e e e like to call the meeting to order in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey open public meeting Act of 1975 the Autobon Board of Education transmitted notice of this meeting scheduled at 6:30 p.m. in the udon Junior Senior High School library media center to the retrospect newspaper and the burough Clerk and by postings on the udon Public School District website and at the main and the Pine Street entrance of the Junior Senior High School roll call please Mrs Ron case James blumenstein absent Allison cxs here Andrea Robinson here Amy Davis here Steven Wilson here Al lipsky absent Mark Gaddy Bill Wilson absent Jonathan Maxon here and our representatives are absent all right um whereas while the senator Byron and Bear open public meetings act requires all meetings of the Autobon Board of Education to be held in public njsa 10 4-12 B sets forth nine types of matters that may lawfully be discussed in executive session I.E without the public being permitted to attend and where as the aabon board of education has deemed it necessary to go into Clos session to discuss certain matters which are Exempted from the public and as are noted on the agenda may have a motion to go into executive motion second all in favor any opposed all right we will be approximately 30 minutes e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 42 all in favor any oppos all right good evening please stand for the black salute Ali to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands na God indivisible andice for all you remember before we um administer the oath of office to our newest board member uh just a couple of highlights first of all wanted to recognize that it is uh was Teacher Appreciation Day and week um so wanted to thank all of our wonderfully talented faculty and staff uh many of us are Educators and we are parents so we've had the benefit of um getting to know a lot of them in the district so from the bottom of our hearts we thank um all of those individuals also um for those of you that were not at the budget meeting last week we um did approve and introduce the new superintendent of schools Miss Sandra Allen she was able to attend last Wednesday night but we will have additional opportunities for our faculty and staff and Community to meet with her right now we're tentatively looking at um our first meet and greet for the first third Friday which is going to be May 17th that'll be an opportunity for everyone to meet Miss Allen and then we'll have a second opportunity that we're still trying to finalize the the date time and location on so we hope that everyone will be able to make one of those two opportunities and introduce yourself to her I know she's really looking forward to meeting everyone in the community and while we have so many people here I just wanted to say that our next meeting because I always say that at the end when nobody's here but um our next meeting is a little bit earlier than normal it is June 5th with all of the graduations and the promotions going on the uh third Wednesday in June doesn't usually work out for us so June 5th is the next um formal Board of Education meeting all right now we're going to move on to the administration of the oath of office for uh Miss Sarah kulin and Mrs Ron case will lead us through that I will ask you to come forward I say or name I say or cooling do you solemnly swear or affirm do you solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the SA and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and this state and to the governments established in the United States and this state under the authority of the people to help me back under the authority of the people so help me God I state your name I Sarah kin do solemnly swear or affirm do solemnly swear or affirm that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of the education that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of the Board of Education and that I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to rs41 and that I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to RS 1941 nor disqualified due to conviction of a crime or offense listed in njs 18121 qualified due to conviction of a crime or offense listed in mjf's 18a 12-1 and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of that office and that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my abili to help me back according to the best of my abilities so help me back congratulations thank you [Applause] welcome Sarah we're very pleased to have you with us all right moving on to our student representative to the board me tonight Jan couldn't make it unfortunately um nothing's really been going on school you know everyone's been wrapping up the Year we're super excited um finals are coming up that's pretty stressful for everyone um besides that nothing's really been going on recently so all right then we're moving on to one of several highlights for the meeting this evening we're going to recognize our students of the month for April and um we'll have Dr Davis explain the process to us a little bit we so glad to have so many of the family members here this evening if you haven't had the pleasure of I'll being here for the student reps you know one of the things when I came on board we recognized the students 7 through 12 and ask we're looking at the little ones prek through6 so we started recognizing prek 6 for prek 12 can you hear me PRK 12 uh right away um what'll happen is the board members going to pull them up parents this is for you and it's also for your children so as they come up good camera angle right now I'm looking right at the camera so if you want to go on YouTube and save it later on parents get the picture get the shot we also have uh the statement and then a picture of the students of the month on there good shot too it's your time it's their time afterwards I'll bring everybody over here and we'll take a picture of all the things that pre from uh 12 so no further wrong Liv presner is nominated as the preschool student of the month [Applause] doing it step back and out at your picture live prar is nominated as the preschool student of the month her teacher says Liv is excited to come to school each day she practices mindfulness by always using her words when she needs or wants something from her peers or teachers and sets an example of what a calm body looks like at morning meeting Liv is always encouraging to her classmates and her teachers practicing safety and respect by always listening carefully and following directions she always volunteers and participates in classroom activities and discussions Liv achieves her goals when she continues to work on writing the words in our morning message Liv also works together with her classmates to clean up centers even if she is not playing there she's an amazing role model when it comes to kindness and friendship by including everyone in class we are so happy live as a part of our preschool classroom Community she has been an amazing role model to her fellow students [Applause] congratulations Hannah Zac is nominated as the kindergarten student of the month [Applause] perfect right here right there there you are Hannah Zac is nominated as the kindergarten student of the month Hannah shows safety respect and responsibility every day she reminds classmates of playground and classroom rules to ensure a safe environment Hannah helps other students who are unsure of directions or how to complete a task she's always kind and respectful in her responses Hannah always does her work Andes Tri her best she takes responsibility for her learning by being an active participant in all activities Hannah has had a great kindergarten [Applause] Year good job Ariana Diel is nominated as the first grade student of the month [Applause] her teacher says Ariana comes in every day to school with a smile on her face and is safe respectable and responsible to her peers and teachers she's a great role model in the classroom and in the hallway she tries hard every day and is always a good friend to her classmates she's a pleasure to have a class and I'm so proud of all of her accomplishments this year congratulations Ariana [Applause] Kieran karmac is nominated as the second grade [Applause] student his teacher says Kieran is always showing what it means to be safe respectful and responsible in the classroom and school building Kieran has worked hard in second grade and has made great progress more importantly though Kieran is a great friend to his fellow classmates he is easygoing and kind to everyone he comes into contact with he includes others on the playground and is always ready to offer his assistance to anyone who needs help Kieran smile brightens up the classroom every day we're lucky to have Kieran in our class this [Applause] year sor and giovana Mas anonio is the grade three nominated student of the [Applause] month excellent giovana her teacher says giovana has demonstrated Ro behaviors and qualities in every way she is respectful to teachers and peers she's always willing to give a Healing Hand to a friend in class who may need it she takes ownership for her own learning by participating and asking questions during lessons if she does not understand something she is not afraid to ask for help very good quality she is in constant competition with herself and is always striving to get 100% on her assignment giovana shows achievement by always doing the best and and taking pride in her work she is always well detailed in her writing assignments and shows her work on math problems to prove her answers she shows responsibility by handing in assignments on time and thoroughly looking over her work before handing it in giovana is a hardworking student who takes School very seriously and has a positive attitude while doing it she has been a true pleasure to have in class keep up the great work G [Applause] and Juliet sin is nominated as the fourth grade student of the [Applause] month okay jws that's your nickname right making sure okay Jules has exemplified War expectations in the classroom she shows respect by always lending a helping hand to classmates in need or repeating directions for a given assignment she takes ownership for her learning by participating in class discussions as well as staying focused and engaged during lessons in addition she is not afraid to seek help ask a question or email her teacher while homesick to have assignments sent to her well done she shows achievement by giving 100 110% to her assignments she never does the bare minimum instead she push wishes and challenges herself to exceed the expectations finally she shows responsibility by always turning in her assignments on time and being prepared and ready to learn each day Juliet Soares every day well Roars and Soares every day all day long and is very deserving of this award congratulations [Applause] Aubrey Diana is nominated as a fifth grade student of the month Aubrey all right I'll read about Aubrey her teacher says Aubrey is an incredible role model to her classmates she's respectful to her fellow students and adults alike she's a diligent worker and strives to do her best each day she goes above and beyond and is determined to achieve the high expectations she's for herself she's a leader in showing raar expectations each day she actively participates in school activities and supports her classmates in celebrating their successes we're so proud of her achievements this year we look forward to seeing her shine in the future of her educational career congratulations [Applause] Aubrey Sophia Lope Lopez is nominated as the sixth grade student of the [Applause] month Sophia exudes enthusiasm in all she does because of this she's always eager to learn willing to help others and actively involved in our school Community she shows achievement by maintaining straight A and being involved in many extracurricular activities including newspaper Club helping Paws and gardening club to name a few Sophia was chosen as a board game club Mentor this year where she spends time after school with younger students at Mansion helping them with following rules playing fair and managing emotions when things don't go their way Sophia has been roaring in mansion for the past 4 years and we're very proud of all she's accomplished we look forward to hearing about all the way she will continue to shine and becomes part of the Green Wave family next year [Applause] congratulations Zoe Ammon is nominated as the seventh grade student of the month all right so we will read about Zoe anyway her teacher says Zoe embodies the essence of an exemplary student earning the prestigious title of student of the month for the seventh grade with her unwavering dedication and enthusiasm in every class Zoe is a beacon of positivity eagerly engaging with the subject matter and igniting intellectual curiosity among her peers not only does she actively participate in discussions but she also Fosters a collaborative environment by readily assisting her classmates and encouraging their Learning Journey zo's remarkable blend of intelligence kindness and inquisitiveness sets her apart as a role model for her fellow students inspiring them to strive for excellence beyond the classroom Z's interests span a diverse Spectrum from her passion to soccer to Artistic talents and drawings moreover her affection for her pet lizard Musafa underscores her nurturing nature Zoe's presence enriches our classroom immeasurably and it's truly a delight to witness her growth and contributions each St congratulations [Applause] Ashley chinii is nominated as the eighth grade student of the [Applause] month this a award is a distinction she richly deserves Ashley's kindness and diligence are evident in every aspect of her academic Journey as she consistently demonstrates a strong desire to learn and Excel her unwavering commitment to the studies is reflected in the full effort she invests in every task coupled with her willingness to seek assistance when needed a testament to her dedication and personal growth Ashley's positive attitude an exemplary conduct set a high standard for her peers fostering a supportive and Collaborative Learning environment for all Beyond her academic achievements Ashley's active participation in the Green Wave cross country and track programs as well as her dedication to dance outside of school highlight her multifaceted talents and her exceptional work ethic in every Endeavor as proves herself to be an outstanding young woman embodying the qualities of resilience kindness and determination That Make Her truly deserving of this honor [Applause] Thomas hope is nominated as the ninth grade student of the [Applause] month Orban High School proudly recognizes Thomas H as the nth grade student of the month in every class Thomas consist consistently demonstrates a remarkable commitment to his studies working diligently to achieve his full potential his presence is not only a pleasure but also a catalyst for positivity and inclusivity as he actively seeks out those who may feel left out and ensures they feel welcomed and valued this inherent kindness coupled with his genuine passion for learning said sart as one of the most admirable students one could encounter his Focus extends Beyond mere academic achievement reflecting a deeper understanding of the importance of compassion and camaraderie in the learning environment Tom embodies the qualities of a true role model and his presence enriches our school Community immeasurably he's the type of student whose influence you'd want your own children to experience firsthand congratulations Thomas [Applause] Yun irari is nominated as the 10th grade student of the [Applause] month irisari is truly deserving of the title of aabon student of the month showcasing an unparalleled dedication to his studies that never fails to impress each day yavi approaches his assignments with a level of commitment that is truly admirable consistently striving for excellence in all that he does his thirst for knowledge is evident in his willingness to ask questions and seek clarification whenever necessary demonstrating both humility and a genuine desire to learn moreover yavi embodies the values of politeness and respect setting a shining example for his peers with his impeccable conduct and considerable demeanor beyond the classroom Yi's dedication extends to the basketball court where he represents the Green Wave with pride and passion furthermore