[Music] [Music] [Music] hey the meeting of the Atlanta County Board of Commissioners is called order in compliance with the open public meetings Act of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting of Atlanta County Board of Commissioners was provided in the following manner published in the Press of Atlantic City mailed to The hamon Gazette and has been posted on the bolon boards and the county office building in Atlantic City Still Water building in norfield and the county clerk's office in MA Landing while we have our opening prayer please keep those in mind with the Bri collaps this morning and allili God of all Nations and people grant us the knowledge and compassion to wisely execute the duties of our office we ask oh God that you bless our nation and this world with peaceful Solutions in all controversy amen AM stand for the ALG to the of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all hey we'll have a roll call choman uh commissioner Cory is unable to attend today he had a prior engagement that will we change the meeting date okay thank you Bas here patino here Burns here da here G here Parker pres grizzley here turn here okay our commissioners have had an opportunity to review the minutes from March 5 2024 I'll entertain a motion to adopt March 5 2024 minutes as presented moved by commissioner Ballas seconded by commissioner G any commissioner comments call Bas yes Latino yes Burns yes the yes ghetto yes Parker yes rley yes turn yes he anyone attending in person who would like to speak regarding an agenda item or a public comment please come to the podium speak into the microphone state your name in the town where you reside you will be provided up to 3 minutes to speak if you are attending virtually and would like to speak please raise your hand during the agenda item or a public comment at the end I I will call upon your name and a request to unmute will be sent please state your name and a t you reside you'll be provided up to three minutes to speak okay that brings us into our fond ordinance number one for a final F ordinance providing for various 2024 Capital Improvements and the acquisition of various capital equipment buying in the county of Atlantic state of New Jersey appropriating $3,644 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $29,100 bonds or notes to finance part for the cost thereof final reading move by commissioner Gad second by commissioner bertino any commissioner comments um Madam chair just two points uh a number of our first set of resolutions and ordinances here are all part of our budget process which we introduced and discussed um publicly um happy to entertain any further questions this one in particular um just because it's such a large dollar amount just want to note that is improvements to a number of our facilities and uh a number of our bridges Road and uh drainage work thank you any other commission comments any comments for the public over call Bas yes Martino Burns St yes G yes Parker yes grizley yes K yes motion carries brings us to our Capital ordinance uh number one Capital ordinance providing for various Capital Improvements equipment and Furnishings ending for the county of Atlantic state state of New Jersey and appropriating $ 4,556 n18 from the capital Improvement fund and or the capital Surplus fund to pay for the cost thereof final reading move second move by commissioner G second by commissioner rley and comments anything from the public okay we have a roll call Bas yes rotino yes Burns yes SE yes G yes Mar yes rley yes turn yes Merchant carries capit ordinance number two Capital ordinance providing for various technology infrastructure improvements at Atlanta c community college and in for the county of Atlantic state of New Jersey and appropriating $347,500 the capital Surplus fund to pay for the cost thereof final reading move by commissioner G second by commissioner bino and commissioner col excuse and from the public Bas yes fortino yes Burns St yes G yes Parker yes rley yes K yes motion carries okay that brings us to our resolution with resolution 84 2024 Atlanta County budget final reading by commissioner second by commissioner Bas uh any commission comments anything from the public have a call bastino Burns G Parker yes grizzley yes km yes motion carries resolution is Atlanta County Public Health Agency annual budget notice 2024 final reading move moveed by commissioner G second by commissioner Martino any commissioner comments see hear none anything from the public okay we have aoll call alaso Burns St G Parker grizzley yes turn yes motion Carri resolution 86 Atlanta County Library annual budget notice 2024 final reading move by commissioner Parker second by commission G any commission comment see call Bas yeso burs C SC yes Parker yes grizley yes turn yes motion carries resolution please resolution to exceed the county budget appropriation limits and to establish a 2024 cap Bank njsa 4A col 44514 final reading move move by commissioner G seconded by commissioner bertino any Commission comments see you hear none anything from the public have call D yes yes SC yes Parker grizzley yes turn yes motion Carri resolution 91 annual open space trust fund tax 2024 final reading second mov by commissioner G seconded by commissioner rley any comments see he n anything from the public hey yeso Burns St G