##VIDEO ID:Fc86K4huFCg## e e e e e e it's loud enough I would like to call the meeting to order in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey open public meeting Act of 1975 the otton Board of Education transmitted notice of this meeting scheduled at 6:30 p.m. in the oton junior senior high school media center to the retrospect newspaper and the burough Clerk and by postings on the ottobon public school district website and at the Maine and the Pine Street entrance of the Junior Senior High School roll call please Mrs Ron case Jim bloomenstein here Allison Cox here Andrea Robinson here Amy Davis here Steven Wilson here Sarah kin here Alison lipsky oh absent uh Mark gy here Bill Wilson Jonathan Maxon here currently our student reps are absent thank you whereas while the senator Byron M Bear open public meetings act requires all meetings of the autobom Board of Education to be held in public njs 10 col 412b sets forth nine types of matters that may lawfully be discussed in executive session I.E without the public being permitted to attend and whereas the ottobon board of education has deemed it necessary to go into closed session to discuss certain matters which are Exempted from the public and as are indicated on the agenda this evening may I have a motion to go into executive session motion second all in favor any opposed all right we'll be approximately 25 30 minutes thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e meeting all in favor any opposed excellent all right please stand for the flag salute I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right I would like to ask our student representative Miss p if she has anything to report or share and you need a microphone what that works um nothing super new cuz it's still summer um all the sports have started their pre-season so that seems to be going well for everybody um seniors have started applications whether it be starting to write your essay turning them in starting your common app waiver and that stuff um overall that's pretty much it just a lot of Summer work getting it done this is your reminder to start um just stuff like that I think that would be absolutely fine right now yeah go ahead you kind of been working on it on my own I already have sub submitted some applications this week but um we the only people that really got like uh let's start now is the people in AP English for junior year um they actually wrote a college essay as like their final assignment of the year um we were talked to about like how you have to write them and how like you should start your application and like we have like a basic guideline on like start in August then start in October or whatever it is I don't know but um I think for me personally it's very much so been like a me and my mom just trying to figure it out on our own um which we've been doing pretty well but not too too much from the school or anything I mean I've been emailing back and forth with Miss warn um about what I can with applications like getting few waivers figuring out how to do my transcript and my letters and all that stuff but that's just about it any other questions from Miss poni okay all right thank you very much and thank you for being here in the summer all right uh we're going to skip over our spotlight program because as uh Miss poni mentioned our students are on summer vacation right now and we're going to move on to our presentations Mr Burke is going to go first with the New Jersey graduation proficiency assessment for the class of 2024 good evening gon screens here I need to speak into this thing can you guys hear me okay it's Amplified right okay um can you guys see that can we turn down the lights a little bit for it yeah yeah okay that works all right everyone so um tonight I'm going to go over the New Jersey graduation assessment results this was an assessment that our Juniors took last I think it was February I might have gone into March I think that might have been the makeups but right around then last winter um so let's move ahead here okay so first off let me give you a quick overview of the NJ GPA so this is a required assessment students need need to they all need to take the assessment right um and they take it in ela and math and I'll talk a little bit more about that in a moment um it's all grade 11 students regardless of what English class they're in what math class they're in in grade 11 you have to take this assessment um it is uh designed to see whether or not students are indeed graduation ready and um just so that you're aware too e e e e e oh is this one better oh okay all right all right from the top right all right um okay I'll try to progress through the slides a little faster there Mr Smith um okay so uh math results let's start there so let me Orient you to what it is that you're looking at first so on the left here these are the results from the spring of 2024 on the right these are the results from the spring of 2023 so in the and the Blue by the way is uh that's graduation ready the orange color is not graduation ready um in the spring of 2023 there were 44% of our students uh were considered graduation ready after taking the first of the um NJ GPA tries and then in uh this year we went to 51% um couple things to note that's a 7% increase in graduation Readiness and then the other thing to note too and this is important whenever we're looking at student data um these are two different cohorts of students right always important to keep that in mind so you know this is the class of 2025 that was the class of 2024 all right um Ela results so Ela in um so last year are the I should say 2023 we had 78% of our students were graduation ready this year we are at 88% that are graduation ready um that's a 10% increase in those students that are graduation ready again these are different cohorts it's important to compare these to State averages as well right so this is again for math what we have here is 2023 2024 this is how the district did this is how the state did so um between last year and this year State stayed exactly the same 55% and then um we went from 44% to 51% so we went from 11% below to 4% below uh Ela so again same kind of setup um the state stayed relatively about the same right went from 81 to 82% um we however went up to 88% so we did see a pretty good increase in ela we saw an increase in both subject areas but in ela in particular we definitely saw um a pretty good jump so these are the e e sorry I hit the button turned it off um so um so anyway I can't go into too many specifics about subgroups especially because here in audabon um our numbers are so low that there's a lot of subgroups I can't even report on and I'll get into that in a minute um but certainly um I will argue that um 88% when you dive into the numbers a little bit deeper is indeed a very good number okay so um it looked a lot bigger when I was sitting at my computer so I apologize for that um so anyway um these are all the subgroups that we are allowed to actually report on you'll notice at the bottom I have a significant number of subgroups that we are not allowed to report on and the reason is because there are too few students taking the assessment to actually report on because it you could pretty much identify who they are is what it comes down to so what we're looking at here these are this is female male hispanic white two or more races economically disadvantage e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay I'm e white um I just lost my train of thought now um oh the ins Services yes so yes so the ins Services right so the reason why they're set up the way they are throughout the course of the year there's a very specific reason for their placement the reason why we have the one in October is because we're using diagnostic information from the very beginning of the year that's a big piece of what the Stu what the teachers are doing and then we do that again midy year right so um one of the things that our uh that our teachers are tasked with is before they teach anything they are going to need to identify the what prerequisite skills the kids have or or may lack you know what gaps there might be so yeah that's a that's a standard part of of um what we should be doing on a regular basis um but it's something that we're going to have to really keep a very close eye on throughout the course of this year actually not just this year really into the following year too it's actually a multi-year thing that we're gonna have to really watch of not now they're alra and a lot of first few months up up on Geometry yeah just UC I'm just and I understand I'm talking out of the box you are you are yeah but no these are these are valid concerns though these are real things is there going to be some out of the box thinking where don't watching but I understand that it might requ extra work exra stud extra things like that no child want of course know yeah I I don't want to dive too deep into that right now because I you know I like I prefer to come to these things prepared to speak about like the dat however but Pro but the programmatically yeah that's certainly something that we can discuss mov forward as a former oh my God as a former high school math teacher you need to know that math is very different than a lot of other content areas and that it's very cyclical so you can't do Algebra 2 without Algebra 1 so don't worry they're going to get it all in Algebra 2 you have to start with I can do all kinds of geometric or algebraic things but you have to start with a simple Algebra 1 to get to the algebra 2 things geometry is unique in that it's not as needed to build into so many other things geometry is an application of Algebra 1 that's really one of its main purposes it's it's doing some other type of things and there is a specific assessment for it but if a student has a gap in learning in in Geometry it won't kill them in all their other maths it's a little bit different but the algebra the underlying real is going to be infused in Algebra 2 geometry TR Algebra 2 geometry pre-calc everything so they will get it even though and it's not going to necessarily put you behind curriculum wise because it ties in but you even have a student that has something to add right yeah yeah it's been a while it's been a while right right so that just to to build upon what you're saying that whole thing I was talking about about looking at released items so our juniors are going to be exposed to what the math will look like on the NJ GPA starting in September all the way through not every day not every week even but on a regular basis throughout each marking period um you know we we've been like I said identifying those uh those specific uh released items and then um those are being pushed out through Edge elastic uh Mr Miller is going to be overseeing that so we have a a pretty in-depth plan set up um the math department it's no surprise to them we talked about it last spring because you know we have to take action we have to take action I I don't know who had their hand up first but you want to go first okay well I know that um the state next school year for the 2526 is expecting for the updated math standard to be implemented universally across all districts are we doing that this year we G to do that the following school year standard be so I was just talking to you about that actually those standards you think updated I'm not as well ver as the Matha think that will help bridge any of those you know those gaps that we might be seeing or you know cut down on the dundy so I can't speak to the second part of it because