this is a regular meeting of the city of Asbury Park planning board Vice chair gonan will you please call this meeting to order this meeting this meeting is being held in compliance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 adequate notice of this meeting has been provided to the coaster and Asbury Park Press by publication of the annual meeting notice and posted on the municipal bulletin board and Municipal website all notices are on file with the board's secretary official action may be taken on the following matters before this board by your exits are located on the east and west sides of council chambers as well as the back of the building I will ask everyone with a cell phone or other device to kindly silence your device for the duration of this meeting this meeting is being recorded by APV please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance United States of America naice I will now take roll call James Bano here councilwoman Clayton is absent this evening Eric gallipo here Jim Henry is absent this evening mayor Moore here Daniel shano is absent this evening Jen saer here Pedro trlla here Vice chair Mike gunan here and chairwoman Barbara kurzak is absent all right uh first thing we have is a couple resolutions to go through um the first one is the resolution for 302 Atkins Avenue which was the Interfaith neighbors one this was the one where we were amending the site plan to increase the uh height of the fence did anyone have any comments or notes on this resolution not the latest version right not the latest version I'm asking there was only there was only one version of the Interfaith one oh I'm sorry sorry okay uh why we get I need somebody to move it and then have Eric move it or someone else second it and Eric's really the only eligible me to vote on he is UN you here Michael I was here but I was not eligible to vote on it okay all all right well I make a motion to approve the resolution as written second can I second it yeah I'll second okay formalization formal action taken at the meeting okay you're in the second I M yeah I was here for the fence I'm sorry for the fence I was here for the fence you were here for the fence yeah but you were eligible oh but I wasn't for the first one that's right sorry sorry sorry so er you affir to vote I affirm that vote next okay next resolution for um 121 Memorial Drive Redevelopment plan these are our recommendations to the city council um there was two versions of this that went around Jackson out a second version today yeah today um does anyone have any yep does anyone have any comments on this revised draft I do so if you're reviewing the revised draft I feel that some of the statements that were added in were not specifically what the board had said um 3B and E right no sorry and four um four calls out and support recommendation 3B above and 3B it says that location design of sidewalks and location of the erress areas for the project which one is in a full sentence butly the board recommends that the plan be amended to permit vehicle Ingress egress for moral Drive I think what we were discussing was recommending that the city do a study to figure out which driveway or was more appropriate and the way this reads to me especially with four saying it's in support of it is that the board is pushing for it to be a mortal drive and that wasn't the case at the meeting so I think just with a few uh different changes to the text we can just say that the board was in support of the city council approving a study to determine which location was appropriate for the accent erress to this development and that's up to the board eligible members you tell me as far as what we discussed that's actually what I remember discussing is that we recommended the city do a study and based on the result of that study make a decision about what was the more what was more appropriate yeah ESS okay Jen do you remember similar I mean I feel like the way that we discussed it was that we would like to be able to consider a plan either or and that it like either or and that we also think that the decision should be based on us on data not just feelings like this is better than that is not as good as some data that drives that decision agre that's what I was saying like I think we're just was more about study rather than so I think that's more what we should be saying is based on the study recommend study but the way the plan is written mhm it would only allow it on Fourth okay right and so I think the the best approach is to say the plan could have either but what you know but this there should be a study to say which is better yeah that's fine so could we say in 3B the board recommends the plan be amended to prevent vehicular Ingress and egress from either four is it fourth fourth or fifth fourth four fourth Fourth Avenue or Memorial Drive based on the study recommended in number four and then number four is the study we're recommending yeah hold on one sec okay you want you want to base your decision or the empowerment based on empirical data that's done the traffic study correct well we're recommending the council makes its decision based on a study right so then depending upon the outcome of the study that's what you would be willing to live with is that correct well I won't be a member of the board I'm asking that was my impression am I understanding what we discussed let the data speak for it agreed but I think the way that Eric said it with the I mean I the fact that the existing plan didn't offer Memorial so we can't it it should say Memorial in there some way the way that just spoke so if we just take out let's let's pass over 3D number four if I take out in supporter recommendation 3B above just have it read the board recommends that the city council conduct the traffic and pedestrian impact study relating to the use of Fourth Avenue Andor Memorial Drive is the location for Ingress and egress to the project as well as the impact on the surrounding streets and adjacent neighborhoods then we can add something to that if you like that would be your starting point correct I mean I think four by itself might serve the purpose right I think so correct yeah because it mentions either or Andor it's now be before it just excluded Memorial complet now you've got it there for both yeah I I'm fine with that so if we omit B completely just amend four to take out that first phrase and uh after the word above after the comma making a capital T and just Contin it on I wouldn't take 3B out completely I would leave in the location and design of the sidewalks okay because that was something we specifically talked about yeah because where up above James I know you talk about with the sentence but I read that in in power material or in connection with the board recommends I see I see we strike out specifically the board recommends that the plan amend Etc all that in red leave that other in there it gives you your asking for the power to locate design sidewalks Ingress erress uh and yeah a will cover your uh Street Scapes along with bicycles and the like and then just uh take four and just leave it in with the exception of omitting that first phrase and I think that gets you where you want to be I would agree I'm good with that everyone yes that with everyone's okay all right so uh we have eligible members are Eric uh James uh Jennifer Michael why don't we get somebody to move the resoltion as amended I'll move it as amended Jen second I'll second okaya right let's go with uh Eric yes James yes Jennifer yes and Mikel yes Okay resolution as amended is adopted all right that is our old business moving on to new business we have one application on the agenda for tonight uh 1401 Kingsley Street uh which is the sunset square application yes Mr chairman I reviewed the submissions uh everything's in order we have jurisdiction to proceed this evening take us away thank you thank you Mr chair Mr Mayor members of the board thank you for having us here tonight for the record my name is Michael viello I'm a licensed attorney in the state of New Jersey I'm here representing the applicant this application is for phm Sunset Square urban renewal we're here seeking preliminary and final major site plan approval with certain design waiver relief for a 28 unit three-story townhouse Style development on the corner of Kingsley Street and Sunset Avenue and that's the northwest corner um I have with me here tonight as my Witnesses representatives from the applicant developer I also have my civil engineer I have a TR um a landscaping and lighting expert as well as our architectural expert um the application has been through the customary Redevelopment process here in the city we've appeared before your TRC twice received comments made plan revisions both times and we've also been before your mayor and Council twice and made revisions and finally obtained authorization to proceed before your body um if it pleases the board I'll start with my first witness of representative from the applicant please and would it be okay to swear one witness at a time or did one but I'm going to swear in my staff because there's a lot of times there's interchange during so gentle please raise your right hands you do yes pleas do you s testimony about to giv this matter the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do yes starting with you would you please give us your name and spell it James Mullen m u l l n thank you and gentlemen to my right Michael Sullivan Clark K hints board planner Doug CL Insight engineering board engineer okay uh Mr Mullen can you start by describing your position at so good evening Mr chairman board members my name is I just said James Mullen the director of land entitlements for our Northeast Corridor division uh been with the company with py group for 23 years now and also an attorney license in the state of New Jersey U just going to give you a little background about our company starting with the py group which is you've testified before us before on other applications I haven't been before the planning board okay just before the C sorry no problem so uh you know py or py group is a national home builder based out of Atlanta Georgia company was founded in 1950 by Bill py who built the first house uh and py Home in out of the back of his pickup truck in Detroit Michigan and since that time he's went public in 1969 and Company's publicly traded now in the New York Stock Exchange 2001 we merged with Dell Webb the premier home builder of active adult communities I'm sure you heard of City communities in the South uh East and Southwest and so that that's part of the py group family and then 2009 we merged with Centex homes become one of the largest home builders in the nation uh and now we are 41 divisions across 24 States as an S&P 500 company uh in 2022 named Fortune Magazine one of 100 best companies to work for and nationally we've closed 29,000 homes in 2022 all for sale we do no rentals it's all either single family townhouse or low rise condominiums for sale our local division Northeast quarter division that I work for is based in Bridgewater New Jersey and that's been in existence since about 1997 uh it's so we have a local Builder with you know National home builder resources and our territory includes all of New Jersey eastern Pennsylvania southern New York and parts of Delaware uh we've built a few a number of communities in and around Asbury Park in Howell Township uh in Point Pleasant eent toown and Manchester over the years currently we're building uh throughout other parts of the state in Far Hills and uh Somerville and Warren and Summerset County right here in at Parker's Creek and Oceanport at forth Monmouth we have a community of townhouse we're building uh the link at West Windsor in Mercer County and vermil at Union both train uh or Transit oriented community there and a number of communities in Bucks Chester and Montgomery County all in all in 2022 our division closed 545 homes and that's kind of where we we are usually um as for Asbury Park we as Michael had said we were designated as the subsequent developer by agreement dated August the 28th of this year 2023 we are the contract purchaser of this property don't own it yet uh but plan to build 28 stack town hous is there they uh all the common areas will be managed by a a Condominium Association and so all the all the townhouse homeowners will be members of that Association and will pay dues into that organization our homes are what we like to call consumer inspired so we'll go out and do focus groups and have uh customers give us input on our designs and so the four models that we're going to be uh building here are all uh consumer inspired uh you'll get more information from our architect on the specifics of those and our target market uh group is affluent and upwardly mobile couples and empty nesters who are looking for the uh you know the beach fun type lifestyle and we think this property is well suited to that so close to entertainment shops and restaurants and of course so close to the beach uh we anticipate that if we get all our approvals when we get all approvals we should be able to start construction in the second quarter of 2024 and then finishing really depends on the market and how quickly we sell uh but we figure within about two years of that time frame uh very excited to be here and have this opportunity to work in the city haven't done anything yet but we're very excited to get started here uh and to return this property to some active use I know it's been vacant for a while we think our experience and our resources are