[Music] [Music] [Music] the meeting of the Atlanta County Board of Commissioners is called the order a compliance open public meetings act in state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting of the Atlanta County Board of commission was provided in the following manner published in the Press of Atlantic City and The Gazette been posted on the Bon boards in the countyy office building in Atlantic City still building in Northfield and the county clerk's office in MA Landing uh we have an opening prayer and I would like all of us to uh continue to keep our fellow commissioner Mr Cory in our prayers ready all right dear God give give us strength and courage to make decisions that honor you and benefit the community help us to celebrate this July 4th with gratitude and respect remembering the values upon which our nation was founded may this meeting serve as a reminder of our shared responsibilities to uphold those values to promote Justice equality and unity among all people amen am amen stand of Faith supp you aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Madam Clark I have a roll call chairwoman commissioner Cory is unable to attend today and commissioner Z is trying to join virtually trying trying Ballas president bertino here Burns here be G here Parker pres grizzley here ker here Commissioners have had an opportunity to review the minutes from June 18th 2024 I'll entertain a motion to adopt June 18 2024 minutes as presented move by second move by commissioner G second by commissioner burn Bas yeso yes Burns yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes motion carries anyone attending in person who would like to speak regarding an agenda item or a public comment please come to the podium speak into the microphone state your name and the town where you reside you'll be provided up to 3 minutes to speak if you're attending virtually and would like to speak please raise your hand during the agenda item or a public comment at the end I will call upon your name and a request to unmute will be sent please state your name and the town you reside you will also be provided up to 3 minutes to speak okay that brings us to guarantee ordinance water guarantee ordinance of the county of Atlantic state of New Jersey fully unconditionally and irrevocably securing the payment of the principle of an interest on County guaranteed revenue bonds or project notes Aviation Park project phase two to be issued by the Atlanta County Improvement Authority for the purpose of providing additional security therefore consenting to such financing and determining certain other matters in connection there with final reading move s move by commissioner G seconded by commissioner burn any commissioner comments I just want to say you know as we noted last time this is uh once again uh we are being know part of what out plan diversifying our economy and creating new jobs it's very evident here um any other commissioner comments see none anything from uh the public since this is final reading okay we'll have a roll call Bas yes patino yes Burns yes G yes Parker yes grizley yes turn yes motion carries ordinance number seven for a final reading an ordinance of the county of at lanting amending provisions of ordinance number 6 20123 adopted on July 18 2023 which added additional defined terms in section 2 and added section six Hospital closure to address the backck rehabilitation hospital closure final reading move by commissioner G second by commissioner Martino any commissioner comments JY we discussed this at the prior meeting as well um but this is adding that language it was prompted by the back rack um closure but it's to address anytime any Hospital uh were close to adding that language thank you commission any Comm comments sure take that over as Rehabilitation Cent I wouldn't I don't know the answer to that but my imagine is because that entity back is closing right right yeah yeah I just I heard whether it's true or not I thought Jerry you look like you had something to answer or no I have I'm not I'm not Liberty to discuss that okay I know there I know back rack was purchased but there there are there is something in the community discuss it forget that okay any other commission comments at this time anything from the public any have roll call Bas yes patina yes Burns yes da G yes Parker yes rizley yes K yes carries resolution 325 Grant application and acceptance from the New Jersey Department of Health for the public health infrastructure Laboratories and emergency preparedness Grant amount not to exceed $255,400 yes clker yes grizzley yes yes okay motion carries resolution 326 Grant application and acceptance from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for the clean communities program amount not to exceed 16658 one61 second move by commissioner G second by commissioner Martino any commissioner comments is he hearing none anything from the public he we have a roll call Alice yeso yes Burns St yes G yes Parker Bry yes you definitely did that on Pur resolution 327 Grant application and acceptance from the New Jersey Transit for the senior citizens and disabled residents Transportation assistance program am not to exceed 1,221 655 my commissioner comments he anything from baso yes Burns yes b g yes clker yes rley yes K yes motion Carri resolution 328 resolution to execute and file a spending plan for the 2023 recycling enhancement Act tax fund entitlement program with the Department of Environmental Protection amount MCE $251,100 second Mo by commissioner G second by commissioner Burns any Comm comments hear none public yeso yes Burns yes St yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes carries resolution 329 Grant application and acceptance from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs for the Li hcwa and Administration program amount now to receive $1,810 move secondy any comments one down I thought you were pointing over this way when I that way U any hearing none anything from the public bastino Burns yes yes G yes Parker yes Grizzle yes yes Carri resolution 330 Grant application and acceptance from the New Jersey Department of Children and Families through the Human Services advisory Council continuation Grant funded amount $6595 County ink kind match $726 35 second move by commissioner valis second by commissioner C any commissioner comments see hear none anything from the public bastino Burns St yes G yes Parker yes rley yes yes motion carries resolution 331 please gr application and acceptance from the New Jersey Department of Law and public safety for the sexual assault Response Team fors a nurse examiner program funded amount $195,200 County in kind match $ 48,1 move by commissioner gados second by commissioner Burns and commissioner comment see hear none anything from the public any call Palace fortino burs yes G Parker grizzley yes yes motion carries resolution 331 please 332 332 please gr application and acceptance from the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development for the workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act program amount now to exceed 1,474 296 by commissioner burn second by commissioner G any commission comments see hearing none anything from the public we have a roll call alicetin Burns yes da yes G yes Parker yes grizley yes kerm yes motion carries resolution 333 Grant application and acceptance from the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development for the workforce Innovation and opportunity the ACT adult and dislocated worker program amount not to exceed $2,161 144 second move by commissioner gther second by commissioner Parker any commissioner comments see hear none anything from the public Bas yeso yes burs St yes GTO yes Parker yes grizzley yes Cent yes motion carries resolution 334 please current application and acceptance from newers Department of Labor and Workforce Development for the workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act data reporting and Analysis allocation program amount not to exceed $1,971 second move by commissioner G second by commissioner bur any commissioner comments hear a none anything from the public bastino yes Burns yes St yes GTO yes Parker yes grizzley yes yes Carri resolution 3 Grant application and acceptance from the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development for the program year 2024 workfor New Jersey program amount not to exceed 26448 move second move by commissioner G seconded by commissioner Parker any commissioner comments I just want to say we do obviously have quite a few Workforce Development items here and uh during our meeting on you know going over these items commissioner G had suggested and I thought it was a very good suggestion to have them come update us on the number of programs especially with ideal so they we have them scheduled for a future meeting okay call Palace yeso yes Burns yes St yes G yes Parker yes Grizzly yes turn yes carries resolution 336 Professional Services agreement with various vendors to establish a pool of medical providers for the provision of medical service services to inmates at the Atlantic County Justice Facility amount not to exceed $700,000 second move by commissioner G second by commissioner Parker any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public okay we have call B yes fortino yes Burns yes yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes car resolution 337 Professional Services agreement with cers engineering and design Incorporated for the provision of material testing services for various Dam and transportation infrastructure related projects amount not to exceed $284,700 second move by commissioner G second by commissioner rley any commission comments see any n anything from the public have call Bas yes fortino yes Burns yes da yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes motion carries resolution 338 renal competitive contract with ideal Institute of Technology for an out of school youth program amount not to exceed $720,000 okay move like's Parker second by commissioner C any commission comments see there none anything theas um I'm going stain I'm Foundation board with one of principal fortino yes Burns yes St yes G yes Parker