good evening everyone um I'm going to do a statement from the board president unfortunately uh Mr Saunders our board president is uh um is has taken ill so uh I'll be um presiding the meeting as in my capacity as vice president so in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings Act njsa 10 col 4-6 pl1 1975 c231 S1 amended 2006 C70 S2 the Asbury Park Board of Education has provided adequate notice of this meeting by sending a notice of the time date location and to the extent known the agenda of this meeting to the asur Park Press and the new coaster on May 14th 2024 via email copies of this notice have uh also been placed at the administration building Bulletin Board District Schools Asbury Park Municipal Building Asbury Park Police Department and filed with the city clerk on May 20th 2024 uh mission statement asur Park School District will provide all students with a comprehensive and Progressive education where everyone possesses the skills and character to succeed in a diverse evolving Global Society roll call Miss Glassman here miss linski here Dr Maud here Dr Penna here miss Ricks here Mr Rogers here Mr gorillo here okay flag salute I pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay uh so we've got quite a bit of stuff to go through this meeting uh starting with the um public budget hearing um and presentation by uh Miss Thea Jackson buers and then uh voting on uh our uh our agenda as well so the regular agenda items um so why don't we start with that uh M Mr Brown public budget hearing 2025 school year oh you know what I'm sorry you know what before we do any of that how about we do some really cool stuff and recognize the students and the the Educators for this month how about that [Applause] okay let's kick this off on the Good [Music] Foot who's going to start who's going first all Miss Miss Lauren Jackson sorry Dr schules thank you Mr thank you Mr jino good evening everyone I am Dr Schultz the principal of thuron Marsha Elementary School and tonight for our student of the month I am very excited to present a fifth grade young lady with our award this student is someone who comes to school every day trying her best and has been making extremely wonderful decisions as we near the end of the school year her teachers Mrs Ferber Miss Cortez and Mr Hamilton have raved about her teamwork and support of other students and she is always willing to lend a helping hands to any staff or student that is in need in thuren Marshall so joined tonight by her mother wonderful siblings and bestie janila Miss ziera Farris please come up and get your award [Applause] and Mom if you want to come in the picture or take the picture you are welcome to and fun fact today ziera told me that she loves doing crafts and wants to be a judge when she grows up yes so your backpack is filled with tons of supplies to do both of those things congratulations sweetheart you're good sorry I'm about to take about to take some of that stuff here grab right here and now for our staff of the month the thuren Marshall Elementary School staff of the month is a fourth grade teacher who is loved throughout the building she has taken the initiative of leading our sunshine committee and truly bringing sunshine to our school and all that she does Miss Mills is a teacher that is so dedicated even when she is homesick she is checking in on her students and communicating with families she is of course a team player and just overall supports everyone in the building Miss Mills we are so lucky to have you congratulations [Applause] on Eric Eric come on up come on Eric get in [Applause] here thank [Applause] good evening everyone I have the honor and privilege of introducing the Bradley Elementary School student of the month who happens to be a kindergarten student her name is SAA Gunter give her a round of applause sa is a wonderful student she has an amazing vocabulary she is a great friend to everyone she got a 93 get it a 93 on her math link it form C assessment yeah that's big and an 100 on her Ela link it form C saor has a love of learning and was so excited this spring when she was able to she could read a book with the titles and stories we are so proud of you congratulations saor we have a couple things your teacher her teachers are are here um we have some good things here goes um say here you go they also gave you some good things and of course we always have to represent for Bradley Elementary cuz we are the Bradley Elementary School so we got some we gave you some spirit wear and Mom I know Mother's Day has passed but you it's Mother's Day every day thank you for blessing us with SA [Applause] than you two all right thank you at this time it is an honor and privilege to introduce the Bradley Elementary School staff member of the month that is a first grade teacher her name is Miss Karen boback when I tell you miss Karen boack we love her she wears her heart on her sleeve when I tell you she might even have a difficult class but she you never know it the way she comes to school every day we love you thank you so much Miss bck appreciate everything that you do two Mr Medina all right good evening all right so um today's theme for for for me and my uh my staff of the month and student of the month is a reverence um for our student of the month uh this young man is revered by his peers by his teachers uh by the community his spirit is what shines the brightest but his growth literally in stature and academics has been amazing uh this uh student is a seventh grader by the name of Julian agular Castro come on but he's coming up here with Dad Y come on dad yeah he got taller than me that wasn't hard to do good job buddy no kidding congratulations congratulations right [Applause] here all right and unfortunately our staff of the month couldn't make it uh but he is someone uh the community knows very well uh he is also highly regarded in the community uh in the school in the district our head of security Mr Quan Greer I'm very fortunate to have him as my lead in the security team truly truly we are safer because of him so shout out to officer Quan Greer thank you thank you thank you thank you Mr grassel for the high school to the lady good evening good evening evening all right I am here from the high school and the first person I'm going to present Award with is our student of the month this person is a junior at as B high school he was a member of the football basketball and baseball teams in addition to sports he was also the school photographer for our yearbook Quan continually volunteers his time ensuring all of our activities run smoothly you can catch him doing laundry for athletic department reing our student verse staff games or one in-one or selling tickets for a fundraiser we can always count on him to be reliable he is always the first student to lend his time to help our school events this summer the student will be doing an internship as a camp counselor for the boys and girls club our student of the month at the high school is Quon Johnson Church come on [Applause] [Music] up brother look at you [Music] man oh Mom [Applause] thank you [Applause] next up our staff member of the month Miss Lauren golden Miss Lauren golden is a teacher Who highlights the positive in all students she consistently speaks with a strength-based mindset and is flexible in providing opportunities for Student Success in and outside of her classroom Lauren is one of the most genuine caring and hardworking staff members at Asbury Park High School her passion for the students and her willingness to go above and beyond every single day is unmatched Miss golden Works tirelessly to create relevant rigorous activities for her students days in and days out she just couldn't wait she's extremely enthusiastic and a crucial part of the teaching staff at Asbury Park High School she does not go unnoticed and you will not find a bigger heart in Asbury Park Miss Lauren golden staff member of the month [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] than thank you and congratulations to all our staff members and especially our students of the month great [Applause] job okay thank you very much um okay so now the presentation of uh our 2025 budget by um Miss iy Brown good evening everybody can you hear me good evening uh as we know this is the final year of the S2 bill so our 2025 adequacy budget it consist of the $43 million minus the proposed local taxes and that will equal our Equalization Aid again this started in 2019 the 2020 school year with the amount of percentages that they state was going to take from us so 2425 being the last school year that they will take the bulk of our state aid I presented 2324 and 2425 to show you the state aid that we received in 24 was to the left was $20 million the adequacy aid which was 17 million and they considered that we were over AED by $2.5 million as you can see in 2025 there's nothing in the green because we are not overed they pretty much took the bulk of our money our state aid history you know going back from to 2015 the amount of state A that we received was 55 million down to 2025 what they're proposing to give us $16 million so overall we have lost $38 million considering you know the amount of money that we have lost we have worked tirelessly to maintain instructional programs for our children that they're not losing out instruction instruction time you know as well as giving them new programs I for in the after school program you know as much as we can so these kids are not hurting you know in the classroom and after school as well our local fair share starting again from 2015 to propos now the light blue is what the state projects that the town should be paying their local fair to the darker blue as to what we're proposing you know the taxpayers to pay the adjustments that we had to make this year we had to withdraw from our maintenance Reserve to help support the facility improvements we also increased our Revenue projection of extraordinary Aid based on historical Trend extraordinary Aid is the extra services that our students receive this year we did a big reduction in force of 34 staff members and also a big savings that we're doing the central office will be moving to Dr Martin Luther King Jr Middle School so we're saving $270,000 the components of our budget is composed of three funds so the big operating budget you'll see is $59 million grants revenues that we get you know from outside sources the federal government equals $16 million so we have $75 million to run the school district and look at it in a pie chart 42% of our budget is for salary 15 benefits which is smaller than Charter School tuition this year you know as you guys been here in every month we're still fighting we're still going