meeting call to order council member abz Anderson here council member Chapman here council member Clayton here Deputy Mayor Quinn here mayor Moore here please stand for a silent prayer moment of reflection we will now salute the flag I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all as to comply with the open public meetings act chapter 231 PL 1975 adquate notice of this meeting has been provided in the following manner the annual notice was forwarded to the asur par press the coaster and the Star Ledger on January 22nd 201 24 and post all the BS aboard the same date all notices are on file with the city clerk at this time we have a proclamation declaring February 28th 2024 as Jesse May Rick day [Music] you got come up here Jessie good evening everyone this is for you so I just want to introduce all of you if you don't know her this is Mrs Jesse May RX she is a pillar in our community she is well-loved she is friendly and if you piss her off she's going to let you know about it but she's our also our official photographer and we find her to be a friend to all of us so we have a proclamation here and it says whereas the city of Asbury Park takes great pride in its diverse community and values the contributions of his residence and whereas Black History Month is an important time to honor and recognize the significant achievements and contributions made by African-Americans throughout history and whereas Miss Jesse May rcks a prominent member of our community has dedicated her life to advocating for equality Justice and education for all and whereas Jesse mayri has played a pivotal role in promoting cultural awareness and fostering Unity within our city and whereas it is fitting to commemorate Jesse May RX and honor her tireless efforts in advancing civil rights and social progress and whereas the Black History Month event at the Berkeley Ocean Front hotel in Asbury Park on February 28th 2024 provides an ideal platform to celebrate Mrs Jesse May rcks and her remarkable accomplishments now therefore be it resolved that the mayor and City Council of the city of Asbury Park do hereby recognize and declare February 28th 2024 as Mrs Jesse May Rick's day in the city of Asbury Park I'm going to hold this for you take the microphone actually I am speechless from February 28th up until now I've always given my best don't expect to stand out or be recognized I just do what I do for the love of the people and For the Love of the community I I am a fighter and I will continue to fight for equal rights and justice for all of us and I especially want to thank these folks here who are considered my friends Amy Quinn we haven't always agreed Angela Anderson same thing we haven't always agreed I think we pretty much agree yeah yeah and Ivon and I of course that's my hang out buddy as I always say and everybody knows that I love my man and I've known him for 30 40 years yeah and we haven't always agreed but we respected one another and we all um shoot for the same thing and that's for the better of asur Park and all of his residence so it is indeed an honor to be recognized I don't like the light to be shined on me I like to shine light on others I like to lift others up I'm not used to be in the spotlight myself but it doesn't feel too bad so again thank you all thank you thank you thank you thank you to our new city manager and as always I thank my friend someone I've known forever and that's Alicia Floyd and my family is here if you all would indulge me I'll ask my family to please stand can you all come forward please this is my youngest son rasan this is my oldest son Corey that's my daughter KH and this is my best friend Zenia she's my sister Judy's daughter and since she was a kid I've always introduced her as my best friend that's her sister kishana and that's my little buddy Andre and that is my friend Rob and my niece Sandra mlau so thank you all for tolerating us all of you together in here shot with everybody forward okay right here big [Music] SM thank you water we're now on to special events applications okay thank you good evening Mary Council um the applications before you are all returning with two exceptions and that's the drag day of visibility walk which will be held on May 7th and the Good Friday procession which will be held on Good Friday are there any questions on any of the applications thank you thank you thank you thank you we're now on to a presentation of it Inspire by Somerset of proposed amendments to the proposed Redevelopment of block 40105 Lots 13 and 4 1209 ocean and 115 4th Avenue oh let they want to yeah we good we you good okay thank you a good evening Michael Bruno on behalf of inspired by Somerset um excited to be back in front of you with uh updated engineered plans uh and and a couple modest modifications to the previously approved plan and the plan that you saw and was attached to your subsequent developers agreement uh ultimately the changes that we're going to present tonight uh we'll we'll be in front of your planning board subsequently uh but we wanted to show you and and get any Amendment be needed to the site development agreement to reflect the changes the changes primarily result from the plans being engineered for construction drawings um there is a reduction in a number of units from 155 down to 112 that results in very very modest modifications to the sitech plan which we're going to show to see you this evening a building by building comparison virtually imperceptible of the changes uh most of the changes are are in the interior and we're excited about it because it improves the project considerably we're going to show you you those also so you know what what they're all about but uh our marketing studies and our marketing efforts to date have yielded a desire for more bedrooms people want more bedrooms people want to bring their families here people want to live here fulltime I guess because of the dirt of new single family homes that are available for people uh and the fact that people want to be in Asbury Park I mean the diversity the culture the beauty of Asbury Park people want to be here year round and that results in a desire for larger units which results in US reducing the number of units to 112 So we want to present that to you it it results in in very small changes that we'll show you uh but we think the changes albe it small are significant improvements and we're excited to be in front of you this evening to show you what what ultimately uh results from these changes um we also think that the the changes are going to allow this project to proceed much more quickly we think the sales and absorption rate will happen quicker and we think the the project will be completed quicker which I think is the desire of everybody so with that said I'd like to introduce Michael Lawson who was one of the Architects who's designed this beautiful project to kind of walk you through a comparison of what was approved and what the changes look like again they're they're virtually uh imperceptible but we're going to show you those anyway and then answer any questions you have uh