public meeting act New Jersey sa 10-4 PL 1995 c231 amended 2006 the asber Park Board of Education has provided adequate notice of the meeting by sending a notice of the time date location and extent known the agenda of the meeting an Park press the um Cod on January 8th 20124 via email copies of the notice have been also placed at administrating at the administrative building Bulletin Board District school Asbury Park public building Asbury Park Police Department and filed with the city clerk on January 8th of 2024 as a district we will provide the students with a comprehensive and Progressive education where everyone possesses the skills and character to succeed in a diverse and evolable Global Society roll call Miss Glassman miss lazinski here miss maxud here Dr Penna here Mr Remy Miss Ricks present Mr Rogers present vice president gillo present president Saunders President we have a quorum States of America to the repic for stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all I will now make a motion to go in executive session second um I have a comment we have uh young people here to get Awards and teachers and staff members I don't think it's appropriate to have them wait our executive sessions are lengthly and I think they they should be um given the courtesy of getting their rewards so they can leave if they need to I do respect your opinion but I think that at this point we need to go into executive session I don't feel that it's going to be a lengthy um executive session I believe that it's going to be really concise and to the point and then we can move further could you please um me say how long the executive session will take okay good CU they're waiting I'm thinking about maybe 15 20 minutes at this time I'll take the roll call since I have a first and a second Miss glasman yes Miss lazinski no Miss maxud yes Dr Penna yes Miss Ricks no Mr Rogers yes yes vice president gillo yes president Saunders yes um we have a um we have enough to go into close session at this time and it's my understanding that we have presentations tonight yes all right sorry about that M Linsky you want to take your mic off good evening everyone and welcome to the February Asbury Park Board of Education meeting uh we'll do our student and staff presentations for the month we'll start off with third gr Marshall Elementary School principal Dr Schulz who will also be doing the Asbury Park High School and then we'll move to the other two schools we want to thank you parents and staff who are being recognized this evening for your patience um there'll be continued patience this evening but initially we want to recognize our students and staff so thank you thank you thank you good evening everyone the third Good Marshall Elementary School student of the month is a young lady from miss spon and miss Homer's class that has come to our school recently and is nothing short of a ray of sunshine she was nominated for this award by four individual staff members including both of her teachers Miss petruci and officer Edmund all four staff member members described to us a student who is willing to work hard always lend a helping hand is kind to her classmates and just really brings a lot of great qualities to our school each and every day so joined tonight by her older brother who was also an asay Park student and her lovely grandmother Miss kaziah Franks will you please come up and accept your award and in truth they're good f fion here's a backpack of your favorite things loaded with art supplies for you ready and have Grandma and Big Brother come up okay and here you go sweetheart congratulations you got that should be than speech yeah I'm not and now for the Gan Marshall Elementary School staff of the month I am so delighted to share the honor of bringing up a teacher who is not new to aay Park School District but new to our thuren Marshall Elementary School she was nominated by a landslide by her colleagues and described as someone who is always willing to go the extra mile extremely supportive of her peers and students implements extreme creativity in her classroom with her bilingual students and is always always always willing to go to lend a helping hand to do what's right for our students and our school join tonight by her two sons and her husband Miss Ursula Malone please come up and accept a well-deserved award I'm so proud of you these are for you of absolutely yep come right over you go by your Mom abely congratulations wonderful absolutely absolutely thank you have a great night yep high school with the student of the high school a Jack's going to do student of the month this is ajck you can come up and do the students first sure no impr promp to com comment we're good we're good you should arm good evening um I'd like to present the uh athlete of the month for uh for the high school this is a young man oh sorry this is a young man Armando Armando Herrera come on up here please Armando Armando has been a a wrestler for two three years now he is a captain of our Varsity wrestling team he is uh one of our leaders of the school he is unbelievable what a great great kid has unbelievable character ctor um a role model for all younger kids just the best so thank you armano congratulations dude great job buddy job brother congratulations and our student of the month I don't believe he is here but our student of the month is Edwin Lopez is Edwin here no but we'll accept it on his behalf um thank you Edwin we'll be giving him a gift as well you want to hold on to the gift yes I'm going to hold on to the gift I doing staff member of the mon who does Dr Schult has staff member of the month this is Bradley thank you have a good day bye-bye now see you later okay I am delighted to present on behalf of Miss O'Neal who could not be with us tonight for the aay Park High School staff of the month she has written a very kind and lovely message that I'm going to share on her behalf we are congratulating Miss armonious as staff member of the month for the high school she has consistently worked hard to make her classro engaging for her students and has worked alongside Miss EST Strada Miss cobs and principal O'Neal to grow as a professional she continues to seek outside opportunities to learn more about teaching French that she can bring back to asre park she is one of the first faces to greet students at the breakfast bar each day and shows care for her students in so many ways and I have also had the privilege of working with Miss harmonius for translation needs and she is a wonderful asset to our district congratulations congratulations absolutely thank you Mr Medina for Martin Luther King Junior middle school thank you Dr Adams um i' would like to present our teacher of the month unfortunately she could not make it tonight but we will accept it on her behalf uh she is a wonderful teacher hardworking um creative Innovative um an exceptional math teacher and has really led the promise um that our students are ready to achieve in math so I'd like to accept this award on behalf of Miss Casey miles so yep uh I I'd like to I have it I have yep uh I'd like to recognize uh our student of the month he is he's an exceptional um young man his Spirit Carries through the Halls um it was was indicative or even you know tonight in watching how many people greeted him congratulated him um it was really remarkable to see and it's something that we should all aspire to to reach that many people so it is an honor to recognize hos elito ialo and I'd like to invite his parents up this young man this young man works very hard in the classroom is a helper to all and honestly I cannot ask for a better student so congratulations joselito congratulations Miss Jackson bias for Bradley Elementary so again I ask for your patience uh you know so uh Miss Jackson by yes at yes thank you at this time I would like to introduce the Bradley Elementary School uh student of the month none other than Mr McKenzie Paul second grade student his teachers are here we are so proud of all come on up mom come on up Grandma come on up come on up come on up yes he deserves that his teachers can come up his teachers are here they were here when I tell you we are so proud of him