to with college achieve we want to make sure that every student that they're claiming is our resident we're going to make sure and verify so we are working with them probably next week we are going to sit house over there this week they have been coming little by little to the parent Center to make sure that we are verifying The Residency if you have any comments questions yeah uh can we put back up that last chart I want everyone to realize uh what this district is spent and how it's spent and one of the realities we have to look at is that everyone in this state is asking for financial assistance to run their school districts uh the state has come in with S2 and said Asbury Park hasn't been paying their fair share property tax wise and we have to understand what we're doing and what we're looking to do as a community we have to we have to view our choices and decisions based based off nothing more than what is the best situation to educate the children in our community we have the brightest and I believe and I've talked to them I see them in this in this state but are they given everything that they deserve no and when I walk into any board meeting any Finance meeting any meeting that is my total objective is to find the best that we can get what they deserve and and and work on that and and I'm fighting tius Le the state has helped us our Senator uh V Capal are s many people uh I've talked to other legislators in the state and they they they understand the same thing this S2 program was one of the worst ever programs and we were slighted because of issues in in in in the uh calculations of schooling but now we go to this chart one of the biggest things is that 22% goes to Charter Schools and I have no problem with ever asking anyone to make a choice about where their education is my mother made it for me and we have to look at what is the best decision that a parent makes for the child I now being part of this Asbury Park School District believe we under restructuring under Focus will be the best option for any of these kids in this in this District but we're paying 22% to a charter school that is paying its CEO almost $700,000 $700,000 that is our tax money because we're paying for him to come to our district and not to give any Extraordinary Measures that make us look different or even distract from what we're doing but we also have to understand that our staff our reputation and the quality of Education depend on us and I and I and I've told Charter Schools I want our kids back because I want to give them the best option for their lives and I think we're going to do that we all we're also looking at 11% of our District's funding is going out for kids that we can't service and this board is going to have to reflectively sit down and look at how that we can better serve our district on students that we may have to come up with something different so we fight every day and a lot of people don't know what this fight is about it should be simply the kids in this District I believe we still have to fight with the state to get more funding I think if they understand where we're going they will cooperate we're not looking to mismanage anything we're actually looking to move forward so I'm asking this board to come together to focus on one ultimate decision it's not about anybody else is about the children in this district and how to make sure that we can accommodate what how has what freeh hole has with all those scient Tech schools we can do the same thing and I also expect the parents to understand we're going to expect a lot from them and I tell everybody that I expect every I I I respect a lot from everybody we're going to be talking about this budget and a lot of people are not going to be happy with the decisions we make and they're always open to ask me why I make a decision or what what I do but uh we're going to focus to try to get as much back in this District or to find other sorts of Revenue funding I was at the uh council meeting last night and I they they're talking about bringing in a special improvement district which would create more Revenue there's other Revenue sources that we can tap into Investments and grants so we're we're trying to lend our thought to everything that will improve this district and like I said please understand this board is supposed to make the decisions because we are elected to do that and hold us accountable for everything because we are the final choice in this District as by state law so please uh just this understanding like I said some of the conversations that may go on some things you guys don't know about one person told me they didn't know we paid the charter schools yes we do y'all can see 22% go to Charter Schools we're paying for people not to do the service that we're expected to do and I will not tolerate that so thank you before I open up to the public does anybody else on the board have any comments questions anything raise your hand um hi I'd like to make an announcement from um uh if it's on that this is just on the budget oh on yeah um let me just say that I I I agree with with what Tracy Rogers uh said um I I do want to thank um Mr dabino and the staff that has worked uh tirelessly to uh try to do what's best for the kids and try to do what's best for this budget um it's it's a thankless job when it when it comes to uh you know having to um you know raise taxes and and uh and and and make sure that we can get some money back but we were able to get back $1.8 million um via the legislation and I can tell you that the folks that also in the public in the community that reached out to their legislators um the only way we were able to get some of that money back about 45% of the cut funds from this year was because you made your voices heard so I wanted to thank the public as well in terms of reaching out and being a part of this fight uh as well as our leg legislators who um were in a a a pretty tough battle um so I have I have a question yeah um what is the tax increase this year for an average home in ASB Park usually we go by uh $500,000 what's going to be the yearly increase this year just so people have an idea no I can email that to you I didn't have that one I don't have it on me I just have like what we're proposing which is $6 million more than what we proposed last year but I can email you the estimate of what it will cost per homeowner on an average home okay um so uh I'm going to open up for any public questions comments anything so ladies and gentlemen under the code the board is required to have a public hearing concerning the budget this is the public hearing concerning the budget so to the extent that anybody would like to make a comment we'd ask that you approach the lecturn and and make your comment you're going to have three minutes to make your comment again this is on the budget only you will have an opportunity uh later on in the meeting to make other comments but this is the budget hearing good even hello sorry good evening my name is arva Council I live at 302 3rd Avenue as park right down the street I don't want to piggy back off when Mr Roger said you said that you want to have the right services for our kids here in Asberry Park there was the right services for our kids here in Asbury Park people who sat at this table and neglected to give our kids the services like my son he has IEP and reading was taken away when the schedule got changed that's neglect you understand what I'm saying so you want the services to be back you need to put the PE right people in place to that cons service our kids that have behaviors and IEPs at this time you don't have people in place that can and right now my son is not in school because of that he's in home instructure and I'm taking him out the district because this District cannot serve him so you need to put the right teachers and people in place to service kids with IEPs and a charter school does not take our kids that have IEPs they cannot service our kids so at the end of the day the charter school does not service our kids especially kids with IEP I can't send my son here because they don't have the right things to service him so technically charter school does not serve as our kids not give us our kids the right education and not service our kids properly so you need to bring the right people and self-contained in the middle school is not there anymore you need to bring it back because kids that have IEPs need to be in self-contain they don't need to be in the hallways changing this schedule and that schedule it's not good for them so what you need to do you need to figure out what teachers you'll bring back that could service our kids with IEPs because you say that you understand you don't understand when I go through when I'm at the table fighting for my son you're not in the trenches with me so you don't understand what I go through when I'm at the the table fighting for him to make sure he get what he needs so you need to come and sit at the table with me to understand what a my kid that have a IEP needs you I'm in the trenches every day so you need to bring the teachers back that can serve as our kids that have IEPs thank you anyone else do we have any comment from uh from email or anything like that uh Mr Brown no hey uh would the state monitor have anything to say uh about some of these things with the budget well given the loss in state aid and the free balance available this was a very hard budget to put together uh I believe it does meet the the definition of thorough and efficient education and U it's it's been it's been it's been a work in progress since I got here CU we had a number of different people working on it and uh I think the million 876 will help restore some staffing Andor programs but it's not going to restore everything that was that was deducted from the budget and uh this is this was a hard budget to put together and and next year is going to be just as hard if not harder if any of our other board members would like to have a conversation or talk because I I think we we should I think everyone should have say uh because this is what we're supposed to be doing and just to put a word out we don't the board doesn't get paid there was a question at a meeting we don't get paid for this but we we we're added and I'm added in my head almost 24 hours a day so um she's asking to give it to and just really quick because I I I look back on uh the information regarding per home so the average median uh home is is $522,500 uh the increase per year or the increase per month is $57 increase per year is $689 um now that's everything that doesn't include um the $1.8 million that we we're getting back so um we just have to do the math on that but just as a baseline where what what