[Music] [Music] [Music] the meeting of atanta County Board of Commissioners is called the order compliance with the open public meetings Act of state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting of the Atlanta County Board of Commissioners was provided in the following manner published in the Press of Atlantic City and mailed to the Hamilton Gazette and has been posted on the Bolton Boards of the County office building in Atlantic City the Stillwater building in Northfield and the county office building in uh ma Landing before we say the opening prayer I have a few people I would like us to keep in mind the Brigadier General Dr William or who served as the atantic C Community College president from August 1987 to August 1993 passed on June 24th at the age of 92 his philosophy was quality for the student and we also like to keep in mind Dr Peter MOA who served as Atlanta cap Community College president from 2005 to 2016 who passed on June 30th at the age of 81 let us also take a moment today to keep those impacted by the events in Butler Pennsylvania in our thoughts and prayers as a nation there's no place for acts of violence we can agree to disagree through constructive dialogue and debate but never the violence should react okay our heavenly father we thank youe for the beauty of this summer day that can only be given by their Loving Hands be with us and make us ever mindful of the glory and power and abide in our hearts with love and peace amen stand the United States of America to the for stands one nation God indivis liberty and justice for all Madam Clark roll call chairwoman commissioner bertino and commissioner G are unable to attend today and commissioner for is attending virtually but we be a few minut thank Palace pres Burns here B here Parker pres grizzley here Curr here Commissioners have had an opportunity to review the minutes from July 2nd 2024 I'll entertain a motion to adopt the July 2nd 2024 minutes as presented move commissioner burn second by commissioner Ballas a call yes Burns yes da yes Parker yes rley yes K yes motion carries anyone attending in person who would like to speak regarding an agenda item or a public comment please come to the podium speak into the microphone state your name and the town you reside you'll be provided up to 3 minutes to speak if you're attending virtually you and you would like to speak please raise your hand during the agenda item or a public comments at the end I will call upon your name and a request to unmute will be sent please state your name and the town you reside you will be provided up to 3 minutes to speak as well we now have a presentation NJ Foundation scholarships to the 2024 recipients congratulations to all NJ which is New Jersey Association County recipients and their families best wishes in near future study studies and Journeys I would like to acknowledge the investors that have sponsored the scholarships Ryan botcher from Shi Elijah Langford South Jersey Industries also with us today is John denardio from the New Jersey Association of counties Dr Gunther superintendent of Atlanta County Institute of Technology Joseph po principal of Atlantic County Institute of Technology chairwoman ker members of the uh Board of Commissioners want to thank you uh along with Mr Denio and all the sponsors for the scholarships the anjac scholarships these are so important for our students who are continuing their education um throughout the state of New Jersey um and hopefully they will be back to contribute to Atlanta County in the future uh we have some outstanding students who have joined us this afternoon um at the meeting and I'm going to introduce acit principal Mr Joseph P to introduce his students thank you thank you Dr G again on behalf of AIT and as principal I want to congratulate all of our students in the class of 2024 did an exceptional job this year we had a great group of students um first I'm Brigantine from our health science program Ella fan if you want to stand up I don't know if you want her to come up or yeah we we do have some certificat here we'll probably take a photo too okay go right on up um next Timothy kran from Township using computer science Ella is I apolog Ella is attending the College of New Jersey next year and Timothy is attending Ruckers University next Tyler Marano from darthy from our um Health Sciences who will be attending Stocker University in the fall par Verma who was attending Ruckers University from Galloway he was in our health science [Music] program Paige Lee from eggharbor City computer science who attending Ruckers University and who is not in attendance Ryan Johnson from agar Township who is computer science who will be attending NJIT next year Ryan is not here right now so on behalf of acit and Jack guys congratulations you guys are going to make acit proud and the county proud as well thank you hold on we how are we doing with John I just texted it can he online time it's just here in the room have them come up here yeah the midle come in here you can come up here us lay down in the front get one side taking a few anyone else you're wel very nice thank you we're G have um Ryan oh so here we have Ryan good evening everyone on behalf of shi and Jack we are honored to present the scholarship to a lucky Atlanta County aspiring scholar uh special thanks to NJ for coordinating with Atlanta County uh to make this happen to our lucky scholarship winner uh best of luck uh to you in your future endeavors uh when college is over feel free to reach out to Shi we'd be glad to find your job and theage field thanks for every uh thanks for