good evening people in accordance with the provision of the open public meeting act njsa 10-6 PL 1975 I amend the as Park Board of Education had provided adequate notice to the meting by sending a notice of time and date and lo to the extent known of the agenda meeting to the asber park press and the new coaster on January 8th via email copies of this notice have been placed at the administration building Bulletin Board District school asber Park Municipal Building asur Park Police Department and filed with the city clerk of the municipality of Asbury Park department and within C clerk on January 88th 2024 our mission statement as Park School District will provide all students with a comprehensive and Progressive education where everyone possesses the skills and character to succeed in a diverse involving um Global Society roll call Miss [Music] Gosman Miss Glassman oh sorry here miss linski Dr Maud here Dr Penna here Mr Remy here Miss Ricks Mr Rogers I can't hear Miss Brown uh it's my understanding and recollection that Mr Rogers will be joining us tonight electronically um which would be uh we would require pursuant to the board's policy um a vote by the board to uh permit him to join electronically so uh it's probably best that we do that uh as soon as we're done with the roll call thank you Mr gorillo here Mr saers yes okay let you um make a motion can I make a motion to allow um Mr Rogers to participate in the meeting uh electronically I will second it discussion any discussion roll call Miss glasman yes Dr Maud yes Dr Penner yes Mr Remy yes Mr Rogers he's not on we can Mr gillo yes Mr Saunders yes let's move it let's move it and we can do the um flag salute pled to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for [Music] all uh Mr President if it if it pleases the board I just have a question asked uh besides um Mr Rogers are folks going to be able to participate or attend online as well uh other than him like the the the general public just want to make sure the team's link is up for that it would be mine to say that that would be um the um process as far as like it it concerned and if there's anyone who um has any questions about that I think that that um should be discussed in a few seconds do we have do we have um audio video connections with um the public as far as we as far as far as we know yes [Music] okay so that's yes Mr all right Mr jino [Music] guys good evening tonight I'm going to give you a little presentation about things that um have been going on in the district uh things that we're working on and also to talk about why we are where we are with the budget I know it's a tenuous time right now and um we've been working hard to try to do everything we can to keep the district whole it it took a long time for this District to get to where we are at at this point okay it's it's been going on for years but here we are now we are stuck in a position we are in right now and and I have to try to make it work which I will make it work uh but I also want to re reiterate that these are my ideas what you see tonight I know it's out there some people saying oh he's being told what to do no one tells me what to do I'm making these decisions some of these some of these things you can to see tonight I've had in my head for the last 15 years when I previously tried to be the superintendent of the district and we started restructuring so I'm going to go through what we're looking at where we came from where we are and where we want to be okay reflecting on our journey for years for years years years we've had an inflated central office administration cost that has always been the case we have a large District footprint I mean we have many buildings we've become land owners owners we have declining enrollment over the last three years we lost 500 students 500 in the last three years we have received we used to receive large amounts of State funding so we thought we can spend any way we want with that our test scores are still low we still have low test scores so looking at the present well approximately $8 million total shortfall in state aid we're not receiving eight sorry $8 million we're not receiving 4.1 of that 8 million is Staff Cuts we have to cut staff so we can make up for the $4.1 million that we are not getting to fund the district as far as staff is concerned so we have substantial staff Cuts in all areas in all areas Charter School payments are inflated yeah we owe the charter school $11 million close to $12 million okay problem with the charter school right now is that they claim they have a certain number of students we claim they don't so we take our numbers plus the two other other Charter Schools we add them together then we take the number that college achieve has and we add it to those numbers and that number we get is higher than the C of Asbury Park something doesn't add up I know the our numbers are correct I know the other two Charter Schools numbers are correct one charter school says no no you owe us a lot more and it just doesn't add up but the state says we owe $12 million and they're going to take that money from us contined loss of enrollment like I said 500 students over the last 3 years again still inflated central office administration cost busting it cost us going to cost us $3.4 million to bust our students next year 3.4 million that's to Charter Schools and any other other out of District placement including our students but the bulk of that cost is going to Charter and going to outter District doesn't cost us that much for our own students that come here so 3.5 million again we have to find that money but moving forward we have to figure out where we're where we're going and how we're going to get there and it's going to hurt it's going to hurt it's not going to be easy so it's something I read years ago commission REM recommends that students schools be restructured to become genuine learning organizations for both students and teachers organizations that respect learning learning honor teaching and teacher understanding we we need to restructure we need to change what we're doing why well we do not have the funds anymore to live large like we have in the past it's not here so planning for the future well what I'm what I'm looking to do is make a more efficient costeffective central office I'm restructuring central office due to loss of funds I'm restructuring it I'm changing it and I can looking to cancel Le canceling lease at 9104 a That central office we pay next year $270,000 in rent this year was 265 next year is 270 and the year after that 275 it's a lot of money that we could be using in the district so I want to get out of there I want to get out and I want to move central office and we have the rooms in our buildings to move central office we have the room and looking to restructure two elementary schools several reasons why doesn't save doesn't save staff really but what it's going to do is it's going to take my entire prek population my entire Kindergarten population first grade grade and second grade population and put them in the same building so every teacher knows what the other teachers are doing you creating teams cohorts now you know the instruction is going to be the same no longer they in two different buildings so now the left hand knows what the right hand is doing that improves instruction so we have two options option one is prek through two and third grade through fifth grade so right now we're looking at one building be a prek to2 another one three to three to five option two is prek through three sorry prek to two that's a typo and third grade through sixth grade so instead ofstead of extending the students from fifth grade to sixth grade they're going to stay in the elementary school so we have another year of being taught in that building and then the middle school would be 78 and high school would be 9 through 12 and we're going to move teachers to where they belong okay no longer we going to take a teacher that taught in the middle school for 15 years and place him down to the elementary school doesn't make sense okay doesn't make sense you're not going to take a pediatrician who's been doing ped pediatric medicine and make him an ear nose and throat doctor doesn't work developing a new Transportation plan we spend a lot of money in transportation as you see 3 million we're looking to purchase buses purchase our owner lease our own buses and train our staff to get their license to drive those buses so maintenance staff custodians they'll drive the buses they'll drive our kids to where they have to go but both in the morning in the afternoon and to events after school games meets whatever whatever it is we need they'll be teaching they'll be driving our own students no longer we going to depend on anybody else to do it it cut cuts cost these are cost cutting measures we're looking to do creation of what we're going to call the wings program at