just perfect for us to make this a first class community in the Waterfront Development Area uh so I thank you again for the opportunity to let us present this application we look forward to becoming an active member in this the vibrant Asbury Park Community I'm happy to answer any questions you might have thank you any questions for Mr Ren questions from the board I thought I yeah you said two years I thought I read in one of the reports it says one year again Market driven but you know if we could do that absolutely but I'm just you know want to make sure we don't set expectations that are uh you know un thank any other questions from the board or our professionals thank you thank you very much oh yeah right question witness based on the testimony he gave no okay thank you so uh I'd like to now present our civil engineer for the project we'll put her qualifications her identification on the record swear testim matter be the truth all truth and nothing but the truth I do please state your name for the record and follow so my name is Lena bord of Baron that would be j e l e n a last name B ASM boy a l o r d a hyphen b a r o n e you got to do that again unless you have a card I have a card may I have sure thank you so I am a senior project manager at French and parella Associates I'm a licensed professional engineer in the state of New Jersey and I have over 25 years of experience practicing civil engineering specifically Land Development I have been before many planning and zoning boards throughout the state of New Jersey and your New Jersey license is current yes thank you are there any questions about Miss BR have qualifications no we're set thank you thank you seeing none uh I would submit Miss Bron as an expert in her field and Lena the uh the site plan application that was submitted as part of this application was that prepared by you or others under your direction and control yes it was and you have exhibits depicting that or portions of that plan here tonight uh that's correct what you see um on the screen is an exhibit titled aerial exhibit prepared by French and parello Associates and it's a uh aerial photograph off the project site with a site outlined in yellow to give you an orientation you see the uh site as it currently exists it is um undeveloped it's being um used for trailer storage and the surface cover is mostly gravel the access to the site is currently off of Sunset Avenue um it is known as block 4205 Lots 2 and three and it consists of 0.77 Acres the site currently fronts on three public roads Sunset Avenue Kingsley Street and also an unnamed alley to the north um across to kimmer's restaurant has that alley been documented as is a public right yes it is public it hasn't doesn't have a name but it is public right away yes yes the site is located within the Waterfront Prime renewal area in the NorthShore District Michael if you could go on to the next uh exhibit I'm going to show you the proposed development so py homes is proposed talk about what the marking this one will be that would be a A2 each one will go numer and that exhibit is a um title landscape plan also prepared by French and Parell Associates and it's a rendering of the landscape plan color rendering so what we're proposing are two buildings each containing 14 residential units for a total of 28 multifam units uh we're proposing 4 15 two bedrooms and 14 three bedrooms the buildings are oriented um to face and take advantage of Sunset Park so one building fronts along Sunset Avenue the other building fronts along the alley and the units that are fronting on Kingsley Street have their entrances fronting on Kingsley as well so we take advantage of all three roads as far as building Orient ation goes sidewalks will be provided to the main entrances uh connecting the entrances to the public rways we will also be proposing a sidewalk extension from Kingsley Street along the alley vehicular access to the site will be off of Kingsley Street only two Wing walls Michael if you can May yeah show it right there are proposed along Kingsley Street to screen the um vehicles and the parking area those walls are going to be 4T tall and there will be Landscaping in front um and you will hear a lot more about the Landscaping from our landscape architect on-site parking will be provided can I just interrupt you regarding the sidewalks along the alley M will they be located on the site not in the public right away correct would we be we' be granting an easement across those improvements as was requested by one of the board professionals to make sure there's Public Access easement across that yes we will provide an easement sorry so on-site parking would be provided in um garages and driveways each unit will have a onecar garage and a onecar driveway the required number of parking spaces is 42 parking spaces which is one and a half for space for each unit we are proposing 28 onecar garage driveways and one car garages so a total of 56 spaces will be provided so we will be exceeding the minimum required there will be no loss of on street parking spaces even though we are proposing a new curb cut on Kingsley Street those two parking spaces that would have been lost will be actually relocated down to Sunset Avenue um currently the site is accessed off of a curb cut on Sunset so that curb cut would be closed and two new parking spaces would be striped in that location could I ask about uh just go I see in your drawing the um hashing you have the corner kley is longer than what we usually use why is it that so that's for the bus stop that's located at thats stop doesn't currently exist right that's not I know is there but the hatching is right there is it the hatching would not be so what we would have to do is we would cross out the hatching for the bus stop okay but there is a portion of it too there is some hatching there currently um there it is there it is you see on A1 okay so it is that one now all right y goes of the best up so there will be no loss of on street parking spaces um we're not proposing any designated loading areas as this is a residential use um delivery vehicles could pull up or park on the spaces in the street if moving trucks um when they come in they could utilize the driveways or if they're too big for the driveway then accommodations would have to be made um for off Street loading refu and recyclables will be stored in the individual residents garages and the residents will wheel out wheel out their trash and recyclables on pickup day um as you've heard Mr Mullen testify there will be a Condominium Association for this project and they're going to employ a professional company to maintain the site including Landscaping as well as snow removal no project signage is proposed as part of this development the site was designed with 87% impervious cover where 90% is permitted so therefore 133% of the site will be landscaped and I would like to also address the streetcape as we on the plans we do not show the streetcape improvements because those will be installed by the master developer and and just to clarify the street shape improvements are depicted along Sunset is that correct and they currently exist correct so Sunset Avenue currently does have um the P band the sidewalk lights uh trees and the only modification the master developer would do to Sunset is to sort of help close off the existing driveway and continue the streetcape through that closed area that's correct okay so then that similar style Improvement will be taken over to Kingsley street so the master developer would then construct the band the new sidewalk also uh trash recepticles um benches new street lights um trees all of that would be installed by the master developer the sorry the two parking spaces that are going on some they would stripe that as well would correct they would also close that curb cut in fact they would even install the utility stubs that we would then Connect into and and just for clarification for the board along Kingsley our material that you see tonight does not depict that however it's definitely part of this application the brick banding everything that's Bron just described the bench the bike rack is all part of the application although it wasn't shown on our exhibits but I'm sorry for interrupting ask ask a question about this so I know everything in the public right away ends up being under the infrastructure component plan so with this development is now is that triggered for the entire block or just for it's a good question it's a good so the master developer it doesn't get triggered at all until 50% development of the block uh they're not there yet but they will do this early so they're going to do this now it's not technically triggered yet it's not required but they are going to do it now and Miss Bron's also going to talk to you in a minute about the alley there's nothing in the infrastructure component report that requires any improvements to the alley however we talked to the master developer about it and they will improve the alley as and they will little bit different but miss Bron could describe right so the alley would get a curb on our side of the street and also it would be full depth repaved the whole through through the whole length of the the whole alley the whole length of the alley repaved thank God that that that pavement there is abysmal that's great while we're there um right now on the on that Northern Edge there is a black chain Ling fence that's clearly on your property there's also a wooden fence which was always unclear to me if that was Kimmer if it was on this property what's happening with that wooden fence is that going away the one that I believe if it's on our propert it's on our side it's going away if it's on our property definitely going away but we're removing the fence okay can't integrate that with the new houses anyway you know the signs are the hanging over it Bud Light and stuff like that the Bud Light Signs and stuff on the side so I think that summarizes the infrastructure Improvement one more question the curve that you you mentioned in the alleyway and the rep will the curve be along that uh Northern property line along the no just just the the Southern Property yeah our Northern property your Northern property correct yes okay correct uh just have a few more questions about infrastructure so I know that the sidewalk improvements have already been made along Sunset right now there's five tree pits there's no trees in four of them um because they they've died I see on your plan there's a plan to rep them um they're not London PL trees Michael is there anything with species we need Street trees to be in the Waterfront well I think I think the Waterfront Waterfront Redevelopment plan calls out several types of species that are thought to be both Urban tolerant and tolerant of some of the effects of the ocean so London PL trees I believe zovas and a couple other trees so one of those species but it's really okay so you guys are are good it doesn't have to be shown specifically here because it's ultimately going to be in a construction document for the master developer great as long as we know there will be a tree that's that's what we're looking the engineer for the master developer did point out that he was aware he was missing some trees there and that those were going to be restored also and my last question about infrastructure is uh utility polls um right now there are a few on Kingsley I feel like one of them is going to be right where your driveway is um what's the plan with undergrounding those or so the master developer is working with j cpnl on putting in underground infrastructure so the development will be fed off of an underground system so they're going and you may not know the answer to this I'm just asking since we're talking about it so will all of the above ground utilities ideally be removed from this block or will they still remain along the alley and on Kingsley my understanding is that it's going to be removed okay I know it's a little out of scope but we know know it's part of as the infrastructure report you know it's part of the infrastructure report but that's our understand understanding that's our understanding thank you yeah thank you for bringing that up for so then to move on to some more technical items the grading and drainage the site is relatively flat it drains from the West towards the east runoff is captur captured in an existing Street system um the proposed disturbance for this project is actually less than one acre the increase in impervious is 0.15 acres and there's a decrease in motor vehicle surfaces of 0.287 Acres so if this project were a standalone project and not part of the uh Redevelopment area it would not be considered a major development and therefore would not need any type of storm water management but storm water management measures are proposed because the njd reviews this as part of the overall Redevelopment and thus considers it a major development only a very small portion of the site is in a flood plane which is below elevation 10 and in fact uh my firm has performed a Hydra logic and Hydra hydraulic analysis of sunset Lake and it was calculated that the fluvial flooding associated with the lake is elevation 9.8 Which is less than the FEMA tidal elevation of 10 therefore the FEMA tidal elevation of 10 is utilized for our design and this was confirmed to be correct by the njd so as part of our storm water management approach we're proposing five smallscale green infrastructure best management practices which are essentially five basins um the North and South