[Music] [Music] [Music] okay the meeting of the Atlanta County Board of Commissioners has called to order compliance with the open public meetings Act of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting of the Atlant County Board of Commissioners was provided in the following manner published in the Press of Atlantic City and mailed to the Hamilton Gazette and has been posted on the Bolton boards and the county office building in Atlantic City the Stillwater building in Northfield and the county clerk's office in MA landing and we have I do okay I'm just going to say while we do the prayer um I ask that we include the families of Frank Campa longtime Atlantic City Athletic Director and also Rabbi Geller spirit spiritual leader for more than three decades in Mark in our thoughts and our prayers also we been add commissioner Corson I know he's been a little sick to shut in thank you Lord God we ask for your blessing on this meeting and all those assembled here may our actions be righteous and kind and may we always be mindful of our obligations to each other and to you amen amen face ALG to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all CL call chairwoman commissioner Cory is unable to attend today and commissioner bino is attending virtually thank you Ballas present bertino here Burns here da I believe he said he was going to be G here Parker pres grizley here K here Commissioners have had an opportunity to review the minutes from April 16th 2024 I'll entertain a motion to adopt the April 16 2024 minutes as presented move second move by commissioner Gad second that commissioner Parker and we'll have a Bas yes fortino yes Burns yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion carries uh anyone attending in person who would like to speak regarding an agenda item or a public comment please come to the podium speak into the microphone state your name and the town where you reside you will be provided up to 3 minutes to speak if you're attend virtually and would like to speak please raise your hand during the agenda item or a public comment at the end I will call upon your name and a request to unmute will be sent please state your name and the town you reside you will also provide up to 3 minutes to speak now we have everyone here for the presentation I don't see voror where to go he walk down the hallway and disappeared my goodness we track him down yes we we are going to be recognizing the egg haror Township C robotics team 2020 for First Tech Challenge New Jersey Deep South Region Alliance Champions New Jersey Alliance state champions 10th Place division finish World Championship what do we have here put it on top the Box VI you stay here and explain to them what the robot does okay's in eighth grade by the way yes oh so uh this robot competes in the First Tech Challenge it's an international competition where over 7,000 teams worldwide participate uh every year we are given a challenge and we are supposed to engineer a robot that completes that challenge it's a game and you're trying to score the most amount of points this year we had to pick up these hexagonal discs uh and place them in specific patterns uh on this slanted backdrop um and we were so good at that that uh we made it to the World Championship competed against 224 teams uh from over 25 different countries uh and we ended up placing 10 [Applause] don't worry everybody does that you're all right are we doing anything else with a robot uh no no I just wanted to show it to you um you know this is our what 10th year uh 11th year is a team so most of these guys are rookies uh or uh middle schoolers in their second year so uh incredible very talented and good outcome for and the program has been winning it's had success over the years correct we uh our 11th season we've qualified for the World Championship uh eight times uh of course some of those years were Co years and of course that that'll make you think oh wow it can't be all that hard to make it to the World Championship there are a legit 7,000 plus teams worldwide there were 25 uh different countries represented in this uh event in our division alone there were 17 different countries um and it is really quite difficult to to qualify for the World Championship it is very difficult just to get in the state New Jersey just to get to the state championship and so uh these kids are you know I'd like to say they're a testament that how great pal is but the reality is is they have fantastic families uh a lot of which are here and the foundation for them starts in our schools and we have we are very fortunate in South Jersey and Atlanta County to have some of the best schools around and uh pal really just takes those kids that really really really want to excel Excel and we give them a platform to do that and um you know the only engineer in in our uh on our Mentor staff is is uh Steve uh who is uh well he's got a long history of you know working for NASA and other things but his his contribution on for the team is on the business side and so um you know the kids the kids kind of really uh really kind of uh they they uh they kind of really uh teach themselves and all we really do at pal is facilitate their their advancement so have to turn it on yeah mostly that's where our the people that are attending jally eight teams in the world qualified for World Championship six times just want to say eight teams on earth have qualified for the world Championship six times in a row this is one of those eight wow from New Jersey years he college now we've got a number of kids in engineering education out there and uh yeah these guys uh you know they can't figure out why the best team in New Jersey is out of South Jersey is Princeton and uh the New York suburb were supposed to be where all the good engine schools are but it's not well you both do so much with the pal and I mean great great uh organization I was there to see some of them in the past that were going off ladies a few women uh we we lost all our girls last year you know we lost almost our entire team almost the entire team graduated we lost eight of 15 and and and in reality was this was supposed to be our rebuild year and the first half was pretty much a pretty sad rebuild build here and they uh i' like again like to say the me mentors pul they pulled it together and it was really an incredible feat uh especially when you think of that three of the kids here are eighth graders right and and uh almost every other kid on the team was brand new and they uh they have this group has a very bright future ahead of them we have finished as high as second in the world haven't quite won it yet but I have confidence that before this group graduates uh hopefully they they bring the the world championship title back to Atlanta County it's going to happen and you have a number of schools represented here yeah yeah is it okay can they introduce themselves School uh my name is Vic Vel I go to B Haven Middle School I'm Joseph mcab I go to Mainland Regional High School I'm Roy I also go to mational high school I'm Stefan Dr I'm a freshman at s prep I'm Josh P I go to St Augustin PR I'm Max W I go to BH Middle School very nice we do we have three EHT and one University Township as well County and and while we're here recognizing this team if we could just take a minute to recognize myth and Joey who were part of the national uh band um marching bands from Mainland and maybe recognize them we we would mind now cool drums um we would like to get a photo off you want to can we try to bring up here you guys want to scoot back there got to scale it up you and Steve hold pretty heavy Frank can you see it it' be nice you see the robot it wouldn't be in the picture you guys can hold the robot here you I need to be picture for you guys got it don't break it we still need it don't break the robot we still need it the right okay all right good congratulations congratulations [Applause] is there anything that we can do or that you need to help you get to number one next that is that's a great question but you know I'm want to Let's pose that to the team and let them think about that um I can I can tell you that this group is already focused on next year I mean they were back uh a couple of days and they were already working hard um and they are they're really a smart group you know I am uh I'm sometimes a amazed but the ideas that they come up with and like I said this year was a rebuild year and for half the year man it was it was tough and something happened they turned on the magic and um and they really I mean look at that thing that is the best looking robot that they that our teams ever built and at the world championship I think that it was the best the best looking and it almost to the point that it looked like it was professionally built you know what I mean and that is you know I love it when everybody says well the mentor built it I can tell you that that none of our mentors know how to CAD we do not know how to program we do not know how to 3D print all we really know how to do is to facilitate their Discovery