um welcome everyone today is Monday May 6 2024 this is a regular meeting of the city of Asbury Park planning board chairwoman KAC can you please call this meeting to order [Music] yes this meeting is being held in compliance with the open public public meetings act uh chapter 231 Public Law 1975 adequate notice of the meeting has been provided to the coaster and Asbury Park Press by publication of the annual meeting notice and posted on the municipal bulletin board and Municipal website all notices are on file with the uh planning board with the uh board secretary official action may be taken on the following matters before the board this meeting is being recorded by APV for your viewing pleasure please join me to slute flag United States of America stands Nation God indivisible and justice for all I will now take roll calls James Bano here councilwoman Clayton here Eric alipo here Jim Henry here uh Jeremy Hoffman here John Moore here Daniel Shan is absent today uh Jennifer saer here Vice chair goonan here chairwoman KAC here uh I just like to take one moment to uh to welcome a new member of our board uh alternate one Jeremy Hoffman welcome welcome Jeremy uh the first item we have on the agenda is uh resolution for uh Springfield app um yep uh the members of the board that are eligible um are James Bano councilwoman clay Eric gipo Jim Henry mayor Moore Jen forer Daniel Shen oh all of you I'll start from the top then okay uh James Bano yes councilwoman Clayton yes Eric Alo yes Jim Henry yes mayor Moore yes Jennifer saer Yes Daniel shano absent Mike gonan yes and Barbara kurac yes okay all right the first item we have on the agenda is the um aab Park Beach Club 1500 Ocean Avenue we're looking to carry that to June 17th 2024 um and without further notice there's no notice required no notice required okay so I just like to get a motion to uh to carry to June 17th 2024 move it I'll second um James bonano yes Council woman Clayton yes Eric Galo yes Jim Henry yes mayor Moore yes Jennifer saer yes Mike gunan yes Barbara KAC thank yes thank you uh next next um application on our schedule is 900 Madison all right we need to we're going to there a few people that have to be recused yes go ahead um Ivon is out G out I'm going to recuse myself for a work conflict okay any why to give your appearance then I'll bring up the date on who's eligible if I may Andrew Caris we have the applicant Den hulks acquisition LLC now the original of the original members who voted in favor of the project was approved back in 20 uh John Jim and Jennifer so I'm down to two so I got to I got to have a participate sure in my mind yeah it's [Music] almost so understand i' got to give you yeah that's fine I just want to make sure the people that are listening tonight have listen to the prior hearing if we're going to take a vote yeah as everyone Eric and Mike goon both watched they were the members that had not I'm sorry Eric and Eric and Mike and this was the one where you remember like the original approval there was three planning board meetings but only two of them were on APV so I watched two of them and then one of them was just a transcript have you yes yes I'm caught up okay so that's three yes that's four yeah so you can participate but you just w't be able to vote because you haven't yeah tonight if we don't vote if we don't vote tonight for whatever reason and you want to gone up on the old meetings then you have you've got all but one M we're set to go floor is yours thank all right this from what the uh I don't know what the board recalls we're back here on a continuation of a hearing um they had been a prior approval of this project the project is located at 90091 Madison Avenue two lots it's blot 603 or number of lots lots 3 to9 block 607 Lot 8 two buildings are being proposed Within Springwood Avenue Redevelopment area it's the Gateway Zone we' had quite a number at least a few hearings on this matter um it's an amendment of a prior approval we've come back tonight in response to the board's comments at the last hearing that we held on this matter we're going to address those comments tonight and I'm hoping that we can finish up tonight with the application by minut all right we're going to start off with our architect get everything hooked up and then I'll swear and my staff when you're done very [Music] good to be sworn in again yes yeah sir please raise your right hand swear or affirm testim about the get this m this evening truth truth and the truth yes please restate your name for the record spell Lance l a n c Blake b a k e okay and you are qualifications haven't changed you still a license architect of good standing in state New Jersey yes that's correct since February okay SAR sure please right hand testimony you state your names for the record and your affiliation of the board Donna Miller board planner uh Robert Euro board engineer good okay ready to go thank you Lance as a result of the hearings and the comments at the hearing last time were before this board you made certain revisions to your plans am I correct that's correct these are the architectural plans that have been presented to this board am I correct yes what I'd like to do is bring those up on the board and then we're going to identify the plans as we go through them right you know what exhibit we're up to I believe A4 if I'm [Music] [Music] correct uh yeah it would be A4 okay just bring that up on the screen MH start with the 901 [Music] all right what I'm going to ask you to do is first identify that and then let's get the last revision date for the record [Music] so this is um 3D rendering Asbury Park Building 900 uh latest revision date is can't see 329 329 2024 okay taking a look at what's been marked as A4 of identification why don't we go through the changes that you've incorporated into these plans from the last time that we were here sure sure so um um basically uh just to give you a broad overview um the changes that we made uh primarily was to um uh eliminate all the the balconies uh in the back of the building uh from usable balconies to juli so there is basically um it's you know anywhere from you know a foot to 2T in which there'd be a railing and then um and then your living space so just just I'm sorry just where are we on this can you show us where we are when when you're speaking about this so uh referring um you can do the rendering yeah that's fine all right so we're going to Mark these are renderings that you prepar for dis application am I correct that's correct and that shows the elimination of those balconies and the addition of the jul balcon Bas upon some of the comments of the board what we did was uh like I said to eliminate all the balconies all the usable balconies uh and convert those to Juliet's so they're um um they're noted basically revised on the plans uh the other major uh so we're going to identify this A6 the board all right goad yeah uh the other move that we made here too was uh where we have where we have an amenity balcony off of the uh second floor um so this is this is the 900 building the N so what we did was uh we put a um a wood slat fence uh that would be 6t tall so that um any neighboring resid resents wouldn't be able to see um you know anybody that's utilizing that deck so in the 900 building you can see uh before we go to that I also SE in the garage door the garage door the the other um revision that we made was instead of a grill garage door was to go with a solid garage door uh in which uh was requested by the board um at the last meeting mhm and uh the building 901 the same thing uh where the building uh creates an l-shape again uh we eliminated all the balconies um off of the the rear of the building and uh again created a 6ot uh wood slat fence uh again so that uh any use of the a deck would not disturb uh the neighboring residences and this is another exhibit that um depicts what it would be like on that deck and you can see um and I guess this is going to be another that's that's one set of plans am I correct these rendering we'll do that as one well two different sets of renderings one's for one set of buildings for one building one and one's for the other okay then we can do them sep that's fine so A5 would have been which building um 900 and then A6 will make 9901 901 and A7 will be 901 so uh in looking at A7 you can see uh the design of the amenity deck which would have um landscaping and pavers and uh we put in a person for scale so that you can see that uh uh the height of the fence uh would be you know screen for the [Music] neighbors and uh on this building as well uh again uh the comment by the board uh we also uh added a a solid garage door as well eliminating the uh the grill okay and those are the rendering those are the extent that we can see from the rendering am I correct