sidewalk will have a basin under the sidewalk which is an infiltration Basin consisting of perm void units which are essentially um you know like an underground storage unit that's rather flat I don't mean but don't you have a diagram that shows this uh we actually we do if you want to maybe go to it might be easier for folks to understand if that D actually yeah that one so it's actually color coded so the this A3 Basin shown on the North which is the red one that's one of those sidewalk infiltration basins the purple Basin to the South is the same type of basin also an infiltration basin under the sidewalk and those capture portions of the buildings the orange and green are um underd drained porest pavement basins and the yellow is an infiltration Basin that's in Forest pavement um the I also want to note that the underground systems below the pavement have been designed to handle the occasional truck traffic as we are EXP expecting that a garbage truck would need to access the site and also in case of an emergency vehicle access so all those basins will be connected and have one pipe connecting into the existing 18in on Kingsley street we have submitted to njd since they're reviewing this project for cfra compliance we initiated the submission in September of last year and then resubmitted B on their comments in February of this year and we just received three minor comments on November 15th to address which we will be able to comply with I also want to note that a separate flood Hazard application is not required for this project because that part of the rules is being reviewed as part of the cafra review can just ask a follow up to that sure are they holding you to anything in terms of zero Net bill or so we we proved that it's title okay because our flal analysis was elevation 99.8 um so they concur that it is title yeah thank you um we did also obtain the SD certification um in December of last year and we also obtained a letter of no interest from Mammoth County this year as far as the remainder of utilities um we will be proposing a um sanitary sewer connection to Kingsley this project does not require a treatment works application because we're just under 8,000 gallons per day of sanitary sewer flow we will be um actually we have already made um contact with New Jersey American Water because we need to provide service Water Service to both buildings that will be off of Kingsley street so we've been in discussions with them um and as far as electric and gas we have as part of our TRC review moved all of the meters and connections to the west side of the development so that only the walls facing the west side we'll have the meters um we also have appropriate Landscaping to you know soften the look and somewhat screen it but we can't fully screen all those meters because access is needed for the utility companies to read them so there would be no meters along Kingsley Street and as you heard we just discussed that everything will be eventually fed or rather there would be an underground system to feed this U development thank you thank you um we are certainly open to questions we know there may be a couple of items in your Municipal reports that we may not have touched on on the engineering items we'll make sure we do that too but if there were any questions from board members or board Consultants for the public we'd be happy to take those I just I had one question about that I saw in the report I mean the um that you there' be testimony around um lead silver certification like what the project was doing you just talked about the storm water piece is there anything else from the engineering site engineering not from me but you will hear more from the architect are we going to hear is there another person who's going to talk about Landscaping yes we have a landscape architect that would address that and Lighting yes yes and lighting so I that was going to be my last question was it's another infrastructure question um about street lights on Kingsley again I know it's kind of out of scope of of the project but um is there going to be new Street lighting along Kingsley yes and that's typically 60 feet on Center under your report what they'll probably do is locate one on either side of the proposed driveway and then from those points they'll carry it out to the appropriate Corners dividing it equally and those will be like the Black Goose necks like the new absolutely um do you guys want to do questions first or would you rather just go through your report do um we can start with questions I guess and then if there's anything remaining um he touched on a lot of things in my report but um couple of couple of follow-ups you mentioned the bus stop on Kingsley you said that would be unaffected and correct maintain operation as it currently does yes um can you just review with us the the mechanical equipment locations I know there's there's some located on those islands and you just review that with the so the air conditioners for the units would be if you look at the exhibit would be located there the squares in the white space um we will be um adding ballards to this plan two ballards per to protect them that was a request from the municipal staff correct yes and then I guess is there anything else on the on the roof or along the sides of the buildings in terms of gas or electric meters so the gas and electric would be on the West Wall of each of the buildings as Miss Bron said originally we had some of the metering on the other side facing Kingsley and based on comments from the TRC and the mayor and Council all the meters were moved everything was moved to the West Side um this was a a follow up from the TRC but there was supposed to be um bicycle storage in the garage more for the architect got the answer I want yeah yeah and and the bicycle rack there is a bicycle rack proposed in the streetcap Bel Kingsley it follows the typical design requirement under your infrastructure report so that is the style it will match so there's additionally going to be one there for uh the public and then so can you just elaborate on The Refuge and recycling pickup is this meant for public pickup or that would be the intent yes okay um so when you I guess all the garbage going to be around in the garages and then you mentioned it wheeled out correct will it just be wheeled out into the center aisle there or are we going out to the public right away well the center aisle I think would be what would make sense because the garbage truck can't access it again that would be coordinated and then uh just in terms of the garbage truck turn being able to turn around is that something well they they would have to either back out of it or back you know up into the site and then pull forward I mean it is 150 ft so it meets rsis it doesn't need a turnaround but again if there's no people that are parked in the driveways that could be certainly used as a turnaround location okay but otherwise the truck just backs out on the Kingsley or backs in or backs in or backs in could it could it back if it backed in would it be able to reach the with a picker I mean with an automatic picker could it's usually not on the front of a of a truck could it actually get to the back of it back well I guess it would it would depend how the um cans are elect also right but you say uh you're going to have the city pick up the trash that's the to the best of my knowledge we have an outside contractor the city does not not in the trash business the best of my knowledge is Delissa Delissa goes on no private property to pick up trash so we tell the Monroe Towers bring it to the curb okay well then we would have to coordinate that with the pickup company yeah we'd have to coordinate that and then it would be part of what the condo association would advise unit owners has to as an enforcement as a you know advisory body to all the un same with the recycling now the city does do the recycling but to get into the best my knowledge we go in nobody's private driveway to pick it up so it's going to have to be brought to the curve I believe so it safe to say that if as a condition of any approval there would need to be coordination with the entity that handles the city's re and recycling I'm sorry one more time uh as a condition of any approval uh that there would need to be coordination to the satisfaction of pickup company yeah y so so just educate me from a practical standpoint if it can't be picked up internally right with the with what what's happening today with trash and recycling pickup and folks are going to have to bring it out of their front doors right and put it on the curve and there's angle parking there what is the trash what do the pickup what does the hauler say about that are they going to go in pull the stuff out between the cars and how does that I mean just practically how does it work I'll I'll ask Mr Mullen to step up and briefly address the board again you can stay there so typically with our condominium associations if we can't get you know City pickup if it's not public we would do a private huler and they would make arrangements for them to bring a certain truck that can go into the exactly okay yeah that's how so I I don't foresee anything being dragged out to Kings leag to get okay okay uh you mentioned no treatment works approval being needed um I would just ask that that we confirm that um as a condition of approval sometimes I've seen for two buildings that sometimes require TW approval that would be the maximum allowed without getting it for a third building it's two or less okay wa I just did verify that and also like I said the flow is less than 8,000 you mentioned the perious pavement Drive aisle capable of uh handling truck trafficking yes occasional track truck traffic for garbage pickup or emergency vehicles okay um and then there's some some more technical related comments in our our report related to storm water um guessing you would would you agree apply to those as a condition of any approval yes I have some more questions in terms of lighting but we'll defer those until later and then um any we can go through the letter or if there's anything specific the board wants to see we we can handle it that way um is there anything in our letter that you would not agree to comply with no there is nothing okay uh no further questions from me at this time do you think you want to run through your report or if they're agreeing to comply with everything are you satisfied no they've agreed to comply so um it's on the record a condition okay should we just maybe just we we're just looking at the Seline completeness review okay uh item three all existing utilities within 200 ft of the subject property have not been provided we have no issue to the board temporarily waving this requirement with this information yeah that it's limited to the front just but is it temporarily waving or just waving the requirement we we would request that well what are you providing can you describe where you're providing we're providing utilities alongside sunset in uh Kingsley but you know we don't want to be providing all 200 yeah we we're basically saying in that comment that we're okay with it being limited to the direct frontages of the property okay yeah we're on the same page L I guess maybe one clarification Point too would be that you were asking for the details of the curb cuts and all but since the master developer is providing that do we need to also show it on our plans or do we defer that to Plans by others um if there's if it's specific to the public right away then I would agree that you would not need to provide it if there's any other curbing or sidewalk on site then definitely but if it's specifically only related to the public RightWay then I would agree that and we'll clarify that to on the plan so that understood that the details are somewhere else okay report we have no other issues with the report complying with all your com okay I'm good then thank you Michael were there anything's in your report for the engineer the only one I go ahead go ah no I thought that everything that was in my report related to engineering or the TR the um the TRC requirements were addressed yeah the only one I'm not sure who but if you have a question of something there was a question about screening of the HVAC and I'm not sure who that would go to if it's that that would be so yeah there's the utility meters which which are on the West Side to put the HVAC units in the drive aisle yeah in the drive AIS can you tell us more about the screening of those so they would not be screened because around them you also have there's a requirement to leave them open as well um and then you see there's parking surrounding them but we did provide those Wing walls um such that when when you're looking down from Kingsley Street you are not going to be looking at the park car so it does limit your views and kind of narrow that opening yeah from my perspective from our perspective because they're located internal to the parking lot and not on the periphery of the site we didn't think that there was any more um any other measures warranted just for the AC unit great what are the what is the wining Wall constructed a masonry 4 foot wall those are going to read I was waiting for the architect that would mat the AR right this is yes it's more of an architect as a previous requirement of the TRC and the mayor and Council so those wol are added as in response to my only comment about it and this can go from engineering and screening into the site into architecture is they're not tall enough they need to be