yes Grizzly yes turn yes motion carries resolution 339 renew competitive contracts with various providers for the provision of a Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act in school youth program amount not to exceed $348,700 yes G yes Parker yes rzz yes K yes motion Carri resolution 340 competitive contract with DB Grant Associates Incorporated for the provision of a work first New Jersey to work activities program amount not to exceed $600,000 second move by commissioner G second by commissioner Burns any commissioner comments see hearing none itino Burns St yes Parker yes grizzley yes yes motion Carri resolution 341 B contract with Jersey architectural door and Supply Incorporated to provide window maintenance repair and new installation at various County locations amount not to exceed $431,500 yes fortino yes Burns yes da yes G yes Parker grizzley yes K yes motion carry resolution 34 big contract with Thomas United Incorporated to furnish deliver and install a commercial Electric Dishwasher at the Central Kitchen amount not to exceed $197,000 second move by commissioner gther second by commissioner Burns any comments hearing none any comments from the public roll call B yes Cino yes Burns yes St yes G yes Parker yes grizley yes K yes Mo carries resolution 343 please big contract with South State Incorporated for the replacement of the 8 Street Bridge BB2 over Penny poot stream and full some amount not to exceed 1,991 15,490 45 moov by commissioner C second by commissioner rley any commissioner comment see heing from the Bas yes fortino yes Burns yes St yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes contract with Richard E Pearson Construction Company Incorporated for the replacement of the wayth road County Route 559 Bridge HML 18 over skulls run and Bridge HML 19 over little mream amount not to exceed 4, 31386 79 move by commissioner G second by commissioner rley any commissioner comments um I just wanted to highlight for the two Bridge projects um we did talk about in notes that we had a significant number of biders on each project which is great we had I think it was like on average eight for project which we don't always see um so uh it really helps us to make sure we're getting a competitive price I just want to highlight that yeah to um I guess Jerry to our engineer yeah um when when is the start dates on these two projects and how long will the closures of the roadways take dog could you could you hear that the question yes um so uh we after the award we have to send this both of these projects up to njdot for concurrence um which could take as long as a month and then uh once that happens we can have a preconstruction meeting and uh construction can start um I believe the bridge on 8th Street is uh about a year and um the project project on uh wayth Road I believe is uh a year and a half from that ball park uh we're doing stage construction on the Waymouth Road uh which means uh we'll do half a bridge at a time with uh signals so that uh we could keep traffic going but alternating um 8 Street will be completely closed okay thank you any other any other commissioner comment see hearing none anything from the public have aoll call bastino burs yes SE yes G yes Parker yes rizley yes yes motion carries resolution 345 r b contract with WB Mason for the provision of miscellaneous office supplies amount not to exceed $24,275 8 second move by commissioner um G second by commissioner palas any commer com see hear none anything from the call D yeso yes Burns yes St yes ghetto yes clker yes rley yes K yes car resoltion 346 big contract with Dutchman Contracting limited liability company for the Reconstruction of the SL M salt Barn Mount n exceed [Music] $299,825 Child Health Services in Atlanta County amount not to exceed $177,000 second move by commissioner Burn seconded by commissioner G any commiss comments see he none anything from the public anyone roll call bastino yes Burns St yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes km yes motion carried resolution 348 alternate method contract with IM and Associates PC for the county option Hospital fee program to exceed $133,000 move by commissioner G second by commissioner bertino any commissioner comments seeing hearing none anything from the public any roll call Bas yes Cino yes Burns yes St yes G yes clker yes grizley yes K yes motion carried resolution 349 shared services agreement with Bergen County for the housing OFA County juveniles at the Bergen County Juvenile Detention Center second move by commission G seconded by commissioner grizley any commissioner comments no commission Val okay so Jerry have we actually come up with a formal plan yet um so we can do a resolution to the state reference to expanding Harbor fields we we uh authorized facilities to go ahead and get a Contractor on board to do a schematic design tell us whether or not you know we're talking between 15 20 beds whether or not it fits on the property and whether or not it can actually fit there um so we're waiting for that then then we can tell you you know better what what we're going to do okay yeah just keep us posted that way we'll do the uh the resolution whether it means anything or not but you something all right thank you any other commission comments anything from the public and we have a roll call Alice yes Cino yes Burns yes SE yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 350 sourcewell National Cooperative contract with National Auto Fleet group for the purchase of two four Transit cargo vans amount not to exceed $10,400 move second mooved by commissioner G second by commissioner bertino and any commissioner comments Jerry what ADV van Ed for I was going to ask you to table this they're going to be they're going to be used by the the Board of Elections I mean I can I can speak to it or you can have a board board of election you be you'll be fine you now no you know they're going to use it doing elections to transport you they correct machines and they have they they they have special equipment that they that they move around as like they they look like uh these huge cartridges and that's the cartridges that are in the uh as you know in the um voting machine itself they take out and they have a case that they carry around so so it's the equipment materials those cartridges whatever yes will they be using them only or is that going to be will they use it a different time some place else they'll use it for whever they need to use it for elction that's cor just the Board of Elections thank [Music] our hey any other commissioner comments anything from the [Music] public thank you madam chair Creed poke m manner uh I am a commissioner on the County Board um I'm not speaking on behalf of the board um just want to thank you for the consideration on this uh chair money and commissioner Couts for our budget committee this year and with uh Jerry and administration uh went through various discussions and so we were happy to get this moving forward um the main purpose while there'll be um various Transportation involved mainly will be um for the Dropbox is um if you look inside of that there's actually this large metal cube uh and therefore for security what we want to be able to do is and what we're supposed to do is you take one metal cube out put it in the van take the empty cube out and put it back in the Box um and so having the Vans allows us to do that we now have 23 drop boxes across the county as well as in essence the maze Landing post office being 24th um location and that will be done every day which is why with the one band we have adding the two uh is very helpful also uh we were having discussions with the New Jersey Division of Elections at last week's Regional um Association election officials meeting um we are able to get reimbursed the County's able to get reimbursed um for the expenses involved with the vans mileage Etc uh so therefore U for the various election times and we are an election season not an election day uh Northfield for instance also added on a special school election in September uh fortunately the timing for that appears there will be no conflict uh with vote by mail or anything else but those various times also will have uh at least a couple of the drop boxes open and those will be used so again I want to thank you for a consideration of this and thank you in advance for anticipated approval um even though I'm the one here talking about it that's okay commissioner BS so uh just a quick question um two Vans two Transit Vans for $110,000 seems as they pretty a pretty stripped down version of of that are you looking are you guys going to be putting some kind of rack system or sheling systems in there so everything just doesn't fly all around the back well the the good news is is that when you're talking about eight large metal cubes there won't be a whole lot of room for them to move um and so we'll we should be safe on that on the other hand if there are other issues we'll um look to add on to that going forward but I'm hopeful that what we were able to procure will wind up doing it because then any type of major shelving system would wind up obstructing us for the boxes being able to fit unless Jerry has some amplification that some traffic system in there well that'll be they'll be it'll be secured so Greg is on uh Greg brookens you know he's the one who's been negotiating he can tell you he can tell you what's on the band whatever you there there hey Greg can you hear can you hear me Jerry yeah we can hear you now Greg why don't you explain what's on the vehicle so yeah these these are just stri down cargo bands but uh depending on whatever the needs are we'll make sure that they're taking care of if they need like you said if they need cargo scraps or um uh the cargo bars in there uh we'll we'll get 100 thank you thank you madam chair thank you anybody else from the public call Al yes Cino yes Burns yes St yes G yes Parker yes grizley yes F yes motion carries resolution 351 memorandum of agreement with the Atlanta County Sheriff's Office and Stockton University for the provision of sheriff Patrol Services amount not to exceed $225,000 move by commissioner burn second by commissioner G any commissioner