we're looking at here so okay um do I have to make a motion to to close this public CL it okay so we're closing it and um going to make uh next on the agenda is presentation by Mrs Thea Jackson buers of the Bradley School ssds period 1 uh sy23 24 good evening everyone oh we're good all right Murphy's loged into it um good evening my name is the m ta and buyers I will be presenting the SSD um s report for the 2023 2024 uh school year if this just to me let you know that this is just the first report in Period which goes from September 2023 to December 20203 so this is just a span of a couple of months um when you um board members should have a copy of this report does everybody have a copy of it do you have a copy of it oh is in the envelope oh sorry sorry sorry here it's here it comes in the report in this report you will see incidents that this is going to give you an explanation of the SSD as um terms you have the incidents totals include violence vandalism substances weapons and HIV confirmed um you will have vandalism which includes arson um computer trespassing damage to property um false public alarm and theft SL trespassing you'll have violence which include assault fight kidnapping robbery extortion sexual assault contact threat simple and criminal other incidents leading to removal when you see other in the report that we are talking about disciplinary uh removals and um defined as um instances on which a student is removed from his or her education setting um place for disc um disciplinary purposes including in school suspension out of school suspension expulsion removal and or removal to another educational setting so I just wanted to give you an explanation of the ssds terms uh not moving of course uhoh it froze okay no problem we are going yep it froze um if you go to the next slide which is in your packet it's going to it's the district report y thank you um the district report yep um for the period this is for the current School totals we have at the ASB Park High School we had 13 incidents other we had 75 we had no Hib just be mindful that this is just for the first reporting period MLK eight incidents 20 other zero HIV Bradley Elementary zero incidents zero other zero HIV tmes one incident one other and zero HIV of course for the previous school year so we're talking about the 2022 2023 period at the ASB Park High School we had 24 incidents we had 30 other zero HIV MLK it was six uh one other one HIV Bradley Elementary zero incidents zero other zero HIV tmes had zero incidents one other and zero HIV the total for the district totals the incidents were 30 during this time last year and 32 for other now we're going to break down by each of the schools for the high school we're going to begin with the 2022 2023 period that they had for the incidence they had 24 incidents for the first period for the 2023 2024 year we had at 13 they have their um incidents went down by 11 um 11 um incidents um other they had for the first time for the 2022 2023 it was 45 for the 2023 2024 was 75 they had an increase of 30 incidents on of other um HIV 2022 2023 1 2022 20 2023 2024 zero and they actually we went down one um incident for hivs for the um azard Park High School so we're going to go now to MLK for the first period the incident was four 2022 2023 four incidents 2023 2024 eight incidents there the trend is an increase of four and other 2022 20232 2023 20242 there has been an increase of 18 HIV zero HIV for the 2023 234 Z and then zero for the last period the trend um Bradley Elementary School again zero incidents across the board um thir Marshall um the for the 2023 2024 they had one incident it was just an increase of one other they had one and then it was an increase of one no hibs for the three-year comparison uh we're looking at the district from 2021 to 2022 there has been 54 incidents in the district there during the 2022 2023 year it has been U 28 incidents and during the 2023 2024 year it has been 22 incidents other have included 20 32 during 2021 2022 is 32 2022 2023 47 and this year um when we're talking about others we're talking it has been 96 which is for the 2023 2024 school year um Hib we've had it was one um for the 2022 2023 school year and that I think is that or did it did it did it end I think that was it um are there any questions for me I have a question yes ma'am how confident are we in the accuracy of the reporting of all of the of the numbers in the incidents so I'm glad that you said that um going forward we're definitely um looking into that making sure we are um that we are um reporting it correctly because we might not have been um in the past it might not have been being reported correctly so go forward we're definitely going to make sure that it is being reported correctly and that we are listing the incidents as they are so I'm going forward that will be corrected and luckily this is just from the 1 this is from September to to December so I'm confident that going for it's going to be corrected and I have one other question yes ma'am have you um any idea of the percentage of incidents or reports where either the victim or or the offender is the same person are we seeing um what I will do is write that down because that's definitely a a good um something that the department definitely needs to look at um so I will definitely write that down to make sure that so to make sure yes that we're writing that down matter of fact Lauren do me a favor write that down um write that down we're going to make sure that um we want to see if it's the same offender by the same that's what you you said your question I want to make sure I get it right you want to make sure that what is it I want to make sure I get it right two things it's both are we seeing repeat offenders yes um and whether or not the disciplinary action is is U increased or and number two are certain children being victimized are we seeing repeat offenses so are we say are the offenders the same and are the victims the same and are the okay yes ma'am got thank you and I I will look into um the department will definitely look into that any other questions for me um also just to let you guys know um you should have received the Hib report for April in May um it should be in your binders did you receive the Hib um reports for April and May you haven't um just to give you um a couple of contacts um there were four um HIV reports filed in the month of April um two were unfounded one was founded for two of the offenders and one was founded for one of the four offenders some some of the actions like you were saying um some of the actions that were taken by the school um they met with the guidance counsels parents were contacted and they received detention and counseling and restorative um meetings were given to those individuals um for the month of May there were three HIV reports um founded two um were filed two were founded one was unfounded and two were founded and again the actions that were taken by the school where School counseling um student conference and um parents mediation was also um given to those students M Jackson buyers yes ma'am yes sir uh really quick on the hip report um just so I get some context I don't see where it doesn't say which school is that is that on purpose where it says case do you see where it says case where does it say it oh ie that's that's that's the school right there where it says case right I see it yes sir okay great and then the other thing just for everyone's education when when you're saying other um can you give it an example of of what other so when you when we talk about other that is when um a disciplinary action or an infraction has taken place in which a student might have had to be removed meaning that they were um um meaning that they were removed moved u meaning that they were either um suspend in school suspension out of school suspension um removal to an an alternative educational setting so that's when they said so their infraction that took place at that time it led to either in ISS or out of school suspension so that's what the other that's what that means okay great thank you any anybody else okay thank you [Applause] thank you let's get to the report of the committee chairs and we'll just go right down the line um super the superintendent afterwards yeah um all right so uh let's see Mr Remy isn't here yet um so why don't we start with Miss glasman and uh finance committee finance committee continued to meet to talk about the budget to talk about the amount of funding that would be available under the uh supplemental stabilization bills um and the the programs that the administration I'm sorry okay would you like me to start over go for it okay so we continue to talk about the budget we talked about the funding the uh cutting in state aid the additional amounts that we would get under the supplemental stabilization Aid legislation uh the changes that the district would make in programming and Staffing to address the shortcomings in order to still be able to provide a comprehensive education um to the students um we also approved the use of $251,000 from an income from the asre Park Information Technology Center to help Shore up uh some holes in in the budget okay um let's go to policy uh the policy committee met on May 16th at 6:30 uh we Revisited a recommended change to regulation 7510 which is the use of school facilities uh we agreed to the following changes which was to remove uh remove class two organizations that no longer use uh and change class two users to pay to use fees um and this is happening we agreed on this policy and these change uh due to the fact of budget cuts and things that we need to do for the budget yeah once the board approves uh the business office will send letters to class 2 users explaining uh the reason why this was done okay great and again this is you know some of the austerity measures that we have to put in place because of um because of these budget cuts it's you know it's it's sad to hear that we have to do that but you know everyone's got to pay uh in terms of any fees or anything like that and uh um you know that's part of tightening our belts so um thank you Mr penet you're also um you could do curriculum and instruction as well yep uh curriculum instruction met and there are seven items on the agenda today that we spoke about uh the first item was uh applying for the New Jersey schools Insurance Group safety Grant uh the grant amount is $2,000 uh also we talked about a submitting for the 2024 cops office School violence uh prevention program Grant uh this is a competitive program that provides funding to improve security at schools uh we also spoke about the ESL summer enrichment program that's going to begin July 1st through July 25th