they need to be sufficient so that you can't walk by and see in there and if you need and add some plant materium for or soft but I think they need to be higher proportionately they should feel like and way we talked about at the TRC we talked about them being really an extension of the building from a standpoint of materials and also um from a standpoint of the scale of it it shouldn't feel like a you know four feet is not good so we'll we we'll we'll talk more about that when the architect comes understood understood and then there's definitely no reason to worry about the parking is going to over the cars will be to screening yes exactly that's um any other questions from the board for this witness I had just one and maybe I just missed it um EV on site EV so um Chargers will be offered as an option to the buyers in the garages so in each garage each garage each unit could have their own charger it's an option to each town home buyer they but they will be all will be wired so that they can pick it based on whatever proprietary charger they want correct the Chargers yeah right so so every every unit every garage will be wired for EV charging and how maybe it's because they're individual garages because in a in a larger parking structure you'd have to have 15% within 5 years or three years that doesn't apply here it's different and it's different where you have ownership like this and you don't have common parking areas they have individual places and it and if you you could go in there and say well we're going to put in this brand of a charger but if that uh person doesn't have that brand of a car it might not work so any so as long as they're wired for it with this you know like you're wiring washer dryer or something any other questions for this win not going anywhere so if you forget if you forget we'll drag her back we'll drag her back before you go does anybody in in the public have any questions for this witness please you go to the microphone oh behind you find you sir sorry sir please identify yourself and your address uh Steven jaker 303 Sunset Avenue as Park you can ask questions yeah I have two questions uh first one is the alleyway who's responsible for maintaining the alleyway because our experience big garbage trucks really tear up that pavement so the pavement will be replaced by the master development and um The Alley is not on our property so that is actually right away City alley so you have a right away on that and that will be taken care of well we we don't own it the city owns it oh the city owns it it it's public right of away the city owns it so they'll be redoing it and it'll be the city's okay responsibility my other question is uh about a month ago we had a bad rainstorm and we had flooding on sun the sunset Lake overflowed and came up and our paring lot was underwater we got a lot of water in our in our basement took us a couple days to pump it out uh for a day or two for for one day we couldn't even get in there with a car uh is this project going to make that situation worse or what's going to happen so it's not going to make that situation worse because the lake is affected by obviously the tides and the the large drainage area the drains to it the project was just a small component and the project has been designed to reduce runoff to it and to mitigate any um uh total suspended solids that go into the runoff so the project complies with all state storm water regulation and it has been also designed to be elevated above the flood Hazard elevation so that the new buildings would not be affected by the flooding but if you elevate that means there's probably more water coming my way um no it wouldn't because the water that's coming your way is tidy influenced so it ourway it was coming down uh web from the north not from the lake right because the lake is actually connected to deal Lake that's how the connection Works deal Lake connects to Sunset Lake okay all right there any other questions from the public all right next question yep thank you thank you I'd like to present my architect sir raise your right hand PSAL word testimony about the given this matter the truth all truth and nothing but the truth I do pleas State un name record and spell Force my name is Jack rer r a k r thank you Jack can you describe forther board your education and your work experience as a licensed architect in New Jersey please sure I have a bachelor of architecture from New Jersey Institute of Technology uh I've been practicing in the field of architecture of this type uh for the past 25 years I'm a licensed architect in the state of New Jersey I've testified before this board and numerous boards uh in the state of New Jersey thank you are there any questions regarding Mr Ricker's qualification we set thank you thank you uh so Mr rer you or others under your direction and control have prepared the architectural material for submission as part of this application is that correct correct and you have exhibits with regarding that with you tonight I do so using those exhibits and we'll mark them as you go can you please describe for the board what were proposing and the architectural aspects of that proposal as they relate to the Redevelopment plan absolutely take us to the first uh site plan Slide the building plan um yeah this one we're gonna I'm waiting for him that this is it this is the one okay A4 yeah y this is it and I'll give you a print out of what we're marking so that you have in your board secretary's file these like we'll have this print out with A4 on it for you so what you're looking at here is a is a site plan but on that site plan we're showing the individual units uh on the site and I'll take you through an individual and walk you through how these units interlock they're two units stacked on top of one another and they're interlocked together the ground floor unit has um you know living space at the ground floor and the other unit it starts its living at the second floor and goes up to the third so what you're seeing is uh you're seeing the the garages that are uh at the back that was described before that there are a garage space for each unit and then behind each garage there is a parking space so every unit gets the the garage and the parking space behind and then within those garages you have direct access to to your unit there's not a man door at the back from the alley it's only vehicular access uh that happens from the alley side um access or pedestrian access to the units happens on the street side and this is done it animates the streetscape it allows people to walk in and out of their unit on either the the sunset side the alley side or the Kingsley side so that's how those units will be accessed from pedestrians they want to go to the beach or head into town they're walking out of their units on those streetcape sides and I think this is a good thing it's going to activate that alley put more eyes on the Alley and and and um give a nice a nice streetscape to that alley um as again we had 14 two bedrooms and 14 three-bedroom units each one interlocks there's a two-bedroom unit stacked a three bedroom unit stacked over a two-bedroom unit uh if you go to the next slide please and zoom into the left hand unit on the left hand side A5 great what is A5 so what you're looking at uh and they're shown in alternating colors a light you know a light tan and a darker orange color on the left you'll see it's called the grenwich it's the three-bedroom that has the garage access from the alley and then only in internal uh stairway access so there's also a door up along the Kingsley up along the sunset side that door is access to that stairwell so that person is only has second floor living and then third floor living the unit to the right is the Murray Hill unit it's a two-bedroom that has living space at the ground floor The Pedestrian accesses to the door uh along Sunset and then through vehicular access you could walk through that garage into that unit there there generous open um floor plans Living Kitchen dining um very well appointed units um py has a number of different finishes and classes of finishes for people to choose from um and uh they're generally very well-appointed units um and then you can see there's also stair access from that Murray Hill unit that goes up to the second floor like if you just get us to the second floor there we go great so that stairwell comes up you can see the Murray Hill is toward the front toward the sunset side um and two bedrooms generous closets uh two bathrooms at this level internal laundry and a mechanical space uh some additional storage there for the unit um so the units range from about 1100 ft up to about 2,000 squ ft depending upon where they're located uh uh along this level um and then just zoom into that again Michael I want to talk a little bit about that so the Gran unit you see is a three-bedroom that stair comes up from below and a nice large open living and dining space the kitchen uh and a powder room at this level and we can go up to the next level and the grenwich unit gets full access to the third floor so that's where you get the three bedrooms uh and the two baths at this level uh master bath master bath Suite with two large generous closets and then a uh second bedroom additionally that third bedroom option is there uh to be utilized if needed but it could also be a two-bedroom Den if someone so chooses that option in the layout okay I think we can go to the uh next slide no next one okay we'll talk a little bit stop here and then we'll go to the perspective a uh A6 for the record please all the buildings are three stories they're 33 ft from grade to the roof um it's well under what's allowed in the zone um and you can see the way we've articulated these buildings um they're all very well appointed with um great materials the two main materials on the elevation are a fiber cement siding you're very familiar with this it's it's a it's a very common siding uh most common one is the the Hardy siding James Hardy siding but it's a combination it's a recycled material with concrete it's very stable it holds its paint for a long time it's a it's a good uh good material commonly known as fiber cement and it can get many different finishes um the other material we're using is Brick and that's at the base it's the water table um we've uh created a strong water table and then we've accented the corners we've come up with the brick on the corners and accented some of theend entries by bringing that brick up to Mark some of those entry it's important in these style units to sort of make people feel like they have their own space that they're entering into they can identify their door and their unit from the street so we try to access them with uh canopies and or uh special materials but you can see these buildings are definitely oriented they're designed to orient vertically even though we have horizontal differences they're designed to orient vertically so that people can really identify their unit they know how far down they are on the Block and they could walk directly in um we've been through a numerous iterations of of of the elevations so you know you have the pleasure of seeing tonight the the the one that we think is uh been veted out through the TRC and the and the um uh governing body so uh we're we're very excited about these elevations and with them uh come and I think uh Michaels pointed out in his report that comes with a number of design waivers that we'll have to get to get these uh um approved by your board just in the Redevelopment plan there's a number of guidelines uh architectural guidelines that are required um that these units just don't because of their design don't comply with but we feel it's a very strong uh architectural design style um and we feel that uh it's got a great look we're very happy with this we are open to to any of your opinions and and uh and comments so we'd like to hear them um just zoom into zoom into this elevation no the one just that one hang on hold on this one is going to be A7 please this is A7 yes let's uh let's go to the the end elevations I'll start there I noticed that it it was discussed that uh we showed some mechanical uh uh locations meters and such they're on the end elevation facing the the Brick apartment building not not on the Kingsley side they will be screened with Landscaping as well so you'll see they're pointed out there you can see the meter shown and uh on the ends with a small uh uh um closet for sprinkler and then's go to the alleys side elevation zoom in that Yep this is the internal side this is the alley with the garages we have a larger uh outdoor Terrace that's there uh we feel it's internally facing we created a larger Terrace this Terrace you could actually get some furniture out on um you know if you want to spend some time Outdoors uh you could do that here um all of the other Terraces I'll take you to the other elevations are smaller you're not getting furniture on them they're just balconet or they're just for standing only I'm not going to be able to put any furniture or anything on the street facing uh balconet can I ask about that sure um is that is that because just because that's the South Side um is that just a why is that no I I just think that it's the way those are used they're they're used uh if you want to have dinner out on your on your balcony you could do that on those rear balconies whereas you wouldn't want to do that on a street facing balcony have a table and serve dinner out on a street facing balcony and I don't think that um you know the way the the the the