today during our Awards assembly he gave can you give them that little um Superman thing that you did today that's oh he did yes we are so proud of all of the accomplishments he have made his teachers just wanted to say something NIS Paul is our second grade student of the month um NIS is a hardworking student who always tries his best he is very always help always very helpful to his teachers and classmates and is always willing to help everybody out so this is a little something for you some Spirit word for you and Mom Mom Mom we would not have him if it weren't for you so we will let we believe in giving you your flowers thank you for blessing us and where's Grandma Grandma you come up here too cuz we have called you come on up Grandma you deserve this moment yes we it takes a village thank you guys so much yep 1 2 unfortunately name is NIS NIS my apology NIS pause my apologies thank you at this time um our Bradley Elementary School um staff member of the month unfortunately she's not here Lisa Dela Monica but I will accept it in her um absence thank you thank you great thanks again thank you for uh our principles for selecting those students I would be remissed if we did not recognize that February is Black History Month um it is a month in which we celebrate the recognition of Dr Carter G Woodson and the accomplishments of black people in America and black people worldwide um and so we recognize the accomplishments of our staff um in this District um as well as in the community so with that being said that ends my presentation Mr President I'm going to make a motion to go back into executive session this may take up to an hour but I'm thinking about 40 minutes second there was never a moot there was never a vote on coming out of executive not in public there was no roll call Miss Glassman Miss lazinski to go back into executive session miss maxud yes Dr Penna yes Mr Remy yes M Ricks upet okay Mr Rogers yes Mr Gilla yes Mr Saunders yes you're an executive come out of exact second oh call Miss Glassman here miss linski here miss Maud here Dr Penna here Mr Remy here miss Ricks present Mr Rogers present Mr gillo present Mr Saunders I would like to say first of all I'm sorry for the delay um we had some um matters that we had to attend to um the first thing coming out of this meeting I would like to make a motion to place Dr Adams on paid administrative leave effective immediately I'll second it Miss Glassman yes Miss lazinski no Miss maxud Dr maxud Dr I'm sorry yes Dr Penna yes Mr Remy before I make my vote I just got something to say before you say that please I I hear people back here talking Mr President you need to bring order to your room okay and ask people to be quiet so that we can hear what is being said and I'm going to ask Mr Remy to please speak into your M CU I want to hear what you have to say and I'm sorry for speaking out turn thank you all right um I just feel as though with everything that's been going REM this is just the vote at this point yeah but before I make my vote I'm going to say what I got to say yeah all right so before I say what I got to say before I make my vote I'm going to say what I got to say I feel as though things been very biased off rip um from day one I feel as though he never got a chance to really do what he need to do I know certain things happen but at the same time he never got a chance to be student focused children censored focused it's always been on defense mode from day one and I know certain things may have happened yada yada here say she say but I feel as that we're going to waste time and money from our district to make this happen and I feel as though a lot of people in here are only making votes based off who they got in their pocket or who they who they friends with I don't care what y'all say I sat there with y'all y'all done let me get in them rooms I done sat there I done heard things I done I done I done been there I'm the wrong person to let been there I may have been quiet but I was in there and I'm going tell you this right now we keep moving forward the way and I said this before we keep moving forward the way we are right now this is about to be ocean Regional neps Regional that's where our children are about to go Asbury Park High School is about to be uh Asbury Park Riverfront they already want to get rid of um bang Barack Obama to make it into something that they think is going to be housing for our people but it's not it's not going to be housing for our people it's going to be housing for whoever got the money to pay for but it's not going to be housing for our people this this city is not going to be for us this it's not and I'm telling you you want to sell you want to sell something but you want children to come back later on how you about to get children to come back later on if you already done sold it where they going to go Mr Remy can you please not hold up V man listen this might be my last meeting keeping 100 so I'm going to say everything I need to say right now I get EIC charges charge me what y'all going to do but I'm telling you right now yall keep playing into this hand yall keep playing into these politics y'all keep y'all keep taking the little carrot the the little brown paper bag watch what's going happen to y'all watch what's going to happen watch what's going to happen I'm going look at everybody in their face too everybody in their eye everybody in their eye yeah y'all keep taking that little carrot taking that little brown paper bag yeah watch what's going to happen watching y losers don't say I ain't saved February 22nd 2024 don't say I ain't Saed keep making deals with the Devil Keep dancing with the devil what's watch what's going to happen I hope y'all could dance I hope you got your right shoes on can't never Dance with the Devil Keep dancing with him watch what's going to happen yall keep falling for these little tricks and trades y'all keep falling for this watch I put money on it I put my bottom dollar y ain't going to be able to stand y ain't going to be able to weather the storm so when we lose everything don't say I ain't warning y'all don't say I ain't say it and I hope yall got the right idea I hope y got a great plan to make it to make what I'm saying right now do not come true I hope y'all got it I hope y'all got it that's all I got to say and with that my vote is no Miss Rick I too have a statement I disagree with the process there are some board members who knew what was going down and then there was a couple of us left out of the process it was like uh Barbara had mentioned all these Syria meetings they came in they knew what they were going to do they know knew who they wanted uh even in today they were meeting like three to three you know three people in a huddle and then three more my whole concern is about the kids this is not about the kids this is about who is friends with who who and who benefit from who and what place it's not about these little black and brown kids who are at the lowest of all the kids in the state of New Jersey What a Sad commentary so I will say it often time when I have something to say there are certain people on this board who try to shut me up but I will not be shut up I'm for these kids I have history in this community with my kids my grandkids my husband my husband's family I've never seen the district this low I've never seen our kids do so bad and when these people are in these back rooms making these back deals these little black and brown kids are not mentioned so I object to the process that was put forth tonight and decided even even before tonight I cannot vote because I'm conflicted so I will recuse myself but I just want to get that on the record be about the education of these kids not about your friends or your vendors not about that this is a sad day and I can tell you this right now our kids are going to suffer even even worse than they are suffering now and you hear people saying uh uh what's going on at the middle school well buckle up buckle up saddle up cuz it's going to be a rough ride and I object to the process tonight I don't think it was a democratic I know it wasn't a democratic process because it didn't include me so I re my vote is to