everybody in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings Act njsa 10 colon 4-6 PL 1975 c231 S1 amended 2006 C70 S2 the as Park Board of Education provided adequate notice of this meeting by sending a notice of the time date location to the extent knowing the agenda of this meeting to asbg Park Press and the new coaster on January 27th 2023 via email copies of this notice have also been placed at Administrative Building buling Board District Schools asber Park Municipal Building Asbury Park Police Department and follow with the city clerk on January 27th 2023 Asbury Park School District will provide all students with a comprehensive and Progressive education where everyone possesses the skills and character to succeed in a diverse evolving Global Society roll call please Mr gorillo here miss lazinski here Dr Penna Mr Remy here miss Ricks here Mr Rogers here Mr Saunders miss miss alsb miss cook we have a crme please stand for the salute to the flag un States indivisible andice we have presentations tonight uh Dr good evening well good evening everyone and welcome to the November 2023 board meeting uh this evening we have uh several presentations ations um first present part of the presentations will be our normal staff and student monthly recognition then we will have our data presentation um and prior to that I would like to uh welcome some of our student advisory committee members that are in the audience this evening um our student Nate raise your hand Nate from [Applause] MLK [Applause] um and so with further no further Ado we'll start with um MLK uh we have Miss hope Whitter who will be standing in for Mr Medina this evening some Miss Whitter I mean Miss hope B come on up good evening everyone it is with great honor and you know I'll get choked up and a pleasure to announce the student of our month for MLK Samantha Saran [Applause] this is for you I have known Samantha because I will cry for the last I guess three four years I had her sorry in fifth grade as my pull out I had her for our novel group I had her in sixth grade for my read 180 class and she left me and I was very upset she came back to us and I have her now for reading with the most amazing group of students Sam you are a mentor to me to your students to the community and I thank you and I can't wait every a day to see your face and to help me lead your students your your friends and as well as me have taught me so much in the last four years and Dad you should be so proud of your child yes she did get an A just so you know she is absolutely wonderful dad come on I can't say enough about Samantha or my [Applause] Sammy anytime pleasure sir and without further Ado for MLK our teacher of the month actually staff of the month Mr Brian Hackett [Music] Bri not only this is on behalf of Mr Medina come here sweetie and and the staff at MLK I can't thank you enough Mr Medina myself Jackie the climate and culture committee you have done such a wonderful job I can thank you enough for everything you have done you are just not a colleague you are just not a guidance counselor you're my therapist you're one of my best friends I am so proud to call you my colleague my friend and teacher of the month staff member of the month [Applause] at thank you everyone oh sorry Mom wait come up here Mom thank you mom we see you for the second time Miss O'Neal principal of Asbury Park High School so first we're recognizing the asber Park High School staff member of the month um this person is is a pillar of the high school Community she is often the person who is welcoming our students for the first time when they're arriving to the country for the first time she is so patient in helping them understand who we are as a community making sure that they're getting the services that they need and her classroom might be the most caling space that we have in the high school she is someone that comes to every meeting with ideas she does not expect anybody to come up with the ideas on their own she wants to collaborate she brings Solutions it's been incredible to work with her and students come back to see her talk about the impact that they've had on her on their lives many years past graduation it's Miss Tracy oock our elll teacher at the high [Applause] school got you um I am also presenting the athlete of the month Asbury Park High School 10th grader danne Salazar who is one of our soccer players he is a leader on and off the field an incredible athlete he is not here tonight but we did want to recognize him for his contributions athletically and then also recognizing um a student who's actually part of the pathways program at the high school which is our alternative graduation program for students who are off course in terms of getting their credits for graduation it's a program I'm very proud of I think it's extremely supportive and reflective of our community and the fact that sometimes students need different Avenues um he has completed three High School classes just from September to now he is doing an excellent job he's there every day his name is Jamie peso Rivera he's working tonight um but he is really rocking it so if you see that later she'll hold those and pass those off next Miss Thea Jets and buyers good evening everyone unfortunately our um Bradley student of the month Amina barl was not able to make it tonight she's actually when I tell you well-rounded she's on a dance she's in a dance company and they're practicing tonight for competition so she couldn't make it tonight so we're proud of Amina she's a well-rounded student she's a good student she um uh volunteers across all of the Contin Aries and we're just like really proud of her and she's fourth grade [Applause] student next it is a pleasure and honor to introduce the Bradley staff member of the month that is none other than our very own Mr Terry Johnson he is our custodian engineer he keeps us safe he keeps us honest we would not know what to do with him so Mr Johnson we know that we noticed that when you're on your way to work you always have that book bag on your bag and we said okay we have to help him out and maybe give him a l so we have a a book bag full and then when he comes in he comes and he raids our candy jars and the snack dishes so we have a whole bag of snacks for him right let's [Applause] good thank you Mr Johnson we we appreciate everything you [Applause] do thank you Dr Schwarz schz excuse me good evening everyone evening it is with great Delight that we present our third Good Marshall student of the month this evening before I share his name with you I'd like to just speak a little about him this student was in our school for several years through his Elementary journey and we are so delighted to have him back this year as a fifth grader he has shown an exemplary model of what a thir Good Marshall student should be so much so that he has chosen to peer mentor some of our younger students he personally requested that I monitor his behavior and academics throughout the first marketing period so that he could be on our safety patrol and he is overall