with a with new standards um I don't know whether or not the state is going to be indeed changing the assessment too I have heard Rumblings of I think they would be yeah yeah so I right if there's new standards then that would speak to you have to change the assessment too because it's new standards um so um so I don't know exactly what's going to happen there as far as our implementation so just so everyone's aware of of what we're talking about so last October or november-ish give I can't remember exactly when the state came out with all new math and Ela standards and then they said to us we may or we may not force you to implement these um in September of 24 and then I think it was maybe a week ago yeah it wasn't too long ago maybe about a week they out to everyone and they said okay you have to implement the ELA standards but you don't have to do the math standards I mean the timing is crazy um but uh but it is what it is I mean we are where we are so um so yes I mean we are there there's a lot of places where we are moving directly over to those new standards um and you the good news there is that our teachers are going to become much more familiar with them um so yes yeah yeah um I when I at this I'm really glad to that num am conc and while we're at% only four points offs yes yeah right right right so um it's a multi-pronged approach right but the the big part of it is and really the most important part is the day in day out what's actually happening in the classroom right um and ultimately teachers they they write their lesson plans they do every week and in those lesson plans they have to be aligned to very specific standards the standards that they have selected have to be aligned with what's in the pacing guide and what's in the curriculum right um and they also need to be using the um basically the the the resources that we have as a district have have purchased for them and trained them on and all right so in um so basically the supervisors of each of those departments Ela and math they on a weekly basis take a look at the um the lesson plans um we are working uh on that this year and exactly what that looks like on a on a bit more of a regular basis um I know Miss Allen's engaged with um with me and with them on that um so certainly um they I think that we're going to see um a little bit more adhering to making sure that um uh instruction is is much better standard of line sure yeah right yeah yeah yeah we we we traditionally do have a very strong Ela program um and it starts right from the get-go um I'm not going to get too deep into it because I was an English teacher so I could really nerd out so but I'm not going to do that right now um but if you ever want to hear about it ask me and I'll tell you right just take a seat first okay go ahead so I have a question about all are not right didn't last time what why do weome in' exposure for sure also yes so uh parents so let me start with the parental notification so um parents received um the copy of the scores it was I think it was um sometime in July what I can't remember the exact date that it that it uh got sent home but they received those in the mail and in the in with the scores um there's a letter that basically explains if your child did not meet the threshold for to be graduation ready then um we go through uh in a little bit more detail you know what what it was that I went over with you all um today um again you know coming back to the first part of your question dealing with dealing with the uh preparation of students that are going to be taking this again in o October um you know for those students you know we're going to be taking those um those those release items and that's going to be presented to them one area that we're going to have to take a good hard look at though is those students that have completed their third year of math right you're only required to take three years of math so then if they're a senior and they're not currently in a math class those are the ones that we're going to have to Circle back around to and you know really help to support them and and what's the plan there um honestly I'm gonna have to come back to you on that I I don't have that all detailed just yet to have that not good at somebody the other piece too to keep in mind yeah yeah the other piece to keep in mind right I'm only presenting the data to you right now on the NJ GPA I'm not presenting the data to you right now on how many students passed because they took the SAT and they met the threshold there or yeah how many of those particular students that dat already ready they're looking at that data right now the guidance Department here is identifying those students that met in um met at one of those other thresholds there's actually a feature in our student um uh in our student information system in Genesis that allows us to track all the different options there are for a student to achieve their graduation requirements so if they pass the test it checks the box if they didn't pass the test it looks for one of the others like I said that's that's phase one is the check the box for the test if it wasn't the test and they did sit for it then it's ACT SAT whatever there's so for each student and I'm not sure if it's in the parent portal or not but for every guidance counselor they'll be able to open up for a student and see if they have the the requirements that are met or if they still need to meet requirements for graduation so letters went out to the parent saying your child did not pass the NJ GPA this is the plan but then you're going to have to send another letter that says oh but they passed the SAT so they're good is that what's going to happen no yeah it's one letter no they do they got the results and they got a stand thats child pass didn't pass's The Next Step okay but there's one generic that goes out with every set so the students who are passing based on other factors have not been they're right now operating on the assumption that they fail although the letter explains what the other options are they we actually have a s yeah we have a significant number of students that pass because of the PSAT so we administer the PSAT every year and um a lot of our students will pass based on the PSAT okay and you're gonna let them know so um I'm gonna work with Mr Hoy and true yes uh I'm going to work with Mr Howie and um as soon as he and his team can go through and and you know figure all that out then um we'll certainly be reaching out to parents and letting them know so I just had a question about the portfolio um the students who do have to do a portfolio is that going to be is there going to be a class for them to do that or are they just on their own no we we how does that work yeah so basically what we'll do is um we'll pull them um for say like half a day and then they'll work with the teacher and then you know go through the whole portfolio process just it will only take a half a day well I'll say this much the first part will take a half a day and then um usually about a week later because what happen is this the teacher kind of talks them through step by step but then the teacher also has to take some time to review this information and then after they review the information then they bring the students back in and work with them I've seen students yeah yeah when did it oh just quickly after school in my experience it's always been like a class period you know if you are in the portfolio class right you mean every day perod or whatever so that's sure how you g do it well because so if we I don't it's fine if you're not I'm no no yeah because you we we have we have to balance values right um because you know if we're like okay you're going to be taking this portfolio class something's got to give and then what the other question is what happens after we submit it right because the the thing opens up personel too right yeah well there's that too there's a Personnel we have a lot yeah we we have um you know there's Personnel issues there's a lot of things but yes as of right now we're going to continue with we pull the students they're here for the day we we take care of it and we pretty much knock it out as quickly as possible what is the portfolio just showing that you can work math problems yeah yeah they're very specific types of math problems um I don't know the codes off the top of my head i' would have to go back in and look um but ultimately um there you know it's a lot of like word problems and stuff like that I know I'm not I'm not doing it justice you could probably speak to it better than me because you're the math person yeah it's usually multi-step problem no have we have to create them have to create them yes yeah yeah so uh a lot of what we'll do though is we will look at things like release items to get um ideas of pretty much what it should look like this way we can ensure that the the the portfolio that they're working on meets the requirements for the state is it just the same as last year it'll be the same as last year yeah this is a no it's not this is not this is not a big deal this is not a big deal no meeting where our St are how many kids have option and are absolutely yeah correct right sure sure I think October portfolio you think sub uh let's see here we submitted I want to say it was I it's like it was ended up being like 10 for ELA maybe and then maybe 15 for math something like that it ends up being a pretty small number because like I said we try to right the other thing to keep in mind too is um you know what I'm going to hold off on that comment yeah yeah isut SC it's great to see the grow you know we keep going that direction that's the goal that's the goal and thank you fory yeah well right but wait there's more um and and we're still taking NJ even though we're talking a lot more about the NJ GPA right um so you know we're looking at njs njsla has been around longer the data is a little different yeah well yes and then there was one year where they did it and then they said it didn't count and then you know um which I'm not gonna have an opinion on that um sure right sure sure right sure yeah yeah right right right and and that's that's a big piece of it you know um you hear a lot like oh you should never teach to the test right however it depends on the test itself right um you know these tests are More Concept based um you know they might have to read a passage but they've never seen that passage before but they've read they've identified theme you know main idea characterization use textual evidence all of those things right same thing in math I'm not going to go through the math skills um but um but certainly um that's the that's the thing you know like we want them to be able to encounter anything in front of them and fall back on the skill sets that we provide so that they can you know do these things when we're not holding their hand yeah it's well yeah and and the the thing that's good about that too is that you know it's more than teaching the skills and the content we're also teaching resiliency right you know if we're able to teach some underlying skills then what we're really teaching kids is how to be resilient in the face of something that's difficult and at the end of the day if we can teach kids that when they leave aabon they can do difficult things too and they can find success when they do it I will consider the education that they've received here to be wildly successful mentioned a minute ago you said that's the goal what go do right right right theal to get our our goal to be quite honest with you is one meet every child exactly