recuse myself because I'm conflicted thank you m RX Mr Rogers excuse me um first I I I'd like to make a speech that right now I have been on this board for a year in a day and my personal feelings are that we have not focused on what we were supposed to and with this with this board is supposed to do I have to look at sometimes when you look at an observation of what's going on you have to look internally at ourselves we are held accountable to this District to these students and the first thing we have to recognize is that we need to get them educated and ready for the world I am recused from making a decision here that is being made but I hope and I pray that tomorrow whatever happens we are pulling up our bootstraps and getting to work on a job that we were elected to do in this community and as I said always my my issues are the children in this community I have seen what a lack of education does to these black and brown children and until we as adults recognize what our responsibilities are what our abilities are to do this they are in desperate need and open commun communication among everyone and transparency if anyone has to ask me a question about what I expect expect I expect excellence in everyone's job and responsibility and that means that there's consequences when they're not so let's get this together and let's not go back tomorrow decisions are being made every day we we look at Congress they're out on recess and people are dying we need to focus on our little part of the world and do what we're supposed to do and I'm going to hold everybody accountable and everybody needs to do their job with that said I have to recuse myself from any vote but I had to make that statement thank you Mr Gilla yes Miss Mr Saunders spe go ahead Miss Glassman Dr Simmons are you going to announce the vote announce the vote I'm not understanding sorry I think she wanted to know what the vote tally is for and against abstain abstentions five yes two no and two recused okay thank you um Mr President may I make a motion go right ahead I would like to move move to appoint uh Mr Mark gerbino as Acting Superintendent and to approve the contract of employment for Mr Gino as Acting Superintendent subject to the approval of the county superintendent second it m Glassman yes Miss Max Dr maon yes Dr Penna yes Mr Rogers I have to recuse myself C can you just um respect the other people that are in the um room and just be quiet Mr gillo uh yes Mr Saunders yes motion pass I just want to say I just want to say Mr welcome I look forward to working with you and so as the board I'd like to thank you for for giving me this opportunity um we have a lot of work to do a lot of healing to do and moving forward and um I'm welcome to that challenge thank you okay yep okay okay next up is report from the committee chairs M glasman the finance committee met on February 15th um we received an update on the uh Charter School payments that not withstanding the board's suggestion that money's not be paid without verification um of residency um the business administrator was directed uh to make those payments uh so they were made we have suggested the board will address it in the future to withhold payments for which we don't have um residency verification um we did not receive uh financial information that we had requested for the past 5 weeks uh from the administration revenue and expense uh tables uh we received a minimal presentation on the budget process and we know only at this point that we are behind schedule in the preparation of the budget uh which must be approved at the board's meeting on March 14th um we are still waiting to receive an outline of key priorities um and key expense areas areas uh for funding or for uh elimination we have only 3 weeks left um uh we have received a uh a copy of the auditor's financial report uh but it was given to us 15 minutes before the meeting and it's 300 pages long it was not discussed at the meeting it is here tonight for presentation that's and with that with that being said we're going to call up the aors right now now so they can do their presentation thank you very much um my name is Robert Mulligan I am a supervisor with HFA um I'm joined by Brian Waldren who's one of our partners um I typically like to keep my presentations kind of short and sweet so you guys can get back to your regular business sir can you um can you speak up a little bit you got to you got to literally eat the microphone please thank you is that better okay I can hear myself so okay um so with the auto report um the first place I like to point out and start with at the very beginning of the report is your letter of transmittal and your mdna uh these are reports from the management point of view so these are unaudited uh letters I'll say um but they come from Management's Point of View kind of detail the Outlook going forward in Management's words um we have three opinions within our report our independent auditor report our report on internal control over financial reporting and compliance and our independent auditor report on compliance and internal control which is over your uh state and federal grants um all three of those reports we have unmodified opinions in the report which is the best opinion that we can give um we had just two significant deficiencies that we want to note that the board uh we want to make aware make the board aware of so that they can address them um namely that an appraisal a full appraisal of the board's Capital assets be completed um to uh verify that balance and um to document the uh students enroll report which is submitted in October each year um to just have better documentation of those numbers in terms of uh fund balance this year um the district had restricted fund balances of $2.3 million uh this comes from your capital reserve your maintenance Reserve emergency reserve and your unemployment reserves um your unassigned fund balance increased about 1.5 million this year to a total of $9,800 th000 um and then finally um within our proprietary funds our food service fund uh we saw a net income this year for about $195,000 um so a Very Good Year there and um that would pretty much do it for me I want to thank Dr Simmons Ivy and their entire staff for all their help throughout the audit um it's a lengthy process we really appreciate it and of course if anybody has any questions i' be happy to answer uh first can we go through the report on on the first couple of pages it documents that the board the school board members are on your on your report why why are the school board members on on that report well it just is noting who the board members were as of June 30th 2023 I would say it's mostly informational um and just kind of explains who who is is the executive committee essentially of the school board okay so that that means that the school board uh basically should have oversight on expenditures and issues dealing with the day-to-day operations of the board the the district I would say that um you know a strong internal control system that that the board has some say and oversight over over all operations of the school district um but I mean you know the the internal controls are kind of the district's responsibility and and you know how those are set up and the oversight I would say is you know kind to the board's discretion at that point you know I I can't really fully speak to to your oversight specifically okay last uh so we don't don't drag this out too long I do have questions um on the summary tic results it says material weaknesses and you you basically said no what what is material weaknesses so material weakness would basically be um a situation where your your numbers were misstated in a material sense so um an audit looks at materiality of course like you can't look at every single transaction over the course of a year um so there are materiality levels to that and and sampling levels um so material weaknesses would essentially be you know a larger deficiency that is materially misstating your financial statements okay but the next one of the next lines under that is significant deficiencies and you said we had those so when we're looking at and I'm going to go to some of