e e e e the provisions of the New Jersey open public meeting Act of 1975 the oton Board of Education transmitted notice of this meeting scheduled at 700 p.m. in the oton Junior Senior High School library media center to the retrospect newspaper and the burough Clerk and by postings on the Aon Public School District website and at the main and the Pine Street entrance of the Junior Senior High School roll call please Mrs ronas James blumenstein here Allison Cox here Andrea Robinson here Amy Davis here Steven Wilson here Alison lipsky here Mark Gaddy here Bill Wilson here oh Jonathan Maxon here and our student reps are absent tonight thank you please stand for the flag salute the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all let's do the presentation first all right so we're going to proceed with the presentation of the 2024 20202 oh 2025 budget um Dr Davis will be leading us through that and uh once again I just want to Echo the sentiments of the board members in thanks to Dr Davis and Mrs Ron case and all of the budget managers for their um their hard work and uh time and sacrifices and diligence that went into uh creating this um very well balanced budget for us just all right so anybody in the audience if you do want to turn around you can the power po up there that's great word kind of be directing you this way and hopefully I can click at the same time but we'll see so of course this looks similar to the other budgets we've presented over the last six years in regards to making sure that we align I think I'm on yep the budget to the district missions and uh Mission and board goals we talk about all the different pieces you know we're an academ mic institution we want to raise and promote strong students both curricular um academics extracurriculars talks about the rigorous curriculum talks about costeffective budget uh School climate culture there you go little different this year in regards to timelines uh we always start early we really start November December talking about about the budget and thinking about where we need to go looking at initiatives um in the past we've really cinched things up before April this budget was a little bit different and you'll hear about that as I go through it but we had to go back and uh rehash and take a look at but you know where we could do some savings um or where we could collapse different things um my goal the board's goal the administrative team's goal and you'll hear this throughout was to make sure we didn't have have any reduction in force we wanted to keep every employee that we had on board in uh 2324 on board in 2425 I say that we were successful but we also know that the 2526 budget is going to be pretty tight and you'll hear about that as we go through um obviously board's part of the part of the meetings it's not just operations education's part of it we're talking about curriculum purchases and things like that um governance not so much maybe if you know we want to do supplies and materials which is part of you know we look at how that's part of our policies and Rigs and making sure they go through the budget address came out February 27th two days later we get our state aid our state aid numbers go down which obviously means we have to really look and go deeper into where our um where our budget is um we have reached out to the county office forly everyone knows we've talked to both the Republican and the Democratic senators in regards to what we can do um we will be and continue to look at different ways to do that so we've asked for some guidance in regards to writing any formal letters or petitions one to find out where it is I I think it may have to do with class SI but if it doesn't and it's an error we'll take the 152 back March 20th we submit when we submitted the budget in March 20th we knew that we had taken out of a chunk of money really coming out of uh Staffing because there was nowhere else that we thought that we could go but working with the budget managers we went deeper and were able to find other places that that we could make collapses or refine or do things differently I'll go over that as we go through we got formal receival uh April 18th and then here we are May 1st so we've done some really good things over the over the years in regards to making sure we look at different ways um to budget and and to make sure we have a comprehensive budget but then also a fiscally responsible budget we are looking into other Healthcare um we we put that out because Health Care increases um have increased more than we've anticipated you know you look at oh we're going to budget for 12 but then all of a sudden it goes 14 next year there's rumors that it'll be between 10 and 20 which means I think there'll be a closer to a 15% increase I can only anticipate have no idea I said that out loud hopefully it goes the other way and doesn't go higher um the curriculum revision cycle for us budgeting when we came on board when Mrs Ron case and I came on board there was no really formal budget for curriculum we have a fairly robust budget not only for resources but for staff training and supports we also didn't have really a technology budget either we were leasing uh our our Chromebooks for our students um we were able to build in the technology when you looked at Chromebooks or uh interactive uh boards uh document cam cameras LCDs any of those things they weren't we got them when we could we have a nice Evergreen cycle um meaning they