the MLK Middle School we right now send out around 35 students at a district placement at an average cost of 100 $115,000 per student not including busing why are we sending them out well some may may have to need that special service some we could take back into our building and we could teach our own students we can teach our own students and update the 45-day Intervention Program right now it's a computer-based program teacher teachers need to give direct instructions to those students that are in 45-day programs because you can't expect a student who may have some issues whether it's grades or just having issues in school to sit in front of a computer and then expect them to transition back into a classroom with a teacher it doesn't work it doesn't work going to create Revenue generating stream going to create create uh increased grant funding I have uh I I have a a company coming in that's going to help us with grants we have one person who writes grants right now we're going to bring someone to help there's millions of dollars out there in Grants I also met someone the other day when we had a visit from Andy Kim that said if you any federal grants we need let us know we're going to help you out with that so I'm going to reach out we're going to get those federal grants I want to become a receiving District I want to create programs that schools want to send their students to us why are we always sending our students out send the students to us using facilities to generate Revenue we got the Obama school that can be used we got the the track and field that can be used baseball fields we're going to be having tennis courts soon we can use those to generate funds bring money into our district looking to bring back the CTE programs engineering nursing photomy The Building Trades they're needed they're needed we started working uh trying to bring back Building Trades I was working with abz Anderson and we had a program but they only wanted to work with students 18 years or older so we had a cancel that but we're still looking into getting a program that will come in through Mammoth County looking to work working working to sell the maintenance building we have a piece of property that we can sell and bring maintenance to a building we already have it's going to save us money and that building would be behind Barack Obama we have the space okay we have the facility there that we can be turned into a maintenance building okay possible relocation of ITC either at the parent Center or Barack Obama again another building we don't need we're not landlords look at at sell those properties get them off our backs and then make our footprint in Asbury Park smaller closer so we're all together again repurposing the Barack Obama building we're looking to move maintenance in air bring student programs a community resource center where parents and Community can come in and possible NE location for the ITC building and like I said at central office we're looking to relocate most likely to the middle school because they have the rooms in there it'll be a 7 to8 building and we already looked into it we know what what's available we've taking walkthroughs Mrs S and I uh and we know what's available in the district and it's going to it's going to save us money and also makes our footprint as administrators prevalent in the classrooms in the buildings people are going to see us we're no longer going to be across town we're right there so what you do today can improve all your tomorrows again what we do today can improve all our tomorrows we have a lot of work to do a heavy lifting I know many of you are here CU people are being affected by this and I understand that and I do take it to heart I've been here since 2001 I've been through it myself I don't take these decisions or make these decisions lightly I do it because we have to do what's right by the district and as much as it hurts people here it hurts us as well but I promise you that I will do everything in my power to make us whole again it may take some time it will happen but it's going to take some time you got to be patient we can be successful we can turn this District around but it's going to take time and it's going to take some pain unfortunately but we can do it I just need to be have have some patience and believe in central office and what we can do thank [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you thank you Mr jino I just want to give a shout out to the finance committee as far as Miss Glassman as well as um Mr gorillo and I've been in those meetings and I'm saying like it's tough everything is not right as far as like even with S2 and things have have come down the pipe but I can say that they are working hard they are definitely working hard without a doubt and I just want to give a kud out a shout out to those um people on those committees and just to let them know that listen we appreciate you I've been in those meeting I'm like oh God and it it's tough but moving forward we like Mr jino said we want to write the um ship thanks guys EXC me we're going to do presentations yeah the next thing is on the agenda is uh as far as like um presentations let's start with that um Mr President one one quick thing I just want folks um to know that uh public participation is coming up so you know hold off we're not ignoring or anything like that you'll have time to you know uh submit questions and and um give your comments so [Music] right good evening uh we're going to do it a little bit differently today uh all the principles are up here but we want to individually recognize everyone so I'd like to start with my I'd like to start with my student of the month uh this young lady uh is in impressive with her grit her resolve her intellectual capacity she has aced every class in all markeing periods is a prime example of what we are capable of what our students are capable of and what our staff are able to help cultivate so I want to recognize an eighth grader in the dream Scholars Program Jayla moso roas and I'd like her parents to come up as well come on come on come on Mom and Dad I don't think Mom and got heard to be again he you Mom Dad Mom Dad M so this is your thank and this is yours and we're going to and we're going to take a [Music] picture thank you so much Mom and Dad you have an amazing daughter thank you thank you young lady and next for ML K is our staff of the month um she has tirelessly worked with a lot of our students a lot of our staff I can count on her to help in the morning I can count on her to help in the afternoon she has been nothing but uh professional wonderful to work with and I'm happy that she is a part of our team Miss lenee Brown [Applause] [Music] Foster happy thank you thank [Music] you at this time it is my honor and privilege to introduce the Bradley Elementary School student of the month none other than cam baby Cameron's teacher would like to speak just to let you know I'm going to do a Shameless plug Cameron's going to be our drum major tomorrow for our bubbles for autism doing an awesome job hello everyone and thank you for joining us tonight to celebrate Bradley Elementary student of the month as you are all aware April is autism awareness month a month to celebrate neuro neuro diversity and I would like to highlight some of the growth this little girl has made from September to now from her communication skills social skills Independence following a multi-step Direction answering questions and many tasks that are essential to everyday life it is my pleasure to announce Cameron Kai freen and please join us tomorrow for our bubbles for off um our our event for autism on the soccer field at 130 um we just have some Spirit we for Cameron if we Cameron Cameron C come on the back baby here we go yeah and Mom this is for you thank you for blessing us with Cameron thank she camera's out we we'll Photoshop her in it's cool yes at this time it is an honor and privilege to introduce the Bradley Elementary School staff member of the month behind every strong teacher there a par and me being a par myself when I tell you I recognize our Paris Paris Rock Paris Rock Paris Rock Paris Rock None other than Miss Ian Zuna when I tell you another Shameless plug we have our bubbles for autism Miss Ivon her CLA is the one who won the Barner contest so they will be leading the parade and if you go out on the on the side you will see the butterflies P Von we love you [Music] [Applause] okay so miss O'Neal was not able to make it tonight so she ask that we do her staff member and student of the month for her student of the month is tasa Hill a little bit about Miss tasa tasa is a senior graduating in a few weeks congratulations tasa she has been a cheerleader at the a Park High School she serves as a co-president of the senior class to say that tasa and bod's blue Bishop spirit is an understatement she goes out of her way to include absolutely every student