meeting call to order council member Bez Anderson here council member Chapman is absent council member Clayton here Deputy Mayor Quinn here mayor Moore here please stand for a silent prayer moment of reflection we will now salute the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all as to comply with the open public meetings act chapter 231 PL 1975 adequate notice of this meeting has been provided in the following manner the annual notice is fored to the Asbury Park Press the coaster and the Star Ledger on January 22nd 202 four and posted on the bulletin board the same date all notices are on file with the city clerk at this time we have a presentation by EO Alura and Eric neemo of the New Jersey intergovernmental Insurance Fund 2023 safety award good evening everyone good evening hi good evening um ASO alur from the ottered insurance agency Eric neth from Polaris Galaxy we are I am your risk manager and Eric and Justin Gallow and that state from pois so we are pleased to present to the mayor and councel your safety plaque um together with the check which was mailed a few months ago um for uh the city of Asbury Park adhering to our safety practices this is actually from 2022 right Eric um we want to present it to the mayor and Council for being a safe Community it's a testament to the mayor and the council and your city manager sure and City attorney that um your community has been recognized year after year for the New Jersey intergovernmental Insurance Fund as one of the safest communities and this plaque is awarded to you together with the check that I think was $500 uh for the membership of the New Jersey intergovernmental Insurance Fund so congratulations mayor Deputy Mayor and council members City Manager for achieving this another year in a row it's my pleasure to come and present this blacko ER okay piure come first the picture thank you you I will I'll thank you yes thank you thank you very great job thank you very yes good thank you I you thanks s oh um yeah he's GNA speak just a little bit oh you did already through any insurance presentation at these packets or would you just leave for the mayor council yeah just leave please we didn't know you were going to make that presentation we got you check we don't need to keep up the good work mayor thank you that's thank you we're now on to special events good evening Mary Council of the six applications before you this evening there is one new application and that's for the soul Solstice sustenance kaying event are there any questions on this event or any of the other ones presented before you if not no thank you okay thank Youk you thank you thank youa new heror we're now on to Matters from city council council member abz Anderson uh good even evening everyone but nothing for me thank you council member Clayton um good evening nothing for me thank you Deputy Mayor Quinn yes two things uh the Asbury Park Arts Council and APV have launched an initiative in 2024 called two minutes with where they are asking filmmakers to choose an artist or business in Asbury Park and create a two-minute video profile the accepted films will run on APV and can be used by subjects for their own promotion and marketing the idea was born out of Asbury Park artarts council's filmmaker meetups as a way to Spotlight the depth and breadth of Creative Energy in Asbury Park APV is happy to be used as a platform to amplify The Works of filmmakers supporting local artists and small businesses as an initiative Asbury Park Arts Council is awarding a $100 gift certificate to Asbury Park businesses to the next three accepted films um example films can be seen on the Asbury Park Arts Council YouTube channel and details on how to upload a film on the Asbury Park APV website hold on second one uh the Asbury Park public art commission it's our four fifth year promoting the Euro program uh we have Pro progressed to 13 portable murals in 2021 uh that you see downtown in cookman and in Springwood Park we commissioned in 2022 the murals on the south side of the sewer plant last year the four murals on the east side of the sewer plant and right now we are working on the mural facing Asbury towers with the esur tower residents picking the final mural thank you that's it there more nothing thank thank you Matters from the city manager nothing thank you thanks Ms City attorney yes I do have an announcement uh for anyone who is here this evening concerning the Redevelopment plan for the property located at 121 Memorial Drive this is an important matter that has been discussed at numerous public meeting meetings including one public forum that was noticed to all Property Owners within 200 ft given that there is not a full contingent of the council president to consider the matter this evening the council will be tabling the public hearing and the vote on the potential adoption of the Redevelopment plan for this property until the next meeting which is going to be held on May the 8th as such if you came here this evening solely for that matter you may wish to leave and come back on May the 8th because the city council will not be addressing it this evening of course you are certainly welcome to stay for tonight's meeting if you wish and to speak during this evening's regular public comment period that's it thank you Fred we're now on to public participation may have a motion to open the meing to the public move to open second all in favor I public participation portion is now open any member of the public who wishes to speak please use the microphone state your name and address for the record there will be a three minute time limit for each speaker again please state your name and address for the record hi good evening uh council members uh my name is Eric galipo you all know me I have some closer to the mic Eric I can um I I reclaim my time um no uh so I'm I'm here to speak to you about the I had some prepared remarks but I think they're probably too um for Boose to get through in three minutes this evening um but I do want to talk about the 121 uh Memorial development plan and I will say that I understand you're poised to approve this in its current situation and I want to just be completely clear that I do support the Redevelopment of this site I've lived next to it for 40 years since I was an 8-year-old and I have witnessed it be a government office a methodone Clinic an abandoned lot now a toxic oil spill um and we've lived next to a vacant lot for you know a number of years now and we want to see this developed I do disagree fundamentally that the current arrangement of the site is really in the best interest of what our neighborhood quality is and that we could do better now Fred just spoke about uh neighbors receiving notice I would say that that's a disingenuous use of the word notice we have never been actively noticed even for tonight's meeting where 121 Memorial Drive is on the agenda we are not noticed I am a direct neighbor of the site and did not receive any notice it is only because we as concerned residents gather ourselves and stay on top of those agendas now my point is actually larger in that the fact that you are using Redevelopment planning Powers which are extraordinary to the city of Asbury Park most City councils don't have that ability you should be adopting a process that brings neighbors and residents into the