good evening everyone thank you so much for your patience I do apologize so let's get this meeting started okay in accordance with the visions of the open club meeting act the Asbury Park Board of Education has provided adequate notice of this meeting by sending a notice of the time date location and S known the agenda this meeting to Asbury Park Press the new poster in January 27 2023 be email copies of this notice has been placed at the administration billon Board District Schools Asbury Park Municipal Building Asbury Park Police Department and F with the city clerk on January 27th 2023 the ASB spk school district will provide all students with a comprehensive and Progressive education where everyone possesses the skills and character to succeed in the diverse revolving Global Society roll call please Mr Gilla miss lazinski here Dr Penna here Mr Remy here miss Ricks here Mr Rogers here Mr Saunders president cook we have a quorum please rise for the black salute un States America and the stand indiv all good evening everyone welcome to the December uh board meeting uh this evening we have several presentations that we are going to recognize uh this evening we are going to recognize our guardan State teacher of the year for each building along with the support staff member of the year um that we normally do there's there be another uh presentation at the end of the year where the county will also recognize them but being that these individuals were selected by their colleagues uh we would like to recognize them at uh this month's meeting as our staff members of the month as long along with our student of the month uh we will then have a separate presentation followed by a presentation from Dr Howard moris so without further Ado I would like to bring up the high school which will be represented by Mr Mike zjack and Miss um Snider [Applause] haes first time up yeah Miss Hy s is going to do the student hello um I'm here to present a special award um to our student of the month this student has so much school spirit um I have worked with the students since they've been in sixth grade um they have shown so much maturity they have so much enthusiasm for Asberry part Park um and they are also just such a tremendous help to everyone um and such an inspiration to myself and just the first person that always volunteers for any activity that we have um it is my honored to give this award to Keon [Applause] Franks picture ready one two the Asbury Park High School athlete of the month is iin Crawford ion is in here but you accept on his behalf okay thank you okay we're going to start off with our teacher of the year for the high school um this individual has been a gym teacher within well in the physical fad department for I don't know 13 years or so that close 19 it's really not 19 not easy being up um listen he went he went from the guy who got suspended for quite a while to the teacher of the year um Mr Matt arone great guy come on in Mr arone congratulations welld deserving the kids love him the staff love him he goes above and beyond uh every day that he's here congratulations good job Mr artiso here you go Mr AR [Applause] you got St and for our support staff of the year um this is a woman that has dedicated her whole career to the Asbury Park School District uh she's been in almost all the schools within the district um we love to have her in the high school she's an asset she is the the best I don't know I don't even know how to say it the students love her the teachers love her she supports everybody um whether you're the secretary whether you're the student she knows every kid in the school um without further Ado Miss Nancy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Estrada is her family here family is oh come on up is her her children come on up [Applause] fam hold on wait a [Applause] second all right congratulations to both of them um you'll be recognized again at the end of the year hold Mr you'll be recognized at the end of the year with your colleagues from the rest of the district again um to Matthew arisone and Mrs Strada your colleagues have recognized the hard work that you've done and this is no short of a tremendous Accolade bestowed upon both of you for your dedication to the district and to the students in your respective building and representing the district so congratulations to both of you we'll have MLK Miss hul widow walk [Music] walk hello everybody good evening it is with great pleasure and great honor to introduce the student of the month Jason [Applause] Brooks Jason Brooks is not only eighth grader at MLK but we also are so proud of him I've known Jason since he was in first second first grade kindergarten preschool Jason is always polite he's helpful he is positive he adds Charisma and personality to his classroom setting to MLK and to all the teachers who absolutely adore and love him Jason I have no words but this is welld deserved we love you so much at [Applause] ml Dr Adams Miss R is his [Music] [Applause] [Music] teacher [Applause] smile without further Ado on stage of Broadway Zakia delor for Teacher of the Year at [Applause] MLK Miss delor bang you and I have no known each other for the past 23 years you are the most amazing the most beautiful woman I have ever met you go above and beyond at MLK for your students for your staff your friends your colleagues your husband and your beautiful daughter this is such a welld deserved honor for Sakia Del or you deserve this you told me [Applause] not two thank you thanks guys okay and for support staff of the month not only is she one of my oh of the Year sorry not only is she the most beautiful instructional coach I've worked with her for 23 years as well miss thank you Miss Jackie philhower such a well-deserved such a well-deserved [Applause] honor it's an honor to work with both of you thank you everyone thank you very much [Applause] for yeah um we're going to do a moment of adli Keon come on up with your family te thank you congratulations again welcome back Miss Jackson buyers from Bradley [Applause] okay I'm going hold on to all of this okay yes I promise at this time it is my honor and privilege to introduce the Bradley Elementary School student of the month none other than Mr Brian gin listen this space looks familiar right because his brother got it in June and it look just alike right come on that Family come on that family yes it is a family affair Brian is an awesome student um he is a third grade student when I tell you last week out our Awards assembly he he topped every single category good listener uh good participation citizenship um Ela math yes he is an awesome student and we say thank you Brian this is for you now Brian as you know when I tell you Brian is always in uniform every day we have some we have some dress down day so we had a polo for you we got sweatshirts now Dad we see you running here bringing them to practice and everything could you we have a sweatshirt for you to keep you warm so when you bring in and has Bradley on there and Mom Mom we could not do what we do without you thank you for blessing us with Brian and terce and the whole Brian the whole G family ready one two three thank you all right congratulations Brian gin at this time it is an honor and privilege to introduce all right thank you [Music] Brian yes support support at this time I would like to introduce our Bradley staff our Bradley teacher of the year none other than our Charlie Bucket cuz we did Charlie in the Chocolate Factory come on up Mr Barry C congratulations cheer of