in an event and celebration that we have at the AY Park High School she is the first one in line to volunteer at our fundraisers and and she works alongside her teachers and leaders to make positive changes to the school we are excited to see what Tasia does in the future congratulations Miss [Applause] [Music] tasa and for good evening everyone for the aay Park High School staff of the month on behalf of Miss O'Neal and the high school we'd like to congratulate Mrs Chrissy hay Schneider Mrs Schneider is serving in her first year as a high school teacher and has gone above and beyond to build community at APS for our students she has been at the helm of our school culture events this year organizing our multi-grade Battle of the classes events school dances and fundraiser upon fundraiser she is a ball of energy and has maintained that she will do everything she can to ensure that our students have a true High School experience congratulations Mrs [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Snyder I'll do my student you're good yep on behalf of thuren Marsha Elementary School we'd like to start off with our student of the month and before I do I'd like to welcome Miss Archie Belfor up here to grant our student of the month her award she is our students teacher so miss Archie please come up our student of the month is a prek4 learner who is in her second year of our preschool program and truly exemplifies that preschool is where the foundation is laid our student has worked throughout the year tirelessly to learn all of her foundational skills and his independently answering questions in circle time knows her letters numbers and as Miss Archie says she is truly ready for kindergarten next year our student is someone who is creative loves art is kind and just has such a beautiful bubbly personality joined tonight by her mom and two grandmothers Miss Leila Lopez Lopez please come and get your award and Mom and Grandma please come up as well yes and Miss Leila in thir good fashion a backpack of so many of your favorite things sweetheart we are so proud of you yay so cute come on for picture [Applause] [Applause] um oh yes for certificate and there you go thank you m and now for the third Good Marshall staff member of the month I am going to read this staff member's nomination by her colleague Miss f and on behalf of our fifth grade team that she works with which includes Mr Hamilton because the words written truly exemplify the wonderful educator that our staff of the month is Miss Cortez is a dedicated teacher she always goes above and beyond to meet the needs of her students Miss Cortez plans and executes Innovative lesson plans to keep her students engaged no matter what the task is Miss Cortez finds a way to make it work Miss Cortez always looks for ways to incorporate strategies and approaches to daily routines and instruction so that all of her students are successful Miss Cortez is a team player it is such a pleasure working with someone who really cares about our students and is willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that all students feel confident and successful in our classroom whether she's leading our PBIS team or helping in the hallways or handling business in fifth grade with her team Miss Cortez is truly it at thuren marshall so please come up and rightfully so accept your award and she is joined tonight by her beautiful family her wife son and daughter congratulations your mother is a wonderful wonderful person you up here taking aym [Applause] and here's your award [Applause] yeah y that's it thank you I just think that we should give a round of applause to all the um award here like we get a lot of negative press but the other piece to it is we have a lot of posit people in our community and I just want to say that listen this is our [Applause] home now we doing committee chairs um I'm going to start with M [Music] classman okay the finance committee has continued to meet weekly with the Acting Superintendent to address revenue and expense concerns following the notice by the state of our funding cuts for 2425 um we've also met with the interim business administrator and the fiscal Monitor and they've reviewed with us over this past month all of the available sources of revenue expenses possible expense Cuts as well as bringing some programs and services in District um we've endeavored to work creatively together to support derbo to put together a solid educational program for the students within the financial constraints we Face we've evaluated and supported together with the buildings and grounds committee the termination of the lease for central office and expect to vacate that building within the next couple of months without penalty uh Mr jino's already described the uh relocation of the administrative staff uh We've also met with a firm to assist the district uh in better access for grant funding to just um assist in IND District resourcing we continue to press on the college achieve Charter School residency verification problem and the financial pressure it poses for the district we're awaiting the decision of the office of controversy and disputes on our claims uh We've also held meetings with the education Law Center to discuss the school funding formula and the unique challenges in Asbury Park we've met at different times with the the mayor with our Assembly women and our Senator to elaborate on the challenges Asbury Park faces and advocate for a legislative solution our voices have been heard our legislators have been responsive we attended a meeting of City officials of Asbury Park and surrounding towns and their school board representatives to hear the status of the legislative steps they are pursuing on our behalf to regain a portion of the state aid that we've lost this year Bill are pending both for partial restoration of state aid and for an extension of time for the school districts to submit their final budgets until after the state adopts its budget and we hope legislation is passed restoring some state aid this will significantly impact our final budget preparation and submission thank you Miss Gman I've been in those meetings and I um heard your voice as well as dealing with the whole pressure as far as creating a budget that is neutral and the thing about is you work tireless as well as Mr guerillo and I'm just saying like listen I don't what can I say but we're working hard as far as like um doing the right thing as far as our children as far as and and as far as the budget thank you it's actually an honor to to be able to do this I did want to U mention one other thing uh president Saunders um Miss glasman mentioned about some legislation that's that's uh pending um in in the Le in the legislature and a lot of times folks come to us and say what can we do um because a lot of times as homeowners as parents you know they you feel almost voiceless um one of the things that you can do is look up Senate Bill s 3732 um that bill in particular um that's still going through the legislature would effectively restore 2/3 of the funding Cuts back into the district um and it's still kind of a moving Target because they're they're discussing it they're debating it but as long as folks hear from residents of Asbury Park um like Miss glasman said Senator gopal Assembly women Don donlin and uh Peter Paul have been incredibly responsive um and uh and they will respond back to you I mean that's been my experience so s37 32 um look it up take a look at it and uh advocate for it so thank you Mr Remy buildings and grounds um committee met on April 18th 2024 virtually um so a few things that were noted um the central office lease the notice was sent to the landlord that we will vacate the building by August 25th 2024 um we had a we got a update on the tennis initiative biders needed two more days to send their proposals to the architect uh wanted to ask what the status was about that I know Dr Simmons isn't here but I have to follow up with them tomorrow cuz they asked for an extension so um upon the advisement of the lawyer we're going to um speak with them tomorrow okay and yeah Mr Remy um if I can um I've been working with the Asbury Park tennis initiative to um come up with a memorandum of understanding uh which will be um voted on this evening um it's my hope that the architect can move forward with all possible speed and diligence um and to the greatest extent possible perhaps utilize um Cooperative purchasing uh in order to try and um make the process go faster uh just so so that everyone's aware if we use a Cooperative uh purchasing um we then don't necessarily have the need to go out to bid and that's additional time that's that's caused by having to go out to bid so um to the greatest extent possible with the goal being that the courts are ready for student and Community use within the next couple of months it's my hope that um we can expedite the process uh by way