the specifics on the on this on the budget in the audit going through uh the the uh application for uh for Aid to the school uh we misrepresent it and is can you define exactly what what what we did wrong because I don't want to say misrepresented because they're saying but we did not correctly State our numbers on issues dealing with our special education our ESL laners uh can you define one what those issues were number two how do we make them better and three uh I don't were you were you the gentleman that did the did the report last year I was part of yes I was part of the last year we went we we we we talked about these numbers last year in our audit where we were told we transpose numbers MH yep so when I look at it I say to myself do I have a training issue do I have a professional knowledge issue if I can't if I'm putting out an application I'm putting out every year and it doesn't actually come up and say what it's supposed to say in my audit what are my my issues so you can go down explain what it was uh why did it happen and is there a training issue I would start by saying like in terms of training issues and stuff like that that that's not really my area of expertise in terms of you know how you guys want to train and what you think you need to see so I I would kind of say that that in particular wouldn't necessarily come under my scope this finding in particular um what this is is essentially a documentation issue where um you know like you said I don't want to say numbers were misstated or anything like that I I would say we had multiple reports that maybe said a couple different numbers and we had some uh you know difficulty going back and forth just trying to make sure we were coming to the correct numbers and which reports were used as backup so that it's really just a documentation thing from our standpoint of you know we want to be able to see exactly um in one report here's the documentation of these numbers so um again you know I can't speak to the the training aspect of it I I think that's kind of the the dist the district's um discretion but for from our standpoint it's just a documentation thing when when I say training issue how many school districts do you do this for I mean school I'm sorry my name is Brian Wald I'm one of the partners with uh home and friend yison I was one of the partners just looked at the Quality level of the report uh and my other partner Jerry KH and he couldn't be here tonight I'm sorry of course I'll just hold if that's okay yeah so it's not good oh how about that no problem sorry guys I'll just hold it if that's okay so again I just say my name is Brian Waldren I'm of the partners with home and friend Allison uh just wanted to come tonight with Rob in case there's any questions that I can help answer so to your question we do roughly 40 school districts across the state of New Jersey mam oian County and across the other counties as well so this issue at hand I'm not specifically sure what test were referred to for the state aid however the documentation the report that you submitted was not substantiated with documentation that balanced to those same numbers so again specifically I'm not sure at this moment we can get back to you on what test specifically but there's compliance steps that go with that actual application Aid that is due on the 15th of October every year for the subsequent Year and that is what we had documented have internal control differences or discrepancies that led to one of the significant deficiencies can can can you say to me that we're paying you as an auditor would you be able to do uh kind of help us if if you're dealing with 40 schools and the documentation doesn't match up and how that how those numbers were coming in could you go step by step through with our business administrator to say this person isn't giving us the right numbers this this area isn't giving us the right numbers we see overall General responsibility in our report is the the business administrator but I don't think the business administrator deals with the special education and the documentation is there is is that included in our in our in our in our audit so in your the audit that our contract with the audit right so we are the Auditors outside of the accountant scope so if you take those two kind of hats you have to wear those two hats differently so certainly as part of the audit we certainly will guide and make recommendations as we're doing tonight with some of these differences that we might see with the business office so in the sense of helping and guiding it's part of our scope of our audit is to do the audit on the financial statements we certainly do cross some of those you know areas to make sure we're doing a little extra work and we do come out at time and to do the audit and we review the testing that's required to be submitted however it's not our Auto responsibility to submit those documentations so we're here to assist as much as we can but we are here also just to make sure that the proper documentation that is supposed to be filed does get filed so we're glad to help as much as we need to to make sure that moving forward this recommendation gets correctively actioned in the future year uh which would be coming up in 6 months or so when we do the next state aid uh application uh but until then the the finding that we have here is related to that aspect that it wasn't not submitted that we could not verify all of the figures that were submitted therefore which led us to this problem so right now what what I'm looking at is we we're under the S2 and we're losing money and I get an audit from my auditor saying we have these difficulties and inefficiencies in our in our protocol and one I don't know how how how far it went as to how many students that I'm I'm missing what funding I'm missing what information because I I I I got to get every dollar we're supposed to for this District of course would you if you can't uh could you forward to our business administrator and to us a recommendation that maybe a thorough examination needs to be done so we don't have this excuse me um just for clarification cuz I think we're going down the wrong assumption here um the issue that they they found part of the recommendation and is in the um the agenda is the corrective action um I wasn't here when that issue was found that was on last year's um asssa and this year I supervised the asssa myself and um Mr Paul sooya worked together to make sure that we got the right information recorded we worked with special education and every principal make sure every teacher signed off and every child we gave them training prior to that to make sure that they understood the process and that was done so that we this year even before we got the audit findings had already worked on the remedy to in to um put in place the proper procedures that needed to be done in order to remedy that in addition to that the other two findings the corrective action for that was also there I also wrote those corrective actions and we put in place those remedies to ensure that those um findings would not be repeated going further so yes I do apologize the the state so the application for state aid the way that works it is done in the previous October for your next upcoming year so the comment that we are talking about in the 630 2023 audit would have been from your October 2022 State oh yeah no no okay I just want to make sure so clarify I I agree right now we're we're we're getting this uh from Dr Simmons uh on the tail end and my my question is the same questions I had in there were training issues so we did have training issues and right now we had training and documentation issues and those were remedied when I worked with Mr seya in order to make sure that we had the proper um information in place and that also went hand inand but also our Charter School um verification so all of that came from putting in place the um the procedures and processes that needed to happen and we did uh also do the proper training as a matter of fact on the training day that I believe was November Mrs SEO and myself we presented to the staff in regards to how they should go into the system and how they