welcome everyone today is Tuesday December 12th 2023 and this is a regular meeting of the city of Asbury Park Zoning Board of adjustment chairman avalone will you please call this meeting to order I'd be happy to this meeting is being held in compliance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 adequate notice of this meeting has has been provided to the coaster in Asbury Park Press by publication of the annual meeting notice and posted on the municipal bulletin board and Municipal website Bo that's a mouthful all notices are on file with the board secretary official action may be taken on the following matters before this board fire exits are located on the east and west sides of the council chambers as well as the back of the building I ask everyone with a cell phone to please mute it for the duration of this meeting and this meeting is being recorded by APV roll call Wendy Glassman here Daniel Harris here Russell Lewis Here Jill Potter here Tim slick here Vice chair John Scully here and chairman Christopher aani here okay so just as a quick announcement if anyone's here for 211 DT Avenue that application will not be heard tonight it is being carried So based on that I will make a motion to carry 211 DT Avenue to February 13 2024 second Daniel got it Wendy Glassman yes Daniel Harris yes Russell Lewis yes Jill Potter yes Tim slick yes Vice chair Scully yes chairman avalone yes I don't think everybody was eligible to say that because not everybody was at that meeting for dwit I'll go through just to make sure but that's okay you still have a a quorum for that Marie next time make sure that you know who's who's available for the vote and just a no no new notice is required for the uh for the next meeting just and also gave um we only have I think four people available for dit I'll check on that because Russell's recused right and so is uh and so is Mr no no no there were several people not available though okay I'll check the the list to see who's available anyway okay moving on to 1506 Grand Avenue [Applause] good meeting Mr Tilton hi welcome back Mr Tilton thank you Mr chair members of the board good evening Richard Tilton Allen Hurst New Jersey here on behalf of the applicants Mr theel and Miss berson they're the owners of 1506 Brand Avenue um when we were here last I we gave the uh presentation basically we went through all of the variance relief I believe we went through your planner report and your engineers report and that we addressed all of the items in in those reports if there's something glad to review it tonight the board had some input on the architectural plans the elements the it was I iess a proposed set of stairs that were leading from the west of the house up into the side door and those have been changed has been revised Mr passman I believe submitted plans revised plans dated um November 20th 2023 and with your permission I'll have him brought up we can go through what was changed and any concerns that the board has so Mr pman you you swear from the testimony about the gives the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth and again just state your name for the record spelling your last please thank you Mr and and one second I will also swear on the professionals do you swear from the testimony about the give truth the whole truth yes can I your name for the records please Bo for engineer thanks everyone all right Mr passman welcome back thank you very much um what we've done is uh R tooled our floor plan and our elevation to uh uh to align with some of the concerns of the board uh in doing so uh only one uh small one of the variants has disappeared and uh the building for building coverage because we off this covered front porch that is now gone so we Sav a couple square feet actually knock this down to the 30% which is the maximum allow and that is evident on my uh zone chart um 298 so that problem but the most important thing we did was to take the stairway of foro off the west elevation move the stairway over so that it came up onto the porch which is a Southside approach into the house and in MO of the door which was on the West Side there's a triple window which kind of matched the window of the dining room uh that was another thing and then last we changed the roof line to a gable roof uh which has more of a fing with the existing house so I've can show you the plans on A1 our sheet that is that is that the revised PL yes A3 we're up to A3 A3 so mark thank you then revisions to to that are again the Zone CH with missing one variant out uh the site plan which is rather small but it does show that these stairs are moved over um go floor plan version you can see the Edition which is on the south side of the two story house one story Edition two windows in front of the counter and we still have these uh pantries there or whatever the stairway did get moved over there's Landscaping in front at the end of the driveway uh roof line being pitched on the uh second floor plant roof plan it also shows the arbor Pera over this deck that's been add I'm going quickly have any question the elevation we see how the especially from the that we have this stable and and kind of it's more of the slope of the Dormers than the main portion of the house because it would interrupt where there's currently a door and a little balcony which is being removed it can now have a matching window which you probably used to have uh and this roof line being the slope of the ders would allow that window to stay if I raise the pitch up too much that would have to disappear so that's in a nutshell what we did all the other elevations support that situation and if you have any questions you let me know this is the triple window on the uh west elevation we appreciate your efforts Mr pass the roof line I I I have to say is much more appropriate to to coordinate with the roof line of the main house small changes huge impact it looks great well I I have to be I have to say it's it's much better agreed any questions from the board no I still have one concern though Mr pman I don't know if it was passed on to you by Mr Tilton but I am still concerned about the wires that will head over this top of this house um not just for the sake that you know it it violates the easement for jcpnl it it also potentially could be a safety hazard for for the owners themselves and for possibly the neighbors so I I you know out of my most concern I I would want to put at a condition that you know you would get an approval for those for that addition to be under those wires from jcpnl do you understand yeah I I just need to correct you there's there's not an easement across the proper there is no easement there is not an easement across the property okay just so you know it that's it's owned in fee I actually looked just you know Mr at the owner's policy before I came here there's not there's not an easement so um and just just so you know the that poll actually if I could I'm going to mark this photo it's A4 and it is it is the it depicts the South elevation of the house and specifically the electric wire that you're talking about you can see where the roof Gable do we know if this is a transmission line it's an electric it's a electrical service it's a service line so it connects but do we know if it's transmission or distribution apparently there's a difference there is it's a service line IT services their house only it terminates at this poll before the meeting I become because I knew that this was a concern I contacted the owners of the St laurant yes