Charlie congratulations 25 years yes [Applause] Perfect all right thank you very much and and then we have our Dr Lanny when I tell you Dr Lanny has took in the Adaptive PE program to a whole another level if you get a chance you should see what he has done right here at Bradley Elementary School we love you Dr Chris and thank you for everything that you do yes and got me baby what that's T yes wo Dr Chris rocking it congrat you guys thank you thank you yeah I was [Applause] quick congratulations next and certainly not least Dr Schultz for third group [Applause] Marshall I'll get it okay sorry for the delay everyone good evening good evening the third Good Marshall staff of the month is a of of the staff of the Year excuse me is a teacher who is one of the most dedicated professionals I have ever met she is an outstanding replication of exactly what a teacher should be for students on unfortunately she cannot be here tonight due to a previous personal commitment but miss Kristen Bravo deserves the highest round of applause and we will accept on her [Applause] behalf for the third Good Marshall educational support staff of the year is none other than our fantastic dedicated school counselor Mrs Joan major Phillips who is celebrating her daughter's birthday in Philadelphia this evening and cannot be with with us but she has come to our school and put forth some of the most hard work and heart work for our children that I have seen so congratulations with major [Music] [Applause] Phillips and now for our student of the month a young lady who is a student in Miss Snider's fourth and fifth grade class she is someone who has come to thuren Marsha Elementary School this year and made it her mission and vision to excel every day in academics in social skills and in how she treats everyone around her one of our students that holds a very special place in my heart so welld deserved Miss Kamari Ballard reevy please come up and accept your award and she is joined this evening by her younger sibling and her stepdad so stepdad please come up and accept this word as well [Applause] Y come on in the photo [Applause] dad and we're joined by kamari's teacher Miss snyderi and in truth they good fashion this is why we met today a backpack of all of your favorite things from your teachers at thuren Marshall congratulations [Applause] sweetheart thank you can we give a round of applause to all of our recipients this evening those who could make it and those who could not got the tissue paper Okay so we're going to do a brief short intermission to recognize our outgoing board president miss karita cook so ID like to call up uh our Deputy Mayor Miss Amy Quinn who's going to come and give a brief word with some flowers right up here JJ you guys come up to the orange will you come around board members as well come up and they have some flowers too I see so we're going to do we just want to thank you for the years that you served on the board karita karita and JJ karita son JJ and Jensen started in prek and I'm going to call up their prek teacher Miss Jamie and they've remained in Bradley up to third grade and they started prek during the pandemic which was not an easy task for them and um so thank you to the Asbury Park School District thank you for your service K Kita do you want to say anything hello thank you thank you thank you everyone you guys know me you know I hate speeches so I just want to say thank you to everyone um thank you for all your time thank you thank you all right board members we all thank you and appreciate your work and uh they're going to take that with you because we still have a board meeting to to reside over that no that's a candy yeah oh hold on one second when board members want to take a picture I'm tonight Pap yeah everyone come on in papj Stand by your mom ready one two thank you so um as you know we normally do our presentations um this evening we have one last presentation so if families you want to again depart or stay uh we like to get them out of the way because it is a school evening um we have our director of student services coming up to do a presentation um Dr Christy Howard moris watch yourself now okay here we go good evening everyone um tonight I'm going to be presenting the biannual um presentation that is required by the state um it's the anti um self assessment for determining the grades under the anti-ban Rights Act while we're waiting for it to get turned on this this are three acronyms I just want to uh explain if you see HIV that's harassment intimidation and bullying um you'll also see SST that's the school safety um [Music] Team all right so the period that we're covering is from the um July 1st 2022 up until June 30th 2023 not working okay so um there's these are the categories that they use we have HIV programs approaches or other initiatives you have training um board approved HIV policy other staff instruction and training program programs curriculum and instruction on [Music] HIV um Hib related information and skills HIV Personnel second uh level HIV incident reporting procedures HIV investigation procedures and HIV reporting so these are the categories that our HIV specialist had to um do a self assessment on so the maximum points in in the first category is 15 it goes from 0 to three so we um you have not at all um exceeding um approaching and and you get zero for uh if you don't have anything at all I should hand that you guys have that in front of you this packet right here it explains what the categories are so if it's part if it uh doesn't meet at all the requirements you get a zero if it's partially meets you get a one meets all requirements a two or exceeds requirements you get a three so in the high school for the first category the score was a seven maximum is 15 um Bradley Elementary received an 11 out of 15 MLK received 14 out of 15 and thuret received 13 out of 15 element two as Park High School receives an eight out of Nine the maximum was nine Bradley received a nine MLK received a nine and thurer received a nine element three maximum points were 15 High School received a 13 points Bradley received 14 MLK 14 and thet Marshall received 15 element four the maximum points were six as Park High School Bradley and third good receives all six points and ml okay received four out of the six element five maximum points were nine the high school received six Bradley Elementary received seven MLK received eight and thet Marshall received all nine elements six the maximum points uh were six points Albury Park High School received four out of the six and Bradley MLK and thir good receive all six points El seven maximum points were 12 High School received seven Bradley received eight and M and third gr received all 12 and the Hib reporting element eight the maximum amount of points was six points and the high school received four Bradley MLK and thet received all six points so the maximum total District points um School points is 78 so as you can see the high school received 55 Bradley received 67 MLK received 73 and third good received 76 so the average score was 68 out of the 78 it was just a trend that uh I put together a trend the average District school of self assessments and just to be clear the HIV Specialists do this themselves so they look at what occurred during the entire year and they they assess themselves to see whether or not they achieved everything that the state's requiring them to do so if you look at 2019 2020 our score was 66% 2021 went down to 62% 2122 61% and in 2223 we went back up to 68% so again