[Music] [Music] [Music] and the meeting of the Atlanta County Board of Commissioners is called to order in compliance with the open public meetings act in the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting Atlanta County Board Commissioners was provided the in the following manner published in the Press of Atlantic City and mailed to the Hamilton cazette and has been posted on the Bolton boards and the county office building in Atlantic City The Still Water building in Northfield and the county clerk's office at Ma Landing we opening let us pray God will embark on another summer we pray for good weather joyful experience exp es and memorable moments for all who visit reside in our community may this summer be a time of Happiness growth and un amen and I just want to ask um I want to say congratulations to all those who have graduated this month uh I had the opportunity to present the leadership award to St Joseph last week and I want to say best wishes to all if we could add all our graduates in our thoughts and prayers today I I thank you for that I will uh all stand for the I aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all mad CL chairwoman commissioner Cory and commissioner days are unable to attend today and commissioner bertino and commissioner G are attending virtually than you Bas I'm here Martino Burns here course I'm sorry G Parker pres grizley here turn here hey Commissioners have had an opportunity to review the minutes from June 4th 2024 I'll entertain a motion to adopt the June 4th 2024 minutes as presented mov second moved by commissioner Burns second by commissioner Parker I have a roll call Bas yes Martino Burns yes G Parker yes grizzley yes K yes motion carries hey anyone attending in person who would like to speak regarding an agenda item or a public comment please come to the podium speak into the microphone state your name and the town where you reside you will be provided up to three minutes to speak if you're attending virtually and would like to speak please raise your hand during the agenda item or a public comment at the end I will call upon your name and a request to unmute will be sent please state your name and the town you reside you'll be provided up to 3 minutes to speak we now have a presentation community and agricultural resilience assessment otherwise known as carrot of Atlanta County by Rachel Fisher buers Cooperative of Atlanta County just speak into like because that's how they you know he you as well hello so my name is Rachel Fisher I have to turn okay my name is Rachel fer I'm here with the ruers Cooperative Extension of Atlantic County and I'm serving right now as the lead facilitator for the carrot tool so I just wanted to thank you all for having me here tonight I'm excited to share a little bit about this tool so first what is carrot carrot is the community and agriculture resilience audit tool and what it is is an online tool developed by the North American food system Network that allows communities to self assess their food system and It ultimately results in an increase in community Brazilians so the tool is made up of 101 indicators across seven core themes so you can see the seven themes here and these themes really speak to the interdisplinary major of the food system in Atlanta County so these themes range from natural resource management and conservation as well as working with farmers in terms of production and distribution and it ranges to food sovereignty and place-based economics and Community self-reliance in food so I've included a screenshot of the actual carrot tool this is the online tool here so you can see in the top left corner it has theme one natural resource management and also has an example of one of the indicators so like I said there's 101 indicators across this entire tool so this indicator is that we have policies practices or programs that protect Farmland from non-farm development and my role as lead facilitator is I will be engaging stakeholders in the community as well as subject matter experts to help me answer this question and rate it from a0 to three scale or na if this program does not exist in the county and then this is is our project timeline so last year in 2023 there was a food policy assessment completed in Atlantic City by the New Jersey food democracy collaborative Stockton University and a few other Community Partners and that gave an assessment of the entire food system in Atlanta County and now in 2024 we are facilitating this carrot project which will give an assessment of the entire County of Alena County and we're currently in the stage of initiating Outreach so this is first just to increase awareness about the project and just inform Community officials and stakeholders that this project is happening and that results will be completed by the end of the year and it's also to engage these subject matter experts to help us actually complete the tool so like I said this tool and this whole project will be completed by the end of the year around November and the results will be accessible in a web page and a document and this tool will really just benefit Atlanta County because it'll raise awareness of the programs and the practices that are currently in place and will also highlight areas of opportunity for development that Atlanta County can use and local organizations can use to secure funding and make decisions and just ultimately increase Community resilience and uplift the local food system of Atlanta County so if you're interested at all in getting involved in this you can if you believe you're a subject matter expert in one or more of the core themes you can complete the assessment or you can refer a subject matter expert that you may know that can help complete the assessment you can also just increase awareness around on this project and review and share results when they're going to be published at the end of the year I just want to thank you and does anyone have any questions or comments com we work no we work with Rick B Franken who is the we work with with Rick and Rick Rick keeps us informed about the project as as you're moving sorry we appreciate you being here too ra but I think commissioner bertino is trying to jump in here commissioner bertino thank you madam chair just a quick question uh for her is she working along with the Atlanta County extension service Richman Clon initi te yes I'm um working for the at County Extension Office of rers University understood you're working with ruers but on your working directly along with our land County Farmers and uh our agriculture board at this point in time might be a little too soon just check yes I've actually presented to the um agriculture board on this project so we are