yes okay let's go back then to the plan that we have 84 okay taking a look at for those changes are also reflected on these plans am I correct that's correct yeah any other revisions to the plans that you've made as a result of the wheels coming um just on the uh the ground floor of the parking area we um we added some wheel stops uh where it butts up to a circulation uh We've also added a little bit more detail on uh on the bike racks and the number of bike racks uh so so on the uh 900 building we have just grab my grab my [Music] notes so Al [Music] together we have a total of let's say 20 28 48 48 and 14 what is that [Music] 4 62 in the 900 building and uh in the 901 building we have um 96 bikes so we've you know in terms of circulation do you see any conflict with getting to those bikes and circulate on within the site no I don't you know what with that no can you please go back to not which was the other one that one yeah so can you zoom in a little bit more to the ones that are directly adjacent to the parking space so how much how much room do we have between the rack and the limit of the space so there's a wheel stop there's like a two of overhang right so if I'm chaining my bike up my one wheel is facing the car and whe yeah the the type of racks that these are they would be tilted up they're like a double these are tilt racks yeah James do you have any um is do you think that's enough from our discussion last time they put the wheel stop s so now you can go straight up to get out I think you the car squeezing bikes through but at least they can go off now and safe path no cars lock it there tilt racks more spes I was concerned how how they're going to M rack I think the til rack should be okay my only concern is overhang over that wheel stop yeah so with those can we those two I mean we can look to to try to push them a little bit you're supposed to have a a little bit you know this prescribed amount of room that you have to have unless we unless we just eliminate those what unless we eliminate those two any of this building you indicate at 62 like like gr yes I I keep it yeah I just wish fit better it's hard to tell this picture because we want them functional we want people to use them we don't want there to be a conflict you know with with parked cars you have sufficient room to be able to maneuver those racks to ensure there's no conflict am I correct do they only come in these let me let me just finish that question sufficient room to be able to I I believe believe they are um these two the two that were in question those two uh that is being pointed to because they back up to the parking space uh the the owner of the bike could be able to get their bike out of the rack and then you know go to the exit I don't see that as being an issue um unless the board feels that the part the the car that's parked there to get to the aisle is an issue which I really don't think so I mean that's a general concern it's just you know we have to squeeze between the cars to get to that space at all those are coming directly from the you know the path to the North in your opinion you think there's enough space there I do okay yeah Eric you had a question uh just about the configuration are these the only numbers this is eight and sixes do they make tens and 12 okay just take this there well we have a big column there there's there's yeah that's a big concrete column yeah I mean we did our best to to squeeze in as many as we could within um the prescribed um you know uh distances that these racks need to you know maneuverability in room that they need to have any other revisions plans um there was a comment about utility meters um and uh those will comply we do have uh we'll get to the reports but just look after PL right now any other visions that you no no that was it all right what I'd like to do is have the board reports marked I think we're up to B three and four right all right so why don't we Mark the TM report that's sted April 26 2023 revised I don't know what the revision date on this now so um Paris that's a Mis printed should be April 26 2024 all right so we'll mark that as B three for identification and then we'll mark as before the CCH report that has been updated for April 22nd [Music] 2024 first what I'm going to do is take a look at the tnm report I don't think there are any comments in here that pertain um it's noted that the pl Revis when the Val is at the rear of the building that is correct M yes um I think that's the extent that really applied to the architectural test testimony in the &m report looking at B4 which is a CCH report mhm directly [Music] to page 8 D on that page talks about bicycle parking and we just covered that am I correct yes [Music] okay just go through I do want to mention though there is a comment within the report about the RightWay everything has been taken out of the RightWay so there will be no easement or license agreement necessary can you just help us out as to what page we're on I'm just generally saying I'll get I'll find it in here but I just no just I'm just in general like when you're going through it somewhere around page 13 or something that's okay um um I guess what I'm curious most about so um I think we talked last time about potential um Green Building uh opportunities uh Green Building design opportunities we we've added that we'll get to that yeah we'll have t yeah okay um oh and the garage ventilation so you're putting solid doors on the garages now so is that changing anything about how the garage area is being uh ventilated and all no I mean if it does once we get to the on the back wall if we need to partially uh you know have a small amount of mechanical ventilation and as you know uh um as it goes with whatever amounts of openings we'll we'll make it work okay and I'm sorry can you jump to the uhe one of the elevation drawings the back [Music] side the rendering or elevation the other location mhm right there zo in on the the rear not the side yeah oh that's the front yeah [Music] I just want to clarify some of the [Music] um openings at the ground level in the garage looks like there's there were like some kind of vents in addition to the screens ventilation screens yes okay are those strictly for the garage strictly for the garage that other common space uh no just just the garage that's just the garage okay so yeah like so that horizontal looking Grill is that um yes yeah so that's a ventilation Grill yes and then the other ones below there still the other ones are more of uh grills yeah so are those is that um mechanically ventilated that for that Grill and the other ones are just passive so the uh the louvers up top you know the the more narrow one on top yeah yeah so yeah that's for um the mechanical ventilation so yeah and then um the ones that show the the we'll call the fence yeah the the fencing that's for Passive that's for Passive okay so the mechanical one is that in or out I'm not following is that for exhaust or inl that is for um that would be for exhaust okay so fresh air is coming in through the screeny ones and then exhaust is coming out of the L one yeah and that would only that would only occur it's not constantly mechanically uh vented what happens is is the there's a CO2 detectors that if it reached a certain level uh it then it'll kick on yeah and that's Comm within these types of garage this type of system yes it's not like uh there's going to be fumes pouring out of this garage it's okay just want to make sure we all understand how it's working okay all right continuing on to the report page 115.2 it talks about overhead utilities the combination PL should be revised indicate the underground overhead utilities among Madison and Banks um we're not proposing doing that if you take a look at the Redevelopment plan undergrounding of utilities is only required on Springwood Avenue and it's reflected on page 41 of 67 of the Redevelopment plan is not required um on madag or bangs and that is not included within this project 5.3 mechanical equipment um there's a common plans have been revised to provide the location involve rooftop equipment and indicate screening for some elements common continues are there no details to the screen the elevations appeared to sh rooftop equipment with Out screening can you comment on how screening for that rooftop equipment yes the uh the equipment that we show on our um on our roof you have the the uh the roof [Music] plan so um all the little we call condenser units those are very small those will not be seen um so we're not proposing to screen those but there are a couple uh rtus rooftop units that service the uh the common areas uh or the retail are and um as well as a gener generator um will be screened and basically um it it would be a uh a solid uh metal type screening that