we're going to do a summary of the HIV reports um we received U the quantum reports received investigated there were 92 reports that were investigated there were two confirmed and 90 them were not confirmed and if you uh look at the grade levels there were zero in the elementary zero% in middle school and the 100% with the two in the high school now what I did was I put together some of the reasons why we did not um meet or partially met the requirements and so in Bradley thir and Asbury um element one were the HIV programs approaches or other initiatives um all of the required groups did not participate so one of the elements stated that you have to have a Community member you have to have a uh parent you have to have a staff member you have to have a um an administrator so for the majority of it I think it was the uh Community member that they did not unfortunately get to participate so that's something we're going to be working on this year um and then all the HIV initiatives were not embedded throughout the curriculum so working with Mr Ruiz right now to make sure the health curriculum if it doesn't have it we're going to infuse an HIV program that we utilize in in the classrooms um the second one partially met we had Bradley uh third good in high school um again it was the evidence-based programs that were specific to HIV that we did not have um and again again all the groups that were supposed to participate in the HIV programming did not um and again the evidence of the programs being implemented throughout the um throughout the school and again at the high school we we had two changes last year we had uh the high school Hib person left we had someone new come in and then we had another Hib um at thur Marshall left so we have new people coming in so the changed I guess overlapped a little bit um at the high school uh we had hi the PBIS which we're working on now to um to help out with the Hib um initiatives and um plans are underway right now to implement the programs from the previous sack like I said resigned so the new sack is coming in and picking up where they left off or picked up where they left off the other uh partially meets again we at Bradley third good Asbury Park High School um again it was the annual implementation of the programs and initiatives um they had some of them but not all the groups met again so that seems to be like the common goal they have to get the community person involved in some of the programs that they're doing um and again the evidence-based HIV programs were no there was no evidence of it we also had an issue with uh one of the um requirements is that you had to have two hours of instruction on suicide training so what happened we did it two days during the year but if there was a staff member that was absent it kind of caused a problem because you didn't have everybody so what we did this year HR added um suicide training the two-hour 2our suicide training to the gcn so that everybody has the so we took care of that one there and again um the SST did not collabora to review the climate school and complete the HIV report card um or make recommendation ations based on the priority finding so they're supposed to meet twice a year they may have done it but they didn't have the evidence to show that they did it so we couldn't give ourselves full points we had to take a point off and again um Bradley and third good with HIV reporting in order to uh receive a three exceeding expectations um from the doe both the school and the school uh District must have it posted on their home home page so we had it posted on the homepage but it wasn't necessarily posted on every school's page and that's the reason why we had to take the point0 so 23 24 goals and improvements so each Hib specialist um will be providing ongoing age appropriate instruction on preventing hivs and suicide each specialist will create what they actually did they created their action plans um which were due yesterday and they're going to take every item where they didn't meet or they partially met and they're going to create an action plan with date when they're going to do them um I also again created a u checklist tracker in Google so I can go in and see when they did what they did if they didn't do it I can check and see when they did it or what they didn't do and then again I'm going to work with the U web developer to ensure that all the HIV grades are on every School site they are now but can't go back so moving forward we won't have that issue again and those are our HIV Specialists for all four schools you want have any questions uh seems there's a common element in some of your reporting that deals with uh parent participation yeah we have Nina suin who's with the PTO and I think when we have resources like that we need to be reaching out and they can assist with uh parental uh involvements in some of these programs the other one seems that we looking at our website and I think probably a month ago I did look at some other District's websites which was somewhat phenomenal versus the one we have on ours are we looking and this may be a questions for the superintendent are we looking at improving our website to accommodate these type of issues or other issues of performance and integration and interaction with the community yes uh those are those are the two things that I saw right off any other questions thank you thank you Dr Howard I do apologize for missing the beginning part of it I have a teenage son taking care of my baby who just yeah I apologize um so what we're going to do is open up the public participation but before we do Adam thank you in accordance with board policy 0167 the Asbury Park Board of Education recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and other matters of importance and provides members of the public with the opportunity to express themselves on school matters of community interest the public comment portion of the meeting is not a question and answer session and all public comments should be directed to the board president members of the public who wish to make public comments must be recognized by the board president and provide his or her name Municipality of residents and group affiliation if applicable all public comments shall be directed to the board president and are limited to 3 minutes in duration members of the public who do not follow the foregoing rules and or interfere with the orderly operation of the board meeting may be removed from the meeting thank you at this time I'll open a public participation good evening Moren Casey 1670 West Princeton Avenue in Brick retired Asbury Park employee and just wanted to say how proud I am of all the teachers and support staff that got up today and were honored and my students so many of those students I provided speech therapy to during my 35 years here and it meant the world to me to see them all and to praise them and clap for them and um take pictures of them but I was sort of hoping that our um uh coordinator uh Communications coordinator would be here for such a big event uh for your teachers and your students that's something that she should be at and something she should be taking pictures of and it's definitely something that should be on the website and um up todate new stuff our stuff our students our teachers on the website so I just want to thank you all for honoring them many of them were my best friends and amazing colleagues amazing teachers amazing support and those students every single one one of them deserve to be honored tonight so thank