starting connections with them yeah one other question can I get a copy of your 101 points that you're looking for could you forward that to all the Commissioners please before the survey starts yes I can thank you thank you thank you for sending those off Jaws in advance that was very nice thank you thank you so much great information thank you for being here okay that brings us into our guarantee ordinance uh number one and before re reading the ordinance on behalf of the board I want to thank all who have worked and continue to work so diligently to uh build a for the Atlanta County Aviation dep if we refer to it as n TP uh it is remarkable that we are seeing in such a short time the results of planning for the diversification of our local economy in the future of the county um okay Madam Clark guarantee ordinance number one guarantee ordinance of the county of Atlantic state of New Jersey fully unconditionally and irrevocably securing the payment of the principle of and interest on County guaranteed revenue bonds or project notes Aviation Park project Phase 2 to be issued by the Atlantic County Improvement Authority for the purpose of providing additional security therefore for consenting to such financing and determining certain other matters in connection therewith first reading so move second move by commissioner rley seconded by commissioner Bas any commissioner comments just briefly Madam chair U I just like to say I mean it's rather obvious we're we're living in very special times in County this is really one of those historic times ATL County where uh we're embarking totally do industry expanding what we have first buildings up second building will be breaking ground soon and the aviation industry and all its tentacles are going to reap so many different benefits benefits that we can't even imagine but this is this area we're living in is truly a major turning point for Atlanta County and uh I'm excited to be of it wrong side be a part of it thank you thank you commissioner chion just briefly I'd like to also say that um in an extension to that we're starting to see that the school curriculums are beginning to add um Aviation and the curriculum and U whether it's AIT or even our um different municipalities that school districts you're starting to see programs pop up with Aviation programs with robotics programs Innovation centers so we're not just preparing for the center to open up we're preparing to educate the future uh leaders of that uh facility which is nice to be educated right here in ATL County so that is also a very encouraging so colleges colleges absolutely and so the programs are coming from from the all all the way down to kindergarten level going all the way up to the college level you're starting to see it make its way into the school systems and that's great point keep our youth here great job one other point sure I also want to also thank our legislative team because this wouldn't have happened without a lot of lobbying on behalf of a legislative team state senator and assembly people um and all the people have been involved with the project so it's a lot of lobbying and uh we're seeing the fruits of that and U it's just U I'm so excited to see this and U I remember when that property was the leic stock of Atlanta County because it was under the SJ which was a bankrupt entity and we got it straightened out L count fronted the money we made it happen and now we have what we have today so it's a a real real turning point for count thank you Comm G I think I saw you pop up with the some comments you wanted to make um I just wanted to pick you back on what commissioner Parker was saying and that you know those programs are no accident this has been a very coordinated um effort um led by our Atlanta County Economic Alliance um partnership with our educational institutions partnership with a number of businesses a number of higher educational um uh institutions from from across the country and then um in addition to those Partnerships that commissioner rley just spoke about so you know this has all been happening it's been something we've all been working toward for a very long time and it's just great to see it continue to come to fruition and there's still a lot more to come so I know I know I spoke with a eagle scout mother uh at one point and when we talked about things that were happening in aviation with her son she said to me afterward that she she really didn't even realize that so much stuff was happening um led by our County so um hopefully we'll figure out a way to to uh get the message out there even louder and clearer um but a lot of really great work over a long period of time you know put on pause kind of with the with the um pandemic but glad to see it all uh really getting its momentum back again thank you commissioner have any other comments from Commissioners okay since this is the first reading we'll have a roll call Bas yes Martino yes Burns yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes F yes motion carries presented to ordinance seven please an ordinance of the county of Atlantic amending provisions of ordinance number six of 20123 adopted on July 18 2023 which added additional defined terms in section 2 and add added section six Hospital closure to address the backck rehabilitation hospital closure first reading second move by commissioner B secondly by commissioner Parker any commissioner comments seeing none we'll have a roll call Bas yes patino yes Burns yes G yes Parker yes rizley yes K yes motion carries so resolution 302 please sub word acceptance from well-being and Equity Innovations funded by the New Jersey Office of the Attorney General for a community based violence Interruption program amount not to exceed $128,500 move by commissioner BN second by commissioner Ballas any comments from the Commissioners seeing hearing none anything from the public he aoll call oh I'm so oh it's okay to see you there how are you doing well thank you um first and foremost thank you for the opportunity to come before you uh this grant uh is near and dear to my heart because if you if you read the just the description that's on the agenda it's a community based violence Interruption program where the Atlant count is the first one in the state to actually have a prosecutor based violence Interruption program and uh not to do down the rabbit hole but we've had three major incidents inv involving violence interrupts that were hired and paid by different entities that we did not have a say on how that money was being spent or who was hired uh one was a homicide uh and one was double stabbing and most recently was a fatal motor vehicle accident so using that as a guide one of the things that we did is we took