replace basically every 5 years we go through a replacement cycle we had a pull back on some of the purchases this year in technology specifically for next where we were trying to get you know eight more document cameras for some of the classrooms we're going to get four this year well next year in this budget um there were some interactive whiteboards that were on the cycle they're still good they work we're going to do four we're not going to do eight fund balance it's always nice to have a little bit that you can you have to anticipate for different things that or try to anticipate or be prepared for um we know that we can get a a student may come into District that needs uh specific supports and if you don't have a little bit of wiggle room you're you you have problems um this budget does not have a lot of wiggle room there is almost no wiggle room in it we came on there was no such thing as a reserve account in in an aabon I don't know if there were Reserve accounts before we got here there weren't any reserves accounts um I'll talk a little bit about where we are with them um maintenance and capital we learned about emergency reserves we used to have emergency reserves but they're hard to spend so all the money's now are maintenance and in in capital contracts and salary guides we all know that the budgeting for schools in the state of New Jersey and potentially across across the country is challenging at best right because with increases it's very hard especially if if you have a really tight budget to plan for just general cost of living increases and we're all having challenges with that so you you'll see here where we go um strong special educ programs I'll talk about that a little bit as we move through too we have done um some really good things in regards to providing supports for students and staff making sure staff are trained we have the power professionals that are trained as well so students can stay in District it is a cost-saving and it is also the best environment if you can do it because you want to keep them in their home school but it is also a cost-saving in many cases other things we do and we we continue to do uh is work with shared services so we work with the cam County ed Service Commission for different things um we work at the Educational Service Commission so that's more for uh different Tech purchases paper per purchases Fuel and maintenance electrical we have a relationship with Colwood um we sometimes one of their electrician who's certified will come and do some work or licensed um you have property insurance um if there's other ways that we can do things we also get cost savings when knock on wood you don't have any issues uh or or injuries we do uh tier four support so we do provide some supports for surrounding districts in technology um not so much a cost savings for us but it is also Goodwill if we can help them we receive some monies but it's really about using some of the expertise that we have on board here here in aabon we do trash removal through audon Barrel see the mayor in the audience um and we also do website support through the barel office so add of District placement I I talked about that a little bit already you know the more we can keep students inhouse and provide supports and services the better um redundancy and purchasing since we came on board too Mrs rones and I working with the budget manager they have true budgets we know exactly what where they budgeted and what they they have uh and what they want to purchase and over time over the last 6 years we were able to make sure that if if someone was already buying a particular curriculum resource that if instead of buying it twice we buy it we bought it once uh and that's been great but it's also they know when they ask about purchasing something where something comes across my desk before it gets to Mrs Ron Cas and she says Andy we didn't budget for it I typically ask and and say did you budget like I want to do this I want to do that well did you budget for it and then if you didn't budget for it how are you maneuvering money to said you did budget to make that happen uh so it's really clear it's there's still a little tweak and we can do but it's in such a great place um transportation we do inh house transportation we are a walking District um but we do have students that go out a district for transportation um there's been talks across the state in regards to Transportation cost because they have gone up astronomically um so for that we may see and or we may see monies that are coming from the state in regards to supporting that but we do uh the majority of our transport for whether it be for extracurricular um Athletics go through the district so and then technology grants and things like that shared services we've had a lot of success success with um technology grants we know we did the tree uh the tree Grant um we just did the small business loan for $2.5 million all those things we will continue I know Mrs Ron you know after I retire she'll be looking for those things too um if we can if there's money out there we're going to ask for it we're going to try and get it some things as I said are out of our control contracted Services sometimes we have uh students that need special need uh have special needs that need different services and we have have to use contracted Services uh and that also includes the busing cost that comes along with it enrollment increases and decreases um I'm