this evening and and move forward Michael thank you Michael yeah have both of us here today um my name is Michael LW and I'm with manow Wasco Architects and planners and I'm very excited as as Michael Bruno said to be here to present the updates that we have uh to this fantastic project here in Asbury Park um these improvements really do make a um uh a great difference in terms of marketability for the project and we're we're excited to be here so as we go through I'm going to share several uh slides here that show what was approved in 2023 and then what is proposed in 2024 and you can see that many of these are virtually unchanged they're imperceptible in terms of what we had approved in 2023 and then what we're proposing today these changes do not change the overall height of the building uh and many of them are imperceptible to look it from one to the next this is the uh Fourth Avenue uh building elevation um this is where the main entry to the building is located um and you can see that as I said virtually unchanged from we histori Us Michael the top is what was approved and the bottom one is the the new design correct yep the top one is what was approved and the bottom is what we're presenting tonight this is the view uh along ocean Avenue as you can see here same materials virtually unchanged we'll talk a little bit about when we get to the plans some of the Interior modifications that occurred but that did not affect anything on the outside of the building or the overall massing of the building it did not affect anything in terms of the ins and outs that we had originally proposed um and as you can see this is the engineered plan that we're proposing today and that was the approved site plan that we received in 2023 the same thing occurs uh on the Fifth Avenue uh building elevation the only thing here that you will see is that there were some extra ventilation um areas that needed to be accommodated into the building along the wonderbar facade that is actually pushed back from Fifth Avenue and we've masked those with a different colored panel uh to to portray that there is uh orientation uh and hiding those mechanical uh ventilation that come off of that building in that area and then the uh Kingsley Street uh West building elevation you can see here um there is virtually no changes in terms of what we are are providing uh to from what was approved in 2023 to what was what is proposed in 2024 um the one thing that I will note and we'll get to that in one second is is that the Transformers were relocated to Kingsley based on jcpnl coordination the utility company said that we had to place them there that leads us into uh the building plans um and on the leftand side you have the approved 2023 plans and on the right hand side you have the proposed 2024 plans the main updates here um that I'll just take you through is one is the Transformer relocation that occurred from originally we had the Transformers located here we worked with JC pel we push them to try to keep them there but unfortunately they made us move them uh to Kingsley uh and what you have seen in the past with the elevations is we made sure that the ventilation that is required for those Transformers works with the original proposed elevations that we had worked with so there's no change in the amount of fenestration or the articulation of those openings we we work very hard to make that happen the other note that I wanted to say here was is that we wanted to create a continuous retail um that creates a better plan for Ocean Avenue and we relocated the beach uh the beach alley that we talked a lot about in our original uh proposal we actually relocated that to the side of the building that allows it to have direct access the same uh use the same idea going on there um but it is closer than to the Fifth Avenue and Ocean Avenue uh intersection for easy and and pedestrian safety um and does allow us to have them continuous retail along ocean which I think is is much more conducive for the city those were the main changes uh here um on the on the ground floor will go up to uh the next floor um which is the first level of the parking garage here what we have done is we provided a motor Court uh for a uh special arrival uh to the pro to the project with no loss of on street parking so this drop off sequence actually happens inside the building this frees up uh Street traffic for drop offs and that of course then happens interior of the building rather than outside the building you don't have people stopping on fourth or fifth avenue um you know to drop things off they're really going to happen now inside the building we also finalized the location of the wonderbar parking spaces and those are in a dedicated area and I can show you here they're in a dedicated area adjacent to the wonderbar and with easy access to the staircase right here that leads you straight down and then out to that beach alley that we that we reconfigured so it works really quite nicely um in terms of finalizing how this operates on a day-to-day basis because we've uh updated the parking um we actually have more parking spaces per unit uh than we had originally proposed and that's a benefit for the residents as well as making sure that there's an appropriate amount of parking for for this uh project inside uh the building the next few slides are uh in the base of the building where we have residential units wrapped around the parking garage and as you can see there really is virtually no changes here um other than um some demising walls moving based on the unit uh mix revisions that we've done and Michael uh has talked about there really is virtually no changes to the overall footprint of the building here one of the things that I did want to note though is is that in this location right here where you see this number seven we did bump out slightly in this area it's very very slight it allows for a better pedestrian connection within the garage to the North Tower that is something it's a very small change but we wanted to note it in our transparency to to you all again virtually unchanged the idea and the design intent of the base of the building um is no different than what we had uh originally proposed and were approved in 2023 as we go up the building you will see that the footprints of the towers really are virtually unchanged um the ins and outs of the building where the uh proposed balconies are occurring the depth of those all all of that is the same um as what we had originally um been approved of in 2023 as you can see here on the amenity deck that has been finalized as we've worked through the engineering drawings and worked with the Landscape Architects so there might be some modifications there but the design intent has remained the same the different uses and amenities are the same as what we testified and presented to you all um in the planning board in 2023 and as we go up the bill building the only thing that you will notice as as changing here is the unit mix inside the building where the demising walls are located based on our reduction in units um and these