just very respectful helpful and kind to all of our third good Community he has also requested that his teacher Mr Hamilton and his former third grade teacher Mrs viso Knox be here tonight to share in this honor Mom and Dad please be very proud of your precious son Mr n King Cox please come up and accept your award and he made sure to dress in his best for us this [Applause] evening Mom and Dad please come join [Applause] us we're to look and in shoot their good fashion a a backpack of all n King's favorite [Applause] items you're hiding your faceing smile one more time and for thir Good Marshall staff member of the month this month's nominee receiv received the most votes by his peers and colleagues by a landslide he has been described by his colleagues as someone who is respectful helpful dedicated tirelessly serving our th Good Marshall community always willing to lend a smile and a helping hand and in my personal experience as his principal this school year he has been so accommodating and flexible with ensuring that students are always supported staff are always supported and the building runs smoothly his sta his staff member of the month nomination came this week on his birthday so to our wonderful gym teacher Mr Scott Baldwin please come up and rightfully accept your award and happy vated birthday very well [Applause] deserved first time first time I don't know what to do night am I doing all right thank you congratulations to all of our staff and students for the month of November um Mr Ruiz are you ready yeah okay so we're going to move into our presentation for the NJ SLA um [Music] report so we'll give a few minutes if parents you want to go ahead and kind of like Usher out like right before the offering Asar is those those of us who screwed it out right before the offering play was passed around cuz we don't spend it on candy at the store to get the joke so while we're um letting the projector warm up um you want to CL open the screen is that it yeah okay okay part of our requirement uh for the those in attendance is each year we have to provide an update on our njsla um data what we are going to be presenting today is that information from the 2223 njla data a few of the slides in the beginning and I want to kind of add context to this in the you'll see a comparison of the 18 now for those of you who kind of can't see like like myself um I do apologize I'm going to have to kind of get close to read this because I left my glasses in the car no I I can't borrow your reading glasses our prescription may not be the same I I might take a step and then next thing you know I'm on my knees Okay so what you have presented here we're going to show you the ELA mathematics and science no I'm fine you'll see here that we looked at the 2018 2019 data then 2021 2022 and then present year 2020 to 2023 and it's broken down from third grade up until 9th grade and then it gives the overall Ela score for for those years now what you'll notice is in 2019 and 2020 the state did not require the njsla and in the following year of 2020 2021 that was also a recurring event in terms of the STA the state suspended State Testing during that time so what you'll see here is a comparison to the last time we were fully in session with our uh State requirements in terms of testing for third grade up until this past year what you'll also notice that it is broken down into the number of results not meeting partially meeting approaching and meeting and then exceeding so those are the categories in which the njsla is broken down in each area what you'll also notice in the meeting area there's some green highlights bom bom um those green highlights those green highlights are us meeting and then you'll see the difference between the previous year so for the 2020 1 2022 we were at 8% in meeting in third grade and that decreased to four% in meeting in third grade in fourth grade we were at 11% in 2021 2022 and increased to 133% and you'll see for fifth grade we went from 6% to 11% we went from if in sixth grade excuse me we went from 6% to 8% seventh grade again a 2% increase in 8th grade A 1% increase and then you see in ninth grade um from Ela from 2021 to 2022 there was a 133% decrease Mr R next SL when we look at it again also in the cohort approaching meeting and exceeding and these are numbers that we have to present and provide so we increased from a third grade to fourth grade in the cohort by 7% from 7 to 14 in fifth grade from fourth to 5ifth we decreased by 3% in our 5ifth to six grade cohort we increase by three 6 to 7th increase by two 7th to eth increase by three and from 8th to 9th grade we increase by 23 and you can still see the same dynamic in terms of the highlights in terms of math so overall go back to science so one of the things that we have been focusing in on last year is our Ela acmy for our teachers as well as this summer focusing in on our Mathies during the summer for our staff with our curriculum instruction department so you'll see again those green highlights where we recognize we stayed were stable in some areas and again still exceptionally low in our science area again our 11th grade um is the only area that showed Improvement of 1% so as we look at the analysis and Mr Ruiz will come up in a second we have a tremendous amount of work to do we have been focusing in on Ela this year excuse me last year this year we continue to focus on that across the board and we've shown to see some gains over the last two years are they significant no they're not I would be sitting here not being factual and honest with the numers standing before us in gaining what we have we think about the tremendous obstacles in which we have been dealing with not only coming back from covid instructional loss utilizing our Esser funds and then also dealing with the significant decrease in funding across the board so when we look at not only our academic programs being impacted by the $27 million Cuts over the last several years we're also looking at stabilizing instruction implementing process and procedures and building capacity and not only our staff but our administrators and doing that on a Sho string budget so as Mr Ruiz will come up and kind of go over some of these different levels I wanted to give you an overview not to hear from the director of cni but to hear from me about these numbers are there any questions before I let Mr rise go through the following presentation Mr Rogers use your microphone please yeah that in the First Column that that is the number of students as results that's the total number of students that were tested and the number in the first column is those that were tested in each grade so what what was our percentage of decreasing students over these last couple of years our total number of student decrease in terms of enrollment yeah I could I would have to give you that that number I don't have that off the top of my head okay and how much did we decrease that how much did we what decreased staff in that same amount of time so actually workers not across the board when we