getting towards the end of the year so we're having some you know conversations with the administrative team and one of the things we I'm encouraging them to do is really can look at what we can do on the website look at the things that we can do to boast our programs because if we see that there's students that are choosing not to attend the Junior Senior High we want them to attend here so we have to let them know why they should stay here and what types of things are going on we really want to make sure that enrollment stays up and any student that wants to elect to go somewhere else decides not to because of the wonderful things that are happening here that they didn't know about because they are happening utilities gas electric we've all seen that increases you know you I'm sure your your own bills at home are higher than they were before we see them too offset a little bit with some of the referendum work in regards to the LED and the the um the controls that we have that are monitoring the HVAC you know we came in today it this afternoon it was a little warm in here because we're not in this space now so it pushed itself down got a little warm but we're here we turned it on got cool pretty quick lights go off we all stop moving no one's in here we have monies um that come in and sometimes they're not balanced or they we can't determine them right when you look at uh the costs for students U whether it be the Cho the choice uh monies that the state uh delineates um sending receiving the the tuition that goes along with that and as I said already sometimes special education costs really increase um or a student may have special needs that that that will impact we have homeless students may be placed in our district or out of District we have students that are part of DC PMP you don't know they're all ours we're going to support them we're going to do what we have to in order to make sure that they they get to get the best education whether it be in audabon or another District but sometimes you can't budget because you don't know you don't know so last year we did a lot of different things here to offset some of the budget um we really have two pieces that we we are doing for the 2425 budget and it's the health care cost so the state provides district with a onetime availability to raise taxes so um over the 2% so we're permitted to increase the tax levy by 144,000 it's 1.07% um we do that to close up some of those gaps and we also have Bank cap you know this it's cycling out so you know we are pushing forward with bank cap for 94,000 it's a 70% increase you'll see the total impact as we go through so I'll put this on and I'll talk about a little bit so I kind of referenced it but I want to make sure everybody's clear so we submitted a budget to the county because there's a timeline in that budget we had money for Staffing Cuts because we weren't sure where else to go we met with the administrative team faculty and staff provided some input and we reviewed and we refined and we reviewed and we refined have multiple meetings to figure out where we could where we would where we could close a gap the gap for Staffing is actually a little bit bigger than this but when you see the the adjustment changes these are all referenced in the board motion there's reasons to the side I'm just touching on them but you can see them right right in the motion itself because the budget that was submitted changed in regards to the lines not the end total as I said there was Staffing that we thought we' potentially have to cut we weren't sure where we would cut or collapse or do differently but it was the only way only place we could do to make sure we got to the revenues and expenditures balancing um through our conversations and meetings some of the things that we've done uh there's a a power professional that was a contracted service the student has grown in regards to what the what their abilities are and and what supports they need and the training within in-house power professional we no longer need to use an contracted par professional we will be using an inhouse par professional and there's a cost Savings in that probably about $20,000 um decreases in supplies these monies are small but when you when you look over time and you add them up um we we we did Cuts or you their Cuts in different areas um we need a little light over here one time this it's dark not now I'm just saying we might want one in the future so there's administrative costs a little bit 1,000 bucks basic skills interventions a little you know 250 some health care so you know we buy Band-Aids and things like that we took a look at what we purchased and what we needed so that making sure that the supply the lines matched what the expenditures were and what the needs were library media we've done a a lot in regards to making sure there's different books and texts um there's monies that were remaining in those accounts you'll you won't see it but when we did the budget a lot of the refinement we we looked at things that we hadn't used before or hadn't over time so if there's uh when you look at um well stip and positions some of the s in positions I'm thinking one cognetic it's in the elementary schools we haven't run a cognetic program in six years so those money stayed there which is great for a business administrator it's great for a district because sometimes you need a little wood wiggle room I'm saying that out loud to the public to the