specifically forette construction company to review this very item apparently at some point when they were doing improvements to their property one of the conditions of those improvements was that they had to move the electrical service line so it now comes in through 7th Avenue so this the the and this was the S La having to get those changes right must have because just you know I have another picture here that depicts like massive electrical services coming in through the front side of the St Laurent which I'm going to Mark as A5 and give to you you can see there's actually two electrical service laterals that go into the St lauron and I re I mean they're not here and here say but I review this with the owners of that property and this is how the electrical service goes in does not go in through or across my client's property so with that said we will review I mean all these are really good points I can undertake to contact jcpnl to see ay if if they're okay with the electrical service staying on the pole and coming down to my client's property or alternatively if we can have the electrical service on a mast head connected to the house like every everybody else's houses so my clients would actually I I mean I feel like I'm a member of the family I feel like they would perer luy you so you laugh he knows me too much so they amassed had like to the to the southwest corner which on the Grand Avenue coming in like every other house right we would really actually explore that cuz that probably is the best way than having well you understand I would want to make a condition that this is well yeah I mean we have to we I will I will commit I mean a condition that we contact jcpnl like I can't make them move that wire like if that's and I don't think this board can make them move that wire but I can confirm with an a that it stays where it is and they have no safety concerns with it and we will follow whatever confirm in writing I will try my best if that I will confir and I'll do it through your engineer or the attorney's office however you want to do that or B alternatively if we can get the electrical service in our Mast head because that would probably be the preference so it's one of those two you guys but I just I can't make them I'm assuming you're you have an electrician who's going to be doing the work for totally they they they would be putting in the application to move this for you and JCP n is going to respond to them much more than just like we'll do it through the construction department and God help us like we have we should I'm not kidding it's really bad this is very routine yeah but you should go through you should go through your electrician and then it'll it'll happen more time well we'll see if we have a contact there actually the um black construction said that they actually have somebody at jcpnl that they have been interfacing with that does a lot in Asbury Park so I'll go through them but I would just encourage you to have your electrician put it on plan is they're going to move it of course we'll file whatever appliation with and we're not going to just do it ourselves that's what I that's what we have for you s satisfied with that response I'm fine as long as they can achieve it and we'll make that as condition as part of resolution as indicated I appreciate that what Mr Chargers want just for clarification was other if we could revisit the engineer report there was about the drainage right I would like to talk about the storm water management as well that was left a little in the air pass me if you would just so we c u so what what the the question became uh when we build this gable roof we have drainage on the back side and the front side front side gutters down spouts they land in the lancap area shouldn't be a problem here's the backside which is very close to the rear propy line right what happens to that new uh runoff what I propose again we don't we didn't have um gra Sur time whatever but in general what I can think of is that two down spouts let's say coming off that at least make one but at most two connect those up underground run it around the back property line e side and then angle it and bring it for forward Bring It Forward between the new shed and the existing perola that's out in the yard and I know this slopes down without having exact numbers but that pipe could be a perforated pipe set in gravel base with Filter Fabric would run around come through here and then end daylight as it's 2et or so below grave as it comes out and it's pitching that way so along the way the water's coming it's per through the perforated pipe whatever doesn't come out will come out onto their property somewhere around the middle somewhere out my guess is between the pergola and the property line is where it would hit daylight and you cut off on an angle and whatever water shoots through Doug what do you think I would suggest a like a pop-up emitter and a popup emitter yeah um and you mean in R going daylight correct okay yeah and we can we can work with you in terms of resolution compliance um we would want to see some of that on the plan um and I get you know might be a little uncomfortable for you I was reading Jason's notes from the last meeting but you know we can we can work with you um we would want to see the down spout locations I think if they're put on the right hand side because it it's a gable roof there's going to be two down spouts if they're if they're on the outside of the house yes and they could be easily picked up there um and brought to a poppable met in a location that you mentioned I agree I mean it looks just basing this on Google Earth uh street view but it looks like it's pretty well slowed towards the street there it is um so you know we'd be willing to work with them on it could also be a condition as well Mr P right I think that I think that's the only open questions we had I think any further questions from the board I'll open it up to the public any questions for Mr passman seeing no public I'll close public questioning and do you have any further comments Mr no I do not thank you all right so we'll open it up for public comment yeah we did the VAR yeah thanks and seeing nobody for the public we will close public comments and now we'll just go to deliberate for the board so what does everybody feel this point I'll start I'm very happy with the redesign I think it's will actually compliment the house uh overall I appreciate your efforts thank you so much for making those efforts and coming back I doo appreciate the redesign I think it fits more with the character of the home um it's neater fits better with the neighborhood and the character and I appreciate the [Applause] redesign agreed I I echoed the sen of the other board members I appreciate you sticking with the process and I think in the end it's it's a it's a a better product that fits in the neighborhood so thank you so that being said I'll make a motion to adopt or approve uh 1506 Grand Avenue with the conditions mentioned for storm water management and for the power lines second um Wendy Glassman yes Daniel Harris yes Russell Lewis yes Jill Potter yes Tim slick yes Vice chair Scully yes chairman avalone yes thank you very much and congratulations thanks so much happy holiday good luck with your addition happy holidays everyone and I'll make a motion to a you have to start and check Lonna she's she's in charge as Hostess where's boo BR no no mean you just have to go across the street I'll make a motion to adjourn the meeting all in favor