you but um I know that role um made probably more money than I did before I retired which is sad because I was here for 35 years so maybe you should think about having her here for big events like this thank you good evening my name is Nina sulin um I reside at 11 on bangs Avenue um and this year I've actually taken over the task of getting PTO in all our schools um and I like to thank the third grade Marshall um principal cuz this week we actually did a school store for the kids where they can come in and purchase items for their parents um the grandparents the uncles the aunts and Miss Lauren just so you know as of today we actually made $825 so so I'd like to say thank you and it was an opportunity to actually get the kids and we actually have more parents that are getting involved the other concern I have Madam president is I actually went to a special education meeting last night um and this is not my first nor my second but this is definitely my last time repeating this for me going to last night's meeting was really a waste of an hour because the only thing that we went over was based on paperwork that you guys fill out or the the team fills out in regards to what what's the expectations for assisting a child moving forward for me when you're talking about doing special education you need to be educating our parents in regards to what their rights are what their responsibilities are let alone the last two meetings that I've been to for special ed there's been no handbooks given to parents so if you're asking parents to come out to these meetings and to get involved or stay involved they need to actually have a handbook so they can read the understand what their responsibilities are for for any IEP for 504s for elll whatever it is but there needs to be a handbook that goes out to these parents and that has not been done the last two meetings that I went to so my issue is right now and I have I've been working with a few parents in regards to some of the issues that they have with their 504s and their IEPs and some of the information has been given to parents is misleading because the answer that I got last night was the total opposite of what I was told at one of the meetings so I suggest for your director meet with the supervisor and figure out who's correct who's Incorrect and fix that before you do another meeting thank [Applause] you good evening my name is isamar carea from Freo New Jersey I am a World Language teacher here in the school district this is now my eighth year in my in this District I um I've taught at all elementary schools in this District I'm currently teaching at the Martin Luther K Middle School I consider myself to be a very optimistic valuable essential part of this District I can look around and say that I can know a lot of people here because I've worked in many places I've been I've brought value to what I do in many places I find joy in what I do I try to grow every single day I find that learning I'm a lifelong learner I thoroughly enjoy learning but this year has been rather difficult for me and I can say that not I speak not just for me for many of my co-workers in the building that I am we are we we we say that our goal is to create students um to focus on their growth not just in the classroom but beyond the classroom to be you know functioning members of our Society right now I feel and I know many of my co-works can agree that our that our current School building is not a safe environment to be in I feel that my my job right now is being threaten threatened because of the lack of safety that I feel in this setting I would like to read read you a quote that says make a curvy of humanity commit yourself to be Noble to the noble struggle for equal rights you will will make a better person of yourself a greater nation and for your country we need to be focusing on making great members of society and I mean this on the on the moral aspect of it I understand that our job is to educate not only are we called to educate we're supposed to be emotional supporters sometimes we act like parents sometimes we're the only adult that these children have in the classroom to give them encouraging words but I have to look out for my needs first so I can meet the needs of the student if my emotions are not being if I'm not being fed how can I feed others if my cup is not outpouring I can't outpour to students and students that see you every single day they know how you are they can see your feelings they can read into your heart they know where you are emotionally two days ago I had an incident in my classroom and this morning I really evaluated whether I should come to work cuz I just didn't feel emotionally stable but I called I texted our secretary in the building and I said said disregard I'm coming I'm showing up because I knew that those students in that classroom needed me more emotionally than I needed them but we need to all be on this mindset we can't just serve the students emotions we need to be caring for our staff and their emotions and their feelings and how they are emotionally if I don't feel safe in a setting I can't educate it doesn't matter how many PDS I go to how many PDS I pay for to grow as an educator it's not wor worth my time if I spend 40 50 minutes of my class dealing with discipline issues I'm dealing with discipline issues beyond my Educational Services and this needs to be our Focus to grow students at beyond the educational setting to make them citizens of society that are functioning and can look forward to [Applause] success Felicia Simmons Felicia Simmons Su Avenue asbery Park president of WCC historic renovation Association known for most as the Westside Community Center I just want to say um congratulations to all your board members again I want to say thank you for the time that you serve up there I know the work is tedious and hard and it seems like it seems to just go on without a purpose but you have have a a unique purpose thank you to all the teachers and support staff for all the work that you do for the community towards our students and thank you to all the families who have left or who are still here thank you for coming because it's important we sit I listen to the people that came up before and I listen to the HIV and I listen to all the different things that come through the community and what we severely need and I'll will say again a decade of saying it is a un unanimous Unity between a community and the people here for us to reflect for us to reflect um our community and our Global Community we have so much work to do right there is not something that started this year last year 10 years ago 20 years ago it is work that is ongoing and continuous because we have people suffering right we have people prospering but we have people suffering as a a whole right I listened to that teacher that just left that just left here and said that need support we need counseling we need counseling globally it's something that is possible it's something that is um actually funding for we can go out and get it and have it for our community we need Advanced um technology in our schools and in our community for our students we need curriculum that is actually um for the future we need projects I sat back and looked at something that I I put to this board in 2016 for green energy where would we be if we were making win tur bins in the back or installing solar panels where would our students in our communities be right where where are we with bringing our kids back and having an alternative school where