takes a while um they give us a lot of feedback make us change some certain things especially when it comes near their roadways of their property there permits that we have to get uh but once they give approval we enter our final design phase which we what we're uring for our traffic hming on third second third and fourth Avenues this is the process where we finalize our plans literally uh in the sense of engineering this is the measurement through actual measurements this is the actual um what we're going to do here there there there there we get our permits um all them from transit and G do whatever else we need city permits and we have all that lined up ready to go a l times there's a a last public meeting as well and we go to do again wa their approval on those things more demands more changes whatever else we finally get approval to go to construction we go out to bid and then pay for the actual construction so that's the process Uh there's Big gaps in between with theot approvals and changes sometimes which is unfortunate um and for your last question do Safe Streets for all there will be a very large portion of that is public input um when it comes to developing plans especially they rely a lot on public input typically more than construction projects but I am interested in increasing the amount of public input on construction projects as well okay thank you welcome okay all right hi James Kathleen nck 11:15 4th Avenue um I've got some questions um I'm not going to ask all of them I'm going to set up time with you and you and I can go over your your your data um I definitely Echo everything Kathy was it Kathleen okay Echo everything that has been said so far um definitely need the data we have to have data in order to figure out where we're headed um do you have problems and goal statements set up or do you want me to keep asking yeah oh okay problem and goal statements where is your project Charter all of that needs to be posted online for transparency purposes um specifically the project plan because you got a lot of projects here and I do project management for a living so I'd be happy to to help you give you some gu whatever but if you don't have those I'd be happy to help um definitely need the public input how are we coming along with Fourth Avenue in terms of the traffic coming measures because when you talked about the roundabout and that material it's highly ineective because I live on Fourth and that's all we hear all day long and you know what I talked to the traffic cops all four of them you know what they say people blow right through those those things are ineffective so you've got your own traffic police echoing that they're ineffective so um problem goal statement Collision data definitely want to see how often um I would like to see the Collision rate and and that data uh tracked over time and then I guess my last question is what is your particular turnaround time for responding to emails because I did send you several emails I tagged you in the email I highlighted your name and that was over probably two months ago and I still haven't gotten a response from you so I'll let you you take it from there sure so I forgot to add Kathleen's comment also I do have a lot of the the highlights from those traffic studies that I can give you in a moment as well um and of course you can always ask me for them I'll give you the the the information um posting online as well as the comment for for turn around for emails I try my best but I am I'm only one person in the department I don't have someone to help me and I if I'm not in the office for a reason I get pushed back things you know get backed up a lot I I have currently have 12 voicemails and probably 20 emails that I'm waiting to get through 12 is the work I'm doing so I apologize for that I do my best and I'll try to be better about responding emails um two months is too long I I must have fallen through the cracks with that one I apologize so I'll take a look please forward to me again if you can I will and you know what I appreciate your accountability so whenever as a leader whenever I mess up you're going to hear it from me first because everyone smells when people don't own own accountability it comes across as BS and everyone can smell it so thank you I appreciate that that that's good leadership so keep going um the speed bumps yeah they don't they don't work I I try my best not to implement any speed bumps in the city the cars hit them they go over them it makes noise makes vibrations they don't really slow down uh if there is any factor of slowdown it's only at the speed bump so I don't personally like inting speed bumps the material for the roundabout that I was talking about I was just saying that it's the same material and if you have an option not to go over the speed bump you're probably going to take it so you go around it like that so it's just a more raised feeling to roundabout um not necessarily speed bump the same way um posting online I can see about making more things available online um things change a lot especially in the grant process especially when it goes to dot it's hard to keep up with that especially being one person um posting online over and over again uh it's it's decent amount of work I could see about what I can do how I can get page up we have the uh ongoing construction page maybe I can post more information on that uh or keep them a little more up to dat to where we are in the projects like I said it's hard to post um very specific things because there are a lot of times