everyone's time and best of luck to you guys in college okay we now have another presentation our overdose fatality review team by gret and half peny Atlanta County prevention resources frt coordinator and Brian Wilson substance abuse Services thank you so much for being here yeah absolutely good afternoon everyone uh Brian Wilson attic County Addiction Services uh we have gret and half peny here from Atlantic prevention resources um who is also with Bob znik is the CEO and president of APR um they are subcontractors for this grant the overdose pitality review team so today um gret's going to give you an overview of that uh of frt Grant and all that goes into it it is important to speak into the mic because the people online will not hear you okay um thank you um Commissioners for allowing us to be here as Brian said my name is Gretchen um and I work for Atlantic prevention resources and our director at Bob lotnik uh we've been fortunate to um oversee the overdose uh fatality review team for the past four years uh the primary focus of the team is to prevent overdose debts and uh what we do is make recommendations um on how best to do that um and identify Trends and data uh and identify the gaps and services that are out there um and the way we do that is we review cases of um deaths that have occurred to overdose next slide please um so far we've had four grand Cycles we just started our fourth year this July um we have a team that meets um every month they come together they're representing 27 different agencies throughout the county um including um Brian's agency here at the County uh the Atlanta County Jail obviously Atlantic prevention resources South Jersey AIDS Alliance Jewish Family Services um Atlanta County Sheriff's Department we 27 different agencies and about 45 people um we've so far reviewed 162 cases of Overdose deaths um just this year um Atlantic City used to have their own team um but starting this July their team has been combined with Atlantic counties um to be consistent throughout the state because only counties um are uh receiving this funding for overdose fatality review so Atlanta County now Atlantic City is now included in our team so our team will start reviewing um deaths that occur in Atlantic City as well next slide please so our team as we review these deaths um we really get like what we call social autopsy we try to find out everything we can about this individual so we can find uh these Trends and patterns in the system and where do we get our information the first we always have a medical examiner report uh which usually includes uh what police findings uh that they found at the scene and any interviews they may have with individuals at the scene um it also includes the toxicology report um we look to see if there's an obituary which we share at the meetings as well as any information we might find on Facebook Facebook uh we conduct NEX of kin interviews as much as we can where we talk to a family member about the experiences this individual and this family had uh during this person's uh life uh we did about I would say about 30% of our cases were're able to get a next to Kin interview for obvious reasons some people choose not to participate uh that might be too painful for them um one of our uh team members agencies it's New Jersey Superior Court which they always provide the uh criminal records uh we researched the PMT which is the prescription monitoring program so if this person received any uh CDs through uh doctor's prescription and from a pharmacy in the past seven years that'll show up so we'll we'll get to see their prescription history um Shore Medical Center and um Atlanticare Regional Medical Center are both on our team so we often get hospital records for these individuals um and all our team members as I mentioned that come to the team they may share something so if they uh were in incarcerated in Atlanta County Jail we might hear about their uh experience there there were serviced by South Jersey a Alliance you know that will share that information as well so this is how we collect all the data and do this um social autopsy next slide please so what did we find over the past several years um these these were our basic demographics and trends that we found um most of 82% of the uh individuals were white the majority were male the average age was 45 that age is somewhat creeping up a little bit we're seeing more and more older adults um most of the people 90% had fentanyl used fentol their system um almost half the individuals had mental uh co-occurring disorders and had mental health issues and only 133% of our cases Naran was used um which is one of the reasons why we push to get more Naran out there I mean if if that's kind of self-explanatory I guess um criminal justice um 80% of our individuals have criminal justice uh history and of those 80% um a total of 32% were incarcerated a quarter of the individuals were unhoused and 30% about 30% of the um individuals had aces which is adult childhood um adverse childhood experiences so it's a trauma that someone experienced as a child next slide please so after we review this and discuss this we come up with recommendations of what what we need to do differently um and many of them are um based around harm reduction we want to promote harm reduction messages distribute an Aran increase awareness about Fentanyl and xylazine and those are all things that our team can do and and we TR Endeavor to do that um some of the other recommendations are really um more Broad and not able for our team to address specifically so such as sober living regulations and funding