beginning of the process where we are allowed to express our desires our concerns our wants for that site and then those things are incorporated into a conversation with a developer who would who is being considered for those plans where you do detailed design studies that are shared with the community where we understand options and tradeoffs that has not been done in this process I also believe that you have not performed a traffic impact study you have cherry-picked data from 2019 which says there are 9500 vehicles on Memorial Drive that does not tell you how many vehicles are traveling in the peak Direction at the peak time around this site at the peak hour which is closer to 350 to 500 oh God that's all my time oh have 37 seconds left use my time um so I really do think that while the data that has been presented to us may be accurate it doesn't present a full picture of the existing conditions that we experience today nor does it assess the impact of this development which will have 130 parking spaces and many more people relying on street parking using this area as their place to store their vehicles so there's no traffic impact study no design Studies have been shared with us we are expected to provide you our reactions in three minute Snippets that put you in a defensive Crouch and us in a reactionary position thank you thank you hey everyone uh Mike Sedano 104th Avenue um good evening uh I encourage development of the property at 1201 Memorial however I do not agree that all vehicular access should be solely on Fourth Avenue Fourth Avenue is currently an unregulated Speedway while attempts to calm traffic are planned it's debatable whether any of those methods are going to be have a positive impact on the Fourth Avenue Turnpike Auto Bond suggestions have been made by residents to change the vehicular access from Fourth Avenue to Memorial Drive and it's been rejected if Fourth Avenue is designated then why not have two access points on fourth and fifth Avenues to more evenly distribute traffic this seems to work well in other developments such as Wesley Grove the SackMan building on bangs and Emery and the ocean CL Club if Fourth Avenue has been decided as a better suited for vehicular access in your opinions then Fifth Avenue should be equally Well Suited second the process of Redevelopment does not currently seem very transparent I don't recall any public meetings being called to discuss and engage residents in the process listen and consider their thoughts I haven't seen any studies done on the impact and development that development will have on the character of the neighborhood and pedestrian safety in the surrounding blocks third it's been determined there is zero setback on Memorial Frontage why is that the best design for residential neighborhood development to have a four-story building but right up against the sidewalk creating a tunnel effect while walking down Memorial Avenue I urge you the Redevelopment Authority in the city to take a Visionary approach on this project and process and consider the points made by the public before making your final decision a decision that will have longlasting impact on the neighborhood thank you thank you hi ply sha 1100 fth Avenue uh both um previous speakers have mentioned pedestrians and traffic several times whatever the configuration of the building is whether it's a given uh at the next meeting uh as it's as it's been designed um one of the most serious considerations in the city is traffic safety and road safety for pedestrians and bicycle Riders we know that the oh I'd like to just ask on the side if we can possibly get the the design of Memorial Drive up on the city website I have downloaded it because James sent it to me but it is not on the city website so if it's possible to get it there people are asking constantly where are the lights where are the you know where the crossings what's going to be H you know how is it going to look so if we can get that up there on the site that would be awesome um but so Memorial is going to be um have a protected bike lane and some walking facility whether there's enough setback or not you know that would be disappointing um and we have pedestrian traffic and bicycle traffic on Fifth and fourth both of which have bike Lanes so um what's important for us all to acknowledge is that we have a speeding problem and a bad driver Behavior problem in the city and as quickly as possible as boldly as possible as this design goes forward I don't know how quickly it'll be built but at the same time we need to be putting together not just a plan but a a concrete decision a bold decision to change the built environment on fourth fifth third as well and Memorial where this building is going to have an effect and that means whatever we need to do it could be tactical urbanism meaning painted you know striping it could be Community efforts of creating uh curb extensions it could be physical uh traffic calming measures and I know that we've been talking for a long time about the raised crosswalks on Third Avenue we talked for a while about uh about manyi roundabouts which were shot down but anything that we can do to change driver Behavior so that they don't want to speed they don't want to behave badly they have to pay attention Road narrowing effects we also need to get our our our micr Mobility back right away our scooters options trans Transportation options like one that I've suggested numerous times the mini um the uh the 247 Jitney service that Mike manela was trying to start here ended up going to Jersey City they have it there it's called via other options to get around the city so people don't have to drive so all those people who live in 121 don't have to get in their cars all the time to come in and out of wherever the entrance and exit are so that's pretty much it C traffic calming whatever we can do to make a difference right away while the development is taking place thanks thank you Nancy Sabino 104th Avenue um as it seems the voting of this Redevelopment plan seems a done deal in spite of the objections by the residents who live in the neighborhood this new very large Department complex will be moving forward it seems for now all we can do is wait and see for us and this process has seemingly been one of this is what we want to do and while we say we want the Public's involvement we really don't the traffic along fourth is still speeding the additional 130 units will only add to the traffic challenges that seemingly have no immediate fixes and while the residents concerns might have been discussed the vote will be based on outdated traffic counts projected traffic cing method projected traffic cing method measures and an anticipated increase in pedestrian traffic on Memorial as determined by Transportation director banano but if a new traffic study is being planned how can you vote to accept the current Redevelopment plan with old data in future as Memorial Drive will become even more developed I would recommend reaching out to the neighborhoods earlier give more thought to the concerns of those who live there year round and communicate to the public to feel that their input is valued and if I could ask a question is this project getting a pilot program do you know uh yes I believe so okay thank you very much thank you Felicia Simmons Su Avenue president