board so everybody knows there is no wiggle room in this budget right so any of those areas that we didn't we weren't budgeting for we didn't have someone getting those stiens they're gone um I'll come back to freshman Sports because I want to make sure everybody understands what that impact is um we're anticipating some retirements that's there's not a lot in this anticipation because you don't know right you may or may not you think you're going to retire then decide you're not we also know when you look at a Junior Senior High we're having a hard time getting staff sometimes in math science technology they're tough so you the breakage which would be someone at the top of the guy making $90,000 and then somebody on the bottom of the guide making $55 or $54,000 saying well there's a there's breakage there it's a minimal amount that's scheduled here or anticipated here but it's once again there's not any wiggle room in this budget curriculum committees um there's some out out of District trainings that we do in District trainings that we do um there's committees that may have 10 people that will have eight people next year or this upcoming year um there could include like inrs you know typically you have eight now you're going to have six team members um skip you might have go from 6 to 5 you know PBIS there's also other stien positions like Web Master we have a Web Master in elementary schools um we're going to find another way to do it so when we post for that position we're not going to post because we we're going to do it inhouse and there's a little bit of a cost savings but we still need to get the information out there um as far as collapsing freshman Sports I want to make sure everybody understands what that means so in this budget we have not budgeted for those coaches we have not budgeted for those that Transportation what I want to know on just the same goal we didn't want to impact any staff we don't want to impact any students in programs what's nice is knowing you have an ad that can give me the information and at first I was like I don't know about it I don't really know if I'm going to support cutting freshman sports but then they told me the story right and the numbers tell a different story so freshman Sports came back in the budget in about around 2012 um the extra coaches do help right they do help with not only the Freshman they do help with JV so that's truth right um however if you focus on the students um football in the fall has one freshman coach there's 13 athletes all of those athletes play JV they haven't had a freshman game in the last four years so every one of those student athletes will be able to play next year JV because they were able to play JV this year now some of those JV will still be JV some of them might be Varsity but our our freshman will be able to participate field hockey oh you're cutting field hockey well we have a field hockey stien we've haven't had a coach we haven't had any athletes um we offer it because you have to in regards to title N9 you need to make sure that you're offering the same amount of female and and male Sports we haven't been able to run a program it doesn't mean there's not some of our female students that want to be athletes they're choosing other sports winter sports um boys basketball there's one coach there's eight athletes on the freshman team only a few a few of them played JV um they've had four to six games the last few years and with this they needed 10th graders to fill their roster cuz they couldn't play a team so we would anticipate similar meaning the the the little ones that are and they're not little you know I walk down the hall I'm 6 foot and I feel small they're still going to be able to play basketball if they're JV quality um and like I said the only way they fill a rosters for the JV similar in you know I would say football didn't they didn't have an opportunity to play um similar so freshman girls basketball haven't had a coach haven't had any athletes and we offer it but we haven't filled it so to say we're cutting it but as I said earlier what that means is we haven't filled those positions so there is a little wiggle room in the budget for those costs that were budgeted cuz you have to make sure sure we budget everything within that realm um tight tight budget baseball anybody who's here I know the board will be here but next board meeting will be recognize both both baseball and softball the baseball head coach just had their 600th win I want to go too much but go get there and then softball had their 400th win so we will be recognizing them but so you know freshman uh baseball we have one Co coach there's eight athletes all play JV they have to have games on different days but we still need 10th graders to fill the spot because we can't make a roster and it's also very challenging for Colonial Conference teams to get games together because they're small and the number of kids that are playing baseball even though we're a baseball town and a softball Town there's not enough student athletes because you know what we're also a track town you know our cross country winter track Spring Track is strong too so some of those athletes are choosing to to to do track so um there are some districts in the colonial conference that only have Varsity now so the takeaway with that is all these baseball players that they want to play are going to be able to play so it's not like they're not going to get uh any time on on