where they are right like that's the first thing identify where they are and I I I know that sounds like clich yeah it's a difficult thing to quantify and the other thing is to make sure that every child is better by the time they leave that classroom um you know we are always striving for growth you know you heard me in the beginning mentioned that this is not cohort data we're comparing two different groups of students here right the real data analysis is in taking a look at those students that all took the same you know they all took all the tests with us over a course of period of time and if what we're seeing over the the course of a period of time is continual growth that tells us that we are indeed meeting students where they are and that our program is is is ensuring that more students are growing than are not growing so um I'm not trying to be evasive in my answer but it's just that it's such an everchanging number and at the end of the day if I was to sit here and say you know what if we meet State average that's good enough we won no it's not good enough because there's no Finish Lines in education you know like you just keep going if we presented with just this data at the end how do we evaluate whether or not yeah yeah you know that's a really good question you know and I think that that's something that we should probably explore um one of the things I would recommend that we do is you know we take a look at that cohort data that I was mentioning now the NJ GPA is going to be very difficult to look at cohort data and the reason is because there's a gap of assessment years right you know the last time that they took a test was when they're a freshman then they skip 10th grade and then they take it here and then you know so that makes it a little bit difficult um you know there's a lot of factors that could happen within two years there's mult teachers and things like that um but basically from grade three through eight that would be a section where we would want to take a look at cohort data and have some really detailed conversations um I would recommend that those conversations take place in the education committee um and probably not in public session last correct I was I was looking at um the some of the data or talking to miss smelter about some of the data today and that's indeed I have cohort on my mind because that's one of the things I was taking to look at um so uh so yeah I mean that's certainly an important conversation go Lincoln's not a short thing though right that's not something that is for sure I know you're like piloting it for free this year but no we that's something that we have yes paid for that yes I think we had that conversation where you said we were G to use it but you didn't have to pay for it because it cost so last year we um we were piloting it looking at all the data um it's something that I submitted in my budget um to Dr Davis and um I was told to move forward with it in the budget we did okay two questions for you so I imagine that the results that we get back from the state are specific about how our scores were on specific standard areas yes they have evidence statements that they present to us and then what we do is is we use the evidence statements to identify uh particular standards that we are not doing as well on right and then from there we get to have the conversation with teachers of like hey look at this particular standard this is an area where we didn't do so hot on you know is it an area like when when do we teach that standard how do we teach that standard do we have the right resources are we assessing it the right way it leads to a lot of conversations the um um evidence statement data that's one of the data pieces that the that all the teachers get when they are um looking at the data in October okay and then my other question when you were um showing the different um demographics let's say so the IEP group was horrendous in terms of the number that the expectations versus don't and so I'm just wondering in the light of that are the IEPs reexamined to see like are they meeting the needs of the students are we following the IEPs you know students who need an IEP May struggle with the material in the first place right but is IEP appropriate does it need to be changed a little bit so that they're getting the supports that they need that the supports in the IP are actually taking place to make them as successful as possible right right right I know that the iips are they're reevaluated every year um the the the amount of detail that they go into that particular thing I I I don't want to speak to I'd have to have a conversation with this business first there's a bit of a double whammy there too you know if we have a student who struggles with reading and it's IEP based but they're taking a math assessment that's got a lot of words on it it's not just like addition these are complicated you can speak to it right there's a lot of words on these things yeah so because you you have to be able to use the mathematics in context of whatever the situation okay okay any other questions or comments yeah no problem all right thank you everybody all right next U Miss Allen is going to present on the student safety data system report am i g to try this again we'll see if I can do this better than I think you think I'm not putting nothing okay um I am reporting on the ssds which is the school safety uh data report this is a part two you had part one back in February which would be presented by someone that was not me um so this is just the second half this is going to give you the second half of the year and the full Year's data both put into um wow that is small uh so the ssds like I said is your school safety data it's a school D safety data system it's going through all of the information for referrals um it's a federal state reports that we have to turn in deal with statutes and things of that nature um it's one database it combined things we've had in the past we used to have an evrs uh which is violence and vandalism sexual harassment and it does not include the anti-bullying and sexual harassment the things are inhib are separate over there over there she very technical um ah see see how much better now you can see my little TI I didn't make the res um so possible offenses the things that are in these category categories again don't necessarily want to read to you but it's all the type of things mine is Hib it's all of the things that have uh these are the offenses that can be in the report it doesn't mean they all are in the report there are certain things that need to be and other things that don't don't need to be reported generally a lot of it is uh what the intent was behind the the thing like a fight versus an assault and if students were suspended so if it's not a fight but a student was suspended for other reasons which you'll see in one of my categories then it is included in the report but this is the report that goes to the state not what happens in our Genesis for every conduct type of thing um what keeps our students safe of course our board of education has policies and regulations that takes care of us we have a school and safety plan and we have school procedures we have the cooperation and collaboration of the Autobon Police Department with many facets and things that we have I think it's a battery issue because I had one just like it but it STI out at a certain time um I'm going to take this with me what do you think of that uh so oh look at this I can go all kinds of places um faculty and staff professional learning we do a lot in talking in opening day and in Services about the different whether it's the lockdown procedures and safety things of that nature we have different things we're putting into effect all of the time this year we have swiping system being used so that we can keep track of how many students are in the building I mean I'm sorry how many bodies are in the building at all times so if there's a fire drill and everybody's out we know is Miss Allen in havin or is she at Mansion or is she at the Junior Senior High School I could be accounted for no matter where I am so if I don't come out somebody knows where to find me instead of just accounting for kids so there's lots of things that as a district we're very proactive at looking at as far as the Safety and Security uh positive behavior supports obviously we have those across the district always improving them always taking them further but they are there um refining the guidance curriculum uh dare food and and clothing pantries and um school safety month in October so here's your data you had already gotten the data through January so this is from January through June it goes building by building can't see the little button o that wasn't what I want oh now fix it what did I do which where's the little button for the color I can't see either up there help me oh there we go okay so it's by building um and it's going through the different things the location is across the top whether or not we had a hedge Hib alleged Hib confirmed restraint or seclusion anytime that a student needs to be restrained whether it's a special ed need or or something aggressive those things also need to be documented in this the other things that keeps track of is the trainings that the staff and and or teachers teachers staff Administration all count in that category and any programs that are given and that's usually more about the student programs as opposed to so in each of the schools this is our tally of what we had in this year from January through June which then takes you to our totals for the entire year so in each of the yes yes or that not confirmed I think it was not confirmed versus confirmed yes alleged isn't isn't the beginning and then how many it's fell in one of the two categories so four total one that was alleged wasn't and three that were okay thank you um and then this is for the entire year again this is taking your data from last your your session one and session two and combined um again this is reporting period two this is diff breaking things down into categories whether it was considered violence vandalism substance uh weapons or other incidents leading to removal this is what I said that that number looks I can't see the little buttons I'm not going to use little buttons um the 103 on Junior Senior High School can be alarming but remember anybody that results in a suspension of a certain number of days has to be put into that report but you see that they're not because of violence or vandalism you know there was a few for that but that's not what that 103 is for so um and then this is for the entire year um incidents that lead to removal from school obviously that number is a little bit higher but the other numbers are um amazingly low I know you're all Autobon people but I'm from outside of Aon and being in several different districts these are amazing data numbers compared to other places that I've worked um we have emergency drills obviously fire drills are this is by code we have them once a month we also have other another security drill every month you have two security drills a fire drill and something else so there could be an active shooter drill a lockdown a bomb threat a non-fire evacuation um those are performed at every building we have a School Safety Committee uh school safety adviser goes through these things with the staff every year we have them already planned for our orientation the kids are walked through it we go through it several times you do it in a manner not to alarm them and not to concern them