his commitment to being a positive role model extends to his home life where he takes great pride in setting a good example for his younger siblings Yun iar's unwavering dedication humility and integrity make him an ex exceptional student and an invaluable asset to our school Community congrat congratulations yavan [Applause] good evening Riley Irwin is nominated as the 11th grade student of the [Applause] month celebrating Riley as otton high school student of the month is an honor that is deeply deserved in every facet of her school life Riley exemplifies Excellence kindness and dedication inside the the classroom Riley's thirst for knowledge is palpable she engages eagerly with each lesson never hesitating to seek clarification or help her peers her genuine curiosity and intellectual Drive Inspire those around her to strive for greater understanding Beyond academics Riley's impact is far reaching as a member of cross country winter track track intergenerational club interact NHS French Club and French National Honor Society she embodies the spirit of service and Community engagement whether she's racing on the track or volunteering her time Riley's commitment to Excellence and compassion shines through Riley's leadership academic prowess and compassionate nature make her a cherished member of the otton high school Community her influence extends far beyond the classroom leaving indelible mark on the hearts and minds of her peers and teachers alike congratul congratulations Riley on this well-deserved recognition Riley's dedication to Excellence and kindness Inspire us all and we look forward to witnessing her continued success in the [Applause] future Skyler Martin is nominated as the 12th grade student of the [Applause] month her teacher says during her time at otton Skyler has exhibited remarkable growth both both academically and personally reflecting her commitment to self-improvement and Excellence Skyler's transformation is truly inspiring from her improved attitude towards school and peers to her exemplary conduct attendance and academic performance she embodies the values of dedication and perseverance that we hold dear at oton high her selfless acts of kindness such as assisting a special needs student in art class and voluntarily accompanying them to Winter ball demonstrate her quiet empathy and willingness to go above and beyond to support her peers furthermore Skylar's academic achievements coupled with her remarkable character and work ethic set her apart as a model student her recent commitment to Salem County College on a softball scholarship is a testament to her exceptional talents and achievements both inside and outside the classroom Skyler's dedication compassion and outstanding contributions make her a deserving candidate for student of the month and I am confident that she will continue to inspire others and Achieve greatness great success in all of her future endeavors congratulations to Skyler on this well-deserved recognition so if I could have all the students [Music] this is the first it's the second no two or three do that do you remember gave me Aver [Music] [Laughter] [Music] no no no they didn't go to I did you're wel you're more than welcome to stay to recognize the retirees I'm not saying that just because I'm one of them but I remember [Music] that may you I don't know but I remember you said to my mom I want to give her I oh look at that Mrs Ronis if you'd like to come on down she is so [Music] excited um I would just like to say before we begin our recognition we congratulate and thank all of our retirees this evening for the multitude of contributions that you've made to the otton school district and the community so thank you and we wish you all the best in your [Applause] [Music] entire sorry I'm jumping the gun okay our our so our first um retiree this this evening that I have the pleasure of speaking to is uh Dr Andrew Davis [Applause] right there okay oh jeez Dr Davis you can see your picture in of you your family need to take a shot home with the baseball are we ready I don't know uh Tonight We Gather to celebrate the remarkable career of Dr Davis who has dedicated his life to the betterment of our educational Community as we bid farewell to our beloved Dr Davis I'm honored to share a few words about the impact he has made during his 10 year now you know that does not sound anything like I would say correct yes chat g chat GPT I had a little bit of help with that's like an inside joke between the two of us s all right well forget it it's going south from here so I'm going to start over so Dr Davis and I began in udon one month apart in 2018 we immediately got to work Andy made it very comfortable to fall under his leadership as his biggest asset was to put children first it's amazing when he walks through the halls of any of our schools and students know exactly who he is and will stop and say hi or ask a question or just have a conversation with you so what does a superintendent do he inspires leads guides and directs every member of the administrative instructional and support services staff so that each student may be provided with an Effective Education Dr Davis has done this and so much more he has had many accomplishments to be proud of as he has made aabon schools a better place I'm not going to list all of them but um two that stand out is the establishment of the full day preschool program where he in the beginning we have been denied at first but with his continued persistence through phone calls and letters Autobon was accepted into the program the second was the passing of the bond referend them this was a huge task and his involvement in the bond project has been there every day ever every day since and we'll be there till your last day of work I know oh and then there was okay and then um there was that small thing called Co that happened uh also so um we can't and we won't forget it but you managed our school district through that year and we recovered um I've never worked with a superintendent who puts in more hours than you do 247 is your motto and you need to be recognized for that there has never been a time when you are not there for the board Administration staff students and Community I personally can walk into your office any time of the day and you make me feel welcomed and I know I have your full attention I will miss our morning chats I will miss seeing your yellow stick sticky notes on your desk and your excitement when you finish that task and you can throw that sticky note right in the trash can I will miss seeing your blue truck parked out in the front of the school I'll miss you walking into our business office and telling many stories um one thing I will not miss though are your jokes um because sometimes I get them and sometimes I pretend to get them I hope in retirement you enjoy spending time with your wife Kristen and your children Lily Ella Luke and Gabe your presence here will be greatly missed but your impact will live in the hearts and minds of all who have had the privilege of working alongside you aabon will not realize all that you did for this community until you are gone I started in 2018 and you were considered my boss my coworker and now as you leave you are none of these you are my friends congratulations on a wealth deserved [Applause] retirement I am just the public speaker tonight okay so next up is Deborah [Applause] haran take your spot right in the front there look at yourself please okay Deb you ready yes okay good because I'm sure I'm not ready not ready for this okay Deb has been the face of the business office since 1998 she started her career right in the office as The copier Aid then as luck would have it the council payable clerk at the time was Pat Smith uh was retiring and she Twisted Deb's arm to apply and it's been her work home ever since for 27 years Deb was the first person I met coming into the business office six years ago I remember her being a little [Laughter] quiet well that lasted one day Deb made me feel right at home and I fell right into place obeying her rules yes Deb my name's Deb also so uh yes Deb I will sign those checks yes Deb I will review those purchase orders or I need an account number for that