of the West Side excuse me president of the West Side Community Center um WCC historic renovation Association I'm standing here um putting my hand out again um with the city to help develop the Westside Community Center as a resident of my life to this area knowing the importance of the Westside Community Center and if anyone hasn't been past 115d with um in the last couple weeks you'll see how beautiful it actually looks with this new paint it's trimmed yards clean um maintained the inside the new floors the new paint and I'm sorry I'm getting overwhelmed because um as a person who been engaged in this city I know the millions and millions and millions of dollars given to Pilot programs and yet we stand with a bill by the city not by the county I've been there um for almost $100,000 for a community center I'm standing here with my hand out saying I'll work with you to build something great I don't even have to build it it is already there we're scheduled to have work programs with new green energy that's coming offshore when energy we've been sitting with administrators of a city's um businesses industry rating aided to work with us and we're standing here as a committee of people people who are from here saying that City we need your help we need your help without a $100,000 bill hanging over our head we need your help to put a roof on our Cultural Center which will be the largest event space in the area right that will actually house our children and get them off the street right it will get programming of reading and writing right um academics um language right we have it all cooking home economics right solar energy wind turb energy we've met with uh wind industry alternative Alternative Energy have been down to our facility three times and we've hosted two events at a neighboring church with them talking about the billion dollar industry that's coming right here and having our kids and our community prepared for it right because since 2016 I've been looking for an Avenue to engage our youth in an industry that will be able for us to live here with the Medan house price being $550,000 in the city of asbery Park how do I sustain my community right with the shirt that I have on now because I am also the president Ocean County National Action Network saying we won't go back right that's a March we just had we won't go back I want to go back to where there were black professionals living here right growing here right building a community here and and and adding to the Renaissance here so again I'm asking for your help to do so okay thank you Felicia if you want to try to set up a meeting with the city manager we can discuss it I know we met once and uh yeah there's $100,000 loed in taxes and I don't think we're in the position just to relieve that but we can certainly meet and uh I know you applied for cdbg funds and the law says if you owe taxes cdbg money can't be given to you so we can have another meeting try to figure out another game plan but I mean that's where we're stuck right now okay I'm say there's there there other pots that we can help and get I wish we had all these secret pots that everybody refers to I wish we were flushed with money that everybody thinks we are we're not we're going to have a tax increase this year besides the Board of Education and I totally agree with you like the tax increase between the Board of Education and the city people are going to get hit hard and so I mean that's why our budget is not ready yet because we're back like carving more of the to the Bone uh because right now the proposed tax increase to me is just too high for the average resident in Asbury Park so and to the city manager and to this uh Chief Financial Officer so I mean that's why the budget isn't ready yet because we're looking at more ways to like either increase money or decrease spending so we're not flush with money that we can just like give people hundreds of thousands of dollars we wish we were uh we're not there yet but anything else we can do to try to help you we you know we'll help you with fundraising whatever you want to do I we'll put the word out I mean arrange a meeting will go from there I say we have met the one time and we cannot believe somebody owned the city and the taxpayers $100,000 worth of taxes and you know we can meet again so please try to set up meeting with the city manager okay thank you good evening Kitty minini I live at 1012 5th Avenue um I just wanted to um reiterate the comments from both Eric and um the poly mic about 121 Memorial um it's my understanding that the developer also preferred to have the entrance um in and out on Memorial I remember that from some previous meetings also although not many people are here tonight in Loop in um in support or um defense of 121 Memorial we did gather as a community and I believe we sent in two letters so just like to remind you to look at those letters again and review all the residents I think in the last one we sent had 60 plus um signatures on it and so I would really urge you to take a look at that again and know that even though we might not all be here physically we do talk about it a lot as a community and um and we're able to get everybody to um to read that and go through it and discuss it as a group um I would really hope that you would look at that again and take some of those things into consideration thank you thank you hello John hello Council Michael Kushner 1100 fth Avenue so I don't have a comment about 1201 um but I wanted to bring up something a comment and also a question about about the roads specifically the conditions of the roads so John a number of years ago I brought this up at a city council meeting commenting on what I thought were really poor conditions of our roads and you kind of chastised me saying that your Administration well in a nice way classy about it but you said that you know your Administration has done more than the previous administrations uh by a long shot and Paving our roads now I've been here about 10 years Po and I I I'm not familiar with the previous administrations um apparently road maintenance was with their strong suit but now it's all these years later and it's worse and our roads are in horrendous condition now as you know maybe you don't you know you don't you don't feel this as much when you're driving p and I ride our bikes everywhere but and with all due respect it's embarrassing some of these roads are so bad and Grand Avenue is an example has ruts going down it that in the summertime you're going to have some tourists on bikes here and we're going to get that tire on that vertical R root rut and they're going down potholes some of these streets are so bad it's like like some of the worst inner city streets and really deprived areas I've ever seen so my question is especially with the taxes going up and I'm all about supporting the city with our taxes if you get the services and return how what how what's the decisionmaking process and Paving these roads in this 1.4 mile or whatever it is square town that I I know cars damage roads a lot it's probably a bit of a game of wacka but we're losing so who makes a decision is a DPW because if you walk and ride your bikes anywhere in this town and P and I have had visitors come with us on bike rides and they comment about the quality of these roads compared to our