and the rest is really up to them and and they they kind of push themselves and all we do is give them the opportunity and so and they doing a job Hector was shy I'm going to throw one in uh so you guys see that we're in the uh in the standard white t-shirts and mostly the higher end teams of worlds are in profession looking jerseys and whatnot uh we're we rebuilt this year with the talent of the team but we need sponsors so if you know engineering companies that are looking to sponsor a team that are willing to have you know company logos across the back we are we operate like a NASCAR team when we're out at these things with drivers and a pit group and we we have no problem putting team putting company logos on our team charts and ironically enough the theme this year is an ocean theme yes which we have an advantage with I don't know it seems kind of appropriate soin yeah or Ocean Ocean City exchange that's actually that's what we're going to try to do we're trying to get all all these sponsors with ocean in their name that's incredible but keep us a mind get us the information because we're behind you all the way congratulations thank you apprciate all right guys let's wrap up the robot let's not break anything put it in the box so that they can get down the business in [Applause] here yeah bring it congratulations that's ordinance consing to ordinance number six of 2024 of the city of summmer Point entitled an ordinance is enacted under authority of njsa 394-1955 d4.1 schedule 1A and repealing all ordinances heret for adopted and the provisions of which are inconsistent here with first reading move second move by commissioner G second by commissioner rizley this is the first reading so there's no public comment at this time any commissioner comments M chair just to highlight this was at the request of the city of Summer point and it's to uh prevent parking uh in front of a uh pumping station thank you Comm it will call all Alice yes patino yes Burns yes St yes G yes Parker yes grizley yes K yes motion carries brings us to ordinance 5 for first reading ordinance cons sending to ordinance number 2122 of 2023 of the township of Galloway entitled an ordinance repealing and revising portions of section 31935 bus stops first reading move move by commissioner G seconded by commissioner Ballas any commissioner comments see here none La roll call bastino yes Burns yes SE yes G yes Parker rley yes current yes motion carries we now go to resolution uh 2011 amending resolution number 511 adopted on September 19 2023 a grant from the Center for Disease Control and prevention for the community covid-19 response Grant to extend the term date only no additional cost second move by commissioner gther second by commissioner rley any commissioner comments seeing hearing none anything from the public okay what roll call Bas yes Martino yes Burns yes St yes G Parker yes grizzley yes K yes motion carries resolution 202 please for an application and acceptance from the New Jersey Department of Human Services for the personal assistance Services Program amount not to exceed $442 room by commissioner Burns seconded by commissioner G any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public call Bas yeso yes Burns yes St yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 203 please Grant agreement with the South Jersey Transportation Authority for the fiscal year 2025 subregional Transportation plan and work program funded amount $13,600 County inine match $28,400 second move by commissioner G second by commissioner Dave any commissioner comments seeing he none anything from the public call Alice yes Martino yes yes yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes motion carries resolution 204 amending resolution number 431 adopted on August 15 2023 a grant from the New Jersey Juvenile Justice Commission to accept Innovations funding to include the Grant Ward number amount not to exceed $120,000 move by commissioner B second by commissioner G any commissioner comments St none anything from the have roll call Bas Ino yes Burns yes St yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes yes motion carries resolution 205 Grant application and acceptance from the New Jersey Department of military and Veterans Affairs for the veterans Transportation assistance program now not to exceed $177,000 move by commissioner G second by commissioner Bas any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public alas yeso yes Burns yes St yes G yes Parker yes rley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 206 for an application and acceptance from the New Jersey Department of State Division of Elections for the 2023 primary general election day Grant m not to receed 95,783 moved moved by commissioner B second by commissioner G any commissioner comments hearing none anything from the public okay have Callo yes Burns yes St yes G yes clker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 207 please for an application acceptance from the New Jersey Transit applying for the job access reverse commute program funded amount from NJ jar $220,000 fund an amount from ltpf $220,000 second moov by commissioner gther seconded by commissioner Parker any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public we have a roll call alas yes Martino yes Burns yes St yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion carries we'll start our professional service agreements with resolution 208 Professional Services agreement various firms to establish a 2024 2025 Appraisal Services pool amount not to exceed $135,000 second move by commissioner G second by Parker any commissioner comments see here none anything from the public call alaso yes burs yes St yes G yes Parker yes grizley yes Fern yes motion carries resolution 209 Professional Services agreement with PSNS LLC for the provision of land planning services for Atlanta County amount not to exceed $9,000 second move by commissioner G second in by commissioner days any commissioner comments seeing hearing none anything from the public call Bas yeso yes Burns yes yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes F yes carries our competitive contract start with resolution 210 competitive contract with Jewish Family Services for discharge planning and re-entry services for inmates of the Atlanta County Justice Facility amount not to exceed $882,500 Mo by commissioner G second by commissioner Burns any commissioner comments Madam chair commissioner just just want to highlight um the warden did a great job kind of piling for us I guess some newly um enacted uh walls around discharge planning and re-entry for uh people leaving the jail um and thankfully Jewish Family Services has kind of stepped up to help facilitate that uh we don't have that kind of St uh in our jail to do so so uh um just wanted to highlight that there's a lot of good work happening there but a lot of work that was just kind of recently thrust upon us to do so thank you commissioner any other commissioner comments see you're not anything from the public have roll call Bas yes bino yes Burns yes St yes yes clker yes grizzley yes K yes car solution 21 under big contract big contract with Rich fire protection to provide fire sprinkler head replacement Fire Equipment inspections and missile repair amount not to exceed $774 second move by commissioner G second by commissioner Burns any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the publicas yeso yes Burns yes St yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes yes motion carries under change orders we start with resolution 212 change order number two and final contract with Arthur R Henry Incorporated for traffic signal signalization at the intersection of kimona Road County Route 5 575 and bar King feris Drive in Galloway Township net decrease $ 57735 65 move second move by commission Ry second by commissioner days any commissioner comments chair Just justly J I know initially there were some I know and this says second change un final but there's some concerns I think with the joins and some of the other work done out there is this the county satisfied that everything has been yes yeah everything was corrected and if you remember one of the issues where the curbs a little bit higher than than the standard that's that's all been corrected okay all right thank thank you commissioner any other commissioner comments see here none Bas yeso yes Burns yes St yes G yes Parker yes rizley yes K yes motion carries for resolution 213 change order number one a contract with South State Incorporated for the 2022 drainage Improvement project to extend the term date only no additional cost second move by commissioner gther second by commissioner rley and commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public call Bas yeso yes Burns yes yes G yes Parker yes Grizzly yes K yes motion carries resolution 24 change order number one a contract with arak Paving Company Incorporated for the 2022 Highway Improvement program to extend the term date only no additional cost move by commissioner Parker seconded by