that things Chang in a project and I I want to avoid false information floating around because it changed but we can we can definitely uh explore that um Collision data and traffic data I don't have that I have um there's some there's some programs through like ngd called Safety Voyager where I can see the highlights of that crash data that I have access to but I don't have the ability to share a lot of that I mean we can look at it together um but for actual reports you have to go to the police even I have to go through the police so I I don't have that to share uh the the the I think the sheriff's office has it or MTH County Sheriff's Office I've already inquired so that's where that data is located but okay okay yeah um time and you said a problem and goal statement you're asking me what my problems and goal statement in or like do you have them do you have them written out Pro so for every project when you run the projects you have to have a project uh management tool which includes a timeline you have to definitively there's five elements to a pro problem statement and then there's about four elements to a goal statement and then you track to that your your project plan but when you and I meet I've got excellent project management tools I can share them with you and i' be happy to to help you with that sure so we don't we all our grants have to have schedules have to have uh scopes of work things like that not to the extent that you're talking about we not as as organized as you're talking about but they do exist in that form where we have an end product we're going towards uh you know the goal of of you know improve this improve that increase safety bump out whatever infrastructure we're talking about as well as the product schedule of how many months things should take um we do have some things like that and we also operate and I could I don't know about I could see how I can make this available as well but we do have uh what we follow is a spreadsheet of roadway conditions um as far as roadway work goes obviously um the traffic cing and things like that are more off of our data that we collect but the row conditions we have a list that we go down and try to knock off the top ones as best as possible um depending on if there's something else going in the area we might jump down a number but pretty much we always go for the top it's why we applied for uh pavement of lankage Street it was the next uh Road on our list for the worst Pavement in the city um so we can I can show that I don't know about sharing it because it changes but we can talk okay um and I think you oh and if I can run through a few things for the traffic studies um I grabbed some some overall data just to share it so Second Avenue in Pine Street there was an average of 1,540 vehicles per day 23% of vehicles speeding over 25 miles per hour with 4.5 Vehicles over 30 miles hour that's kind of how I organize them just for talking about them so I'll run through them Ridge Avenue at Third Avenue 2,000 vehicles per day 14% of vehicles speeding over 25 1.8% of vehicles speeding over 30 Ridge Avenue at Ivy 1,177 vehicles per day 133% of vehicle speeding over 25 0.73% of vehicles over 30 mph Summerfield Avenue at lenford Street averages 1,926 vehicles per day 12.5% Vehicles speeding over 25 milph 2.32% of vehicles speeding over 30 m hour Fourth Avenue at Langford Street there were four total counts taken averaging 5,200 vehicles per day with a 66% of vehicle speeding over 25 mph and 22% of vehicle speeding over 30 m per per hour First Avenue at hex Street was an averaging 1,879 vehicles per day 9.21 vehicle speeding over 25 and 1.05% of vehicles traveling over 30 mes hour and I obviously from this data is also why we're focusing on Fourth AV and Third Avenue for traffic Comming was those who had the highest numbers so far from our traffic counts and then what what I just and I don't want to hog the time but um timeline like when when am I going to see things happening on 4th Avenue oh for that project so we're entering final that's happening once forth yeah so just painting it's different this is a part of a grant process we're entering final design we have agreement with our engineer we're moving forward final design we're going to have one more public meeting uh probably September we're going to be probably out of final design in October to January depending on when we get our approv from dot we plan on starting the construction in Spring at worst early summer 2025 can we can the public have a conversation prior to you making decisions with whoever the the engineer is let us be involved are you open to that well there's a public meeting okay but before you make decisions is that what I'm hearing so I mean just in general or mean this project around let's let's say specifically around fourth so you're you're going to execute on this are we are we going to be able to weigh in before decisions are made is my question so you've had I think there's been two very two or three very active public meetings for this project already that's why we changed it from roundabouts to raise intersections there's been a lot of public input on this project okay um we are now in the process of the stage where we can't change too much other than little things so there's not much that's going to change about the project what you saw at the previous meeting is the vast majority of what you're going to see in this next meeting um there's and when you ENT final design there aren't that many changes that can be made but for future projects