for sober living our grant is limited so we obviously can't provide funding for sober living or case management after treatment or mental health services but we do recommend that uh we did write a letter to the commissioner of the DCA uh proposing different regulations for Sober Living homes because there are many Sober Living homes that are really wonderful and are so essential to the support of individuals leaving treatment but they're very um different um you know each so living home is different and they're not regulated and some are great and you know there's you can't really tell which one's which um so we're looking for more regulations over that as we said about 45% of the individuals had co-occurring disorders so we're uh like to advocate for mental health services and um a lot of people once they get out of treatment they go back into relapse because there aren't enough services for them after they they get out so that's those are the things we're seeing and those are some of our recommendations um our team is going to meet on August uh 12th um in person we normally meet via Zoom um but if you'd like to learn more about what we do in our regul uh our recommendations I'd invite the Commissioners to our meeting on August 12th at noon at uh Lynwood Country Club um if you would just let us know so that we can make sure we have a uh a meal for you um but we would love to have you there you can either Let Brian know or you can let me know are there any questions so um I know you guys do a lot of research and um I assume you make recommendations because there's a lot of money that is spent on the prevention side correct um I I don't know how much money is spent in prevention versus treatment this would be a prevention program though so whatever the contract is for this program would be prevention however some of the funding that we do say as I said we've uh done some harm reduction um and we've implemented some of of the recommendations too okay so on your on the prevention side what is your target audience people who potentially could have an overdose uh which would be potentially anyone uh our harm reduction campaign right now uh we started in June um and it's a digital media campaign right now the county actually re um we applied for and we were one of three counties that received additional monies um this year year um to do a harm reduction campaign and that campaign is really targeted to anyone who potentially could use drugs or is using drugs um to let them be aware that fentanyl can be an any drug a lot of young people who might be experimenting for the first time don't realize that the Pressed pills that they bought that look just like a regular pill from the um drugstore um might have fentol so we really Target anyone specifically this digital media campaign uh because Atlantic City joined our team we specifically focused in Atlantic City and we also uh focused in an area along the White Horse pipe where the U motels are because we saw a lot of deaths along um that area as well okay well I I guess what I'm trying to get to is um it appears to me and not just now but for the longest time that the um the targeted areas that um are that the money is spent on is the minority communities and you know looking at your slide which really jumped out on me where 82% of the deaths are from the white population um I don't know if we're targeting the wrong areas or well regarding this media campaign that I just mentioned that was um this was the first time we've done that um this is a new campaign and the reason we did it was because Atlantic City who used to get the same amount of funding suddenly joined our team so we felt the need to Target and most of the deaths um I don't have a geographical slide um but I would it's safe to say that the majority of deaths occur in Atlantic City um more than um Atlantic County and remember this data I have to say is a little skewed because it doesn't include Atlantic City cases up until they don't include it we started reviewing Atlantic City cases at in July so all of these cases uh are from every municipality in the community in the county with the exception of Atlantic City so I would suspect to say once we include Atlantic City there will be more minorities um but you're you're right uh commissioner overdoses occur in every community and no one is um you know it doesn't discriminate it it Target it can happen to anyone and it is important uh to get that information out to all the communities and you know we hope to do do that yeah well I mean the trend that I saw when I was in law enforcement um you're seeing the deaths in a minority Community say Pleasant though I work there um but most of your overdose deaths is because someone came from like Tucker in Long Beach Island a lot of lot of people from Tucker were coming down buying using and dying right you know so the deaths are happening you know in that area but them people aren't from there so we got to we got to Target people that are you know before they they leave their their home Community to go to an area to buy because once they buy they're they're not 90% of the time I'm sure you guys know and I know Brian knows you know they're they're trying to find the you know the Wawa bathroom or dunin Donuts bathroom wherever they can go to and or sit in their car and shoot up and you know I when people say they got a bad dose I think they're all bad doses well now they are I mean the statistic I heard was if if you get heroin um on the street 97% of it is a fenol and only 3% of it is heroin so it's mostly fenol um also interestingly um we get our cases