the diamond so ball they have one coach 13 athletes they all play JV so all the freshmen play JV they had no games this year um there's three Colonial Conference teams that started with freshman softball Alon Sterling and West efford seems as though Sterling just dropped it um so we try to play with West efford but it's the same same type of thing the number of student athletes that W to play softball or baseball Can field a JV team and of our city team and in some cases just of our city team based on who we're competing against so yes this budget has us cutting freshman sports but our freshman next year will be able to participate in every one of these Sports um potentially at the JV level all right I'll stop there for a minute CU I if the board has any questions about that all right so what's it mean we spent this time we went in I we were talking about oh we could we could restaff this person this way we could change their position we could do that and I said I told you what my goal was I also know I had the support of the board the goal was not to reduce staff at any level in any way originally we had three teaching positions that were going to be cut they will not be cut we had a high school counselor that is retiring we weren't going to replace we are replacing we were going to go down a hallway monitor so there is only two hallway monitors for next year there will still be three when I say that I know it won't be here but I'll be talking to Debbie and I'll be following up because I'll be interested one to find out what happens with the audit report in January because of how tight this budget was or is you know we spent 98% last year and we had some wiggle room what's it going to look like next year are we going to spend 99.999% I know that it will be the charge of the administrative team they know you you're going to need to meet in July you're going to need to meet in August you're going to need to meet in September you're going to need to meet in October to talk about budget and how you can make sure that you can move forward with the 256 budget and it may be Staffing impacts budget summary pretty straightforward I I won't go through um you know I end up I I'll say that and then I'll do it anyway right uh the numbers you know the budget summary here in regards to the general fund um there's a decrease 41% special Revenue so we have pulled a lot of money if you look at last year's budget and where we had offset whether it be Capital reserves maintenance Reserve um some other monies that we had offset so you know that special revenue is down uh 47% it's talking about you know cinching up where we are uh debt surface uh service down that Ser that really speaks to the referendum right speaks to the referendum that's coming off this summer or next summer 25 26 so next summer will come off so that you'll see a decrease there a little bit um but you'll see a decrease in money's in and then uh something to think about when you're thinking about the 25 26 budget and then the total budget overall um a decrease by 6% mostly when you look at the overall budget it's based on the monies that we pulled in from different special revenues okay so you'll see uh increases in regards to the local tax levy um 3.78% in comparison to last year state aid numbers are down maybe we'll get some money back maybe we'll buy some some equipment I would caution the district if there is money that we are able to get back to put it in Staffing because you won't be able to maintain it you really need to focus on onetime purchases in my opinion uh tuition increases it's a little bit about the formula those numbers come from the state whether it be just a general tuition uh the tuition cost or um the send Reed cost choice cost miscellaneous there's um well not even a well 200s right 200s of a percent that has to do with fees um we we pull in Gate fees student fees pay to playay fees that also maybe something that you want to talk about we know we we're really happy with how the administrative teams at the elementary schools and their staff were able to pull in some clubs and activities at the lower grades um but you may want to think about it um because we've refined those monies right so we've collapsed them and uh some of those clubs will either run it shorter time or have less Staffing um or and or less students because we I don't want to say we cut in half but you know we dropped them about five grand each at at uh mansion and havlin they still have clubs and activities um however you the group may come up and one of the conversations was maybe there's a little bit of a pay to play that goes along with the the little ones too not to make money to provide programs and also to provide increased programs um because those opportunities have been well received uh semi so that's medical reimbursements um the withdrawal so you can see some of the monies that we had last year that we didn't have this we we know we're not pulling out 650,000 in regards to Capital reserves we're not withdrawing 250,000 from emergency reserve and then the total there is a decrease of 41% expenditures so you can see where we go uh in regards to expenditures when you look at instructional programs that includes Staffing too so um there's just a general increase that you see over time um when salaries increase 1.38 benefits uh you know that 7.54 you know it's a lot when you consider where we are and we have a very good uh ba that does a very good job of