we're going to be including more public uh input more information and trying to get you more in the process than you have been in the past okay all right thank you hi good evening Eric galipo 908 fth Avenue Asbury Park um thanks for your presentation James and thank you for city council for making this happen this evening um I'm going to Echo a lot of the sentiments that have been um mentioned by folks here and you know I am uh an urban planner you probably have heard me say this before I have similar qualifications to James with a sub specialty in Street design complete streets and public space design and un fortunately what I see in our presentation is a policy and a vision that is overly focused on cars James I'm not blaming you for this but it is the outcome of a lack of vision that brings together the multiple parts of our streets that should be integrated together including green infrastructure including Environmental Quality for people who have uh trouble breathing or just old people safety for children arts and culture public space design safety in this presentation there was actually only the word pedestrian mentioned twice and that's not because it's not in there but it doesn't start there and so when we think about how streets are designed we have to think about the big picture and what I see is that we're in the forest for the trees we've been asking for bump outs and raised crosswalks and safety for years years and we have seen very little progress on that front I'm sorry to say my husband was struck by a car in a bike lane on 4th Avenue that then drove away that person was later AB you know absconded was later found and brought to Justice over it but that's the kind of reality we are living in when we talk about people who are experiencing hardships or perceived hardships because of the level of development in town all of the traffic calming that is being put into place now is only considering existing conditions we have not integrated all of the new developments the many multiple units that are being developed in the Redevelopment areas in different areas of the city I won't mention and then there's public participation it is unfortunate that we are expected to absorb a very dense and detailed presentation that you've provided and respond to it minutes later and given only three minutes the process may be transparent it is not engaged we have a plan for walking and biking it was not mentioned one time we have a master plan that indicates the many ways that our streets should interact with the people who live in the city it was not mentioned one time and all of the people who are here want to be involved and we have repeatedly asked to be involved and then to hear Through the Grapevine the ways that we're referred to is really disheartening and so I think that there just has to be a zoom out and start to involve people more and we would have a better solution and a more comprehensive solution I don't really have any questions because there's too many say to you um a lot of the projects that we do are from the planning planning biking walking project like Asbury Avenue and even the third and Ridge Round bump outs stuff like that so C this in the progress that being made on the documents that have been put forward Community I use them every day hi good evening everybody paully sha Fifth Avenue um I'd like to know first from the audience and city council mayor how many of you ever walk in the city probably everybody sometimes do any of you ever feel somewhat compromised when you're walking raise your hand yeah okay and is the reason because of cars probably probably okay these are obviously pretty easy to answer but same thing with biking I'm I'm pretty certain that if you have children or if you have grandchildren you might hesitate to let them ride bikes around in the city if you have children some of you are young would you just let them take off on their bikes anytime I'm going to say probably not I I wouldn't I have grandchildren and I would hesitate so we have a problem with too many cars # too many cars and we're never going to have fewer and we continue development as we continue to build you know more residences and we have res restaurants um more and more people are discovering aspbury Park all the time so with that knowing that cars are the problem the fact is it is true that this presentation is dense as it is really is driver Centric it is not people Centric it's not pedestrian Centric at all and I don't even like to use the word pedestrian because it kind of has a nasty connotation these are people walking so pedestrian yeah that's the terminology but we all use our feet sometimes to get around or roll around in the city sometimes and if we feel compromised and we feel like there are too many cars and cars are drivers are speeding the focus needs to be as Eric said and Kathleen and Kathleen all of us are saying the same thing we need to have a vision for what the city can be not just here's going to be here's a bike lane here's a green thing here's a you know we're going to do this later or we can't do this now or the grant doesn't cover that or here are all the grants that we've applied for it needs to be a complete and comprehensive Vision that the city council and an advisory committee that would be comprised of people who know things in the city about uh they could can be regular citizens or people who are experts in the city asra park complete streets Coalition is comprised of people who do know a lot and would be a great asset to the city to to you