of the architect using Cooperative pricing and I think that uh Miss Brown is going to speak with them about that as well uh tomorrow again the idea is to to go as quickly as possible so that the facilities are available for student and Community use as quickly as possible okay I got a followup question for that um since you mentioned courts with the S so they're still doing the courts a court in between Obama and um Dr Martin Luther King as well as behind the high school behind the high school or is just one or the other and they are paying for it yes okay so that's a yes to all that was a yes to everything I'm going to take each one one by one uh with regard to the lawyer see with regard just so that we're clear with regard to the number of Courts it's three so the district will have three fully functioning fully usable tennis courts as far as the locations the Middle School uh they'll be at the middle school um all of them at the middle school if I'm not later on that so what's going to happen they're going to start with the Middle School First Once that's done they're halfway done with raising the money for the high school that will be the next uh location is there anything that we have in place to lock it down cuz I wouldn't want them to just do the middle school and all of a sudden a year goes by and they saying oh we don't want to do behind high school anymore and that's and they got what they wanted that's a great Point U Mr Remy right now I'm going back to I think your third question um right now it's a total of $350,000 that's being donated donated to the district for the construction and refurbishment of the tennis courts um so it will to answer your question it will cost the district nothing um and the memorandum of agree of understanding that you'll vote on tonight will indicate that um it's it's not costing the district anything and to the extent forbid that the funds are recalled by uh the group that donated it to us or the group that donated it to the group that donated to us the district will nevertheless not be on the hook for any of those funds um and that's the way that that memorandum of understand that's the way I drafted that memorandum of understanding that's on on the agenda for tonight okay thank you C can I can we also kind of mention the reason why we uh the decision was made to to refurbish the courts at the middle school was because the cost fell into the same amount of money as the grant Award right and then we had a meeting where they committed to raising the money necessary to redo the tennis courts at the high school the problem is the ones at the high school cost something like what $2 million a million dollar or $2 million let's say the the the land and the topography a little different at the high school which is going to require additional you know um I I'll call it uh remediation before um it can be utilized for a tennis court so um to be clear to you Mr Remy and everybody in the room um it's the Asbury Park tennis initiatives hope that in addition to the 350,000 that they're donating to us that they can raise additional funds uh to give to us to work on those High School tennis courts thank you and it brings up another question is there any um initiative like a basketball initiative that would do the courts behind the high school so we received the grant for about I think $100,000 uh and we're going to be refurbishing the basketball courts that beond high school okay all right thank you all right I'll continue with my agenda all right um so we also discussed if the board wanted to lease on our buildings and the Board of Education will have to create a policy and regulation so that conversation basically started when we mentioned um Obama um since it's vacant right now can we offer a lease to any organization Oran that would like to lease it just like how you mentioned programs and things like that to the for the community to the community that type of thing we discussed and we also talked about uh to help reduce cost in transportation recommended purchasing two small buses um to transport preschool mcken vento and our athletic runs and also we also discussed the um the grade configuration the breakdown of how the uh 2024 2025 buildings were structure whether it would be um prek to 2 3 to 5 6 to 8 9 to 12 you discussed that earlier and I got another question are we accepting the donation from the Little League yeah yes that's on the agenda for tonight all right thank you that concludes my report Dr Shah I know that you're not the chair of the um CI committee but did you guys meet or no for the curriculum yes yes do you have anything to report or no no okay you know what Mr can report on Dr you want to sure I can highlight a few things um so basically we have um couple items I thought would be nice to highlight um obviously um looking for more grant money to help refurbish the baseball baseball field so we're putting an application for that um looking to extend our partnership with boys and girls club as I mentioned before um we the partnership we have now uh stops at the end of this school year so we're going to extend it out through the summer and all of next year um for our after school and summer programming um we're also working on an extended day which we started an extended day program for our L students or ml students who are level one students only um and I'm happy to say that actually this is an amendment to a proposal that we put on that you has approved months prior um because the number of students and parents that have applied to have their students come has expanded so we have to expand the program and have the teachers using the funds that are earmarked exactly for that um we are doing a um we have a partnership with NJIT so that the uh engineering students in the engineering program um have the opportunity to take college credits and college course credits estimated cost of about $5,000 $100 $50 per credit um we're also looking at um a honor day um the the police department invited uh uh students uh high school students to attend honor Day on May 25th they're going to transport the students it's not going to cost the district anything it seems like a great event and uh lastly I will say that um we have a pilot a future greates pilot pro basketball program that's coming in to uh have a basketball program for grades 5 through 12 at the middle school um which will run from 5:30 to 8:00 at night so that way you kind of get an idea of where place is on the time frame um no cost to the district but it give our kids a place to go and something to do on Mondays and Thursdays that's that's all I have Mr re thank you for that um I just wanted to since we're talking about curriculum I wanted to let folks know um about a fantastic uh school trip that the dream Academy kids took um from uh 9th grade I believe it was 9th grade um there's a holocaust and and genocide studies class um that that uh some of the freshmen uh are taking and they took a school trip to Stockton University um and uh they visited the Sarah and Sam schauffer uh Holocaust Resource Center they met with um different academics who have uh been involved in uh making sure that anti-Semitism is there's no place for it anywhere and the kids uh really I'm being kind of selfish cuz my daughter was in the class so she reported back she was all excited about it but um from what I heard the kids had such a powerful experience there and I just want to thank you and the curriculum staff for having this kind of important work rigorous work for our freshman high school kids so thank you for that thanks Mr gorillo um policy Dr pen thank you uh policy met April 18th at 7:00 p.m. virtually uh there was an update on the use of facilities commitment fee and cck charges for District staff uh there was no comments for any of us on the second reading and it's up for board approval thanks we going to do public participation in accordance with board policy 0167 in accordance with board policy 0167 the as Park Board of Education recognizes the value of the public commitment on educational issues and other matters important and provides members of the public with with the opportunity to express themselves on school matters of the community interest the public comment portions of the meeting is not a question and answer session and all public comments shall be directed the board president or the proceeding officer of the meeting members of the public who wish to um make public comments must be recognized by their priding office sir and provide his her name and M of residence and group affiliation if applicable all public comments shall be directed to the presiding officer and are limited to 3 minute in duration members of the public who do not follow the forgoing rules and or interfere with the ordinary or ordinary operation of the board may may be removed public comments [Music] okay good evening president Saunders and the Board of Education