typically is is mounted on a on a curb or attached to the equipment itself um but those the the the locations of those regardless of screening or not screening uh would not be seen because they're you know either in the center of the building um and the viewpoints from you know from any point of view would would not show but we're going to screen them anyway continuing on to 5.4 utility service connection come with screen PL screen plantings are provided around both Transformers and additional screen has been provided for the Transformer 900 Madison you confirm that regard to the utility meters comment 5.5 on page 11 indicates current plan does not showare the location of meters on screen wall for 901 Madison Additionally the revised PL for 900 Madison State the screen walls to be 6 ft in height however it's shown only at 4 ft meters of pance elevation appear to be mounted High higher than 6 ft meters visible can you comment on that yeah that was a mistake on our part uh they would be uh th those screen walls would be uh 6 ft or higher and they would fully screen those metors correct yes all right covered back of generators and R ventilation we just covered before we leave utilities uh the undergrounding of utilities was that uh a condition of the approval of the original plans I don't believe it was it was okay no I keep trying well it says in 5.2 it says the condition of the prior approval was under underground as much of the U overhead utilities as possible so I'm just if it was a condition prior then it possible [Music] possible okay continuing on think oh I'm sorry um so for 901 medicine [Music] uh so they're the meters are going to be on uh which wall so that's the space behind there yes that's 6 feet and there should be sufficient coverage for all of them that's correct okay in terms of architectural comments in the CC report I think we've covered just that all of them a separate um witness for affordable well the affordable I mean it's by Statute um so you want we can run through that real quick um on the affordable um it's compline in terms of um the number I believe the number of units that are being provided it's 25 units if we can go to comment or number 11 on page 15 11.1 indicates that the project is compliant with the affordable obligation uh in terms of the breakdown the affordable classification of the units you can do that certainly as a condition um we understand what the requirements are what number is that that's on 11.2 and 11.3 on page 15 of the CC report in terms of bedroom distribution I believe the number of one twos and threes are compliant the report does indicate at 11.4 that it takes the two buildings separately as 17 are required 901 are eight required in uh building 900 yeah I think you you need to have one more the other building take one out of the 901 and add it as a unified project I don't believe that's required correct me if I'm wrong um if required we'll do it if not we're not going to do it will make it uh the administrative agents decision fine that's fine perfect okay and is that should we put that as a condition yeah we can put that that way the board doesn't have to exactly right be the deci of that yeah all right um I think in terms of the other requirements I mean there statutory requirements so we find that and we're just they're affordable they're um all family units not age restrict exactly exactly and I think that concludes the testimony that I have for the [Music] architect does the board have any other questions for this witness I just had one that didn't come up last time uh on the elevation for 900 there is a spot for public art is that a requirement or an option there's a requirement to provide public art it's not required to be there that's my question building that's that's my question is is it going to be there or might it be there that's where they're proposing to put it okay so if we approve this there will be something there well we would have to go before but that's the space they're that's the spot providing for art yes [Music] okay any other questions from our uh planning board members any questions from our professionals uh for this witness nothing you okay Don yes okay all right any uh can I open it to any questions from the public for this witness anyone okay thank you very much [Music] thank next we will have our engineer provide testimony [Music] where we're from testimony about to G this m the truth truth truth can you state your name again for the record you were here last time I was here last time right it's Mark well first of all I do that and my name is Mark last time you do this time and my credentials all remain in place and it's Mark Zelena z z e l i n a thank you see us and zebra thank [Music] you all right what I'm going to have you do is take a look at what's up on the board and we're going to identify that as A8 for identification if you can tell board what it is that we're looking at and also give the last revision date on that okay the um it's a rendering of the uh site plan the preliminary final major site plan uh for the project see the revision date on there is April 1st 2024 okay taking a look at what's been marked as AA can you go through what revisions have been made since the last time we peered there are very little if any revisions that are um can be seen we've updated some of the details of the drawings in to uh match the architectural plans themselves uh the number of parking spaces the circulation and the like have not been changed on the plan um so in essence there are no visible changes to the rendering that's presented to you at the this moment now in terms of the environmental efficiency of this project um are any efforts being made to make this either lead certified or consistent with lead operation for performance M Mr architect has to answer who's say the engineer on that one all right I'll call him up uh momentarily just to go um in terms of lighting have any changes been made to lighting or anything been added to the plan um any further details there has there is not okay so that all Remains the Same I correct that is correct revisions to that no revisions okay okay well we're going to want some revisions oh no well in terms there some inconsistencies between what's in the architectural plans for lighting what you've got on the site um get together there's building mounted lighting that probably needs to get modeled and um I think there's uh 3,000k color temperature spe we only allow 2700 I think we as condition last time we said we do 2700 did we I thought yes okay so we going to need that change in the plan we will comply so hold on so we're talking about 2700 that we've agreed that that's going to happen what else do you you wanted somebody to get together there's building mounted lighting that's not shown on this plan okay that it refers to the architecture but it's on the outside of the building right so we should see we need to see how it affects the lighting right so we don't have a lighting plan we don't have I mean comprehensive we don't have comprehens one you you're speaking about the point BYO analysis to show the impact of all the building fixtures as well as the site fixtures we'll provide that and make sure it's um we'll make that compliant and conform with any requirements of the uh the board all right so how does that work if we don't have one and you're looking and you're saying you're putting it as a as compliance we can do it as condition so then who will take a look at that that would be you you're professionals all right no issue with that okay [Music] all what I want to do then is I want to go through the reports that we have first I'm going to take a look at B3 which is the engineering report in tnm and it's dated April 26 [Music] 2024 and I believe everything on there has addressed the E spaces as we note on paragraph or page four we provide a previous testimony that we are complying to e requirements for the project number number six um comment is any damages to the curent payment in the city RightWay as a result of the amended Pro will responsibility to the property there asking for no objection am I correct you are correct can I'm sorry can you please repeat five and six cuz I I didn't hear what you were saying five is EV we testified at the prior hearing with regard to EV that uh we are compliant with the requirements on EV and we taking the appropriate Le credits for the project okay so Madam chair just real quick we were just asking for those calculations to be shown on the cover sheet which is fine which you indicated you would comply with that the last hearing for both items five and six okay just additional notes need to be put on the plans for clarification all right can we can you just remind me if we're are we talking about EV ready or are we are are we ready to