purchase order and why did you you approve that she even told me today that my speech better be good I'm obeying my biggest concern was not to get on her list and we all know what about the list um I I think I've only been on that list maybe one time I can't speak to her family over there um but truly the business office has a special bond and it has developed through years I love our many conversations about new recipes to make new restaurants to try what shows to watch on Netflix or prime how sometimes we are all thinking the same thing but can't say it out loud and I love that we make time to celebrate everyone's birthday and go to lunch on special occasions in all seriousness Deb does an amazing job as the account payable specialist she serves as a vital member of the financial team her role involves processing invoices reconciling accounts recording cash receipts and ensuring accurate and timely payments to our vendors and service providers the M the business office would not function properly without you some of Deb's favorite things to do outside the office is to spend weekends at the campar get together with her close friends play peanuckle maybe uh eat her eat at her favorite restaurant G moreles and Order her martini with stuff olives oh gues olives um being around her grandchildren Connor and Brinley and overall the best thing for her is to travel so I really didn't think she would ever retire because she keeps booking all these trips maybe her husband knows about them maybe he doesn't um and if you're invited and she would say just booked another trip I can't retire just yet but I think her decision to retire came in late when she lost her good friend and cooworker Chris llynn last year if Chris taught us anything it was that life is too short and to enjoy your retirement years so Deb will be going out in style with a family cruise and not looking back you deserve it I'm [Music] not your your your family is here tonight to celebrate you your husband Rich along with your children Richie and Shannon and Jan and Dana and of course we can't forget those precious grandchildren Connor and Brinley who get to call you Gigi every day you have raised an amazing family here in aabon and now it's time for you to relax and enjoy the next chapter of your life happy retirement [Applause] [Laughter] good all right all right good evening I have uh the pleasure of recognizing Mr G riy stand but everybody [Music] else all right sorry about that one was shorter um you has worked as our number one bus driver for our district for over 40 years so what does being a number one bus driver mean in this school district well anytime a bus went out he was on it he get the first run out every day some days he went out seven days a week some of those days could have been possible a multiple runs where he he has a field trip in the morning he did an athletic run at 3:00 and then oh yeah I need you to do uh swimming so he might have been after three runs um my speak sorry there sir um there's many of times that we leaned on on you um we can call him at 8:00 in the morning for for a run at 3: or call at 3 for a run at 6: or I call him at home at night and say uh are you available on this day I got a I got a I got a game we got to play um he would never say no that that that's your number one bus driver um you have safely transported I would easily say over 100,000 students to doing from um our athletic events our band competitions field trips summer camps wherever we needed to go you uh kept our buses clean inside and out a lot of people didn't know um you know you could send them out and get clean but you you did everything for us he we drop pses off for repair pick buses up when um sometimes we had to drop buses off repair we didn't have anybody to uh pick them up his wife stepped in pick him up drop him off so was kind of a family affair a couple times um I think the best compliment that I can give you is I never had to worry good this [Music] a all right I think you know I saw his name on a bus list I wouldn't have to worry about it I mean I knew it's 5:00 in the morning 4:00 in the morning I didn't have to worry I knew I knew he can show up so that's like the best thing I could say for a bus driver for us guys and um you you know I'm I've only I've been working with you for at least well 14 years as the ad 10 years as the middle school wrestling coach um you're going to be greatly missed by all our coaches our students staff um especially myself my our secretaries I just want to congratulate you on your well-deserved retirement you deserve it have a good time send me some pictures you [Applause] go a 44 years it's a b time you're still here good evening everybody I recognize you as well um and de thank you guys it's just a testament I think the auton community just to recognize the people who's been here for so long as they have and the impact they've had and I I can remember you know Mr ANS when I was a kid but I can also remember Q as a driver driving the old buses when they had the stick ships and you know T all these events so so thank you guys very much appreciate it um I have the privilege of recognizing two retired iies who could not make it tonight uh the first one is Miss Jenny Tappen um it is with joy and congratulations that I offer best wishes to miss Tappen on your well-deserved retirement aabon Junior Senior High School thanks you for 24 years of service to the students and the community good job this milestone in your life marks the culmination of an incredible career filled with passion commitment and countless lives you have impacted since you arrived at AHS in 2000 you've exemplified the true Spirit of teaching inspiring generations of students to learn grow and strive for excellence your unwavering dedication to your craft and your genuine care for each individual under your guidance have left an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of all who have had the privilege of knowing you as you begin this new chapter of your life I have no doubt your retirement will be filled with the same amount of energy and passion you instilled upon your students over the past 24 years I hope this time is also filled with relaxation and Adventure as you continue to move forward in your life on behalf of the autobond junior senior High School I extend my sincerest gratitude for your years of service and dedication you have made a difference in the world and not and for that we are profoundly grateful congratulations and next up I have the privilege of recognizing Mrs Wendy Van Fon it is my honor to recognize Mrs Wendy vanson's 32 years of dedicated Service as a teacher counselor and Coach to the otoman community over more than three decades Wendy has been been a pillar of support and guidance for countless students colleagues and families her unwavering commitment to education and the well-being of her students has left the mark on the school Community Wendy's passion for nurturing young minds her compassion in times of need and her dedication to fostering a positive environment have inspired all who have had the privilege of working alongside of her as Wendy embarks in this new chapter in her life it's important to reflect in the countless Liv she has touched and the profound impact she has made her Legacy will continue to resonate in the of our school for years to come please join me an extending heartfelt thanks and best wishes to Wendy Van Fon as she Enders retirement may this next chapter in your life be filled with joy fulfillment and endless opportunities to spend time with your family here and down the shore congratulations Wendy on an exceptional career and thank you for your enduring dedication to the students and staff at aot thank [Applause] you and now want to introduce Mr Carbone thank you Mr Leb all right so now I'm back again to recognize one of our one of my coaches um coach raran I'm going to make you stand up I'm sorry I know you're I know I I know you're suffering I'll make it quick right uh off from the baseball field today another win what are we up to 604 605 6 605 ni right but nobody's count um so tonight we're here like we like to recognize coach Richard RAM for reaching 600 coaching wins as Wella Bun's head baseball