members my name is Danielle Puchi and I'm a resident of Middletown I'm standing here with the team of child the child study team and related Services here at Asbury Park School District I am a learning disability teacher consultant on the child study team here I am also the APA secretary it saddens me that here we go again for the third year in a row the agenda includes the elimination of critical positions that we need in order to operate this district and support our children there are teachers instructional coaches reading Specialists counselor secretary and a social worker listed to be eliminated and yet again hidden just below the list of riffs on the agenda includes the termination due to reduction in force of our bilingual Haitian Creo speaking social worker our team member it's it's also sad that I didn't even have to rewrite this speech I'm using it from last year this is the third year in a row we're here to advocate for this this staff member and this position this is not only just a number that you see on the agenda her name is Cassandra Marshall please refer to item 2C with her employee number I want to remind everyone that Cassandra Marshall is not only just a social worker she's our only Haitian Creole speaking child study team me member we rely on her our families rely on her she's on the crisis response team she's an inrs team Mentor member a member of the suicide Response Team an Asbury Park native and an employee from our district for over 21 years she has been the person parents trust and rely on for their well-being and academic support through the years she has been the shoulder to cry and and the hand to hold when parents have to be told your child has a disability she is often the sole resource when families request guidance especially from our Haitian creation families her removal from this district is not in the best interest of our students and their families as a child study team member I can tell you firsthand and this year it's even more significant how overworked we all are I along with my APA executive team and child study team members have pleaded with Administration for the last 3 years on on these POS losing these positions we've lost two psychologists and an ldtc due to retirement resignation and none of those positions have been replaced in the last four years the needs of our students don't go away because we don't have enough support on our team the case loads evaluations and student needs have increased in an over at an overwhelming level for each remaining child study team member the loss of Miss Marshall would be catastrophic to the child study team and directly impact the support of our students with disabilities the number of children coming into our district through early intervention continues these are our babies born in 2020 2021 who could not receive Services we're still addressing the mental health issues and learning loss the increase is evident for the last 4 years and we warned you that this issue would increase sorry your time is up thank you Miss petruci if you wanted to um have I mean I I I hate cutting folks off but if you have something written down and someone else from the team can probably identify themselves and continue with the with it that's fine right more in case 1670 West Princeton Avenue Brick New Jersey retired speech therapist worked here for 35 years these are still my colleagues these are still my friends and these are still my students I beg you to please reconsider the decision to terminate Mrs Marshall from my our child study team your child study team we urge you to consider the impact and what Mrs Marshall's presence in this District means to our students a long with many of those other people on the agenda thank you okay I had originally planned to address the Board of Education and request a response to my affirmative action claim submitted to the board in February regarding the harassment I've faced for the past 2 years and as well as the bogus investigation that followed instead I'm going to Pivot because yesterday afternoon I noticed the agenda once again included the elimination of Cassandra Marshall third year in a row I'm tired and I think I'm tired because I'm here once again trying to explain to you guys why this is dire Cassandra Marshall as Cassandra as Danielle said has worked here for 21 years and she dedicated her career to True hard work it saddens me that I have come here for the third year in a row to remind the board of how critical this position is she has direct contact with our students and their families on a daily basis she ensures IEPs meet the needs of our students provides translation and outside resources to our families the increase in mental health challenges and language learning delays that impact our children from prek to 12 um has not changed and they're not going to I understand the need for restructuring and the issues that the loss of funds have caused however this is not a position that we can afford to lose thankfully for the past two years although the elimination of this position was on the agenda the bo Boe members voted to save Cassandra's position I'm hoping the same will be done tonight and I'm also hoping I won't have to come here for a fourth time cuz I will have a good [Music] night good evening everyone my name is Sean Hamilton I'm a 25y year classroom teacher here in Asbury Park currently teaching fifth grade math and science I reside at 84 Creek Road in kingburg I hope you don't mind I'm going to read cuz usually I just ramble on but I need to collect my thoughts the aard park school dist has gone through a significant change in the past two months the association leadership and I am the treasurer of the apaa understands the significance and serious budget cuts that are looming this evening we also have a clear understanding because of the first time in several years the association leadership has been a prize of what is going on and how it will affect our members this hasn't happened since sancha gry was here back in 2021 staff members and you see them out in force are here this evening to express their frustration not with this board being forced to make drastic and significant Cuts but to express their anger at the state of New Jersey for putting our district in this place the only positive thing about these Cuts is simple the cuts are across the board for years we've been saying that cedral office kept getting bloated and Bloated and Bloated every new superintendent came in brought their people in and our voices were silenced that's one change I'm glad we see here today we urge the board to continue to Lobby Senator gopal as one as senor Senator scer and sarlo from the budget Appropriations Committee as we are as well we're confident that together we could put back some of the floss funding that we have lost we was also pointed that we have a far better chance of restoration of funds than we did two months ago we thank Acting Superintendent gerbino as well as board members for meeting with Senator gopal to create a strong working relationship one has been lacking for some time I urge this board to think about these Cuts some of these cuts are well needed and long overdue when I heard people standing here with Cassandra Marshall again third time she's up here we have a significant population of Haitian children they're keep on coming the numbers keep on growing and what do we do we're cutting staff that can service those students directly the plan is to move Central Administration into the schools having the supervisors that are here become actively involved in direct student contact those are goals that I think we could all can achieve but getting rid of Cassandra Marshall is a bad bad choice it may look good on paper in the short run but when you look at the end game we're going to fall very very short in achieving our goals for our Haitian Community I thank you for your time and thank you for listening hi everyone I'm dot Ellison I'm the school psychologist at uh at the high school I have for many years been shared at third Good Marshall I've been here for almost 18 years and of those 18 years I've worked with Cassandra for 18 of those of her 22 years and I can say that uh she is one of I have no prepared notes I'm here in support of the kids that's what I'm here for micone closer when I look at um the budget when I look at the numbers presented my go my looking at that says every one of those numbers should translate to services for our kids every single one of those numbers cuz you have to look at it as a business but we have children and families whose lives depend on those numbers translating to services for our children topheavy Administration that has served career aspirations and egos it has not served our kids so I commend those choices and those decisions but when we're looking at line forline and who is serving our children Cassandra Marshall is one of the most knowledgeable most