but yet for them to understand the importance of it and the need for it because in today's world we need them um emergency School Bus evacuation drills I know we're not a busing District but there are times that there are kids that come on buses so whenever students ride a bus you do need to have the drills on how to evacuate so twice a year they need to do that um again it's a statute that takes it takes place twice a year they have to know how to get out the front door the back door the window exits and the roof hatches they practice this um getting out the rear your rear of the bus with someone there to assist them and then it's documented that that happened we do have a commitment to school safety obviously we have addressed many items in 2023 including the closed circuit TVs CPR staff um District safety specialist attended the National Conference uh the nine staff training phone upgrades additional of raptor across the district walkie-talkie Replacements districtwide and we're looking into the 3M window Shields as well but the Safety and Security um many of you I'm sure have come into the school during the school day into the vestibule here and had to do the guest signin system that system was piloted in the High School this year it will be um at every building starting in September they will all have that guest registry system up and running so it is continuing to grow and evolve throughout the district this is just some of the different um things that were used to put this presentation together questions it seems like yes seems it's a requirement for the princip to report to the parents about the drills that happened how however there's very little detail so it'll say we had a security exercise but it doesn't say it was a lockdown drill or it was this kind of drill as a parent it would be nice to have the information about the type of drill because an active shooter drill I might want to really process through with my kids versus you know a shelter in place you know different kind of thing is there a reason that we're not given that level of detail I have to look into it more for here I know when I was a building principal I was given the the exact verbage from my district to out was that we had emergency drill today they did not want us to delineate and go over what the different ones were I think part of it is you don't want the public to know too much about hey this is what a lockdown looks like my my intent is that I don't want the shooter to know exactly what a lockdown drill looks like so that they're aware that kids are if you see this if you know that so we want you to know about it but there's also that fine line between too much information um I will look more into that as superintendent I don't really know the exact answer to that but I know as a building principal I was given exact verbage from my district that said this is what you put out to parents I cut and pasted it put it into my phone blast and it said today we had a security drill mine usually said fire drill or security drill but it never identified what type of security drill which sounds very much like what you're saying so with two different districts doing it I think that there's probably um more to it I think kind of we we held a coincidence that both of our districts would be doing the same thing just because so I think there's more to it but I can research that a little bit more um is in the class I one I know that people were suspended for was uh we got a big conversation about Class Cuts and seniors a lot of times don't have classes through day or only have one class at the end of the day so they'll leave period and not come back so vandalism a lot of times it was fights didn't necessarily fall under violence of vandalism but simple assault did so there was some things that were different with that I don't know with the ssbs system if that's clarified differently there um but I know in our old EVR s system there was a definite difference between a simple assault and a fight so the simple assault would go under the the vi the fight would not so us to be under violence and vandalism I don't I don't want to speak this the ssds I will have to research a little bit more of that um there's I I'm trying to think of there's several reason kids are suspended from school they wouldn't follow with drugs or fight or violence like said The Cutting class was the one that I could come up with easily um inappropriate do the Chromebook yeah devices things like that are they're not in CL home imagine am6 be careful it's not6 in right 166 times home and I'm wondering they actually UC Environ or something else going on don't know it's funny that report shows it give me two seconds that report shows a lot out but in my going through I've reviewed your conduct data a lot last year just to see the different things and I don't see a lot of things that are glaring and and things like that like I don't see a lot of kids being put out and the ones that are being put out it's usually because you've already done the warning the detention the this the that and it's a fifth and sixth um time of these recurrences now we've had a lot of talk about but when they're recurring is way what are we doing and I talked a lot to the administrative there are a lot of things in place they are using the guid they are looking out and trying to get other services for these kids to get them but there's on again like the drug ones which would fall into that category like and I don't think it's still even 160 people that were put out I think if they're out for 10 days I think that goes into that bucket I don't know you know sdsds I feel like the 10 days even goes in there I think that's how many talk about that that cases or days days it's not that I think it's days but I didn't I did this report's new to me so I will find that it just jumped so much in high school I expected to jump going from to 166 it's yeah we don't we don't remove it from the educational process unless we have to I mean that's always supposed to be your last report again I wasn't here for your last Academic Year but I am very much on board with what you're saying and that is my mindset about it so it's something that we will work on and look at um with the governance committee we've been doing a lot of talking about about the restorative practices and things like that and I had a great meeting with the administrative team for the high school and are things in place there are a lot of things and some of this data I mean things have gotten much better but you've had things that were a little out of control so they've gotten things back under control but there are still some repeat offenders that just do the same stupid stuff again and again and as soon as they get back from you know soon as they walk in and you're like come on you got to go to F you I'm not going well you can't let them act like that in the middle of the hallway in front of everybody so I had to put you out again are you missing education yeah but you're clearly not going to sit in the classroom and you're freaking out on everybody in the hallway so like there's always a handful of those and that really becomes cumbersome you just started Sandy see might I have the answer that's okay but I don't maybe Shamus speak to since you're around in different buildings but um the thread assessment teams in each building you do they meet regularly and I asked that question today during my um during my ad administrative meeting we do have a threat assessment team in every building um it will have to be re re remade you know because people have changed whatever but they're going to put them back together we actually have you know guidance of CST um I had asked which one and they actually said they usually have both on there as well as the teachers and the the administrator they do them um our district level person had G conference so he's very into it and things like that so he makes sure that they have them that they're very active and very they haven't needed them he didn't activate them at all last year we didn't have any threat assessments to need it but he will make sure that they have is that a nice data no threat assessments assessment team had to be activated inability last year they I brought it up because we had had a conversation about ideology that's not really threat threat U assessment team but we were talking about you know making sure we have the people in place to do those things and I was tapping into who do you have have that and that's when he told me we didn't ever activate our syst team at all next year good all right let's move on with the agenda then may I have a motion to approve the following minutes July 15th Retreat meeting July 17th the executive session and public session motion second roll call please Jonathan Maxon yes Andrea Robinson yes Bill Wilson Steven Wilson yes Jim blumenstein yes to the 15th for the 17 Alison Cox yes Mark Gaddy yes Sarah kouan yes Alison lipsky yes Amy Davis yes motion passed thank you all right uh we're at our first public participation session I am not going to read all the paragraphs you're welcome uh is there anyone who would like to ask a question from the public on agenda items only seeing that no one has any questions on agenda items I will close the public participation session and move on to governance and I'd like to recognize Miss lipsky thank you so much president you're welcome Madam so govern met the second Tuesday of this month so I believe that was last week um and so on rule 56 we are we had previously tabled the um udon High School Code of Conduct student discipline code of conduct at our last meeting and we are continuing to table it uh we've had a robust conversation about it in our meeting and at this point there's too many things going on we have a new superintendent we have the administrator Administration recognizing that they want to do some changes but school starting in two weeks um so we are going to table it there will be no changes at this time to the document so the 2023 24 code of conduct is what's going to stay in place at this time but there has with an understanding by Miss Allen and administration that we are giving them some leeway we have some consider considerable concerns about um the very authoritarian and punitive tone of it um and it's it's particularly noticeable how different in tone and how it's very punitive you put it against the Mansion code of conduct and just the language that is used and how they're going through and how they're looking at these uh students um is very different and since for a big bulk of our students we're talking one year of age difference because yes it's third through six but then seven through 12 we are not a high school we are a Junior Senior High School question ischool neither one of preschool also that there's no they say you forget your past a couple of times in the beginning of the school year right of the school year you're doing great but then say maybe your grandma got really sick really hectic at home you know towards the end of the year and three more times well that would mean you've lost your you know your um good standing for a month and it's because of stuff that happened well in the beginning of the school and then many months later and there's mation there like Grand chaos emotional we understand that but there's nothing in there to to give Administration that and we have always talked about giving some room for the administration to recognize that different things happen for different reasons and that not every you know you have a milk down or you run out of