predicting where we may be but when Healthcare says H now we're going to go a little bit more than that it impacts student Support Services that's Health guidance CST nurse so there's mostly salaries um facilities and transportation a little bit of a decrease um I got to I'll take the dollar signs out before we post them up so it's 4.89% and you know next one 3.63% all I edit that I missed that tuition out of District we're seeing an increase that's an increase based on you know the state uh numbers and what those numbers are but also an increase in potentially students and or students and uh services that they may need uh capital outlay is really more about a um you know major equipment purchases um it it also pulls you know there's a school um Development Authority payment that we pay which is fairly significant that all schools in Jersey pay for um we were talking about earli I want to find a little bit more about what that's all about so overall you know total analysis expenditures going down to match the revenues too hard to see in here but great to see on the slide um this is just expenditures in a pie chart so it's the same it's the same thing and for us visual Learners that like to see like where do you where's the money go um I will point out when you look at like tuition out of District 4% that number was higher now we're doing a lot to keep our students in District and I really want to recognize not only the director you know supervisor special a but also the CSD personnel there and then the special ed teachers and the General Ed teachers in making making sure that are little ones that need to be inhouse if they can be inhouse but um lot of growth over the last 6 years and then the slide that everybody really jumps to right away so I know if you were reading this and I wasn't presenting you just go right to this slide because it tells you what you really want to know increase in tax levy in the general fund of 532,000 incre increase in tax levy debt 36,000 total tax levy increase of 568 th000 um the ratables are 713 million 845,000 um what's that mean to a homeowner for a home assessed 209,000 this equates to an increase of $162 56 for the year so um that tax increase in the impact that we're where we are so it's about $3 and 13 cents per week or $13.55 per month um that's what folks kind of look at look at that any general questions or not general questions for the board I appreciate the board's input too um whether it be operations education a little bit of governance um it's a team effort uh and I and I applaud everyone for the team effort my goal was not to walk out like I walked in did not want to have to deal with a reduction in force um unfortunately I'm also painting a very honest picture for you as you plan for the 25 26 school year where this budget is about as tight as a budget can be and it's tighter than I know Miss ronas would like it to be um and I think everybody needs to be aware of that um because different things can happen oh I I will say so I'll leave on a happy note though that's like oh why'd you do that um I had it written down remember we didn't have reserves accounts but you know going out with uh Capital reserves 344,000 so there's some money there if there's something that needs to be fix fixed or something needs to be done which also includes maintenance so we have 594 th000 in maintenance reserves that was not available in the past and you don't want to use it but you need it there just in case we're in a very nice place the work's going well the referendum project is cinching up pretty Qui quick um they're they're finishing up some of the HVAC this week it was actually nice to have a little bit of hot air on Monday and Tuesday or hot weather because because some of the units you actually need the temperature to be above the set point so that you can actually turn it on and activate some of the computers but they say by Friday all units will be working I'm going to go with Tuesday but that'll be good as we move forward and you were all able to feel you know the relief that you get from the AC so the infrastructure is strong you know our cameras our Pas our clocks Bells the compu compu the whole the the that whole infrastructure is done the phone lines are working um the the the roofs aren't leaking I will be sending an email out to staff and look up for any the new tiles anywhere any of the new tiles if there's any stains we know that potentially we're getting water so it could be from one of the new hbac units and how the water's being run to it or it could be you know there's a little bit of roof work that needs to be done so we're looking at that too but um the building is in a good place the staff is in a good place it's time to focus on academics and uh I'm really thankful that we didn't have to do any reduction for so kudos to the whole team all right all right following along on the agenda we're going to move to the first public participation session so this would be anyone who had any comments to make regarding um agenda items only I'm not going to read through the multiple paragraphs here just know that all of those um guidelines are in place so is there anyone who would like to make a comment on agenda items only all right seeing none I will close the public participation session and I will move on to operations and recognize Mrs Cox thank you Mrs Davis uh We've not had a meeting since our last board meeting um but we're have yes we have our next