plug in day one we're plugging we're plugging in day one right yes that's which will decrease the amount I guess that will be required for the [Music] venting going now to the other report I think that's pretty much covered everything in the where did we leave off with the county improvements last time we we still waiting we wanted to find out where the fire department entrance is going to be needed we met we had a meeting with with the county repres Representatives as well as the design Engineers uh for Asbury we had a zoom meeting call with everyone um and all the the design or the I would say the modifications to M weal Drive are all been coordinated um there is no entrance directly out onto Memorial Drive that affect us the county is 100% aware of both projects and has approved both there are improvements being made to Memorial Drive by uh the city itself and uh we've been provided with those plans to make sure that our plans um are coordinated with them so we're all on the same page there um as we discussed at the meeting with the county on March [Music] 28th all right and there was a comment I recall trying to find it with in here about the sidewalk size of side right now it's currently 10 feet in front of the project and at one time it appeared to have been 11 feet but that was not true there was a some conflicting enumeration on our plant so the had always been intended to be 10 ft across the front of the sidewalk or front of the buildings and basically that's as wide as we can make it to provide the strip of landscaping at the foundation of the building as well as a strip of landscaping uh out of long Memorial Drive um to make sure we try to preclude any pedestrian track crossing Memorial Drive along the fronts of the buildings and that has been approved by the county am I correct it is everything in the right of way of the county has to be in in approved by them what I'm making reference to is on the CCH report page 10 there's a comment relative to Memorial dbe about the WID of the sidewalk confirm that it is and as per requirements of the county there's also a common for to Street tree layout that I'd like to address comment indicators before you talk about so the county is not allowing the Planter seed wall combination of lead Ved for and expected a design of a all the frontage for that planted area and they're right away absolutely not no it's just at grade yes so that's by County the county said so you're saying the county won't let us have a planter wall that is correct there's sow plowing issues there's there's a lot there was not that I was firsthand in those meanss but I understand it that was discussed certainly it wouldn't be a problem with us to put that that information or that those those improvements in but certainly we have to deal with them and everything within the RightWay and the RightWay goes almost right up to the front of the building so we we're very much uh H you know restricted as to what improvements we can make certainly it's not us that do not want to do it or the team we're happy to do you know we're working with the board and providing what everything thing whatever we can you know but that's can requirement that is yep and you're talking about between the curb and the sidewalk that strip but it's not grass right it's not the it's not grass on that oh no absolutely not shrubs U grasses and and like and all of it has to be approved by the county because you know they're concerned about the you know snow and salt and and the like so we we we've coordinated that pallet with them and we'll certainly work with your planner's office and the county again because again we have no issues whatsoever we're trying to make make sure everyone is happy similarly in terms of the street tree layout on Memorial Drive when look at common 4.2 there's a comment in the planners report about complementing the vertical Rhythm of the architectural Els in the building entrances given the total length of the Planters and Street Frontage at least one more tree should be add to each planter uh planter um and it says this condition for approv approval has not been incorporated into the amended plan terms of the trees and the lights on Memorial Drive with any conversations with the county with regard to that well what's maybe not obvious you see the nice big brown green circles that represent the trees in in between each of those trees are a street are street lights so there's a rhythm along the sidewalk and the street to provide adequate lighting and the street trees that are required so to to alter that to coordinate that with the building it becomes difficult at best and even the addition of one additional tree would would be difficult as well because there because of the spacing of the lighting and the trees and the um the plazas we have at the corners uh another tree just isn't easy to fit there again we'll we'll work something out if we have to but right now we're very we like to the plan as it's presented so as presented this plan what you have on there works best in terms of how this building and how the site is being designed am I correct yes but you haven't modeled the street light lighting so how do you know what the best SE spacing is for the lights we'll provide that we'll make sure that it works um the issue is they're alternated with you know between a tree and a street light tree and a street light as we go down along the street itself and what's concerning is the illumination along the sidewalk so we'll provide that um the the uh what was it the spotlighting uh Point BYO um analysis that you had required and and we'll make sure we'll if we have to make some adjustments to uh uh to right if it's possible to make an adjustment to add the trees yeah we will we should absolutely if we if it once we get this analysis no he goes here we'll work with anyone here and I don't believe there are any were comments for this witness with regard to this application uh do board have any other questions for this witness yeah I just like a a clarification concerning the the county approval just go through that once more would you what they approved the long uh Memorial and what they did they approve something or did they just reject what was presented to I I can't tell you what was rejected or not I only thing I can tell you is the current plan before you this evening has conditional approval from the county as far as all the the details the layout the landscaping and what they they've approved we have some other paperwork items that we have to supply to them before they consider a final approval so it doesn't sound as though they rejected anything which is well no no no I I don't have the I think Mr Zelena is familiar with the negotiations that happened as part of the original approval okay I don't because that was not your that is correct yeah I'm I came in a little bit later I'm going based on what the the other members of my firm had relayed to me about that um that the seated walls that we were talking about were were prohibited by the county now whether it's rejected or you know there were meetings held with the county uh there were discussions with the county and what we've come to um the meets their approval was the plan before you this evening again like I said the walls were part of the original plan and discussions with the county I I can't sit here and say I had firsthand knowledge of it I in preparing for this didn't issue an approval for that old original plan oh absolutely not the conditional approval that was given by the county had removed that wall am I correct [Music] yes you okay anybody else on the Plenty board I mean on the board any other questions for this witness no any any questions from our professionals I one question just U Mr Lena I'll just make sure that whatever approvals or the latest letters that you received many the outside agencies get submitted to the board secretary so that the files complete absolutely [Music] absolutely okay and anyone from the public would like to uh have any questions of this [Music] witness okay just want to bring back just a second we have public yes Clayton 908 cookman Avenue just one question um when you were talking with the county was there any discussion about adding crosswalks like at Madison Avenue or the the city Engineers are working with the county as it relates to the design of Memorial Drive the uh revised signalization crosswalks and the like so it wasn't our purview to do that but it's U memoral drives being uh retrofitted as part of the project it's being repaved and there are I I I can't say with certainty but I do believe there are site uh crosswalks but um that is not part of what we provide it with the okay not Madison County won't allow you to have crosswalks at Madison and they will do all four crosswalks at