James you're one person I'm not even looking at my notes anymore you're one person and you're in all those grants I can't even imagine how you spend your days I mean it just it's a lot and um with that thought we need to consider getting a grant writer company or grant writer uh individual I've checked out prices and found out that we could probably for $35,000 get a grant writing company contracted to be able to access many hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding and take that onus off of you even though you're good at it you could be on the Street you could be implementing you could be working on this Vision that we're talking about so um I guess maybe I should look at my notes I do have questions too uh public input uh the plan for walking the the plan for walking and biking was um created with public input and it it was very active and very involved it would be wonderful if you will consider please the advisory committee that you have said that you would that you would um offer the advisory committee including regular residents and people who know things in the city people who understand design and Street scaping and and safety and who utilize the streets on a regular basis uh I do have a question about the complete streets policy update that was I guess updated in April which I didn't even know did not include any input from anybody I thought that it was still in process can you explain that the policy was basically built off of the one that's uh the template that the state provides um I didn't hear what you said the there's a state template for complete policies uh I know that we we took the one that we had existing and got as close to that one as possible it's it's a you can't get exact because it's built for everybody and sometimes things something don't really apply but we basically got as close to that template as we possibly could uh there's I don't know what else to cover well I thought you I thought you had said be be long ago that you were going to look for public input or or an advisory committee to discuss the update of that oh you mean oh so there's update of the policy there is the the plan the policy calls for the development of a complete streats advisory committee that's what you're referring to right I guess but it's already been adopted and yeah no the compl advisory committee their their purpose would be to oversee the implementation of complet strees of the policy not not not the adoption of the policy the oversight of the policy being implemented in the city yeah so they would be reviewing like what I do every year and saying okay that's complete Street why' you exclude that or whatever the policy that the update of the policy was adopted but then you're going to bring in an advisory committee to implement yeah well I'm implementing now but yes I have to that's part of the implementation that's one area of it okay next I just want to ask ask quickly you you you listed a ton of Grants are they all um have they been awarded have they been applied for everything I talked about been awarded other than Langford Street the canopies those are the two that were pending and then the bangs Avenue one we were denied okay um when you describ to me we had thank you for your conversations too on the phone both of John and you twice the other day I really appreciate your time um we were talking about your pending projects pending sort of implies that there are things that are going to happen but I think you also said this evening that those are things that you want to have happen or you would like to have happen these are when I say pending because before there's before there's implementation of any project that you see in this city I'm putting in a lot of hours to get the data together the strategy together and a small plan and I take that plan and I discuss it with the city manager and with the council so I'm building those plans building those that information to see if we can and Implement if we want to implement if we think it's going to help wear that kind of information that's that's your expertise that's a great thing that's where the people that you're hearing from tonight can help you out and maybe get you away from your desk and grant writing so that we can work together to make some of these things happen um is is Main Street finished Main Street done the do project Do's reconstruction is done the streetcap project is separate they gone they're gone do is gone okay so when Mike Manel was here we were talking about Green we're talking about green paint tonight we're talking about painting the bike Lanes on Main Street Green back at that time and also about bike boxes you may or may not be familiar with the uh the concept of a bike box is at the end of a a a part of a city block where you're going to be possibly turning left down a bike there's a box at the front of the stop area where cars would stop for bikes to pull in so that you can turn left and this is something I talked about really in detail with Mike be well before he left and um since we're talking about green paint let's get some on Main Street you know it does does serve paint it's only paint but it does serve as a traffic measure or slowing traffic making the roadway seem more narrow and also making it appear that bicycle Riders will be here and with that said I just want to throw out there that um many of you drive I I drive too but it I want drivers to know anyone whoever drives and may not ride a bicycle that it is not required that anybody has to be in a bike lane even if