it's productive that we can sit actually bring them home and interject some counseling and some drug counseling and different things where are we with our community where we have to sit back and listen to the parents who call me at home who was I I think they had an incident with their nephew that they took in right their nephew that they took in and they were accused of being drunk but they actually suffered from a stroke and their voice was slurred right how does that family member feel um engaged to come back into the school we we have to seriously work on these things we have to work with our PTO and put in policies that actually put them into the future because it's not what you you sit about and we talk about in these meetings over and over again for decades it is literally what we put on paper and we leave behind for the kids and and administrators and the people that come we have to build Global societies as it said in your mission statement I remember when he wrote it and we sat back in the CL in in the library of the high school and we sat there and came up with dis mission statement in the library that doesn't have books and doesn't have computers and Technology to bring our kids to the future we have to sit back and offer these things right I'm no longer sitting back and saying hey it's up for you that's why I took the position to take thank you thank you but again we have our family and we need to uh work together thank [Applause] you hi everybody I'm just getting texts that you're not live the um teams meeting is not live so our meeting is live but the team's meeting is not live so once you get on we'll just jump on yours like like we normally do but right now aspbury park reporters live you guys are not so just wanted to report that out good afternoon my name is Shelley Sanders I reside in Neptune and I am a teacher at Martin Luther King Middle School um So lately I've been putting in notes and I'm not sure who meets them um it says 504 coordinator classroom a disciplinary principal superintendent admin counselors athletic director nurse resource teacher teachers it has a host of people who should be reading these notes I'm not sure who reads them if you are one of the people who read them please we are crying out for help we are crying out for help I've been here since 2001 I am a graduate bway Park High High School class of 1992 I love it here I have no desire to go anywhere else please we need help thank [Applause] you good evening I'm Tanya Peters from Neptune don't hold that against me proud to be a teacher at the middle school here uh 16 year this is my 16th year and also like my person who was here before I love teaching I love being here in Asbury but I am afraid I have been physically pushed by students uh I've been run into in the hallways several times uh I have watched other staff members be almost pushed downstairs uh it is absolutely atrocious and chaotic and some of the same students are causing the issues and we're wondering why that day in and day out they are allowed to stay in the school when they are creating a completely unsafe environment for everyone it is not just one or two people it is everyone who is in their path and it is unfair I had a student today in my room came to me I'm afraid to go to my class can I stay with you to complete my work because there is a student who is biting me every day I have watched students spit in other students faces I have been called every name in the book and told to suck every body part you could imagine it is disgusting it is disgraceful I have had stuff put up online pictures of Me videos it's absolutely out of control the cell phone usage in this in the school is unreal we need help and I cannot educate and the other students cannot be educated when it's like WWE matches in the middle of the classroom this is completely unacceptable we need help please do something Our lives our children's lives are at stake thank you thank you at this time we'll close public participation what did you ask you interested yes I wanted to read I wanted to read my committed report um we just get a decent PA system please we have the money can barely hear anything please simply a decent system thank [Applause] you y not read y'all come to report yeah I going to read mine I'm to even though mine is about Athletics we had a very interesting conversation well meeting um started off good and then it sort of but I'll let you guys know what happened all right so the things we discussed um so fall Sports wrap up first of all that's a good thing um we beat Neptune we got a couple um student athletes that made um first teams and second teams uh um so when it comes to winter sports I'll just get down to M gr so when it comes down to winter sports the thing that held our attention the most is the um Varsity Boys Basketball uh middle school and high school um is basically in Jeopardy of not performing due to low turnout and little turnout is due to eligibility um whether it's physicals or academics and it starts from the Middle School all the way to the high school and is very concerning it's like an alarm at the gate so basically we discussed this for like almost an hour if the students are already not performing in the Middle School by the time they get to the high school it's going to be even worse and then we're going to have some young adults out here that's not worried about academics and they're going to cause just disruption whether it's in school or out school and it's like a cry for help we need to do something we need to I don't know if it's extra tutoring even if they're not even studying to be eligible to play a sport they still need to be eligible to do something in life and that's what I wanted to speak about and it also ties into the concerns that some of the teachers that came up here and said like I hear so much and like how they're crying for help the students are too and I know other people out here are crying for help whether you live here even if you don't have a child in the district you still live here and you see them and it's like it's getting bad so if it's starting from now imagine 5 years later what type of students what type of young adults these children will be and it's going to ruin a lot of families and people that live here people that really care about this district and city so we got to do something we we hear the cries we really got to do something we really got to come together it got to take all of us it's going it's going to take all of us and I'm telling you 5 years I've been saying it from months now years like telling you give it five years this will not be here this will not be here if we keep going in this direction so whatever has to happen we however we can meet up and really discuss and really make a plan and execute execute we talk all this we need to execute and that's it that was e that was a to the teachers that came up here I hear you and I feel you and we going to make it right before my term is up we going to make it [Applause] right yeah right now policy we didn't discuss and I wasn't even on the policy but I know we're going over student conduct it was an issue uh a student conduct and from the policy I wasn't on a policy meeting and I brought it up in a last meeting um that I wanted to review it and it discussed um if a child Cuts class twice they will not have uh full credit for that class so um they won't get credit for that class uh that one particular incident it just you know it brought me back to examining are we being a little bit you know over over