a look at what the legislation was from the state level the money comes from the governor's office to DCA to the Attorney General's office when the legislation actually came to a final resting spot uh no law enforcement supervision whatsoever to the uh expenditures to the tune of $1 to $2 million per year per major municipality who's collecting money so the money goes from the state to the municipal entity no uh oversight from the attorney general or the prosecutor's office so that's something that we're going to have to try to address because there's a Litany of issues with people that are being hired without you know proper backgrounds or letting the backgrounds go so we created our own and the reason why we created our own is so that we have control over who gets into the program what it really is it's a trauma informed uh rehabilitation program where the treatment's all free we're trying to build future people to go out and interrupt Violence by giving them a break in the court so it's a novel concept never happened before in uh in the state of New Jersey we're first out of the gate to give it a shot we partnered with a national partner which is well-being Equity uh under the leadership of Lieutenant Jim kersner here and Matt p is our office administration they had uh open minds to uh help us pursue this grant we were successful in getting it and Rick Melby who's our exe executive assistant prosecutor is the one who's actually overseeing it and what it did is is for the purposes of nuts and bolts it actually funds an additional uh assistant prosecutor position whose job is strictly to screen every single case that comes through the office to see if a candidate is eligible and would be part of this program so uh you know moving moving the needle and trying to do what's right to help people and use people that are in the community to help others uh two other things I wanted to address while I was here one is uh I wanted to uh acknowledge Jim Ferguson is retiring I know it's number 324 on the list but uh this was my opportunity to say it uh Jim and his staff has given incredible advice to our office uh not only from a legal perspective but also from a uh liability perspective uh always responded to every call actually him and Liz M trained our supervisors and how to do evaluations uh from our very first meeting uh was very very direct in hey don't do anything to get us sued and we're going to help you to not get sued and uh in the two years that we've been in June 6th was our two-ear anniversary the uh advice and uh cooperation between our office and our executive team and County Council has been tremendous and on a personal note Jim uh and I share going to Li with an seon and I actually saw him get his feet washed for Holy Friday right holy Thursday Holy Thursday Y and uh you know it it what I'm going to say is this I think the county realized uh legal expertise that was well above whatever his PID grade was and the county benefited from his experience to be so well versed in so many different areas of law I know since we've been in we've dealt with everything you could imagine uh from potential lawsuits to uh EOC to contracts to opening contracts to you know potential litigation to severing employment to employment agreements when they're leaving and uh knock on wood we've had zero zero uh issues zero uh lawsuits filed against this and we followed the advice and uh and it's been a pleasure to work with Jim and I just wanted to openly and publicly acknowledge that because we at the pr off value uh what what has occurred and we look forward to working with Lynn and art and uh moving forward I know that uh the county appreciates all the Safeguard because we worked for the taxpayers right and that's one of the things that we have to all keep in mind so Jim thank you you had a wonderful career and wish you the best in your retirement uh the final thing I want to say is I know we sent out an email we're having a uh open house next Tuesday the 25th at 5:00 that was for the express purpose cuz I walked in the door two years ago and had very small uh idea of what actually this place does and I think opening up to you who are a funding source and understanding what we do and what we're required to do and a lot of unfunded mandates from the Attorney General's office we wanted to really shine a light on all the great work that people in the officer do so whoever could make it open to the Commissioners and administration we'd love to have you uh we've been preparing for it it's uh I think it's real good to take a look in the mirror we did it through the accreditation process but we're doing it now internally and after we're doing internally we're doing uh uh B anually briefings from each unit to executive and I said I think we should open this to the county because I think it will give all of you who have contitions a better idea of what to communicate because we all need to be credible Messengers for the taxpayers and I think by informing you uh collectively gives us a better idea of what we do what this office does and what we're responsible for cuz there's a lot of things that people would have no idea that were responsible for I did not walk me in the door thank you for that I think we've already heard from numerous of us that we be attending thank you absolutely and uh one one final note is that uh art Marie being part of County Council he's literally been on the other side of some of our cases uh it's a great hire and look forward to working with art uh I'm involved in very high level litigation now involving the governor and attorney general uh being sued by the Warren County croser is removed and art has been uh communicating with me and uh in every meeting and every communication I'm first out of the gate because of what's going on in County Council and I I appreciate that so thank you appreciate your time thank you thank you see you Jim see you see you Thursday ready thank app than anybody else on the P okay well call Alice yes bertino yes Burns yes G yes Parker yes rley yes F yes motion carries resolution 303 please Grant application and acceptance from the New Jersey Department of Health for the right to no Grant amount not to exceed $1,544 second Comm burn second Comm rley any coms see hear anything from the call Al yes yes sh yes Parker yes rley yes turn yes she carries resolution 304 amending resolution number 528 adopted on October 4th 2022 a funds Exchange program FSE reimbursement agreement with the New Jersey Department transportation for fiscal year 22 Transportation trust fund funding for the construction cost associated with til Road section 7 resurfacing project in Hamilton and town Gallaway townships net increase 8,772 17 move by