for the summer uh and the estimated program cost will depend on the subsequent student participation uh we spoke about uh pen Foster and um that the service that we use uh in the summertime for our students uh we spoke about um partnering with um the SSI uh Data Solutions to manage the sis data and and um we spoke about some great school trips that are happening right here at the end of the school year and uh we also spoke about the 2024 special education extended school year program at Bradley Elementary which is July 1st through August 15th okay great and just just a point of clarification we put an amendment uh uh what do you call that uh I always forget what it's called an addendum thank you um so we just so you know that the sum of program sometimes these words Escape me the summer programs are going to be taking place our programs meaning prek and esy will be taking place at TH Marshall we just made that decision yesterday we wanted to finalize that so we could get things out to families because I know families were anxious about summer Bradley will handle with the boys and girls club will handle k to8 here at Bradley Elementary School just so you know and the city recck program will run out of MLK and tho Marshall as well so we covered all the bases I think our kids are fully covered any about prek prek will be at third Good Marshall yes okay third Good Marshall third Marshall okay we're going and you'll see things going out today and tomorrow you um by next week you should be getting a fly okay all right thank you um Mr Remy perfect timing uh would you like to report out on buildings and grounds or do you need a second and uh shade has uh something so M Dr Maud yeah in behalf of thirgood Marshall Elementary school PTO I'd like to make an announcement to please join us on Friday May 31st from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for um at Bradley Beach bowling we having a fundraising for all the families and children the tickets are $20 and it includes 2 hours of bowling shoe rental pizza and drink and a wonderful time so please if you like to take a picture of the poster it came home with every um uh kids I believe last week but if you like to uh take a picture of it please join us we're trying to raise money for our PTO Miss Nina and um Sabrina couldn't be here so I'd like to uh invite everybody it's open to everybody with kids or without kids just come pay $20 for ticket and have a good time Dr M can you just repeat the date and the time for everybody Friday May 31st from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Bradley Beach Bowl 1217 Main Street Bradley Beach and we will have basket Raffles and lots of fun stuff cool great all right Mr Remy oh I'm sorry uh Mr Rog you want to go you want to go I go after uh Mr rues Mr rues I'm sorry right now yeah no no uh one of the things uh have you been in touch with the summer wreck program for all activities that our kids can do with the city and how can we get all that information out to what they're doing what's going on is is there any possible way of doing that oh absolutely we generally they send us the Flyers and we make sure they go out to the the schools um and like I said yesterday sitting with the leadership we were able to finalize everything so now you'll start seeing things go out starting I know today we started um sending and posting for the preschool Tuesday and next week we're going to start sending everything out for not only boys and girls but the City Recreation program as well okay I work very closely with Alicia Floyd um on that every year just so you know the city's already advertised and ask for kids to sign up they are on on their social media the last few weeks mhm thank you may I also add that at our last meeting I gave Mr jaino a flyer of what the city is offering through Recreation and he signed it and said that he'd make sure each School send it out that's the uh form that they have been sending out that's what uh m lazinski is talking about that's the same form yes yeah yeah okay thank you uh Mr Remy uh buildings of grounds committee U we met May 16th uh talked about the central office exit relocation uh want to move by June 30th of this year 2024 uh the current landlord's attorney uh contact to contact the district attorney want us to hold us to the 120-day notice it will push the date to August of 2024 U we also talked about the tennis initiative uh the update of the $100,000 proposed amount from the ten tennis initiative contractor does not include fixing the entire base fence new sleeves net and walkway yeah we also Revisited recommendation and changes from the buildings and ground department for the use of the the facility request um we'll talk about that in policy and committees and we also talked about the Asbury L Le um of the 13,000 that they donated us um has not been received as of today uh they sent the letter it included stipulations as to what the district is to do with the funds and what the contractor um to do and use uh buildings and grounds would like Mr Sola supervisor of buildings and grounds to Conta the a president for further clarification and that concludes my report thank you okay right and we still haven't gotten that any word from from the little league right okay Mr Remy uh is there any talk about what we're going to do with bangs Avenue are we you know look around to start as a group just looking to see what we can do with the building to utilize it uh we did touch on that a little bit um just trying to see the things that we can do um I know we mentioned um letting like the community certain things happen there like programs and whatnot we just got to revisit it again and really execute um but thank you for that we got to stay on that we can't just let that building you know deteriorate all right all right thank you Mr Remy um let's see here so we could do a review of regular uh meeting agenda items and then from there uh open up to public participation yep mrina I'm a little confused so we'll do a superintendent we're going to do the superintendent report it's basically agenda items right so you got it in place of agenda items correct yep all right uh first of all I want to congratulate our 15 dream Academy students for graduating with their associates degree from Brookdale Community College on May 9th I hope they all achieve all their hopes and dreams I'd also like to thank Miss margar Wright Miss Tracy Cobbs and Mr Ruiz for keeping that program running and helping these students achieve their goals of graduating Brookdale Community College we're going to continue that uh program in the future because I think we believe is very very important uh we've been preparing for the reconfiguration of the elementary schools I've met with special education staff Early Childhood staff and schedules are being created for all buildings as we speak we still hold our weekly principales meeting and in those meetings we we've talked about the scheduling preparing for 2425 school year we've discussed Staffing so I want to thank you for the principal to the principles because they've been doing double duty working on each other's schedules when they don't have to but I asked them to and they've uh been working hard with that so I appreciate it last month we started with our district Consultants I we had Bobby Ashley here uh he's a consultant that has been work going to be working with our principles working on instruction uh creating instructional leaders uh working with our instructional coaches working with our teachers so we can take what we do in the classroom to a larger level uh we need to work on instruction we need to do the right thing by our students and he's going to prepare us for that I work very closely with him we've already planned out what's going to happen starting in July August and then into September we have Dr Dr car Morano here who's been working with our special ed uh program and Department to ensure that reports are done properly and ensure that our students are provided with everything they need to be successful she's working on the X8 as we speak which is due tomorrow so she'll have that done is it done she final okay she finalized it today um there are a lot of things that need to be looked at in that department and she's going to be making those corrections as we move forward I continue to have my weekly meetings with uh Les riches the county superintendent uh we discussed the shortfalls as you know as far as money is concerned and uh what what we look for and what I Look to do in the future I've been constant communication with Senator gopal uh to ask for assistance for the district in any way he can so basically I've been asking him for money for the district um and so I'm constantly calling him constantly talking to him uh and um he's you know he's looking to see how he can help us out to bring more funds back into this District this past weekend I was part of the community I was judging the Asbury Park Scott talent program which was last Saturday which was a fantastic program I'd like to actually bring into the district uh instead of having it at a community center why not bring it here and have our own students uh participate in that we had young students uh our students that were singing reading poems at this event it was fantastic and they had a chance to show them show the the community their their uh their talents we celebrated our uh teacher year or teacher appreciation week uh each building celebrated uh I did a little celebration for them as well and I want to thank our teachers for all the hard work they have done I created an attendance appeal committee to correct the attendance issues at our buildings this appeals committee is made up of Administrators teachers and the attendance officers we have corrected out of 30 uh 30 attendance issues we have corrected about 25 of those issues uh to make to ensure that we have followed a board policy and our procedures are correct and uh students are going to be able to move on to the next grade level we confirmed the move the central office as Mr Remy said we're going to be moving out of the central office it's going to save us about $270 next year um um we tried to get out by June 30th but they're pushing us till August but we will start that move uh in a couple of weeks and we'll be out and ready to ready to set our camp at uh ml MLK and uh we'll move from there and again it's going to save us $270 $270,000 which we shouldn't be spending we should be keeping it inhouse on and spending it on our our students uh I visited our prek schools outside the district and I realized that they have been ignored and then we need to help them build their programs I walked into a building and they said wow we've never had