bang no but I believe it's in l-shape there's a two-way you know cross one street cross she asking me about Madison Avenue oh I apologize no because it's not signalized Crossing Memorial Drive because you're going to have that many people living there they're not going to be walking to either cookman or bangs to cross so anyway just wanted to know thank you yeah but is that is that something that based on with this question so is that something having to do with this project James or is that the Memorial Drive project to have to have the crosswalks to go to Madison from well at this point the firehouse so across Memorial that's your question right having to do with Memorial yes so I'm not sure if this is a memorial reconfiguration or is it part of this project it could be either because as part of the project you could do an improvement but again it's up to the county about what improvements are made and I they not going to make those improvements out a um if you [Music] the I mean I I certainly understand what you're what you're saying about getting a crosswalk there makes perfect sense yeah the County engineer has a different view than we do about where pedestrians should be Crossing they typically stre put crosswalks mid block or at an intersection that is signal like that and they typically like to do an L shape uh only three sides of intersection instead of all four oh are they going to put up the nestrian signs to do you think I got those on my corner yeah that's going to that's going to be that's going to be rough there cuz that's where the firehouse is right yes at this point yeah and there's a strong you know there's a strong linkage there they're going to want to cross Memorial they're not going to want it HT but um unfortunately we don't control Memorial the county has been un yielding to our request but we've tried take it back we've tried okay all right thank you I don't I don't know if that's something that the city can do I don't know to to push for that I see it as an issue I mean if something it's going to be a problem the entrance to the building is on the corner yeah of Madison and people are going to be going to the train station you're right they are not going to walk to bangs or cookman to cross the street they're going to cross the street regardless if there's a crosswalk there or not and to make it safer my belief is there should be a crosswalk they're only not doing it now cuz there's a fence [Music] to listen I don't I'm sure my client would love to see a crosswalk there in terms of the safety for the people that are going to be inhabiting these buildings and living in these buildings but it's up to the county and there is no signal there so I'm not no saying it's good or bad I'm just without a signal there that's the the C's but not sign on cookman either well but the thing is is that that wherever not I don't recall from where the firehouse is there's going to be a signal from the firehouse I don't know if that is at Madison or where will that Sigman where it will be at cookman yeah it's be C all right so that signal will be at cookman not at Madison okay I'm going pushing for improvements to bangs Avenue bangs Avenue and cookman but I don't think we're going to get a crosswalk M hoping to get one at things but I'm not optimistic after working with the county for I have okay so you've been you've been in with them you you've had active conversations no no not about this project but I'm just saying on my Memorial but practically speaking a question for James practically speaking uh if the county does not approve a crosswalk one that stretch uh other than at the intersections uh we can't ask this uh applicant to uh install it right correct no we the county and ask the county but once the county says no or yes it's the county decision it's the county decision so whatever whatever we say here is overruled by what the the county not our street yes sir right that's exactly right unfortunate not really that's that's going to be a problem that's going to be a problem any other uh comments from the public okay next just going to call up our architect just to address the environmental issue and the lead [Music] issue and in terms of Green Building [Music] design okay yeah terms of Green Building design uh this building is not going to be lead certified am I correct uh not certified but we we're going to design it uh based upon a lead silver Green Building um design so we're going to go through all the checklists um meaning that whatever would be required to get a lead certified silver is what we'll be doing so um the checklist hasn't been developed yet or has been developed well uh not not not for for the yeah not yet but uh if you go through you know the lead requirements um they have their prerequisites and their you know you know all professional oh okay um so so um so I understand that you're going to take a look at all of the possible credits that lead silver might require correct and you're going to implement enough of them to achieve silver that's what you are committed to okay yes so how is that coordination going to be done amongst your design team because there are site design building design and other design criteria that all need to be you're all going to have to talk for Aspire and you're going to have how are you going to document that you are achieving that like what our value of your insulation and etc etc and you know GL glass types and so on and so forth how is that all going to be documented um CL my client uh then has hired a consultant uh to Champion that okay and who's going to sign off that those have been met or achieved that would be the consultant so as part of resolution compliance you would submit um the elements from the checklist that you are planning on achieving in the design and then we would be um when you come in for building permits that that checklist would be used M by zodic to to ensure that that's what's moving forward correct not lead certification but again we're going to comply with the requir but on that check list there are multiple categories that require post construction commissioning and certification and tracking so like Energy Efficiency is like an example and so you have to at some point prove that you've achieved you don't have to apply for lead but where is the teeth that says yes we implemented this and yes we achieved is that is that when you're when you become certified no comp well if you were doing the certification process at some point post construction they would go in and measure how much energy the building is so my client has made application to the Aspire program and it's part of that this a requirement so I guess the question Still Remains like how are you going to mail down what you've achieved and what you've hav't if all you have to do is like like if some of them require post construction certification or commissioning but as part of the fire FR which my client has applied to with the state that's a requirement so whatever we so you're going to report to the state exactly to ensure your monitoring is achieving the Energy Efficiency for example so we need that sent to the city that's fine as as back up to the we sub to the state we'll provide to the city how essentially how's it being documented and who is responsible for at the end of the process saying oh you were supposed to provide X number bike racks X am you know the R value of your insulation is this the albo of the materials on your roof you know I'm just listing all them yeah it's done for the state will provide the same documentation to the C right but but that's part of is that part of the getting the co you know to have that in hand to say yes this is the no because the building is B it's occupied and needs requirements thereafter are I guess they come into play and your uh documentation is provided at that point in time so you're already at your CF but we'll provide the documentation that we have to the state which is a requirement in order to comply the Aspire program so you have to provide it to the state anyway so you will also provide it to the that is exact [Music] correct I know it's kind of new territory we don't usually think of after building's built yeah yeah well I mean us like if you if you apply to a lead for to to get lead certification 6 months or 12 months or 18 months after the building is built they say oh this is how much energy you're using and this is how it compares to a building of re tie it to the performance bond release oh we could do that that's yeah I don't know if you can do that H we can suggest just as a timing thing yeah but I don't know if you can do that there's stat requirements in terms of performance bonds and I don't think you can hold up the release of that for something like this I I I wouldn't say that it's a