commissioner Parker second by commissioner Bas any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public roll call Alice yes fortino yes Burns yes sh yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes motion carries resolution appli please Grant application and acceptance from the New Jersey Department of Children and Families for the continued operation of the Atlanta County family success centers amount not to exceed $989 second move by commissioner B second by commissioner rley any commissioner comments so you're hearing none anything from the public okay have a roll call alas yes Maro yes Burns yes G yes Parker yes rley yes kerm yes motion carries resolution 306 please Grant application and acceptance from the New Jersey Department of community fairs for the universal service fund CWA Administration program amount not to exceed $1,277 second move by commissioner B seconded by commissioner Parker any commissioner comments seeing hearing none anything from the public have a roll call baso yes Burns yes G yes Parker yes rley yes km yes motion carries resolution 307 amending resolution number 326 adopted on June 20th 2023 a Professional Services agreement with colier engineering and design Incorporated for material testing services to extend the term date only no additional cost move second move by commissioner Parker second by commissioner P any commer your comments see hearing none uh anything from the public have call Alice yeso yes Burns yes G yes Parker yes grizley yes turn yes motion carries ex Us of Big contracts with resolution 308 F contract with Grayson Contracting Company Incorporated to provide the roof rep placement at Still Water building amount not to exceed $778,000 second mooved by commissioner Parker seconded by commissioner rley and for your comments see hearing N I think from the public have a roll call Bas yeso yes Burns yes G yes Parker yes grizley yes yes motion carries resolution 309 Bay contract with electric Tech Incorporated to provide a proposed Transformer replacement at Alena County Justice Facility and the Atlanta County Civil Courthouse amount not to exceed $255,000 move second moov by commissioner Parker second by commissioner grizzley any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public he roll call Bas Martino yes Burns yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes motion carries resolution 310 please big contract with Thomas Company Incorporated for the provision of roof and sheet metal maintenance and repair services amount not to exceed $158,300 move second Mo by commissioner Burns seconded by commissioner rizley and commissioner commment Senor none anything from the public Callo yes burs yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes Kern yes motion carries resolution 311 please B contract with Ser Nano Contracting Incorporated for the provision of painting and pressure washing services various County locations amount not to exceed $200,800 second by commissioner B seconded by commissioner grizzley any commissioner comments see hearing none and from public yeso yes Burns yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes her yes motion carries we start with change order to resolution 312 please change order number one contract with electric Tech Incorporated for the phase three light fixture replacement at inmate cell pods a b and c at the Atlanta County Justice Facility jail to extend the term dat only no additional cost second move by commissioner Parker second by commissioner Burns any commissioner comments sure yes sure um I guess to Jerry or whoever are has this work been done and we're just has this work been completed and we're just extending this for paperwork reasons or are they still waiting for no this is the next set this is the next set of Sals we're working on this TR correct okay so yeah we're working still working in there yeah okay thank you any other commissioner comments anything from the public call Al yes fortino yes Burns yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes yes motion carries resolution 313 please change order number three contract with South State incor for replacement of theody Creek Bridge pr7 to extend the term date and increase $ 22888 to13 move second move by commissioner Bell second move by commissioner Burns any commissioner comments Alice you know yes Burns yes G yes Parker yes Grizzly yes F yes motion carries under leases we have resolution 314 amending resolution number 106 adopted on March 5th 2024 a lease agreement with Jamal Alantic City limited liability company and management company Joy parking limited liability company to reduce the total parking spaces located the New York Avenue Park and garage net decrease $1,745 48 second move by commissioner Parker second by commissioner grizzley any commissioner comments yeah Madam chair um can you just have Jerry explain for the Public's benefit um you know the the addition of of spaces uh for our our jurors nearer to the courthouse now and that's the reason for the decrease at this location see Tammy Tammy Robins right Department Ed for um administrative Services real good job with this the course called us and asked us could we get parking closer to the Civil courthouse in order in order for um the jurors to park they they were actually parking all over the city other than in New York Avenue because it was not they didn't feel safe parking at New York Avenue so we we negotiated some additional spaces in a parking lot continuous to where we presently lease spaces for the staff of the Civil courthous so Tammy went back negotiated this down and we're negotiating uh a contract with with um it's called B&B parking which is continuous to to our present parking lot so this number went down and we'll come through with another another agreement with BB for parking directly across the street and that parking you know will be um secured by the sheriff's officers they they actually walk around the parking lot during you know during the early morning hours when people are staff and now the jurors will be coming to work Tammy did a real good job in our staff thank you any other commissioner comments anything from the public call Bas yeso yes Burns yes G yes Parker yes Grizzly yes K yes motion carries resolution 315 amending the 2017 through 2023 annual action plans for the Community Development block grant home investment partnership program in order to make available unused cdvg home funds move second moved by commissioner Parker seconded by commissioner Bas any commissioner comments see hear none anything from the public have a roll call Bas yes Burns yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 316 alternate method contract with initium softworks limited liability company