Redevelopment plan was r it envisioned those uses happening on the street those were more private spaces in the rear yards um yeah front elevation so let's start at the uh the Kinsley side just one other one question um these are have you used these floor plans in other locations than asbery Park deriv derivatives of the floor PL this is the question I I'm just trying to I don't think I fully got the question so these are not custom the the floor plan the grenwich the ballery the these are typologies that you use in multiple locations there are but small modifications yeah there are modifications that you know we do obviously for for various locations there the the the plans have been developed and designed but then we do make modifications relative to the site their location their uh whe Urban context or these are substantially consistent with similar units that are sold in other locations I'd have to ask Mr mull yeah would have to be ask Mr because of his experience with other py projects I'd have to ask Mr Mullen to comment on the Interiors are you know the basic layout is similar to what we sell other places but the exteriors are totally different the exteriors on this community started out with pitched roofs our first submission to the municipality had pitched roofs looked not a lot like this at all this was changed to look like this based on comments from the TRC comments from the mayor and Council so one of the comments that was made was activating the Kingsley side of the street um and so one of the things we did was we took the doorway turned it toward the Kingsley side so that people had to Ingress and egress out on the Kingsley side of the street we've also added some balconet uh at the upper levels and yeah to activate the Kingsley side those are just balcon Nets you can open the door stand at the balconet uh and look out on the waterfront side we think it's a it's a great amenity looking out toward the water even though you're probably very limited or skewed views to the water but you can see also at the back those balconies stick out much further you can see them projecting out into uh in and over the driveways and on the Kingsley side these window openings we see that are like 2/3 opaque and then what what exactly is that is that so we're trying to address a rhythm in the fenestration so you can see the size of the opening is proportionate to the adjacent window instead of just putting two small Windows there we try to create a larger proportionate opening to the adjacent Windows there's likely a bed wall there that we don't want to interfere with but we can get some light and then we can keep the rhythm of the facade by uh using that treatment we we we showed there and Jack just to confirm like the engineering drawings these drawings don't show the street tree facades along Kingsley just just like our engineering drawings so you don't see the bike rack the bench those trees the um lights the street lights correct correct as part as part of it part of the so let's zoom into that at Kingsley elevation real quick I don't know they're talking about going back hold on the rendering you don't want to go back okay yeah I just wanted to point out the wing walls just zoom in so we do have the wing walls extending out we did increase uh their height a little bit um but I think um to Michael's point before that was a great comment um I you know reexamining at a 4ot height it doesn't really block your visibility as much into the corner and we we would consider uh you know making that a screen height making it much less visible to see into the alley into the motor motor Court like a seven like a seven foot yeah I mean six foot I I it's I guess it's a question of whether do you want the wall to feel imposing or just block your view 7 foot maybe it feels a little imposing I I'm open to 7 feet I think we should look at I think we should look at both if you yeah I mean I I I think 6 foot would block anybody's view in as you walk by or from across the street but um yeah yeah yeah let's let's let's move on to the perspective I think everybody it's hard to see the elevations we have a number of perspective views so you could really get uh an idea for what these buildings are going to look like and we're you know we're really excited about the aesthetic here um so you can see uh along the Kingsley side you get that active uh door yeah sorry just A8 this this one would be I'm sorry that's one thing I always forget got it to mention so you can see at the the base of the building I know there's a lot of landscaping there but there is a brick water table that goes around the building uh at the at the base we have a Hardy panel which is the fiber cement panel it's just a flat sheet of of the of the fiber cement and there's different types of joints you can use we're doing a reveal joint here uh in uh in these sections we also have two colors of the fiber cement siding uh we do a light tan and sort of a it's called Booth Bay blue in the Hardy color it's a bluish grayish uh material and then we also are utilizing there's a a wood look material that's Hardy it's just finished in a wood look but it has the same durable stable components of the Hardy siding um and you can see those accents there in the in the fenestration um along kensley Street we also have some sun shades so at the base uh of the building we have the brick the um canopies at the entries and the Hardy the middle really doesn't get um any sun shades or or or brick and then the top we have sun shades and and the VAR variation in the cornice lines and uh that that create accents over each uh individual uh townhouse unit and just what you're looking at now that'll be A9 I'm sorry A9 you're moving pretty fast no know okay so here you can see better the balconet uh balconet along the the uh entry along the uh second and third floor uh toward the motor court side and then the individual private entries to those units on either end um and then that would be the height of the wall and as you can see you can see over it the camera view from where we're showing it right here is probably about 12T up it's not a natural eye you know eye view it's a little bit higher um but you know we could increase the height of those walls to to block the visibility um I do have materials if you want to see the actual materials I do have them here uh we could show them to you but you could just take a look up here and you can get the gist of what they are uh we have the fiber cement siding many different types this is A10 thank you we have to mark these as well check well they're at yeah yeah typically if people when they give us the these items to look at they leave them we can leave them we can leave them yeah that's absolutely fine we record oh okay and then this image will do okay gotcha the same thing so you can feel the material it's not a not it's a high quality material that you're you're touching there they're all you know great durable uh materials for this down the shore um you know these materials down here get beaten up pretty pretty badly from the sand getting blown and and uh just storms and stuff so you have to use high quality materials here to make sure they last yeah um the next thing we have is uh we were asked to do some accent lighting on the corners of Kinsley let me just com one second so the mayor and Council when they reviewed our submission there were a lot of um revisions that were made as part of their comments and then during the final meeting with the mayor and Council there was one last comment that wasn't really uh shown on our plan but the mayor and Council felt comfortable going forward and sending us to the planning board anyway and what they did is we put a written description in our subsequent developer agreement that said this was approved but that the applicant needed to add specific accent lighting to the corners of the building facing Kingsley wall wash and similar accent lighting to improve the visual aesthetic so this was part of what the mayor and Council asked us to make uh this change to the plan they didn't see it but they asked us to make this as part of our submission to the planning board I'm sorry can you just it was it's a up light what kind of lighting I'll I'll let my my architect describe it's accent lighting really to just to improve the visual aesthetic of the building they wanted some of that added so we've we've added a um some different types of lighting we we have some details to show you as well the different accent lights at each entry door is going to get a down light uh just small accent light it's not meant to really light up uh the the sidewalk or make it safer it's just so that you have light when you're putting your key in your door it's it's up and around and it creates a little glow around your door um the other lighting that we've added here is we've added at the top so you can see we've added a recessed LED lighting on just the corners on the sun shades and in the cornice and then at the lower level just above that canopy we've also added some accent lighting there as well so and that's going to be done both on the Kingsley and the sunset Corner as well as the alley and the Kingsley corner corner so it'll accent both Corners along Kinsley will it be on the Southwest Sunset corner it will not it will not that that's adjacent to another uh uh building and we don't think having those lights uh might just not work for those neighbors so we we want to limit that lighting is everything that dark sky and dark sky compliant all shielded and and pointing down and and and our landscape architect will also talk a lot more about lighting specific so he's giving you the quick overview but miss bah I'll give you more detail on Lighting in a second and we've provided here's some sample cut sheets of that we can Pro provide these as far as resolution compliance to the left is a track lighting that it can be inserted exterior and cornices uh we have a sample of that down light at the entries and then there is a sample of the landscape lighting that just provides some access accent at the landscape level um there was a question with regard to the lead certification uh there's any number of items that we're going to do they they were actually part of the redevelopers agreement we provided a list a checklist the checklist was what our intentions were to comply with although in construction if we feel we need to you know upgrade some area we may swap a you a a a compliant piece out but that's when we get the construction documentation and we start to really pursue those items and engineer the building and and just for clarification so the subsequent developer agreement does include this requirement in it the subsequent developer agreement also includes a checklist that's attached and as you just heard from Jack it indicates that this is a sample of what the developer is likely to provide but it may be modified slightly during construction but it still has to a total with sufficient points to uh reach the certification level that's required so we could certainly provide a copy of that checklist again it's attached to the subsequent developer agreement but but we could certainly provide yeah and leave this holistic so it's not just looking at individual elements in the building but the context site context where we are where we're developing simply by developing this location with Transit close um walkable neighborhoods we get a lot of credits in that respect so we're going to provide you know lowf flow water fixtures LED lights things of that nature that most people are familiar with these will be very energy efficient buildings but as far as the remaining items we did provide a checklist we're going to achieve those uh uh and they're in the redevelopers agreement I think everybody should have a copy um and what about HVAC is that that's HVAC the heating cooling uh it's so it's it's more complex about just selecting a particular item and its efficiency but there's a there's any number of items so we sort of have to engineer the building before I can so I think it's one of the ones that we're actually going for in our checklist but we have to engineer the the system yet we haven't done that and when we do we can then say what credits can we get here and do we need to shift the Credit One to a different area or stay with the hvc credit and cuz I I mean I since I didn't see it this round that it would be great to see that list again but you think that that it was checked for Energy Efficiency yeah it's definitely one we would be we would look to get but until we engineer it I don't we may have taken two credits for that and again it's in lead there's so there's a large complexity for the number of credits you get for each individual item so I don't remember offand whether we took two credits for that particular item um or whether we end up maybe getting only one credit and then switching out we got to do something else maybe an insulation or something somewhere else in the building to make that credit up somewhere else MH yeah I appre I'm trying to get to whether that's a goal of the project meaning like is is the energy category and hitting those targets a priority in this project or is it just any way to get to the number you know the lead silver certification is is the goal okay not certification the lead silver the compliance with the lead silver requirements is the goal I would be grous to have that list because I mean we get a lot of material so just to have it Associated we I'll submit uh I'll submit the again it's attached to the SDA um we could submit