neighboring towns so I'd like really you know maybe some information about is it going to be taken care of who makes that decision is it the transportation manager of DPW DPW as a collective um that's it I yield the rest of to yes it's a collective decision by I'm going to say DPW the transportation the city engineer as far as grading the roads and then they grade them and then what they decide it's the worst road is the road we apply for for state do money now state do money I'm going to be these numbers aren't going to be totally accurate so I mean so don't hold me to we'll apply for like say eth avtive which is being done now that was one of the worst RADS in the city right Rita absolutely uh so our taxes don't fund these roads it's got to come from the state no in a normal City a Mill and pave job for that road would be and again Michael spitball numbers say like $1 to2 million but because we have 100y old terracotta sewer lines they're leaking like heck and everything we're doing full restoration including replacing the sewer lines and we've totally not totally we've decreased the amount of infiltration at the sewer plant where say during a normal rainstorm a heavy rainstorm we' be pumping 10 million gallons a day now we're down to like say 3 million gallons a day so you know it's definitely has stopped the infiltration by replacing the sewer lines but the replacing the sewer lines makes a 2 million job a $5 million job and we've got to the point where like you know again I said before we're not flushed with money or we're going to have to re address like do we do a total job pavement as far as like all new curbs all new sidewalks all new sewer lines or everything I think those days may be over for a year or two where right now the last Grant I got think we got her for third and fourth and I can't see that third and fourth and uh I just want to say comto and again we're hoping to do this sewer lines also but we're going to televise the sewer lines to see if they have to be replaced because if they don't have to be replaced it cost us like $1,000 to get sewer rat in here to televise the lines to see if we can save Millions to me that's the best ,000 spent and if not then we're going to have to replace the sewer lines also but the the cash cows run out of money to do total Replacements and it would be interesting when you see bad streets for them to uh James into the city manager and everything because you're right you guys are out there on bicycles but I mean again Robert James and Jay from tnm they grade the roads and I mean there may be something they don't pick up on so when somebody sees a really bad Road please forward the to and will put it on like the listes see where forward excuse me there's a lot I mean and I hear what you're saying that even going out there there there's problem places again are in danger you're going to get cyes going down this stuff Grand Avenue even for some kind of temporary patch job is needed in this city if you came I if you were your bike or car or anything You Came Down Memorial Drive and you made the left on bangs and you see all the potholes right across the railroad tracks that that street was paved less than a year ago and those potholes are there already that was a Mill and pave job which we did with all the Streets between Memorial and railroad Memorial and Main all the way down to 7th Avenue so uh but that's that's ripping up already and again that was again that wasn't a Total Restoration that was a 2in Mill and overlay and sometimes we have to do that again because of the lack of money but again the streets are a lot better than they have been in the past are they still bad in some places absolutely Ford is the bad ones and James and Robert and uh J from tnm will look into it see where they stand on the list but again one of the worst ones was 8,000 and that took us and they're going to get mad at me I'm talking so long that took us like a year and a half to get Dot's permission to start the our job after they gave us some money so sometimes our hands are tied by Trent that one was particularly but normally they're not but sometimes DT is tough to work with but they pay they pay a small percentage of the total job when they paid Fourth Avenue I live on Fourth Avenue I didn't get new sidewalks I didn't get new curbs but I got a new road but I mean so we may have to come back and give everybody new driveway aprons when they're not necessary may have to come back on hey don't give new curves and sidewalks if it's not necessary replace the bed but start cutting back or else it's going to go further back because we won't have a road project uh for the next 3 to 5 years okay all right thank you thank you yes hello hello Frank kinata 2096 Avenue just had some questions regarding the funds for the uh I guess the city got some funds for the State uh to to fix up the boardwalk area and uh I understand Madison Marquette is no longer in the picture or they sold their rights or what what's was there another company that took over Mass Marquette is still the owner of everything down the boardwalk as far as retail they did not sell out they sold they put brought in a partner from Canada to run the business of set rting out the properties Mass Marquette is still the big dog on the board so there was um I I guess they were in default for some things yes the city's held them in default several times and is there any resolution on that we we said they're in default is there any consequences to that there you know we're still waiting for the convention center to be reopened the the uh theater to be reopened uh then there's they're supposedly getting money coming in I want to make sure that they is there going to be some oversight to make sure that they when they fix the boardwalk they don't replace it with more wooden Boardwalk that is going to be need to be replaced every 5 years why not get the txx type of material where it's done once and it's there for 20 years or so okay I didn't want to cut you off anymore because I don't know how many other questions you added so I don't want to eat into your time yeah so uh they were my primary questions okay so yes the city held them a default what does that mean basically the city held them in default in the Redevelopment agreement 2002 and all subsequent development agreements there's no mechanism that that causes them to like time frame to fix anything bonds anything uh we're stuck with a deal it was done in 2002 and it's very weak is what the city can do to enforce them to start spending money so we have no recourse then basically very little if any and that's why we've looked at all options including eminent domain everything uh and you know ENT domain you know they're going to say the building is worth $150 million we're G have $150 million to buy it's going to be 5 years in court and the lawyers are going to make $10 million so uh but we are looking at any and all options and hopefully you know Massa Marquette will now that they got $13 million from the state because the city wrote the grant for them to get the $3 million maybe they'll become a better team player and start taking care of the property and reopening their properties is there any plan to hold them accountable to open these new these properties they were get they're getting these funds they should be opening the