there is one you don't have to use it bicyclists are allowed to use the full Lane and there are signs that we have in the city that indicate that some of them have been posted and thank you um I'd like to see fewer of a lot of other signs but that's a good one get bicycles may use full Lane signs you don't have to use a bike lane even if there is one you're actually sometimes safer out of the door Zone and the other thing is there's the New Jersey state 4 foot passing law that is was enacted in 2022 and almost nobody knows about it it requires the drivers go very slowly behind anybody on a bike and then pass with four feet clearance around them and I just want you to know there's a sign for that I know and I'll let you go I just information done more than three minutes but if you have a specific questions James will answer that's that's it but thanks and I I hope that you guys are aware of that that passing law thank you thank you thank you for the extra time well before I start I'd like to have 12 minutes instead of three that would be nice but in then EV I'm Tom pavinski from 16007 Emory Street um and I'm the chair of the environmental sh Tre commission and I'm sure many of you are aware of the gardens along Wesley Lake um the reason I bring that up is because it's becoming increasingly dangerous for the volunteers as well as for the many people who come to see the gardens whether they're dog walkers or guests or bicyclists or or walk just walking uh because they're off the entrance from Ocean Grove into Emory there is a large Di a triangular Garden called a pollinator garden and they both have two long Pathways that come off the problem with the pathways is they don't come off into anything that they could exit onto the street they come off onto a curb there are exits onto the street but they're about six or 7even feet away from where the pathways are the pathways need to be restructured so that they can come down because otherwise what they do is they zip right down the side of the Garden on both sides you can see the the damage erosion that they've done and that has to be done rather soon I'm impressed with all the kind of things that you're involved in and doing but this is like an emergency now kind of project because somebody is going to get hurt because we have loads of people who come with perambulators we have children who walk by we have old people who walk by we have loads of people who come and comment on the gardens and they say we come here because we love the gardens well I'm afraid one of us or one of them is going to get hit by a b by a cyclist and it's not because they're bad cyclist it's because they they don't have a decent Pathway to go down if they did they would follow it the Walkers do but the cyclists don't and there are many many people who come from mocean Grove and elsewhere into Asbury Park because this is a great place to come to that's it thank you thanks Tom is that something we can look into as definitely yeah we I just want I want to add that they're not bicycles are not supposed to be riding over that Boardwalk that bridge we should be we have to find a way and I'll be looking into a way to better message that you cannot ride your bike over the bridge because that's dangerous to come down that ramp the bridge is too narrow there's no railing that ramp is too much so there's more you're draining don't even go there that's nonsense you have to create the pathway CU those people are going to use it anyway oh then they're rocketing to the street I think perhaps the sidewalk should be it's not a big deal and if you have any connection with DPW I gu you do than I can have a DPW reach out to you Tom so you can explain it to them and walk it with them tired that's okay I'll go with you okay thank you Janna Manning 10 da Court thank you James for the presentation it was very comprehensive um was a lot to take in and be able to comment on I agree with that um wanted to um just Express uh I guess my surprise that after two years of discussions with various council members um and commitments to the idea of green infrastructure it didn't appear anywhere in your presentation um I know others U have said it so I don't want to beat a dead horse but um apparently there's there's interest in it and having it um we're talking about all of these um great ideas like bump outs uh but to maximize the benefit of having a bump out maybe there's green infrastructure underneath that we've got storm water issues we need to take some of the pressure off of the lakes and start absorbing the press the the storm water throughout the city not just sending it all to the Lakes so there's lots of opportunities if we're doing bump outs definitely consider whether or not there should be some infrastructure underneath to take in the water and to get the water to the sto to the trees so with green infrastructure we can have a healthier tree canopy with more water support from storm water instead of the storm water racing along the curb away from the tree let it get to the trees let it get in the soil there let the let it take in that water have it do some good as opposed and have the water get filtered through the soil as opposed to polluting the Lakes um and and also um those bump outs and green infrastructure it's cooling and cleaning the air providing nature for everybody's mental health and um and uh support their mental health um so in in discussing how that green infrastructure has been a topic for for two years now I wonder what it is that we can do to make it more official it