Parker grizzley turn yes motion carries resolution 118 resolution requesting a transfer in the 2023 budget in accordance with the provision of njs 4A col 4- 58 move move by commissioner G second by commissioner days any commissioner comments hear none bastino Burns G yes rley yes yes motion carries to our grant resolution 119 please Grant application and acceptance from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for the fiscal year 2024 County Environmental Health act Grant funded program amount 23948 County inine match $65,625 move by commissioner B second by commissioner G any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the Poli a roll call Palace yeso Burns St G Parker grizzley yes K yes motion carries resolution 120 agreement to accept one congestion mitigation and air quality fiscal year 17 collects 5310 Grant funded vehicle from the New Jersey Transit Corporation move by commissioner G seconded by commissioner bertino any commissioner comments chair commission good just the jurry Char is this in addition to the was it four or five we got the end of last year yes it did yes it is thank you any other commissioner comments see here not anything from the public bastino Burns G Parker Grizzly yes turn yes motion carries resolution1 curent application and acceptance from the New Jersey Department of Human Services Division of Aging Services for the state health insurance assistance program amount not to exceed $42,000 second move by commissioner gther second by commissioner days any commission comments none anything call call bastino Burns St yes SC yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion carries that brings us to our Professional Services agreement with resolution 122 amending resolution number 39 adopted on February 6 2024 a professional Services agreement with various contractors for alcohol and drug prevention education and treatment services net increase $155,000 by commission G seconded by commissioner B any commissioner comments none anything from the public bastino FS G yes Parker yes grizzley yes firm yes motion carries resolution 1 23 Professional Services agreement with Atlant Care's Physician Group and health health Med Associates PC doing business as Med Health Urgent Care for the provision of post aler pre-employment physicals and Associated diagnostic testing to prospective employees amount not to exceed $6,717 second move by commissioner G second by commissioner any commission comment see har none anything from the public welome bastino Burns St G yes Parker yes Grizzly yes turn yes motion carries uh brings us to competitive contracts with resolution 124 competitive contract of Royal Printing service for the provision of election ballot services for the 2024 elections County portion $471,000 Municipal portion $298,500 Mo move like add seconded by commissioner Bas and the commissioner com see hearing n anything from the public have a roll call bastino Burns St G Parker grizzley yes turn yes motion carries uh we have big contract starting with resolution 125 big contract with Technology International Incorporated for portable traffic signals amount not to exceed $5,150 sorry move by move by commissioner Parker seconded by commissioner G any commissioner comments Madam chair just just want to highlight this is one of our items um that our shared services coordinator helped to obtain thank yeah I think these are good um but um a while back we had we had did shared service on the traffic attenuators I'm sure um Jerry you're aware of that okay um we're still not seeing them being used by County Employees you know we have guys that are out filling potholes standing behind their trucks and that traffic inator should be between that employee and that truck um wasn't too long ago and I'm sure you're aware of it Jerry um where on right before the uh one of the newer Bridges just got put in on summer PL M sanding Road a couple years ago um guys were filling in a pothole right before English Creek Road and a uh luckily they got out of the way and a Truck had smashed right into the back of the truck that was filling Pooles um that could have went very very wrong um so hopefully these portable traffic lights are also being used by you know will be used by our County Employees also but we really you know if if the inators are just laying out to the municipalities and not being used by the county um we need to buy so well I I'll I'll show I'll check with GRE I I thought they were using these inators because the truck we had was damaged so that that one's out the the lights the portable lights so you understand most M fies want to use police the state aid we not allowed to use state aid funding for police so we used the recommendation was to get the lights and use the lights now we we used those lights on on when we were doing bridge over in on Ocean Heights AV and it worked very well and um so the recommendation was to to make sure that we use those for towns as well so there were towns that signed up mean and I think Tim could probably tell us the name name of the towns and signed up so it's not only the county that would be using the lights it's it's for to do these long rtip jobs that you keep the lights up I mean the one in particular that that I you go up through Ocean County they replace the bridge along what would be the continuation of route nine