coach coach ran has been the head coach of otama baseball for the last 32 years and he's had many accomplished during his illustrious career including 13 clo Conference titles 11 sectional titles and seven state championships 600 wins only four other coaches in South Jersey have reached this Milestone um I have work with Rich for the past 14 years as the athletic director uh I think I told the story once before because I think I was here for riches 500 when um my first day as athletic director I mean I was talking to the staff and I think rich is going to be coming in rich is going to be coming in Rich I I didn't even sit down in my seat and Rich was there talking about baseball um just shows his dedication wanted to make sure everything was correct um during his time he has shown nothing but dedication and profession ISM uh Rich may not have been a teacher at the classroom but he's been a teacher of life lessons to our athletes he's held them accountable for their actions and the grades along with instilling a great work ethic knowledge and the B skill of baseball and the Love of the Game in all his players um I many many days Rich has come in and said call these Five Guys down all the baseball teams we call him down and he read him the riot act hey your grades are slipping you're not doing you're not going to play um he he's done a great job rich is the first one on the field when we're at home and the last one to leave I mean he's out there blowing the dugs out dugouts out the dirt he's raking the field cutting the grass lining the field I I don't think i' I think I've done more work with him than I had in my career out on the fields um but he's done whatever's needed to get done to get the games played um sometimes he's a little pushier than others which you need that to be a great coach just like um you know the boss over here I don't I got to watch what I'm saying also we were going to uh do these U the recognize rich in June but the boss said my whole family is going to be here let's get it done tonight we got it done tonight so rich we want to thank you um for everything you've done for a our athletes and congratulate you on this Milestone is 600 wins and I think I'll still be around when you hit 700 so I may [Applause] [Music] not sorry all right I just want to jump into I know we talked about Hugh and missan their retirees I had the privilege of playing for him and in my office I have a picture of his 300th win when I was on his coaching staff um the support he gives to us with his kids like I remember last year I get a phone call and in in typical coach Ram St I was like yo Le what's going on with this kid he was in detention he's like yo he's starting today I said coach he's got attention today he's like all right send him out when he's done so he supports us he supports us when his kids get in trouble like coach said he reads in the riot act um he supports us and he's been a state in community for a long time so congrats [Applause] coach I got an audience I'll district report people going to take a little but that's I'll do report yeah and since I got an audience I'll talk a little bit um there's a bunch of you that are fa and staff members and obviously parents I only have a couple things in regards to District reports one there was a notice that went out today to the families in regards to respiratory guidance um one of the things you know we went through while I was here you know was the co pandemic and we were following you know all the Department of Health recommendations um they've actually with the decrease we've moved forward with the Department of Health uh recommendations in regards to respiratory guidance and they really talk about the symptoms and Yesa reference covid-19 they also talk about influenza the flu and RSV so that notice went out um it will be available on the website and then the other piece that I have and I know once again many of you are community members is just really a referendum update that'll go out tomorrow to the to the community um some of the things that still need to be done and will be done um um over the next couple months and hopefully be all completed by the end of August you know for the opening of school on September 3rd um in in over the summer in havin the main entrance is getting upgraded we're going to have a new concrete apron it will be a drop off Zone which will be helpful and then we're putting up a new flag pole um the back the front and rear playground are being renovated so there'll be in the front new asphalt there'll be new and modified equipment in the back and then the fencing is being up updated Mansion playground it's really the asphalt the basketball court and basketball equipment and fencing will be done looks like we'll have probably a 1224 the main breaker box and switch at Mansion needs to be replaced it's been on order for the last two months we got about another uh 6 to 8 months before it arrives so once it gets here we we'll flip it uh Junior Senior High School you'll see starting not next week but the following uh some work out there that side entrance is getting worked on um our hopes is to get it done prior to graduation from now through early J July we're working on the a building some window and brick repair is getting done to seal up the envelope make sure we don't get water we're also uh over the summer working on installing an emergency generator over here at the high school and then the district offices many of them not all of them uh there's carpet replacement Andor V vinyl tile so there's been a lot that we're working on yes you're getting she might see it they're pretty quick um the when you're in the buildings you know take a look and see all the things that were done you'll notice things in regards to whether it be the lighting all the HVAC we need to work on uh setting the thermostat a little bit lower on Bo meeting night so it stays cool but it gets pretty cold pretty quick um there's just been a lot so I just encourage everybody to look around whether it be you know wasn't through the referendum but we do have new back stops uh you know at the at the the baseball field the front basketball courts done the tennis court there's going to be some remediation done there the gymnasium the name gym the Au gym the art rooms the library media centers across the district the camera systems the security system the doors all our Tech has been upgraded meaning the main frame and switches you know we're just in such a better place than we were in 2018 so look for that notice and look for the work and I I I can't say enough for bu and the crew and then also the different construction guys and gals I might try to get them all out here to recognize them in June so I'm going to be working on that so they've done a really good job uh working with us to get things done in a timely manner and a safe manner so Kudos stavis thank you very much congratulations to again to all of our retirees and those recognized this evening we're going to take a five uh 5 to 10 minute break so that we can use the facilities and we'll be right back thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e minutes from April 17th public session and April 17th 2024 executive session motion second roll call please just one second oh I'm sorry sorry I'm laughing more than no Alison lipsky yes Jonathan Max yes Andrea Robinson yes Bill Wilson yes Steven Wilson yes Jim bloomenstein oh sorry I apologize he's absent Alison Cox Mark Gabby yes Sarah Amy Davis yes motions passed thank you proceeding on to the first public participation session um this pertains to agenda items only I'm not going to read the multitude of paragraphs there there is anyone who wishes to speak on agenda items only who's come forward at this time oh okay there was movement I just wanted to make sure okay all right all right and we're good okay all right then I will close that session for public participation and I will move on to governance and recognize Miss lipsky thank you Miss Davis um okay where are we we're over here so in regards to governance uh we have nothing for first read at this time so on the first agenda item is just our old sick leave has to be abolished because the state put in a new law and we had