an administrator come here and talk to us I was there for about 45 minutes just to sit and talk and they were amazed and the teachers were amazed that I was there so that's something we need to do and we will be doing in the future again as as a result of the funding Cuts we faced staff reduction of 34 staff members which will impact all our programs which in turn will impact all our students therefore I'm urging everyone in the community staff members included board members contact our state senators let them know what is happening yes we received $1.8 million back from the state $950,000 of that is going to the charter schools so we get half and then about 450 500,000 need to we need to use on programs because we didn't have the money to use on those programs so that leaves me about 350,000 400,000 to bring back whatever staff I can and I was able to bring bring back uh five staff uh 1 two three four staff members that were let go uh they will be coming back and their names are on the list lastly I would like to thank miss Catherine blades she's our special education supervisor who has been let go this year due to funding Cuts but with that even though she's being cut she continues to show up to work every day doesn't take her sick days she performs all her duties and is still working for our students Miss blades is a consumate professional and I like to thank her publicly for all the work she has done thank you Miss [Music] blades that concludes my report yeah got a Mr President I just had a question in regards to the superintendent report he mentioned attendance that's part of uh policy and regulation 5600 that's a mandated policy and regulation that has to be approved by the board before it's implemented and I haven't seen a change in that uh on any of the policy committee summaries and is that in process so the board can approve it before it's implemented or it already been implemented we didn't change anything to the attendance policy the attendance policy was not being followed correctly by an administrator therefore I had to put together a committee to review that policy review our students review all the documentations so it followed our policy so we didn't change anything to the district ATT tenants policy thank you for that clarification that's why I had the question uh I also have a question thank you for the report by the way um in regards to the Charter Schools do we um get any updates with the verifications cuz you said we get we're getting 1.8 but charter schools are getting half of that yeah we're uh actually setting up shop at the charter schools hopefully next week meaning we're going to go there we're going to sit there and we're going to ask parents like pick it or something excuse me would you about to pick it what he a pick it line or something no we're going to ask them to go sit in their buildings and have their parents come with the documentation to show that they go there cuz they're not they're some are refusing to come back here so we're going to go there and ask them to can we sit there can we verify our students because they don't want to come to us okay I we've been directed by uh Council or who who's what's that we work not not not Adam Weiss but our insurance carrier to uh try to get in there we've also been asked by the Department of Education and the county superintendent to go sit in their building and verify our students what day are you doing this we're looking to do it next week we will let you know would you like to come I'm off Tuesday all right also I want to bring up uh and ask the vice president um I think we ought to be sitting in the state commissioner's office and I would hope that we can get the president the superintendent uh I've talked to the mayor I would like our board leadership our finance committee to actually send a direct letter to the superintendent I mean the commissioner and ask for a meeting and detail all these issues that we're sitting here addressing that are affecting our district and if we can get that out immediately uh because I think we should be talking to them to explain why the policy is we have to find out whether we're supposed to be paying for kids that may or may not be in our district and short changing our this the children here uh of opportunities for this and other issues in the state policy on uh understanding how S2 affected this District dramatically when we have uh uh uh pin houses uh an ocean and on on our Ocean Front not paying any taxes into our school district so I I would like to uh formally ask that this letter be sent from the president and our superintendent to meet with the state commissioner and let him tell me or tell us why we we have to go out and and and and Fin and and and sit in sit in charter schools to find out whether or not uh are we we're paying for funding for kids that don't aren't even in our district and they're they're able to actually recruit kids to be on their basketball team to win a championship yeah and and let me also say in terms of uh what you were saying about folks that don't pay into the school district those same folks are counted uh and calculated into the funding formula so the state looks at Asbury Park and says wow this is a much richer town they can afford to pay into their school district we don't need to give them as much money and they're not taking into account that they're also uh including folks that that don't pay into the the school district just on their income not their property their income so um but I do like that idea about uh a letter uh if it's going to come from the board we need to take a vote on that though right yeah I would suggest to the extent that the board would like a letter to be sent to the effect that Mr Rogers indicated that you take a vote on it okay my vote is yes so we can start it off I second need a motion there's no motion no I'm I'm was only kidding I'll make a motion but everybody know what my vote going to be so you're making a motion yes to do what to uh formulate a letter to the state commissioner to uh discuss uh essential uh Financial issues uh that are affecting our our uh our district and to request a meeting with board leadership correct request with board leadership and uh uh anyone uh supportive in our our community and like I said I talked to the mayor he says he's on board and the the names of the people that are determined to be board leadership are the the board leadership the board leadership is the president vice president the financial committee is uh Miss glasman myself and uh Joe gillo who actually is a board leadership so uh I think that's less than quorum to have a meeting with uh um the state commissioner okay we have a motion on the table uh second Mr Rogers motion can we do roll uh Mr Brown on that so I have a motion to write a letter to the state commissioner requesting a meeting with with board leadership in regards to our status board leadership and and the finance committee so I I just want to make clear when when when in terms of board leadership what we're talking about is the president and the vice president and that's it that's why we want to distinguish board leadership from the finance committee we're asking you were asking for board leadership and the finance committee right okay I who's writing clarify that that letter is it's board leadership the finance committee the superintendent and the mayor does the mayor know this yeah I talked to the mayor he says he will be at any meeting we want to discuss to talk about oh so you already decided this okay I asked him would he be willing to to attend with [Music] us miss glasman yes Miss linski I'm going to abstain I need to see the letter but I I doubt we will so I'm going to abstain Dr maxud yes Dr Penna yes Mr Remy yes Miss Ricks I'm of staining since I'm not a member of the board leadership nor am I own the finance committee so I will abstain Mr Rogers yes Mr gorillo yes all right thank you um so let's go to uh public particip does it pass yes yeah thank you so uh let's go to public participation uh in accordance with board policy policy 0167 uh the as Park Board of Education recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and other matters of importance and provides members of the public with the opportunity to express themselves on school matters of community interest the public comment portion of the meeting is not a question and answer session and all public comments must be directed to the board president or the presiding officer of the meeting members of the public who wish to make public comment must be recognized by the presiding officer and provide their name Municipality of residence uh and group affiliation if applicable all public comments shall be directed to the presiding officer and are limited to 3 minutes in duration members of the public who do not follow the foregoing rules and or interfere with the orderly operation of the board meeting may be removed from the meeting evening Sheila Brazil 1200 Jeff Street as Park y can't hear me I bet my kids at my house Sheila Brazil 1200 Jeffy Street Asbury Park New Jersey hear me now okay um you have a attendance Committee of the you know superintendent I think you should include parents on that committee cuz you know that way you know they could also have their input of what you know so when you have like a committee back in the day we used to include parents y'all leaving that part out start back including the parents and I think things might get a little bit better and run a little bit smoother at least they'll know so they could take it out and tell about and I see we losing staff but you creating positions are those needed positions or somebody I do say we don't have any money but and I volunteered to go with you to City at the Charter Academy school too when you get ready to go just call me okay thanks have a nice one uh Jean Gman ASB Park resident uh it's been brought to my attention actually about 45 minutes ago that there's a group of folks that want to fix the High School baseball field at no cost to the district and I'm just wondering what I have to do to help expedite [Music] that when you mean uh there's a group of people that want to fix you know yeah so there's about the estimate somewhere between $5 and $7,000 to get the baseball field up to standard and there's a group of people in the quanis and the Little League that want to be able to uh do all the work and hire people into fix it and we just don't know how to go about getting that done sure so that I I think that's something that we we spoke about in terms of the donation that um the asber park Little League made to us in order to do certain improvements so but I mean if there's a different group of people I would say you know you