start talking about reduction of staff that can go into whether we had staff through attrition or reduction so we also Stay Saved 58 positions through use of $6 Million worth of eser funds during the 2122 school year so had we not utilized that $6 Million worth of erer funds our reduction in staff would have been extremely larger so I would have to be able to give you that information regarding the reduction in terms of the decrease of our student enrollment as well as our staff enrolling if you can get that to me I'll get it to the board no problem anyone else Mr R microphone is on so I guess you're up yeah I'm trying to find a way to word this question uh take your time so like I see major increases in certain sections like not meeting like talk it to your microphone so that way it could be picked up I see certain sections um like not meeting what do you think causes us to not meet the criteria um I'm just looking at one grade right now which slide are you looking at the math yes okay can you go back to the math yeah here we go no the math cohort or let me see hold up the cohort the cohort cohort gr 2021 2022 is grade and end up becoming 8 grade 2022 2023 same amount of students of same amount of numbers but it goes from 33 to 71 of not meeting so so what do you think is the so there are considerable reasons for that right there can be the complexity and the rigor of the standard it can be um test sophistication it can be the actual application and the understanding of the content so when we begin to look at the increase of partial meeting not meeting and approaching we have been having our meetings with our principles about strategically and intentionally looking at who those students are not only from this cohort data we should be able to identify who those students are where what teachers they have looking at the standards in which those students have struggled in the previous year looking at the linked information data that we have given our students now and begin to intentionally identify instructional approaches to decrease those numbers from students that are partially meeting and approaching and hopefully we'll see gains in the meeting that will be aligned with our content area supervisors going in and providing support the principles identifying that through inrs um as well with within inrs students that have may have failed or struggled in a market period having other uh challenges such as attendance and so there are a lot of different variables that we are intentionally looking at to decrease those numbers so one of the things that we have been focusing on as a district over the last going into this third year is addressing instruction so for the last two years we've been dealing with a lot of other things that have been not centered on instruction and we've made minor gains despite those obstacles the teachers have been working hard so have the supervisors and we've been really intentionally looking at all of the Dynamics that go into what we've been doing we've moved away from being a district that has been heavily intervention based and now looking at our core programs and assessing their effectiveness in order to address the academic concerns that we see I'm going to jump off uh board member Remy's question to to go a little bit further we have parents and I hope people are watching this these these test scores or averages represent each individual child in this district and I want to know if every every parent came in do we get an individual analysis of this so they can know where their child is weak where they're strong so to answer that question we are required by law to send home individual results to each family this is not an IND individual this is an overall percentage in average right so this does not reflect individual students this reflect us as a whole and so I want to be clear as we look at these numbers these are numbers that have been in existence for a long time but we're addressing them very transparent that's why these numbers are up here and I'm not you know skirting around these singled digigit numbers I've been very clear ins saying hit your microphone no I was about to say I think I get what he mean when he ask that question um so it's basically like if if that's I'm going to use myself as an example if I'm failing and you notice it this early on what can happen what can change what are we going to do to change that by the time the school year ends that I'm not in this not meeting I'm at least at the approaching or meeting if I'm not exceeding that's uh thank you so to answer that question that that is when we start addressing tier one instruction which begins in the classroom looking at lesson plans looking at accommodations for our students in Special Needs in elll if I was to show you those numbers we have not moved that needle at all in terms of special needs students and English language Learners in a very very long time and part of our building Audits and that bind with that has been available and accessible to board members to come and and View and look at the information that we've collected we'll give you more of an insight to how we plan on approaching this but this presentation is to provide the overview and to meet the requirement of presenting this data not only in public but also to address some some of the findings in which we are addressing instructionally data de uh there's also I correlate things and as you said we're supposed to be legally representing uh this data uh but we also have something on the agenda where we're going to be putting out for the after school and is that going to affect that structal uh direction that we're going to do and where we at so I think that to answer that question Miss Ricks and the cni committee as well as Dr Simmons will go into greater detail as to our pivoting in terms of our fiscal cost for the after school but we're not ending the after school program okay so I I I think that I don't want to convolute this presentation with some of the things that are on the agenda item that have explanations that are not necessarily connected to this although we're still addressing some of the other concerns that we have in terms of providing instructional supports for students you want to flip to the last couple of [Music] slides again what we have here is the same thing that I went over in terms of the first few slide but I wanted to give you a comparison science again and demographic information we broken it down to male and female uh scien is Fifth and eighth grade we'll see slide back 5ifth 8th grade and 11th grade our demographic information this is broken down into uh gender male and female [Music] and is broken elementary middle and high school and then all grades that's for math science and Ela again free reduced lunch again demographics for ELA for 504 elll special ed gened and all students and again in elementary school middle school and high school um groupings so some of our action plans continue Ela year long amb scheduled to align the state assessment schedule professional development focusing