commissioner G any commissioner comments commissioner foro yes thank you just Jared could you have Doug explain why we're the 2022 um Highway Improvement fund while we're extending the date yes Doug Doug is there Doug you there did you hear did you hear the request um yeah so uh we're extending the date on this one because of a utility pole that needs to be uh relocated by Atlantic City Electric um on Ocean Heights Avenue right next to the bridge it's in the way of our guide ra installation and we've been having some issues getting that um uh getting that moved by atantic City Electric um it's my understanding that they are now ready to move that and they're submitting a permit to uh move that poll so we should be able to finish the project shortly I was going to ask if that was going to cause another delay and completion of that project um but you feel confident that they will not yeah I uh talking to our uh construction manager he he feels that they should be able to complete the project within a month thank you thank you commissioner any other commissioner comment anything from the public okay roll call yeso yes Burns yes C yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes F yes motion carries resolution 25 alternate method contract with election systems and software for provision of election day test support pre-election testing of voting machines and electronic P book amount not to exceed $31,385 yes Burns yes yes Shadow yes clker yes grizzley yes K yes motion carries resolution 27 216 26 e contract with insurance agencies Incorporated to purchase a policy which will reduce the name storm wind deductible and not to receive $494 move by commissioner gther seconded by commissioner Bas any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public bastino yes Burns yes Ste yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes motion carries resolution 217 the US contract with insurance agencies Incorporated to obtain flood insurance for the Atlanta County Animal Shelter amount not to exceed $2,586 second move by commissioner G second by commissioner Burns any commissioner cumins see hearing none anything from Alice yes Martino yes Burns yes St yes G yes barer yes grizzley yes K yes motion carries resolution 218 alternate method contract with Jewish Family Services for the provision of Mental Health Services to youth at Harbor Fields amount now to exceed $ 32,8 64 move by commissioner Parker commissioner ball second in by commissioner G any Comm comments see hearing none anything from the altino yes Burns yes St yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes motion carries resolution 219 please business associate agreement with the New Jersey Department of Human Services Division of disability services and the Atlanta County division of intergenerational services to be included with a 2024 2025 personal assistance Services Pro Grant move by commissioner bur second by commissioner G any commissioner comments see he none anything from the top bastino yes Burns yes St yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes Mo she carries resolution 220 resolution to comply with the Department of Human Services requirement for a standardized board resolution to be filed with the 2024 2025 PA P Grant by the Atlantic County division of intergenerational services second by commission Parker second by commissioner G any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the roll call B yes rotino yes Burns yes C yes G yes Parker yes Grizzly yes turn yes motion carries resolution2 consent to assignment of architectural agreement from basa Associates limited liability company to paus solowski and serter limited liability company for the facilities management warehouse and the animal shelter noise reduction projects move by commissioner G second by commissioner Parker any commissioner ntino yes Burns yes St yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes k yes motion carries resolution 222 amending resolution number 716 adopted on December 19th 2023 an interlocal agreement with the Atlanta County Improvement authority to award the contract to Hughes Electric company for the new generator at the Atlanta County Animal Shelter n increase $473,500 move by commissioner G second by commissioner Parker and commissioner com see hearing none anything from the call altino yes Burns yes St yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes carries resolution 223 public donor agreement with the Atlanta County women Center doing business as avanar to provide an inine contribution of services amount not to exceed $695 76 moved moved by commissioner B second and by commissioner C Palace yes fortino yes Burns yes St yes G yes Parker yes Grizzly yes K yes motion carries brings us to resolution 224 emergency contract with Lamberg construction limited liability company to address a sinkhole and conduct repairs within the street of Smithville Port Republic Road County Route 610 in Port Republic Mount n exceed $59,400 move by commissioner G seconded by commission Dave any Commission of Commerce Burns yes St yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes per yes motion Carri resolution 225 amending resolution number 91 adopted on February 21st 2023 in agreement with the Atlantic City Electric and the Atlantic County Workforce Development board to support Workforce Development initiatives to extend the term date only no additional cost move by commissioner G second by commiss Parker and commission com see hearing none anything from the public have roll Al yes fortino yes Burns yes course sorry da yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 226 alterate the contract with all shifts for the provision of temporary nursing staffing at meow View Nursing and Rehabilitation Center am not to exceed 37,39 125 by commissioner Parker second by commissioner G and commissioner P see hear none anything from the public call Bas yeso yes Burns yes C yes G yes Parker yes Grizzly yes K yes motion carries resolution 22 inter local agreement with South Jersey Transportation Authority for the continuation of the community shuttle services along the Route 54 40 Corridor between Richland and hamton amount not to receed $350,100 St yes G yes Parker yes Grizzly yes K yes motion carries resolution 228 intergovermental agreement to provide detention diversion coordinator Services funded through the state of New Jersey Juvenile Justice Commission amount not to exceed $20,000 by commissioner G second by commissioner dve any commissioner none anything Alice yeso yes bur yes G yes Parker yes grizley yes turn yes motion Carri resolution 229 intergovernmental agreement to provide the family crisis intervention unit funded through the state of New Jersey Juvenile Justice Commission Mount to exceed $1,144 move by commissioner G second by commissioner rley any commissioner comment hear none anything from call Bas yeso Burns yes yes G yes Parker yes grizley yes turn yes Mery carries resolution 230 intergovernmental agreement to provide a heads electronic monitoring program funded through the state of New Jersey Juvenile Justice Commission that enough to exceed $652 22 second move by commissioner Bas second in by commissioner days any commissioner comments see heing none anything from the public bino yes Burns yes yes yes Parker yes grizzley yes F yes motion carries resolution 231 please intergovernmental agreement with the Atlanta County division appr probation for the enhanced outcome based supervision Support Program amount not to exceed $5,000 second move by commissioner G seconded by commissioner rley any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public have call Alice yes bertino yes Burns yes St yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes motion carried resolution 232 agreement with the youth Advocate Program for the community engagement committee funded through the state of New Jersey Juvenile Justice Commission amount not to exceed $1 14,20 Mo by commissioner gther second by Comm rley any commissioner comments see here none anything from the public call Alice patino yes Burns yes C yes G yes Parker yes Grizzly yes K yes motion carries resolution 233 Professional Services agreement with malado Brit and Associates LLP for the provision of psychological evaluation and the treatment for adolescent sex offenders amount not to exceed $15,750 mov move by commissioner Burn seconded by commissioner G any commissioner comments seeing hearing none anything from the public Alice yeso Burns yes St yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes motion carries resolution 234 shared services agreement with Ocean County to Place Atlanta County Youth at the Ocean County Juvenile Detention Center amount not to exceed Plus $474,500 move by commissioner Parker seconded by commissioner G any commissioner comments B to Jerry Jerry any any luck with the state approving the expansion of uh Harbor fields or they still shooting that down they're they're not agreeing with the the request we need okay yeah keep spending money count any other commissioner comments okay see none