properties and shouldn't there be some oversight saying hey you're only getting the money if you open these properties there there's some language in theou we have with them like if we don't agree where they're going we want them to spend the money to try to get the Paramount open and other things to protect the buildings themselves now if they say we're going to take the money we're going to put in new share to lers in convention all we're going to say you know not get the money so yes we have some say over if they get them the money comes to the city it doesn't go to them it will come all to us and then we'll disperse it and we'll disperse it according to their projects and if we agree with the projects okay thank you thank you if I may you have to go to the microphone I if I let you talk from there Rita is going to yell at me thank you Mr Mayor should I give you my address too no that's okay okay I'm a visitor from Bergen County um Mr Mayor I'm going to leave these packets with city manager with Lily um I just want to bring the governing body's attention to page six in this this is basically a synopsis of the insurance coverages for the city of Asbury Park some of the ancillary policies would that we carry but if you look on page six since 2016 when you appointed me as your risk manager we're just shy of a million dollars in taxpayer dollar savings $994,000 of real dollar savings because from that point forward when I worked with Polaris and Eric we were able to bring your self-insured retentions and your deductibles down over the years because of your positive claims Trends in the city of Asbury Park and that's real money saved those are the differences in the deductibles on page six of real dollar savings with a potential of $1.6 million as claims get settled and the city of Asbury Parks gets out of these claims those dollars go back into the taxpayer fund so this is real savings to the city of Asbury Park and again it's a testament to the governing body to your city manager and your department heads in working with me and with the njf in bringing your claims down and you'll see the information in the packet so I just want to thank you again for your cooperation no as before when you said I should have let you made a presentation because there's public here and whoever's not here will be watching on PTV so the public is aware like right we got rid of the past insurance carrier because we didn't think they were doing a good job and every year you're saving us money which means it's not money we have to throw into the budget to raise taxes so if you have extras of those if we can make more to give them out to the citizens we'll do that and but if there's anything else you want to highlight while you're there now as far as like the past year and what a great job you did to get our claims down please you know go ahead it's in the packet mayor but basically I show you the four lines of coverage in a bar chart and it shows the reduction and not only the frequency of claims but the severity of those claims and again it's a team effort it's not just me I can work with you with your department heads we do our quarterly safety meetings um there's a lot of initiatives that my office takes to help bring you towards a safer environment um we're going to continue training this year um the njff just hired D2 security they're going to be doing your cyber security and you'll be getting a contact they'll be contacting Lily within probably the next seven days or so so again this is a team and a collaborative effort between the governing body your department heads my office The Joint Insurance Fund and all the fund professionals Tim we from loss control from BMA collaborative effort but together we're making great strides in the city of Asbury Park and since I've been here since 2016 those real dollar savings are just shy of a million dollars right now as of January the 1 so it's a really a great Testament to the governing body for doing a great job well you've done a great job too we deeply appreciate it so thank you thank you mayor thank you everyone nobody else much can I something about1 move to close second all in favor I participation is now say a couple things about the 121 Memorial development um and and I want to acknowledge that we can agree to disagree about the exit in the entrance but what I'm going to take exception to is the lack of transparency um I have emails from Eric and others talking about how he deeply appreciates the work being done to improve the design developer met with him several times and several of the neighbors you were notified within 200 feet of the development I got to thank you for that I got to thank what I heard was you were not so I'm just GNA say my piece I don't have a problem disagreeing with your points about urance and that that's okay but but I'm I'm going to take exception and to your point Eric I'm going to get defensive when you say that we were not transparent because I disagree with that multiple meetings with you guys planning board meetings that had public comments two other points the developer does not want it on Memorial La I don't know where that came from but we confirm that developer said okay just we've confirmed it because we we wanted to make sure that that was not the issue and as for the pilot it is a majority of this council's uh policy to provide Pilots for 20% of affordable housing to keep housing affordable for residents who want to stay here so the pilot it is it is slated for a pilot for the 20% of affordable housing so again I'm okay agreeing to disagree on entrances and exits and Beth and James can tell tell you why they're telling us that we should do this but I am going to take exception to the transparency comment may may I respond and I will reasonable people can disagree Absolut 100% yes reasonable people can we W should I go no because it's going to be yeah just be quick but he said respond tonight's meeting for this there have been many meetings about this project we have been noticed one time in four years for a public information session during which we were expected to keep our comments within 3 minutes all of those meetings at the planning board all of the meetings of city council we have never received a notice except one time at the city council we are expected to keep our comments to 3 minutes we are responding the plans that seem already baked without our involvement at the planning board which I am a member of we do give people the opportunity to speak no one is noticed that is being considered so how are the people in our neighborhood supposed to know they do not know the only reason they know is because we organized a Google group to let people who are on the Google group voluntarily that we happen to know it's not our job to okay Eric I think you did a good job so I appreciate that you see some level of transparence but we are not regularly notified of these meetings we are not okay and I'm going to say one quick thing like we've never notified anybody about the second reading of an ordinance so I'm not saying you saying that's wrong we should notif fire B okay the 62 Cent stamps is going to start to head up whatever but sure okay but and again be truthfully because of the I'm going to say mistake that not notifying you guys which we took and we agreed with since then we have notified