on information writing and informative writing oneon-one teacher feedback from Ela classroom visits with our super advisors as well as our principles great level articulation on what informational writing should look like within zinc bars using scaffolding and instructional resources using District resources such as I ready I Exel link it English 3D for elll students and connecting to the district goals one of the things for our math in terms of our schools working with their annual school plans again small group differentiate instruction that are standards based the activities are based upon Common Assessment data utiliz and Link it um again when you ask about Mr Remy how are we addressing in terms of students before they get to that in part now snapshots utilizing our Ben our link and benchmark assessments problem solving focus on the njsla uh standards and again connecting to our math supervisor District goals as well as our overall academic goals for writing across the curriculum in all content areas science is one of the areas that we have definitely been honing in on because we have not seen seen success in fifth grade 8th grade or 11th grade and that's been um for some time so we move from SE semester based science to year long again working on conceptual understanding and much more Hands-On activities in our science classes standards-based instruction addressing the major standards at the beginning of the year and doing them year along with support from additional standards at the end our three standard based benchmarks to provide us with some snapshots on where we are how our students are doing pacing looking at our units to make sure that our pacing is not too fast that and it's not too slow and that it's covering the information and the skills that our students should be being exposed to our K 5 Science Program which includes in our daily schedule again it's one of one day per week for stem instruction uh the teachers are engineering Concepts so those are some of the things that we're working on in terms of expanding students medic cognition and their Inquisition about problem solving and thinking and then again connecting that to our science supervisors District goal thank Dr before you sit down um I've always had an issue with demographic percentages reason being is if if you tell me 50% of people are doing well and 50% aren't I don't know what that number still is because it could be six people and only three are passing you get what I'm saying so is there a way that we can do something where where people can get a better understanding like maybe Ratio or so when you look at your um and what we presented if you see something with less than 10 that means that number was not significant enough to be counted so that's not a a stat that will that's judged against us right but when we look at our numbers in terms of the larger percentage of not meeting uh partially meeting and approaching that's where we begin to pull out and try to identify those blocks of students in those areas in those grades and see what standards those students are struggling with and begin to address them at that grade begin to provide professional development during our delayed openings um again try to crosswalk that with informational text that's the reason why we're focused on informational writing of across all content areas because that's different than narrative that's much more detailed in terms of informational writing that's a skill that students can translate into other areas not only just in ela but in math and in science I've got a question Dr Adams um with professional development isn't that what we're doing right now when we have delayed openings and professional development with with the educator like I'm just trying to figure out the difference between what we've been doing and what we want to do in terms of professional development so to answer your question one of the things that we have not done that we have been doing over the last two years is our teachery during the summer right right where we bring in teachers who volunteer and we actually pay them over the course of the summer we bring in um um Consultants to work with our teachers not only we worked with Ela this year we started with math and we centralize our focus on again informational text yeah and we're actually in the middle of utilizing a consultant to work with our teachers in the area of science the second question I had was um just because a lot of folks probably don't understand what it means can you explain ongoing PLC CPT ongoing means it's it's regulates Weekly right but I'm talking about PLC CPT for data driven decision making so wanted to think so data driven this is data these are the numbers one of the things that we have been doing is looking at professional learning communities which is you know PLC right and developing the capacity of teachers as well as utilizing um best practices in terms of instructional best practices right utilizing instructional resources that will enhance what the students are um being exposed to as well as addressing the instructional modalities meaning how teachers are actually teaching what they are actually teaching the resources and materials are we utilizing uh centers in the elementary school are those centers tiered meaning they have let's say level one level two and level three do they have modifications for students that are special needs do they have um lessons that are modified for students who are English language Learners those are all things that we are focusing on um much more intentionally than has has been done in the past and the minor results that you have seen in terms of those highlights those don't happen without being intentional is that what it means by modeling in classrooms or does that mean something different when you're talking modeling in classrooms that means demonstration that means um in the common planning so there are variety of ways okay thank you all right I got another question um so how long do you think it'll take to before we start seeing some improvement with the action steps being implemented well I mean those highlights they were they were zero we we were we were lower than that right and I think we are steadily focused on the reality that the struggles that we have as a district given the resources that we have the challenge that we have without only coming back from the covid academic loss and you look at the 2021 2022 um school year to where we are presently so this year again we are working on addressing 90% of our instruction is going to be driven by standards based looking at the data the results from our linked results which are a benchmark and strategically planning a course of action in ela Math and Science to address what those results give us I I couldn't stand here and say you know I'm going to go to this classroom and have this teacher do this or go to this school and mandate this happen this is a systematic process of dealing with the reality that one these results are not good the staff knows that the community knows that I