when you get off the uh G State Parkway they had that there for almost two years they Ed those lights they did not use police they had them up 24 hours of the day 7 days a week for almost two years they're very successful so I'm just saying that that's the purpose of those light but it's not only the county that would be using them on on our you know Road road work or Bridge work it would be used by the towns that signed up to to use them as well yeah exactly any any Longo um construction detail on a on a roadway um you know most of the time what you have is you know police officers out there during the 8 hour shift that they're out there working and then it's you know all bets are off as soon as they leave right um again when we when we use them on oceanites Avenue for that bridge repair ready straight before Summer's point and um Kate County also used it when they when they did the 34 Street Bridge Shing into Ocean City where it was only one lane of traffic and it allowed traffic to go over right while it stopped traffic oncoming and then when the light changed then and it worked out very well again like you said 24 hours a day and I I can see a lot of our construction details that are that are um on our roadways and also on Municipal roadways that these units could be used and um will save save a lot of money in in overtime and probably save lives because of you know having an after 24 hours a day because you're not going to have a poli officer 24 hours a day the point is make sure the Count's using it as much as the tax exactly exactly any other commissioner comments anything from the have roll call Bas yeso Burns yes St yes G yes worker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion Carri resolution 126 please renewal bid contract with satellite tracking the people limited liability company for the provision of GPS home electronic equipment and services for the Atlanta County Justice Facility amount not to exceed $ 43,124 second move by commissioner G second by commissioner Parker any commissioner comments see here none anything from the public roll call Bas yes fortino Burns St G Parker grizzley yes yes motion Carri resolution 127 B contract with Huber locksmiths Incorporated to provide lock repair services at various atanta County buildings amount not to exceed $3,930 second move by commissioner Parker second by commissioner G any commissioner comments hear none anything from the public have call bastino yes Burns yes St yes Shadow yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion carries uh we'll start with change orders with resolution 128 change order number one a contract with arak Paving Company Incorporated for the 2022 on call maintenance resurfacing that increase $53,500 move second move by commissioner G secondly by commissioner bertino any commissioner comments see hearing n anything from the public bastino Burns St G yes Parker yes rizley yes turn yes motion Carri resolution 129 change order number one a contract with hubber locksmiths Incorporated for locked installation service Services net increase $17,500 second M by commissioner G seconded by commissioner Parker and commissioner Comm see hearing n from the public May we'll have a call Bas yes patino yes Burns yes B yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes term yes motion carries are miscellaneous for this evening with resolution 130 alternate method contract to add more law firms to the list of conflict Municipal prosecutors and conflict public defenders to serve on an as needed basis in the central Municipal Court of Elena County $400 per session amount not $638,500 third by commissioner G second by commissioner Parker any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public call Bas yes rotino yes Burns yes St yes G yes Parker rizzly yes K yes motion carries resolution 131 please resolution authorizing the county to make purchases through the state of New Jersey's Cooperative purchasing program amount not to exceed 16, 54,500 second move by Commission G seconded by commissioner days any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public he we'll have a roll call Dallas yes patino yes Burns yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes motion Carri resolution 132 inter local Services agreement with the Atlanta County Improvement authority to provide construction management services for the me landing library HVAC upgrades a new generator installation amount not to exceed $686 180 second move by commissioner Parker second by commissioner G any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public call Bas yeso Burns St G Parker yes grizley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 133 amending resolution number 78 adopted on February 20th 2024 a Professional Services agreement to add overdrive Incorporated to the list of vendors for Library goods and services no additional cost second good by commissioner G seconded by commissioner Parker any commissioner comments he n anything from the public roll call Ballas Martino yes Burns St yes G yes Parker yes rizzly yes turn yes motion carries resolution 134 please business associate agreement between the New Jersey Department of Human Services Division of Aging Services and the Atlanta County Area Agency on Aging to be included with the 2024 2025 State Health Insurance assistance program Grant second