every other project of the initial hearing of the initial hearing not every not every time it's discussed we're not notifi not the introduction not the second reading we haven't done that you're right okay Eric time's up go ahead we're now on to the minutes I have the municipal Council executive meeting minutes and regular meeting minutes of April 10th 2024 do have a motion move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Cayton yes deput mayor Quinn oh yes mayor Mor yes we're now on to consent agenda resolutions all matters listed on consent agenda are presented collectively to the city council and will be considered for approval with one these matters are considered to be routine in nature and there will be no individual discussion of these items if discussion of desired by one or more council members as to any particular item then said item shall be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately on consent agenda today we have resolutions 2024 202 through 2024 205 which includes resolution appointing to appointing to paint murals on the city of asber Park wastewater treatment plan and the muralists are Courtney Pastor chick and Bradley hawford do have a motion for consent Mo second council member bezan Anders yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes we're now on to individual resolutions I have resolution 2024 206 resolution approving payment of bills move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 207 a resolution identifying the menu items as for the subsequent developer agreement between the city of Asbury Park Madison Asbury retail LLC and Asbury Partners do I have a motion mve it second council member Bez Anderson council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 208 resolution authorizing the purchase of electronic door locking system at the new Fire Department headquarters move second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 209 resolution authorizing the purchase of 28 passenger vehicle ban with wheel chip I'm sorry with wheel chair lift for senior CER second council member Bez Anderson yes council member clayon yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 210 resolution authorizing the purchase of parts needed to repair primary pumps at the sewer plant moving second council member Bez Anderson council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 211 resolution authorizing the purchase of wristbands for the beach Department move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Clayton yes mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 212 resolution authorizing the purchase of recy recycling SL trash cans trash stations move it second council member Bez council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quin yes mayor Mo yes resolution 2024 213 resolution authorizing the acquisition and installation of playground equipment for the Fourth Avenue and hex Street playground utilizing Mammoth County open space Grant move it second council member Bez yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 214 resolution a resolution authorizing the emergency sinkhole repairs needed at First Avenue move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 215 resolution authorizing the annual renewal of sdl software spal data logic move it move it council member Bez Anderson yes council member Clayton yes deput mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 216 has been removed from tonight's agenda resolution 2024 217 resolution approving change order number four for the new Fire Department headquarters second council member abz Anderson yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quin yes mayor Mo yes resolution 2024 218 resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of Asbury Park to enter into a Professional Services agreement with public resources Advisory Group for the provision of RAB Administration for the The Cove move it move it second council member buzzers council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 219 resolution of the mayor and the city council of the city of Asbury Park to enter into into a Professional Services agreement with public resources Advisory Group for the provision of R Administration for 20224 7th Avenue movement second council member of Bez council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 24220 resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of Asbury Park to enter into a Professional Services agreement with public resources Advisory Group for the provision of RAB Administration for 407 Lake Avenue move second council member Bez and council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quint yes mayor Mo yes resolution 2024 221 resolution authorizing Professional Services contract to tnm Associates for remedial action services at the new Fire Department headquarters move it second council member Bez Anderson yesc clay yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes resolution 2024 222 resolution approving plans and specifications for the intersection of County Route 4A Memorial Drive in cookman Avenue at the site the new aay park Firehouse in the city of asber Park move it second can I can I ask a question James yes um would you just explain [Applause] this is left turns from from Springwood or so uh right between cookman Avenue and the easement which is just south of the firehouse that's where you go in and you can go into the shopping center um originally Mammoth County had wanted us to make that an Olf turn and we decided we didn't want that so we had come to a compromise where it's now um it's like it's two back to back left turn Lanes so one left cookman and one left into that easement okay so they wanted us to uh provide a resolution agreeing to and and saying these are the plans this is what's going to happen that's what this resolution does all right thank you you're welcome thank you James so I have a motion a second uh council member Bez Anderson yes council member Clayton yes mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 223 resolution of the mayor and the city council City Asbury Park referring proposed amendments to the 101 1st Avenue Redevelopment plan to the city of Asbury Park planning board and directing the planning board to take certain actions pursuant to njsa 4A 12 a-7e a motion move it second council member buz Anderson yes council member C yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 222 resolution of support for a project located at 901 Madison Avenue block 6 3 Lots 3 through 9 and and 900 Madison Avenue block 607 Lot 8 to be considered for a Spire tax credit program second council member bz Anderson council member Clon yes Deputy Mayor Quint yes mayor Mo yes resolution 2024 225 a resolution establishing and adopting an amended complete streets policy for the city of Asbury Park second council member buz Anderson council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 226 resolution oh okay this is a this is actually an addition to tonight's agenda I have two additions the first one is going to be resolution 2024 226 this is a resolution authorizing appointments to the planning board the appoint is uh Jeremy Hoffman alternate one with a term to expire January 15 2026 do I have a motion move second council member ofz Anderson yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes and then