to make our sick leave in accordance with the new law so that's why that's being abolished and then as you can see on number two we have reviewed the new zck leave all questions have been answered and I believe it was operations and governance that were kind of back and forth and our questions have been answered so we are instituting the new policy in accordance with the state law uh in regard attendance I've addressed that previously the eligibility of Resident and non-resident students I think for most people people the thing that they might have been wondering about is uh will senior privilege remain and it does still remain in our um policies and so and in case you weren't sure what that is a senior privilege is if a family were to move out of our district and their child is going to be a senior or is a senior they can stay here and finish their senior year so that they don't have to go to another school um they get to spend their entirety and finish up their High School career here in a on so it's quite wonderful um and then we're going to add motion uh agenda item number three in governance and I'm making a motion to authorize the board president to submit an editorial to the local newspaper on behalf of the full Board of Education thank you Miss thank you all right any questions or comments on any non-agenda items for governance oh okay all right um then can I have a motion for items one through three under governance oh well that was a motion I thought that was just for her to add number three um no she she made motion was for numbers one through three okay all right now I thought she was just making a motion for number three okay that was number three was the motion okay if we're already motion alreadying okay all right um any questions then on items one through three Dr Davis you said you yeah I just have a comment regards the policy uh 16421 which is the sick leave and also both policy and regulation I really look forward working with the AA and the aea to kind of clarify that for members I did send out like a little snippet this afternoon to the staff in regards to some of those updates they um there's a lot of detail that goes in there uh for all the different categories so we're going to work together to make a you know a frequently Asked question uh easy read as much as we can so everybody has a good understanding of uh what the sick leave Law is but we're also including other leaves of absence in that whether it be gement military leave jury duty just so folks know what they need to do um with their Administration and then also the business office so we can make sure we we we um Can account for those days and uh it's been good uh great over the last couple years working with the AE very uh very closely just trying to improve that and making sure the staff know uh different pieces so okay any other questions informational items all right roll call please then Jonathan Maxon yes Andrea Robinson yes Bill Wilson yes Steven Wilson yes Alison Cox yes Mark Gaddy yes Sarah kulin Amy lipsky or Alison lipsky yes Amy Davis yes motions passed thank you moving on to operations I like to recognize Mrs C thank you Mrs Davis uh we have not had a meeting since our meeting last week um but we do have one on the books for uh the 21st of this month um on the agenda you'll just see the various uh drills that were conducted through April and the bill lists um we're uh approving um our service people throughout for the next year um the Auditors are Architects solicitor The Physician um who's going to handle the 403bs or Banks of Records uh who can sign the following accounts as listed a retrospect uh is designated as official newspaper career post alternate um the petty cash in the listed accounts our services that we are in agreement with camon County Educational Service Commission um and and then the um the GIF uh the agreement and the um resolution for uh entering into that with the Burlington County uh food service agreement with Collingswood Board of Ed as we've done in the past for maintenance services if needed for us uh superintendent and business administrator they can uh do move transfers and um phix advisors for continuing as our disclosure agent and independent registered Municipal advisor um and that we will Reserve as we've done a portions of the meetings for executive session and then busing uh if we can for Brook n from and then a joint Transportation Transportation agreement for Gateway uh until the remainder of this year uh school year that's it Davis okay we're good all right uh any questions comments or discussion on non-agenda items under operations all right then can I have a motion for items 1 through 21 Mo second any questions or comments on items 1 through 21 on the agenda okay seeings none roll call please Andrea Robinson yes Bill Wilson yes Steven Wilson yes Allison Cox yes Mark Gaddy yes Sarah kulin Allison lipsky yes Jonathan Maxim yes Amy Davis yes motion passed thank you next ell to recognize Miss Robinson for Education uh the education committee has not met since the last meeting but we are scheduled to meet next week or the week after um the on the agenda there is under number three there is an addition of Mansion Avenue is going to be go it's a field trip going to be going to the oton Junior Senior High School um for a cross building Community activity on May 20th um then there is the hit report um other field trips uh just a couple [Music] conferences and that's that's most of it anything to just make a little comment in regards to uh like the field trip request that you see I think one of the things we do really well here in Aon is transitioning the students uh one of my favorite things is if I can get there for it is the uh prek students do take a bus ride over to havlin so uh the little ones that are going to be going to kindergarten so they get to see the school um another nice piece is our Junior Senior High students actually is uh help with some of the activities that they do for their time there uh we do some transitions for our second graders over to to uh mansion and then our sixth graders as they trans trans transfer over to to seventh and eth at the Junior Senior High um I I also applied the you know applaud the school Counseling group for bringing back some of the new student orientation uh pieces and almost tur you into like a college fair where um the new students are able to come over um whether they be School of Choice or Mount eph students uh or anybody new to the district Andor students that are here where they can see some of the different clubs and activities know we recognize our students of the month every every month uh and you can you see all the things that the students have the ability to to to get engaged in and participate in and uh we just really want to make sure as our kids transfer from grade level to buildings um although we're a small District sometimes it's it's a little scary I've never been to Mansion or I've never really been in the Junior Senior High uh they get to see a little bit and they also get that information directly from the students so I applaud everyone who's involved in all those different transition meetings excellent thank you all right um can I get a motion then on item number one under education motion any questions comments on number one all right roll call please Bill Wilson yes Sten Wilson yes Alison Cox yes Mark Gaddy yes Sarah kin Alison lipsky yes Jonathan Maxon yes Andrea Robinson yes Amy Davis yes motion pass thank you all right uh may I have a motion on items two through eight motion second any questions comments or discussion on items 2 through eight all right roll call please stepen Wilson yes Alison Cox yes Mark gy yes Sarah coin Alison lipsky yes Jonathan Maxon yes Andrea Robinson yes Bill Wilson Amy Davis yes motions passed thank you all right uh moving on to Human Resources the human resources committee um had our meeting last night uh as usual re reviewed the open positions in the district and the items on the me's agenda we also uh noted as a committee that we need to begin thinking about negotiations with the um administrators Association and um I just wanted to call everybody's attention New Jersey school board's put out an email to us