could email the superintendent um gerbino map sorry Mark but that's and and that way that's that's really the the proper procedure to to get that going okay thanks yep thank you Jean [Applause] [Music] good afternoon my name is m laguro Gomez I work for Statewide education organized committee here in Asbury Park um I just had a few questions um and if you you don't have to answer them if you don't have the answer but hopefully you do have some kind of answer um you mentioned that you are um [Music] that you were offering Recreation for the children in the classes in the public schools here in um Asbury Park is that so are you talking about in the in the the summer program yes yes okay um are you going to be offering enrichment programs also throughout the year for the children this coming year hopefully Mr J did you want to talk about the after school have you ever heard of that enrichment is there something specific you're asking about enrichment is there something you have in mind yes um they offer it in other schools prior years my children also went to Public Schools it was um they had um they had um art music um so our schools do offer art and music in all of our schools that is offered right that's never not been offered enrichment en they're offered in the curriculum like the enrichment they are being offered if you're talking about art and music we offer art music so if you're being specific yes we offer we also there's enrichment activities that go on in the after school program as well we're partnered with the boys and girls club to do that um so yes we we do offer not only um um extra curcular activities like I said um music and and art M um but also during the after school program they do enrichment activities as well CS culinary all of that also correct culinary no we do not offer culinary okay for the older children like sixth graders I was figuring thank you okay um also what can be done to save our Public Schools how could we work to gather together to heal our schools and communities so what is currently the schools are about to close due to Charters are they taken over ma what we could do is if you could finish all your questions and then you know if if there's okay that's a question cuz I just wanted to say something on my behalf I've been working here on the district in the area for over nine years [Music] and ever since Co I've seen everything just dwindle and I don't think it's the teacher's faults I think it's us so I just wanted to say that we need to work to heal our from our communities if we could work together we can make changes and we have to believe that and I wanted to say we can't give up don't give up because it's going to be a battle and and we cannot give up and I wanted to say also to Mr Tracy Rogers I think it's important like they had mentioned to write to the senator in order for this to be heard we need to fight for our children and it's not about the dollar bill and it's not about who says what or who said this it doesn't matter what matters is them children have sorry your time is up okay that's what matters and thank you everyone okay bye thank [Applause] you anyone else okay uh going to close public session public participation all right um State monitors report my report was given during the budget okay all right um so m brown why don't we um do the acceptance of [Music] minutes make a motion to approve um the minutes of the regular meeting held April 25th 2024 [Music] can I get a second second Miss glasman yes Miss linski obain Dr Maud yes Dr Penna yes Mr Remy yes M Ricks Mr Rogers uh St Mr gorilla yes thank you someone make a motion uh I'll make a motion to approve the minutes close session meeting bless you held April 25th 2024 second question I didn't was the minutes handed out to anybody did we yes yeah that's okay I wasn't I wasn't here I just danced I didn't see minutes did anyone second okay great thanks one yes Miss linski Dr Maud yes Dr Penna yes Mr Remy yes Miss Ricks Mr Rogers uh yes Mr gorillo yes thank you mrbo he like a consent agenda from B1 through b11 can I get a motion second M put your mic oh I'm sorry Mr jaino this list here is this on the agenda yes okay do you know which number that is I don't remember seeing it so all right it's uh the appointment list uh the reappointment list right something it's towards the back of the White Pages it's after all the uh job descriptions let's see no it's not speaking of the speaking of the addendum is that where it is or no it's before Pages C1 before that it's about five pages before that it's on the White Pages I think she should number every P right here she was she's looking for this you want to tell her that out tell look at page b13a where it says upon the recommendation to approve the attach addendum to the list of staff so that's the attached addendum for that item yes any other questions I have a question I see that uh on I guess it's since that stuff has changed it's uh number two on B1 the job creation do I have the number right cuz it did change uh this afternoon job Creations the job creation and descriptions that's it um so we have six new administrative positions you're creating no we're not it's just uh the titles that we positions we already have so these are existing titles right now all supervisor under one title this separates them Oh I thought there was a um there was a science supervisor or was it all curriculum was all curriculum no they're all supervisors of curriculum and instruction that's one title so each one of these is separating the job description into who they what they're actually doing now my other question is the math and science supervisor how the job descript just well let me go back a second just so you know the uh dates on a d and e of those job subcriptions is incorrect the um approval dates they weren't approved in um uh March I think it says March 14th I think that's the incorrect dates just so you know and then I had um the job description te teaching math science supervisor um I think you should read the description you might want to pull it it's incorrect that says something about um what does it say something about uh special ed it doesn't say math and science there's only something about uh I think it's science in there there's no math you may want to review that one adoption dates are May 14th on the three I mentioned Mrs zinsky you're talking about ma the math the teaching math science supervisor yeah there's a uh it says special ed in the second is that typo let me see no I think it needs the description needs to include math it only says science further down it says teach Math and Science ma science yeah but in the beginning it says first science what the science supervisor does and then it says special ed not math so can can we just amend that and and say where where it solely says teaching math or it solely says teaching science that it uh that we amend that to say teaching math science super you have to look at description Joe I don't think you can change it today I think HR needs to take a look just to make sure the job description and the duties that are correct so when you do approve it the person that's going to be applying for it has the correct description and duties yeah okay we can we can we can pull it it must be some typos in there we can absolutely pull it yeah basically the these uh positions are just giving titles to uh the supervisor so what you're doing is you're adding these titles and are you eliminating the other job descriptions or is this replac there yes there replac there's no other job description except supervisor of curricul yeah I'm sorry I'm I'm talking about this in public but there's a lot of information I don't have so I I wanted to straighten it out so I kind of understood and I'm sure other people are maybe a little confused too I I don't know no you're fine I okay I would still propose that with the edits to reflect that it's math/science throughout that it's no there's more to it there's a description in there about special ed and it's not about a special ed I understand that if you delete the word Ela and you replace it with math/science throughout I think that we could quickly review it and and improve it if you want to pull it pull it but I think we could approve it tonight well we we can we can do either we can pull it it it's not going to affect anything it's just more that um I was changing everybody's putting everybody under their correct uh title so if you teach Ela that's your Ela supervisor instead of just a supervisor of curriculum instruction but we can pull it and fix them all yeah I think that' be absolutely that's not a problem we can do that the other question I had on um it's now uh B2 number four the um esy program why are we not using grant funding this year it's coming out of the general budget and and there's no cost here also how much is the program going to cost for the staff the cost is on the following page per staff member and we don't have any more erer funds we don't have any more grant funding so this will be paid with the 1.82 million that we're getting back so we have to fund the esy program we have to fund the credit recovery program as well at the high school okay so that extra money we're getting the okay hold on I think I have another question I just want people to know how important it is that uh some of these grants especially Esser funds and things we've gotten before we don't have anymore and this is all coming out of the general budget now which is tax dollars so you know property tax dollars that you get if we don't get extra money the other question I had if I may is uh B4 B4 number six the um Step increase for the uh coach is that a mistake do they have that experience or uh I'm not sure I that's why I'm asking yeah he's had several years of coaching here he was placed on the wrong step okay that's all the questions I have thank you any other questions wait back to this um the job creation and new job descriptions so was it like six so would it be six new more people or are these people already in these position and you're just twitching their names searching the title I mean yeah no there's not six new positions so I'm just switching to titles well um positions need to be filled with that a position that we're people are not here we have people that retired yes but I'm not creating all new positions okay basically what I did was we have supervisors of instruction some teach math some teach science some teach Ela but it doesn't say that the job description is curriculum and instruction so now if you're Ela you'll now be an Ela supervisor so you just put them to a certain specialty perfect yes all right my question I'm sorry uh the 45-day program Humanities teaching supervisor who