comments sherff so last year when this came up as you're all aware I asked a ton of questions and the cut table and until we got the answers and and um it was approved I see the sheriff's here maybe he can it was previous Sheriff before and now we have the new sheriff may explain a little bit out the program and why it's important to stock attic County sherff sir always nice to have you here good evening everybody good to be here so basically this program is supportive and augmentive program to Stockton College as they are feeling what all law enforcement is feeling now their recruiting is down they originally told me when I took this office they'd be straight in four months they'd have enough people and I told them I didn't think they would be and the reason I said that I explained to them very simply this they said they had four people in the Academy I said the information I have is that you're going to graduate one if you're lucky that was the case so here we are again um this is a common story in law enforcement recruiting is tough hard to get people they needed us to come support their agency we do that they reimburse the county um the only significant changes that we made for this contract from the last contract is we're now in the calendar year so it'll take it till the end of this year that way prior to another Sheriff where if Frank says I can run again um thank you if if that is the case we'll have ample time the new sheriff or whoever's in charge won't have to come in at the last minute and try to negotiate something they have no understanding or no concept of let alone the contract was already expired when I took office having said that we've increased it $15 an hour from 60 to $75 an hour that also helps to compensate whatever the county uh pay it is uh whatever we we believe it generates money not loses money so we thought at this point we're going to ask for $75 to keep in Pace with the increases of our salaries which know I apologize which you know have been extensive other than that we support them we we Aid them we give them direction we needed and for any special events they have we try to be there and give them enough man power and woman power to support the event any questions I'm happy to try to ask them um mad chair just um for the sake so somebody might say well is this going to is this going to stretch our own Sheriff's Department thin in terms of the duties that they have to carry out you just talk about how that would all work well that is actually a good question because the sheriff's office has been called upon to do many things for many agencies including our own County and um we support both the county jail and where they don't have people to to take care of Hospital duties we also assisted the prosecutor's office when they have not had the Personnel to do it and we support any agency that calls us so I myself had questioned this we originally were asked to take Atlantic City Campus as well but we had Atlantic City opt into this program and take the Atlantic City Campus we're responsible for gal's campus now we have a 30-day option now I'm sure you know if it were to become a and where it would cost be costly to the citizens or to my staff if I see things like fatigue overwork being stressed out that won't happen public safety's first um of course we'll try to help them wherever we can with what we can but you know we're responsible to 23 municipalities which is an arduous task and we intend to do that we've also stepped up our U 3 to11 shift from warrants because the excessive amount of warrants that we have M County which as you know we're published weekly so everybody can see what we're doing and I have to say I'm pretty proud of the men and women of the sheriff's office because they've stepped up tremendously but I will not let them get fatigued overworked and that's a very strong point and one I've had to consider in making the decision to move forward with this hence we decided that the staff said we could still do this without that problem if it does become a problem we'll be the first to know will let you know thank you for that M chair yeah just to piggy back off what um Mr got spoke on um these are mainly um extra Duty SL overtime details um you're not pulling people from their normal work hours oh no to send them out to that would be improper actually um this is all paid for under Stockton College reimburses the county it's a strictly overtime detail and and it is not a locked in overtime detail which is something for a later date will be discussed but it is whatever the overtime rate is for that officer new officer is a lot less costly versus a senior officer so we open it to all our membership and they gladly take it and uh that's the extent of it it's no really no cost to us other than normal compensation any other comments from the Comm anything call thank you thank you Sher thank you ma' appreciate it thank you Alis yes patino yes Burns yes B yes G yes Parker yes grizley yes K yes carries resolution 352 loal Services agreement with l c community college for an adult basic education program amount not to exceed 96,97 second move by commissioner Parker seconded by commissioner G any commissioner comments see here none anything call alino SPS yes yes G yes Parker yes rley yes FM yes mer carries resolution 353 inter local Services agreement with L Community College for a supplemental learning lab program amount not to exceed 9663 by Parker second by giss Hear n anything from the publicas yeso yes Burns St yes G yesker Wiley yes yes carries 34 resolution authorizing participation of the county of Atlantic in the state development and Redevelopment plan cross acceptance process move by commission G second by commissioner Bas any commission com chair um commissioner bino do you want to just talk about what you mentioned in our uh budget Administration committee the Nuance difference between us being a part of the process and we're not approving the plan um in the in our finance committee we had a discussion on the C Exempted plan come Redevelopment plan come from the state of New Jersey there were some preliminary goals it's not been finalized yet but there were some preliminary goals that the state wants to see addressed as they look at development As you move forward when you're talking about you know the Redevelopment agencies smart planning grants and stuff there's always funding that's tied into how you want to propose legislation one of the concerns I had initially and we had a great good discussion back and forth with Jerry and Bob internally on it and the thoughts I had was I kind of felt like we're kind of putting the carp forward a horse mentality if I'm accepting um the plan that the resolution that they're presenting it had some bows in there I I thought we should be reaching out to the municipalities to get their input first town has its own master plan objectives and stuff that I wanted to make sure we're fitting into what the state's thoughts were um as we discussed it it wasn't really our role we're not approving the state plan we're simply acting as a pass through to get this information out to the uh you know our count towns in in county and give them a chance to give feedback to the program directly to the state I think I think that's the best way of put I had some real concerns CU some of the goals you know and you could talk about different stuff housing affordable housing uh some criteria the state wants to see hit as they're moving forward with Statewide planning uh Concepts and I want to make sure that we uh give the opportunity for all our municipalities all 23 to make sure they view it see it and get back into the combat period before the actual plans completely finalized so I had some concerns but I don't like you know sometimes I maybe I overthink it as I told Jerry um um like I said I see the goals of States looking for preliminarily they haven't finalized it yet but let's not kid ourselves a lot of that stuff's going to probably stay the same uh their goals are statey Statewide they want to see as far as development Redevelopment occurs and how it progresses so it gets a little specific I wanted to make sure you guys received a copy of those goals which they did forward to all of you please review if you have any thoughts or concerns when you're dealing with your local municipalities you maybe want to have some discussions to make sure they get feedback back to the state before this stuff's all finalized there is a timeline that they're working on to get it approved that was all you any other commission comments hearing anything from the public roll call Al yeso yes Burns yes B yes G yes Parker yes rley yes turn yes carries resolution 355 governing body certification of the annual audit move by commissioner BN second by commissioner C any commission comments see hearing n anything from the public have call Bas yeso yes Burns yes da yes ghetto yes perker yes grizzley yes kerm yes motion carries I'll entertain a motion at this time to combine adop resol 356 to 357 159 by commissioner G by commissioner rley any commissioner comments anything from the public Valas yeso Burns St yes yes Parker yes grizzley yes yes motion carries I'll entertain a motion now to provide and adopt resolutions number 358 through 362 with these are appointments mov by commissioner gther second by commissioner Parker any commissioner comments I just want again thank these people who uh agree to go on to uh these different boards that we have it's very important that we have you know that commit themselves uh anybody from public roll Alice Martino Burns St yes G yes Parker yes rley yes kerm yes carries we have resolution 363 resolution urging NJ transit to designate a bus stop for use at the new Veterans Clinic sponsors Frank xal and Andrew W Parker third move by commission B seconded by commissioner G chair thank you yes so um basically as everyone knows the new Veterans Clinic um is going in Cornerstone in lwood and um we just want to get ahead of this as far as the the bus stop instead of having uh disabled veterans being dropped off on Route 9 and having to walk the length of that facility which is is pretty large because the entrance from what I understand