uh anything from the public okay have a call Alice yes Martino yes Burns yes yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes yes Mo carries at this time I'll entertain a motion to combine and adopt resolution number 235 to 238 chapter 159 second moveed by commissioner G second by commissioner Burns any commissioner comments anything from the public he roll call Palace fortino yes Burns yes Fe yes G yes Parker yes Grizzly yes F yes motion carries I'll entertain a motion to combine adop resolutions number 239 to 240 which is are involved appointments second mooved by commissioner G second by commissioner Ballas any other commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public call Alice yeso yes Burns yes St yes G yes Parker yes rley yes K yes motion carries again I'll entertain a motion to combine adopt resolution number 241 to 248 of roadway solicitations second move Comm by commissioner Parker second by commissioner G any comments paper taking credit cardo should be doing something like that right we'll back it up um no commission nothing for the public okay call Alice yes Martino Burns yes St yes G yes Parker yes rley yes yes carries that brings us to our sponsor and we have resolution 249 recognizing May 2024 as mental health awareness mon sponsor Moran K second I uh moved by commissioner G second by commissioner K commissioner Burns um yeah this is I I at this time I just really want to commend our Mental Health uh group they are The Advisory Group there's quite a few of them involved in this and they are extremely extremely dedicated to the mental health throughout our community and especially getting the word out of all the services that we have any other commissioner comments from the public Alo yes Burns yes St yes yes Parker yes grizzley yes yesion carries resolution 250 resolution urging Spear Airlines to reconsider relocation of the Spear Airlines crew base sponsor Moran Cur second Mo by commissioner G and seconded by commissioner days um commissioner comments just I'm I'm going to mention a couple things that arein the uh resolution and the Spirit Airlines appr base consist of 157 employees providing economic activity and business growth to Atlanta County in conjunction with Commerce associated with Acy and and the FAA William J 's Technical Center and the national Aerospace research and technology part which we're very much committed to and the Board of Commissioners believes Spirit Airline should keep its crew based at Acy because it will be mutually beneficial to the county and Spirit Airlines as the county continues to support Economic Development around Acy with additional businesses educational facilities coming to Acy and the FAA and the n t p and um our Congressman has also put forward information trying to get to these students as well any other commissioner comment anybody from the public okay Alice yes Martino yes Burns yes St yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes f yes motion carries uh so that brings us move along here we have received copies of written Communications and petitions any commissioner have anything that they would like to share okay and that brings us to reports of special committees does anybody have a special committee report that they would like to share okay any unfinished business any any new business anybody would like to bring up new business through you to Jerry I received a phone call from uh mayor oh we said her name wrong that should farmer prer I know to say farmer um and she was contacted by some Edgar Township residents that had concerns about our bike pad the safety of our bike pad and apparently there's been some trees I know a few years ago you know there was concern about over when West Jersey ended from English Creek to To The Shore Mall um the trees are really high and it's hard to see inside the bike pad if you're in the bike pad so there was a safety issue for a lot of people um and now there seems to be some brush that has grown within there so the question was what can we do to clean out some of the brush and make it more visible and safer for people that are like that so as you know there's there's right away there's some of the right away is us some of it St Township and some is the electric company I'll have to go back in and find out what is actually belongs to the county versus what is the townships and what is uh you know that there was a um was a tree company just went ahead in and and removed trees and brush only dead trees I I had a conversation with the U with the owner of the company they didn't get permission to do it from the county obviously and they didn't get permission from and I think they're they're on the um D side not on the P lane side I believe but one way or the other I explained to him he he's ever going to do that again he needs to get permission from the county and then he also will probably need permission depending on where he would were to go either you know the D or pine lands um and so he's his brother apparently is a lawyer and so he whatever he's going to do know he told me he' let us know in advance right right now we have to find out what what is ours and what brush we're talking about you can't say there's no doubt about it we've had many conversations internally ourselves how how do we make that safer there was a conversation that came up in the advisory the parks and environment Advisory Board and we discussed possibly none of us doesn't really speak to this issue but just to make it safer possibly putting um educ at college campuses they have the emergency uh guess call Towers or call stations um be putting those every few miles within the bike pass so that if you know something were to happen if anyone were to encounter an unfortunate event you know they wouldn't have to go too far to get help you know with you know with there not being a whole lot of you know visual opportunities from the street if that makes any sense so maybe if we can take a look into you know things that we can do to try to you know make it safer and make people feel safer while like that you know in Li of going to D and going to pands because we know that can be lengthy maybe that's something that we could possibly do to make a thank thank you any other new business like to discuss see none that public comments and anyone attending in person that would like to speak now a public comment please come to the podium speak into the microphone state your name the reside if you're attending virtually and would like to make a public comment please raise your hand I'll call upon your name and request to unus please St the name your name and the town reside provide up three minutes to speak and I just want to say before we proceed mayor Sarah has graciously been given the opportunity to speak first this evening and has been afforded the courtesy of extending his time beyond the standard 3 minutes if necessary following major mayor's remarks we will revert to the standard 3 minute time frame to accommodate members of the public who wish to address any issues that they may have necessary I kindly request that be considerate of others and avoid repeating points that have already been addressed and I appreciate everybody's cooperation mayor mayor you have the floor thank you chair one uh Vin Sarah mayor of the city of Brigantine um if I may I don't know the can you guys hear me on this yes I may approach all right so now the microphone's on uh my name is Vince s the mayor of the city bergantine I appreciate the opportunity to speak here today on behalf of our city uh I'm not here to ask you to pass a resolution tonight I'm here to ask for your help um we're facing one of the most important issues to ever face Atlanta County and to ever face FR I've known some of you guys for almost 30 years now some of you I'm getting to know but I hope by now that all of you know my character you know if I'm this invested in something there's a reason a lot of the information right now that's being shared about offshore wind isn't true it isn't correct it's not being shared in a way that is Meaningful to people and I've had conversations with a number of the Commissioners that are here on this board and one of the things that has come back to me we want to help but we need the facts um I've emailed this letter that you've received to every elected official in Atlantic County because I want people to start to know the facts about what's happening I also put together and with the help of my team I also put together a resolution and that resolution has a lot of facts and issues that really need to be addressed I want to start off by telling you my experience with the offshore wind industry when these projects were first introduced uh there were Representatives that went to all of the shore towns and you can ask any of the elected officials that were in these meetings what was shared at us with these meetings are not what these projects are and I'm going to tell you when when they were first presented to us they we were told I kid you not if you stacked three pennies on the horizon that's all you would