welcome everyone today is Tuesday February 27th 2024 and this is a regular meeting of the city of Asbury Park Zoning Board of adjustments chairman avalone will you please call this meeting to order I certainly will this meeting is being held in compliance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 adequate notice of of this meeting has been provided to the coaster in Asbury Park Press by publication of the annual meeting notice and posted on the municipal bulletin board and Municipal website all notices are in file with the board's secretary official action may be taken on the following matters before this board fire exits are located on the east and west sides of the council chambers as well as the back of the building I always feel like I'm on an airplane I will ask everyone with a cell phone or other device to kindly silence your device for the duration of this meeting and this meeting is being recorded by APV roll call Wendy Glassman is absent this evening Daniel Harris here Russell Lewis Here Joe Potter here Tim slick here Vice chair Scully here chairman avalone here all right just a quick resolution approval I make a motion to adopt the 211 DT Avenue resolution second okay um Daniel Harris yes Russell Lewis yes Jill Potter yes Tim slick yes Vice chair Scully yes chairman avalone yes all right 1510 3rd Avenue M hasapis did I pronounce that correctly you did great thank you chair we have thank you so much Mr C so perhaps somebody can give us a quick synopsis whether it's you miss hasapis or Mr passman um sarir testimony I do please State your names to the record first e e i l e n h a s k o p o u l o Donald passman P a SS M Mr passman you're here tonight Your Capacity as a LIC architect in the state of New Jersey yes I am have been here I don't know how many times I can't remember and we accept your credentials as always Mr pman you're still licensed in state of New Jersey I am okay I am still licensed good to go okay why you maybe we do and nothing but the truth yes I do please State your names for the record and your affiliation board Donna Miller board planner Doug Clen board engineer thank you thanks Jack all right so I we have something in common Miss hasapis I too am from originally from Jersey City oh great place so there are many just the two of us though is anybody not from City raise your hand if you're not you're not oh okay it is it seems to be the the place to be from if you live in Asbury I don't know I've met so many people really that talk about Jersey City yeah yeah it's good it's much different I don't know when the last time you were there was but well my family still has their cemetery plot there so I go occasionally unwillingly gotta yeah well I moved to Asbury in 2015 I bought my house 1510 Third Avenue um in 2015 with the intention of retiring here um a teacher in Jersey City retiring this year here and um I have come to realize that I need to have a bathroom and a bedroom on the second floor my bathroom I only have one bathroom in that house and it's it is a hug little house it's adorable I love it love it love it love everything about it love everything about Asberry except that I don't have a bathroom on the second floor and I have to walk down the stairs in the middle of the night and it's hard I know you're all still young but when you get old like me fix it's hard to do so that's why called Mr passman and asked him to design an addition that would include a bathroom on the second floor which is what brings us here I'm retiring now and I will make this my full-time residence so how long were you a teacher 27 years it's great congratulations on your retirement thank you and and welcome to town thank you see if we can make you comfortable Dickson High School yes dickon well the gym is like below the wall the wall went Tock yes beautiful place I approve this [Applause] application it let's wrap this up yeah let's wrap this up AR you made friends with everybody let's get going what I said now you've made friends with all of us Started Mr passman could at least so uh the house has a very like you said acute front of the house is two stories very nice the elevations will show you what it looks like and uh there's a there were two one story editions based on my forensics uh to the rear uh with an ugly want low sloping roof that covered them both and it looked like a kitchen was added I mean I don't know what was there before and a bathroom was added with the furnace uh like a utility room but it's very oddly configured and it's only on the first floor so given my clients's requirements I come up with a design for second floor Edition over that piece and as I lay things out I need a little bit more space to make the rooms better so I can show you the plans but basically there's a twoot overhang from on the second floor overhanging in the rear over the first floor's line to get that extra two feet which was beneficial to creating a decent Siz master bedroom with some closet space and again a regular bathroom again none of this is anything is large in size I would say from all my experience but they're adequate so let me just uh review plan a1114 1030 23 on2 and 11 pages [Applause] [Applause] second Flor next side a twoot reaching closet and the bathroom of the shower tyal bathroom and then the front remains except it wasn't closed into the stairway so really categorically couldn't really be a bedroom but now you know sort of day really only had one bedroom before now we have two um the by putting this addition on we're going straight up from the walls that are there down below those are very