would that what is like somebody's doing that now but is that what they're doing I I'll be moving people around to do that but like that right now we can't uh that's Personnel understand that but that is it a new title or is it are you adding something or is it that person doing those duties at this point just labeled as a supervisor of curriculum or whatever no no one's doing that those duties at this time but we have people in those in that supervisory position that can do those do that so that is a new um that would be that would be new cuz we had we had uh Humanities would cover a supervisor of which we had in the past of any the art art music PE uh classes and then the supervisor special services that's new isn't it that's new uh well yeah it's new we again I I can't go into uh Personnel to go well in order to explain that that's what I would have to do well we eliminated director of special services so I guess there's now a supervisor of special services and then we're also hiring a consultant whose duties mirror what the director of social Ser uh special services did so I'm not quite sure so that so the supervisor of special services is a new position we already have a supervisor of special services now with just increased responsibility but we already had [Music] that do we do we need to go into ex to clarify this no so I'm not asking about Personnel I'm asking about titles and to the extent that we're going to go if we were to go into executive session we'd have to have those individuals red and I don't believe that any of them were riced so um you know we're we're unable to do that anyway no but right now I mean the lengthy discussion I mean I'm done I'm I'm I'm done I won't ask any we just move it to next like move it to the next meeting well this is just a clarification I'm just of the job so much questions and you know the one the one question Mr Remy don't worry about it okay no Mr REM they can move forward Mr Remy uh the question you were asking which I understanding I brought this up many times when we had director of curriculum that means all the super supervisors were basically given that title my my thought was who is responsible for Math and we can pinpoint who's responsible for the English so I I see the the uh substance and some of the changes and if you got other questions you guys could no cuz we were never holding people accountable when we saying we have a broad you know everybody's going to do it and everybody's going to every school and now they focusing on one area that means that that that holds accountability to when we ask for those stats and and determination who's focused on that area um and from what I understand from Mr duino and what I understand from conversations that have happened um this is not creating any new jobs this is people that already exist having new titles simple change yeah but you have to post these jobs now yeah I believe we're going to post I I would believe we're going to post yeah I mean there we have some retirements that we do have to fill that's right wait so if you post it so you're going to post it publicly for people to apply to sure you have to and you can't already have chosen some I guess you could already choose so do they automatically cuz you said they already had these titles well they already have these positions it's a title change but if you're posting it then that means anyone can apply so you will get six new people right these are positions we have we've had retirements that do still need to be filled so maybe that's we still got to fill those positions so yeah they'll be posting for the positions that have retired I have a question but didn't you hire Neo counseling um you hired um Miss Morano for one of these positions she's a consultant yes she's a cons consultant to fix we we brought her in to fix issues that were in the special special ed Department correct but she's not hired as a district employee okay so we any other questions so we have a motion in a second um if we need to pull uh B1 2f should I pull my motion and then just withdraw the motion we make it with the exension with the okay make it for all items except okay so I I'm withdrawing my motion and uh make a motion uh for all items that Mrs Brown mentioned in B uh except for B1 to F which we're pulling uh for typo correction correct the uh the date they were approved too and to correct the date that would that that was approved that they were approved okay is there a second so that's my motion need a second second discuss any other discussion okay roll call so I have a motion to withdraw the first motion of the consent agenda and to make make it B1 to b11 with the exception of B B12 right I withdrew my my previous motion and then made a motion that was seconded for all the items everything except for B1 2f yep B12 F A through F right A through F or just F B12 F just F just that one teaching math science supervisor because there's some corrections that needed there Miss Glassman yes Miss linski all right let me see if I can get this right um everything yes except for B1 1 a b 2 and 3A B24 a oh excuse me no I'm B2 I'm okay um B4 5 and 6A and then the addendum B8 number three including N9 and 10 may I have to may I have to repeat that for me you have to repeat it I have to all right yeah yes except for no on B1 A and B yes number two two No 3 a yes no correct B4 no five and six a B2 oh no not that uh B4 five and 6A correct and B8 three correct three 9 and 10 yeah including Pages N9 and 10 correct on the agenda thank you Dr Maud yes to all Dr Penna yes Mr Remy yes Miss Ricks for the record I'm recusing myself that has anything to to do with Awards and I'm voting no page B1 items a and two I'm abstaining from B2 item e B5 item 13 yes no to B1 a and two abstain from B2 B B5 number 13 correct Mr Rogers uh [Music] yes on well uh let me go what I'm what I'm abstaining I'm abstaining from three uh B1 what is it uh the whole page B1 no no no oh three no I'm sorry B2 B B2 you're abstaining from B2 B2 number four and B8 B8 B9 B10 and yes for everything else abstaining B2 number four B8 B9 and B10 um Mrs Brown Mr Rogers can you just confirm that Miss Brown read that back correctly before we move on B2 number four number the whole page of B8 or is it just number three cuz then that would just include the whole three pages if it's the um reappoint the reassignment list that would be B8 number three which would cover those pages subsequent pages okay that's what I want to thank you Mr L uh can I just bring to your attention uh Mr Brown could you uh just add I just noticed there's one name on b11 that I didn't include in that list it kind of got cut I didn't realize [Music] that so miss lazinski I'm just uh what is I'm just adding that to my vote of no for that particular yes okay cor thank you thank you yes thank you Mr gorilla yes all thank you all carry can I get a consent agenda for the business section Pages C1 to C10 move it second discussion yes please discussion I'd like the table 10 a to after the Clos session I want to have the discussion there about the appointments of Professional Services uh specifically legal uh audit and insurance broker only only legal is on this agenda so I'd like to table that till after the discussion and close session all right so uh I'll withdraw my motion uh and uh make a new motion to uh for all of C minus uh c410a which we're going to table can I get a second on that again on that new motion second the only uh question I had is about number 11 it it's coming out of um General funds also not a grant or any other title monies so I have a motion to withdraw the first motion with the new one to remove C4 number 10 to table it correct till after executive session and now we're in discussion and uh M lazinski had a question I she already answered my question oh you did okay sorry Miss blasman wait wait wait one more thing one more this I'd like to remind the board before you we were calling to vote or or she had a question no go ahead discussions no I had another question okay let Miss glassen go first then I'll go uh oh you did already she answered my question I had one on C8 number 19 so I just want to remind ask another oh another question C 19 R transfer allocation okay the question with the Trans transfer of funds into um the summer program Etc are we um supplementing or supplanting no that's not supplementing I have to get back to you Miss Linsky I'm sorry well if we're uh supplanting we can't uh do that I just that's why I had the question supplanting which one talking a b or c a to title and transfer to cover summer program I mean since it's a summer program you could I think we could wait till next month or no or is it starting well the summer program correct me if I'm wrong the summer program last year was funded by Esser not local funds yes so you're not by transferring immigrant to the sub to cover that portion of the summer program that's not supplanting local funds it's replacing another Federal program that funded it okay just as long as it's not I just that's what I want a clarification okay it's uh before the board vote just to remind you that college achieve is included in the bill list that's all oh let me see a question about the college achieve do we know oh it's not what's that well it's still discussion yeah that's I mean the discussion is college achieve how much more do we have to pay for this ending year to college achieve that that's the May payment is for the June month yeah this yeah and miss linski the the question about the transfer is on B5 the ESL program okay I just number 11 b511 than okay I have two questions right so the first question is on C4 um 11 shouldn't the the period be beginning May 1 2024 through June 30 2024 not 25 for the $188,000 it doesn't make sense yes okay no it is 24 no this portion only covers June it should be June 30 2024 and then in June we'll do if we need her Services passed for the next school year then we'll add it on okay so it should we I'll change it to reflect 2024 now the math add up and then the next question that I have is on c87 the use of uh facility fee the waiver request it says that it um in accordance with policy 7510 but we just agreed that that policy is going to require the payment of the fees and yet here we are moving to wave it so I'm a little confused at where we're standing tonight on how we're addressing it well I think we need to I think we need to vote we have we need to vote to either approve the waiver or or to reject it okay yeah I see what you're saying $1 15 work it's okay it's okay she multip times also another question uh can we do C1 number four separately have to change the motion yeah Mr Rogers there's a motion on the floor um so to the extent that any member uh