about contacting State legislatures there's going to be some uh moving movement and vote on um legislation that could Poss possibly affect the recent Cuts in the state aid so if you want to take the opportunity to reach out to um our Representatives please log on to the website or check your email they give a really easy link so that we can contact people directly um uh on tonight's agenda we have the um resignation of Miss Schwab as the counselor at the Junior Senior High School and Mrs Chisum as our keys program coordinator and we're also um um approving M uh Deo as the counselor at Junior Senior High School we have a motion to approve two power professionals to assist in the dance club at Mansion there's a motion to approve a few substitute positions motion to approve creating a part-time special ed oneon-one Aid um and also um a motion to appoint that candidate revising a long-term substitute agreement and a revision on an ending date for prated overload of course we have the resolutions for our retirees this evening motions to approve Personnel for Summer Bridge and as I think we can all note multiple motions appointing our staff members for their positions for the 2425 school year motion to approve summer hours for noted staff members and motions to approve a variety of special positions within the district um I want to thank I know Mrs cree and the business office are all deeply involved in the creation of this agenda um I know um the Education Association as well you can see how many motions we have here uh it's quite an undertaking to to to try to to get all of this information correct and in one space so thank you to anyone who had any part in creating all of these items under Human Resources um any questions comments or discussion on non-agenda the items Dr Davis did you want to add anything I would Echo those sentiments it takes a a lot of folks to make sure that this is accurate and um one of the things I would just point out for many of the the Motions for staff that will you know be reappointed for next year you'll notice where it it talks about pending negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement um right now everybody's on the same step that they were um um and you know pending the board approval well one the union ratifying and then the board approving um will potentially have a repeat of this very long agenda in June um hopefully and then the movement will occur uh I would encourage staff to you know review that second agenda they can review this one too um but then also sometimes U the staff you know the non- tenure staff you know they they should be encourage to review their tenure date um to make sure it's accurate um we've already spoken with the Union in regards to that but we'll make sure that everybody's compensated and appointed where they need to be great thank you all right um so let's begin the motioning under Human Resources may I have a motion for items one through 25 motion any questions comments or discussion for items 1 through 25 all right roll call then for 1 through 25 Alison Cox yes Mark yaddy yes Sarah Alison lipsky yes Jonathan Maxon yes Andrea Robinson yes Steven or Bill Wilson yes Steven Wilson yes Amy Davis yes motion fast thank you all right a motion for items 26 through 50 Mo second roll call please sorry Mark gy yes Sarah coin Alison lipsky yes Jonathan Maxon yes Anda Robinson yes still Wilson yes Steven Wilson yes Alison Cox yes Amy Davis yes and lastly a motion for items 51 through 66 motion second any questions on items one through 51 through 66 sorry I neglected to ask that earlier a good catch there are two item 51s 51 a and 51b oh sure any other questions or comments all right roll call please Sarah kin Alison lipsky yes Jonathan Maxon yes Andrea Robinson yes Bill Wilson St Wilson yes Alison Cox yes Mark Gaby yes Amy Davis yes motion passed okay all right under reports we have our HIV district report and um then we also have a special program Representatives Mr stepen Wilson anything for ed services I was unable to attend the last meeting uh they did approve the minutes from the previous meeting there was nothing that pertained to oton um but the meetings are on the website if you are sleepy at night you want to read the minutes from those meetings all right thank you thank you uh Mr Maxon Cy County School boards so there is a meeting tomorrow I fortunately can make it some a work commitment so if anybody is able to go I can send you an email to the link no I'm already great thank you sir apprciate it is hybrid so if anybody wanted to you know to tune in you're welcome to do okay great um it's not it's not exactly Canon County School boards but I did want to note that the um New Jersey school boards conference they already have the early booking open um for October the conferen is October 21st to the 24th um yeah if we want to maybe send out a survey to see who would be able to attend and sure um because I think there was a there's a discount if we do it if we do it early enough to the discount not so well it's getting the rooms yes absolutely um okay so look for uh a survey to go out um regarding that conference um Mr bloomenstein is not here for Education Foundation do you Dr Davis do you know yeah they um they they have it well I mean they they meet their monthly meeting um there's nothing really else to report since the last meeting um they're you know they're looking to really get more people involved um say prepare prepare for the the fall casino night with the father's Association and then um really pushing to advertise so the faculty and staff across the buildings and across the district are aware of the monies that are involved and also looking for ways to really celebrate that um when as we migrate the website over we're going to help them create their their page and then uh include some of that so everybody knows the the one the good work that they do but then also all the things that are happening within our classrooms thanks to the the community and their effort terrific thank you um community outreach Miss Robinson uh we have some upcoming events uh third Friday on May 17th at 600 p.m. on Merchant Street hope to see you all there I will bring all of the dads that we need for that so that one's covered U and then June 7th is the Haden Township Pride Parade um we meet at the Westmont tacco station I think it's 7 o' at night 7 p.m. um is it Thursday or Friday June 6 oh that's I have two dates here yeah June 6 um and then the other thing I'm going to do is share a document that has all of the events for third Fridays and our thought was just that each person could choose a third Friday um and you just have to take the table and the cloth and then come up with some sort of children's activity it's usually a crowd of like seven years old and younger so it's like a younger themed children's activity um and it's from six to n and just kind of hang out so if everyone's agreeable to that I will send out the document and then you can just pop your name in on the one that you find Convenient it really helps to have two people budy great um I think that's it I just wanted to thank you very much for um organizing and spearheading our table at oton day it was it was wonderful and um thank Mr Wilson Mr Maxon Miss lipsky for attending um we had a great project brought a great big spider plant right and the kiddos got a chance to plant one of the offshoots and they really it they really had a nice time was it was a nice nice AC for them so thank you for plugging that huge plant and all the dirt and everything around for that that was really wonderful in addition to that just you know I guess for posterity sake if future board oh yes members we were telling all the kids and their families that in 10 years could please send us a picture of the plant and the child so we can see how how how much both of them have grown and that we hope that they would send those pictures to the board and then obviously we would so you know five 10 years from now you're seeing weird pictures of students and spider plants from the Board of Ed that is why so we just thought it was a fun thing share share the impetus for the spider plant though I liked what you were telling the kids that was no