compassionate case managers I have ever worked with her service to th Good Marshall her service to the Haitian Creole community and not just them her service to her colleagues and to the families in this community have gone far and above most of whom I've worked with more than more than one year in a row we have sat together at a at funerals of our students we consult on our students all of the time we have a mental health crisis in our community we're still getting over the the trauma of covid every year in a sitting next to Cassandra at a funeral of one of our kids if that's not a mental health crisis I don't know what is to eliminate one of our mental health workers because that's really what she is she's not just a case manager she doesn't just write IEPs she counsels students she counsels parents on informal and formal basis and she supports her colleagues in doing the same in all of the other buildings that is one place where I would hope you not eliminate funding one place that where students are directly being served our families are being supported and our colleagues on the child City team are being helped and worked with in supporting the rest of the families in our district she's outstanding at what she does she's compassionate she's knowledgeable and she's been here long enough to have forged meaningful and true relationships with our families we can't afford to lose her thanks [Music] [Applause] hi everybody I'm Liz Homer I live in West Long Branch I am a par professional in a second and third grade L lld class in thir Good Marshall I'm also here to speak for Cassandra um Marshall advocating for her she is our students case manager most of my students she's the case manager for she is so much more than a case manager she is on call for us every day all day that we're in school if we're having a behavioral problem or an emotional crisis with our students she is right there to guide the students through it as well as helping me as a parah to reinforce the tools that I need to help them she's a vital part of our community and the child study team I'm asking you to please reconsider the termination of s Cassandra Marshall our students need her and we need her thank you [Music] [Applause] good evening Asbury Park Board of Education my name is Nancy Phillips and I'm actually homeless I don't even have an address but I'm here CU I like to support my hood um I was listening to the board speak and I was kind of confused when y'all mentioned the Barack Obama school only because the last time I heard the word Barack Obama it was linked to has asbest it was linked to the building is filled with asbestos and that it's so much asbest in that building that they can't even tear it down that is the reason why that Obama school is still standing unless y'all cleared it out for a spe I don't know um the reason why y'all don't have funding because every time the state give y'all money y'all Rob the community it's all over the paper um also I would like to speak about I notice y'all worried about um Sports the tennis field instead of actually worrying about computers and ACS and stuff like that that's actually going to benefit the children the reason why the student enrollment is low because y'all cannot pass basic skills who want to send their child to a school who cannot pass basic skills and the reason also the reason why the attendance is low is because all the kids are getting kicked out and people are moving to Asbury Park I'm buying up million dollar condos so if the kids are getting evicted because the rich people want to kick them out and buy buy condos what do you expect of course the attendance is going to be low you know and also you know like I said I follow I follow asbery I um also I have one important question what happened to the Asbury Neptune Thanksgiving football game why are we not why has that game been cancelled that's all that I'm asking because a lot of families have have looked forward to going to the games on Thanksgiving and it's not fair that Asbury and Neptune can't play on Thanksgiving or alarm Branch or Red Bank but all the other white schools can it kind of look racist but on that note can y'all please try to put the Asberry Neptune thank uh Thanksgiving game back because us parents and family and students look forward to it thank you hi um I have never done this before um my name is khen Vio I'm a bilingual ESL hian cre I'm not here for you cassandre but I love you but but I'm here just um to talk on behalf of Miss Shanta Jackson I know her position has been abolished some might said she was just a photographer a lot of people don't think she's a great asset for the district but she is for the past 3 years her name has been put on the agenda but super intendant have saved her positions and some but members I know they called her name saying like you know they don't want to renew her position but she is a hard worker for her job to be abolished and by me saying that right now I'm probably putting a Target on my back my thing is I don't have that long to go just do not bother me do not retaliate against me yes she's my friend and she has been doing a wonderful job for the district and for her job to be abolished just because I know we know it's not just because of budget cuts and I can't go into much details but I'm not going to it is and for that to take someone livelihood from her because she just happened to be um Neptune board president president or the state vice president it's unfair and again I want it to be unwrecked do not retaliate against me do not come after me I do not have that long to go let me be and that's all I have to say thank you so much amen I got you back I got you hi I'm Debbie L friends I am a parent of a special ed student here in the district I first want to say thank you whoever put together last night CPAC meeting that was the most important meeting that any parent in this district with a special needs child will ever have to go to however I'm extremely disappointed that the word about the CPAC meetings uh special ed parents advocacy committee is not getting out there um I don't know if that our social workers are therapists if the people just are not getting the word out to the parents but mailing a piece of paper home is not doing the trick I did send a few emails out before the spring break asking you to please put it on the calendar on the website to please put it on your Facebook page to please put it somewhere to let parents know about it they missed the most important meeting of their lives yes they did um I can't even go into detail all the things that went on at that meeting all the contacts that they could have had and they missed it um but it was a fabulous meeting so thank you whoever set that up the other disappointment of last night is that the meeting again took place at the third Good Marshall building in a room way off in the back far away from the entrance with no security guard how was anyone supposed to get in I almost didn't get in one of the presenters almost didn't get in thankfully a custodian heard us knocking on the door and let us in that is a big slap in the face to remind us that we are not a priority that is upsetting to me so that needs to change if you're going to let us have a CPAC meeting somewhere in the district then we need to be a priority somebody needs to let us in the building because that was horrible that was the second time that that has happened for a CPAC meeting um also I just wanted to express my deepest concern with all that you guys have got going on with all of your movement I am very concerned about the life skills program now I don't know if you know Mr jino but I went to more Board of Ed meetings in the past year than I have ever been into my into in my life because the life skills program just fell to the Wayside what is life skills you ask that's cooking cleaning learning to do laundry for our special ed population at high school age my son needs life skills he is not going to be an astronaut I have come to that deep realization as much as I would love for him to be you know computer programmer or something fabulous um he is going to be who he is and he needs to know how to do his laundry because I'm not doing it for the rest of his life he needs to know how to cook he's doing well so far but you know there's still some burnt things happening um but it's my understanding that the life skills program is still not completed at the high school those rooms need to get [Music] done good evening Shelley Sanders chatw Court Neptune New Jersey I'm a teacher at MLK Middle School I came up to say thank you to the board um last board agenda you allowed the class of 1990 through 1999 to have a mega reunion and it was epic people were so happy to come back to Aur Park Middle High School to be able to see the building we had a oldfashioned homecoming dance and it was amazing so I want to say thank you for all the asber park alumni