Cl you know you run out of class well did you cut class yes but what was the reason for it and it could be something that you you know triggered because you saw do dying dog just died or something of that nature so there's it's going to give the administration and we hope the administration is going to take it and run with it of really looking at restorative practices really looking at kids can do better and they should be acknowledged by that so like if you had some mess ups in the beginning but you've been great for a few months and you really should have a clean slate and not come back to bite you if something else happens on that nature um we have great faith in this all in administration and um so as much as it pains me to say this and I'm sure Jim might have a heart attack just take a moment our practice might not match our policy as things are changing um but we hope that it will be in a in a very Progressive and advancing way for the betterment of our students and hopefully by before the end of this school year we will have a thaning you code of conduct that will really um for the high school that will really match with the administration the teachers the population citizens and the students can really get behind because it's going to have who we are as a whole and match our district missions and goals so that's there as to the mansion code of conduct we all agre it look very good very impressed with it so we are bringing it to the whole board and and our recommendation is that we approve the Mansion code of conduct and I believe that top one is actually havlin and the preschool is that havin and preschool I wasn't really sure I took the high school one off from wasn't really sure need we don't need table anything but just the population it was it was a discussion that you had in govern yes so yeah you needed to relay that um so but yes both havin and the preschool and Mansion we've all agreed that they look great and that we recommend that they be and I believe we already did a first reading at last time we did a mansion saw it twice well they're listed as yeah we tabled the whole thing you tabled the whole code of conduct we are in agreement as to preschool havin and Mansion code of conduct and um we are in agreement that they should be passed and as to the grading system we are still a seveno system but we are finally going to have truth in our grades that a 93 is an A and is not an A minus because it's not an A minus anywhere else on the Planet so all the minuses are gone because we have a seven point grading system so we don't really calculate minuses um that just made sense we've all agreed about that and um so I believe we continue to agree that that should be appr just a point of clarification you need to have a code of student conduct in place for the beginning of the school year that right it is going to be the 23 24 is going for yes okay we're just not revising the one that's already in place okay this is a revision we're not revising it's staying as is okay um would you like because um you have a requirement of adopting every year would you like to amend this um to affirmatively state that you are extending it for one more year certain um I don't know if it's 100% necessary but I think it is a safe route to be clear about your intention um to um add to your agenda that your intent is to continue the existing code of the the 23 24 conduct for one additional year okay so tend to continue no you haven't no we can we can amend it right now um because there is no pending motion 2223 code of conduct for one more I think you can add it to the number two yeah that's what I'm going to do when we type up a minute just put a agenda intend to yeah I got it yeah I to mention I'm gonna yeah okay yeah hang on one second okay um any questions comments or discussion on any non-agenda items under governance I could I just say thank you for all your hard work in and dilcy in governance yes thank you all right can I get a motion then for items one through four under governance motion second any questions comments or discussion on items one through four anybody I have a couple of things to say before we move on okay anybody else any questions or comments from one to four okay um can we take a look at um the uh superintendent goals I just wanted you to take a look I put at your place tonight um um kind of C through each one of the goals and the action items and assigned them to a particular Committee just wanted um to have you take a look at that see if there's anything you wanted to change if not each one of these committees would be responsible for making sure that they check in monthly at their meeting to make sure that those action items were on track um this actually does align very well with policy 105 which deals with what each um committee is doing I would say God I just know that's more work for governance but um one in policy 105 governance is supposed to be reviewing all Communications to the public so all those form letters and things like that um and I know in the past we had some concerns as a board of the whole with some letters that were sent out in hibs and things of that nature so um I think we need to add that we need to start getting those form letters and reviewing it in the governance committee so that it aligns with our policies Absol we did you're absolutely right we did talk about that rather than amending the superintendent goals maybe we can make that a goal of the governance committee that that is fine I just want the superintendent to know that that's something that we're going to be talking and ask right um and as committee chairs I think that's something that we can talk about as well like individual goals that we want for each one of the Committees so does this look okay to everybody this division amongst um the Committees you'll note operations is kind of left out but operations as we've already discussed a very overarching job and role this year with making sure that we're we're staying very fiscally responsible and and keeping an eye on every last sent so that's going to be um the job of operations throughout the year um and then with regards to the board of ed goals did any before we adopt them did anyone have anything I know um Miss kulin um recommended under the third board goal where our action items she asked that we um explore options for enhancing improving CommunityWide written communication that is her verbiage which was excellent so I just put it right in there um anything else that you wanted to take a look at with board goals I know we discussed this at our Retreat I just wanted to make sure we had one more chance to make any changes all right then the other thing that we need to um just just think about is how we want these board goals to appear in the agenda because right now you'll notice before each committee there's there's a little uh couple of bullet points there so I think each committee needs to take a look at that in their respective meetings and decide what they want to appear in the agenda do they want something to still appear in the agenda is in regards to their particular committee okay um um anything oh and is it Our intention that these will be posted on the website that was my other question I would I would think we should for transparency I mean we we have made it very clear that we want to be as transparent as possible with the public we're voted by the public so they should know what our goals are and hold our feet to the fire if they need to I know it's something that we've asked for in the past it hasn't always been taken care of so I just wanted to make sure that was still Our intention and not buried deep within no well you have your own page I mean there's a board of there so we can put it on there yep I'll look it over and see where we want to put it but excellent Board of Education because they're going be on the agenda so same thing do we want that whole document or do you are you going to give me like a nice little abbreviated bullet thing that you want on there yeah I think that's what each committee can decide to do this is the same on every one of them yeah okay okay any other questions comments or thoughts um for governance agenda items um I will just say there were a few people that I sent emails to in regards to their bios only one person Mr Maxon was the star pupil because he right away got back with his bio and preferred pronouns so the other three people because I'm trying to do this to take something off of Miss Allen's plate so that we can go and make sure that everything looks good and professional on our board page so as soon as everyone gets those to me I can submit them but I've already let Miss Allen know that Mr Maxon was my sore of pupil he did a phenomenal job and you know he aced the assignment got an A not an A minus he got an A he got a minus correct your earliest convenience okay may I have a motion no I already have a motion sorry can I have roll call please for governance Andrea Robinson yes Bill Wilson yes Steven Wilson yes Jim bloomenstein yes Alison Cox yes Mark Gaddy yes Sarah kulin yes Allison lipsky yes Jonathan Maxon yes Amy Davis yes motion passed thank you uh next I like to recognize Mrs Cox for operations thank you Mrs Davis you're welcome so um I'm really liking these Tuesday meetings and every week a different uh committee so cudos to our treat um our uh we met on August 6 which we are the first Tuesday of the month and um our next meeting will be September 3rd uh we discussed that uh our extraordinary aid for the 2324 school year um actually was for uh the 2324 school year we um uh budgeted 200,000 and 11 applications being submitted um the computation that at4 um apolog I am not doing anything but sitting here so um so that was a good thing that was for 23 24 uh we always like to see money coming in then money going out um then we also discussed the tennis courts uh damage and um Mr Gaddy actually before the meeting sent some pictures of the physical damage and it was quite sizable so um there was a meeting with the uh Construction Company Ricky Slade a representative and that um the obviously th those items need to be addressed some of it um will be replaced and the cracks are covered by the construction company but the the core like the covering needed to be read done and we're going to split the cost of $1,500 which would from audabon would be $ 5750 and that's covered through the referendum money so we still have um we'll still be okay we'll be good with that but and then we'll have a one-year warranty after that work has been done uh so that's it's a shame that we have additional expense cuz it was very costly at $526,000 and change um but at least it's we're not footing the full Bill and it will be repaired um wrestling mats um have been delivered and they have been opened and flipped and flipped awesome so hopefully everything goes they have to breathe they have to adapt to the area so we learned an awful lot about wrestling Ms um I don't know if anybody knows but the gym floor has been damaged our new gym floor yes water so what had happened um the roof and where it meant the wall there was a separation so it just came down and it's 19 ft from the wall and it it what how water does is it continues to Wick so wherever wherever it stops will be replaced we put an insurance claim through and we'll deal they deal with the um Patriot no I don't want to say the roofing company Patriot Patriot Roofing mhm um they'll deal with the insurance company but we need to get the the gym repaired we need to make sure that it's go ahead so they did come mine works