you know uh uh penalizing in that in that situation and what can we do to go to another maybe if that person cuts the second time they do you know some type of Saturday Saturday class and then the third time they look to get that class to toally um taken out you know there there's many reasons that we you know we're we're setting a new conduct code and also we're doing it in the middle of the year what if one kid had already had it and then cuts the class now is he grandfathered in in his policy are we going to be losing uh and maybe the attorney can tell us something about uh procedural policy uh you know somebody cuts a class we we had a policy that was three and then we changed it to two in the middle of the year what happens so as part of um an overall policy idea or statement there typically is flexibility built in and so the idea you know we're shifting more from a penalty disciplinary um regime if you will to more restorative practices and things like that to try and correct and improve um outcomes and so to the extent the board is going to change a policy or code of conduct in the middle of the year um there's nothing that would to my knowledge um prohibit the board from doing so but I would certainly encourage the administration and staff if there is a policy change that could unduly affect a student mid mid year because of the policy change I would um suggest that discretion be exercised uh with the idea that you know it's really the goal is restorative practices as opposed to discipline and so it's you know again this is not a legal issue uh this is more of an educational or pedagogical issue um but it would be my hope that at a just fundamental fairness that a student little discretion may be exercised to the extent a student would be penalized just because there's been a change in the in the in the code of conduct during the during the year may ask a question uh Mr Rogers where did you see that under which heading that they got kicked out of class because all I see cutting or leaving assigned location is a parent contact contact and teacher conference and it goes on to attention parent contact uh counselor conference uh after one week one day then it it's Progressive third fourth fifth action there is nothing that mentions there being thrown out of class so I'm just wanted to ask you where you saw that this is the regulation that that you're talking about yeah right now this was in the Revis I didn't I didn't left my iPad my car that's what I'm looking at right now so I was wondering where you saw it well right now I saw it in in the in in uh F Cuts just yeah see cutting class it doesn't say that in cutting class under uh excuse me can you speak a little louder what we're speaking about is the regulation uh under the policy for student discipline and Mr Roger says he saw something where if a student was cutting class after a second infraction they were removed from the class at least that's what I understand and I'm looking at part of this and I see under um the regulation about cutting class or leaving assigned locations and it nowhere does it say even after the fifth and subsequent actions a student would be thrown out of class so I wanted to know where he sold at right like I said I I don't have my iPad with me uh it was something I I glanced when I was going through and that was an isue that I I come across and if I'm uh mistaken I'll go back and look at it and we file back up with it wait so since we're on the topic of like student conduct so if a student is disruptive in class what will happen like what what's what's the change that is being presented this not a change it's the whole regulation that we were given uh two months ago to read um but he was mentioning a specific that he saw and I I looked it up I just went through real class uh fast and found it and I did it's not where I found doesn't say that so I wanted to know where he might have seen it but he doesn't know it was yeah let let me go back let me go back and look at it I was glimpsing through it aring today so what will be the outcome from what's going on now to after this has passed what will like be the I couldn't tell you if that specific one was changed I can't tell you if that was changed I'd have to compare it that might be the same I don't know I I might be able to look at it when we go into EXA uh so we follow back up with it uh and I could probably plug for my phone but he just also brought up and I hate to bring this up uh since we are and I just heard uh something disturbing about that um how do how do I address this if some of the things that we heard today were being done uh by a child or issues that need to be addressed how do we know these things are addressed so what I say is some of those things are falling into personnel and um we will be discussing those and other issues related um in executive session um but given the fact that the public comments regarding um those staff members concerns um are not taken lightly um I can say the music teacher from that location ation was one of my teachers I can say that um each and every one of those concerns um we hear I hear you I hear you I hear you um since she was doing community reports I didn't want to give an update um one of the things that we did were able to do there was some action taken earlier in the year in regards to security um we've gotten security guards trained but one of the things we were able to do um this um Monday and Tuesday we had um Mr be gambino from the D Dr gambino from the division of um emergency and state safety and school security from the um um Department of Education come and walk on all the school buildings um the purpose of him coming was to assess the um the status of our school buildings in regards to um Safety and Security um he um during each each walkth through the principles all had to attend along with um the staff um in in regards to buildings and grounds and we took copious notes based on all of his um on-site recommendations he is coming back to the school um buildings to provide in-depth training to administrators to security officers and to any support staff um one of the things I wanted to also note was that many of the things that we saw we have begun to remedy as quick as possible it's going to take us a few months to remedy a number of of the situations that we saw but we are on top of it in order to make sure that at least on a building level that we have all of our schools um at the level that the state of New Jersey has recommended as best practices thank you uh uh Dr umam that report from uh can we get a copy of that it's in the it's in the finance and uh oh no buildings and grounds minutes you receive in your email okay from that walk through with the uh okay yeah um the actual walk through we don't have a physical report as of yet we took notes and when we do get something that could be hand out we'll give that but I will say this security reports because they deal with Security will not be a public document so the the recommendations and the things that we Implement because it is about Security will be confidential but the summary once he gives that to us we will be sharing it with the board and and and keeping you updated on the different measures we have implemented in order to um make sure we are following best practices in in a timeline as this being done um the priorities I see that we kind of heard today what what are we doing on these extreme situations to make sure that people are feeling comfortable again that goes into areas of personnel I got a