move by commissioner G seconded by commissioner days any commissioner comments hear none anything public aoll call please Bas Martina Burns St G Parker yes grizley yes K yes motion carries resolution 135 please resolution to comply with the New Jersey Department of Human Services requirement for a standardized resolution to be filed with the 2024 2025 State Health and Insurance assistance program Grant by the Atlanta County area agency on AJ good Lu commissioner G seconded by commissioner bertino any commissioner comments seeing hearing none anything from the Bas bero Burns St yes G Parker yes grizzley yes yes motion carries resolution 136 Cooperative agreement with between the division of family Development Office of Child Support Services and the Atlanta County Sheriff's office for the title 4D child support warrant reimbursement program amount not to exceed $225,000 Mo by commissioner d seconded by commissioner G any commissioner comments hear none anything from the public bastino yes Burns yes St G yes Parker yes rley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 137 license agreement between the county of Atlantic Atlantic City Electric and the South Jersey Transportation Authority regarding access to the ace right of way located in Hamilton Township to install and maintain Gavin steel Double Gates move by commissioner G second by commissioner Parker any commissioner comments M chair um I did bring up in the in our subcommittee meeting on this one um I asked Jerry to take a look at I think it was uas or who oh U okay um we had heard from the a a board that um there was concern with some of the far um what the fence will do to the direction of the deer traffic and will it divert them to you know some of the farmers Fields um so I asked jar to take a look at that and just connect there and um if there is any mitigation we can do to prevent any of that um I would hope we'll incorporate that into the plans thank you commissioner any other commissioner comments I think on the public have a roll palas yes yes Burns yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes bur yes motion carries resolution 138 please amending resolution number 40 adopted on February 6 2024 a Professional Services agreement with Premier Orthopedic Associates for the provision of spinal treatment services to inmates at the Atlanta County Justice Facility n increase $49,000 move by commissioner Parker second by commissioner G any commissioner comment see hearing none anything from the public baso yes Burns yes G Parker grizzley yes burn yes carries resolution 139 e contract with insurance agencies Incorporated to purchase a builder brisk policy for Swiss re which will protect the county during the construction of the new Warehouse on Dolphin Avenue Northfield am not to exceed $ 7,820 191 move second mooved by commissioner gather second by commissioner days any commissioner comments seeing hearing none anything from the Ballas yes bertino yes Burns yes B yes G yes Parker yes rley yes turn yes motion carries resolution please inter local Services agreement with the Atlanta County approvement Authority for the administration of the 2023 Community Development block grant and home investment partnership program am not to exceed 1,866 1830 second commissioner gather second by commissioner days any commissioner comments hearing none anything from the public roll call D Martino Burns b yes G Parker grizzley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 141 license and hold harmless agreement with the city of Aban concerning non-stand improvements to be installed and maintained within the county right of way of New Jersey Avenue County Route 601 move by commissioner G second by commissioner bertino any commissioner coms see he none anything from the public okay call Alis Latino Burns da yes G yes Parker yes grizly yes K yes motion carries resolution 142 amending resolution number 490 adopt on September 5th 2023 a shared service is agreement with the Cumberland County Board of Health for the provision of a public health Workforce training needs assessment to extend the term date only no additional cost move move by commissioner G seconded by commissioner Burns any commissioner comments pal Martino Burns yes St yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 143 res resolution authorizing the transfer of ownership of a mobile morg trailer to the New Jersey office of the chief State medical examiner no cost by commissioner G second commissioner Burns and commissioner Comm question was were these this Mor trailer b with P funds no we we originally purchased this what we had our medical examiner we used to we used to have our own medical examiner office then we went with the state and this this is the equipment the medical examiner asked they use it so we're giving it to them didn't we didn't we buy an additional one during Co all theity room deaths and all that stuff was going on I don't remember that this one I believe this what they were using any other commissioner comments see here none anything from the public palice fortino Burns a I'm sorry G yes Parker yes grizzley yes yes carries resolution 144 resolution authorizing the transfer of ownership of two Mobile Pro Camera trailers to the Atlantic City Police Department no cost second move by commissioner gther second by commissioner burn any