this happens on every single floor um and essentially the tower Footprints and those kinds of things have minor minor modifications and on the righted ways everything is the same with the ins and outs of the building again same same floor on the sixth the seventh and eighth that leads us to our mezzanine um which is a permitted uh additional area on the building for the Redevelopment plan with the revision of the of the unit mix and the layout the mezzanine remains fully compliant with the ordinance there is no net gain in square footage or massing in fact the massing has been reduced in overall square footage based on what we had originally had and been approved in 2023 three as we get to the rooftop the rooftop Tes have been reduced based on the quantity of units there's less units on the top floor so therefore we have less private Terraces on the rooftop they are still compliant um and the same amenities um that we had presented earlier apply here the massing along the RightWay has remained unchanged as well as well as the rooftop and how it is articulated uh virtually remains unchanged so that leads us back to the rendering of the building um that we're very excited to be presenting to you all tonight we think that this will be a catalyst for uh Asbury Park and and really bring a beautiful building uh to your city so thank you thank you so our plan would be to uh make sure the council's agreeable to to the changes and we hope you see them in the same light we do uh maybe do an amendment to the Redevelopment agreement to reflect the 155 to 112 units in the New Concept plans and then we'd go back in front of your planning board for an amended site plan as they deem appropriate and obviously we'll update the financial agreement and the special assessment agreement we have worked with your assessor briefly on this you know this will create more Revenue to the city it's approximately 9% we're projecting in more in more Revenue so that's good thing for the city um and so those are those are the kind of tasks that we have to undertake we're excited to get that behind us so we can we can start on Project in Earnest our clients here if you have any questions of them uh I know they're really excited about the additions and uh again happy to be before you and answer any questions you might have how excuse me with these changes how's the completion date being moved up I don't understand that well I think I think from our perspective we have less units to sell uh okay that's selling I'm saying completed built coming on Roll City gets money and we still talked in 2027 well I'll have start calling at that but I think I think I think the concept is to have more units in demand so the financing to build the project is easier to close and get underway so the sooner you can get underway with that process the sooner we can get this complete and we believe and I let my client speak for for this issue that this will this will enhance that likelihood and expedite things that's the one of the goals behind all of these changes so I think you just answered my next question is the financing in place we have certain financing in place we still have to close on a construction financing and then I know you're giving more parking than needed for 1.5 per unit but I mean they're four bedroom units and for anybody to think that somebody's going to have one car for a four-bedroom unit I think it's like you know if none of us know what the council in 2002 thought when they said units I mean if you came in with a 10 B it's not your fault I'm just like if somebody came in said I'm building a 10 bedroom unit they would have to provide 1.5 parking spots so you're building now you're the first I believe to build four bedrooms so uh you know yes it's giv us Extra Spaces but I think those Extra Spaces are going to be gobbled up quickly by four bedroom units it may be okay that's all the questions I have except uh you're going to have your client talk about Finance our clients happy to come up and you have your client talk about when this is going to start when it's going to be would you like to come up I just have a quick question no change in height from the previous no we were we were not going to DARE go on that issue hi happy to be here yes um having less units to sell to less people um more family oriented uh according to our uh sales team will enhance and speed up the absorption um typically on a job like this we've clo on the land we own it our financing is in place for where we have to be today uh our financing you don't um take your construction loan until you're literally ready to go into the ground to go up we've uh we have um lenders ready to lend us but again it's a you don't you don't borrow a year uh before now it's about 9 months before you tend to break ground uh but we are on schedule and on track and excited to uh get going and we've also uh Tak a little bit of a leap of faith and uh we've actually had our Architects uh prepare the full set of drawings for both scenarios so uh we would hope that the uh uh you know uh City would like what we're presenting either way uh we proceed um this would not slow us down one iota as a matter of fact we might be slightly ahead uh with the plans for the 112 units so you're you're if everything went perfect or semi- perfect finance and everything you're project Ed starting date and your projected ending date uh projected starting date 9 to 12 months and ending date uh two to three years from then 2027 or 2028 yeah I mean I I think it's two years especially since we don't have that much but when you when I say finish that means the last uh uh hinge has been repaired for the last homeowner uh but uh we again we we're doing this this will speed things up okay thank you questions I've got nothing thank you thank you so much thanks appreciate your time this evening thank you we'll talk to your counil about what documentation we want to you want to have to memorialize I think we got to figure out where yeser know ourselves first so and then we'll talk to councel thank you okay [Applause] we're now on matter from city council council member Bose Anderson uh nothing for me thank you council member chat yes quickly i' just like to let everyone know that tickets are on sale for the 2024 mayor's rock and roll for recreation event which will um take place on April 25th and it raises funds for the city's Recreation program it'll be at The Stone Pony it'll be lots of fun thank you council member CLE uh good evening I just wanted to announce that last weekend's Easter egg Extravaganza put on by the city had to be cancelled due to inclement weather but it will be held this Sunday um in Springwood Park the time is from 12: to 3 and it's for children 10 and under so please come out thank you Deputy Mayor Quinn nothing mayor Mo yeah this is the most important uh one for everybody it's more with no e m o r 908 4891 1887 if you're the one who hit that power ball in Neptune uh please John Moore give me a call I'll be happy to spend it with you that's thank you Matters from the city manager that's true yeah you good no