didn't seem to reach you James I'm sorry um but I guess my question is how does that become something that becomes a mandate for whoever's planning our road work that we're not always trying to catch up to road work afterwards uh and say wait can we can we get into that project here um can we can we look at an opportunity to address some flooding through green infrastructure how does that become how does that become standard operating procedure what do we need to do uh to get there and um and then also with paully just asking about the complete streets policy and hearing that it was adopted but that those interested parties um and maybe they a task force or a committee uh I don't know but that they will be responsible for for ex for for making sure that there's compliance but they weren't responsible for defining the policy seems very odd to me so I hope that doesn't happen if we do move into green infrastructure policy setting that we're involved in policy setting and not just being given a policy and told to umide by it the green infrastructure is going to happen if it's been two years a year and a half whatever since it's become a buzzword we've given out no Street projects since then so but it's been explained to the engineer year by E many times by the rest of the council any future Road programs that we're funding and we're asking the state for money green infrastructure has to be part of the process so the next project you see a road being done I mean like 8th Avenue you know we got the money three years ago and some of the roads be Memorial Drive once you go out to bid it's tough to change it if you don't have the money green infrastructure will be part of every road project from here on out and and having the connection now Janny you and I are going to do a walkth through with James will get in the queue for projects that are now upcoming and be able to add green infrastructure to these projects before they go out to bed yeah it's should be the design process right there should be input on the design process all right thank you thank you hello um I'm Diana pet 321 Sunset Avenue and um James I'm member of the Green Team and so looking forward to talking with you and um collaborating with you in September and finding ways to implement green infrastructure and finding ways to encourage non- polluting ways of getting around our city um I have two bike Centric questions um number one is as we are trying to create and make more apparent and clear the bike Lanes is there also a move to put in more bike racks I mean just look outside here that all of us who bike here have to find a way to like put our bikes uh locked to a a street sign or something like that it'd be great to get more bike racks especially in plots um that are key places in the city like the post office here elsewhere and then my second um bike question is uh ex excuse my ignorance but who's in charge of um who's who uh and whose charge is the Norwood Bridge the Norwood Avenue Bridge that comes into Park on you um and sorry there a state road yeah CU I wouldn't say that that's definitely a pain Point crossing over there by bicycle um I don't know if that was discussed tonight confession I did miss most of the meeting um because there's really not an obvious way to bike safely over it unfortunately that bridge is a state uh Bridge we don't have much input on it uh but as far as bike racks yes we areed putting more bike racks out we um uh we have a grant that we're be doing some downtown and down the train station including lockers uh I would love to expand that to other areas of the city with either Corrals or something else I think that's very useful I mean if you look anywhere you're going to see a lot of uh trees with bikes on them I even bought a few extra for the Waterfront this year and plac them around the Waterfront for the beachgoers but yes we do need some permanently installed new bike racks and other location in the city great and that would be a great thing that um is there's going to be more public common how people may put x's on map where they think more bik rack should go and especially spots actually Inland as opposed to just on the boardwalk to sure we can easily do that even online or in a meeting thank you thank you a motion to close oh sorry Rita all right uh re Mor Avenue uh I think James is doing a good job but there's too much scribble in the street I mean you don't need all those signs up neither you have six signs the same on from The Bridge coming over the bridge from Allen Hurst to six to Sixth Avenue that's too many with the same writing look at Spring Lake they don't even have one sign up why do we have to have all those well there's a reason but first I want to talk about the firehouse I was looking at being you're having so many overruns I got interested in it because they got the lowest bit of all so how do we have all these overruns now for the firehouse are we building the Taj Mahar something what's going on here I mean they they're going to have an elevator for a twostory building I mean I love the fire people I think they're great but they're supposed to be physically fit they don't need an elevator I have a chair climber in my house and it's very slow and that's the way elevators are but aside from that I think you better look at the uh Wallace Brothers we have problems with them once before I don't I didn't read their contract but does it say that they can't have overruns or shouldn't it say that you're going to buy a door and you borrowed money to buy a door for that Firehouse $1.6 million are you kidding me what's going on here kind of a door is it why doesn't the firehouse have a door in the contract and I'd like to know who wrote that contract was it the engineer because the engineer knows a lot of people including the Wallace brothers did he leave them out purposely or what what's going on it's not even up yet it's just a thin frame and you have 10 overruns what's that going to be like in the end with the over over runs but anyway I want to get back to James James one of your problems is that those that sit on the Planning and Zoning Board don't provide enough parking for all these people that are moving in I my recommendation would be and I know it's real dramatic is to stop Redevelopment it doesn't help us this man was saying how much his taxes went on my taxes went up too what are we benefiting from all this nothing but traffic it's not right they either have to have two spaces for every car not one in a half I don't know where that half comes in but it's wrong they should have two spaces for two cars or they have three cars it's not like years ago when nobody had a car they had one car in the FI and come down by train it's very different now everybody has a car but you have to do something about that you can't have all this traffic and you should see my box 8th Avenue five houses on one side of the street you can't even move on that street because there's a t family right across the street from me and they don't have enough parking and then the other thing is people now are really feeling the recession or whatever you want to call it I won't call it a depression because I know what that's about but anyway a recession people are moving in with other people and I'll just give you one example across the street from me there was a man that moved in with his two children about six or seven years ago well now they're all grown he had a motorcycle now his son has a motorcycle and there's no room to park where he lives so where are in motorcycles with a car his father has a car and two motorcycles right behind parking in front of my house because there's no parking in his house that's not right I don't pay all those taxes next to me it's paying $25,000 in taxes the one after that is paying $331,000 what I mean where are we going we're not Deal New Jersey are we I don't know but okay Rita all right but I just want to say people are moving in with each other you don't even know it well if you see something wrong report it to us and we'll investigate it I'll be on the phone all day nobody answers you can call my house r as far as like the firehouse I'm going to be wrong on the exact number because there's been very few change orders a change order is something that was added to the project because something happened the two or three change orders were because of County regulations because of the county road everything else there have been you call it overruns I can't think of the proper wording because the past administ ministration the city manager the fire chief and the IT person said we can do this cheaper inhouse so be the door locks they're doing that inhouse instead of putting it out to bid because we could do it at a cheaper price that money was built into the budget so it's not money being added to the budget of the firehouse so but you're calling the overruns there have been more overruns than change orders and the change orders are because of directions from the county as far as parking and other things uh Fred correct me if I'm wrong correct said you bought land too and some of the stuff I got did we have to buy something we bought no land for the firehouse did we did not no where did you buy it we did we owned it well there was a price on in the paperwork I got well you can show to us but we we we paid no money for any land for the firehouse thank you motion to close second all in favor public participation portion is now closed we're now on to the minutes I the executive meeting minutes and regular meeting minutes of July 31st do I have a motion move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes we now on individual resolutions of resolution 2024 384 resolution approving payment of Bills second council member Buzz Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore no resolution 2024 385 resolution approving special event applications move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 387 resolution authorizing the purchase the various computers and accessories needed for Citywide computer replacement move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 388 resolution authorizing the purchase of Access Control security system at various locations Citywide move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 389 resolution authorizing payments to the Boys and Girls Club of Mammoth for public facility upgrades through Community Development block rant funds move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 390 resolution authorizing payment to the Mercy Center for Public facility upgrades through Community Development block grant funding move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn has left the room mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 391 resolution authorizing payment to Community Affairs Resource Center for a public facility upgrade through Community Development block grant funds move it second Council memberz council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn has left the room mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 392 resolution authorizing