prerequisite for release of a bond I'm just saying like internally for the zoning office to know that um the reporting is done that's we're not violating I yeah I agree with you it can't be a condition or it to but it can be a trigger yeah a documentation trigger yeah yeah it's Flag it's a milestone yeah yeah it's part of the bond checklist be like oh did we get this you know it's not going to stop you from getting your money but this part of that would be something would actually be maintenance not for longer ter internally within the city not board resolution yes so right what can our condition be can it be that our professionals have to receive checklist that that report you said you're going to send and be approved it's going to be internal to the city be is part of resolution compliance it would be in the construction Department some of these things are going to be post construction post construction no I meant what can what can we actually make as a condition um I have the language that just been discussed and it's going to be provided uh to the city in order to show compliance with their to go into this fire program so that I have that [Music] okay yeah and I would just encourage you know your entire design team to think together about this and don't look for credits you like try and get everybody's head on the same page about how you're going to achieve it because if you only meet the minimum and then it turns out that you can or it doesn't you know then you can have you you could have several misses and still achieve what you're trying to do so I wouldn't I would say try not to do the bare minimum try and get everybody to do the most they can so that whatever shakes out in the process doesn't work out as it feasible as in efficient as a cost effective doesn't actually meet its targets doesn't bring you below that threshold so you overachieve and then things will shake out yes okay I would aim higher than you need so that you have R to wiggle at the end yeah anything else okay any other questions from the board members any other questions for this witness from our professionals no any questions s just as a side note there are some very easily available credits for this project because it's close to a train station yeah so the achieving silver should not be terribly any questions from the public to this witness no okay oh we have a question [Music] okay J outter 14033 of um along the lines of the Aspire program just was just wanted to ask because there's two pieces that I was curious about can you send the lead checklist um when it goes to the state so that's not post so there's the lead checklist that goes to the state Aspire program very soon and then the documentation basically everything that go can the project send all the Aspire documentation to the city when it goes so not not put some's before some's after well as it relates to lead correct yeah that would yeah basically anything that the city I'm just asking if that's possible as to leave I think that that's probably what we have in there Jack right that that the information goes to the city just like it would go to the state so we get that thank you okay all right any other uh Witnesses Mr Carris [Music] [Music] thanks so SAR testimony about G I do will you state your name for the record and spell it my name is Gates g a t s Kelty k i e l t y thank you okay you testified previously on this application am I correct uh no Oh I thought you did let me have you put your qualifications on the record interr yeah yeah um I graduated from Pennsylvania State University in 2014 and have been working at Malo bow Carmen since that time uh Malo B kman is a landscape architectural firm based in Bal New Jersey uh I am a licensed landscape architect as of December 20121 this is my first time testifying so you're you're certified your certifications are up to date yes they are okay all right what I'm going to have you do is first I identify what we have up on the board are those plans that you prepare to help prepare for this application yes they are we're going to mark that is A9 for identification if we can have a last revision date April 1st 2024 okay what I want you to do is go through that plan and describe exactly what is being proposed for the site sure um so this is the building 900 amenity roof deck speak sure thank this is the building 900 amenity roof deck area um we've had we had a previous approval for this roof deck that was approved a number of years ago and um since that time the amenity roof deck has been uh expanded and the planting has been upgraded from what was previously approved a sedum tray planting extensive planting scheme to an intensive planting scheme um Additionally the communal areas have been expanded upon to now include outdoor communal dining as well as some outdoor lounge spaces previously approved also were dog runs for both amenity decks and that is uh still included on this amenity roof deck you you initially mentioned it we changed from some sort of planting to another kind of planting not knowing what that means can you tell us what that means yes um extensive planting is essentially Sedum uh planting so they're very short low so soil profile um doesn't require a whole lot yes okay um whereas now there's EX ensive planting uh which is a lot more Lush robust planting pollinator uh plantings are included as well as uh those that provide habitat okay thank you uh this next plan is building 900 amenity roof deck from the previous approval uh this amenity area was expanded to the Western portion of the building uh initially it was just the amenity deck along M A Memorial Drive um but now additionally similarly to the initial the similarly to building 900 uh there are communal dining areas Lounge spaces and again a dog run can can you show us what was added because it's hard to tell on this what what was added sure um so the dog run space was not added but it was shifted and expanded upon okay there is now a feature wall that includes an outdoor bar not serving liquor but just for the purposes of entertainment um and a fireplace there's also a grill area with two grills and an outdoor sink and some additional seating so that's the only thing that was expanded it's on the back side of the building yeah and then the correct the Western portion of this area here um was not included at all in the previous approval this includes some passive Recreation and Lounge areas uh as well as the residential patios and the western side has a privacy screen completely enclosing it right yes that's correct how about the part facing Memorial is there any there is no screen wall along the face of Memorial Drive no then how does that work with the dog R couldn't dogs jump jump uh yeah there's there's a parit with a fence um along that edge so they will not will you be able to see that fence from the street you can see the dogs playing even better sorry that's my question what kind of fence is it how high is it what are we talking about here I'm all for a dog run I'm just getting nervous when I see like what's going on it's like sheep going over could you imagine they'll be going over Memorial okay can you just explain how that was working yeah so so okay go ahead so uh tell us how that works there is a dog run enclosure that is 4 feet tall that uh acts as the perimeter for the dog run um but then the architectural parit with a railing on top of that um I think Lance can speak to that at some point um but that will be that the perimeter um will be enclosed by both this 4ot enclosure and the architectural parit so 4T is enough to hold these dogs in that is what we typically use yes hope they're not big dog you can see the dogs in the upper right they're not yeah and then what does I mean what does that enclosure look like is this is this chain link is it it's we have um an extend mesh so it's like a fine ga yeah cable railing so they can't climb it small up gaug so they can't get their feed and cl and now so now my other hat is on from Memorial what are we seeing you're mostly seeing the power ofit wall okay M all right to be serious about this you dog owners can your dogss jump four feet I'm saying now I I have if I can speak on it I have large Boxer um she is not jumping for a all right you got a boxer all right we're talking about have two Dalmations they can definitely jump four feet the point is they don't want to because they're in the playground with their people with your people so they're not interested in jumping notori Drive itart we wouldn't worry cuz they jump over their fence who cares only yeah we uh we typically include signage uh for these areas that uh incourage residents not to just leave their dogs so so we're all okay with this for foot we're all okay with this and that can be if from some reason you see issues you