see there' be no impact no bother no harm in the middle of the meeting there was two lobbyists who were representing the companies I'm going to tell you the windmill companies themselves did not disclose this it was the lobbyists who were representing them in that meeting as they're explaining the project they let me know about if we were to write a letter of support and we were to publicly come out and say that these projects were good that there was a grant fund that was set aside that if there was projects or resiliency things we needed in our town that they would gladly help pay for them I'm going to tell you anytime somebody's got to pay you to like their ideas there's something wrong I looked at both of those gentlemen I said you know what fellas I think he got the wrong guy if you got to pay me to like your project there's something wrong and I started to look into this what I found out is what they were representing wasn't really the characteristic of what these projects were going to be but the public had no idea what was happening so myself and a number of Grassroots organizations started to look into this and started to see what these impacts are and we started to realize that they were more detrimental not just to the shore communities but detrimental to all of us here in South Jersey than anybody realized so we started to share that information one of the things that has become very apparent is how bad these are for the the ocean environment and I'm pretty sure that all of you know my position on the environment but unfortunately as we get further and further away from the coast and outside of the shore towns there's a lot of people who have told me they feel bad for the ocean environment they feel bad for the visual impacts that are going to happen to our communities but that doesn't have a direct effect on them so one of the things we need to start to do is look at the economics of how these projects are going to impact us and if notice and I want to point this out anytime we've had public meetings and I've had numerous meetings with two of the major developers that are out there numerous meetings because I wanted to understand them I wanted to see if there's a real benefit and if there was I'd live with it I'll tell you there's no real benefit but here's what I want you to notice and pay attention anytime they've been asked to answer questions publicly they refuse to do it they've been asked by Congressman van Drew by senator Ina by myself and many organizations and there's a reason they don't want to have to defend the truth they bury all of their facts and all of the information on these projects in the thousands of pages of documents that have been submitted to the different agencies that are responsible but they won't answer publicly what these projects are about because they don't want to have to own up to it and you try try to ask them questions question go into any of their meetings they'll tell you I'll get back to you I don't know that answer they refuse to answer if you can't stand in the light on what you believe in you probably shouldn't be doing it now we're going to look at just I'm not going to go through my whole letter but I want to hit a couple of the key highlights you know people start to talk about the economic impact well one of the things if you start to look at the impact on taxes right now and this is a conservative number these windmill projects these ocean wind turbines are going to devalue the shore properties they said it could be anywhere from 30 to 40% we took a real conservative number 133% just a 133% reduction in property values along the shore that's a $2.2 billion loss in RS as the shore properties values drop the rest of the county is going to have to make up the difference when it comes to the rate bases in the County taxes you're looking at an almost $10 million loss on the shores that is going to have to be made up by all of the other taxpayers in the county and this is something that was very similar to the pilot when the casinos were taken out of the rable base of Atlantic City taxes dropped County taxpayers had to pay more and the county filed multiple lawsuits in order to defend and protect the taxpayers of Atlantic Atlantic County and the biggest thing is all about tax fairness to make sure that people are paying their fair share and I admire that fight and that fight is still going on today but you're going to see a similar situation happen when this comes out the other thing we're looking at too is the increase to electricity when people think of green energy or they think of windmills they think it's free energy it is not right now it is completely unclear what the total cost cost of electricity is going to be the New Jersey rate Council has even come out and say with all the uncertainty of this they have no idea what impact this is going to have and it could potentially double or triple people's electric bills I don't know about all of you if my electric bill doubled or tripled I don't know that I would be able to afford it so how do the people of our County afford this now if it was going to save the planet I could understand spend a little more money to save the planet but Bo the Bureau of ocean Energy Management even they admit that these ocean wind projects will have little to no impact on our reliancy on fossil fuels little to none so what are we doing this for the other big issue too is when you talk about um all of the work and this is one of the things that I hear from a lot of Commissioners and a lot of elected officials and people throughout the county that these ocean wind projects are going to guarantee work for our union workers and I understand why that's so attractive so to so many of our people in the building traes if you spend a little time and you start to talk to them one of the things you find out is that especially for South Jersey a lot of the work is getting further and further away from home some of these guys are spending an hour and a half and two hours in the car each way just to get to work and some of them are working so far away that they leave early Monday morning they're staying in hotel rooms with guys they work with to come home late Friday night so the attraction of work right here in South Chine is important to them and if you really get into it they'll tell you themselves two is one they want to build these projects and these giant turbines these turbines they want to put here they're not like the ones in the rest of the world like people think of the turbines you think of the ones that ACA has they're about a third of the size but when you get to these giant turbines they're failing they don't work so they know they're going to build them and then they're going to break and it's going to be constant maintenance but these things are full of oil they're full of different gases and all of that's going to end up in the ocean can't happen one of the things I want you to start to think about for all of us here every elected official every governing body when we do projects we have a responsibility to pay by law prevailing wage think of all the union jobs that we can create if you look look at the expansion that you're doing at AIT and this is a project that you guys approved it's a $50 million expansion I know it's a little bit more than that but I don't have the exact number it's 100% union labor building that project one of the things we need to do and I think about this this is about that partnership between the county all 23 municipalities what do we do to make sure that our union workers get a fair shot at all of that work cuz no matter who gets the work we still pay the same and that's something that we can do to guarantee work right here in South Jersey to start to help those Building Trades members and it's something that that I would like to do and I would like all of you to do but I can't do this all by myself and when you see all of the people I don't know I guess I broke maybe you ran out of time I ran out of time so listen if the battery's dead I'm summing up anyway I got a spare microphone look at that might new favorite all right so we got a spare mic so here's what I want you to understand this isn't about us against each other this meanss to be all of us against the problem we can't do this all by ourselves all of the people that are here when they're coming to you they're asking for your help one of the things we want you guys to do is one educate yourself on the process educate yourself on what these projects are if they're good tell us what's good about if they're bad stand up and fight them right now Brigantine has passed a resolution one full opposition to these offshore win projects two we're calling on every municipality in the county to pass this resolution we want to make sure that all of you and our County Executive have the support that you need in order to do the job that we need you to do but we can't do it alone educate your yourself go out go out to the public talk to people about these projects in 2019 favorability for these ocean wind projects