is going to be almost only to the back by where the marshes are um I guess back where the old Chinese restaurant was and all that in that um building so um we're just going to be asking New Jersey transit to have the bus like it does like at the Hamilton Mall and you know other other malls to go into the shopping Center and drop off close to the door and then go back out there's plenty of room in the the parking area for the bus to be able to turn around and get back out um it would only happen if there is a a patient that's on board the bus so they wouldn't have to you know all the time um and and unless there's you know somebody inside the shop or and of course could only be during their operational hour you know which is during the day um so I don't think it's a real heavy lift and you know we're probably anticipating a opening of that facility probably hopefully less than a year from now so you know we are a little ahead of it which is good but we know kind of know how government works you know everything is not real so um hopefully everyone will support this and it's going to be a great thing for this area the enhanced Clinic um as you know it's basically doubling the size of the clinic that they have in norfield which basically doubled the size of the one they had in Venter so you know baby steps you know they say you you elant one body at the time that's kind where we're at and um this new facility will have um they'll have facilities in there and I think that's hold up is the MRI earting for that from the Department of Health so um hopefully everyone support that and it's beats AV our veterans take a bus drive from here to Delaware you know on a in a van or bus with no bathroom youbody else anything from the Alice yeso yes Burns yes yes G yes Parker yes rley yes K yes motion carries uh that brings us that concludes our WR portion of the agenda uh we have received copies of written Communications and petitions anybody would like to uh share any they have received B yes um I should have just called Jerry but I'll tell him now because it's on my mind um Jerry yeah so the um the new flashing beacons that were installed on English Creek Road for the academy and also for the firehouse on English Creek Road um as you travel I guess you would say North on that roadway um the limbs of the trees are basically blocking the beacons and the sign until you're basically right up on top of them so whenever um Public Work can get out there and just um trim them back you know directly right in front of it I'd say you know 50 ft in front of the sign it's it's fine right so I'm sure the guys when they installed it looked and that was fine but you know if you're A4 mile down the road you can't you see the bottom part of the sign and then as you get closer you know it grow cuz you're getting closer to it so um I don't think it's any emergency but um I got the phone call from a couple of different firemen um and then when I went out there and checked it I agree but they didn't say anything of course about the one at the police at the fire academy police fire academy but that's the same situation okay okay it's and it's just on that one side the other side of the road is fine anybody else have any Communications mam chair on June first uh I received a letter from Atlantic Shores offshore went uh that was forwarded to all the Commissioners stating that they were moving forward with their committing process to get their permits so I know that we are uh we have been speaking about a resolution or what we're going to do as far as land Shore and the wind turbines but as we see they're not waiting for us to make a decision the project continues to move forward so I was just wondering um know when are we what we plan to do in terms of of letting them know where we stand as a commissioner Bo still in committee we had a lot of questions still so these questions still have to be answered so on this that they sent um we all have a copy of it and I believe they also received a federal approval today so we're still you looking into some of the questions that other Commissioners had I guess my concern is as we as we wait they continue to press forward so what I what I what I don't want to happen I guess is for the turbines to start going up and we're still trying to make a decision on questions it's clear they're not you know at least from my standpoint doesn't seem they're really I mean the letter that they sent was directed to me uh personally and they still have not answered any of my specific questions but they sent me a letter so that's my concern you know they won't answer my questions but they'll send me a letter saying that they're moving forward with the process so as they continue to move forward and move forward it's almost it almost has the the feel of you know we're being ignored our questions are being ignored we we continue to bring this up and they continue fold so I know that there are a lot of our constituents that are out here that are expecting us to take a leadership position and it's it's important to our shore and and I know we all know how important it is I just don't want this I don't want us to fail to make a statement and then if the project is construction ends I guess that's my concern yeah thank you m chair as Parks environmental commission had an opportunity to review the project Parks environment has been talking about this project for quite some time at what length they never made up one or another on it they haven't had a decision since it is that would think they probably want to comment on it at some point as a project I'm sure I'm almost positive that F environment will be making a comment to us they will be advising the commission's board how they feel at some point we have done two or three resolutions in the past because I think if and correct me if I'm wrong the resolutions that we have done is that we did have some major concerns we went from delaying the project we talked about the in with the U at the tourism we talked about how it's going to impact the environment we did talk about all that I think all of us recognize at least I speak for myself on that one um I recognize that anytime you build anything you're going to impact the environment I've always said that doesn't matter if I what a road to the woods I'm impack and something there are going to be issues with that um off the shore if you've read and I know some of us have that opportunity to look at it I read the environment I went back statement from bone I went through it tells you in the all the issues you could expect that this happens or that happens and the impact on the environment the impact on it's in there they're telling you that the permits of course were approved federally the permits were approved through the state financing was done to to support the Project's construction now you're getting down to the operation of it which is a lanic shores as a generator that's going to run the facilities and Opera and sell an electric to the grid and we've had those discussions how that works it's on demand a lot of the solar never even gets into the Grid it's lost what this will be as it's switched and wherever the demand is it gets into the system I don't know about profitability I know there'll be maintenance says all that in the report um you know my concern of course has always been look we know we have a problem with it if we want to do another resolution that says that we have real problems with it I'd support a resolution because it's the truth says it in their own reports um but I think in talking um I had a discussion with mayor Sarah recently we talked about the resolution I said give you the resolution but I think he wants to have a little more from the county side to fight it and he understand the difficulties how that proceeds I had the discussion with him about there's 30 plus permits which one of you going to attack first they give you I'm being honest with him at least from my perspective of some of the concerns they had but listen let's say we all knew this even people build listen if you talk to the generators of elction there may be concerns they can't control that's going to impect way it is so if we want to do another resolution to talk about doing another one supporting it or against it or against it things listen I'll give you a resolution that I have a problem with and all the concerns I got a million of I just listed a bunch of them put in the resolution if that makes if that's what we want to do as a group I'm okay doing it that way at this point because it is going to impact us yeah it is and I I just don't want us to belor the point and that's that's my concern because it's as we wait they're not Le of course not they got the permits they got them all approved they're running with a project that they builded it and they're going to get paid when the windmills go up or that gets paid to put them deliver them on site manufacture them as we speak that's all been approved so um that's why I say if from the commissioner's board another resolution against it I'm happy to support it this is the truth but what do you want to do that's what I'm saying you know well to me what what's in here is asking if we want a hearing I mean that when I look at this it's just you know is that yeah it's uh asking if uh basically what this is saying is telling you about their application and if you want to have a hearing that's what I'm looking at here yes is the is the power L specific so your republ here I don't know that the subcommittee is I think I'd like to know as I think that's Parks Environ well I I am but I'm not because it's technically in John's committee at the moment it's not in Parks enironment I'm not even sure why they sent it to Parks envirment that's why they want to say I sent you a letter exactly got that's that's why I said and that's why I said send it to all the Commissioners you know what I mean I haven't even had a Parks environment meeting since then you know what I mean so I don't know where Parks environment is going to stand as far as a public hearing but we're already kind of dealing with this in commissioner ry's committee so I'm just how do we want to move forward I guess that's what I'm looking