commissioner comments seeing hearing none anything from the public have aoll call bastino Burns pleas SC yes burer yes Grizzly yes yes resolution 145 agreement with Stockton University Stockton Center on successful aging to conduct the Atlanta County Area Agency on Aging 2025 to 2027 area plan needs assessment survey m not to exceed $244,600 move by commissioner G second by commissioner bur any coms n Roll bastino yes Burns St yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes motion carries I'll entertain a motion to combine adopt resolution 147 and 148 second move by commissioner Parker second by commissioner G any commissioner comments let me take that back move no so just move just I'm trying to follow sheep right noted okay any further uh commission comments okay public have a roll call Bas yeso yes Burns SE yes SC yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes motion carries have roadway solicitation I'll entertain the motion to combine and adopt 149 to 150 like rley second inv commission G any Comm anything for the public D yeso yes Burns SE yes G yes clker yes rley yes yes mer carries that brings us to resolution 151 resolution supporting the Statewide prohibition on the sale of commercially raised dos and cats in pet stores sponsor June Burns you have the floor yes thank you um we oh I'm sorry I again Mo you should move so move move by commissioner Burns seconded by commissioner G you have the floor thank you um we all received this from a public policy specialist with the human Humane Society of the United States it speaks for itself um it's asking the state of New Jersey to address the situation it it there's two parts to it it's protecting all of our animals the inhumane treatment of animals and puppy mills and other unlegal ways of breeding um these animals and protecting the consumers consumers who are going to a pet store getting a very sick sick puppy or cat um and spending thousands of dollars on taking term so again it's just protecting both animals and the public so um hopefully we can support this cause and push the state to to address them than any other commissioner comments hearing none any comments from the public okay roll call Bas yes Martino yes Burns yes B yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes yes motion carries okay that brings us to written Communications and petitions we've received copies of written Communications and petitions any commissioner anything would like to sh yeah i' I've actually received several um phone calls and emails about the um the sinkhole report public cherry on Old New York Road yes and I had a conversation earlier today with u Marin Gerson Court um she said you spoke with Renee and I think emergency repairs are planned to be completed sometime in April the end of April but then the county will I guess after that will I guess scan the rest of the pipe to make sure that it's also not going to fail or is that going to happen prior to emergency repairs well they're they're on um I I I've got the phone call is saying you we have this 12 12 foot uh all and and it's going to be an emergency res there'll be an emergency resolution to do the work right but but Doug is on so Doug could probably address you know the the whole issue about what work will get done so yeah um so what we're going to do under an emergency uh contract is the 300 ft of uh pipe which runs from an inlet to a manhole um the rest of the system it's probably another 700 ft of pipe and a bunch of inlets we will uh put out a set of plans and bid that work um because obviously when we do emergency contracts we get higher prices so we we would like to try to get you know save some money on the the remainder of the work by bidding it okay thank you and then so the bridge isn't closed because of the sinkhole correct is it it's closed there's a flooding issue on one end of the bridge uh no we we closed it for the SLE okay cuz may mentioned something about a funding concern as well yeah I'm unaware of that but I know we're uh getting astronomical High Tides right now so maybe there's a issue with high tides okay so I told her I I would follow up with that today at the meeting um okay I guess so the public is was I guess there there were assuming that the bridge was closed because of the sinkle but then the mayor mentioned there was a flooding concern as well um so there's some I guess some confusion as to why that the bridge was closed the other day so it was because of the sinkle very it was the sinkle yes all right all right thank you thank you commission any uh reports of special committees Madam chair yes at our last environment in Parks meeting we had several guests uh we have Miss Melanie Thorne from the mar amort B shed ambassadors we have Ruth Carl from The Ruckus University and New Jersey agricultureal experiment station we have Susan laar from Hamilton sustainability team and we had Nancy jiren from the Ruckers Master Gartner program I just want to try to give a brief of some of the things of programs that that they' like to bring some light to so I'll try to go through this as quickly as I can uh Melanie Thorne the American corpse border shed Ambassador was he did a presentation and it was let me try to skip over some of this stuff here F duration service over another 10 months I want talk about that okay we go right here there are several