from our medical examiner he uh the our representative from the medical examiner selects our cases um initially we know when we started I he was selecting cases of visitors as well however over uh the past few years he has been selecting uh cases of only residents because if we are looking to gather data on that person if that person was from manah hawen or they were from um you know New York or somewhere in newth Jersey our hospital records wouldn't help us so we really can't collect much data on those individuals so he has also selected people who only reside here um I don't know if that helps I'm just you know in the future we need to start to broaden our Horizon and you know I think you know we've we've flooded the you know communities of Pleasantville and egg city and Atlantic City you know absin with with information about you know drugs and in schools and you know with the Dare programs and and um you know different programs in the schools and with Municipal Alliance but but you know these the users are coming from everywhere they're not just coming from Little segments of our County they're coming from all over the county I'm sure everyone knows somebody you know that you know whether they have a family member or whatever that you know is either addicted or was addicted or you know has died from an overdose yeah Bob could I ask you to talk a little bit about some of the prevention programs that we do throughout the county because I I really focus on this segment but the whole thing thank you uh to answer your question commer our prevention programs cover 90% of the county all the communities from ages five up till high school and Beyond we have programs for senior adults we have programs for families so we're we're connecting with people all over the county what the research shows and what what the data shows that that Gretchen just talked about is over 80% of these fatalities are but but again they're being selected by the medical examiner's office it's not random he's picking he's picking these cases but we're we're in schools throughout the county uh every school in the county essentially doing programs we're in communities Church churches community centers doing after school programs Family Programs and we're addressing these issues we get hundreds of thousands of money uh dollars for prevention across the county yeah I I I'm know very familiar with with APR and in the classroom and help teach some of the classes with with your people you know not recently but you know over the years I think you guys do a great job I'm talking about the uh the mass media advertising not the not the Hands-On local you know going to a school or going to a church or a community center and trying to hit that because you're getting people that you have a small audience and it's people who wants to go there who want to go there and get that information you know and our coalition you know anybody can be an ad right you know I'm I'm a person in long-term recovery myself as you know our Coalition joined together Atlanta County which has been around for 11 over 11 years H has been doing public media campaigns for the last 11 years and so we're reaching a lot of people on billboards on the radio tv ads on the internet yeah it's just t i just you try and you try and throw that Dort and and and hopefully you hit a winner but it's it's it's a tough game to play because there's you know the the drugs just keep coming in and why any why anyone wants to put some kind of foreign subject like that into their body is it's beyond me but it's happening all the time thanks M chair thank Ken to that point and I don't know if this is forr orely Brian out in the back but I know I know several years ago I guess before the opioid um lawsuits and things I I was at a a seminar I'm not sure actually planning pral resources at the senior center in Gall Township and shockingly they they said that on at the time most people became addicted to painkillers prescribed by dentists and and other doctors have you seen a change in that because I know you mentioned mental health and Aces is something that I'm a teacher in Gallow Township and I know then vental resources has been it's been in my building at the middle school um ases is something we've been focusing on the last um couple years or so these traumatic um emo events that these students have going through um have you seen a shift from I know you said it's the AG is from 45 average getting older but from people becoming addicted because of painkillers versus more younger people starting because they're trying to hide the these traumatic events and um I guess get away from them I I think we see both okay um still see both yeah and I wouldn't be able to say you know which which is more however there are an awful lot that we review where people had chronic pain not necess from a dentist uh but they're getting prescribed I mean I'm sh you said that was most common I'm not sure why that was but was you know you know doctors prescrib importance I've also heard recently that if you take at your prescription even as prescribed for up to 5 days you can um you know develop a dependency um one of the things to answer your question also I mentioned this digital campaign that we're doing it also comes along with a print campaign and uh the featured post as I said has pills on it and it says you know do you know if this can you tell if this has fentanyl in it and those posters are going to be splattered throughout the county in fact you know Brian and I are were talking about ways to get them in the county parks ways to get them in the libraries and