it was nice it really was the main spider plant represented the community of aivon and all the little baby spider plants were the students and then and they were going to grow and influence the community yeah in the upcoming years yep that was great it was good it really was um and can I just say for the pride festival I only got six of these awesome necklaces but whoever on the board comes with us to Mark you will get your own awesome like Marty graby NE necklace but it's even better because it's green and colors and the green ones are huge I don't think it's appropri huge no I was I was holding my breath actually holding my breath but they're really cool looking so you will get a necklace that you'll get to keep with pride good tie in to the pride all right moving on may may I real quick Mr uh I had the pleasure of attending a couple events the band concert was really genuinely impressive like I had not been to one before I know there's some Bann people on the board but uh it was very cool yeah um children's night I saw Amy there National offw Society Mr Max I went to so I was gonna add that a few moments to yeah we've um we've been trying to attend as much as we can and um it's been really just nice and wholesome to go to these events that my kids aren't necessarily involved in but just to see the community that's built around all of the different activities that our school offers um it's been wonderful so I encourage anyone in the community to join the events and uh get to see what our kids are doing because it's some really talented kids in the school um I did want to mention also the inclusion walk that we had done we had a good turnout for that not a quorum no problem don't worry about that or anything but we did have a good turnout for that that was good to see that um a lot of the community come out for that and I know not everybody has the opportunity in midday to to do things but um I did um virtually attend the Aon preschool reduce reuse recycle fashion show and I just I eat this stuff up it's fantastic the kids are fantastic they know exactly what to do I don't know how they've been watching fashion shows and stuff but um I I I had emailed uh the principal and everything and said that you know the the cat hurting that this requires was impressive also so yes oh good I'm glad watch I know I was going to save my comment for after all the subcommittees but I want to jump on the bandwagon and talk all the community and school events but I was able to attend the uh National Honor Society induction ceremony and I'm glad I was I thought it was terrific uh the students spoke so eloquently so passionately um I thought the organization was topnotch I thought Mr Le uh really knocked it out of the park with his with his final statements um so job well done everybody involved the uh havin did thein Choice Awards last night part PBIS and um the crew came in you know the whole team came in last night and dedicated some time to just make something really special for a lot of kids a few do kids be recognized and um it was just it was full of energy it was it was a great experience and I think uh I think they need to keep do job great great awesome this is fantastic thank you all for attending these various um opportunities all right Mr Gaddy uh ad hoc nothing the report but big pile documents have been handed off but the but the president finally got her act together and sent you the information good good good all right miss litsky anything for board member orientation uh the thing was we had a lovely meeting uh I guess an onboarding of our newest board member Sarah so that was wonderful and we did that this week it was it was just Monday it's been a long week and it's Wednesday um and so that was wonderful and um hopefully I have some ideas as to mentors but I will talk to and uh we'll go from there terrific yes it was a very nice meeting all right um any other board member comments yes can I just I just wanted to point out that um this month has a variety of special groups that are being recognized so this is Asian-American Pacific Islander month Jewish American heritage month and Mental Health Awareness Month um I will point out that uh I know that the Jewish American history museum has had some really wonderful um programs including one this past weekend that was actually a crossover of American Asian-American Pacific Islander and Jewish American Heritage because Jews of all Hughes and so that was wonderful I do know in my own organization we are going to have a child of a survivor of the Holocaust and then her own mother was the Survivor of the Holocaust statements that were taped before she passed coming to my office and I know there's other events like that out there and on Monday it was Holocaust Remembrance Day so it's there's a lot going on and then with mental health awareness obviously that ties into a lot of stuff because you have generational trauma and things of that nature so just um be aware that there's a lot of different very interesting activities for all three of these um well mental healthare awareness isn't a group per se but the other two groups and then with mental health awareness so I just wanted to point that out because I think it's important to be aware of what we're recognizing and we have been doing a good job on diversity Equity inclusion and I just wanted to continue that chge else all right I did want us to take a look at our Calenders with regards to the superintendent evaluation um to kind of work um backwards I guess so if you did not know the superintendent evaluation has to be completed signed sealed and delivered by July 1 so um we we need to kind of work backwards from that I'm looking that you know our next meeting is June 5th so um Dr Davis have youed the indicators is that on that document that you're going to share with us right been done so now um it's it it'll be incumbent upon us to go ahead and complete the evaluation I was wondering if we could um have our work done by Friday May 24th that all of our written work done and turned in online to New Jersey school boards so we're doing the formal well I'm I'm not sure what we're doing yet but I wanted to just get some dates in we'll talk about what we're GNA do as far as format is concerned and executive okay um but May 24th for having our comments finished gives us about two weeks okay and then um once all of the um comments have been um called and put together um we put them um I'll I will email them to everybody to review and then we can meet as a board on June 5th to discuss the results of that an executive session sometime and then once we've come to consensus on that Mrs Cox and I will set up a time to meet with you just to discuss the final um report is that yeah that's what I figured all right so may is an achievable goal for everybody to get that finished all right the other thing um in looking at this I just wanted to make sure part of the qac uh regulation is that new school board members have their training on filling out the um CSA evaluation within six months of them becoming a school board member Sarah that you're fine from that I didn't know if Mr Gaddy miss lipsky Mr Wilson or Mr Wilson I don't know if you you have any training on that when you were in your governance one I mean we just did it okay last year okay all right um just so that you know on New Jersey school boards there is excellent information for filling out the um superintendent evaluation so I I'll be happy to share that I think maybe I'll just share that with everybody because it's always nice to have ref since it's something that we we typically only do once a year so um I'll share all that information online okay all right thank you for that anything else board member comments okay I'm GNA open us up then to the second public participation session and this is um open to agenda or non-agenda items and everything that's listed there in the paragraphs still stands is there anybody wants to make a comment on non-agenda items all right seeings none we'll close that session um we do have a need to go back into executive session no action will be taken um can I have a motion to go into executive session second all in favor any opposed all right not sure how long e e e