I'm good thank you you're welcome matter City attorney nothing at this time thank you we're now on public participation I have a motion to open the meeting to the public move to open second thank you all in favor public participation portion is now open any member of the public who wishes to speak please use the microphone state your name and address for the record and there will be a 3 minute time limit for each speaker again please state your name name and address for the record thank you my name is Nancy Sabino and I live at 1000 4th Avenue the speedway this question has to do with the 121 Redevelopment project and I just want to say that I support the request from last meeting for a re-examination of the vehicular access of Memorial Avenue Redevelopment plan to consider having the access on Memorial and fifth as additional vehicle access points to what's now only on on Fourth I've lived on 4th Avenue since 2009 and the traffic has already increased in the past 15 years cars and non-permitted trucks driving as we all know faster than the estimated 25 mph speed limit while there used to be police cars sitting in front of my house at least once a month giving outp speeding tickets that's not been the case lately I was told by our transportation director banano that enforcement doesn't work to slow traffic so as we wait for promised raise sidewalks and calming traffic lights further on 4th Avenue traffic now boldly and flagrantly flies up and down Fourth Avenue case in point today I saw two dump trucks a DPW backo two liquid container trucks school buses and vans careening midday past my house as I was writing this and tried pulling out of a side street onto third or fourth Avenue inching out past all the parked cars practically halfway out onto the Avenues only to see annoyed drivers angry to have to slow down while these situations are not being addressed adequately now I can't imagine how the increase of 130 units on 4th Avenue daily will make anything better it was stated at last meeting that there was a traffic study done to support the decision for locating vehicular access from 4th Avenue I'd like to know how to get a copy of that study the study mentioned it was done in 2019 before the pandemic changed everyone's driving habits and use data from inexplicably Third Avenue not fourth I believe that a reexamination should at least look at the exact streets in question now and consider alternative options that could better distribute traffic more evenly throughout the three streets that the new development sits on between Memorial 5ifth and 4th to recap more police enforcement now would helped to show the residents that the city recognizes and doing something about the speeding cars and overweight trucks on Fourth and I support the reexamination of the vehicular access of Memorial Drive development plan to consider Memorial a deed a collector access Street and Fifth as additional vehicle vehicular access points to what now is only on to Fourth a neighborhood street thank you thank you thanks can we get a C of the yeah sure um I can give you a copy of the NJ doot traffic study and we will be doing more Fourth Avenue traffic counts but I am waiting for more summer months I don't want to do a traffic count now and then compare it and say there's no cars in December or January you know so we'll be doing more traffic counts and evaluating traffic as we go forward as well and I I do believe that enforcement of speeding laws does help slow Vehicles down I don't know what we spoke about maybe I was uh misinterpreted thank you Matt Daniels 1026 Monroe Avenue Asbury Park New Jersey uh I could surmise that there is a bit of a Wonder as to why uh we are here why I am here uh and the general uh I guess reason for that and to that I would say that there's a cocade of reasons uh that kind of wrap itself into one uh but I'll start by saying it's good to be here and it's good to be able to talk and it's good to be able to discuss and part of that reason or part of the reasons that we are here that I am here is that there uh is currently a situation going on in which the discussion of that situation has been taboo has been forbidden and two weeks ago we came here and we were able to start the discussion uh about a ceasefire resolution uh for for the current conflict of Palestine and Israel uh and as I would refer to it um with with u full backing and no doubt uh but I won't ask you to refer to it as it as the genocide of Palestine um now I am very very happy once again to be able to not only speak to council about it but to speak to people that are amongst the are along the ideological Spectrum on this and I know that my colleagues are as well they are very very happy to although obviously under grave and tragic circumstances able to speak what we know as truth to power uh that is what we're here to do and I thank people that are here not even for what I'm here for just exercising that ability to do so um I know that there are a load of Statistics that you know I'm sure will be brought up tonight and uh I I task everyone to listen to them um I T everyone to have these conversations openly and honestly and I thank you all I thank everyone for being able to do it free Palestine thank you hey my name is Max Resnik I'm actually from milstone New Jersey and I'm speaking on behalf your name I just couldn't hear you I'm sorry yeah Max Resnik thank you from milstone New Jersey thank you I'm actually speaking on behalf of an asbery Park resident Cory Luen who couldn't be present tonight so these are her words and I fully support stand by them I would like to express my support for the city of Asbury Park joining other communities in the state of New Jersey to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza here in Asbury Park my main mission through Community work is to improve the lives of children in our city children represent the best in us the purest in us and the most helpful in us and their health security and well-being is essential to the preservation of every nation there is so many children in our community who through no fault of their own lack the support and resources needed to grow into healthy happy and adjusted adults these are the children who have seemingly been forgotten by so many of us and who suffer as a result of apathy and in action however apathy and an action does not adequately characterize the root causes of suffering of the people in Gaza the majority of whom are children they do not just suffer because the American government is doing nothing they're suffering because this country is playing an active role in their oppression this country is actively supporting the genocide in Gaza clearly there are geopolitical factors at play far beyond the control of this Council however it's about time that pressure be applied at all levels of government if enough mun IP alties speak up States will pay attention and then if enough States speak up the Federal Government can't conveniently ignore it there's many ways to participate in an active democracy that many Americans do not take advantage of I refuse to