close to the prop 4T will change over here another 4T will change over there thus requiring us to ask for Varan is for we have the side yard setback minimum where five 6 feet is required we have 4.5 maintaining 4.5 that's on the west side and the combined set back was supposed to be 14 ft we have 9.6 it's unchanged 9.6 and therefore that's [Applause] a um by putting this addition on addition we have um 55% uh in pervious lock coverage why that changed to 7 add two square 2 ft by 14 or something so because of that we have a variance for lock coverage and uh the last thing that we're here for is that there's a AC compressor that we have to put somewhere and there's not a lot of room on the side the rear is sort of the nice SP and the other so it's on the side but it's closer to to the front if you will and the reason being is that the neighbors keep compressors in the same basic spot so we thought hey may they can share noise whatever um it just felt like a decent place to put it and on the site plan I located it just inside a little walkway was there existing walk comes off front off and back behind that violates I understand but see to be a logical place not dist my client backyard space I'm not having to walk around with the side here you can walk around it at least before you get to the fenced in area anyway that's the B the other thing is that this house doesn't have a basement has a very low c space so in order to put Heating and Cooling furnace we're going to do is tank us with water heater put it up attic I created a dormer and second FL you can see there's a pull down attic access then up that D you can mount that thing on the W the furnace there and we can try to distribute in the Attic very small attic space it's what's there following the roof l so it's going to have to be some tight duck work and then down and we try to figure out how to get it to the second floor we're working on that I mean to the first floor but anyway that's basically what the project is most importantly is the volume I the ridge line is maintained you know we really needed more space but we felt we couldn't raise that up we had to be consistent with that roof line all the way back so on the elevations you'll see that that is true and you also see a dotted line on the east and west side to show you where that low sloping roof was before so you can see it's a much more improved design and there's existing elevations that are not so pretty uh the windows uh on that side are all double hung Windows there was a comment made that they look like casement windows those are over the sink in the kitchen so that you can crank them out and get some air rather than lifting them which is sort of the practice is to do casement windows there so that's it's on the east side other than that the windows are basically the symbol proportion to what's there east and west on the on the uh souths side there's double windows which represent egress windows and get some light into the bedroom because we really can't add any Windows uh well you can't add any more than 25% because we're under 5 feet to the property line so they're 1 hour rated walls you can put a small amount of window in which we have and then we have the double window in the back centered over the at the Gable and then down below we have a slider on one side and we have a a window in the bathroom on the other is there an existing hbac somewhere on the property or is there no no there is a furnace room in the existing one-story piece in the very back which should you know right against the backyard doesn't make sense but that's where someone stuck it but it's a boiler for baseboard I guess air conditioning was either window units or nothing window window units yeah I can only assume that this house was originally built just as a not as a year round which is right well it's year around in 1800 yeah and you're not changing the existing deck out the back at all no no does anyone have any questions for Mr pass I don't think so Mr pman you know not that we're design experts but isn't there any way to like maybe you know that that roof find is a little weird to me again um you're talking about the back Ro the can Del yeah oh the it just it it kind of detracts from the the house a little bit but I understand the space is needed I I just I'm having a little hard time with it I mean there weren't too many alternatives to my design on this um short of putting columns down which I don't know if that helps or not what would have happened if you went in line with the the existing structure below it I lose 2 feet which is significant if you look at the size of the rooms that are there the bathroom is basically as tight as it could be to get a shower because I don't have much much width so what what is the width that you're dealing with I think the interior is 12 fo3 so I need a hallway to get from one from the stairwell to the back room then what's left gives me this bathroom which it can't be configured in a straight line of typical shower toilet sink I had to put the shower on the other side then I have a reachin closet 2T deep and then looks left so if I knock out 2 feet I don't know where I can do it and so that was this I figured okay it's not the street view it's you know view mostly in the backyard it's not everybody does canle levers like that all the time we do it you know many many times just for this reason to gain space and and not have to have additional structure and that's about 24 in you're saying yes I actually have one on my house it's actually Dimension is 28 in so that's like the max you can do with