believe the staff is working hard to write what they've what what they've seen historically these results don't happen without the hard work of the teachers you can really clap right doesn't happen even incrementally right and so we're dealing with a very uphill Challenge and we've been very real about that um we've been very honest about that the teachers have been very open and the reality is this is a very difficult conversation to not only have in public it's like opening up you know your your chest cavity and and seeing all your internal organs this is not a you know a pretty conversation to have but it is a necessary conversation it is an honest conversation it has to be one done with compassion it has to be one done with understanding that these results are not the failures of children these are not the results of the failures of people who don't care who come to work every day the reality is there's a lot of work to be done there is a lot of work being done but the reality is we cannot avoid looking at these numbers and remotely being satisfied with a 2% 3% gain at all but I would be honest with you if we saw 78% coming up on this screen come next year I can tell you right now every Federal Education Agency will be here doing an audit to to check and see what what happened what type of cheating was going on and that's not going to happen either the hard work has to be consistent it has to be transparent it has to be again consistent all right thank you that concludes my report that's wa the report of the Committees Mr rck you want to go first since we just did all that good evening good evening every this is a report from the curriculum and instruction committee uh we met last week we only had a few things on our agenda and one was the recommendation to approve the New Jersey Department of Education division of Early Childhood Services a three-year preschool program operational plan and the other was also to collaborate with life support training in Jersey Shore University Medical Center to conduct a hard sa first dat in CPR AED training session for preschool staff and um we also discussed sending eight teachers to the teachers Academy literacy which was held on November sector at a rate of 21 I'm sorry $41 an hour uh the names are listed here and we discussed briefly the school Journeys that concludes my report uh thank you m Rick Athletics did I wasn't at Athletics did was any uh you weren't here Anthony Dr Evans you have a brief overview of Athletics friendship game is this Saturday that concludes also B&G Mr Grill thank you Mr um so uh we met uh November 8th um an update we're giv an update on the Esser funded projects all schools will have Engineers doing punch list walkthroughs um well they did the walkthroughs right um Dr simens um for mechanical and electrical work and then um for MLK the electrical distribution panel that was expected to arrive in late December has actually already arrived um and there'll be coordination with the contractor on installation for a date Dr Sim did we get a date for that no we don't have a date but um okay I know Mr Sosa did have meetings today to coordinate that okay great thanks um an update on the water damage from from the October storms glad to know it wasn't just my house um most of the damage from flooding due to the rising water from the lake happened at the high school and over at the stadium uh contractors and insurance adjustors have come out uh we're waiting for additional estimates we haven't gotten any other additional okay so the preliminary estimate is about $135,000 um in terms of updates for each School uh emergent facility items needed to be budgeted for um we have uh at thuren Marshall $109,000 that includes uh replacing an energy recovery unit on the roof uh some upper roof repairs and um pointing of the northeast corner of the building at the high school um it's about $153,000 in um emerging facility items that includes phase two of the cosmetology class right and uh about $8,000 in fitness equipment repairs to the weight room and then at MLK it's $40,000 that includes 16k towards roof repairs and then um finally getting a new phone system uh the phone system there is Obsolete and it's not repairable anymore so uh we're going to begin this with a uh an implementation uh it's a three-year plan imple implementation uh in order to make all classroom f phones districtwide uh operation security update so Mr Sosa has been working with the principles and the staff to deal with security concerns that I'm sure we as a board and also the community at large have um that have not been addressed um recently uh du the concerns that have been occurring at MLK that Mr Jordan had not addressed um Mr Sosa has added two additional security guards making it four in total uh that are assigned to MLK um and additionally at this board meeting we're going to be voting uh well we're going to be making a recommendation to assign two more part-time officers to MLK in staggered shifts in order to have four officers at all times uh even when staff calls out uh then we have the emergency alert system share 911 um that we that we have but it hasn't been updated uh or fully operational so we're going to be getting that um up and running um as soon as possible so Mr Sosa also spent hours working on updating the system for features that were not implemented properly in the past so that way it functions properly um and the share 911 system launched this past Monday um were there any issues or anything with it no and staff um if they haven't already we'll be getting um emails and messages indicating that the system is now live um if there's a there's also a function um being that all the whoever was in a database when it was last revised if you got an email or a text message and it's not you know privy to you you just could hit the stop button and it'll stop right so it just allows the system to now come back online and now any emergency throughout the district um in particular that school will know about it but more importantly administrators throughout the school district would know about it and that will allow us to keep in line with um just being aware of things we are also working on um recertifying um not just um not just the administration but the security officers we're going to be um working with um the state to come and do some um one-on ones with the officers some lunch and learns and retraining of our administrators for different scenarios within the school and we have a few more um activities set up we're looking to put a lot of that in place in the January and February months so that by the spring we have all our um officers retrained and prepared to address issues throughout the District okay great and do we have any live training sessions scheduled yet not yet um scheduled we're still working with the vendors and with the state to put um put dates down okay but but share 911 is going to provide training videos for administration right yes so share 91 is a is a quite extensive system um in addition to it being able to alert staff and um and