should be recording the student information so that the proper information was recorded for a student if they had special ed special education IEP designations that that was done properly so that we was um ensured that those numbers were correct in addition to that Miss Lao worked with us to make sure that all the students that she had on her register was properly recorded So that we was sure that we was putting the right designations that the staff knew how to do that and that everybody across the board was properly putting information about students into our um student database okay uh my other my other situations cuz you know since me and these Changs I want to make everything transparent and I want to ask right now these these these trainings uh these issues are being addressed as we go along are they policy issues that we need to update are there training uh uh materials that uh it would be good that you kind of summarize some of the stuff for the board as to act these uh remedies that we've done and so we can make sure that we're going to the next budget year uh uh where we need to be because this is going to be a very very very tough uh let me say that another very tough uh Academic Year uh for funding for for this district and also the next the the other thing that you found the appraisal uh so well that that's that's been remedy you you already set up a uh uh yeah you have the contract with um usually you um District's contract with a um appraisal team or inventory um um consultant to come in and count the assets of the district that had not been done in this district for over 10 years so I will be working on bringing in that type of um service in order to do those counts so that the depreciation and the updates on the assets are done so they have the reports they need in order to properly represent the districts and the financial status of our assets is that is that going to be done before the next audit yep June 30th okay thank you I'm done any other questions thanks thank you thank you so much let's continue with our committee chairs Mr Remy Mr Penner the policy committee met uh on the 15th and we discussed some things that were discussed right now that are on the agenda um that were recommended by the federal audit and taking effect this evening that need to be changed I I have one question uh Mr Penner one of the uh issues on was grievances is that was that state mandated or was that local that was local and the changes yeah that was local the four that you saw on the local one that was yeah and that was in the notes that's what it indicated and that's what we talked about the four that you saw um indicated it was on the agenda that stated it that these were four from the federal audit and the other one the Grievances and the letters were given out highlighted in yellow regarding the superintendent installing the process for the reporting of um grievances to the board and that was the change so yeah so it's a local uh I think we should look at that uh clearly uh when we're looking at a lot of these things going on uh Mr President I got something to say I forgot um as regards to a Athletics um I just don't want to what happened last year to happen this year so and in terms of head football coach and spring sports are coming up as well March 1st we still don't have any coaches for these positions um so we need to get just signed the um documents for coaches that's what that was part of the signature process am I correct what applications or applicants or what do you have people that are applied for the positions are we interviewing turn your I can't hear you it's agreement with people employ for what position now we have assistant wrestling coaches we have cheerleading coaches we have um indoor track coaches track all right you know have a whole all right I'm just making sure how about um football I believe that's you can't wait can't wait till you know till June oh no no no I don't think that's happening right now all right to Mr Remy's point last year we we did uh seem to have uh some anguish as to how early other teams went out uh can can that be well that goes to athletic athletic committee that we need to read address to address that and and make sure we get it out earlier yeah I know uh me and Mr bars we try to work on that to get everything out early um I don't know what happened but it should be everything should be out sooner than how it used to be we should be applying or interviewing um throughout the year or uh renegotiating or rehiring whatever we have to do as soon as the seon season is over so we don't have to wait or retrain or anything like that or get people you know used to the community um walk the hallways things like that um but yeah I just wanted to bring that so thank you Mr Remy if uh I believe I'm on the athletic committee am I I don't know if I am yeah I didn't make it last meeting that's why I didn't see it in the notes either if we need to have we need to have a special meeting you can reach out to me whatever we need to do to expedite uh these these all right listen let's Comm let's continue with the committee chairs Mr gorilla um so I attended the buildings and grounds meeting if if it's okay with Mr Remy I know you're the chair but you couldn't make it to the last one so I I have the the minutes that's all right um so uh my myself M glasman Mr Rogers uh Dr Simmons and Mrs Brown uh met uh to discuss some of the important important issues having to do with buildings and grounds um uh one was procedures related for the sale of the maintenance building and a memo was provided uh to Mr Weiss and uh it was also sent to miss glasman and Dr Simmons um and uh there was basically the the the step the steps needed in order to to um uh uh to sell that that building um there were some project considerations for the 2425 budget um that totaled uh a million 1 million 467,000 controls BMS controls for the high school and th good rooftop units um that weren't replaced from the Esser funds that we had um uh as funds run run out uh then there's obviously grounds repairs there's uh exterior Panic Gates that are are need of replacement and repair due to vandalism um there's a a fire alarm replacement Thor good security camera security radios and panic door that are needed at the high school and the middle school to enhance security and to limit the unauthorized access to the buildings um the board members did share uh the board members that attended did share their desire to review Once Again the options for the Obama building since new board members uh have have come on board and they didn't have the information presented last year and Dr Simmons thank you for uh indicating that you work with the architect to kind of get everybody up to speed and see uh if there are any questions in terms of options or things like that um also Mr Rogers me mentioned the P3 program and asked Dr Simmons to look into the the funding options I did see a few emails back and forth I'm not sure if if we um uh got a a final kind of definitive answer to it right it's kind of to be continued yeah we're still going to still it's to be continued the um they did respond and said that they that um area was not responsible for that um any longer and um they had um for lack of V word Farm the information out to specific vendors so you'd have to work with a vendor and make a presentation through a vendor um they did say that the that most of those projects start at 75 million which is a lot a little bit above what we would be looking for little bit so it it appeared that it was um on big projects for bigger you know for huge um um processes and they did say that there's a very large um amount of money that the district would be responsible for so um right now you know I'll definitely look for one of those vendors to get more information like I said and see um what options it is but right now that was as far as they gave us okay great thank you well let me this is one of the trainings I got at the league and why P3 is so important it it's a part public partnership with an entity that could allow us to retain ownership of the property if we do do something so I know those are issues that a lot of the community has