public programs offered uh through her Department that she wanted to bring light to which is called the lunch and learn series noted as a highly recommended series to attend so I wanted to put that out there also Belinda Chester from ruus Corporation Cooperative Extension of atanta County also made a presentation and she did an overview of the resources her agency offers she highlighted the Master Gardener program and the education demonstration and assistance offered for homeowners Belinda also talked about the local demonstration gardeners Gardens at several County Libraries and the ongoing work to renovate them so there's going to be some work done to live the gardens outside of the libraries and also outside of the school so they um preco I think they were more active and they haven't been so active since so they want to let people know that they have resources they just don't have as much manall so they're looking for Community Partnerships down here on the ground so if you know of any schools or libraries or any of that they're looking for assistance in that way so anyone would have to be the lead and what cool part about this is whoever takes that lead or whoever takes the program they would actually get their Master Garden certification through the state of New Jersey and then we could also get the kids who are you know coming up if to the school they would also get their Master guard certification through the program and it's free and ruers University will come down and help put Community Gardens anywhere we'd like them as long as we or whatever organization requests them maintains them um we also had the assistant professor in agriculture and natural resources uh working on the tick analysis program this one's pretty cool so the tick analysis program if you tick season's coming upon us and we haven't had harsh winners and we know that's with kills the ticks over the winter time we're not killing ticks over the winner because our winners have not been harsh so I guess we're expecting to see an uptick on on the amount of ticks in the state of New Jersey tick up Tick I did that on purpose no I didn't do that on purpose up Tick of ticks so um what they're requesting from everyone is to don't just kill the tick but to take the tick put it inside of a pach of scotch tap put it in an envelope and send it to them uh and you can go to the website the website is https you.com Ruckers you send it to Ruckers and Ruckers will put it inside this the cool part now they'll put it inside the laboratory they'll test the tick within I think 48 hours they'll get back to you the person who sent it tell you what that tick is what kind of tick that particular tick is so your tick will be you'll know what it is and then they'll send they'll further study the tick and then send you what diseases that tick has and that to me that was the big part so we know with getting bit by ticks and you know allo immune diseases and all those kind of things we're concerned about but now we don't have to wait to get sick we can go to our doctor and say I sent this tick in the ru University they got back to me said it has a b and c so we can be more proactive with our care the whole idea is for them they want the database they want to study the tick to be able to say they know where the ticks are in New Jersey where they populated how many they are and what uh diseases they're carrying for us we get to be more proactive in the medical side and not wait for something to happen we can say listen I pulled this kick off for me not sure but then reference will get back to us and say this tick had your tick had lime disease for example so you can go to your doctor and say I F by tick that has lime disease so pretty cool stuff um that's all I wanted to bring light to for that you want me to roll right into my other sure pleas I have another which is let me see what I have I want to bring want to take you off I don't want to take you off for the for the mck city betterment I've been speaking about the mck city betterment park project for some time now it's been it's been very successful uh we the greater Egg Harbor Historic Society is has taken over the r point on parts of that project cuz we want to keep the recreation mixed in with the historical part of I would just want to uh shout out the culture and Heritage uh grants that I also bring light to and try to highlight they were awarded a grant which they're going to be doing a history from the culture and Heritage Department from the county and they're going to be doing a history wall inside of the uh inside of the building so that's pretty cool other thing I guess I will well no I'll leave it okay someone else has a microphone are you good I'm good uh does anybody else have any special committee reports see none any unfinished business see none any new business rley thank you just wanted to report on what I saw at our job fair on Saturday I was there torrential rings but it was very very well attended um very well by a lot of people looking for work uh the only thing I would say that could be improved would be a bigger room they certainly needed a bigger room for uh the folks in the different departments all the different departments in the county for well represented and u i was directing some of the folks to go to the back of the library to sit down with the tables