resolution 2024 92 this is a tabled resolution back from the February 28th meeting this is a resolution authorizing Professional Services contract to hackin sack Meridian team Health PC for employment exams and physicals move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes we're now on to ordinances for introduction ordinance 20243 ordinance of the city of Asbury Park creating article 13-1 1400 entitled lead base pain paint inspections for residential rental dwellings of part two rental property of chapter 13 property Improvement and neighborhood preservation property maintenance code of the code of the city of ASB park with a public hearing date of May 8th 2024 do I have a motion second counc memberz Anders yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes ordinance 20244 ordinance of the city of Asbury Park amending and suppl article 13-1 1300 entitled short-term rentals of part two rental property of chapter 13 property Improvement and neighborhood preservation of property maintenance code of the code of the city of as park with the public hearing date of May 8th 2024 do have a motion Mo second council member Bez Anderson council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes ordinance 2245 ordinance of the city of ASB Park in the county of mmth the state of New Jersey providing for the special assment of the cost of certain Wastewater storm water roadway streetcape utility and other infrastructure improvements on block 4205 Lots 2 and 3 within the Asbury Park Waterfront Redevelopment area and establishing a mechanism for payment of the cost thereof with the public hearing date of May 8th 2024 second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Cay yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes ordinance 20246 ordinance of the city of Asbury Park authorizing the execution of a financial agreement with phm sunset Square urban renewal LLC concerning property located at block 4205 Lots 2 and three on the tax map of the city of Asbury Park and granting a tax exemption with a public hearing date of May 8 are we ping 2024 it's a first read it's an intro I the public hearing date of May 8 2024 do I have a motion move it second council member Bez Anderson no council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes all right we're now on to Second readings public hearing of ordinances ordinance 20249 ordinance amending section 20-3 intitled plastic bags of chapter 20 environmental regulations of the code of the city of Asbury Park move it I'm just going to have our director of planning and Redevelopment Michelle Alonzo just can you come to the microphone a brief uh overview of this ordinance we're almost in we're almost good evening everyone I'm going to be very brief we are tightening our ordinance that does not permit single use plastic bags to be used by businesses within the city we are also extending it to what is considered multiple use plastic bags and in other words it's just going to be um a a store can only give you paper they can't give you a plastic bag and this is at the request of the Green Team and we believe that the state is going to follow suit with such a recommendation as well thank you Michelle may have motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 2 24-9 move to open second all in favor I public hearing on ordinance 20249 is now open any member of the public who wishes to speak please use the microphone your comments may be regarding ordinance 20249 only moose second all in favor I I public hearing on ordinance 20249 is now closed may have a motion to adopt ordinance 20249 move move to adopt second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quint yes mayor Moore yes we're now to ordinance 20241 ordinance of the city of Aur Park amending and supplementing chapter stc1 entitled rules and regulations of the shade tree Commission of the code of the city of Asbury Park um we have two members of the shade two I was going to say yeah um Gabriel kinata Tom Pinsky of the environmental shat Tre commission to provide a brief overview of this ordinance thank you hi um the environmental shat Tre commission um um in conjunction with Michelle's office have drafted this ordinance as a requirement for the um storm order management it's it's a requirement for all ordinances within the state of New Jersey to adopt a storm water management ordinance we basically adopted this the draft language that was provided by the the um New Jersey EPA and we've made some minor changes like we we put in the definition of the um Asbury Park Environmental shade tree commission we put in the definition of um a fund for for that but aside from that we basically adopted this the purpose of this ordinance is to mitigate like storm order management we don't we want to keep our canopy um we want it it's basically um to help absorb storm water and and things like that so the requirement will be for for residents to complete a permit to request a removal of a tree either on the right away or on their property um and if they if that's approved there might be a reason they want to build a pool they will have to replace it with another Tree on their property unless they can't because there's not room on their property and then they can work with environmental shade tree commission to find another site to um plant a tree if they don't want to plant the tree they can pay a fee um I think it's I think we set $450 um for the fee for the city to plant it in a site like a public park or another site so that's that's basically what the schs is any questions well first well I have to thank Gabriella so much of what has happened has been because of her hard work she's an amazing amazing person what I'm most concerned about is how this information is going to get out to the city because if they don't know about it they're just going to Simply do what they've always been done it's going to be like the wild west of the 2010 whatever I think we have to develop some kind of a system where we use Nick where we use City Hall where we use the environmental shade Tre commission to let people know that this is the way we have to plant our trees you you just can't simply tear a tree down and then that's the end of it because according to the ordinance now we have to deal with private property as well and that's a big issue because people have a lot of lot of feelings about going onto their property so we have to make sure that they're aware of the fact that this is an ordinance that requires all of us be of terms of the right of way as well as private property in terms of planting or tearing down trees the other thing that I want to mention is that we continue to bump up against I guess obstacles I'm not sure you want to call it but we've put this we've put this uh proposition out there for a certain amount of money for a certain amount of trees to be planted this year well it's like throwing it in a hole you never hear anything about it we don't know whether the whether the the U proposition was accepted whether it's okay whether we can use it I mean who who tells us this Gabrielle and I are still trying to figure out where are we going to go to get these trees but we don't even know if we have the money yet we think we do but no one has told us we have this money so we have to be informed especially from the finance office I mean I know