been concerned of of keeping that that that piece of property but doing whatever we need to do to to uh uh take advantage of opportunities for income to take advantage of opportunities to expand you know whatever we can do and they have done projects uh in the state more with colleges but they're trying to it looks like they're trying to move down to the school district so that's why the legislation is there so uh us finding out some vendors that might have the opportunity to want to talk to us and actually front some of the cost to do the research on the on this project okay great um and then finally we had a a conversation discussion on the tennis courts that the azri park um tennis initiative uh is uh offered to pay for essentially and this is something that's been going on for quite a while now um but we did receive an update on the timeline to complete construction as the funds must be spent by uh this June 1st so Dr Simmons you spoke with the architect and we're going to start the process of kind of getting everything started I know that it's it's come to my attention that there's a couple of documents that need to be signed by the the uh business administrator and also the board president um I don't I don't think I saw them in here but if it's possible that yeah I um the email indicated that I needed to sign them so those will be expedited and get gotten to okay great back to the architect she's looking for just some authorization signatures so I have a question um about uh what we've voted on in terms of a resolution so far do we need to make do we so do we need to authorize our AR our architect to make the submission to the doe on behalf of the district do we need to do anything like that so you're not at that point yet so right now you've authorized the contract for the Architects to start the work once they produce all of the documentation that is needed is at that point that the you as a board would sign those papers and that will be submitted and also whatever documentation that's needed for the contract for the people to do the work would also come to you as a board to approve it because it's over the bid threshold so you'll approve it at that time by authorizing the architect to move forward you started the process okay great and we're looking for a vendor that uh that is we're trying not to go out to bid we're looking for a vendor under a op so that the process is expedited and and moves a lot faster okay great and I just saw through the email threads that they they had mentioned a specific vendor um field something or field Turf USA or something like that so but I figured that's part of kind of getting everything in motion so all right thank you so much um that concludes my report Mr President thanks um now we have the public participation in accordance with the board policy 0167 is in accordance with the board policy 0167 the as Park Board of Education recognize the value of public commitment on educational issues and other matters of importance and provide members of the public with the opportunity to express themselves on school matters and Community interest the public commitment portion of the meeting is not a question and answer session and all public com comments shall be directed to the board president or the presiding officer of the meeting members of the public who wish to make public comments must be recognized by the proceeding officer or provide his and provide his of her name Municipality of residents and group affiliation if acceptable all public comments shall be directed to the prayer siding officer and are limited to 3 minutes in duration members of the public who do not follow forgoing rules of the or and interfere with the or orderly operation of the board meeting may be removed good evening John napatan president of the Asbury Park Education Association come here tonight to say to this board thank you for finally listening to multiple surveys votes of no confidence it's been an ugly 2 and A2 years and if anybody up on the Das actually thinks that I enjoyed this you are sadly mistaken because I liked it when we had peace with the former superintendent both of them I had a great working relationship with them and would have had a good one here too I want to assure this board president vice president and the rest of the board members that I as president of this Association will work in tandem with Mark gerbino as a guy that I've known for many years who has strong Labor Management relations that he's always had we do not always agree we get mad at each other we don't talk at times but at the end of the day we both know what's right for this school district I assure you he's got the time in this school system that I do and I promised the county executive superintendent multiple times that if a change would occur I will work with that person I assure you on behalf of my staff we're here to support you and we will do everything we can thank you one last thing don't ever accuse board members public officials of wrongdoing with taking a paper bag I take offense to that if you're talking about an endorsement Sir Mr just we're talking about an endorsement take it how you feel you took an endorsement and went against what the choice was take somebody else did not take an endorsement and went with the group so it doesn't really matter what I'm saying is don't make com I said I said what I said thank you have a good night feel how you feel I said what I said feel how you feel I hope you and your minions enjoy it Felicia Simmons ask Felicia Simmons Su Avenue Asbury Park right resident right parent former board member I just seen all of this before I don't been down this path before I'm crying to myself cuz I seen it before and I know what's coming cuz I said it 10 years ago I lived it 30 years ago as a student then in the same buildings looks the same way great salaries for great people but our kids still don't have books there's still no no books in the library there are no computers we've had districts and fights and internal fights and all kinds of things that again is a distraction right a distraction it's the long game there's certain constant things that are happening that continue to happen it doesn't matter I have nothing against gabino I don't care either other way but I know the plan of the district I've seen the plan that is coming and y'all play a part in it I'm going to tell every one of you cuz I can say it your names will go down with the death of the district and now when we talk about death I'm also talking about the fact that Obama school is en is encapsulated asbest you cannot even drill in the building if you go to touch to build to construct unless you tarp the neighborhood you kill generations of people the grounds of the neighborhood will be dirty forever our kids will walk away with sickness our parents forever so when we talk about these things and again there's not yours to sell there are kids there are Community our history there's Dr West that worked in that building for Generations that talk about the thousands and thousands of dollars of artwork that are inside that just sit there ask somebody from here when you get up and see a plan walk out when I sat on the board it was an agenda I damn right had an agenda when I came to work here in this District as a board member is to save my district save my children and the fact that I was the only one who had a parent was a child that had a child in the district he went through as I did there is death in your decisions that yall think are popular and when you talk about Brown bags I can say I seen it I understand the deals on top of deals on top of deals I understand the manipulations of people's egos I understand and I see it call me on if if you want to firsthand cuz I can speak one things because I wasn't part but I seen it thank you Miss Simmons morning Casey 16 1970 West Princeton Avenue Brick New Jersey retired speech therapist of Bradley Elementary School in Asbury Park School District I am proud I am proud right now that you have all spoken up and gotten someone who is going to look out for the students 38 years ago I started here and Barack Obama bangs avue school was supposed to come down I sat on