um you know ideally I see them being used in the restroom I know many of you gentlemen have never been in a ladies room probably but when you go to a ladies room here in New Jersey where place that serves alcohol there's a poster that says a woman never drinks alone and it's that idea where you're in the restroom where you see this there's you there's also a little more privacy in the restroom there's a QR code that takes you to a website which provides many resources resources for families resources if you want to get well resources that if you're going to use drugs how to reduce your harm so um those posters we're looking to get not only in the county buildings but you know in many different bars restaurants throughout the county so if anybody has a knows a bar or restaurant or an owner would like to have some I'll be happy to give you one when you say you're trying to get it in the libraries and Parks can can you walk me through that just briefly like what are you well I talked you know we work closely with Brian and Brian's working with Jerry you know just to make sure that the um materials are appropriate and have you know are um you know have the right um information on it as far as the county and then you know it'll be matter of I guess just you know getting them out there so so BR work with Jerry that's kind of where I was yep it's we're in the process okay thanks just one other question and then I'll shut up so to the to the group of experts um since it may be too soon to tell but since the uh legalization of marijuana are we seeing an increase in uh op opioids because of marijuana being a Gateway or had that has not changed at all I'd have to say our cases are um often include THC um so I don't know if that you know has increased it or not I think it's too early to tell from from our data do it it's probably more likely that there'll be fewer down the road if people are taking cannabis either prescribed or U or recreational for pain or related issues the likelihood is that they would be less dependent on opioids if they were able to get get off so that ideally I mean you I'm not in favor of cannabis so but but ideally if it is used properly and and monitored it can actually help people reduce their opioid int so that's that's the goal so we're not really looking at it at cannabis is being a gateway to not for the last 25 years no no I mean cannabis alone uh is not fatal so they jump up to something else right but I mean almost everybody who uses opioids at one point tried Canabis at least so just to just to chime in um to answer commissioner DA's uh question when we look at op prescriptions being dispensed um the number has greatly um come down significant significantly come down since 2016 uh in 2016 there was roughly 26 60,000 opio prescriptions dispensed through out Atlantic County Alone um from that time forward since the implementation of the uh pdmp the prescription drug monitoring program um that number has come down roughly by 100,000 so last year we had a little more than um 140,000 opio prescriptions topens third the county third state I'm not sure what the so the the the statistics throughout the state Atlanta County ranks one uh with fatal overdoses um per capita uh we rank round three when we just look at all 21 counties compared um but as far as uh marijuana goes we we know that around roughly around 82% of street drugs today have traces of fentanyl in it um including marijuana there's been cases here throughout throughout New Jersey where where people have overdosed after smoking uh marijuana that they've uh you know obtained on the streets so if there's anything positive um with the op with the marijuana dispensaries it's that it's pure marijuana it's not uh cut with fentanyl or car fanol or any other substance like Tran or xylazine I have a quick question on the uh Naran I know a number of years ago there was a little bit of push back if not hesitancy with you know even cinos having it you know on site and things like that you know how how do you feel that you know today are you getting people are you know more apt to have it on site people you know having it I mean are you seeing a little bit more of that yeah whether it's you know stores or whatever to have it you know available yeah absolutely so I if you look back four or five years ago there was a lot of apprehension about having uh Naran on hand um now I think it's more accepted um we have churches reaching out to us schools businesses uh Casino Control Commission uh so there's a lot of different uh you know uh players throughout the throughout the county that are are requesting Ouran uh there is no legal liability to have it or to administer it or protect it um under the Good Samaritan law um so really everybody should have it should be no different than you know a fire extinguisher a smoke detector or anything like that you should do that with us I absolutely be more than more than happy to do that for you there however I do believe there are some agency some uh businesses that do push back um for one um hotels well hotels and motels along the White Horse Pike as I mentioned um we've been you know been trying over the past couple years to negotiate with the boardwalk ambassadors for them to carry it and um they're not able to uh I think it was Wawa employees aren't allowed to even carry it um so there are a number of businesses um that you know don't don't want it at this point but we're continuing to work to push it out there thank you yeah thank you for doing that that's important I think anybody especially 24hour operations they should uh should be able to do