can adjust that F am I correct yeah absolutely but BAS on your experience with dog runs and all you don't see any issues with the fouret four feet has been sufficient yes okay read it in the coaster okay all right I mean we're not saying there will be a proliferation of balls thrown over the fence but there's not likely to be dogs over the fence correct I actually think that should be a rule there should just be no toys in that dog they're going to all end up over the fence person you should be toys in any dog but that's my opinion um Can can the Fest legally be six flight without a variant or anything without busing their back cuz yeah I don't think it would be a problem be like a SC yeah it' be a screen wall it wouldn't necessarily be a fence fence I mean we're half joking about it but I I don't want be sitting up here when a dog Memorial drop everything right now is at 4T it wouldn't match in terms of the design um I would venture to guess 4T is sufficient but if for some reason it proves not to be that's that's after headlines I mean I totally appreciate the Mayers sir we don't want to have listen I've been at dog runs at plenty of that 4 feet um I've never seen an issue certainly not with my dog but with any other dogs the dog runs aren't elevated that I know what that the dog runs locally are not elevated above traffic so you go to Wolf's park or whatever ocean Port you all jumps over the veds into a baseball field Memorial Drive our office has done a number of uh amenity roof decks with dog runs and uh have used the 4ot height fence um can't say we've had any incidents so far welcome to ask let me is it possible to have like the top Green in where you're not going to be able to jump down ever see that uh I personally haven't seen that but know what I'm talking yeah you're top of the fence there so there's a a treatment that you can use on fences where there's like a foot and A2 to twoot topper that is angled into the space so you can't right you it's not so easy to go over I I don't know I feel more comfortable with having something yeah a a vat yes something how about two foot that on top of the uh on top of the the four flot wall well that's what I'm thinking if on top of it you have part of defense that mean in right that's what I'm thing right okay I mean I I i' certainly feel more comfortable with something like that well like like a flexible net like we the back stop they kind of do the wings yeah we we'll figure something out that I think we should put it as a as a recommendation and that two foot Chopper some some something to leans inward something that leans inward something that will take care of this concern because we're we're we're on a main street here if we're not lucky no we're not we're not really lucky stuff like this both right right bad for the cars and the dogs and the dogs um so CCH takes no uh objection to any of the plantings or other aspects of the amenity design okay and I know you guys have all these you know the rendering we haven't seen all the 3D renderings is there a rendering that we can see from the outside what this looks like with that 4ft fence in the parit cuz I'm having a hard time do we have arur we have architecturals are not detailed on the landscape this is oh it would just be over there oh zo over so the okay the wall the the dog wall is not on it but yeah but you you could see it there right there where it would be right that's where it would be right yeah just just in the in the dog area to have something that it shouldn't be too visible from the from the street it shouldn't really be an issue but that's that's what we're asking for something cuz this is the first time we're having any kind of a any kind of a situation like this okay yeah I think the last thing we want to read in the co is about L off that yeah so we would want it in the two places one on the on uh 900 and 9001 do on both on both sure okay anything else all right in addition to the amenity space any other planting on the site um design yeah our scope was strictly lied to that yeah limited to the the amenity deck test [Music] for that's we're all good okay any other questions from the board no questions questions from our professionals we're okay questions from the public okay that's our entire presentation okay uh last time we said you were going to talk to us about staging [Music] oh I'm going to call my client Steve litster to briefly go through the staging for the project and how the project is going to be built overall [Music] [Music] yeah just and on any of your projects we've developed a standard Clause condition uh for stage to meet with James to coordinate all that to protect the street closures briefly the buildings are going to be built and I'll have my plan testified um the most part simultaneously one will be done probably around 6 months before the other so it's not a huge distinction in terms of how these sites are going to be developed yeah I do have a plan somewhere but we just had to testify Tes this matter the truth truth nothing but the truth can you please state your name for the record and spell it Steven litster l i d s e Ric [Music] okay Steve what is your position with d I'm the director of development for Den holds you're familiar with this project am I correct yes in terms of the staging of construction of this project why you briefly describe to the board how the project is going to be developed and the time frames in terms of each building being developed sure so we plan to start on the larger of the two buildings first uh this which is the big one that 901 900 9011 901 thank you so we'll start uh start on 901 uh that's going to be about 4 to 6 months we think uh in that time we're going to use the 900 lot for staging for construction materials once we get the first floor done of the the larger building at 901 uh we'll then be able to move that material into the garage of that building and start construction on the second building so it'll be depending on weather time of year it'll be a four to six month delay uh from the start of the first building to the start of the second building and then it's about 18 months uh start to finish on each of the buildings what kind of space Street your sidewalk do you intend to use for occupy I should I think we'll be able to do um during the first phase when we're only working on the one large building we'll be able to stay you know entirely on our other uh piece of property the sidewalks on like Banks Avenue or mine I mean there will be periods of time when we're doing finishes out there it'll be temporary closures or we'll have to put some sort of uh sidewalk uh like that do there for weeks or a month like that no we don't anticipate it we have uh pretty big amenity decks transfer slabs so they have a lot of space up on that second floor um it'll be like I said temporary closures of uh the sidewalk around the perimeters the windows are going in or uh the exterior materials are going on the building and you'll coordinate with the city when those closes absolutely and you have no problem meeting with James meeting with the city to organize uh in anticipation of get a construction no not at all we like plan I do have one I just came um but yeah then it shows that essentially starting over there and then flipping over to the uh the other side any know your construction trailers are going um it that's also on our plan we'll send it over to you yeah my condition is rather inclusive always falls back James's lap have to get what he wants sure [Music] y any other questions from the board [Music] members okay any other questions from our professionals to this witness any questions from the public for this witness no okay thank you is that everything that concludes our application okay any um I'd like to open up the uh this to the public before the board comments can I get a motion so moved second anyone from the public that would like to make a comment about this project [Music] good evening ion Clayton 908 C Avenue um please raise your right hand raise your right hand Square the other right the other right yes the other right I know you're from asy I do you saw swear testimony about to give this m the truth the old truth and nothing about the truth yes okay bow your hand and please state your name for the record and your address Ivon Clayton 908 cookman Avenue thank you right ahead all right um I do have a concern and and it has to do with construction um once you start construction and we're also having the construction at the firehouse directly across the street I I'm worried about how people who are pedestrians are going to be able to maneuver and if the sidewalks are being closed because of the construction I I don't expect that you can answer that but it's just a concern that I have um we have a number of pedestrians