the committee to take it down to builds bigger and better I was here I wanted what was better for every child in this town it didn't matter what color I was it didn't matter what color they were I wanted what was better for students special ed regular Ed it didn't matter I wanted we had bitty basketball we had homework Center I started Homework Center I sat here every day and made sure everyone homework was done Mr jino made sure everybody had athletic equipment even miss lazinski made sure her Athletics was in order she was on top of things she was at every game get back there find it find what was here 38 years ago when I walked through these doors find it because every student here deserves what I offered them 38 years ago and my colleagues who are still here who aren't tired who had to go home to their own children I was never blessed with any these were mine these children were mine and they still are and that's why I'm still here 3 years retired and the special ed kids need more services the reg Co think about it give them what they need and stop fighting you're all so intelligent and you all love children and we all used to get along and we all work together I don't know some of you I haven't worked with some of you but the majority of you I have and I just want our children to get what they deserve you're good people people and you know what they need they need love and support and an education and Mr jino and Bara and TR you all know what they need please give it to them Joe like do it let's do it this time thank you good evening good evening my name is ARA Council my address is 3023 Avenue as Park and I'm up here to talk about my son Amari Helman I care about his education and right now his education is not being met by this District his IEP is being violated in so many ways when the new the new schedule was inputed he did not have reading and it's in his IP to have reading every day he only gets reading on bday he need it every day because if you can't read you can't do a math problem you can't do numbers so I'm asking next time when the schedule is implemented please put reading on his schedule if it's not I will do due process on the district and I don't want to do that because everyone sitting here said therefore for our kids and I went to school here 25 years ago and it was not not like this everyone that sat at this table cared about the kids in this District No One Cares the middle school is a hell hole what I mean hell hole kids walk around all all day do nothing my son is part of it nothing the principal does nothing I went to have a meeting at my son school I seen this two same girls walk the hallway here was the principal in the office when Dr LS was at the middle school he never sat in his office never ever he came upstairs and looked in the hallways looked in the hallways in the classrooms and see what was going on the principal does nothing it's a hell hole at the middle school I'm taking my son out of there because his academics is not being met you don't have a library how do you expect kids to research your paper if they can't read they can't use the computer it's sad I want to the middle school on Tuesday I looked around it's supposed to be a media center where are the computers the wall is bare like this where are the books it's sad this district is sad I used to love to say I was part of ASB Park School District now when people talk about it I turn my head I graduated 25 years ago 25 years ago please get together for our babies thank you Miss counsel you now oh I wasn't going to speak tonight but edley victorin uh I think I supposed to say my name Union New Jersey speech therapist in the district um a lot of what I have experienced in my six years here and a lot of what I've experienced tonight the only message the only thing I can say to all of us everyone sitting at this table is that everyone says we're here for the kids right but sometimes our actions don't match our words we're here for the kids so that means you show up even when you don't want to that means you have conversations even when you don't H want to that means you make hard decisions even when you don't want to more and more of my students can't even read we have teachers who are trained in Wilson don't have the Wilson program here in District and how am I as a speech therapist I'm starting with little kids to high school students who can't even read what are we even talking about our kids can't even read so all this infighting I don't care about it because at the end of the day I can't even do my job so if we're about the kids let's come to the table and be about the kids because we're failing them we myself included We are failing them so while we sit here and we fight they're failing so let's move forward cuz I don't care who's in the seat and let's be for these kids let's show up and I believe in the power of the people so some of the stuff we're talking about power of the people can change some of this gentrification some some things that I'm seeing also a teacher said to me today oh oh you're so happy today I said because when you can't find the light sometimes you have to be the light so right now it's very low but it's up to each and every one of us to be that light let's pay it forward is there any other comments at this time I'm closing the open public session now we looking at our monthly Hib report good evening everyone given the data from the Department of student services for the month of February there were two alleged hibs one was founded the other unfounded the founded Hib resulted in restitution and restoration and other consequences thank you thank you next is State monitor report um just for the purposes of keeping it brief I'm trying to focus my time on your budget development and your budget development process had the opportunity to sit in meetings with some of your departments and your schools um analyze your data but that's trying to be my focus is to Get You On Solid footing for next year thank you okay now let's move to acceptance of minutes of last month Mr President I think um there's a couple of minutes that we need to accept there's uh the minutes from December 14th January 4th and then um January 25th okay want to take cuz you have some board members that weren't on the board in December so I would suggest you then take them separately okay let's start with the December where is it where is it let's start with the Seance of the December 14th minutes motion motion I'll second these are for approval of the Clos session minutes for the 714 miss glasman approved Miss linski yes um Dr Maud AB Dr Penna yes Mr Remy yes Mr Rogers yes Mr killo I'm happily abstaining on this one cuz that was when I was absent due to the birth of my daughter and Mr Saunders yes we now looking at the January um 4th meeting the Clos session as well as an organization meeting uh president sers may I may I suggest that we move uh 12 B through F to make it more efficient and I'll make a motion to do that I'll second it this okay this is for all the remaining minutes Miss glasman yes Miss lazinski Dr Maud AB Dr Penna yes Mr Remy yes Mr Rogers yes Mr gillo yes Mr Saunders yes motion passed now we looking at Agenda items B1 I'm asking for a consent agenda to B5 I'll move it SEC sec it's it's the green right so what is he we not doing all the green oh the pages okay got you so those are Pages B1 through B5 that includes um items 1 through 11 and then the addendum 1 through four um there were some of these that I I would move to table there's a motion in a second on the floor there's a motion in the second so to the extent uh anybody wants to withdraw the motion otherwise vot this up or down and then so there's a motion on the floor which is not going to be withdrawn so this motion um is going to be voted up or down Miss Glassman no Mrs zinski Dr matud No Dr Penna no Mr Remy yes Mr Rogers no talk Mr gillo um this is for everything right on on V yeah and you could you could say no on some and yes on others and if this goes down then nothing happens nobody gets hired nothing happens okay so we just revote it no you can change your vote right now if you want so that some business can be done all right you go ahead