doing business as NTS software Solutions Incorporated to provide software assurance and support for the docuware Imaging propriety software amount not to exceed $3 any commissioner comments see Hear n anything from the public roll call Alo yes Burns yes SC yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 317 alternate method contract with Cy DX for the use of their blue cloud mobile application by the Atlanta County Library System amount not to exceed 83887 moved move by commissioner Burns seconded by commissioner Ballas any commissioner comments seeing he none anything the public have aoll call Bas yes patino yes Burns yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes motion carries resolution 318 us contract with insurance agencies Incorporated to obtain flood insurance for various county-owned real and personal property amount not to exceed $2,767 second by commission B seconded by commissioner Parker any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public call Dallas yes bertino yes turns yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 319 for inter local Services agreement with the Board of Education of The Bu Regional School District for the operation of the Community Library at bu Regional High School Mount n to exceed $10,500 move move by move by commissioner Parker second by commissioner any commissioner comments hearing n anything by uh public any call Bas yes Martino yes Burns yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes F yes motion Carri this time I'll entertain a motion to comine and adopt resolutions number 320 to 321 chapter 159 move move by commissioner Parker second by commissioner Bas any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public roll call Bas yes Martino yes Burns yes G yes Parker yes rley yes yes carry resolution 322 please resolution urging State leaders to pass legislation that will authorize counties M municipalities school districts and all local governments to electronically publish legal notices in a newspaper's website or digital publication sponsor more incur move second move by commissioner Burns second by commissioner C any commissioner comments this is just something we really need to do since most of our newspapers are done electronically these days any other commissioner comments anything for the public call Palace yes fortino yes Burns yes G yes clker yes Wiley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 323 please resolution and supported Mainland Regional High School support the troops Club sponsor morning K so second rley uh motion made by commissioner rley second by commissioner Parker any commissioner comments Mr B they have anything to say the uh yeah I I spoke with with her I didn't make that meeting was my grandson's playb yeah but yeah they were they're impressed with it and they support the uh information I think they they had a nice dialogue back and forth with some ideas for ples and stuff like that so I think it's a well deserved that we support this through resolution very nice whether it goes anywhere or not but it's nice yes absolutely thank you any other commissioner comments see hearone anything from the public than well roll call Bas yes fortino yes yes Burns yes SC yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes Carri get that off to the mainland right thank you resolution 324 please resolution recognizing James at Ferguson upon his retirement so move second commissioner comments I just say it's with Incredible gratitude and sadness that we recognize our Council James bargeton on his retirement after 21 years Tara could you please read the entire resolution Atlanta County Board of Commissioners resolution recognizing James F Ferguson upon his retirement whereas James Ferguson is a graduate of St Joseph's University and banova University School of Law and practiced extensively in this area of civil law for 20 22 years and whereas Jan Ferguson represented several municipalities and public entities by serving as Sol for the township of galile solicitor for the Atlanta County vocational school board and as municipal prosecutor in Anover City and whereas before joining the county James Ferguson served as special tax Council for the city of Summers point from 1989 to 2002 and for E Township from 1996 to 2003 and whereas James Ferguson was nominated and appointed as County Council for Atlanta County on January 1st 2003 where he has since served the county by overseeing All Phases of legal work including liability and worker compensation claims planning matters and Labor Relations matters and whereas County Council James Ferguson acts as a legal adviser to the County's constitutional officers and whereas during his tenure James Ferguson worked with the New Jersey Association of counties to support legislative amendments and initiatives one most notable includes the adoption of PL 2013 chapter 118 which permitted ordinances under a county executive form of government to be published by title and summary and whereas Jane Ferguson has extensive involvement in professional Community organizations such as the Atlanta County Bar Association the New Jersey defense Association New Jersey Association of counties and the bay Atlantic Symphony now therefore be resolved by the Atlantic County Board of County Commissioners that this board does hereby recognize James Ferguson's 21-year career with atena County and be it further resolved that this board does hereby thank James Ferguson for his dedicated service to the citizens of Atlanta County and wishes him well in his retirement he enter chapter of his [Applause] life comment look good for the picture comments I accepted recognizing his retirement but I was wondering if we could decline his retirement all together I'll second that motion and and force his hand to stay so legal advice right next to you can we force him to stay I wish we could well listen I just want to say that it has been a pleasure I have not been on the commissioner's board that long uh but I tried to drive the attorneys as crazy as I possibly can something I've learned early on in my career before you speak or do anything make sure you consult the attorneys people think I'm nuts when I say that but it just makes perfect sense um I don't look good in orange jumpsuits and the job doesn't pay me enough to uh that's a Stripes yeah no Stripes either no Stripes no not behind bars it's not this is not going to work me I want to know how he knows he do look good I tried you photoshop anything these days so I I just want to say thank you some of the conversations get tough you got anyone that knows when you're sitting up in the dice in the seat uh conversations with attorneys can sometimes be tough conversations you know um and so