was at 80% Rowan University just did a study on this and they just released it it's down to 40% people in the state of New Jersey do not want this it's wrong it doesn't work and we need your help and I'm telling you if any of you want to help me with this please come out and help me uh right now I have standing offers at most municipalities in the county to come speak to their governing bodies and they've all told me the same thing they said listen we don't know what to think about these projects come out educate our educate us and let us make decisions come speak to our public members of the public so they know what's going on and that's what we need to do because if we sit by and we do nothing and these things destroy everything we know and love destroy our economy double our electric bills we're going to regret now is the time to take action so you've asked for facts you've asked for information we're going to provide all that we' can one of the things that I think is absolutely outstanding this is an economic study that was done by defend Brigantine Beach it is very professionally done it is backed up with real data real facts real studies educate yourself if you want to join this fight we would certainly appreciate your help thank you [Applause] just leave it up so my school get microphones good afternoon I'm Brooks Garrison 2045 Street North in Brigantine I appreciate the opportunity to be here again in front of you uh as you recall last time I was here I handed out the report that was referenced by our proud mayor uh vinera uh that included some of the facts about the economic impact so today I'm here to give you just a brief update on our legal front the fen Brian te Beach does not stand alone against the offshore wind industrial power plants that are just 8.7 mil off our Coast we stand with several other groups including LBI and protect our Coast New Jersey as long as a group up at Green Acres up in Massachusetts and Rhode Island we communicate and Talk Amongst each other and we also have a shared interest with our lawsuits together funding these from Grassroots citizens making donations to help do this so I appreciate some of the folks that came to the preva fundraiser for dent B Team Beach thank you very much for that and for the opportunity to be here today briefly just to give you an update on the lawsuits again our attorney Bruce afron has uh again subpoenaed and and uh filed against New Jersey's Appel Court division uh for the projects this specifically addressed the issues with the D approvals the approvals were inappropriate if they read the actual findings that were submitted in the initial environmental impact statements the de's application of the law and the rules was waved and approval was given we want them to enforce the rules that exist not new rules that we're making up existing rules that have not been adhered to and it's all in thousands of pages of reports that was referred to earlier again it's very thick and hard hard to read through all the facts so we prepared a quick summary on a handout door knocker that will be distributed throughout the county we wanted to make sure that you had an opportunity to have this so I handed this out to you today and it points out and it is formatted in such a way that it addresses each of the major issues uh the mayor addressed union labor in New Jersey this does as well we know that the technology the development Atlantic Shores contract with Vistas is building these turbin in Europe they're not being constructed here they're designed engineered and being tested in Europe the docks that came to Atlantic Shores or Atlantic uh City this past month uh for the orad building that's built now across from the golden nuget Casino came from Europe they couldn't even get them in they finally got them in and implemented these met New Jersey jobs I'd be 100% for it it's bad for the environment and it's bad for the jobs in New Jersey thank you for my [Applause] time hi my name is Denis Andy third W councilman Brigantine um I'm dressed down a little bit today I just happen to see this t-shirt here that says home New Jersey it's uh it's been my home since 1980 and all of us here in this room since all of us have loved going down to the beach and since we were kids that Horizon has been pristine and beautiful and just unadultered to our ocean life other than the basic things that we do to take care of our seas but to industrialize and basically pillage our ocean in the name of this energy that that is just going to be like Vince touched on and and everyone else has spoken about this our rates are going to go up it's going I don't want to be redundant about anything we know the bad things that have been enumerated and the things that are going to happen we look at these uh companies oread was just mentioned they're based in Denmark uh Atlantic Shores is a joint venture by shell new energies based in London and also uh EDF Renewables which is basically stands for electricity power of France and they're based out of Paris so that tells you a lot right there and I think some of the things were touched on with that and uh this is just this needs to be stopped they were going to run natural gas lines up 49 and provide the running into the ba England plant the old uh plant there by uh you know right by imore there right up the Parkway and that was going to be natural gas and everything was approved next thing you know there's some type of pine L problem and this occurs it the stops need to be put out for it and we need to do this in the name of all the good people of New Jersey and the people that love our beaches and that includes all our children and all our forefathers everybody thank you very [Applause] much Council militer second W BR I just want to say tell you a little story about something that I am personally found out about that many people don't know my brother is a vice president of a large largest company on the East Coast that buys and sells electric power he said there is such a glut in the state of New Jersey right now with solar power they can't sell it off fast enough until they build large Banks of batteries to store it all the energy that's being produced right now that we're not using in South Jersey or in Central Jersey or in northern Jersey is being sent North to New York New York State and above okay so we don't even see half of the energy that our solar systems on our roofs produce okay he also said there's no way that the rate payers are not going to pay for this because that's part of the contract that they have that says that the that the rate payers will be responsible for any costs the other thing to think about in just simple terms everyone here is old enough to realize brown outs what they call brown outs especially in the summertime when everyone's running their air conditioning well last summer and the summer before we didn't have Oyster Creek they shut down forkid river we didn't have BL England C calfire plant so we had no plants producing electricity here in the state of New Jersey but yet we did not had brown house there was no shortage of electricity last summer on the hottest day because there was enough electricity being produced by solar panels on people's roofs being sold back to the electric company to take care of that so anything that we produce out there in the ocean risk running our our environment for is not going to do anything for the state of New Jersey thank you [Applause] anyone else like to come forward my name is Sher Lan Feld I live in Margate um Vince talked about the property values um and the jobs but the other part that I just wanted to mention is the tourism and how our County depends on touris tourism and if these things are out there in the ocean there have been studies and they did it in Maryland because it's going to affect Maryland that 40 50% of the people that come in vacation at the Jersey Shore I mean at the shore will not come anymore if there are these turbines so think about all the people in our County who work as a result of Tourism who work in the casinos who work in restaurants so on top of everything else and then these small businesses are going to close the casinos are going to suffer because the tourism is not going to be here people will find someplace else to go where they don't have to see these wind turbines and listen to the noise that they make because they do make a noise that people can hear and then of course the dead marine life washing off is not helpful either so I just want to point out that on top of the fact that it's not bringing jobs our county is going to suffer from the tourism impact in a big way and it's not just the people whose home values are going to depreciate because they don't have their views anymore everyone who supports the tourism industry is going to suffer and that is our County so that's all I wanted to say so just add it to the list of negatives and the other part is like Vince said if there was something positive we would really take to pause and look at it they're not green you got to read their 4,000 page report