we really enjoyed ourself and we appreciate [Applause] [Music] you good evening my name is Sal reside 1101 bangs Avenue and I'm also the districtwide PTO coordinator um and I just have a question for um the president um I did hand you a policy earlier before you first came in the policy number 0171 and this policy is duties for the Board of Education president I would like to make sure that you would take this copy and hand it to each one of your board members and make sure they read this to understand what their responsibility is as a board member they're underneath you you're not underneath them this way you step up and take care of responsibility as our board president and follow through and what you've been putting that chair to do that's what I say to you the other issue I have president if you can actually have a meeting with deino and find out the last two meetings that I was here you guys keep saying that we have children that um we're paying other districts for these kids to go to school what are we doing about recouping that money that we're spending for these children and they're not going to those other schools or they're not residents of asber Park so how are we going to recoup that money that we're spending for our kids to go out for other kids to go out of District what are we doing about that money and what are we doing about following up to make sure these kids that we do pay for they're actually our children and not children from other districts so those three questions I leave in your hand so the next board meeting when I come back I don't want to hear Omen I don't remember okay so I'm I'm holding you responsible from this day forward as our board president to say you guys are asking people to stand at this Podium and address their questions and concerns to you as the president so I'm going to make sure that whatever questions that I bring and most of anybody else that brings up here since they're to you I'm asking you to please follow through on them can you do that so I'll wait until I'm not going to Hound you but I will wait until the next board meeting to see if these these issues have been corrected or if there's any solution that we need to bring out to the community and say hey even though we're saying we have a $8 million deficit we still have children that we're paying for it that we shouldn't sorry your time is up just to answer one of those questions about verification we had the parents Center open uh for 4 days from 8:00 to 7:00 at night for parents to come in we did verify uh 2third of the students that came in that belong here we are currently in the process of contacting the charter school setting up a visit where we can go there and verify our students it's going to be up to the Charter School whether they let us in or not but I've been talking at uh the county superintendent lri and the state and actually the assistant Commissioner of Education about uh going to the Charter School setting up residency until we can verify everybody but we got to get permission from them to enter their facility but we're working on that thank you I appreciate your partial answer but I still will follow up with the board president for the rest of my answers I appreciate that I John I'm a resident at 1307 4th Avenue I do not know I believe her name is M Marshall um I don't work for the school district I don't know what her salary is but I do notice on your agenda tonight you have a $115,000 allotted for a team leadership building uh consultant uh you also have $7,000 allotted for the board members and other staff to go to a convention it would seem to me that that $155,000 and that $7,000 could certainly be applied to her salary and better use for the students thank [Applause] you good evening my name is ARA Council my address is 3023 Avenue asber Park New Jersey this is my third year standing here for the same issue Miss Cassandra Marshall she's very don't don't let her go I'm nervous sorry don't let her go because if you do it will hurt the district and I said this two years ago you could call her anytime she's there when my mom passed away two years ago she was the first person I called because she was my son case manager and Social Work especially with kids that has ADHD autism is very important you should not let her go and Mr jino thank you and I tell you thank you why later good [Applause] night that ISS the public participation um comment of this um meeting and just to let you guys know we hear you I see Ro emotions and things of that nature as far as like just like people who have have real thoughts as as as concerns with the community and we hear you now is it going to be changed overnight no but the things that we can honestly say is that we will try you got like nine members of this board that are trying to do their best and it's tough whether budgetary cut Cuts or anything that is going to disenfranchise our community is hard we hear you we're going to move to the Hib report um next who just said used to be H hi report H report [Music] just say we're going we're going to hold off on the Hib report and we're going to do the um superintendent report Mr W I'm sorry you just gave Mr Ru quite a big promotion gave my report at the uh the beginning right [Music] and so we skip to State mom's report the only thing I have to report at this time is the there is a an extraordinary amount of work in order to prepare a budget to be presented tonight A tenative budget that would not require an advanced state aid so that I congratulate the district for being able to do that going to read um for the members of the public a resolution uh commemorating National Child Abuse Prevention and awarness month whereas there are about 2 million youth aged 17 and Young younger living in New Jersey and whereas it is estimated that one in 100 children experiences abuse and whereas childhood maltreatment and abuse are traumatic events that increase and individuals adverse childhood experiences which without intervention can result in the lifelong negative emotional physical Financial educational and social health outcomes and whereas child abuse is a Public Health crisis and whereas all children deserve to be nurtured protected and free from physical or emotional harm and whereas the state of New Jersey and the New Jersey Department of Children and Families believes that Healthy Families raise healthy children and whereas the state of New Jersey offers a robust Continuum of Community Based based Child Abuse Prevention and intervention programs that are culturally competent strength-based and family centered and whereas as noted by the United States Administration for Children and Families 2020 review of Child Protective Services Across the Nation the rate at which children are maltreated in New Jersey is lower than the national average and whereas in New Jersey I'm sorry whereas all sectors of the community including law enforcement medical professionals schools courts and mediate Outlets as well as numerous public and private agencies have joined forces to promote public awareness and Community involvement in keeping children and their families safe healthy and connected during the month of April and throughout the year now therefore I Philip D Murphy governor of the state of New Jersey do hereby Proclaim April 2024 as Child Abuse Prevention and awareness month in New Jersey can I have a motion in a second to adopt that resolution move it second questions discussion roll call Miss glasman yes Dr Maud yes Dr Penna yes Mr Remy did Mr Rogers come back I don't know if you can hear him Mr Mr I don't know what I finally got on yes Mr gorilla yes Mr Saunders yes have a motion for acceptance of minutes A3 number [Music] 14 move it second Miss Glassman yes Dr Maud yes Dr Penner because I wasn't present I abstained Mr Remy snow back Mr Rogers y Mr Mr Gill yes Mr Saunders yes mr's back the motion to approve the acceptance of minutes to accept the minutes last yes thank you I think we're going to Pivot a little bit um and um do yeah do a consent agenda because we got we will have extensive um executive ass so therefore um I think that um Mr um jino you're first up to do B1 to B1 to B [Music] AG can I have a motion for consent of agenda from B1 to B10 move it second questions [Music] discussions roll call Miss Glassman uh yes as to all items except number uh B12 C [Music] no are we are we doing that right now we're doing that right now we're doing it right now because um just to let you know because we're going to have a um Clos exec and it's going to um so why don't we go to Clos exec before we vote on this first it's going to be too long we going to be in there so long people here under the circumstances um it might be a good idea to withdraw the motion because it appears that board members want to discuss certain matters on the consent agenda B1 through B10 in executive session um so if that's the you know if that's the concern um I