they're busy they've got all kinds of things to do but we have to know whether or not we have this money to spend because we want to plant 20 more trees no I'm sorry we want to plant 10 more trees we've already planted five I didn't have the funding for five trees so I had to take it out of my account for one of the for one of the nurseries from Gasco well that kills me for $1,000 well then how do I use it how do I get what I need from Gasco after this because I had to use $1,000 well if I go to this finance office and tell them I need this extra money put back in my account they look at me like I have three arms and four eyes and that's the end of it and I never hear anything so I mean I know they they do a lot they work hard and all that but sometimes it's just like come on let's let's work together here this is not we're not trying to do nuclear science I think this is related this is not this this isn't the ordinance though no it's not the ordinance but I'm I'm here because the ordinance is important but the ordinance only makes sense if we can work together and we understand what's going on I mean the ordinance is very important and I'm I'm glad Gabriella worked as hard as you did and Michelle on getting it established so so the only final thing I want to say about the ordinance is that we are actually required to have this approved by May 1 and if we can't to get it approved we just have to ask for an extension um by the EPA so it's going to be approved tonight okay okay I I didn't know if it was officially approved I I I'm sorry I don't know the process appr okay so it would get approved okay but as far as like how to get it out to the residents can it be a short like frequently as question frequently Asked ideas like one page both sides yeah if we can put put in the tax bills what we can do that with years ago weed to we could put it in like the spring or the fall newsletter newsletter but that's six months away something earlier I mean if you get us like one page on both sides we can throw in a tax bill that Mak can you right that'll hit a lot as far as like the funding which isn't part of the ordance but since we started up something you're going to have to work out it may be because we're working on a temporary budget because we have Haven approved our budget yet no I think I think it's been approved I think there might be and Gabrielle and I talked about it briefly some po issues but but the funding for the trees is my understanding has absolutely been approved but but there is a process that is unpleasant to go through to get the funding well we don't mind the process we just have to know what we have to do I mean I of we talk to me today a little bit about it so we'll work together try to get all right but in terms of communication John you know I think you know it's almost like something you get from the the water water department or from some other department where you let the NJ what njg they give you all the stuff that you never read it you get your bill you throw the rest of it away you never you to give them something like that with their tax bill they're not going to read it we have to do something a little bit more explicit a little bit more direct to tell people that this is important we come up with the idea CU When I get a tax bill believe me I read everything in there well that's because it's you but that's not everybody I mean really open for suggestions if you have a suggestion we we'll do it because you're right we also said APV that'll get it up on the public access no question I think then we should actually have a a table and we can actually talk about it there too yeah and while I'm here uh also a Labor Day weekend Clear Water Fest is coming back to Asbury St from I can't listen I'm here the ordinance I think I don't I think we're good on the ordinance yeah we're good on the ordinance okay good on the ordinance okay thank you thank you I have a motion to open up the public hearing on ordinance Sor it's it's on another topic this directed the public hearing been open so you're going to have to wait do I have how long do I have to wait probably a minute oh any member of the public who wishes to speak on ordinance 20241 please use the microphone motion to close move it second second all in favor I I a public hearing and ordinance 20241 is now closed may have a motion to adopt ordinance 202 2410 move to adopt second council member Bez and yes council member clayt yes Deputy Mayor Quint yes mayor Moore yes can I move on yes y okay um ordinance 20241 this is ordinance of the city of Asbury Park approving and adopting a Redevelopment plan for a property located at 121 Memorial Drive block 203 lot 5 I understand that we would like to make a motion to table so I have a motion to table this ordinance 8 2024 meeting move to table council member Bez Anderson yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes thank you ordinance 20241 is tabled to the May 8 2024 meeting ordinance 20242 Capital ordinance providing for roof replacement and appro appropriating 2 mil 5,38 87 therefore authorized in and by the city of Asbury Park in the county of Mammoth New Jersey move it second I think it's pretty self-explanatory so okay yeah if anybody has any question may have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 2024 move to open second all in favor I public hearing on ordinance 20242 is now open would anyone wish to speak on ordinance 20242 where is that it's the final ordinance of of the public hearing 20242 I have a copy of it up up front Rita it's put it's to put new roofs on DPW the Transportation Center City Hall and the council chambers okay okay okay I didn't say that no did you're right I didn't give an explanation I apologize but that's what this about not seeing anyone motion close second all in favor all public hearing on ordinance 20242 is now closed may have a motion to adopt ordinance 20242 move to adopt second Council memberz Anderson yes council member Clayton yes deput mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes no one has anything else I will wait a second Tom your your question to fr uh this has to be directed to attorney raedo um I had asked if there was a possibility of putting a a split rail fence around the rain Garden which is on Springfield and Maine um simply because it's a it's a beautiful garden it's it's marked off but it's also not really recognized by so many people because it doesn't have any kind of physical attraction to it and a split rail fence would be a very simple kind of thing to put around it I was told that because it's green fields it's not appropriate so I went online and I looked at all the green fields in Asbury Park and that's not one of them and I'm wondering why we can't put a split rail fence around it one to make it more attractive and also two to allow people to recognize that this is some place they can come and enjoy the garden it's not meant to put people off it's not meant to to prevent people from going into it it's just meant to highlight the Gard I understand and it's something that I'm going to have to look at yeah let us look into it and we'll get back to you but you didn't tell us beforehand we would have had the information all right I'll accept that for now thank you thanks Tom anyone motion toour all favor I meeting is now ajour thank you everyone do that