question when when did you say this walk through happened um it was Monday all day Monday and all day this this Monday and all day Tuesday and all all four schools will walk through and he is we're scheduling him to come back on a few more days so it's not completed it just started I got a I got a question I want to say something but like it's like everything is so you know like too much politics into it you got to be real right now like there been so much going on since the beginning of the school year and it's January now basically it's like something got to give like every every time we come to a meeting every month we're losing we're losing teachers like it's so much I just it's more than that like it's getting scary I don't know if y'all see it I'm trying to tell y'all I see the whole field this it's it's getting bad out here and it's time will take a motion to accept the minutes I'll second I didn't hear um Miss R Mrs zinski yes Dr Penna yes Mr Remy yes Miss Ricks yes Mr Rogers yes president cook yes motion passed act for consent agenda on all items B1 number one through B4 including the walk on item uh that was passed out as a separate attachment um the Bo's consideration may I ask a question though before we go are we going to go with Ze first there's some Personnel items on there no no there's no personal items um I'll move it I like to talk about 7A yeah the qu uh question uh the revision of the job description listed below can you explain that what your specific question we added um the authorized individuals to update the job description which was last updated in 2021 what would it changes that we added principle to the uh job description as authorized supervisor that reports to I thought I thought were uh isn't this isn't this a a district is this is this coordinator goes into all the school districts this provide this individual provides services yes to all schools and was it under previously under what department student services but in many other districts that is not the case and we are aligning our job description which is normally the practice in a lot of other districts as well well I'm seeing uh quite a few documents that I've come across and I've read and I wanted to focus and go back on it that student services and these are addressing issues that we're hearing from the public no this is not no no issues that we're hearing from the public and other documents that I read where student services which is our formal uh area of which she did the report of the Hib and other issues why is a student assessment being taken away from that department and given to a principal when this is going to be District bed this is not a St the sack position and the authority of a of assigning the sack as the chief School administrator is my operational prerogative therefore the to align the responsibilities of the sack and the responsibilities of the evaluation is why the job description also needed to be updated which was why the job description update is on um this evening well you you're right and and I'm not questioning whether it was your Authority I'm questioning as you said in the alignment if you have one principal that's overseeing something that interferes with other principles in their action or or Works wouldn't a director be more accessible to how how the actions of that person dealing with the whole school district and being fair one of the things one one of the things I'm seeing is that we're not aligning equally and Mak all all the districts and all the schools are functioning the same so the responsibility and the confidentiality of the substance abuse coordinator in this case is to ensure they're providing services to students that have those particular needs the authority to evaluate that individual does not pose any conflict because that individual is also housed in a secondary setting therefore not only does the director conduct an evaluation of that individual so does the high school principal in which they are housed what if it's a middle school they provide services to those students as they would where those services are needed so that's the reason why we put principle on there as well so be the Principal for that school providing the service not the high school principal providing the service to the middle school so you mean service the substance abuse coordinator the sa yes provides services to students that have issues related to substance AB use or other counsel measures related to that particular area related with the confidentiality however the high school principal or a principal would also be allowed to do evaluations on that individual given the services that they may be providing to students in terms of oversight that's that's that's exactly what I I just asked you just said a high school principal and a director so both are going to give evaluation yes they both and any conflict or any direction of evaluations comes into conflict you have two people evaluating if I have two people evaluating somebody and someone says I want you to go left and the other person say I want you to go right are we going to have a conflict no you can't have multiple people I just heard that I I I know when I'm in corporate if I had gone one way that person reported to me that makes sense like it shouldn't be interchangeable can I can I speak to evaluations itself evaluations are dictated by Chief New Jersey and so if you look at the evaluation system itself we all as administrators evaluate all staff that are under us so you have a person a non- 10e teacher gets evaluated at least three times there could be three different evaluators that evaluate that person because you want to have different people with eyes on that person and giving feedback from the perspective we work together to do co- evaluations or co- observations and there the limit on that is that each Supervisor has to do at least two co- evaluations every single year okay so you could have any teacher who was evaluated by multiple people in a single school year yeah yeah the word the word is facilitating code this this says it changeed the direction from that's just an aspect that's just an aspect not everyone gets a co-evaluation some people get single evaluations most people get single evaluations exactly one one person that gets single evaluation not two people giving one directive evaluation I I think you're misunderstanding when I say evaluations and observations so when let's just take me for an example right as a building principal I've been a building principal as the Director I'm certified as an administrator School administrator School leader right I can go and evaluate if you're a teacher in a building MLK if you're a teacher in another building I can go evaluate you under that certificate I might evaluate the two of you sitting at that table then she might come behind me and do a second evaluation on the two of you that's different and separate and apart from the evaluation that I have completed that's how evaluations work yeah I totally I can agree but then you have a cumulative score and evaluat this independently and separately identify right now we we're talking about the error responsibility being switched from one one area to another and then you have other principles now who could just as well evaluate that person so you have each building person facilitated on one person on what their dive functions are if I if I'm reading this cor may maybe we just need to let me read let me provide some clarity adding another administrator on a job description in terms of who they