that comments just want to say that you know it's hard to quantify the number of lives that each one of you individuals have saved but I'm sure it's more than we can imagine and thank you for what you done thank you very much for everything you dok thank you thank you for being here okay us into our resolutions for this evening um we start with resolution 364 an application and from the New Jersey Association of County and City Health officers with guidance from the New Jersey Department of Health and for the sustaining local public health infrastructure Grant am not to exceed $168,400 anything from the public see hearing none roll call Alice yes Burns yes St yes Parker yesy yes yes carries 365 365 365 yes big contract Ang tracks to furnish deliver and install video cameras on the Atlanta County buses amount not to exceed 81,7 6360 by commissioner Parker second by commissioner D any commissioner comments see here none anything from the public Bas yes Burns yes Cory yeah da yes Parker yes rley yes yes turn yes carries resolution 366 please change order number one a contract with ar ping Company Incorporated for the 2023 County Aid highway Improvement program to extend the term date only no additional cost move second move by commissioner bird second by commissioner days any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public any call Alice yes Burns yes corsey yes B yes Parker yes grizley yes K yes motion carries 367 please change order number one a contract with ar paven Company Incorporated for the 2023 state aid Highway Improvement program to extend the term date only no additional cost second Mo by commissioner ball second by commissioner burn thas see hearing none anything from the roll call Bas yes Burns yes Cory da yes Parker yes rley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 368 please change order number one a contract with South State Incorporated for the resurfacing of Z Road section 4 in the city of Northfield to extend the term date only no additional cost second move by commissioner Parker seconded by commissioner rley any commissioner comments see hear none anything from public call Bas yes Burns yes fory yes da yes yes Barker yes grizzley yes yes motion carries change order number one a contract of M's construction and Rental Incorporated for the Canali Pump Station enforc me improvements to extend the term they only know additional cost go second move by commissioner B second and by commissioner r any commiss comments see he none anything from the public have a roll call you could do it it's like jumping all over the place okay b b yes Burns yes horsey horsey yes Parker yes resley yes yes motion carries for resolution 369 please I'm sorry I'm at 370 okay 370 lease agreement with the city of Summer point for Library facilities amount see $35,000 second move by commissioner Parker second by commissioner rley any commissioner comments just want to say that commissioner Parker's doing a fine job with the library committee thank you any other any other commission comments none anything from the public a roll call B yes Burns yes horsey horsey da yes Parker yes grizzley yes sh yes B carries resolution 371 amending resolution number 647 adopted on November 15 2022 a lease agreement with B&B parking doing business as Parkplace parking to increase the number of Lea spaces at Arctic and North Carolina Avenues and L City that increase $30,000 so move second move by commissioner Ry second by commissioner days any commiss comment M yes um to jury what was the uh what's the net net from moving from um New York Avenue and getting out of that getting out of some of the spots there and the yeah it's pretty close break break he I would probably say about $2,000 at the most I mean we Tammy's got the exact numbers probably sitting in front of her so whatever we reduced over there almost pays for whatever we're doing over at nor Carolina good so so so it moves it moves closer and safer correct exactly that was the big issue was people feeling safer but you know you have the the sheriff's officer great thank you any other commissioner comments see I'm hearing none anything from the public May roll call Al yes Burns yesy da yes Parker yes rley yes yes carries resolution 372 please inter local Services agreement with the Atlanta County Utilities Authority to administer the clean communities program amount that's receed $1,581 61 second move by commissioner B second by commissioner dve any commissioner comments hear none anything from the public any roll call Alice yes Burns yes fory fory yes St yes Parker yes grizzley yes yes motion carries resolution 373 please R intergovernmental Services agreement with Burlington County for the housing of female inmates Revenue generating move second move by commiss B seconded by commissioner Parker any commissioner coms see he none anything from the public call Alice yes Burns yes Cory D yes Parker yes rley yes K yes motion carries resolution 374 amending resolution number 400 adopted on July 19 2022 Professional Services agreement with Remington and Vernick Engineers for various County projects to extend the term date only no additional cost second move by Commission by commissioner rley any commiss your comments see hearing none anything from the public I have a roll call pal yes burn yes Cory yes da yes Parker yes grizzley yes yes resolution 375 pleas amending resolution number 483 adopted on September 5th 2023 an interlocal Services agreement with Lena County Utilities Authority to administer the 2023 clean communities program to extend the term dat only no additional cost move second move by