administration to what's going on it also has a lot of training so so we will all those training modules will be available to staff to review review and look at they also come with standard operating procedures that will also use to utilize different um scenarios and know what to do as things happen Okay and will will we be able to know also um staff that hasn't done that haven't done the training yet like after a certain like what is there a timeline when everyone needs to either watch the training videos or you know have the live training sessions yeah um the state requires um a number of different trainings to happen to all staff and administrators throughout the year so there are deadlines to when staff has to do things once we look at all of the training modules when it comes to security we'll put a date to that so that that will and that staff member would have the responsibility to finish any of those onlines one at a certain time so it will know who has been trained um when they trained and that they passed okay great that concludes my report uh policy well I Dr pen is not here if I'm mistaken then it's just uh second readings right now correct um there really wasn't any policy here um meeting this um month because it was really the second reading from the um what we discussed last month okay and finance we uh oh oh there is a update though to the on which we all got copies of is the update to the high school Matrix discipline um chart is that is that a first reading that's not our first reading but it's the revision we gave we indicated the revision from last month that it was revised we already approved the revision we they just sent us what was approved just to make sure that we got the right one there was a second second email giving you a disciplinary policy so you could regulation so you can do it again maybe I'm being D that's coming from Atlantic City is it the first reading or is it an amendment to that last month we put on the the high school Matrix as a revision so that was the first time so this would be the second reading this month is second reading for all of the of the new mandates the updat and those that are being abolished and the Matrix was one of them so it's a second reading but you you made a comment Dr Dr Adams made a comment to you that something just to remind everyone that the Matrix was also revised and that's what's being approved and there's no changes to the revisions that we originally saw is that is that what he's saying there are some changes that's the reason why it was given to if we have to make it a first read then that's fine it'll be approved that next month at a second read but we need to make sure that you all have the most updated with the revisions that um were noted um in this version that was provided I also sent that in a communication to um Madame President and Madame vice president um as well as to Mr Penner the policy chair so that's what I'm so it's a first reading so I I would like to get a look at okay on on the docket it is listed as a first read okay uh Finance uh I went over the charter school residency verification and I don't believe there was anything else discussed correct oh I did want to mention um Athletics although uh there really wasn't much of a report I do want to mention that on our agenda if you havn't gotten a chance there is uh assistant wrestling coach on there so um with the large amount of kids that want to participate in wrestling in the middle school I think that's a a good thing so now it's uh public participation in accordance with board policy 0 67 the as Park Board of Education recognized the value of public comment on educational issues and other matters of importance and provides members of the public with the opportunity to express themselves on school matters of community interest the public comment portion of the meeting is not a question and answer session and all public comments shall be directed to the board president presiding officer of the meeting members of the public who wish to make public comments must be recognized by the presiding officer and provide his or her name municipality residence and group affiliation if applicable all public comments shall be directed to the presiding officer and are limited to three minutes and duration members of public who do not follow the foregoing rules and are interfere with the orderly operation of the board meeting may be removed from the meeting uh does anybody want to make a public com comment this is your chance good evening everyone my name is Sean Hamilton and I'm proudly celebrating my 25th year of teaching here in Asbury Park I reside at 84 Creek Road in kingburg New Jersey uh I'm here to talk about the children sadly I saw the same results and for 25 years we've been working through the same uphill battle however a couple weeks ago when we had this audit that you've been reading about I watched nearly $2 million in salaries and benefits walking around schools Counting kids cting to make sure teachers were at their posts that s that that schedules were filled and as a result of that the only thing we got back was several classes at Bradley Elementary and a thir and Marshall have been collapsed resulting in not of pennies worth of savings those teachers will still get paid because it's in the budget for this year I have no idea why we would do that we have elementary schools that have no media specialist anymore and you've seen our reading scores that makes no sense my friend Barry Seaman 25 years in this district and those who know him he's a top-notch guy told last minute with no reason why that his class was being collaps at Bradley and now he's being transferred after Thanksgiving three months into the school year to third gr Marshall with no explanation all it did was make certain classes larger and every single statistic shows that smaller class sizes results in more performance from children it is is just insane that now with thur and Marshall we collapse a Kindergarten class those current kindergarteners with the virtual Early Childhood Learners during covid and what did we do we stacked 22 kids in one kindergarten room because God forbid we have two classes with 11 kids in it not a Penny's worth of savings I see a transfer of Sandy Shader excellent teacher now she's going to be shared between Bradley and th Good Marshall as a reading specialist when Manny NE palan retired it was the assumption that we'd have a full-time reading special at thur Marshall remember thur Marshall has all the preschool classes we've got the ad four fifth grades fourth and fifth graders we need a full-time person there there is no excuse to be splitting Services necessary services for our children again all the smoking mirrors aside all the dancing aside we not saving one penny by collapsing classes and causing Crow classes to be more crowded and we expect scores to go up from that it makes no sense adding to the kindergarten situation thur Marshall if any more students come to kindergarten there is no room for them they will not be able to go to their