really I know they did come out they ripped up the floor to see where the damage was how far it went there was in fact mold found it was tested it's being remediated that's all been done already um so it's it's being done right just the good news is not a good idea that the water got in there it was not a drip it was one of those came down the wall and you didn't really know until the floor started to buckle um but found it investigated it opened it up and had it tested like I said there there there a lot more to it it's been remediated it's whatever and it's it's ready to do almost ready to go to the next step but um they did the right thing they didn't just pull it up and put it down we made sure that everything was done properly well after so many years dealing with with the old gym okay to have a brand new gym and we're already replacing it gym floor not gym gym floor um but it was actually it wave it's not the wave that we want it to be done okay it was a a moldy wave can I can I ask is that is the gym GNA be available when school no back in the Au gym it might be outside in the beautiful fall air that we're havinga is well aware and has plans a b and c ready to go oh yeah Mr love do we know when it will be um I when it's completely remediated I don't know because the remediation just added to it but I know that it was tented and remediated it's unted already so I know the remediation is done I heard them cutting it all up and stuff yesterday so I know it's progressing nothing is just sitting and not being done but I know that even originally the plan was it wasn't going to be done for the beginning of school year so I don't I haven't heard of any extensions in the deadline because of what we found but we knew all along it wouldn't be done for the very beginning of school it wouldn't be long into be beginning school was going to be and we want it done right so we get another 50 years off of that floor like we did the one prior so um okay so uh we talked about um the budget and on line item number 10 on the agenda is uh we're moving funds from our maintenance Reserve to cover the chiller and the boiler and that is something that we had um uh there was a projected cost of 560 55 550 um through a Clean Energy savings rebate that cm3 applied for on our behalf um the final cost of the project was 36242 um saving us 19848 so um you'll see where our maintenance Reserve is 781 but we're moving monies over so it will go down to 420 so um and then we tabled one item to be discussed at a later date and that was from our meeting oh no so um getting over to the uh meeting we do have or the agenda we do have an addendum number 14 and um if everybody saw that addendum and then we have me get my notes I'm sorry I'm all discombobulating so yeah I'm sorry what want expl um I I do I would like I was going to defer to Deb for that yes um for the 11 because of the addendum 14 they go hand in hand so we um applied for a a grant it's Grant funded for uh a tree Improvement project um and uh we were awarded that so we were we had a bid opening um colle your engineering um Incorporated is handling the um specifications for it did the bids uh we had the bid opening on August 14th um we had two biders uh both though um needed to be rejected for various reasons from um review from our solicitor and the engineering um company so uh we will that's motion 11 and then um on the addendum we plan on rebidding the project um and Colliers will um go ahead and and produce all that paperwork again get all of the um bidding documents together um and prepare that so it has to be readed and that's what item 14 is but again it's all through the costs are all through the grant so um there is it is sort of time sensitive because the if we don't do the grant by um October or start planting the trees um by October we will be in Jeopardy of losing the funding um yes yes it's not it won't carry over because we already took one extension so um they're extending it again for us so we're hoping that um we'll get this all done and in SE September we will be approving um some you know the bid again um and uh hopefully moving forward with it thank you so also agenda we have the the June secretary's report cash reconciliation and transfers July the safety drills at Mansion as listed and then our bill lists for June July and aug August um we also have a professional service agreement number 12 and an updated or chart organizational chart and that is it me thank you Mrs anything to add to that Miss Allen or no good okay all right any questions comments or discussion on non-agenda items under operations all right then can I have a motion please for items 1 through 14 motion second any questions comments or discussion on items 1 through 14 Mr ronas the bid is it going to be tweaked or readjusted it was rejected for specific reasons so are we tweaking the bid so that it's clearer to the companies that are getting that are bidding on it I don't think it was any problems with the scope of the services um on on the Rejection it was more for the required paperwork you so when you submit bid documents there are certain mandatory things and there are certain non-mandatory things um certifications reviews affirmations things that companies have to provide both companies didn't follow the directions and left things out um some of it which by law was a mandatory rejection and some of it which was not mandatory rejection with so many things overlooked with both biders um that parkham K we had our construction Department review it for you um they said the these are non these are mandatory non-waivable things that they fail to comply with your really your only option is to reject both bids and do it again so it's the issue is not with how it was advertised or the scope of work it was advertised it was with the biders not following directions what's going to are other companies is going to put bids in or are we going to get the same unprofessional bids submitted if it wasn't our I I mean who knows right okay the the two original biders can rebid um theoretically they should have learned through the process to check all the boxes and file all the paperwork um so they may comply with the second time around um but but we have no way of predicting who's actually going to put in for it was it explained to them why they were rejected that I don't know okay so they could potentially do the same thing again and make the same mistakes I would think I do I do think that um probably both of them were reached out to not by the Colliers engineering not by par not by not by for resoling the bids does that include the advertising costs as well uh yes okay includes everything M any other questions under operations all right may I have roll call please Bill Wilson stevenh Wilson yes Jim blumenstein yes Allison Cox yes Mark Gaddy yes Sarah kulin yes Alison lipsky yes Jonathan Maxon yes Andrea Robinson yes Amy Davis yes motion passed thank you I'd like to recognize Miss Robinson for Education the education committee hasn't met since our last board meeting but we do have a meeting on August 27th next week at 7 p.m so that's when our next meeting is um on the agenda there is the Hib report um Community Education programs facilities requests professional development conferences and workshops and then a few sort of standard plans like the mentoring plan the professional development plan uh the book list for the Junior Senior High School for 20242 uh there is the item 14 is the method by which everyone will be evaluated for the year so that might be of interest um I'm asking that we table the Danielson teacher 2022 from that list um that is new this year and if you read the motion it says that the ottobon education ass Association has had a chance to review it that's actually something we're doing on opening day so they really haven't had an opportunity to totally review that one we'll put that one on September after the union has more had more time to review it all the others are the same that have been done in the past so we're not as concerned about but I was asked to maybe we hold off and for another month give them some more time to review before we approve that one so you're talking about number 14 yeah just the one teacher 2022 Danel teacher 2022 just the teacher rubric all the other rubrics are exactly the same but this one is different and the the union really hasn't had a chance to review it we haven't gone over it with them yet that's opening days our first two days are really um dedicated to that so yeah that is it much any questions comments uh discussion on non-agenda items under education all right can I have a motion then for item number one under education roll call please St Wilson yes Jim blumenstein yes Allison Cox yes Mark Gaddy yes Sarah kin yes Allison lipsky yes Jonathan Maxon yes Andrea Robinson yes Bill Wilson Amy Davis yes motion passed all right then may I I have a motion on items 2 through 19 with the understanding that we are tabling the Danielson teacher 2022 for item number 14 motion second any questions comments or discussion on items 2 through 19 so item number 10 which is the uh junior senior high school book list for 2024 2025 school year um I had sent a message to um Miss Robinson the head of the education committee as well as Miss Allen um just wanting to reiterate a public comment I had made in the past about um you know just really advocating for some communication between teachers and families regarding any book materials that have potentially triggering um information in them so just to be clear I'm not talking about banning or censoring or anything like that but um if any books reference sexual assault suicide uh self harm overdose those types of things that that information be communicated to the families prior to using the materials because there may be students in the class that have experienced some of those traumatic events and I just think it's important for the family to be able to kind of discuss together um and for the student to be aware of those potential triggers ahead of time so I just wanted to bring that up to the full board that I had had this communication and kind of looking into ways to potentially address that to make sure that the school is taking a more trauma informed perspective overall but in um in reference to the book list as well great discussion we actually had this is a great discussion today in our admin meeting um Mr Burke is still here we had a lot of communication about it we are working on I don't have all of the logistics figured out yet but we have talked about the fact that we're going to um put into place get some verbage put together put into place so that all teachers are using the same notification that we don't have any differences there it's not just with this book list we actually took it and expanded it to other things as well just anytime there's content like in your health classes with some of the standards there um you would also mention in your email there's Holocaust and some really important content that's sometime covered at at elementary school levels so we're going to as a district come up with some ways to notify parents with some very clear verbiage about uh now we have to there obviously this brings up more questions which what things are being um noted which things are we informing about like like and which ones aren't we and and yes it is not about book Banning or anything of that nature but we are very interested in that it was a very good topic of conversation and we are going to work we're working on we already have started a plan of a way to notify parents