they're not always easy so I just want to say thank you because you've always handled them well you've always handled them as a as a professional and a Gentleman and you've always given the advice that I needed to hear even if I did not want to hear it and so I really appreciate it thank you for all that you've done your thank you madam chair yes I've known uh Jim for about 35 years I guess now and U when I was president of the Council on the point 1988 we brought in a new legal counsel which was R steel and Mr fergerson was along with that with some others and um Jim has done a brilliant job I would uh classify him as one of the best attorneys if not one of the best top two or three in my life known being very thorough very thorough Mr steela was the same way very thorough and Mr Ferguson and we had great uh success with our tax bals and Summers Point great success there's a number of stories there which I I won't get into but uh I think we won and just about everything the only legal challenge that we had to point was the drag Island and we fought that for a long time and of course in the end the state one we were trying to preserve that Island from uh the state of New Jersey destroying it and turning into Wetlands but uh they finally one but we did a great job of stalling that off for many many years Jim is a brilliant attorney good mind I'm I'm really going to miss him here I know that Lyn and Arthur and the whole team will do a great job and uh but uh Jim has done a y's task for Summers point in this County and his work in thater Township as well so um I wish you all the best J I'm sorry to see you go but um you made a decision and you're going to do other things in your life and I'm sure you're going to be doing some legal work on the side here and there and uh I U again just um wish you all the very best J thank you your AES and my book thank you now thank you first of all Jim just want to say congratulations um you've been around a long time and you know I got to see you on both sides as you know the sheriff and you know this is the this is the easy stuff you um it's a lot of work for you approving all these resolutions but you know for us we don't get to see the the nitty-gritty but you know being involved in you know negotiations and lawsuits and in court with you know lawsuits from um the county um and you know how your legal mind works was was great and um you know well-deserved retirement also you know know you personally um but we got to talk after after you leave find out what you have on the county executive and Jerry how you got the the best office with the best view I mean then he gets to see the marshes you get to see the entire Atlantic Ocean on your office there is a story about that to do with what I understand so I don't know how you're going to be able to get up in the morning and and and sit in that office and look at that beautiful ocean um anymore but um you know enjoy your retirement enjoy the next phase of your your life uh you deserve it and uh you're leaving us in in very good hands I've known Mr Ferguson for five and a half months thank you for all of your support as the new person here learning a lot um I thank you for all of your dedication to Administration the Commissioners and um Atlanta County so best wishes on your next chapter and I look forward to seeing you out get back on the golf course thank you thank you thank you Comm G um Jim I can't see you but um I I just want to say thank you for everything um I think if I ever had become a lawyer I would have been so intimidated to be in court against you because of the amount of passion and uh hpah that you put forth when presenting an argument um even when you're just giving us information I feel like if we don't um follow what you say that we'll be kind of punished by God or something but uh I always appreciated that passion and and I think commissioner rley said the of due diligence and just that attention to detail um I I really appreciated that and and the work that you've done for the county in terms of the um pilot uh legislation and uh and legal uh battle that we've been in um you know that that saved the county nearly $40 million I think it was uh it's just the work that you did there help us drive that um was really incredible and uh you will definitely be missed not only in in the County government but I think at JoJo's I don't know if you're going to keep up your um your standing appointment there or not on Tuesdays uh but uh uh we appreciate everything so much that you've given to this County and thank you and enjoy the next chapter man life is short so enjoy every minute of it thank you thank you commissioner Comm bertino yes chair y floor is yours can you here yes oh thank you um Echo with all our colleagues have been saying Jim I think it's pretty obvious um your entire tenure work in a County government you're always a champman a professional uh you uh you're going to have big shoes to and I kind of think that would be a real tough time filling though ly can has been well served by you your professionalism and they were very fortunate to have you um all the years uh working for Atlanta County's back spars you're going to be sorely missed thank you anything from the public see hearing none we'll have a call alas yes Martino yes Burns yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion carries we do have a a photo op if our all of them I don't know how we do this Jerry M got it Christen yeah call me first and foremost I want to thank uh Dennis levenson who uh apped me 21 plus years ago um I thank Jerry and all the staff uh I've worked with wonderful people at the county um and I worked with all of you um I think on the way in I was counting the number of chairpersons that oversaw this for during the 21 plus years I've been here and I think I counted eight of them who have been uh chairpersons uh and uh worked with a lot of uh Commissioners uh Through The Years uh it's been rewarding um it's been a lot of challenges as you know um and um I've had a good run but it's time to go and uh enjoy the next chapter hi but back to the story about Frank now I actually think what I heard on that was and I don't know how true it is but that back when the county office building was built and was dedicated and W that that office was originally meant for dick Squires who was the county executive at the time and for some reason when he went in and looked at it he said I want to be on the other side of the building and so things were switched around County Administration which was supposed to be on the ocean side was moved to the what I'll call the bay well I can't even call it the Bay Side but the mainland side I guess you'd call it and the Law Department was