be someone who accepts defeat and chooses to believe that my voice canot make a difference I encourage this Council to show the same resolve and courage that the people here are exhibiting to have their voices heard speak up for what's right and don't wait for someone else to fix it just because you think the problem is too big for you step up and call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza thank you thank you hello uh my name is Kimberly Obie I currently live in Ocean I am a previous resident of Asbury Park for over 7even years I am a local artist and Community organizer as someone who takes pride in the Progressive work of our Comm Community I feel that it is important to extend that work outside of this community any information I will be reading is sourced from Dr hawash pediatric neurologist and co-founder of doctors against genocide and from accuracy accuracy. org Institute for public accuracy I would like to first take some time to talk about women's History Month while we celebrate here in America there are 60,000 pregnant women in Gaza and 63 women are killed daily da just to give you some perspective that is a busload of women killed daily 183 women are giving birth every day every day these women are giving birth to premature babies with no neonatal ICU and Care six out of 36 hospitals in Gaza are partially working after being damaged the doctors and nurses are working under extremely unsanitary conditions with lack of medications medical staff are pulling endotracheal tubes from patients who have died rinsed off and used for another patient this is an extreme risk of infection and risk of antibiotic resistant infections which won't just affect Gaza but will affect all of us all over the world let us also not forget that these same children that are being prematurely born are at risk of so many complications but are dying of starvation the deliberate withholding of essential resources including food with the intent of starving the Palestinian po ation of Gaza constitutes a gross violation of international law human rights and the principles of justice and Humanity article two of the genocide convention defines as genocide de deliberately inflicting on a national ethnical racial or religious group conditions of Life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part the Israeli occupation deliberate destruction of Palestinian food systems and obstruction of humanitarian Aid by Israel clearly fall within the Ambit of this definition if you call yourself a feminist someone who cares about the human race you won't stay silent even if it seems minimal address these atrocities because if you choose to do nothing at all trust me you will be remembered for it we do sincerely hope that you city council continue to work with us towards a Seas fire resolution thank you thank you hi read Morano 8th Avenue uh I want to say that the abatements that I don't know if this party here tonight was going to get an abatement but I really think that was the wrong address 1209 Kingsley street is it's on the east side and uh that's the wrong address CU I was on the other side and it was the odd numbers 11 13 9 so I you ought to check that out but anyway I wanted to talk about the black lives luncheon that we had had I heard it was very nice and that's good but I was reviewing some of the bills all the everything you bought was from outside the city I thought we always thought that we should patronize our own businesses here there was one from Manville I don't even know where that is Lebanon was the other one and I heard the food came from Ying which is like an hour and a half way I I don't understand that five of you are sitting up there and preaching about staying in Asbury and patronizing the businesses and you do you spend a lot of money to promot it but yet you go and Shop out of town and then now and a half away what is that about and then I want to know how many cell phones are issued in this does everybody in this building have a cell phone I'd like to get an answer to that other than that I want to talk about the abatements you I've been reading a lot about them and there's a lot that you could do you can promote getting the school board to have a pilot program to take the money from the developer that you and I don't think you have anybody reviewing any of these abatements because if you did I think you'll find out that nobody's following the rules and you could take the abatement away from them if you find out that they didn't hire enough people from Asbury Park or other violations I don't know them all and the third thing I want to talk about is how does inter fate neighbors a building that's one block long and I don't know how wide gets away were paying $8,100 in taxes they have a pilot but $8,000 houses on Fourth Avenue some of them have pay 8,000 right John I mean like I just don't get it we have to pay them 7,000 it used to be 600 something aord for what we gave them $3 million to start the building finish your sentence R huh finish your sentence your time's up okay I want you to look into the you have to have a special person looking at all the abatements all the pilots because we are getting screwed okay okay as far as do all employees have cell phones the answer is no no why no cell all employees have cell phones the answer is no as far as abatements we do have a f two fantastic people that look the abatements and get us the top dollar so as far as dollar-wise and as far as Interfaith and the abatements you're talking about they were all approved by councils 15 to 20 years ago I know that but we can't we can't unilaterally change a contract uh as far as the [Music] food I didn't know they were an hour and a half way so that's new let us look into that and get back to you was at the table it was at the table theable I don't think I she had a business here for yes she did she had a restaurant here right okay but we we'll look at thank you hi my name is Alexandra and I was a resident for as in Asbury for Alexandra what Al what's your last name Alexandra Gonzalez thank you and where are you from uh I was in Asbury for eight years thank you but where do you live now Belmar belm thank you um I'm basically here to Echo and stand by my Pro Palestinian and Palestinian family and friends and push for a ceasefire resolution and call on your Humanity as well as everyone else's here a genocide is never okay and if they do it to one of us they could do it to any of us this period of time will be written in history and I would just want Asbury Park to be on that side that's correct and the side of life and uh free Palestine and love Palestine thank you CL I'll second it all in favor I public participation portion is now closed it's closed there is nobody usually people line up at the microphone so there's been a motion it's been a second you can reop I was literally receiving a message from a Palestinian woman who wanted me to read out that's why okay since you two are the only two complaining you two can go speak and then then is spose I wasn't complaining I was pause whatever you want you you you