are to fill out the application form so it was U it was quite Well it Well done the other thing too I wanted to mention um was the news release that we all received in the county regarding the Port Republic bridge and how it's been uh honored nationally exceptional distinction and that uh there going to be an award given in Washington DC on May the 15th so kudos to our engineering department that's uh something to really be proud of that's all I have chman thank you thank you commissioner any other commission have mam CH I I do want to share this one put out for education and schools committee 2024 Middle School Public Service Announcement contest contest is open to all students in grade 6 to 8 in the Atlantic in Atlantic County students are invited to create an 8x5 by 11 in 8.5x 11 in landscape Direction PSA on natural highs or w to stay drug free so that's out there as well so anyone interested I I forwarded this information over to the Cory who is going to attempt to was going to put it out to superintendant in the county and hopefully that information will disseminate down but the cool part is whoever wins let's see it says here PE submission must be the following criteria artwork must be landscape Direction crayons pens markers please do not use paint glitter or glitter GL glue no copyright characters or celebrities may be used or inferred entry forms must be completely filled out and legible forms must be submitted with artwork a picture of the submission can be emailed and a hard copy will be obtained from uh contest winners the entries are due to the Atlantic prevention resource office at 626 Northshore Road ofs New Jersey 08201 or email to NS c i o r e at a ATL pb.org no later than 400 p.m. on Friday April 5th 2024 everybody get that website the cool part about this is whoever wins will likely have their poster put on a billboard so good thank you very much that's truly all I have yeah that's good information any other uh new business okay anyone attending in person that would like to speak now at po comment please come to the podium speak into the microphone state your name and the town you reside if you're attending virtually and would like to make a public comment please raise your hand I'll call upon your name and request to unmute you will be sent please state your name and the town you reside you will also be provided up two three minutes to speak we have everybody okay anything for the good of the order M chair a couple good of the order items um first of all uh I'm going to be passing along jar to you um we have two recently published authors from Atlanta County um Aaron Franco from Hamilton Township she actually used babysit me uh she just put out a children picture book called a plate of Hope um and she is kind of putting the call out there to do author visits I thought it would be a great thing to bring her into the library system potentially for some offer visits um so I'll get you that information and same thing with um one of our other authors in the county is uh Kate Bergen um she did a series called modern day Rosies the women behind the mask and it was I I've talked about her before I think um it was her her way of uh she was the first responder and kind of managing um her the things and feelings that she was going through uh during Co um she started painting uh other first responder females and telling their story and published a book um and uh since uh 321 was National Rose Rosie the Riveter day I thought it would be aico to bring her up um so check out those books great gifts for people great way to support um our our uh favorite daughters I guess of Atlanta County um but would love to see them featured in our library system so J will get you that information 317 St Patrick's Day I spent uh with a bunch of oot Italians um we had our we had our we had our uh National Unico which is an Italian American Service organization of which which I'm the chapter president for Atlantic City um we had our midyear meeting at the Hard Rock in Atlantic City on 317 uh where we got to honor uh Joe Flo quarterback uh was in the house lives in South Jersey um wonderful man even though he's not on the Eagles um wonderful man uh he and his wife are very kind very breaches uh and we also honored um Bob keery from hamton uh the founder of asphalt paving systems um for his phy and charitable giving um so really great uh way to highlight um some really awesome people we have in South Jersey here uh on a on a a national stage we had uh visitors from Unico chapters from across the country so it was a great night and um I just wanted to make sure we highlighted those to and then in the spirit of Unico we have our upcoming pasta dinner on April 7th in Atlantic City at St Mike's Church uh this is one of the ways we raise money for our scholarships that we give out every year and speaking of scholarships we have a scholarship applications open until April 30th you can visit us at acun code.org thank you very anybody else have anything for the good of the order I am just going to publicly congratulate our commissioner burn on uh our grandchild born uh early this morning thank you so all the best to you and your family okay I'll entertain a motion to adjourn he said soble I used to say motion meaning I make that motion but our thank you everyone for being this evening [Music] [Music] [Music]