shifted over to where we are that I believe is how how it happened uh but uh you know it has been a it has been a great run uh you've been very Cooperative uh and courteous to me over the years you've um shown me a lot of difference and I would just ask that you do that to my successor uh ly yuse who I know will do a great job and uh you know uh I just want everyone to know and ly to know that I'm only a phone call away I'm not going to be disappearing so that if issues come up that she needs help on I'm certainly certainly willing to help her out so again uh thank you uh for the for the wonderful time [Applause] very part of the agenda you too if anybody's received copies of written Communications and petitions uh that they would like to share at this time see any any reports of special committees in the board Madam chair yes I would like to report that myself as well as commissioner uh bertino attended Hamilton Township's um Township committee meeting yesterday and they spoke there was a there was a presentation by the engineer from GPI and that presentation is for the Reconstruction of the trussle bridge so that project is beginning so I I thought you know we've been talking about this for so long about this project and the bike path West project and once that bridge is or their reconstruction part of it is completed then we will be able to look into you know possibly extending that bike path West finally to connect it and by doing so we'll be able to connect the bike paths from Philadelphia all the way down to the shore and so I just thank for area in Hamilton Township that is a an amazing opportunity for so many things because that area as we know connects so many things and um so the project seems to be moving forward very nice so uh commissioner Batino if I missed anything if you want to no you were very thorough thank you sir thank you commission also while I'm here if you want there's no comments on what I just said you want me just I have a few more things I want to do uh tomorrow also we found out tomorrow there is well first off happy juneth that will be tomorrow of all those who are celebrating juneth there is a juneth celebration in Gat Skills Park starts at 3:00 the program actually starts at 5: but uh the the program starts at 5: but it's it begins at 3: so from 3: I think it's 7: it ends so anyone that is interested that's going to be taking place uh tomorrow that's all I have actually thank you any other reports of special committees um yeah this is actually U I guess you can call it your Communications but it was verbal communication but I want to make sure Jer was in here for this so I I got a few uh in person and and phone calls referen to Kates Avenue and West Jersey and R where um the bike path is now gu for a few years now has been opened up for cross traffic to come across um Kates Avenue cross over R they go across the bike path they to then enter into West Jersey or vice versa um apparently there's been many serious accidents many injury accidents at that uh intersection or intersections I guess you will call it um I don't know if they asked me and I I wasn't sure if I think R is Hamilton Township and West Jersey is egber Township but the bike path is ours correct so who I don't know whose jurisdiction that entire that two intersections are whether I whether the county or jointly between the county Eder Township and Hamilton Town Township if maybe that can they can turn into four-way stops or close that back off have that Authority we we don't have the authority there but they're Crossing across our bike P across our bike P but they also have to go through the electric company as well to get permission to go across there and they did that and they they created the bike there I mean County we fought that for a long time and you notice they they put through in several locations because of the housing that was built there we would get the calls all the time from residents of those housing saying look we want them a bike there we don't want to go down to either a traffic signal or or down where where you presently have a a cut through is the legitimate cut through we we refused to put the cut through there we just we just didn't think it was appropriate it's it's a like a mid block crosswalk which you know our engineer tells us we don't want we don't want to put any mid block crosswalks so that's what happened but I mean they they they've allowed that I mean we we keep getting letters and people asking us what to do I mean we we certainly ask the townships if they would like to close that off yeah I don't know I don't know if we can start that dialogue and you know whether there's any liability on on the county or not but um you know what was presented to me is you know how many people have to get killed at that intersection before somebody does something about it now of course I directed them to Hamilton Township and to egerber Township but I said I would I would speak about it tonight and I I just you know it's something that was tried and it's a failure you know a lot of people have been seriously injured tons of property damage you know from vehicles at that at the two intersections mainly Crossing Ria um because nobody's driving 40 45 miles hour down that roadway you know it's like a but um that's the go course is too so it's in and out of there plus that housing there's do housing complexes oh no but I'm just saying that that's that's the where that was originally one of the things that generated some of those discussions was because in in and out of there was easy to leave the golf course not go out to the black hor Pike was to come out on the right it's and it's it's very populated with you know deniles here and it's a cut through it's a cut off to go from English Street Road out to the blackor plate you know so um and especially since they opened that that new roadway um what is it a volunteer way or whatever behind behind the WWA and the car dealership that can take you right off that curve you know so it's it's even now it's even being traversed even more and um something's got to be done whether like I said said whether you know you put a make Ria Avenue a four-way stop West Jersey I don't think it's been as much of a problem although there has been crashes well that was where I think the young young man got killed the other day I think it was on the West Jersey Side West Jersey side yeah yeah I think it was a 2023 graduate of oest high school 19 years old yeah so I mean I said so something's got to be done um I think that both of the townships are going to be hearing from people about it but you know it only come I guess it really only comes up a lot when there's a a serious or fatal crash and um maybe something can