would recommend then that the mo motion be withdrawn uh so that there could be a fome discussion in executive session on any items that board members wish to discuss okay I withdraw my motion can we get the minutes accepted the rest of them and then go to Executive session right there's close session minutes and special meeting minutes and then we can go then yes I'd like to make a motion to approve the minutes for the closed session meeting held March 14th and the special meeting held March 21st move it second oh there you go you second maybe I'm confus Miss Glassman this is to approve the minutes the minutes approve minute sure yes Dr mud yes Dr Penna I abstained I wasn't here Mr Remy yes I was here Mr Rogers no Mr gorillo yes Mr son ERS yes okay um at this time uh can we get a motion to go into executive session for roughly 15 minutes to discuss um items that are included in the superintendent's consent agenda specifically Personnel I'll make a motion to go on Executive session I'll second whatever discussion all in favor all all right [Music] motion to come out of exe executive session okay motion second roll call Miss lman yes Dr M yes Dr Penner yes Mr Remy yes is Mr Rogers back yes Mr gorilla yes Mr Saunders [Music] yes okay we looking at items B to be 10 to beat 10 [Music] okay now motion motion is there a second second questions discussion Miss glosman yes oh sorry yes as to all items except for B12 C Dr Maud yes to everything except B1 2 C and also tabling b57 what do you meain table Dr mud um did you mean abstaining from those items you you you um you said tabling we can take abstain abstain abstain okay thank you B5 number seven Dr pen yes on everything except for B12 see that's a no Mr Remy yes on everything except B1 2 c [Music] um b11 B and [Music] b510 so I have B1 2 C B1 1B and b510 yes Mr [Music] Rogers Mr Rogers everything except for B1 two C thank you Mr gorilla uh yes to everything except for uh B1 subset 2 C Mr thank you Mr Saunders he want to see everything else thank you everything packs except for B1 [Music] 2C so what the board actually did tonight was approve a tenative budget that is not balanced uh the budget is was uh formulated based on determinations resignations transfers Etc this budget tonight is a tenative budget and it's being submitted to the county superintendent the Board of Education if they had approved everything could have brought back uh employees not only at the budget meeting the budget hearing but also through June the 30th uh so by my authority of State monitor under title 18a colon 7 A- 55 I am overwriting the board on for page B1 2C and I am approving the termination of employment effective June 30th 202 4 of employee ID number 43201 1805 social worker due to the reduction in force and accordance with the applicable NJ statutes and rules employee ID number 43201 805 will be placed on the preferred eligibility list effective July 1st 20024 in the social worker seniority category [Music] again but I I just wanted to make clear this is a tentative budget and we've got a few more weeks until the final budget is submitted that means that there's legislation that can be passed or not passed there could be um different Financial lifelines that may happen there may be even changes in the current staff in terms of retirements or whatever else so this isn't the final check chapter right essentially yeah um Mr gillo it's it's my understanding that since this is a tenative budget the board still has the ability up through uh is it June um to sharpen pencils and try and um find the funding uh to balance the budget to the extent that the board um would like to move forward with the ACT that it took tonight which was overridden so um in English that means all is not lost there's still an opportunity to find the funding to support the um position that was um was cut this evening um and I'm sure that um the administration will take all uh diligent efforts undertake all diligent efforts to try and um ensure that the will the board is uh recognized uh because it still has time and the opportunity to do so well not just that but also other positions that you know we feel like look we're kind of forced to make these ridiculous cuts and there may be a reprieve and a Lifeline to some of of those other positions cuz I know Mr Remy had a couple NOS as well so it may change some of our votes as well so I just want to make sure that that was clear to the to the public and can I am I available to speak yes Mr Rogers go ahead there is there was a pending bill passed to the assembly that actually would have if passed the Senate would allowed us to this budget process past the state budget which is being negotiated with some our assembly people in are our Senator to help get that funding for some of these positions so I I want everyone to understand that we you know some things are symbolic but also a meaningful relationship with what we're doing uh there's guidelines that we have to follow we understand the state monitors making that c uh decision but uh we're hoping that we will get the additional funding to bring back uh hopefully substantial amount of these position and we are really diligently and I and I I want to congratulate the rest of my board members for the work they put in so far and also the state Monitor and and the business administrator and the superintendent for trying to work together and combat all these losses so I I I want to put that on the record and let uh people know that uh there are certain positions that will be due to them that really have to be necessary for our district so thank you the thing that I'm I'm looking at is I I know that this is ATT tenative budget the thing that I will say is that let's just hold ground and um we will work closely with the superintendent to do the best for the community as possible I mean nothing Ed in stone as of right now but this is a tenative budget just keep that in [Music] mind yeah I was just going to say if I'm not mistaken your first couple of sentences in your statement stated that we can bring them back or did I hear that wrong I I think that oh so I heard it right thank you how can I just needed to verify good verify yeah the way it works if we've received the funding anybody on a riff list will be brought back as far seniority is concerned thank you can I get a motion for a consent agenda for the business office C1 to C6 motion second Miss glasman Mike yes as to all items except uh C1 1A as relates to college achieve Dr Maud I didn't get a copy of that I don't have the blue sheet I apologize for that it's okay thank you so I'll come back to you yes thank you Dr [Music] Penner uh yes Mr Remy yes to everything except c11a wait you have in relation to college achieve yes [Music] Mr Rogers yes everything C1 uh this a thing uh I'm not looking at my but uh attached to uh poliy Chief everything Yes except for that thank you Mr gillo yes to everything except for any um c11a uh any payment to uh uh College achieve Asbury Park and no to c36 annual Workshop if I could just get a clarification from the board members as we're taking the the roll call vote here um those board members who are voting in the no on c1a on page C1 is it that you're you're voting no as it relates to any pay pays to college achieve or do you mean the entire Bill list no we're saying College well at least the people that take no it's only College achieve Mr Remy yes a college achieve okay thank you build me later I'm ready for my vote thank you Dr Mo um it will be a no to C1 one a and no to c36 thank you Mr Saunders I'm going with my team c1a no College Chief College Chief right yes college and Dr mud your the the no on c11a was only for college a chief thank you and no to C3 number six yes thank you all motions Carri set for c11a related to College of Chief I think that um at this point we need to go back into executive session to discuss in business manner um we will um be making um some decision am I correct yeah um we will not be taking formal action in exact no formal action will be taken in EXA need a motion in a second I'll make a motion to go in executive session and how long is it where we going to probably be there for hour about an hour okay I need a second it's an hour folks second Miss lman yes Dr Maud yes Dr Penna yes Mr Remy yes Mr Rogers a good p uh Mr gorillo I can't go in but yes thank you Mr gorillo yes and Mr Saunders yes sorry have it ladies and gentlemen the board's going to go into uh private executive session for about an hour the board will be discussing Personnel matters anticipated litigation pending litigation and receiving attorney client advice the board will not be taking any formal action in executive session the board will return to public session in about an hour at which time the board will most just adjourn uh however members of the public are certainly welcome to remain in here um until the board returns to public sessions thank you