it and it's also a let call it a living document because it may change slightly as we get closer to the completion of the project but we can submit it sure yeah I would hate to promise and overpromise one particular aspect on that checklist here because it may end up ultimately getting engineered to a different portion of the checklist and I don't want to overpromise I think it's just because this is the last time that the planning board gets to know what those you know so so in other words down the road it's helpful to know what what's anticipated understanding there's can be changes because otherwise it's just all up in the air and then the planning board doesn't you know that's is the last time that we get a chance to understand that M understood and this is a12 I'm sorry to interrupt this what your what's on your screen right now um will be 12 and you are seeing some of the landscape lighting but our landscape Arctic will'll go into that in more detail so if like didn't this anything I'm open for questions question questions from the board questions from our professionals I think we did talk about the wall I think can we talk more about it though M yeah do we want to settle on a a height I think I think 6 ft is probably the the height I just don't know how it works with the elevation of the building I think it's going to be tied in to make sure that it works we do a range it's lower than the first floor so it's got to find some happy place to be Bel the first floor second floor break okay I that's what I was going to say you want to say like six to seven feet a six foot minimum but architecturally it's got to work with the rest of the building okay great do you want to go through your report where I I think if there's anything that they disagree with uh they've address address the lighting and that'll be addressed more is there anything in our report that you need to focus on no I mean we've requested a number of the design waivers that you know we've we've talked about I I didn't have to go do you want me to go into each one individually I Mr lists them right in section 3.1 of his report he starts with a nice short summary of The Design waiver we requesting we are requesting those waivers but uh but that yeah I mean if you want we can go through just just just roll through them very quickly just identify what they are okay uh one is some fixed window we do have fixed windows on the project uh I haven't identified which ones they are yet we will have some will be fixed and some will be either uh either awning type windows or casement type Windows um will comply with all light and air requirements uh we always do comply with the light and air requirements that are that are uh by code um the building Frontage uh harmonious this is the one that points out some of the other buildings that are adjacent the brick buildings that are neighbors uh we are using a brick material but it is not an all brick building um I just think that this is is a much lighter uh better aesthetic than an all brick facade it departs from the context essentially what we're saying here and the and the and the Redevelopment plan Waterfront Redevelopment plan requires harmonious with the context um this building in contrast in terms of brick you know the the buildings that were that it's talking about and and are supposed to uh be harmonious with in the in the district are really more punched windows they're they're more masonry and wall and the are openings with the windows these flip that and actually it's it's part of the lead I think that's going to be part of your lead in terms of natural lighting um and it also is is supportive of of Healthy Living environment so that's why that that's they're different they're different uh the other one is uh base Middle top and creating a line uh at the base Middle top I don't believe we literally comply with that we have a base Middle top it's just not uh defined by some type of horizontal uh uh Design Line so we'll be seeping a that a waiver we' like a waiver for that uh W finishes visual equivalent materials based easy repair those at the middle of top is that uh building Parts part one oh it's the number and type of uh materials where two are allowed um we are only proposing fiber cement and brick however the fiber cement isn't meant to look like one material it has a bunch of different Aesthetics so I think that was a waiver for the number of materials uh windows are are flush or have a slight recess uh we are proposing a flush window type we do have some areas where we left windows out and then some areas where we've built frames around uh to create make them a little deeper uh to create a little bit of a shadow line so we're going to need a waiver for that that item as [Applause] well of the pro provision for wi lentils uh we as you can see we do have some lentils shown um but the way we have the windows grouped and the way we've done some of the details around the windows there's it's not a lentil and a a s punched opening we'll need a waiver for that one uh configuration style change yeah so we have a vertical orientation versus the horizontal orientation uh that's another one that we'll uh need a uh waiver for uh you know I should probably be using your summary might be easier in your letter that way everybody can follow along what was that on page on page two page yeah are you talking about the more detail no no I just wanted to if they're they don't have access to my list they have access to this list so I'm just I'm just going by you're on e Oh no you're on F yes on F uh you talked about that already oh sorry yeah walls configuration facade colors G I just discussed that we went with the additional colors uh depth and location of balconies so you know we do have balconet facing the street to activate the street and then we have de or balconies at the back we're the we think we're following the intent because we're not really creating living Outdoor Living Spaces we're just creating places for people to open the door and and look out look at the street gate uh balconies not supported by brackets we think that this has a very contemporary design aesthetic modern design aesthetic I just been think the brackets would work aesthetically uh so um we're looking for a waiver there have did I miss anything no does design exceptions there's no variances correct they just waivers yeah that's correct all right any other questions from the board or our professionals any questions from the public for this witness all right um we want to take a five minute break before we move on thoughts or you want to put out through far all right let's take go to our next witness okay yeah to please of the board I'd like to present my landscaping and my lighting withness than sure and this would be my last direct witness for direct testimony obviously free to answer questions hello can you please identify yourself for uh the board attorney so we can have you s Sarah yes my name is Sarah rebara and I'm a licensed landscape architect and professional planner in the state of New [Applause] Jersey thank Sarah can you just start by just describing your work experience and your profession and your education experience as a landscape architect and lighting sure I am a licensed landscape architect in the state of New Jersey I'm also a professional planner um I have my masters in planning as well as my um undergraduate in landscape architecture been doing it for over 25 years and have testified at many boards thank you um there any questions about her qualifications no than so Sarah you've heard the testimony so far and you've seen the presented so far and you're with the same company that's designed the this the civil engineering drawings can you describe for the board the proposed landscaping that's being uh proposed surrounding the site and also touch very briefly on what's out there in the streetscape what they're going to add in the streetcape in terms of landscaping uh before we turn to lighting please sure so um the intent of the landscape design was to provide a four seasoned interest but in order to do that um to complement enhance the Project's overall appearance uh there's a couple of number of considerations we had to take into um consider as we were doing the design first and foremost the Project's proximity to the ocean um it's not right next to it but it's close enough so you have to factor in um salt tolerance not only from an air standpoint but also from a salinity perspective in the soil um that leads to the fact that there's Sandy conditions um so that in combination with some more urban conditions leads to a drought tolerance perspective that has to be included as well keeping that in mind and referencing some really uh very good sources from Red Cru University and the tri state area um as well as my own professional experience um the idea was to try to introduce species that could handle these conditions um but also were native to the area I think that's a really important factor to keep in this area um therefore we we worked quite a few emails back and forth Clark Canton hints to arrive at the plant pallet that we are proposing for this particular design um I will tell you that of the 20 species that we are proposing 85% is native all the trees will be native all the shrubs will be native and five of the eight Ground Covers grasses penals will be native three that are not native are not invasive and that was also very critical we didn't want to introduce commonplace stuff that have been used over and over again or might be invasive to the area um the three that are not native um are really just to provide some Four Season accent um and are minimally used again we worked with Clark campon hence to help arrive at where they should go um all our drought resistance upon establishment um we are introducing areas on the Alley Kingsley and sunset that will have sod we use a commercial conservation mix that I um I don't know if you're familiar with Ern seed they're out in Pennsylvania but they have very big research facility I like to call them and ask them what work best in situations they recommended a commercial conservation mix um which is mostly Fescue mixed in with RI will help keep the grass clean green however um we've all had drought the past couple years so um the um the owner will be putting in an irrigation system for the sod that will provide periodic irrigation during drought tolerance but then it'll also provide some moisture to the surrounding beds even though the plants are designed to be drought tolerant um finally this is really important to me we try to choose plant material that um is is going to reach an approximate mature size that's not going to be overgrown in 5 10 15 years we want to put something in that's scale appropriate for this project it's a smaller tighter compact design so um for example along the back where we have the evergreen trees um we are using Eastern red Cedars that's a really good material a really good tree that does very well with the shore but we used I don't want to call it a dwarf version but something that's a little more compact so it'll still provide the screening that's needed but it's also going to do well for the space that it's proposed for um the only area that we really didn't put compact material would be along the west side of the project uh we used Bayberry which I'm sure everybody's familiar with and that's going to grow to its full size to help mask those utilities that are one side not prevent from being able to get to it but just provide that green element that we need um some of the other species include some native ornamental grasses um we're using some Amal laners uh a dwarf version of isix glabra which is inkberry just plants that you would commonly find to the shore give that Four Season interest but not be too much thank you so we could turn to lighting discussions or we could do some questions on Landscaping right now first do landscaping first um I just had I I I think the plant list is I was very happy to see a lot of the plants on there um my one the English ivy is there any other options for that one the English ivy is one that concerns me other than what the English ivy was one oh well the English ivy was something that we worked out with Clark panson hence we thought it would be nice to have some Ivy growing on those walls to help soften their appearance that in combination with uh the purple that you see is going to be lavender because let's face it that side is going to get a lot of sun and you really need some dry species lavender I think is going to do really well in combination with um coreopsis and it's going to provide some nice yellow and purple pop in combination with the ivy we kept the ivy to a minimum um certainly if there's something else that you think might work better we can certainly review that yeah I I could say that um we've we've experimented with and tried to use a lot of Virginia cre um as an alternative um when it gets droughty it loses its lead very very early and it you really only get about six months out of it until it gets really established and then it's it just doesn't it kind of looks burned out it doesn't pers persist well and in a limited area we think that Baltic ivy can be okay to use um there is an association that will be maintaining it too so I agree with your concerns about it perhaps not or growing to much but I think if the association maintains it it won't be an issue especially since it's meant to kind of help soften the walls and it's only in those areas not throughout the site yeah we we have more concerns