where they actually admit it but they're not green they're not helping anything so that's it thank [Applause] you carollyn BCI Northfield city council um uh I am on City Council in Northfield tilon Road is and Northwood is known as the gateway to the shore we rely on tourism I don't know about other municipal but we we had a very tough time passing our budget this year so if it's going to have an impact on our economy Northfield that's very concerning to me um I've invited mayor Vince to come to Northfield to speak to my Council I'm going to be recommending that we also adopt do separating team us thank you very [Applause] much hi I'm Jackie delario I live in morgate and uh I'm a massage therapist and I work mostly in Atlantic County I mean in Ocean County Ocean City SE SE City K May um I massage a lot of different people our scallop industry is hurting already because of this we in Kate may I would routinely get a number of scallop people who work in the scallop industry on my table um you know telling me about things that are going on I don't get as many now cuz they don't have as much money and uh when they do start telling me things about that are going on in the scalop industry it's not good so already this is having an impact on our on our on our Fisheries which are vital to our economy in South Jersey the other thing I wanted to mention is I travel around a lot I was out west last last fall I went through 10 different states there were there were windmills all over nobody who lives near these windmills likes them most people complain about their electric fi going up which is been which they they said but the complaint that bothered me a little bit more was they they have a a uh a bad effect on people's Health now people who are a little more susceptible to dise to diseases they seem to have uh these windmills seem to have make them even a little bit more unhealthy I have friends who have now have neurological problems and it happened after the windmills were brought into the area my friend and me is it a coincidence we don't know because the whills are there and they're still having problems so it's just another perspective that I want you to look at it's already help hurting the fisheries and there are no testimonials for about PE from people who live around them isn't that a little bit odd I mean everything else gets a review you know you you rate to American Airlines they send you a review how do we do there's no testimonials about people who live around saying oh it helped my electric bill or it helped me with this or you know I don't I don't I don't know what else they would they would want to say about it but there's there there is no positive data coming from real people about the the effects of these windmills thank you hi I'm Eileen bla from Atlantic City I wanted to emphasize how mayor sir you hear May sir was saying it's a problem the pro it's our problem that that theyve come about so I I did a little history on Wikipedia say about the winter why how did it come here it's been 20 years that the wind power industry started to filtrate our our governments because they only want to make money and they were trying and they started out with um well it was with in Governor chrisy signed the offshore Economic Development act that started and then and then um Governor Murphy took over and started pushing it but with with this company that's own it's part owner in Atlantic short EFT that is like um previously said it's the French government that is the owner of half of the company and this company is also now has the um the person who's the CEO that is running it now is Miss Barrett who just who has worked for bone until now and it's like the revolving door policy that they these companies have just infiltrated out how government is getting getting that gets the government to um get all sorts of benefits in order to um promote the the turbines and it's not in our interest and I was thinking so who owns this the electricity after it's produced and it actually owned by the wind companies they have to go sell it to the grid and the owners of the turbine companies have to right now they they don't like was previously said there's not even a buyer for them right now um and I just hope that we understand that it's always it's not now the best interest to have it thank [Applause] you hi hi there how are you Linda bakis uh Northfield and from down the hallway as well um I just I'm really happy somebody brought up uh fishing um I have been really concerned about the commercial fishing industry but also I'm just going to be really selfish I love catching fish we go out all the time we have a boat at the Golden Nugget we we go to the reefs we go to the rexs we go to the Canyons I've caught fish bigger than me um so I read uh extensively about what may or may not happen and right now it's a big question mark where can I navigate my boat to what exactly how close can we get to these facilities um there were a couple articles um about uh the Coast Guard I believe had some questions about that too so I'm very interested because it's not only my pastime that I love and I we go out fishing in you know December um this is tourism area and there's tons of people who bring their boats down from New York North Jersey Pennsylvania wherever so I'm really curious about what can and cannot do because quite frankly if I can't take my boat and I've got to circumnavigate around these things way the heck for and you know what gas prices are like it's not easy putting you know diesel in a you know 20R engine right now uh it's expensive so I I would love some clarity and I think everybody who owns a boat uh would love some clarity I mean I feel for the commercial fisherman I property in K May County and um I I I very well understand the impact that they're going to through as well uh and potentially so I appreciate it that was kind of my focus today thank [Applause] you there anyone else that would like to address the board on any issues I have a completely different issue that I'd like to bring up so change of pace my name's Carolyn rush I'm actually not even from Atlantic count I'm from uh K May County I was contacted by a friend Kathleen Gad and she is she reached out to me about the uh veterans cemetery she's concerned about the renaming of it has that been finalized the renaming of the cemetery has there been was there any opportunity for input from stakeholders like families of veterans that are buried there I he no there was no no opportunity for no okay because she's concerned about the fact that um when people go to look for relatives they look for the county that they're buried in and if the name is not Atlantic County Cemetery that people won't be able to find them and she was suggesting that it's something that um she she had hoped that stakeholders stakeholders being families of veterans would have been uh given an opportunity to voice an opinion about it so I told her I would come and bring it up is there any chance that it would be reconsidered oh yeah it'll be it'll be a Richard Richard E Squire's Veteran Cemetery in Atlanta County that's that's what we we're working through now uh the entrance so her suggestion was that if that something else there be named Squires like The Visitor Center or if there's a museum or something but that the cemetery itself retain the name Atlantic County Veteran Cemetery any chance of that happening I'll have to talk to the county executive about that but okay I can tell you what what's going to what's been discussed so yeah and and it was she said that there's a group called Taps that um she's involved with people that come and play at the the veterans uh burials and they reached out to her and told her that the name was changing and she was upset about it and she just wanted to know if there was anything that could still be done so I told her I would come here and bring it up and make sure that at least you guys know that there is concern by you know family she she talked to some other family members her family members and others and said that it's something that a number of people were upset about so if there's anything that can be done about it um how could I get word to her will there be open discussion about it or it's done it's wouldn't be there without yeah I I understand that and she wasn't saying that his name should not be associated with something at the cemetery but that she wants it to remain Atlantic County Veteran Cemetery so that's that's a no okay I'll let her know thank you I mean I'm I'm not quite sure if we said to Richard Esquire veteran C at Atlanta County I'm I'm not quite sure but what we're missing here Atlanta county is Atlanta County Atlantic County Veteran Cemetery is how people look for it right so if we said which of these Squire is veteran cemeter her concern is that people won't be able to find it people that are looking for their deceased relatives won't be able to find it because it'll have a different name than what it has been named all along so there is a concern from family members of deceased veterans I thought