commissioner D second by commissioner rley any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public call Bas yes Burns yes coryy da yes Parker yes grizley yes K yes carries resolution 376 Source National Cooperative agreement with h a heart and Sun Incorporated for the purchase of a camel Max jet back sewer vacuum amount not to exceed 54 , 3555 second by commissioner B second byerley and com hearing none anything from the public roll Al yes yes Cory yes Parker yes Wiley yes C yes motion carries resolution 377 inter local Services agreement with ston University to conduct a short-term analytical project amount not to exceed $6,000 M second by commissioner secondy hear none anything from the Burns fory da yes Parker yes grizzley yes yes motion carries resolution 378 please amending resolution number 290 adopted on June 4th 2024 renewal alternate method contract with Jewish Family Service of Atlantic and C May counties to provide Outreach Services for Central Municipal Court of Elena County amount not to exceed 17654 L second Mo by commissioner Parker seconded by commissioner birds and commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public R call Alis yes Burns coryy b yes Parker yes grizzley yes yes Mo carries resolution 379 alterate method contract with G for theion of legal materials for various County departments amount not to exceed $50,000 second commissioner B second by commissioner rley any commissioner comments see hear none anything from the public call Alice B yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 380 amending resolution number 188 adopted on April 16 2024 an inter local agreement with the Atlantic County Improvement authority to bid and manage the construction of an interior Renovations of the Atlantic County Animal Shelter to award the contract to shorelands Construction Incorporated n increase [Music] 7642 by second by none anything from the public call Al yes Burns yes Cory Cory yeah St yes Parker yes grizley yes yes Carri resolu 31 resolution affirming approval of the emergency resolution adopted on July 10 2024 having authorize the county executive to apply for and accept Lea grant funding from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs division of local government services for adjudicating Central Municipal Court State Police summonses second move by commissioner Parker second by commissioner Burns any commissioner see hearing none anything from the public call Alis yes Burns yes Forsey Forsey yes yes Parker yes grizzley yes C yes motion carries resolution 382 please subr agreements with various Atlanta County municipalities for drug and alcohol education and Prevention Services amount not to exceed $188,800 by commission burs second by commissioner Parker and commission th hearing none anything from the public call pal yes Burns yes Cory Cory da yes clker yes grizzley yes yes motion carries I'll entertain a motion to combine adopt resolution number 383 to 389 chapter 159 move second move by commissioner Parker seconded by Comm days any commissioner comments seeing during n for the public roll call Bas yes Burns yes Cory yes a yes Parker yes grizley yes yes motion carries all entertain a motion to combine and adopt resolutions 390 to 392 which are appointments second move by commissioner B seconded by commissioner Parker any commissioner comments see any hearing none anything from the public alas yes Burns yes fory fory da yes Parker yes grizzley yes yes motion carries I'll entertain a motion to comine and adopt resolutions 393 to 394 roadway Parker second any chair have one um on the on the second one the time is from 300 p.m. to 900 p.m. did we normally go that late do you know some of them do it still does so 9:00 yeah M Madam chair there are occasions where that occurs I think the histor you know historical approach has been until it's dark um but I don't necessarily have the history on all that but there are occasions you have one until 900 pm and it seems to have been approved by the municipality itself the underlying municipality very good thank you any other commissioner comments anything from the public Alice yes Burns yes Cory yes grizley yes yes okay um anybody has is receiving of copies written communication and petitions i' like to share at this time see none any reports of special Committees of the board see none any unfinished business any like to bring see none any new business see none anyone attending in person that would like to speak now a public comment please come to the podium speak into the mic state your name and town you reside you're attending virtually and we' like to make a public comment please raise your hand I'll call upon your name and a request to unmute will be sent please state your name in the town you reside you will be provided up to three minutes to speak is there anybody from the public okay any comments for the good of the order thank you uh Madam chair for getting the letter out to the sure we probably haven't heard anything yet but for the public hear follow so so that email about the virtual here that wasn't in response to 11 that's something totally different have it fix whatever's broken of course I think they're on it I think they're already on it ter while she loves her Echo she loves put in a request as she was sitting there the close caption was did you did you see that coming on time it was no but it was the names were for the first time ever I had I don't know always like that well Grizzly was Grizzly yeah was horsey it was like that look awesome a motion to all those in favor thank you all for this evening it was great [Music] [Music] [Music]