neighborhood District school I don't know how we're going to handle that if we have any kids with extra special needs we do not have the services in the one kindergarten class at thir Marshall to service that I think these decisions were made very shortsighted and I have no idea where the long-term plan thank you very much please discuss that in close session I'd appreciate [Applause] that is there anyone else comment hello uh Craig dellaa 1400 block of 4th Avenue uh firstly I'd like to extend my congratul ulations to wedy Glassman for earning a seat on the board it's a positive indication that the board may be heading in a New Direction I would also like to congratulate the incumbents Anthony and Joe for those of you may not know I was a candidate myself and I believe that the incumbent's core message was not much different from mine as it did speak to Cost Containment given the serious challenges faced by our district I have lots of questions that I would like to pose to the board board and to the superintendent for tonight's public comment though I'd like to focus on one and it needs urgent attention I'm concerned about the rise in the number of fights in our in our middle school and it's concerning to hear about teachers being brutalized and sent to the hospital I'm concerned about the reports of extremely chaotic dismissals at MLK so what's what's causing all the tension I happen to think that the problem could very well be a result of the new block block scheduling arbitrarily imposed on students shortsightedly and teachers right in the middle of the school year the responsibility of a superintendent one responsibility of a superintendent I believe is to make sure kids are developing good habits abruptly changing course a month or two after the school year is well underway suddenly forcing kids to sit for 80 minutes of instruction who are accustomed to 40 minutes is a lot 80-minute classes just a few times per week is not a substitute for 40-minute classes 5 days per week you dealing with attention issues behavioral issues and the hindrance of developing good habits this change would be challenging in any school but in a special but has a special disservice to kids in a struggling district with below average math scores below average reading scores you've seen the results of our schools as compared to the state average and national average so with these concerns in mind I would like to pose two questions one will the classes be going back to meeting five days a week for math and reading in order to encourage continuous learning and number two why in the first place was block scheduling suddenly implemented after the school year had already begun I welcome a [Music] reply [Applause] good evening my name is ARA Council I live at 302 Third Avenue I'm standing up here as a concern in nervous parent October 20th it was an incident at the school my son told me about the incident I did not receive an email or a call about the incident and Dr Adams I want you to send an email to me uring me that that would never happen again in this District miss councel your direct your comments to the presiding officer please I would like an email send out tomorrow before a close of business day to ensure me and the community that that would never happen again in this District I was not told there was a lockdown my son had to tell me when this when the kids got suspended for not playing football it was a press conference in front of the Board of Education when parents was ran and Raven oh my kid can't play football it was a press conference violence in our school around our kids no press conference no emails to no parent or this community so Tom Marvel I'm demanding an email to myself and any parent in this District in this community because the school is in our community that this would never happen again in this District that this that school will be continue to be a safe haven for not my son but any other kids that attend MLK and if I don't receive a email by 400 p.m. tomorrow close the business day I will be going to Shay thank you m counsel [Applause] seeing there's no other comments I'm going to close public comment uh superintendent you have uh your data D dashboard I already in there uh ma'am no comment Miss State monitor you have a report for us uh this month no no report for this month thank you um on A2 number 1 A and B the minutes the regular meetings uh closed session of October 19th and also I think that's it right can I have a motion accept the minutes roll call please Mr gorillo yes Miss lazinski yes Mr Remy yes Miss Ricks yes Mr Rogers yes Mr Saunders yes Miss s yes motion passed we're going to go into exe executive session whereas the open public meetings act allows for the excl clusion from discussion at the public portion of a meeting certain matters outlined uh whereas the asber Park Board of Education wishes to discuss such matters made and will make such discussion public when a proper conclusion has been reached now therefore be resolve the Asbury Park Board of Education will hold a closed executive session on this state November 16th uh 2023 at ASB Park New Jersey for the purpose of I believe uh litigation and Personnel if that is that it negotiate contract negoti and contract negotiations can I have a motion second roll call please Mr gillo yes Mr linski yes M Mr Remy yes Miss Ricks yes Mr Rogers yes Mr Saunders yes Miss alsb yes motion passed we be going into executive session at this point ladies and gentlemen the board will be enclosed executive session for approximately 45 minutes to an hour after which time the board will return to this room uh and take action if any is is to be taken uh no action will be taken in executive session if any action happens it will happen back in public session when the board returns to this room thank you can I get a motion to um return to regular session any motion motion to return thank you second second thank you Mr Gilla yes Mr sininsky yes Mr Remy yes M Rick yes Mr Rogers yes yes Mr yes M yes we have a f apologies to the public it took us a little longer except um superintendent Dr Adams your agenda um getting act for consent agenda all items on 1 B1 to B6 the agenda item one on6 second second Mr Grill yeah Mr zinski yes Mr Remy yes M Rick yes Mr Rogers [Music] everything thank you Mr sers yes M yes thank you I'd like to do a consent agenda for section c which is items one through number eight yes I'm sorry it is an agenda yes on um which is C4 and it's items one which is um the ACT school program the settlement agreement and the fundraisers and acceptance of the grant thank you I appreciate that Mr Rogers you have a question yeah have question first let's have a motion second question second thank you yes on uh C4 number one and can you explain it absolutely um what there was a um as you know there's always um been an after school program in place that our staff would would hold the decision was made um to put this at the school program out for um competitive forbid asking another um another Corporation or Foundation or whomever who already