that they may be should be um taken into consideration I'm not one of them I have no one buried there I just told this woman that I would speak up for her on her behalf she's disabled and couldn't be here herself okay thank you I am one of them I have both my parents are there I understand what you're saying when something's renamed but if Atlantic County I believe if Atlantic County is a part of the name even the search you hit the search Atlanta County it should come out the that's something we can we can TR okay I I'll let her know that thank you it's also a county park right County Park well I guess her suggestion was that something else be named after Squires and it could be the park it could be you know whatever but okay thank you thank you comments is there anyone else that would like to address the board to any issues CHS also a resident of britin and a supporter of britin Beach and the down Beach Alliance it is inconceivable to me that this board representing the people of Atlantic County has up to this point been rather dismissive of this issue and given the impression that either it's hopeless don't bother we can't do anything about it or it doesn't have any implications for the future of this County so we're here again because we believe that you do have an obligation to discuss this make a decision and realize the implications of having those turbines off our Coast now thanks to work done by Ben Brigantine Beach and the city and the work and Leadership given by mayor Sarah your homework has been done for you you have received copies of all the studies that have been made and the the facts that when this subject is brought up are frequently either ignored or people are not interested in them it isn't just a question of the whales we started with the whales but we've gone far beyond that done a lot of research and have presented that report to you and at this point I think the county needs to get busy and do something and take a position because these things are have a momentous effect on our future perhaps if you don't have Vision you can't see that but this is something you need to look at the future and see what it does and have a harm that it does and the fact that it does not reduce the negative or increase the negative or reduce the negative effect concerning climate change that fact is a fact so we're here again to ask you to look at the work that's been presented to you you thank this once Mrs turn about the information but you all didn't do that work you didn't study this and you have an obligation to us all the people of this Cy to look at it and get the truth because the truth is there but people behind this don't want the the people to know what the truth is and to look into the future also as to what alternatives there are you can be a leading counter county in the state for doing this job and you should be since it's off our Coast so please ladies and gentlemen do your job it's being done at this point by people in local groups but you're a government there are things that you can do that we can't do and you have power that we don't have so listen to the people and take action thank [Applause] you anybody come forward is there anyone else okay we're going to close uh this portion is there anybody online no okay so we're going to close the public portion at this time and I do want to say a couple things we are closed for public so I want that to be uh noted um this board is doing this okay yeah so please don't take us that we're being ADI to your concerns we do a lot there's question quite a bit going on in our background trying to get some specific numbers out there you're doing that it's it's a lot of work we're not getting a lot of answers but that's being done by you know numerous uh members of this commission we had um two recent SE uh resolutions in 23 99 and 350 where we addressed the need for more information and review and determine the impact off our Shores so those two were done then we also had a resolution done uh resolution 371 where the county has also taken issue with the state ignoring local rule on planning zoning and infrastructure so it enforce unwanted projects on local communities through resolution and against legislation given BPU power to override local control so those are the things that we have done we have done resolutions we are going to look at one of them because we did have a time frame on it it is going to our uh public health and environment committee which uh commissioner rley chairs so it's going through that it'll come back to the board to review Once they come up with theirs and we'll you know continue to do what we are doing and like I said I we say many times at our meetings we have a lot of things going on committee but we have that we are searching for the information we are there's a number of us out there we are trying to get answers we support and we support our Senator our assembly Representatives as well as our County Executive on the positions that they have taken and and honestly you know we really need we got to get to the governor we got to get to the governor and we got to get to the president because these are the ones that are trying to FastTrack this it's not us we support you know these things and we're trying to get what we can done at our level we've done it before it's gone on dep ears it's has to get to our governor and it has to get to the president of the United States because they're fast tracking May s um some another entity that's been very very quiet and I know you've done a lot of research and have talked with a lot of people has Exon or Atlantic State Electric taken any position on this whatsoever uh not that I'm aware of you same thing you've heard Dead Silence from that right even though you know we're basically making more electricity than we can use and getting rid of it to to other states we're not hearing anything from from them at all no not hearing that okay you hear anything oh well things you qu get a chance to question them whatever at any of your um meetings you know through the different groups that you're involved in please update me absolutely thank you well EXC Public's comment I'm sorry uh but please we're not indifferent to this we are doing things and people are out there saying we're not that is not the TR I like to sit in possible commission un to okay no dates since okay just keep me your mind to attend yeah we all have our own personal opinions about this topic and I have my own I don't want to have that colored the um resolution that we're going to come back with but u i look at this topic from many different angles uh I don't believe that there'll be any local people hired I believe that they bring in people from other areas that have a certain skill set to be able to do this kind of specialized work so the argument about local people I just don't see it you know in in the newspaper recently in the editorial section the Congressional budget office was talking about our country's deficits in our financial future and the conventional budget office which is nonpartisan made the statement that the way we're going is simply not sustain aable and this boondoggle of spending this kind of money on U machines out in the ocean that are going to need constant maintenance uh it it's an expense is just not going to go away expense is always going to be there and I think our best hope is that we get a regime change in the white house and then a regime change in the state legislates from the governor so that's uh how I I look at it I look at it not just locally but I also look at it from a a macro a macroeconomic uh approach to this thing I mean putting windmills in watert water salt I think it's absolutely dumb now we have windmills that are acua I believe we have five or five not in water and of course uh they generate and correct me if I'm wrong Jerry 80% of the electricity that's used for that facility 80% not 100% but 80% I mean it's it's something and it's it but they're on the ground they're on the ground that's the big difference so um yeah and you know psng the north JY utility company um they decided I think it was about a year ago to sell their interest nor St yep so they they saw it was a loser so when a large utility company bails and sells out their interest in a wind company that's that speaks volumes okay thank you okay that uh ends our public comments here and I'm going to anything for the good of the order I would like everybody to note that we do have Atlanta County uh new website some people are finding what we're trying to get on today but it's up from running at www. Atlanta County nj.gov does anybody else have anything else just wish all the mothers a Happy Mother's Day also like to say happy Teacher Appreciation Week is going on right now to all our teachers and apparently it's Happy Nurses Week as well so we're sharing with our nurses also National drinking water weeking last week was principal week so happy thank you oh one last thing happy birthday to my wife [Applause] okay motion to Second all those thank you all being here [Music] [Music] [Music]