can directly report to can I make a motion can we table it can we table B to number 7 a so my Mr Remy my recollection is that there's been a motion and a second on the consent agenda or no no we didn't get that yes on a consent agenda so you'd have to you'd have to withdraw the motion withdraw your motion and then make a new motion and make a new motion to approve the consent agenda without remove with the removal of item 7A if you wanted to do it that way if if we but we didn't we didn't the motion's up so we have to withdraw the motion there's currently my my understanding is there's currently a motion on the floor for the consent agenda so that would excuse me whoever made that motion can withdraw that motion and then a new motion could be made to approve the consent agenda with the exception of 7A and then you'd make a motion to table 7A if you'd like to do that as well I'd like I'd like to say something before we we move forward I don't know if Miss RX is going to withdraw her motion I think there's some misunderstanding about how evaluations work I think there's some confusion here you can have several different people that could evaluate you at different you can have several different levels of evaluations whether it's a supervisor um a principal an administrator there's several people that can evaluate you Mr Penn Dr pennant knows because he's been he's in the teaching field I did teach at one time I think there's confusion all there was added was a person that can evaluate the sack which is in line with the administrative organizational CHP so I'm not quite sure what I think there's some confusion as to what this did there no if you um I agree with what you're saying Barbara there's confusion um and I think that I agree with Mr Remy because there is the confusion that it might be best to withdraw it and then table it just so that we can have everybody on the same page I just think that that's safer rather than moving forward that's just my opinion a second bet it's either that or you just W know when it comes up again in another another meeting it's up to you re what you want to do then we'll just have a roll call I guess is it to approve um section B1 1 through 16 and also the B on that handed out Miss lazinski yes Dr pen yes on everything but uh B2 number 7A that's no for me Mr [Music] Remy no Miss Rick yes on everything recusing myself or anything that have to do with Awards thank you Mr Rogers uh you know what I'm just voting down everything down Miss Cook what up no based on the votes we we have four four um 43 of 78 I count one more time oh Rogers so right now we have um it's I'm sorry I said 43 is three three on 7 a however um I'm going to use my authority as a state monitor to approve the entire agenda as presented including a the item for the sac coordinator item 7A okay excuse me uh can you explain why I think we we uh when you make decisions like that we we need to be reported on the sac the sac coordinator makes perfect sense to me it's just minor changeing the job description as to who's doing the evaluations I don't have a problem with that as far as the rest of the agenda we don't have enough votes to approve the uh transfers you need six votes for transfers we have what of most four and as far as the bills list you need at least five so I'm approving the entire agenda can you also have that uh reported in the uh document to us excuse me we didn't get the Ba's agenda yet right correct not yet not yet at this time I'll move um items c 1 through 12 and also addendum items one and two can I get a motion I would like to make a motion but I'd like to if I may uh make the motion not including C4 10B because the board hasn't discussed uh I guess it would be a conflict attorney or another attorney I'd like to little more information on that that's my motion c410 V I just don't know anything about the uh firm I didn't hear anything about it so I wanted to unless we discuss it I said I'll move it I thought we going to an ex to find out what there maybe we can discuss it in uh exact if we can that's why I would like to approve it what's the what's the motion for the motion was to uh approve the entire business agenda except for c410 B with a a firm uh I'd wanted to find a little more information out about about what it is and that's all excuse me Dr Simmons I have a question I guess after this time but I have a question all right um did you put any rfps for Professional Services specifically for there's a couple of rfps um looking to be approved on this agenda that's is that is that what you're referring to for next year um specifically for um hold on so I want to do one for special counsel we're in the middle Anthony we're in the middle of uh a motion yeah but you can only ask questions on the um you can ask after we're done voting that's all Mr Remy if I if I may you might want to do that during the Breer with a new board Mr linski um my recommendation is that we go into executive so we can make it very clear what the Motions are for so if you would um if you could withdraw your motion then we could do a different motion to go into exact so that we could clarify I the items I withdraw my motion I'd like to make a motion to go and thank you second anybody thank you m all in favor to go on to Executive session I any objections thank you at this time we're going to Executive session in order to um discuss items of legal and personal matters thank you and also if I'm not mistaken Personnel is cover um ladies and gentlemen it's anticipated that executive session will be about an hour um there will be no formal action taken in executive session any formal action to the extent that there is formal action will be taken out here in public uh at the conclusion of executive session so we'll be in executive session for about an hour at this point and we will be returning to this room after that thank you can I make a motion to come back to public pleas move it sorry thank you she to do a roll call Dr this roll call is here for us to come back into regular um session miss Mr zinski here Dr Penna here Mr Remy here Mr Ricks here Mr Rogers here president cook here take a motion for um us to to put on the table C11 to2 um um without um 10 B I believe that's the number and then the addendum one and two can I get a motion second thank you that's Miss president cook and Dr Penna Miss Rick and Dr P okay thank you sorry I I didn't look up I didn't look up any questions no Mr zinski uh yes and everything I'm just going to abstain uh the reimbursement from the conference thank you Dr Penna yes on everything Mr Remy yes on everything Miss Ricks yes Mr Rogers uh I'm staying on one we just talk oh no no the thing that we oh everything yes I'm tired no problem and president cook okay thank you motions passed are we going to have a motion on yes uh motion to deny the grievance presented an executive session tonight by the apaa move [Music] it any questions Miss linski yes Dr Penna yes Mr Remy yes Miss Ricks yes Mr Rogers I'm and president cut motion pass I'd like to make a motion to adjourn the meeting and thank uh I'm not going to do it now I IW my motion she just said she'd like to but you're not going oh I'll make a motion to adjourn the meeting and thank uh you want do it or let her B you be quiet for a second damn can I please make a motion to end our meeting move it thank you can I have a second please second com no there's a motion on the floor barar yes motion on the floor bar second thank you you're welcome say all in favor all in favor I'm coming for your seat