get done before there is another one so I don't know if it's something that the county can take the lead on or whe we have to you know wait on the townships to get out of our own way who knows but just just relay any information and see what we can though thank couldn't we start collecting the information Jerry is you know putting together the information about how many incidents has been there crashes and all the different incidents so we have a a book can but we have no Authority here truly don't have the authority I know can can we just say crossing the bike bath surprised nobody's been hit on the bike bath yet or maybe they have who knows they probably yeah we don't have the data right just no I know there was nobody injured there on on the right there as far as I know I mean I've never we've never had any accidents as far as I I've been this putk um I'm going to jump back to Communications cuz we all did receive one um to uh Jay get out of here it's uh on behalf of Port Republic city council our residents and Republic athletic fund I'd like to thank you and your department for their in invaluable assistance to our County Roads before our Jersey Genesis Triathlon held throughout our town on Saturday June 8th 2024 Port never looked better and we really appreciate your employees efforts for their conscientiousness work standards we truly appreciate your commitment to our community thanks again job well done from uh mayor Monica Gerson and that was 2K Stein so I thought that was very nice just thank you every once a while so M chair if I may go back I think we did one report um the mck city veter the mick City V report I've been reporting for quite some time here that project which is in that same area this that you know that kind of jred my memory they've uh a car Township created in the city better committee and we've been meeting I'm part of that committee and we've been meeting over at the betterman first I want to say what an amazing project that's out to be the pickle ball courts over there are always bold basketball court has been resurfaced new basketball court if you're looking at township they're doing an excellent job of continuing to you know invest in the recreation and that way all the basketball courts are being resurfaced and that's ni to see but um the next part of it is that connects to the county for culture itage they applied for a grant through our County cultureal Heritage and they received the Grant and so now what they're proposing proposing to do is to do a history wall inside the building that tells the history of Colonel mcke and who he was in his life and then bring it all the way forward to the mck city the start of mck city and the original uh residents of m city and then how the betterment came into place it was a couple families that built the vment and then how it got into the Township's hands they're going to tell the entire story and it's going to be inside of the building uh some some way some house so they're going to use that grant money that they received um through applying to the county to to do that work so that's pretty exciting stuff so it should be they it should keep going and I think they plan on contining to build that project out I I heard the mayor talk about possibly going some more B filds out there maybe football fields maybe on soccer field so who knows that area continues to grow yeah um same thing on on Communications on um we all received communication from County Executive lenson reference Jerry I'm sure you're very familiar with it a uh bus stop uh change at for the new Veterans Clinic um in lywood um I know we're probably over over a year away hopefully not a year away from the opening of the clinic there um but what do you need from us do you need a resolution from us supporting that that might help Linda was tell me Linda was telling me they you know Danny wrote the letter and we got a response they call this you they called Linda last night and said that you know they'll they'll take that and look at it to see whether or not they can create the bus stop so I mean I don't know if Linda's on she may be on now right that that's her enery Linda you there she can't get on but anyway I I'll I'll give you further I can give you further information I'll talk to [Music] Linda okay so yeah yeah if we can M chair if we could put that together get you I'll be a way next week put put something together and we can have it for our next like I said there's no rush because it's probably at least a year away but um sometimes you know how we charge yeah government period right co-sponsor with commissioner any other uh Communications or special committees okay any unfinished business see none uh any new business okay uh okay that brings us to public comments anyone attending in person that would like to speak now and public uh at public comments please come to the podium speak into the microphone state your name in the town you reside if you're attending virtually and you like to make a public comment please raise your hand I'll call upon your name and a request to unmute will be sent please state your name and the town you reside you will be provided up to 3 minutes to speak anybody with public comments okay any comments for the good of the order yeah just want to say uh over the last week I I have seen the the contractor out finally putting the Footers and electrical lines for the flashing Beacon lights at the fire at the uh firehouses uh I've seen them on Engle Street Road I've seen them on summer cor Landing Road and I'm sure at other location throughout the county so uh thank you Jerry for staying on top and listening to me over the last couple years continue to ask and ask and ask about it but I'm glad it's finally coming to fruition I just want to say it's supposed to get very hot so take care of the elderly or anybody that you know that um make sure people are staying inside hydrate don't diate M can I add one school's out kids are out on the roads on their bikes on their scooters um so pleas be careful watch where you're going um and and I will uh Echo what you said earlier congratulations to all of our schools and all our graduates that are getting ready to graduate acit I know had their graduation ceremony Comm ceremony yesterday so congratulations to everyone over there they're doing an excellent job and of um their wonderful Administration and and their superintendent who's doing a great job over there so to everyone who's graduating be safe now that you're out of school as was just stated and um enjoy yourselves but not too much all the best time to get to work as I told my son just graduated college time to work now I'll entertain welcome to real second all those in favor [Music] [Music] [Music]