given the opportunity for three minutes hello my name is Ali Guera I'll give you my address after this I'm a resident of Northwest ASB Park I'm a new resident here in Asbury Park I've been living here for 3 years and um I chose to live here because I wanted to live somewhere with a history of art and culture and asber park is a leader and respecting human rights and that's really inspiring to me and I'm always inspired by the community around here and I thought I could be a part of this I'm really grateful I moved here I have built a community around me and I am a very very lucky person I'm also a practicing Jew um and uh every Friday night we uh I told you this last time we sing Shalom raav it is a prayer for peace and in the sitter which is the book you read every Friday night there's commentary because you do the same prayers every week so like if you get bored they give you a little something to think about a little something to chew on other perspectives it's nice and there's an adage I read when I read that prayer which is a pray as if God is your only option but act as if you are the only option I am uh one person and while I pray for peace I want hostages to be returned and I am desperate for the end of this barbaric War I don't know what I'm supposed to do as one person but I am one person in this larger wider vibrant powerful community and I moved here on purpose because I believe in Asbury Park I'm hoping that you'll sign this ceasefire resolution for me and for everyone here who believes in peace and who has moved here to live this life I cannot extend my bubble of art and culture and respect for human life without your help and that is why I'm asking for you to sign it as we approach the Passover season Jews are asked to reflect on like what is the nature of Oppression because uh Jews were released from uh Egypt and that's what Passover celebrates and so we have to ask ourselves uh what is the nature of Oppression and Injustice and ASB Park does a really good job at looking at this and asking ourselves who are we going to be as a community there's an aded that's frequently used uh at Passover seders about what will you do to fight social injustice going forward and uh they want you to donate to usually Refugee causes because um not because refugees are Jews but because we are Jews and we know what it is to suffer and to experience Injustice and I am asking you to sign the ceasefire resolution not in spite of my Judaism but because of it because the highest law of Judaism is a the preservation of human life and our highest value is to Kunal which is to heal the world I was really disappointed at the amount of people here last time from so many other communities representing a Jewish point of view that asked you to hold up this war which is barbaric and terrible so many lives have been lost they're innocent civilians when I live in my community I look around and I know they're all innocent civilians I hate to think what that would be like here and I'm asking you to extend this bubble of safety and respect thank you thank you my name is Andrea LaVine I live in Asbury Park I can give you my full address um afterwards I don't feel safe saying it out loud I want to wish our Muslim neighbors Ramadan kareim and assalam alikum I'm here on behalf of Jersey Shore food not bombs and Jewish voice for peace I really want to thank you Deputy Mayor Amy Quinn for agreeing to meet with us about a resolution we are here to encourage city council to continue to move forward and pass a resolution for a permanent ceasefire in Palestine and we wish for this to happen sooner than later Israeli Holocaust and genocide scholar and professor RZ seagull called this a quote textbook case of genocide on October 16th democracy now reported on that we are five months into this and we are still trying to convince people of this fact as the grandchild of Holocaust Survivors it is my duty to speak out against genocide I grew up repeating never again we heard it all the time but now we must say never again for anyone never again for any child and never again even for any soldier that sucked into this war machine to be clear every single member of my grandpa Jack's family including his first wife and children were exterminated in Poland every family of my grandma roses um her first husband her family were all exterminated in Poland so I grew up in a Zionist family very much understanding and hearing that in order for my own family for me as a grandchild to have a safe haven that the need for Israel was the answer to that so for any Jewish people in the room I hear you I understand you I grew up in in the same Community um I am anti-war and anti-occupation and support the end of the occupation of Palestine it is out of and not in spite of my own Heritage and being a descendant of Holocaust and genocide survivors that I refuse to allow their tragedy and their sheer Horrors that happened in in Poland that they survived to now be weaponized against the Palestinian people um I'm going to switch now to share a message from um a local Palestinian Woman these are her words Israel makes repeated claims which have been systematically discredited that Hamas used hospitals as operation centers Israel appears to be operating on the premise that if you tell a lie long enough people will believe it Israeli soldiers have published footage boasting about the killing of families mothers children the bombing of homes mosque and schools Mass disappearance and arbitrary detentions widespread and systematic torture and inhumane torture this all adds to the experience of endless death and loss again I will reiterate I am a practicing Jew I have been praying for the wounded since October 8th and sadly the number keeps Rising so in October when we were praying for the wounded and the mourn and mourning for the death the number I think my time's up we are now up to over 30,000 and I do want to Clearly say when I pray I also pray for the 1200 Israelis whose lives were lost on October 7th and my prayers also extend to the families of the hostages and I pray for my family who's in Israel so I want to be clear as a Jew I'm praying for the isra finish both sides okay thank you thank you thank you officially close again no have move to close second all in favor I public participation portion is now closed thank you we're now on to the minutes I have the executive meeting minutes and regular meeting minutes of March 13 2024 do I have a motion move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes we're now on to consent agenda resolutions all matters listed on the consent agenda are presented collectively to the city council and will be considered for approval with one vote these matters are considered to be routine in nature and there would be no individual discussion of these items if discussion is desired by one or more council members as to any particular item then said item shall be removed from the consent agenda and considered separable on consent agenda we have resolutions 2024 163 through 2024 169 which includes appointments of the recreation committee