would like to have that separated out my suggestion would be that the motion be withdrawn and then a new motion made ites if it pleases the board that I'll I'll withdraw it and make a new make another motion um to uh do yes I I want to make a motion to uh separately take out see One Number Four because I think a uh I think we need to individually discuss whether or not we want to think about what this final Bud budget adoption is and I right now because of s 30002 that the governor signed it does give us an opportunity to not pass that budget right now [Music] and wait for maybe a discussion with the super I mean uh uh commissioner on changes that we want to get made to ask for additional money um the S2 the the Senate Bill uh s 3002 gave districts that were losing money an opportunity to pass their budget after uh the state budget is being passed I I'm not asking for that I mean if we decide not to or we decide to table it uh for another week I don't mind coming back after we get some word from the commissioner whether we have the discussion but the governor did give us the state legislature and the governor did give us an opportunity to uh not pass our Budget prior to the state budget being passed and as anybody know in this state nobody knows what happens going into a budget year and you know maybe I'm a Wishful thinker hopeful thinker um that we may we may get a meeting to discuss some things that may help us out so I don't want to pass this budget without at least taking another shot at at the commissioner's office or any other State Legislative opportunities that may come up so Mr Rogers then is your motion to approve all items C1 through C uh 10 with the exception of c14 and c410 is that your [Music] motion I'll second it so board members the motion that's on the floor has all items in the C-section with the exception of the budget and the appointment of professionals but we will vote on the budget as a separate item this evening yes if that's what the board would like to do yes thank you all right any further discussion on the new motion I do I have a question about C4 item 11 the budget The Bu The the budget just the budget I just want to make sure the correct date is May 1st 2024 through June 30th 2024 not 25 yes okay tyo board members um Mr gerbino advised and thank you for for asking for clarification Dr Mako Mr jino advised that it's a typographical error in c411 uh it should be the period May 1 2024 through June 30 2024 yes so it's it's a month and change can I ask a question question about that also I'm sorry since it is a professional Service uh Consulting contract um State monitor approved this to start May 1st cuz the board has hasn't had it okay let's just wanted wanted to ask thank you okay roll call so I have a motion from C1 to C10 with the exception of C1 number four and C 4 number 10 Miss glasman Yes except no as to C1 a as to college achieve and um and no as to C8 number 17 only as to the uh waiver of the custodial fees in other words I would approve the waer waiver of the rental fee but not the custodial fee on c87 you'll wave other fees except for custodial yes I I would wave the rental but not the custodial fees and we can do that in the vote right like bifurcate it is that possible guess it was like a question make sure that we're doing things right okay okay thank you Miss linski yes yes and everything I vote no on the tentative but oh that's not on here um abstain on C4 number 11 and also C8 uh only wave custodial fees on number 17 no to everything C8 C8 just to uh W wave uh the room fa fees and pay custodian fees and I also want to abstain from um 1 a uh College achieve or vote no on College chieve if there's a payment thank you Dr Maud um yes to everything except C11 a and abstain College achieve and abstain on C for 11 Dr Maud um no did you want to did you mean to vote no on everything no vote Yes on everything except C1 C11 a andain on C4 to all the bills on c1a no just just the college ACH c11a col col acheve and abstain from C4 number 11 yes thank you Dr Penna yes on everything except C11 a anything to do with college achieve a no a no and no on C8 number 17 the custodial Fe being waved thank you Mr Remy yes to everything and no to c11a College of cheve and c87 you're saying no to the whole CA I mean C8 number 17 yeah to the whole thing C8 M 17 thank you Miss RX as I as I understand it we've pull C1 number four yes yes okay then my vote is no on College achieve no on C2 number five abstain on C10 number three abstain C 10 number three m thank you Mr Rogers uh C1 everything except for college achieve uh a c uh College achieve uh I'm I'm you know the policy on what is it c17 I mean uh C8 number 17 C8 17 you're voting no I'm voting for two hours for two yes I'm voting yes to wave to wave it everything yes to wave all fees Mr Gilla okay um so it's going to be yes to everything except c11a any payments to college achieve abstain if there's any payments to sustainable Jersey and on uh where is it on the fee waiver request um we're going to do let's see same as Miss CL yeah which is which is uh the custodial feast day and we're waving the the uh yes to everything else thank you this everything passed except for c11a college of Chief payments and C8 number 17 they have to pay custodial fees okay great okay all right so um motion to go into executive uh caucus um whereas the open public meetings act allows for the exclusion from discussion wait hang onang on yep yep we have to vote on C4 we to vote on the budget do we want to vote on the budget now or after uh after executive C the the issue is uh to the extent that there's any discussion in closed session uh about the budget it would have to be appropriately brought into close session um and uh I'm not so sure that a budget discussion is appropriate for closed session to the extent you're not going to be talking about anything that is um of a confidential nature such that it would be excluded under the open public meetings act so I would suggest that you at least start a budget discussion Maybe by making a motion in a second and then having that um that item addressed okay now I'll make a motion to approve the tenative budget C4 on the business agenda I need a second I'll second it discussion discussion so the motion is for C1 number four for the 2425 school year budget adoption yeah I can just make a remark prior to the vote this is uh the period for questions discussion comments I I think that we all realize and and I've been struggling through all of these Finance meetings um and all of our discussions at the board um about the impact and consequences of the school funding for fora the the loss in state aid um and what this means to our district um there may be opportunities for increased funding but I think that and and under the bills that have been passed I we we will get another crack at the Apple um but I think at this time we should recognize the um hug efforts that have been made by the superintendent and the administration and the teachers and staff um to craft a a full and thoughtful program um for our kids with the limited resources that we have available so I I think that we should recognize and support the efforts of this District um and the the selfless efforts of our teachers to give the kids what we believe is the best education possible um with fewer resources I think that we have uh dedicated staff and parents and a community that can come together and support this District can continue to fight for additional funding but in the meantime I think that it's important to um show the support um and strength that we have um and the belief that all of us should have that we can educate our kids regardless of what the funding outcome is um I I don't think that that means giving up hope um and fighting for additional funding and I think that we have the support of our legislators but I think that this is the opportunity to stand up and say we can provide an extraordinary education no matter what you take from us so I I would encourage everyone to to support this budget anyone else um all right well I just like to Echo that that sentiment Miss glasman because um it's a lot of pain it doesn't you know we're not celebrating the fact that you know we had to cut so much in our in our Workforce and we re recognize and appreciate the fact that um our bandwidth and the staff's ban with is now incredibly overstretched and I agree I think um it's time to to vote on this budget um I think everyone's worked on it tremendously and um if more funding comes down the pike and we've got legislators that have an open line of communication I think Mr jino you said you've spoken to to Senator gopal like 15 times in the past two month two weeks or something like that so um that's the kind of communication that we need um with our state legislators and I look forward to seeing what extra funding is going to come but uh I think in terms of this budget we've done everything possible uh to make it work and and you're right it's it's to defy the odds once again Asbury Park defying the odds by providing an excellent education despite all these um uh tremendous Cuts so all right loal Miss Glassman yes Miss linski no Dr Maud yes Dr Penna yes Mr Remy yes Miss Ricks no Mr Rogers yes Mr gorillo yes pass okay now motion to go into executive executive caucus so whereas the open public meetings act allows for the exclusion from discussion oh okay I was going to read that read that okay do we have a second for that second okay where is the open public meetings act allows for the exclusion from discussion at the public portion of a meeting of certain matters as outlined below and whereas the azri Park Board of Education wishes to discuss such matters made and will make such discussion public when a proper conclusion has been reached now therefore be it result that the Asbury Park Board of Education will hold a closed executive session on this date at Asbury Park New Jersey for the purpose as outlined and described uh below and upon return action may be taken I believe it is uh Personnel matters yeah uh so the board's going to retire to close executive session for approximately 45 minutes uh to discuss contracts Personnel negotiations um no no formal action will be taken in executive session to the extent that the board is going to take any formal action it will be done in this room here when the board returns from executive session thank you all right thank you you going to vote I saw Miss linski yes Dr Maud yes Dr Penna yes Mr Remy yes M Ricks yes Mr Rogers yes Mr gorilla yes thank you motion to come out of executive session move it second yes all in favor yes yes okay motion to adjourn the meeting move it move it second all in favor I have a wonderful night for