payment to ufbc Mana Pantry for public facility upgrade through Community Development grant funding move second Council memberz Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn has left the room mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 393 resolution authorizing fiber cable installation at the new Fire Department headquarters second Council memberz Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn has left the room mayor Moore I sure you said the question before for the vote and my question is rhetorical Rita this is not a change order this is something that was designed to do it cheaper in house so I vote yes thank you resolution 2024 394 resolution authorizing an annual Services agreement with power DMS for Police Department move it second council member VZ Anders council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn has left the room mayor yes resolution 2024 395 resolution amending a shared services agreement with pic Valley sewage commission for sludge disposal move second Council memberz Anderson yes council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 396 resolution approving change order number one for 2022 roadway Improvement program move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 397 resolution awarding bid for Asbury Avenue Bikeway improvements move it second council member Bez yes council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes resolution 2024 398 resolution authorizing the mayor and city council to execute a discharge of mortgage for Melvin and Barbara Daniels for property located at 1308 4th Avenue Asbury Park move it second Council memberz Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 399 resolution amending resolution number 2024 337 approving the 2024 2025 Alcohol Beverage Control license for the house of Independence LLC in the city of Asbury Park the county of M the state of New Jersey second Council memberz Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 400 resolution amending resolution 2024 295 approving 2024 2025 Alcoholic Beverage Control license for R Bar a LLC in the city of Asbury Park in the county of Mammoth and state of New Jersey in certain limited respects move it count have a second second Council memberz Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton no Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 401 resolution amending the scope of Engineering Services to be performed by CDM Smith Inc relating to the design of phase one wastewater treatment plant improvements in order to include Odor Control moov second Council memberz Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes we're now on to ordinances for introduction ordinance 2024 28 ordinance of the city of Aur Park Park in the county of mmon state of New Jersey authorizing the execution of a First Amendment to a lease agreement with asur Partners LLC Cajun fish Holdings LLC and ap5 prop Holdings LC for certain property within the Asbury Park Waterfront Redevelopment area with a public hearing date of September 11th 2024 moette second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes ordinance 2024 29 ordinance establishing restricted parking space for use by handicapped persons in the city of Asbury Park along Bond Street and amending and supplementing chap section 7-36 entitled handicap parking of chapter 7 traffic of the revised General ordinances of the city of Asbury Park with a public hearing date of September 11 2024 move second council member Bez Anderson council member chap yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor M yes ordinance 202 2430 ordinance establishing restricted parking space for used by handicap persons residing at 1515 Summerfield Avenue in the city of Asbury Park and amending and supplementing section 7-36 entitled handicap parking of chapter 7 traffic of the revised General ordinances of the city Asbury Park with a public hearing date of September 11 2024 second Council memberz Anderson council member trapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes we're now on to Second reading public hearings of ordinances I have ordinance 2024-25 this is an ordinance establishing a restricted parking space for use by handicapp persons in the city of Asbury Park along Grand Avenue and amending and supplementing chapter I'm supplementing section 7-36 entitled handicap parking of chapter 7 traffic of the revised General ordinances of the city of asur Park um our director of Transportation James banana will provide a brief overview of this ordinance James can you just know about the space thank you this ordinance uh supports the implementation of a handicap parking space on Grand Avenue right next to the library there is already existing ramp and side entrance on Grand Avenue this space would be located right next to it uh the hand the ramp onto the sidewalk would be glued out for handing of access to provide quick and easy access and parking right to the library thank you James my motion open up the public hearing on ordinance 2024 27 move to open second all in favor I public hearing on ordinance 2024 27 is now open any member of the public who wishes to speak on ordinance 2024 27 only may use the microphone at this time move to close second all in favor I public hearing on ordinance 2024 27 is now closed may have a motion to adopt ordinance 20247 motion to move to adopt ad second Council memberz Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes if no one has anything else we're on to adjournment all in favor all thank you everyone meeting attourney thank you