when there is some you know trauma related content things of that nature so that they can be aware that anybody using this book you're going to now send an email out so that the parents are aware that these things are coming up in the next week or two this is for our um book list or any of our our curriculum related things if it's an independent reading and things like that that's you know a whole different scope so we're not getting into that but for the things that are on our book list or other content curriculum in within the the district any of our board approved curriculum we will definitely work on having better communication with the parents about those things uh the information being sent home to the parent so let's say a fifth grader parent sees that then they'll know okay in 10th Grade I've seen this before yeah so that's part of why we want to do a template um you know and I've talked to the board about it but one of my biggest things is I like there to be consistency um I don't want one teacher writing home and the other one isn't or the one teacher is saying this and another teacher is saying that so we're making sure that we're coming up with a template with some verbiage and talking to we already talked to the administrators but at the high school level it's more of the PE department or The English Department both the supervisor knows and we'll be talking to the teachers when you get to this book or if you're covering a book that has this content you must send an email out to the parents with this at least a week before you get to that things like that so is this just be books or is this to be like English all anything trauma related is really I mean a lot of those excerpts and everything are on this book list there isn't really things that are kind of off the scope of that but yeah anything that's going to involve especially the trauma related stuff like I said we're not going to do this broad scope and do everything my other major concern in talking about this was I know that there's Health content that um parents actually have the right to opt out of and things like that that technically you're already informing a parents of that because the syllabus is on the website so as long as the syllabus is posted then you they clearly know when you know different content is being covered this is different I have let's just say 50 books on this I don't know that my kid's going to read all of those 50 books I'm a par as a parent not going to go and review all 50 books I expect that somebody's going to tell me hey this book is being reviewed next week you might want to sit down and have a chat with your kid before we get to it because there's some things in there that could be alarming perfect point that talking about like those Communications that's something that as you come together with verbage and you think you have something then we'll just put it on the agenda for the next governance meeting because we're supposed to be reviewing that so and that's something that I think would work perfectly because this is something that was a board suggestion of concern yeah I I had spoken to Mrs Allen and actually Mrs Coy um I just had my concern was um that we communicate it clearly and concretely and it seems like that uh will be done and that um you know I was interested in what standard we were using and you had you know said to me that you know you still trying to figure out what that is and I would hope too that the education uh subcommittee would review exactly the procedure and the letters that go out so thank you for working on that we we had some conversation there's definitely um sites out there that review um movies and things like that there's also sites out there that review books but it's not necessar I won't say it's not a credible site but we don't really know the source of it's someone saying that this is applicable for a 15-year-old well okay I say it's applicable for a 12-year-old so there like so we have to vet in different ways and make sure that we're really not just taking you know almost like Wikipedia anybody can go in and change your definition some of these sites anybody can go in and give their rating so we want to be very we don't want to rush it just like we talked about with the code of conduct we don't want to haphazardly have something put together for next week and say look we did it we really want to make sure that when we do it we do it right so I mean it was really like I said it was a really good conversation today at our admin meeting because there was oh you can use this yeah but I have concerns about that oh never thought about that are we going to do it for all are we going to do it from some is it going to be this so we really got a lot of questions just like you guys did we did it with the administrators today lots of good questions lots of things that just told us we have a lot of homework to do to get that resolved I will say too since really what all we're doing now is approving the book list personally I'm impressed by our list and I'm kind of proud that we put a list like that together for our students I think it's um it's impressive thank you for saying I I agree it's challenging and it's not um which is good you know what I mean like we are doing it so I'm very happy it is a very impressive list and again you know I I come from outside of oton so to see the things there there really is a good robust um different you know group of lists on there different books I mean the list is just a book of a list of books that might be used correct right so just a robust list does not mean the curriculum is robot no no but there there's there's one topic there going to be six different books that address that topic so there's six books on the list but every class could still get it and not use the same book so that's why the list is longer but that still doesn't there there's reason to believe that the content is still as robust because there's six different books that you could do to do these different things there's still following the content they don't have a choice to do that they have to follow the curriculum but how you go about teaching this particular thing you could use this book this this book or this book but you're still going to go over this theme you're still going to go over this conflict you're still going to go over this piece of which literature you use to do it but the things are there's a good variety of things on there that that is what needs to be that's part of what the curriculum has changed the standards have changed over the years it was very for lack of a better term vanilla a long time ago and now you're supposed to get into a lot of these different conflict type of things and I see a lot of that on that list so would it be possible to like that's why you're going to get it teacher by teacher because the pasting guide says what topics you have to cover and have you go some of the things are standards some of them everybody in 10th grade is going to teach but some of them each 10th grade teacher gets to pick or honors is going to do this where CP is going to do that um so there's some teacher choice and there's some that are just set the ones that are set will be in the curriculum and things like that you'll be able to see that through the pacing guide in the curriculum the ones that are teacher choice because you're allowed to just pick a novel to do whatever that's why we have the letters going out to the parents but there's no way for me to put on the list that this teacher uses this one and this teacher uses that one and that kind of a thing as we move through the year as the books come up we say like all right this one is used in 10th grade English and this you know just like a little because I I actually found the list a little bit overwhelming I was like this is just all the you know yeah that's everything right it's everything 9 through 12 for all the different books and I think that that would then indicate the level of academic riger these book in nth grade these are the books in 10th these are the ones in 11 and these the I don't know that everything's that quite that cut and dry but we can we can look at I can entertain it I don't know that it's that cut and dry because like an honors ninth grade may use the same thing that a that a CP 10th grade uses or different times you know things like that so um and just because it says ninth grade doesn't mean all the ninth grade's going to use it some ninth grade could use it the other ninth grade could not right and so I'm just saying like if a student were to read this book at the Junior Senior High it would most likely be read in seventh grade or well eth grade or seven well I just want to be clear that just because it says seventh grade doesn't mean every seventh grader is going to do it that's the other thing that's the other thing that starts too that's the other thing that starts to happen when you start to delineate that people are like well my kid's in eighth grade and he didn't do that one well no that didn't mean all eighth graders were going to do it so that's just we can look at it it's just not necessarily as cut and dry as that but we can look into it like I said some of them are just for excerpts and things like that like a lot of them it's not you're reading the whole book it's they do five or six different excerpts or or are doing compare and contrast between different pieces and things like that so or to prove you can't be really using a resource that isn't so you have to have it on the list to be able to other questions under education all right can I have roll call please Jim bloomenstein yes Alison Cox Mark Gaddy Sarah kulin yes Alison lipsky yes johathan Maxon yes Andrea Robinson yes Bill Wilson Steven Wilson yes Amy Davis yes motion passed all right moving on to Human Resources Human Resources committee met last night um the topics for discussion uh we reviewed any open positions in the district and um we're all very pleased that we are very well staffed at this point in the year I know um uh that's a that's a great place to be and you can see that especially noted in the agenda um several um staff appointments um we review compensation for a project manager on the referendum you can reference the agenda for more information on that uh and we reviewed items on this evening's agenda just wanted to call out um I asked uh Miss Allen if she could invite um our staff members that have either um earned uh continuing degrees or additional credits um to their uh degree if she could invite them um to our meeting in September for recognition we want to make sure that we recognize our faculty and staff for their achievements as well and um number 25 on the agenda there's just a correction in the column where it notes degrees we did we did appoint that the last time but there needed to be some corrections when it came to who had that sub certification and uh the as far as negotiations with the administrators Association uh proposals were exchanged on Monday and um our team we going to be meeting uh to uh have some uh strategy conversations and then we'll be looking to establish a meeting date with um the administrators and again they stand it's the summertime everybody's away at different times so it's just it's just kind of an understanding that that's been a hard date to Wrangle um as a according to the agenda tonight like I said we have uh approvals for um staff appointments we also have approvals for some resignations Mrs Ron case's contract is on for approval uh we have a motion to approve curriculum revision and writing as noted