about that in in in in places where it can it can spread out from a yard or something like that into other yards and in a place like this where it's really landlocked between the building and the street I don't get as concerned about the the spreading of it unnecessary spreading any other questions from the board I have two um so there's there sad who maintains and and most the sad is that homeowners association it yes and then my other one was um so we talked about increasing the height of the wing wall so I mean what do we think would it make sense to put some taller Landscaping Ivy something there to mask that wall or what are people's thoughts but well that's the that's the idea with the wing walls that the would that's where the Baltic Ivy is planned that's where it is that's where it's planned so that you'll have that you know you'll have masonry and then over time it'll all World feeling sort of you know got it that's that's where that's and and but do we think we want any other taller tree shrubs there or there's really not much there's not much room there one of the one of the limitations on this project is along Kingsley you can see that on both sides where the where the front doors are and these are pretty low porches right these AR like uh you know you're not stepping up here so you can't really have big material there but you have this horizontal area you have enough room to have small trees in there and you have some small shrubs in there if you look at Kingsley it's very tight and when you go and look in more detail there's infrastructure there's there's a utility lines that are running along there so in terms of getting in larger plant material if I could also point out we there are going the master builder will be improving Kingsley so there will be some trees along there and we're also little concerned about the side triangles that we have to maintain coming out of the parking lot you know how busy it gets in the summer we want to make sure that there's enough visibility so we thought the solution we came up with you know was a good compromise to all that the only other comment I would have is that for any of the trees youve specified uh caliper height uh you need to spec or caliper you need to specify the height meas as well as the caliper in accordance with the nurturement standards okay anything else on our on uh Landscaping okay let's move on to lighting yes same witness there it is okay okay now we're going to talk about this will be marked as A113 y lighting plan so the lighting plan that you see on the screen um has been modified somewhat from the one that was submitted to um the professionals and that was based on some of the comments as well as um trying to look at a little more closely and getting it to better conform to the asbery park standards uh this is a tough site because we have this Courtyard area um that should have some lighting in it because it has vehicular movement but same time you don't want El light trespass I will tell you that all the fixtures that are used are um approved by the DSA of the dark sky Association I don't know if I'm getting that right is a um but they are dark sky compliant they consist of five down lights um on the back sides of the building by the garages and these down lights are now mounted to the balconies so they're at about a 10t height and they're really only Illuminating the garage areas so any development up above that you're not going to see them uh we also have put a Ballard as opposed to a pole on the west side of the fix of the um Courtyard one ball one Ballard yes um in order to just demarcate the end of the pavement and also just provide some necessar light over there uh this solution provides better uniformity um to the center or that meain drive a of the Courtyard area um and it also better meets the ordinance requirements including uh one of the things that we really want to achieve is we didn't want to go over that one handle maximum um average I'm sorry average illumination of one foot handle so this modified design provides that um it also meets um the color rendition 2700 is required and we're providing that uh we conform at the property line where everything is at a zero f candle level um I will also point out to you that along the alley um and sunset those fixture D's are really just your traditional porch light I know there was a comment about the porch light contribution but those are really just your typical 60 watt bulb porch lights uh again they're the fixture over on the right hand side of the design this particular fixture can shine up and down they will only shine down so it's really just to provide you that porch lot light lot por light that you're used to in your homes 60 watt about 60 LED they dimmable no on the outside on and off well I think it be weird I think in a multif family be weird some people yes we uh one of the comments that was in one of the review letters was whether or not the back Courtyard lights should be on a motion sensor and um we we feel that would be more of a nuisance to be going on off all night we'd rather just have them do Dawn to desk um the Delights along the front porches will also be owner or unit control controlled it will not be something where it goes on and off so the POR so you've got this is a new plan that we haven't seen yet but you're talking about it these revisions you've made in between the reports and this so going to have a chance to look at this again sure absolutely yeah the main change was taking the fixtures as you just heard Sarah talk about the fixtures near the garages were on the garage wall so they've been moved off the garage wall onto the end of the balcony and a baller's been added on the left otherwise generally the same lighting and what she's done is she's analyzed and she's shown you that the deviations we needed that are listed in your engineers's report all those deviations have been reduced some of those waivers are still down there but not nearly as drastic as they were when those lights were on the law and not on the B so what's the average what's the average alumination uh it's one it's one the average is one and what's the uniformity ratio uh the M Max average uniformity ratio 4:1 is required we're at 4.2 to1 what about maximin uh maximin that's um still going to require a waiver 10 to one is required 42 to1 is proposed you might say oh my gosh it's such a big number but what's happening is um our program is picking up those very Fringe areas on the westand side where it drops down quickly to one because of the cut off value1 0.1 I'm sorry and that's where it's happening if you were to look this closely which obviously you will um through the drive aisle it's more it's it's very close to the 0 five that's required by Asbury Park um which I think is critical so if I could just ask so if you have one spot that's at 0.1 at dark area then the UN uniformity ratio has to measure all the way down to the 0.1 correct and can I ask you one other quick question the ordinance standards for lighting that we're talking about there now these are ordinance standards for a parking lot right that's true so these are municipal standards how to light a parking lot so certainly there'll be Vehicles parked here but is this exactly like your typical parking lot or is this bit more a residential backyard also it's more of a residential fi and backyard as opposed to a commercial parking lot so um death well I think the princip I think the principles of of safety relative to minimums relative to uniformity so you don't have like you know dark still app PL I I'm not including the garage lights Through the Windows I'm not including any lights that people may have on at night so you know I guess my point is that I think that lower level if you are if you are have good uniformity you can have much lower levels of lighting and I'm more concerned about what that's going to look like from Kingsley and from the adjacent properties that this is going to be this emanating you know glow from this area so um that that was the point of my questions is the more uniform you get it the lower you can go right right right right right well then maybe a little opportunity to slide some of the fixtures on the westand side a little bit more to the West in order to maybe even that out a little bit but for the most part when we looked at that courtyard you know we're meeting the one foot candle level um the max to average is so close like I said it's 4:1 versus 4.2 to1 it's that minimum you know that those 0.1 so perhaps we slid that over that would make it better I think it's a pretty pretty reasonable approach and I don't think it's overl but by the Numbers I'm seeing here no that was not Our intention because I don't and as long as folks can't see the source of the lighting if they're all Shield then that's that's important dark sky compliant was okay it's important to my designs I know it's important to asra but really try to incorporate that well as well and uh Sarah I just ask you a couple questions so there were some comments in the reports about all the lighting proposed and what lighting is built into the computerized models and which lighting is not so we are asking for a waiver for some of those items Sarah if you could describe what lighting is in the model and what lighting is like the the the street the street lighting or something like that not in the mod not model um the porch the porch lights in the model porch lights not in the model but those are 60 wat equivalent you're saying yes they're not in the model and um the proposed the brand new street lights on Kingsley that are going to be are they out in the model yet the new street lights not they're not those are in the model but they were um yes they were we were told by the master builder to put them 60 ft on Center I believe and they mimic the pattern and the uniformity levels as well as the fandle level quantities along Sunset and yeah along Sunset you don't have the full Grid in the model but you did go out and take active light survey readings on Sunset that are shown on the plans right below the existing street lights is that accurate yes and the reason we did that so that when we place the lights along Kingsley uh for the master builder it would mimic the same uniformity what what is the source of the light you have some existing foot handle values along the alleyway right next to the proposed sidewalk that's going there and I understand you're not you're not modeling the porch lights but I want to make sure there's enough light along that that proposed walkway um so what is the source of the light in the alley currently yeah they're poles there I'm sorry there's um like coverhead fixtures on some of the poles yes and that was a request we didn't originally have that lighting data we received that request from Municipal staff so we sent out a lighting crew at night to model that to add all that to the plants so earlier we had talked about the overhead utility poles may go away here so in that case if the Cobra heads were taken down they would need to be additional liting yes yeah that that's part of the infrastructure component plan that's not um week we you know that's up what the master redeveloper did in that area the uh the alley as you see the Improvement of the alley is not plan it's not in the infrastructure plan no it's not in the plan would the proposed porch lights have any impact on that they would certainly provide lighting I mean the distance between what's the approximate distance from that front porch to that sidewalk it's rough the sidewalks 4T wide right so that's maybe 9 ft 15t can we can we include them in the analysis so we can see what the sidewalk would look like yes so you'll model the lights fixtures on that to confirm that there's sufficient light yes yeah it's a tough question too because there's also a lot of light coming from kimar but then right that gets turned off at a certain hour so [Applause] that's oh all right um do you guys have anything else on lighting uh we don't I think we've concluded everything on lighting okay and are there questions from the board or from our professionals that we haven't covered yet other questions from the public for this witness okay thank you so um M Mr chair we finished our direct testimony now we did have your report I believe we've covered all the comments in your report we've certainly talked about the engineering report and complying with all those comments and I think we touched on all the design Wafers on your board planner report um are there any other questions or comments right now about the entire development yeah I have a question about your the staging plan you provided yes uh it looks like you're planning on taking up the sidewalk along 7th and Kingsley uh it says in your plan that you'll try your best to not take side up during the summer months between Labor Day and uh yes so there was some discussion with the mayor and Council about that staging plan similar to the lighting that was added to the walls so at the last the second meeting with the mayor and Council that plan was part of the discussion and the mayor and Council wanted to make sure that the planning board thought that there was sufficient routing and that the lighting it's spelled out in the in in the subsequent developer agreement to make sure that we've actually provided a sufficient route when the sidewalks are closed um we also know it's very important for the board to minimize that closure during the summer hours obviously we're required to minimize use of cartway during the summer hours and things