for some direction how we want to move forward as a commission well I think last we had this as there was a number of members up here one including myself of how things we wanted questions and specific questions we wanted so that was going that way we you know that's where it was that was the last we spoke I guess my question is do we want to call for this hearing is that want to do let's call for it if we have something specific to talk about for AAR Township in the line that's what you're being asked to call hearing so what has a gar Township approved the line coming in through the plan Bo no they had it on the agenda they Ted it for their engineer to look at it commission G I mean I just we have very limited control on this whole process as a whole one thing we can do is call for a public hearing so I think where we can offer transparency in a process I think we should call for hear yeah um cuz there's very very little things that we actually can with regard to this topic so this is one thing we can I think we [Music] should so if you yeah just um one statement then second question um first of all if you read between the lines in the in the letter basically are telling us that you know the Board of Commissioners is is not a step in their approval process right okay they don't need us okay secondly just a question to commissioner grizley um I know this was talked about a couple months ago and it was going back to committee I didn't see anything as far as a uh another meeting and then you had a draft resolution which there was some concerns with from some members of the board and I I haven't heard anything else I know um I basically gave my seat up to commissioner da cuz he wanted to be on it I know he's on vacation so I don't know if that's what you're waiting on him to get back but um just want where where we're at with it well all I can say is that first of all in addressing the letter that we got I think we should react to it I don't think we should just be silent on because that basically says that we're okay with it and we shouldn't be we should call for the hearing but beyond that uh I know I know how feel and I know how four other members of the body felt we came up with a resolution of opposing these are turbines I've done a lot of personal reading on on turbines and the more I read about it the angrier I again quite frankly uh it's a horrible horrible idea bringing those cables in Sovereign Avenue tearing the streets up running them down to Sovereign Avenue school and then running them down through Atlantic City through apartment complexes to the Bridge Route 40 down Bader field right d harer Township this whole program is insanity in my opinion Total Insanity and another point I'd like to bring up about this topic that is overlooked I think Atlantic City Electric is a public utility company okay these other companies that are coming into play they're private companies now Atlantic City Electric is going to have to spend some money as well well guess what that's a public utility that's our money all right and for a number of reasons I I can see a small leak many of these turbines and with a cell phone camera you can take that picture and send it around the world at probably 60 seconds and that won't be good for Atlantic City for our area so I am I'm totally completely opposed to it uh I don't want the streets torn up I don't want our area torn up with this huge these are huge cables that are coming in now they say they're going to be buried four to 6 feet down they say they're shielded I'm not so sure you know years ago they told us cigarettes were okay asbest was okay cycl maen soda was okay uh camp leune water was okay and it wasn't we're not allowable to find out the effects of the radiation from these cables until decades later so um my position is clear I'm totally completely against it it seems that some members of the board have a problem with this but I have no problem with if you want to call for a public hearing you can call for a public hearing but I don't think we should just be silent on this letter that's my opinion no offense commissioner but you didn't answer the question are you have another subcommittee to address the questions that are still outstanding in committee we we can but on what topic what do you want to know what questions do you want to know you have been given numerous emails from myself from commissioner Martino from commissioner G and I don't know who else that's those questions are in those emails and you they are in the emails your questions quite frankly uh are either self-evident for example one of the questions you asked about why does Atlantic City why the commissioner's Atlantic City voting well you can pick up the phone and call that all right they have their own committee to do this commissioner these are questions we're not going to go through every question that each one and I believe commissioner Burns will also ask some things we're not going to go through the questions each one of us has asked we ask this to go back to the committee and I think that that's a fair thing that we do when we have committees that's what we do we not to we're not here to go over this you want to know about this letter and if somebody wants to have a hearing we can discuss that now if you want a hearing we can discuss that now everything else was sent back to a committee there hasn't been a meeting yet I understand if somebody's out people I understand people's timing but right now there has not been another committee meeting and there are questions that went and I think that's respect to the people that sent those question questions you like them or not by the time we uh get all these answers that are mainly opinions for the answers anyway The Barbarians that that is not acceptable well the barari they are not they are questions that came from the other Commissioners that went to a committee and I think that they should be respected one of the questions you asked chair was about uh excuse me I just said we're not going to go through every question that was sent to the committee they were sent to the committee and they were supposed to be discussed in the committee we're not going to do that right now what we're going to do is you have this letter here if you want to discuss that I'm willing to discuss that right now Madam chair it may be on me for the way I framed I brought this up so I'll take responsibility for this the way the conversation is G I will but what I but I do want to discuss the hearing because I want to address that are we going to have a hearing if the answer is yes how are we going to do it I don't think the appropriate ways to have part's environment they can be at the hearing but I don't think they it should be run through them even though the letter was sent to them for whatever reason I don't know why it was sent to me to that committee because we that committee has said absolutely nothing on the subject so far you know so I don't understand why they sent it there so I thought I thought it made sense for it to bring it to the entire commissioner board the we can make a decision I don't know if we want to have the hearing through hearing sub commmittee commissioner me through a commissioner or through the entire commissioner how this happens is from what I understand and um I'm going to have to ask you the way this reads is you need to request it through the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and it had to be within 15 days of this so we would have to have it done by Friday the request for hearing the request for the hearing and you have to State any specific nature of the issues that you want to be rais during that so that that can people you know our commissioners would like to do it do you have any other input as to how this letter yeah I think it reads vague as well if you it sounds as if they're offering the potential to hear you and or have a hearing that's what I got from reviewing it so if uh if the board wants to be heard by them I I think you should respond to them and tell them how what you want to talk about how you want to talk about it and see what they say back I don't know that they committed today I I don't think there's anything specific about a process in there other than vag references to a dear and we're being heard so to answer your question now if you want to be heard I would reach out to them being as specific as possible and and see how you can coordinate it and what they have in mind quite frankly I would reference every single paragraph that's in here that you want to have a hearing on each of those items in this letter because it says this state a specific nature so I would permit fres water Wetlands blood Hazard permit yeah it seems to pertain specifically to the plan that I saw that was the last page that's what I got from it which is appears to be the power L that's asking C however you want to refer to them so my question is and again the vagueness of this when we request a hearing issues about yeah so I understand would be about any issue that's here they're not going to listen so do they decide the location I'm not sure be frank with you I think I think the first thing is to make the communication and see what they want to do and how they you're going to request the public hearing here facilities here that's what this is telling you to do you're going to request it you give them a date in the time so it's done publicly it's going have to be publicly advertised just like any public hearing notify everybody that you're having that hearing if they have comments to come in and you're going to have to have the criteria that's specific to this line coming in where they're going to come in and tell you about everything else except what what what they're telling us that we're allowed to do in question at this point specific to the trans some in Atlanta County because if we expect a larger crowd right I may we doing City the do can be so just listening to this I'm not sure if they're asking us to hold a public hearing or if we want to if we want to be heard in front of the DP we enter either a 30-day public comment period or public hearing will be held on the application your individuals may request a public