can I go back I'm sorry I need I'll start again how we do that redo Miss Glassman okay so guess the easiest way to do this is yes on 1 a 1 b 1 c 1 d uh 1 e no on one f um yes on two yes on three yes on four yes on five yes on six yes on nine yes on 10 and yes on 11 I'm sorry I just did I go too far did you you voted no on F the homeless liaison is that what you said I did okay thank you Mr zinski she said yes Dr maxud No on one f and and that's and that's it yes on everything else okay Dr Penna yes on everything but abstain from um on b37 and 8 thank you Mr Remy yes on everything thank you Mr Rogers uh yes on everything except uh B2 F uh uh B3 7 and 8 and yes everything else okay thank you hold on I'm sorry uh B5 uh the first well no it's the first turn your mic on oh B5 uh number two a uh no thank you Mr gillo guess on everything except thank you and Mr Founders yes on everything except for B 37 and 8 excuse me Dr Simmons just to be sure that you recorded my vote on seven and8 was not a yes when I skipped over B3 I skipped B3 number seven and eight were the two I said I did not I did not approve got it thank you Dr Simmons um it appears that b um 7even and 8 has been voted down and um mhm yeah and and that appears to be all but um I do have a question I know some personnel has to be um five or more so I don't know if a job description is a Personnel action is it I'm not sure about that yeah I'm not sure what do you have on the votes um the one um well it's just it's a standard vote so you just need F okay so yes so that means that b um 78 has been voted down as a no and um that's it okay thank you thank you you want to continue you with your um business agenda I'd like to place on the table um section c items one through um actually 1 through 8 and the agenda on the addendum items one and two I'll move it second um who was second Dr Penna okay thank you I have uh two questions sure I saw on the bills uh that there's a uh payment to college achieve have they verified the 250 students that uh they say uh live in our district yet I mean I know that was due in October and I know we've had some problem getting documentation no they have not um we had a meeting and I was directed to release the payment they um indicated they would um work to get all the students verified and maybe we've had a dozen parents come in of the 250 so they start I did say at that meeting that if they did not adhere to it by the end of February that we would go back to withholding the payment oh okay this question the second question is could you just um explain the Esser transfer transfers to Transportation I know we we're required to do some trans a this year correct yes so the Essa transfers was um last year this is um as of June 30th there was transfers um as you know as a board um monies were low so some of the monies were used and transferred into the charter school account um in order to cover all the costs due to the reduction of state aid and also some of the monies went to the transportation Transportation cost cost had been increased and we were over the budget there so those were also transferred in order to um meet the needs of the district um the transfer was about 5.2 million and um since it was technically as of June 30th but after the June 30th date it was the closing of the books that's why that transfer didn't get captured in the June transfers so that's why I we're coming to you now and the transportation covers uh just generally what just so uh transportation is all students in the district um all students not let me say this all students that live in Asbury Park um our transportation is in three different areas we have preschool we have special education and we have Charter Schools those are the children that has um transported throughout the district and one of the reasons for the increase um the preschool we can't transfer anymore out of the preschool book correct correct and that was a how much that's a lot of money that's over a million dollars that we had to assume the prek funding said that um that would not any longer be included in um our transportation and as we know make make you know in order to get the children there especially thorough good and with the railroad it's only prudent to trans and trans um trans um Port those children so that is something that even though the state considers it as courtesy um we consider it as a necessity and the just one more question the charter school transportation how much does that cost us do you know that that's also over a million all right thank you I follow up on that question about Transportation uh was is is the transportation cost of those children was that allowed a couple of years ago yes the preschool um Aid prior to the year before had allowed owed for transportation costs they made the decision based on the fact that um they felt that the numbers should be included in transportation Aid which is nowhere close to even covering some of transportation and that's the that's the only way they would cover it um and that's where we would include those children since that wasn't since that's not the case and it's considered cut um so they also have to be 2 miles away we don't have that um we don't have we don't most of the children don't make that limit as Bay Park is not a more than you know it's not a two exactly you're walking District you do have hazardous Roots but you're walking District so because of that the um state will not cover any more Transportation costs can you can you um when you get a chance uh send me some uh literature on that on that change so I can when we're talking the state on issues of funding I want to be able to bring this stuff up because we do have H hazardous districts we're not like most other districts and also uh the Working Poor and all the other Essentials that need to go in so can you send that to me so I can make sure I have that I will thank you um I do have a question about the professional development summary it's more just like because I'm as a like a lay person what's ISL live for administration is like what's the difference between that and justl what page is that um what page well it's the PD summary by month so it's C6 um it's way way down I think it's the last page on the attachments but you have one two three four uh staff members that um they will be doing ISL live for administrators yes that was on the seventh yes they're going on the 7th there's a live training um forl which is our high school um how do you call it um program that we use for um self-paced uh program kind of like I ready but we have it for the high school and so those are the administrators that are going to go to that training okay that's all I need to know yeah cuz I know whatl is I just didn't understand how the administrators had to cuz it's that one's in person that's what I think the live part means thank you any more questions I have one question I I can't find the entry now uh i' seen it earlier there's a sort of large charge for business marketing and I can't find it here now but somewhere in in this is on the bills list and I didn't understand what it represents this 16,000 yeah 16,000 pag is can you give us the page uh look at the bottom it's a vendor yeah I think vend the payment it's at the top first page uh yeah it's the first White first page white page 16,000 the NRG business that one gas trans gas gas that's our gas Services you know how we pay New Jersey National Gas G why is it called business marketing that's that's the name of the business that's the name the remit to but it is njr like New Jersey natural gas if you look at the description it just didn't sense okay yeah thank you I'll take the call a roll call now miss Glassman uh yes ex except for college achieve $ 48,4 five Mr zinski Yes except College achieve Dr maxu abin Dr Penna yes accept College achieve Mr oh sorry Mr Rogers yeah except for college Chief Mr gillo pay them all except for college acheve Mr Saunders yes sir the college a chief just for clarity that went out already so it would be the next payment yeah thank you don't give them anymore not one cent I'm going to make a motion to adjourn the meeting second all in favor I I any objections have a good night oh