like that so the council spoke to the developer about that we were agreeable to do everything we can to minimize that closure and that's why you see that note on that plan there's also by the way we didn't mention it directly but there's a note in your engineers report asking us to add a different sign to the plan and correct one area of the route we would certainly do that that's one of the comments we would comply with and we would put that sign on that plan and amend that route as the request okay the so is the route change that was brought up is that this mid block crosswalk in front of kimar because that Crossing is not our Pion Crossing is definitely not appropriate for this I could ask my engineer to come up and talk about the amendment she's going to make to that routing play I'll ask Lena to step back up and talk about um yes let's see so this is the one without the modifications to it this is the one that's attached to the right but we have I believe the modified one is on the exhibit James assume we in the last few projects something similar to that depending on how this how we they already have a plan so we can maybe do it now but let's see how it goes for now because I mean engineer you to change the okay about that construction staging yeah refine that Clause so if it's something that's needed I'll certainly put it in I don't I never saw any okay so I found it in the the one drive construction Logistics takes [Music] MTH Michael was the comment on the change in adding the sign in your letter no it might have been the crossing let me see here 38 in our letter address specifically say there was a detail that needed to change no uh no that wasn't it let's see the construction yeah we defer to the we defer to the board engy we did put a comment here and because it was a TRC C it was something that the city yes follow this from the TRC we said okay we understand you have to do it and we're let Doug tell you the [Applause] city so people cross Jam no don't have a k actually have a kiosk on the corner so they're it's going to be in their um in their area as well remind me of that it's Clos but the alternate James I'm sorry you ask you're asking about this started line is the one in front of Kim yeah well I'm asking about the plan in general because I don't like how much sidew work they're using for how long they're using it I don't know why they need it I might have a parking kiosk inside of that fencing and then the plan to walk around it involves a Midlock Crossing that doesn't exist along Kingsley Street which is is not safe uh there's also the temporary short-term delivery areas that's in front um I like to know what you mean by temporary or short-term and how many how often that parking is going to be taken up and how are you going to how do you plan on using it so the the referral to the planning board from the governing body regarding this plan and that's why we submitted as part of our application is the governing body wanted the planning board um to review the plan and make sure it adequately demonstrates safe alternative walkway path for pedestrian traffic while the sidewalk around the perimeter of the project site is closed and the location of the construction trailer upon the project site the reason that came up is you'll see on the right of the exhibit you're looking for right now on the right you'll see an orange Square on the right you'll see an or in the key you'll see an a yellow construction trailer and we did not have the trailer on the left on the site so that comment from the the council was basically asking us to correct the drawing um and you could see that this has been amended so it's not what's attached to the subsequent developer agreement because as Miss Baron has explained the dotted Line's been added and the signage has been added and the requested notes have been Ed are you going to answer my questions because I'm asking you why you're using the sidewalk space I'm asking you why this isn't in the middle of the street um I understand what the council asked for but I I'm saying this Crossing in the middle of street is not safe oh there's no front in front of right in front of right right yeah I'm asking you why using this the sidewalk because you're not building up to the lot line at least on the sunset side so I don't know why you need the sunset sidewalk at least I can understand the kingsy sidewalk i' like to hear from you why you need to take it for this amount of time uh we have a lot of events in the spring and fall this is a big walking the area and that you already established there is a bus stop on this corner as well as one of my parking kiosks so I would like to understand why we need this space want to justify it m so okay so the temporary I guess just say that the temporary is uh you know maybe daily like no no overnight trucks the trucks will come they make a delivery and they're gone so it's not going to be any more than just daily Del so we're losing those parking spaces at all times for the two years no no it' be you know on and know depend on when deliveries are going to be made so what if there's a car park there they would you know try to get inside the alley or drrive B as much as possible okay so that's what the the goal is but if it's not possible then it would have to you know you're just going to have to work around that okay so you're not taking those parking spaces no and you know we put that red line around the sidewalks just to be cautious because it may take some but we're going to do everything we canot to be on the sidewalk uh just for safety reasons I think we even said the plan on that note that you know as long as we can keep the health and safety of the public the pedestrians uh will be able to move that back okay so that's what our goal is to try to keep okay I understand uh the need to have like safety especially close to the buildings on Kingsley Street um I would like to see the the so available on sth as much as possible yes Sunset sorry and then I think we need to find an alternate route for this pedestrians uh to walk around this s yeah she Lena was just talking about which I guess we would have to show them routing to the North and then using the Crosset that would require signage up at that corner additional signage and we would amend to show that signage and that route to the ne to so you're not mid blockid block right right right what about the bus stop is there like if someone wants to access that bus stop where would they be standing that's my other issue is that's why I'm asking for Sunset Avenue to be clear so at least you can get down Sunset to the to bus stop uh to Corner yeah to the corner if the Kingsley is accessible because okay see what you're saying yeah yeah you say move the red line back to the property I would like to see on Sunset Avenue that fence line be on the property line so that we can access the bus stop as well as all this parking I understand Kingsley that you're building very close to the sidewalk and you're probably going to have an issue with safety so I understand having to cover that up and take that um at times but I think it's 15 ft Land from the front well on Sunset yeah but to Kingsley obviously say kingley I can understand said we have 15 feet to play with so okay okay so I can make that that would Beal to me if that's if that's accessible and the bus stops accessible I can understand that kingley being you know make that change if there's any questions come up we'll work with the construction people to make sure we're all right thank you how's it going to impact the access to the dumpster that's on your property now it's not yours that's somebody else's problem right somebody else no I'm satisfied with that that explanation and that switch just that they are going to do what they just said they did just then I'm should be good you feel different looking at me like I think it should be I'm fine with that condition the recommendations that so going north it also just helps us when we're checking their compliance something that we look at again to make sure that they got it then that works for me yeah all right is there any information anyone else from the board or professionals um need before we discuss and you guys want to discuss or the public comment first comment first comment motion for public comment I'll make a motion to open public comment a second all in favor any opposed all right if anyone from the public has any uh comments um now's your chance motion to close second all in favor all post great um all right let's discuss this is normally a a talkative group nothing from anybody people like it don't like it I have no problem with it they want they're going to comply with everything the engineer and uh planner said so it's not like we're fighting on any issues so I agree with James and I agree with Doug that it should be this walking pattern should definitely be a separate issue and be moralized that way yeah they meet all other than the waivers that they asked for which sure minor so they make meet all the requirements so regulations is looking favorable granting of the waers and so or design exceptions I have a number of possible conditions might help take us away okay number one we have a six or seven standard WR conditions that will be in this resolution as well as in all others uh indicated on the record that traction correct me if I'm wrong uh trash and recycling will be by private Hall yes okay uh there's no need for documentation on the alleyway you're satisfied that that's a city street and so I don't need to see that uh compliance of the outstanding items uh discussed we get into great detail CCA reports um utilities on the west side will be screened that re you're relocating those utilities meters and the like on the west side of the project yeah so that was a requirement that was previously received so what you see tonight already addressed that but it's going to be screen they're going to be screened yes there's landscap being screen on the planet yep uh the wall along kingley Street will be increased from four feet to either anywhere from six to 7 feet depending upon the integration of the architectural uh details of the project and the wall itself as part of Jack's comments uh and Michael's uh Michael had something that he needed regarding tree height yeah the caliper not only do we have to give you the caliper of the tree but we have to give you the height above grade that we measure the Cal and that I'll check Michel for just the overall height of the tree not the not where you measure the C oh overall tree and then submission of the revised lighting plan I believe it was exhibit 813 to Michael CCH uh for his review and approval uh and there was some other data this is very general now but I'll get that I'll get the details for Michael in terms of the condition requirements of that condition the uh staging plan uh the appli can comply with the recommendations of board member James manano regarding the crestian traffic uh vehicle deliveries during the construction of the project that's what I have at this point and and amend the route so that we don't cross mid block okay no mid block cross no mid block Crossing and wait wait hang on let him right let him right hold on and amend the fence line along Sunset to leave the sidewalk open to pedestrians and add more signage obviously when we and what about just adding the lead goals list to this package I have I have on my list that we will submit the lead checklist and more signage so when we amend the route to go further north to avoid a mid block Crossing we need to add one more sign two more sign okay yeah way finding for the temporary condition over you some of your comments yes and and submit a copy of the lead checklist yes I have that in skipped over yep there was also discussion yeah lead items develop agreement checklist to be provided by applicant to board uh and there's OB if need be I can put in flexibility element of the list that's already built into the subel right what else uh there was discussion about an easement for the sidewalk along the alley yep yes that's yeah that's yep Prov that you cuz that sidewalks on private property so to address that and make it somewhat uniform we're going to provide an easement for the public in that area so you okay so those are the basics that I have of that was everything I had does anybody else have any other also we were going to model the d letter d model the letter D fixtures on the Alley the porch the porch the PCH yeah porch fix porch fixtures model the porch light fixtures so that's my my okay yeah model the isolux for the porch lights patterns and and uh predicted illumination levels from the porch lights along the alley so that's like my biggest one open question is the lighting plan um you know there were some like requested changes how does the board feel I mean do people want to see the revised lighting plan or are we okay just having them submit to CCH for discussion thought I'm fine having to submit it I see I'm fine with CCH me as well good okay all right decision time we did public comment okay okay and we did our comments does anyone else have anything to add before we vote okay a motion Motion in a second I'll move it I'll seconds and okay call James Bano yes Eric galpo no John Moore yes Jennifer saer Yes Vice chair Mike gonan yes and Jack what is the new member yes course and Pedro travella yes it got it thank you for your time toight we appreciate it through the whole process very much thank you you look forward to building M um to to motion motion to adjourn second all in favor