does after school programming to come in and run the program at a lower cost um that bid went um was sent out and the pricing um response was not in line with what we needed to see in order to award the contract so now we're asked um after a conversation with the lawyer it was determine that the information that were was asked was not sufficient so we need to adjust adjust the um bid um documents in order to for them to be able to submit the cost of the program what it may or may not cost the district and if there's any subsidies subsidies that may be included in the um in the bid for all of that to be submitted in order for us to get a true cost of the program and or Revenue that we may even receive for the program so what um item a is asking us is to reject it based on the information that was submitted and then for us to then put it back out we would put it out um at the by the end of this month in order to get it back in December so that we can then hopefully award it and hopefully start the program in January currently Alice uh um we have an act school program that's already in place and our staff runs that so it would transition from us running the ACT school program and then for whatever company if if approved for them now running the program Dr how much do you think this would save us right now we have reduced [Music] from I would say anywhere in the dollar figure amount right now we're running a program at about $400,000 so we're looking to maybe cut that in half so again that's a substantial savings and it not coming from our offers when we look at our after school program is also being allocated from the small slice of money that we have that can be allocated to instructional programs so when we look at our overall 49 or $48 million budget you you take away salaries and benefits you take away Charter School you take away um transportation we're left with about a little under $2 million as our cost of actually operating and functioning the district and providing all instructional services so you're looking at $400,000 just for the after school program in Prior years we normally started our after school program in somewhere around October this year we started the first week of school to provide those services and again with Dr Simmons coming on board and I doing a fiscal um review of that program along with projecting out how much money we would need to have to run that um it became determin that we would need to Outsource that in order to save the district money and so we're looking at anywhere almost $200,000 in savings possibly and and my other question would be uh the references for anybody that's coming in what they have done uh exponentially um other places they've done things uh where just be able to get some information so with it going out for RFP there is a clear criteria in which those who are putting in their bid have to provide that information so it's not you know um Miss Mary Su you know who does babysitting in you know after school coming and giving a proposal and it just being accepted so there is a true V problem process of the individuals that meet the threshold of the RFP and then going from there um background checks because again we have all of the requirements for anyone to be responsible around children um in an after school capacity that they have to first be some of those Baseline criteria uh my question is this to the attorney uh are we able to look at uh or look at those people who are sending submiss uh yes um the short answer is is absolutely yes um additionally you'd be able to see all of the the submissions that came in from all um parties that may have submitted something so that's absolutely something that you um and the members of the public could see certainly um as well uh and with regard to your questions concerning you know Ving there are requirements uh statutory requirements that that are imposed upon um outside organizations that are going to provide those types of services like after school activities and so I have every expectation that those folks that do apply uh will meet be able to meet those criteria demonstrate that they are able to meet those criteria yeah no that back to Dr ad that $100,000 $997,000 man when I read it uh it basically says that if we significant if we got it there is a pool that the state has some people that you know we can look at that we can so I know they have just like want to buy cars the state has a a UHS are we have that has that Grant come back that grant information has not come back but we're looking also to see if we're looking at some of those people that uh submitted to it State on for this for this at the school program so once the RFP is put out those individuals who are interested will submit their proposal um and at that point again as Mr we has indicated um we'll have the list of those who fall within the parameters of the RFP and then we'll be able to go for me based upon um their offerings and ability to provide the most comprehensive offerings for us that fall within the big pressure thank you I got a question since you're speaking about gr um C4 number four what would we be able to use that that that um those M are um already allocated each school has already submitted their um Title One programs um in order and is encompassed in their um regimen throughout the day so these programs are already in place this is acceptance of the final of that submission so these are programs that curriculum instruction has already worked with each principal with and there have various activities going on throughout the day from these money man I wish I I have a question about C2 uh number six so this is a this is a contribution from us it's not the other way around this is a where we're basically on behalf of the school district donating what the space of the spot to the VNA is that correct yes it's more like in Services um and so uh we just met with them a couple of weeks ago to uh reiterate the mental health component and some of the other services that the BNA uh through the spot will offer the high school right now uh we've had to kind of relocate them but this is is actually sort of what they monetize as the cost that they would incur for the services that they will be providing so there's going to be actual staff like DNA staff in the in the they provide the staff and it's for students and staff right no it's for students just students okay it's going to be great to see the spot being used fully and again one of the things that we met with them about is the reporting aspect and making sure that the uh submission of information in terms of the services they are providing to our students is uh consistent with what the grant has outlined um and so they are pretty much back on board um we met with them for a couple of weeks over the last couple of weeks should I say and um we're looking to make sure that they're up and running Mr yes to everything Mr zinski oh yes everything but SE for number two I will thank you Mr Remy yes m r yes Mr Rogers yes Mr Saunders yes Mr H yes thank you a motion in fav that