hearing on the application within 15 calendar VI of this notice all comments requests should be to the department so it's saying we want to request they if we request it they'll hold the public right hearing right as Commissioners we're not asking them to hold public he I think they're telling you that they'll hear you in some form that they'll decide later right that's what I think they're saying to you now that's way okay if we're not running it at the hearing well I I don't think he could hurt to suggest a location you know you want to do suit this I don't think it hurts to ask for a hearing I would I would just make a motion that that um either the chair or our solicitor um make contact with the number that's on this form to request a hearing and find out the details whether it is us to host it for them to host it and it's going to have to be in a in a facility that is large enough to handle a large crowd because this is a very very um intense issue with a lot of people in this County and outside of this count so that's that's my motion roll anybody elments any other commission comments on it public comments Alice yeso yes Burns St yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes motion carries that yes ask the yeah so stks most of them will be Frid no we'll get it out tomorrow is there an email is there an email address I don't know I don't have the letter in front of me I did look we can figure that out add but um chasing our Tails got something sorry right foring and state Madam chair moving on I have another written communication to Jerry actually YouTu Jerry Jerry I've received a few phone calls from uh employees in the county who were concerned of I don't know they thought it was a rumor not a rumor whatever that all the county schedules will be changed um I told them I I knew nothing about it and but I would I told them I definitely would bring it up at our meeting so if there's anything you like you can share on um whether that's true or not and if so why we are considering to change the schedules so the we may discussing how to help employees so there are two areas one one are is we're still looking at health benefits and trying to reduce the cost of healths that's one second area was was a recommendation we had a staff meeting one of the recommendations said I'm going to take you back one minute so for the library the library for years have been asking can we raise our salaries and and you know just to go raise salaries is easiest thing it sounds good when you have 23 unions and then you have like 400 management people that's just not as easy as a race out so with the library in particular the Librarians you know that you're required to have a masters in in uh Library science so what we did with the library is we reduce your hours of work and they loved it for for two reasons one working less hours but in effect raised their hourly rate so we began looking at that for the rest of the county so we two two or three uh uh suggestions on the table one of the suggestions was to if you if you were to work8 hours today and you had an hour for lunch you'd be at work roughly nine hours because you don't get paid for your lunch so you work you work your eight hours at some point in the day you go for your 1 hour lunch and then you know you work the rest of your day so it's a basically a 9-h hour day so what the recommendation was is why don't we look at working a straight 8 hour day with a half hour paid lunch so they only working 7 and a half hours it technically reduces their their day one hour so they're only there eight hours if it's a 7h hour employee they work you know they 7 hours they get a half hours pay lunch so it raises their I mean technically it raises their hour only rate reduces their time at work so we we we went to the exact we presented it to the exact he said why you why what is your recommendation so we said well we'll do a pilot project why don't we do the summer it's a good time to work on some of these issues so one of the unions we went out to all the unions by the way we told was going to be a pilot and so what we we asked for was recommendations back so so I'm going to give you the other side of the story so instead of getting recommendations what we got back was people complaining that they thought we were doing something you know surf tious they didn't know what we were doing they they were they were concerned whatever what whatever they thought we were doing two unions were were were pretty forward with this one I don't I I don't have to tell you he because he comes to the table every single time and he he loved the idea and so he's in he's in you know he he we love him he and we always expect him to be in on these things because he always does the best for his for his employee base and there's another uh uh president of one of the unions who's the same way although you don't always see him because he doesn't always have um there's not a lot he's not doesn't have the same U number in his Union that this other uh president has so he came forward and said look I've been getting uh questions about four 10hour days the union that he's representing was asked many times by me would they be interested in 4 10hour days the I I have to admit the work your kind of work schedule really lent itself to this and that that's why I was asking him to do that he got four people to do it so we we did this as a separate pilot so so right now we have one one very large Union not all their employees are involved but a good portion of their employees are involved in an 8 hour day with a half hour paid lunch and then we have four employees working for for 10hour days so it's a pilot you know I'll be meeting with them like probably every four weeks just to see how how they're going how they feel about it you know does it work doesn't it work you know what are the recommendations you know and then we at the end of this at the end of this pilot which is toward the end of the Sumer summer we would probably come out with a you know I guess a report that says you know they really like it they hate it they don't want to do it you know it doesn't work whatever and and that that's basically what what you're hearing but there's at least one unit that just I I would I mean I I today I you can see I'm stumbling over words they actually argued with us what are you doing we weren't doing anything but giving him an opportunity to work and 7 hour day of work 6 and2 hours and you get a half hour for lunch you work 8 hours you work 7 and2 hours and half hour for lunch they just argued with us and still when I when I see at least one of the people they want to argue with me about it so I don't know why but that that's what you're hearing so you're probably getting it from that one Union you know that that think we're being underhanded some like I don't know what to say I have four TS I'll take four10 any other reports committees oh reports of committees yes I have I'm sorry I thought we were think we were okay um report to special committee um today the um roads and bridges subcommittee hosted a I guess like a work group or a stakeholder group um that included uh Senator palotina um County Planning uh department and members of administration uh ATL County Economic Alliance and um lots of other uh supporting supporting players I guess you could say and the purposes um or purpose was to kind of align on all of the Redevelopment work that we have going on uh in the county uh through our Atlanta County Economic Alliance um how do we how do we make sure that as they're working that Economic Development angle we are supporting it um and one of the things we heard a lot was roads and bridges need to be cleaned up around some of the areas that we're talking about doing a lot of our Redevelopment um airport area um specifically uh and uh some other other key areas um so we all kind of got together talked about priorities that each area is working on County talked about different projects that we already have in plate with regard to some of the roads that um are going to be impacted by you know potential Economic Development drivers um and so we kind of got aligned so it was it was a really good conversation to get aligned on what's everybody doing and what help does everybody need in trying to to either obtain funding for some of these projects that we're looking at um or to you know attract different developers or um to attract different projects if we know we have a certain space for them right um so we we got aligned uh we took away needing to kind of prioritize some key roadways uh that we discussed and some key interchanges um with particularly uh the expressway at some locations um and and some other uh key intersections and um so we're going to work on that prioritization and then um I think we're going to continue to meet on some kind of regular basis to um again make sure that we're supporting the state the County Federal anything that's going on to make sure we're all talking and we're all staying in line and one of the key reasons for this is and I think commissioner you commissioner B you said we know how government works right the if cologne and um Route 30 is any example of I think we're at 5 years of requesting that uh intersection Improvement and those lights consider the new lights continue to sit there with a bag on them and not be implemented yet you know it it does take several years to get a road project through particularly State Andor Federal uh approvals the Engineering Process all of that um so our our conversation is you know we have these long-term plans let's get these key areas in the pipeline now where we can so that when we're ready to ask for funding we kind of have some things already uh approved or um you know very close to it so um that was that view uh commissioner rosley the the South Jersey um uh TPO which I know you're very passionate about out was uh represented and part of the conversation um so I think it was a really good a really good stakeholder group to pull together and again I think we're going to continue those conversations um as we as we move along so just want to give an update there just trying to get streamlined so when available that we're right there and [Music] ready thank you the other uh special committees okay any unfinished business anybody like to yeah just two things um one a while ago we had a um presentation on the the Wharton uh Park visiting vehicle use map um have not heard anything since then been try to make some revisions is pretty um much up on that if there's any on that and the second thing is if uh D can just give us an update on the uh bridge in NE Township that's being replaced yeah hi um from what I understand the bridge is uh moving along very well um it's actually probably a little ahead ahead of schedule uh so as long as we don't hit any hiccups I think we'll have it you know definitely open before the end of the year okay yeah it seems like today there's a lot of heavy construction going on a couple new crens out there so it seems like there uh it may be even installing the the new portions of the bridge yeah um I actually I believe they actually have the bridge sections in uh I think they're doing the ground improvement work now now uh which is uh installing hundreds of grout pounds which will keep the approach roadways from settling great hearing from the neighbors anyone how are we doing with the neighbors no actually I haven't heard anything have you heard anything I haven't gotten any complaints lately um that's good but I'm sure uh I'm sure there's still some issues out there on bis Mill yeah I think you did a lot out there there to you know help them well they did Doug Doug why don't you go through I mean I think there was some issue with the lake streak right was it in front of the lake streak uh project there was some issues there I think you guys took care of that right uh yeah there was some issues with the uh the mitigation bank I guess the contractor got a little close to the mitigation bank but they since restored that area and moved all their debris and stuff out of that area so uh they did take care of that last week um one of one of the the residents that was that was one of his key areas with us I mean we he walked us through the he walked us through uh Doug myself and Renee uh and and you know recommended that we you know are we going to restore this and Doug told him we would restore it since we left that time there was there was more uh construction materials there and we're not there the first time and so Doug has since you know worked on that so it is cleared up and they're restoring it to you know where where it should while we have dog can I just say I uh the uh the crane is on Lake leny Dam uh the which I know the spway improvements are getting ready to start can you just give a quick update for the full Commissioners and the public now oh sure yeah um so we were waiting on two things number one we had the um gate project at the PowerHouse which uh was uh by a separate contractor there was a lot of delays on that project up front um more supply issues it took a lot longer to have the gates fabricated than anticipated so that interfered with our second contract with South State which is for the replacement of the sway the much larger project um back uh contract ended I think uh January or February but then we were in a situation where we had inward work restrictions so we couldn't move forward with the project until actually uh July 1st so uh South State's been uh working on mobilizing to the site um next week they will uh be working on relocating or well temporarily relocating the fish ladder so it's out of the way because right now where the fish ladder the entrance to the fish ladder is right at the base of the spillway and uh we will have to uh in install C for Dam both upstream and downstream of the spillway so that we can install the new spillet so uh they'll be working on that uh fish ladder for a little bit and then they will start driving the sheating for the Upstream C D and then um they will continue with the c Dame through uh I believe through I think it might be through November both Upstream Downstream and then they'll be able to start working on the spway yeah thanks D it's great to finally be at this place with this with this l l thank you so much chair while we have Doug um on B Mill did we ever um put guard on the descending portions of that bridge that conversation came up I will have to check and make sure that was finally put in I know it was in the works um but I'll have to check with the project manager on that to make sure it was done thank you anything else for ra thank you Doug we always appreciate you being here uh you're welcome any other unfinished business commissioner bertino on the second part of this question yeah you heard anything that yeah I said give you an update the last discussion I had which was a couple of months ago with the state officials we talked about the issue out there on the W track use map some of the concerns we had was why they were shut down all those areas uh one of the problems that they explained to me was um since it's an open public use out there you have Brooks that would come in to take their ATVs from around the state and out of the state and they hold little tournament get togethers well they'll come in and um because you use the facility you do a permit from the state might cost them $250 $300 and they come there with 80 or 90 people and they come in paying these people are paying the ride in this park so you have entrepreneurs that were making money utilizing the state parks feeding up the entire area which I didn't know that was the case I suggest of course to go back to the state get the U for that for the track out there for the Wen track and CHS that criteria so you can't have events like that that's the process that they're going to have to do at the state level through legislation which isn't so simple since a dedicated public facility they told me and it's open for public use so to answer your question the mapping is right now staying the scene they ask for comment period from everybody those areas they want to arrest them I because of the damage that occurred if you've been out there um there is some stuff that's been happening that's nice now it's hasn't no one's allowed to use it kind of thing but they're not making any Maj major changes to the map I think their problem should be go back to as I said earlier address the use issues that you have out there when you're allowing these big groups to come in because like I said uh they were making a good Buck doing it and that was what was beating up the par not the average user that's riding out there that once enjoy it that that that was their big issue which I didn't even realize they they had that issue you know apparently people that's where I got left thank you just to add to what you said there's I know that they're still working with some of the groups like so the groups that were have the hunters and the you know some of the groups that were against the map I know the state's been working with them so they you know open tours with them and it's been you know so they're two way on absolutely they don't realize like we said earlier they they are not they haven't been the problem I I think it's like I said the entrepreneurs that are coming in bringing in these groups cuz they don't have a place to go and they're offer the ride in the woods and down in nature and enjoy yourself and they were riding in areas where they weren't really permitted to be on anymore they might be fire Trails or whatever they had back they were going everywhere and that was the state's bigger issue which realize that was even a I wouldn't give it a thought to do it it's probably why uh that's why I'm still working and not not retired or something that's that was your point that was the issue thank you sir M chair I apologize I have to go backwards back to communication I think it's right that I report this I've been in communication with Jerry about this from the NJ njet legislative affairs committee there is a piece of legislation that that impacts the county code red uh code red legislation uh Senate Bill 2346 and I think it's assembly 2258 and one second bring up just the I'll read the beginning the New Jersey Association of counties in Jack respectfully opposes a 2258 which would require counties to establish cold Red Alert plans to shelter at risk individuals during hot weather conven and recommends the measure instead established a voluntary pilot program along with a dedicated and non lamps and funding mechanism to support the program so in talking with Jerry um as as well one of the issues that he brought up was there was no funding mechanism they were asking counties to come up with this program and there was no of course it was legislation with no funding so inj opposed it and so they had issues the same issues that Jerry brought up and so that's just that's out there I just want to put it out there everything is kind of on hold right now because of that and Jack's not supporting it but that's something that may impact count should we do a resolution supporting and's position on this well you know most counties I can't speak for every County but most counties at least the administrators I talk to me they they do have a plan we we we do you you'll see Linda puts it out constantly we use our libraries our nutrition sites the the senior centers we use them you know during during the day but again uh what they're really looking for is more than just that they're looking for something which is like a 24hour getting them off the street which you know as you all know it's very costy because you ultimately that'll deal with me also it'll deal with you know the potential to have them sleep over night know so you you really do need a funding stream either that or they're telling us you know go go use your own tax hours to do this and so that's where that's where the state May Day state pay comes in that's that's the reason for in Jack position Madam chair yes commissioner bino and I have been discussing this um we do know that it's in Trenton the bill is being amended right now certain our own assemblyman um Guardian ask for certain amendments because what it would do to Atlanta County our Farmers our lifeguards the roofers like this is outdoor dining um indoor dining if you go into a kitchen in the summertime