this material yeah so it's a little bit more but it's to get again to get the space so if it's not there she loses a lot of space and on other occasions I've done things where there are columns or there's Wing walls that project you could do that but it's foundation work and we're not doing any foundation work on this one right so it's sort of I you know I try to went to the most minimal thing I could do to get a decent space I understand yeah it was a challenge I would imagine it's not the skinniest house I've ever done close so you're not destroying the footprint you're just building off off of it yes okay and how close are you putting that U condenser to the property line um I believe it's 2.4 ft 2.4t is there m Miss hasap would that disturb any of your neighbors if it was that close to the property line I don't think so um I did speak to one to my neighbor and we agreed that hers is there and mine is there so they would just hump to each other the summer I mean you know I hear hers but I'm from Jersey City so I'm used to hearing sirens and all kinds of things so the hum of a of a condenser doesn't bother me and I hear her old but the home doesn't bother you the president home doesn't bother me at all I'm quite sure by yours being a newer model it probably won't make as much noise right okay okay any other questions for either Mr hman or Miss hasap and I would assume the basis for your Varian is classic C1 criteria that based on the size shape nness is a lot that's why you need various correct correct also offer that there is no available land this is like our third small loot right's no way yeah do you want to put a it's a 23t wide lock 23 and half it's a classic [Music] C1 what about um are you putting any additional gutters on that extension at all Mr passman well as it is now there's a gutter in the back which trades that piece of roof so the same area of roof is now going to be drained on two sides it comes off the Gable and it'll end up going to the back just like the other one goes to the back so there shouldn't be any additional runoff except for 2 fo4 by 13 fo8 or something let let's get our Engineers comments and is it possible to um I see that there's going to be a a ridge going down is it possible to pitch the gutters to the front so that that the point of dis charge with the down spots is closer to the right away I would say it's possible but it's a long run and those ones that go now go that direction I believe so to add to it is another how many feet is it lengthwise pitch right another three and a half inches or something kind of a lot I don't think it would where is the there's like a small increase in coverage where is that coming from the Canever okay projected down but it's it's another two and a half inches of pitch which is a lot when you have a gutter in a face is only like 5 and a half inches so it's going to have to peek in the middle and half go to the front half go to the back but it's again it's almost exact ma same amount of area that goes to the back now so very little increase um I mean it sounds like it's a very di Minimus increase in coverage if I don't know if there's um it it does look there's no topography I can't tell looking on Google street view it looks like the property is pitched towards the street I don't know if uh I believe it is there's been any drainage issues at the property but um to me it seems relatively harmless just uh FYI the um East and West sides are gravel on that so all that takes what East and West sides of the house these little side yard setbacks so anything that drains there has got good drainage through this gravel the gravel I guess will absor lot of the water you haven't had any you know flooding or ponding in your backyard right okay no it looks well drained you know from my eye and no basement thing is a win actually because everybody else's basements were flooded and I didn't have I know sorry um any further questions board professionals I'll open it up to the public for either M hasapis or miss pasman seeing none will close public public session um and move on to public comment again seeing none we will then begin our deliberation okay thank you any comments from the board I think you've done the best you can with a difficult yeah situation and and I think the the two feet on the overhang uh as our board professional said are it's nominal it's not going to add too much so and I understand the reason why agre not much you could do and what you did do maximizes the use of space and I appreciate the considerations that you put into it to make it work for everybody um two weeks ago we were here talking about a three-bedroom house on 1,800 Square ft we we're talking about two bedrooms on 3,000 square ft so me it's a no-brainer okay I'm actually your neighbor I'm on Third Avenue just three blocks down and I get to walk in my dog on your block pretty much every day and I've walked by your house for the last 20 years and I it always makes me smile it is it's an adorable sweet little property and I'm glad that you're keeping the charm of it and I wish you all of the the the beautiful nights sleeping and going to the bathroom on the same floor yes it is important it's a big deal it is important especially at a certain age all right all right anyone like to offer I make a motion that we approve the project um 15 103d Avenue I'll second second Daniel Harris yes Lewis yes Jill Potter yes Tim slick yes Vice chair Scully yes chairman avalone yes congratulations thank [Music] youat thank you swe this one can I make a motion to adjourn the meeting second second all in favor