the appointee is Steven Wright with a term to expire January 15 2025 do I have a motion for consent move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member chap yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes we're now on to individual resolutions I have resolution 2024 170 resolution approving payment of bills move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes deputy mayor yes mayor Mo yes resolution 2024 1119 resolution authorizing payment to kot LLC for marketing services with the ma and sold in Asbury Park project mve it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman no council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore obain resolution 2024 139 resolution authorizing the execution of a shared services agreement with the township of Neptune for geese management Wesley Blake move it Council memberz Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 171 resolution authorizing the purchase of office furniture needed for the police department move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quint yes mayor Moore yes depy M what was your answer I'm sorry yes yes thank you okay resolution 2024 172 resolution authorizing the purchase of the vehicle for social services move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member CH yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 173 resolution authorizing the purchase of 2024 seasonal Beach badges council member Bez council member Chapman council member Clon Deputy Mayor Quinn mayor Mo yes resolution 2024 174 resolution awarding electronic Beach badge system for the city of Asbury Park move it council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton Deputy Mayor Quint mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 175 resolution authorizing Beast management at Sunset Park moving second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman coun Chapman yes but I'm just going to say that I'm doing this under duress because I don't feel that this company is the right company say yes because it's better than nothing thank you council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quin yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 176 resolution approving change order number three for the new Fire Department headquarters move it second council member bz Anderson no council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Clint no mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 177 resolution authorizing a fertilizer and weed control program at various locations Citywide controlled growth for 2024 move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quin yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 178 resolution authorizing upgrades to the Asbury Park Police Department surveillance trailer upgrades move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 179 resolution entering into an agreement with Mammoth County to administer the city's Community Development block rant program move it may have a second second Council memberz Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 180 resolution approving a hardship exception to allow for the issuance of a Road opening permit relating to certain construction to be undertaken in front of the premises located at 809 Bond Street also known as 700 1st Avenue block 2606 lot 6 within the city move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman can I ask a question when this road is repaired is it curb to curb yes we should be yes yeah they're required to completely uh repave and resurface to the satisfaction of the city Engineers okay then yes thank you council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 181 a resolution of the mayor and the city council the city of Asbury Park to enter into an amendment of The subsequent developer agreement with Asbury Partners LLC and Toll Brothers ASB Park urban renewal LLC to extend the date for the issuance of Redevelopment area Bonds in connection with the development of property located at block 3103 Lot 1 move it second council member bz Anderson no council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes mayor Quin no mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 1882 supplemental resolution authorizing the issuance of one or more series of additional non-recourse Redevelopment area bonds of the city of asur Park in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed 6,500,000 Waterfront Redevelopment area infrastructure project in connection with a project being undertaken In the City by tol Brothers Asbury Park urban renewal LLC and as a portion of non-recourse Redevelopment area bonds of the City previously approved pursuant to a resolution duly adopted by the city council on February 2023 2013 do I have a motion move it second council member Bez Anderson no council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn no mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 183 res resolution adopting the Home Improvement program manual move it second council member buz Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor more [Music] no resolution 2024 184 resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of asre Park to enter into an amendment of The subsequent developer agreement with asre Partners LLC and 202 204 7th Avenue urban renewal LLC to extend the date for the issuance of Redevelopment area Bonds in connection with the development of property located at block 4201 Lots 3 and four move it council member Bez Anderson no council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quin yes mayor Mo yes resolution 2024 185 supplemental resolution authorizing the issuance of one or more series of additional non-recourse Redevelopment area bonds of the city of asur Park and an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $2 million Waterfront Redevelopment area infrastructure project in connection with a project being undertaken In the City by 202 204 7th Avenue urban renewal LLC formerly known as 202 7th Avenue LLC and as a portion of non-recourse Redevelopment area bonds of the City previously approved pursuant to a resolution duly adopted by the city council on February 20th 2013 to have motion move it second council member Bez Anderson no council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes resolution 2024 1886 resolution amending resolution 2024 141 which was adopted on February 28 2024 establishing fees and regulations for the 2024 Beach season second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman counc Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 187 resol resolution approving 2022 2023 Alcoholic Beverage Control license for Asbury Music Company Incorporated in the city of Asbury Park the county of mom New Jersey move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes resolution 2024 188 resolution approving the 2023 2024 Alcoholic Beverage Control license for Asbury Music Company Incorporated in the city of Asbury Park County of M City New Jersey second counc member Bez Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 1889 resolution to approve a place-to-place