we have some extracurricular contracts and fall paid and uh volunteer coaching positions we have a motion to approve some long-term substitutes uh and District substitutes we have a motion to approve summer work for guidance counselors as noted uh like I said a motion to uh approve the revised reappointment of the power professionals change in salary status for some of our staff members motion to approve the keys Personnel cafeteria area AIDS bus drivers uh approving motion to approve additional summer hours for child study team as approved by the superintendent and also motion to approve a research project so any questions comments discussion on non-agenda items under Human Resources okay can I have a motion then for items 1 through 42 correct I you you want to table that yes okay um do we have comments on what do I need to do now got motion so we have a motion I didn't hear you say comments on agenda items that's why I heard you say comments on non- agendas so comments on agenda items happen after motion we already have one did you record the motion well I was so busy um I I don't remember who first and second okay who who did that I know Jim said whoever made the motion if you could kindly resend your motion then we're going to edit the agenda and then we can remove those items and you you were the second you don't need to resend a second you should okay I okay all right so moving on we doing we're going I I'd like to make a motion to approve items 1 through 14 but we are tabling item number s is it 17 yeah we're tabling item number 17 for right now so motion for items 1 through 14 tabling number 17 what about 15 15 1 through 14 tbling 17 you're messing up the numbers I think 17 wait what did wait so I'm I'm going to separate is that what you're saying well you just said 1 to 14 1 through 42 oh I said 14 14 yes God I had 17 on my mind all right 1 to 42 all right let's try that again so ask for a motion for 1 through 42 with the ex of number 17 can I have a motion on items 1 through 42 with the exception of number 17 motion long night second roll call please holy moly okay here we go Alison Cox yes Mark Gaddy yes Sarah culen yes Alison lipsky yes Jonathan Maxon yes Andrea Robinson yes Bill Wilson Steven Wilson yes Jim bloomenstein yes Amy Davis yes that motion is passed okay all right moving on to reports uh obviously the district uh the Hib district report we have no occurrences because school is not in session right now um special program Representatives anything for ed services Mr Steven Wilson yes oh give me one second here the right the last CCC meeting was uh June 5th I attended uh we elected new board members for the 20242 year I was not elected as one of the board members um we administered the of offices we elected the new officers of president vice president treasure set the meeting schedule for the next year um appointed our auditor our solicitor architect um basically went over normal business uh and set up the upcoming year um there were no public comments um and that's was pretty much it so thank you excellent thank you uh school boards Mr Maxon our next meeting is in October so nothing to report okay Ed Foundation Mr bloomenstein I was away most of the summer I did get some communication from them um I'll be picking back up with them in September I know they approved a couple grants they were excited about there wasun there so um I'll have more to excellent okay great thank you um community outreach Miss Robinson um much thanks to Allison Cox who hosted the last uh Autobon thirdd Friday looked like they had a really great time they the um first night the National Night Out National Night Out was postponed due to rain and it's going to be on October first second six early October October so we've got another chance to uh get out and represent there and our next third Friday is the third Friday in September and I believe there are already people signed up to host that so thank you to our future hosts [Music] um I think that's all the community events I know up for right now great okay remember we are an award winning oh right it's still there I just feel like you know we should mention still pretty pretty new still fresh um I will say one thing leard said that the preschool trunker treat she was hoping that would be an annual thing so that will you know in October I am more than happy to volunteer his tribute to have my trunk all dressed up for the board and wierson again yes no I've already decided she is my spirit animal I now have a case and a hat that goes in my classroom be beautiful um but I will ask for donations for the candy itens but everything else with decorations and stuff but just wanted to put that on your radar and if anyone wants to join me I'm sure I could rustle up a costume for you no pressure it's a lot of fun the kids are adorable and they will totally let you steal some of their soul it's awesome okay Mr Gaddy ad hoc yes um Michelle Canada yes she was gonna reach yet she did reach autobond at Hawkin Mark Daddy's your guy so reach out she did I responded to her saying that one you know I'll let her know when we get our team together get back to her okay um I'm GNA piggy back off of that um I reached out to Miss Allen uh just recently when we were having a conversation about um the potential of maybe doing some HIV training for for our board as a whole um just so that we can maybe bring in a presenter make sure that we're all on the same page all hearing the same information and I I talked to Mr Maxon about it because I wondered if maybe that might not be a nice opportunity for us to get together with Mount ephraim's Board of Ed and maybe do a joint training um but before you know we moveed forward with planning anything I I wanted to make sure that we had consensus that the board would be interested in in some type of HIV training as a whole for everybody okay we have a majority on that okay great so then we can move ahead on that and take a look at some programs and try to coordinate with Mount Ephraim um and then board member orientation committee Miss lipsky I know it's been summer it's summer um and I feel it'd be really cool to like rle our student representatives and be like hey you want to have some more fun um but I I do have some ideas and I'm going to send out some stuff and so but I'm I'm looking more towards the end of September since I know that the beginning of the school year very hetic for everyone so when do we say that the student reps will start attending the committee meetings we haven't I know we talked about right we talked about not too early but I want to make sure because I'm someone sending out the agendas and things I want to make sure that I'm not missing them we need to change the policies we can invite them yeah we can invite them you also need to be mindful we only they wer doing all commit they not doing all weent not have a chance enjoy coming to the educ as the governance committee with on her first year you don't want to take that treat away from her get any all right any other board member comments could I say something yeah of course so I didn't want to jump on Andrea when she was reporting for um third Friday but this was the first one I did and I had a great time my husband and I it was a date night it was awesome he sat behind me and it was it was wonderful but what I loved H yes he is anyway um it my plans fell through what I had to do and Andrea said that there was an an opening so I'm like yes let's go on so I didn't know what to expect um it was very interesting that I had craft paper and I wanted to bring it and it's not not here but I had a roll of craft paper and I had the kids draw what audabon meant to them and I wanted their names and their ages on it and I thought it was very cool very engaging and a group of three girls kept coming back and kept coming back so I was like yes they were audabon students because it was interesting not not everybody I thought at first they were all audabon residents and they weren't so I said well why aren't you an Autobon resident we've got some houses for sale excellent schools look at the you know a bond school of board of education so it was just engaging um a lot of people said that they want their goal is to get their children into aabon so they're looking to move there but the kids were awesome thank you so much for helping me with the first third Friday and um I will be signing up again when there's openings so thank you I'll bring them next time I also had audabon and embold pride and excellence okay and I let them take it they could color it and hang it on their wall or they could give it back to me and I have them too so I'll bring them so very nice well done okay um the only other thing um do we have do you I forget Mrs Ron case do you call it a directory or a roster I think we had a of all the board members a staff directory for us yes yes do we have a new one with everybody's updated information on it and um yes but I need to distribute it to you guys abs that it works so much better that way yeah and maybe we can I'm going to add on the student reps so that there aren't a bunch of text F yes yeah so that would be great um and then the only other thing um when when we decided to have committee meetings every month um Miss Allen reached out to me and she said well what time do they start and I said oh I don't know some of us have started at 6:30 some of us have started at 7 so I said we just make it 7 and then you know we can we can discuss is there any are there committees that do you want to talk about your start time with amongst your committee members and then come to you know consensus that way um because I know seven say it's best for me if they're all seven seven works really well labor is for me because some days I have well I'm I'm hoping and I think this was everybody's goal that if we're meeting so frequently they won't go so late so and we only have one a night I know there were many times last year where there were stacked yeah so we'll say seven then for committee meetings to begin okay all right great then that's easy consist yes consistency is good is very very good okay great that was the only other note I had that I wanted to check with everybody else on blood it was great right okay all right uh any other board member comments the tennis courts look good tennis courts look good they look great I've been playing on them all week you say the green is a little more green wav absolutely go does match the track want to say thank you to I don't know the construction but they were out there yesterday I believe checking on the courts because there was a puddle and they came to check on the puddles and look at all the courts so we thank you is very happy to be back on the courts and not at at 11 yay yay y yay okay I just wanted to say I'm excited for the school year to start and I wanted to welcome all the students and staff back and look forward to a new good year new school year shout out to Dev on the new contract well deserve oh well thank you thank you thank you thank you to you thank you for entrusting me with everything absolutely all right second public participation any public want to make a comment on anything all right seeings none we have no need to go into a second executive session our next meeting will be September 18th uh we'll start with executive session at 6:30 and opens a public at 7 may I have a motion to adjourn the meeting motion second uh all oh we don't have to do roll call do we all in favor there's a roll call here any opposed all right thank you very much everyone enjoy your evening good night all