when everybody's working to amend it of course we are all about the health and well-being of our employees but um heat illness it it there's so many different layers to it I might be able to do better in the heat then commissioner Parker can or vice versa um there should be certain things in place where the water and things like that but we actually before this meeting started he and I were discussing it and we're looking further into it and finding out what is being amended right now but it's it's in Trenton right now they've already discussed it there is a um senator from Union County that is proposing I think it's still in committees too it hasn't been brought the for there's a they had it like can it was there were two versions there's a sener version there's an assembly version and they were a little bit different some of the concerns of I spoke with the secretary of agriculture last week and we had a discussion on how that impact the agricultural community and some of the stuff that he got to see firsthand you know um how it'll impact him so I I think this is still a discussion point for these guys but there are some issues as I you know touched on with the commissioner with the with the with the secretary of act and even some of the assembly and Senate people that were there we had the agricultural tours which we do every year and they were here in Galloway they were in Hamington they were moving around with the team and I got an opportunity to speak to a couple of the legislators up there and the different impacts that kind of legislation could have across the board um even into private sector and I have to work I work for a trash company I'm the safety guy I my safety plan on hydration and all that follows State ocean we have compliance issues because if our staff isn't working when it's hot in the summer I don't have any people so you know there's some issues on that that I told them that you guys need to understand put impact a lot of times when people do legislation and trat there's always the unattended circumstances so you're going to have a few unattended circumstances here that no one up there is thinking about they're thinking about the particular issue they were trying to resolve in North Jersey when the Senate proposed it but it's across the board I told the guys there going to be a lot of she's like I said hey if it's too hot you know we have guys that are picking up you know trash at your house I'll tell the helper I'll tell the one I'll be back next week when it fools off I don't what do you want me to tell you so some of the stuff we have to talk about that makes more sense I told and stuff that's why we're looking at the legislation I did speak with uh John to from uh and Jack as well we had a discussion last week again about it he told me they were coming out on a position on it uh cuz we got a chance to kick back some of the ideas of the private sector how it's going to impact us uh it's going to impact you across the board environment and and for business it's going to kill a lot of people in the states I mean we got we got a nice discussion because even I told them when like if you're a contractor doing contracts for municipal trash I'll have to look at the heat index from last summer before I give you a contract on how many days that I may have to break off and picking up trash so when you start looking at all that and I'll just put that in the bill when I'm bid it makes no sense uh some of the Cross Center that they have with correct me if I'm wrong either public or private it hits a certain he it it's the heat index they get sent home and they're still paid that was a discussion I had with the state they told me yeah they're still paid I go well I'll send them all home but you're not going to like the contract if I decide to bid on contracts in New Jersey other what you think you're going to accomplish if it's it's there a lot of issues with I just want to be specific because it hasn't been voted on in the assembly and stuff now it's the time of course to give our in fact I appreciate commissioner Parker and and Bob with it mention it because it's going to be a key issu trust here in South here anywhere so it's important issue for us to follow you're right just one the the official position which I actually have now in Jack is that if there's no funding source or no reimbursement process then they're not in favor of it right so that's where they're that's where they stand at this moment so everything that you said thank you yeah and that's that's just on the part of the the kids as far as you know government telling businesses how they have to run their business government just needs to stay out of business you know they want to give all the state workers off if it gets above 80° how at it let stay out of Private Business and again you know I think we we should consider doing a resolution um in support of NJ And if every County in this state does maybe just maybe little bit a chance like a little traction that maybe a senator or two or some assembly people will actually you'll vote with their with their head and not just vote along party lines like a plan thank you thank you uh okay we jump back to unfinished business anything left with unfinished business any new business okay seeing none we go to public comments anyone attending in person that would like to speak now public comment please come to the podium speak into the microphone state your name in the town you reside if you're attending virtually would like to make a public comment please raise your hand I'll will call upon your name and request to uh unmute you please state your name in the town you reside you will also be provided up to 3 minutes to speak do we have anybody for public comments seeing none any comments for the good of the order I do on the screen all a sudden a stop have a good day Eric mik okay Eric Eric are you there Eric you're unmuted okay um I I am uh I had applied to the disabilities Advisory Board and and uh so I came to this meeting because I thought that uh you guys were going to be uh voting on uh whether or not to uh admit the two new members and so I came here in case you had any questions for me and so I don't know if the uh disabilities Advisory Board is on your agenda or what the deal is yeah congratulations you were appointed thank you very much you were appointed I apologize we did not realize you were on and we greatly appreciate you that is um it's a great board actually to be on they're very active uh they do a lot of uh great things throughout the county and I believe the first meeting is tomorrow are you ready yeah so yes so if if you if you do have any questions questions for me don't hesitate to reach out thank you no thank you very much thank you may have any questions for outside of greatly appreciate you thank you okay anybody else from the public okay I will so chair go to the order I just want to just want to recognize our boy scout over there I won't make him get up to the mic cuz I think he would probably kill me but I had a chance to to chat with with him uh walking in and so he's uh going after his uh communication badge right is that what that Communications Mar badge okay communication Mar badge and he had to um come to a meeting and hear he was hoping he would hear an issue that had a number of sides to it I think we accomplished it so I think I think we're good uh on that um if we I was paying attention to the agenda and if we didn't I was going to bring something up that would require conversation for you so we would have had you covered but um he also just got accepted to Holy Spirit High School uh and we'll be going there in the fall so I just want to uh recognize the work that he's doing and and wish you all the best of luck thank you here I know do you want to come up and just take a picture here yes when we're done when we're done no he come up congratulations yes thank you for being here sit in one of our seats sitting there all right one two not at all that's fine three thank you okay we'll Photoshop you congratulations you congratulations appreciate anybody else put to the order yes I'm sure yes um want to take this opportunity to say thank you to the administrative staff here in the board for the kindness shown and uh the uh dinners that uh came our way my uh youngest son Harold is uh Rec recuperating from a bad bville accident and getting a little better each day of course it's just going to be a long long long healing process and um particularly my wife was very thankful we had a couple of dinners out of it and again thank you all yes so think about it I had to think about it um I just want to say it's one of my favorite months it's National blueberry month and the celebration of our nation's birthday so I'd like to wish everyone a very happy and safe Fourth of July and I hopefully we have some great weather so everybody can get out there and celebrate uh anything else for the go the order gra for blueberries grab them now cuz the season's going to be short year weather wasn't good you'll be a couple of weeks shorter than normal so grab him in the next week or two tooot a lot of things in the uh that's what's great about being a farmer that's why I got out of it the weather has a lot to do with it in the spring when we had some of that rain during the at the time the plants were pollinating the blooms are all open if the bees don't get that activity and get them all you know obviously mature to help the there is mature it didn't happen so you're at about 50% of the crop and then even this year because of the way the weather was the sizing didn't get as big as what some of the varieties were accustomed to they're a little bit smaller U but it's across the board it's everyone in New Jersey so it's just the way it worked out uh so that's I'm telling everybody grab the berries lower this year um they were magical they from they were from hamon I know which blue bu who has specific variety that's new varieties that are hitting Market labor I went home right after you said and like yes I can sit here and just they were very very good so uh we have nothing else I will entertain a motion to adjourn second all those in favor thank you all [Music] [Music] [Music]