liquor license transfer expansion of premises from MCL Asbury Park LLC doing business as the Robinson Ale House Supper Club the Iron Wheel restaurant second Council memberz Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore we're now on to ordinances for introduction of ordinance 20248 ordinance amending chapter 7 sections 13- 14 to establish prohibiting parking reg regulations along emry Street and Second Avenue with a public hearing date of April 10th 2024 do have a motion move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member CL yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes we're now on to Second reading public hearing of ordinances I have ordinance 20246 this is ordinance of the city of Asbury Park amending and supplementing Chapter 30 entitled Land Development regulations of a code of the city of asur Park as well as the Redevelopment plans for the scattered St stars in Washington Avenue Redevelopment area regarding accessory dwelling units Michelle uh director of planning Redevelopment Michelle Lonzo will provide a brief overview of this coordinance okay good evening this is the the accessory dwelling unit ordinance that would permit legal one and two families of record in primarily the R1 but other areas of the city as well to can you hear no they can't hear you okay we'll try again this is the accessory dwelling unit ordinance that would permit one and two families of record in the R1 district and other areas of the city as the title suggests to to have a accessory dwelling unit on the property and it's typically a small structure at the rear of the property it can be a converted garage it could be a new structure but it's different than a two family or three family Zone in that to have an accessory dwelling unit you must be the Principal owner and have a legal address as your principal residents at this address you would not be able to short-term rental the property and that you would be required which would be is the next ordinance to have to register the property um as a as a rental there's also of course other bulk restrictions in that you can't exceed the coverage requirements of your District the accessory structure cannot be more than 20 feet and that it has to um aesthetically um comply with the guidelines the design guid lines for the R1 District thank you may have a motion to open up the public hearing on ordinance 202 24-6 move to open second all in favor I public hearing on ordinance 20246 is now open any member of the public who wishes to speak please use the microphone state your name and address and your comments may be regarding ordinance 20246 only okay oh do they have to have a parking space yes where on the property yes and are they going to pay extra taxes well they're going to pay tax yes I mean it would so I know this question had come up it will be yes I'm going to I'm not the tax assessor but of course there's going to be a difference of assessment from a one family uh who's going to monitor this suppose they do have a family move in part of the family and suppose they move out and they put a stranger in there who's going to who's going to know it well let me clarify the accessory dwelling unit can be a family for a family member but it can also be rent out if it's registered with us and depending on what portion of the code is violated it would be the duty of the zoning officer or it may be the duty of Code Enforcement depending on which portion is the violation well I think we're asking for more trouble because alen Hurst just changed all their rentals they they're not going to have any rentals in the backyard and they're not going to rent for the summer because it is a big problem and you can't control it you can't control other things how you going to control that I didn't even know that my house on my block I am the only one family left the only one and looking at the voter registration list I couldn't believe what I heard what I saw apartment one apartment two these are all one family houses that nobody knows about and all of a sudden they're multiple dwellings and nobody says a word that's the wrong thing to do you're crowding up the town nobody's going to have a parking space what if they have two cars like in my backyard then yeah somebody has to pull out and they have to pull out it's a it's a problem I don't think it helps anybody you better think about that cuz that's a serious problem besides other things that we have here we don't have anybody overlooking anything I don't know how my block got to be like that I thought I was wide awake but I guess I was sleeping when it happened no it's not fair I didn't pay on one family house and then everybody else has got an apartment I I think it creates a problem but that's only me the voice of reason thank you motion to close second all in favor public hearing and ordinance 20246 is now closed may have a motion to adopt ordinance 20246 move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes ordinance 20247 ordinance of the city of Asbury Park amending and supplementing chapter 13 entitled property Improvement and neighborhood preservation property maintenance code of the code of the city of asra Park in order to EST establish a new section thereof entitled accessory dwelling units adus um Michelle provide a brief overview yeah so this is the the sister ordinance to the zoning ordinance and this will require a registration and a certificate and that the property must be the Principal residence of the owner and that none of the units can be a short-term rental thank you may have a motion to open the public hearing ordinance 247 move to open second all in favor public hearing on ordinance 20247 is now open any members of the public who wish to speak please use the microphone so what is this ordinance about this is the companion ordinance to the zoning ordinance for the regulation of accessory dwelling units it works um much like a short the short-term rental in that if you have an accessory dwelling unit that you must register it with code enforcement on an annual basis give the name of the tenant and that you need to demonstrate that the you that you live at the property that it is your primary residence well don't you think you ought to send a notice out about that cuz a lot of people are breaking rules and you know it but if nobody gets a notice about anything unless they come here you have to do better than that you have to send out a notice to all these people I have rentals I there's one right around the corner for me nobody live nobody lives in the house and all I do is rent it for parties every weekend it's on the corner is seventh and Grand you can go look at it no I me just creating more problems for yourself motion to close second all in favor I public hearing on ordinance 20247 is now closed may have a motion to adopt ordinance 20247 move to adopt is there a second second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member C yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes no one has anything else we're on to adjournment to all in favor I meeting is nowour thank you everyone