that use this caror for getting back and forth between bangs and Springwood one um second one would be lighting and how the lighting is going to impact the neighborhood and how it's going to impact the smaller houses that are surrounding you and of course we talked about and I'm still concerned about the people who are going to be Crossing Memorial Drive from Madison Avenue because trust me they're going to cross at Madison Avenue especially when the entrance to the building is right at Madison and then if going to the train station shortest distance between two points they're Crossing other than that I will say it's not my favorite project because it's going to block my view but as a project I do appreciate it um I I'm grateful for the the affordable housing um and that you have listened to our concerns and address them and and that I hope you're going to be very good neighbors thank you thank you any other not [Music] okay s swear affirm testimony about the GI this matter truth truth nothing about the truth I do you state your name for the record and your address uh Jennifer saer 1403 3rd Avenue uh I just had three quick comments one is that um in terms of again the the sidewalk access that I heard the comment that we don't anticipate um any longterm longer term closures but I know that that again is a very well-used um block and so if it were to become longer term on any of those blocks not just when Memorial I think it becomes a real issue um for the public especially on that very busy area um and to the um I was just hope that the whole project team would work together on the lead checklist and the Spire requirements not post but early on um and that the city would ask for that documentation um and the third oh dear went my head it was it was echoing that ion said um oh P yeah same thing safety that the safety you know everyone that lives in Asbury knows that that area is so dangerous in terms of Crossing Memorial so whatever the project team can do the city can do in terms of working with the county to emphasize the those Crossings thank you thank you um motion to close public comment [Music] I know that I I know as a as a comment from from the board um I agree that that we have to be concerned about the staging more than a lot of other projects because of Memorial and people walking on Memorial or riding their bikes on Memorial you close Memorial sidewalk we're they're in the street and we just would really like when we come up with the staging plan to not ever close Memorial the sidewalk of Memorial that will that will help us to an extent um and to close anything that we have that that's presented to James about about closing Madison the sidewalks on Madison never both of them sidewalks on bangs I guess a Madison would be the biggest concern um to not close those sidewalks if you can absolutely avoid it because of the pedestrian traffic we already have an issue on the corner of Madison and Memorial we already have an issue so anything you can do to keep those sidewalks open would be really helpful to this project I know that we have a quite a few uh let me just ask one question just that ballpark in a perfect world applying for the the Aspire tax credits when do you think you would break ground uh fall if everything goes perfect if everything goes well I was just trying to see yeah when do we think that the firehouse is going to be like 18 months from here I think we're saying spring next year Firehouse should be done yeah having them done at the same time is that's going to be the worst yeah but I'm was just curious area okay James is there room on Memorial for like a a protected area put up like a like little barricades make the the shoulder a pedestrian now the current layout is only really maybe it's 4T on that little shoulder and I wouldn't put pedestrian in it step back of their buildings on Memorial I don't think they're going to need to close the sidewalk Memorial but I think we'll have a straight shot right across from bangs to equipment uh when it comes to C mine Banks I'm not going to let them in their stadi plan close both them at the same time they'll have to have signage telling where to cross where the closures are um has been Pro problem other projects unfortunately there are times them P the close uh I said it's temporary stuff but from what he's talking about I don't think he plans on doing many sidewalks but that's something that I do very seriously when I right and it's and it's never both sides of Madison yeah never both sides walking path um we we always try to accommodate bicycles and and pedestrians when we're doing construction okay any other comments from our planning board members any comments from our professionals no okay all right you want to sure I start off there's a whole standard for yes this area anything that's not been affected by the prior approval from the prior approval that still exists must be complied with okay I'm just going to give you the gist because these have to be developed between Donna and I okay [Music] um we you heard testimony that there's not going to be any intrusion into any city right away but I put a close in that says if there is you have to take care of it report compliance any outstanding conditions and recommendations that have been discussed this evening both Mr Euro's report and Donna's report uh specific notes that I have compliance with CCH 11.2 11.3 I have to check with donor about discussion of compliance on 11.4 uh artwork has to be approved by the city commission M uh lighting plans to be amended or developed uh maximum 2700 uh architect and engineer must revise their plans for consistency and the plan must be presented uh to Donna and to Mr Euro for accuracy and compliance with the regulations uh put a clause in or a condition in to check with Don about this about the street tree Edition and street lights in Long Memorial that we discuss the potential looking into that to see if it can be done um the applicant must Supply any correspondence uh from the county regarding the improvements within the RightWay uh along long Memorial to the board secretary uh as for the request of Mr Euro on the record uh lead silver I'm I'm going to chop this up I'm going to butcher it because I'm not a planner uh but they're going to the applicant intends to implement um the uh silver lead uh and they're going to submit requirements sufficient uh to the state for that purpose uh that to provide the elements or a ption of whatever is submitted or checklist when it's when it's submitted to the state it's going to be submitted to the city simultaneously uh essentially they have to provide proof to the city of compliance uh with the requirements that were outlined discussed by Eric uh and that's for both pre and post construction requirements whatever they might be that are required for whatever required afterwards uh uh install a twoot quot copper on on the dog run fence uh that runs uh that leads inward along memoral drive for both buildings where wherever there's a dog run there staging plan is going to be an extensive CL condition and I've already developed with James over the last seven or eight projects uh that has to be reviewed and approved by so that it isn't just a matter of they can tell this is what we're to do and just to say yes that's what I have anyone else have anything else that was missed you say the that was my list did you say the whole thing about the affordable housing administrative agent you said okay here it's in here the first when you said that I'm sorry check with Donna about the administrative agent uh approval discuss compliance that was like the 11.2 11.3 11.4 yeah but I've got that in number six the only thing I'd say about those dog run Toppers I don't know if 2T is the right height I don't know if any of us know what what what the right distance is I just want them to see if they get some data and I want it to be taller than 4 feet but I don't I don't know know we need to specify but but it will go it will lean in so it should why do we have of appropriate height leaning yeah okay so appropriate height leaning in topper I don't know if 2 fet is right or not that's why I don't want to BU that's fair that's fair so the appropriate time yeah the only thing I would add a memorial that's all subject of C that light mhm yeah okay uh let's see where's that light so that's subject to County [Music] appr yeah I get that okay okay anybody else all all right can I get a motion for approval of this uh application uh based on with all the conditions that were just set forth move it second James Bano yes Eric Alo yes Jim Henry yes mayor Moore yes Vice chair goon yes and chairwoman KAC yes very good thank you very much all right thank you we go uh motion to I get a motion to adjourn second okay all in favor I I thank you you