meeting is scheduled May 21st um that's that's what I say I'm going to hold us to it um but thank you Dr Davis and Mrs Ron case for your uh stick tutiven and tenacity and always thinking of the district first um these many months of all of our meetings it's I know crazy and um and all the budget the managers that went into developing the budget the administration and all that we thank you so much because this is quite comprehensive um very tight as you said but workable and um so the the committee we've been going through this throughout the past couple months and we do uh support the budget as was presented and you'll see on the agenda that there is a resolution to adopt the budget as uh was presented by Dr Davis this evening and that's all I have thank you all right any questions comments or discussion on any non-agenda items for operations from board members all right then may I have a motion for item number one under operations motion second any questions comments or discussion on motion number one all right roll call please Mrs Ron Alison Cox yes Mark Gaddy yes Alison lipsky yes Jonathan Maxon yes Andrea Robinson yes Bill Wilson yes Steven Wilson yes Jim bloomenstein yes Amy Davis yes motion passed thank you all right um we have nothing this evening under governance or education but we do have an addendum under Human Resources so I would like to uh read that motion under Human Resources it's item number one it is a motion to approve the employment contract for Sandra Allen superintendent of schools effective July 1st 2024 to June 30th 2027 as approved by the county executive superintendent uh may I have a motion for item one under Human Resources motion second proudly roll call please I say something okay yes absolutely I just want to thank the um entire board I was excluded from it because I had a a conflict but thank you so much for your tenacity and stiv so actually Mrs CS thank you for for saying that because um I I enjoyed the process is um is a is actually the appropriate comment because um I think it was um a a wonderful opportunity for all of us to to come together we had an opportunity to break bread and and share stories and also um listen to to comments and thoughts and philosophies that that we all have um we didn't always agree but we always respected each other and we always listened to each other so um I don't want to speak for for all of you but I I Know Myself personally I I I thank you for all of your time and deliberation and professionalism um that that you put into the into the process so I commend each and every one of you and I'm was very grateful to sit with you through the process so thank you all right now may I have roll call Mark Gaddy yes Alison lipsky yes Jonathan Maxon yes Andrea son yes Bill Wilson yes Steven Wilson yes Jim bloomenstein yes Allison Cox yes Amy Davis yes motion passed all right I would like to congratulate Alan would you like to say anything I wanted to give you that opportunity I have a little so back to um thank you I want to thank the board for this opportunity it means a lot very excited um I want to thank Dr Davis for taking care of everything with the budget getting that all sored away and I understand it's tight but it's done so that's huge um I feel like my experiences up until now have me ready for this I've been a high school math teacher I've been a supervisor of math science and technology at high school level I was a supervisor K12 level I was a director of curriculum and I'm currently a principal of middle school I think all of those things together has made me prepared for this um not going to say that I'm not going to be shocked by some of the things that come up but I'm very excited and I'm looking forward to July 1st excellent thank you thank you you got to come up to the little microphone I think you're supposed to hang on we'll have an opportunity for that hang on one second all right um yes now we're going to move on to that it's such a short agenda I'm not used to this it's okay I know I right oh I'll read all of okay now we're going to open up to uh a second public participation session and this is open so um anyone can make comments on um anything that they wish it doesn't have to be just an agenda item hi I'm Mary Hanley I'm the mental health counselor for pens but I'm also a resident of Aon so I'm part of the people who pay those taxes um I just wanted to say that uh Sandy is beloved in our school and when someone is is well respected as she is um you celebrate their successes so as much as we hate you for taking her um we are actually and there's only a few of us here but it's all of us in spirit are celebrating her at our school hoping for her to have the best you have a gem on your hands right now as a mental health counselor I can tell you she puts the kids first and she really cares about them and that's it's been wonderful to work with her and it's going to be hard to see her go um we're fearful will happen next in our school but congratulations to all of you and most certainly congratulations Sandy thank you anyone else all right um if there are no other comments um just want to let you know that our next board meeting our regular board meeting is actually next Wednesday May 8th um so it's a little bit earlier than usual uh here in the media center and then we'll go into executive session immediately um can I have a motion to the meeting motion all in favor all right we'll see everyone next week than you thank you for